Ointment for rapid skin healing. Vishnevsky ointment for healing wounds

Weeping wounds represent damage to soft tissue structures. The skin is the body's natural barrier and performs many functions.

The superficial skin is exposed to aggressive environmental influences.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article checked by doctor


There are different degrees of damage. Localization: skin, blood vessels, bones, sometimes internal organs.

When a wet injury does not heal, inflammation occurs. During the healing process, scars form. Treatment consists of regular dressings, antibiotics and disinfectants.

Ointments for drying

Treating with drying agents means using ointments and gels.

Products that protect the skin from infection:

  1. Levomekol. Disinfecting, drying ointment has an antibacterial effect and prevents the formation of pus. Improves the functioning of the immune system, leads active struggle with pathogenic microorganisms. Usage: for weeping injuries, suppuration, the product is applied with a syringe directly to the lesion.
  2. Solcoseryl. Regenerating, drying ointment composition. Promotes the production of new cell fibers, stops the process of fluid formation. Application: apply ointment to the affected area, no more than 2 times a day. Apply to semi-closed dressings. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. There are no contraindications.
  3. Povidone-iodine. Gel medication with regenerating, anti-inflammatory, drying effects. The gel penetrates deep into the dermis, neutralizes the lesion, restores the skin structure, and prevents the formation of scars. Application: rubbed onto the wound surface, washed off after 25 minutes. Contraindications: renal pathology, allergic reactions to iodine, not recommended for children under six years of age.

The listed medications have antimicrobial and drying properties. Before use, consult a doctor.

Healing products

When the dermis is traumatized, a person experiences pain and discomfort.

To avoid negative consequences and complications, wound healing agents are used that prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and accelerate the regeneration of the skin:

  1. Bepanten. Wound healing cream, effectively cares for damaged skin, which separates exudate. The components of the cream normalize tissue metabolism and enhance the healing process.
  2. Eplan. A regenerating, wound-healing medicine, has an analgesic and bactericidal effect. Apply directly to the affected area several times a day. Can be used as a compress.
  3. Argosulfan. Healing cream based on salt (silver). The drug heals the dermis and has an antibacterial effect. Used for the treatment of weeping wounds, purulent lesions, trophic ulcers, burns.

The choice will depend on the location, area and severity of the lesion.

Antibacterial drugs

When treating a weeping wound, sterile dressings are used.

  • Furacilin solution;
  • Sodium hypochloride;
  • Miramistin;
  • Okomistin.

Antiseptics reduce the release of exudate.

If the wound continues to get wet and does not heal for a long time, they are prescribed antibacterial drugs.

Treatment is carried out:

  • Streptocide ointment;
  • Mafenide;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Fudisin (gel).

The products are applied to the wound surface, and a sterile bandage or tampon is applied on top. Often, Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used to treat the skin layers.


Healing process

If the injury oozes, does not heal long time, there is a possibility of secondary infection. As a result, a wet surface is formed.

The immune system tries to fight inflammation on its own, and the production of excess blood plasma increases.

On the foot

Damage to the skin on the leg with the release of fluid occurs as a result of injuries, varicose veins or erysipelas, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus.

The main goal of treatment is to create a systematic outflow of fluid. When purulent fluid accumulates, inflammation spreads to nearby tissues.

In a hospital setting:

  • treatment with antibacterial solutions (Dioxidin);
  • at pain symptoms painkillers are used (spray Lidocaine, Xylocaine);
  • To cleanse necrotic masses, powdered medicine Trypsin is used (a napkin is moistened in the preparation and applied directly to the affected area).

For shallow, weeping injuries on the legs, therapy is carried out at home. Salicylic or Ichthyol ointment is used.

Streptocide (tablets or powder) is used as an antiseptic. Before applying ointment compositions, the skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Reasons for long delays

Weeping wounds that do not heal for a long time indicate the presence of pathology in the body and the addition of an infection.

Why skin abrasions do not heal:

  1. Improper treatment of wound surfaces.
  2. Diabetes. When the disease occurs, the limbs swell, blood circulation is impaired, and the activity of the immune system decreases. Dermal cells lack nutrition.
  3. Age criteria. The immune system of older people is weakened. Therefore, the body is not able to fight inflammatory processes on its own, and regeneration slows down.
  4. Lack of vitamins in the body. The wound does not heal with vitamin deficiency.

Cell regeneration slows down in people diagnosed with cancer, obesity, exhaustion, HIV.

Liquid oozing

The fluid that oozes from the wound is lymph. Its release is a normal, natural phenomenon. It removes salt impurities, proteins, toxins, and water from tissue structures. Then it returns them to the circulatory system.

If the ichor is not released abundantly, there is no cause for concern. It is recommended to carry out the prescribed course of treatment.

The abundant flow of lymph from the wound surface is affected by:

  • Poor quality treatment of the dermis;
  • polluted environment;
  • alcoholic drinks and nicotine;
  • the presence of vascular and dermatological pathologies;
  • excessive physical activity.

Process and dry

Any wound, regardless of location or origin, needs treatment.

  • provide free access to the damaged area of ​​skin;
  • touching the wound surface is permitted with gloves or tweezers;
  • should be cleaned of contamination, rinse the damaged area with clean water;
  • apply an antiseptic (initially treat with hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green or iodine);
  • cover the area with sterile gauze;
  • stop the bleeding (if any).

The independent use of medications (gels, ointments, powders) is prohibited. The doctor examines the injury. Then a course of treatment is prescribed.


Any weeping wound, including a burn, is accompanied by bacterial infection. Humidity appears when the immune system unable to cope with inflammation.

