Laojang application. Golden Laojang "Qixue Guben" (Qixue Guben Koufuye) big pack

Broth "Laodzhan" is an exclusive product of LEE WEST Corporation (Livest BASE LLC). Decoction "Laojang" is truly a gift of nature, its recipe is more than 1000 years old. It was invented in the Tang Dynasty and has been passed down from generation to generation ever since. His last, 28th, heir is Mr. Li Hui Qing, director of the Longevity factory in Shenzhen.

Broth "Laodzhan" - Elixir of youth and longevity. It consists of 17 wild plants growing in the northern regions of China. Their collection takes place in strict accordance with the cosmic position of the Sun, Moon and constellations. "Laojang" has absorbed all the achievements of traditional Chinese medicine and is recognized as one of the best products that protect health and slow down the aging process in the human body.
Studies to evaluate the effect of the "Laodzhang" decoction on the leading systems of the body were carried out in research centers and institutes: the Chinese Society biological aging, medical research Shanghai University (China), Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical Immunology (Russia). The results obtained convincingly prove that Laojang decoction is a universal remedy that evenly and gently activates all the leading systems of the body. As a result of taking the “Laodzhang” decoction, the work of the main regulators of the body’s vital activity, neuroendocrine and immune systems which balances all metabolic processes and improves the work of individual organs.

Broth "Laodzhan" is one of basic products health-improving and preventive directions.

Composition of laojang
- Prickly acantopanax (Acantopanax senticosi), Chinese magnolia vine (Schisandra chinensis), brilliant privet (Ligustrum lucidum), barberry dereza (Lycium barbarum), short-horned epimedium (Epimedium brevicornum), multi-flowered knotweed (Poligonum multiflorum), asphodel-like anemarrhena (Anemarrhena asphodeloides), Morinda officinalis (Morrinda officinalis), Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), Amur velvet (Phellodendron amurense), sticky rhemania (Rehmannia glutinosa), walnut lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita), Chinese date (Ziziphus jujuba), thuja Eastern (Platycladus orientalis), Sakhalin raspberry (Rubus chingii), Daurian rosehip (Rosa daurica).

The action of the decoction of laojang - Thanks to the components included in its composition, the decoction "Laojang" has numerous properties: it has an immunoregulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effect, improves work cardiovascular system, especially effective for the correction of functional disorders of cardiac activity normalizes tone nervous system by improving the nutrition of the brain; enhances mental and physical performance renders sedative effect, increases resistance to stressful situations, normalizes sleep, mood, allows you to quickly adapt to adverse conditions external environment
participates in the processes of regulation of endocrine functions, harmonizes the vital processes of the mother and fetus during pregnancy, is a means of non-specific prevention oncological diseases improves the quality of life of cancer patients, significantly reduces toxic effect chemotherapy and radiotherapy on healthy tissues has a wound-healing effect, significantly accelerates the process of rehabilitation after injuries, improves muscle mass growth, increases endurance during physical activity Possessing powerful antioxidant activity, it slows down the aging process.

Indications for the use of Laodzhang decoction - Possessing a wide spectrum of action, the decoction "Laojang" is successfully used for the following indications: prevention of premature aging, prevention of cancer prevention colds and exacerbations chronic diseases treatment and prevention of acute viral diseases(herpes, viral conjunctivitis, etc.) diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous system caused by physical and neuro-psychic overvoltage recovery period after craniocerebral injuries, strokes complex treatment of children cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis chronic fatigue syndrome, complex treatment diabetes, thyroid diseases, primary and secondary infertility, climacteric syndrome, disorders menstrual cycle recovery period after childbirth, operations, severe and debilitating diseases.

Broth Laodzhan method of administration and dose 5-10 ml for a single dose. The course of treatment is at least 12 days. There is a precipitate, shake well before use.

Contraindications Laojan: Heat, acute rises in blood pressure.

Release form of decoction Laojan: The package contains 12 bottles of 10 ml.

Storage conditions for Laojan broth
: Store in a cool dry place.

Shelf life of Laojan decoction: 18 months.

Decoction manufacturer Laojang: Pharmaceutical factory "Longevity", Shenzhen, China.

