Is fainting serious? What causes a person to lose consciousness and faint? How to prevent fainting? What can make a girl faint?

Loss of consciousness is characterized by a person’s absolute insensitivity to the surrounding reality. In this case, the person does not move (as a rule, he is in a lying position). At the same time, he does not react in any way to external stimuli and is silent in response to questions asked.

What happens when you lose consciousness

This is not a list of all the reasons that can cause loss of consciousness. In addition to overwork, overheating, excessive vomiting or nosebleeds, the cause of fainting can be alcoholic beverages (more precisely, their abuse). Even energetic drinks or drinks containing caffeine.

Sometimes fainting is a manifestation of a fairly serious illness. For example, anemia, a number of diseases vascular system, heart disease can also cause loss of consciousness.

Respiratory failure, damage to the body by powerful infections can also cause fainting. Severe intoxication (vapors and gases) can have a similar effect. Previous head injuries pathological conditions can also be attributed to the causes of loss of consciousness. Even diseases can cause fainting cervical spine spine (for example, common osteochondrosis).

Regular fainting may be a cause for serious concern. It doesn’t really matter how long after the primary fainting the secondary loss of consciousness occurred (a day, a week or two). In any case, if the loss of consciousness is systemic, you need to consult a doctor.

What to do if you lose consciousness

As was said, fainting rarely occurs suddenly; as a rule, it is preceded by a number of symptoms (presyncope). A person can reduce the likelihood of losing consciousness by taking proper steps during the pre-syncope period.

In this case, it is critical to take a sitting or lying position. In this case, the risk of fainting will be practically zero. The fact is that fainting is possible only in those people who are standing or walking. Therefore, at the slightest sign of impending fainting (nausea, darkening of the eyes, dizziness), you need to find a place and take horizontal position.

In some cases, it is impossible to follow these recommendations - there is simply no place nearby to lie down. In this case, you need to at least lean against the wall. You can then try to prevent accidental loss of consciousness. To do this, you need to cross your legs, and try to tense your hips and buttocks. This will increase the flow of circulating blood.

First aid for loss of consciousness

If a person witnesses loss of consciousness, he can minimize Negative consequences for an insensitive person:

  • if there is a suspicion that a person is in a pre-fainting state and will faint in the near future, it is necessary to prevent him from falling. In the event of a fall, there is a high risk of head injury due to hitting an object or the floor;
  • if this human condition is caused by electric shock, then it is necessary to remove the live wire from the person. In this case, you need to avoid getting hurt yourself, so the wire from the person needs to be removed with a dielectric. IN general case it is necessary to identify and eliminate the factor that caused the loss of consciousness. For example, if the reason is a lack of oxygen, then the person should be taken out of a stuffy (or smoky) room. In order to provide fresh air, you can open a window;
  • if a person is unconscious, then he must be laid on a bed, table, or even just on the floor. It is not recommended that the person be in a sitting position;
  • Everything must be done to ensure that nothing interferes with the flow of fresh air. Therefore, the tight collar needs to be unbuttoned, the scarf and belt should be relaxed, there is no need to put anything under the head;
  • From the point of view of ensuring the flow of fresh blood to the head, it would be better to slightly raise the person's legs. With the flow of blood, the brain will receive the necessary amount of oxygen, which will have a positive effect on its condition and speed up recovery from fainting;
  • with the help of external stimuli you can try to bring the person to consciousness. Substances such as ammonia or regular vinegar. You need to slightly moisten the cotton wool with these liquids and bring it under the nose of the injured person. If such substances are not at hand, you can get by with simply patting the victim on the cheeks, or you can also try spraying cold water per person;
  • in some cases, even after all such events, a person remains unconscious. In this case, you need to make sure that he has a pulse and breathing. In order to determine the pulse, you need to put 2 fingers on the carotid artery, and breathing can be determined using a mirror (it fogs up when you breathe);
  • If a person is not breathing and it was not possible to detect his pulse, then urgent resuscitation measures. In particular, you need to do artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts;
  • if a person has both breathing and a pulse, he needs to be turned on his side. In this position, it is much less likely that he will choke when severe vomiting. If he lies on his back, then the likelihood of this is high;
  • After providing first aid measures in case of loss of consciousness, you must go to the clinic. Consultation with doctors is mandatory even if the person has regained consciousness and his health has returned to normal.