Treatment of weeping burns consists of systematic dressings, taking antiseptics and wound-healing drugs. .

They are the ones who are able to ensure the outflow of fluid, tissue regeneration, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Step-by-step therapy for weeping injuries:

  1. Antiseptic treatment. These include Miramistin, Furacilin.
  2. An hygroscopic dressing is used, which is changed every 2-3 hours.
  3. When changing the dressing material, the damage is treated with an antiseptic. Then the antibacterial drug Betadine is applied. It can dry out the skin.
  4. If pain is present, painkillers (tablets, aerosols, injections) are used.
  5. For purulent injuries, ointment compositions Levomekol and Levosin are applied under the bandage.

After eliminating inflammation, it is recommended to use a burn patch. At the stage of recovery and scarring of the skin, Solcoseryl ointment is applied under the bandage, at least 4–6 times a day. Vitamins A, C, and E are taken in combination with the main therapy.

Folk recipes

Together with pharmaceuticals To treat weeping injuries, traditional medicine is used, which is prepared at home:

  1. Potato juice. Fresh potatoes are grated using a grater. The juice is squeezed out. A sterile napkin is moistened in the liquid, applied to the wound, and bandaged. The compress is applied before bedtime. The medicine draws out bacterial exudate.
  2. Onion. Vegetable (1 large head) is grated. The gruel is laid out on a gauze cloth and applied to the damage (20 - 30 minutes), 4 -5 times a day. The drug reduces swelling and cleans the surface.
  3. St. John's wort oil. The leaf and inflorescence (100 grams) of St. John's wort are finely chopped, and the golden mustache (50 grams) is added. The mixture is poured with olive oil (250 ml). The container with the medicine is covered with paper and infused for 15–20 days in a warm place. The product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The napkin is wetted in medicine and applied to the wound 2 - 3 times a day.

Folk remedies are used after consultation with your doctor.

Open purulent wound

Therapy is carried out:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification measures (toxins are removed from the body);
  • medications that stimulate the immune system.

The purpose of treatment during the formation purulent focus– clear open wound, reduce inflammation, eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

For accelerated process skin regeneration is prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Synthomycin liniment;
  • Tetracycline ointment composition.

Medicines are applied to a bandage. Use once a day, preferably before bedtime. To eliminate pus from large wounds, drainage is installed.

What is prohibited

For effective treatment wet abrasions, it is recommended to observe certain rules processing. If the wound does not heal for a long time, you need to consult a surgeon.

What is prohibited to do in case of weeping injuries:

  1. Interrupt treatment. Dressing is carried out every day, in some cases 2 - 3 times a day.
  2. Treat injuries with contaminated materials. Bandages, gauze dressings, mesh for fastening must be sterile.
  3. Do not perform dressing with clean hands. If there are no sterile gloves, the palms of the hands are washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Remove dried bandages. They are soaked with water.
  5. Use expired medications, violate the instructions.

If during therapy the amount of fluid discharge increases, the wound grows, throbbing pain, swelling or redness appears, all parts of the body ache, it is recommended that the injury be examined by an experienced surgeon.


At improper therapy weeping ulcers and wounds spread, affecting large areas of the skin and nearby tissues.

Treatment and healing of weeping wounds

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During childhood, not a single child gets along without minor skin injuries. To properly treat and heal these wounds, prevent infection, suppuration, and formation, certain medications are used. The minimum required set of these products should be in every first aid kit.

Treatment and healing of wounds

Immediately after injury, the skin and underlying tissues must be properly treated. Hemostatic drugs are used, as well as wound cleansers and antiseptics, then bandages are applied (if necessary). Minor abrasions and wounds can sometimes only be treated with antiseptics. In the presence of stitches, serious wounds, wound healing agents are used that help restore the integrity of tissues and prevent or minimize the development of scars. They disinfect, stimulate epithelization and cell division, and restore tissue structure.

Wound healing and treatment options

There are several options for the development of events during the healing of wounds and skin damage. If the edges of the wound tightly touch each other, there is no infection with bacteria, then healing occurs due to primary intention, and such damage leaves practically no scars or marks.

If the edges of the wound are uneven, they do not fit tightly together, infection penetrates into them, then healing occurs secondary intention. Inflammation and suppuration of tissues develop, areas of dense granulation tissue, filling defects. Then the wound takes a long time to heal, and a scar can form. This happens when lacerations, bitten, not properly treated or those that injure children, tear off scabs or disturb the stitches.

Superficial abrasions and wounds usually heal under a scab (crust). It protects new skin cells from external influences and damage, allowing tissue structure to be restored.

The period of tissue regeneration is very important - the formation of new epidermal cells and underlying tissues occurs instead of lost and damaged ones, which requires increased energy expenditure from the body, a sufficient level of blood flow in the damaged area, a higher amount of protein and vitamins. These substances are part of drugs that help heal wounds.

Rules for treating wounds and injuries

Without a doctor at home, you can only heal minor wounds, superficial sun or household burns, as well as scratches or abrasions.

Attention!If this is a bite of any animal, the wound is contaminated with soil or is deep, wide, the burn has an area larger than 3 of the baby’s palms (3% or more), or it is the second degree or higher, you should immediately consult a doctor. Burns with blisters in the chest and groin areas of the face are dangerous. This is necessary for proper treatment of wounds, and in case of animal bites - also

Before applying wound healing drugs, damaged areas are treated with antiseptics - 3% hydrogen peroxide, an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (0.1 to 0.5%), or Miramistin solution. It is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap before all manipulations.

For dressings, only gauze or bandage is used; cotton wool is not applied to the wound, since its fibers dry to the wound and make it difficult to heal. They are difficult to remove and injure the epithelialization area.

