Elena Malysheva about the treatment of varicose veins: video from the program Live Healthy. Causes and treatment methods for varicose veins of the legs

Oh, this is the long-awaited summer when we put on short dresses and skirts. Time for beauty and Have a good mood. It is very important that your body matches the summer mood. And if veins begin to appear on your legs and stars form, what should you do? You need to start treatment right away before it gets worse.

How do varicose veins appear?

Previously, it was believed that this disease appears no earlier than 35 years of age, but now more and more young people are turning to specialists for help with early symptoms of this disease. At first we just feel a certain fatigue, which after have a nice rest passes. But then fatigue develops into the appearance of stars on the legs. We begin to worry significantly about the beauty of our legs. This disease causes the veins to begin to stretch, bend, dilate and lose elasticity. Often the cause of this manifestation on the legs is the impact of adverse external factors, and genetic predisposition. If you have parents or grandparents in your family who had varicose veins, you may also develop this disease in the future.

Of course, in addition to tired legs, appearance brings excitement. When the veins begin to bulge and create visible blue bumps on the legs, you want to cry with grief. But that's not even the saddest thing. At this stage, it is worth thinking about the consequences that await us in the future. The worst thing is thrombophlebitis, or in other words, the formation of a blood clot in a vein. If the blood clot will come off from the vessel, it will fall into Airways. This can be fatal.

Why might I have varicose veins, is there any reason for this?

  • Pregnancy. Sad but true. If varicose veins may not show themselves, then after childbirth they will not take long to appear. But don’t worry, not everyone develops symptoms after pregnancy. this disease. This happens when a woman gains weight quickly because the uterus puts pressure on the veins. During childbirth, enormous pressure shifts directly to them. That is why the daily struggle for the beauty of legs then begins.
  • Bad habits and working conditions. Remember that you cannot sit or stand all the time. Anything that is excessive is not healthy. Of course, due to our duty we have to introduce sedentary image life (office version) or vice versa constantly on your feet (stewardesses, waitresses, etc.). But try to take breaks constantly. And under no circumstances should you smoke or get carried away with others in such everyday life. bad habits and eat fatty and floury foods. All of the above will only make things worse.
  • Hereditary predisposition. Many experts claim that varicose veins are passed on to the next generation in 90% of cases. Weak veins are genetically passed on to children and grandchildren. But in any case, there is still 10% interest left. So don't be discouraged, there's always a chance.
  • Uncomfortable shoes and clothes. If you constantly wear high heels or tight jeans, it's time to think about a wardrobe change. Just think what kind of stress you put on your feet if you don’t take off your stilettos and at the same time carry huge bags weighing 3 kg.
  • Overload associated with sports. Please note that most athletes who lift weights have varicose veins. Therefore, before you choose sports entertainment think about whether you have a predisposition to this disease.

In the world of medicine there are many means to stop the progression of the disease in time:
  • Anti-varicose tonics and vein creams. They can be taken only after consultation with a phlebologist. These are drugs that are prescribed to remove venous insufficiency, strengthen blood vessels, relieve fatigue and pain, improve blood flow in the legs. Also, tonics come in addition to other medications for better effect from treatment. The following creams have proven themselves best: and veins.
  • Sclerotherapy. A procedure in which sclerosants are injected into the vein - a substance to glue the affected vein from the inside. As a result, blood flows through healthy veins. This operation is not suitable for everyone.
  • Phlebectomy. The diseased vein is removed (it is simply pulled out from the body). This method treatment is one of the most common, as it helps get rid of large quantity problems and leaves virtually no traces.
  • Endovasal laser coagulation. This technique is suitable for those who have varicose veins only at the initial stage. Outwardly, it appears in the form of stars or mesh on the legs. Laser exposure occurs under local anesthesia. After a while there are no traces left.
  • Ozone therapy. New method, which allows you to remove stars after several procedures. Ozone is injected into the vein with a thin needle, then the gluing process occurs.

