The role of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication. Russian language is the language of international communication

Municipal budget educational institution"Kokinskaya main comprehensive school»

The meaning of Russian as a language interethnic communication V modern world

Prepared by: Igoshina Anna Viktorovna,

primary school teacher

April 2014

The importance of the Russian language for the world and international communication.

"…I want to believe,

what is this great language

given to a great people..."

I.S. Turgenev

The role of the Russian language in the modern world is defined as follows: it is the national language of the great Russian people, which includes all the diversity of lexical and grammatical means. It is one of the most developed and rich languages ​​in the world, with a huge vocabulary. The Russian language is heterogeneous in composition: it includes literary language, dialects, vernaculars and jargon. Currently spoken by 230 million people, it is a world language along with English and Chinese. Russian language is used by peoples Russian Federation, as the language of national communication. Knowledge of the Russian language facilitates communication between people of different nationalities inhabiting our country. In Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, Russian is the second state language. But even in those countries where Russian is not recognized as the state language, it still remains the main means of communication for many people.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian is the state language throughout its territory. The Russian language is one of the world languages, it is gaining increasing international importance, many people study it different countries ah peace and he is obligatory language for study as a foreign language in many schools.

Among the five thousand languages ​​that exist in the world today, the Russian language occupies a prominent place in its meaning and the functions it performs. After all, it is one of the official and working languages ​​of the UN, UNESCO and other organizations. It is used in the most various fields international communication, at various scientific forums, conferences, symposiums, it is the Russian language that is used. Our language acts as the “language of science” - a means of communication between scientists from different countries, and is a necessary accessory to world communication systems (radio and television broadcasts, space communications, etc.).

Highest form The Russian language is a literary language. This is the language of school, business documents, fiction, language everyday communication cultural people. Literary language is characterized by a system of norms, in the creation of which scientists, publicists, public figures as A.S. Pushkin. The power and richness of the Russian language was noted by many writers: Gogol N.V., Dostoevsky F.M., Tolstoy L.N., Bunin I.A.

The richness of the Russian language, its enormous role in the life of our country and the world oblige us to study it seriously and carefully, to constantly improve our knowledge, skills and abilities in this area. Thus, the huge role of the Russian language in the modern world is determined by its cultural value, power and greatness, the great significance that the Russian people – the creator and speaker of this language – had and still has in the history of mankind. I think we should not forget the call of I.S. Turgenev about caring for the Russian language. After all, the future of our language is also our future.

Use within one state.

Examples of languages ​​of interethnic communication


See also

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Traditionally, the language of interethnic communication is the language through which the language barrier is overcome between representatives of different ethnic groups within one multinational state. The emergence of any language beyond the boundaries of its ethnic group and its acquisition of interethnic status is a complex and multifaceted process, including the interaction of a whole complex of linguistic and social factors. When considering the process of formation of a language of interethnic communication, priority is usually given to social factors, since the functions of language also depend on the characteristics of the development of society. However, only social factors, no matter how favorable they may be, are not capable of promoting one or another language as an interethnic language if it lacks the necessary proper language means. Rus. the language, which is one of the widely spoken languages ​​of the world (see Russian language in international communication), satisfies the linguistic needs of not only Russians, but also people of other ethnic origins living both in Russia and abroad. It is one of the most developed world languages. It has a rich vocabulary and terminology in all branches of science and technology, expressive brevity and clarity of lexical and grammatical means, a developed system of functional styles, and the ability to reflect the diversity of the surrounding world. Rus. language can be used in all areas public life, through a second language, a wide variety of information is transmitted, the subtlest shades of thought are expressed; in Russian The language has created a world-recognized artistic, scientific and technical literature.

