What causes closed comedones to appear on the face. How to quickly get rid of comedones at home

Comedones are clots of discharge from sebaceous glands, hardening and having the ability to sclerotize, formed into skin growths mainly on the surface of the human face. Comedones can occur in both men and women. People in the age group are most susceptible to these processes on the skin. puberty and in middle age. Although this information is not medical fact. Comedones can accompany a person throughout his life, either partially disappearing or reappearing en masse.

In most cases, comedones are triggered by hormonal surges and changes in metabolic processes in the body. Comedones are divided into 2 types - closed and open. Sebum produced by the sebaceous gland clogs hair follicles, the resulting exudate is released from the follicle into the pores of the dermis. At first, the contents of the comedone are whitish, and in the absence of oxygen access and the contents coming to the surface, a black capsule is formed. Such comedones are called closed comedones. They sometimes cause severe pain, discomfort and inflammation of others skin. When sebaceous accumulations break out, the contents do not have time to turn black and come out to the surface of the facial skin, sometimes leaving a fairly deep hole in the dermal tissues, which gradually turns into a scar.

2 Symptoms of the disease

It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of comedones. They occur at any age with characteristic signs on the upper layers of the dermis, for example:

  • redness;
  • It's a dull pain;
  • bloating;
  • release of exudate to the outside;
  • swelling;
  • formation of nodes and pustules.

There are not many causes of comedones, most of them can be prevented constant prevention. Regular care for facial skin and balanced diet work wonders. And yet, even the most well-groomed people who take care of their health have to deal with this disease despite all preventive measures. Some of the causes of comedones are as follows:

  • heredity;
  • using inappropriate cosmetics;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • stress;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • slags;
  • allergic reactions;
  • reaction to medications;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • renal failure;
  • menopause;
  • mechanical disorders of the skin.

When identifying the cause of comedones, one should take into account age characteristics patient, diet, daily routine, sleep patterns, exposure to stress.

3 Treatments

How to get rid of comedones on the face at home? Cosmetologists effectively cope with this problem. But it's not that simple. A specialist can only help overcome cosmetic defect, without taking into account the reasons for its appearance.

You need to get rid of comedones with the help of various cosmetics, tablets, and physiotherapy.

You can influence the affected areas of the skin with drugs that regulate the pH level of the skin, alcohol-containing tinctures, and cleansing complex solutions.

Mechanical treatment of comedones will give temporary results in cases where the cause of their appearance has not been eliminated. IN specialized stores“Medtechnika” sells a tool called “Extractor”, with which, without any special skills, you can get rid of closed comedones.

Some manufacturers of decorative cosmetics loudly declare that they know how to get rid of comedones. When offering their products that offer a solution to this disease, few of them really think about the fact that some cosmetics can aggravate the disease, clog the pores of the dermis and, in general, negatively affect the production of sebaceous gland secretions. And in such cases the best option there will be a lack of any effect when using such funds.

Before starting treatment for this disease, it is advisable to consult a specialist or at least clarify which drugs will need to be excluded during the procedures. So, we list the main methods and means for the treatment of comedones:

  1. Cleansing creams, when deeply penetrating into the upper subcutaneous layers, eliminate dead cells and promote the opening of acne.
  2. Basic personal daily hygiene, excluding even the application of decorative cosmetics and touching the skin of the face with hands.
  3. Wash your face with soapy water at least 2 times a day.
  4. The use of lotions containing salicylic acid, sulfur, resorcinol.
  5. The use of oral antibiotics aimed at reducing acute condition illness.
  6. Deep retinol peeling.
  7. Compliance strict diet, excluding the consumption of sugar-containing products, fats of animal origin, smoked and fried.
  8. Saturation of the body with microelements and vitamins. Vitamins A and E are required. Of the microelements, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, calcium, and iodine are required.

You can successfully treat comedones at home, observing all the necessary safety standards when affecting sensitive facial skin.

4 Traditional medicine recipes

How to treat comedones without using medicines Traditional medicine will advise. Effect of treatment folk ways sometimes exceeds all expectations.

So, some methods are worth taking a closer look at.

  1. Vegetable masks. Grate raw zucchini, cucumber, and carrots. Mix the resulting mass well, place on a thick layer of gauze and apply to the surface of the face for 30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, blot the skin with a natural napkin. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures per week for 1-2 months.
  2. Soda mixture. In equal proportions, rock salt and baking soda are mixed and dissolved in a small volume of water. The resulting pulp is rubbed on the affected areas. The skin dries out quickly. This recipe for how to get rid of closed comedones is unique and affordable.
  3. Citrus tonic. From lemon and grapefruit small sizes squeeze out the juice. Mix in a 1:1 ratio with the same portion of purified water, but not boiled. Wipe your face 2-3 times a day. Store the resulting tonic in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
  4. Rice mask. Pour boiling water over 50 g of rice grains and leave to steep for 8 hours. Then drain the water and mash the swollen rice to a pulp. Place the resulting paste on your face for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, pat your face dry with a damp cotton towel. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week for a month.
  5. Mask made from chamomile flowers. 2 tbsp. l. Pour chamomile flowers with a small amount of boiling water and grind into a paste. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. rye flour. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and, without allowing it to cool, apply to the surface of the face. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off warm water, blot with a linen napkin or a towel made of natural fabric. If necessary, lubricate your face with moisturizer.

