Treatment of inflammation in women. Treatment of inflammation as a woman at home with folk remedies

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Women are often called the weaker sex, and this is especially true for women's health- it can be easily and quickly lost and so difficult to restore. On initial stage Many ailments can be overcome with the help of medicinal herbs.

Herbal medicine is a good addition to treatment. Medicinal herbs restore many functions of the body and stabilize its condition.

It is a well-known fact that the causes of most female diseases, such as fibroids, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cysts and other benign tumors, are diseases that we did not pay attention to at the time, and which, thus, became chronic. This includes adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) and chronic colitis which, as a rule, no one treats. Therefore, in order to cure benign tumors, the cause of their occurrence must first be eliminated.

Treatment is not quick and must be carried out comprehensively. The use of medicinal herbs is quite appropriate here, since treatment with medicinal herbs is aimed at equalizing the metabolism disturbed by the disease, increasing immunity, relieving inflammatory processes, normalizing the activity of all internal organs. Very useful in composition herbal decoctions and infusions include honey, it has a beneficial effect on every organ, every cell of our body.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of women's diseases.

When inflammation of the appendages Treatment must be prescribed by a gynecologist, but at the same time as taking medications, it is advisable to drink decoctions of medicinal herbs. For example, this: mix equal amounts of sweet clover herb, centaury herb and coltsfoot flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Take 3 tbsp. spoons 5 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Normalization of ovarian and uterine function Plants that cause hyperemia in the pelvic organs and increase the tone of the uterine muscles also contribute: oregano, wormwood, aloe, parsley. Take note of these recipes.

Take 3 canteens. spoons of dry crushed oregano herb, pour 500 ml of boiling water into a thermos, leave for about an hour, strain and drink 0.5 cups three times a day.

Pour 2 tablespoons of parsley root or seeds into 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and drink 0.5 cups three times a day.

- For myoma, fibromyoma, mastopathy very useful to chew regularly for 1-2 months, like chewing gum, or suck a piece of propolis like a lollipop.

For cervical erosion, these recipes are effective:

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of thyme and mint, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil in a sealed container over low heat for 5 minutes. Then cool, strain and take half a glass 4-5 times a day.

Mix equally chamomile flowers, raspberries, yarrow herb, St. John's wort, lingonberry and stinging nettle leaves. Pour 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos or in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink warm, a third of a glass, 3 times a day before meals.

Women's or, in other words, gynecological diseases, are diseases of the external and internal genital organs of women. These include: the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, labia, vagina, mammary glands and others.

Timely detection and prevention of development pathological process V female organs plays important role in maintaining health. To do this, you should become familiar with the symptoms of these diseases. Main symptoms - failure menstrual cycle- the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge - bleeding - pain in the lower abdomen.

Folk remedies for women's health

It is very important to identify and eliminate the cause of deviations in a woman’s health as early as possible. This will facilitate and shorten the treatment process. Causes of development of female diseases:

  • disruption of ovarian function;
  • penetration of infection;
  • tumor development;
  • overwork, stress, nervous breakdown;
  • hypothermia;
  • disease of neighboring organs.

Women's diseases often lead to infertility and sexual dysfunction. These ailments cause the development of functional disruptions in the functioning of the heart, endocrine and nervous system. Along with modern techniques and courses of treatment of gynecological diseases, today, as many years ago, the use of folk remedies that have stood the test of time and helped women become healthy is widely practiced.

Stone oil

For more than four thousand years gynecological diseases are being treated stone oil– a natural mineral. Thanks to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties, it has found wide use in the treatment of mastopathy, erosion and fibroids.

Stone oil is used both internally and externally. Two grams of purified mineral are poured with warm water (2 liters). Let it brew for two days at room temperature. After this, the solution is filtered and the precipitate is discarded.

Take the product orally, 300 ml per day. The same solution is used for compresses and microenemas. The product is also used for vaginal douching for inflammation and discharge. You can also use tampons with stone oil.

St. John's wort - a folk remedy for female inflammation

During development inflammatory process in the genitals (uterus or ovaries) it is recommended to use St. John's wort. Add one tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials to 180 ml of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take the product 50 ml three times a day. The course of treatment takes at least 5 weeks.

Treatment with viburnum

  1. Viburnum is used to treat gynecological diseases. For bleeding and heavy periods, drink a tincture of the fruit. Grind 200 g of berries. After this, the mass is poured with vodka or alcohol diluted with water (250 ml). Infuse the product in a dark, warm place for exactly two weeks. Take: a small spoon up to five times a day.
  2. A decoction of viburnum inflorescences effectively eliminates inflammation in the appendages. You need to brew one spoonful of raw materials in 180 ml of boiling water. Then boil the product again. This is best done in a steam bath. The decoction is drunk three times a day. Dosage: one to two spoons.

Treatment with acacia

In folk medicine, caragana tree, better known as yellow acacia, is widely used in the treatment of female diseases. It is used to treat cervical erosion, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and menstrual irregularities.

For external use (douching), prepare a decoction: take 410-420 ml of boiling water for 2 tablespoons of crushed plant material (inflorescences, roots, leaves, bark or branches). Boil the composition and filter. Douche with the decoction twice a day. Take 20 ml orally 4 times a day.

Female doctor yarrow

In folk medicine, yarrow (another name is tenacious herb) is often used for gynecological diseases. Largest healing effect This plant gives in collections:

a) Yarrow herb, rosemary and sage leaves (20 grams each), oak bark (40 grams). The plant collection is poured with boiling water (2.5 liters) and boiled at minimum temperature for 30-35 minutes. Use the strained decoction to irrigate the vagina during leucorrhoea.

b) Herbs of yarrow, shepherd's purse (spoons), galangal root (cinquefoil erect) - take 5 tablespoons each, oak bark - 2 tablespoons. The entire plant mass is mixed evenly. Pour 1 spoon of the mixture into 200 milliliters of boiling water. Boil it.

With heavy periods and uterine bleeding take 200 milliliters of the drug twice a day, an hour and a half before meals.

c) Yarrow herb, cat grass root (valerian) and cinquefoil (goose grass) - take equal volumes. A spoonful of the mixture is poured with 200-220 milliliters of boiling water. For heavy menstrual and uterine bleeding, drink an infusion of 100 milliliters up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment lasts up to two months.

