What can you give your dog for diarrhea pills. You definitely need to know if Imodium can be given to a dog

Diarrhea in dogs is far from harmless. It may indicate poisoning, damage to the intestinal walls or other malfunctions. gastrointestinal tract. The owner needs to take immediate action. necessary measures.

A dog's bowel movements from 2 to 4 times a day are considered dense feces physiological norm. If the number of bowel movements increases and the stool becomes watery or loose, has an unnatural putrefactive or sour smell This means that there is a violation of digestion.

With diarrhea, the dog's stool becomes liquid, the number of bowel movements increases.

The causes of diarrhea are:

  • Poor quality or unsuitable food for the animal.
  • Sudden change in diet: switching from dry food to natural food, change of brand of a forage.
  • Entering the intestines foreign bodies.
  • Food allergy.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Infectious diseases: enteritis, rotavirus, coronavirus, adenovirus.
  • Poisoning.
  • Tumors in the intestines.
  • Dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics.
  • Age-related indigestion.

Diagnosis of the type of diarrhea

There are two forms of diarrhea in dogs: acute and chronic.

According to the nature of the course, two forms of the course of the disease are distinguished:

  • Acute form - characterized by a sudden manifestation and short-term action. Differs in watery, almost liquid stools, often with an admixture of blood. The danger of this form lies in the sharp dehydration of the animal's body.
  • Chronic form - diarrhea lasts more than 3 weeks. Bowel movements are different large quantity slime, have Strong smell. The cause of this form of the disease is an infection or helminthiasis. The dog begins to lose weight, refuses to eat, becomes lethargic.

The cause of diarrhea is determined by appearance bowel movements, therefore, for diagnosis, they should be carefully studied:

  • Yellow color - a violation of digestion due to an inappropriate product or brand of dry food.
  • Orange color - excess bilirubin due to liver dysfunction.
  • Green color - poisoning with a rotten product.
  • White color - biliary dyskinesia.
  • Black color - bleeding in the intestines or stomach.
  • Diarrhea with vomiting - food poisoning.
  • Diarrhea with blood is a possible indication of a tumor or polyps in the intestine. Also, this phenomenon can talk about enteritis.
  • Diarrhea with mucus - or infection intestines.
  • After vaccination - vaccination revealed the presence of gastrointestinal disease.

Reveal exact reason help develop diarrhea laboratory research feces. The smear is determined by the presence of worms, blood clots, uncharacteristic inclusions, infection and bacteria.

If your dog has diarrhea, collect his stool in a special sterile container and take it to the veterinary clinic.

If there is blood in without fail x-ray is performed abdominal cavity. The examination allows you to assess the condition of the liver, intestines, stomach. Viral pathogens are determined by PCR.

What are the treatments for diarrhea?

Treatment of diarrhea in a dog begins after finding out its cause. If in recent times there was a change in food, the introduction of a new product into the diet, or the pet ate the day before raw fish, sour milk or a fatty piece of meat, we can conclude that this is why diarrhea began. In this case, it is enough to exclude intolerable foods or keep the pet on a diet for 1-2 days, and the stool will return to normal.

In case of poisoning diet food necessarily. Before this, the dog must be kept hungry for a day, while drinking plenty of water, adding the drug Regidron. After fasting, feeding should be carried out in small portions, using easily digestible foods: boiled eggs, rice, fish.

Used for infectious diarrhea antibacterial drugs:

With diarrhea good effect gives the reception of the "human" drug Enterosgel.
  • Nifuroxazide is an effective intestinal antiseptic, blocks the waste products of bacteria, is effective for streptococci, salmonella, shigella, enterobacteria.
  • Polyphepan is a drug with high sorption qualities. It removes toxins, allergens, pathogenic microorganisms from the body.
  • Enterosgel - this purely human sorbent is successfully used in veterinary practice. The drug actively removes toxins, including waste products of helminths. For animals, an analogue of Enterosgel is produced -.
  • Enterodes - effective for endogenous intoxication, exacerbations of enteritis and. Auxiliary means to restore the intestinal microflora are drugs Lactobacillin, Laktoferon, Zoonorm, Biotek, Multibakterin, Monosporin.

