A small bump on a cat's stomach. Tumor in a cat on the abdomen: diagnosis and treatment

A lump on a cat's stomach may indicate the most various diseases: some of them do not pose a serious threat to the life of the animal, while others require the immediate intervention of specialists. In any case, you should not go to extremes: panic ahead of time or let everything take its course. When a characteristic lump appears in the abdominal area, the pet is examined in the clinic, and then they decide what to do next.

What diseases cause a lump?

The list is quite large:

  • cancerous degeneration of breast tissue is the most terrible diagnosis, often with an unfavorable prognosis;
  • lipoma, or wen - benign tumor, prone to spreading;
  • neoplasm skin: papilloma, fibroma, sarcoma, lymphangioma, etc.;
  • lymphadenitis – inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • hernia (inguinal, umbilical, perineal) – protrusion of internal organs under the skin;
  • mastitis;
  • inflammation of the paraanal glands;
  • a lump may appear after sterilization - this is also a hernia, but postoperative, resulting from a violation of the technique of applying internal sutures;
  • skin diseases: furunculosis, folliculitis, carbuncle formation, abscess, phlegmon, etc.;
  • a lump may appear due to an insect bite (wasp, bee, bumblebee, etc.);
  • pellets - although tangles are unlikely to be confused with a lump, protrusion or tumor.

Important! If the formation under the skin tends to grow rapidly, while the number of nodules increases, they bleed or are painful, then this is not a good sign and serious reason undergo a full veterinary examination: biopsy, urine tests, ultrasound, x-ray, etc.

Differentiation of buds

Breast cancer in a cat

There can be from one to several nodules - all of them different sizes, are most often localized in the area of ​​milk bags closer to the groin. can be located not only on the stomach, but also found on the limbs, neck, back, which already indicates the metastasis of cancer cells throughout the body.

New growths are dense, hard, sometimes hot to the touch, over time (closer to last stage) turn red, take on a purple-pink color, bleed and discharge purulent discharge. The seal can also “walk” under the skin, that is, move freely.

It is necessary to constantly monitor such bumps and notice the dynamics of changes:

  • tendency to increase swelling;
  • how quickly does growth occur;
  • whether the appearance of education is changing.

It is worth noting that cats are most often diagnosed with malignant tumors that progress and literally devour their beloved pet before our eyes.

The general condition at the onset of the disease may not change: the cat still feels well and has an excellent appetite. But as the oncological process develops, the animal loses weight, refuses to eat, is depressed and apathetic.

Mostly old people get sick, especially those who long time received anti-sexual hormonal pills or injections. Unsterilized animals are also at risk.

Treatment is surgical. But no one can guarantee a complete cure. Recovery depends on many factors:

  • pet's age;
  • the state of his immune system;
  • stage of cancer;
  • qualifications and experience of a veterinary surgeon;
  • the correctness of the rehabilitation measures carried out.

Typically, surgery only helps to prolong the pet’s life by a few months, as well as reduce discomfort and pain from interfering lumps. In veterinary practice, there have been cases of complete relief from cancer, but there are very few of them - literally one in several thousand.

Feline lipoma

Wen is a benign tumor enclosed in a capsule, which, unlike malignant neoplasms:

  • not prone to rapid growth;
  • soft, doughy to the touch;
  • moves easily under the skin;
  • has a round or oval shape;
  • easy to treat and does not metastasize.

The lipoma is not removed, but simply monitored. TO surgical intervention They resort only in cases where the swelling causes a lot of trouble for the pet: it interferes, itches, or becomes too large.

Although subcutaneous wen and does not represent any mortal danger for the animal, but to be completely sure it is still worth carrying out additional research: take a biopsy and take blood and urine tests.

New growths on the skin

They can occur on any part of the body, including the stomach. Downstream there are:

  • benign - develop slowly, have a clear boundary between healthy and changed tissues, as a rule, there is a capsule and there are no metastases. In terms of shape and size, the cones usually reach enormous sizes and are round in shape with a smooth surface;
  • malignant - they are characterized by fast growth, the appearance of ulcers and metastasis. The growth is dense, the surface is bumpy, with ulcers, pus, areas of necrosis, it grows in breadth and is mobile in relation to adjacent tissues.

