Vestibular apparatus - violations of its functions, symptoms and causes. Vestibular apparatus: disorders, treatment

vestibular sensitivity the most ancient after general types sensitivity. The origin and formation of life on Earth took place under the conditions of the existence of two global factors of the geomagnetic field and gravity. The latter factor had an important influence on the formation of complex organisms due to the need to take into account the gravity vector to implement the antigravitational position of the body.

Functions of the vestibular apparatus

The vestibular apparatus is a sensory organ that perceives, with the help of vestibuloreceptors, changes in the position of the head and body in space, as well as the direction of movement. The vestibular apparatus ensures the balance of the body in a standing position, while walking, running, jumping, while dancing, when going up and down stairs, while swimming, while riding various types trans-port, at runtime gymnastic exercises, that is, with all movements, when the human body moves from the simplest position to the most difficult, the vestibular analyzer (apparatus) appears. If the activity of this analyzer is disturbed, there is a decrease or complete loss of the ability to maintain the balance of the body in space.

The structure of the vestibular apparatus

Vestibulocochlear nerve

The vestibular apparatus has become the main channel signaling the body's position in space relative to the gravitational vector. Vestibular sensitivity is carried out by the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII pair), which includes two types of reception - vestibular and auditory. The principle of organization is the same as the general types of sensitivity, namely: the peripheral part (the receptor neuron with its node and root of the vestibulocochlear nerve) and the central part (in this case, the auditory and vestibular nuclei are homologues back horns spinal cord).

Violation of the functions of the organ of balance occurs as a result of various diseases, damage and due to the lack of training of this organ from an early age. When accelerating a person’s movements, during rotational, oscillatory movements, while driving a vehicle, the hypersensitivity of these receptors causes strong arousal their non-rhythmic centers, which are located in the pons. As a result, dizziness, flickering in the eyes, palpitations may appear, a decrease in blood pressure, blanching of the face, nausea, vomiting, sometimes even fainting can be observed.

At severe injuries This analyzer makes a person feel dizzy even when getting out of bed, “flies” appear before his eyes and nausea, and he is forced to quickly sit down or lie down. With mild injuries to the vestibular analyzer, it is difficult for a person to maintain balance and he feels awkward when performing complex movements - when running fast, jumping, circling, going up and down stairs, etc. Therefore, the main complaint of patients with lesions vestibular apparatus- dizziness, usually accompanied by ataxia.material from the site

Irritation of the vestibular apparatus causes nystagmus in the direction of the lesion, and its inhibition - in the unaffected side. If necessary, conduct caloric and rotational tests. A caloric test - infusing the patient alternately into both ears with cold (about 20 C) water - causes healthy person horizontal nystagmus in the opposite direction lasting up to 1 min. When the vestibular apparatus is damaged, caloric nystagmus drops out or, conversely, intensifies.

A rotational test is performed while the patient is in a special chair. After ten revolutions, the chair is stopped, while the subject develops nystagmus in the direction opposite to rotation, lasting 15-25 s. With damage to the vestibular apparatus, rotational nystagmus falls out or, conversely, increases.

Modern otorhinolaryngologists and neurologists often face the need to treat disorders of the vestibular apparatus in adults. The symptoms of diseases caused by a disorder of this system greatly affect the patient's condition and are reflected in his usual way of life. Despite the fact that everyone has heard about the concept of the vestibular apparatus, not everyone knows what it is and where it is located.

Where is the vestibular apparatus located?

This part of the nervous system is responsible for the balance of the body when standing and walking, orientation in space. In case of violations of the vestibular apparatus, treatment is a set of measures to restore sensitivity and coordination of movements, eliminate problems with vision and hearing.

It is known that it is located in the temporal part of the head, or rather in the ear. This arrangement can be considered quite safe, since it ensures the integrity of the organ during various injuries Oh. The vestibular apparatus performs the functions of an analyzer that perceives changes in the position of the head and body in space, which determines the direction of movement. It is found only in vertebrates and humans.