When you need veterinary help

Prolonged, more than 3 days, diarrhea, accompanied by pain, requires immediate medical care. Also, you should immediately consult a doctor if blood is excreted in the feces, the dog has a fever, vomiting is observed.

Important. Self-treatment of diarrhea with blood is unacceptable; in this case, it is necessary to use medications that can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Diarrhea treatment at home

Self-treatment lends itself to acute short-term diarrhea. It is enough to keep the dog on a starvation diet for a day, while drinking plenty of water. The dog is given Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. weight 2-5 times a day. You can replace coal with Enterofuril. You can keep a puppy hungry for no more than 12 hours.

With diarrhea, the dog is fed with well-boiled rice (porridge is cooked only in water).

You need to start feeding with rice water or liquid rice porridge on the water. It is not necessary to feed a whole serving to your pet, you need to give a few tablespoons. Helps normalize digestion dairy products but they also need to be given little by little.

In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to choose a special feed from the line, designed to improve digestion. This option offers (Prescription Diet Feline i / d).

Reference. Remove Inflammation in the intestines will help decoctions from medicinal herbs: cinquefoil, sage, St. John's wort, pomegranate peel. 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, the decoction is given to the dog to drink.

Diarrhea in a dog disrupts digestion, therefore, after its treatment, it is necessary to observe special treatment Feeding your pet for at least 3 weeks:

  • You need to feed the dog 4-5 times a day in small portions.
  • In the morning, feed with kefir with bifidobacteria.
  • In the early days, the basis of the diet should be semi-liquid cereals on the water.
  • Meat and fish are given to the dog boiled, cut into small or medium pieces.
  • Food must be low fat.

The dog needs to be provided with an ideal drinking regimen. It is not permissible for the liquid to linger in the bowl for more than a day. Water can be slightly sweetened so that the dog drinks more and more willingly. This approach will restore water balance in the body.

If your dog has diarrhea, make sure he drinks a lot and often. clean water This will help you avoid dehydration.

Prevention of diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea is evidence deep violations animal digestion, so it is better to prevent than to treat later. In order for the pet not to suffer from diarrhea, it is important to properly organize its nutrition with fresh and balanced food.

When organizing dog food, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Purchasing dry food only from trusted manufacturers. Before buying, check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the product.
  • Timely vaccination against infectious diseases. Diarrhea can be caused by infectious diseases: distemper, enteritis, leptosporiasis, etc.
  • Regular deworming of the dog.
  • If the dog often suffers from diarrhea, it must be periodically treated with drugs for dysbacteriosis to maintain the intestinal microflora.
  • Dogs should not be allowed to pick up food from the street. So the infection gets into her body.

It is impossible to foresee all the nuances and prevent any disease of a dog. But if the owner takes care of the animal correctly and follows the recommendations for organizing nutrition, it is possible to avoid indigestion and diarrhea in the dog.

We offer you to watch a video in which a veterinarian talks about diarrhea in dogs.

Diarrhea is a common problem in dogs. Sometimes it is not easy to rid the animal of diarrhea, especially when the pet loves “lure” on the garbage heap: no matter how you treat it, the animal’s digestion will still be disturbed after the next “delicacy” found in the garbage heap. But sometimes problems are much more serious than a simple disorder from poor-quality food. And then it's the turn drug treatment. In particular, some owners prefer to use Levomycetin when. But professional veterinarians believe that this medicine should be given to a dog only in extreme cases. How fair is this?

Its second name is Chloramphenicol. it antibacterial agent widely used in medicine. Produced in the form of tablets, packaged in food-grade plastic blisters and aluminum foil. One of the advantages of the drug is the slow development of sensitivity to it in pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the development of cross-sensitivity is not typical for chloramphenicol: even if the microbe is already resistant to other antibiotics, levomycetin is likely to be quite effective.