Traditional methods that help fight varicose veins

  • Swimming. This is an excellent prevention of the appearance of stars with all the ensuing consequences, because when swimming all the muscles of the body are tense. Daily walking is also recommended, but without additional funds(packages or bags).
  • Proper nutrition. Excess weight promotes the development of varicose veins. Therefore, quickly get rid of unbearable kilograms and get started proper nutrition no fat or cholesterol.
  • Knitted tights and knee socks will help you in your daily fight against varicose veins. They help get rid of tired legs.
  • Comfortable shoes. This doesn't mean you need to throw away your favorite high-heeled shoes. For God's sake, wear them on all holidays, and there are countless of them a year. But in Everyday life wear heels no higher than four centimeters.
  • Cold and hot shower. Every time you take a warm shower, end with a cold stream of water on your feet. Also, you should not often visit the sauna and bathhouse, since the veins should not be overheated. Don't take a hot bath.
Varicose veins are a very unpleasant thing. But modern medicine and a healthy lifestyle will help you cope even with such an unpleasant accident in your life.

Video about varicose veins from the program “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva.

Varicose veins are a disease that is accompanied by dilation of the saphenous veins in the lower extremities. This pathology leads to deterioration appearance, and also causes pain, swelling and heaviness in the legs.

In her program Live Healthy about varicose veins, the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva examined in detail why the disease develops, how it is treated and how to prevent the appearance of pathology. Lack of due and timely treatment can lead to all sorts of complications, so it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

There are many ways to treat venous pathology. At the initial stage, you can get rid of dilated veins using creams and ointments. If the disease is advanced, surgery is performed using a laser or other modern techniques.

Symptoms of varicose veins

Varicose veins can have several stages of development. If you do not start treatment, it will come to surgery. In order not to trigger the disease, you need to know what symptoms may be present at any stage of the disease.

On the most early stage symptoms are accompanied by pain in the legs, fatigue and heaviness. Wherein external changes is not observed, so the doctor will definitely refer you for additional instrumental examination.

If you do not start therapy, the pathology moves into the second stage, which manifests itself in the form of fatigue, lethargy in the legs, the appearance of meshes and stars on the skin surface lower limbs.

  1. Protruding bumps may be found on the skin. After sitting or standing for a long time, the veins swell, causing them to enlarge.
  2. At the third stage of the disease, the legs begin to swell, such symptoms especially appear in evening time after prolonged exercise. In the morning the condition of the legs returns to normal, but during the day the situation may worsen again.
  3. The fourth stage is accompanied by a clear change in skin color, the veins acquire a bright color that stands out on the skin. Trophic ulcers develop on the lower extremities, and there is a feeling strong pain in the legs and general lethargy.

In her program about varicose veins, Elena Malysheva notes that at the first symptoms you need to contact a phlebologist who will diagnose and select correct scheme treatment.

Thrombophlebitis is severe disease deep veins, which is very difficult to treat. To prevent the development of severe pathology, you need to monitor the health of your legs and pay attention to their appearance.

  • You should be wary if your legs begin to hurt, swell, or become unusual color skin.
  • Also, in certain areas of the lower extremities, body temperature may increase.
  • The veins in the legs slightly expand in volume, and a vascular network may appear.
  • Sometimes an asymmetrical venous pattern can be found on the femoral surface.

If you start treatment right away, you can get rid of the disease instantly and painlessly. In a TV show about varicose veins on the legs and in particular, Malysheva believes that if there is any suspicion of a violation, you need to undergo instrumental diagnostics.

Ultrasound examination will detect disturbances in blood flow, as well as identify atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Treatment of the initial stage of the disease

On initial stage non-surgical methods of therapy are used, which include adherence to therapeutic diet, conducting healthy image life and wearing special compression garments. Various proven methods of traditional therapy can also help.

