How to treat and treat bedsores with folk remedies at home. Stage II bedsores

Treatment of bedsores involves procedures aimed at restoring the skin. Most often, bedsores appear along the rib line, in the area of ​​the ischium, on the elbows, heels, shoulder blades and sacrum. Homeostasis in the human body is maintained at the proper level thanks to blood, which saturates the body with nutrients and oxygen. Bedsores are formed due to disruption of its circulation. The process of tissue necrosis is accompanied by nervous atrophy; as there is a lack of blood circulation, the lesions increase.

What are bedsores?

Bedsores (ulcers) are a serious complication that occurs due to compression and disruption of tissue nutrition. Most often, ulcers form locally bony protrusions. Patients with pathologies and injuries are predisposed to the formation of bedsores spinal cord, which are accompanied by disruption of tissue innervation. Such people need treatment for pressure sores on the buttocks, heels and other areas subject to high pressure. Ulcers form quickly, and their treatment is not always effective. Tissues die in those places where there is maximum contact of the body with the solid elements of the bed and bedding.

Bedsores appear depending on body position:

  • when a person lies on his back, the back of the head, shoulder blades, elbows, ischial tuberosity, sacrum, and heels are affected;
  • when lying on the side, the ankles, hips, and knees are affected;
  • if the patient lies on his stomach, the cheekbones and pubis are affected.

Symptoms of bedsores, causes of their occurrence

Symptoms of bedsores depend on the degree of tissue damage:

  • first degree - there is persistent redness of the skin, which does not disappear even after the general pressure decreases;
  • second degree - there is hyperemia, a violation of the skin, accompanied by the formation of a bubble or detachment of the epidermis;
  • third stage - muscle tissue is affected, liquid discharge, necrosis is formed;
  • fourth stage - as a result of necrosis, bones and tendons are exposed, deep cavities are formed.

On initial stages Typically, gentle treatment of bedsores is performed in bedridden patients; ulcers in the last stages require surgical intervention.

The main reason for the formation of bedsores is impaired blood circulation due to lack of movement. Other reasons include:

  • heavy weight;
  • constant high or low temperature bodies;
  • dry or damp skin;
  • severe iron deficiency anemia;
  • poor nutrition (insufficient nutrients and proteins in the diet);
  • Not proper care for a bedridden patient;
  • concomitant diseases of the endocrine system (goiter, diabetes, etc.);
  • urinary incontinence, problematic fulfillment of natural needs.
  • At increased dryness the layer of skin that performs protective function, and with excessive moisture, infection of the affected areas occurs. The problem is aggravated by poor circulation in places of compression.

Development of the pathological process

First, the skin in places where a person often lies becomes red and swollen. At this stage, you need to provide initial care. If the necessary actions are not taken when the first symptoms are detected, skin covering is disrupted, over time it peels off in thin films, layers of skin located deeper are gradually exposed, it becomes moist, and the formation of sanguineous fluid is possible. If the process is not stopped in time, it promotes the proliferation of harmful bacteria, resulting in ulcers filled with pus, sometimes quite deep, appearing on the skin. The person does not experience severe pain, but in the future irreversible destruction of the affected areas of the skin is possible.

Bedsores: treatment based on their stage of development

Treatment methods and means are selected taking into account the severity of the pathological process. Great importance has proper care for bedsores. After detecting the first signs of a disease that contributes to the development of complications, it is necessary to begin prevention. In the presence of bedsores, conservative and surgical treatment is used. The latter is indicated for severe lesions that do not heal and are difficult to treat. Conservative measures are aimed at healing bedsores, they allow you to remove necrotic masses and improve blood supply to tissues.

Treatment of bedsores is based on the following principles:

  1. implementation preventive measures, regardless of the degree of development of the pathology;
  2. inadmissibility of using softening ointments, wet (on initial stage, with dry necrosis) and blind dressings (prevent the evaporation of moisture and the access of oxygen) - such actions can provoke the development of wet necrosis and tissue death;
  3. prescription of ointments that provide antibacterial effect, in the presence of wet purulent wounds and wet tissue necrosis;
  4. holding a general antibacterial therapy with determination of the sensitivity of pathogenic flora.

First degree bedsores

Active prevention is necessary to prevent the progression of bedsores, because At the initial stage, only skin hyperemia and thickening are noted:

  • health check to exclude factors for the development of bedsores and their progression;
  • elimination of pathologies and syndromes that aggravate bedsores;
  • detoxification of the body (hemodesis, reopolyglucin, blood transfusion);
  • immunostimulating therapy (use of immunostimulants, immunomodulators and vitamins);
  • reduction of pressure on tissue (achieved through the use of special means– systems with adjustable pressure and vibration; anti-decubitus beds; plastic tires; pads, mattresses, pillows, circles with fillers);
  • eliminating prolonged pressure (the patient’s body position should be changed every 2 hours).

Rules for caring for bedridden patients:

  1. keep your skin clean so that it is not dry or damp - take air baths;
  2. for hygiene use simple, do not antibacterial soap, clean water, a cotton washcloth or a natural sponge; gently wipe the skin, blot after washing;
  3. wipe oily skin with alcohol-containing products;
  4. moisturize dry skin with baby hypoallergenic cream, cover wet skin with talcum powder or powder, use a brilliant green solution, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, zinc ointment (after the first stage, do not use potassium permanganate and products containing zinc);
  5. if there are rednesses, massage the skin that surrounds them using a mitten made from a terry towel;
  6. if the patient suffers from urinary incontinence, use diapers or homemade cotton pads for women and a urine collection system for men; Perineal toilet regularly.
  7. at increased sweating wipe the skin with a weak solution of table vinegar (take 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 250 ml of water).

Local treatment

In case of skin lesions, treatment is necessary. To know what to process

bedsores in bedridden patients, you need to familiarize yourself with the modern local treatment scheme, it includes:

  • toileting the skin using camphor alcohol or saline and drying it;
  • improving local blood circulation through the use of special drugs (solcoseryl, actovegin);
  • treatment of bedsores with xeroform powder;
  • applying bandages made of polyurethane; they are glued without tension, protect the skin from bacteria, provide access to oxygen and evaporation of moisture, and allow visual monitoring of the condition of damaged areas.
  • washing the skin cold water; As a result of using this technique, blood vessels dilate and tissue nutrition is enhanced.

Second degree bedsores

At the second stage, minor injuries appear that require minimal surgical intervention and measures aimed at stopping tissue necrosis and regenerating damaged areas:

  1. care for bedsores - removing dead epithelium, washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide and saline solution(preferably carried out in a dressing room);
  2. monitoring the condition of affected skin areas;
  3. use of antibacterial therapy when inflammatory reaction and progression of bedsores;
  4. overlay antiseptic dressings recommended by a doctor, to the places from which the epidermis was removed.

For second degree lesions, the following dressings are used:

  • transparent films with an adhesive surface (blisterfilm, cosmopore, gyrofilm, tegaderm);
  • wafer hydrogel (hydrosorb) and hydrocolloid (duoderm, hydrocoll);
  • spongy with a breathable layer of polyurethane (pemaf);
  • semi-permeable on a hydropolymer basis (thielle).

Treatment at the third stage

At this stage, necrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue to the fascia occurs. The wound is cleaned surgically, provide further absorption and protection against drying out. Pathological process quickly spreads to areas of connective tissue that are poorly supplied with blood, so you should not wait for dead tissue to be rejected and the wound to cleanse itself. Necrectomy should be performed before capillary bleeding appears, followed by treatment of the ulcer. How to treat bedsores in bedridden patients at the third stage, you need to find out from your attending physician; the following are usually used:

  • drugs with anti-inflammatory (vulnuzan, dexamethasone, algofin, hydrocortisone) and necrolytic effects (chymotrypsin, terrilitin, deoxyribonuclease, trypsin, collagenazin);
  • agents that help improve blood microcirculation (tribenoside, pyricarbate);
  • tissue repair stimulators (bepanten, curiosin, vulnostimulin, vinylin, Kalanchoe ointment, methyluracil).

Thanks to an integrated approach, it is possible to stop the septic condition and clear the ulcer.

For local treatment the following agents are used:

  • argosulfan cream;
  • iruksol ointment;
  • ointments levosin and levomekol;
  • metronidazole gel;
  • hydrogel intrasite.

