Bruise hematoma treatment. Cabbage leaf compress

Bruises and such common complications after them as hematomas and bruises can occur varying degrees difficulties. It all depends on the force of the blow.

In simple situations you can get by quite well folk remedies, in more complex or advanced situations, medical intervention will be required.

Complex bruises include injuries in which there are wounds on the skin or damage to bones and nerves.

Treatment of bruises and hematomas at home does not take much time and can save a person from various complications.

For quick treatment bruises and hematomas are worth following certain rules . First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the injured part of the body is provided with complete rest; they need to be moved as little as possible.

You can make such a cold compress using some kind of frozen product or a heating pad filled with cold water.

A positive result from the cold can only be obtained within 24 hours after the injury, that is, this must be done as quickly as possible.

Cold very quickly constricts blood vessels and prevents the development of bruises. It quickly stops the appearance of edema and unpleasant secondary damage to nearby tissues and organs.

To achieve a high effect during the treatment process, you need to use cold as correctly as possible. To prevent skin damage that may occur from contact with ice, the ice object must be wrapped in a cloth.

The cold on the bruise should be kept for no more than 10-15 minutes, this will help avoid frostbite and hypothermia of the tissues. After a two or three hour break, you can repeat the procedure again.

If your legs, arm or finger are bruised, you just need to lift them up. This is necessary to prevent the formation of edema and for the outflow of blood.

Thanks to this, the damaged segment will feel much better. At night, you should make a mesh of iodine, which has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Overall blood circulation is significantly improved.

About a day later, immediately after the swelling is removed, all damaged organs can be provided with heat.

It’s not difficult to make, just heat a small amount of salt in a frying pan, then just pour it into a fabric bag or a regular sock and apply it to the bruise for 15 minutes. Such warming up should be done a couple of times a day.

To treat and eliminate bruises and contusions, you can purchase inexpensive bodyaga powder at the pharmacy.. This is a unique and quite effective remedy that was developed and created specifically for this purpose.

The product is used very simply - just dilute it with water to a creamy paste and apply it to the bruised area for about an hour.

There is not only a powder with a similar name, but also an ointment. If you use these remedies immediately after a bruise, you can effectively avoid the formation of a hematoma. This is an ideal remedy for treating bruises in older people.

Other, no less effective ointments include troxevasin, gaparin ointment, bruise-off, lyoton. This inexpensive means, which must be used strictly according to the instructions.

If you bruise your leg, for example, and there is no way to go to the pharmacy, you can find a lot effective means at home, in the refrigerator or in a home medicine cabinet.

There are several of the most affordable and simple ways treatment of bruises and hematomas with folk remedies, each of which has been tested for years and helps very quickly. You can choose based on personal preference or what you have on hand.

If a hematoma occurs during pregnancy, treatment of this type will be most appropriate. So, here are the most common remedies for severe bruises and bruises:

All the recipes listed in this section are quite effective. Herbal treatment is no less effective. It can be used either independently or as an addition to the main treatment.

There are some of the most popular and effective ways, how to relieve pain from a bruise and remove both the hematoma itself and its consequences, that is, how to treat bruises at home.

Here are the most popular and effective of them:

The properties listed above are excellent for bruises of all parts of the body, not just the hands and feet. There are also highly targeted remedies and methods of treatment.

In case of injury thumb on the leg the most unpleasant consequences are of blue color bruises that form under the nails, there are also certain painful sensations, and in more difficult situations there is a risk of losing a nail.

To avoid such things it is enough unpleasant phenomena, you should hold your finger under a stream of very cold water. Equally effective is immersing the bruised finger in salted water for about 10 minutes..

After these procedures, the hands or feet are wiped dry and a tight bandage is made, which must be changed until the finger is completely healed.

To prevent unattractive blackening of the nail, you should make an iodine mesh as quickly as possible or simply lubricate the entire finger with iodine.

Turmeric powder is no less effective for bruised toes.. It must be mixed with water until a paste forms. The resulting mass simply lubricates your finger.

Turmeric is characterized by ideal antibacterial and healing properties, therefore it perfectly helps to heal bruises and restore tissue if there is damage to the heel.