Laojan - elixir of youth and longevity (Qixuekang Koufuye), 10 vials. packaged

Laojang Qixuekang Koufuye(decoction Laodjan) is considered the elixir of youth and longevity, a true gift given to us by nature.

The concept of "YIN-YANG"

This unique Laojan elixir is dietary product, giving longevity and regulating body weight, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the work of the five main organs of the body and ensures the balance of YIN YANG.

As a result of their opposite, yin and yang are in constant confrontation and limiting each other. It is impossible to separate yin and yang, because there is no night without day, dark without light, bottom without top, cold without heat, time does not exist without space and there is no birth without death.

Laojang balances this balance, because yin and yang, due to their opposites, are in constant confrontation and limitation of one another. They are never at rest, constantly supplementing and changing each other: if one retreats (for example, yang), then the other increases (yin, in our case), and vice versa.

The relationship between these concepts yin and yang, can change and turn them into their respective opposites when they reach their maximum: "When yin reaches its maximum, it turns into yang ... when cold reaches its peak, it becomes heat; when heat reaches its peak, cold arises."

In Chinese medicine, based on this concept of the ratio yin and yang, explains the development of symptoms of acute and chronic diseases, the structure of the body, physiological changes and features various bodies and this concept is guided in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Equilibrium yinyang in the body and supports Laojang, ensuring the strengthening of the immune system and healthy activities, and at the same time prolonging life.

The recipe for Laojang congee is over 1000 years old, it was known in the ancient Chinese Tang Dynasty and passed down from generation to generation. heir to this unique recipe Laojang, Mr. Li Huiqing, is the director of the factory in Shanghai, "Longevity".

The eliskir of youth and longevity of Laojan has absorbed all the achievements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is recognized as one of the best drugs for protecting health and an antioxidant that slows down the aging process of the body. Laojang is one of the basic products of the general health and preventive purpose of TCM in a series of Chinese dietary supplements.

Laojang is obtained from a variety of flowers and fruits, roots, stems and leaves, which are collected in ecologically clean areas of China in strict accordance with a secret recipe.

Composition of Laojang and production features: Goryanka large-flowered herb, Acanthopanax prickly root, Schisandra chinensis fruit, Anemarrhena asphodeloid rhizome, Morinda officinalis root, Amur velvet bark, Rehmania sticky root, Chinese dereza berries, Dioscorea opposite (Chinese yam root), prickly jujube (otherwise Chinese date fruits), seeds evergreen cypress, fruits of Sakhalin raspberry, etc., over 20 herbs in the total composition.

All these fees are selected and processed in strict accordance with the ancient Laojan recipe and on the latest technological equipment.

The collection and processing of herbs included in Laojang take place in strict accordance with the cosmic position of the luminaries of the Sun and Moon, the Constellations and depend on the complex physical changes of the coexistence and confrontation of YIN and YANG, corresponding to the basic provisions of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).

The product Laodzhang absorbed the energy of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the Cosmos, perennial herbs and animals, and in this way Laojan transfers all this energy into information system person. The energy of human longevity is produced on the basis of this energy.

Now more than 180 people are engaged in the collection of herbs for the Laojan decoction. First, there is a search, different plants are collected only with a specific number of fruits, and they are harvested exactly at a certain time of the day, day and hour. lunar calendar. The ancestors of the ancient Li Dynasty taught that the vital juices inside the plant move most intensively on the days of the full moon. During the day, a search is made for a place to collect plants, and at midnight, wrapping legs and shoes with a cotton cloth so as not to disturb all living things and the earth, the plants are cut with a sharp sickle at the very base, at the very ground. This collection rule gives the safety of trace elements twice as high as in conventional collection, according to the results of chemical analysis.

Analysis of the trace elements of the Laodzhang decoction showed that this elixir of longevity contains trace elements that have great importance for health and longevity, strengthening the function of the spleen and kidneys, ensuring the production of seminal fluid. This is in complete agreement with the point of view modern science to cure and prevent diseases of the body and curb the aging process.