Stage 4 bedsores

On last stage deep necrosis occurs. This process involves the tendons of the joint capsules, muscles and bones. Treatment is performed by excision of necrosis, absorption of pressure ulcer discharge and subsequent moistening of the healing wound. Since the exact boundaries of dead tissue are difficult to determine, complete removal is impossible. Tissue repair is stimulated using physiotherapeutic treatment:

  • reduction of microbial contamination (phonophoresis of antiseptics, electrophoresis of antibiotics, UHF in a thermal dose, ultrasound);
  • activation of reparative processes (electroacupuncture, D.C., mud applications, low-intensity laser, darsonval of healthy tissues that surround the bedsore);
  • improvement of microcirculation and blood supply (massage of healthy tissues located near ulcers).


Inappropriate and incorrect intervention can lead to an increase in pressure ulcers, so surgical treatment is performed according to strict indications after assessing its effectiveness. Methods such as plastic surgery with local tissues and autodermoplasty, as well as excision of the ulcer with comparison of its edges, are used. Surgical treatment does not always give a positive result, because... the wound is not sterile, and the transplanted tissue does not take root well in areas with poor circulation. Early surgical complications are possible - suture dehiscence, bleeding, formation of exudate under the skin flap, wound necrosis, marginal necrosis of the skin flap. A later complication is the formation of a fistula filled with pus. This complication can lead to relapse of the bedsore.

Traditional treatment

Treating bedsores at home folk remedies– an auxiliary measure aimed at cleansing ulcers and forming new tissues. Medicinal plants necessary for the implementation of traditional methods, in case of hypersensitivity, can lead to the development of allergic reactions, and they cannot be used at all stages. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. It is prohibited to use medicines prepared from plants with a tanning effect (oil of acorns, willow and oak bark, infusion of green walnut, and etc.). Treatment of bedsores at home with folk remedies is carried out using:

  • leaves of medicinal Kalanchoe (leaves cut lengthwise are applied to the bedsore with the inside, secured with a bandage and left overnight);
  • aloe and celandine juice (honey is added to the juice, maintaining a ratio of 2:2:1, the resulting product is used to lubricate the bedsore 2 times a day);
  • black elderberry leaves (young leaves are scalded with boiling milk and then applied to the bedsore; treatment with this method is performed 2 times a day);
  • Agave compress ( this plant heals wounds well; juice is squeezed out of the lower leaves of the plant, left in a cold place for a day, and the bedsores are lubricated with it, after which they are covered with plantain, after a while the compress is changed);
  • lungwort juice (freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant is used several times a day to lubricate bedsores);
  • baked onions (in case of suppuration, onion mixed with honey is applied to the wound; bedsores are wiped with an antiseptic, the bandage is changed regularly; a slightly healed wound is sprinkled with a mixture of starch and streptocide);
  • fir, sea buckthorn oils and butter tea tree(lesions of stages 1-2 are lubricated with oil several times a day, they are periodically wiped with calendula tincture);
  • ointment prepared from calendula flowers (for 50 g of Vaseline, take 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers; the ointment is applied to the bedsore 2 times a day);
  • compress from sterile fish oil(the moistened sterile cloth is left overnight);
  • potato lotions (honey is added to crushed fresh potatoes, maintaining a 1:1 ratio; lotions are applied to areas prone to the formation of bedsores);
  • starch ( this remedy used as a powder);
  • vodka with laundry soap or baby shampoo without additives (this is a proven product that is not stored and prepared as needed; it is used to lubricate the wound after applying an antibacterial drug and left on the skin until the ulcer heals);
  • alcohol tinctures (chestnut color, lilac, chamomile with calendula, dandelion, soaked in vodka or alcohol for two days in complete darkness are suitable);
  • ointment made from wax and vegetable oil (the ingredients are taken in equal parts, heated and mixed with boiled yolk, add propolis and a few drops of essential oil to them; The mixture is stored in a cool place, and the resulting wound is regularly lubricated with it 3 times a day).

Most problematic areas

The tailbone, heels and buttocks are most susceptible to bedsores. Treatment of bedsores on the tailbone should be done first. In case of such lesions, a children's inflatable or special rubber circle is placed under the patient. Thus, it will be possible to create additional air circulation and reduce the load on lumbar region. The measures that accompany the treatment of bedsores on the coccyx must be carried out with special care.

If you constantly lie on your back, you may need treatment for pressure sores on your heels. It is necessary to eliminate prolonged pressure on this area and provide proper care for the resulting ulcers. Treatment of pressure sores on the heels, as well as on other parts of the body, is mandatory. Problems with the buttock area also appear when constantly lying on your back, and they are more difficult to get rid of. Most often, bedsores on the buttocks are the first to form and the last to disappear, the treatment of which must be done using special compresses.

To make mash you need to take butter, chloramphenicol (10 tablets), insulin (10 ml), high-quality honey (several spoons), not a large number of novocaine, alcohol (4 tablespoons). Using a gauze base, the resulting mass is used to lubricate bedsores on the buttocks. Treatment with this remedy is performed with the patient lying on his back. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf. The affected area is lubricated in a position on its side, leaving access to oxygen.

Possible complications

Bedsores can provoke the development of contact osteomyelitis, wound myiasis, phlegmon, and purulent arthritis. If the walls of blood vessels are damaged, there is a risk of arrosive bleeding. If bedsores do not heal for a long time, the risk of developing skin cancer increases. The most severe complication is sepsis. The infection spreads throughout the body through the blood, resulting in multiple organ failure, which leads to death.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to take into account risk factors and provoking factors:

  • swelling, dry skin;
  • dirty skin, presence of rough seams, buttons, folds, crumbs and other particles on bed linen;
  • friction, humidity, constant pressure;
  • Parkinson's disease, diabetes, obesity, causes of excessive sweating;
  • bone fractures, immobility;
  • stroke, tumors (malignant), anemia, low blood pressure;
  • men's age exceeding 70 years (men are more susceptible to bedsores than women);
  • allergic reactions to hygiene products, urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • diseases of the heart, spinal cord and brain, smoking;
  • lack of fluid, poor nutrition, exhaustion of the body.

Prevention should begin immediately after the disease is identified. It should be carried out with special care and perseverance. It is difficult to prevent the progression of a lesion once it has already developed. With each subsequent stage, the chance of spontaneous disappearance of pathologies such as bedsores, the prevention and treatment of which must be carried out in a timely manner, decreases.

Preventive measures include:

  1. proper skin care (cleansing, contact-free drying and disinfection);
  2. the use of special pads, circles and mattresses (vibration, pneumatic, water);
  3. pulling the sheets without wrinkles, regularly changing bed linen;
  4. changing the body position of a sick person every 2 hours;
  5. imitation of muscle work (electric underwear, massage);
  6. rational nutrition, adherence to drinking regime.

At home, you can cure bedsores, the main thing is the desire and time. But still, it is better to prevent the occurrence of bedsores than to treat them. Provide proper care for a bedridden patient, and then you will be able to avoid many complications.

Bedsores are a pathological condition of soft tissue that occurs during prolonged compression. Under the influence of pressure, small blood vessels are blocked, ischemia of the skin area occurs, then necrosis. With further progression of the disease, deeper layers are involved in the process.


They are classified according to the depth of the lesion:

  • The first stage is characterized by hyperemia of the skin area;
  • The second stage - against the background of hyperemia, blisters and erosions appear, which are located within the epidermis;
  • The third stage is the formation of a necrotic wound within the skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • The fourth stage is which affects muscle tissue and underlying bones.

Dry and wet necrosis are classified according to the nature of the course. Dry bedsores are distinguished by a clear demarcation line, the wound surface is mummified, and has scanty discharge.

Wet bedsores develop rapidly; there is abundant exudate in the wound, often purulent. The surrounding tissues are inflamed, and signs of general intoxication are characteristic. Suppuration in the wound begins when pyogenic bacteria, for example, E. coli, join.

Types of purulent bedsores:

Type of bedsore Symptoms
Erysipelas Against the background of persistent hyperemia, purulent melting of tissues, an ulcer develops quickly, and profuse suppuration.
Phlegmonous inflammation Dense hyperemic area, severe general condition, ulcers form later in the form of fistulous tracts with copious purulent discharge.
Septic inflammation Occurs as a complication of erysipelas or phlegmonous inflammation, characterized by sharp deterioration general condition, .
Inflammation like gangrene When a clostridia microorganism enters a wound, a necrotic process occurs. It has a putrid odor and the fabrics take on a bluish tint. The ulcer is dry.

Features of treatment

Treatment of purulent bedsores should be carried out as treatment of a purulent wound. This process is accompanied general reaction body - hyperthermia, intoxication, patients note a deterioration in health, headache, loss of appetite.

Important! Education purulent ulcer is an indication for hospitalization of the patient. This is a serious disease that develops rapidly and can be fatal.