The causes of disorders of the vestibular apparatus and the treatment of diseases caused by them are in direct relationship. Yes, disorders. this department nervous system occur due to damage to the semicircular ear canals, vestibulocochlear nerve and brain cells. Accordingly, in order to eliminate the symptoms and return the functioning of the organ to normal indicators The first thing to do is heal the injury.

Main Functions

So, maintaining balance and orientation in space is the main purpose of the vestibular organ. In addition, the department in question is responsible for:

  • for a straight gait;
  • vision;
  • coordinated eye movements;
  • the occurrence of nausea when the body rotates;
  • sense of location.

Due to the connection of the organ with the heart and brain, the occurrence of dizziness during drops can be explained. blood pressure, pain in the heart, emotional expression.

The main symptoms of pathology

External manifestations of some diseases are clear signs vestibular disorders. Treatment for ear dysfunction should be not only symptomatic, but A complex approach because it significantly affects the patient's quality of life. The most common complaints are:

  1. Disturbed balance. Head turns with eyes closed the patient performs uncertainly, as he is afraid to fall. Accurate and instantaneous movements become impossible.
  2. Vestibular vertigo. Treatment of diseases of the vestibular apparatus pursues main goal- restore the correct perception of space and orientation in it. Many patients feel as if the ground is slipping from under their feet, everything is spinning around, the body is falling down.
  3. background nausea. As a rule, this symptom accompanies dizziness. AT difficult cases turns into vomiting.
  4. Nystagmus. Inability to focus vision, to focus on objects, especially those that are close. So, the need for treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus is said when uncoordinated jumps of the eyes interfere with reading or writing, and when trying, for example, to grab an object nearby with a hand, a person misses.
  5. "Floating" gait. This symptom often prevents the patient from leading a normal life. When walking, the patient is constantly loosened from side to side, falls.

In addition to the above signs, other symptoms of disorders of the vestibular apparatus are possible. Treatment involves the elimination of fluctuations in pulse rate, respiration and pressure, tinnitus, pain relief for cephalalgia.

Causes of vestibular dysfunction

The causes of such disorders, as already mentioned, are the results of various injuries and diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, and hearing organs. Among the pathologies diagnosed with violations of the vestibular apparatus, it is worth noting:

  1. Benign positional vertigo. At risk are people over 50 years of age. The cause of the disease is believed to be the deposition of calcium salts in the canals of the inner ear.
  2. Neuritis of the vestibulocochlear nerve. Most often, pathology is formed against the background of transferred viral infections, including herpes, chickenpox, influenza. The disease is accompanied by dizziness, decreased hearing acuity, excessive sweating.
  3. Vertebrobasilar syndrome. The reason for the development given state serves as poor blood circulation and insufficient blood flow to the brain, caused by pathologies of soft tissues and blood vessels cervical. Most often occurs in older people.
  4. vestibulopathy. The disease is provoked by exposure toxic drugs. In most cases - antibiotics. Among the features of the course of the disease, it is worth noting the rapidly developing hearing loss, constant nausea and dizziness.
  5. Meniere's syndrome. Pathology inner ear accompanied by noise and crackling in the ears.
  6. Chronic diseases (otitis media, eustachitis, otosclerosis).
  7. Migraine.
  8. Brain tumors with manifestation of epilepsy.

Why does it occur in animals?

In particular, in dogs, the treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus is most often carried out due to injury. auditory organ or damage due to accumulation of fluid in tympanic cavity inflammation occurs, plus everything pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating into the vestibular apparatus, negatively affect its cells. All this can lead to complete deafness of the animal.

Patient examination

In order to start drug treatment for violations of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary complex diagnostics. The patient receives a referral for research procedures from an otorhinolaryngologist or a neurologist, depending on the complaints and symptoms with which he sought help.

Most often, patients have to undergo an examination consisting of:

  • from CG of the brain;
  • nystagmography;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • radiography;
  • electrocochleography;
  • ophthalmography.

Posturography is another way to determine the cause of dysfunction of the vestibular organ. This study provides a graphical representation of the patient's center of gravity at rest or during physical activity. While the subject is standing on a rotating platform, sensors connected to him record the slightest changes in the nervous system and study his reaction.

