Separate meals for weight loss. How to lose weight on a separate diet

Many women, having tried a large number of diets, cannot achieve the result they want. What's the matter, like you're on a diet, but your weight stays the same? Or maybe it’s a matter of non-compliance with all those rules dietary nutrition, which should promote weight loss? For example, indulging in cakes after six in the evening? Or three times a day, but a very dense meal? But not everything is so sad and it is quite fixable, but only if you follow strict rules diets

After all, you need to know that not every body can withstand heavy loads as large quantity food. Of course, it is not a fact that if today, to put it mildly, you “overate” at a party or at home, and tomorrow you decide to “sit” on some water, then your body will thank you for it.

It seems that everything is as it should be, but the metabolism somehow does not understand what is happening to it and what is required of it. Either they give him enough to eat, or, on the contrary, they go on a hunger strike. Accordingly, no diets will help here: the scale needle remains at the same level, and the fat on your hips and stomach is in no hurry to “leave” them. This means you need to pull yourself together and take more serious measures.

Maybe you should take a good look at the principles separate power supply, whose product compatibility table will help you get rid of this pressing problem. After all, many have probably heard about this method of losing weight, but few have dared to try it on themselves. Apparently because there is not enough awareness of its principles. Or maybe many are conquered by their laziness or fear of something new and unknown? Therefore, let’s not guess, but let’s start studying this system in more detail right now.

Separate meals appeared back in the days of Ancient Rome. Doctors even then warned people that many products were highly incompatible with each other. , where there are no, or at least slightly limited, salty, fatty, flour and sweet dishes. Herbert Shelton, who was a naturalist and devoted many years to understand how food is absorbed, became the creator of the main principles and foundations of separate nutrition, which modern world have not lost their relevance.

A number of basic principles of separate nutrition

  1. Dividing all food into several separate groups. If the products belong to the same group, then they combine perfectly with each other.
  2. Minimal heat treatment of food for maximum preservation of all useful substances and vitamins.
  3. Protein products must be consumed at least 3-4 hours after consuming carbohydrates. And vice versa.
  4. Neutral foods have a good combination with both proteins and carbohydrates.
  5. Under complete ban semi-finished products, canned food and refined products.
  6. The only sweet thing is honey.
  7. Milk is a separate and independent food, not a drink.
  8. Eating bread made from coarse flour.
The principle that separates protein and carbohydrate products is based on the fact that in order for the body to assimilate proteins, it must be present acidic environment, and carbohydrates are alkaline. If you eat both proteins and carbohydrates at the same time, a conflict of incompatible environments arises and all released enzymes neutralize each other, as a result of which the digestion process slows down significantly. As a result, the body becomes a place of accumulation of toxins, fats and salts. The benefit of separate meals is based on the fact that it does not matter how much food a person consumes, but what is important is what it is.

The compatibility of foods when eating separately must be observed.

  1. Proteins with proteins.
    This combination should not be allowed, especially in those products where there is saturated protein. To put it differently, you should not combine meat with nuts, eggs or fish, because they have completely different composition, and it will take a lot of time for the body to process them. Also, with this combination, absorption may not occur, then gas formation, slagging and bad feeling you are guaranteed.
  2. Proteins with acids.
    Many people outright ignore recommendations not to combine anything sour with proteins. But in vain. After all, natural gastric juices are sufficient for the process of protein digestion, but the acid that comes with acidic food will significantly inhibit this very digestion. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat tomatoes with meat, cheese and eggs.
  3. Carbohydrates with carbohydrates.
    Many people know that this combination is not welcomed by any nutritionist. After all, it is completely clear that if you eat mashed potatoes together with peas, and even a snack with bread, and then eat it all with cake, then not only your figure will suffer, but also your metabolism, which will certainly slow down. Because the stomach will primarily digest carbohydrates, and the remaining substances will remain untouched and cause fermentation.
  4. Proteins with fats.
    When feeding separately, the product compatibility table strictly prohibits mixing these two components. After all, vegetable fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, and accordingly, food processing slows down.
  5. Carbohydrates with acids.
    You should also beware of this combination, because the acid that is found in acidic foods destroys the enzyme ptyalin, which breaks down carbohydrates.
  6. Carbohydrates with sugars.
    Also not the most pleasant combination. If you eat the usual cake with jam or pasta casserole, the process of fermentation of products in your intestines will not take long to happen.
  7. Proteins with carbohydrates.
    This is not a very recommended combination, because the process and time of their absorption are different, so being in the stomach they interfere with each other’s absorption. This means that you should not eat meat and potatoes, eggs with bread, or nuts with sweet fruits.

Product compatibility table for separate power supply

Separate nutrition table for weight loss, instructions:
The table lists the most commonly consumed products, which have assigned numbers, where the column number corresponds to the row number. For example, row 13 and column 13 are milk. The color of the intersection of rows and columns means: green is an excellent combination, brown is valid combination, red is a bad combination.

Example: Nuts No. 17, and sour cream No. 4 - it turned out grey colour, which means they don't go together.

Separate meals for weight loss menu, which for a long time caused a lot of controversy and still has both opponents and supporters. Many argue that it is useless to divide all food into protein and carbohydrate, since there are no purely carbohydrate or protein vegetables anywhere in the world. And the assimilation of foods, regardless of their type, will happen anyway, just a little later. But the defenders of this diet argue that you should not load your internal organs with a hearty lunch, or even worse, dinner.