Bergenia and nettle will stop bleeding

For inflammatory diseases of the vaginal mucosa, cervical erosion and uterine bleeding, you can use an effective herbal remedy - a decoction of bergenia root. It is most often used in the form of douching. Take 2 tablespoons of raw material (finely crushed) and pour into 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse this composition in a hot steam bath under a lid for 40 minutes. They filter it. Use warm (33-35°).

Traditional healers have long been used for uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation and cervical erosion, stinging nettle was used. You can eliminate inflammatory diseases in the female organs by regularly using the plant juice internally. Dosage: 1 spoon at least four times a day. This remedy also helps with menstrual irregularities.

For excessive bleeding during menstruation, drink an infusion of nettle leaves. For six tablespoons of dry raw materials, take 0.8 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 35-40 minutes. Drink 200-250 ml of infusion before meals.

Cervical erosion

  1. Erosion is treated with nettle juice: a cotton or gauze swab is generously moistened and inserted deep into the vagina. The procedure is performed at least 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 15 days.
  2. Traditional treatment for inflammation and erosion of the cervix is ​​carried out with a decoction of this collection. Take a spoonful of thyme herb and mint leaves. Pour 450 ml of boiling water into the plant mass. Boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Strain and drink. Dose: 120 ml before meals.
  3. Vaginal inflammation and erosion are treated at home sea ​​buckthorn oil. A tampon is generously moistened in it and inserted deep into the vagina before bed. Course of recommended treatment: at least 5 days. St. John's wort oil can be used in the same way.
  4. You can mix 50 milliliters of propolis tincture with the same amount of calendula tincture and add 60 grams of lanolin. Mix everything, soak a cotton swab with the mixture and insert it into the vagina. This folk remedy helps relieve inflammation in the vagina, appendages, and also successfully cure erosion on the cervix.

Mumiyo - comprehensive treatment of female inflammation

Vaginitis, menopausal disorders, adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis, endomyometritis (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus), myometritis are treated in folk medicine with mumiyo. To do this, a tampon was soaked in a resin-like balm and inserted into the vagina. Also for menstrual irregularities, infertility and premenstrual syndrome Shilajit 0.4 - 0.5 g is taken orally.

Calendula for colpitis

Inflammation infectious nature, colpitis, treated with calendula. For this, an infusion of plant flowers is used. Two spoons of raw materials are poured with a cup of boiling water. Infuse, filter and douche.

In case of cervical erosion, vaginal irrigation is done with the following remedy: 500 milliliters of warm boiled water pour in 10 ml of calendula tincture. The course of treatment usually takes 20 days.

Golden mustache for female oncology

The golden mustache is widely used in the treatment of polyps, fibroids and various neoplasms. Tinctures, decoctions and balms of the plant are used. The joints of the plant are crushed (10 pieces), poured with half a glass of alcohol. For infusion, choose a darkened place in the room. The medicine is prepared for 10 days.

Take 15 drops of the prepared tincture (diluted in 30 ml of water) before meals. Every day the dose is increased by one drop. When the medication is 40 drops, the dosage is reduced by reverse order. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out at least 5-6 courses to achieve treatment results.

Prevention of female diseases with folk remedies

To prevent female diseases, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations. Once a year you need to visit a mammologist and gynecologist. Sexual relations should be regular. It is necessary to monitor timely bowel and bladder emptying, maintain genital hygiene, and protect against unplanned pregnancy. Eat right and exercise daily.

Guryeva Ksenia, 14114

There are such intimate problems, which do not cause much pain to the female body. Therefore, women, despite suspicious discharge, discomfort, unpleasant odor and other undesirable manifestations, are in no hurry to consult a doctor. The situation is aggravated by the reluctance to undergo treatment even at home. This often leads to disastrous consequences. This is especially true for women over 50 years old. But even younger people are not immune from the occurrence similar diseases. Our article is for the most “shy” and “busy” ladies.


This herb has become a little forgotten lately, but the situation was not always like this. In Rus', the beneficial properties of this herb were used to treat: inflammation; profuse leucorrhoea; infections of the reproductive system.

  • For herbal medicine, teas and infusions are used, which can be prepared in the following proportions:

2 tsp for a glass of boiling water. Brewing time 10 minutes. You should drink it twice a day.

  • But for douching, a herbal decoction is best suited:

1 tablespoon of dry leaves is poured into a glass of water, brought until the first bubbles appear and the gas (or the electric stove) is turned off. Keep warm for about an hour, then you can douche. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Red brush

The most popular plant, which is often recommended even by experienced specialists. Gynecologists note the anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties of the plant. And older women will appreciate the qualities of cold Rhodiola.

Treatment can be carried out both internally and locally:

  • To prepare the decoction, use 1.5 tbsp. finely chopped Rhodiola quadruple root and 0.35 liters of boiling water.

Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave, strain and after ¾ hour add warm water to the volume of a glass. We drink half an hour before meals three times a day for 1 month. You can also take it for douching.

  • The tincture is prepared at the rate of 25 g per piece of vodka. We wait three weeks and take 30 drops four times a day.
  • For irrigation, you can take not only a decoction, but also make a special solution:

0.5 tsp tinctures per 400 ml of clean boiled water.

  • You can make homemade candles; for this we use a cotton swab and a decoction.
  • Herbal tea made from red brush is also popular, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online.


The use of this plant has recently been limited to treatment colds, but this gift of nature has long been exploited in gynecology. Reviews from women around the world say that it is an excellent remedy for inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted infections, bleeding and unpleasant discharge from the vagina.

Recipes for women's health:

  • For the decoction you will need 2 tbsp. dried raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water.

Place all this in a water bath for ¼ hour. Next, cool and filter. Use 1 tbsp. 3-4 times daily.

  • For infection or bleeding, sitz baths and douching are helpful. We use the decoction and clean water. The temperature of the final solution should be 38 degrees. The frequency of procedures is 2 times daily.
  • For vaginal suppositories you can take essential oil sage
  • When discharge appears, it is best to use the plant as part of a herbal collection: yarrow (20 g), rosemary (20 g), oak bark (40 g), sage (20 g).