There are four varieties of this tool. They are almost identical in composition and have similar effects on the animal's body:

  • Myself chloramphenicol.
  • Levomycetin stearate. Due to the presence of stearates in the preparation, it is recommended to use it when bacterial diseases intestines. The fact is that salts of stearic acid prevent absorption, the drug is not absorbed into the blood for a long time, having a pronounced effect on microbes.
  • Levomycetin sodium succinate. This variety is intended for intramuscular administration.
  • Synthomycin. Works well for both internal and external use.

In addition, he acts on gram-positive and negative types of bacteria. Again, in last years doctors warn that in order to obtain a positive effect, it is necessary to significantly increase the dose, since at normal concentrations the drug acts as a bacteriostatic. Simply put, it only slows down development. pathogenic microflora but doesn't stop it completely. This is fraught with the development of a resistant strain and further problems, and therefore the dose must be immediately taken shock.


It should also be borne in mind that giving Levomycetin to a dog with diarrhea caused by the action of pathogenic protozoa is an almost useless undertaking. Against these microorganisms, the drug is practically useless. So timely diagnostics plays an important role: given the possible side effects from this medicine, "for prevention" it is definitely not worth stuffing a dog with it. The drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood and other body fluids.

Its maximum concentration in the body is reached four to six hours after ingestion, lasts about 12 hours. Note that the drug can pass through the blood-brain barrier, ending up in the head and spinal cord and also in milk. Because of this permeability, there are many options for using the drug, but, as a rule, it is used to combat diarrhea. bacterial etiology. How to effectively help with diarrhea in a dog tells the veterinarian:

To another positive line medicines refers to its rapid excretion from the body. It is completely excreted with urine and feces during the day, and the accumulation of the drug does not occur even with prolonged use.


First, consider a short list of contraindications:

  • The medicine should not be given to pregnant and lactating bitches. We have already mentioned the good "permeability" of the drug. When it is given to a pregnant dog, the components of the product will inevitably get into the body of the puppies, which can lead to extremely grave consequences, up to complete failure of the liver and kidneys in young animals.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give it to dogs suffering from chronic kidney failure. In severe cases, the medicine can simply kill your pet.
  • Do not give it to dogs suffering from some kind of fungal pathologies. The fact is that levomycetin is not in the best way acts on immune system with prolonged use, and therefore fungal infections in this case, they can sharply increase, which in some cases poses a direct threat not only to health, but even to the life of the pet.
  • There are cases of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, when even after a single injection, the animal develops a strong allergic reaction.
  • Since the drug quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier, you should refrain from using it in cases where the dog suffers from some kind of neurological pathologies.

Possible side effects

So, what (theoretically) can happen to a dog if its body categorically does not accept Levomycetin?

There are quite a few options:

  • Vomiting of flaky, white foam from the animal's mouth.
  • Pain in the abdomen, the dog does not allow to probe the stomach.
  • In some cases, seizures similar to neurological ones develop.

If you notice something (even if remotely similar) in your dog, you must immediately stop the drug supply and immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Note that in most cases, "side effects" develop with unreasonably long-term use of the drug and complete neglect of the correct dosage of the drug. And further. To minimize the likelihood of liver damage, the dog should receive good hepatoprotectors while taking Levomycetin! These are drugs that protect the liver. One of the most characteristic representatives is Essentiale Forte.

We also note that the drug has an extremely detrimental effect on the entire intestinal microflora.

Considering that even healthy dogs there are often problems with it (due to the small length digestive tract), a strong dysbacteriosis develops, which may well kill very young and very old animals. To prevent this from happening, after the use of levomycetin, probiotics are mandatory prescribed. If on time and in full use them, the microflora will quickly recover, the animal will not suffer from poor digestion of food and constant diarrhea.

How to use the medicine correctly?

The dosage is quite "modest", but it is impossible to exceed it without prior agreement with the veterinarian! One dog per day takes up to one and a half tablets of the drug, no more. Please note that the medicine is “indecently” bitter, and therefore it is not easy to give it to a dog. To deal with this challenging task, it is necessary to carefully crush the pills to a state of dust, dilute the resulting "flour" with water, and then, using a syringe, forcefully pour the medicine directly into the dog's throat.