Increased body weight is considered the main risk factor for the development of varicose veins. Therefore, you need to reconsider your diet and choose suitable diet. To improve blood composition and wall condition blood vessels you need to avoid spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods as much as possible, as well as alcoholic drinks. The menu includes fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, and fiber-rich dishes.

You definitely need to quit smoking, as the tar clogs your veins, and carbon dioxide causes vascular spasms, provoking thrombosis. Particular caution should be exercised when taking hormonal drugs, oral contraceptives and other similar drugs.

As Malysheva notes, you can quickly get rid of symptoms at the initial stage of the disease with the help of bandaging. The materials purchased at the pharmacy for this purpose must be selected according to the following criteria:

  1. should be flesh-colored so as not to stand out against the background of clothing.
  2. For ease of wearing on the leg, the thinnest material is chosen.
  3. It is important that the elastic bandage maintains its shape and compression after stretching.

To bandage, the leg is placed horizontally. The foot is at a right angle. Bandaging starts from the base of the foot towards the knee. To be carried out venous drainage, the heel must be covered. Due to compression, diseased veins narrow, the valves begin to close, as a result, blood circulates correctly and swelling subsides after a while.

Instead of an elastic bandage, you can use knee socks. To put them on sore legs, you should additionally buy a special device. It is important to buy only high-quality and properly selected underwear to avoid the appearance of depressed marks.

If varicose veins spread to both legs, use compression tights. They are also recommended to be worn by pregnant women to prevent swelling and varicose veins.

Therapeutic underwear is sold in a pharmacy or specialized medical store.

Drug therapy for varicose veins

If compression does not help, the doctor prescribes tablets, gels and ointments. Venotonics protect the venous walls, stimulate the outflow and circulation of blood in the vessels. The drugs relieve severe pain and swelling. They are used every day for two months, sometimes it is recommended to extend the course of therapy.

The most popular means are an ointment based on derivatives of the flavonoid rutin Troxevasin, a product with an extract horse chestnut Venitan, gel or spray from Antistax grape leaves.

For varicose veins of the deep veins, the doctor prescribes venotonic tablets. The dosage is selected individually, focusing on general state patient and stage of the disease.

  • In the most effective drugs include Phlebodia 600 and Detralex, active substance which is diosmin.
  • Saponin preparations are prepared on the basis of horse chestnut, which is rich in the plant bioflavanoid escin. The medicine Escusan can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of pills and drops.
  • Natural rutoside Venoruton improves blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug can be purchased in the form of capsules and tablets.
  • Troxevasin, Venolan, Troxerutin are semisynthetic rutosides. There are also combination drugs, including Ginkor Fort.

It is necessary to cure an advanced disease with the help of phlebosclerosing drugs. Such medications allow you to eliminate damaged veins from the bloodstream without undergoing surgery. After administration of the drug, endothelial proteins coagulate, smooth muscle components become irritated and connective tissues gradually close the lumen of the vessels.

  1. The simplest option is to use Hepatothrombin G ointment. This tool We act gently, so we additionally use injections.
  2. Towards effective synthetic drugs include Decylate, Trombovar, Aethoxysclerol, Sotradecol.
  3. The iodine-containing drugs Vistarin and Variglobin are used to treat small blood vessels to selectively close the injured area of ​​the veins.
  4. Aethoxysclerol and Trombovar burn vascular walls at the endothelial level, so they are safer and do not provoke thrombosis.

Phlebosclerosis is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction, atherosclerosis great vessels, coronary disease, diabetic angiopathy, obliterating endarteritis, bleeding disorders, acute and recent thrombophlebitis, pregnancy.

If treatment does not help and the condition worsens, surgical intervention is not possible.

Performing surgery for varicose veins

The surgical operation is performed when prescribed by a phlebologist or vascular surgeon. Most often, if surgical intervention is necessary, combined phlebectomy is chosen.

This surgical method treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, aimed at removing pathologically altered veins. The patient is exposed to general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. After the operation, compression in the form of an elastic bandage is mandatory.