If the bandage dries to the wound, you cannot rip it off or remove it using force, this will cause pain and injure the wound. The place where it has dried is moistened with hydrogen peroxide, and only then the gauze is carefully removed.

The required amount of wound healing agent is applied to a napkin or to the wound, but you must not touch the edges and damaged tissues with your hands or the tube. Open remedy Store in a cool place tightly closed, open packaging is good for up to 4 weeks. Gels, creams or ointments are used as wound healing agents; films or aerosols, lotions and other dosage forms can be used.

Preparations with dexpanthenol for children

One of the leading means for wound healing is considered to be preparations based on dexpanthenol. They are sold under different trade names and in several different forms:

  • Ointment for external use, has a dense fatty base
  • Cream has a lighter texture
  • Skin lotion
  • Solution for external use
  • Spray aerosol for non-contact skin treatment.

The basis of all these drugs is provitamin B5, or dexpanthenol, which has a wound-healing effect due to its participation in metabolic processes and the generation of energy for cells. Against the background of tissue damage, the body's need for it increases. It also stimulates the growth of epidermal cells and the healing of mucous membranes, and has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. Its use helps speed up the healing process of wounds, reduce dryness and tightness, tissue discomfort, and pain. When applied, it penetrates well and quickly deep into the skin due to its physical and chemical properties. Approved for use from birth and safe, has no side effects.

Methods of application depend on dosage form drug:

  • applying the cream : daily care for dry and cracking skin, softening chapped skin, treating minor wounds and abrasions, redness and irritation of the skin. When applied, it is quickly and easily absorbed, leaving no marks on clothes and body. Can be used for a long time, apply no more than 2 times a day.
  • applying ointment : for elimination , minor abrasions and damage, skin abrasions, minor burns, skin irritation. It accelerates the epithelization of wounds under the scab, helps in the treatment and prevention of diaper rash. Can be used under bandages or applied to an open wound.
  • applying lotion : treatment of small areas of skin without damaging the integrity of the epidermis (sunburn without blisters). Has a slight cooling effect. Apply with a swab to dry skin.
  • aerosol spray with the formation of foam, apply to the area of ​​the wound or injury immediately after receiving. It has an analgesic and itching effect, does not retain heat during a burn, and application by spraying is painless. Spray it so that the entire wound surface is covered with foam, shake the bottle before use.
  • solution for local and external use : helps in the healing of wounds and damage to the mucous membrane. It is bred warm boiled water half and apply with a gauze pad up to three times a day.

These types of drugs are well tolerated; extremely rarely they can cause allergies in the form of itching, in which case they need to be discontinued. Contraindicated in the treatment of contaminated and purulent wounds.

Ointments and creams for treating wounds

If there is a risk of wound contamination or infection, apply cream Bepanten-Plus , additionally containing chlorhexidine (an antimicrobial component). It helps in tissue regeneration and destroys dangerous microbes, it is applied thin layer on a pre-treated wound under a bandage or in an open way. Approved for use in children over 1 year of age, contraindicated in case of allergies to the components.

Methyluracil ointment 10% , containing the active substance methiuracil, which normalizes the exchange of nucleic acids in cells, improves tissue nutrition and accelerates their growth with maturation. It has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects, is used externally from birth, acts only at the site of application, without affecting systemically. It is used in the treatment of superficial burns, long-term non-healing small wounds, diaper rash and skin inflammation. Apply a thin layer up to three times a day, rarely causes skin allergies if used for more than 14 days.

For external use and treatment of wounds in children use Actovegin or Solcoseryl with the active ingredient – ​​extract from the blood of calves (a mixture of purified amino acids with peptides). They help in improving local blood circulation and metabolism, using oxygen by tissues, which helps speed up healing. Allowed from birth, used in the treatment of burns and cuts, abrasions and cracks, non-healing ulcers. There are three forms for Actovegin - 20% gel, 5% ointment and cream. For Solcoseryl - ointment and gel. The choice of forms depends on the type of wound or stage of the burn. Gels are initially recommended; they are applied in a thin layer to the affected areas after pre-treatment of the wound. Can be used under a bandage or for open management. They create a protective film that helps the absorption of the substance without interfering with the access of oxygen. When the wound heals and a thin epithelial film forms, you can switch to cream or ointment. They are also used under bandages and on an open wound.

The drugs are not mixed with other substances and are not applied to contaminated or infected wounds.

For infected wounds the use of ointment is indicated Levomekol with chloramphenicol and methyluracil in the composition. The drug eliminates microbes and stimulates wound healing, has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. Helps in the drainage of pus from the wound. Used in children from 1 year of age, applied externally to wounds under bandages. They treat burns, cuts and any kind of wounds with suppuration; it helps in suppressing infection and eliminating pus, cleansing the wound. Apply under a bandage, soaking a napkin and applying to the wound. Change once a day until wound epithelization and granulation appear.

Gel Contractubex used to eliminate scars that occur during pathological wound healing. It is not used for open and fresh wounds; it is used to treat the developing scar so that it is not so noticeable and convex.

Sea buckthorn oil used for burns and healing of affected wounds and mucous surfaces. Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect. Soothes skin dryness and irritation. Can be used to treat open surfaces and under dressings, used until granulation appears.

Cream Eplan used to treat minor wounds, burns, scratches and skin lesions in children. It contains glycolan, which has a regenerative effect, as well as convenient forms of release in the form of a cream, solution, or a napkin soaked in the composition for application to wounds.

Also used to treat minor wounds and prevent infection.

Pus is a cloudy discharge that occurs as a result of purulent or serous-purulent inflammation of the tissue. The process of pus formation is called suppuration.