A bruised knee or collarbone should be taken as seriously as possible, especially if this part of the body is severely swollen. Lack of proper treatment can lead to the development of arthritis and other equally dangerous consequences.

If there is a bruise, you need to apply a cold compress to the knee, and also make sure that it is motionless and slightly higher than the rest of the body. It is advisable to visit a traumatologist to rule out a serious injury and, in the absence of one, you can begin treatment with folk remedies.

Treatment with cabbage and a compress of vinegar, water and oil is ideal here.. Everything is clear with cabbage, but to prepare a compress you just need to mix a spoonful of water, vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar.

Knee and fingers are the most common types of bruises. Other options for injury can be considered in less detail:

If you bruise any part of the body - elbow, back, hip or wrist, or if a serious hematoma forms, you should consult a doctor.

Only after a serious problem or complication has been excluded can it be used folk methods treatment.

Cold compresses can and should be used immediately after an injury and before visiting a specialist.

If a hematoma has formed after a bruise on the leg, treatment should consist of special measures aimed at dilating the blood vessels. They can be used only after a day, or better yet, two days after the injury. Education can be treated with the following measures or procedures:

In more serious situations, the doctor may prescribe surgical removal of the hematoma.

This is an important and necessary decision, since a hematoma of the forearm, shoulder or foot, with complete absence hematoma treatment can bring enough serious problems with health.

It can complicate the functioning of the kidney or other important organs.

Summing up

All recipes presented can be used either independently or as an addition to treatment prescribed by a specialist.

It is quite difficult to decide which remedy is better; each method is quite effective. The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of injury, the size of the hematoma, as well as the location of the injury.

Leg injury is a common occurrence known to every person. Almost any injury causes a hematoma.

Bruises on legs

A hematoma is a closed injury caused by a blow. When it occurs, tissue compression occurs, which leads to capillary rupture, and blood emanating from the vessels floods the soft tissues that surround the vein.

One of frequent injuries is a bruised toe. Therefore, everyone should know how toes should be treated in order to prevent possible complications.

A hematoma always has a source of appearance, even if there was no injury, but a bruise suddenly appeared. If a bruise appears without a contusion, you should definitely consult a specialist, as this may be one of the symptoms of serious illnesses.

Extensive hematoma on the leg

The timing of the appearance of hematomas may vary, since the duration will depend on the depth of the vascular injury. A bruise will appear immediately if the rupture of the vessel occurs close to the surface skin.

Such a phenomenon as a hematoma may also vary in color. You can tell by the color exactly when the injury occurred. The red tint of the hematoma means that the injury occurred recently. After a few days, the blood clots and the bruise becomes bluish in color. If severe hemorrhage occurs, then it is black.

Bruise “for no reason” with thrombocytopenia

After a week, the hematoma takes on a greenish tint, and after ten days the skin turns yellow. These stages are called “blooming” of the hematoma.

Hematomas on the leg, as a rule, heal well on their own, but despite this, they need to be treated.

A hematoma on the leg is treated in several ways. The methods will depend on the nature of the injury and general condition human health.

Finger nail hematoma

Emergency actions for a hematoma on the leg after a blow

It is not difficult to identify the symptoms of a bruise. The occurrence of a hematoma on the leg is usually accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the skin where the injury occurred, swelling and redness.

Rarely, but upon palpation you can feel a barely noticeable pulsation. This means that the vessel is this moment bleeding.

  1. Apply ice to the injury - it will stop and reduce internal bleeding.
  2. It is necessary to place a pillow under the injured leg until it is elevated.
  3. Treat the injured area with Riciniol. This device will reduce painful sensations, disinfects and prevents hematoma from enlarging.
  4. Wrap your leg elastic bandage. Avoid redness and blueness of the legs below the bandage.

The duration of treatment for a hematoma on the leg depends on the timeliness of assistance, the characteristics of the patient’s body and the degree of the hematoma.

