Tall zamanikha where it grows. Tincture of bait - indications and instructions for use

The article describes detailed information O beneficial properties and contraindications. You will also learn how to take it correctly.

Zamanikha is a shrub with a woody root. The stem of the plant is covered with thorns, the leaves are large - sometimes reaching 35-37 cm in diameter. The green inflorescences of Panacea are small in size and collected in bunches. Bright red berries ripen in August or early September. For medicinal purposes, mainly only rhizomes and roots are used.

Zamanikha grass and root: medicinal properties and contraindications

Zamanikha has other names: echinopanax, oplopanax. Thanks to the content of such elements as:

  • essential oils, carbohydrates
  • saponins, flavonoids
  • coumarins, aldehydes
  • glycosides, free acids
  • echinoxosides, lignans, resinous substances

oplopanax is used to treat various pathologies.

Zamanikha - a natural healer

Preparations based on this plant are used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Various nervous disorders, depression, low-grade schizophrenia, heart failure, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Migraine, hypotension, overexertion, irritation, insomnia - also respond well to treatment with this plant.
  3. Gynecological pathologies and sexual impotence disappear after using the bait, if these diseases are not advanced.
  4. On primary stage development of diabetes, the roots of the plant normalize the balance of sugar in the blood.

IMPORTANT: Before taking a medicinal plant, read contraindications. Echinopanax should not be taken by those who have: allergies, hypertension, heart attack, acute infectious pathologies, nervous excitability, epilepsy, fever.

Tincture of zamanikha root - instructions for use for women and men

In order for the oplopanax tincture to have the maximum effect on the “epicenter” of the disease, it must be prepared correctly. Of course, it is not difficult to buy the finished drug at the pharmacy.

  • Harvesting roots should be carried out after the fruits ripen and the leaves fall from the bush.
  • They must be carefully dug up, washed, cut into equal parts, and dried.
  • When the rhizomes and roots dry, they are placed in glass jar and fill with medical alcohol. The proportions are as follows: 20 g of crushed root goes to 100 ml of alcohol.
  • Take this solution (two or three times a day, 30-35 drops before meals) after a two-week period, which is necessary for it to infuse. Moreover, the process is carried out in a cool, dark place.
  • It is also recommended to strain the solution and pour it into a dark container. Store the tincture in your medicine cabinet at room temperature.

IMPORTANT: An overdose of a tincture of this herbal medicine can lead to the most undesirable consequences, namely: poisoning and migraines. Indeed, in large dosages, bait acts like poison.

Zamanikha plus tablets for women: instructions for use, reviews

Zamanikha Plus, as sellers claim, is not a drug. The tablets are used as a dietary supplement. They enhance in women sexual desire, liberate. If you use them in a course, you will notice an improvement in your vision, skin condition, and your body will become more resistant to all kinds of diseases.

Sweet tablets – Zamanikha plus


Diana, 23 years old

“I decided to go with this particular drug, since it turned out to be cheaper than those that were offered. After the birth of my child, I began to have problems with arousal. I tried to take it as described in the instructions, and the desired effect actually appeared. In addition, I noticed that I began to get sick less often in the winter with ARVI.”

Valeria, 28 years old

“I heard about the lure from a friend. I wanted to try it too. Everything that is written on the packaging about liberation and sexual desire is true. I also noticed that my eyesight had improved and I started getting colds less often.”

Lure as a pathogen: application

As an effective aphrodisiac, some buyers order Zamanikha Plus. It is produced in the form effervescent tablets. The drug contains extracts of: oplopanax, muira puama, damiana, green tea. The substance also contains auxiliary components: glucose, flavoring - Orange juice, soda and citric acid.

According to the instructions, to get excited, just take one or two effervescent, sweet tablets, dissolve in 200 ml of water, tea, juice, etc., and drink during a meal. After a certain period, you will feel desire and inner liberation, which will give sexual relations unforgettable new sensations.

High lure oil: application

Zamanika extract oil is used for cleansing skin to get rid of wrinkles and to rejuvenate facial skin.

To obtain lure oil, you can use dry rhizomes, leaves, berries and roots. At the beginning vegetable oil heat to boiling. The bait is placed in the prepared vessel and poured with hot oil. Let it brew in a dark place. After which the skin medicine can already be used.

IMPORTANT: Before using panacea oil, be sure to test for an allergic reaction to back side wrists.

