Is it possible to stimulate ovulation on your own. When stimulation is possible

The inability of a woman to become pregnant becomes a great tragedy for every couple. A woman is literally haunted by the dream of a baby, the thought of her physical inferiority gnaws at her. Unfortunately, today infertility is becoming one of the common problems of married couples.

Who is indicated for stimulation of egg maturation?

If a woman does not ovulate or occurs extremely rarely, ovulation stimulation is undertaken. Thanks to the stimulation of ovulation, thousands of women become mothers every year.

Medical indications for ovulation induction occur when a couple fails to conceive a fetus naturally for a period of more than one year with regular unprotected sex. For couples over the age of 35, this period is reduced to 6 months.

It is very important to carry out ultrasound control of the development of the follicle to obtain the result during the stimulation period, otherwise this procedure is useless. It makes no sense to stimulate ovulation in male infertility.

Carrying out the procedure in the presence of obstruction of the fallopian tubes can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, stimulation of ovulation should be prescribed only after laparoscopy.

Every woman wonders how to properly stimulate ovulation and what methods exist for this.

Medical stimulation

Before the appointment of stimulation, both spouses are sent to medical examination. Successful stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegit is possible when the doctor draws up the most competent protocol for the procedure.

That is, taking medications, taking tests, conducting examinations according to a peculiar schedule, taking into account age and individual characteristics. married couple. The doctor also takes into account how the egg will be used later: for IVF, ICSI, or for fertilization in a natural way.

With the classical scheme, clostilbegit is taken from 5 to 9 days menstrual cycle. With additional stimulation of ovulation with the use of puregon, clostilbegit is prescribed from 3 to 7 days.

The period of admission is accompanied by an ultrasound monitoring of the process of maturation of the follicle. When it reaches 17-18 mm, a woman takes Pregnil and ovulation occurs in 24-36 hours. According to statistics, about 15% of couples manage to get pregnant after ovulation stimulation on the first attempt. The duration and cause of infertility, the age of the woman also play a role.

Stimulation by folk methods

Many women consider the “natural” option of stimulation to be more preferable - taking medicinal herbs. They take upland uterus, red brush leaves and sage to stimulate ovulation, freely sold in every pharmacy. For the maturation of eggs, take 3-4 times a day, 1 table. spoon for one glass of boiling water infusion of sage in the first half of the new cycle.

Drinking an infusion of a boron uterus rich in progesterone begins in the second half of the cycle. The lack of progesterone prevents the fertilized egg from implanting into the cavity of the uterine wall and it dies. In order for ovulation stimulation to be most effective, one must be able to calculate it correctly and the probability of conception will be much higher.

Taking a decoction of rose petals is not only pleasant and tasty, but also healthy. Following folk methods, a man and a woman, when using such a romantic decoction before going to bed, 1 teaspoon each, will definitely be able to conceive a child.

This phenomenon is explained by the content of vitamin E in rose petals, which has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive. Moreover, women prepare a decoction of white and pink rose petals, and men - red and dark pink. To prepare a decoction, 1 table is enough. spoons of petals per 200 ml of boiling water, followed by exposure for 15 minutes in a water bath.

The intake of mummy in combination with juices is positively characterized: sea buckthorn, quince, carrot. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Mixing ratio 1:20.

Vitamin therapy and ovulation stimulation

The need for trace elements and vitamins future mommy should ensure correct and rational nutrition. First of all, a woman must provide the body with folic acid, since its lack in the body can cause intrauterine developmental pathologies. To replenish the body with another essential element - potassium iodide, you should use iodized salt for food.

How to properly stimulate to avoid " unpleasant consequences"? Hormonal preparations contribute to the maturation of a full-fledged egg in the ovaries of a woman. The dosage and selection of drugs to stimulate ovulation are calculated individually and are aimed at the formation of eggs capable of fertilization.

The choice of method for restoring ovulation is determined based on the reason for its absence. And it should be recognized that if at the beginning of treatment the cause of the lack of ovulation was not accurately established, then stimulation is unlikely to give positive result.

When establishing a diagnosis of the absence of ovulation, the graph of the basal temperature of a single cycle cannot be taken as a basis. You need to be guided by several cycles of observation. Otherwise, the prescribed treatment can cause great harm in the future. healthy body. It is better if hormone tests are performed several times to make sure that there is a problem or its absence in this area of ​​the body.

Deviation from the norm of hormones thyroid gland, male hormones and prolactin to start stimulating ovulation is not worth it. You should first bring them back to normal so that they do not interfere with ovulation. Perhaps, with the restoration of the norm of hormones, ovulation will also be restored.

ultrasound monitoring

Based on repeated ultrasound observation. In the presence of an "ideal" 28-day cycle, the first ultrasound is performed on the 8-10th day after the end of the last menstruation. Next, an ultrasound scan is performed at least every two to three days. This frequency is determined by the state of the uterus and ovaries. Stop ultrasound when establishing the fact that ovulation has occurred or with the onset of menstruation.

Before the start of stimulation, no matter what drugs, the results of the husband's spermogram should be on hand, indicating suitability for natural conception. Stimulation in without fail should be strictly controlled by a physician. Constant ultrasound monitoring will allow you to analyze the body's response to the stimulation process and the development of follicles! This is the only way to be sure whether the follicles are growing and whether the process of ovulation occurs.

How ovulation is stimulated, the main stages

If clostilbegit is chosen for stimulation, then on the 5th day it begins to be taken and ends on the 9th. When choosing to stimulate menogon or puregon, the reception begins already from the 2nd day of the cycle and ends somewhere after 10, the exact date the doctor determines based on observations of the stimulation process.

The start date and duration of the stimulation procedure depends on the condition of the patient's ovaries and uterus and is determined directly by the attending physician in each case individually. The first ultrasound, carried out a few days after the start of the stimulation procedure, is followed up in the next two to three days.