The action of the decoction of Laodzhan:

  • prolongation of active longevity
  • immunoregulatory and restorative effect of Laodzhang, increasing the body's resistance
  • the effectiveness of protecting tissues from exposure to chemo- and radiotherapy, antitumor protection
  • significant increase in physical and mental performance, adaptation of the body to increased stress and adverse environmental factors
  • increasing the body's resistance to stress and increasing vitality, relieving psycho-emotional stress, normalizing sleep
  • pronounced antioxidant effect of Laojang
  • regulation and normalization of hormonal levels and glands internal secretion
  • regulation of the nervous system

At topical application Laojang has a healing effect on wounds, burns, due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

A wide range of applications of Laodzhang provide its unique properties. The decoction is recommended for use in such various fields of medicine as: gerontology and neurology, cardiology and gastroenterology, obstetrics and gynecology, and many others.

Indications for taking Laojan:

  • asthenic and immunodeficiency states
  • increased endurance (including in sports achievements)
  • slowing down the aging process
  • increased resistance to stress
  • neurosis, neurasthenia and depression
  • Laojang enhances mental functions of the brain
  • neoplasms of any localization
  • condition of patients with oncology after chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • preventive effect of Laojan against exacerbation of any chronic diseases
  • preventive use of decoction when working with toxic industrial compounds
  • rehabilitative property of Laodzhang decoction on toxicological patients
  • for pre- and postoperative preparation to rehabilitation
  • acceleration of recovery after complex treatment
  • application of Laojang at vegetative dystonia
  • Laojang treatment with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum
  • with dysbacteriosis
  • activity violations gastrointestinal tract
  • with toxicosis during pregnancy
  • Laojang is recommended in the pre- and postpartum period
  • with impotence and frigidity
  • menopause pathology treatment
  • intake for diabetes
  • treatment for thyroid dysfunction

Local application of Laojan decoction:(with this method, Laojan is used in a 1:3 dilution)

  • sharp and chronic sinusitis and rhinitis
  • mouthwash for stomatitis and gingivitis
  • gargling treatment for pharyngitis, tonsillitis
  • drip in the eyes with conjunctivitis
  • tampons for vulvovaginitis and colpitis (for 2 hours)
  • for treatment trophic ulcers, burn surfaces by irrigation
  • with wound postoperative and traumatic surfaces

How to use Laojan and doses:

Children under one year old: 1 drop of Laojan elixir per reception 2 times a day.

From 1 year to puberty (12-15 years) - 0.2 ml per year of life (4 drops) 2 times a day. In some cases, the dosage may increase up to 5 ml per dose.

Dosage for adults: 5-10 ml per dose 2-3 times a day. With the weakening of the state and the severity of the pathology, the dosage should be reduced to 1-4 ml per dose. This must be done to reduce the intensity and stretch over time. possible reactions cleansing the body. The duration of treatment in the presence of chronic pathology is 24 days, with a decrease in the dose for taking Laojan, the course increases accordingly. It is recommended to take 3-4 courses of taking Laojan per year.

If they occur while taking the drug discomfort in the stomach area, should be washed down with a decoction of flax or jelly.

For the prevention of acute respiratory infections, it is necessary to conduct 2 courses of taking Laojan in the autumn-spring period (for example, in March or April and in September-October). At this time, along with taking Ovar inside, it is recommended to bury Laodzhang in the nose in a diluted form 1: 2-1: 3.

The use of a decoction as drops in the eyes: it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, in microclysters rectally - 1:5 (determined by the individual sensitivity of the mucosa), for vaginal application- 1:2 or 1:5.

Contraindications for use: heat.

Manufacturer: China.

The action of Laojan begins 30 minutes after ingestion and is mildly stimulating and adaptive. The maximum effect after taking the elixir is achieved 30 minutes after taking it, fixing the effect of harmonizing the body on the 14th day after the start of taking it.

During the experiments, it was revealed that the elixir is energy-intensive and the action begins already upon contact through a glass bottle. This fact was confirmed in the course of studies conducted by the method of bioelectrography.

Today, Laojang is widely known outside of China. More than 70% of the total volume of the drug produced is supplied to America, Japan, countries Western Europe, Middle East, South-East Asia and etc.

Application of the elixir "Laojan" in cosmetology:

improvement of microcirculation in the capillaries, powerful antioxidant activity and slowing down the aging process, enhancing the processes of regeneration and skin restoration.