Under no circumstances should loss of consciousness be considered as a protective function body and the normal reaction of the brain to certain stimuli. You cannot leave a person unconscious until he comes to his senses. It should be remembered that loss of consciousness is accompanied by irreversible changes in brain tissue, which can have the most serious consequences for a person.

During unconsciousness the person does not rest. That is why first aid measures cannot be postponed; if a person witnesses a loss of consciousness, he must as soon as possible provide all possible assistance to the victim, call doctors and bring the person to consciousness before they arrive.

Not all people like it increased attention to their person. Therefore, after regaining consciousness, they may be embarrassed and refuse medical help. In this case, you should not indulge them; on the contrary, it is recommended to insist on obtaining a qualified medical care. It is also not recommended to leave the victim alone unattended in the near future. The fact is that fainting can recur at certain intervals. Similar clinical picture characteristic of many diseases or simply conditions of the body.

It is advisable to personally ensure that the person who regains consciousness receives all the necessary help.

Fainting is a short absence of consciousness caused by a sudden disruption of blood circulation in the brain. This happens because the brain does not receive sufficient quantity oxygen and nutrients. Fainting differs from complete fainting in that it lasts on average no longer than five minutes. Impaired blood flow can be caused by many factors, including various disorders cardiovascular system, inflammatory or infectious processes. In addition, short-term loss of consciousness is often observed in girls during their first menstruation. According to statistics, half the population globe I have encountered such a disorder at least once in my life. Doctors say that less than half of all such cases are of unknown nature.

Before losing consciousness, many people feel unwell, very dizzy, and elevated department sweat. Fainting can be avoided; you just need to sit down in time; if you don’t do this, you will fall. Usually a person quickly comes to his senses, often without the help of others. Quite often, fainting is accompanied by injuries that a person receives directly during a fall. Slightly less often, a person experiences short-term, moderate-intensity seizures or urinary incontinence.

Normal syncope should be distinguished from epileptic syncope, although it can also be caused by some factors related to short-term loss of consciousness, for example, menstruation in women or the sleep phase. During epileptic syncope, a person immediately experiences intense convulsions.


There are several reasons why people faint, but despite this, in almost half of the cases it is not possible to determine the factor causing such a disorder. Sources of insufficient blood flow to the brain can be:

  • disorders of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • a sharp increase in intracranial pressure;
  • intoxications caused by gas poisoning, nicotine, alcoholic beverages, substances household chemicals, plant care products, etc.;
  • strong emotional changes;
  • sudden drop in blood pressure;
  • lack of glucose in the body;
  • insufficient amount of hemoglobin;
  • air pollution;
  • change of body position. Loss of consciousness occurs when suddenly rising to your feet from a lying or sitting position;
  • specific effects on the human body, including prolonged exposure to hot temperatures or increased atmospheric pressure;
  • age category - in adults, fainting can occur when urinating or diarrhea, in teenagers, in particular in girls, fainting occurs during menstruation, and in older people, loss of consciousness can occur during sleep.

According to statistics, it is women who often faint, since they are most susceptible to changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure. Very often, while watching their figure, female representatives observe strict diets or refuse to eat at all, which leads to hungry fainting.

The causes of fainting in children and adolescents occur in the following cases:

  • from strong fear or anxiety, such as when speaking in front of a crowd or visiting the dentist;
  • when overworked from physical exertion or mental activity;
  • associated with injuries and, as a consequence, with severe pain. This mainly happens with fractures;
  • at the first onset of menstruation, girls are often accompanied severe dizziness, lack of air leading to fainting;
  • frequent extreme situations, which attract young girls and boys so much;
  • from prolonged fasting or strict diets.

Suddenly fainting a few minutes after a night's sleep, this may be due to excessive consumption alcoholic drinks the day before, or because the brain is not fully awake. In addition, in women over fifty, fainting can be caused by a condition such as cessation of menstruation.