Observation is carried out until the follicles reach a size of 20-25 mm. To prevent regression of follicles and exclude the possibility of formation follicular cysts at this stage is assigned hCG injection. The dose selected by the doctor helps to "start" the process of ovulation.

With a favorable course of the process, ovulation begins 24–36 hours after the prescribed hCG injection. After confirming this with an ultrasound examination, injections of progesterone or utrogestan are prescribed for additional "support" corpus luteum ovaries. According to patients, stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegit most often leads to conception.

Given the male factor, the doctor prescribes specific timing and frequency of sexual intercourse and insemination during stimulation. If the spermogram is good, then after the hCG injection, sexual intercourse should be daily or every other day until the end of ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum.

If the use of clostilbegit does not cause ovulation or follicular growth, then it is recommended that after the third unsuccessful course, the treatment methods be reviewed and an additional examination be carried out.

Important: Clostilbegit is not recommended to be used more than 6 times. Abuse of the drug can cause ovarian exhaustion and cause " early menopause". And this will jeopardize further attempts to treat infertility using their own eggs.

With this outcome, you will have to be content with IVF with a donor egg. Being a drug with a pronounced antiestrogenic effect, it is better not to prescribe clostilbegit for the problem of endometrial growth.

Before medical procedures and diagnostics, you should make sure that there are no acute inflammatory processes, which are a contraindication, since they carry the risk of worsening general condition patient.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle in the ovary healthy woman going out to abdominal cavity from the follicle of the egg. If this natural process is violated, ovulation is stimulated using special medications - ovulation inducers. Of the most commonly used drugs to stimulate ovulation, Clostilbegit is known.

Stimulation of ovulation with gonal and menopur replenish hormones endocrine gland pituitary gland and control the process of maturation of the follicle and the onset of ovulation in the woman's body. Available in the form of injections, injections are prescribed to stimulate ovulation intramuscularly or injected subcutaneously. The ovulation stimulation scheme is based on established form violations of ovulation and the period during which the violation is noted.

Ultrasound monitoring during this period avoids the growth of several follicles at the same time. Each examination is accompanied by counting the number of growing follicles, measuring their diameter and determining the thickness of the uterine mucosa.

When the diameter of the leading follicle reaches at least 17 millimeters, Pregnyl comes into play, causing the release of the egg from the follicle. Depending on the specific type of marital infertility, intrauterine insemination is performed with the sperm of a donor or husband, or sexual intercourse is performed.

A positive effect is given by the stimulation of ovulation with a gonal, confirmation of this is the feedback from women who have successfully become pregnant and will soon celebrate the main event in their lives.

The following medical examinations should precede the stimulation of ovulation:

  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B and C;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • Smear (woman);
  • A smear for oncocytology (woman); Crops for the detection of chlamydia, candida, trichomonas, ureaplasma, gardnerella, mycoplasma;
  • patency of the fallopian tubes;

Mandatory condition - conclusion general practitioner about a woman's ability to carry a pregnancy.

The blood is examined for the presence of antibodies, and hence immunity to rubella. Fallopian tube patency is one of the important conditions for pregnancy, fertilization occurs here.

Several methods are used to assess patency:

  • Laparoscopy;
  • Metrosalpingography;
  • Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy.

The assessment method is selected by the attending physician based on the available indications. If inflammation or trauma of the uterine mucosa is detected, intrauterine device perform hysteroscopy of the uterine cavity.

Lack of ovulation can cause:

  1. Violation hormonal balance, the cause of which may be the discontinuation of the use of contraceptives. The body needs some time to full recovery their functions. This may take several months.
  2. Intensive sports, illness, stress and other physical and serious psychological stress.
  3. Excessive thinness and lack of adipose tissue.
  4. Clinical causes such as polycystic ovary and pituitary dysfunction.

Stimulation of ovulation is one of the most common ways in the treatment of infertility. Prior to the procedure, a preliminary examination of the ovaries is carried out in order to identify possible contraindications to stimulation.

As a result of the study, preliminary estrogen therapy may be prescribed or the necessary ovulation stimulation scheme and dosage necessary to create optimal conditions and obtain a successful attempt are built.

With multifollicular ovaries, stimulation of ovulation can lead to multiple pregnancy. This is due to the fact that several enlarged follicles are formed in the ovaries at the same time. Ovaries with many follicles can be observed on ultrasound and at other periods of the cycle.

Follicle development may be delayed when taken hormonal contraceptives, while breastfeeding, adolescence, at dramatic weight loss, obesity, thyroid disorders and other endocrine diseases. Pregnancy with such ovaries is quite compatible and will pass normally in the absence of other disorders.

Some patients identify multifollicular ovaries with the concept of polycystic ovaries. However, the main difference between multifollicular and polycystic ovaries is the normal volume of the ovary.

The number of follicles does not exceed 7-8, the diameter is 4-10 mm, and the blood levels of LH and FSH, insulin, testosterone are within the normal range. Thus, the diagnosis of multifollicular ovaries cannot be considered a disease. Rather, it is a certain condition that is not the cause of infertility, irregular menstruation, etc.

With polycystic ovaries, testosterone and insulin levels are increased. The volume of the ovaries is almost twice as large, the ovarian capsule is thickened. Stimulation of ovulation in polycystic disease includes hormone therapy, which reduces the level of male hormones. Already within the first months after the appointment of the drug, the result is noticeable. Ovulation inducing drugs include clomiphene citrate and metformin.

The problem of infertility is a common problem for a married couple. In half of the cases, the cause lies in male infertility. That is why the examination is prescribed for both spouses. For examination, men conduct a spermogram, which is carried out after 3-5 days of abstinence.

Stimulation of ovulation with IVF

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) took place for the first time in 1978 in England. The method is used for infertility caused by problems with the fallopian tubes, ovulation, sperm quality. IVF is used to conceive a child by women over 45 years old.

The method involves the fertilization of an egg outside the body of a woman, followed by the placement of the embryo in the uterus. Of course, the price of the IVF ovulation stimulation method is the highest compared to other methods.

