How to make cough syrup from onions. Onion cough syrup: recipe

AT children's body a cold develops rapidly. In a couple of days, a harmless runny nose can develop into a beginning cough. At the first symptoms of SARS on help will come natural remedy traditional medicine - onion cough syrup. This is one way.

5 facts about the benefits of onions

Onion has long been considered in Russia a plant that can put a person on his feet with any ailment. Russian herbalists said that squeezed juice. This vegetable crop is very useful due to its healing properties, so onions can be used not only for food purposes, but also as remedy.

  1. The bactericidal properties of onions made it the main component of folk remedies for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Onions perfectly resist viruses and stop the reproduction of bacteria, thereby reducing the duration of the disease.
  2. Rich chemical composition onion suggests that this vegetable naturally has an anti-inflammatory effect. Quercetin, a substance found in onions, plays an important role in this. healing effect proven by many studies.
  3. Fresh onion juice with honey - a real "balm" to lift the mood and vitality. At regular use eliminates symptoms such as constant fatigue, muscle weakness, apathy. Whole vitamin complex, minerals and flavanols are able to cope even with a protracted state of depression.
  4. Ordinary onions can play the role of an antiseptic and disinfect indoor air. Glycosides and volatiles essential oils onions kill pathogenic microorganisms. If a virus “walks” in the house, fresh chopped onion slices placed around the room will help protect the rest of the family from possible infection.
  5. Onion, when used regularly, has a beneficial effect on all body systems: it strengthens blood vessels, removes excess cholesterol, regulates metabolism and establishes healthy functioning. endocrine system. That is why it is necessary to try to include this vegetable in the child’s menu from childhood in its raw form (in salads / sandwiches / snacks).

How does onion with sugar help to cope with a cough?

Let us first show how the process of preparing this mixture takes place. To do this, you need only 2 elements: fresh onions and sugar.

homemade folk remedy from cough in the form of onion syrup is designed to cope with any kind of cough: both dry and wet. Onion syrup can also be used initial signs colds, when the child has snot, he began to cough or sneeze slightly. The advantage of this folk remedy is that it is completely natural and does not contain any questionable components. That is why onion syrup is one of the first to be used for colds and has only positive reviews among mothers.

  • With frequent laryngitis remedy will soothe sore throat, reduce inflammation. The syrup is especially useful when a child complains of pain when swallowing food. The medicine will not only eliminate pathogenic microbes in the throat, but also heal the irritated walls of the lower respiratory tract faster.
  • For bronchitis and a wet, persistent cough onion syrup will help painlessly thin the mucus and remove sputum from the bronchi, naturally stimulating its discharge. Onion is an excellent expectorant. The sugar helps extract the juice from the onion and makes it more palatable.

Advice! If the child is not allergic to bee products, then it will be more useful to use natural honey instead of sugar. Dark varieties of honey (for example, buckwheat) are best suited.

Delicious recipes for onion syrup will appeal to the child. It's a great alternative to themes. expensive means what offers traditional medicine. Homemade onion syrup with sugar helps the body deal with the virus faster. It can be used as a prophylactic if the child is often sick and his immune system is weakened.

Top 3 Onion Cough Syrup Recipes

Cure children's cough with onions is very simple. Onion recipes with cough sugar do not require much time and special skill. The main ingredients of the healing potion are onions and ordinary granulated sugar. For greater efficiency treatment, the syrup recipe can be supplemented with honey.

  • Recipe 1. Infusion of onion and sugar

Peel large onions. Chop into small cubes. Put in a container, pour 3 tbsp. granulated sugar. Leave the mixture for 8-10 hours. Remove the onion, and take the resulting syrup in 1 tbsp. three times a day after meals.

1 large onion, chopped with an immersion blender or meat grinder. Pour the resulting puree with sugar 1: 1 or pour liquid bee honey. Cover, put in a dark cool place for 30-40 minutes. The container will fill with the extracted juice. Take the resulting syrup in a tablespoon several times a day after meals.