The main reason for the development of purulent inflammation of the skin is a decrease in the barrier properties of the skin and the penetration of infection. The most common diseases in dermatology with the presence of purulent wounds are boils and carbuncles.

Furuncle (boil) is an acute purulent necrotic inflammation hair follicles, sebaceous glands, connective tissues. Most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

Carbuncle is a deeper purulent inflammation consisting of several boils. Spreads to the skin and subcutaneous tissue around hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

To treat infections at the suppuration stage, local antibacterial drugs are used that suppress reproduction pathogenic microorganisms.

Antibiotic ointment is one of the most effective local funds for the treatment of skin inflammation.

The composition includes substances that have a wound-healing, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for treatment skin at the stage of suppuration.

Antibiotic ointment is used to treat:

  1. Microbial eczema.
  2. Infected dermatoses.
  3. Ulcers and erosions.
  4. Inflammation and purulent diseases.
  5. Chemical or temperature burn (to prevent the development of purulent complications).
  6. Infected deep cuts, scratches, abrasions, cracks.
  7. For bacterial infection after surgery.

Ointments are used because they help quick cleansing from microorganisms, actively fight pathogenic microorganisms, reduce the severity inflammatory process and ensure faster discharge of purulent contents. Wound healing ointment When combined with an antibiotic, they help accelerate regeneration. The application of such products allows you to avoid many complications.

Classification of ointments with antibiotics by pharmacological groups

Group A drug Action
Aminoglycosides 1.Baneocin ® Antimicrobial drug for external use. The action is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, Klebsiel, Neisseria, Corynebacteria, etc.). Effective from the beginning of use, does not cause hypersensitivity.

used when skin diseases and injuries, burns, infections caused by bacteria. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, significant destruction of the dermis, kidney problems
2.Gentamicin sulfate ® Acts against microbes. The action is aimed at destroying gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Absorbed fairly quickly.

Indications: used for scars of varying degrees and causes, infections, exudative accumulations, dermatitis, burns, trophic ulcers.

Contraindications: allergies to active ingredients.

Levomycetins 1.Fulevil ® Indications: long-term non-healing ulcers and wounds, treatment of inflammatory and infectious skin lesions, bedsores, first and second degree burns.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to chloramphenicol
2.Levomekol ® Medicine wide range. Contains methyluracil ® and chloramphenicol ® . Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

Indications: cleansing festering wounds, burns of varying degrees, treatment microbial eczema and dermatitis.

Contraindications: allergies to active ingredients, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Lincosamides Lincomycin ® The main substance is lincomycin ®.

Indications: used for festering wounds and pustular diseases skin.

Contraindications: liver and kidney problems, severe allergic reactions.

Macrolides Erythromycin ® For the treatment of pyoderma, cleansing infected wounds. It is also used for bedsores, infections of the mucous membranes, second and third degree burns, and long-term healing of skin lesions.

Common, affordable antibiotic ointments

The skin is constantly damaged, resulting in abrasions and scratches. Situations arise when antibacterial agents are required to speed up wound healing. An antibiotic ointment for healing purulent wounds helps cleanse the wound surface of pathogenic microorganisms and more. fast regeneration skin.

Most commonly used medications broad action, which have an effect against swelling, exudation and pain. They are selected depending on the severity of the injuries.

According to the testimony, antiseptics, which are not antibiotics.


This is an effective remedy that will help draw out pus. In addition, it has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect (relieves many symptoms: pain, swelling, itching).

The main substance is ichthyol, known for its medicinal properties since the beginning of the 19th century. The product can be used for abscesses and dermatitis, as well as eczema and furunculosis.

How to use ichthyol ointment?

In order to remove the pus, you need to make an application from the ichthyol mixture. Take cotton wool soaked in medicine and fix it at the site of accumulation of pus. Place parchment paper on top and secure with adhesive tape. Change the application 10 hours after fixing.

Vishnevsky ointment (balsamic) ®

A fairly well-known medication that also helps in getting rid of suppuration. The medicine is used not to relieve inflammation, but to accelerate the formation of a purulent core. It also stimulates blood circulation. Thus, the abscess matures quickly and is easier to remove. When used on open wounds, antibiotic ointment for abscesses and inflammation draws out pus.

This is a wartime development that is used as a compress, application or lotion. With its help, festering wounds, burns and ulcers, and closed suppurations are healed. The composition contains xeroform, which has antiseptic characteristics and helps dry wounds. It improves blood circulation and metabolic processes at the site of the abrasion.

Synthomycin ointment ®

This composition includes syntomycin. Synthomycin ointment is applied when the wound is healing poorly. The drug is also effective in the treatment of ulcers, burn injuries, and furunculosis. It is also used for minor injuries, when there is a possibility of infection or to prevent the development of ulcers and skin inflammations. It must be remembered that frequent use will cause addiction and side symptoms. It must be applied strictly according to the intended purpose and instructions.

Streptocide ®

Also suitable for getting rid of suppuration. The main active ingredient is streptocide. The medicine provides strong effect against many pathogenic microorganisms. It is used to treat minor skin lesions. Absolute contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding and kidney pathologies.

Levomekol ®

Levomekol ® is suitable for treating a festering abrasion. The product is combined and contains several active ingredients. The drug consists of a combination of a group of antibacterial and immunostimulating substances.

This composition allows you to remove swelling from the dermis, accelerate regeneration and cleanse the wound of pus. Levomekol ® is prescribed for the treatment of burn injuries, ulcers, and furunculosis. Before use, treat the entire damaged area with hydrogen peroxide.