The main indications for IVF are defects or absence of fallopian tubes. In vitro fertilization is recommended when there is not enough or total absence spermatozoa in male seminal fluid.

Between the 19th and 23rd day of the menstrual cycle, a drug is administered to prepare the woman's body for hormonal stimulation. Next, the follicles are stimulated under constant ultrasound control. When the follicles reach the desired size, a puncture is made and the egg is sent for fertilization. After a few days, the embryo is transferred to the uterus, and after two weeks a pregnancy test is performed.

To minimize possible risks Before IVF treatment, a comprehensive examination is carried out.

The main risks of the IVF procedure:

The drug Klostilbegit is prescribed to stimulate ovulation in women and men for the treatment of oligospermia. Those who stimulated ovulation with clostilbegit confirm that the drug promotes increased production of hormones in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, after which the ovarian function in women stabilizes and causes the maturation of follicles.

Stimulation of ovulation at home

At home, you can experiment with aromatherapy using herbal oils from anise, cypress, basil, sage to stimulate ovulation. When bathing, adding 3-5 drops of rose geranium and lavender oils to the bathroom will help normalize hormonal levels. Such stimulation of ovulation will be less costly than treatment with ovulation stimulating pills.

Stimulation of ovulation must certainly be carried out under the qualified supervision of a physician and be based solely on medical indications. The consequences of illiterate stimulation of ovulation can be extremely complex. The wrong dose of drugs, neglect of the examination can cause irreparable harm to the female body.

Improper stimulation can result in ovarian rupture or early exhaustion. At home, ovulation-stimulating foods should be included in the diet: cereals, quail eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, seeds (linen, sesame, pumpkin). Reviews of women who have undergone ovulation stimulation can be read on numerous forums.


Many couples face certain difficulties in conceiving a child. In 30-40% of cases, the cause of infertility lies in the absence of ovulation.

To stimulate this process doctors prescribe medical preparations and physiotherapy.

However, many women use effective homemade recipes for this purpose. So, how to restore ovulation with folk remedies?

The main reason for this problem is the development of polycystic ovaries. This anomaly leads to the fact that the ovaries begin to work incorrectly, neoplasms appear in them, which prevent the appearance of follicles and the onset of ovulation.

Other factors that lead to problems include the following:

In order to start treatment on time, you need to undergo an examination. To suspect the presence of problems with ovulation, symptoms such as the absence of regular cycle, change in basal temperature.


Before you restore ovulation at home, you should consult a doctor. Can not use folk remedies uncontrolled, because sometimes they lead to undesirable consequences.

On the initial consultation the gynecologist should study the anamnesis and the symptoms present. Depending on the clinical picture, the specialist prescribes additional studies.

Most often, the following procedures are required:

  • smear for oncocytology;
  • blood test;
  • crops.

To assess the condition of the pipes, perform the following studies:

  • laparoscopy;
  • metrosalpingography;
  • transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy.

After the results of such procedures, the doctor will be able to put accurate diagnosis and determine the woman's readiness for conception. If there are any problems, the specialist selects adequate therapy.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to restore ovulation. Hormones are used to improve reproductive function. They are found not only in medicines ah, but also in herbs.

Women who are contraindicated in medicines may well use effective home recipes.. However, there are certain peculiarities in this matter:

As with the standard drug therapy, in the treatment of folk remedies, it is necessary to take tests on the appointed days. This will help keep track hormonal background. Ultrasound is important.

How to establish a cycle and restore ovulation? To do this, you need to go through the following steps:

  • sage is responsible for the formation of follicles;
  • to ensure the maturation of the dominant follicle, elder flowers are used;
  • rosemary and psyllium seeds can be used to rupture a mature follicle and release an egg.

If, after carrying out these measures, pregnancy has occurred, medicinal plants are used that contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels, correct work corpus luteum and preparation of the endometrium for implantation.

To do this, in the second phase of the cycle, a red brush, a boron uterus, and a cuff are most often used.

Effective folk recipes

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to restore ovulation without hormones.. To avoid the use of synthetic drugs, you can use effective folk recipes.


If there is no ovulation, how to restore it? For this purpose, herbalists recommend using sage. This plant contains natural hormones - phytoestrogens. They are similar to female sex hormones.

For the manufacture of medicinal tincture you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, place in a thermos and add a glass of hot water. The container should be tightly closed and left to infuse for half an hour.

To enhance the effect of sage, you can add linden flowers. They also contain natural estrogen. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of linden flowers to the sage tincture.

Take the composition of 1 tablespoon three times a day. The treatment course is recommended to start on the 5th day of the cycle and continue for 10-14 days. If pregnancy does not occur, therapy is continued for another 3 months.

The effectiveness of the procedure increases if freshly squeezed juice is taken within 2 weeks after menstruation.. This product should be drunk 1 teaspoon twice a day. It is recommended to do this on an empty stomach.


To restore ovulation, you can use a decoction of psyllium seeds.

To prepare it, you should take 1 small spoonful of raw materials and a glass of water. Seeds need to be mixed with water and put on a small fire. When the composition boils, it should be cooked for another 5 minutes.

Then it is recommended to remove the mixture from the stove, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Strained means take 1 tablespoon at night. It is recommended to do this 3 weeks immediately after the start of the menstrual cycle.

Plantain baths are also great for restoring ovulation.. To make a decoction, you need to take 50 g of roots and leaves this plant, add hot water and leave to infuse for 40 minutes.

This bath is taken daily for 2 weeks. Treatment can be extended for another 3-4 cycles.

Rose petals

Another popular means to stimulate ovulation are rose petals. It contain a large number of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on ovarian function.

For the preparation of tincture, you can use dry or fresh petals. They may be red or pink. So, 20 g of fresh raw materials need to be poured with 1 glass cold water and put on a steam bath.