To prepare the broth, you will need an onion head, 200 g of sugar and 200 ml of boiling water. Finely chop the onion, peeled from the husk, put in a small saucepan. Mix with sugar, pour boiling water. Simmer the broth over low heat for 1-1.5 hours, then cool. Boiled onions will dissolve in the syrup and become colorless, so straining is not necessary. Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day after meals.

Here is another video recipe for making another potion from baby cough, which is also very effective:

Homemade onion cough remedy: contraindications

Onions are indispensable in the treatment of colds and its effectiveness is undeniable. But despite their beneficial features, the folk method of treatment has its drawbacks. Although the onion-based mixture provides a quick result, it is not indicated for everyone. Onion syrup is not recommended for use in the presence of the following diseases

  • chronic liver disease;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • inflammation of the renal system;
  • individual intolerance / sensitivity to onions.

Important! Also, do not exceed the measure and abuse onion syrup in the treatment of children. With an excess of the use of a folk remedy, ailments may appear: lethargy, increased gas formation, bloating.

9845 03/16/2019 5 min.


As soon as a person feels the first cold symptoms, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. This is where the bow comes in handy. Its action is aimed at eliminating serious complications of the disease, the development of infection, bacteria. And onion syrup stimulates defensive forces body and increases the protective barrier of the body.

In addition to the fact that the prepared syrup belongs to the budget category, it can also be used in the treatment of cough in children. If you put sugar or honey in it, then the remedy will turn out to be very tasty and any child will be able to drink it with pleasure.

The beneficial effect of onion syrup is explained by the rich composition of the main component. Onions contain vitamins and minerals. In addition, there are many sugars - fructose, sucrose and maltose. Another composition suggests the presence of elements such as sugar and lemon acid, calcium, iron and vitamins C, B. Onion has a powerful bactericidal and anti-cold effect. Due to the onion juice in the respiratory tract, the accumulated sputum becomes less viscous and is evacuated faster.

What to do when a child allergic cough And what is the best treatment for this disease, described in this


Today, there are many recipes for an effective onion cough syrup. The most effective are:

  1. It is necessary to take an average onion head, 40 g of granulated sugar. Finely chop the vegetable and add sugar. Leave the syrup overnight, and then take it during the day in small portions.
  2. Finely chop 0.5 kg of onion, add 2 cups of sugar and 1 liter of water. All this stir and boil over low heat for 3 hours. After the syrup is cooked, you need to wait for it to cool, and then filter it. You can give it a pleasant taste with 40 g of honey. Before taking the syrup, you need to warm it up. And take it after meals. Due to the fact that the onion is boiled, it does not emit bad smell and he has no bitterness. Thus, it is allowed to give it to children.
  3. If you combine milk and onions, you get an effective remedy for combating dry cough. As you know, cough can be of two types - dry and wet. The first is considered more painful, since in addition to discomfort it leaves pain. With the help of milk with onions, you can transform it into a wet one, which is much easier to treat. To do this, take an onion, peel it and divide it into 2 parts. Add 400 ml of milk. Set on fire and cook until the onion is soft. When the mixture cools down, then you need to put 40 g of honey into it and wait for it to completely dissolve.

On the video onion cough syrup:

Onion syrup is one of the most effective means in the fight against cough. Using it to treat cough, it is possible to highlight the following advantages of home medicine:

  1. To obtain syrup, it is necessary to use simple and affordable ingredients that are in the assortment of every housewife.
  2. It takes little time to prepare the mixture.
  3. Onion-based syrup effectively cleanses the respiratory tract, and a positive effect is observed after 3 doses.

How to use

After you have been able to choose a recipe and have already prepared homemade cough syrup, it is worth understanding in what dosage to use it. If you need to cure a cough in a child, then the dosage will be 10 ml per day. But adults should take 20 ml every hour. The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days. If, after completing the course, the cough is still bothering, then it can be treated with another medicine.