Types of leg hematoma

  • Subcutaneous hematoma - characterized by a rapid increase in bruise, noticeable pulsation and temperature. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
  • Internal hematoma on the leg - characterized by hemorrhage in the subcutaneous area. In this case, it is necessary to immobilize the limb, apply ice and visit a doctor.

Treatment of a hematoma on the leg after a bruise depends on the nature of the injury:

  1. I degree is the easiest. Treatment lasts several days.
  2. II degree - pronounced swelling and pain occur at the site of the bruise. In this case, treatment will take more than seven days.
  3. III degree – characterized by affecting the tendons of the limbs. The patient feels numbness in his legs. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician.
  4. IV degree is the most difficult. Causes difficulty in moving. The patient is advised to rest in bed. The duration of treatment is determined by the surgeon.

Symptoms that require you to consult a specialist

There are times when it is not possible to treat a hematoma on the leg after a bruise on your own. It is important to know which symptoms require a visit to the doctor.

An increase in temperature with a hematoma is a reason to consult a doctor


  • If the injury not only led to the formation of a bruise, but also caused inflammation, numbness and enlargement of the joint.
  • Feeling unwell: fever, nausea, general weakness and dizziness.
  • Strong pulsation of the hematoma. This, as a rule, means that the vein is damaged and there is an internal hematoma on the leg.
  • Rapid increase in the volume of the bruise (over a couple of hours).


If an internal hematoma occurs on the leg, then excess blood is removed by puncture - the process of pumping out blood with a needle. Afterwards, a sterile bandage is applied, which will compress the tissue. Only after some time will it be possible to use ointments.

Rarely, there are cases when the puncture did not give the desired result. Then the doctor makes an incision in the area of ​​the hematoma and eliminates the bleeding.

If it comes to a minor bruise, then ointments, gels and compresses can help.

Troxevasin ointment

Procedures such as:

  • Ultraphonophoresis,
  • Massotherapy,
  • Electrophoresis,
  • Galvanization,
  • Magnetotherapy.

These methods of treating a hematoma on the leg will stop the bleeding, relieve pain and swelling.

Folk remedies

One of effective ways The treatment for a hematoma on the leg after a blow is a clay compress. The clay should be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin and wait until it dries completely. After the mask dries, the clay should be washed off warm water. It is necessary to apply a compress five times a day. A noticeable improvement will be noticeable within a couple of days.

A compress using dimexide gives an excellent effect. This compress relieves swelling, pain, and helps the bruise resolve. Directions for use: dilute dimexide with water 1 to 3. Then apply a compress and secure with a bandage.

The simplest and warmest method of treating a hematoma on the leg after a blow is alcohol compress. It can be used 2 days after the injury.

It is allowed to use both alcohol and vodka. Alcohol must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1 with water. Vodka can be applied to the leg in pure form. To do this, you need to moisten a cloth, apply it to the bruise and secure it with a bandage. This method will be most effective if you apply such a compress systematically - that is, every day.

Badyagi powder - use

Bodyaga - pharmaceutical drug, which perfectly absorbs internal hematoma on the foot. It can be purchased in powder form, as well as in ointment form. How to use the powder:

  • Dilute with warm water 1 to 2.
  • Apply to the hematoma.
  • Secure with a bandage.

If you don't have time to prepare a compress, you can use a regular heating pad. This method is especially effective if applied at night.

Bandage on the leg for a hematoma

Additional treatment for hematoma on the leg after a blow

Avoid cases that could lead to fever. For example, taking a hot bath or shower, drinking alcohol, for a long time spending time in the sun.

Heat is indicated for the patient a couple of days after the injury. Massage, to speed up the resorption of the hematoma, must also be carried out after a couple of days.

Only after the permission of the treating specialist is possible physical exercise. Initially, the patient will perform simple movements: circular rotations and flexion of joints. Such exercises will be useful because with prolonged immobilization, the limb loses elasticity and there may be a risk of muscle atrophy.

A bruise means an appearance on the body closed damage caused by any destructive influence (impact, strong pressure). In this case, the soft tissues of the body suffer. It is practically impossible to protect yourself from accidental injuries, and for sure, everyone in their life has suffered a bruise at least once.