A quarter of an hour after boiling, the mixture must be removed from the stove, covered with a lid and infused for 45 minutes. Strained composition take 1 small spoon at night. The course of therapy should last 1-2 months.

upland uterus

This plant is also called ortilia lopsided.. It contains many phytoestrogens, which contribute to the restoration of hormonal levels.

For cooking useful composition you need to put 50 g of dry raw materials in a thermos and add a couple of glasses of hot water. After 1 hour, the composition can be filtered and consumed in half a glass after meals.

Ramishia lopsided

This plant can be used for the prevention and treatment of many female pathologies.. Therefore, it must be used in combination with other means to restore ovulation.

For the manufacture of useful product you need to take 3 tablespoons of grass, place in a thermos and add 400 ml of hot water. Leave for 8 hours to infuse, then strain. Drink half a glass of decoction three times a day after meals.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage, since there are appearances adverse reactions . The course of application of plants is 3 menstrual cycles. Then you need to take a break for 2 months.

Healing procedures

There are quite a few procedures that help restore ovulation and speed up the onset of conception.

The use of therapeutic mud helps to cope with many female pathologies..

Thanks to this procedure, you can stimulate hormonal activity, cope with inflammation and accelerate the restoration of reproductive functions.

To carry out mud therapy, it is not at all necessary to go to a sanatorium. Today, mud is quite possible to buy at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Mud is considered the most effective resort town saki. Before use, the product must be heated to 38-44 degrees and applied in accordance with the instructions.

They are applied as applications or injected into the vagina. This must be done in the first phase of the cycle.

This method perfectly restores ovulation and increases the chances of conceiving a child. Inhalation of aromas of essential oils helps to strengthen the synthesis of sex hormones. It is best to use basil, cypress, sage and anise for this purpose.

Baths with the addition of rose geranium or lavender oil help to restore the balance of hormones - you need to use only 3-5 drops.

Jasmine oils are also suitable, rosewood . To achieve maximum effect, oils need to be alternated and mixed.

Not less than effective procedure self-massage of the abdomen is considered. It is performed from day 4 to day 14 of the cycle using oil. clary sage, roses, neroli, geraniums.


To stimulate ovulation, it is worth taking baths with kelp. This algae can be purchased at every pharmacy. Raw materials are pre-soaked in a glass of hot water.

When the product swells, it can be added to the bath. The procedure is carried out for approximately 20 minutes.

No less useful additive for baths will be an infusion made from plantain leaves and roots.. To do this, take 50 g of dry leaves and roots, add 1 liter of hot water and insist.

Add strained product to bathing water. This must be done in the first phase of the cycle.

To restore ovulation, it is very important to establish a diet. To stimulate the production of estrogen in the diet, it is recommended to include the following products:

  • dates;
  • apples;
  • beet;
  • legumes;
  • cucumbers;
  • grenades;
  • tomatoes.

It is very useful to put seeds in ready meals.. To stimulate ovulation, you can use pumpkin, flax or sesame seeds.

It is important to consider that some foods inhibit the production of estrogen. This category includes citrus fruits, cabbage, Wheat flour, melon, pear, pineapple. Also this group includes figs, pears, peeled rice.

Women who become pregnant after ovulation stimulation should give up coffee, strong tea, and alcoholic beverages. Smoking is also prohibited.

It is not possible to restore the menstrual cycle in the presence of beriberi. Vitamins should be supplied to the female body with food and as part of special preparations.

It is especially important to consume folic acid, since its lack can cause intrauterine pathologies.

Vitamin E is important. Also in the diet should be present iodized salt. It contributes to the replenishment of potassium iodide. When choosing vitamin complex it is worth dwelling on drugs designed specifically for pregnant women.


There are certain situations where the use of medicinal plants is prohibited.

The main contraindications include the following:

  • inflammatory pathologies of the uterus and appendages;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • the formation of tumors;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infertility of unknown origin.

Relative contraindications include age. Many women over 35 experience hormonal imbalances.. Therefore, any substances containing phytohormones should be taken very carefully after consulting a doctor.

After uncontrolled stimulation of ovulation, there is a risk negative consequences for good health. These include ovarian failure. There is also a risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Restoration of ovulation is quite acceptable to carry out with the help of folk remedies. There are quite a few medicinal plants that help normalize hormonal balance and speed up pregnancy.

However, they are allowed to be used only after consulting a gynecologist.

Ovulation stimulation is considered the most common and popular way to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy. But it has its pros and cons.

We will talk about how the artificial stimulation of natural processes for a woman takes place, what drugs are used and what results can be achieved in this material.

What it is?

Every or almost every month in the body of a healthy woman capable of conception, ovulation occurs. After menstruation during the first half of the cycle, which lasts approximately 14 days, follicles mature in the ovaries. One of them, the dominant one, bursts in the middle of the cycle and releases an egg ready for fertilization.

Ovulation and subsequent periods are usually separated by 14 days. If the cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation should be expected on the 14th day of the cycle if the individual characteristics are such that the cycle has a duration of 30 days, then ovulation occurs on the 16th day; with a cycle of 32 days, ovulation usually occurs on the 18th day.

Ovulation Calculator

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High chance of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the mean value is frequent, so the calculation is approximate.

Also along with calendar method you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone.

You can definitely set the day of ovulation through folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human Physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. TKACHENKO. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

But this is ideal, but in practice small deviations from the rules are acceptable.

The release of the egg occurs within one hour, then for another day it retains the ability to fertilize and waits for the sperm in fallopian tube. Conception is only possible during ovulation., because the process of egg release is regulated by the pituitary gland, which begins to produce luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

Under the influence of FGS (a hormone that stimulates the growth of follicles) in the first half of the cycle, an increase in the follicle occurs, under the action of luteinizing hormone (LH) in sufficient short time manages to mature the egg itself inside it.

After the egg is released, it slowly moves through the tube towards the uterine cavity. If fertilization occurs, then the embryo descends into the uterus, and if conception did not happen, then the egg also descends into the uterus and dies there within a day.