In addition to the listed remedies, you can perform a simple procedure that will help expand the pores and allow comedones to break through closed type: steam your face over a bath of hot water. These baths with added oil are especially good. tea tree, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort. Essential oils can be replaced with decoctions of the listed herbs.

How to treat comedones for allergy sufferers? In people suffering from allergies, comedones themselves can be manifestations of allergic reactions of the body to all kinds of substances. After the allergen has ceased to act, a deep peeling procedure using retinolic acid can be performed if there is no allergy to it. Retinolic acid will clean deep pores well and make it possible to eliminate traces of scars after open comedones.

5 Skin health

A huge number of people in the world are faced with the problem of comedones appearing on their faces; few know how to get rid of them. Some are in a hurry to solve this problem quickly, using spontaneous treatment methods, which sometimes only lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Teenagers often scratch comedones with dirty hands, causing even more inflammation by germs entering the skin. After scratching the comedones, affected areas are formed that develop into acne scars and ulcers. But in this way, young people did not get rid of the problem, but only led to its complication.

The key to healthy facial skin is daily hygiene procedures, which are the most effective prevention. They include not only washing and cleansing pores. First of all, the face must remain a zone of untouchability. Dirty hands, cosmetic products that do not meet the standards should not have direct contact with the skin of the face. The sebaceous glands respond very quickly to changes in climate, diet, water quality, environmental situation generally.

Comedones are nothing more than acne, which are the result of a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. These black dots on the face have become Lately more often diagnosed, if previously comedones were typical for young people/teenagers, now this disease is also typical for older people (statistically, 25-40 years old).

Comedones do not pose any danger to human health and life, but in psycho-emotional terms, these acne rashes can cause many problems. Therefore, you need not only to know at least a minimum of information about the disease in question, but also to understand what can help in the fight against comedones on the face.

Table of contents: We recommend reading:


In medicine, several types of comedones are distinguished; they develop gradually and serve as a continuation of each other. In general, doctors call comedones cysts - they are formed according to the same principle as ordinary cysts on internal organs. The mechanism of development of the disease in question is always the same: it all begins with the formation of microcomedones, ends with open or closed form. More precisely, the types and mechanism of development of comedones are shown in the figure:

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What are open comedones

The follicle often plays the role of a kind of “collection” of sebum, to which are added dead epidermal cells, microparticles of cosmetics, and dust. This resulting composition simply clogs the hair follicle, and when the plug is at the exit of the follicle, it turns black due to oxidation of the contents by air. This is how open comedones are formed - ordinary blackheads, acne, which doctors consider the most simple development the state under consideration.

Unlike open comedones, in this form there is no way out for the accumulated plug. That's why closed comedones They are whitish balls or nodules that rise above the surface of the skin.

The danger of closed comedones is high risk development of complex pathological conditions:

  • purulent;
  • abscesses.

The inflammatory process in closed comedones develops rapidly, and a person’s desire to quickly get rid of an unsightly phenomenon can lead to the spread of staphylococcal or streptococcal infections. And “manual” getting rid of closed comedones necessarily leads to the formation of scars, scars and unevenness on the skin surface.

Note:places of localization of open and/or closed comedones - forehead, chin, nose, back (its upper sections). In some cases, the phenomenon in question is also observed on the upper part of the chest - such a spread of condylomas is more often observed in women.

Causes of comedones

It is impossible to name one thing as the cause of the appearance of condylomas on the face - doctors say that for the appearance of such acne some kind of push, provocation is needed. Several factors can cause such a provocation:

  1. Genetic trait. Doctors, and ordinary people, it has long been noted that the facial skin condition in question is hereditary. If a mother or father has condylomas, then the probability of developing such a disease in their children is 97%.
  2. Disturbance in the hormonal balance of the body. That is why most often open/closed comedones appear on the skin of the face in adolescence, in women in menopause, before menstruation.
  3. Medications. It's about only about long-term use any medications - against the background of such an aggressive effect on the body, disorders develop secretory function body.
  4. Not proper care for facial skin– for example, incorrect selection of cosmetics, excessive use of decorative cosmetics, lack of facial cleansing procedures.
  5. Diet disorder. If a person’s menu contains large quantities of carbohydrates and fats, with virtually no vegetables and fruits, then this is a direct path to the formation of both closed and open comedones.
  6. Some diseases of the central and/or peripheral nervous system , frequent , relapses .