Mix the ingredients, fill with 3 liters of liquid and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, boil for half an hour, carefully filter and use for washing the genitals twice a day until complete recovery.

cat paws

This is a miracle herb against hundreds of illnesses. Mature women used it after childbirth, when they could not stop the bleeding long time. But pink immortelle helps not only during this period. The healing properties relieve girls from inflammation, painful and heavy periods, infectious diseases, and accompanying discharge.

Methods of use in therapy:

  • infusion of cat's paws: 1 spoon of raw material + 100 ml of boiling water, leave for ½ hour. Take 1 spoon every 60-90 minutes.
  • To urgently stop the bleeding, you can insert a cotton swab soaked in the infusion into the vagina.
  • diluting the infusion in warm water can be done in the morning and evening with syringes.


Knotweed or bird knotweed treats gynecological diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature. But it plays a special role in the fight against uterine, postpartum and bleeding after miscarriages. Its hemostatic properties are so strong that it is widely used in folk medicine.

  • the herbal drink can be prepared either by boiling or by ordinary infusion. Only the cooking time changes.

The herbal infusion is boiled for 1/3 of an hour and infused for the same amount of time; the herbal tea is infused for an hour. You only need 20 g of knotweed and 200 ml of water. We consume 1 tbsp. before every meal.

  • the same drink can be used for douching, baths, and vaginal suppositories.

Hog queen

You can hardly find a lady who has never heard female body. Official medicine often borrows extracts from this plant for the manufacture of drugs, inflammatory and infectious processes genitourinary system, as well as unpleasant discharge.

But not only in the pharmacy you can buy one-sided ortilia. You can prepare the medicine at home:

  • alcohol tincture is consumed in 20-25 drops. It is made from ortilia and red brush.

Take 50 g of a mixture of herbs and 0.5 liters of vodka. We wait 2 weeks until it is completely ready.

  • You can make an infusion in a water bath; this will require 50 g of herb and a glass of water. The boiling process will take a quarter of an hour.
  • the same herbal infusion is used to wash the genitals, especially during periods of heavy pathological discharge.
  • You can also soak a cotton swab in the broth and insert such suppositories into the vagina before bed.

St. John's wort

One of the most used traditional healers miracle herbs are, of course, . He has a huge amount healing qualities that help a person stay healthy long years. Gynecological diseases were often treated with this herb because it has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • disinfectant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • calming effect.

How to drink it:

  • , cycle disorders, menopause you should brew tea with the addition of St. John's wort;
  • to fight inflammation, stabilize scanty discharge during menstruation, which is also not the norm, it is best to make cotton swabs, blotting them with St. John's wort oil;
  • against infectious diseases and secretions with unpleasant smell You should take baths and internal irrigation of the genitals with a decoction:

20 g herb, 250 ml water, 15 minutes in a water bath;

  • to stop heavy bleeding It is better to infuse the same proportions of St. John's wort for half an hour and take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.


This perennial has an excellent hemostatic and wound healing effect. Therefore, it is often used for complementary therapy during the main, as well as uterine bleeding.

  • Take it in the form of a decoction:

2 tbsp. powdered rhizome, half a liter cold water place in a water bath, bring to a boil and keep for another 30 minutes. We drink 1 tbsp every 2.5-3 hours.

  • In case of serious bleeding, as first aid, you can douche with a decoction or a cotton swab soaked in it.


This unique gift of nature is also known as queenwort or whitehead. They are popular in gynecology due to their hemostatic, bactericidal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Gynecologists prescribe a water infusion of 1 teaspoon of yarrow per glass of water (hot). Take the product 1 tbsp. several times before meals, but maximum daily dosage– 1/3 glass.
  • You can brew a mother liquor for a sitz bath or douching.

You will need 50 g of mother liquor, 500 ml of water. Cook for 10 minutes, add to warm water that the temperature was a comfortable 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes.

  • From the resulting herbal decoction you can make a vaginal suppository and insert it in the morning and before bed.


Stinging nettle should be used with extreme caution. Because it's cooked according to various recipes, it can affect the body in completely different ways.

Pharmacological properties of the plant in the treatment of gynecological diseases:

  • Nettle juice will help with uterine and menstrual bleeding;
  • A decoction of the leaves, on the contrary, will help with stagnation with its blood-thinning effect; it is also useful for inflammatory processes;
  • Decoctions and tinctures from seeds;
  • Suppositories with fresh juice are used in the fight against erosion, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis.
  • A herbal decoction of the leaves is brewed for douching to eliminate bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Herbal tea is useful for menopause and


Despite the fact that the celandine’s main habitat is roadsides, medicinal characteristics they do not suffer from this at all. solves such gynecological problems, both inflammatory and infectious processes, and also fights purulent mucous discharge from the genital tract.

You need to take it orally as a drink carefully, because it has poisonous components. However, this is exactly what pharmacists use when preparing drugs: the alkaloids in the composition fight infections.

  • Prepare the infusion in the proportion of 1 spoon per mug of boiled water. Depending on the condition of the raw materials, they use: dessert in the case of dry raw materials, table - in the case of fresh ones. We divide into three doses daily. Course 10 days.
  • Douching is done as follows:

Pour fresh celandine into a half-liter jar to the middle; if you take dried 1, then half as much. Fill with boiling water to the top, close the lid tightly and wait until it cools. Before douching, be sure to strain so that the cake does not get into the genital tract. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

  • The pharmacy sells suppositories with celandine extract; it is not advisable to prepare them at home.


Onosma is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, but is still actively used in official and folk medicine. Thanks to its diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties helps women cope with cystitis.

Used as infused or boiled drinks. Proportional to 10 grams of herb per glass of liquid. Every day you need to consume 2-3 spoons with an interval of 6-8 hours.

Shepherd's Purse

Bagworm is used in the fight against inflammation, infections and discharge, but most often it is used to stop bleeding. IN menstrual period, postpartum, women over 45 years of age during perimenopause, when periods turn into an unstable nightmare.

  • Useful to add to ordinary black or green tea 2 tbsp. shepherd's purse, infusion time increases to 10 minutes. We drink it warm twice a day.
  • You can also boil or infuse bagworm, but then the dosage should be less - a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • The infusion can be used for unhealthy excretory processes as douching. It is also recommended to use a tampon soaked in medicine at night.


