What does increased salt in urine mean? Salts in the bladder: symptoms, treatment, causes

The presence of salts in the urine of an adult is normal phenomenon. If a clinical analysis showed a small amount of them in urine, there is no need to panic right away. A variant of the norm is the presence in urine of up to 5% of salts from the total volume of collected material. But an increase in this indicator is a signal from the body that some kind of infection is developing in it.

The presence of salts in the urine of an adult is normal.

What does increased salt in urine mean?

Under influence internal factors The acid-base balance of urine may be disturbed, and then the amount of salts in it increases sharply. An excess of these microelements leads to their precipitation, where they are detected by laboratory assistants when examining a portion of the analysis.

This is interesting! All salt compounds in human urine are conventionally divided into two groups - the first are sensitive to increased acid levels, and the others - alkaline.

In laboratory conditions, the concentration of salts is indicated by the symbol “+”. An analysis with one or two pluses is considered normal. If the results of the primary study indicate three or four pluses, do not worry right away. Single deviation from the norm in big side may indicate an unhealthy diet. That is why doctors recommend refraining from eating foods that provoke the crystallization of salt substances in the urine.

A urine test with one or two positive results is considered normal.

to install the real reason the appearance of salt sediment, it is necessary to change the diet before taking the test. If repeat tests again showing availability salt deposits, this is a direct signal to a person about the development of pathologies excretory system or gastrointestinal tract. You can’t delay the problem; it’s better to see a doctor who will additional research and prescribe optimal therapy. Otherwise in bladder stones may form, get rid of them conservative method very hard.

Classification of salts in urine

When carrying out additional clinical trials urine on the stone-forming function, you can find out the type of stones and their chemical composition:

  • urates - salts uric acid, which indicate the development of such unpleasant diseases, such as fever, gout, uric acid diathesis or even leukemia. An increase in the number of urates indicates that a person is too fond of foods with a huge amount protein and strong black tea. Heavy physical work can also cause crystallization of urates and their precipitation;
  • phosphates are microelements that sharply reduce the acidity of urine, which entails an increase in its alkalinity. Phosphates can also be found in urine almost healthy person, if before collecting the material he consumed foods rich in phosphorus (fish, sour milk, buckwheat, oatmeal). An increase in phosphate levels is observed in cystitis, hyperparathyroidism, poisoning, and gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • oxalates are salts of oxalic acid that lead to hormonal imbalances, the development of diabetes mellitus, intestinal pathologies, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the excretory system. They enter the body through foods rich in vitamin D and ascorbic acid. Oxalates can also form independently inside the body, as a result of complex biochemical reactions.

Significantly less often in urine analysis are present:

  • ammonium urate;
  • calcium sulfates;
  • degradation products of hippuric acid.

If, when examining urine, single salt compounds fall into the field of view of a microscope, they are called amorphous. Such forms of stones are practically harmless; they do not take part in the formation of rocky structures. But it is necessary to take into account their presence as a signal from the body about a violation of metabolic processes.

Reasons for the appearance of salts

There are several factors that regulate the amount of salts in urine. The first of them is not associated with diseases, but the rest are direct activators of pathological processes, as a result of which the concentration of salt compounds increases.

Not balanced diet. Monotonous food, frequent diets and fasting lead to an increase in the level of salt deposits. Meat, canned food, smoked meats, mushrooms, tomatoes in the daily diet are products that negatively affect the acid-base balance in the human body. This list includes alcoholic drinks and soda.

Impaired blood supply. For the kidneys to function properly, they must be constantly supplied with blood. If in force various reasons blood flow is disrupted, the kidneys lack oxygen, which they receive from the blood. This will lead to unstable operation of this body, and, as a consequence, to an increase in the concentration of urates in the urine.

Dehydration. With a decrease in fluid in the body, the amount of salt deposits increases. Moreover, they are now localized not only in urine, but also in soft tissues. Lack of water can be associated with prolonged physical activity, overheating, diarrhea, high temperature etc.

Drug therapy. Some drugs from the group of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, when entering the body, are not completely dissolved in it. Their remains are excreted by the kidneys, often causing the accumulation of urates in this organ.