In addition, comedones can appear if a person lives in a region with an unfavorable environment - a high content of carbon oxides and metal salts in the air will certainly lead to the appearance of the described condition.

Regularly squeezing out blackheads or white bumps on the face will not get rid of comedones - it will only provoke the development of an inflammatory process on the skin surface. Treatment of the condition in question is the prerogative of medical workers who will definitely offer complex therapy.

Pick up adequate treatment Only a doctor can diagnose comedones - you need to take into account not only the degree and type of disease, but also the general health of the patient. Many medications used to treat condylomas can cause a severe allergic reaction, and sometimes the specialist has to act on the principle of choosing a medication - what is ideal for one patient may be completely useless for another.

If we talk about general recommendations, then a face with condylomas must be treated antiseptic drugs and funds with antibacterial effect. Differin, a drug produced in the form of a gel or cream of 0.1%, has proven itself well in this regard. It is applied to facial skin previously cleansed with lotion. evening time days. Another effective remedy for combating condylomas is Tretinoin cream or lotion, which should be used to treat the face 2 times a day.

Note:Treatment for comedones is lengthy and will require diligence and patience. On average, getting rid of condylomas with medicines lasts 4-8 weeks.

Cosmetology procedures

We recommend reading:

When treating comedones, you must visit beauty salons - there are a number of procedures that effectively get rid of unsightly rashes on the face. First of all, professionals recommend deep cleansing of the face - this procedure helps remove dead skin cells of the epidermis, excretory iron ducts are freed, and free access to oxygen opens to facial skin cells. Deep facial cleansing is carried out in different ways:

  • manual – this is called manual cleaning;
  • using specific tools - a needle and a loop;

  • microdermabrasion;
  • chemical peeling;
  • ultrasonic devices.

The most common method of deep facial cleansing is laser peeling. The result of this procedure is the renewal of the epithelium, which invariably leads to improved blood circulation, normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and stabilization of metabolism. The likelihood of comedones appearing after laser peeling is very low, although relapses are not excluded.

Treatment of comedones with folk remedies

Just in case you need to fight comedones, you can safely turn to us for help. folk medicine– there are a lot of products based on natural raw materials that really relieve a person from unpleasant rashes on the face. You can use them one at a time, you can combine them - it’s just important to stick to mandatory rule regularity of procedures.

Traditional methods of treating comedones:

Note:Each of the listed masks should be used at least once a week. You can alternate, but in this case you can only use 2 types of masks per week.

Rubbing your face with a self-prepared tonic will also be very effective - it is made from juice or. In the first case, a teaspoon of juice is diluted in ¼ glass of water, but grapefruit juice in the amount of 1 tablespoon is diluted with a glass of water.

They also help get rid of comedones quite well - for example, they can be mixed with natural yogurt, warm milk to a paste. Then the mass is applied to the face with circular movements of the fingers for 15 minutes. After washing off the mask with warm water, be sure to treat your skin with any moisturizer.

Those people who are predisposed to the appearance of comedones should regularly take preventive measures. For example, this will be useful for those whose parents suffered from comedones or who had rashes of the type in question in the past and are now in remission. Prevention of comedones is as follows:

Comedones can cause a lot of trouble - some people even become depressed and despondent when such a problem appears. But modern medicine and the rich experience of our ancestors really help get rid of existing comedones and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Fat accumulates in the hair follicle due to hormonal imbalances, abuse of decorative cosmetics and improper skin care. The secretion mixes with dirt and particles of dead epidermis, causing inflammation. A plug is formed that clogs the pores. Comedones appear. Rashes can be open or closed. The first type is blackheads, the second is dense subcutaneous balls and nodules. Inflamed sebaceous glands treated with folk remedies.


Comedones should not be squeezed out or pierced with needles, even sterile ones. These methods do not help clear the skin of rashes, but only increase inflammation. Injured nodules increase in size, turning into boils that have to be removed surgically.

When squeezing comedones, the risk of infection of healthy skin increases. If the patient spends manual cleaning faces with dirty tools or nails, ordinary blackheads become purulent. After inflamed rashes, scars and scars remain. When squeezing, a person can introduce staphylococcal or streptococcal infection, due to which internal organs suffer, streptoderma and other serious diseases develop.

Before using cosmetics and folk remedies you need to understand what exactly caused the comedones. Genetic predisposition can trigger rashes. But if the parents have a clean and healthy skin, you need to look for the problem inside the body. Girls should check it out genitourinary system, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and donate blood for hormones.