Application is possible both inside and applied externally as a mask on cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. When using masks with an elixir, the lifting effect is clearly manifested: microcracks are healed and the skin is tightened, the complexion improves and dry skin is moisturized. The effect of the drug is especially effective on asthenic and weak skin with insufficient elasticity and sagging. The elixir increases the bioenergetic potential of cells.

From Wikipedia:

Decoction "Laojang" is one of the most interesting combined herbal adaptogens made according to the recipes of traditional Chinese medicine. This DD, as well as the combined Russian adaptogens, has proven itself in the practice of sports. However, when analyzing information about it, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish truth from legend, therefore, only information known to the authors is presented below. Currently, the secret recipe for a "miraculous" elixir called "Laodzhang" or "Soup that prolongs life and restores vitality to a person" is being produced at a pharmaceutical factory in Shenzhen (China), the director of which is Li Huiqing. This DD is the main product of the factory's longevity products, prepared according to a recipe invented 1000 years ago.

An extensive survey conducted in China by the General Division of the Bureau of National Statistics in 35 cities showed that this DD the best way balances Yin and Yang in the human body, which, in accordance with the basic provisions of traditional Chinese medicine, is the main guarantee of human health. Laojang Decoction is the factory's most popular longevity and weight balancing product. Under the "Flower of Sago Cycas" label, it was listed in the top ten "best trade marks"93".

The elixir is obtained from a variety of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits, it contains biologically active substances of the following plants: Rosa acicularis (wild prickly dog ​​rose), Acanthopanax spinosum Miq. (Prickly Acanthopanax), Schizandra chinense Baill. (Chinese magnolia vine), Pin us Koraiensis Sieb., et Zucc. (Chinese cedar nuts), pine needles, Akebia quinata Decne (Akebia five), Tpimediummacranthum Morr. (goryanka large-flowered), Vasora monnieri Wettst. (Bacopa Monnier), Cascuta exhinensis Lam. (Chinese dodder seeds), Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (brilliant privet fruit), Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bqe. (asphodeloid anemarrhena), Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Amur cork tree), Rehmania glutinosa Libosch. (glutinous recamia), Polygonum multiflorum thunb. (many-flowered mountaineer), Polygonutum sibircum Redoute (Siberian kupena), Lycium chinense Mill, (Chinese birch fruit), Zizyphysjujuba Mill, (unabi fruits, yuyu-by), Biota orientalis (L.) Endl. (fruits of eastern biota), Rubus coreanus Miq. (Korean raspberry), etc.

All these natural materials are selected and processed with the help of the latest technological equipment in strict accordance with the secret recipe, and great attention is paid to this. Collection and processing are strictly according to the position of the Sun, Moon and constellations, and depend on the complex physical changes of the coexistence and confrontation of Yin and Yang, which is in line with the basic provisions of traditional Chinese medicine. The product, which has absorbed the energy of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Cosmos, perennial grasses and animals, transfers it to the information system of the human body. Based on this energy, the energy of longevity is produced. At present, Shenzhen factory has four raw material bases in Yanshou, Changwashan, Pinggu, Yashan, 180 people collect herbs. First, there is a search for herbs, some of which are harvested only with a certain number of fruits. Li's ancestors claimed that the movement of vital juices within the plant is most intense at the time of the full moon. Therefore, during the day they mark the places for collecting herbs, and at midnight people come there, wrapping shoes with cotton cloth so as not to disturb the earth and all living things, and quickly cut the grass near the ground with a sharp sickle. Chemical analysis confirmed that with such a collection, the amount of trace elements is 2 times higher than with the usual one.