More often you might hear another name for this child of flora -. It is actively used for problems in the female part. Thanks to its ability to relieve inflammation, kill bacteria and relieve pain syndrome during menstruation.

  • It is best to brew tasty and healthy tea with oregano. This is the simplest, but quite effective option.
  • You can make a herbal infusion.

For this, 1 tbsp. pour in 3 cups of boiling water and wait 40 minutes. Then we drink the entire resulting preparation in three doses per day.

  • For irrigation, use a solution of 35 g of motherboard per 3 liters of liquid. Irrigation is carried out in the mornings and evenings every day. It is useful to dip a cotton swab in the same solution and insert it into the vagina before bed.


Since ancient times, women have been treated with kirkazon. If you remember his second name - aristolochia (which translated from Greek means “ best birth"), then it becomes clear why kirkazon was especially popular in postpartum cleansing. Inflammation, fungal infection and residues on the gasket that are unpleasant in color and smell can be treated in no time with this plant.

  • Individually, aristolochia is used as a drink:

2 tsp per 600 ml of boiling water) 2 tbsp. three times daily intake.

  • But for douching, it is part of herbal preparations. If you use only fillet, then the ablutions should be plentiful and long, preferably at night. Because most often, fillet is used as an additional support for the main therapy due to the low concentration of active substances.

Koporye Ivan tea

The leaves and are especially useful in treating inflammation in women. Because in them high content tannins, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamin C (and much more than in citrus fruits).

All these useful substances:

  • perfectly fights inflammatory processes in the body,
  • normalize microflora, destroy unpleasant bacteria

For inflammation of the ovaries, dysbacteriosis, infertility and other ailments, we use a decoction of medicinal fireweed tea prepared according to the following recipe:

3 tsp pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Infuse for a third of an hour, strain through a strainer or cheesecloth. Take 1 tbsp three times a day before meals. You can also add it to water or tea if you prefer.

In addition to the decoction taken orally, douching also helps with vaginitis, leucorrhoea, and infectious diseases.

Here detailed review Lyudmila Fomina (Ryazan) about how fireweed helped her and why she calls fireweed a woman’s herb:

And one more detailed one female review(in audio format) about how exactly Ivan-tea helped Ruslana after the operation like a woman:

You can read and hear even more reviews from women about fireweed grass in this article of ours:. Take a look, the article is worth it.

Folk remedies are good, but be that as it may, they still require consultation with a specialist. Especially before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with contraindications, because everything has reverse side medals.

Inflammation reproductive organs is a common disease among women. Every second case of the disease is due to inflammation of the uterine appendages - fallopian tubes and ovaries (adnexitis). If a woman does not begin treatment for the inflammatory process, it may be complicated by primary or secondary infertility. In the treatment of adnexitis, both traditional and alternative treatment methods are used. Taking decoctions of medicinal plants, douching and tamponing helps to cure inflammation in a feminine way.

Causes and symptoms

There is an opinion that adnexitis occurs only during hypothermia, but this is not so. Often inflammation of the appendages is provoked by the following reasons:

  • entry of pathogenic microflora from nearby genital organs - the cervix and vagina;
  • spread of infection from nearby organs not related to reproductive system, – intestines, bladder.

    Pathogenic microorganisms are also transferred from foci of inflammation remote from the reproductive organs along with the flow of lymph and blood.

    Promote the development of adnexitis:

    • promiscuity;
    • ignoring personal hygiene rules;
    • decreased immunity after severe infectious diseases;
    • complication of such surgical interventions, like abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity;
    • complicated childbirth.

    The risk of inflammation of the appendages increases when the body is hypothermic, associated with wearing too light clothes in cold weather, or swimming in a cold body of water.

    The symptoms of adnexitis depend on the form of the disease. At acute inflammation appendages and ovaries, signs of the disease cannot be ignored, since they significantly affect the overall well-being of a woman. IN chronic form the inflammation occurs with mild symptoms, but the woman experiences a disruption in the functioning of the reproductive system.

    With chronic inflammation of the appendages, the infection spreads to the kidneys and bladder, which is why women develop cystitis and pyelonephritis. At gynecological examination signs such as sharp pain upon palpation fallopian tubes and ovaries. A blood test of a patient with inflammation of the appendages reveals increase in ESR and leukocytosis.

    If a woman feels that she has a cold in her ovaries, then she should visit a gynecologist. The sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the higher the likelihood of a full recovery. Herbal medicine is an effective addition to feminine inflammation therapy.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    Adnexitis can be treated at home:

    • taking decoctions and infusions medicinal plants;
    • douching;
    • warming up the appendage area;
    • using medicated tampons.

    Taking folk remedies from medicinal plants allows you to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, increase immunity and eliminate pain due to inflammation in a female way.

    Folk remedy Recipe step by step Reception scheme
    St. John's wort decoction
    1. 1. A tablespoon of dry herb is steamed with a glass of boiling water.
    2. 2. Leave for 15 minutes, then put on moderate heat and let it boil
    Drink a quarter glass of decoction in 3 doses
    Infusion walnut
    1. 1. Take a tablespoon of dry leaf and brew the raw material with a glass of boiling water.
    2. 2. Let it brew for 4 hours
    A portion of the infusion is drunk per day
    Aloe juiceJuice is extracted from several lower leaves of the plant.Take 2 tablespoons of juice 3 times a day
    Infusion of sweet clover and coltsfoot herbs
    1. 1. Part of the sweet clover is mixed with 10 parts of coltsfoot.
    2. 2. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a glass of fresh boiling water.
    3. 3. Simmer the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes, filter after 30 minutes
    Take half a glass three times a day
    Infusion of oak bark, oregano and marshmallow herbs
    1. 1. Mix 6 parts bark, 4 parts oregano and one part marshmallow.
    2. 2. 2 tablespoons of herbs are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left overnight in a thermos
    For two months, drink half a glass of infusion 4 times a day.
    Herbal collection No. 1
    1. 1. Take 2 parts each of coltsfoot, thyme, marshmallow and mix them with nettle, yarrow and St. John's wort, taken one part at a time.
    2. 2. Place 2 tablespoons of herbs in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them.
    3. 3. Leave all night
    Take 3 months, a third of a glass three times a day
    Herbal tea No. 2
    1. 1. 3 parts of ground rose hips are mixed with two parts of oak bark and strawberry leaves and with three parts of lavender, bird cherry, wormwood.
    2. 2. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 0.5 liters of boiling water.
    3. 3. Leave overnight in a thermos
    Take a quarter glass of infusion 4 times a day. Course of therapy - 3 months

    Douching is an effective treatment method used for chronic inflammation of the appendages, as it relieves pain and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. To perform the procedure, you will need a rubber syringe and a homemade decoction of medicinal plants.