Levosin ®

A fairly affordable and popular medication. Used to draw out pus. Also applies to combination drugs. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Levosin ® should be applied to a sterile bandage and applied to the inflamed area of ​​skin. Levosin ® can be applied daily until symptoms subside and complete recovery.

Other ointments for wound healing

The following medications have excellent properties against microbes and for healing:

Rescuer ®, nitacid ®, Actovegin ®

  1. Rescuer ®combination drug, combining antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating, softening and absorbable effects. Has a wide range of positive effects. Not used for purulent inflammation. Used only to speed up regeneration.
  2. Nitacid ®– combined local medicine external influence. Contains nitazol. Has an antiseptic effect, kills harmful microorganisms. Nitacid relieves inflammation, cleans and dries the scratch, and absorbs exudative and necrotic accumulations.
  3. Actovegin ®– accelerates recovery and trophism of the dermis. Helps energy metabolism. It is used to restore the integrity of the skin in cases of damage of various origins.

Postoperative liniments

During recovery after surgery, when open areas are cleared of dead tissue and not inflamed, active regeneration begins.

To reduce the risk of wound infection, use antiseptics and antibiotic ointments (as indicated).

Ointments containing an antibiotic: “Solcoseryl ®”, “Actovegin ®”, methyluracil ® and gentamicin ointments ®. In the first phases after operations, two days later, “Levomekol ®”, “Levosin ®”, “Levonorsin ®”, dioxin 5% ointment ® are used.

Alternative methods for treating suppurations

There are a large number of fans of traditional medicine who try to avoid the use of chemical bactericides. Remember that first you need to clean the abrasion, get rid of dirt and blood. To clean a scratch, you need to rinse it using a bath or lotion. Solution for cleaning abrasions traditional methods made from herbs. For the decoction, you can take plantain leaves, sweet clover, chamomile flowers, sage, burdock leaves, blueberries and other plants.

To prepare the decoction, use a spoonful of chopped plant. Place it in a container, add up to 1 liter of boiling water, and cook in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then they wait until it cools down and filter it - the decoction is ready for use. The procedures are carried out two times a day.

After disinfection, you need to draw out the subcutaneous suppuration. Traditional medicine will also help for this. You can make a compress from soap and garlic. To make it, bake the garlic head in the oven and chop it. Grate the soap and mix thoroughly with the garlic. Apply this mixture and secure with bandages. The bandage can be applied for four hours.

Remember that damage to the skin leads to an inflammatory process, including streptococcal flora. The consequence may be serious illness- erysipelas.

As a rule, after skin damage, hemostatic agents, antiseptics and dressings are first used. Then they turn to wound healing agents that complement the complex of treatment of wounds, abrasions and burns, stimulating and accelerating the restoration of damaged cells.

There are several options for healing damage. If the edges of the wound are in close contact with each other and no bacteria have entered it, it will heal quickly primary intention, leaving virtually no trace. If the edges of the wound do not touch tightly or an infection has entered it, healing will occur by secondary intention, through suppuration and the formation of special granulation tissue that will fill the defect. In this case, the wound will take longer to heal, and a scar may form. Superficial wounds and burns heal under a scab, or crust, under which new skin cells form.

During regeneration - healing - new cells are formed to replace damaged ones, and this requires additional energy, good blood circulation at the site of damage, increased amount nutrients and vitamins. All this is part of the means that accelerate healing.

General rules

You can treat minor wounds, household and sunburns, abrasions and scratches yourself at home. Animal bites, contaminated or deep wounds and burns of more than 3% of the body surface area (palm is approximately 1%), as well as second degree burns or more, in which blisters form, require mandatory medical examination, including to address the issue of protection against tetanus and rabies.
Before applying wound healing agents, the damaged surface is treated with a disinfectant - an antiseptic, for example 3% hydrogen peroxide, 0.1%–0.5% aqueous solution potassium permanganate or MIRAMISTIN. Hands must be clean.

You cannot use cotton wool as a bandage - only a bandage or gauze, because small fibers of cotton wool that have dried to the wound are difficult to remove and not completely, which slows down healing. If the bandage has dried to the wound, under no circumstances should you tear it off with force - you should soften it by moistening it with 3% hydrogen peroxide, otherwise you can damage the delicate layer of the new epithelium. Treatment is correct if over time the damage decreases in size, becomes drier and more superficial. If, on the contrary, the wound increases in size or there is no improvement within 5–7 days, and there is also redness or swelling of the edges, pain, and increased body temperature, then the treatment is not proceeding correctly and it is necessary to consult a surgeon.

The required amount of wound healing agent is applied directly to the wound or on a napkin, but do not touch the tube to the wound.

All wound healing products are stored in a cool, dark place; open packaging is not used for more than 4 weeks.

Types of wound healing drugs

Preparations based on dexpanthenol

  • BEPANTHEN and BEPANTHEN-PLUS, D-PANTHENOL, DEXPANTHENOL, DEPANTHENOL, PANTHENOL-SPRAY. The release forms are also varied: cream; ointment, which, unlike cream, has a thicker base; lotion; solution for external use; aerosol spray for non-contact application to the burn surface.

Dexpanthenol is a provitamin B5, which plays important role in the processes of metabolism and energy in cells; When damaged, the need for it increases sharply. It is known that dexpanthenol stimulates the growth of the epidermis - the upper layer of skin cells and mucous membranes, and also has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. This is manifested by accelerating healing processes and reducing discomfort and pain. It penetrates well and deeply into the skin when applied topically due to its physical properties.

The drugs are approved for use in children from birth.

The cream is used for daily care of skin prone to dryness and cracking, to soften chapped skin, as well as to treat minor abrasions, sunburn, reddened and irritated skin. The drug is easily and quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. Apply it with light rubbing movements to clean, dry skin 1-2 times a day. The cream can be used for a long time.