Video: Zamanikha - a natural healer

Botanical qualities of lure

Zamanikha is a shrub that is included in the Araliaceae family. The main difference of the presented plant is the creeping and elongated rhizome. The stem of the lure is straight and unbranched, its surface is covered with small thorns. The leaves grow to a size of 35 centimeters in diameter. The flowers of the plant are small, distinguished by their green tint and collected in an intricate elongated raceme. The fruits of the plant are very fleshy and juicy, and stand out against the general background of the plant with their bright red-yellow hue.

The flowering period of the lure occurs in summer time, approximately from June to July, and the fruits have time to ripen in late summer and early autumn. Most often you can find this shrub in the mountainous regions of the Ussuri region, as well as in the Far Eastern regions. The shrub grows mainly on rocky and steep slopes.

Useful qualities of grass and shrub roots

The most valuable element of the bait can be called the rhizome of the plant, which is harvested in autumn period. Before drying the roots, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them from the soil by rinsing plain water. Then you can cut it into small pieces and dry it in the open air. After some time, the drying procedure can be continued directly in a closed room.

Saving the resulting healing material must certainly be carried out in a place securely fenced off from sun rays. If used glass containers, then the material must be darkened.

The chemical structure of the rhizome has the following components: active elements, essential oil, coumarin, mineral components, as well as a small amount of alkaloids. Regular use Healing zamanikhi extracts have a stimulating effect on the human body, tones it, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Remedies from zamanikha for women

Very often, a substance from this plant material is recommended for women with menopause what's different severe irritability, disruption of sleep patterns, fatigue, rapid deterioration in mood. Thanks to constant use the most useful tinctures you will be able to smooth out the negative picture, return to each representative of the fair sex the lost positive mood, removing fatigue and severe irritability.

Medicinal properties

Home characteristic feature lures can be called the presence of large, long and branched rhizomes, which when normal conditions environment can grow up to a couple of meters. The auxiliary roots are very fleshy and soft to the touch. The roots of the plant grow very close directly to the soil surface.

The medicinal qualities of zamanikhi are used not only in folk healing, but also in official drugs. The plant has antidiabetic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. It also improves mental activity person.

Extracts from the roots are used against asthenia, schizophrenia, neurosis, as well as against significant depression of the nervous system. Plant infusions reduce painful sensations in the heart muscle, reduce irritability, improve sleep.

The plant is extremely effective in curing asthenic illness in women who are expecting a child, as well as in women in labor who have had pathological birth.

Main contraindications and indications

Traditional healers often use plant tinctures for a positive effect on human body at all possible stages of asthenia, hypotension, depression and severe heart failure. According to the results clinical trials It was found that the use of the plant affects a significant decrease in sugar levels in the bloodstream.

evening periods, because it can become the root cause of the occurrence and development of insomnia. Do not forget that the herb requires careful handling, because overdoses are always dangerous and can lead to adverse consequences. As a result, a person may experience vomiting and pain.

Medicinal prescriptions

  • Prepare a strengthening agent. Take twenty grams of finely chopped raw materials, pour the product with one hundred milliliters of seventy percent alcohol and let the drug infuse for a couple of weeks in a warm room. Afterwards, filter the medicine into a sterile and dry container, preferably one made of dark glass. Consume the medicine three times a day, thirty drops.
  • Let's help our nervous system to come in the required form . You will need to take the rhizome of the grass and pour it all with alcohol in a ratio of one to ten. Let the product infuse for a couple of weeks, then filter the product. Consume the medicine twenty-five drops daily, washing down the mixture with warm water.
  • Sleep enhancer. About thirty grams of plant roots must be poured with one hundred milliliters of alcohol or two hundred milliliters of vodka. The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place, hidden from sunlight. The substance should be consumed three to four times a day, approximately 40 drops.
  • Tea with honey to reduce blood sugar. Green and black tea are mixed with dry crushed plant root in equal proportions. A small handful of the resulting mixture should be brewed in a glass of water. It should be consumed in the morning or after lunch.

Historical facts about the plant

to his appearance The flowers of the plant strongly resemble ginseng. Based on this similarity, a legend arose that the plant lures travelers into the depths of the forest during their search for ginseng. It is also generally accepted that the plant is called a lure due to its bright color, which greatly attracts birds.

Zamanika high is a plant on the basis of which an alcoholic medicinal elixir is made. The plant itself, widely popular in folk medicine, is a deciduous thorny shrub belonging to the Araliaceae family.

The main difference of the medicinal plant is its woody long root. Thorns 3-10 mm high grow on a straight, non-branching stem.