    Folk remedy Recipe Application
    Decoction of chamomile, oak bark, cinquefoil, nettle, bird knotweed
    1. 1. Take 50 grams of bird knotweed, 30 grams of nettle, 20 grams of chamomile and 10 grams of cinquefoil bark and root powder each.
    2. 2. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 liter of water.
    3. 3. Boil the workpiece for 15 minutes over moderate heat
    The strained and cooled broth is used once a day for douching.
    Infusion of calendula flowers
    1. 1. Take 3 grams of dried calendula flowers for 1 glass of boiling water.
    2. 2. The raw materials are brewed with water and left for several hours.
    The infusion is used for douching before going to bed.
    Decoction of four herbs
    1. 1. Take 40 grams of oak bark, and 20 grams of the remaining components (yarrow, calendula, thyme).
    2. 2. The herbs need to be poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes.
    3. 3. Infuse and strain before use
    Douching with this decoction is done 2 times a day.
    Blueberry leaf infusion
    1. 1. A tablespoon of blueberry leaf is poured with a glass of boiling water.
    2. 2. After 30 minutes, filter
    Douche once a day

    Treatment with tampons is actively used in gynecology, since this method allows the biologically active substances of therapeutic tampons to be delivered directly to the site of inflammation. For tamponing the following are used:

    • medicinal oils;
    • Vishnevsky ointment;
    • decoctions of medicinal plants (used for douching).

    For home treatment It is better to use tampons made by yourself. To do this, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool and wrap it with a sterile bandage, leaving a “tail” at the bottom, with which the tampon can be conveniently removed from the vagina.

    Therapeutic agent for tamponing Recipe step by step Application
    Vishnevsky ointmentTake 15 grams of ointment and apply it evenly onto a clean swabThe tampon is placed overnight. Course of treatment - 2 weeks
    1. 1. Several cabbage leaves are beaten and the juice is extracted.
    2. 2. Soak the tampon generously in juice.
    The tampon is used at night. The duration of treatment should be discussed with a gynecologist

For women:
Chop 30-35 g of royal cloves (stems, flowers, roots), pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and place in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals 30 minutes. A course of treatment requires 2-3 servings. There are no contraindications.

For men:
Grind 50 g of periwinkle and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in the sun for 10 days. Shake occasionally. Strain, take 0.5 tbsp. spoons (teaspoon) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. Follow the recipe strictly.
Royal (field) cloves are not sold in pharmacies; they can only be purchased from herbalists.

Comment by Pechenevsky A.V.: Dianthus versicolor - correct name this plant reaches 50 cm in height and has five-petalled pink and white flowers. Grows mainly in steppes, on rocky soils. Indeed, it is not supplied to pharmacies. Happens to herbalists. Increases tone. Stops the uterine and other internal organs, regulates.
In addition, multi-colored carnations are included in all preparations for strokes, brain disorders, and encephalopathies.
Since the herb has strong energy (although it is not poisonous), in small doses it can provide a healing effect:
2 teaspoons of chopped herbs per glass of boiling water. After 2 hours of infusion, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. But I repeat - it “works” better in training camps.
Regarding my husband's treatment. If he is diagnosed, then individual treatment is selected for him in accordance with the nature of this infertility.
By the way, tincture of small periwinkle (Vinca minor) poisonous plant, used for enhancement in men. 20 g of herb are boiled for 10 minutes in 250 ml of vodka, take 8 drops in the morning and evening for 4 days, take a break for 2 days and repeat the same course.
ATTENTION! Be sure to cook this mixture over a closed fire (on an electric stove, not on gas) to avoid fire. Be careful! At hypertension this periwinkle is used like this:
1 tbsp. spoon of herb per 250 ml of boiling water. Take 1/4-1/3 glass before meals 3-4 times a day.
Or for internal bleeding:
2 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1.5 cups of boiling water. Dosage: 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Four recipes for kraurosis

This disease is not a pleasant one, women are embarrassed, and there is nowhere to read about how to treat it, although many suffer from this problem. That’s why I decided to answer everyone, once again repeating all the recipes that I know in detail.

The first recipe.
1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of copper sulfate with a liter of boiling water. After the solution has settled, take 2 tbsp. spoons of the already diluted composition per 1 liter of boiled water (38-39 degrees), pour into a basin, sit down. Sit for 30 minutes, adding gradually hot water(to maintain temperature). After that take ultra-violet rays- sit for a few minutes under a blue lamp in the dark. Then rinse off the copper sulfate solution and smear the affected areas with any ointment that suits anyone (flucinar, sinaflan, etc.). Course - 30 days. You can repeat every month.
In the first letter, I reported that this treatment did not suit me, although I prescribed it. But good effect came from chamomile baths.

The second recipe. Take chamomile baths daily or every other day at a temperature of 38-39 degrees.
Brew 1 glass of chamomile in 3 liters of water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and use. Then lubricate with sea buckthorn oil, adding 2 ampoules of sinestrol, prescribed by an oncologist, to a 100-gram bottle of oil.

Recipe three.
Every day, you can even 2 times a day (depending on the degree of the disease), wash yourself with this solution: 1 tbsp. spoon baking soda for 1 liter of boiling water. Required with tar soap(removes). Lubricate with sea buckthorn oil, baby cream or even better fir oil.

Recipe four. Amazing. It was sent by A. Kapkanova from the Rostov region. She was sick for 20 years. No matter what I did, I was cured forever with celandine herb.
You need to pick the celandine during flowering from the roots, shake it off, rinse it, and ventilate it a little. Chop the herb into a half-liter jar, then transfer it to a dark bowl and fill with vodka. Leave for 3-4 days and lubricate with a cotton swab. A. Kapkanova writes that she will bake the sore spot, but we must be patient. Then lubricate with Sinaflan ointment 0.25% thin layer. The duration of the course depends on the degree of the disease.