Vestibular gymnastics

Treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus is based on the creation of an individual exercise plan. Workouts are a set of gymnastic exercises tailored to individual characteristics every organism. It is desirable to perform them for fifteen minutes regularly. Ideally, you should train at least twice a day. The pace of exercise should be increased gradually.

  1. First exercise. Smoothly move your gaze from bottom to top, then from left to right. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the head remains motionless, and increase the pace of movements.
  2. Second exercise. Perform 25 tilts in one direction and in the other, forward and backward. Repeat the complex again, but with closed eyes.
  3. Third exercise. In a sitting position, perform 10 shrug shoulders, then spread your arms in different sides. Repeat for a minute.
  4. Fourth exercise. For a minute, throw up a rubber ball with one hand, and catch it with the other. It is important that the toy flies above eye level, you can not look away from it.
  5. Fifth exercise. Walking around the room with closed eyes. In the absence of symptoms of a violation of the vestibular organ, training can be complicated by passing various kinds of obstacles.

Treatment with pills

Drug therapy is an equally important component for recovery from violations of the vestibular apparatus. Drug treatment is fast and effective method stimulation of receptors and elimination of characteristic symptoms. AT medical practice The following two methods are most commonly used.


The first drug belongs to the group of histamine mimetics. Active ingredient The drug improves cerebral circulation and normalizes the transmission of signals along the vestibular nerve. Vestibo does an excellent job of blocking the vomiting centers, so these tablets perfectly eliminate nausea. The course of treatment is 1 month, drink 1 tablet in the morning and evening.


This is a representative of the benzodiazepine series of medicines. It operates in a similar way. After the very first doses, nausea and dizziness disappear in patients. However, the disadvantage of this drug is its ability to cause dependence. In case of violations of the vestibular apparatus, treatment with these tablets is prescribed by a doctor. In a pharmacy without an official prescription, you will not be able to buy the drug. The course of therapy is no more than two weeks.

Alternative medicines from traditional healers

It is worth noting one more direction in the treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus. Folk remedies often used to combat specific symptoms of pathology. Particularly popular among patients - adherents alternative treatment use the following recipes:

  • To relieve nausea and overcome dizziness, you can use ginger mixed with mint, pumpkin seeds, dill, chamomile flowers, lemon peel and celery. All components are thoroughly mixed and poured with boiling water. For one glass of boiling water, use 1 tablespoon of the collection.
  • Clover flowers are poured with alcohol and allowed to brew for a couple of weeks in a place protected from light. After the medicine is taken 10-15 drops every day on an empty stomach, drinking large quantity water.
  • Similar to the previous recipe is the method of preparing propolis tincture. Small softened pieces of propolis are poured with vodka and left in a dark place for 10-14 days. You need to take the medicine together with refined sugar: drip 20 drops on a sugar cube in the morning and evening for 10 days.

If we approach the issue of treatment comprehensively, therapeutic effect will come soon. However, before using this or that drug, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Understanding the causes of poor coordination will become closer if you get to know the miracle of nature - the vestibular analyzer. This organ of balance provides a sense of the position and movement of the body or its parts in space (acceleration, deceleration, rotation), the perception of the effect of gravity on the body, determines the orientation and maintenance of posture in all types of human activity.

The vestibular analyzer consists of receptors, pathways (sensory, or afferent, and motor, or efferent), intermediate centers, and a cortical region.

The auditory and vestibular receptor apparatuses have a common origin. In their simplest form, they are a vesicle, the walls of which are lined with epithelium. Such a bubble have, for example, jellyfish. It is filled with liquid and contains lime stones, statolith. When the position of the body changes, the statolith rolls and irritates the endings of the sensory nerves approaching the bubble wall, as a result of which the body gets a sense of its position in space.

In the process of evolution, the structure of this organ became much more complicated, and it split into two sections, one of which retained the vestibular function, and the other acquired the auditory function. Both receptor apparatuses are excited mechanical vibrations: vestibular - perceives tremors associated with changes in body position, and auditory - air vibrations. The formation of the vestibular apparatus, unlike the organ of hearing, in children ends earlier than other analyzers, and in a newborn child this organ functions in almost the same way as in an adult.

