Nootropic drugs that improve nutrition and blood circulation in the brain - a list of the most effective with prices. Nicotinic acid preparations

Human brain - bright light evolution. It is thanks to him that we are realized as intelligent, multifaceted beings. However, what exalts can also destroy: after all, human brain- fragile. There are high chances that its damage will lead to both a change in the personality itself and in its communication with the outside world.

One of the vulnerabilities of the brain is the circulatory system. Powerful arteries supply it with oxygen and nutrients in large volumes, and in tissues they are delivered by vessels and capillaries. But there are a number of reasons that change the blood supply to the brain for the worse:

  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood viscosity (hyperviscose syndrome);
  • thrombophilia;
  • hypertension;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • intoxication of the body and many others.

Unfortunately, there are many other ways to disrupt the blood circulation in the brain and lead to full list- impossible. This is due to the “rich” list of diseases that in one way or another affect the nervous system. It can be difficult even for specialized doctors - neurologists - to separate cause from effect.

Let's give main reasons to make a visit to the doctor urgent:

  • constant headache;
  • lightheadedness and fainting;
  • pain in the eyes, blurred vision;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, fast fatiguability and chills.

These symptoms indicate that the nervous system has come under attack.

Please note: some signs are similar to those of a common cold or poisoning! Because the “picture” of the disease is so blurry for the average person, it is very easy to miss the onset of problems with blood supply to the brain.

To identify the causes of discomfort, it is often necessary not only a visual examination by a specialist and anamnesis, but also specific studies. For example, it is necessary to correctly determine the degree of damage and identify the affected areas of the brain. For this, they can give a referral for MRI, rheoencephalography (REG), echoencephalography, Doppler ultrasound (USDG), etc. In addition, a number of possible additional research and consultations with doctors of other specializations (psychiatrist, cardiologist, etc.).

Treatment of cerebral blood flow is carried out by medication. Traditional methods special diets And correct mode life - can only enhance the effects of pills, but not replace them. At the same time, a doctor must prescribe the prescription: since the brain is too important for a human being, and its damage can become irreversible.

To improve blood circulation in the brain, there are 4 main groups of drugs:

  1. Vasodilators. These include antispasmodics, calcium channel blockers (dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamines, benzothiazapines) and others. The disadvantage of most of these drugs is the lack of selective action on a specific area. Vasodilating drugs based on Vinca minor and Ginkgo biloba extract have a more targeted effect on cerebral blood flow.
  2. Blood thinners and preventing platelet aggregation (sticking together). The most famous medicines series are produced on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid or banal aspirin.
  3. Psychostimulants. Their task is to “accelerate” the activity of neurons and restore broken connections between them. They have a large number of contraindications and addictive effects. Dispensed strictly according to prescription and taken exactly as prescribed.
  4. Nootropics. They are capable of restoring cell membranes, locally improving metabolism, stimulating blood vessels and capillaries, and activating regenerative processes.

Each group of drugs is not a panacea, and their positive properties are complemented by negative ones: taking such drugs arbitrarily is a big health risk.

Find out how to clean the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies. Simple and effective methods.

The causes of cerebral vasospasm and how to relieve it are described in this article.

Prevention measures

Prevention of problems with blood circulation in the brain, maintaining it in good shape is a good thing to do and by simple means. This is especially important if you have certain problems in the past or are at high risk of complications, for example, with diabetes. These include vitamins:

  • B1 or thiamine. Helps the brain “get enough” of glucose and fights excess cholesterol. Contained in walnut, beef, eggs and fish.
  • B5 (calcium pantothenate) - is involved in the transmission of impulses through the neural network. Contained in bananas, bran, lentils, chicken, fish, dairy products, etc. Sensitive to heat treatment and preservation, where up to 50% of the vitamin volume is lost.
  • B6 or pyridoxine. You can safely call it “anti-stress” - it component amino acid metabolism and protein creation. In addition, pyridoxine is involved in the metabolism of neurotransmitters. Contained in liver, beans, milk, eggs.
  • group D promotes proper blood clotting, restores the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Formed in the body under the influence of sun rays, also comes from fish oil, dairy products, parsley.
  • group E - neuroprotector, antioxidant, immunomodulator and protector cell membranes from damage. Contained in milk, beans and sunflower oil without processing.
  • P group or a whole complex of biologically active substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate blood pressure and heartbeat. Contained in citrus fruits (including zest), black currants, cherries, and buckwheat.

Very important for the brain and correct image life: absence excess weight, physical activity, balanced diet And drinking plenty of fluids. However, every organ in the body will be grateful to you for following such a program.

Blood circulation in the brain may be impaired by various reasons. The development of the disease can be caused by traumatic brain injuries, systemic pathologies, exposure to toxic compounds, physical and psycho-emotional stress, as well as various types of damage to the cerebral vessels.