Depending on the factors influencing the occurrence, there are the following types fainting:

  • neurogenic in nature, which, in turn, are:
    • vasodepressor – arising against the background of emotional changes, stressful situations. Very often manifests itself at the sight of blood in particularly impressionable people;
    • orthostatic – expressed due to a sudden change in body position or taking certain medications. This group includes loss of consciousness from wearing tight or uncomfortable clothing, in particular tight collars of outerwear, as well as fainting in men and women who experience urinary incontinence during sleep, coughing, or when passing feces;
    • maladaptive – arise due to non-adaptation to conditions external environment, for example, in too hot or cold climates;
  • hyperventilation direction– appear from severe fear or panic;
  • somatogenic– the causes of which directly depend on functioning disorders internal organs, with the exception of the brain. There are cardiogenic fainting - occurring due to heart pathologies, anemic - developing due to reduced level and, as well as hypoglycemic - associated with insufficiency of glucose in the blood;
  • extreme nature, which are:
    • hypoxic, resulting from a lack of oxygen in the air;
    • hypovolemic – appearing as a result of heavy blood loss, menstruation, extensive burns;
    • intoxication – developing due to various poisonings;
    • medicinal – taking medications that lower blood pressure;
    • hyperbaric - the occurrence factor is increased atmospheric pressure.


The appearance of such a disturbance of consciousness is preceded by discomfort and discomfort. Thus, the symptoms of fainting are:

  • sudden onset of weakness;
  • noise in ears;
  • strong pulsation in the temples;
  • heaviness in the back of the head;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • pale skin, often the appearance of a gray tint;
  • the appearance of nausea;
  • abdominal cramps precede loss of consciousness during menstruation;
  • excessive sweating.

The pulse of a person who has fainted is palpable weakly, the pupils practically do not react to light.

This condition very rarely lasts more than five minutes, but in cases where it takes longer, fainting with convulsions and seizures is observed. Thus, a short-term loss of consciousness becomes a deep faint. Besides this, some people fall into quitrent with with open eyes, in this case, the best solution would be to cover them with your hand or cloth to prevent them from becoming dry. After fainting, a person feels drowsy, slightly dizzy and confused. Such sensations go away on their own, but the victim still needs to see a doctor, especially if he was injured during a fall.


Although fainting often goes away on its own, diagnosis and treatment are necessary because this condition is often a symptom various diseases, which may threaten human health and life. In addition, it is not always clear why fainting occurs, and diagnostics will help determine the causes of the occurrence.

The first stage of diagnosis consists of identifying possible bright expressed reasons fainting, for example, menstruation, working conditions, sleep phase, poisoning or pollution environment. The doctor needs to find out whether the patient has taken any medications, and whether an overdose has occurred.

Next, it is necessary to examine the patient, but symptoms will not always be identified. If a person is taken to medical institution immediately after fainting, he will experience inhibition and slowness of reaction, as if after sleep, answers to any questions will be delayed. In addition, the doctor cannot help but notice an increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure.

Then the patient needs to take a blood test, which will confirm or refute the deficiency of glucose, red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Hardware diagnostics consists of undergoing examinations of various internal organs, since it is not always clear why fainting occurs, and if the problem is hidden in the improper functioning of one or more internal organs, then radiography, ultrasound, ECG, MRI and other methods will help detect this.

In addition, additional consultations with a cardiologist may be necessary - if heart problems have been detected, a gynecologist - in case of loss of consciousness during menstruation, and a specialist such as a neurologist.


Before contacting specialists who will provide proper therapy, the first step is to provide the victim with first aid. Therefore, a person who is nearby at such a moment should know what to do in case of fainting. First aid methods involve carrying out such activities.

In the 19th century, ladies from high society very often lost consciousness. This happened according to various reasons: with unpleasant news, from heat or fright. At that time, doctors explained this phenomenon as a result of insufficient nutrition or a consequence of wearing tight corsets. How to faint now? To do this, it is not at all necessary to wear clothes that tighten your chest or exhaust yourself with hunger - this phenomenon can affect almost everyone.

What is fainting

Fainting is a short-term loss of consciousness that occurs completely suddenly and is most often associated with metabolic disorders in the brain. The reasons for this situation may be different - you can actually lose consciousness due to poor nutrition or lack of fresh air. Some people may faint in very specific situations: at the sight of blood, a small mouse, or a huge bear.

How to faint on purpose? Oddly enough, this question worries many. Actors very often have to lose consciousness on stage, and this must be done as believably as possible. Some people faint on purpose in order to attract attention. Fortunately or unfortunately, a person cannot control his consciousness, so it is almost impossible to purposefully lose it. However, there are several recommendations that can trigger this process.

How to faint

First of all, it is worth noting that causing loss of consciousness artificially unsafe. This can entail quite serious consequences, which, in turn, can be accompanied by negative phenomena.