Since the product does not have a particularly pleasant taste, it is necessary that the animal has unhindered and unrestricted access to clean drinking water. Besides, enough liquid prevents the development of side effects.

When a dog has diarrhea, every owner wants to help his pet get rid of this ailment as soon as possible. Someone immediately goes to the veterinarian so that an experienced specialist examines the animal and prescribes the right medicine.

And someone decides to act independently, resorting to the use of improvised means, basically the same ones that they take themselves, which is a big mistake. So, for example, loperamide, very quickly relieves a person of diarrhea, and for animals this medicine is a dangerous remedy.

The drug Loperamide, getting into the intestines of a pet, anesthetizes it, but does not relieve the inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

From diarrhea

When a dog begins to have diarrhea, in no case should Loperamide be given.

Diarrhea is often the body's response to inflammatory processes, fighting them. By feeding a dog a pill, you will stop the body's defense process for inflammation, and then all pathological microorganisms will gradually begin to penetrate into the blood, which will lead to its infection, internal bleeding or intoxication of the body.

All these consequences can have a very negative impact on the life of your pet and, in frequent cases, lead to death.

Therefore, before giving an animal any pill, you must first consult with a specialist. It will help to cure the main ailment of the pet, which actually torments him, and then the diarrhea itself will go away.

Possible causes of diarrhea in dogs include:

  • eating stale food;
  • ingress of foreign objects into food;
  • indigestibility of food;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • abdominal tumor.

Instructions for use


Dog owners love to feed their pets a variety of foods. plant food, which is poorly absorbed by the body of the animal. So, for example, cabbage, carrots, bread or cookies.

As a result, animals often develop colitis. This is manifested by constant bloating, frequent trips to the toilet, when trying to empty, very little content comes out, and sometimes with streaks of blood.

How much to give?

With colitis, dogs are prescribed Loperamide for 5-7 days. In no case should you give a random number of tablets. Dosage this drug calculated based on the weight of the animal. 0.2 mg tablets are prescribed for 1 kg.

After calculating the dosage, the drug is given to the pet 2-4 times a day, depending on the condition. In the future, the amount of drug intake is reduced.


With diarrhea, any dosage of the drug can be dangerous or fatal. It all depends on the immunity of the animal and its weight. Dogs weighing less than 10 kg should be given this tablet not at any dose.

What to do if you ate?

If a dog has eaten a loperamide tablet, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Self-treatment here will be inappropriate, will only aggravate the situation and may lead to the death of the animal.

Symptoms that may start due to taking this remedy:

  • Weakness. The animal does not want to play, it is passive about everything.
  • Blood in urine and feces.
  • Bloating.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Incessant thirst.

Accurately identify symptoms internal bleeding in animals on their own is very difficult, only an experienced specialist can do it. Therefore, you need to monitor the tablets, do not leave them in places where they can be accessible to animals.

But when the above symptoms appear, you do not need to wait until it goes away on its own, you need to urgently take the pet to the doctor.


Loperamide is strictly contraindicated in small dogs or puppies. If the tablet has entered the puppy's body, you should immediately take him to the doctor. Otherwise it might all end. lethal outcome.

Indigestion in a dog can be an annoying episode that will not affect his future life. But sometimes diarrhea in a quadruped pet indicates failure internal organs (tumor formation in the liver or intestines, ingestion foreign object in the stomach, "invasion" of worms).

Before giving your dog enterofuril or fixing herbal decoction, analyze what events could cause frequent bowel movements in the animal. After all, the medicine that helped the neighbor's Tuzik or the Pirate get rid of diarrhea may not be suitable for your pet. You should take a closer look at your general well-being four-legged friend.

For infectious diseases in four-legged pets, enterofuril is effective (it is better for dogs to give the medicine in the form of a suspension). But the medication will help only if the puppy’s stool disorder was caused by bacteria or viruses. With any dramatic changes in the condition of the animal (the appearance of blood in the feces, strange behavior), it would be reasonable to show the pet to the veterinarian.