Endovasal electrocoagulation involves removing the saphenous veins using current. But this is very dangerous method, compared to classical surgery and radiofrequency obliteration.

  • Using cryosurgery, veins are removed by acting on them low temperatures. This is a safe method, but it involves possible damage to surrounding tissue. This technique is not widespread in Russia.
  • By endoscopic dissection using a special probe, damaged veins are ligated and excluded from the bloodstream. This method refers to transillumination phlebectomy.
  • To painless and safe ways relate . The vein is sealed from the inside using a laser and is excluded from the blood circulation. Such an operation requires that the doctor be highly qualified and experienced in working with laser equipment.
  • During intraoperative scleroobliteration, a sclerosing substance is injected into the saphenous vein with a catheter.

Prevention of varicose veins

First of all, varicose veins are susceptible to people who have severe physical exercise. The disease can also develop with increased intrauterine pressure, frequent constipation, during pregnancy.

Such a problem as varicose veins is well known to many people. The fact is that almost a third of the world's population is susceptible to this insidious defect. Accordingly, a bunch of various information, which is sometimes not entirely true. Partly thanks to this factor, the program Live Healthy with host Elena Malysheva appeared.

This program pays a lot of attention to this issue in order to destroy all the myths regarding varicose veins. How can you get rid of this disease, how is the diagnosis carried out, and the presence modern techniques that help defeat varicose veins. All these questions are covered in detail in the program Live Healthy.

Most people, having become familiar with a bunch of different information, which sometimes even contradicts common sense, and also having heard a lot of horror stories from their neighbors, begin to panic at the first symptoms of varicose veins. The fair half of humanity is especially susceptible to such panic when vascular patterns appear on the legs.

In this case, such panic is partly understandable, because with a vascular pattern you cannot bare your legs, since this is a visual defect. It is clearly visible visually, which gives impetus to the development of complexes.

When it comes to varicose veins, Elena Malysheva recommends effective ways eliminate this disease with your own hands, provided that this disease is at the initial stage of development.

One issue of the Live Healthy program was devoted to this issue, which describes in detail how to get rid of such a problem yourself, without resorting to purchase expensive drugs or carrying out far from cheap manipulations.

Of course, this does not mean that the help of a specialist will be superfluous, but only when it is really necessary.

In some situations, the defect can be successfully stopped at home. Moreover, at the first appearance of a vascular pattern, you should not rush to see a specialist, since such a sign does not yet pose a threat to human health.

But your lifestyle will still have to be completely changed, namely:

  1. Review your diet and eliminate fatty and fried foods.
  2. Add a little physical activity at least take daily walks;
  3. Be sure to devote 15 minutes daily to perform gymnastic exercises;
  4. Buy compression hosiery and actively use it.

These simple measures will help completely stop the development of varicose veins. But if varicose veins have acquired pronounced symptoms, such as the formation of nodes, then a visit to a specialist should be mandatory. In this case, there can be no talk of self-medication.

Elena Malysheva’s opinion on compression hosiery

Separately, it is worth studying in more detail the benefits of compression hosiery. According to Malysheva, varicose veins can be defeated with the help of such knitwear simply by wearing it constantly.

Moreover, one issue of the program Live Healthy was devoted to this issue, in which phlebologists reveal in detail the invaluable benefits of compression hosiery.

The fact is that special stockings or tights are created using special technologies that help to effectively cope with this problem.

Experts have been trying for a long time to attract the attention of the audience to such a problem as varicose veins. But unfortunately, most people do not take such programs seriously. But often, it is precisely such programs that help you find the answer to your question.

In fact, experienced specialists give many recommendations on how to maintain your health and prevent the development of many insidious ailments. It’s great to live in the program, they always rise only current issues relating to the human body.


The Living Well program was created with one goal: to attract people to this the most important issue, How own health. Often we ignore the first signals from our body that certain disorders are occurring in the body.

As a result, the situation worsens and further develops into an uncontrollable complication, which can only be overcome with surgical intervention.