Comment by Pechenevsky A.V.: Kraurosis of the vulva (i.e., the external genitalia of a woman) is a chronic inflammatory-degenerative disease. Symptoms: dryness of the genitals, pain during intercourse, atrophy of the labia, roughening of the skin and mucous membranes, loss of pigmentation.
IN modern gynecology available sufficient quantity remedies that radically help with this disease. Another question is whether gynecological care is available to our readers, whether they will meet with understanding, sympathy and real help? One of the medications is Ovestin cream.
To the first recipe: copper sulfate is an inorganic poisonous compound of copper and sulfuric acid. Chemical formula CuS04.
Used in gardening to kill pests. The fact that patients use various toxic substances at your own risk and not so surprising.
And in medicine, in particular in gynecology, until recently they used a 1:5000 solution of sublimate to disinfect hands. It all depends on the dose and concentration of the substances.
Therefore, start making a solution by adding not 2, but 1 tbsp per 0.5 liter. spoon of mother solution of copper sulfate. After 3-5 days, you can switch to the concentration recommended by the reader. Using " blue lamp", you need to be sure that this is ultraviolet irradiation and not a lamp of blue color for dry heating. And the role ultraviolet irradiation in this recipe, in relation to kraurosis, it cannot be called anything other than general health.
According to the second recipe: chamomile, along with calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow, burdock, is included in the golden fund of our traditional medicine. Its rich biological composition can work wonders. But with sinestrol it’s a misfire. Out of production.
According to the fourth recipe: I recommend diluting the resulting tincture with water 1:1 in the first 3-5 days and after this short adaptation period, proceed to use in its pure form.
When using folk remedies without medical supervision, be careful and, if you have the slightest doubt, stop treatment, consult a doctor or change the method of treatment. The principle of “Do no harm” applies not only to medical practice. It is also true for you, our dear readers, who are self-medicating and giving advice to each other.

Borovaya uterus - female grass

When talking with girls, I often see surprised eyes when I recommend that they use it for personal hygiene purposes. laundry soap. The larger the number written on the soap, the more content alkaline in it and the better for the body. Antibiotics are an amazing discovery by scientists, but they can only relieve inflammation, and the disease itself remains inside the body.
For the treatment of female diseases, boron (Ortilia unilateral) - a family of wintergreens - is good. Herbal tincture treats gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, menstrual irregularities, fibroids and uterine fibroids. The recipe is as follows:
50 g of finely ground herb pour 500 ml of vodka, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, drink 35-40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 21 days.
It is better to drink the tincture with milk, as it is easier to digest, neutralizes and there is no load on. The break between courses of treatment is 1 month.
Without knowing the herb, I do not recommend buying from herbalists or at the market, because it is often confused with wintergreen, which treats inflammation.

How do I treat uterine prolapse?

Swelling after mastectomy

Folk wisdom will never run dry! My husband and I are treated exclusively according to folk recipes. We drink rosehip, oat decoction, tincture of golden mustache, horseradish leaves and root, dandelion and beet syrup, hydrogen peroxide.
We make Tibetan. As a result, the pain went away, the blood pressure returned to normal, and now we don’t take a single pill! Isn't this a miracle! Recipes you need I’m writing it out, the second thick notebook is ready. This “scientific work” is intended for children and grandchildren.
The affected arm should not lift more than 1 kg; when walking, you should keep your arm in a half-bent position, as if on the area. Do not wring out large items when washing clothes. For pain and swelling of the hand, starting from the fingers and further up, you need a light treatment with Troxevasin ointment. Several times a day, the sore arm should be raised upward if possible and held there for 10-15 minutes.

Traditional recipe for uterine cancer

I often catch myself thinking that my husband and I still have bitter regrets: why did we become acquainted with traditional medicine so late? The fact is that my mother died of uterine cancer 15 years ago, and doctors treated her for. Already at that time knowledgeable people They suggested using a folk remedy to treat cancer, but my mother’s illness progressed quickly, and we did not have time to use that recipe. But I think that it may be useful for other patients. The recipe is:
200 g of chaga extract, 250 g of yarrow, 50 g of rose hips, 5 g of wormwood. Mix all this and put it in a saucepan, add 3 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. Then we wrap the pan and leave it warm for 24 hours. Strain, add 100 g of aloe juice, 250 g of cognac, 500 g of honey and mix well. Then leave in a warm place for 2 days. The composition is ready. You need to take it like this: 1st week - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 2 hours before meals. Next - 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2-3 months. Then take a break of several days and start taking the given regimen again.

Traditional treatment of endometriosis

More than once I have met people asking for help in treatment. I heard that the disease cannot be cured, but I dare say that this is not always the case. You can try to cure it with clay. If you have a choice, gray or blue would be better. The clay should be free of earth and sand, and the deeper the clay lies, the more healing it is.
Place the clay in a plastic basin or bucket (crush the lumps), add warm water so that the water just covers it. If the clay is dry (powder), then pour water little by little, stirring with your hand or a wooden spoon. Leave to soak overnight. In the morning, drain the liquid that has formed on top of the clay and knead, adding water if necessary, until the clay becomes a homogeneous elastic mass, without grains or lumps, resembling sour cream in thickness.
Then take a 700 gram glass jar, fill it to the top with clay and place it in a water bath. As soon as the water in the pan boils, turn it off and hold for another 3-4 minutes. It is impossible to heat the clay too much, much less boil it. Take out the jar and place the contents on oilcloth, preferably on brown nursery cloth, but you can also put it on cellophane. Give it the shape of a cake at least 2 cm thick. If the clay gets very hot, wait until it cools down a little and apply it to the lower abdomen from the navel to the pubis. Cover with something warm and lie down under a blanket for 2 hours, no less, because all these 2 hours the clay draws out the disease, but not longer, since then it begins to give back what it pulled out. After 2 hours, throw away the clay and wash your stomach. The next day - a new portion of clay. And so on until recovery.
For some, 5-6 procedures are enough, for others, more will be needed, you just need to be patient and believe.

Cervical erosion

I would like to share a prescription for treatment.
1 teaspoon natural honey apply on gauze or a wide bandage folded in 3 layers. Tie it with a long white thread and insert the tampon as deeply as possible into the vagina at night. In the morning, when you pull out the tampon by the thread, you can see it for the first time. Gradually the tampon will become lighter. And as soon as the wound heals, he will be completely clean.