Common Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

A misunderstanding about how a dog's digestive system works can be caused by several factors. We list the most common causes of diarrhea in four-legged pranksters:

  • Food intolerance. Dog owners should remember that allergies are not only a problem for people, but also for animals. If you notice that your dog behaves unusually after eating some treats (fish, porridge, boiled potatoes), do not continue to offer him this “provocative” product.
  • Abrupt change in diet.
  • Dog eating stale food. In order not to have to trick your pet into swallowing furazolidone or another diarrhea drug, watch what the dog eats. In summer, the food in the animal's bowl spoils quickly, so it is better to give the dog treats in small portions. Do not allow food to sit on the dog tray for several hours.
  • Entry of worms into the body. Before giving your pet activated charcoal, observe your dog's behavior. A dog, exhausted by the activity of worms, often rubs his back against carpets and grass. The animal may also vomit. Suspecting that the body of your pet is being exhausted by “guests”, take the dog to the nearest veterinary station. The specialist will take feces from her for helminths and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, will prescribe to your dog effective remedy from worms.
  • Stressful situation. In impressionable pets, diarrhea begins after the appearance of a new family member in the apartment (it can be a child of the owners or a newly acquired pet - a cat, cavy). As a rule, activated charcoal and rest restore good health to the four-legged patient.
  • Bacterial diseases. A pet can get sick from drinking dirty water or eating something on the street.
  • Foreign body in the intestines of an animal. Do not rush to use activated charcoal if liquid stool- not the only problem of the pet. The convulsive attempts of the animal to burp something can “scream” that the dog swallowed during the game inedible item(ball, fragment of a children's designer).

Other causes of diarrhea in pets

An attentive owner will not disregard such a nuisance as diarrhea in a dog. When a pet suffers from abdominal pain, often defecates, whines and refuses food, the owner can try to alleviate his pet's condition by using "human" drugs. But will the pills that got rid of diarrhea help your dog?

It is important to understand that the treatment of diarrhea will not be successful if you begin to deal only with the manifestations of the disease in the pet, without paying attention to the cause. After all chronic illness liver or intestines, remaining undetected, can bring the most unexpected and sad consequences for the life of a puppy.

Diarrhea in a pet can be caused not only by poisoning or stress. Here are some of the rarer (and more depressing) causes of diarrhea in dogs:

  • Inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
  • Tumors in the intestines, liver or other organ of the abdominal cavity. If the dog vilifies for a long time, rapidly loses weight, and its behavior has become depressed and apathetic, it is possible that the animal’s torment is caused by malignancy. And it is necessary to treat not only indigestion, but the tumor itself.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. Do not rush to give enterofuril to a sick puppy. Try to objectively assess how varied your pet's diet is. If you suspect your dog is deficient useful substances, fix the situation. Otherwise, diarrhea medicines will have a short-term effect.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Fungal infections.
  • The impact of drugs and toxic substances on the body of an animal. It is worth recalling that antibiotics, hormonal and anticancer drugs affect digestive system dogs are pretty tough. To slightly alleviate the manifestations of the disease, you can use activated charcoal. For finicky and overly cautious pets, the owners give a coal tablet in a “conspiratorial” form: for example, wrapped in minced chicken.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Renal failure.
  • Diseases of a viral nature (canine distemper, coronavirus).
  • Rabies. It is probably not necessary to tell how dangerous this ailment is. Rabies always ends in the death of the infected animal. This disease is accompanied by diarrhea in dogs is quite rare. There is blood in the feces of a sick dog.

Forms of diarrhea

There are two forms of stool disorder in dogs:

  • Sharp form. If frequent bowel movements in a dog are not accompanied by additional difficulties (vomiting, fever), the veterinarian speaks of acute diarrhea. This unfortunate situation lasts five to twelve days. The most common cause of negative changes in the well-being of dogs are food allergy, stale food or stress. Gently relieve symptoms food poisoning Linex will help the pet. This drug can be called a professional "adjuster" of digestion in humans and animals. Dog owners respond well to enterofuril. It is advisable to use it to eliminate infectious diarrhea.
  • Chronic form. If frequent and liquid stools have been bothering your four-legged friend for more than thirteen days (chronic diarrhea), it is worth taking the dog to the veterinarian. Prolonged malaise indicates undesirable processes that have captured one or more digestive organs. Consider whether phosphalugel will help a suffering animal or rice water, no need. Just take the dog to the veterinary station, where it is examined. The danger of the identified disease will be judged by an experienced veterinarian.