The structure and functions of the vestibular apparatus

According to modern ideas, the vestibular apparatus consists of two independent organs: the earlier otolith apparatus, which registers linear accelerations, and the later apparatus of the semicircular canals, which registers angular accelerations. Inside the bony case of the vestibular apparatus is a membranous of the same shape. The space between them is filled with a fluid, the perilymph, which passes into the perilymph of the cochlea, and the interior of the membranous labyrinth is filled with another fluid, the endolymph.

The otolithic apparatus is located on the threshold of the inner ear. There are two membranous sacs, on inner surface which there are small elevations, on which the receptors of the otolithic apparatus are located. These are receptor hair cells that have two types of hairs: many thin and short hairs and one thicker and longer hair, immersed in the gelatinous mass of the otolithic membrane located above them. The membrane contains many small crystals of phosphate and calcium carbonate called otoliths (ear calculi).

Due to ear stones, the density of the otolithic membrane is higher than the density environment. With a change in gravity or linear acceleration, the otolithic membrane is displaced relative to the receptor cells, the hairs of these cells are bent, and excitation occurs in them. Thus, the otolithic apparatus every moment controls the position of the head relative to gravity. It determines the position in space (horizontal or vertical) of the body, and also responds to linear accelerations during vertical and horizontal movements of the body. We are far from fully using the possibilities of the ancient otolithic apparatus. This is due to the relatively low mobility modern man. Poor training of this apparatus can lead to motion sickness.

The vestibular apparatus is not the only human organ responsible for equilibrium states. He seems to be coordinating vestibular functions several other organs involved in maintaining balance. All these systems must work in harmony. In addition to the vestibular apparatus, the organ of vision and signaling from nerve endings located on the periphery, primarily from the legs, are involved in maintaining the correct balance.

The main role in this complex system belongs to the centers of the brain, where all information enters. It is here that a sense of balance or its violation is recreated and a response is realized. human body. Violations in any of these links give symptoms of dizziness, loss of orientation in space or motion sickness.

From the receptors of the vestibular apparatus, nerve fibers depart, forming a single vestibular-cochlear nerve. Excitatory impulses about the position of the body in space with this nerve enter medulla, to the vestibular center, where nerve impulses also come from the receptors of muscles and joints, as well as to the nuclei of the optic tubercles of the midbrain, which in turn are connected neural pathways with the cerebellum (a part of the brain that provides coordination of movements), as well as with subcortical formations and the cerebral cortex (centers of movement, speech, swallowing, etc.). The central part of the vestibular analyzer is located in the temporal lobe of the brain.

When the vestibular analyzer is excited, reactions occur that contribute to the redistribution of muscle tone to constantly maintain the balance of the body in space. Thanks to the connections of the vestibular nuclei with the cerebellum, all mobile reactions and reactions for coordinating movements are provided. And, due to connections with the autonomic nervous system, vestibulo-vegetative reactions occur of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. These responses may manifest as changes heart rate, vascular tone, blood pressure.

When there are problems with the perception of space, visual and auditory functions, loss of balance, dizziness, all these symptoms may indicate violations of the vestibular apparatus. The cause may be congenital or acquired malformations of the vestibular apparatus.

Basic information about the functionality of the vestibular apparatus

Before talking about the symptoms and treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to understand the general structure of this organ.

vestibular apparatus - the most important body, which is responsible for the function of balance, the position of the body and its movement. Without the normal functioning of the apparatus, a person is characterized by problems of coordination of movements, with a change in the position of the head, and indeed the whole body.

  • damage to the auditory tube;
  • different forms.

Vestibular neuritis

Occurs as a result of an infection or viral disease. This is one of common causes disruption of the VA, arising from damage to the vestibular nerve. The most difficult period lasts about 3 days. Full recovery occurs after a few weeks. And for people of age, it takes several months for a full recovery. Vestibular neuritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • rapid eye movement to the sides or in a circle;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Sign of vertebrobasilar insufficiency

The disease most often affects people over 60 years of age. For the treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to treat cordially- vascular diseases. The main causes of this type of disease are cerebellar stroke, damage to the vestibular nerve, vascular diseases of the inner ear. The main symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • sudden dizziness for no specific reason;
  • balance problems;
  • accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Possible accompanying symptoms:

  • deviations in visual understanding, may double;
  • speech disorder, sounding of the voice in the nose;
  • due to loss of balance, falls are possible.