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Onions have been famous for their beneficial properties since ancient times. Truly it is unique natural medicine containing groups of vitamins, which has an antiviral effect. When coughing, this miracle of nature helps much better modern means. If your child does not have specific diseases gastrointestinal tract and heart, then this folk remedy will become indispensable in the treatment of cough.

Onion cough syrup - a folk remedy, the effectiveness of which has been proven for centuries

How useful is onion in the treatment of cough?

Onion suppresses the cough center, dilutes sputum and promotes its discharge, and also has an antibacterial effect and stimulates the immune system. In addition, other useful properties of onions are known:

  • saturates the body with vitamins C and B, calcium, iron and phosphorus;
  • is a source of fructose, sucrose, maltose, malic and citric acids;
  • is a powerful antiseptic.

If the cause of the cough is due to pneumonia or acute bronchitis, then folk recipes children are unlikely to be helped, so do not neglect a visit to the doctor in order to start on time necessary treatment and not increase the risk of severe complications.

Are there side effects and contraindications?

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Despite many good points, take funds prepared from onions, should be used with caution for several reasons:

  • onions irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so you should not take it on an empty stomach, and you should also not forget about emollients such as sugar, milk or honey;
  • raw onion is not recommended for young children, as it causes burns of the mucous membranes;
  • onion remedies are contraindicated in children under one year old;
  • do not take onions in the presence of diseases of the heart and digestive organs;
  • if a child has diabetes, then it is worth consulting a doctor to avoid possible negative consequences;
  • onions should be excluded from the child's diet if you give him funds based on this product.

In any case, before starting treatment with folk remedies, you should contact your pediatrician and get his approval. This is especially true when you combine traditional medicine and traditional medicines to eliminate the risk of side effects.

Popular Recipes

There are many ways to prepare onion cough medicines, but when treating young children, it should be taken into account that the child will refuse to take drugs that are unpleasant in taste. Below we present popular recipes preparation of onion medicines with sugar and honey in the form of syrup, as well as with milk.

Onion + sugar

Onion with sugar - an alternative for those who have an allergic reaction to honey

For those who are allergic to honey, we recommend next recipe, tasty and healthy. Grind the onion with a blender or on a grater, put it in a jar and add sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Let it brew for five hours in a dark place at room temperature. Children are given one teaspoon three times a day after meals. This delicious syrup any child will love it.

Onion + honey

Cooking onions with honey for cough is elementary. Grind the onion so that a slurry forms. For these purposes, a blender is suitable, and if it is not there, then you can simply grate the onion on a fine grater. After that, honey should be added to the resulting mass (experts advise buckwheat) in a ratio of 1: 1 and mixed until a homogeneous mass similar to syrup. Let stand at room temperature for several hours. It should be taken three times a day for a teaspoon after meals. Doctors do not recommend giving honey to children under one and a half years old, as there is a risk of developing allergies and even botulism.

Onion + milk

Onions with milk will be a godsend for those who suffer from dry cough. To prepare this excellent medicine, you will need one small peeled onion, a glass of milk and a spoonful of honey. Cut the onion into two parts, pour milk and cook over low heat until the onion becomes soft and turns pale. After that, add honey to the mixture and wait for complete dissolution. Drink milk-onion syrup warm, in small sips.

Many doctors strongly advise the use of onions with sugar for coughs. It's strong antiviral agent demonstrates the greatest effectiveness at the very beginning of the development of the disease, when the first symptoms begin to appear. In addition, it reduces the risk of complications.

Sugar in recipes is needed to improve palatability medicines. Agree, absorb onions in pure form- dubious pleasure. Therefore, there is a need to sweeten the remedy. If the mixture contains additional components (honey, apple), sharp onion smell disappears. And this means that such a medicine can be given even to a little fussy - the child will eat it with pleasure.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, type more air into the lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

What is useful onion for coughing

Onions are the main ingredient in many traditional medicine recipes aimed at treating coughbecause:


This tool helps a lot with colds. Onion with sugar and cough is also successfully used. The recipe for this mixture includes a minimum of components. There are many different medicinal formulations cough with onions. Here are a few of the most popular.