Symptoms to look out for

Many dog ​​owners are interested in whether it is possible to give a dog chloramphenicol for diarrhea. To minimize discomfort tormenting your shaggy pet, it is worth taking the dog to the veterinarian. Prescribing anything to a puppy without consulting a specialist is risky.

Worrying about the well-being of your faithful watchman, do not forget that some dog ailments (worms, leptospirosis) are also dangerous for people. While the owner of the pet asks friends what diarrhea pills are good for dogs, the animal may have more serious ailments ...

Here are some symptoms in your pet that should prompt you to consult your veterinarian:

  • Exhausting vomiting.
  • Black color of feces. This sign indicates bleeding in the stomach.
  • Blood streaks in stools. This warning sign also "beeps" about bleeding. But it happened in the large intestine.
  • Green mucus in dog stool. Some infectious diseases manifest themselves as such a symptom.
  • High temperature and fever.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Reluctance of the animal to drink water.
  • Aggression towards owners.
  • Apathy, semi-consciousness.
  • Too harsh or putrid smell dog feces.

Which drugs can be trusted?

To eliminate abdominal pain and excruciating diarrhea in a dog, you can offer the dog loperamide. But remember that fixing pills are dangerous to give dogs if you suspect intestinal infection. It is important that toxins do not linger in the dog's body. Otherwise, the animal's liver and kidneys will be "attacked" by these poisonous substances.

If the dog vilifies, refuses food, but in general its behavior has not changed, give the animal enterol. This probiotic has gained immense popularity due to its gentle effect on the patient's intestines. You will see an improvement in the well-being of the dog in a day. Recall that the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the veterinarian.

In the case when the dog ate something from the bin, and diarrhea overcame him, Linex will suit you. These tablets eliminate inflammatory processes in the intestines of the animal, stop diarrhea. You will avoid problems if the dose of the drug is not prescribed "from the ceiling." Talk to your veterinarian, at least over the phone.

puppy and adult dog can help enterofuril. But this medication should be prescribed by a specialist only after the examinations.

"Nervous" diarrhea in dogs passes quickly enough. Give the animal activated charcoal and provide the puppy with plenty of fluids. In a couple of days the dog will be healthy.

Diarrhea in dogs can occur as a result of poisoning, be a symptom of any serious illness.
Not every owner knows what to give a dog for diarrhea, so you need to contact your veterinarian.

This reaction of the digestive tract indicates that there are internal problems in the animal's body that should be identified and treated.

How does it manifest

All symptoms of the disease are directly dependent on its neglect and severity. Diarrhea can have the following manifestations:

  1. Changing the nature of the stool - stool soften and become more fluid.
  2. The feces become watery, blotches of blood appear in them, and a pungent odor arises.
  3. The color of the feces changes - they can become brown, green, black or yellow.
  4. During defecation, the animal experiences pain, during defecation, it groans or whines.
  5. The bowel movements become more frequent, the volume of feces is small.
  6. With stomach problems, mucus appears in the feces.
  7. The dog begins to worry too much or, conversely, becomes lethargic, she whines all the time or sighs heavily.
  8. The dog becomes nauseous and may vomit.
  9. The body temperature rises.
  10. Rumbling is heard in the stomach.

All signs can occur independently, and in any combination.

If at least one of these manifestations was noticed in an animal, then it should be shown to a specialist.

Puppy is bleeding

If there are inclusions of blood clots during diarrhea, then most likely this is evidence of a serious pathology. You need to take your dog to the doctor.