Analysis of microelements carried out at the Shenzhen Institute of Gerontology by the spectral method of atomic absorption and differential method solubility, showed that the elixir of longevity contains such trace elements as chromium, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, iron, and macronutrients potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc., which are of great importance for human health, strengthen the function of the spleen and kidneys, provide the production of seminal fluid. This fully coincides with the point of view of modern medical science on curbing the aging process. human body for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Longevity products are of constant interest from scientists around the world who are trying to understand and explain their amazing effects on humans. Produced at the pharmaceutical factory of Shenzhen, they have been subjected to multiple studies in laboratories, research centers and clinics in China and other countries. The evaluation panel, composed of 32 experts and professors from the Ministry of National Health of China, the Red Cross Association, the Research Institute of the National Sports Committee, the Chinese Society of Biological Aging, the Medical Research Institute of Tonga, the Shanghai Medical Research University, the Guangdong Pharmaceutical College, Dixinyan University, Shenzhen Science and Technology Committee concluded: Laojang tea has reached a high level of domestic and international standards as a product that protects health and inhibits the development of aging in the human body. It has been tested and approved by the National Authoritative Technology Commission and found to meet the highest national standards. It is suitable for men, women, the elderly and the young in all seasons. Moreover, it is recognized as "the best anti-aging product in the world", as noted in one of the Hong Kong newspapers.

Chemical analyzes have shown that the elixir contains many vital ingredients necessary for the human body: vitamins, amino acids, polysaccharides and other biologically active elements that contribute to recovery vitality body and prolong life. No wonder in China about those who take this elixir, they say "A man is still young at 300 years old!".

Efforts are currently being made to use the decoction of Laojang to treat the most dangerous diseases- cancer and AIDS. Today, the elixir is widely used at the African Center for AIDS Research in Zaire (West Africa), as a preliminary study here gave positive results. Most effective way cancer treatment is currently considered to be radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but there are often adverse reactions body for treatment (dry mouth, lethargy, vomiting, sore throat, decreased white blood cell count, etc.). In such situations, medicine uses various drugs, and in some, the most severe cases of manifestation side effects therapy has to be stopped and the patient's life is endangered. Some Chinese hospitals tried using the elixir instead of other drugs to reduce the side effects of radiotherapy: in parallel with the course of radiotherapy, patients were given the elixir 10 ml 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks to increase the level of leukocytes in the blood, and the results were better than with the usual use of drugs.

Clinical studies have shown that the elixir is successfully used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart failure, diseases of the late XX century. - chronic fatigue, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, sweating, lung diseases, premature graying, impotence, sexual hypoesthesia, stomach disorders, climacteric syndromes and other diseases. It promotes recovery from clinical illnesses, alleviates the suffering of patients and enhances immunological functions. At the same time, the decoction "Laojan" has no side effects and regulates physiological functions well.

All of the listed examples from the many available in the archive of Mr. Lee and documented by specific medical institutions In China and other countries where this drug has been used, people with serious illnesses have benefited from this remedy.

But it is equally important that the decoction of "Laojan" has effective impact on a young healthy body, increasing its immunity, vital energy, mood, and gives joy to life. A prime example its effects on the body of athletes are the victory of the Chinese team at the Games of the XXV Olympiad in Barcelona in 1992, where the athletes won 16 gold, 22 silver and 16 bronze medals. (Of course, these achievements should not be attributed solely to the reception of "Laojang".) In 1990, the deputy director of the National Sports Committee, Li Fu Rong, invited Mr. Li to Beijing with a proposal for cooperation, the Elixir was studied at the Excitation Research Center of the Institute sports medicine National Sports Committee of China. In the body of athletes taking the elixir, no substances prohibited by the IOC were found. The positive ergogenic effect of DD was found, in particular, in football players who took it three ampoules a day.

The ability of the elixir to raise vitality and concentrate physical strength has been confirmed by multiple studies. The elixir was chosen as the main dietary food for the athletes of the Chinese delegation at the Games of the XXV Olympiad. The result speaks for itself: at this Olympics, the Chinese team was in the center of international attention, its success was not only a triumph for the athletes, but also strengthened the reputation of an effective DD.

Laodzhang decoction normalizes the work of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, ensures the balance of all metabolic processes occurring in the body, improves the functioning of individual organs. A similar result is achieved through unique composition a drug containing more than 20 types potent medicinal herbs. This is a real elixir of health and longevity!

Decoction of Laodzhang exhibits immunoregulatory and immunostimulatory effects, strong anti-inflammatory effects, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. It is successfully used for the prevention of colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Suppresses pathogenic microflora intestines, eliminates dysbacteriosis, normalizes the work gastrointestinal system, kidneys and liver, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Successfully applied to functional disorders heart rhythm. Increases the tone of the nervous system, improving brain nutrition, significantly increases mental and physical performance, is successfully used in recovery period after severe traumatic brain injury, stroke, in the complex treatment of cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis.