Stages of treatment of purulent bedsores

During hospitalization, the patient is examined and general anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed:

  • Injections of antibiotics active against pyogenic bacteria;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Symptomatic treatment (painkillers and antipyretics);
  • Immunostimulating medications;
  • Vitamin complexes.

First stage

Local treatment begins with ridding the wound of pus and necrotic plaque. Before removing pus from a bedsore, partial excision of the bottom and edges of the ulcer is performed. To drain purulent exudate, a drainage is inserted into the wound.

For the purpose of antiseptic treatment, solutions are used boric acid 3%, dioxidine 1%, furacillin solution, .

After mechanical cleansing and treatment with antiseptic solutions, purulent bedsores are applied to promote further removal of exudate. Use:

  • Hydrophilic ointments (Levomekol, Levosin);

  • Hydrogel and alginate (Suprasorb, Sorbalgon).

Second phase

The second stage of treatment of a purulent bedsore is aimed at epithelization of the wound, the formation of a thin crust of dried granulations in it. The rough crust consists of dried pus; healing under such a scab is impossible.

For the appearance of granulations, a purulent bedsore is treated with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointments (Bepanten, Methyluracil, Troxevasin).

Ready-made ones have a good effect. These dressings can be left on the wound for several days, they ensure the drainage of exudate and maintain the necessary moisture.

At the second stage, in the absence of contraindications, physiotherapy (SMT therapy, enzyme ultraphonophoresis, ozokerite applications) is used.

Third stage

At this stage, regeneration of the bedsore and its final healing are achieved. Use tools to speed up this process:

  • Metabolic agents (, Tanakan)

  • Stimulant drugs (EDAS 201M)

If the bedsore is purulent, a combination treatment is prescribed: general anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy is indicated at all stages.

Treatment at home

If hospitalization of the patient is impossible, treatment of purulent bedsores at home is necessary. In this case it is not carried out. In order to cleanse it of exudate and decay products, rinsing with antiseptic solutions and loose tamponade are used. In this case, the dressing material is impregnated special medications, promoting the adsorption of pus from the wound and providing passive drainage.

Otherwise, the stages of treatment remain the same - cleansing the wound until epithelization begins, then stimulating tissue regeneration and final scarring of the ulcer.

How and with what to treat a purulent bedsore at home depends on its location. When a bedsore forms in hard-to-reach places, it is more convenient to use those that can be applied for a long period (5-7 days) - Hydrotac, Hydrosorb Comfort.

The ulcer is pre-cleaned with antiseptic solutions and dried. The napkin is securely fixed thanks to the adhesive edge and provides long-term protection against infection and drainage of exudate.

The following are widely used at home:

  • Soda compress, cabbage leaf compress - draws pus from the wound;

  • Calendula flower ointment – ​​promotes healing;

What particular composition of herbs should be used is best determined by the tasks assigned to the drug. This is described in specialized materials on treatment at home.

Note. It must be remembered that if purulent bedsores form, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will tell you how to carry out treatment and avoid serious complications.

When treating at home, they also general therapy: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic agents, often in the form of injections.



As many as there are people who have them. Indeed, each organism is individual, and what saves one patient is completely unsuitable for another.

Therefore, if someone in the family is bedridden with a serious illness, you must take care in advance and purchase medications at the pharmacy to prevent bedsores, after consulting with a surgeon, who must visit the patient at home and examine him.

Are bedsores treated in the elderly? Social support says yes

Many people without medical knowledge ask doctors whether bedsores in the elderly can be treated or whether they should prepare for the worst. There is no need to panic in advance. If proper care for the patient is organized, purchased necessary medications and anti-bedsore devices, the likelihood of bedsores is greatly reduced.

It is worth knowing that bedsores sometimes appear in uncharacteristic places. For example, fairly plump women with large breasts may develop bedsores under mammary glands where sweat concentrates and occurs favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

This must be taken into account when caring for a bedridden patient, ensuring that this area of ​​the body is clean and dry. It is necessary to place soft pads made of natural materials so that the breasts do not come into contact with chest, and change them often.

It happens that bedsores occur on the ear; a doctor or an experienced nurse will tell you how to treat them.

The treatment procedure is approximately the same for any location of the bedsore:

  • treatment disinfectants, not damaging to the skin;
  • applying ointments or wound-healing dressings;
  • drying the diseased area with special antiseptic powders.

To avoid bedsores on auricle or around it, it is necessary to ensure that the patient’s head is positioned correctly, when the ears do not touch the pillow. In this case, Trulife gel protectors for the back of the head will help; they are sold at the pharmacy.

If bedsores bleed

It often happens that the patient’s skin care is sufficient, but the bedsores bleed, what to do in such cases? Be sure to call a doctor who will understand the reasons and select other drugs for disinfection and wound healing.

Perhaps severe bleeding is caused by diabetes or not too careful control of bed linen, where food crumbs accumulate and the sheet gathers in folds.

Nurse care for patients with bedsores will help in severe cases

When a patient is poorly cared for, the depth of the wounds increases, not only the surface of the skin is destroyed, but also the epithelium, then the muscles, and a bedsore appears to the bone; none of the relatives has any idea what to do. There is only one way out - urgently call a doctor.

A little more - and osteomyelitis or gangrene may begin. If such a bedsore forms on an arm or leg, amputation of the limb is quite likely. Deep bedsores are treated surgically; the surgeon performs plastic surgery by applying a flap of the patient’s skin, since regeneration is no longer possible.

The sacrum and back are the areas of the body most susceptible to bedsores, because they experience the greatest pressure from the patient’s body weight on the surface of the bed. These places need to be given Special attention and inspect them regularly.

At the slightest suspicion, you should call a doctor and hire a visiting nurse who knows how to treat bedsores on the sacrum, back and any other places.

The social support nursing service offers professional nursing care for patients with bedsores. Our nurses have accumulated solid experience in this area, know treatment methods and successfully cope with the most difficult situations.

Pathologies are typical not only for bedridden patients; bedsores can occur with any external pressure on the skin. They form especially often in areas of bony protrusions. Patients suffering from impaired innervation (supply of nerves) of the skin due to diseases of the spinal cord are susceptible to bedsores. In patients, such ulcers often appear on the head, buttocks, and heels.

Stages of bedsores and features of their treatment

Looking for effective methods Doctors have tried many means to treat bedsores, but so far the optimal way to combat them has not been found. Each medical institution uses its own methods, which it considers to be most effective. The difficulty of treating bedsores lies in the passive blood supply in places of tissue compression during prolonged immobility of a bedridden patient.

  1. Minor skin damage.
  2. Damage to skin and fatty tissue.
  3. Muscle damage.
  4. Deep wounds to the bones.

There are two types of treatment for pressure ulcers – surgical and conservative. The first is used exclusively for severe stages of pathology, which are difficult to treat and do not heal for a long time. Conservative measures are aimed at activating the blood supply to damaged tissues, cleansing wounds of dead mass, healing skin lesions. How to treat bedsores in a bedridden patient is determined by the doctor, depending on the degree of development of the pathology.

Treatment of bedsores 1st and 2nd degree

At the initial stage of development of diaper rash, preventive measures for the progression of tissue cell death should be actively carried out, since at this stage only skin hyperemia occurs and compactions appear. The doctor assesses the patient's condition to identify or exclude external and internal factors risk of ulcer progression. Next, treatment is prescribed for all existing pathologies and associated syndromes that aggravate the situation. The specialist may prescribe:

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  • Detoxification of the body (hemodesis, blood transfusion).
  • Immunostimulating therapy (taking immunostimulants, vitamins).
  • Elimination of constant pressure (turning the patient over every 2 hours).
  • Reducing pressure on tissues using special means - plastic splints, anti-decubitus mattresses, pillows, pads, etc.

How to treat deep bedsores stages 3 and 4

At the third stage, active death of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer occurs. Treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients, as a rule, involves surgical intervention (cleaning the ulcer from pus and necrosis, absorption of the discharged wound with protection from drying out). At stage 3, the pathological process quickly spreads to adjacent areas of the skin, where the blood supply is also impaired. At this time, you cannot remain idle; the skin can no longer regenerate on its own. Removal of dead tissue (necrectomy) must be carried out before capillary bleeding occurs.

The doctor then cleanses the bedsores with antibiotics. wide range actions, local antiseptics. In the treatment of this kind of ulcers, necrolytic drugs (Collagensin, Chymotrypsin, Trypsin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Alfogin, Vulnuzan, Hydrocortisone), stimulators of tissue repair (Vinilin, Bepanten, Methyluracil), drugs for normalizing lymph microcirculation (Tribenoside, Pyricarbate) are used.