If there are rashes and excess weight it is necessary to reconsider the diet. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to the abuse of animal fats and carbohydrates. In such cases, one lotion and ointment for comedones will not be enough. Will have to remove it from the menu butter, fried foods, convenience foods, mayonnaise, sweets and fast food. Harmful products replaced with fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and dietary chicken or turkey.

Comedones appear in people prone to depression. Sometimes rashes are a reaction to stressful situations. It is also necessary to check the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs. Examine the thyroid and pancreas.

Acne occurs due to poor cosmetics: the wrong washing gel, poor-quality or too greasy cream, aggressive scrub or peeling. Those with problematic skin types should select skin care products with the help of a dermatologist.

If you have comedones, you should refrain from using powder and foundation. Pores get clogged due to the bad habit of going to bed without washing off the layer of makeup and dirt. You need to wash your face twice a day. Remove oily shine not with powder, but with matting wipes.

If a person has few blackheads and nodules, you can limit yourself to home remedies from herbs, soda, fresh fruits and cereals. But with an advanced disease, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist. In such situations, you cannot experiment and take risks, otherwise the skin condition will only worsen and the cosmetic problem will not disappear.

Aggressive means

Blackheads are dissolved with baking soda. First, rub a little baby soap. You can’t use household stuff, it contains too many aggressive additives that corrode the top layer of the epidermis. Shallow burns, redness and allergic reactions appear.

Children's soap shavings are diluted with warm water. The mixture is vigorously stirred until a thick foam appears, and then part of the solution is added to the soda. The liquid pulp is rubbed into problem areas after washing. Remove the soda mask with cotton pads after 10 minutes. Wipe the face with chamomile or other soothing infusion.

A nutritional supplement with baby soap is used twice a month. The mask is quite aggressive, so if used frequently it dries out the skin. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, they begin to secrete even more oil, and new rashes appear.

People with sensitive and delicate skin, as well as teenagers, will benefit from another, softer and more gentle soda mask. Part home medicine from comedones includes ground cereals and kefir. For 2 parts cereal, 1 part fermented milk product. Add 5 g of baking soda and stir. Lactic acids react with food additive, so the mask is applied immediately after preparation. Do not allow the mixture to come into contact with the area around the eyes and mouth. Wash off the oatmeal paste after 15 minutes, and after cleansing, be sure to moisturize the skin with a hypoallergenic cream or emulsion. The cosmetic product can be replaced with regular glycerin, to which 3-4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice are added. It will lighten blackheads and make them invisible.

Clogged hair follicles are cleaned with a homemade scrub, which consists of:

  • ground beans;
  • chopped oatmeal;
  • coffee grounds;
  • iodized or sea salt.

Dry ingredients are poured into glass jar or a plate, take 0.5–1 tsp. each product. Pour in a little kefir if you need to remove oily shine. For those with thin and dry skin, olive or linseed oil is recommended. The consistency of the scrub is liquid, similar to unhardened sour cream. The pore cleanser is rubbed into problem areas after water procedures. Gently massage the areas covered with comedones with your fingers. It is better not to use brushes and sponges so that microtraumas do not remain on the upper layer of the epidermis. After five minutes of peeling, the remaining scrub is removed with water. The face is wiped with a soothing lotion or herbal tonic, and then treated with a light cream.

The coffee bean remedy is used 4-5 times a month. The dry ingredients are first ground with a coffee grinder, because large particles can leave scratches on the skin, which will increase inflammation.

If the sebaceous glands are disrupted, a soda scrub helps. You will need:

  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile.

Only dried herbs will do. The inflorescences and branches of plants are ground in a mortar or coffee grinder to a homogeneous powder. The components are brewed with a small amount of boiling water, stirred and left for half an hour under the lid. Add 1 tsp to the steamed herbs. soda The greenish mass is applied in a thick layer to problem and healthy areas. Gently tap in with your fingertips and rinse off after 20 minutes.

Masks for inflammation and seals

The condition of the skin with open and closed comedones improves thanks to wild brown rice. If this is not the case, you can get by with the regular white variety. In the evening pour 2-3 tbsp. l. cereals 150 ml boiling water. The container with porridge is closed and wrapped in a terry towel. Leave for 12 hours for the cereal to swell and become soft. The workpiece is filtered, the cake is kneaded with a spoon or crushed with a blender. Rice paste is rubbed into problem areas massage movements, then apply another layer of product and rest for 20 minutes. Cereals draw out dirt and grease, slightly tighten pores, smoothing out the skin.

Clogged hair follicles are cleaned with chicken or quail proteins. They saturate the skin with minerals, dry and mattify. Softens dirt plugs and soothes inflamed rashes. Beat the whites separated from the yolks with a whisk, and when the mass increases slightly, add sugar. The result is a base for meringue, which is applied to a clean and steamed face. The first thin layer is driven into problem areas with your fingers. Wait for it to dry and lubricate the skin again. The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.