Blood vessels can be damaged as a result of severe osteochondrosis, leading to their mechanical compression. Among the common causes of violation cerebral circulation also include hypertonic disease, atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots in them, clogging the lumen.

We recommend reading:

Currently, pharmacologists offer a number of medications that help normalize blood flow in the so-called. "brain pool".

Table of contents:

The main types of medications that help improve cerebral circulation

Preventive and curative measures you need to start taking it as soon as the first ones appear Clinical signs, indicating problems with cerebral circulation. Further development pathologies very often become the cause severe consequences, including ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, as well as dementia, i.e. dementia. Many complications can pose a serious threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient.

The main groups of drugs for restoring normal blood circulation in the central nervous system:

  • vasodilators (vasodilators);
  • anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (to prevent thrombosis);

Which drugs are indicated in each specific case– can only be installed qualified specialist after a detailed history taking and comprehensive examination of the patient. The doctor determines treatment tactics and identifies optimal single and daily dosages of medications.

Important:self-medication for problems with blood supply to the brain is not only ineffective, but also deadly!

Vasodilators for cerebrovascular accidents

Medicines of this clinical and pharmacological group provide an increase in blood flow to the brain tissues, which helps prevent hypoxia at the cellular level. Normal blood flow also provides cells of the central nervous system adequate amounts of vital compounds.

Vasodilators improve functional activity brain by stimulating metabolism and energy metabolism in brain cells.

Calcium antagonists used for circulatory disorders in the brain

Pharmacological agents in this category have been successfully used for many years to improve blood circulation in the central nervous system. Currently, work is underway to create third-generation calcium antagonists. The drugs promote muscle relaxation vascular walls, due to which the lumen of the arteries expands, and the volume of blood flowing to the tissues increases. Calcium antagonists have no effect on the muscular elements of the veins.

These drugs can have a systemic effect on the body, so they should be prescribed with extreme caution, and only after a thorough and comprehensive examination of the patient. Daily and single dosages, as well as the total duration of course therapy are determined only by the attending physician.

Some first generation Sa antagonists:

  • dihydropyridines (Cordipine, Nifedipine);
  • benzothiazapines (Dilacor);
  • phenylalkylamines (Verapamil).

The second generation of drugs used for circulatory disorders in the brain:

  • dihydropyridines (Felodipine, Isradipine, Nifedipine GITS, Nasoldipine);
  • benzothiazapines (Clentiazem, Diltiazem SR);
  • phenylalkylamines (Verapamil SR).

Preparations whose main active ingredients are phytocomponents are characterized by relative safety. As a rule, they have relatively few contraindications. Herbal preparations help prevent disorders of cerebral blood flow, and are widely used for the treatment of already diagnosed pathologies.

Some products in this group are approved for over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies. They can be used independently, but only after consulting with a therapist and carefully reading the annotation.

Note:The biologically active ingredients of the most common herbal remedies for normalizing cerebral blood supply are alkaloids from the plants Ginkgo Biloba and Periwinkle.

Remedies from the alkaloid Vinca

Biologically active ingredient These herbal remedies are characterized by an antispasmodic effect. The plant alkaloid helps normalize cellular metabolism and prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the central nervous system.

The most common drugs in this category used for cerebrovascular disorders include:

  • Cavinton;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Bravinton.

Important:Taking Cavinton and Vinpocetine is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor, since only a competent specialist can determine the most appropriate route of administration and duration of course therapy in a particular case. A preliminary examination of the patient is required.

Medicines for cerebrovascular disorders from Ginkgo Biloba

Alkaloid of this plant has a complex effect. Healing preparations based on them are characterized by a pronounced antispasmodic effect. They are able to reduce tissue swelling, as well as increase the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and at the same time increase their elasticity. These products help normalize microcirculation. They are also powerful antioxidants, protecting the brain from negative influence free radicals at the cellular level.

The most effective herbal remedies from Ginkgo Biloba include:

  • Ginkgo Biloba S;
  • Tanakan;
  • Doppelgerz Ginkgo Biloba Plus.

The duration of the therapeutic course for cerebrovascular disorders is usually 3 months or more, since therapeutic effect develops gradually. Positive changes are observed 1 month after the start of treatment.

During the period of treatment with products based on the mentioned plants, you should not simultaneously consume drugs that “thin” the blood (including - acetylsalicylic acid), since there is a possibility of hemorrhage.

Medicines that strengthen vascular walls

A number of drugs and biologically active additives serve to restore the elasticity of vascular walls.

Most effective drugs based on vitamin P, used for cerebrovascular accidents, are:

  • Blueberry Forte;
  • Ascorutin.