A sign of vertebrobasilar insufficiency cannot manifest itself for several months. Therefore, when such signs appear long time, this diagnosis is ruled out. Must pass full examination organism.

clogged labyrinthine artery

This cause of violation of the vestibular apparatus presents a particular threat. The fact is that the blockage interferes with the normal blood supply to the brain. The consequences can be critical: cerebellar stroke, heart attack, intracerebral outpouring of blood. All of these injuries are life threatening. If symptoms appear, seek immediate medical attention medical care. Signs of a blocked artery:

  • severe dizziness;
  • global loss of coordination;
  • hearing loss in one ear.

Chronic bilateral vestibulopathy

This is a consequence of drug intoxication. Pathology can be determined by the following signs:

  • mild dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • problems with orientation in space and stability, aggravated in a dark room.

Meniere's disease

A common problem with the inner ear. Pathology manifests itself with such symptoms:

  • an attack of dizziness that quickly appears and subsides;
  • intermediate hearing impairment, provoking its loss in the future;
  • continuous noises that increase during an attack of dizziness.

Craniovertebral anomaly

A common cause of damage to the vestibular organ. Pathology is typical for children. It is determined by the following features:

  • speech problems;
  • involuntary rapid eye movement - nystagmus;
  • problematic swallowing.

Among other causes, melanomas on the pontocerebellar angle, epilepsy, and migraine are noted.

Types of damage to VA

Dizziness is recognized as the main accompanying factor in violation of the vestibular apparatus. Specialists distinguish several forms.

  • Peripheral. The most popular type occurs with tubular disease auditory nerve in the vestibular apparatus.
  • Central. Diseases of the vestibular parts of the brain: trunk, cerebellum, cortical regions.
  • Afferent. Dizziness occurs due to problems with vision, hearing, dysfunction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Symptoms of VA disease

Signs of violation appear in two forms: direct and concomitant.

Direct manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • nystagmus (involuntary movement of the eyes horizontally or in a circle).

Associated manifestations:

  • nausea of ​​varying degrees, vomiting;
  • paleness or redness of the face and neck;
  • problems with balance, coordination;
  • sweating;
  • problems with the work of the heart, breathing;
  • change in pressure indicators.

Signs of a violation of the vestibular apparatus are manifested by seizures and may have varying degrees impact. The cause of the expression of symptoms is smell, food, weather changes.

Definition of the diagnosis

For diagnosis, it is very important to consult a doctor for initial stage manifestations of disorders. Defects in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus are more often a consequence of other diseases. An otolaryngologist will help determine the initial causes and make a diagnosis.

During the diagnosis, a complete examination is carried out with the help of additional drugs:

  • find out the level of auditory perception will help;
  • to determine the state of the vertebral arteries, an ultrasound examination is performed;
  • checking for the presence of brain pathologies is carried out using tomography.

Treatment of the disease

Medical therapy

Most often, the first thing doctors do when the vestibular organ is damaged is to prescribe a treatment that eliminates the main symptoms. For this, vasoactive drugs are used. Drug treatment consists of antiemetics and vestibular suppressors. This includes 3 subtypes of medicines:

  • anticholinergic;
  • benzodiazepines;
  • antihistamines.

After a thorough diagnosis, other diseases are detected that provoked the disease of the vestibular apparatus. For example, the accompanying . Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to correctly determine the root cause and prescribe effective therapy.


Has its effectiveness in complex treatment following the recommendations of the doctor. Folk remedies are not a reason for abandoning traditional methods treatment.

There are several folk remedies.

Ginger. A pinch of mint, fennel, chopped pumpkin seeds, celery, some chamomile flowers and orange peel. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for about 15 minutes.