Women's tricks have always aroused admiration among others. Losing consciousness is a great way to attract the attention of a young man. In fact, he wouldn’t ignore such an incident? Nevertheless, it should be recalled once again that artificial loss of consciousness can provoke quite serious problems with health, in particular with respiratory and cardiovascular system. Moreover, without knowing how to faint quickly and correctly, you can seriously hit your head.

How can you provoke loss of consciousness?

There are several ways that may help with the issue of how to faint on purpose. They are mostly caused by poor circulation or lack of oxygen in the brain. In addition, hyperventilation can also trigger a short-term loss of consciousness.

For example, you can find some tips on how to faint. Here is one of them: you need to do several deep squats (about 20), stand up sharply, close your mouth thumb hands and blow into it with all your strength. The likelihood that you will lose consciousness after this is maximum. When doing such an experiment with your body, it would be wise to worry in advance about the safety of the fall. To do this, it is better to place pillows or mattresses on the floor, and also remove all furniture with sharp corners away.

How to lose consciousness

Of course, such an experiment is not suitable for all cases. Agree, in order to attract the attention of strangers, this method is irrelevant. You won’t be squatting hard next to a young man, and then blowing into your finger with all your might. There's one more enough effective method: first you need to squat down, then stand up sharply, hold your breath and at the same time try to tense all the muscles of the body as much as possible. Most likely, loss of consciousness will follow immediately after this.

There is another option to lose consciousness artificially. It’s worth warning everyone right away, this is quite dangerous way. You just need to squeeze your carotid artery. First you need to do a few deep breaths and exhalations, and then, holding your breath for a few seconds, press on carotid artery. This method must be used very carefully.

All these methods are good when you need to faint just like that, for the sake of experiment. What if the situation requires you to lose consciousness, but in such a way that it looks natural?

How to lose consciousness correctly

Of course, when young man the girl is unlikely to squat or squeeze her carotid artery. Moreover, such experiments can lead to very undesirable consequences. For example, artificial fainting can cause quite serious oxygen deprivation and, as a result, coma. In addition, during a short-term loss of consciousness, convulsions may be observed - not a very pleasant sight.

That is why it is worth turning to more safe ways simulating fainting. Anyone can artistically play a fainting state, and even more so for girls. To begin with, it is worth noting that the loss of consciousness itself is accompanied by certain signs, so there is no need to sharp drops. So, in order to simulate a fainting state, you need to gradually slow down your speech, blink your eyes often and wince. People around you should get the impression that you feel bad and are trying to concentrate your attention.

How to fake fainting

Imitation fainting begins primarily with slow speech and attempts to concentrate. Then you need to complain to others about feeling unwell and ask for help (bring water or take you to fresh air). And after that, while moving, you need to show your best. acting- carefully trip and fall. There are also several nuances here: it is advisable to fall on your knees, and only then completely lower your entire body. It is worth paying attention to one detail - in no case should you put your hands forward when falling, as this is defensive reaction body.

After this, you need to close your eyes and relax as much as possible. If suddenly someone around you raises your hand, it should naturally return to its original position. Only in this case will fainting look realistic and truthful. You shouldn’t lie too long - someone might get seriously scared and call an ambulance.

Now seriously

Performing a performance in front of others is a simple matter. But how to behave if a person really fainted, the reasons for which are unknown to anyone? First of all, it is necessary to ensure proper blood flow to the brain; to do this, you need to put the victim on his back and slightly raise his legs. It will be important to ensure maximum flow of fresh air. And then you can bring ammonia to your nose or simply splash cold water on your face. It’s good if there are people nearby who can help the victim who has lost consciousness.

What to do if you find yourself alone in such a situation? It is clear that a person cannot control his consciousness and direct his actions. However, as already mentioned, fainting is preceded by some signs that eloquently signal the onset of the condition.

First self aid

It is worth noting that natural loss of consciousness is a phenomenon worth paying attention to. The types of fainting make it possible to determine the presence of some pathology, and timely appeal going to the hospital will help avoid serious complications.

Fainting is accompanied by various symptoms. Before losing consciousness, a person experiences weakness and dizziness, sounds seem to become distant, appear dark spots before your eyes. In this case, you need to lower yourself as quickly as possible so as not to cause harm to your body. After this, you need to try to take a horizontal position and raise your legs slightly above head level, as well as ensure maximum flow of fresh air.