As a result of hormonal failure, ovarian dysfunction, and for a number of other reasons, the cycle provided by nature can be disrupted, and therefore a woman can experience anovulatory cycles, that is, cycles without ovulation.

These can be cycles when the egg does not mature, or matures, but does not leave the follicle. In this case, it is impossible for a woman to get pregnant naturally.

Doctors come to the rescue, who can stimulate the ovaries to plan pregnancy. Most often this is done using hormone therapy.

Stimulation of ovulation gives a real chance for conception to couples who have not been able to get pregnant on their own for a long time. The procedure belongs to the category of assisted reproductive technologies.

Indications - for whom is it performed?

This method annually helps tens of thousands of women to find the joy of motherhood. First of all, stimulation is indicated for women with polycystic ovaries, with different manifestations their dysfunctions, including age-related ones. Medical artificial stimulation of ovulation is usually not for women over 40.

With complaints about the inability to get pregnant, a woman turns to a gynecologist. The doctor studies not only the state of her reproductive organs, but also the features of the menstrual cycle. Such diagnostics include the mandatory monitoring of follicle maturation using ultrasound diagnostics.

If this examination shows that ovulation is not occurring, preparation for stimulation begins.

The main indication for drug stimulation of the ovaries is the absence of pregnancy during the year, provided that the spouses are not protected and live a regular sexual life. If the spouses (especially a woman) are already 35 years old or more, then the waiting period for conception in a natural way is reduced to six months.

The procedure is contraindicated in women suffering from obstruction of the fallopian tubes.: Otherwise, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. Also stimulation is not given to patients with inflammatory processes in the ovaries and other pelvic organs.

Another indication for stimulation is the absence of menstruation, which arose against the background of hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency.

The reason for the procedure may be preparation for IVF or intrauterine artificial insemination - insemination. Doctors are usually quite successful in stimulating the multifollicular ovaries, and there are stimulation schemes for endometriosis.

At hormonal disruptions, when ovulation is often "late", stimulates late ovulation.

Also procedure is indicated for women with significant violations metabolism, which is manifested by obesity or, conversely, underweight, because under these conditions it is often impossible for a couple to get pregnant on their own.

Methods of artificial stimulation

There are many ways to support ovarian function and help ovulation occur.

In addition to drugs, pills and injections as part of hormone therapy, which is used to restore the ovaries and provoke the release of an egg from a mature follicle, folk remedies that women practice at home are widespread. These are herbs, mud therapy, vitamin therapy and some physiotherapy procedures, such as acupuncture.

Some even practice yoga for conception. Some asanas (poses), according to women, complement well complex treatment and contribute to the improvement of the whole organism as a whole and reproductive system in particular.

Despite the huge number of recommendations and ways to achieve what you want, the main method with proven effectiveness, in which the effect is to a lesser extent explained by the usual fortunate combination of circumstances, is medical hormonal stimulation.

How is drug stimulation, preparation

After a woman visits a doctor, she and her partner are recommended to undergo a detailed examination to establish the true cause of family infertility. The woman is assigned the whole complex laboratory tests from general and detailed blood and urine tests to blood tests for infections, including sexually transmitted ones.

It is necessary to do a blood test for hormones(lutenizing, follicle-stimulating, progesterone, prolactin and a number of others, if the doctor considers it necessary).

woman mandatory ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands. Sometimes a laparoscopic diagnosis may be required to make sure that the fallopian tubes are patent.

The woman's sexual partner takes blood tests for infectious diseases, genital infections, and also undergoes a spermogram to determine the quality of his germ cells, since with male infertility, without exception, all ovulation stimulation schemes will not give any result.

If a pathology inside the uterus is suspected, hysteroscopy is performed.

As soon as the first stage, diagnostic, is left behind, the second stage begins - the treatment of existing inflammatory diseases and hormonal imbalance. Sometimes at this stage, a woman manages to get pregnant., since the pathologies that caused her failures in the ovulatory cycle, in most cases, can be treated.

Women with overweight or its deficiency (weight less than 45 kilograms), a course of body weight correction is prescribed. According to the observations of specialists, it is sometimes enough for a patient to reduce her weight by only 10% in order for ovulation to begin to occur on its own.

The third stage is stimulation itself. Ovulation stimulation protocol schemes can be different. The doctor determines the specific drug, its dosage, duration and frequency of administration in individually taking into account the age, weight and gynecological history of the patient.

Sometimes the turn does not reach the hormones. Pregnancy occurs before the third stage in the event that a woman manages to completely reconsider her attitude to unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Fear, anxiety, worries, grief, disappointment at the psycho-physical level trigger the blocking of estrogen production, so ovulation does not occur.

If a woman learns to properly relate to failures, to perceive them as a temporary phenomenon and extremely harmful to her health, the ovulatory cycle is often restored without medication at all.

On the initial stage doctors try to prepare the endometrium of the uterus. At thin endometrium conception, even if it occurs, may not lead to pregnancy, because it will be difficult for the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. For preparation, a course of treatment with preparations of female sex hormones is carried out.- Proginova is used, external preparation"Divigel" and other drugs that contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

As a rule, from the 5th day of the cycle, special preparations are prescribed, at the same time, doctors monitor the maturation of the follicle by ultrasound.

Activities should begin immediately after the end of menstruation.

It is possible that a woman will have to visit the ultrasound diagnostic room from the 10th day of the menstrual cycle every day. As soon as one of the follicles reaches a size of 17-18 mm, stimulation can be carried out and after 24-36 hours, expect the onset of the cherished moment - ovulation itself.

Still in preparation woman must donate blood hormonal analysis in order to determine the level of AMH- Anti-Müllerian hormone, which is "produced" by the growing structures of the follicles.

If a woman's own AMH level is low, the ovarian response to stimulation will be weak and the effectiveness of the protocol will be significantly reduced. The level of this hormone during examination in dynamics will also allow doctors to see the effectiveness of stimulation and prevent excessive hyperstimulation.