Peel and wash one medium onion. Grind it with a meat grinder, blender or food processor. Then transfer the resulting onion mass to a container (it is better if it is enameled or glass). Sprinkle it with granulated sugar - you will need a full tablespoon. Stir thoroughly. Remove the finished medicine away from light for 4-5 hours. If you prepare the syrup in the evening, then in the morning you can already use it.

During the day, the medicine should be taken about 4-5 times. One serving is equal to a full tablespoon. The drug should be taken no later than 30 minutes after eating. If desired, this recipe can be supplemented with honey. This should not be done only for those who are allergic to bee products. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine are convinced that it is worth at least 3 days in a row to be treated with this remedy. However, it is not recommended to take it longer than 10 days.

Sweet onion broth

In order to cook this medicine, you will need 0.5 kg of peeled onions (it must be chopped as finely as possible), liter drinking water and 0.4 kg of granulated sugar. We mix all the listed components and cook over low heat. The process of preparing the mixture will take about 3 hours. Ready onion broth cool, filter through a strainer or piece of gauze. You can add a couple of tablespoons of natural honey. But this is optional and in the absence of contraindications.

The maximum daily dose of decoction is 6 tablespoons. Take warm only after meals.

With honey

Peel one onion and pass it through a meat grinder (as an option - chop with a blender). You need to make onion puree. Pour a standard glass of granulated sugar into the gruel and fill it with pre-prepared boiling water. Put the mixture on low heat and boil the medicine for 3 hours. When ready, it must be cooled, strained through a strainer or a piece of gauze and add a couple of tablespoons of natural honey.

Daily dose - 5-6 tablespoons, one at a time. Before use, the drug must be warmed up in a water bath. Boiled onions with sugar are the perfect cough remedy for children. After all, the onion after cooking becomes almost imperceptible.

with an apple

This medicine is good for a debilitating and long-lasting cough. To prepare it, take one potato, one onion and one apple. All ingredients should be medium in size. Put them in a saucepan and fill with a liter boiled water. Put the remedy on low heat and cook until you see that only half of the original volume of liquid remains. Then cool the broth and strain through a strainer or piece of gauze.

Daily dose - 3 tablespoons, divided into three doses.

Sweet syrup on onion skins

If a doctor has diagnosed bronchitis in your child, and you do not want to stuff your baby with drugs with multiple side effects, give him sweet syrup on the husk. Just do not forget to consult a doctor about this. Do not throw away the onion itself - you can cook it together with the husk, after rubbing it on a fine grater. Add sugar to taste, but 400 g should be enough in principle. Place the saucepan with the husks and onion puree soaked in water over low heat. Boil for an hour. A decoction of the husk with onion and sugar should be filtered through a piece of gauze. Consume only when warm.

Daily dose - 1.5 cups of syrup. It turns out, half a glass three times a day. With this medicine, dry cough will disappear in about three days.

Treatment of cough in pregnant women and children

It is sometimes very problematic for women in a position to treat a cough. The list of approved drugs is extremely small. In some cases, they are even banned. Then ethnoscience becomes a real lifesaver.

Onion with sugar - absolutely harmless and effective folk medicine. He has very few contraindications. And pregnancy is clearly not one of them. Besides, it's wonderful prophylactic- for future mother It is especially important to keep your immune system in good shape.

Sweet boiled onion good for coughs in children. Thanks to sugar, babies take it, if not with pleasure, then, in any case, without disgust. So that the child does not refuse to use the mixture you have prepared, chop the onion to a puree state. You can also add to improve the taste natural honey. It will eliminate bitterness and increase the effectiveness of the medicine.