Bumps for skin diseases

At the beginning of the article it was already stated at what skin diseases swelling may form, so now we’ll just focus on their appearance, without going into details of the causes and treatment.

  • Furuncle - inflammation hair follicle, in which a painful swelling first appears, reaching the size hazelnut. As the process resolves, the apex of the formation is opened, pus is released, followed by the formation.
  • Folliculitis - a nodule and redness form around the hair, and then a blister with pus appears inside.
  • Carbuncle – a dense inflammation forms, occupying a large area of ​​the body, with big amount purulent blisters on the surface.
  • An abscess is the formation of a purulent cavity protruding above the skin.
  • Cellulitis is a painful, diffuse, hot, dense red swelling with areas of fluctuation (squelching, swaying when pressed).


The role of a lump on the abdomen in this pathology is played by the inguinal lymph node, which is inflamed as a result of:

  • infections;
  • mastitis;
  • gynecological or andrological diseases;
  • organ inflammation genitourinary system;
  • hypothermia, etc.

The inflamed lymph node is a compacted oblong ball, painful, immobile and hot to the touch, which can be felt on the inside thighs closer to the groin. Medical errors also occur when a swollen and painful milk bag in cats is mistaken for an enlarged lymph node.

Hernia lump

The protrusion can be of different sizes (from a pea to a chicken egg and even larger) and is localized in the groin, navel, and perineum. Depending on the presence or absence of infringement, it happens:

  • movable and immobile;
  • reducible and irreducible;
  • painful and painless;
  • hot and normal temperature;
  • soft and dense;
  • constant size or changing depending on meals or the location of the body in space;
  • strangulated hernias tend to increase due to inflammation of surrounding tissues.

A professional doctor, upon visual examination, will quickly determine what kind of lump it is - a hernia or a neoplasm. Treatment:

  • none - in the case of perineal bulges in cats (in females, prolapse of the uterus in the groin can lead to infertility due to incarceration and tissue necrosis);
  • conservative – massage, supportive bandage;
  • surgical – excision hernial sac, repositioning the organs in place and then suturing the hernial opening.

Swelling due to mastitis

Signs of mastitis can be observed when false pregnancy.

Mastitis is an inflammation of milk bags that occurs against the background of:

  • mechanical damage to the nipples or the gland itself;
  • stagnation as a result of heavy lactation, premature weaning of kittens;
  • diseases of the genital organs (endometritis, pyometra, etc.).

The mammary gland (individual packages or all at once) increases significantly in size, becomes hot, hard and red. Milk may not be released at all due to pinched ducts, or it may acquire a crumbly consistency with admixtures of pus or flakes. With abscess formation, the areas of inflammation become even larger, filled with pus and fluctuate (squelch, spring back when pressed).

Signs of mastitis can appear during a false pregnancy, so the appearance of lumps, nodules and lumps in this case must be differentiated from oncology.

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. It could be:

  • use of compresses;
  • use of novocaine blockade;
  • prescription of antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy to eliminate congestion (massage, electrical stimulation, etc.);
  • careful expression of milk;
  • in some cases surgery is indicated.

Signs of inflammation of the paraanal glands

The glands are paired and are located on both sides of the anus. Under certain conditions they can become inflamed, causing discomfort in pets.

By appearance the inflammation is similar to a perineal hernia in castrated cats, only in the second variant the lump changes its size and shape depending on horizontal position bodies in space:

  • upside down (back legs up) – decreases;
  • upside down - increases.

Lump on a cat after sterilization

May appear for a number of reasons:

  • with inept suturing;
  • premature resorption of suture material;
  • untying internal threads for some reason;
  • with improper care surgical wound, when the cat is allowed to constantly lick or bite the surgical wound.

Internal organs, often intestinal loops, protrude through the resulting hole. The sac, as a rule, is movable, low-painful, and can be easily pushed back into abdominal cavity. It is treated by installing a new “patch” on the surgical wound.