The fourth stage is characterized by deep necrosis with damage to muscle tissue, tendons and bones. Treatment involves excision of dead tissue, absorption of the pressure sore, and hydration of the healing wound. After the acute phase of the necrosis process has ceased, the doctor raises the question of surgical treatment. This cleaning of the ulcer is carried out to preserve the maximum amount of living tissue. At the same time, physiotherapeutic treatment of ulcers is carried out, a course of antibiotics and antiseptics is prescribed.

Treatment of the disease depending on location

Bedsores form in bedridden patients due to compression of blood vessels and skin, as a result of which blood supply is disrupted and tissue cells die in areas of maximum pressure on the body. So, when lying on your side, ulcers form on the thigh, ankle, and knee. If the patient lies on his stomach for a long time, wounds appear on the cheekbones and pubis. When lying on your back, wounds can open on the heels, sacrum, elbows, back of the head, tailbone, and shoulder blades. Care for bedsores and their treatment is carried out depending on the location of formation.

How to treat bedsores on the heels

Bedsores on the buttocks

To cure bedsores and restore blood supply to tissues, it is necessary to stop negative impact damaging force. Until you relieve the affected areas of pressure, no ointments or powders will help. Further, with proper treatment, dead tissue will be rejected, and the wound will gradually heal. Thus, the treatment of ulcers on the buttocks is based on 3 main stages:

  1. Restoring blood circulation in areas of skin damage.
  2. Assisting tissues in the rejection of necrosis.
  3. Cleansing the wound and applying healing agents.

Bedsores on the buttocks are often treated with medications containing silver. Such means have antiseptic properties and reduce pain. Creams and ointments that contain silver promote rapid healing of wounds. Alcohol-based medications are often not recommended because they can dry out the skin.

On the tailbone

To treat wounds formed on the tailbone, use bandages soaked in a solution of cognac and salt (in a ratio of 30 g of salt per 150 g of cognac). It is better to apply bandages under compress paper, changing it as necessary. Before changing the dressing to a new one, be sure to wash off the salt from the bedsores. To heal wounds, you can use products such as Levosin, sea buckthorn oil, Solcoserine. If the ulcers fester, it is necessary to use antiseptic or antibacterial agents (streptocide powder, boric acid).

Methods for treating the disease at home

Treatment of bedsores in patients who are at home presents certain difficulties. At home, it is difficult to carry out high-quality cleaning of a festering wound and ensure good gas exchange necessary for tissue restoration. Along with folk remedies and medications, be sure to use it to treat ulcers. modern means, for example, a convenient antiseptic patch made from the latest materials, or anti-decubitus mattresses.


In order for dead tissue to be rejected from the damaged area of ​​skin faster and the healing process to begin, use special medications (for example, Iruksol). If necessary, during primary processing bedsores, remove necrosis using special instruments. When the ulcer is cleared of dead tissue, it is bandaged with bandages with analgesics, covered with hydrocolloid dressings (Hydrosorb, Hydrocol) or a compress is made with a wound-healing drug. When bedsores become infected, local antibacterial agents are used.

External treatment: ointments and creams

To treat wounds, you cannot use softening ointments or apply blind bandages that block the access of oxygen. In the initial stages and during dry tissue death, refrain from wet dressings. All of these actions can lead to the formation of wet necrosis and active cell death. Antibacterial agents are prescribed in case of a wet wound with pus or wet necrosis of skin tissue. To alleviate the patient's condition, it is permissible to use:

Anti-decubitus mattresses

One of the most effective means of preventing the formation of bedsores is considered anti-decubitus mattress. Such products constantly change the pressure exerted on different parts of the body by frequently inflating and deflating air in special chambers of the mattress. Alternately changing pressure points guarantees the elimination of the causes of bedsores and maintains the normal activity of blood circulation in the compressed tissues.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is an auxiliary measure to combat bedsores. Almost all traditional methods of treatment are based on the use of medicinal plants, due to which the patient may experience an allergic reaction. The relevance of using folk remedies depends on the degree of the disease, so before using them you should consult your doctor about the advisability of such treatment. Here are some methods alternative medicine that help in the fight against bedsores:

  • Lubricate the wounds several times a day fresh juice lungworts.
  • Scald 1 tablespoon of crushed young elderberry leaves with boiling milk and apply it to the ulcer twice a day.
  • Cut Kalanchoe leaves along, apply a fresh cut to the wounds, secure with a plaster or bandage and leave overnight.
  • If bedsores have formed on the head, mix vodka with shampoo (1:1) and wash your hair with this solution.
  • Make a mixture of a tablespoon of crushed calendula flowers and 50 g of petroleum jelly, apply it to the ulcers twice a day.
  • Make lotions from fresh potatoes 1-2 times a day. To do this, pass it through a meat grinder (or use a food processor) and mix the pulp with honey (1:1). Place the mixture on a thin cloth and apply it to the ulcer.
  • At night, make a compress with fish or bear fat using a sterile bandage.
  • To make a wet bedsore dry out faster, sprinkle it with starch once a day.
  • Systematically tie fresh ones to the wounds at night. cabbage leaves. The next day, red spots should appear around the bedsores - this indicates the healing process of the ulcers.
  • Treat bedsores daily with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (add enough powder to the water so that it turns bright pink).


Surgical intervention occurs only after a doctor’s prescription and according to strict indications. Incorrect or inappropriate surgical treatment can aggravate the disease, for example, increase the area of ​​bedsores. First of all, doctors assess the likely effectiveness surgical methods treatment, and only if the prognosis is positive, one of the treatment methods is used: free skin grafting, grafting with local tissues, excision of the ulcer with comparison of the edges of the bedsore.

Surgical treatment does not always give the expected results. It happens that the transplanted skin tissue does not take root well in the affected area of ​​the body due to its insufficient blood supply. Early complications after surgery they appear as accumulation of fluid under the skin tissue, suture dehiscence, necrosis of the wound or skin, bleeding. In the future, an ulcer may form, which often leads to a relapse of the bedsore.

Prevention of bedsores

The basic rule for preventing bedsores is proper patient care. It is necessary to ensure that the patient has normal blood supply to all areas of the skin. It is impossible for the patient to lie in one position for a long time, so turn him over every couple of hours, even despite the pain of this process. Otherwise, the ulcers will appear constantly and worsen to such an extent that the damage reaches the bone. To take preventive measures, it is necessary to take into account the provoking circumstances and risk factors for the development of bedsores:

  • insufficient hygiene of the patient's skin;
  • the presence of folds, protruding seams, buttons on clothes or in bed;
  • enuresis, fecal incontinence;
  • an allergic reaction in a patient to care and treatment products;
  • active sweating, diabetes, obesity;
  • poor nutrition, lack of fluid in the body;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • diseases of the vascular system or spinal cord;
  • smoking or alcohol abuse;
  • physical inactivity, bone fractures;
  • anemia;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • swelling, dry skin.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of bedsores should be carried out from the first day of illness or placing the patient in a supine position. As practice shows, once the process of ulcer formation has begun, it is almost impossible to prevent its further development, which is why prevention is so important. With each subsequent stage of development of pressure ulcers, the likelihood of quick treatment pathology. Prevention includes the following measures:

  • Systematic cleansing of the skin, non-contact drying (without using towels or napkins) and disinfection using antiseptics.
  • Frequently change the patient's bed linen, straighten wrinkles in clothes and beds.
  • Purchase of a special mattress (anti-decubitus, pneumatic, water, vibration).
  • Frequent changes in the patient's position.
  • Proper diet and drinking regime.
  • Stimulation of the patient's muscle activity (electric underwear, massage).

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

How to treat and treat bedsores with folk remedies at home

Treatment of bedsores involves procedures aimed at restoring the skin. Most often, bedsores appear along the rib line, in the area of ​​the ischium, on the elbows, heels, shoulder blades and sacrum. Homeostasis in the human body is maintained at the proper level thanks to blood, which saturates the body with nutrients and oxygen. Bedsores are formed due to disruption of its circulation. The process of tissue necrosis is accompanied by nervous atrophy; as there is a lack of blood circulation, the lesions increase.

What are bedsores?

Bedsores (ulcers) are a serious complication that occurs due to compression and disruption of tissue nutrition. Most often, ulcers form at the sites of bone protrusions. Patients with pathologies and spinal cord injuries, which are accompanied by impaired tissue innervation, are predisposed to the formation of bedsores. Such people need treatment for pressure sores on the buttocks, heels and other areas subject to high pressure. Ulcers form quickly, and their treatment is not always effective. Tissues die in those places where there is maximum contact of the body with the solid elements of the bed and bedding.