Healing Broth Laodzhang increases resistance to stressful situations, normalizes sleep, allows you to quickly adapt to adverse environmental conditions. Takes direct part in the work endocrine system, is indicated in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, primary infertility, menopausal syndrome, menstrual irregularities. It is recommended to harmonize the vital processes of the mother and fetus during pregnancy; to restore the mother's body in the postpartum period, as well as to improve lactation. It can be used as a means for the prevention of cancer, significantly reduces the toxic effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on healthy tissues. Slows down the aging process in the body, can cause darkening gray hair, improves vision, accelerates the growth of muscle mass, increases endurance during physical exertion.

Instructions for use of Laodzhan decoction:

  • Take 2-10 ml. 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, but if necessary, it can be extended.
  • The drug can be used topically: vaginally, intranasally, for gargling and oral cavity, drip into the eyes, for irrigation of burns, wounds, trophic ulcers. In this case, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Shake the bottle before use.

Side effects and contraindications:

Usually the drug is well tolerated. In case of detection of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, the intake should be discontinued.


Short-horned epimedium, thorny acanthopanax, Chinese magnolia vine, brilliant privet, asphodel-like anemarrena, officinalis morinda, Chinese dodder, Amur velvet, sticky rhemania, multiflorous mountaineer, Chinese dereza, walnut lotus, opposite dioscorea, prickly jujube, thuja orientalis, Ching's raspberry, wild rose Daurian.

Release form:

Laojan is available as a decoction, 10 ml. in bottles of 12 pcs. packaged.

Best before date:

24 months.

Storage conditions:

In a cool, dry, dark place and out of the reach of children.


Shenzhen Longevity Pharmaceutical Factory, China.

Attention! Information about Laojang decoction is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Dietary supplement is not a drug.

In order to buy Laojang decoction, add the product to the cart, enter your contact details and confirm the order.

Laodzhang decoction normalizes the work of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, ensures the balance of all metabolic processes occurring in the body, improves the functioning of individual organs. A similar result is achieved due to the unique composition of the drug containing more than 20 types powerful medicinal herbs. This is a real elixir of health and longevity!

Decoction of Laodzhang exhibits immunoregulatory and immunostimulatory effects, strong anti-inflammatory effects, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. It is successfully used for the prevention of colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases. It suppresses pathogenic intestinal microflora, eliminates dysbacteriosis, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, kidneys and liver, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is successfully used for functional disorders of the heart rhythm. Increases the tone of the nervous system, improving brain nutrition, significantly increases mental and physical performance, is successfully used in the recovery period after severe traumatic brain injuries, strokes, in the complex treatment of cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis.

Healing Broth Laodzhang increases resistance to stressful situations, normalizes sleep, allows you to quickly adapt to adverse environmental conditions. It is directly involved in the work of the endocrine system, is indicated in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, primary infertility, menopausal syndrome, and menstrual irregularities. It is recommended to harmonize the vital processes of the mother and fetus during pregnancy; to restore the mother's body in the postpartum period, as well as to improve lactation. It can be used as a means for the prevention of cancer, significantly reduces the toxic effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on healthy tissues. It slows down the aging process in the body, can cause darkening of gray hair, improves eyesight, accelerates the growth of muscle mass, and increases endurance during physical exertion.

Instructions for use of Laodzhan decoction:

  • Take 2-10 ml. 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, but if necessary, it can be extended.
  • The drug can be used topically: vaginally, intranasally, for gargling and mouth cavity, drip into the eyes, for irrigation of burns, wounds, trophic ulcers. In this case, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Shake the bottle before use.

Side effects and contraindications:

Usually the drug is well tolerated. In case of detection of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, the intake should be discontinued.


Short-horned epimedium, thorny acanthopanax, Chinese magnolia vine, brilliant privet, asphodel-like anemarrena, officinalis morinda, Chinese dodder, Amur velvet, sticky rhemania, multiflorous mountaineer, Chinese dereza, walnut lotus, opposite dioscorea, prickly jujube, thuja orientalis, Ching's raspberry, wild rose Daurian.