You can stimulate the ovaries up to three times in a row, that is, for three cycles. If conception does not occur, a break is required so that the ovaries can rest from the "hormonal attack" and recover. During this time, the man and woman visit the doctor again, who can make adjustments to the treatment regimen.

A total of 5-6 pacing cycles are considered acceptable.. If they did not bring results, the method is recognized as ineffective for this pair., they are recommended other assisted reproductive techniques, including surrogate motherhood, the removal of mature healthy eggs from the ovaries with subsequent in vitro fertilization, fertilization of a donor egg with the husband’s sperm, etc. It all depends on the true causes of infertility and whether a woman develops her own healthy germ cells.

It is not worth insisting on continuing to stimulate ovulation, after 5-6 courses there is a high probability of irreversible exhaustion of the ovaries, their premature aging.

To stimulate ovulation, you do not have to go to the gynecological hospital. A woman can stay at home, in her usual conditions. She must strictly adhere to the prescribed schedule of visits to the doctor for ultrasound control, and also take all prescribed drugs in full accordance with the indicated individual dosage.

Drugs - list

All drugs that are included in the schemes of ovulation stimulation protocols are divided into two large groups:

  • follicle growth stimulants;
  • ovulation triggers.

The first ones are prescribed from the 5th day of the cycle (immediately after menstruation), and the triggers are introduced one-time - when the ultrasound shows the complete readiness of the follicle to release an egg. They imitate the release of luteinizing hormone, under the influence of which the egg quickly matures and leaves the follicle.

After ovulation has taken place, drugs are prescribed that help the ovaries maintain the functions of the corpus luteumso that pregnancy, if it occurs, can develop normally. Let's look at the drugs of all these groups in more detail.

"Klostilbegit" ("Clomiphene citrate", "Clomid")

This drug is widely known to women planning a pregnancy, as it has proven itself as a means of stimulating the ovulatory process. The drug is a stimulant for the formation and growth of follicles in the ovaries.

In certain doses, it helps the production of follicle-stimulating hormone FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH) and gonadotropins. The tool is available in the form of tablets.

There are no general recommendations on the dosage regimen of the drug, because the dose depends on how the ovaries will respond to taking this medication - it can be reduced or increased at the discretion of the attending physician.

If a woman's menstruation occurs fairly regularly, there are no long-term failures, then treatment with Clomid begins on the 5th day of the cycle (count from the first day of menstruation). According to one of the common schemes, the drug is taken every day for five days, in this case, ovulation is expected presumably from the 11th to the 15th day of the cycle.

If there is no ovulation, then in the next cycle another scheme is introduced, in which the drug must be taken from the 5th day of the cycle for 5 days, but at a double dosage.

If both schemes do not show results, treatment is interrupted for three months, after which the course may be repeated..

For each course, a woman should not take more than 750 mg of the drug. After the second course, if it did not bring the long-awaited result, treatment with Clomid is recognized as completely ineffective and other methods of assisted reproductive plan are chosen.

Side effects of the drug can cause discomfort to a woman. This is nausea, vomiting, flatulence, headache, increased drowsiness, inhibition of movements and mental reactions, therefore, for the duration of treatment, a woman is advised to refuse to drive a car and work associated with high risks to life.

Many women, while taking Clomid, notice that they are overcome by a depressive mood, their sleep and appetite are disturbed. There may be pain in the lower abdomen, slight pain in the chest, white liquid discharge from the genitals.

"Klostilbegit", like other drugs that stimulate follicular growth, increase the risk of subsequent onset of multiple pregnancy. Many women note that during the treatment they gain some weight.

Analogues of this remedy are Clomiphene, Serofen, Serpafar.


This nonsteroidal drug also enhances FSH production and promotes ovulation However, experts consider it more effective than Clomiphene, although Clomiphene remains the first choice.

Letrozole has significantly fewer side effects which makes it more pleasant to take. In addition to the regulation of hormones, the drug improves the condition of the endometrium. There are also several schemes by which this remedy can be taken in tablets.

In the first case, 2.5 mg is prescribed from the third day of the cycle for five days; in the second scheme, a woman is recommended to drink the drug from the fifth day of the cycle at a dose of 5 mg.

The best results are shown by the use of this tool in the composition complex therapy: on the second to sixth day of the cycle, "Letrozole" is prescribed at a dosage of 2.5 or 5 mg per day, then from the 7th to the 10th day of the cycle, the woman is injected with FSH in injections, and then an injection of hCG is given at a dosage of 10,000 units, as soon as dominant follicle reaches the desired size according to ultrasound (from 18 mm).

Analogues of the drug - "Letrosan", "Femara".


This drug also belongs to the group of drugs, stimulate the growth and development of follicles in the ovaries in the first half of the menstrual cycle. It contains a recombinant hormone, which, thanks to the efforts of genetic engineers, was obtained from the ovary cells of female Chinese hamsters.

The drug is administered subcutaneously, it is sold in special syringe pens that are easy to use. "Gonal-F" is prescribed in the event that stimulation with the first drug in the order of appointment - "Klostilbegit" is ineffective.

Similar actions of this drug are typical for many hormonal drugs - these are headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and lethargy, lack of tone, dryness in the vagina, changes in appetite, insomnia. Sometimes women report diarrhea, a temporary blurred vision, the appearance acne, weight gain.

The agent is injected subcutaneously. The doctor will make the first injection, and the subsequent woman will be able to inject herself yourself at home.

The stimulation course begins in the first days of the cycle and lasts up to 11-14 days. The dose of administration is determined by the doctor, usually starting with 75-10 IU and gradually increasing the dosage.

With each subsequent injection, a woman needs to choose a new injection site, do not inject into one zone.

Analogues of the drug - "Horagon", "Ovitrel".