Instead of a conclusion

When a lump suddenly appears on a cat’s stomach, you should not try on the role of Aibolit and make a diagnosis yourself, much less engage in treatment. It’s better to play it safe and show the animal to a veterinarian who will check differential diagnosis and will be able to distinguish a malignant tumor from a benign one, and a hernia from lymphadenitis.

Remember: timely detection of oncology increases the pet’s chances of recovery and leading a comfortable existence until natural death. And if other less dangerous, but still strange swellings appear on your pet’s body, consulting a specialist will not hurt.


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When a lump is discovered on a cat’s back under the skin, the owner immediately strives to find the cause of the problem and carry out treatment. Neoplasms that appear in an animal can be malignant or benign. The former are extremely dangerous and even with treatment can cause the death of a pet.

Benign lumps do not pose a mortal threat, but located in the back area, they often compress nerve endings and cause impaired mobility of the paws, up to their complete paralysis. Also big shots can put pressure on internal organs and provoke disruptions in their functioning, which often turn out to be extremely dangerous.

Types of bumps on a cat's back

There are several types of growths that can appear on the back of cats. More often veterinarians encounter the following bumps under the skin on the back of cats:

  • When a lump is discovered on a cat’s back under the skin, the owner immediately strives to find the cause of the problem and carry out treatment. Neoplasms that appear in an animal can be malignant. This tumor appears due to a violation of the distribution subcutaneous fat and its accumulation in one area. These cones grow over a long period of time and can reach very large sizes (sometimes egg and even more). They do not give metastases. In old cats, it is not uncommon for wen to be combined with dangerous cancerous tumors such as sarcoma or fibrosarcoma. Such a proximity of lipoma and cancer This is especially common when a lump appears on the back.
  • Abscess. Occurs due to injury or an unsuccessful injection. The bumps appear a few days after the injection was given or the injury occurred. The cat has a local increase in temperature, redness of the skin and soreness of the lump. This formation feels soft or doughy to the touch. Hard abscess happens extremely rarely. If the wound is not completely closed, then when you press on the lump, pus is released. Treatment of abscesses is surgical. They are opened, after which their cavity is sanitized.
  • Lymphadenitis. A similar phenomenon in the back area occurs extremely rarely and only in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. When the disease occurs, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs. The general condition of the animal is greatly deteriorating. Increase affects everything The lymph nodes which become acutely painful.
  • Foreign body or bacterial focus. If the animal’s body cannot free itself from them and expel them from under the skin, encapsulation occurs, which is why the compaction is palpable. It is usually not painful, mobile and not prone to growth. If the lump does not cause discomfort to the cat, then removal is not required.
  • Cyst. This lump under the skin is a sac filled with fluid. It is formed due to blockage of blood vessels lymphatic system. Cysts grow very slowly and are not dangerous. Sometimes they can greatly stretch the skin, after which they open. Removal of such a formation is necessary only if it bothers the pet.

If you find a lump under your cat’s skin, you should not risk its health and self-medicate. It is important to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian and carry out all necessary therapy. In the case of malignant tumors, early detection can often save the pet's life.

Formations may appear on various areas the body of a kitten or an adult animal - on its side, on its head. You may also notice that your pet’s neck is swollen and dense or soft balls can be felt under your fingers. There are several reasons for the appearance of bumps, some of them are quite serious.

  • Tumors may appear on the abdomen or face due to poor quality, unbalanced nutrition.
  • Due to bad environment.
  • It may also be caused by genetic inheritance, so even with the most correct and competent care, you can encounter a problem.

Regardless of the cause of its appearance, pathological formations are most often dangerous and require professionally prescribed treatment.

In some cases, animals are predisposed to neoplasms. The tendency to tumors is genetic. There are other potential causes of localized abnormal cell accumulation:

  1. 1. Aging weakens immune system animal, increasing its susceptibility to various diseases, including the formation of cancer and other tumors.
  2. 2. Impact, puncture, squeezing may cause abnormal cell growth and accumulation. Tumor formation can sometimes be triggered by inflammation of the vaccination site.
  3. 3. Bacterial, viral or fungal infections when entering the body of an animal, they provoke the appearance of neoplasms.