Disadvantages of separate power supply

  1. It is very difficult to maintain strictness in the principles of the system, because in our country in winter it is not always possible to get the right amount of fresh herbs and fruits.
  2. When switching to new mode food, almost always, a person experiences a feeling of hunger. Many people are worried about constant discomfort, as in physically, and mentally, and they break down, unable to withstand even a week.
  3. Such principles of the system often contradict the eating habits and traditions learned in childhood.

Pros of separate power supply

  1. Quick absorption of food, without wasting extra energy. It does not cause fermentation processes and does not rot, resulting in toxic substances do not enter the blood.
  2. Metabolism and intestinal function are normalized.
  3. After eliminating overeating and normalizing the normal absorption of food, that very unnecessary excess weight is lost.
  4. The condition of people who have cardiovascular diseases improves.
  5. Opportunity independent choice how to eat with separate meals, but only taking into account the compatibility of products. And this significantly increases psychological comfort during the transition to a new regime.
  6. Initial orientation towards eating only wholesome and healthy foods.
Because this system has many positive benefits in terms of improving the health of the body; there are many indications for its use.

Indications for use of separate nutrition

  • Excess weight.
  • Gastritis.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Stomach diseases.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Ulcer, etc.
It probably wouldn’t hurt anyone to know what foods to exclude in order to lose weight not only with this system, but also with any other diet.

List of foods prohibited for weight loss

  • Products containing large amounts of premium flour (cookies, cakes, muffins).
  • Crackers.
  • Ice cream.
  • Sweets and syrups.
  • Chips.
  • Sparkling water.
  • Oils (except rapeseed and olive).
  • Various hot seasonings (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.).
  • Margarine and butter.
  • High fat dairy products.
  • Sausage and bacon.
Recipes for separate meals for weight loss have a fairly decent variety, from which everyone can prepare a dish to their liking, here are a few of them:

Salad made from eggs and cucumbers:

Boil 2 hard-boiled eggs, cool and peel. Cut them into cubes and add 3-4 cucumbers cut into half rings. Season everything with a tablespoon of olive oil, then salt and pepper to taste. If you like, you can add a little greenery.

Vinaigrette for summer:

Boil 2 potatoes and one small carrot, then cut them into cubes. Boil 150 grams of cauliflower and also cut it into cubes or strips. Salt everything, mix and pour olive oil. If you have lettuce leaves, you can decorate the vinaigrette with them.

Mushroom appetizer:

Finely chop salted mushrooms (0.5 kg). head onions cut into thin half rings. Cut a bunch of dill. Combine the onions with mushrooms and season everything with three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Sprinkle dill on top.

Zucchini pancakes:

Wash, peel and grate one medium zucchini. Add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves, a pinch of salt and approximately 2 tablespoons of flour, mix everything. Fry in a hot frying pan on both sides.

Green soup:

We wash 200 grams of spinach, boil it and make a puree from it. Take 2 roots of carrots and parsley, wash, peel and cut them into strips. Wash 100 grams of asparagus and cut into pieces. Place parsley and carrots into boiling water and cook until soft. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add asparagus and spinach puree to the soup. When serving soup, you can put a piece of lemon, greens and half a boiled egg in each plate.

Meat stew:

We wash 500 grams of lean pork and cut it into small pieces. We pass them through a meat grinder 2 times. Add a tablespoon of unrefined oil to the minced meat and mix. Cut 2 onions into thin rings, and 0.5 kilograms of cabbage into strips. Remove the seeds from 200 grams of pepper and cut it into pieces. Pour freshly boiled water over the tomatoes, peel them and rub through a sieve. Mix all the vegetables with the minced meat and pour half a glass into it boiled water. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan and put it in the oven for 30 minutes. Then take it out and wrap it in a blanket for 40 minutes. Serve the stew hot.

Sample menu for separate meals

Menu No. 1

  1. First breakfast: any of your choice
    • a handful of dates, pear and grapes;
    • prunes or dates with apple.
  2. Lunch:
    • baked potatoes with salad;
    • cucumbers, cabbage and lettuce with a slice of whole grain bread.
  3. Dinner:
    • walnuts, tomato, lettuce;
    • Grilled meat, steamed cabbage, spinach.
  4. Dinner:
    • vegetable salad, egg, steamed eggplant;
    • 100 grams of cottage cheese and some sour fruits.

Menu No. 2

  1. First breakfast:
    • any sour fruit;
    • figs or any other dried fruits.
  2. Lunch:
    • boiled potatoes and vegetable salad;
    • carrots with green peas.
  3. Dinner:
    • vegetable soup with fresh herbs;
    • zucchini pancakes and sour fruit.
  4. Dinner:
    • 100 grams of cottage cheese and one sour fruit,
    • raw vegetable salad and boiled potatoes.

Menu No. 3

  1. First breakfast:
    • mixed vegetable salad;
    • bread sandwich with vegetable caviar.
  2. Lunch:
    • baked potatoes with spinach leaves;
    • vegetable salad with boiled potatoes.
  3. Dinner:
    • vegetable puree soup;
    • steamed cutlets and any fruit.
  4. Dinner:
    • potato casserole with vegetables;
    • boiled meat and vegetable salad.
As you can see, this nutrition system has many delicious and varied dishes, in which you yourself will choose which foods to eat to lose weight, but only taking into account their compatibility.