Potassium, silicon, selenium and other compounds are present in the required quantities in the following dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes:

  • Microhydrin;
  • Greenwit;
  • Nootropic.

Dihydroquercetin, which improves the condition of vascular walls, is contained in such drugs as:

  • Dihydroquercetin Plus;
  • Flucol;
  • Flavit.

Note:complexes containing vitamins and microelements, as well as dietary supplements that have a preventive effect, can be taken without the recommendation of a therapist, but only after carefully reading the instructions.

Antiplatelet drugs are prescribed to improve rheological properties blood, i.e. reducing its viscosity. These drugs are indicated if there is a risk of transient cerebral circulation disorders (in common parlance - micro-strokes) or if the patient has an increased tendency to thrombus formation. The drugs make it possible to prevent the development of such a formidable complication as.

To improve blood flow, the following antiplatelet agents may be recommended:

Important:antiplatelet agents are prescribed by the attending physician for cerebrovascular disorders after studying the data laboratory research, patient blood tests.

Anticoagulants serve to reduce blood clotting and restore microcirculation in small vessels.

If indicated, the patient may be prescribed the following anticoagulants:

  • Heparin;
  • Warfarin;
  • Fragmin;
  • Clexane.

To avoid dangerous complications (bleeding), during a course of using drugs in this category, patients with cerebral circulatory disorders should periodically donate blood for biochemistry, and the doctor should examine the coagulogram of such patients.

Important:if complications such as vomiting with blood, black feces, which are highly likely to indicate the presence of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, or if hematomas (bruises) of various locations appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Drugs belonging to this clinical and pharmacological group improve metabolism in brain cells, increase their resistance to hypoxia and improve memory and cognitive functions. Nootropics help increase mental performance, prevent fatigue and the appearance depressive states. They are powerful antioxidants and adaptogens. A number of drugs in this category are produced from animal tissue; they contain natural amino acids.

The most effective nootropic drugs prescribed for cerebrovascular disorders are:

Nootropics are indicated for the treatment of dementia (dementia) of vascular origin, ischemic strokes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, memory impairment, deterioration in the ability to concentrate, alcoholic encephalopathy and many other diseases and pathological conditions caused by circulatory disorders in the brain.

To improve cerebral circulation, it is often recommended to take vitamin PP preparations ( nicotinic acid). This biologically active compound does not have a significant effect on large blood vessels, but promotes the expansion of capillaries.

Vitamin PP allows you to lower the level of so-called. " bad cholesterol", i.e. cholesterol carried by low-density lipoproteins, and reduce wall fragility blood vessels.

The most common drugs based on nicotinic acid for cerebrovascular disorders:

  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Acipimox;
  • Nikoshpan.

Important: With Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Injections of the solution (carried out in courses) are carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. As acute symptoms of cerebral blood supply insufficiency are relieved, vitamin PP can be prescribed to the patient in the form of tablets for oral administration for long-term maintenance therapy.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

At bad work blood vessels and the central nervous system, doctors prescribe medications to improve cerebral circulation. They help eliminate the consequences of diseases, prevent blood stagnation, improve memory and perception of information. Medicines are divided into several large groups, differing in the principle of their effect on diseases.

Treatment of cerebral circulation

In medicine, cerebrovascular accident is understood as a malfunction of the blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord. This pathological process affects arteries and veins, causing thrombosis, embolism, narrowing of the lumen, aneurysms. Depending on the severity of the disease and its location, doctors prescribe various drugs that promote recovery.

You can use medications to significantly improve cerebral circulation by: the following indications:

  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • cerebral infarction;
  • hemorrhages;
  • foci of tissue necrosis;
  • scarring;
  • small cysts.

Each brain disease is unique, and the progression of the disease can be accompanied by individual problems. However there are some general symptoms, when they appear, you should consult a doctor for a detailed examination and prescribe medications:

  • coordination problems;
  • memory problems;
  • sensitivity disorder;
  • paresis, paralysis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • dysfunction of the sensory organs.

What are drugs to improve cerebral circulation?

Popular drugs for cerebrovascular accidents help normalize the functioning of the body after illnesses - atherosclerosis, stroke, injuries, osteochondrosis, hypertension. Medicines can relieve dizziness, improve memory, and relieve headaches. They can be used to eliminate the consequences of already cured diseases.

Main types of drugs

To achieve better blood supply to the vessels of the brain, doctors prescribe the following groups medicines:

  • vasodilators - vasodilators;
  • preventing thrombus formation - antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants;
  • nootropics that affect higher brain activity;
  • alpha-blockers - lower blood pressure, relieve spasms.