Maximum completeness of public functions, relative monolithic Russian. language (obligatory compliance with the norms of the literary language for all its speakers), writing containing both original works and translations of everything valuable that was created by world culture and science (in the 80s of the 20th century, about a third was published in Russian artistic, scientific and technical literature from the total quantity printed products in the world) - all this ensured high degree communicative and informational value Rus. language. Its role in the transformation of Russian. Ethno-linguistic factors also played a role in the language as a means of interethnic communication. From the beginning of its formation it grew. Statehood, the Russians were the largest nation, the language of which was widespread to one degree or another throughout the entire state. According to the data of the 1st All-Russia. population census 1897, out of 128.9 million inhabitants of Russia. empires in Russian the language was spoken by two-thirds, or approx. 86 million people According to the 1989 All-Union Population Census, in the USSR, out of 285.7 million people, approx. 145 million - Russians, Rus. 232.4 million people spoke the language. Linguistic, ethnolinguistic and social factors, taken separately, are not sufficient to promote a particular language as a means of interethnic communication. They indicate only the readiness and ability of the language to perform this function, as well as the presence favorable conditions to spread the language throughout the state. Only the combination of all factors - linguistic, ethnolinguistic and social - leads to the formation of a language of interethnic communication.

In any multinational state, there is an objective need to choose one of the most developed and widespread languages ​​to overcome the language barrier between citizens, to maintain the normal functioning of the state and all its institutions, to create favorable conditions for the joint activities of representatives of all nations and nationalities, for the development of the economy, culture, science and art. A common language of interethnic communication provides every citizen of the country, regardless of nationality, with the opportunity for constant and varied contact with representatives of other ethnic groups. Promotion, formation and functioning of Russian. languages ​​as a means of interethnic communication took place in different historical conditions and at different stages of the development of society. Use of Russian language as a non-native language to overcome the language barrier between representatives of different sthocods goes back more than one century, therefore in the history of Russian. language as a means of interethnic communication, we can conditionally distinguish three periods, each of which is characterized by its own specific features: the first period - until the beginning. 20th century in Russia and Russia empires; second period - until the end. 80s in USSR; third period - from the beginning 90s in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. 11beginning of the spread of Russian. language among representatives of other ethnic groups coincides, judging by the data of comparative historical linguistics and chronicle information, with the development of new territories by the ancestors of Russians; This process developed more intensively in the 16th-19th centuries. during the period of formation and expansion. state, when the Russians entered into various economic, cultural and political contacts with the local population of a different ethnicity. In Russia Russian Empire the language was the state language. tongue.

Reliable statistical data on knowledge of Russian. non-Russian language population of the country as a whole and the breadth of its use in interethnic communication in Russia con. 19 - beginning 20th century no. However, the ratio of the volume of functional load Russian. language as a state language language and other national languages ​​in various fields, data on the study of Russian. language in Russian-native (according to the then accepted terminology) schools and other educational institutions in certain regions of the state, written evidence from contemporaries and certain other materials confirm the use of Russian. language as a means of interethnic communication, although the level of proficiency in most cases was low. The second period is characterized by features that are caused by a change in national language policy in the USSR to different stages his existence. After 1917, compulsory state registration was abolished in the country. language. In 1919, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR “On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR” was adopted, in accordance with the Crimea, “the entire population... between the ages of 8 and 50, who cannot read and write, is obliged to learn to read and write in their native or Russian language optional".

Originally Russian. there was no tongue compulsory subject in schools with the national language of instruction: its spread as a language of interethnic communication was objectively facilitated by cultural, educational, economic and socio-political transformations in the country. However, those that existed in the 20-30s. rate of spread of Russian language among non-Russians. The population of the country did not satisfy the needs of the centralized state for a common language of interethnic communication for all citizens. In 1938, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution “On compulsory study Russian language in schools of national republics and regions." The resolution does not contain direct references to the privileged position of Russians. language, but with it practical implementation in the regions, restrictions gradually began on the spheres of functioning of certain native languages ​​of citizens of the USSR. Since 1970, materials from the All-Union Population Censuses have contained data on the number of non-Russians. nationalities fluent in Russian. language as a second (non-native) language. Between 1970 and 1989 this number increased from 41.9 to 68.8 million people; in 1989 in the USSR as a whole the number of non-Russians. nationalities fluent in Russian. language, amounted to 87.5 million people.