Release form:

Laojan is available as a decoction, 10 ml. in bottles of 12 pcs. packaged.

Best before date:

24 months.

Storage conditions:

In a cool, dry, dark place and out of the reach of children.


Shenzhen Longevity Pharmaceutical Factory, China.

Attention! Information about Laojang decoction is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Dietary supplement is not a drug.

In order to buy Laojang decoction, add the product to the cart, enter your contact details and confirm the order.

Laojan - the elixir of health and longevity

Advice: keep this information, it may help you someday.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: the more effective they become modern medicines, the more they act on the human body, causing either dependence or allergic reactions or other serious side effects. But you can't do without treatment. Is there a way out of this vicious circle? It turns out there is!

The time has come when secret recipes that were once available only to the elite - emperors, nobility - become widely known. One of those that have come down to us old recipesChinese elixir "Laojang", truly a gift of nature. This is a unique collection of herbs prepared according to a family recipe. For more than a thousand years, 28 generations of Chinese medical families have kept the recipe for Laojang a secret.

And today, the Laojan elixir has become available to everyone. Since the 1992 Olympics, it has become the basic drug in the preparation of Chinese athletes: we have all witnessed the breakthrough of Chinese sports. Since 2004.

"Laojang" was also used by our athletes: it contributed to the success of the synchronized swimming teams, the volleyball team at the Olympics, the tennis team at the Kremlin Cup.

In Russia, the elixir "Laojang" has been used for 17 years already, it is used in the centers of Traditional Chinese Medicine in most large cities, has already helped tens of thousands of patients with the most various ailments. The list of indications for "Laojan" is very extensive. It would be fair to say that every person needs it! It is called the "great harmonizer", it has a "replenishing" effect. Ancient Chinese healers managed to create such a recipe in which "the drug itself finds its way to the organ that has weakened." It seems incredible, but "Laodzhang" has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the entire body, a person literally feels a "rush of health": "Laojan" helps patients with the most various diseases, and to healthy people it gives new strength, a new quality of life. By taking this elixir in courses, a person slows down aging and makes a real contribution to his longevity: he receives strength and energy for many years to come.

Elixir "Laojang" is called "smart doctor": if a person has weakened any factors in the body, he himself recognizes the lack of any energy in any system, and begins to replenish it.

And each person can give himself and his loved ones such an opportunity - to get a charge of health, youth and longevity with the help of a unique elixir "Laodjan".

From a TCM point of view: the main action of "Laojan" is the strengthening of vitality, the root of life, the kidneys, the substance of Jing Chi.

Liver is the queen of emotions. Heart- storage of the Soul (peace of the Spirit), mind, human consciousness. Spleen- muscle strength, mental strength. Lungs- the strength of the Spirit, Courage, Will, Courage. kidneys- Wisdom.

The kidneys are the first mother of the body, they are responsible for functional activity all organs and systems. Thanks to Yang of the kidneys, the whole body is warmed, and heat is Yang, Chi, a function.

Elixir "Laojang" restores the Chi of the kidneys. Due to the effect of Kidney Chi on the human body, the following occurs in the body:

Normalization of cardiac activity, improvement of blood circulation, nutrition of all organs and tissues, restoration of a stable state of mind, normal sleep, sobriety of mind, activity, feeling of joy;

The liver is responsible for vision positive emotions, the determination of a person, strong ligaments and tendons; the liver is the queen of emotions;

The lungs receive Chi of the air, restoring the disturbed potential, lower the liquids, distribute the nourishing energy throughout the body to the muscles and skin, thereby strengthening the immune system; lungs - strength of mind, purity of thoughts;

The spleen is the second mother of the body, it gives birth to blood, body fluids, this is the strength of the muscles, the strength of the mind, strong memory, the constancy of a person.

Kidney Chi refers to the Yang function of the body, Jing refers to Yin - this is blood, fluids, body juices, stability, constancy, self-control, endurance, endurance. Thus, the impact on the substance of Jing Chi restores the Yin-Yang of the body.