1 Types of neoplasms

Tumors are divided into 2 main categories: benign and malignant. The former can theoretically remain in the body without harm to it. Malignant formations initially cause harm to health, causing inflammation, active cell degeneration or metastasis. Each category is also divided into subgroups. Benign tumors include:

  1. 1. Lipomas or wen are soft, mobile formations enclosed in a capsule. They get their name from the raw materials - adipose tissue. Lipomas can appear on other parts of the body, as well as on internal organs. In the latter case, they are not always palpable under the skin. One of the predisposing factors is the presence of adipose tissue. In obese animals, a lipoma can easily appear on the back and is considered a sign of a malignant neoplasm. Wen tumors do not metastasize, but due to their tendency to grow, they create increased danger for the life and health of the cat in certain areas of the body. So, the tumor is nearby carotid artery can block blood flow and cause death.
  2. 2. Fibromas - formations from connective tissue. Smooth tumors with streamlined contours can be hard or soft. Fibroids are more common in dogs, but can also occur in cats. Usually their appearance is not accompanied by pain.
  3. 3. Myomas. Consist of muscle fibers and manifest themselves mainly as internal tumors: in the stomach, uterus, intestines, kidneys and other organs.
  4. 4. Papillomas are accumulations of connective tissue that form under the mucous membrane or skin due to the action of specific viruses. Papillomas appear on the external and internal surfaces animal body. On the head, for example, the eyelids and lips become the centers of their formation. Exists high risk degeneration of a tumor into a malignant one (bleeding, changes in contours and color).
  5. 5. Osteomas and chondromas are cartilaginous and bone formations that appear on the spine, joints and other areas with corresponding tissue. They can degenerate into malignant tumors, and when removed there is a risk of disruption to the functioning of the operated organ.

Cats, like most mammals, are not protected from cancer that affects different systems body. They suffer from sarcoma, melanoma, carcinoma and other types of cancer.

Associated symptoms

Additional symptoms allow the veterinarian to assume the nature of the pathological formation.

  • If the formation is benign, it may not manifest itself in any other way.
  • Also, the wen does not cause other symptoms. But in some cases (when it grows) it is recommended to remove it, since harmless growth Over time, it can transform into a malignant tumor called liposarcoma.
  • If the balls on the chin or paws are caused inflammatory process After an insect bite, the animal will suffer from severe itching.

Small bumps on your cheek or breastbone may be caused by allergies. With this cause of growths, vomiting is also observed due to intoxication of the body.

Any lump on your pet’s body should not be left unattended, and you should especially pay attention to a lump that is growing rapidly, has become hot or painful, is festering or bleeding. Having discovered any of the above signs, you should contact your veterinarian.

When your cat has a lump under the skin and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet on forums, we recommend not to self-medicate and experiment on your beloved cat. The fact is that there are many reasons for the appearance of seals in an animal, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.


Responsible owners of cats who discover wen or other growths on the back or other part of the body pet, quickly go to the vet. Diagnostics is carried out comprehensively and therefore gives the most accurate result.

  • First, the doctor will examine the cat, the size and color of the formations, and determine their density and pain.
  • Then an x-ray or ultrasound may be prescribed.
  • Cytological and histological examination is important. Skin particles are taken from the cat in the area of ​​the tumor. A biopsy in such cases is mandatory.

More conventional tests are also performed - blood and urine. Each type of diagnosis is important; the results of all complement each other and allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

To your veterinarian for staging correct diagnosis will be needed full story your pet's illness. You may be asked the following questions:

  • How long has the lump appeared?
  • Has the seal increased in size or changed visually?
  • How quickly does the seal grow?
  • Has your pet been given injections or had any recent injuries?
  • Does the cat have one bump or are there others?
  • Are there any changes in your pet's behavior (eating less, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy)?

The veterinarian will then conduct a thorough medical checkup and prescribe the following diagnostic tests:

  • Cytology. This test usually does not require anesthesia and helps establish the diagnosis.
  • Examination of a tumor or fluid from it using a microscope.
  • Biopsy. May involve removing all or a small part of the tumor.
  • Bacterial culture to detect infections, bacteria or fungi.