Pathologies in women due to increased salts

Female body is structured somewhat differently than the male one. An increase in salts in the urine in women indicates the following ailments:

  • diabetes;
  • venereal problems;
  • inflammatory processes urinary system, including kidneys;
  • infection and development of pathogenic microflora;
  • oncology, namely the stage when necrosis of the tissue of the organ in which the tumor is localized occurs.

Increased salts in urine in women may indicate the development of pathologies

Sometimes salt crystals are found in the urine of women during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the body experiences enormous stress in the period after conception, all systems and organs are rebuilt for a double load, and an unchanging companion appears “ interesting situation"- toxicosis. Frequent vomiting lead to dehydration of the body, as a result of which urates accumulate in the kidneys. If toxicosis drags on for a long time, there is a risk of stone formation. To prevent such developments, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, follow a diet and not abuse meat products.

Salts in urine in children

The child’s body reacts to all changes in external and internal environment the same as in an adult. Negative Impact various pathogenic factors lead to an increase in the number of stones in the child’s urine.

For children preschool age the presence of urates, oxalates and phosphates in urine is considered normal, and this is due to:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • not fully mature renal parenchyma;
  • slow metabolism;
  • unstable acid-base environment during the day.

If in clinical analysis If your child’s urine contains salts, it is necessary to reconsider his diet. This is the first thing parents should do. The second is to monitor the amount of fluid he drinks during the day. The norm for children is 1 liter of water per day. A pediatrician will help you create a high-quality menu for every day.

Treatment methods

The main method of getting rid of salts is diet and drinking plenty of fluids. But, if, after following all the doctor’s recommendations regarding food, these substances are still present in the urine, you need to take a course drug treatment. Salts may indicate a sluggish inflammatory process in the body, so the doctor should evaluate the test results and prescribe suitable antibiotics, which will relieve the patient from the cause of the disease and its possible negative consequences.

The main method of getting rid of salts is diet and drinking plenty of fluids.

Treatment will be much more effective if you determine the type of salt deposits in the urine. Then it will be easier for the doctor to create an individual diet, excluding precisely those foods that contain stones found in the urine.

The number of meals during a therapeutic diet increases, and portions decrease. Meat cannot be completely excluded from the diet; the permissible limit is 100 g twice a week. In addition, it is allowed to eat meat by-products at the rate of 50 g once a day.

In order for salt metabolism processes to be restored more quickly, it is necessary to consume carbohydrates separately from proteins and fats. Separate nutrition is a chance to avoid drug therapy. Control analysis after therapeutic diets due in 2 weeks.

Prevention of salts in urine

To ensure that the amount of salts in urine does not deviate from the norm, you must follow simple rules:

  • eat regularly quality products with a rich vitamin composition;;
  • drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration;
  • Constantly monitor the amount of food consumed;
  • If possible, adhere to fractional separate meals.

Salt sediment in urine may be an indicator of serious pathological changes, such as urolithiasis disease and even oncology. If they exceed the permissible amount in the analysis, you should seek advice from an experienced specialist. Not worth the risk own health, because it will get rid of the problem by early stages much easier than later fighting not only with it, but also with acquired negative consequences advanced disease.

Symptoms of cystitis and urethritis worry both men and women. Urinary tract diseases are often caused by salts in the bladder. Poor nutrition or pathological processes urinary system of an inflammatory nature provoke the formation of microliths. Unremoved salts, accumulating, contribute to the formation of sand and stones, which over time cause inflammation and injury to the urinary system.

Salts in the bladder tend to accumulate over time due to pathologies or an unhealthy diet.

Details about salt deposits in the bladder

Why are they formed?

The causes of the pathological appearance of microliths in the bladder are varied. Many patients have individual provoking factors for the formation of macrolites.

Common causes of sand and rocks:

  • poor nutrition with a predominance of smoked, salty and spicy dishes in the menu;
  • recurrent inflammatory processes of the genitourinary tract;
  • heredity;
  • congenital pathology of uric acid metabolism;
  • change in the structure of epithelial tissue.

Symptoms of pathology or first indications for diagnosis

Salts in the bladder most often provoke lower back pain and frequent enuresis.