You should not resort to such dubious methods that can provoke loss of consciousness. Sometimes, in order for others to really think so, it is enough just to show a little artistry and exclaim: “Oh, I almost fainted!”

When the metabolism in the brain is disrupted, a person faints, that is, loses consciousness. The reason is that the blood flow in the brain slows down, the cells do not have enough oxygen and to preserve other vital important functions, in particular, cardiac activity, the body switches off for a while, that is, a fainting state occurs.

Fainting is not always something to be afraid of. A person may faint from excitement, from the fact that the room is very stuffy, and for women during pregnancy this is a normal phenomenon.


Why might a person faint? The first reason is a sharp decline blood pressure. It is rare that an organism can adapt to changes in pressure, tone in blood vessels and, accordingly, the work of the heart. Unable to withstand such blood flow pressure, a person faints.

Other causes of fainting may include:

  • Impaired cardiovascular activity;
  • Elevated physical exercise, the power of which the heart cannot withstand. In this case, the cells of the body, including the brain, will be in dire need of oxygen consumption;
  • (at infectious diseases, disruption gastrointestinal tract(vomiting, diarrhea), inflammation Bladder, as well as in the hot season - at very copious discharge sweat);
  • Nervous overexcitation;
  • Severe stress, emotions experienced by a person;
  • Fear of something (exam, blood, surgery, a certain event in life);
  • for acute infectious diseases;
  • Surgical operations caused by large loss of blood;
  • Pathologies of the upper respiratory tract;
  • A sharp decrease in sugar levels;
  • Lung diseases;
  • Pregnancy in women (especially in the early stages);
  • In older people, fainting is a symptom of stroke;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the brain.

For information!

A person may faint as a result of abruptly rising from bed, which is common in the elderly and pregnant women. You will be surprised, but there are people who are so afraid of the sight of blood or dental office, then immediately, in front of the door of the treatment room, they faint. As a rule, such fainting does not last long, literally a few seconds. After which the person regains consciousness.


For some reason, the symptom of fainting most often refers to fainting itself, that is, the moment of loss of consciousness and a person falling to the ground. But this misconception and understanding the symptoms of fainting.

When fainting begins, a person initially becomes ill, he may feel nauseous, and he begins to vomit. My health deteriorates sharply. Then everything begins to turn black before your eyes, a painful, unpleasant ringing in your ears appears, and you begin to want to find support (sit down or find quiet place), as balance and orientation in space are lost.

After darkening in the eyes and an attack of nausea, the patient’s legs begin to sharply give way and a panicky, anxious feeling appears. The patient sweats intensely, and the skin of the face appears pale. After a few minutes, the person usually loses consciousness. After the patient has fainted, the skin on his face takes on a gray tint, and his pulse is practically not palpable. It is characteristic that the heart rate also decreases, a very frightening condition (especially for others).

Vital reflexes in a person who has fainted are completely or partially absent. If you open your eyes and look at the pupils, they are dilated, there is a weak reaction to sunlight takes place.

Fainting can be long or short. As a rule, the patient faints for a few seconds, then the person can regain consciousness. Prolonged fainting is accompanied by convulsions of the upper and lower limbs, followed by an involuntary act of urination or defecation (which indicates that the patient cannot control his reflexes).

How to help?

First aid to a person who has fainted will include:

  • Providing a flow of fresh air (so that the brain cells are completely saturated with oxygen);
  • The patient must be put down or seated, ensuring him a motionless position;
  • Spray your face with cold water, you can tap your cheeks, simulating weak slaps;
  • Be sure to unfasten your outer clothing, which can be very tight and block the access of oxygen;
  • Open all the windows or take the person outside (only if the weather outside is not hot, but cool);
  • If there ammonia, then you need to bring a cotton swab to the patient’s nose.

After fainting, the patient very slowly, but still comes to his senses. Consciousness returns to him. But after oxygen starvation loss of brain cells (the main cause of fainting), a person retains a feeling of weakness and helplessness. Headache can be painful for several hours. The feeling of panic, anxiety, fear for your well-being does not leave you. At the same time, the patient retains his memory, he understands and remembers how and under what circumstances he fainted.

Such fainting, lasting from several seconds to several minutes, does not pose a danger to human life and health. Just because they happened once does not mean that similar condition will enter a person’s life steadily and will bother him with a certain frequency.

Constant fainting

If fainting occurs constantly, then this indicates that the person has acute disorders in the work of the heart. It is imperative to contact a cardiologist and have a cardiogram done. Constant fainting is very dangerous as it can lead to sudden death!