Symptoms of a bruise appear in the form of pain in the affected area, bruising and swelling of the injury site.

Classification of bruises

In medicine, it is customary to determine the severity of injury in degrees, starting with the first, the most mild degree, and to the most serious – the fourth.

  • 1st degree. Mild damage to the skin at the site of impact. It is with such a bruise that it is possible to use home treatment folk ways
  • 2nd degree. In the second case, bruising may occur in the injured area
  • 3rd degree. As a result of damage of this nature, a violation of the integrity of tissues and joints occurs.
  • 4th degree. When a severe injury occurs, the soft tissues, internal organs and bones leads to changes in the ability of the body to function normally.

Attention! The folk remedy after a bruise can only be used in the first two degrees; with more severe injuries, you must consult a doctor!

Emergency medical care

Pre-medical treatment of an injured person will consist of observing four basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to fix the injured area in such a way that the injured person can feel comfortable, without disturbing the bruised area of ​​the body.
  2. Cannot be consumed vasodilators and drinks, in particular alcohol, you should not try to massage the bruise site, you should not use hot compresses immediately after the injury.
  3. A compress should be applied to the site of the bruise, which will relieve the pain and prevent the hematoma from growing. You can use any improvised means: ice in a towel, bag or bottle; Briquettes of frozen food from the refrigerator. But when using cold pressure on the site of a bruise, you must follow a regime - no more than 20 minutes in a row, a second compress can be done after 15-20 minutes.
  4. To alleviate the suffering of the victim, you can take available painkillers.

Treatment at home

When more than two days have passed since the injury occurred, you can begin treating the bruise at home. Several methods are used for treatment:

  1. Warm compress. How local compress applied to the site of the bruise, as well as warm baths will help restore blood circulation and eliminate sharp pain.
  2. Massage. A light, pressure-free massage will also have a beneficial effect.
  3. Physiotherapy. Blood circulation can be regulated by ordinary physical exercises; the main task is to improve blood circulation.
  4. Medicinal ointments, lotions, compresses. The bruise treatment methods listed below can be easily performed on your own.

For various parts body is better to use different ways treatment.

Soft tissues – compress of aloe and honey.

Joints - compresses from wormwood tincture.

Hands: Peel the banana and internal part apply to the sore spot.

Legs - hot bath with wild rosemary decoction.

Fingers - dressing using fir oil.

Knee - excellent remedy attach common leaf cabbage

The head is heated salt in a bag.

Shoulder – yolk ointment chicken egg and banal laundry soap.

Eyes - apply thoroughly washed woodlice.

Traditional therapy


Compresses are the best way to get rid of swelling.

  1. Grind a tablespoon of onion and plantain each, mix thoroughly, gradually adding a spoonful of uncandied honey. Apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes; you can perform this procedure up to three times during the day.
  2. Pour boiling water over a mixture of plantain, wormwood, and St. John's wort herbs and let it brew well. After the mixture has cooled, use it for compresses.
  3. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and apply thin layer honey, apply to the sore spot.
  4. Mix vinegar in water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water and moisten the compress cloth with the resulting solution.


To successfully eliminate bruises, you need to use various ointments:

  1. Grind fresh plantain leaves thoroughly, mix with petroleum jelly, butter and lard (not salted). The proportions are as follows: 1 part plant to 7 parts fat mixture. If it is not the season for fresh herbs, you can use dried ones; they are first infused in hot water.
  2. Hops and visceral fat in the proportion of 50 grams of dried plant flowers per 200 grams of fat. Chopped hops are added to the melted fat, and the broth is filtered.
  3. Burdock root and vegetable oil. 75 grams of the plant and 200 grams of oil are infused for 24 hours. Then the resulting mass is heated and filtered. Keep refrigerated.
  4. Ordinary butter copes well with bruises if it is applied to the site of injury every half hour.

Relieving pain

  1. Apply a mixture of table salt in the amount of 12 teaspoons dissolved in 12 glasses of vinegar and apply this compress for half an hour to the site of injury.
  2. If the house has a stove, then you can use the residual heat after heating. It is necessary to place the victim next to the open firebox of the stove, in which there are some hot golden coals left, but it is necessary to control the time so as not to overheat.
  3. Two spoons of dry bodyagi powder per spoon of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the site of injury.