Despite the fact that the onion is very effective against cough, it is undesirable to abuse it. In addition, onions with sugar are contraindicated:

  • children under 2 years old;
  • people with liver and heart disease;
  • at chronic form gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • with diabetes.

post hoc

Cough is always a symptom of a disease, not a separate disease. It signals the occurrence of disturbances in the body. It should be noted that folk recipes with onions do a good job with a cold cough. If this symptom is associated with cardiac, neurological or gastrointestinal disease the onion won't help.

So, when a cough appears, first of all, you need to visit a doctor. Based on the examination data and test results, the doctor will determine correct diagnosis. And only after that will he individually assign you suitable preparations. Ask your doctor if you can use folk methods cough treatment. Having received the permission of a specialist, choose the recipe you like, clearly follow the dosage, doctor's recommendations and be treated for health.

Sugar with onion cough is an effective folk remedy. With its help, the body quickly gets rid of viscous sputum and pathogenic microflora on the respiratory mucosa.

Onion juice with sugar has powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and expectorant properties, which helps to eliminate not only unpleasant symptom, but also the reason for its appearance without harm to health.

What kind of cough helps? What diseases?

Cough is a protective reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to irritation of the mucous membrane (thus, the body tries to quickly get rid of the irritant and push it out). May have different nature origin:
  1. hit foreign body(eg dust).
  2. Infection (bacterium, virus).
  3. Allergy.
  4. Irritation by chemicals.
  5. Thermal irritation.

Based on the above reasons, the question arises: does a folk remedy help smoker's cough, bronchitis, colds, tracheitis, acute respiratory infections? For which type of cough: productive or non-productive, is it better to use this treatment?

Thanks to its comprehensive healing effect Sugar and onion cough medicine can be used for wet and dry coughs, regardless of the cause.

With colds, onions and cough sugar help reduce inflammatory process and prevents the attachment of a pathogenic infection.


At infectious lesion respiratory tract therapy with folk methods stops the spread of pathogenic microflora and prevents the progression of the disease.

Thanks to natural ingredients cough suppressant is well tolerated and practically total absence admission restrictions.

It has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system, regardless of age category therefore suitable for children and adults. But, despite the good tolerance, there are still several contraindications for use:

Hypersensitivity. In case of individual intolerance to the components included in the recipe, the reception is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing allergic reaction in the form of a rash on the skin, itching, rhinitis, increased tearing, swelling of mucous membranes, etc.

Diabetes. Onion and sugar cough syrup is contraindicated in patients with diabetes first and second types. The intake of onion juice, obtained through the use of granulated sugar, affects the level of glucose in the blood, which, when functional disorders pancreas can lead to adverse reactions: sudden weakness, tachycardia, dizziness, tremor, etc.

erosive and ulcerative, inflammatory lesions gastric mucosa. Onions contain essential oils, phytoncides and other substances that increase the production of hydrochloric acid if the vegetable enters the digestive tract in its raw form. Acidity stomach has a detrimental effect on the walls of the stomach and contributes to the progression of erosive and ulcerative processes.

Pathology of the gallbladder. The vegetable stimulates the secretion and excretion of bile, which in diseases of the gallbladder can cause pain in the right hypochondrium.

Recipe for cough onions with sugar: how to cook?

There are many cooking methods home remedy: decoction, syrup, gruel and others. Consider the classic recipe.

How to make antitussive medicine?

  1. chop the onion small size using a knife or blender, place in a convenient container.
  2. Add granulated sugar (25 g) to the resulting gruel.
  3. Stir, cover and let stand at room temperature for at least 24 hours.

During the specified time, the vegetable will let healthy juice, which will later serve as an antitussive medicine. Before use, strain the infused mass using a sieve or gauze bandage.

So that the healing mass does not deteriorate and does not lose its medicinal properties, you need to store it in the refrigerator in a closed container after 24 hours.