Once in the human body, these medications have a complex effect on blood vessels and blood cells:

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • reduce platelet aggregation;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • increase the plasticity of red blood cells;
  • provide brain cells with glucose and oxygen, increasing their resistance to hypoxia.

Nootropic drugs that improve nutrition and blood circulation in the brain

Medicines for improving memory and cerebral circulation belonging to the group of nootropics are considered popular. They restore brain function after hypoxia, strokes, and skull injuries, but do not affect blood circulation. Nootropics stimulate metabolic processes in affected tissues. This group of drugs includes:

  • Piracetam and analogues;
  • Pyridoxine and its derivatives (Encephabol);
  • neuroamino acids - Phenibut, Pantogam, Picamilon (has a strong calming effect), Glutamic acid, Glycine;
  • choline alphoscerate;
  • ginkgo biloba and its derivatives;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Sodium hydroxybutyrate – has a strong hypnotic effect.

Homeopathic medicines

At the first signs of cerebrovascular insufficiency, it is recommended to take homeopathic medicine Golden iodine. It helps cope with tinnitus, headaches, unsteady gait and memory loss. Doctors do not always have a positive attitude towards homeopathy, but if the patient, with the help of a specialist, selects the appropriate one (for example, Microhydrin), the effect will be pronounced and stable.


Excipients will work well to improve blood circulation in the brain. An important element complex therapy vitamins become:

  • Ascorutin is a drug with vitamin C and rutin, intended to strengthen the walls of capillaries, prescribed prophylactically;
  • nicotinic acid - prescribed only by a doctor, used for electrophoresis, improves blood supply to the brain in case of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • B vitamin complexes – Milgamma, Pentovit, Neuromultivit.


Tablets to improve cerebral circulation can also be vasodilators. They affect not only the blood vessels of the brain, but also circulatory system in general, they improve the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients, and stabilize blood flow. TO vasodilators relate:

  • calcium antagonists (dihydropyridines) – blockers of slow calcium channels, relax arterial walls without affecting venous ones;
  • Cinnarizine, Phezam, Omaron – drugs last generations, have an effect on the entire body, are used as prescribed by a doctor;
  • first generation - Nifedipine, Finoptin, Diazem;
  • second generation - Isradipin, Klentiazem;
  • third generation - Norvasc, Amlodipine.

Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents will help reduce blood viscosity and improve its fluidity. Due to their properties, cerebral circulation is normalized. Drugs are used if there is a risk of ischemia. The following medications are recognized as the most effective:

  • antiplatelet agents (prevent the formation of blood clots) - Aspirin, Aspilate, Akuprin, Curantil, Trental;
  • anticoagulants (improves microcirculation of capillaries) - Warfarin, Clexane, Heparin. Fraxiparine.


Vascular drugs(flavonoids) are designed to improve blood circulation in the brain due to tonic and strengthening effects. They cleanse the body of toxins. The group includes herbal preparations, when used, there is no effect on the functioning of the heart. Auxiliary means flavonoids are:

  • ginkgo biloba preparations (Tanakan, Bilobil) - relieve spasms, improve microcirculation, relieve swelling, lead to normalization of intracranial pressure;
  • products with Vinca minor (Cavinton, Vinpocetine) are antispasmodics, prevent the formation of blood clots, and increase the speed of blood flow. They can only be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable, since these are potent medications that have a number of contraindications.

Antiplatelet agents

Antithrombotic drugs that reduce blood viscosity and prevent blockage of blood vessels are called antiplatelet agents. Taking them increases capillary microcirculation and improves blood flow. These include:

  • angioprotectors - Curantil, Doxy-Chem, Vasonit, Pentoxifylline - are available in dragee format, solution for infusion, tablets;
  • tablets and solution for intravenous administration - Anginal, Coribon, Trankocard, Aprikor, Parsedil.

Preparations based on nicotinic acid

Among potent drugs To improve cerebral circulation, you can select drugs that include nicotinic acid. They do not affect large vessels, but expand capillaries, strengthen their walls and lower cholesterol levels in the blood. They are used only as prescribed by a doctor (injection solution or tablets) and under control to prevent complications and side effects. Here are some popular drugs:

  • Enduratin;
  • Nikoshpan;
  • Nicofuranose;
  • Acipimox.

Microcirculation correctors

Drugs for improving blood circulation in the vessels of the brain from the group of microcirculation correctors control the condition of capillaries, improve general well-being, neutralize dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, and alleviate symptoms of chronic and acute diseases. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on how severe the disease is. Popular drugs are:

  • Betaserc (Betagistin);
  • Vestibo;
  • Tagista.

Medicines for cerebral vessels for the elderly

People over 70 years old should pay attention Special attention on nootropic drugs for the brain. They help enhance the process of saturating cells with oxygen and blood, which increases the absorption of glucose. Sugar improves concentration, memory and performance. In old age, nootropics (Nootropil) help restore memory. The drug should be taken daily for a month. in the second month the dose is halved. The result is noticeable within the first seven days.