Badyagi powder is a frequently used folk remedy for bruises.

In addition to the methods of treating bruises described above, we can recall a few more traditional methods, quite simple and reliable:

  • Apply fresh plantain to the bruised area. This is exactly how our grandmothers in the village treated us as children.
  • Apply a copper penny to the bruise; this method works even better if you first hold the penny in cold water.
  • Pour boiling water over dry St. John's wort in a proportion of 400 ml per 20 g, boil until half of the liquid evaporates. The cooled broth must be filtered and taken up to 4 times a day, one tablespoon.

Important! Despite the apparent simplicity of traditional methods of treating bruises, errors may occur in the selection of ingredients and their proportions. If you are not confident in your methods, consult a doctor and use the medications prescribed by the doctor for treatment!

Hematoma (popularly it will be with bruising) are closed or open injuries to tissues or even organs where blood and fluid accumulate due to rupture or damage to numerous vessels.

When receiving a blow, a bruise occurs on the skin and has following signs: change in the color of the skin itself (red-blue, green-yellow), pain of a different nature, which depends on the force of the blow, swelling, swelling, and muscle hematoma can be expressed by loss of sensitivity and functionality.

Degrees of severity.

Easy. It is fully formed within 24 hours and has mild pain. Functionality and movement are not impaired, sometimes it can resolve on its own.

Average. Formation occurs up to 5 hours, is accompanied by moderate pain, and has noticeable swelling. Sometimes the functionality of the limbs may be slightly impaired.

Heavy. Complete formation occurs in 1-2 hours, there is specific pain and noticeable swelling. It is better to contact a traumatologist immediately.

Treatment of soft tissue hematoma at home

1). Requires rest and minimal movements. This is necessary so that there is no pressure on the vessels, and this can prevent inflammation. A bruise on an arm or leg will heal faster if you do not put any stress on it for the first 48 hours.

2). The injury site requires a cold compress. Cold slows down blood circulation. But any cold can also damage tissue, so the duration should not exceed 15 minutes. It is recommended to wet a household towel with cold water, roll ice cubes in it and place it on the bruise for up to 10 minutes. From 5 to 8 such repetitions are allowed per day.

Anyone knows that cold has contracting properties, which means that blood will not be able to accumulate inside the skin and will reduce swelling by a lot. Also, if you apply cold immediately, you will reduce the total area of ​​the bruise.

3). Warm compress after 48 hours. This compress improves blood circulation after dilation of many vessels, which ensures the flow of important elements. But never use heat immediately, preferably only after 48 hours. Also, at first, avoid alcohol and massage the sore spot.

A chest hematoma requires immediate immobility. Lift your chest slightly and immediately secure it with a bandage. The duration of the cold compress should not exceed 5 minutes. Next, rest for 5 minutes and again perform a similar alternation up to 3-4 times.


Garden cabbage will ensure the fastest resorption. A sheet of suitable size is placed in hot water for 5 minutes, then roll it out with a kitchen rolling pin and, after waiting for the required cooling, immediately apply it to the hematoma on the chest. The total one-time duration should last about an hour.


Potato starch is diluted with boiled water. When warm water and starch form a fairly thick mixture, then place it on the surface of the hematoma, using the middle layer of the mixture. The total duration depends on the severity, but generally it is 25-55 minutes. Repetition is allowed up to 3 times per day.

St. John's wort.

Take just exactly 8 grams of herb healing St. John's wort and pour clean boiling water over it. Let stand for about 10 minutes on the lowest heat. After cooling, soak ordinary gauze and place on the bruise for up to 2 hours.


Salt, in a volume of 1 tsp, must be diluted in warm water (hot water is not allowed). Soak a special suitable cotton swab in it and immediately apply it to the bruise on the chest.


Bodyagi powder is diluted with water until it becomes thick, reminiscent of homemade sour cream. Next, thoroughly soak the cloth or gauze in it and place it on the hematoma. Be sure to cover the top with plastic and do not remove for up to 2 hours.