The protein mask is removed with water warmed to room temperature; washing gel and scrubs are not used. Egg medicine is used twice a week. It is advisable not to skip procedures so that comedones disappear as quickly as possible.

Closed-type rashes are removed with kefir. The fermented milk product improves the condition of the sebaceous glands, reduces oily skin and dissolves plugs of dirt and dead epidermis. Add 1 tsp to 40–50 ml of liquid base. aloe juice The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the resorption of nodules. Whisk the ingredients until smooth. Moisten a piece of gauze in the mask and cover the face with the cloth for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is wiped with chamomile decoction or lotion, but it is advisable to use products without alcohol components.

For patients whose sebaceous glands produce too much oil, vegetable masks are suitable. Works great on acne:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumber;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomato.

It is better not to use beets; they turn your face a deep red color. It's not easy to remove natural blush. Carrots also give a slight orange or yellowish tint, but they are rich in vitamins responsible for the renewal of the epidermis. The sweet root vegetable is mixed in equal proportions with other vegetables. Fresh preparations are peeled, turned into a homogeneous paste and seasoned with olive oil. Literally 10–15 ml to slightly moisturize the skin.

A piece of clean gauze is placed on the face, and a vegetable mask is placed on top. The fabric will not allow the liquid preparation to spread throughout the body.

The cucumber mass can be seasoned not with olive oil, but with sour cream or yogurt. Options made from zucchini or tomatoes with lemon juice also work well for oily shine and clogged pores. Wash off any remaining vegetable mask after 15 minutes. Moisturize the skin with sunscreen cream.

Zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers not only improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also soften the layer of keratinized epidermis. Natural products remove dead particles and wash out plugs from clogged pores.

Holders sensitive skin A mask based on rye flour is suitable. First, combine the powder from dried chamomile flowers with boiling water. You will need a little liquid to form a thick paste. The product is infused for 40 minutes, seasoned with lemon juice and thickened with rye flour. Apply in the evening before bed so that the skin can rest and recover after the procedure. The product is kept for no longer than 20 minutes. The chamomile mask soothes and draws out pus, fades blackheads and slightly whitens the face. You can add flax seeds to the vegetable powder. They moisturize and restore water balance, rejuvenate and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

Additional care

If the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to an incorrect diet or hormonal imbalances, clay will help. We recommend red, blue or white. Cosmetic powder is mixed with warm water. For 1 part liquid you will need 3-4 parts dry matter. The result is a thick paste, to which 2-3 drops of essential oil are added. Chamomile, eucalyptus and tea tree have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. If the skin is dry, pour 5 ml of olive or apricot oil into the mask.

Areas covered with closed or open comedones are wiped with homemade lotions. The option of linden honey helps and alcohol tincture calendula. Dissolve 1 tsp in 30 ml of liquid base. bee ingredient. Pour the mixture into a glass of distilled water and apply twice a day after washing and scrubbing.

If there are a lot of blackheads, they are whitened with lemon or grapefruit juice. You will need a freshly squeezed drink, which is diluted with 3 parts water. Prepare small portions, because such lotion cannot be stored for a long time.

A tonic made from cucumber juice and milk has whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Take 25 ml of the first and second product, shake and soak a cotton swab with the composition. Wipe problem areas and leave until completely dry. There is no need to rinse off any remaining lotion. The mixture is stored no longer than 24 hours, otherwise it loses all its beneficial properties and turns sour. Bacteria multiply in spoiled tonic, which increases inflammation.

For purulent comedones, aloe is recommended. A homogeneous paste is made from a large leaf that is at least 3–4 years old. The green preparation is infused in a glass of water for 50 minutes. Strain and add 4 drops of essential oil from manuka leaves to the aloe tonic.

To refresh your face and make rashes less noticeable, it is recommended to apply it on your face in the morning. clean skin a mixture of turmeric and cilantro juice. For 10 g of orange powder take 20 ml of liquid. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Keep it for 15 minutes and complete the procedure with a moisturizing gel or cream. Girls can apply after the mask decorative cosmetics. Turmeric remedy can be used daily.

The simplest and cheap way comedones treatment salt. Grind 40–50 g of spice in a coffee grinder. In a separate container, mix 30 ml of distilled water with a small amount antibacterial soap. Pour the dry component into the liquid base, stir and moisten a cotton swab in the preparation. Rub in circular motions salt medicine into areas covered with black dots for 5 minutes. The face is rinsed with water at room temperature to remove the remnants of the mask and dirt plugs that have come out of the pores. It is better to apply the cream not immediately, but after 30–40 minutes, so that the skin calms down.