The ointment is used to treat minor injuries, diaper rash and abrasions, burns mild degree, skin irritations, to accelerate the healing of wounds under a crust or scab, for the treatment and prevention of diaper dermatitis. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the site of injury 1-2 times a day, using a bandage or open method.

With the help of lotion, damage is treated without compromising the integrity of the skin in large areas, for example after sunburn. It has a slight cooling effect. Using a cotton swab, apply the lotion to clean, dry skin 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the damage and averages up to 10–14 days.

Aerosol for external use, for example PANTHENOL-SPRAY, is convenient to apply to damage big size immediately after an injury or burn: it will also relieve pain and burning without retaining heat from the burn; application by spraying will not cause discomfort to the baby. The drug is used once or several times a day, spraying it from a distance of 10–20 cm so that the entire surface of the lesion is covered with foam. Shake the bottle well before use. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease.

The solution will speed up the healing of damage to the baby’s oral mucosa this drug for external use: it must be diluted with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio and applied 2-3 times a day to the site of damage to the mucous membrane, moistening a cotton-gauze swab with the prepared solution.

Preparations based on dexpanthenol are well tolerated, very rarely they can cause an allergic rash and itching; in this case, the drug should be discontinued. These drugs are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, for the treatment of contaminated wounds.

If there is a risk of infection or contamination of the wound, abrasions, or small cuts, you can use BEPANTEN-PLUS cream, which contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine. It will destroy bacteria that have entered the damaged area. A thin layer of cream is applied to the affected surface pre-treated with an antiseptic 1-2 times a day, openly or using a bandage. The cream is approved for children from 1 year. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol.

  • 10% METHYLURACIL OINTMENT contains the active substance METHYLURACIL, which normalizes nucleic acid metabolism, improves tissue nutrition, accelerates the growth and maturation of new epithelium. METHILURACIL also has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. The ointment is approved for children from birth; when applied externally, it is not absorbed into the blood, acting at the site of application. METHYLURACIL OINTMENT is used in complex treatment 1st-2nd degree burns, small superficial and long-healing wounds, diaper rash and inflammatory skin changes. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected area every day 2-3 times a day, no longer than 15-20 days. The ointment is well tolerated; skin allergic reactions or dizziness occasionally occur. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  • ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL for external use have good wound healing properties. The active ingredient in them is an extract from the blood of calves, purified from foreign proteins, in the form of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids. The mechanism of action of these drugs is to locally improve metabolism, increase oxygen consumption, improve blood circulation, which accelerates the healing of damaged skin and mucous membranes. ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL for external use are approved for children from the first days of life. The drugs are used in the complex treatment of 1st-2nd degree burns, including sunburn, as well as frostbite, cuts, abrasions, scratches, cracks and ulcers, and long-term non-healing wounds.

ACTOVEGIN is available in the form of a 20% gel and 5% cream and ointment, SOLCOSERYL - in the form of a gel and ointment. The choice of form depends on the stage of healing of the wound or burn. Treatment begins with the gel: it is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the wound, previously cleaned and treated with an antiseptic, 2-3 times a day for an average of 5 days, using a bandage or open method. The gel creates a protective film on the surface, from which the active substances are locally well absorbed, and at the same time the access of oxygen to the wound is not impeded. At the beginning of gel treatment, the baby may experience local discomfort due to an increase in discharge from the wound: this is not evidence of intolerance to the drug. If the burning sensation continues to bother the baby for more than one day, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor. The use of the gel is continued until granulations form - new bright red tissue at the site of damage and the wound dries out.

When the wound begins to heal and become covered with epithelium, treatment can be continued with 5% ACTOVEGIN cream for a few more days, applying it in a thin, even layer 2–3 times a day, and then with ACTOVEGIN or SOLCOSERYL ointment 1–2 times a day under a bandage or in an open manner until complete wound healing. On average, 14 days of using these products is enough.

The drugs are well tolerated, occasionally side effects in the form of mild itching, allergic rash, urticaria. In this case, the medications are stopped and given to the child antihistamines, for example FENISTIL, ZIRTEK in age dosage.

ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL for external use are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. These drugs should not be mixed with other ointments, as in this case their healing effect, and also apply them to contaminated wounds because they do not contain antimicrobial agents. Cases of overdose are unknown.

In case of damage to the outer shell of the eyes - the conjunctiva and the anterior part eyeball– corneas, you can use special eye forms of ACTOVEGIN or SOLCOSERYL gel: this will speed up healing and reduce the risk of scarring. These forms are approved for use from 1 year. The gel is squeezed out of the tube into the affected eye, 1 drop 3-4 times a day, for a course of up to 7-10 days.

  • Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from the fruits of the sea buckthorn plant. It has the appearance of an orange oily liquid rich in trace elements, fruit acids, flavonoids and carotenoids, which protect cell membranes from damage by free radicals and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues. The oil also has anti-inflammatory, moderate antibacterial effect, softens dry and soothes irritated skin, protects against ultraviolet exposure. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat burns, including sunburn, long-lasting wounds and ulcers, frostbite, diaper rash, and stomatitis. The medicine can be used externally from birth.

After treating the affected area with an antiseptic, apply gauze bandage, moistened with sea buckthorn oil, change it every other day until granulations appear in the wound. Minor damage can simply be lubricated with oil once a day. At the site of its application, the skin is stained Orange color. Sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat stomatitis by lubricating sores on the oral mucosa 2-3 times a day. The oil should be used with caution in children with an allergic predisposition: a rash or redness or a burning sensation may appear at the site of application. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

  • LEVOMEKOL ointment contains CHLORAMPHENICOL, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and METHILURACIL, which accelerates wound healing and has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect at the site of injury. The presence of these two substances simultaneously enhances the effect of each of them. The water-soluble ointment base draws pus from the wound onto itself.