The process of salt deposition in the bladder is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • cutting pain during urination, which occurs when the inner lining of the bladder and urethra are irritated by sharp spines of microliths;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • men experience a burning sensation in the urethra, accompanied by pain;
  • urine changes color - a clear sign the presence of pathological inclusions in the bladder;
  • urine becomes cloudy, sometimes a reddish tint appears;
  • pain in the lumbar region, indicating inflammation in the kidneys.

How is the process complicated when the problem is ignored?

Suspicious symptoms require emergency medical attention. The presence of pathological microliths in the bladder causes a serious complication - the formation of stones (cystolithiasis). Getting rid of macrolites and the salts that provoked their formation is not easy. Effective treatment, started in a timely manner, will help prevent the appearance of cystitis, which disrupts the processes of the urinary system.

Diagnostic procedures

Measures to diagnose salt in the bladder should begin with general analysis urine. Along with the change chemical composition urine, color and transparency will not correspond to the norm, a sediment will appear. Inflammation is confirmed by the appearance of erythrocytosis, leukocytosis and increased amount bacteria. Based on the salts detected during urine microscopy, their class is determined, and therapy and diet are selected. Ultrasound does not reveal inclusions in the bladder, but it is possible to clarify the location and size of renal calculi.

Effective treatment for salts in the bladder

Important components of the treatment of cystolithiasis and salts in the bladder are a balanced diet enriched with vitamins and carbohydrates. It is recommended to adhere to drinking regime. Moderate sports activities will speed up the process of evacuation of salts from the bladder. With this pathology, running and jumping will be useful.


Drug therapy is prescribed by the attending physician based on medical history and the intensity of symptoms clinical picture and survey results. If the process of salt formation in the bladder is accompanied by the addition bacterial infection, then antimicrobial therapy is recommended. For cupping pain doctors prescribe antispasmodics - “Drotaverine”, “Papaverine hydrochloride”, “No-Shpa”, “No-x-sha”, “Platifillin”. For more effective evacuation of salts, diuretics and herbal teas.

Food diet

If salt is detected in the bladder, it is very important to improve your diet.

With salts in the urine, proper nutrition and diet are important. Food should be boiled, steamed or baked in the oven. It is not recommended to eat foods that are over-salted, fatty, fried or smoked. Lack of fluid leads to the formation of concentrated urine and causes irritation of the bladder with salts. The accumulation of pathological compounds and urolithiasis is provoked by the habit of delaying urination for long time. For successful therapy, drinking excessive amounts of liquid at a time is excluded. but frequent drinking in small portions is allowed. The table shows what you can eat and what you can’t:

Meat, fish, offalFishFatty varieties
Rabbit meat
Turkey meat
Fruits, berriesBananasCitrus fruits, pineapples
BeveragesRose hip decoctionCocoa
Strong tea
Soda sweet and regular
Dairy productsLow-fat kefirHigh fat dairy products

The appearance of salt in the urine of an adult does not always indicate that there are any pathological processes in the body. They are constantly present in urine, although their norm is only 5 percent of the total volume of excreted fluid. An increase in their number indicates that not everything is in order with the body.

Salts in urine, what does this mean in an adult? A similar question is often asked by people who have been found to have an increased concentration of salt deposits in their urine. Normally, adult urine is not too acidic. Violation acid-base balance is guaranteed to lead to the fact that there will be much more salts than allowed. Moreover, some types of salt compounds react to an increase in acid levels, while others react to alkaline levels.

The problem mainly lies in proper nutrition. Many foods contain an element called purine. It is he who is responsible for the increased production. Urea reacts with salts, regardless of their origin. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in the appearance of a characteristic sediment in the urine.

It's important to understand what to ignore this problem absolutely not recommended. Further development process will lead to the fact that small crystals of salts will begin to combine into a single whole, forming so-called concretions or, what is more understandable to the average person, stones.

Stones, localized in the kidneys, can gradually be washed out. Sediment particles enter the urine and are excreted. This type of precipitate is called urate or oxalate, depending on what substance it consists of.

Today, a significant number of reasons are known why excess quantity salt deposits. All of them can be divided into several groups. It is necessary to understand that causes are not symptoms; accordingly, it is very difficult for a person to determine the presence of oxalates, phosphates, urates and other salt compounds in his body - this is done on the basis of appropriate diagnostic measures and analyses.