On the basis of Jing, blood is born in the spleen, on the basis of Chi of the lungs, this blood is enriched with oxygen, after which it becomes blood as such.

Because through the root of life comes positive influence on the Chi of the spleen, lungs, kidneys, then in the aggregate this constitutes the energy of Yuan Chi, i.e. the basic life energy that provides everything physiological processes organism, strengthening the immune system, improving adaptive abilities. The man is young, healthy, full of energy.

Laojun Decoction "Elixir of youth and longevity" 2 555 rubles.

Full description

Decoction "Laojang" is truly a gift of nature, its recipe has more than 1000 years. It was invented in the Tang Dynasty and has been passed down from generation to generation ever since. His last, 28th, heir is Mr. Li Huiqing, director of the Longevity Factory in Shenzhen.

Decoction "Laojang" is included in a series of longevity products. It consists of 17 wild plants growing in the northern regions of China. Their collection takes place in strict accordance with the cosmic position of the Sun, Moon and constellations. "Laojang" has absorbed all the achievements of traditional Chinese medicine and is recognized as one of the best products that protect health and slow down the aging process in the human body.

Studies to assess the effect of the "Laodzhang" decoction on the leading systems of the body were carried out in research centers and institutes: the Chinese Society for Biological Aging, Medical Research research university Shanghai (China), Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical Immunology (Russia). The results obtained convincingly prove that Laojang decoction is a universal remedy that evenly and gently activates all the leading systems of the body. As a result of taking the “Laodzhang” decoction, the work of the main regulators of the body's vital activity, the neuroendocrine and immune systems is normalized, which ensures the balance of all metabolic processes and improves the functioning of individual organs.

Decoction "Laojan" is one of the basic products of general health and preventive direction.

The action of the drug

prolongs active longevity, acting at the molecular level on all parts of the aging process. Namely:

  • provides an immunomodulatory effect;
  • has an adaptogenic, anti-stress, chemoprotective effect;
  • promotes social adaptation;
  • has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • governs hormonal background, slowing down the involution of the reproductive sphere;
  • normalizes the functional activity of the endocrine glands;
  • regulates the activity of the central nervous system;
  • restores the passage of an impulse along the nerve fiber.

When applied topically, "Laojang" contributes to rapid healing wounds, ulcers, burn surfaces due to the reparative and anti-inflammatory properties of the decoction.

The unique properties of "Laojan" have determined a wide range of its applications in various fields of medicine - gerontology, neurology, gastroenterology, obstetric and gynecological practice, cardiology and others. This is confirmed by clinical trials in Russia on the basis of a multidisciplinary clinic of the Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine of St. Petersburg, the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Clinical Immunology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (Moscow), medical academy, and others.

Action according to traditional Chinese medicine

It harmonizes and replenishes the principles of yang and yin in the human body, replenishes qi energy and nourishes the blood, strengthens the kidneys and nourishes the seed (jing), calms the heart and spirit (shen).

The complex, multi-component composition of the Laojan decoction contains only natural, natural ingredients. Their combination is balanced, taking into account interaction and complementarity.


General Application:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • to increase the endurance of athletes;
  • to improve mental activity;
  • depressive neuroses, neurasthenia;
  • to increase resistance to stressful situations;
  • benign neoplasms (polyps, cysts, etc.) of any localization;
  • conditions after radiation and chemotherapy in cancer patients (improving the quality of life, removing the effects of intoxication);
  • prevention of poisoning when it is necessary to work with industrial poisons;
  • for the rehabilitation of toxicological patients;
  • as preoperative preparation and for postoperative rehabilitation;
  • to accelerate the stabilization of the effect of complex treatment;
  • prevention of exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases any localization;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impotence, frigidity;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • for prenatal preparation and rehabilitation in the postpartum period;
  • pathological menopause;
  • to slow down the aging process.

Topical application in dilution 1:3:

  • in acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis - in the nasal passages (intranasally);
  • for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • for gargling with pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • with conjunctivitis drip - into the eyes;
  • intravaginally with vulvovaginitis, colpitis (no more than 2 hours!);
  • for irrigation of trophic ulcers, burn, traumatic and postoperative wound surfaces (including infected ones).