Bedsores appear depending on body position:

  • when a person lies on his back, the back of the head, shoulder blades, elbows, ischial tuberosity, sacrum, and heels are affected;
  • when lying on the side, the ankles, hips, and knees are affected;
  • if the patient lies on his stomach, the cheekbones and pubis are affected.

Symptoms of bedsores, causes of their occurrence

Symptoms of bedsores depend on the degree of tissue damage:

  • first degree - there is persistent redness of the skin, which does not disappear even after the general pressure decreases;
  • second degree - there is hyperemia, a violation of the skin, accompanied by the formation of a bubble or detachment of the epidermis;
  • third stage - muscle tissue is affected, liquid discharge appears, necrosis forms;
  • fourth stage - as a result of necrosis, bones and tendons are exposed, deep cavities are formed.

In the initial stages, gentle treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients is usually carried out; ulcers in the last stages require surgical intervention.

The main reason for the formation of bedsores is impaired blood circulation due to lack of movement. Other reasons include:

  • heavy weight;
  • constant high or low body temperature;
  • dry or damp skin;
  • severe iron deficiency anemia;
  • poor nutrition (insufficient nutrients and proteins in the diet);
  • improper care of a bedridden patient;
  • concomitant diseases of the endocrine system (goiter, diabetes, etc.);
  • urinary incontinence, problematic fulfillment of natural needs.
  • With increased dryness of the skin, the layer that performs a protective function peels off, and with excessive moisture, infection of the affected areas occurs. The problem is aggravated by poor circulation in places of compression.

Development of the pathological process

First, the skin in places where a person often lies becomes red and swollen. At this stage, you need to provide initial care. If, when the first symptoms are detected, the necessary actions are not taken, the skin is broken, over time it peels off in thin films, layers of skin located deeper are gradually exposed, it becomes moist, and the formation of ichorous fluid is possible. If the process is not stopped in time, it promotes the proliferation of harmful bacteria, resulting in ulcers filled with pus, sometimes quite deep, appearing on the skin. The person does not experience severe pain, but in the future irreversible destruction of the affected areas of the skin is possible.

Bedsores: treatment based on their stage of development

Treatment methods and means are selected taking into account the severity of the pathological process. Proper care of bedsores is of great importance. After detecting the first signs of a disease that contributes to the development of complications, it is necessary to begin prevention. In the presence of bedsores, conservative and surgical treatment is used. The latter is indicated for severe lesions that do not heal and are difficult to treat. Conservative measures are aimed at healing bedsores, they allow you to remove necrotic masses and improve blood supply to tissues.

Treatment of bedsores is based on the following principles:

  1. implementation of preventive measures, regardless of the degree of development of the pathology;
  2. inadmissibility of using softening ointments, wet (at the initial stage, with dry necrosis) and blind dressings (prevent the evaporation of moisture and the access of oxygen) - such actions can provoke the development of wet necrosis and tissue death;
  3. prescribing ointments that have an antibacterial effect in the presence of wet purulent wounds and wet tissue necrosis;
  4. carrying out general antibacterial therapy with determining the sensitivity of pathogenic flora.

First degree bedsores

Active prevention is necessary to prevent the progression of bedsores, because At the initial stage, only skin hyperemia and thickening are noted:

  • health check to exclude factors for the development of bedsores and their progression;
  • elimination of pathologies and syndromes that aggravate bedsores;
  • detoxification of the body (hemodesis, reopolyglucin, blood transfusion);
  • immunostimulating therapy (use of immunostimulants, immunomodulators and vitamins);
  • reduction of pressure on tissue (achieved through the use of special means - systems with adjustable pressure and vibration; anti-decubitus beds; plastic splints; pads, mattresses, pillows, circles with fillers);
  • eliminating prolonged pressure (the patient’s body position should be changed every 2 hours).

Rules for caring for bedridden patients:

  1. keep your skin clean so that it is not dry or damp - take air baths;
  2. for hygiene, use simple, non-antibacterial soap, clean water, a cotton washcloth or a natural sponge; gently wipe the skin, blot after washing;
  3. wipe oily skin with alcohol-containing products;
  4. moisturize dry skin with baby hypoallergenic cream, cover wet skin with talcum powder or powder, use a brilliant green solution, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, zinc ointment (after the first stage, do not use potassium permanganate and products containing zinc);
  5. if there are rednesses, massage the skin that surrounds them using a mitten made from a terry towel;
  6. if the patient suffers from urinary incontinence, use diapers or homemade cotton pads for women and a urine collection system for men; Perineal toilet regularly.
  7. In case of excessive sweating, wipe the skin with a weak solution of table vinegar (take 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 250 ml of water).

Local treatment

In case of skin lesions, treatment is necessary. To know what to process

bedsores in bedridden patients, you need to familiarize yourself with the modern local treatment scheme, it includes:

  • toileting the skin using camphor alcohol or saline and drying it;
  • improving local blood circulation through the use of special drugs (solcoseryl, actovegin);
  • treatment of bedsores with xeroform powder;
  • applying bandages made of polyurethane; they are glued without tension, protect the skin from bacteria, provide access to oxygen and evaporation of moisture, and allow visual monitoring of the condition of damaged areas.
  • washing the skin with cold water; As a result of using this technique, blood vessels dilate and tissue nutrition is enhanced.

Second degree bedsores

At the second stage, minor injuries appear that require minimal surgical intervention and measures aimed at stopping tissue necrosis and regenerating damaged areas:

  1. care for bedsores - removal of dead epithelium, washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide and saline (preferably done in a dressing room);
  2. monitoring the condition of affected skin areas;
  3. the use of antibacterial therapy in the event of an inflammatory reaction and progression of bedsores;
  4. applying antiseptic dressings recommended by a doctor to the areas from which the epidermis has been removed.

For second degree lesions, the following dressings are used:

  • transparent films with an adhesive surface (blisterfilm, cosmopore, gyrofilm, tegaderm);
  • wafer hydrogel (hydrosorb) and hydrocolloid (duoderm, hydrocoll);
  • spongy with a breathable layer of polyurethane (pemaf);
  • semi-permeable on a hydropolymer basis (thielle).

Treatment at the third stage

At this stage, necrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue to the fascia occurs. The wound is surgically cleaned and further absorbed and protected from drying out. The pathological process quickly moves to areas of connective tissue that are poorly supplied with blood, so you should not wait for the rejection of dead tissue and self-cleaning of the wound. Necrectomy should be performed before capillary bleeding appears, followed by treatment of the ulcer. How to treat bedsores in bedridden patients at the third stage, you need to find out from your attending physician; the following are usually used:

  • drugs with anti-inflammatory (vulnuzan, dexamethasone, algofin, hydrocortisone) and necrolytic effects (chymotrypsin, terrilitin, deoxyribonuclease, trypsin, collagenazin);
  • agents that help improve blood microcirculation (tribenoside, pyricarbate);
  • tissue repair stimulators (bepanten, curiosin, vulnostimulin, vinylin, Kalanchoe ointment, methyluracil).

Thanks to an integrated approach, it is possible to stop the septic condition and clear the ulcer.

For local treatment the following agents are used:

  • argosulfan cream;
  • iruksol ointment;
  • ointments levosin and levomekol;
  • metronidazole gel;
  • hydrogel intrasite.

Stage 4 bedsores

At the last stage, deep necrosis occurs. This process involves the tendons of the joint capsules, muscles and bones. Treatment is performed by excision of necrosis, absorption of pressure ulcer discharge and subsequent moistening of the healing wound. Since the exact boundaries of dead tissue are difficult to determine, complete removal is impossible. Tissue repair is stimulated using physiotherapeutic treatment:

  • reduction of microbial contamination (phonophoresis of antiseptics, electrophoresis of antibiotics, UHF in a thermal dose, ultrasound);
  • activation of reparative processes (electroacupuncture, direct current, mud applications, low-intensity laser, darsonval of healthy tissues that surround the bedsore);
  • improvement of microcirculation and blood supply (massage of healthy tissues located near ulcers).


Inappropriate and incorrect intervention can lead to an increase in pressure ulcers, so surgical treatment is performed according to strict indications after assessing its effectiveness. Methods such as plastic surgery with local tissues and autodermoplasty, as well as excision of the ulcer with comparison of its edges, are used. Surgical treatment does not always give a positive result, because... the wound is not sterile, and the transplanted tissue does not take root well in areas with poor blood circulation. Early surgical complications are possible - suture dehiscence, bleeding, formation of exudate under the skin flap, wound necrosis, marginal necrosis of the skin flap. A later complication is the formation of a fistula filled with pus. This complication can lead to relapse of the bedsore.