Open comedones are treated with a mask of activated carbon:

  1. 2-3 sorbent tablets are ground in a mortar.
  2. In a separate container, mix 20 g of gelatin and 40 ml of hot milk.
  3. Wait until the workpiece swells, then send it to a water bath and bring it to homogeneity.
  4. Pour crushed activated carbon into the mask and stir.
  5. The workpiece, cooled to room temperature, is applied to problem areas.
  6. It is advisable to steam your face before the procedure. You can lean over a pan of boiled potatoes or herbal decoction. Warm, humid air expands the pores, making it easier for the mask to pull out black plugs.

The gelatinous mass is left on the face until it hardens completely. A film is formed that can be removed by hand. Remains of activated carbon are removed with a cotton swab soaked in herbal decoction or lotion. Cleansing with gelatin is carried out twice a week.

Face cream can be supplemented pharmaceutical ointments containing zinc and salicylic acid. Thanks to the substances, the pores narrow and the sebaceous glands produce less oil.

Teenagers, young people, and even old people experience comedones. Rashes appear due to problems with hormones, poor diet and genetic predisposition. It is necessary to treat open and closed acne in a comprehensive manner: and special diet, and correct cosmetics, And traditional methods. This is the only way to get rid of comedones and improve the condition of the skin.

Video: how to get rid of comedones, blackheads and blackheads

Many people face the problem of comedones, starting with adolescence. Comedones are plugs formed from sebum and other impurities. Most often they appear in people with oily or combination skin types. Usually young girls are more worried about this. They develop internal complexes due to skin problems. Often, attempts to disguise comedones and rashes with foundation, powder, and correctors lead to even more clogged pores, causing more and more trouble.

Comedones can and should be fought, but it is important to know how and in what cases to use certain skin treatment products.

Causes of comedones

Before you begin treating the skin for comedones, you should determine the reasons for their formation. Often, this problem is caused by a number of factors:

  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • unsuitable cosmetics;
  • lack of skin care before bedtime;
  • rare use of scrubs and tonics;
  • oily skin;
  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy period;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • drug treatment;
  • unhealthy diet (increased consumption of sweets, fatty foods, flour, alcohol);
  • contaminated air;
  • heredity.

Types of treatment for comedones

In order to cleanse the skin of comedones, it is best to use several treatment methods at once. It is best to first consult with a cosmetologist, who will not only advise and select the most suitable series of cosmetic products, but will also carry out procedures to help cleanse the skin on the face of open and closed comedones.

Ideally, to eliminate skin problems, you should use a whole complex, which includes:

  • cosmetic procedures;
  • medications;
  • traditional methods;
  • home methods.

Cosmetic procedures

Salon procedures help cleanse the skin of comedones on the face, but it is advisable to follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist and clean regularly. The specialist can offer mechanical, ultrasonic, vacuum, laser cleaning, as well as chemical peeling and vaporization.

Mechanical cleaning- a method known to many women. On this moment it is less and less in demand, since there are much newer skin care techniques. But if there are contraindications to them, mechanical cleansing is used, before which the facial skin is steamed using steam, and then, using a cosmetic spatula, a specialist manually removes impurities from the pores. This procedure is very painful in places, so the method using ultrasound is increasingly being used.

Ultrasonic cleaning- a method that helps cleanse the skin using ultrasound machine produced by gentle peeling. This method is less painful compared to manual cleaning.

Vacuum cleaning - the least painful method, but not as effective as mechanical cleaning. Using a vacuum, sebaceous plugs are sucked out of pre-steamed pores. The advantage of this technique is cleaning hard-to-reach places.

Laser cleaning – a method using a laser that breaks up comedone plugs on the face. This is one of the most effective procedures.

Chemical peeling - a method of cleansing the skin of impurities using fruit acids, which quickly dissolve sebaceous plugs. The pores are cleaned very deeply.

Vaporization- a method that allows you to remove open comedones using a vaporizer that emits a stream of water under pressure. This method not only cleanses the pores well, but also massages the skin.

Salicylic acid

One of the most popular and inexpensive is salicylic acid. This the best remedy not only against comedones, but also against acne. In pharmacies, salicylic acid is sold in the form of a solution of 1%, 2%, 3%, 5% and 10%. High concentration this tool Should not be used on skin.

If the skin is dry, it is better to use a 1% solution. For very oily skin on the face, 2% and 3% solutions are suitable. Salicylic acid subject to regular use, it helps dissolve sebaceous plugs and cleanse pores. Also, for inflammation, this remedy for comedones helps dry them out. Salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect and reduces oiliness of the skin.

Salicylic acid is applied to the entire face area if there are a large number of rashes and comedones. If there are several inflammations, it is better to use it pointwise. If comedones appear in small areas on the face and the rest of the skin is healthy, salicylic acid is also applied topically to avoid drying out normal skin.