The downside of nootropics is addiction and the need to increase the dose. To avoid this, doctors recommend taking breaks or replacing medications with others. For prevention, in addition to nootropics, older people can use:

  • vitamins – complexes with the component of ginseng extract Vision, Biotredin, Vitrum Memory;
  • Glycine or Glycine-Forte – eliminates the effects of sclerosis and amnesia, helps with active intellectual activity (suitable even for a child);
  • Intellan - stimulates brain activity, but is contraindicated in patients with diabetes;
  • Piracetam, Phenotropil - improve blood circulation, activate metabolic processes;
  • Tanakan, Phenibut – stimulate mental activity, eliminate excessive anxiety.

Injections to improve cerebral circulation

To dilate cerebral vessels, doctors often prescribe injections to patients. With injections active substances penetrate the blood faster, tone the walls of blood vessels, providing maximum action. Medicines with which injections can be performed are divided into the following groups:

  • neurotropic action - affect nerve tissue (Validol, Reserpine);
  • myotropic – affect muscles and fibers (Papaverine, Dibazol);
  • mixed from the group of nitrates - Nitroglycerin, Nitrosorbitol;
  • based on periwinkle alkaloid - Vincetine, Vinpocetine, Cavinton, Telektol, Bravinton - eliminate vasospasm, expand the lumen, improve metabolism in tissues, eliminate blood clots;
  • based on nicotinic acid – Enduratin, Nikoshpan – affect capillaries, eliminate cholesterol plaques;
  • vasodilators - Drotaverine (No-shpa), Eufillin, Piracetam.

Drugs after a stroke to improve cerebral circulation

In old age, people often experience ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, leading to disruption of brain function. The following drugs are used to improve functionality and blood circulation.

To restore blood circulation in the vessels that supply the brain, drugs from various groups are used. Most of them do not have a selective effect on cerebral vessels.

For example, drugs that reduce blood viscosity and prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, various vitamin complexes are prescribed to strengthen blood vessels.

Drugs that have a predominant effect on the functioning of cerebral vessels are also represented by several groups, differing in their influence and principle of action.

It is important to understand that self-medication for cerebrovascular accidents is unacceptable and can lead to disability. Only a specialist can prescribe and replace medications, and especially the dosage and duration of treatment.

The most widely represented group of drugs indicated for disorders of memory, attention and mental performance are noootropics. You need to understand that they are indicated specifically for disorders of the brain, but not for increased mental stress or stress. healthy people.


Glycine is not considered a psychotropic drug, but I would like to start the review with it. Why?

Here is a quote from the instructions: “Method of administration and dosage: Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally at 100 mg (in tablets or in powder form after crushing the tablets). Practically healthy children, adolescents and adults with psycho-emotional stress, decreased memory, attention, mental performance.”

And this is not an advertisement on the manufacturer’s website, but instructions in the package of tablets. Of course, about what is possible allergic reactions, written. But allergies may not be expressed in skin itching, and in mental agitation, in rare cases – increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances. To improve brain function, practically healthy people do not need medications, but a shower, exercise, fresh air and vitamins.

Vitamins and complex vitamin preparations


A drug comprising ascorbic acid and routine. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Can be prescribed prophylactically. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor.

A nicotinic acid

Although it belongs to vitamins, only a doctor can prescribe this drug! Possesses unique property expand capillaries without affecting large vessels. It can be used on an outpatient basis for electrophoresis. This allows you to improve blood supply to the brain in case of cervical osteochondrosis. Injections are carried out only inpatients. Nicotinic acid tablets (Nikoshpan) should not be used during pregnancy, kidney or liver problems. It is also unacceptable to combine them with many drugs.

B vitamins

Depending on the cause of the blood supply to the brain, your doctor may recommend complex preparations B vitamins, the most popular of which are Milgamma, Pentovit and Neuromultivit. These drugs differ in composition from each other.

Milgamma contains 2 vitamins, Neuromultivit contains 3, and in high dosages, and Pentovit contains 5. Therefore, it would be incorrect to consider them analogues. As a rule, they are recommended for damage and inflammation of peripheral nerves and disorders of the cervical spine. They do not have a general healing effect; they are used only in complex treatment.

Herbal preparations

Ginkgo biloba and small periwinkle plants are useful for improving cerebral circulation.

Ginko bilobo preparations (Tanakan, Bilobil and others) relieve vascular spasms, which helps improve blood circulation. In addition, they help reduce cerebral edema during increased intracranial pressure. It is important to understand that plant-based dietary supplements contain: active substance not controlled.