Description of the plant and its beneficial properties

The leaves of the plant are large, round shape, and can reach 30-35 cm in diameter. Flowers small size, collected in the form of a complex brush, have a green-yellow color. The peak of flowering of zamanika is mid-summer (June-July); after flowering, fruits are formed, ripening in August-September. The fruit of the plant is fleshy, rich red in color.

Zamanikha contains many useful substances, such as carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, saponin, essential oils, coumarin, alkaloid and many others.

Although there are three varieties of the plant in total, only one of them can be found on the territory of our country - the tall one. It is widespread in the Far East and Primorsky Territory. This usually grows medicinal plant in coniferous forests, narrow gorges, on steep rocky slopes and screes.

The roots of the plant are collected for medicinal purposes. Once collected, they are cleaned, cut into small pieces and then dried. Taking zamanikha root has an anti-inflammatory, stimulating, and antidiabetic effect on the body.


On the Internet you can find numerous positive reviews about taking drugs based on bait, and also find out where to buy it.

The drug is used as an active stimulant for asthenia, and the drug can be used even by pregnant women.

Temptation tincture is also used for low blood pressure. blood pressure, heart failure, mental and physical stress, schizophrenia in a sluggish form, dysfunction of the reproductive system (in men).

A number of studies have proven that the use of zamanika tincture reduces blood sugar levels, which is important for insulin-dependent patients. In terms of its effectiveness and efficiency, the product is equated to ginseng.

With help medicine From the bait you can also reduce heart pain, reduce fatigue and irritability, and improve sleep. This drug is also taken by women who have undergone pathological childbirth, as well as during menopause.

Procurement of raw materials

The drug can be bought at a pharmacy, in online stores at an affordable price, or you can prepare it yourself, and for this, raw materials are pre-prepared.

You need to wait until the fruits of the plant ripen and the leaves fall. The root of the lure is dug out of the ground, after which it is cut into 35 cm lengths. Now the raw material needs to be dried in the attic, after which it can be made alcohol tincture.

Store the roots of the plant hanging in a dark place, first placing it in paper or cloth bags.

In traditional medicine recipes you can find the use of not only the root, but also the leaves of the plant. Zamanikha berry can be used in home cooking for making jams, preserves.

Recipes for tinctures and teas

  1. Classic recipe. The basic recipe for preparing the tincture is as follows: the dried rhizome is poured with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 5:1 (for 40 g of raw material you need 1 glass of alcohol). The container is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks, after which it is filtered and taken according to the doctor’s recommendation.
  2. To stimulate the central nervous system, the root is crushed and filled with alcohol (1:10), and then sent to a dark room for 14 days. After filtering, take 25 drops with clean water.
  3. To reduce irritability and increase performance, the crushed raw materials are poured with vodka (1:5), and then the bottle is placed in a dark place, infused for 14 days. Then the product is filtered, taking 40 drops twice a day (30 days).
  4. To improve sleep, the root (30 g) is poured with vodka (200 ml) or alcohol (100 ml), after which the container is placed in a dark place for 7-14 days. After straining, take the product 30-40 drops three times a day.
  5. Tea to reduce sugar levels - mix crushed root, black and green tea. Before use, the product is brewed as ordinary tea. They drink only in the first half of the day.


Any medicinal product will be effective for the body if you familiarize yourself not only with the indications, but also with the contraindications, features of administration, and dosage. It is also important not to exceed the recommended duration of treatment.

An overdose of the drug can lead to a number of undesirable consequences for the body, including headache, vomiting, etc. Therefore, first of all, you need to read the instructions for the tincture of bait.

  • hypertension;
  • fever;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • spicy infectious diseases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • epilepsy;
  • sclerotic changes in cerebral vessels.

With long-term use of tincture of enticement, complications are possible in the form of skin irritations, urticaria and other skin diseases.

Zamanikha root - everything about it and its properties

In zamanika, like ginseng, the root is most often used to make medicinal products. This part of the plant contains many active ingredients, including essential oils, plant saponins, aromatic phenolic compounds, alkaloids, coumarin.

Tincture of zamanikha roots can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is prescribed as a tonic and stimulant for asthenic syndrome, heart problems, sleep problems, low blood pressure, loss of strength, mental fatigue, nervous and mental disorders.

It is not prohibited even for pregnant women to be treated with tincture of lure, but only as directed by a doctor. During menopause in women, this drug reduces unpleasant symptoms and nervousness, improves performance endocrine system. For men, the tincture of lure helps cope with decreased sexual function.