Prepare an ointment yourself that will reliably provide the necessary resorption. Grind 10 grams of healing calendula flowers thoroughly and mix thoroughly with pork fat, in a volume of 50 grams. This ointment is very common in the treatment of hematoma of the female breast.

1). It is advisable to avoid, if possible, different movements and keep your knee completely at rest.

2). Immediately apply a cold cloth or ice for 10-15 minutes.

3). If the wound is open, then prevent dirt from getting in.

4). Secure your knee with a tight bandage. It will be much better if it is an elastic special bandage. But in its absence, dense fabric will do. Any bandage should protrude a couple of centimeters from the resulting bruise.

5). Call a doctor to determine the severity.


The garden king of house plants is cut with special incisions for the release of juice and applied to the entire surface of the hematoma. In a similar way, you can use a fresh leaf of garden cabbage.

Oil and vinegar.

Mix vegetable oil in equal parts, plain water and vinegar. Soak a suitable cloth or gauze well enough and place it on the site of the impact. Cover with cellophane and any warm item for 4 hours. The next compress is done after 12 hours.


It is sold in almost any pharmacy. Warm water and its powder are mixed and immediately placed on the sore knee. When the mixture used is completely dry, just wash it off and that’s it.


Picked leaves of street wormwood by any suitable method crushed (you can use a meat grinder) and applied to a bandage, gauze or cloth. Apply medicinal mixture from wormwood for 1 hour, and after 1 hour repeat. And so on until maximum recovery of the knee. The recipe is not allowed with open damage and personal allergy to any type of wormwood.

Sugar together with onions.

This combination minimizes inflammation. A medium-sized baked onion is ground together with 200 grams of sugar. The area of ​​the knee injury is lubricated with the mixture and covered with a waterproof cloth. The main thing is to keep your knee still and calm.

Honey and alcohol.

Natural honey and alcohol must be mixed in equal proportions and used as a compress to insulate the knee. Frequent movements are also not allowed here.

Bay leaf.

You will need exactly half a pack of leaves, which are filled with a mug of oil, which must not be refined. Infuse everything for a whole decade, choosing the darkest place in the house. Allows you to treat old hematoma on the knee by naturally rubbing it into the skin itself.

As in the cases described above, the first step is to ensure a cold position to prevent swelling and spread of the hematoma. Ice wrapped in any fabric is perfect. Do not forget that using ice without tissue causes frostbite to the tissues themselves.


Crush the whole leaf and immediately place it under the eye. This mixture does not allow further spread.


Just dilute high-quality purchased vodka with ordinary water. Pour all contents into different shapes and freeze in the freezer. Constantly wipe the affected area resulting in cubes.

Important information!!! Perform cooling only in the very first days. This will not help further, but on the contrary, it will harm.


The purchased powder is diluted in 1 tbsp. l water. A kind of mush should form. Fold the gauze or bandage and put the mixture there and simply apply it to the affected area. The procedure takes 15 minutes, followed by 30 rest. The applied layer of ointment is washed off with water.


Select an onion, approx. small size and grind it completely. Add exactly 1 tbsp. l salt and wait 15 minutes. Then wrap the pulp in gauze and place it with extreme care on the hematoma under the eye.

Helpful information!!! If you alternate onion recipe with a bodyagi recipe, the deliverance will be much more effective.


A very simple recipe that allows you to quickly provide full recovery skin. Place 10 grams of salt in 100 ml of water and start stirring constantly until all the salt is completely dissolved. Then wet a suitable cloth and apply it to your bruised eye.


Many people have this healing plant growing in their home, which has absorbent properties. Cut the aloe leaf and grind it, if possible add half a spoon of celandine juice. Add 1 tbsp to mixed herbs. l of water and remove where the heat is retained. After 30 minutes, apply to the black eye and remove after 1 hour.


Pass the beets through a kitchen grater and add the same amount of natural honey to this mixture. Using a thick layer, cover all the shadowing. After several proposed and described procedures, even the darkest hematoma will become significantly lighter.