Malysheva is trying to convey to people simple truth that it is much easier to get rid of any defect when it is at an initial stage.

There is a lot of information about varicose veins that allows a person to independently diagnose such a problem and successfully solve it, even without resorting to the services of a specialist.

The only thing that is required of a person is not to treat such a problem negligently. After all, varicose veins can lead a person to disability, and in some cases, to death.

Varicose veins are serious problem, at which they expand saphenous veins on the lower extremities. The development of this pathology is facilitated by genetic predisposition, “standing profession”, pregnancy and congenital anomalies blood vessels.

How can varicose veins be cured?

IN medical practice There are several ways to treat varicose veins, each of which has its own pros and cons. Surgery carried out if the disease gives complications and leads to vein thrombosis, trophic ulcers or circulatory problems.

In other cases, when the patient is diagnosed (photos of which can be viewed on medical websites), treatment is carried out conservative methods. In this case, the doctor gives advice on how to eat properly, what lifestyle to lead, or how much to take. medications. ethnoscience offers compresses, ointments and herbal baths.

The Varifort pillow received positive reviews in the treatment of varicose veins, healing effect which was appreciated by many experts in the field of medicine, including the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva.

Opinion of Elena Malysheva

In order to find out Elena Malysheva’s opinion about Varifort, just watch the video from her interview. She believes that you should not immediately consult a doctor if the first signs appear spider veins, but it’s better to try to cure this disease at home on your own. Elena Malysheva says that you should try to change your lifestyle and pay more attention to physical activity. You can get rid of visible signs of the disease with the help of compression products. You will also have to avoid standing in one position for long periods of time. Malysheva believes that a product for varicose veins, the price of which is not very high, will help prevent the development of complications and slow down the pathological process.

Advice: initial stage Varicose veins can be treated with a compression product, the price of which makes it affordable for every buyer, and the therapeutic effect is much higher than that of alternative methods.

Composition Varifort

The Varifort pillow has a special composition and is used to restore blood circulation. The product is made of durable fabric and filled with a glass microsphere with silicon and organic coating. The pillow is absolutely safe to use and does not cause allergic reactions or side effects, no matter how much you wear it.

Varifort is a good alternative to the usual bandaging, because you just need to put the boot on your foot without an attachment special effort and the cost of time, as it immediately begins to act.

It is worth noting that many doctors also agreed with the opinion of the famous TV presenter and positively assessed her opinion about the problem of varicose veins, recorded on video.

Advantages of Varifort

With the help of a therapeutic pillow you can achieve the following results:

  • the rehabilitation period is reduced;
  • no surgical intervention required;
  • complications are prevented (thrombosis, ulcers);
  • clinical manifestations are relieved.

The product belongs to compression methods of treatment and allows to improve the outflow of blood and lymph in the diseased limb. You can put on a boot at any stage of varicose veins, but it helps best at the initial stage of the disease. Immediately after this, the pain in the legs disappears, swelling decreases, and the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the limbs is relieved.

Thanks to special staff Varifort has a bactericidal and warming effect. The heat is evenly distributed throughout the leg and goes deep into the tissues, after which microcirculation and diffusion processes improve. Under the influence of the pillow, joint pain is reduced, sleep is normalized and migraines disappear.

The maximum effect of treatment occurs already two months after treatment, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from patients.

How to use boots, their price

The product is very easy to use, as it attaches well to the leg using Velcro. It is necessary to put on the boots not too loosely, but not too tightly so that they do not impede blood circulation.

It is best to use the product at night or wear it during the day at home. The main thing is not to take any breaks, but to wear Varifort against varicose veins constantly for a certain period of time. Your doctor or sales consultant will tell you how many days or weeks you need to wear it.

The price of the pillow is reasonable, so anyone can buy it. You can find out the price of boots at specialty store or on the website of an online store that sells compression products.

Advice: for getting maximum effect, you must wear the product constantly for several days, at any time convenient for you.