Why is there a lot of salt in urine:

  • A person is not eating properly

Perhaps the most common and main cause of pathology. If there is an increase in the concentration of salts in urine, primarily in mandatory You should exclude from your diet all foods that contain oxalic acid, the main “culprit” for acid-base imbalance. Such food includes the sorrel itself, as well as tomatoes, any sour berries and chocolate. Instead of the above products, you can start eating prunes, watermelons, cauliflower, as well as any fresh fruit.

It is not recommended to eat monotonous food for a long time. This very often leads to the fact that the level of salts in the body begins to gradually increase. Over time, they will enter the urinary system, with all that ensues. This is especially true for products such as cheese, smoked meats, canned food, meat broths, mushrooms and, not surprisingly, alcohol.

It is strictly not recommended to abuse diets and, especially, fasting. This generally has an extremely negative impact on human health, and in the case of the urinary system it can lead to a lack of useful compounds and biologically active substances the body will try to replace it with salts.

  • Infections of the genitourinary system

Infections mean penetration into the urinary tract or genitals by third parties. pathogenic microorganisms, such as a virus, bacteria or fungus. Starting to actively multiply, they provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process. If there is a lot of salt in your urine, it is likely that you have some kind of infection. The pathogen disrupts many physiological processes V genitourinary system, one of which may be adjusting the acid-base balance.

On this moment The greatest threat is posed by infections such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and common thrush. Contrary to popular belief, candidiasis can affect both women and male body Accordingly, representatives of the stronger sex are not protected from problems of this nature.

  • Blood supply disorders

Kidneys are very sensitive paired organ. It is especially dependent on an adequate blood supply. Minimal disadvantage useful microelements or oxygen, which are transported in the blood, leads to significant disruptions in their functionality, and this is a direct path to the appearance of an impressive amount of salts in urine.

Problems with blood supply traditionally arise against the background vascular pathologies. The kidneys may not receive enough blood if there is a narrowing or, even worse, blockage of the feeding artery, prolapse of one or two kidneys at once, the development of nephrosis, and many other common diseases of the urinary system.

  • Lack of fluid

A urine salt test may be needed if the body is dehydrated. How less water in it, the higher the chance of the formation of additional salt deposits, which can be localized not only in urine, but also in tissues.

The reasons for the lack of water in the body are associated with increased physical activity, that leads to increased sweating, overheating in the sun, vomiting and diarrhea, high body temperature, etc. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids immediately after all of the above cases - this will help restore water balance in the body and avoid the formation of salt compounds.

  • Drug therapy

Some types of medications have not only positive, but also negative effects on the body. Many of them are excreted through the kidneys. Such strong drugs, like antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc., can provoke the formation of urates in this paired organ.

You cannot consume a significant amount of food at the same time - it is better to eat more often, but in small portions.

Despite the fact that meat serves as a provoking factor for the appearance of salts in the urine, it is, of course, not necessary to completely exclude it from the diet. But everything should be in moderation, including meat, so per week it is allowed to consume no more than 100-150 grams of this product in its pure form.

It is very important to resort to separate meals. This term refers to the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates separately. Thanks to this, the absorption of food and the normalization of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract will occur normally, and without the help of appropriate medications.

However, a high-quality diet cannot always cope with the presence of salts in urine. If a positive effect from proper nutrition is not observed, it is necessary to resort to the help of appropriate pharmacological agents, for example, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Their task is to relieve the patient from a disease that leads to increased formation of salt deposits.

Oxalates and urates in urine, what does this mean? Their presence indicates that pathological processes are occurring in the body. In advanced cases of salt compounds, stones begin to form. If this happens, diet and even drug therapy they won't help anymore. Formed stones can either be broken or removed. In most cases they resort to modern techniques, for example, laser therapy or ultrasound. However, if the stones have reached a significant size or there are a lot of them, then there is only one way out - surgery.