Cold methods.

Even modern doctors recommend this method. The best choice is a variety of pieces of ice, which are placed in any dry and suitable tissue, with further placement at the site where the insidious hematoma has formed. The duration does not exceed 10 minutes with a 2-hour break required.

Warming up.

Allowed only after 2 days. Any warm influence at this time ensures expansion and circulation of the blood. In the old days, for example, they used an ordinary heating pad, heated salt, which was wrapped in a warm thing, or they filled a bottle with hot water.


Sold in many pharmacies, already properly purified clay. You will also need cotton fabric on which clay is applied, and polyethylene or cellophane on top of it. Always apply for 2 hours, twice throughout the entire day.


Laundry soap passed through a kitchen grater followed by the addition of egg yolk. When a homogeneous mass is formed, lubricate the damage every 30 minutes.


Simple butter can also provide the expected help. Effectively lubricate the entire affected area every next 30 minutes.


Healing ability indoor flower, is capable of performing many healing miracles. Select a leaf (preferably at least 3 years old) and cut it lengthwise. Cover the entire hematoma with your open pulp, and after complete drying, replace it with a new leaf.


Exactly 40 grams of seeds should be boiled over reduced heat for no more than 15 minutes. After cooling on its own, you are allowed to make lotions about 5 rubles a day.

Removing any hematoma using traditional methods and methods takes time. But they are easily accessible to anyone and everyone. Modern medicine developed a lot various means, but they are not available to every person. In any case, it is extremely important to obtain a doctor's approval for any prescription you personally choose.


How to get rid of a hematoma as soon as possible or prevent its occurrence? After all, it doesn’t always make a man look good, much less a woman.

What is a hematoma

This is a small collection of blood in soft tissue that occurs as a result of an impact. People mistakenly call a hematoma a bruise. The first is characterized by swelling of the injured area, pain and a longer healing period (up to several weeks).

Depending on the force and location of the impact, the hematoma may acquire a greenish-yellow or red-blue tint and be varying degrees gravity:

· Light. Appears within 24 hours after injury and is characterized by moderate or mild pain.

· Average. It appears after 5 hours and is characterized by moderate pain and noticeable swelling.

· Heavy. The hematoma forms within two hours and is accompanied by severe pain and significant swelling.

If you get a mild hematoma, there is no need to go to the clinic. In other cases, you will need to consult a traumatologist. Moreover, the outcome of the case largely depends on how correct the victim’s actions were immediately after the injury.

First aid in case of impact

The first step is to provide absolute rest to the damaged area and apply a cold compress to it. An excellent option is ice wrapped in cloth or gauze. If this is not available, metal objects, frozen food or cold water.

Cold promotes vasoconstriction and prevents bruising and swelling. It is recommended to keep the compress for no more than 15 minutes, and after three hours the procedure should be repeated.

At night, an iodine mesh is applied to the bruised area. It improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and promotes faster healing.

On the first day after injury it is prohibited:

· drink alcoholic drinks, promoting vasodilation;

· move actively;

· massage the bruised area;

· warm the hematoma for 24 hours after the blow.

Remember! The faster first aid is provided, the less the consequences of the injury. Cold compress 24 hours after injury it has zero effect.

Subsequent treatment of hematoma at home

After two days, the following methods are used to treat the damaged area:

1. Overlay warm compress. It will eliminate pain, relieve irritation and improve blood circulation.

2. Taking a warm bath. It helps restore blood microcirculation, which leads to the resorption of formed clots.

3. Light massage. Whenever acute pain the procedure is postponed for more late dates.

4. Physical exercise. Tension and relaxation of muscle tissue stimulates blood circulation.

5. Use of folk remedies and medicines.

“Grandma’s” recipes for treating bruises and hematomas at home

Before the advent of modern medications, people were saved by simple folk remedies. They have not lost their relevance to this day. Their main advantages are accessibility and efficiency.

Alcohol, salt and vinegar

From these three components you can prepare completely different means for home treatment of hematomas:

1. Dilute ice water with apple cider vinegar 1:2. Soak a cloth in the product, apply it to the hematoma and wrap it with a warm scarf or terry towel. The compress is changed 4-5 times as it warms up.