How to take medicine? Duration and number of times

Adults drink ready-made juice 20 minutes before meals. Thus, it will have time to be completely absorbed. Its effectiveness will not be reduced by interaction with gastric juice, digestive enzymes, bile, which are actively secreted during the digestion of food.

The optimal proportion is 1 tbsp. Multiplicity of reception per day - 3 r. The duration of therapy depends on the neglect of the pathology and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract. It is recommended to drink the infusion until the patient's condition is relieved.

Children under 5 years old drink 1 tsp. 3 p. per day 20 minutes before meals. During this period of time, the child should not eat anything, so as not to disrupt the absorption of the active ingredients. For older children, the dosage should be increased to that of an adult.

The duration of admission, as well as in adults, varies depending on the neglect of the pathology. Therefore, take until the condition is relieved. It often takes one to two weeks of regular use.

During pregnancy

In the presence of diseases, incl. respiratory organs, pregnant women often face a limitation of medicines approved for treatment. This is due to the toxic effect chemical substances in pharmaceutical preparations.

Traditional medicine in this case is an excellent solution to the problem. Onion therapy does not cause negative reactions for the mother and fetus, while in some cases it is not inferior in effectiveness.

In addition, this vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals that are needed for normal development fetus and functioning internal organs future mother.

An antitussive helps prevent various complications of the respiratory tract by stimulating the body's immune forces.

The treatment regimen for pregnant women is identical to the treatment regimen for adults. It is not worth exceeding the indicated dosage, so as not to disturb the digestive processes. Otherwise, irritation of the gastric mucosa, bloating, heartburn may occur.

Onion Cough Remedy with Sugar and Honey

This action is due to the softening, enveloping properties of the bee product.

However, before use, the individual tolerance of the ingredients should be taken into account. For example, for children under 2 years old bee product can act as the strongest allergen.

In this case, as a result of taking the baby’s condition, not only will it not improve, but it will also be aggravated by negative allergic reactions.

Wherein cough reflex may intensify even more. Before giving juice to children infancy you need to consult with your pediatrician.

To prepare onion juice with honey and sugar, you need:

  1. Grind a vegetable (1 pc. Small size) to a mushy consistency with a knife, blender or sieve.
  2. Pour granulated sugar (30 g) into the resulting mass, mix, leave for half an hour.
  3. Add to the consistency 1 tbsp. liquid (or melted) honey, mix, leave overnight in a dark place.

The mixture does not need to be filtered, it is ready for use in the morning. Use 1 tsp. 20 minutes before each meal.

Onion cough syrup: recipe

Onion cough syrup for children, it will be much easier for a child to take, because. it tastes good. Thanks to heat treatment devoid of a specific smell and bitter taste that repel the baby.

For cooking:

  1. Peel 3 onions from onion peel.
  2. Grind them to a mushy state.
  3. Add 200 g of sugar, grind thoroughly.
  4. Plunge the resulting mixture into boiling water (500 ml), bring to a boil.
  5. Cook over low heat for an hour.

The resulting syrup should be cooled and filtered with a sieve or gauze. Give children under 5 years old 1 tsp. 20 minutes before meals, older children - 1 tbsp. Store the syrup in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. Warm up before use.

with an apple

The apple is rich in organic acids, essential function which is the alkalization of the body. Alkaline environment disastrous for pathogenic microorganisms. Antiseptic properties of this fruit not only help to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, but also affect the cause of its appearance.
For cooking:

  1. Remove the skin and pits from the apple and onion peel from the bulb.
  2. Grind the vegetable and fruit in a blender, on a grater, with a knife or meat grinder to a mushy consistency.
  3. Pour 100 g of granulated sugar into the resulting mass, mix.
  4. Boil water (half a liter), add the resulting mixture to it and cook over low heat for 60 minutes.

The decoction is especially useful for infectious diseases, because has strong antimicrobial properties. It is most effective in treating cough symptom at the onset of the disease.