Contraindications for use are trauma to the lower extremities, the presence open wounds on the skin, dermatological diseases or internal bleeding.

The problem of varicose veins is quite relevant, which is why Elena Malysheva pays so much attention to varicose veins in the program “Live Healthy”. Not everyone has time to watch all of her programs about health online, so for the convenience of readers of the portal, a review of those issues that are devoted to varicose veins and methods of treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of the disease has been made.

Malysheva: Varicose veins can be treated at home

Many patients, having read horror stories on the Internet about varicose veins veins and having heard no less horror stories from the lives of unknown acquaintances of friends, they begin to panicky fear of varicose veins and at the first appearance of barely noticeable spider veins run to the phlebologist. If you want to know the opinion of the authoritative doctor Elena Malysheva on this matter, watch the video, which will allow you to take a fresh look at the treatment of this disease.

As can be seen from the presented material, there is no need to refuse the help of a doctor if it is necessary, but in some cases the disease can be stopped at home, knowing how to deal with it. According to Elena Malysheva, when the first spider veins appear, you should not run to the doctor, because for now great health There is no threat, but you will have to change your lifestyle. It's time to add physical activity. Simple exercises, avoiding prolonged standing in one position, wearing compression stockings will relieve visible symptoms a disease that causes only aesthetic discomfort. In cases of severe manifestations of the disease, in the presence of varicose nodes, blood clots in the veins, a trip to the doctor should be mandatory.

Elena Malysheva about varicose veins and compression hosiery, video

Much has been written about the fact that compression hosiery can stop varicose veins. E. Malysheva, together with Professor Vadim Bogachev, spoke about this in the next program dated December 1, 2010. If you have not seen this episode before, we suggest watching the video of the “Live Healthy” program about varicose veins right now and see the veracity of this statement.

The doctors' story apparently left no one indifferent. Anyone who has any problems with veins in their legs has managed to get useful information about how to undergo diagnostics and what to do next if a deviation in the operation of the valves is detected. Doctors pay a lot of attention to talking about compression treatment. Doctors didn’t just come up with this idea compression stockings, tights, socks. These clothes are created using special technologies using special materials. Instead of compression garments, you can use elastic bandages. After watching the video, everyone will be able to handle the bandaging and apply the bandage without mistakes: from the foot up.

Health with Malysheva: Semyon Altov treats varicose veins

Doctors have been trying to draw attention to health problems for a long time, but not all patients pay attention to their words. Someone, seeing a man in a white coat on the screen, chooses another channel where there is no annoying advice. Malysheva decided to draw attention to the problem of varicose veins by entrusting the treatment to Semyon Altov. What came out of this, watch the video (you can start watching from the twenty-fourth minute).

After watching a video about varicose veins from Malysheva’s “Health” program, many will dare to treat diseased veins with a laser, giving themselves beauty and health at the same time.

Elena Malysheva about varicocele in the program “Live Healthy”

Varicocele is considered a special case of varicose veins. This problem was also discussed in the program of E. Malysheva. In one of the episodes, the conversation was about what problems boys, and sometimes even adult gentlemen, can face if veins spermatic cord, surrounding the testicle, do not cope with the job. The country's chief urologist D.I. Pushkar, becoming a guest of the program, spoke about the disease and its consequences. Watch a video about varicocele, where in clear language describes the process of blood supply to the testicles.

Do you want to know more tips from Elena Malysheva about varicose veins? Watch her programs regularly online or become a regular visitor to the official website, where all episodes of the “Life without Varicose Veins” project are collected.

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Reviews and comments

A year ago, I got a job as a consultant in a women's fashion store. I really like my work, because thanks to me, women transform and begin to new life, building families, simply enjoying new purchases. It was only after I had been running around on my feet with such enthusiasm for a year, serving my clients, that I began to feel that my legs were getting tired. But according to the dress code, I’m not allowed to wear heels. At work, an employee advised me to buy