It is not necessary to use food additives, but medications. The effect of taking it appears only a month after the start of the course, and the duration is at least 2 months.

Important! You cannot take blood thinning medications at the same time as ginko bilobo. This combination can lead to cerebral hemorrhage!

Periwinkle. Several drugs are produced based on the plant, Cavinton, Vinpocetine and analogues. They have antispasmodic properties, prevent the formation of blood clots, and improve blood circulation in the brain. But no one should prescribe it without an examination. This is a powerful medicine.


This large group drugs that help restore the mental functions of the brain after hypoxia, traumatic brain injury, stroke. They have no effect on blood circulation. They help restore brain function after cerebrovascular accidents by stimulating metabolic processes in the affected tissues.

Nootropics include:

  • Piracetam and its analogues;
  • Pyridoxine derivatives (encephabol);
  • Neuroamino acid preparations (phenibut, pantogam, glycine, picamilon, glutamic acid);
  • Choline alfoscerate;
  • Ginko biloba preparations;
  • Cerebrolysin.

An important property of all nootropic drugs is their ability to increase the brain’s resistance to hypoxia, that is, to an insufficient supply of oxygen to cells, as well as a vasovegetative effect, that is, the ability to relieve dizziness.

Phenibut, Picamilon, Pantogam have a strong sedative effect, and sodium oxybutyrate has a hypnotic effect.

Often, when taking nootropic drugs, patients note a decrease in headaches. This is individual; the same doses in people of the same age can give opposite results, from complete pain relief to increased headaches.

Nootropics have no effect on memory loss due to overwork or congenital dementia.


Among the drugs of this type, there are no such drugs that would exclusively affect the blood vessels of the brain. At the same time, they improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain by stabilizing blood flow.

Calcium antagonists

The exact name is slow calcium channel blockers. The effect of drugs in this group is based on the fact that they relax the walls of the arteries without affecting the tone of the veins. Most drugs in this group are used to treat cardiovascular pathologies.

However, there are drugs with a predominant effect on cerebral vessels. For example, Cinnarizine, which is part of Phezam (Omaron). The latest generation of drugs have an effect on the entire body. They cannot be used without a doctor's prescription.

Alpha blockers

Used to reduce blood pressure. They improve metabolism and blood flow mainly in the vessels of the brain. Useful for a lack of oxygen caused by vascular spasms. In this group are derivatives of Nicegrolin, Sermion and others.

A feature of this type of drugs is the “first dose syndrome” - sharp drop pressure after the first dose. May occur severe dizziness. Therefore, the first pills are taken while lying in bed. You should not stop taking it abruptly, especially for diabetics.


In older people, they do not always give the desired result, since they cannot influence sclerotic vessels. No-Shpa is considered the most effective antispasmodic. Of course, not pills; they can only relieve muscle spasms, but not blood vessels.

Drugs that improve blood condition

Medicines that prevent excessive blood thickening are used under the supervision of a doctor and tests are required. After all, if coagulability is below normal, it can cause internal bleeding.

The same applies to antiplatelet agents, drugs prescribed for a tendency to blood clots. Although the use of drugs such as Thrombo ACC does not require monitoring during administration, a blood test is performed before administration.

Of the anticoagulants, that is, drugs that reduce blood clotting, the most famous is Heparin. It is used in the form of injections and ointments. And to prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the brain, Warfarin tablets are mainly used.

It is also worth mentioning that cerebrovascular accidents can be caused by high content blood glucose. It turns out that glucose-lowering medications, when indicated, improve blood flow to the brain in patients with diabetes.

The causes of cerebrovascular insufficiency are most often in... the spine. The brain may lack oxygen due to sitting for too long. Knitting, sewing, working on a computer and many other activities can cause trouble. But all you need to do is, at least every hour, just get on your feet.

It is not even necessary to make any movements to restore blood flow in the back muscles that are swollen from tension. In addition, you need to slightly bend and straighten your knees several times every hour. Oddly enough, narrow high-heeled shoes do not have the best effect on blood circulation in the brain if you walk or stand in them for a long time.

Osteochondrosis cervical region spine can provoke both a sharp increase in blood pressure and insufficient blood flow to the brain due to the fact that the vessels pumping blood to the head are pinched. Therefore, the danger of this disease cannot be underestimated.

Oxygen starvation can be very serious consequences, up to sudden complete blindness. In some cases, to normalize blood flow, it is recommended to wear a special orthopedic collar. It is inexpensive, does not cause any inconvenience, on the contrary, it is even more comfortable with it. Many people notice that their headaches are significantly reduced without additional medications.

But there are techniques that actually improve blood circulation in the brain. This is a self-massage of the palms and fingers. Modeling, especially small parts, is very useful for the blood vessels of the brain.