Traditional treatment

Treatment of bedsores at home with folk remedies is an auxiliary measure aimed at cleansing ulcers and forming new tissues. Medicinal plants necessary for the implementation of traditional methods, in case of hypersensitivity, can lead to the development of allergic reactions, and they cannot be used at all stages. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. It is prohibited to use medicines prepared from plants with a tanning effect (oil of acorns, willow and oak bark, green walnut infusion, etc.). Treatment of bedsores at home with folk remedies is carried out using:

  • leaves of medicinal Kalanchoe (leaves cut lengthwise are applied to the bedsore with the inside, secured with a bandage and left overnight);
  • aloe and celandine juice (honey is added to the juice, maintaining a ratio of 2:2:1, the resulting product is used to lubricate the bedsore 2 times a day);
  • black elderberry leaves (young leaves are scalded with boiling milk and then applied to the bedsore; treatment with this method is performed 2 times a day);
  • a compress from agave (this plant heals wounds well; juice is squeezed out of the lower leaves of the plant, left in a cold place for a day, and the bedsores are lubricated with it, after which they are covered with plantain, after a while the compress is changed);
  • lungwort juice (freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant is used several times a day to lubricate bedsores);
  • baked onions (in case of suppuration, onion mixed with honey is applied to the wound; bedsores are wiped with an antiseptic, the bandage is changed regularly; a slightly healed wound is sprinkled with a mixture of starch and streptocide);
  • fir, sea buckthorn oils and tea tree oil (lesions of stages 1-2 are lubricated with oil several times a day, periodically wiped with calendula tincture);
  • ointment prepared from calendula flowers (for 50 g of Vaseline, take 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers; the ointment is applied to the bedsore 2 times a day);
  • a compress of sterile fish oil (the moistened sterile cloth is left overnight);
  • potato lotions (honey is added to crushed fresh potatoes, maintaining a 1:1 ratio; lotions are applied to areas prone to the formation of bedsores);
  • starch (this product is used as a powder);
  • vodka with laundry soap or baby shampoo without additives (this is a proven product that is not stored and prepared as needed; it is used to lubricate the wound after applying an antibacterial drug and left on the skin until the ulcer heals);
  • alcohol tinctures (chestnut color, lilac, chamomile with calendula, dandelion, soaked in vodka or alcohol for two days in complete darkness are suitable);
  • ointment made of wax and vegetable oil (the ingredients are taken in equal parts, heated and mixed with boiled yolk, propolis and a few drops of essential oil are added to them; the mixture is stored in a cool place, and the resulting wound is regularly lubricated with it 3 times a day).

Most problematic areas

The tailbone, heels and buttocks are most susceptible to bedsores. Treatment of bedsores on the tailbone should be done first. In case of such lesions, a children's inflatable or special rubber circle is placed under the patient. In this way, it will be possible to create additional air circulation and reduce the load on the lumbar region. The measures that accompany the treatment of bedsores on the coccyx must be carried out with special care.

If you constantly lie on your back, you may need treatment for pressure sores on your heels. It is necessary to eliminate prolonged pressure on this area and provide proper care for the resulting ulcers. Treatment of pressure sores on the heels, as well as on other parts of the body, is mandatory. Problems with the buttock area also appear when constantly lying on your back, and they are more difficult to get rid of. Most often, bedsores on the buttocks are the first to form and the last to disappear, the treatment of which must be done using special compresses.

To make mash you need to take butter, chloramphenicol (10 tablets), insulin (10 ml), high-quality honey (several spoons), a small amount of novocaine, alcohol (4 spoons). Using a gauze base, the resulting mass is used to lubricate bedsores on the buttocks. Treatment with this remedy is performed with the patient lying on his back. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf. The affected area is lubricated in a position on its side, leaving access to oxygen.

Possible complications

Bedsores can provoke the development of contact osteomyelitis, wound myiasis, phlegmon, and purulent arthritis. If the walls of blood vessels are damaged, there is a risk of arrosive bleeding. If bedsores do not heal for a long time, the risk of developing skin cancer increases. The most severe complication is sepsis. The infection spreads throughout the body through the blood, resulting in multiple organ failure, which leads to death.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to take into account risk factors and provoking factors:

  • swelling, dry skin;
  • dirty skin, presence of rough seams, buttons, folds, crumbs and other particles on bed linen;
  • friction, humidity, constant pressure;
  • Parkinson's disease, diabetes, obesity, causes of excessive sweating;
  • bone fractures, immobility;
  • stroke, tumors (malignant), anemia, low blood pressure;
  • men's age exceeding 70 years (men are more susceptible to bedsores than women);
  • allergic reactions to hygiene products, urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • diseases of the heart, spinal cord and brain, smoking;
  • lack of fluid, poor nutrition, exhaustion of the body.

Prevention should begin immediately after the disease is identified. It should be carried out with special care and perseverance. It is difficult to prevent the progression of a lesion once it has already developed. With each subsequent stage, the chance of spontaneous disappearance of pathologies such as bedsores, the prevention and treatment of which must be carried out in a timely manner, decreases.

Preventive measures include:

  1. proper skin care (cleansing, contact-free drying and disinfection);
  2. the use of special pads, circles and mattresses (vibration, pneumatic, water);
  3. pulling the sheets without wrinkles, regularly changing bed linen;
  4. changing the body position of a sick person every 2 hours;
  5. imitation of muscle work (electric underwear, massage);
  6. rational nutrition, adherence to drinking regime.

At home, you can cure bedsores, the main thing is the desire and time. But still, it is better to prevent the occurrence of bedsores than to treat them. Provide proper care for a bedridden patient, and then you will be able to avoid many complications.

How to treat bedsores in a bedridden patient

Unfortunately, a bedridden patient means not only round-the-clock care and regular procedures, but also the need to monitor his health. And even if the underlying disease has been stopped in its development, you should never relax - bedridden patients are prone to the formation of bedsores.

What causes the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients? Firstly, the patient is constantly in one position - gradually poor circulation occurs in places where the body is in constant contact with the bed, and the skin begins to atrophy. Secondly, in bedridden patients, both the level of immunity and the regenerative abilities of the body are significantly reduced - this significantly aggravates the condition of newly formed bedsores.

Basic methods of treating bedsores

Bedsores in a bedridden patient can form anywhere, depending on the position in which the person most often finds himself. For example, if he is forced to lie on his back for a long time, then the lower back, buttocks, and the area between the shoulder blades will be affected, and if the bedridden patient is on his side, then bedsores will be located only on one side of the body.

As soon as the first signs of bedsores appear, treatment must be started immediately - if this process is started, the process of skin decomposition will actively progress, which will lead to necrotic processes and the formation of deep ulcers.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the patient is positioned in such a way that places with already formed bedsores do not come into contact with the bed and clothes. To do this, you can use special anti-decubitus rubber circles - they look like swimming circles and allow you to maintain areas of the body with pathological changes on the skin in a “suspended” state. This ensures absolute dryness of the affected areas - this is an indispensable condition for successful treatment bedsores.

But all other treatment, both with the use of medications and with the use of products from the “traditional medicine” category, must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

The specialist will determine the stage of development of bedsores:

  • Stage 1. The skin in certain places becomes red; if you press on this hyperemic area with your finger, it does not turn white; in some cases, swelling appears in places of redness. Stage 1 bedsores are called superficial and are considered the most accessible for treatment. If you take certain measures at this moment, you can avoid further development necrotic processes.
  • Stage 2. Bedsores are not only red in color, but also have small blisters or sores. At this stage, the main task is to prevent the development of an inflammatory/purulent process. As a rule, regular use of dressings with specific medications gives excellent results - treatment will not be long or difficult.
  • Stage 3. Bedsores are a deep wound, the skin is completely “eaten” by the necrotic process, fat and muscle tissue are clearly visible, and the wound can be filled with purulent content.
  • Stage 4. The pathological process actively spreads to the tendons and even bone tissue, inflammation develops, and the wound in each case is filled with pus.

Bedsores at stages 3 and 4 of development are classified as deep, and doctors believe that only a surgeon can help the patient. Of course, there are a lot of remedies from the “traditional medicine” category, which often turn out to be quite effective in the fight against bedsores, but treatment at home can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Treatment of bedsores with medications

There are a number of medications that can be used to treat bedsores. But you will first need to accurately establish the stage of development of the pathological condition in question - this will help right choice in favor of one drug or another.