Recent studies have shown that zamanika tincture is also effective in lowering blood sugar levels. This property is very important for patients with diabetes, as well as for those who are predisposed to it.

But to those who were attracted medicinal properties tempting, you should also remember about contraindications. These include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • state of nervous excitability;
  • infectious diseases in acute stage;
  • elevated temperature;
  • epilepsy;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis.

When taking the drug, you should remember the dosage and not exceed it, otherwise symptoms such as headaches and headaches may appear. Taking the tincture of lure for too long can cause the appearance of allergic reaction, which will manifest itself as irritation on the skin.

If for some reason pharmacy tincture zamanikhi is not suitable, you can use one of the suggested recipes and prepare the medicine yourself:

  1. Pour 4 tablespoons of dry root into 400 ml of alcohol and leave the product for 2 weeks in a closed place. This medicine is taken 25-40 drops twice a day (as prescribed by a doctor).
  2. To reduce blood sugar, use tea from a mixture of zamanika root, black and green tea in equal parts. Cooking this remedy How Herb tea, but it is recommended to drink it no later than noon.

The collection of the roots of the plant begins after the fruits of the plant have finally ripened and shed their leaves (mid-autumn). The dug up roots are cleaned, cut into small cubes and dried.

Medicinal properties of zamanikha herb

In addition to the root part, the herbaceous parts of the plant, for example, leaves and young twigs, are also used in folk medicine. Healing remedies from the leaves of zamanika have effects similar to preparations from the rhizome, but somewhat weaker. However, since zamanika is a rare plant, and mining the roots leads to its death, collecting zamanika leaves is a more gentle method.

Dried zamanikha leaves are mixed in equal parts with green and black tea, the collection is brewed like traditional tea and drunk to tone up and strengthen protective properties body, lowering blood sugar levels. This tea is effective for apathy, insomnia, and long-term stress. Prohibitions on the use of zamanika leaves coincide with contraindications on the use of the root.

Preparations based on the herbaceous parts of this plant can also be used externally. Cosmetology recommends this remedy for aging skin and for getting rid of wrinkles.

(Oplopanax elatus) - p asthenia belongs to the Araliaceae family. It has a long rhizome, which is located horizontally and close to the surface. The stems reach a height of one meter. They are straight and can reach two centimeters in diameter. The stems have thorns, which are more numerous in the upper part. The bark has a light gray tint.
The leaves are arranged alternately on long petioles. They have from five to seven blades. Both the petioles and the leaf blades themselves have small spines. Most of they are concentrated on the underside of the leaf blade, near the veins.
The flowers of the plant are small, inconspicuous, yellowish-green, collected in small umbrellas, which are located in a racemose inflorescence. Flowering time is June and July. The fruits ripen in August.

grows on Far East and in the Ussuri region. This is a plant of mountain forests. The main habitat is rocky mountain slopes. You can also see the lure in botanical gardens.

Chemical composition

The rhizome has medicinal properties. It contains the alkaloid araline. In addition to it, triterpene glycosides, phenols, essential oils and other substances are present.

Medicinal properties

A tincture is prepared from the rhizome of the tall plant. Its properties have been studied experimentally. It has a general stimulating effect. This is reflected in both motor activity, and at the speed of reflex responses. The bait has an awakening effect when barbiturates are used in hypnotic doses.
Tincture root increases the force of heart contraction, but reduces their number, normalizes blood pressure. There is a diuretic effect, increasing resistance to viral and infectious diseases.


Preparations from high-tempered plant are used in cases of depressive states, climactic neuroses in women and sexual weakness in men. Usedtincturewith overwork, both mental and physical, as well as with diabetes mellitus in a mild form.

Collection of raw materials

The rhizome in the roots is used as a medicinal remedy for the high lure. This part of the plant is harvested in the fall, after the fruits have already ripened. It is during this period that the rhizome is maximally filled useful substances, as the plant prepares for winter.
The rhizome is dug up, washed and cut into pieces thirty centimeters in length. If the rhizome is thick, then it is cut lengthwise. Dry in well-ventilated places.


Preparations from zamanika should not be used in case of increased excitability and aggressiveness, or elevated temperature, hypertension and tachycardia.ApplicationV evening time can lead to insomnia.


Only one is prepared from the rhizome of zamanika dosage form- alcohol tincture. To do this, take five parts (100ml) ethyl alcohol 70% and one part (20g) of crushed roots. Infuse for two weeks in a dark and warm place, filter and store in a dark place. Take 30-40 drops two or three times a day.