Treat any growth or bump on your own pet not recommended, advice and help only needed qualified specialist. The veterinarian chooses the treatment method taking into account established diagnosis, general condition and age of the animal, concomitant diseases.

  • Most negative diagnosistumor malignant type on the spine or other organ. Such formations are eliminated surgically.
  • In the case when the disease is only at the second stage, the cat has many chances to be completely cured; for this, it needs to undergo a course of chemotherapy and immune therapy.
  • Benign tumors are removed surgically, they do not pose a danger to the cat’s life in most cases. But still, the owner of the animal should not let the situation take its course.
  • If a lump appears on the nose or above the eye due to an allergy, skin infection, or hormonal imbalance, the veterinarian may prescribe a specific complex therapy . Its course is often short and includes the use of internal and local application. With correct diagnosis and accurate adherence to doctor’s instructions, the lump will resolve. If there is pus under the skin, it will drain out.

Rehabilitation therapy plays an important role in recovery. In the presence of metastases, chemotherapy is prescribed, and it is also used in cases where surgery is impossible. Unfortunately, on late stages For cancer, even these treatment methods rarely help; more often, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the animal and ending its suffering, since the pet is also experiencing severe pain.

There is no one treatment for all skin growths. Treatment depends on the causes.

Both malignant and benign formations require surgical intervention. Treatment cannot be delayed, even if the tumor does not interfere with the animal. There are cases where cats live for a long time with a subcutaneous formation in the form of a ball or oval, which does not change size and consistency for years. And the owners only realize it when the tumor bursts and metastasizes. In such a situation, veterinarians can usually only alleviate the animal's suffering.

If the tumor is “behaving quietly,” veterinarians may not insist on immediate removal, wanting to monitor the dynamics of its development. The decision in favor of surgery is influenced by the initially large size of the formation, its high hardness, or sudden changes during the observation period. The intervention traditionally takes place under general anesthesia and requires further intravenous injections antibiotics.

If there are no complications and the surgical site is small, the animal is returned to the owner on the day of the procedure. The pet is awaiting several examinations. The doctor checks the healing and general state patient. At the last appointment, the stitches are usually removed and, if there is no risk to the animal’s health, they are left alone until scheduled appointments or subsequent illnesses.

If oncology is suspected, the veterinarian sends the excised object for examination. Detecting cancer will entail additional tests and treatment. With timely intervention, a malignant tumor can be easily localized and removed. If cancer cells have spread throughout the body, additional surgical interventions and chemotherapy.

3 Prevention of neoplasms

It is impossible to completely protect your pet from the appearance of tumors. But the owner must take measures to minimize the risk of their occurrence and prevent complications. Suppression of sexual functions will help this. Veterinarians say that after sterilization, the likelihood of genitourinary cancer in females decreases.

In pets, neoplasms are often found located between the skin and the muscle layer. They can be both harmless and dangerous. Therefore, if you find a lump under the skin in a cat, even if it is not inflamed and does not cause discomfort or pain to the pet, make an appointment with a veterinarian to find out the origin of the nodular hardening of the subcutaneous tissue and, if necessary, treat it in time.

Types and signs of subcutaneous formations

Subcutaneous neoplasias (tumors) can be benign or malignant. The former pose a danger only if they grow to large sizes and begin to infringe on nearby organs. Malignant formations (sarcomas and fibrosarcomas) cause cell degeneration, metastasis and therefore often lead to the death of the animal.

Benign subcutaneous tumors, depending on the histological structure and causes of formation, are divided into several categories:

  • Hematoma. This is a painful lump caused by damage to small vessels due to injury. Usually has a purple color (“bruise”), as it is an accumulation of blood under the skin, and may be accompanied by a local increase in temperature. The hematoma can fester, forming a cyst.
  • Post-injection infiltrate. Small sizes a lump formed at the injection site. If there is no infection, it practically does not cause any disturbance in the animal’s well-being and resolves on its own.
  • Lipoma (“wen”), a subcutaneous lump that is soft to the touch and prone to growth. Such a ball under the skin of a cat easily moves when pressed without causing discomfort. These neoplasms form from connective tissue in areas where fat cells are abundant and are often found on the abdomen of older animals.