Salicylic acid is used as follows: it is applied to a cotton pad and then wiped over the skin until a slight tingling sensation is felt. It is not recommended to rub the product in to avoid overdrying and damaging the skin. If a burning sensation occurs, your face can be lightly rinsed with water without using various washing gels.

Do not forget that salicylic acid can greatly dry out already dry skin, so those with this skin type should avoid using this product.

If the treatment of comedones is carried out using only this solution, it is not advisable to use other means to eliminate comedones during this period. Salicylic acid in combination with other medications can cause severe flaking.


Not every girl and woman knows that effective means against comedones, not only open but also closed, is regular aspirin. In addition to eliminating sebaceous plugs, aspirin helps tighten pores and improves skin quality. Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

To carry out the procedure, you should purchase aspirin in tablet form. The drug in effervescent form is not suitable here. The mask should be based on cosmetic clay, vegetable oil, honey or kefir. Aspirin (2 tablets) should be crushed and mixed with 1 tablespoon of base, adding about 5 ml of water. This mask is applied to the problem area for 20 minutes, then removed. After the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

Within a few hours the skin condition will improve. But for maximum effect You should make 8 of these masks (one procedure per week). If aspirin is used more often, the skin may react with itching and redness. The very first masks on the face are best done with soft products such as yogurt or honey.

It is best to apply aspirin pointwise for the very first time, avoiding very dry areas.

At severe inflammation on the skin and a large number of clogged pores, you can use aspirin (3 tablets), chloramphenicol (3 tablets), calendula tincture (1 bottle). Aspirin and chloramphenicol must first be crushed.


Baziron refers to medications, which has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Baziron contains benzoyl peroxide and is available in gel form.

In case of excessive sebum secretion, Baziron reduces its production and also has a keratolytic effect. The drug is quite safe, since penetration active substance through the skin is very low. The effect can be seen after four weeks, but it is advisable to continue treatment for about three months.

Baziron is applied evenly to the area of ​​skin affected by comedones twice a day. The skin should be clean and dry. For the first time, it is better to apply Baziron very thin layer pointwise.

Baziron should not be combined with other drying or alcohol-containing products. It is also advisable not to sunbathe during treatment in the sun, as irritation may occur.

Baziron can also be used to treat red spots after rashes. Baziron gel can be used for age spots and acne.

It is not recommended to use Baziron during pregnancy. To treat acne, it is better to use products approved for pregnant women.


The drug Zinerit contains antibiotics in the form of erythromycin. The composition also contains zinc acetate, which promotes better penetration of the active substance into the skin. Zenerite is used both for closed comedones and for inflammation of the skin and scars.

Zinerite is available in the form of a set, which includes two jars: solvent and powder. Also included is an applicator.

Zenerite is applied to clean skin. The effect can be seen after 14 days. Zenerite helps smooth out the skin and eliminate inflammation. With further use, Zinerit helps reduce oily facial skin.

Since Zinerit contains antibiotics, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist. The drug should be used in courses, as it can be addictive.

Tar soap

Tar soap is a natural and safe means for the treatment of open and closed comedones and acne. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women. Tar soap consists of birch tar and a soap base.

At constant use tar soap promotes the disappearance of sebaceous plugs and acne. Over time, cleansing and narrowing of pores occurs. Tar soap can also be used for skin irritations.

Tar soap is used even when hypersensitivity skin that is prone to allergic reactions. For dry skin, frequency of use is about twice a week. If your skin is oily, tar soap can be used daily, preferably in the evening. At normal skin It is better to wash your face with it 4 times a week. If tar soap is used more often, the skin may become too dry and flaky. Irritation may occur.

Since tar soap - natural remedy- tangible results will appear no earlier than two weeks. After washing, be sure to moisturize your skin with cream.

Tar soap has a specific smell, so it is advisable to cover the soap dish so that the smell does not spread throughout the bathroom.


Badyaga is made from dried seaweed, so it has a unique smell and color. To treat comedones, the product is used in the form of masks. During the procedures, it is not advisable to stay in the sun, and it is best to carry out such therapy in autumn or winter.

Badyaga is applied to the face for 20 minutes in a thin layer. The ointment usually causes a burning sensation. It is advisable not to wash your face immediately after the procedure, but to wipe your entire face with a disc soaked in water. Then wash your face. Badyaga may increase peeling, but this is considered normal.

Essential oil

Essential oil, chosen correctly for the treatment of comedones, can significantly improve the condition of the skin. For example, essential oil lemon can even replace antibiotics, as it has a pronounced antibacterial property. Lemon oil Apply to the skin, which it is advisable to steam in advance. It significantly reduces skin oiliness, removes blemishes from inflammation, and cleanses pores.