And there are many such products:

  1. Of course, vegetables and fruits. There is no special quantity limit on them.
  2. All grain products, such as whole grain or high content fiber.
  3. All whole grains - brown, black or red rice, barley, millet.
  4. Pasta made from coarse flour is allowed.
  5. Kefir and other low-fat dairy products.
  6. All legumes.
  7. Avocado.
  8. Green tea.
But we should not forget that switching to any diet or nutrition system can cause considerable harm body, so it is worth knowing what is needed the right approach to the beginning of separate feeding.
  • The transition to a separate power supply system should be smooth. To begin with, you can stick to this separate nutrition system just once a week. Then gradually move on to two days, then to three and so on.
  • If you have any chronic diseases, then you definitely need to consult a doctor, who will either approve your decision to switch to separate meals or prohibit you from using it.
  • It will be much easier for any person if the whole family decides to support him and also switches to separate meals.
And most likely, if you follow all the principles and combinations of foods in a separate diet, then within six months your body will thank you for the right choice.

Many people have heard about the idea of ​​product compatibility, but few have put it into practice. It seems difficult, requiring willpower, which is sorely lacking. In fact, such a system does not require large moral costs, because it does not involve a hunger strike or any restrictions, but compliance with certain rules. The theory of separate nutrition for the purpose of losing weight, popular in the early 19th century, still finds its supporters. There are also many opponents who expose the idea itself and its founder.

Separate nutrition is based on the idea of ​​food compatibility, the same for all people. Shelton believed that enzymes produced by the stomach to digest food different types, differ. Thus, the enzymes needed to break down carbohydrates will not be able to process proteins and vice versa. If you eat one type of food at one time, this will greatly facilitate the process of digestion and assimilation.

If preference is given to traditional food, in which different ingredients are mixed, then the stomach begins to secrete several enzymes at once. As a result, some foods are broken down faster, others slower, which leads to their long stay in the stomach. This, in turn, entails processes of fermentation, rotting, causes intoxication of the body, and metabolic processes are disrupted. The result is excess weight, sludge, and poor health.

According to Shelton and his followers, individual food groups should not be combined with each other; they should be consumed only after the previous food has been digested and absorbed. Following the separate nutrition system, it is necessary to give up tea and coffee, store-bought juices, and products containing preservatives, since the ingredients have already been mixed here.

Groups of foods that require the production of different enzymes

Separate meals for weight loss have the main rule: never consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. In order for proteins to be absorbed, an acidic environment is required; to break down carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is required. If you eat proteins together with carbohydrates, alkaline and acidic enzymes will be simultaneously released for absorption, neutralizing each other. As a result, the digestion process will be noticeably slowed down; not all food will be processed in the stomach.

Products requiring acidic environment(protein food):

  • all types of meat;
  • eggs of any bird;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • milk and products made from it (including cheeses);
  • mushrooms and nuts.

Starch is considered one of the most common carbohydrates. Starchy vegetables include potatoes, green pea, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, beets. Little starch is found in green vegetables: cucumbers, celery and others. Carbohydrates in the form of sugar are found in honey, sweet fruits and dried fruits. This group of products will require an alkaline environment. In addition, it is necessary for processing cereals and flour products, bananas, chocolate and candies, and other sweets. Beer is also a carbohydrate, so combining it with fish and meat is unacceptable.

Fats are vegetable oils, fatty meats and fish, nuts and seeds. Semi-acidic fruits - sweet apples, pears, apricots and peaches, plums, many berries.

Unacceptable combinations for separate meals

Based on data on the composition of foods that require different enzymes to digest, Shelton came up with combinations that should not be used together:

  1. Protein + protein (especially saturated protein). You cannot combine, for example, meat and fish, or add eggs or nuts to them. All of these contain proteins that are qualitatively different from each other. To digest such dishes, a considerable amount of gastric juice is required, which must be processed and passed through digestive tract they will be there for a very long time. This causes discomfort: gas formation, bloating, intestinal disturbances.
  2. Proteins + fats (including vegetable ones). Fat coats the stomach, preventing sufficient gastric juice from being produced to process and digest protein. As a result, food takes longer to digest, and some of it remains unprocessed.
  3. Proteins + acids. Sour fruits should not be eaten with protein foods: meat, eggs, cottage cheese. The acid released by the stomach is enough to break them down. Fruits only slow down the process and cause increased acidity, heartburn. You cannot eat sour fruits immediately after protein: protein is digested mainly in the stomach, so it stays there for 4-6 hours, while the absorption of fruits and berries occurs in the intestines, they are in the stomach for only half an hour. Staying here longer, they begin to ferment, all beneficial properties disintegrate.
  4. Carbohydrates + acids. Digestion of carbohydrates requires an alkaline environment, while excess acidity destroys the enzyme ptyalin, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates.
  5. Carbohydrates + carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrates inhibit the digestion process and slow down metabolism. Excess carbohydrates accumulate in the body as fat. This is why you should not eat mashed potatoes with bread.
  6. Carbohydrates + sugar. Sweet foods don't go well with anything at all. If you really want to treat yourself to a piece of cake or your favorite candy, it’s better to do it separately from the rest, as an independent meal, and not as an addition to it in the form of dessert. It’s better to eat sweets before lunch so that it doesn’t affect your weight loss.
  7. Milk should not be consumed with anything, only as a stand-alone drink that replaces meals. In general, Sheldon believed that a person could live without milk. This is a baby product. Each animal has a special composition of milk (cow, goat, breast milk are completely different in properties human milk). It is practically not processed by the body, so there is little benefit from it.
  8. Melon is very healthy, contains many vitamins and minerals, and cleanses the body. But you need to eat it strictly separately. If you eat it with any other food, it will not be beneficial.

Product compatibility table for separate meals

How to use the table

The table below the numbers shows the main product groups (vertically and horizontally). To understand whether it is possible to combine certain ingredients when cooking, just find them, find out the numbers and look at the color that appears when they intersect. For example, fish and meat (1) go well with non-starchy vegetables (11); their combination with starchy vegetables (12) is acceptable. But the remaining cells are colored red - these are those products that cannot be consumed together with meat.

Sample menu for 1 day (taking into account the table data)

Guided by the principles of combination, it is not difficult to create a menu for separate meals.

Scrambled eggs with herbs (white version)
Porridge cooked in water (carbohydrate version)

Boiled chicken breast or steamed fish (protein option)
Baked (boiled) potatoes or pasta (carbohydrate option)

Cottage cheese or kefir (yogurt without additives)
Fresh vegetable or fruit salad (carbohydrate option)

It is important to know: Carbohydrate foods should alternate with protein foods containing fats or acidic foods. So, if you ate protein food for breakfast, then carbohydrate food for lunch, and dinner should consist of fruits.

Video: Separate nutrition: the essence of the diet and menu

Advantages of separate power supply

Many diets are based on the refusal of certain foods, restrictions, which often causes malfunctions in the body, which does not receive necessary substances V in full. For the same reason, diets are difficult to cope with. overweight, since after stress the body stores substances for future use in case of another shortage. Separate consumption is not a diet in the generally accepted sense, it is rather a system proper nutrition that you can stick to all the time. In addition to losing weight, adherents of the system consider the following advantages of separate nutrition:

  1. Normalization of metabolism. Incorrect operation digestive organs often causes overweight bodies. Setting up metabolic processes leads to the fact that food does not stay in the body longer than usual, all unnecessary substances leave it in a timely manner without being deposited as fat.
  2. Setting up work of cardio-vascular system. Since, with separate nutrition, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the body completely stop, the decay products, the main cause of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, do not enter the blood. With this approach, almost all cholesterol is removed, and new cholesterol no longer accumulates.
  3. Varied menu. Almost everything can be used. The main thing is to stick to compatibility. When following the principles of separate nutrition, there is no feeling of hunger, since the goal is not to limit, but to improve digestion and absorption of food. It is noted, however, that the portion should not exceed 300-400 g at a time.

Separate nutrition does not involve eating food at regular intervals. It is important to wait until you feel a slight feeling of hunger, then start eating. For some people, twice is enough. If the next day you want to eat three times, you don’t need to suppress your hunger. Sooner or later, the body will choose its own regime.

Video: Nutritionist Kovalkov: myths about separate meals. What actually goes together

Arguments of supporters and opponents of separate nutrition

Proponents of separate nutrition base their assumptions not on any research, but on the belief that initially humans, like other mammals, consumed foods unchanged (that is, only meat or only vegetables). Over time, people learned to mix different ingredients to improve the taste.

Opponents argue that a separate nutrition system is impossible in principle, because there are practically no products containing only protein or only carbohydrates (except perhaps sugar and egg whites). They also debunk the basic idea of ​​“food rotting in the stomach,” which, according to Shelton, causes health problems and excess weight.

Doctors (S. Baxter, E. Chedia, L. Vasilevskaya and others) proved that, in addition to gastric enzymes, pancreatic enzymes are involved in processing. In addition, R. Minvaleev, a physiologist and candidate of biological sciences, notes that only preliminary processing of food occurs in the stomach; it is broken down and completely absorbed in duodenum. All possible enzymes are produced here, regardless of what type follows the digestive tract (only protein, only carbohydrate, acidic or mixed).

Much that a person uses together really requires development. various enzymes, but they do not interfere with each other, but complement and help break down indigestible substances. This leads to the fact that food is quickly processed, and its remains leave the body without causing harm to it. Opponents of the separate power supply system give the following arguments:

  1. Meat protein will be absorbed worse if it is not consumed together with carbohydrates (bread or vegetables), which activate the production of pancreatic enzymes necessary for processing protein in the intestines.
  2. Acidic fruits help absorb iron, which is why they are often eaten with grains.
  3. Fiber, which is abundant in any vegetables, is important for proper operation and timely cleansing of the intestines. Vegetables have always been considered an excellent complement to meat, because the fiber they contain is necessary for proper functioning and cleansing of the intestines.

However, separate meals for weight loss are suitable by reducing the calorie content of food and streamlining its intake. Much of what Shelton proposed forms the basis healthy eating. For example, everyone knows that it is better not to fry meat (proteins + fats), but to boil, stew or steam it. But it’s really better to eat fruits separately; they are absorbed together with fats.

You are what you eat: this slogan very well conveys the basic principle of separate nutrition. How often do we eat everything without thinking about how compatible certain foods are?

The separate nutrition system is one of the most popular diets in the world. After all, it is thanks to this type of special menu design that you can not only eat right and feel good, but also lose weight without attacks of hunger, bad mood and temptations to relapse.

If you are ready to switch to a diet so beloved by Hollywood stars and... ordinary people, invites you to familiarize yourself with 10 rules of separate nutrition.

Rule #1: Product Compatibility

The basic principle of separate nutrition is product compatibility. For example, proteins should not be consumed together with carbohydrates. Why? For example, fruits eaten 30 minutes before the main meal will already have time to be digested and absorbed, and if eaten after, they will remain in the stomach, causing the process of rotting and fermentation, hence poor health, excess weight, and skin problems .

Rule #2: “no” heat treatment products

The second, no less important principle of separate nutrition is that products must undergo minimal heat treatment in order to ensure that all useful substances and compounds are preserved as much as possible. yours best friend There should be a double boiler and a Teflon frying pan in which you can cook food without adding oil. You can also bake, stew and blanch foods. Among other things, food that has been cooked for less time takes longer to digest, which means it gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer period.

Rule #3: proteins vs carbohydrates

According to the theory of separate nutrition, proteins and carbohydrates should not be consumed at the same time: a time interval of 4-5 hours is required (minimum 2 hours). This is very important to ensure normal operation digestive and metabolic organs.

The reason is that in order to digest food, rich in proteins, and foods rich in carbohydrates, the body requires different conditions And different time. An alkaline environment is required for the breakdown of carbohydrates, and an acidic environment for the breakdown of proteins.

Processing carbohydrates requires less time than breaking down proteins. Therefore, if you simultaneously eat stewed meat for lunch chicken breast, and then treat yourself to dessert, some of the nutrients will be absorbed worse. Undigested food remains, accumulating in the colon, turn into waste and toxins that poison the body.

Rule #4: neutral products

Protein-rich foods include meat, fish, organ meats, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes and nuts.

Foods rich in carbohydrates include bread, flour, cereals, pasta, potatoes, sugar.

The so-called “neutral” products are included in a separate group - animal fats, butter, sour cream, cream, fat cottage cheese, fatty varieties cheese (fat content more than 45%), dried fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

The main feature of these products is that they are compatible with both proteins and carbohydrates. Remember: the best side dish for meat and fish is greens, not pasta!

Rule No. 5: incompatible products

There are also foods that cannot be combined with anything: bananas, watermelons and melons. They should only be eaten on their own and an hour before meals, no later.

The thing is that, for example, melon is digested only in the intestines, and if it is combined with something else, it will remain undigested in the stomach for a long time. This can cause bloating, colic and gastritis pain.

So if you are aiming to join the separate diet, forget about the classic gourmet combination “melon + ham”. The same can be said about desserts, where, in addition to melon, there is a biscuit or any other incompatible component.

Rule No. 6: “no” to canned food, refined foods and semi-finished products!

In separate meals, refined foods, semi-finished products, and canned food are prohibited.

This is because they are subjected to serious heat treatment, which means they are practically devoid of all useful properties. Even purified rice in the process of “refining” loses most of the useful things - plant proteins, vitamins and minerals. The same can be said about refined sugar.

Rule No. 7: only healthy sweets

According to the theory of separate nutrition, the consumption of sugar and confectionery should be significantly limited. And all because sugar inhibits the secretion of gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, then, lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. Sour belching, heartburn are the results of this process.

But honey is excluded from the category of sugars: it is a product already processed by bees. It is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after administration and does not burden the liver and other body systems.

Rule #8: milk rivers

Remember that milk is a separate food, not a drink. Once in the stomach, the milk must curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from the gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed.

So what's the result? The contents of the stomach rot and the digestion process is delayed. Scary? No, you don’t need to give up drinking milk: it contains many useful substances and vitamins. You just need to understand that this is an independent product. Make a menu according to the laws of healthy eating, drink milk at a separate meal - and everything will be fine.

Rule No. 9: the right bread

Bread is the head of everything: it is also allowed in separate meals. Just don’t get too excited and devour freshly baked loaves. Bread made from flour is considered healthy coarse, with the addition of bran or baked without flour at all. Such products are usually marked with a “fitness” or “healthy lifestyle” sign ( healthy image life).

Proper bread can be eaten with salads, soups, and can also be used to make sandwiches and sandwiches. The main thing is not to forget: one way or another, bread is a starch-containing product and it is important not to forget what it can be combined with.

Rule No. 10: Separate food menu

After reading all the points, you may get the impression that you can eat either one carrot with cabbage, or bread with tea. No, this is far from true: the separate meals menu is quite varied.

It will be difficult only at first: you must always keep it with you. In the future, you will already remember what you can combine with what without prompting. offers you sample menu, which will help you plan your diet correctly:

Breakfast– fruits, fruit salad, cheese, sour cream, bran bread sandwich with butter. Or cheese, cottage cheese - your choice!

Dinner It is advisable to cook from foods rich in proteins. Moreover, traditional meat or fish dishes - without the usual side dish of potatoes or pasta. It is better to complement fish and meat dishes with a large portion of salad of vegetables and fruits. Or a vegetable stew.

For first courses - vegetable soup or vegetable broth, for dessert - unsweetened fruit.

Dinner Oddly enough, it is best to cook from foods rich in carbohydrates: they are quickly absorbed by the body. This could be potato or carrot casserole, macaroni and cheese, sweet fruit, etc.

Show your imagination, and then go to balanced diet will go unnoticed! Yes, and lose weight by summer, thanks new system nutrition will not even be a pipe dream.

The concept of “separate nutrition” is usually understood as a dietary concept, the basis of which is the idea of ​​compatibility and incompatibility of foods consumed.

The benefits of separate nutrition

According to this concept, the body requires different types of enzymes to digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates, for example, proteins need an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment. For this reason, there is no need to mix food, otherwise not all its components will be absorbed equally.

Remains of food that the stomach has not digested accumulate in it, causing the processes of flatulence and fermentation, disrupting metabolism.

This is where the main message of separate nutrition comes from - foods that contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in mandatory must be consumed separately.

The result of such nutrition is the following:

  • Food is quickly digested, does not ferment and does not rot in the stomach;
  • Impurities and toxins are better removed;
  • Nutrition becomes rational;
  • Health improves;
  • Feeling better;
  • Extra pounds go away;
  • The body is unloaded;
  • Excluded from the menu harmful products, such as mayonnaise, sweets, canned food and smoked meats;
  • Diseases such as Chronical bronchitis, asthma, allergies and stomach disorders.

Separate nutrition is used by many people who want to lose weight, reduce the load on the stomach, heart, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. However, he also has opponents who claim that a person is simply not able to independently control the digestion process. And there is some truth in this, because all products consumed by humans are processed into small intestine, and food components can easily mix with each other.

The disadvantages of separate nutrition, according to its opponents, are as follows:

  • The body will no longer be able to adapt to primary digestion;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened;
  • The efficiency of enzymes decreases;
  • It is not possible to select food containing only one component, because... it simply does not exist in nature;
  • The body does not receive enough carbohydrates, resulting in a deficiency of serotonin, and this negatively affects the state of the psyche.

Despite this, most of people who have an idea about separate nutrition tend to concentrate precisely on its positive aspects. Actually, the concept has many more supporters than opponents.

Principles of separate nutrition

The theory of separate nutrition became known to the general public when a book by an American nutritionist was published in 1928 Herbert Shelton « The right combination food products."

Also, the Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was able to prove that to digest different foods, the body requires different enzymes and are activated different areas Gastrointestinal tract. Famous American naturopath Howard Hay (a supporter of Shelton) also shared and adhered to the principles of separate nutrition.

These principles are:

  • Different enzymes are used to process proteins and carbohydrates. For this reason, you should not mix meat and potatoes, pasta and chicken liver.
  • The best way to improve your health is to eat fruits, vegetables and salads based on them.
  • The pause between meals of different foods should be at least 5 hours.
  • Products cannot be combined with high content protein and sour vegetables with foods containing carbohydrates (for example, meat should not be eaten with tomatoes).
  • Starch, desserts, jam and sugar provoke processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach and should be abandoned.
  • You can combine carrots, onions, asparagus, garlic, mushrooms, cream, sour cream, dried fruits and herbs with any product. , because they are neutral.
  • The two proteins cannot be eaten together.
  • Fats cannot be combined with proteins.
  • Refined foods, semi-finished products and canned food should be excluded from the diet.
  • Between any meals there should be a break of at least 2-3 hours ( After eating dried fruits, you can eat them 30 minutes later).
  • Melon and watermelon are considered incompatible foods, and they should also be eaten separately, and there should be a pause of at least 45 minutes between their consumption.
  • Milk should be drunk separately from the consumption of flour products, but can be combined with boiled or fresh vegetables and fruits.

Typology of products for separate nutrition:

  • Proteins: eggplant, cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, legumes, eggs, nuts, meat, fish
  • Carbohydrates: wholemeal bread, cereals, rice, sweet fruits, pasta, honey, potatoes
  • Fats: cream, sour cream, lard, butter, vegetable oil
  • Starch: flour, pastry products, potatoes, bread
  • Sour vegetables and fruits: grapefruits, tomatoes, oranges, cherries, pomegranates, grapes, lemons
  • Sweet fruits: dates, raisins, persimmons, bananas

If you are interested in separate meals, then keep in mind that the ideal option is a menu for the week, compiled using tables of protein, fat and carbohydrate content in foods (they can be found on the Internet).

And speaking of product combinations, you should avoid the following:

  • Meat and pasta
  • Fish and rice
  • Potatoes and meat
  • Meat sauces and flour
  • Sandwiches with ham and cheese
  • Brownies with nuts
  • Eggs and meat
  • Eggs and cheese
  • Meat and fish
  • Chicken meat and prunes
  • Tea and chocolates
  • Tea and jam

There are also foods whose consumption should be strictly limited (or completely excluded):

  • Chips
  • Crackers
  • Full fat dairy products
  • Rolls
  • Cupcakes
  • Cookie
  • Cakes
  • Ice cream
  • Crackers
  • Candies
  • Syrups
  • Margarine
  • Butter
  • Smoked meats
  • Sausages
  • Sausage
  • Condiments (including vinegar, mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise)
  • Carbonated drinks

We must also warn you: if you seriously intend to practice separate nutrition, but have any chronic diseases, be sure to consult a doctor, otherwise you may provoke an exacerbation.

Now let's talk about whether those who want to lose weight can benefit from separate nutrition. Considering the relevance of the topic overweight Nowadays, this question may be of interest to many.

Separate nutrition and weight loss

Anyone who has been on a diet at least once can tell you that it is not easy. Restrictions on food, changing eating habits - all this requires considerable effort, and it is not at all surprising that when you stop dieting, the extra pounds return.

And, according to reviews of people who practice separate nutrition, it has a number of tangible advantages over diets:

  • There is no need to limit yourself to specific types of products;
  • The diet is always varied, and therefore cannot get boring;
  • There is no psychological discomfort;
  • Metabolism is normalized;
  • More energy appears;
  • Excess weight is lost.

But, as the founder of separate nutrition argued, even the most healthy food may be ineffective in terms of weight loss if not taken into account some nuances:

Firstly, you need to regularly burden your body with at least minor physical activity.

Secondly, you need to follow a daily routine.

And thirdly, you need to try to get as much as possible positive emotions from life.

Thus, separate nutrition becomes a real philosophy, and with the right approach it can prolong life by long years. By the way, Herbert Shelton not only helped many people improve their health (including losing excess weight), but he himself lived for almost a hundred years.

Conduct several experiments and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of separate nutrition, guided by your experience. It is likely that later you will join the number of those who believe that this unique concept is real Magic wand For modern man, whose life has little physical activity, but full of junk food.

Have you already tried a lot of diets, but are still not happy with the results? What's the catch? Maybe you’re not following the rules of dietary nutrition correctly, or maybe you’re cutting yourself some slack and treating yourself to a delicious cake after 6:00 p.m. (ah-yay-yay)? Everything is on your conscience, but have you never thought that your body no longer works as rhythmically and clearly as a watch? And it’s all due to an unbalanced, sometimes excessively fatty and heavy diet, which is quickly replaced by correction of mistakes, that is, a diet.

If your body had the right to vote, it would have thoroughly subtracted you long ago, because you can withstand such loads. Today you went to your name day and had a “belly celebration”, and the next day you drink water, hoping to dissolve the calories. And everything seems to be correct, but the metabolism is in a slight shock, and over time the reckoning comes: the weight is worth it, diets do not help, and the fat in the hips and abdomen is categorically against leaving your usual living space. Something needs to change!

Pay attention to . The fact that many have heard about it is beyond doubt, but a very small part of people have used it in practice. What's the problem? Most likely, there is a lack of awareness about this food system and laziness, and possibly fear of something new, because many are conservative by nature.

The beginnings of separate nutrition appeared in Ancient Rome, even then, many doctors spoke about the incompatibility of certain products and urged people to be especially careful with fatty, salty, sweet and starchy foods. The fundamentals and main principles of separate nutrition were eventually developed by the natural scientist Herbert Shelton, who devoted many years to studying the processes of food absorption.

Separate nutrition is based on eating simple food, because familiar and exotic dishes are very heavy various products, which, although tasty, are often incompatible. Losing weight when eating such food is out of the question. The most important thing is never combine proteins with carbohydrates.

The catch is that the body needs an acidic environment to digest proteins, but carbohydrates are perfectly broken down in alkaline environment. If you eat protein and then carbohydrate, then there is a conflict of environments: acidic and alkaline enzymes, released overnight, begin to neutralize each other, which is why the digestion process slows down, and some of the food simply remains unprocessed by gastric juices.

As a result, the accumulation of fats, toxins and salts becomes a completely natural process, because it is not for nothing that they say that It's not how much food we eat that matters, but what kind of food it is.

What foods require an acidic environment?

various seafood and fish

milk (debatable)

cheeses with low content fat

Pome fruits

all exotic (besides bananas) fruits

citrus fruit

various berries

natural juices

fruit-containing teas

all semi-dry wines (including sparkling)

Such carbohydrates require an alkaline environment


some vegetables
(green cabbage, potatoes, parsnips, and Jerusalem artichoke)

processed tomatoes and spinach

figs (and dried)

There are, so to speak, neutral products

For their processing, both acidic and fir-tree environments are required.

all leafy vegetables

cabbage (not green)

various fats

nuts and change (besides peanuts)

vegetable juices (diluted)

herbal teas

Separate nutrition for weight loss has several more principles:

Proteins - proteins

This combination is unacceptable, especially if the protein is saturated. In other words, you should not combine meat with fish, nuts or eggs, since these protein products are different in composition and it will take a lot of food juices and time to process them efficiently. Otherwise, 100% absorption may not occur, which will lead to gas formation in the intestines, poor health and slagging.

Proteins - fats

Under no circumstances should you allow yourself such a harmful combination of food. The essence of the problem is that fats (vegetable, butter) do not allow gastric juices stand out in required quantity, thereby slowing down the food processing process by 5-10% (Shelton’s calculations). Based on this, the doctor was categorically against oil enemas.

Proteins are acids

Should not be combined protein food along with sour fruits. Many may be outraged this rule, but the point is that for the digestion of protein, those gastric juices that are secreted naturally are enough, but acid from the outside only inhibits digestion, as a result, the food begins to rot. Based on this, you should not eat meat, eggs and cheese with tomatoes.

Carbohydrates - acids

This combination should also be avoided. Acid in foods such as oranges, lemons, grapes, apples, sorrel, etc. destroys an enzyme such as ptyalin, which is actively involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates - carbohydrates

To say that this is harmful is probably in vain, because many themselves understand that bread, potatoes or mashed peas eaten with cake will not only negatively affect the figure, but will also slow down the metabolism. The stomach will digest only one carbohydrate, it is so harmful, and the rest will be unaffected and cause fermentation.

Carbohydrates - sugar

As it turns out, eating traditional cakes with jam and various jams, casseroles based on cereals or pasta, bread with honey or jam along with cereals or potatoes causes fermentation. Avoid these combinations.

There are also two products that must be consumed separately - these are.

Milk due to the fact that, in general, it is not processed at all in the body (some advise not to drink it at all). There is an opinion that milk is the food of young children, it is not for nothing that a calf drinks cow's milk, a kid drinks goat's milk, and a person drinks breast milk. It turns out that we received benefits from milk earlier, but now it is not necessary in the diet.

Melon, eaten together with any product, often decomposes in the stomach, thereby causing fermentation and indigestion (has a laxative effect). But its separate consumption will allow you to gently cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Separate food: product compatibility table

1 Meat, fish, poultry 2 Pulses 3 Butter, cream 4 Sour cream 5 Vegetable oil 6 Sugar, confectionery 7 Bread, cereals, potatoes 8 Sour fruits, tomatoes 9 Semi-sour fruits 10 Sweet fruits, dried fruits 11 Green and non-starchy vegetables 12 Starchy vegetables 13 Milk 14 Cottage cheese, fermented milk products 15 Cheese, feta cheese 16 Eggs 17 Nuts
The product's name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

How to use the product compatibility chart:

Product Compatibility Chart The most commonly consumed food products are listed. They are assigned numbers, the row number corresponds to the column number (so row 16 and column 16 are eggs).

The color at the intersection of a row and a column means the following: gray is an unacceptable combination, blue is an acceptable combination, green is a good combination.

EXAMPLE: Is it possible to eat bread with cheese?

Bread - No. 7, cheese - No. 15. At the intersection of row No. 7 with column No. 15 there is a yellow light. This is a valid combination.

Separate meals for weight loss at one time it caused a lot of controversy about “whether good or bad”, the debate continues to this day. Some loudly say that there is no point in dividing food into proteins and carbohydrates, because in the modern world there are no purely protein or carbohydrate vegetables. And in the duodenum, all products are completely digested and absorbed, regardless of their type. But on the other hand, we ourselves complicate the work internal organs, forcing the heart, liver, kidneys and stomach to work hard after a hearty lunch, or even worse - a heavy, fatty dinner.

Another thing is to wean ordinary person from previously permitted sweets and delicacies. What can you do without your favorite fried potatoes with garlic, or a juicy steak with a glass of wine? Few people will dare to take such a step, because it’s worth following such a diet for the rest of your life.

Speaking of life...

Herbert Shelton and his predecessor Howard Hay lived for almost a hundred years, and this taking into account the fact that the last doctor was very ill and doomed to death. But literally in 8 months there were dramatic changes in the body, for which Howard is grateful, first of all, to separate nutrition, which not only healed him, but also gave him a lot of vitality and spiritual strength. After this, is it really possible to say that separate meals are meaningless and have no right to exist?

There are absolutely no contraindications for separate feeding, but there are a lot of indications, and first of all these are diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, gastritis, ulcers, etc. Every person who wants to not only lose weight, but also improve their health should definitely pay attention to separate nutrition, which allows them to gain appetizing forms with benefits for the body.

It is worth considering that the separate meals menu is quite varied; you can prepare different dishes without depriving yourself of tasty, and most importantly, healthy food. Herbert Shelton developed several menu options, so:

As first breakfast You can eat some kind of fruit (no more than three types). On the first day, for example, you can have breakfast with sour fruits, and on the next day with sweet ones. IN winter time when there is no longer an abundance of fruit, you can enjoy sun-dried apricots, grapes or apples. It is better to avoid store-bought dried fruits, because apart from dyes and harmful additives you won’t find anything there, no matter how you look.

Second breakfast maybe a vegetable salad, but without tomatoes, plus one boiled green vegetable and a starchy product (can be potatoes).

On dinner(dinner) prepare a large bowl of salad with assorted raw vegetables, two starchy vegetables and one protein product(if you chose nuts or cottage cheese, then it is permissible to put a tomato in the salad).

First breakfast the choice will be: a bunch of grapes, a pear and some dates; melon; orange or grapefruit; apples with dates (prunes).

As second breakfast choose from the following list: baked potato with green salad, cucumber and celery; baked potato with lettuce, steamed spinach and a small piece rye bread With butter; lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers, beets, a piece of whole grain bread.

Dinner and supper will consist of: lettuce leaves with tomatoes and cucumbers, spinach, walnuts(almonds, peanuts, etc.); steamed cabbage, celery and spinach with fried meat(preferably grilled or with minimum quantity oils); vegetable salad, tomatoes, spinach, one egg and steamed eggplant.

Separate meals - recipes

Have you caught yourself thinking that separate meals would be perfect for you?

Recipes for it, or rather their abundance, will definitely not disappoint you. Many people believe that diets and food systems are not varied, they are boring, because there is not even anything to cook, and they are very mistaken, because restrictions on the compatibility of products do not mean that you need to eat everything strictly separately. On the contrary, separate meals have excellent recipes that even supporters may really like.

Here are some examples of dishes that won’t take much time to prepare and will leave you full and satisfied.


3-4 cucumbers
- a pair of eggs
- greens of your choice
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- salt and spices to taste

Boil the eggs hard, cool and peel. Cut into cubes or pass through a special strainer, add cucumbers cut into half rings or cubes, season it all with oil and add salt. Salad ready!

If you have a double boiler, that’s great, because you can cook a lot with it. healthy dishes without adding oil or other fats.

To prepare the dish you need:

Hake fillet (you can take any other low-fat fish)
- lemon juice
- a couple of carrots and bell peppers (or your own choice)
- salt
- oriental (any other) spices
- additional foil is needed

Marinate the hake fillet in lemon sauce, add salt, add your favorite spices and wrap in foil. We carry out the same actions with vegetables. Load the fish and vegetables into the steamer and simmer for 20-30 minutes (depending on the mode and power). Fish and vegetables should be cooked separately so that their flavors do not interact with each other. Ready!

For the salad you need:

A couple of potatoes
- 1 beet
- 150 gr. cauliflower
- medium carrot
- lettuce leaves
- greenery
- little olive oil and salt

Boil potatoes, beets and carrots until tender and cut into cubes. Boiled, stripped down to inflorescence cauliflower chop it too, and combine it all in a bowl. Season with salt, oil and garnish with herbs and lettuce. Bon appetit!

As you can see - separate power supply is a universal system which allows you to improve your health and get rid of excess weight, which in Lately pesters many men and women with his presence.

First time like this proper diet It may seem boring and unnutritious, but over time you will get used to it, and you will no longer be able to switch to unhealthy, complex dishes.