Milgama drug, instructions. Neuritis, neuralgia, radicular syndrome

There are sets of gymnastic exercises to improve the functioning of capillaries, and they basically provide the brain with everything it needs.

Important to prevent vascular dysfunction is the prevention or timely treatment atherosclerosis.

And, of course, reasonable physical activity, without fanaticism (especially at the dacha at the beginning of the season). It is especially dangerous to be in a half-bent position for a long time. And lifting full buckets is not useful for many. Care about own health should not fade into the background, even if you are a little over twenty years old.

Instead of a conclusion

To improve blood supply to the brain, injections and tablets alone are not enough. In addition to the fact that, if possible, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the violation, it is necessary to use other methods.

At any age and with any disorders after graduation acute period need a massage and physiotherapy. For conscious bedridden people, change body position several times a day, initially under medical supervision.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is also necessary, but what kind of treatment is decided by the attending physician. Walking on fresh air, as soon as possible, even in a wheelchair if there is no stability. And, of course, quitting smoking.

And to prevent violations, it is also necessary to control blood pressure, avoiding a sharp increase, and follow the neurologist’s prescriptions.

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And finally. It has been noticed that happy and cheerful people suffer less from disorders in the functioning of cerebral vessels. So enjoy life, be healthy and happy!

If several decades ago it was mostly elderly people who went to doctors with problems with circulatory problems, today doctors say that poor circulation blood is diagnosed in increasingly younger and even young patients. Many unfavorable factors of the reality surrounding us, individually and collectively affecting human body, lead to various disorders of the circulatory system. What factors have such negative impact and how to deal with them? How to improve blood circulation and what can be done for this? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

How does the circulatory system work?

It consists of the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries. The circulatory system includes two circles: small and large, formed by vessels leaving the heart.

The pulmonary circulation consists of the pulmonary veins and the trunk. Its job is to move venous blood from the right heart ventricle to the lungs, where it is freed from excess carbon dioxide and saturated with oxygen, after which it enters the left atrium.

The large, or, as it is also called, the bodily circle begins with the aorta, emerging from the left cardiac ventricle, through which blood rushes through large vessels and smaller arteries, arterioles and capillaries to the brain, limbs and torso. It enriches organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and also binds and removes metabolic products and carbon dioxide. Thus, arterial blood becomes venous and returns to the heart. It enters the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava.

Why do violations occur?

In order to understand what to do and how to improve blood circulation, it is necessary to understand why it worsened, what reasons caused such a failure. Experts have identified the following factors that contribute to the occurrence of problems in the circulatory system:

  1. Prolonged stay in a state of physiological, emotional and psychological stress.
  2. Chronic fatigue syndrome, crash-causing in the functioning of many body systems.
  3. Various injuries and damage resulting in a violation of the integrity of the system and significant blood loss.
  4. Physical inactivity and poor nutrition. A sedentary lifestyle and consumption of excessive amounts of canned and fatty foods contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Because of this, there is a narrowing of blood flow and impaired circulation, which over time leads to atherosclerotic vascular damage and hypertension.
  5. Metabolic disturbances as a result various diseases such as diabetes, obesity, dysfunction endocrine glands, renal failure and others.
  6. Infectious diseases as a result of human infection by various representatives of streptococci can provoke the development of diseases such as rheumatism and inflammatory lesions various parts of the heart and its tissues.
  7. Hereditary predisposition and structural features of the circulatory system.
  8. Violation intrauterine development fetus
  9. Side effects of some pharmacological drugs or the consequences of taking them incorrectly and not controlled by doctors.
  10. Availability bad habits, such as excessive consumption of alcohol or food, smoking tobacco, and little physical activity.

Alarm Signals

There are few people who do not at times experience drowsiness and general weakness, fatigue and headaches. Most of us prefer to take some kind of painkiller rather than deal with all this and go to the doctors. There are several other symptoms that indicate disturbances in the circulatory system:

It should be remembered that at the beginning of many diseases, when the circulatory system is still functioning normally, most people do not feel any changes or disturbances in the functioning of their body, including in the blood circulation. That is why quite often the diagnosis of various malfunctions in its work occurs randomly, when contacting doctors for other reasons.

Impaired blood supply to the brain

Just 30-40 years ago, cerebral blood supply disorders were the prerogative of older people, but today they affect more and more young people. Doctors divide such disorders into two main types: hemorrhagic and ischemic.

Ischemic strokes occur as a result of blockage of arteries supplying a particular area of ​​the brain by atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots. Hemorrhagic lesions are associated with rupture of a vessel affected by atherosclerosis and bleeding from it into the brain. As a result of any stroke, tissue death in a certain area of ​​the brain occurs, which leads to the inability to perform actions for which it was responsible.