Thyme essential oil has a similar effect and has been successfully used to treat acne. Lavender essential oil has a calming and softening property. It improves appearance skin, removes rashes, peeling. The oil promotes smoothness of the skin. Bergamot oil and grapefruit oil are also suitable for the treatment of comedones.

Due to clogged pores, blackheads often appear on the face, scientifically called comedones. To get rid of comedones on the face, it is necessary to find out the causes of their occurrence and provide proper facial skin care. Comedones are open and closed depending on the depth of their location. How to get rid of comedones at home.

Treatment of comedones on the face at home

There is a set of drugs, products and procedures that make it possible to treat comedones on the face at home.

In the morning and evening, you need to cleanse your face with a special foam using a sponge or sponge. The face should be moisturized, apply foam to it and beat it until small bubbles appear. Then the remaining product is washed off with a sponge. This procedure removes particles of fat, dirt and dead cells well.

It is useful to carry out weekly exercises, which contain fruit acids. But you should not carry out these procedures at the same time, since there is a high probability of the development of skin irritation.

Home complex medical procedures may be supplemented with or . If you scrub or peel at the same time, it is recommended to apply masks once a week. With absence additional procedures, masks should be applied 3 times a week.

At night, your facial skin should take a break from makeup. To remove it, you should use cosmetic milk or tonics that do not contain alcohol.

For dry skin, you should choose a moisturizer that does not clog the pores of the skin.

Cosmetologists praise masks for the treatment of closed comedones, for the preparation of which vegetables are used. Cucumbers, carrots, and zucchini are suitable for this purpose. Vegetables should be grated on a fine grater. You need to add to this mass olive oil or lemon juice. The mask is applied to a cleansed face, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Nutrition for the treatment of comedones

To treat comedones on the face at home, you need to balance your diet. To do this, you need to minimize the consumption of baked goods, fried foods, smoked products, sweets, spices and fatty meats, since such food activates skin secretions, which is not compatible with the treatment of comedones. The diet should include a lot of cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

During the hot season, you should avoid using foundation in your daytime makeup; it is better to replace it with loose powder.

Preparations for the treatment of comedones

We must not forget about the use of drugs that gradually destroy closed comedones. Must be included in the treatment of comedones at home daily intake"Skinorena" and "Differina". "Skinoren" contains azelaic acid, slowing down the growth of epidermal cells and promoting their necrosis. Differin is characterized by similar properties, but, in addition, it promotes desquamation of the upper epidermal layer.

With regular use of these remedies for comedones, after 3 months the skin will become thinner, the pores will open, and white plugs will easily come out of them.

Masks for treating comedones at home

To prepare a mask for the treatment of comedones at home, you need to take baby soap And baking soda. The soap is washed out and the resulting foam is applied to the face. Soda is placed on top of the foam. There may be a tingling sensation in the first few minutes, but then it goes away. The mask should be washed off with warm water and the next time the procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 7-10 days.

To prepare another version of the mask for the treatment of comedones at home, you need to take kefir, oatmeal and soda. The flakes are crushed, combined with kefir and a pinch of soda. A thick paste is applied to the affected areas of the facial skin and left on it for 15 minutes. After this, you should wash your face with cool water.

Squeezing out comedones at home

Before squeezing out comedones, you need to steam your face yourself. For this, steam baths are used: very hot water is poured into a certain container (pan, basin), into which herbal infusions and decoctions, for example, linden or chamomile, are added. The cleansed face should be tilted over the steam that comes from the water. To achieve a greater effect, you can cover yourself with a towel on top. Steaming your face takes no more than 10-12 minutes. After the pores have expanded, you can start squeezing out comedones at home. It is important that your fingers and nails are thoroughly washed and disinfected with vodka or alcohol. Nails should be cut short and fingers should be wrapped in clean napkins. After steaming your face, comedones come out when light pressure is applied to the skin; you should not try to squeeze the blackheads with great pressure.

A contraindication to steaming the face is the presence of dilated blood vessels on it. In other cases, steam baths should be used no more than once a week.

After completing the procedure for squeezing out comedones at home, the affected areas of the skin should be wiped with a cleansing lotion or hydrogen peroxide. Then it is necessary to narrow the enlarged pores, because After squeezing out comedones, the sebaceous glands strive to fill the resulting empty channel with sebum as quickly as possible to prevent direct penetration of bacteria through it into the deep layers of the skin. In this regard, after the skin has been wiped with lotion, you need to use tightening masks or other means that narrow the pores. This could be rubbing with ice cubes, applying a clay mask, or egg white with lemon juice.

The final stage of squeezing out comedones is to moisturize the skin, which can be provided with a moisturizer. Liquid glycerin with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice may be suitable for this purpose.

Patch for getting rid of comedones on the face

The use of a cosmetic patch to get rid of comedones on the face should be done after steaming the face. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.