Balm based on 3 tinctures. The first is prepared from clover: pour 40 g of flowers into 500 ml of alcohol. Insist 2 weeks in the dark. For the second, Dioscorea roots are needed: 50 g pour 500 ml of alcohol. Let it stand for 2 weeks in a dark place. The third tincture is prepared from propolis and alcohol. The mixture should be infused for 10 days in a dark place. And then strain the composition. Mixed tinctures to use 1 tablespoon, every day 3 times after meals.

Prevention of violations

Helps to cope with coordination problems physiotherapy. A set of exercises trains the vestibular apparatus. Classes continue for 15 minutes. First performed at a very slow pace.

  • Eye movement horizontally and vertically. The head is motionless.
  • Tilts the head in different directions, first with open eyes, then with eyes closed.
  • Shrug.
  • Throwing the ball from hand to hand.
  • Walking around the room open eyes, then close.

Video: Causes of chronic vestibular disorders and their correction by methods of vestibular rehabilitation

The vestibular analyzer is a system of structures of nerves and mechanoreceptors that gives a person the opportunity to perceive and correctly direct the position own body in the surrounding space. In this case, their stimuli are accelerations of various kinds.

Angular accelerations cause the ampullar receptors to fire. They are rectilinear in nature, due to which impulses arise in the sensors of the vestibule. Ampullary and vestibular impulses are transformed into nerve signals and contribute to maintaining the orientation of the central nervous system in space.

Vestibular disorders, the treatment and symptoms of which will be discussed in this article, provoke dizziness and loss of a sense of balance. Such a disorder leads to an inability to control the spatial position of one's own body and fix one's gaze. Defects in the activity of the vestibular apparatus provoke pathologies of the brain and problems with blood vessels.

The structure of the vestibular apparatus

The human vestibular system is essentially a gyroscope, where a minimal change in the angle of the head causes specific receptors to move that pick up these changes. The semicircular canals in the ampullae are filled with endolymph - a special fluid in which otoliths, that is, calcareous formations, are immersed. The structure of the vestibular analyzer is unique.

When turning or tilting the body and head, the endolymph mixes, it moves in the canals and sets the otoliths in motion. They, in turn, cause irritation of ciliated cells - sensitive hairs that are part of nerve cells, which, with any fluctuation of the hairs, receive a signal about the movement of the body in space and then transmit the signal along the nerve fibers further to the brain. The study of the function of the vestibular apparatus is important.

The area of ​​the brain responsible for balance returns this signal to the muscles and stimulates their motor activity (tone) or a state of rest, allowing the body to achieve a stable position. to see something similar to functions vestibular apparatus, you can watch a glass of water. When it tilts to the side, the tank itself assumes a predetermined position, however, the water level is invariably parallel to the ground. At the same time, the only difference is that the regulation of the water level is carried out by gravity, while the position of a person in space is carried out by the functions of the vestibular analyzer. Its divisions are as follows.

In the peripheral (receptor) section, the hair cells of the organ are represented, which is located in the maze of the pyramid temporal bone. Three semicircular canals and vestibules make up the vestibular organ, it is also called the organ of balance and gravity.

In the conduction section, the peripheral fibers of the bipolar neurons of the vestibular ganglion, which is located in the auditory canal, approach the receptors.

There is a connection between the cerebellum and the vestibular apparatus, due to which there is a fine regulation of motor reflexes. If the work of the cerebellum is disturbed, then these reflexes lose their functions, which is manifested by such symptoms as increased or spontaneously occurring nystagmus, loss of balance, and excessive range of motion.

The central department of the vestibular analyzer is located in the cerebral cortex in the temporal part.

Unfortunately, this efficient, complex and accurate system is subject to permanent or temporary damage. negative influence: in order for defects in the vestibular apparatus to appear, a failure in any structure is enough. Below we look at the most frequent illnesses affecting the vestibular apparatus, as well as the basic principles of their therapy.

Symptoms of defects of the vestibular apparatus

Violation of the vestibular apparatus is characterized by the following features:

  • twitching eyeballs;
  • dizziness;
  • unsteady gait.

Other violations

In addition, there is a violation of statokinetic reflexes. These symptoms are often accompanied by ringing in the ears or hearing loss.