If after fainting a person does not remember anything, then there is a pathology of the blood vessels of the brain. Again, there is nothing you can do to help here on your own; you need to go to the hospital.

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Fainting (syncope) is a loss of consciousness due to disruption of blood flow to the brain, which lasts up to one minute.

Fainting can overtake a person for various reasons:

  1. Lack of oxygen, for example, in stuffy room(vasovagal syncope), during pandemonium during special events, in public transport, with polluted air ( tobacco smoke or car fumes). A shirt collar that is too tight or a tight corset causes a lack of oxygen.
  2. Performing static work, e.g. for a long time being in a standing position can cause loss of consciousness. This is the result poor circulation blood throughout the body.
  3. Shocks (fear, unexpected news, excitement, stress, overwork) cause fainting, as blood pressure drops and normal blood flow is disrupted. This is the most common reason (50% of cases).
  4. Hunger, poor nutrition. Against the background of general weakness of the body arterial pressure falls and loss of consciousness occurs.
  5. Alcohol intoxication or drug use.
  6. In case of bleeding or severe dehydration, also in case of sudden rise from a lying position.
  7. For menstruation or severe PMS.

Diseases that cause fainting: anemia, low level blood sugar, arrhythmia, in girls – pregnancy pathologies, the presence

If in front of your eyes a person faints or only complains of symptoms of a pre-fainting state ( nausea, veils or “goosebumps” before the eyes, darkening of the eyes, ringing in the ears, skin color changes from normal to gray, legs give way, sometimes, with prolonged fainting, voluntary urination or convulsions are observed), don’t hesitate, but start acting urgently. You will learn from our article what immediate assistance should be provided to the victim.

You will need:

First aid for loss of consciousness

  • If you see a person falling, try to soften his fall in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.
  • We check for breathing and pulse to cross cardiac arrest off the list.
  • We lay the victim on his back and fix his legs above his head (using a pillow or chair).
  • We unfasten his belt, collar, laces and other items of clothing that may block the path of oxygen.
  • If you are indoors, open the window.
  • Spray the victim's face with cold water or apply wet towel to the forehead.
  • Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or another substance containing pungent odor and gently bring it to the person’s nose.
  • If vomiting is present, it is necessary to fix the person in the “sideways” position and turn his head so as not to choke and immediately call an ambulance.

After the patient comes to his senses, he needs to eat something sweet and lie down for a few more minutes until he is fully recovered.

What not to do

  • It is contraindicated to put any medications in a person's mouth, as they may choke.
  • Sedatives in the form of valerian or Corvalol can only be given if the victim has experienced severe stress or an excess of emotions (positive or negative).

You cannot perform chest compressions without first checking for breathing and pulse.

  • After the patient has regained consciousness, you cannot immediately lift him, you need to spend a few more minutes in a lying position.

If fainting is frequent

It is necessary to send the patient to an appointment with a cardiologist to diagnose possible diseases, the symptoms of which are fainting. Timely diagnosis will be the key to further treatment.

You can carry out strengthening therapy, which is characterized by taking certain medications:

  • Vitamin B and C;
  • Medicines to improve brain nutrition;
  • Drugs to support vein tone.

This therapy additionally includes sports () and emotional relief - avoidance of stressful situations.

How not to faint

  1. : less fried, spicy and fatty foods, more vegetables and fruits.
  2. Walking/jogging in the fresh air, at least 2 hours a day.
  3. Light physical activity: swimming/walking/exercising.
  4. Quitting smoking and drug addiction.
  5. Moderate use alcoholic drinks(no more than 40 g of pure ethanol for men and 20 g for women per day).
  6. Meals should be in small portions, but every 3-4 hours.
  7. Timely visit to the doctor and undergo an examination, especially for pregnant women in the early stages.

How to Recognize Faking Fainting

Often, to attract attention, people faint hysterically; this only happens if there are spectators.

  1. Simulators know only the most popular symptoms of fainting, and use them, deliberately exaggerating. The consequences are also exaggerated: even minor injuries are claimed to cause serious damage.
  2. Most often, before loss of consciousness, a pre-fainting syndrome appears with all the consequences.
  3. A person who actually faints falls anywhere, but a pretender will never fall anywhere.
  4. After losing consciousness, the person is disoriented and cannot understand what happened, but this is a short-term effect.