  • Cavernous hemangioma. Vascular proliferation, which is a soft, lumpy nodular formation of a bright red or blue-purple color.
  • Syringoepithelioma. This is a modified element of the part sweat gland in the form of a nodule measuring up to 1.5 cm. The skin over the lump usually retains its normal color, and the tumor itself does not cause concern to the animal: it does not hurt, does not itch. In cats this type neoplasm often forms on the abdomen.
  • Abscess (ulcer, abscess). The cause of the development of an abscess can be a wound, an insect bite, an unsuccessful injection or scratching on the skin (for example, with “cat scabies” - notoedrosis). The condition for abscess formation of a seal on the neck, abdomen or head of a cat is contact with damaged skin. bacterial infection. Ulcers are painful and can cause fever and fever.
  • Cyst. This is the name of a round-shaped capsule filled with serous contents. Such “balls” can be located on any part of the cat’s body; their sizes vary from 2-3 mm to several centimeters. Cysts grow slowly and are usually painless. Most often, these tumors are harmless and are formed as a result of blockage sebaceous gland(atheromas, pilar cysts) or lymph node.

A small lump of unknown origin, similar to a ball under the skin on the neck or head of a cat, may be a tick that has penetrated and drunk on blood. It must be carefully removed entirely so that the remaining part of the insect under the skin does not lead to the development of an abscess. The lump can also form as a result of a small foreign body getting under the cat's skin. IN subcutaneous tissue foreign body encapsulates and looks like a round solid formation.


The origin of some subcutaneous lumps in a cat can be determined by their appearance. For example, a sucking tick can be easily detected by the owner of the animal upon careful examination. An experienced veterinarian can usually accurately diagnose a lipoma, abscess or hematoma.

To determine the diagnosis, first of all, an anamnesis is collected: the age of the cat is specified, the presence of any pathologies and diseases, how long ago the lump appeared under the skin, whether it is growing and whether it is bothering the animal. Then the doctor palpates the area of ​​neoplasia and the surrounding tissue to find out the size of the lump, its mobility, and the condition of nearby lymph nodes.

It is important to know! Most benign tumors have clear boundaries, low density and a smooth surface. Malignant neoplasms are characterized by blurred outlines and a lumpy surface; rapid growth is also typical for them.

In many cases, for staging accurate diagnosis required additional examinations: These may be histological or cytological tests to determine structural structure tumors, as well as analysis of the contents of neoplasia to identify bacteria, fungi or invasions. A biopsy provides the opportunity to clearly differentiate benign from malignant formations. This is the name of the procedure for taking a small amount of tissue from the thickness of the neoplasm for cytological analysis.


Treatment measures when a lump under the skin is detected in a cat depends on the nature of the neoplasia, its size and clinical symptoms. Some forms of benign subcutaneous tumors do not require treatment. For example, a hematoma, a post-injection infiltrate uncomplicated by an inflammatory process, or a small lipoma not prone to growth do not require therapy. Large wen, cavernous hemangiomas and sweat gland epitheliomas are usually removed surgically under local anesthesia.

More complex treatment require such types of subcutaneous tumors as an abscess or cyst. If subcutaneous ulcers are detected in a cat, you should contact veterinary clinic. There, a specialist will open the abscess cavity, wash out the pus from it, then disinfect the cavity with furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. To prevent infection, your cat may be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Attention! Many cat owners believe that a cat’s abscess can simply be squeezed out, and the wound will quickly heal on its own. Veterinarians consider such actions dangerous. High probability of getting into open wound pathological microflora, and incorrect movements when removing exudate can lead to its movement into deeper layers, which is fraught with repeated severe abscess.