LEVOMEKOL can be used in children from 1 year of age. It is used externally to treat wounds, burns, cuts in case of infection and development of suppuration, to cleanse purulent-necrotic masses and reduce swelling. A sterile gauze pad is impregnated with the ointment and applied to the injury site after treatment with an antiseptic, securing it with a bandage or adhesive plaster. The dressings are changed once a day until the wound is cleared of pus and granulations appear. LEVOMEKOL is well tolerated, occasionally development of allergic reactions as skin rash, in such cases the drug is discontinued. It is contraindicated in case of intolerance to CHLORAMPHENICOL and METHYLURACIL and under the age of 1 year.

  • CONTRACTUBEX is a combination drug for the treatment of scars. It makes them less noticeable or eliminates them completely. Available in gel form in tubes of 20 and 50 g, it contains HEPARIN, ALLANTOIN and onion extract, which promote the proper formation of scar tissue, accelerating its maturation. At the same time, HEPARIN and onion extract dissolve rumen fibrin - component scar tissue. HEPARIN also prevents the formation of new fibrin; ALLANTOIN prevents the formation of a rough scar, making its structure more orderly. The serol base of the gel leaves a thin protective film on the surface of the scar; it protects sensitive scar tissue from damage.

CONTRACTUBEX can be used from birth to treat various scars and scars: large - hypertrophied; keloids - red shiny, constantly increasing in size; atrophic - too tight on the skin. The drug is also used to prevent the formation of irregular scars after operations, injuries and burns.

The sooner you start treatment with the gel, the better and more pronounced the effect will be, so it is recommended to apply the drug a few days after the wound has healed. The gel is applied to the skin only after the wound has completely healed, and not on granulation. Granulation tissue looks fleshy-red, juicy, fine-grained, it is often covered with a cloudy, gray-greenish coating or discharge. Touching it easily causes bleeding due to tenderness and large quantity blood vessels. In later periods, granulations become paler, denser, granularity disappears, the volume of granulation tissue decreases, and finally in its place only a whitish or white-pink dense scar remains. Granulations are difficult to confuse with a keloid scar: the latter usually protrudes above the skin level and has a sharp border with healthy tissue. Often the scarring process is accompanied by itching, pain, and burning. Due to the tendency to constant growth the size of the scar can be several times the size of the wound. If you are unsure whether it is granulation tissue or a scar, you should consult a doctor.

It is better to wipe the scar area first with a cotton swab moistened warm water, or steam a little: then active substances better penetrate deeper. The gel is applied to the surface of the scar 2-3 times a day and rubbed in with gentle massaging movements from the center to the edges until completely absorbed. For large or dense scars, it is advisable to apply a pressure bandage with gel on top. The duration of the course depends on the age of the scars: for fresh scars, 1 month is enough, for old ones – up to 6 months or more, because metabolic processes in the skin occur relatively slowly. Natural ingredients CONTRACTUBEX allows you to use it for a long time without any risk. When treating fresh scars, it is important to avoid ultraviolet irradiation, exposure to cold and intense massage at the site of application.

The drug is well tolerated, very rarely side effects in the form of an allergic rash or itching. If the application regimen is followed, an overdose is impossible. CONTRACTUBEX is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Despite the fact that we do not want to receive various injuries and wounds, no one is immune from this. It is very important to know what means can be used to quickly heal wounds, including traditional medicine

Means for rapid wound healing

Quite a lot of people receive various injuries and wounds. Everyone is susceptible to this and no one is insured against accidents resulting in abrasions, wounds, etc. Most often, children, teenagers, and, of course, people who are actively involved in sports get wounds. The reasons for this may be different, so everyone should know what means promote rapid wound healing.

Wound healing is a rather complex and often long process that demonstrates the human body’s ability to regenerate and restore. Fortunately, there are many various means, thanks to which the wound healing process can be accelerated and at the same time prevent complications. Of course, not a single wound will heal in a couple of days, since the process of its healing proceeds directly according to the laws of our body and, depending on what happens in it, the wounds will also heal.

Wound healing time depends largely on the condition human body, immunity, the presence of diseases and much more. For our part, we can only help our body go through all stages of wound healing as quickly as possible. But to do this, you need to know what affects the rate of wound healing.

External factors affecting wound healing

If you treat the wound immediately and do it correctly, and then select correct treatment, then recovery is possible will go faster. It is necessary to treat the wound immediately after it appears, but this must be done very carefully. Dirt and dead tissue must be removed from it immediately, but the wound itself must not be touched.

It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor after treatment, and if the wound is deep, then this is simply necessary. It will be better if first aid is provided by a specialist, since stitches may be necessary, and doing this yourself is strictly prohibited.

If you see that the wound is not deep and not serious, and you think that you can handle the treatment on your own, treat the skin around the wound with any antiseptic, apply a sterile bandage for the first time, and after a couple of hours, be sure to change the dressing. Make sure that you have bandages, tweezers and scissors at home, which must be constantly treated with alcohol, drugs that promote wound healing and antiseptic solutions.

Keep bandages and plasters in your first aid kit in case of wounds.

Important to know about wound healing

Wound healing directly depends on factors such as the condition of the body as a whole and the presence of diseases. The wound will heal quickly if the body has enough resources for this, including high immunity. But everyone’s body is different, so immunity can be weakened by various reasons. if you have chronic diseases, which slow down the wound healing process, you should not expect a quick effect.