There may be redness or blanching during Meniere's disease. skin face, increased salivation and sweating. If hearing loss is also accompanied by dry mouth, diabetic neuropathy is suspected. When provoking pathology multiple sclerosis, dysfunctions of other nerve fibers occupying a peripheral position.

Vestibular neuritis

This disease is the most common defect of the vestibular analyzer diagnosed in patients of any age. age category, lifestyle and activities. The causes are herpes infection (shingles, chickenpox and other pathologies caused by this virus act as a provoking circumstance).

There are symptoms such as:

Gradually increasing feeling of dizziness, the occurrence of which is possible without any connection with body movements;

Attacks of vomiting and nausea that begin during dizziness;

Abrupt movements of the eyeballs, that is, nystagmus, when both pupils begin to move rapidly in a circle and / or from side to side.

Therapy: In most cases, the symptoms remain for several weeks and then go away on their own. In some situations, if simultaneously observed herpetic infections, the specialist prescribes antiviral treatment.

BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)

BPPV is the next most common disorder of the vestibular apparatus, which occurs due to pathological processes in the inner ear and defects in the hydromechanical principles of the vestibular system.

Main reasons: BPPV is most often observed in patients after surgery, in those who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, as well as in those whose age is more than sixty years. Thus, defects are the provoking factor cerebral circulation(during surgery after anesthesia, TBI and vascular changes due to age).


There are symptoms such as:

Short-term dizziness, which can last from a few seconds to three to five minutes;

Dizziness that appears when the position of the head changes (if you sharply tilt or turn it, throw it back, etc.);

With dizziness, involuntary movements of the eyeballs are noted (similar to those that occur while tracking a rotating object).

Therapy: mainly used special exercises, which are designed to move particles that irritate the ciliary cells to another part in the inner ear. In particularly severe cases, if there are serious persistent dizziness that cannot be treated, it is possible to use surgical methods problem solving. Many people are interested in disorders and treatment of the vestibular apparatus.

Meniere's disease

This pathology is accompanied by an increase in the amount of fluid in the labyrinth (this is one of the structures in the inner ear), with a subsequent increase in pressure in this area.

The reasons are as follows:

Allergic reactions of a chronic and acute nature;

Diseases and conditions in which it is violated water-salt exchange(metabolic and endocrine defects);

Vascular pathologies;

Viral infections, including also syphilis;

Violations of the structure of the inner ear of the congenital type.

The study of the vestibular analyzer should be carried out with the following symptoms:

Prolonged dizziness that appears for no apparent reason;

Accompanying dizziness with ringing and noise in the ears;

During a prolonged course of the disease, there are violations of coordination of movements, certain difficulties with maintaining balance;

Vomiting and nausea;

Gradual decrease in hearing acuity.


The goal of treatment in this case is to eliminate the causes that provoked Meniere's disease. Antihistamines, diuretics, hormonal medicines, which alleviate the patient's condition and contribute to the normalization of pressure indicators in the labyrinth, establish fluid exchange in it.

In what cases is it still necessary to study the function of the vestibular apparatus?


Numerous substances (means of industrial and household chemicals, medications) can have a toxic effect on the human nervous system including the vestibular apparatus. At the same time, the direction of violations depends on the group affiliation of the toxin: Negative influence on the auditory, vestibular or any nerve responsible for the transmission of reverse and direct signals between the inner ear and the brain. The physiology of the vestibular analyzer is very fragile, any failure can lead to serious consequences.

Signs of intoxication that affects the human vestibular apparatus:

  • bouts of vomiting and / or nausea, dizziness always accompany the period of using a certain drug, being in an environmentally unfavorable place, inhaling chemical fumes, etc.;
  • in addition to dizziness, visual defects are also possible (split image, dark spots in the eyes, blurred vision, etc.).


Since the severity of the disease, clinical picture and the danger to the human condition are determined by the type of toxin that affects the body, therapy is prescribed strictly in individually depending on history and possible risks that can lead to intoxication.

It is very important to note that intoxication with biological or chemicals can lead not only to hearing loss, but also to cause fatality. If there is any symptom that appears after contact with harmful or toxic substances, you should immediately contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

Thus, we have considered vestibular analyzer and disruptions in his work.