Stage 1 bedsores

At this stage of the necrotic process, the following must be done:

  • Wipe the affected area of ​​skin every 2-3 hours camphor alcohol;
  • several times a day, treat reddened areas of the skin with Sophora japonica extract or sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • ensure that bedsores always remain dry.

Note: Under no circumstances should you massage reddened areas on the body; you should even treat them with oil or alcohol very carefully, with minimal effort. This is due to the fact that there is very high risk injure the thinned inflamed skin– this immediately leads to infection and the development of an inflammatory-purulent process.

Stage 2 bedsores

At this stage of development of the pathological process in question, it is necessary to use specific medications - unfortunately, oil and alcohol alone cannot be used. What doctors recommend:

  • several times a day, the resulting wound should be treated with an antiseptic solution - chlorhexidine is optimal for this;
  • immediately after the initial treatment, you need to apply Solcoseryl, Actovegin or Levomekol to the wound - they are available in the form of ointments, you need to choose only one drug for treatment;
  • periodically apply hydrogel dressings - for example, Hydrosorb Comfort;
  • use applications with substances that have wound healing properties– for example, Multiferm.

Note: hydrogel dressings and applications with specific substances have a fairly high cost in pharmacy chains, but their use significantly reduces the treatment period for bedsores.

Stage 3 and 4 bedsores

As mentioned above, at these stages you will need the help of a surgeon - the doctor will definitely perform the following procedures:

  • wound sanitation;
  • cleansing the affected area of ​​the body from necrotic masses;
  • use of special wound-healing dressings - for example, Proteox-TM;
  • the use of special absorbent sponge dressings (Biaten) - they are used if too much necrotic mass and pus have accumulated in the wound.

Only after the pressure wound has completely dried can it be possible to apply specific medications to the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of bedsores at home with folk remedies

Since a bedridden patient is most often at home, those caring for him need to know various methods treatment of bedsores. Of course, before using each of them you need to get permission from your doctor, but all of the following remedies have virtually no contraindications.

Essential oils

They not only have a pleasant aroma, but also have antiseptic and healing effects. It is not surprising that some essential oils can be actively used to treat bedsores. Here are the two most effective recipes:

  1. Mix palmarosa oil with St. John's wort oil in a 1:2 ratio and apply a warm compress to the affected area of ​​skin. Usually such a bandage is applied at night, and in the morning it is removed and the skin/wound is washed. warm water and dry thoroughly. As an additional ingredient, you can use not only St. John's wort oil, but also wheat germ oil.
  2. Mix essential oils of geranium, myrrh, tea tree, lavender, petitgrain in equal quantities and add St. John's wort macerate to them. The effect of using this “cocktail” of essential oils is simply amazing - if bedsores are at stages 1 and 2 of development, then the first results of such treatment will be noticeable within a day, and if deep bedsores have already formed, then a positive result will appear after 3-5 procedures. From this collection of essential oils you need to make warm compresses once a day and it is better to leave the bandage on the wound overnight.

Sea buckthorn and rosehip oil

The fruits of these plants contain a large amount of vitamins A, E and C - these substances help restore and improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase the level of regeneration in the body. That's why traditional healers, and representatives official medicine It is recommended to treat bedsores with sea buckthorn oil and/or rosehip oil (you can simply alternate these two products).

Before applying these types of oil to the affected skin, it is necessary to treat the area with camphor alcohol. Then the ulcers and clean wounds are treated with oil, wait until it is completely absorbed and only then put clothes on the patient. It is imperative to use sterile cotton swabs for the procedure - this will prevent infection.

Note: sea ​​buckthorn or rosehip oil is excellent for bedsores of stages 1 and 2 of development - these two remedies will act as the main method of treatment. But if the bedsores are already deep, then sea buckthorn and rosehip oil can only be considered as an auxiliary component of complex therapy.

Camphor oil

This is a very specific remedy for bedsores - it will be effective at stages 1 and 2 of the development of the pathological process in question, but dangerous for deep bedsores. The fact is that camphor oil has an antiseptic, wound-healing and analgesic effect. This product is capable of restoring tissue, improving metabolic processes in the body, but only if applied to the skin. Therefore, for superficial bedsores, camphor oil can be applied to the affected areas of the skin once a day, but on existing ulcers the same remedy will cause burns.

Pharmacy chains sell ointments based on camphor oil- it is more advisable to use just this pharmacological form the drug in question.

Common products for bedsores

Often, when bedsores appear, people immediately begin to use expensive medications or some specially prepared drugs for treatment. But traditional medicine claims that even the most familiar products can help get rid of necrotic changes on the body of a bedridden patient. The most effective means:

  1. Baking soda. It is used to treat stage 2 bedsores, when the formation of blisters with purulent contents is already observed. What should be done? Dilute a full tablespoon of baking soda in boiling water (2 cups) and soak a linen towel in the resulting solution. Immediately apply the towel to the problem area and leave until completely cool. When the tissue is removed from the bedsore, pus is found right on it - it comes out of the blisters. Take the next clean towel and also wet it in soda solution, is applied again. This procedure must be carried out until, after removing the tissue from the wound, a clean surface of the towel is visible.
  2. Onion. You need to take two medium-sized onions, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then the oil is filtered, beeswax or church candle(1 piece), which must first be melted in a water bath. This ointment can be used to treat bedsores at any stage of their development, but before each use of the product it must be warmed/melted.
  3. Goat fat. Connecting table salt, finely chopped onion and goat fat in equal proportions - the product is ready. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for a few minutes.

Note: goat fat remedy at the beginning of bedsore treatment may cause severe pain– she must be tolerated. But as the ulcers heal pain syndrome becomes less pronounced - this may serve as a certain indicator of treatment results.

  1. Cream. Everything is simple here - just lubricate the bedsores with cream once a day. But you need to purchase them without any flavoring additives and flavorings, the best option is to prepare the cream yourself.

How can you help a bedridden patient with bedsores?

Of course, treatment of bedsores is an important and necessary event. But you also need to know some of the features of caring for bedridden patients - in this case, it will be possible to prevent the occurrence of the pathological process in question. What do we have to do:

  • Every 2 hours, change the position of the patient who is lying down - be sure to turn him from side to side, if it is possible to lift him top part torso, then it will be excellent;
  • be sure to purchase special mattresses filled with air or foam balls - they ensure uniform distribution of the load on the skin of the body, constantly changing the load from one place to another;
  • if a bedridden patient has fecal or urinary incontinence, then it is necessary to change diapers/diapers as often as possible - these biomaterials will certainly provoke the formation of bedsores;
  • Every day you need to check the condition of the skin on the patient’s body - this way it will be possible to detect primary signs development of bedsores and provide the necessary medical care;
  • At least 2 times a week, a bedridden patient should be washed/wiped with a soft sponge and soapy water.

Treatment of bedsores in a bedridden patient is a long process, and success is often not achieved. But using all the means and methods indicated in the article, you can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

What to do if blood flows from a bedsore

When mobility is limited, the patient experiences areas of the body that are subject to pathological pressure. This usually occurs in the area of ​​bony prominences. In the case of continuous compression of tissues for more than two hours, congestion, ischemia occurs, and then necrosis. The process of bedsore formation begins with the epidermis of the skin, gradually moving to deeper layers.

In the initial stages, the bedsore is localized in the thickness of the skin (first and second stages), then the deeper layers undergo necrosis - subcutaneous fat(third stage), muscles and bones (fourth stage).

Deep bedsore ulcers form; in the process of their formation, necrosis occurs. connective tissue, walls of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, muscle fascia, tendons, periosteum.

Causes of bleeding from a bedsore

Necrosis in the first and second stages rarely causes such a complication. The blood vessels in the places of compression are obliterated, the blood flow in them is impaired, and in case of mechanical damage, the blood from the bedsore appears in the form of separate drops and stops on its own.

Types of bleeding

Bleeding differs in the mechanism of occurrence and intensity.

According to the mechanism of occurrence

Bleeding occurs when injured vascular wall, the reasons for which may be various factors. Highlight:

  • Acute - due to impaired permeability of the vascular walls;
  • Mechanical origin;
  • Arrosive;
  • Bleeding due to bleeding disorders;
  • Artificial (bloodletting).

When a pressure ulcer forms, arrosive hemorrhages are more often observed. The appearance of blood from a bedsore means that the wall blood vessel has undergone arrosion - destructive changes with the formation of a hole. This occurs due to purulent melting of tissues.

By intensity

The intensity of bleeding directly depends on the size of the damaged vessel and the speed of blood flow in it.

Arterial bleeding is intense and deadly and can result in death.