From ser. 80s, when Russian. the language continued to perform the function of a language of interethnic communication, attitude towards Russian. language in this capacity began to change, which was a natural result of the costs of the national language policy pursued in the USSR from the end. 30s, as well as a consequence of certain socio-political processes in the country. Rus. Some politicians began to call the language “the imperial language”, “the language of totalitarianism”, “the language of the occupiers”; in the resolutions of certain conferences on national-linguistic problems (for example, in Ukraine, 1989) national-Russian. bilingualism has been described as "politically harmful" and "scientifically untenable". During this period, the officially prescribed narrowing of the spheres of functioning of the Russian Federation began in the former union and autonomous republics. language as a means of interethnic communication, a significant reduction in the number of hours devoted to studying Russian. language in national schools, and even the exclusion of the subject “Russian”. language" from school and university programs. However, carried out in the beginning. 90s sociolinguistic research in Russia republics and a number of CIS countries indicate recognition by most of society of the fact that in modern times. stage to solve the problem of interethnic communication without Russian. language is difficult.

A feature of the third period is the functioning of Russian. language as a means of interethnic communication not only in the Russian Federation. but also in a group of sovereign states. In the Russian Federation, according to the 1989 census, out of 147 million people, approx. 120 million people are Russian, more than 50% are non-Russian. The country's population is fluent in Russian. language as a second one. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993) | and the “Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the RSFSR” (1991)] Rus. language is the state language language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory. The Constitution stipulates that the functioning of the Russian language as a state and international language should not hinder the development of other languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. Areas of application Russian language as a state and international language are subject to legal regulation; At the same time, no legal norms for the use of Russian are established. language in interpersonal informal relationships, as well as in the activities of public and religious associations and organizations. Rus. language as a state language the language of the Russian Federation performs numerous and varied functions in society, which determines social necessity its study by the entire population of Russia. All R. 90s 20th century rus. the language retains its position as a language of interethnic communication in the CIS countries due to a number of objective circumstances, as well as due to the historically established traditions of its use by the population of these countries. The 1989 census materials indicate that 63.8 million people are non-Russian. the population of the former union republics of the USSR (except the RSFSR) speak Russian. language as a mother tongue or as a second language. Linguistic aspects of studying Russian. languages ​​as a means of interethnic communication are characterized by certain specifics. Expanding the ethnic base of Russian users. language as a non-native language, the functioning of Russian. language in a foreign language environment leads to the appearance of phonetic, grammatical, lexical and semantic features in it. According to some scientists (N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova), the totality of such features, which are not the same in different regions of Russian existence. language as a means of interethnic communication, contributes to the formation of national (in other terminology - regional) variants of Russian. language.

Other scientists (V.V. Ivanov, N.G. Mikhailovskaya) believe that meeting the needs of interethnic communication is one of the functions of Russian. lit. language, violation of the norms of which by foreign-language users is due to interference (see). There is also a point of view (T. Yu. Poznyakova), according to which the language of interethnic communication is a functional variety of Russian. language, distinctive feature which is a specialization of grammatical and lexical means adapted to the conditions of interethnic communication in Russian. lit. language: increasing the number of analytical structures for expression grammatical meanings, frequency and stability of the use of syntactic models for expressing the category of gender, etc. In the language of interethnic communication there is a selection and consolidation morphological forms and syntactic structures, lexical units, assessed primarily as communicatively significant and sufficient. Studying Russian language in conditions various types national-Russian bilingualism confirms the presence of a number of common specific features in the language of interethnic communication, regardless of the region of its existence. At the same time, in Russian In the language of non-Russian linguists, such features have also been noted, which are characterized as purely regional, not represented in other foreign-language regions. On this basis, a conclusion is made about the regional variation of non-original Rus. speech (non-primordial Russian speech is a set of texts, both written and oral, produced by people for whom Russian is not their native language). However, the maximum permissible quality and quantitative levels regional variation, allowing us to qualify the language of interethnic communication as Russian. a language, and not some kind of pidgin, is a mixed language that arises as a result of the interaction of languages ​​(a pidgin often represents the grammar of one language and the vocabulary of another). Identification of essential linguistic characteristics of Russian. language as a means of interethnic communication is associated with the study of its different levels, the study of the results and forms of interlingual contacts, consideration of the processes of interaction between the language of interethnic communication and national languages ​​in the context of specific types of bi- and multilingualism, the areal characteristics of Russian. speech of non-Russians in relation to Russians. lit. language. The results of such studies are important for practical actions to optimize the Russian learning process. language as a non-native language to the extent that ensures the communicative competence of users.

1. Language as a means of communication

  • - a socially processed, historically changeable sign system that serves as the main means of communication.

Language is defined as a means of human communication. This is one of possible definitions language is the main thing, because it characterizes the language not from the point of view of its organization, structure, etc., but from the point of view of what it is intended for.

So, language is the most important means of communication. What qualities should he have to become exactly like this?

1. First of all, everyone who speaks it must know the language. There seems to be some general agreement that we will call the table the word table, and running - in a word run. How this happened cannot be decided now, since the paths are very different. For example, here is the word satellite in our time, it has acquired a new meaning - “a device launched using rocket devices.” The date of birth of this value can be indicated absolutely precisely - October 4, 1957, when the radio announced the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in our country. "This word immediately became famous in given value and came into use among all peoples of the world.

So much for the “agreement”. Everything is simple here, although this meaning itself was already prepared by the Russian language: in the 11th-13th centuries it had the meaning of “comrade on the road” and “accompanying in life”, then - “satellite of the planets”. And from here it’s not far to a new meaning - “a device accompanying the Earth.”

2. The second quality on which it depends communication, language should cover everything that surrounds a person, including him inner world. This, however, does not mean at all that language must exactly replicate the structure of the world. We really have “words for every essence,” as A. Tvardovsky said. But even that which does not have a one-word name can be successfully expressed by combinations of words.

It is much more important that the same concept in a language can have, and very often has, several names. Moreover, it is believed that the richer such series of words - synonyms, the richer the language is recognized. This reveals an important point; language reflects external world, but not absolutely adequate to it.

Language plays an essential role in public life and is the basis of mutual understanding, social peace and development. It has an organizing function in relation to society.

Availability of language yes necessary condition existence of society throughout human history. Any social phenomenon in its existence is limited in chronological terms: it is not originally in human society and is not eternal. Thus, according to most experts, the family did not always exist; there was not always private property, state, money; not original either various shapes social consciousness - science, law, art, morality, religion. Unlike non-primary and/or transitory phenomena of social life, language is primordial and will exist as long as society exists.

The presence of language is a necessary condition for material and spiritual existence in all spheres of social space. Any social phenomenon in its distribution is limited by its “place”, space. Of course, in society everything is interconnected, however, let’s say that science or production does not include (as a component, condition, prerequisite, means, etc.) art, and art does not include science or production. Language is another matter. He is global, omnipresent. The areas of language use cover all conceivable social space. Being the most important and basic means of communication, language is inseparable from all and any manifestations of human social existence.

2. (Basic functions of the language)

"Being the most important means communication, language unites people, regulates their interpersonal and social interaction, coordinates their practical activities, participates in the formation of ideological systems and national images of the world, ensures the accumulation and storage of information, including those related to history and historical experience people and personal experience the individual, dismembers, classifies and consolidates concepts, forms the consciousness and self-awareness of a person, serves as a material and form of artistic creativity" (N.D. Arutyunova. Functions of language. // Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M.: 1997. P. 609).

Functions of the language.

  1. Communication function

The communicative function of language is due to the fact that language is primarily a means of communication between people. It allows one individual - the speaker - to express his thoughts, and another - the perceiver - to understand them, that is, to somehow react, take note, change his behavior or his mental attitudes accordingly.

  1. Cognitive (cognitive) function

The cognitive, or cognitive, function of language (from the Latin cognition - knowledge, cognition) is associated with the fact that human consciousness is realized or recorded in the signs of language. Language is an instrument of consciousness that reflects the results of human mental activity.

  1. Nominative

The nominative function of language directly follows from the cognitive one. What is known must be named, given a name. The nominative function is associated with the ability of language signs to symbolically designate things.

  1. Rechargeable

The accumulative function of language is associated with the most important purpose of language - to collect and store information and evidence. cultural activities person. Language lives much longer longer than a person, and sometimes even longer than entire nations. There are so-called dead languages ​​that survived the peoples who spoke these languages. No one speaks these languages ​​except the specialists who study them. Living or dead languages ​​preserve the memory of many generations of people, the evidence of centuries. Even when oral tradition is forgotten, archaeologists can discover ancient writings and use them to reconstruct events long ago days gone by. Over centuries and millennia, humanity has accumulated great amount information produced and recorded by humans on different languages peace.

Stages of formation and development of the Russian language.

Russian language is the language of the Russian nation, in which it creates its culture in the broad sense of the word.

The Proto-Slavic (Common Slavic) language goes back to the Indo-European proto-language - the first language of all Slavs, which existed for three millennia and collapsed in the 6th - 7th centuries.

All East Slavs until the 4th century used the Old Russian language. Before the spread of writing, the Old Russian language already had rich traditions of use: folklore texts, ambassadorial speeches, appeals of princes and governors to the people, speeches at veche, as well as in the formulas of customary law.

The first Slavic alphabet was created in 863 by Constantine the Philosopher to translate Greek church literature. This is how it began to exist Old Slavonic language(basically the language of the South Slavs). This language gradually narrowed its scope only from the second half of the 16th century, but it is still used as a cult language.

10th century – Kievan Rus . Distribution of texts in Old Church Slavonic. Not a single manuscript from the 9th century has survived; the texts are known only in later copies (from the 11th century).

Gradually, Kyiv is developing mutual language, the so-called koina. It was based on the speech of the South Slavs. During feudal fragmentation the influence of the southern principalities weakens and the difference between southern Russian and northern Russian dialects increases. At the same time, the Old Russian language disintegrated, and Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​emerged from it.

State of Moscow Rus'. Moscow was located not only in the center, but also at the junction of different dialect groups. The ethnic diversity of its population meant that different sections of society spoke differently. In general, it is generally accepted that in Russian spelling norm the southern and northern features of the dialect were combined. Consonantism is Northern Russian, vocalism is Southern Russian.

In order for the Moscow state to strengthen, it was necessary to spread the language of the administration as actively as possible in new territories. The Moscow command language became such a language.

In the 17th century The Great Russian nationality is transformed into the Russian nation and the era of the formation of the national Russian language begins, which will end in early XIX centuries in the works of Pushkin.

Thus, competition between the Moscow official language and Church Slavonic is already revealed, but there could still be no equality between them, because Until the middle of the 17th century, fiction was not created in the official language.

In Peter's time. Despite the revolution of linguistic transformations, the language was not organized stylistically. So the question arose about the national norm of literary use, about some general ways expressions.

The time was coming for an outstanding personality in the field of linguistic concepts, whose activities complemented each other, and thus the oppositions of Tredikovsky, Lomonosov, Karamzin, Shishkov, significant for the history of the national Russian language, arose.

The line of Karamzin and Shishkov, as opposing each other in their views of innovation and archaism, new and old style, was united by Pushkin in his work. His fruitful work, both in prose and poetry, in historiography significantly developed the genre differentiation of Russian texts. It was with his work that the division of genres into high and low ceased. Words are no longer perceived in themselves as deliberately rude or deliberately refined. Pushkin did not at all distinguish between stylistically low and stylistically high vocabulary in his work, because it was used depending on the characteristics of the context and the characteristics of the characters. It is from Pushkin that the idea of ​​the need for the existence of a character’s speech characteristics is fully defined. He introduced a colossal amount of prosaisms (everyday vocabulary) into the literary language. In his work, a literary language took shape, and from that time on it began to be perceived as a stably existing system.

(Russian language as a state language, as a language of interethnic development and as a world language. Russian language among other languages ​​of the world.)

Modern Russian is the national language of the Russian people. It is called Russian because its creator and main bearer is the Russian people. RY is a historically established linguistic community, genetically belongs to the group of East Slavic languages, which go back to one source - the common Slavic language, common and common to all Slavic tribes. RY performs the following functions:

1) the state language of the Russian Federation, i.e. languages official documents, laws, office work legalized in this status by the Constitution.

2) the language of interethnic communication, i.e. a language chosen voluntarily in a multinational state as a language of communication. People of different nationalities communicate on it in everyday life, science, culture, art, economics, etc.

3) a world language - it is one of the six world languages, globally distributed, chosen as the working language of the UN and a number of international organizations.

Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by about 250 million people around the globe. In terms of prevalence, the Russian language ranks fifth in the world, second only to Chinese (more than 1 billion people speak it), English (420 million), Hindi and Urdu (320 million) and Spanish (300 million).

The concept of a world language was formed in the modern era, the era scientific and technological revolution And further development mature socialist society in the USSR. Strengthening connections between peoples in the development of scientific and technological progress, in the struggle to preserve peace, led by Soviet Union, determined the need to promote intermediary languages ​​that contribute to the rapprochement of peoples and the development of their mutual understanding. Naturally, Russian turned out to be one of these languages. Its status as a world language is determined by its wide distribution outside our country, active study in many countries, the great authority of Russian science and culture, the progressive role of our country in the process of international, universal development in the 20th century, its historical richness, expressiveness, which was noted by many, who wrote about the Russian language. Even F. Engels pointed out that the Russian language “in every possible way deserves to be studied in itself, as one of the strongest and richest living languages, and for the sake of the literature it reveals” *.

The global significance of the Russian language is manifested not only in the widespread use of its study in the modern world, but also in the influence, primarily of its lexical composition, on other languages. The growing authority of the Soviet state in world social, scientific and cultural life leads to an ever wider penetration of words from the Russian language into other languages. Everyone knew and understood Russian word satellite, already included in the dictionaries of many languages. Following the word satellite, other words and expressions related to space exploration began to be used in the languages ​​of other countries: lunar, soft landing, lunar rover, astronaut, cosmodrome. The Russian language introduced the word orbit into international wide use (from Latin orbis - circle, wheel, wheel trace) in the expressions go into orbit, put into orbit and under. New words associated with the space age have become so firmly established in the everyday life of a number of countries that they have begun to be used both as proper names and as common nouns.

Intercultural communication

Intercultural communication - interaction of communication partners belonging to different ethnic cultures and linguistic communities. It is impossible without relying on principle of tolerance .

In 1995, the UN adopted a declaration of principles of tolerance, in which tolerance is defined as “Respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the diversity of cultures in our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality.

IV. Intercultural communication and the principle of tolerance.

Globalization processes are actively underway in our world, as a result of which the boundaries between states are blurred, representatives of different cultures are increasingly close to each other and come into contact.

Communication - the act of communication, a connection between two or more individuals based on mutual understanding; communication of information by one person to another or a number of persons.

Intercultural communication - adequate mutual understanding of two participants in a communicative act belonging to different national cultures . Intercultural communication involves communication during which at least one of the participants can speak a non-native language.

Successful communication with foreigners, i.e. intercultural communication is possible only if there is respect for the cultures of all participants in communication, as well as sufficient knowledge about a particular culture.

The main goals of intercultural communication:

  • exchange and transfer of information;
  • formation of skills and abilities for successful socio-cultural activities;
  • formation of attitude towards oneself, towards other people, towards society as a whole;
  • exchange of activities, innovative techniques, means, technologies; 4, change in motivation of behavior;
  • exchange of emotions.

The communication process includes verbal and non-verbal communication , as well as encoding and decoding information when transmitting it from the source to the receiving side.

All intercultural communication is based on the principle of tolerance, which is the key to peaceful and effective communication Therefore, the success of human interaction is determined precisely by the level of tolerance.

Tolerance - a sociological term denoting tolerance of others' lifestyles, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs. Tolerance is necessary in relation to the characteristics of different peoples, nations and religions, and also presupposes equality of parties in expressing their views.

Tolerance as a complex structure of an individual’s socio-cultural life is an indispensable component of the process of social and intercultural communication, the key and mechanism for achieving successful communication. Intercultural communication, in turn, plays important role a connecting link between different peoples, ensures the unity of seemingly different cultures.

We can conclude that intercultural interaction is ensured by mutual tolerance, mutual responsibility, and the priority of mutually acceptable ways to resolve conflicts, including interethnic ones.

Today there are more than 10 thousand languages ​​and dialects on the planet. This was recently reported by David Dalby, who heads international organization The Linguistic Observatory is headquartered in Carmarthen.

Russian is one of the most widespread languages ​​in the world in terms of the number of speakers: according to some estimates, up to 300 million people on the planet consider it their native language. An even larger number of people use it for international and professional communication.

Texts in Russian are the stories of civilization. They are the ones who record its achievements over many centuries. And the heart of this great, world-famous civilization is literature - sacred Russian literature, as Thomas Mann said about it. Its spiritual heights, embodied in a unique, rich language, are both an object of study for us, philologists, and a source of pride for Russian scholars around the world.

What is a language of interethnic communication?

The language of interethnic communication is a language that is used by the peoples of a multinational state for mutual communication.

The Russian language is the language of interethnic communication, since Russia is multinational. And it serves all areas of activity of people living on Russian territory. They also write in Russian important documents countries and hold a meeting, etc.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the Russian language became a world language. Russian language is one of the Indo-European languages, and related to many Slavic languages.

It is one of the most developed world languages. Its rich lexicon and terms in all branches of science and technology, brevity, expressiveness and clarity of lexical and grammatical means, development of a system of functional styles provide the opportunity to reflect the entire diversity of the surrounding world. The Russian language can be used in all spheres of public life, through it the most diverse information is transmitted, the subtlest shades of thought are expressed.

The second reason why the Russian language is widespread is that many emigrants from Russia live in European countries, the USA, and Canada. Russians also love to travel the world and read books and communicate with people. I heard that in some American or Israeli cities all sellers speak Russian: their buyers are Russian-speaking. Arabs and Turks teach Russian: Russians come to them to relax. And I also heard that there is even a Russian in Beijing shopping mall, where all the sellers know Russian very well.

The third reason for the importance of the Russian language in the world is literature. Russian literature is one of the greatest in world culture. The names of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and other great writers are known in the far corners of the planet. Germans, French, and Spaniards study Russian at universities in order to read the works of these authors in the original.

Currently, English is the world's leading language of interethnic communication. English words even penetrate into the Russian language, often polluting it. But I think it's all relative.

Firstly, now a whole army of translators is working, translating from Russian into English: Russian culture influences English-speaking culture too. Secondly, once upon a time there was already a fashion: everyone spoke French. Then fashion changed, and people rushed to something new. And the great and rich Russian language, Russian culture live for centuries and will continue to live.

M.V. Lomonosov wrote: “Charles 5, the Roman emperor, said that it is decent to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with the enemy, Italian with the female sex. But if he had been taught the Russian language, he would, of course, have added that it is decent to speak with all of them, for he would have found in him the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, and, in addition, the richness of the brevity of Greek and Latin, strong in images. language."

The first all-Russian population census for 1897 out of 128 million inhabitants Russian Empire 86 million people spoke Russian. According to the 1989 All-Union Population Census in the USSR, out of 285.7 million people, 145.4 were Russians, 232.4 million people spoke Russian. According to the 1989 census, out of 146.5 million are Russians, almost 50% of the non-Russian country speaks Russian fluently. 1989 indicate that 63.8 million people of the non-Russian population of the former union republics of the USSR speak Russian as a native or second language.

Currently, when Mongolia is entering into new socio-economic relations, when our society is becoming more and more open, the demand for other foreign languages ​​is sharply increasing, that is, there is a need to know 2-3 foreign languages.

Russians have great political and economic influence in many countries, especially in Mongolia. Now the Russian language is spreading in countries former USSR not everyone likes it. Some politicians are trying to oust it and argue that it oppresses national languages. But people still communicate with each other in Russian, read Russian newspapers and books. The importance of the Russian language cannot be eliminated by artificial methods.

One of these languages ​​is Russian. In the new socio-economic conditions, interest in the Russian language and its importance in Mongolia remain. And why? There are several reasons for this:

  • The Mongols' interest in Russia and its language has historical traditions.
  • Geographically, Russia and Mongolia are the closest neighbors.
  • Development of diverse contacts between Russia and Mongolia in new economic conditions. Russia is one of the most real economic partners of Mongolia.
  • The Russian language still remains the main source of information, which is determined by for the following reasons: fairly good knowledge of the Russian language among the intelligentsia, including the average Mongolian, the predominance of serious scientific literature, newspapers and magazines in Russian, interest in Russian television programs.
  • The professional training of Mongolian Russian specialists is quite high, both theoretically and practically. Scientific research have always been the center of attention of Russian scholars.
  • Creation of private schools with instruction in Russian according to Russian programs, the founders of which are business people, sensitive to demand, that is, to the desire of parents to ensure that their children receive, first of all, good language training, as well as a better education.

In Mongolia, until 1990, studying Russian in secondary schools was compulsory. Moreover, given the stay at that time more Soviet specialists, there were many schools operating in the country that worked according to the program of Russian educational institutions. And not only in educational institutions, it was also included in the curriculum of evening schools for adults. Starting from the 5th grade, it was studied for 6 years.

The lack of textbooks and teaching aids in the Mongolian language and the resulting lectures in Russian served as one of the objective reasons for increasing attention to teaching the Russian language.

For example, in the curriculum of the Teachers' Institute at the beginning of the 50s, 2-3 times more hours were devoted to the study of the Russian language than to other major subjects.

In Mongolia, we have a rather wise saying, which translated into Russian sounds something like this: “If you open your mouth, open your soul inside out.”

The last decade of the twentieth century can probably be called not a period of stagnation, but a period of choice, when everyone had the opportunity to determine for themselves the motive for learning a foreign language, and also choose any foreign language for your education.

Thus, the Russian language has taken a natural place in the educational space of Mongolia, as defined by V.G. Kostomarov, “a worthy place among other foreign languages.”


In my opinion, today the Russian language, despite everything, has not lost its relevance and relevance, its nature, rooted in the depths of centuries and the secret knowledge of ancient peoples, will allow its sincere admirers to discover new and new heights of knowledge, unexplored areas of science, a promising future for younger generations. And all over the world, the Russian language has become directly and firmly linked with general cultural and utilitarian needs.

From year to year, interest in studying the Russian language has steadily grown, and therefore the number of teaching hours devoted to it has increased more and more. And Russia has been and remains the closest partner for cooperation in the field of science and technology.