Preventing dysfunction with plant-based products

It has long been known that best medicine for any disease - its prevention. Today created on the basis of various medicinal plants drugs that improve cerebral circulation. The most common products are based on ginkgo biloba and guarana extracts. Thus, today in pharmacies you can find such pharmaceutical products with ginkgo biloba as the drugs “Ginkgoum”, “Tanakan” and many others. Guarana products can be found in stores healthy eating and oriental cuisine. As a rule, these are teas, extracts, syrups and elixirs, but there are, however, quite rarely, capsules and tablets.

Prevention of circulatory system problems

To prevent severe circulatory disorders, doctors quite often prescribe medications that improve cerebral circulation. First of all, these are drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid obtained from willow bark: “TromboASS”, “Acecardin”, “Polocard”, “Cardiopyrin” and “Aspirin Cardio”. As a result of taking these medications in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, the quality of the blood improves, blood pressure decreases and stabilizes, and the likelihood of blood clots decreases.

In addition, there are synthetic drugs, improving blood circulation and stimulating cellular metabolic processes, such as Selegiline, Piracetam (Nootropil), Acefen and a number of others.

Let us note once again: you can start taking any medications only after consulting with your doctor treating or supervising you. The specialist will be able to take into account all the characteristics of your body and determine the most suitable treatment and medication regimen.

Is there a cure?

In case of disturbances in the blood supply to the brain, it is necessary to restore the flow of blood to the victim’s brain as completely as possible. Dead cells cannot be restored, but it is possible to restrain the development of the disease and preserve neurons in neighboring areas. Patients with light forms hemorrhagic or ischemic lesion medications are prescribed to improve cerebral circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, it is usually recommended nootropic drugs and psychostimulants that help activate metabolic processes in nerve tissues. At this time, great attention is paid to support general condition patient: monitoring blood pressure levels, maintaining water-electrolyte balance and other parameters.

Thus, when treating various disorders of the blood supply to the brain, the patient is prescribed:

  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation, such as Vinpocetine, Theophylline, Cinnarizine, Nimodipine, nicotinic acid;
  • agents that prevent the formation of blood clots: Ticlopidine, Clexane, Nadroparin calcium, Pentoxifylline, acetylsalicylic acid;
  • medications that improve metabolic processes in the brain: Piracetam, Mildronate, Actovegin, magnesium sulfate, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate;
  • vitamin complexes: "Milgamma", "Neuromultivit".

If there is any disruption in the blood supply to the brain, drugs that improve blood circulation - nootropics - are prescribed. But not only medications can help combat this problem.

Most people only think about this question when bad feeling leads to hospitalization, as a result of which one or another disease associated with circulatory disorders is diagnosed.

If you decide not to wait for a diagnosis and take care of your circulatory system, there are several simple recommendations, thanks to which you can activate blood circulation in your body. First of all, to those who most spends the working day sitting, you need to perform several times a day physical exercise, which will help improve blood circulation in the pelvis. During breaks between work, which should be done every two to three hours, you can simply walk around the office at a fast pace or do a few exercises.

How can nutrition improve blood circulation?

First of all, you need to monitor your own weight and try not to consume foods that contribute to weight gain, such as various pickles, smoked foods, canned food, carbonated drinks and fast food, White bread and delicious pastries. You should include the following foods in your diet that improve blood circulation:

1. Polyunsaturated fatty acid, a large amount of which is present in nuts, flaxseeds and sunflower seeds, various vegetable oils, sea ​​fish, such as salmon, trout, tuna, salmon.

2. Fiber, a large amount of which is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, bread baked from flour coarse, bran.

3. Vitamins E and C, which are abundant in sea buckthorn and rose hips, various types of cabbage, fresh berries and green tea, grain and legume sprouts.

It should be remembered that vitamins are easily destroyed by prolonged use. heat treatment, so it is better to eat foods raw or steamed.

Fragrance products

When thinking about how to improve blood circulation, you should pay attention to herbs such as dill, oregano, rosemary, and parsley. They contain both bioflavonoids, which promote better absorption of vitamin C and strengthen capillary walls, and a complex of antioxidants.

Spices such as cloves, turmeric, black and red pepper, and cinnamon also have a positive effect on improving blood circulation.

Ginger and chili peppers, which are high in capsaicin, are great for stimulating blood circulation.

Traditional methods for improving blood circulation

If you want to support your own circulatory system, then you can try improving blood circulation with folk remedies, which include various herbal teas, infusions and preparations.

Plants that have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation include orchis, mulberry, golden mustache, alfalfa and others.

However, before using similar means, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only a qualified specialist will be able to determine whether this or that remedy is suitable for you and whether it will be effective specifically for you.