This preparation can also be used for the initial preparation of the follicles in the first half of the cycle. It is available in the form of a powder for solution for injection, as a ready-to-use solution and a solution in cartridges. The liquid is administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously. The drug in the "pen" is administered in only one way - subcutaneously.

The drug contains recombinant FSH from the same Chinese hamster, which in many respects outperforms FSH obtained from human urine. It is safer and easier to carry.

Under its influence, several follicles begin to actively grow in the ovaries of women, which can then be used in any of the assisted reproductive methods.

The dose depends on how the patient's ovaries will "respond" to the impact.. Daily monitoring of ultrasound and the determination of estrogen in the blood will help the doctor to have a good idea of ​​​​what exactly is happening in the woman's gonads, and not to miss the moment of ovulation.

The initial dose is 50 IU, then, if there is no ovarian response, the dosage is increased daily and monitored when the response appears. Treatment begins on the second day of the menstrual cycle, it lasts about 7-14 days (it all depends on when it is possible to achieve growth of follicles and an increase in the concentration of estadiol in the blood). The stimulation is completed by an injection of hCG at a dose suitable for ovulation induction (usually 10,000 IU).

Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

This drug is obtained from the urine of pregnant women, since this hormone is produced in large quantities in the initial period of bearing a baby - most intensively up to 12 weeks. An injection of this remedy in a dosage of 5000 to 10000 IU is used in order for the very fact of ovulation to occur so that the egg can leave the follicle stimulated in the first stage.

Then the drug can be administered every two days until the date of the expected menstruation, in order to maintain the functions of the corpus luteum, which produces sex hormones, which are necessary to maintain pregnancy.

If pregnancy is confirmed, hCG can also be used subsequently up to 10-11 weeks if there is a risk of miscarriage due to low intrinsic hCG levels.

If a woman has a threat or fact of ovarian hyperstimulation on ultrasound, then they refrain from using hCG. It is also not recommended to use chorionic gonadotropin for women with kidney and liver pathologies.

Among the side effects of the drug are irritability and mood swings, headaches, drowsiness. HCG also increases the chance of conceiving twins or triplets, and this fact cannot be ignored when planning a pregnancy.

The analogue of the drug is "Pregnil".

Dydrogesterone (Dufaston)

This is a popular hormonal drug, most importantly active substance which is an analogue of progesterone. The tool can be indispensable in the second half of the menstrual cycle, because it helps to maintain pregnancy, promotes proper implantation, regulates many processes, setting the woman's body to a new state for her.

Duphaston has no effect on ovulation, but here after it, it becomes very important, because it strengthens the possible positive result of stimulation. The drug does not affect the growing embryo, and therefore its use in the first weeks and months of pregnancy is not prohibited, and sometimes recommended.

The dosage is prescribed individually depending on the result of a blood test for progesterone, as well as the purpose of the intake - pills can be prescribed not only to control the level of the hormone, but also to prevent the threat of miscarriage, to prevent miscarriage, if such facts have previously occurred.

From "Duphaston" women do not get fat, do not lose concentration, and therefore can continue to drive a car without restrictions while taking this drug.

Vitamins to stimulate ovulation

Vitamin preparations included in standard schemes treatment of women and male infertility. When stimulating ovulation, taking vitamins is indicated 1-2 months before the cycle chosen for stimulation, as well as throughout the entire time that stimulation is in progress, and then until pregnancy is confirmed.

Sometimes in order to establish regular ovulation, it is enough to adjust a woman's lifestyle, her diet and prescribe her vitamins, so vitamin support at the stage of pregnancy planning is of great importance.

Vitamins D, A, B12, B 9, E, C are especially important for the normalization of ovulatory cycles:

  • Vitamins D and D 3 involved in the production of sex hormones in women.
  • Without vitamin A the development of the follicle is not bypassed, in addition, retinol is involved in the normalization of the composition of cervical mucus.
  • Vitamin E participates in cellular processes, helps the maturation of the egg, contributes to its release beyond the follicle.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves blood circulation, which contributes to the enrichment of the ovaries with useful substances.
  • B vitamins, especially folic acid, regulate the duration of the luteal phase of the cycle, and also increase the viability of the egg.

In some cases, when women are wary of medications or hormone treatment has not brought the desired result, ovulation stimulation is practiced with folk remedies, by using decoctions or infusions of herbs that contain phytohormones and can affect the function of the reproductive system.

Features of ovulation stimulation with folk remedies

Ovulation is the main process in female body. With a regular menstrual cycle, when all sex hormones work in harmony, the processes occur rhythmically. But if the production of at least one of them is disrupted, a failure occurs, and substitutes for natural hormones are often used to restore it. These can be obtained not only from synthetic drugs, but also in the form of herbs, roots, etc.

Before herbal treatment you need to know:

  • your hormones by surrendering necessary analyzes and to pinpoint the essence of the problem;
  • contraindications;
  • cannot be taken at the same time hormonal drugs;
  • do not expect a quick effect from treatment, usually minimum exchange rate lasts 3 months;
  • in the process of taking herbs, control the content of hormones by donating blood and conducting ultrasound in 1-3 months;
  • do not take during menstruation;
  • continue treatment from 15 to 25 days;
  • taking all herbs no more than 3 courses;
  • decoctions are prepared only in a water bath;
  • for infusions, use hot water of 70-80 degrees, and not boiling water.

Women who have had ovulation stimulation with folk remedies give positive reviews in most cases, but everyone agrees that it is not worth treating yourself without a doctor's supervision. Despite the name - folk remedies, they need to be taken under supervision, and for control, take tests and undergo an ultrasound examination.

If you decide to apply this method treatment, first of all consult with your gynecologist on this issue. A qualified doctor will first prescribe full examination, to find out the reason for the violation of the level of hormones. Then he will design for you best option, will pick up desired course stimulation, appoint the dates of control.

Sage to start ovulation

In the first phase, the treatment is carried out with herbs that support the growth of the follicle and contribute to its rupture and the "birth" of the cell.