Diseases accompanied by this symptom:

  1. Poisoning. The dog sometimes picks up miscellaneous items or products from the earth. When they enter the stomach, they lead to intense irritation of the intestinal walls, resulting in diarrhea with blood particles.
  2. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs. This pathology usually affects young individuals between the ages of two and twelve months. Often, the disease ends in death if adequate treatment is not carried out in time. medical assistance.
  3. Traumatic enterocolitis. Bloody diarrhea can be the result of an animal eating foreign bodies, which lead to injury from the inside of the walls of the intestines and stomach.
  4. Adverse reaction to the use of analgesics.

Acute illness

The owners are faced with an acute form of diarrhea. It comes on suddenly and is usually short-lived. Acute diarrhea in dogs it does not last longer than three weeks, but from this it is not considered less dangerous disease and she needs to be treated.

Causes acute form diarrhea are the same factors that cause ordinary indigestion. Among the symptoms can be called liquid stools, sometimes they may be interspersed with blood.

In this state, the dog often defecates, a large amount of fluid is lost, which leads to significant dehydration of the body.

Turned into chronic

If diarrhea lasts three or more weeks, then we are talking about a chronic process. There is often mucus or blood in the stool.

With prolonged diarrhea, the animal's body weight decreases, appetite worsens, hair grows dull or falls out, the dog ceases to enjoy life.

Why does

normal work intestines can be disturbed different reasons, these include, for example:

Before starting treatment this pathology it is necessary to reliably determine the cause of its occurrence. Only after all diagnostic procedures you can take all necessary measures to save the health, and possibly the life of the pet.


What to use

When the very first symptoms appear, you need to take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. The veterinarian will prescribe the necessary medications, as the cause of the disease will be established.


Often the owners are interested in what to give the dog from diarrhea from human medicines. This is unacceptable, since you cannot calculate the dosage.

All groups of medicines should be prescribed only veterinarian and just how the animal will be carefully examined. No drugs can be used on their own to treat an animal.

We treat at home

If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, then you can help your dog defeat the disease using effective, but safe and gentle means.

What can you give your dog for diarrhea?

  1. Rice decoction. To prepare it, rice groats are boiled in a small amount of water, then the rice itself must be removed and the animal should be given the resulting broth to drink.
  2. Plant fees. The dog can be fed with infusion of various medicinal herbs. Alder seedlings, blueberries, St. John's wort or sage are well suited for this.

What to feed your dog with diarrhea

During the period of illness, the animal usually feels unwell. If the dog refuses to eat, then you cannot force feed it. The dog must drink water in large numbers.

Rules of nutrition that must be observed during illness:

  • on the first day, it is better not to feed a sick animal at all, and if the dog has an appetite, then you can give it a little boiled rice;
  • on the second day you can connect fermented milk products, to digestive process bounced back;
  • if the condition of the animal began to improve, then on the third day you can enter foods with a small amount of fat into the menu - boiled eggs, fish, chicken meat.

For all three days, the pet can be fed with boiled rice.

It is important to always remember that a sick animal needs plentiful drink. Even plain water will serve as a medicine, tea with sugar, rice water, infusions of medicinal herbs are well suited.

Effective prevention

As preventive measures, pet owners should adhere to the following recommendations:

Every owner must remember that he is responsible for the health and well-being of his pet and even a slight indisposition of his dog should not be left unattended.

What is it

Veterinarians face a challenge. However, the owners are not always able to immediately figure out what medicine to give the dog for diarrhea.

negative state can be observed only during the day. In the most dangerous situations diarrhea can continue in the animal for several weeks. In the first case, there is no cause for concern.

If the problem cannot be dealt with for a long time, you need to understand what to give the dog with diarrhea. The choice of pet care depends on general condition animal, the structure of feces, their shade.

Viral infection

The greatest danger is diarrhea, which occurs against the background of the defeat of the animal's body by pathogens of viral infections. The most common symptoms of diarrhea are the following diseases. Parvovirus enteritis - popularly known as "dog distemper". Often this virus affects immature dogs.

Particularly susceptible to this viral infection puppies a few months old. Characteristic features development parvovirus enteritis act frequent urges to a bowel movement severe vomiting, appearance copious discharge from the eyes and nasal openings of the animal.