Comment by Pechenevsky A.V.: Even successful treatment this way implies compulsory application to the gynecologist. Erosion of the cervix sometimes turns into!

Tea and milk against cervical erosion

In my youth I got erosion. I had to run around hospitals. One old woman found out about my grief and said: “Yes, you brew 1 tablespoon of Ceylon per liter of boiling water, let it cool and douche. First, of course, you need to strain through three layers of gauze. And when severe inflammation and even discharge happens, you need to boil the milk, cool it and also douche with it.”
I did as that grandmother told me, and everything went away for me, even the doctor was surprised.

Aloe with fish oil for erosion and uterine cysts

Recipe for female diseases (erosion, cyst, etc.).
You need to mix a teaspoon of honey well, fish fat and aloe juice. This composition is enough for two times. Make a flat tampon out of cotton wool and put half of the mixture in the middle. Roll it all tightly into a ball, wrap it with white thread, and release the two ends. Insert the ball into the vagina overnight, leaving the two ends of the threads outside so that you can pull it out in the morning. This procedure must be completed for at least 7 nights. Take a break for a week and, if complete recovery has not occurred, repeat everything.

Burdock juice will cure endometrial hyperplasia

I will share my experience, like myself, with the help of my aunt (she is interested in alternative medicine), cured endometrial hyperplasia.
I had irregular periods for about 15 years, but then in one year everything returned to normal. I suffered for a long time, doctors prescribed treatment hormonal drugs, has improved greatly. And in 2004 they even gave me a referral to, and she was registered there.
Hysterectomy surgery is done after 45 years, and I was 39.
And so, in the fall of 2005, I began to listen to my aunt’s advice. She prepared some burdock roots for me.
I brewed them and drank 1/2 glass 2 times a day, morning and evening, 40 minutes before meals. And in the spring she suggested that I drink burdock juice. I took it 1 tbsp. spoon along with 1 tbsp. spoon of golden mustache juice, added 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled water. She mixed all this in one shot glass, shook it and drank it. I drank it morning and evening, also 40 minutes before meals.
Probably an important detail:
I took the medicine during the waning moon. During the first months I drank for 2 weeks, with a break for 2 weeks. Now I drink for one week, a week is a rest. I got better. B was deregistered. In gynecology, I was assigned to. It showed that everything was clean and normal for me, everything unnecessary came out. I’m so glad, because there was so much torment, and I got rid of it so easily. That is, you need to believe in this treatment and persistently pursue it. Spring and summer - burdock juice, and autumn and winter - a decoction of the roots.
Personally, I regained my health in one year. If anyone has problems with hyperplasia, then nature has its own laws, you cannot deviate from them, but you can avoid operations and hormonal medications. I really want my aunt’s technique to help someone.
Rusakova L.D.

Comment by Alexander Pechenevsky: Experience of L.A. Rusakova deserves attention, as it is successful and based on the application natural remedies accessible to everyone. Burdock root is harvested in spring or autumn. Only burdock of the first year is harvested, i.e. plant without seeds. The root is from 10 to 30 cm long, has the appearance and structure of a carrot, but is denser and not woody. After being removed from the ground, the roots are washed with a brush, cut finely and dried at a temperature not exceeding 50°C. It can be in the sun, on a radiator, in, then crushed to a size of 3-5 mm.
Unfortunately, the reader did not indicate the treatment method and preparation proportions. And everything is done like this:
1 tbsp. Place a spoonful of roots in 300 ml of water. Heat to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, covered. Infusion lasts 20-30 minutes. The broth is decanted and the roots are squeezed out. Take 1/3 of the resulting decoction 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4-5 months. Every day to prepare a decoction you will need 10 g of roots, which means that for a course of treatment from 1.5 to 2 kg of roots.
From my own observations I will add: for endometriosis, I recommend adding 1-2 tbsp to the daily portion of the root decoction. spoons of zyuznik or sophora juice (if tinctures - then 1 teaspoon). If the disease occurs with pain and without bleeding, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of young walnut juice or celandine (in the form of tinctures - 1 teaspoon each).
As you can see, the treatment is quite long. Therefore, visit your gynecologist once every 2 months, where you will need medical, ultrasound and hormonal control.
By the way, about hormonal treatment. Not always, but often it leads to weight gain in patients. At the same time, not only body weight can increase, but also blood pressure changes - women become calmer and more balanced. Endometriosis is developing in reverse. But, like anything hormonal treatment, it requires individual monitoring by a doctor and careful attention to oneself, which is not always possible. A woman must be warned about side effect hormonal drugs.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cure endometriosis so successfully. It is necessary to select more complex herbal mixtures, combinations of tinctures and juices, to treat other diseases of the female body - mastopathy, nerves, etc.

Treatment of colpitis and cystitis with vodka and oil

I lost my son and then my husband. Both failed. After that, I started having heart attacks. I was given a referral for surgery for chronic and... It burned inside as if a red pepper pod had been inserted into it. They prescribed burning under anesthesia, but because of this they did not perform the operation. And the tests are bad - all white blood cells and protein in the urine. I've never had this before. They didn't treat me with anything! I drank Nevigramon, Norbactin and much more. Nothing helped. Ovestin candles also turned out to be useless.
Before his death, my husband persuaded me: let's try vodka with butter. He made up his mind, but I was afraid, because I don’t drink alcohol at all, so I kept putting it off. When she was left alone with her sores, she dared to take moonshine with oil made by her husband. I drank for 10 days every day at seven in the evening, I did not follow a diet. After this course I took a ten-day break and rested. Already on the third day, the burning sensation decreased and gradually went away. I also swallowed magnesia.
I started treatment in January 2006 and have not taken a single pill since then. The doctor said that everything was fine with me, including my white blood cells and protein. However, I continue to swallow 1 tablet a day.
I came to life, renovated the apartment myself, hung wallpaper like a young woman. I wrote to the women who were in the hospital with me with the same diagnosis and told them everything. Now they are also cured and thank me. But I have nothing to do with it. Thank you from us to Shevchenko.
I advise everyone who suffers from this disease: do not delay, drink vodka with butter. It's very nasty, but still better than the torture I endured. I don’t understand why doctors don’t know anything about this method and help few people.
Pershina E. Ya.