Cysts, despite common name tumors are different:

  • Atheromas are small, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, dense cysts filled with sebum-like contents;
  • Pilar cysts are formed as a result of blockage of sebaceous or sweat glands;
  • Keratinized cysts are hollow tumors filled with cheesy contents: keratinized epidermal cells and particles of fat;
  • Follicular cysts. The most common type of subcutaneous cyst, which is a bubble filled with serous fluid.

Among the methods for removing benign subcutaneous tumors, freezing is widely used today. liquid nitrogen and destruction by high-frequency currents (electrocautery). Such procedures make it possible to minimize the trauma that is inevitable during surgery.

Malignant subcutaneous tumors on early stage development remove surgical method, with excision of nearby tissue, This reduces the likelihood of relapse. After the operation, the animal is prescribed a course of rehabilitation therapy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy It is rarely prescribed to cats.

Every owner worries about the health of their pet. We all want to see our cat healthy, good-natured and cheerful, with an excellent appetite and sound sleep. However, living beings tend to get sick, so no one is immune from problems with
health. Remember, if you notice any signs of illness, take your cat to the veterinarian, who will assess the situation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

One of the situations that worries owners is the appearance of a lump on the animal’s stomach. What could it be? There are many answers to this question. However, whatever problem is causing similar phenomena, the pet must be taken to the nearest veterinary clinic. Today we’ll talk about why a lump may appear on a cat’s stomach and what to do in this or that case.

Mammary cancer

First of all, we're talking about about mammary cancer, which is as common in cats as it is in humans. Typically, these bumps are located in the lower abdomen, where the animal’s “milk bags” are located. The tumor may be one or several. Characteristic signs the following:

  • the skin in the area of ​​the tumor is thickened;
  • the lump is small, hard, sometimes hot to the touch, and can move when pressed;
  • often they can bleed or fester;
  • As the formations progress, they may change color, becoming red or even purple.

At the same time, the animal rapidly loses weight, feels unwell, and becomes indifferent to everything. At the last stage, the bumps can spread throughout the body, which indicates metastasis. The only way treatment - surgery. There are no guarantees of recovery.


A fatty tissue, also known as a lipoma, is a benign tumor. As a rule, such formations are not a threat to the animal. They may occur on various parts body, both from below and from the side. Typical signs of the problem are as follows:

  • large lump, soft to the touch;
  • the shape of the neoplasm is usually round;
  • When palpated, you can feel how the tumor moves.

If a cat is diagnosed with a wen, the owner should not worry about it. As a rule, there is no need to even treat it. The exception is if the lipoma causes discomfort to the cat. Then the wen is simply cut out. However, just in case, the doctor should still take urine and blood tests and collect fluid for a biopsy. Lipomas do not metastasize, do not develop rapidly and do not pose a threat to the pet’s life.

Skin diseases

In addition to cancer, cats can also suffer from skin diseases. If your pet has a lump, it is far from certain that it is a problem. cancerous tumor. There are other problems that, although less dangerous, are also unpleasant, so they need to be dealt with. Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. Furuncle. Inflammation of the hair follicle. First, the owner may observe the formation of a hard lump, which can reach the size of a hazelnut. Over time, it bursts and an ulcer appears in its place, which will soon heal. The biggest danger is the risk of infection, so the boil must be disinfected.
  2. Folliculitis. You may notice that the animal has developed a small blister of pus, which will rupture over time. This is inflammation hair follicle. Relatively harmless.
  3. Carbuncle. Extensive inflammation of the skin, characterized by the appearance of several neoplasms filled with pus.

More terrible diagnoses There may be an abscess or cellulitis. In the first case, the formation of a purulent cavity is noted, and in the second - inflammation of an area of ​​​​the skin with severe pain; when touched, you can actually feel the swell and squelch.

After sterilization

Some owners notice that cats develop lumps on their bellies after being spayed. There may be several reasons for this, which are related to both the low qualifications of the veterinarian and improper care or individual characteristics body. The reasons are mainly the following:

  • improper suturing;
  • too early resorption of the suture;
  • unraveling or breaking of thread.

Regarding care, it is important to know that veterinarians oblige owners to ensure that the animal does not lick or bite the wound. If you make a mistake, a new growth may appear.