2. Stir in 100 gr. vinegar 1 tbsp. l. salt. Soak gauze with liquid and apply to the injured area.

3. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in 100 gr. water and make compresses.

4. Mix 100 gr. vinegar and 100 gr. vodka, add half a liter of water. The resulting solution is used for compresses.


1. Rosemary flowers. The decoction is used to moisten hematomas 2 times a day.

2. Plantain. Finely chopped fresh leaves applied to the injured area.

3. Wormwood. The plant is crushed until the juice appears and placed at the site of the impact.

4. Green parsley. It is ground to a mushy consistency and mixed with sour cream 1:2. This is the surest recipe for hematomas around the eyes.

Vegetables and fruits

1. Cabbage leaves. They are lightly beaten and applied to the injury several times a day.

2. Banana peel. Inner side Place on the injured area and hold for 30 minutes.

3. Onion. Grate 6 heads on a fine grater and add 1 cup of salt. The resulting mixture is wrapped in cloth and applied to the hematoma. If the procedure is done 3 times a day, then after 5 days there will be no traces of the bruise.

4. Potatoes. Using a fine grater, the vegetable is turned into a pulp and applied to the damaged area for a quarter of an hour.

This seemingly simple drink can be very effective in treating hematomas at home. IN folk medicine There are two known recipes:

1. 2 tsp. green tea pour 50 g. boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes.

2. 2 tbsp. Pour 100 ml of any tea. boiling water, strain and cool. Add 100 gr. rubbing alcohol and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The solution is used to treat hematomas.

Remedies for hematomas that are always at hand

1. Laundry soap. It is dissolved in water and applied to the bruise using gauze.

2. Average portion of urine. Compresses for hematomas are made at night.

3. Potato starch. It allows you to get rid of the consequences of a blow in just a day. To do this, starch is diluted in water to a mushy state and applied to the bruised area.

4. Pharmacy or unprocessed clay. Used up to 5 times a day.

Folk remedies are reliable helpers in the fight against hematomas. However, this method of treatment is not always suitable for busy people or devotees traditional medicine. Therefore they can take advantage by special means, which are sold at any pharmacy.

Medications for treating hematomas at home

It is possible to quickly achieve the desired result with the help of medications if they are frequently applied to the hematoma. They are aimed at reducing swelling, reducing vascular permeability and resorption blood clots.

When treating hematomas at home, “Heparin ointment” has proven itself well. If you use it up to 5 times a day, then on the third day there will be nothing left of the damage.

They give a good effect homeopathic remedies"Traumel" and "Arnica" when used immediately after impact. They stop hemorrhage, reduce swelling, reduce vascular permeability and relieve pain.

An effective remedy in the fight against hematomas, bodyaga is recognized. The healing powder dissolves in water in a 2:1 ratio. Instead of water, you can use any vegetable oil (1:1). The resulting mixture is applied to the site of impact and bandaged. The tramp begins to show his medicinal properties after the water evaporates. Similar procedure carried out 2 times a day.

To treat hematomas at home, you can use the Nanoplast Forte medicinal patch. It eliminates pain, resolves hematomas, and removes swelling. Duration of use – from 3 to 9 days.

When hematomas cannot be treated at home

Any hematoma can be a cause for concern. However, if you receive a traumatic brain injury, a bruise in the heart area, or if you experience unbearable pain after a blow, you should definitely consult a doctor for additional examination.

The help of a specialist will also be needed in cases where the hematoma does not disappear after 10 days of home treatment. The patient is usually prescribed physiotherapy:

· Magnetic therapy;

· Electrophoresis;

· UHF therapy.

In more serious cases, operations to remove hematomas are prescribed.

Pregnant women who have been injured should also consult a gynecologist, as there is a risk of retrochorial hematoma formation. If they occur, complete rest is prescribed, proper nutrition and bed rest.

When hematomas appear in children, it is necessary to determine the extent of the damage. Strong pain, suspicion of injury to bones or joints, large swelling - this is a reason to consult a specialist.