Risk group

There are certain factors that contribute to the occurrence of hemorrhage.

  • Diseases of the blood system (hemophilia);
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus);
  • Insufficient hygiene, crumbs and wrinkles on linen;
  • Poor patient care;
  • Traumatic actions during dressings (strong friction, mechanical damage to the surface of the bedsore).

What to do if there is bleeding from a bedsore

When blood appears, it is necessary to assess the intensity of hemorrhage. Methods of stopping depend on the nature of the damaged vessel.

Help with arterial bleeding

This complication occurs rarely. If scarlet blood flows from a bedsore, pulsation is visible - this is a sign that the artery is damaged. Help for the patient must be provided immediately, since a loss of even 10-15% of the circulating blood volume is dangerous for weakened and exhausted patients bedridden. Bedridden patients experience chronic hypovolemia, which significantly complicates recovery from blood loss. First aid consists of temporarily blocking the lumen of the artery using a tourniquet or finger pressure. Small arteries are blocked by tight wound tamponade. An ice pack is used topically. Such bleeding requires urgent surgical intervention, in which the damaged vessel is sutured. In this case, general treatment, blood and plasma transfusions are prescribed.

Help with venous bleeding

Blood from a bedsore is dark in color, pulsation is not expressed, blood loss is severe - these are signs venous bleeding. When large vessels are damaged, severe hypovolemia occurs, so you need to respond immediately.

The lumen of the vessel is blocked; if the bedsore is located on a limb, a tourniquet is applied for no more than 2 hours. Application of a tourniquet is used as a necessary measure if it is impossible to stop the bleeding from a bedsore by other means. The wound is tightly packed with dressing material, hemostatic sponge. Locally cold.

The final stop of blood loss is possible in a hospital setting, when debridement wounds with suturing of damaged vessels.

Important! A prerequisite for dressing when stopping bleeding from a bedsore is thorough antiseptic treatment of the ulcer to prevent re-infection and purulent melting of blood clots and the vascular wall.

As a general treatment, Epsilon-aminocaproic acid, Vikasol, and Vitamin R are prescribed.

Help with capillary bleeding

If observed bloody issues for a long time, of medium intensity, the wound is filled with clots - this is a sign of capillary arrosive hemorrhage. Most often, it is the capillaries that suffer from purulent melting, so this type of blood loss is most common.

When a bedsore bleeds, treat the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, remove necrotic plaque and infected clots. After this, the wound is packed with dressing material using hemostatic agents:

For shallow bleeding bedsores, cauterizing agents are used in treatment, such as a solution of brilliant green, calendula tincture.

As a dressing material, if the blood loss is insignificant, you can use hydrogel wipes (Hydrosorb), which should be changed when soiled.

If a bedsore bleeds for a long time, tamponade is done with a hemostatic sponge, which gives a good hemostatic effect.

Concomitant general treatment, e.g. vasoconstrictors, drugs that affect blood clotting are used only on the recommendation of a doctor. Among the folk remedies, a decoction of nettle helps with all types of hemorrhages; take ½ cup orally three times a day.

For deep necrotic ulcers, it is necessary to consult a doctor; it is he who decides how to treat a bleeding bedsore. Self-medication in this case is dangerous due to chronic blood loss and significant deterioration of the patient’s condition.

If a person is forced to be in bed rest, then the first thing to remember is that there is a danger of appearance. It is easier to prevent this misfortune than to overcome it later.

It is useful for people caring for a bedridden patient to become familiar with the topic of what to do if bedsores do occur. This article is intended to tell you how to deal with bedsores in a bedridden patient, how to treat them, and how to avoid such a problem.

Stages of pathology

Bedsores can appear on the patient’s body within two hours of lying in one position. Pressing body tissues with body weight to the surface of the bed causes their poor nutrition and causes disruption of normal vital processes in them, up to necrosis.

Negative processes occur sequentially from small to serious purulent wounds. Experts have divided the transformations that occur with tissues during bedsores into four stages.

  1. First stage is the initial and easiest. If you provide help at this stage, you can achieve success with little effort. Signs of the first stage of the lesion are red spots on protruding parts of the body that come into contact with the bed when lying down. The redness does not go away for some time, and when pressed with a finger, a pale mark does not remain in this area. A reddened part of the body may also be observed.
  2. That the negative process has passed to second stage indicates the appearance or on a reddened surface.
  3. On third stage occurs at the site of skin damage. It might work out open wound filled with pus. During this period of progression of bedsores, the skin on the inflamed lesion completely disappears from the necrotic processes occurring in it. The pathological process covers muscle tissue and the fat layer.
  4. Fourth stage has the same problems as the third, but with distribution to deeper layers. The tendons are already damaged, and the inflammatory process can also affect the adjacent bones.

Now let's find out how to get rid of bedsores in a bedridden patient.

Stages of bedsores

How and with what to treat bedsores in bedridden patients

Modern medicine guides people caring for bedridden patients to take preventive actions to prevent the occurrence of bedsores. It is important to notice a developing bedsore as early as possible in order to take measures to localize and stop the pathological process.

Treatment of bedsores is prescribed depending on the stage at which the pathology is located. And at each stage, helping a patient has its own characteristics. So, how to apply bedsores to a bedridden patient, what effective treatment should you choose?

This video will tell you how to treat bedsores in a bedridden patient at home:

At home

To begin with, we will tell you about the actions and the best medications for bedsores in bedridden patients at the first stage of the disease.

First stage

When the disease has not progressed beyond the second stage, help can easily be provided at home. If redness is detected, the patient is turned so that the place where the problem appears does not experience pressure on its surface.

  • They try to position the problem area by turning the patient so that there is no contact with the bed or clothing. If necessary, special anti-bedsore pads in the form of circles are used, in which case it is possible to ensure that the affected area is supported.
  • It is allowed to knead the areas around the redness area, but massaging the surface of the hyperemic skin is prohibited. At this stage, with a little effort you can prevent the development of more severe forms bedsores.
  • Therefore, it is important to help maintain the integrity of the skin to prevent the appearance of a wound.

If there is a need to carry out activities with the use of medications, this is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. This also applies to traditional methods.

The affected area should be kept dry; you can lubricate it approximately once every two hours with the following products:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil,
  • tincture of Sophora japonica.

Read below about the names and prices of creams, sprays, ointments and other medicines for bedsores for bedridden patients of the second stage.

Second stage

At the second stage, caring for the affected area consists of the following actions:

  • the bedsore is washed with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine,
  • apply a bandage made of the following materials:
    • Apply one of the ointments to the gauze:
    • use special self-adhesive dressings (they do not stick to the wound and collect discharge from it):
      • Cosmopore
      • or Tegaderm,
    • applications can be used, they will require some material costs, but substances with wound-healing properties included in their composition will significantly accelerate the healing of affected tissues, an example of such a product is Multiferm;
    • It is good to use hydrogel dressings, for example, Hydrosorb; such products maintain the required moisture in the wound surface, have a healing effect and create a gentle regime for the sore spot;
  • A common way to prevent bedsores and alleviate the condition when they appear is to use a mattress for bedridden patients against bedsores.

If folk remedies and medicines for bedsores for bedridden patients do not help, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

This video will tell you what actions a nurse takes when treating a bedsore in a bedridden patient:

In the hospital

If the negative processes in a bedsore have reached the third stage, then from this period they need the help of a surgeon to heal, so it is advisable to stay in a hospital. The third and fourth stages of bedsores differ in the depth of the lesion.

The specialist carries out the following activities:

  • the wound is cleaned of dead tissue; such actions are necessary to stop the spread of the necrosis process to neighboring areas;
  • dressings are applied to the cleaned wound, which are required for specific case:
    • absorbent dressings (Biaten) - if there is a need to draw out moisture and necrotic masses from the wound;
    • wound healing dressings (Proteox-TM).

Another reason for hospital treatment is when bedsores cause complications. It could be:

  • infection in the subcutaneous tissue,
  • sepsis,
  • inflammatory infectious process in the bones.

All these conditions are very dangerous and require special treatment in a hospital setting. Sepsis is a lesion of the entire body. The disease occurs when purulent bacteria enter the blood.

The cause of sepsis is mistakes made in caring for purulent wounds. The problem can be fatal. To treat sepsis, specialists use complex techniques using broad-spectrum antibiotics.

  • At the stage of infection entering the subcutaneous tissue, surgery is prescribed to prevent or sepsis.
  • We also advise you to ask your doctors about the algorithm for preventing bedsores in bedridden patients. This could be very useful.

This video explains in detail the prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients and their treatment: