Dill and parsley have beneficial properties. Dill and parsley, green onions

Greenery. Advantages and disadvantages. Beneficial features

: increases potency and removes swelling

Useful for heart pain. It has a good diuretic effect and helps with swelling. It contains insulin, which is why parsley is recommended for diabetics. A small bunch of parsley (50 g) “hides” the daily dose of vitamin C. There is potassium and phosphorus that are beneficial for muscles and bones, regulating the rhythm of the heart, calming the nerves and relieving insomnia. And also iron (from anemia), zinc (strengthens sexual desire), fluoride (down with caries!), selenium and flavonoids - means for cancer prevention.

By latest research, parsley should not be consumed by pregnant women, although it contains folic acid that is beneficial for them. This herb overstrains the uterus. Use with caution if you are sick Bladder and kidneys.

: Does it make your stomach hurt?

Of all the fresh greens, lettuce turns out to be the most useless plant. It contains folic acid and a small amount of vitamin C. To get daily dose ascorbic acid, you need to chew half a kilo of salad, preferably with vegetable oil. Fun for everyone!

Recently American doctors stated that the country's favorite lettuce - dangerous plant! He provokes intestinal diseases, which even ended fatally. You can’t eat salad if you have: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, kidney stones.

: relax and sleep

Removes headache(can be brewed into tea or rubbed with herbs on whiskey), useful for cardiovascular diseases: soothes and dilates blood vessels. It's even called "women's weed" - the best remedy on "critical days".

It is not allowed for children under 6 years of age. Another contraindication is bronchospasms.

: Down with germs!

It contains three times more vitamin C than onions! Garlic stalks release phytoncides. The leaves create a protective sterile zone in the air around them, in which pathogens of many diseases die. Excellent product for the prevention of atherosclerosis, ARVI. Eat raw.

There are contraindications: heart and kidney diseases, rheumatism, use with caution in case of liver diseases, pancreatitis, gastritis, exacerbation of diseases gastrointestinal tract.

: invigorating, like coffee

Dandelion tincture increases the body's immunity and tones up just as well as coffee. The flowers (without the green backing) can be added raw to wild plant salads or regular vegetable salads. They have an expectorant effect, and also soothe and treat insomnia.

Take with caution for ulcers, gastritis, cholelithiasis.

: “heart” food

It turns out that there are over 250 types of onions! Most contain potassium - normalizes heart rhythm and phytoncides - the same ones that are very useful for increasing immunity during colds.

An average bunch of onions (100 g) contains daily norm vitamin C. There are antioxidants that also have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. Therefore, onions are very useful for everyone who has a diseased heart and blood vessels. It is better to add onions to salads.

Raw greens, and especially onions, should not be chewed in case of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

: reduces blood pressure

The grass is rich in keratin and vitamin C, which means it is good for vision. Effectively reduces blood pressure. It contains a little less vitamin C than parsley, but also a lot. It also contains calcium, phosphorus and magnesium (what are the benefits of them - see “Parsley”). Stimulates intestinal function.

Best consumed raw.

You can't get carried away with people low blood pressure. In case of an “overdose” they may experience weakness, dizziness and even fainting.

* If you consume weed not from your garden, it is better to soak it in water for an hour before cooking. cold water. Then nitrates will leave the greens. If you don't have time to soak, you can drizzle over the salad. lemon juice. Firstly, this way food is better absorbed, and secondly, acidic environment again neutralizes nitrates.

* Salads should be eaten immediately after preparation. In the refrigerator, nitrates can turn into nitrites, and this is a real poison.

Fresh herbs – the most accessible source natural vitamins gifted to man by nature itself. Especially It's good to eat fresh greens in the spring, when there is stock useful substances in the body is almost exhausted, and it becomes very difficult for him.

The benefits and harms of parsley
Parsley contains:
Folic acid, which reduces the risk of having children with chromosomal abnormalities;
Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system;
Calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones;
Magnesium, which calms the nerves;
Iron – for people suffering from anemia;
Fluoride, strengthening tooth enamel and preventing the occurrence of caries;
Selenium, which prevents the formation of cancer cells;
Zinc, which has a beneficial effect on men's health.

In addition, parsley can lower blood sugar levels; its consumption is beneficial for diabetes. It is advisable to add one or two tablespoons to salads with fresh parsley. citric acid to neutralize nitrites, which are much more dangerous than nitrate compounds. It is better to use parsley fresh or add it to ready-made dishes.

Parsley Contraindicated for consumption by those who suffer urolithiasis, acute inflammations kidneys, bladder, works as a strong diuretic. It is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy. Parsley helps stimulate the walls of the uterus, resulting in a threat premature birth or miscarriage.

The benefits and harms of salad
Lettuce contains many beneficial minerals. It contains iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc and cobalt. These minerals are very well combined with each other, so salad is necessary in the diet of children, older people and those who are sick diabetes mellitus. Salad is useful for eating for people suffering from impaired kidney, liver, digestive system, patients with tuberculosis. Favorable ratio of sodium and potassium salts has a beneficial effect on water-salt metabolism, works as a diuretic, so the salad is useful for hypertensive patients.
The iron contained in the salad in combination with chlorophyll stimulates hematopoiesis, magnesium can influence the functioning of the human brain and nervous system, and acts as a sleeping pill.

The benefits and harms of dill
Dill greens is a very important part of our kitchen. It is used for preparing salads and preparations for the winter, as a seasoning for soups, potato dishes, meat and fish. Dill greens in dried form are three times energy value superior to fresh.

Indispensable in the fight against diseases such as diarrhea and dysentery, sleep disorders and respiratory diseases. It facilitates the flow menstrual cycle in women, taking off painful sensations due to the presence of flavonoids and B vitamins in its composition. Essential oils with antioxidant and bactericidal properties, clear the airways when allergic cough. Whenever allergic itching promote healing of skin wounds. The fiber contained in dill cleanses the intestines, helps with bloating, and improves digestion. Dill soothes nervous system, lowers blood pressure, gives diuretic effect, acts as an antispasmodic on smooth muscles.

Harm of dill greens manifests itself when used in food along with medicines. For example, when using choleretic or diuretic drugs, before adding to treatment dill water, you need to consult a doctor, since self-medication can lead to severe dehydration.

The benefits and harms of green onions
IN green onions a lot more useful substances than in onions. It contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals, phytoncides, useful for colds and infectious diseases. It contains:
Carotene, which protects mucous membranes respiratory tract from all kinds of infections and taking care of the good condition of your skin;
Zinc, necessary for hair health and problems with reproductive system;
Calcium, which strengthens nails;
Phosphorus is useful for strengthening bones.

Green onions Contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver and kidneys, and hypertensive patients. Sometimes consuming onions can cause a headache.

Fresh herbs on the table are not only a wonderful decoration for cooked dishes, but also a wonderful aroma of summer. This is also a storehouse of microelements that are necessary for normal operation human body. Where can you get fresh herbs that are so good for health? If it concerns rural areas, then everything is clear - you need to pluck it from where you once planted it.

In the city things are a little more complicated. Growing greens in an apartment is quite problematic, since there may be no space for its location or other categories of problems. All that remains is to buy it at the grocery market or store. But sometimes what we see on the shelves is far from useful product, especially when it comes to greens. Then you should roll up your sleeves and start growing it yourself, and if there is a bountiful harvest, you can also sell some of it.

For sale you can get a good profit and good financial support. This can be done not only in dachas and country houses; a city apartment is also quite suitable, where there are suitable ones for it. This type of activity has long been welcomed by city pensioners and housewives, who not only save on purchasing greens themselves, but also use the grown products to make a profit.

As you know, greens do not take up much space, are quite easy to care for and cost quite a lot, especially in the winter months. In addition, without fresh herbs the table is not the same, there is no aroma and the taste is rather poor. Therefore, people who want to earn extra money should start growing greens. minimum costs. There are cases when people literally earned a lot from selling greens during one season.

On average, from one hundred square meters of soil you can get about two thousand kilograms of fresh herbs with skillful care.

Here's your money! Let's look at the main types of greens that most people in our country grow on the windowsills of their apartments.

An indispensable product during spring, summer and autumn is rightfully green onions. Its excellent taste and fresh aroma attract not only as part of many dishes, but also when eaten fresh. Usually. Since winter, many have been planting it in their apartments to obtain a harvest already in the winter months. The peculiarity of growing green onions is their ease of care, rapid growth and a large number of benefits for the body.

Usually, purchased or grown onion sets are used as planting material.

In the absence of it, you can use relatively small onions. There will be a harvest in both the first and second cases. From onion sets you get a rather delicate onion feather, and from onions you can grow quite plentiful ones! In both cases, the products remain for sale.

Secrets of growing green onions:

  • Before planting, you need to decide on the planting material. For growing onions, the onion material from the samples is quite suitable. In the fall, a lot of it is sold, so purchasing such seed material will not be expensive at all. The main thing is to preserve such seed material until planting time!
  • For planting onions on feathers in an apartment, small containers are suitable, where the required layer of soil is first placed. It is advisable to choose a coarse-textured soil, since it is the one that allows the water and air necessary for normal height plants. Do not enter in advance a large number of hydrogel, pre-soaked in a small amount of a biological product called Gumi. This is used to strengthen and nourish the plant body. Growing onions for growing in an apartment is quite dry, but using a hydrogel easily solves the problem of moisture deficiency.
  • To obtain fresh onions throughout the year, plant onions every ten days. Thus, throughout the year you will receive a harvest of fresh herbs, which can be sold at a profit.

It is best to plant onions in an apartment in small containers, which can be purchased at specialized stores garden utensils. It is advisable to first sprinkle the bottom of such containers with expanded clay, which ensures the formation of small holes for draining excess water. Then the soil with the soaked hydrogel is placed and the prepared planting material is planted.

After planting the bulbs, lightly compact the soil and water generously.

After some time, the first green feathers appear, in good and abundant light, becoming larger and larger. Having reached a certain height, green onion feathers can be cut and used for sale.

Dill is in no way inferior to green onions in terms of popularity in use. Kitchens don't have the same dishes without dill! This plant is also indispensable as a source of fresh herbs on your table.

Tricks for growing dill:

  • Dill should be planted pre-soaked. Dill seeds germinate well, even in conditions where the soil has warmed up only two degrees.
  • It is not advisable to germinate seeds in water, as green shoots of dill may suffer when planted. Soaking dill seeds is necessary to dissolve the seeds they contain. essential oils.
  • It should be planted in rows. With this method of sowing, young dill shoots will receive maximum amount light rays, heat and moisture necessary for growth. The rows should be positioned relative to each other at a distance of ten centimeters.
  • Having placed the seeds in small containers with pre-designated rows, cover them with soil and water them.
  • After the formation of seedlings on the soil surface, if necessary, weed the rows with dill.
  • Young shoots of dill need watering, which should be provided by a gardener who wants to get a good harvest.

Young green shoots of dill are well watered before cutting for sale. Then the selected area with dill is dug up a little and the roots are cleared from the soil. Next, the roots and shoots are washed with water and installed vertically in the space of a waterproof container. Young shoots of dill in a container are placed with their leaves facing up.

You can store dill in such a container for quite a long time.

Thanks to the container, cut dill can remain fresh for up to five days without showing any signs of wilting. This is very convenient for selling or transporting goods over long distances. During the winter cold period, sales volumes of such fresh greens increase significantly.

An ideal and useful type of greenery at any time of the year is. It is healthy and tasty, and also very aromatic. When growing parsley for sale, you definitely can’t go wrong, as it is easy to care for and indispensable in the human diet.

There are two main ways to obtain fresh parsley at home: sowing seeds directly or forcing young shoots from prepared roots.

The first method is easier to use, while the second requires little preparation. It is advisable to prepare seed material for planting from the end of summer. If you were unable to stock up on planting material in time, you can purchase it in specialized stores.

Let's consider obtaining fresh parsley by forcing it from the roots:

  • For these purposes, we take healthy root vegetables. Showing no signs of wilting.
  • Be sure to check for the presence of an apical bud on these roots, thanks to which the growth of parsley will begin. If there are no buds on the roots, then you may not get the expected harvest of parsley.
  • The roots should be planted in small boxes or flower pots.
  • It is advisable to use turf soil for planting, as it is very fertile and has excellent oxygen and moisture permeability to the roots.
  • Having placed a small amount of prepared soil in the required containers, water it. Abundant watering is the key to the rapid appearance of greenery from the roots. Then he places the prepared root vegetables in these containers, and sprinkle them big amount soil.
  • If necessary, we water and ensure the penetration of heat and light to the planted roots.
  • After some time, we notice the appearance of a small carpet of fresh greenery on the surface of the soil.
  • Young parsley leaves need good lighting, but direct sunlight can be harmful to them.
  • Once the leaves reach a certain size, they can be produced for sale.
  • The cut leaves are placed in small bunches and tied. It is convenient to buy and sell parsley in such water.
  • To ensure a fresh and healthy appearance, the tufts are periodically sprayed with a small amount of water.

Parsley can also be grown from seeds at home. It is worth considering a long period time required for parsley seeds to germinate. Before planting, you should also prepare the soil, moisten it and sow the prepared seed material there.

To speed up germination, parsley seeds can be soaked in a small amount of Gumi solution in advance. The soil with sown seeds should be moistened as necessary.

Containers with sprouted parsley seeds can be kept on the windowsill of the apartment.

The plant is not at all afraid of cold weather, but needs constant light and good moisture. ideal light conditions for intensive photosynthesis. And to provide additional soil moisture, you can place a little hydrogel in the container before planting. This substance will provide additional hydration to young parsley shoots. Once the plants have reached a certain height, they cut into and form bunches. Now you can use these products for sale.

Growing chives, compared to other described types of greens, is somewhat more complicated and requires preliminary preparation. It is advisable to harvest chives in the autumn months. For this purpose, small clumps of chives are dug up and the feathers on them are cut off. The prepared jackets are placed in small containers for storage.

With the onset of winter, the curtains are brought into a warm room and placed as close to the light as possible. Chives are characterized rapid growth feathers, which are either plucked from a bush or cut off.

Growing chives at home can be done to obtain two harvests.

This is very profitable, but after the second harvest the plant becomes much weaker and is no longer capable of producing feathers. It is better to choose planting material for forcing from pre-thinned plantings.

Growing Tips:

  • For of this plant The level of soil moisture is important. If there is little moisture in the soil, then the plant begins to wither; its feathers become rough and even slightly bitter. To prevent this from happening, you should monitor the level of soil moisture and water the plants as necessary. For irrigation, it is better to use water at room temperature.
  • Light is important for plants and must be supplied to sufficient quantity. It is better to keep chives on a windowsill or near a light source. Once the feathers have reached the desired size, they are cut off and shaped small size bunches. This is the form in which the greens are sold. It is advisable to moisten green feathers with water from time to time. So it will be for a long time look fresh and juicy.

When growing greens for sale at home, you should choose those plants that are completely unpretentious in care. This way you can quickly get the desired harvest at minimal cost. You can grow radishes, salads and much more on windowsills.

One only has to take into account the consumer demand for these crops and the degree of care for them.

Selling greenery is good earnings for many categories of citizens, carried out at low cost and effort. In addition, the owner himself will always have healthy green parsley, fragrant dill and much more on his table.

More information can be found in the video.

The season of fresh greens has already started. Dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions and other greenflies can now be found not only at the market where they are found all year round, but also on its six hundred square meters. Young, tender, pleasantly pleasing to the eye and adding special appetizing to the meal. What's good about greens? Does it have negative properties? What is the best way to use it now in the season?


The first thing that comes to mind in connection with greens is vitamins. Especially vitamin C- it even seems to us that this is a green vitamin. What is it really like? 100 grams of parsley contains 150 mg, the same amount of dill - 100, sorrel and celery - 40, green lettuce - 20, spinach - 55, and green onions - 30 mg. Considering that the daily norm ascorbic acid 60-80 mg, then some of these vitamin C concentrations seem quite decent to us. True, an amendment needs to be made here. Still, greens are very light and we eat them in small doses. One hundred grams of parsley or dill is not one orange or one apple, which weigh 150-200 grams and which can be easily eaten. One hundred grams of greens is quite a lot, and rarely does anyone eat so much of it at once. And therefore, greens can be considered a moderate source of vitamin C.


Onions have wonderful tops and roots. Now is the time for green tops, include them in your diet every day. Green onion feathers are even richer onions by the content of vitamin C, carotene, as well as potassium and calcium salts. They just have a lot of vitamins A and C, and a lot of K. Just 25-30 g of onion tops (this is the recommended daily dose for many medical diets) will provide all daily norm the last one. The time for roots will come, you will eat onions, and also better every day. In any case, dishes containing at least half an onion are best eaten at least three times a week. This powerful protection and for blood vessels, and against cancer, and “inoculating” strength into the immune system. All this is due to a large amount of polyphenols, quercetin and super-healthy substances containing sulfur (they are also found in garlic).

There's still some greenery folic acid. By the way, the name of this vitamin comes from Latin word"folium", which means "leaf". Folic acid was first discovered in lettuce leaves, and it got its name from them. But then it turned out that folate (a derivative of folic acid) a lot, and sometimes even more in other products. Including those that are very far from green - in the liver and meat of animals. If we talk about other vitamins, for example, representatives of group B, then there are few of them in greens.


What are greens rich in? There's a lot in it essential oil components, giving it aroma and taste. All of them have been studied relatively well by doctors. They have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. And therefore, a lot of medicines are made from these oils for inhalation and for rinsing for colds. That's why many types of greens are used as natural preservatives when preparing almost any product - it is they, together with salt, that prevent food spoilage and the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

For a variety of diseases, it is often used as medicinal herbs both the greens themselves and preparations made from them. For example, dill preparations used for flatulence are well known - increased gas formation in the intestines. The effect of dill on the digestive process is also primarily associated with essential oil components. But cilantro (coriander) and parsley have the same effect. All of them weaken intestinal spasms, promote the secretion of bile, so necessary for normal process digestion.


That is why such greens are an ideal accompaniment for kebabs and other grilled dishes that we love to enjoy during... summer holiday. But it turns out that these herbs have another very useful property that can reduce the harm of such dishes. It is well known that cooking over charcoal produces carcinogens. So, dill, parsley and cilantro contain oil substances that weaken their effect. First of all, they neutralize benzopyrene; there is still a lot of this carcinogen in tobacco smoke. So the Caucasian custom of eating kebabs with whole bunches of greens has a rational explanation. Although you can do without such huge doses. The main thing is that the greens are well chopped. This can be done before eating by chopping it thoroughly. And if you eat greenery with sprigs, you need to chew it thoroughly. This way all the beneficial substances are better absorbed from it. The twigs and leaves themselves, if not chopped, are difficult for digestive enzymes to digest.

But this is not the whole benefit of combining greens with kebab and meat in general. Meat products are known to contribute to the development of colon cancer. IN Lately Scientists often associate this with the so-called heme. As recently discovered, this substance can form toxins in the intestines that contribute to the development of colon cancer. Heme is omnipresent in the body - in blood cells it helps transport oxygen, in muscles it helps to use it. It is heme that gives the red color to meat and blood (the word “hemoglobin” is derived from heme), and it cannot be completely removed from meat, it is essential component. But it is possible to neutralize heme... and very simply. You just need to set green chlorophyll on the red heme. This substance, very similar in composition to heme, not only gives green color plants, but also helps them synthesize oxygen. And for us it is very useful. Have you already guessed what needs to be done? That's right, never eat meat without greens. And it can be not only herbs, but also any salads.


The theme of greens is closely related to the very first fresh summer salad in Russia. It is tasty, healthy, and its recipe is surprisingly simple: radishes, cut into slices, green onions, dill, sour cream and salt. That's all! Please note: all its components can be considered absolutely our national ones. Of course, these gifts of nature are found in other countries, but in combination with “Russian cream” (as sour cream is often called in the world), this is our original salad. I think it should be given the official status of a so-called national specialty - this term refers to dishes that are invented in certain regions or even countries and constitute their culinary heritage. The movement for their registration and legal protection is now actively taking place all over the world and especially in Europe. But not with us. In the field of gastronomy, we remain Ivans who do not remember kinship.

So, let's evaluate the benefits of salad.

Red-purple radishes are not champions in vitamins and minerals, but they are not outsiders either; they contain moderate doses of vitamins C, E, folic acid and B6, as well as the potassium and dietary fiber we need. The main advantage of radishes is different. It has very few calories, practically nothing harmful and many anti-cancer substances. The famous harsh taste is given to it by glycosinolates, which, when crushed, turn into powerful tool against cancer, which has very complicated name- isothiocyanates. Other such substances are found in cabbage, horseradish and mustard. Their activity against many types of cancer has been proven in serious studies, and therefore all these gifts of nature must be included in your diet. And for them to be active, it is better not to cut the radishes into circles, but to grate them and start eating 15-20 minutes after that (time is needed for the formation of active isothiocyanates).

A simple addition to radishes: onion, dill, leafy greens and absolutely natural sour cream will make the salad even healthier.

Oleg Dneprov



  • Add chopped greens not only to salad, but also to scrambled eggs, omelettes, and any first and second courses.
  • Add any chopped greens to kefir, yogurt and others dairy products. It's good to add more cucumber and garlic.
  • Any sandwich will be healthier if you add a few sprigs of greens to it.
  • May there always be fresh herbs on the table in the summer.
  • Actively use greens not only fresh, but also when cooking. She is not very afraid of heat treatment.

Our expert - dietician, nutritionist, member of the National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists Anna Belousova.

Vitamins are not the main thing!

Many will be surprised to hear that spring greens are rich in beta-carotene, since we tend to think that this vitamin is found mainly in bright orange or red vegetables. Dill, onion or parsley cannot boast of a red color, but in terms of the amount of beta-carotene in one hundred grams they are not inferior to carrots.

Beta-carotene is absorbed by the body only in the presence of fat. That is why it is customary to put it in a glass carrot juice a spoonful of sour cream. But, since, as a rule, we add greens to ready-made dishes that contain fats, carotene from dill or parsley is absorbed without any problems.

By sprinkling salad or meat with herbs, you enrich the dish with vitamin C, which is found in green vegetables, although not as much as, for example, in sea buckthorn or black currant, but still a lot.

Other benefits of green vegetables include high levels of potassium, magnesium, manganese and vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, promotes wound healing and aids calcium absorption.

However, it is worth remembering that we do not use herbs in such quantities as to satisfy daily requirement the body in useful substances, so it is still not worth considering greens as a complete source of vitamins and microelements.

However, vitamins are far from the only richness of parsley, onions or dill. Spicy greens contain a lot of essential oils; it is to them that the herbs owe their aroma. These oils are a kind of natural antibiotics that protect the body from colds during the off-season.

All representatives of the green family have a carminative effect. Therefore, they are useful for flatulence, bloating and intestinal problems. If you know about these diseases firsthand, feel free to season your dishes with herbs or prepare infusions. The recipe is simple: pour 1 teaspoon of chopped dill with 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes in a sealed container and take 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day.

In addition, the herbs have a sap effect and stimulate the activity of the gallbladder and pancreas. Therefore, green onions or parsley will prevent heaviness in the stomach after a hearty meal and improve the well-being of people suffering from gastritis with low acidity.

On a note

Fresh herbs can be used for more than just salads. It is also an excellent raw material for homemade cosmetics. Lotions from infusion dill seedsgood remedy against acne and others inflammatory diseases skin. Green onions help with hair loss. A paste of fresh hair arrows is applied to the hair, the head is wrapped in a towel for an hour, then washed with soap. If you get sunburned in the spring sun, pour a little water over the lettuce leaves and cook for five minutes. Place the boiled salad on a gauze napkin and cover your face with it for about thirty minutes, the redness should go away. Parsley is often added to whitening face masks. After all, this curly grass copes well with freckles and age spots.

Not for all

Despite everything, not everyone can prepare salads and cook green cabbage soup every day.

If you suffer from uraturia (a tendency to form urate stones in the kidneys) or suffer from gout, greens should be a delicacy for you. Moreover, it is safer to use dried parsley or dill rather than fresh.

Do not overdo it with greens and those who have increased level hemoglobin or thrombophlebitis. Because of high content vitamin K, onions, parsley or dill can provoke the formation of blood clots in such patients. Particular care should be taken with soups and salads if young nettle leaves are added. Hot herb is a strong hemostatic agent that works no worse than medications!

During the period of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity It is also necessary to temporarily part with green seasonings.

Cooking according to the rules

With each day of storage, the amount of useful substances in greens decreases, so you should not buy it for future use. Fresh herbs keep in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or parchment paper. Just don't wrap your greens in newspaper! Printing ink contains many harmful substances, which turn into products during storage.

Dried herbs do well in their original packaging. But if you prefer to put your herbs into glass jars, keep them away from sun rays, preferably in a dark place. And one more little trick. You should not cut greens with a metal knife; it is better to use a ceramic one or chop it with your hands. The fact is that upon contact with metals it is destroyed. most of vitamin C.

Personal opinion

Edita Piekha:

Greens, just like vegetables and fruits, should be present on every person’s table. After all, these are living vitamins that only provide benefits to our body.