Among them, sage is known, used in ancient egypt to increase the reproductive function of a woman and strengthen her health. Now it is known as the "grandmother's" remedy for the treatment of infertility.

Sage contains the phytohormone estrogen and therefore they are treated after blood secretions. More often, an infusion of its dried leaves is recommended, a collection of which is better to buy at a pharmacy. The dose is determined by the doctor. Usually this is a couple of spoons several times a day. To enhance the effect, you can add linden flowers to the infusion, brewing together in one container.

Essential oil sage helps eliminate irregular or scanty periods when rubbed in the form of a light massage in the lower abdomen from 4 to 14 days of the cycle.

Apply sage in such situations:

  • with a lack of estrogen;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disruptions in the menstrual rhythm;
  • to maintain the tone of the uterus;
  • in the treatment of sexual impotence in men;
  • in the treatment of nervous and mental diseases.

Contraindications for use are:

  • kidney disease;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • thyroid disease;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is possible to use a decoction of rose petals, which contains a large amount of vitamin E. It is believed that this drug is also useful for men. Therefore, a decoction of red or dark pink petals is prepared for them, and white or pink for women.

Stimulates ovulation decoction or infusion of plantain seeds, elderberry flowers, rosemary, etc. Useful at this stage is mummy with sea buckthorn, quince or carrot juice, as well as a mixture of aloe leaves, butter and lard.

Upland uterus - preparation for pregnancy

In the second phase, the upland uterus herb is used, which contains the phytohormone progesterone. It stabilizes the hormonal background, supports fertilization and helps attachment. gestational sac. Consumed in the form of a decoction or infusion.

Contraindications to its use are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • stomach diseases;
  • pregnancy (you can not drink, so as not to provoke a miscarriage);
  • lactation.

Upon admission, you may experience side effects in the form of migraine, weakness, nausea, heaviness in the stomach. If they do not disappear after 1-2 days from the start of the course, then the treatment will have to be stopped.

During this period of time, the red brush grass is also used, which enhances the action of the boron uterus. The cuff is prescribed to regulate the growth of the corpus luteum.

Sometimes for some couples the struggle for the little one is long. And it begins long before the intended conception. The reasons are different, but one of the main ones is the lack of ovulation in a woman.

Remember everything. Human Anatomy Grade 9

Who teaches biology in 9th grade? Practically - no one, unless the teacher is knowledgeable, demanding and strict. But in vain!

What is ovulation in a Homo sapiens female? Even before the moment of birth, a certain number of future eggs are laid in the ovaries of a woman.

A girl is born, grows and reaches puberty. Menstruation begins. Normal female cycle is from 21 to 35 days.

Ideally, in this interval, 1 follicle matures in turn in one of the ovaries. On the 12-15th day, the follicle bursts and an egg comes out of it. Under normal circumstances and close acquaintance with a nimble sperm, after 9 months we get a screaming and squeaking, but so dear and beloved, result.

But this is ideal! If there is no ovulation, it is impossible to get pregnant. The question arises how to induce ovulation? The answer is simple - you need to see a doctor and find out the reasons why the egg is not released.

Indications for ovarian stimulation

The procedure is shown:

  • Women who have a regular sexual life during the year without using contraceptives. In this case, it is not possible to get pregnant. The reasons for anovulation have not been elucidated.
  • Hormonal imbalance that cannot be treated with drugs.
  • Before the IVF procedure. Contraindications for ovarian stimulation

Exist certain rules carrying out the procedure:

  • The age of the woman is not older than 35 years.
  • Already made 6 attempts.
  • Diseases that call into question the normal course of pregnancy. These include oncological diseases, adhesive process in the pelvic organs.

Where to go - to the gynecologist or to drink weed?

It is important that any woman understands, no matter what choice she makes - to turn to official or traditional medicine - before stimulating ovulation, both she and her husband need to undergo a complete medical examination.

Selection medical preparations matter is individual. And don't ask your friend for advice.

How to induce ovulation with medication? So, medicines:

  • Gonal, puregon is a synthetic analogue of follicle-stimulating hormone.
  • Crostilbegit - works in conjunction with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The effect of the drug occurs at the level of the central nervous system.

Drugs should be taken under the supervision of the attending physician. Classic scheme suggests that the woman starts taking medicinal product 5 to 9 days of the menstrual cycle.

The development of the follicle is monitored by ultrasound. Immediately before the release of the egg, the drug "Pregnil" is prescribed.

If in the first cycle it was not possible to become pregnant, then the dose of the drug is increased. With each cycle, the probability successful conception increases. The probability of conception on the 3rd month of stimulation is 90%.

Ovulation stimulation can be carried out medically for 3 cycles in a row. Then a break is taken so that the body can recover.

Folk remedies! Maybe not worth it?

Activists can be seen hitting their chests on various forums traditional medicine. What some prescriptions can be used, but under the supervision of the attending physician.

How to stimulate ovulation folk methods? You can drink herbs that contain natural phytoestrogens. These are sage, plantain leaves and aloe.

Herbs are brewed according to classical technology - 1 cup of boiling water is required for 1 teaspoon of raw materials. Pour over and leave to cool completely.

In the second half of the cycle, they drink a decoction of the beaver uterus - an analogue female hormone progesterone. Some note the positive effect of the mummy.

But I repeat! Any medicinal herbs are also medicines with their indications and contraindications. Therefore, we do any experiments on ourselves, having previously agreed with the attending physician. Since only the gynecologist is responsible for the prescribed treatment and possible consequences!

What can you do on your own?

  • Proper nutrition - less sweets, more vegetables and fruits.
  • Physical activity. Any - running, aerobics, just walking from work or up the stairs.
  • Don't worry and sleep.
  • Take any vitamin complexes.
  • Iodized salt should be in the diet. But, if a woman has thyroid disease, then this item should also be agreed with the endocrinologist.

Sometimes, to get pregnant, you just need to calm down and start enjoying life. And nature will not keep you waiting!