Treatment of this pathology will be much more successful if you pay attention to the type of salts found in urine:

  • oxalates - it’s easier to get rid of them than in all other cases. The essence of treatment is proper nutrition. First of all, foods containing oxalic acid are completely excluded from the diet. There is no need to worry that there will be a deficiency in the body, since it is in sufficient quantities produced by the kidneys. Instead of such products, you need to start eating potatoes, milk, lard, vegetables and fruits, boiled poultry and fish;
  • urates – it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods containing purine. It is very important to drink a lot (no less than 1.5-2 liters clean water per day), as well as take appropriate medications, the action of which is aimed at improving salt metabolism;
  • phosphates – it is necessary to reduce consumption or eliminate foods containing phosphorus from the diet. These include buckwheat, cheese, eggs, fatty fish, caviar, fish liver and much more. As a result, the level of vitamin D in the body will drop, and the concentration of salt phosphate deposits will significantly decrease.

Important - in all of the above cases we're talking about specifically about the treatment of salts in urine. Concomitant diseases that provoked this phenomenon, must be treated separately. Therapy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, exercise, drive correct image life, eat quality food - and all this will help avoid such problems as the appearance of salts in the urine.

Urine is a waste product of the human and animal body. The composition of this liquid varies depending on a person’s diet, the presence of certain diseases, as well as the conditions of his environment. The main component of urine (95%) is water, the remaining 5% of its composition includes proteins and salts. An increase or decrease in the amount of various trace elements in the urine often indicates the presence of various diseases and pathologies of the body.

The main salts present in human urine include phosphates, oxalates and urates. Normally, no more than 65 mmol of phosphates are excreted in urine daily. An increase in their amount in urine is called phosphaturia. Hyperphosphaturia is said to occur if the level of phosphates in the urine reaches 70 mmol or more.

An increase in the amount of salts in the fluid excreted by the kidneys gradually leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder, and, consequently, to the development of urolithiasis.

Causes of increased salt content in urine that are not related to the presence of diseases

Increased levels of various salts in human urine can be caused by eating certain foods. So, for example, for lovers of strong tea, fatty meat broths, canned food, dark chocolate, cocoa, mushrooms and smoked meats, the level of urates in the analyzes may be significantly overestimated, since these products contain purines - substances, the breakdown of which produces uric acid.

High levels of urate in urine can also be caused by severe physical activity on the body, following certain types of diets, dehydration. In order to reduce the amount of urate in the urine, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible per day (at least 2 liters) and adhere to a diet that involves eating purine-unsaturated foods. These products include milk and its derivatives, chicken eggs, various cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.

At frequent use When eating tomatoes, apples, and spinach, there is an increase in the level of oxalates or oxalic acid salts in the urine. These compounds can also be detected in the tests of a person who is experiencing dehydration.

In order to normalize the level of salt in the urine in the absence of any pathologies of the body, it is necessary to eat properly, first of all, eat various soups cooked in low-fat broth, pamper yourself with fresh fruits, which contain vitamins A, B, and eat alkaline mineral water.

Diseases that cause high salt content in urine

Often increased content salt in the urine is a sign of something dangerous disease. An increase in the amount of urate in tests may indicate the presence of chronic renal failure, gout, or nephritis.

Chronic renal failure- a long-term disease associated with a violation of vital important functions kidneys and gradually leading to the complete extinction of these functions. Often the cause of the development of insufficient kidney activity is inflammatory processes localized in the organ. Most often, such processes are reversible. Kidney inflammation can also occur chronically without causing pronounced symptoms. In rare cases, if there is concomitant diseases Lost kidney function cannot be restored. The patient requires an organ transplant in order to function fully.

A disease such as gout is directly related to the presence in the human body large quantity uric acid salts. Gout manifests itself in the form of rare, at first, then increasingly recurring attacks of pain in the area where urate crystals are deposited. Typically, such crystals are localized in the tissues of the joints, leading to their inflammation and the development of arthritis. An increase in the level of uric acid salts in the blood is called hyperuricemia. This condition is a predisposing factor to the development of gout and is diagnosed in 90% of people who already have this disease.

The main symptoms of gout include: prolonged, crippling pain in the joints lower limbs, inflammation, swelling of the joints, increased levels of urate in the patient’s urine.

Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys of various etymologies. Primary nephritis occurs as independent disease, often against the background of staphylococcal infection present in the body, streptococcal infection. Secondary nephritis develops in combination with body pathologies such as hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc. The main sign of kidney inflammation is prolonged cutting pain in the lumbar region. Acute nephritis is accompanied by increased body temperature, cloudy urine, difficulty urinating, and nausea. Chronic form the disease is asymptomatic.

Oxalates in the urine are found in patients with diabetes mellitus and pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis is a type of nephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys that develops against the background of a bacterial infection. As the main symptoms acute pyelonephritis lower back pain, high fever, nausea, and disruption of the process of removing urine from the body also occur. Development chronic pyelonephritis contribute to infections of the reproductive system, pregnancy.

In cancer patients, the presence of salt in the urine can be caused by the breakdown of tissue in the organ affected by the tumor, most often the bladder or kidney.

Another reason for the increase in the level of salt in urine is the ingestion of a substance into the human body - ethylene glycol, which is part of various plastic products, varnishes, paints, which are actively used in repair work. There are frequent cases of mass poisoning of people with ethylene glycol. Signs of poisoning with this liquid appear 2 hours after it enters the body. A dose of 100 ml is considered lethal for humans. A poisoned victim should be immediately taken to medical institution, in which he will be provided with qualified assistance.

The variety of elements present in urine must be balanced, but if some elements dominate over others, they crystallize and precipitate. This is how salts form in the urine. A single detection of salts does not affect the diagnosis and does not require treatment. If the urine is cloudy, with sediment, this indicates that the permissible amount of salts has been exceeded, possible education kidney stones. But this is not the only reason for such cloudiness. To confirm the disease, prescribe additional tests and ultrasound.

What does cloudiness and sediment in urine mean?

Possible and common reasons salts in the urine - diseases such as nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, poisoning, violation digestive function, as well as various pathological changes.

The main causes of salts in urine

  • Infection urinary tract or genitals.
  • Insufficient amount of fluid in the body.
  • Poor nutrition. In this case, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods containing oxalic acid (tomatoes, berries, sorrel, and chocolate) and be sure to eat fruits, watermelons, prunes, and cauliflower.

Types of salts

1. Urats

This type of salt precipitates accompanied by an acid reaction. The cause of their appearance may be feverish states, physical overexertion, dehydration (due to vomiting, diarrhea, sweating), leukemia, gout, uric acid diathesis. Urates appear after overuse smoked meats, meat, herring, offal, legumes, strong tea.

2. Oxalates

Oxalates in urine are ammonium salts. This type salts precipitate during both acidic and alkaline reactions, and are most often related to diseases such as diabetes, ulcerative colitis, pyelonephritis, intestinal damage, poisoning; violation of oxalic acid metabolism; consuming foods rich in vitamin C (apples, beets, celery, parsley, citrus fruits, as well as cocoa, broth, ascorbic acid).

Except drink plenty of fluids compotes, tea with lemon, it is recommended to include oats, millet, seaweed, herring, squid; foods rich in vitamin B6. Decoctions of knotweed, birch buds, corn silk, strawberry leaves.

3. Phosphates

They are detected as a result of an alkaline reaction, including hyperparathyroidism, cystitis, vomiting, fever, Fanconi syndrome and due to overeating.

Other salts in urine:

  • calcium sulfate - when taking benzoin and salicylic acid, at diabetes mellitus;
  • salts of hippuric acid - with the use of antipyretic drugs, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, stone disease, putrefactive phenomena in the body;
  • ammonium urate salts - for uric acid infarction.


Treatment methods are provided depending on the nature of the disease. If the causes of salt in urine relate to excess permissible norm corresponding specified products, it is enough to reduce their quantity so that the analyzes return to normal. If you are dehydrated, just increase the amount of water. For oxaluria, sodium and potassium citrate are prescribed, which reduce the concentration of sparingly soluble calcium salts. If the cause lies in inflammation, appropriate medications and procedures are prescribed. Increased concentration salts in the analysis of a pregnant woman, for example, may imply a malfunction of the kidneys, so during this period the woman is prescribed a salt-free diet, necessary treatment kidneys and repeat analysis.