Even if you are completely healthy and have good immunity, if improper treatment wounds and the skin around it, it will still heal more slowly.

Intrinsic factors that slow wound healing

There are a number of diseases in which wounds will heal slowly:


  • obesity;

    dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;

    liver and kidney failure;

    exhaustion of the body (including those caused by diets);



    oncological diseases.

Also to internal factors can be attributed to the state of the body after chemotherapy, and the body of a smoker. Therefore, when healing is slow, it is necessary to undergo an examination in order to identify the reasons for this. The disease must be treated or taken into account when treating wounds, otherwise they will take a long time to heal.

Other factors affecting wound healing

The following factors also have an important influence on the rate of wound healing:

    regularity of dressings (must be done once or twice a day, depending on the type of wound and what agent is used to heal it);

    regular treatment of the skin around the wound (to prevent infection);

    sterility of dressing materials, cleanliness of instruments used (prevention of infection);

    a correctly selected agent that accelerates healing (must include an active substance that stimulates healing and improves tissue nutrition in the wound area);

    when choosing medicine– correct accounting of the state of the injury (use jelly products while the wound is still wet, but when the wound begins to dry out, use ointment products).

Pharmaceutical products that accelerate wound healing

Ointment "Eplan"

This universal remedy, which is used to treat dermatitis, burns, ulcers and wounds. The product has microbicidal properties, thanks to which it actively fights infection. Therefore, this ointment simply needs to be used to treat a fresh wound that has been contaminated. In addition, it has regenerating properties.

Pharmacies sell effective wound treatment products.

It is worth noting that this ointment cannot be used to treat wounds that are bleeding. The ointment has an anticoagulant effect, which means it impairs blood clotting. Eplan can be used to treat wounds in children, since the ointment does not contain antibiotics, toxins or hormones.


This remedy is well suited for treating any wounds. Its use is especially effective on clean wounds that require rapid healing. The ointment must be applied to the wound several times a day in small quantities. It will protect the wound from bacteria and germs entering it, has an analgesic effect, and accelerates the processes of regeneration and metabolism.


This ointment is applied to a non-sterile wound with inflammation and covered with a bandage. The product kills the infection, quickly penetrating to the source of inflammation.


The ointment has excellent wound healing and bactericidal effects. It quickly relieves inflammation, so its use is necessary in the treatment of wounds and burns varying degrees. This product contains two antibiotics - bacitran and neomycin.

Means for rapid healing of wounds from traditional medicine recipes

Just like pharmaceutical ointments, there are also quite a lot of traditional medicine that can be prepared at home. You can prepare an ointment at home that can heal even festering wounds.

You can prepare your own wound healing ointment

Recipe No. 1

You need to take one tablespoon of bloodroot juice and add sixty grams of rendered pork fat to it. The mixture must be mixed, allowed to stand in a warm place for a while, then mixed again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add a teaspoon to the mixture beeswax(natural), and a little propolis. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Leave the mixture in a warm place for two hours, and then place it in the refrigerator so that the ointment becomes thick. Every hour it must be stirred well, then the mixture will thicken evenly. The ointment is applied to the wound under a bandage. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2

Take fresh shoots of St. John's wort, chop them and fill a half-liter jar with them by a third. Add there olive oil and heat the jar in a pan of water for half an hour. The product needs to sit for three days, then drain the oil and carefully squeeze out the herb. Store the oil in the refrigerator and simply moisten the wound with it several times a day.

Recipe No. 3

Peel a large onion and hold it over an open fire until the top layer becomes too black. Then remove this layer, and place the middle of the onion on the open wound, secure with a tight bandage. The bandage must be kept on for 24 hours and, if necessary, the procedure must be repeated several times.

This method is quite effective, since onions cleanse wounds well and restore tissue. For small cuts, you can use the onion film, which is located between its layers. Peel off the thin film and apply to the wound. This will stop the bleeding, have a disinfecting effect and quickly heal the wound.

Recipe No. 4

Take one tablespoon of the following herbs: yarrow, St. John's wort, sweet clover. Mix the herbs, add a little water and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for about half an hour over low heat, then cool. Place the boiled herbs on gauze and apply to the wound as a compress. Keep the lotion on the wound for an hour. Such lotions promote extremely rapid healing of wounds.

Recipe No. 5

Pour alcohol into one tablespoon of calamus root. Let it sit for two weeks in a dark place. Soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply to the wound. This product speeds up healing and prevents infection.

Recipe No. 6

You will need resin coniferous trees, a little beeswax and butter. Grind the resin of coniferous trees into powder and freeze. The wax must be melted in a water bath, and as soon as it begins to thicken, add butter to it and mix well. Add resin to this mixture. This ointment should be stored in the freezer.

There are many more ways to prepare traditional medicine that promote rapid healing of wounds. For example:

    Hydrogen peroxide and aloe. If the wound is not deep and not too dangerous, immediately after it appears, wash the edges with hydrogen peroxide and apply a fresh aloe leaf, just cut and cut lengthwise. Apply a bandage on top and leave overnight. This plant covers the wound with a thin film, first disinfecting it and drawing out purulent formations. Promotes rapid healing.

    Tincture of white lily. Into the dark glass jar Place white lily flowers, fill with vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for ten days. Apply to the wound as a compress.

    Tincture based on birch buds. This remedy can be used effectively for abscesses and long-term non-healing wounds. Fill a third of the bottle with birch buds, fill with vodka to the top and leave for ten days. Lubricate wounds with the resulting tincture.

It is worth remembering that no matter how effective pharmaceutical ointments and folk remedies, a visit to the doctor when wounds appear is necessary.