A.P.: “Before his death, my husband persuaded me: “Let’s try vodka with butter.” He made up his mind, and I...” When reading these lines from the letter, I feel uneasy.
I do not consider myself an adherent of the Shevchenko method of treatment for the reason that a sick person needs to be prescribed vodka in daily dose 30+30+30=90 g. This means that in a month the amount of “medicine” will reach 2.7 liters, in 6 months 16.2 liters. Considering what has to be treated chronic diseases, the dose can be 20 or 25 liters. What will happen to other organs during this time is anyone's guess. I do not rule out that for some patients such “treatment” is acceptable and to some reasonable extent.
According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, a UN body, daily alcohol consumption for prevention cardiovascular diseases should not exceed 20 g of pure alcohol! This dose is equivalent to 50 ml of a 40-proof drink, 100 ml of fortified wine, 200 ml of dry wine and about 400 ml of beer. As a preventive measure, for healthy people and no more than 20 g in pure terms.
To treat chronic disease, take available herbs:
lingonberry leaf, birch leaf, string, knotweed, goldenrod and calendula in equal weight ratios. Grind. For 300 ml of water add 1 tbsp. spoon herbal collection, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. After steeping for 1-1.5 hours, strain, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and take 100 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals. At the same time, in the evenings, place a heating pad on the area for 15-20 minutes, and for 2-3 weeks cystitis will go away. In stubborn cases, I recommend adding 15-20 drops of pharmaceutical citrosept (extract from grapefruit seeds) to each portion of the decoction. This treatment can be carried out after the course medications, i.e. to consolidate the results of treatment. In women, cystitis has a habit of returning. Hypothermia, drinking beer and other things contribute to this. alcoholic drinks, chronic foci of infection ( , appendages), disorderly sex life. So, dear ladies, take care of yourselves!

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages

I had to cure myself and my son with herbs twice. As a young woman (I am now 69 years old), I was often sick. I usually caught a cold and found my peace in antenatal clinic at the gynecologist. They prescribed injections and pills.

One day my mother-in-law arrived and saw me writhing in pain and advised me to drink and douche with plantain. She said that their neighbor cured uterine cancer this way. I thought that this couldn’t happen - it was too serious illness and some kind of plantain. And I didn’t take her advice.

Mother-in-law comes to next year, sees that I am suffering from the same thing again. She asks what I did. I'm silent. I can’t lie, but I’m embarrassed to tell the truth. She understood everything and said: “Do I wish you harm? You try!" I promised. And she herself Once again I went to antenatal consultation.

For a long time they could not find my card at the reception, although I was constantly sick. I had already gone to see the doctor, when suddenly the receptionist ran in with the words: “Wow! We found a map, it’s in our “chronicles”!”

It was as if someone had hit me on the head with a butt. Well, I made it - chronic inflammation uterus and left appendages! And only this made me listen to my mother-in-law’s persuasion.

However, I couldn’t drink the plantain. As I found out later, I have high acidity. But she douched, so to speak, from the heart. We had a lot of plantain in our garden, I picked it by the armfuls, brewed it and tried to use it hot.

I don’t remember how long I did this procedure at night, but I forgot which way the doors in the antenatal clinic open. Decades passed, the card was returned to me, and across the card they wrote: “Deregistered.” They deregistered me because of my age, but they don’t know that I was cured or how I was cured.

The second incident happened with my youngest son. He is now 38 years old. And when he was one year old, he caught a bad cold. It was spring. I thought I would lose him. I was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of inflammation.

Our boss’s driver, a young guy, suggested that we should give our son a tincture of perennial parsley roots to drink. My husband brought us the tincture to the hospital. And I gave it to my son without measure, as soon as he wanted to drink, replacing the pills with this. However, she couldn’t refuse the injections.
And so, believe it or not, a month later my son and I were discharged. The doctor himself was surprised why the child recovered so quickly. I didn’t say anything about how I treated my son. Now we occasionally meet with that doctor and say hello (more than a decade has passed), but I still haven’t revealed my secret.

I don’t know where that guy is now, but I will be grateful to him as long as I live.

Kargina N.E.

A.P.: There are legends about the medicinal properties of plantain. And he's worth it. But Nina Efimovna, due to her youth and ignorance at that time, knew nothing about him. And she did not fully use its healing powers. The plant is unique because of its anti-inflammatory properties. We do not know how the reader brewed plantain for oral administration.

At increased acidity You can also treat inflammation of the uterus and appendages, but the infusion should be prepared in combination with mint, flax seeds, corn silk and a shepherd's purse. All ingredients are available. Taking an equal amount of each and grinding, brew 1.5 tbsp. spoons of the collection into 400 ml of boiling water and after boiling for 5 minutes, leave for 1-1.5 hours. Add 1 tbsp to the strained infusion. a spoonful of honey: 100 ml for 3 doses before meals and the remaining portion at night. Continue treatment for 1.-1.5 months.

In summer, you can prepare tasty and healthy caviar from plantain: wash 7-10 medium-sized leaves and scald with boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Pass through a meat grinder along with an equal amount of green onions, tomatoes, horseradish, and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Salt, mix and add fragrant sunflower oil. Use for sandwiches and as a seasoning for main courses. I couldn't describe everyone beneficial properties plantain in a short comment.

Linden tea for women's health

There are not many plants on Earth that have phytohormones that have properties similar to those of female sex hormones. One of them is linden.

Due to the content of phytohormones, linden color has an amazing rejuvenating and general strengthening effect on the female body. At any period of a woman’s life, tea made from linden flowers will give her enormous benefits. Well, for example, if a woman has menstrual irregularities or if they occur with severe discomfort, then linden flower tea is absolutely necessary.

A woman (if she is over 40 years old) must drink a cup of linden tea, brewed like regular tea, every 5-6 months in the morning for 4-6 weeks.

And it will come much later than for her peers, and will pass without problems.

Pre-tumor and tumor women's diseases- fibroids, fibroids, and others are successfully treated linden tea. But for this very purpose Linden blossom it is necessary to collect exclusively on those two days when the month is the youngest (with a sickle). And you need to drink tea from linden flowers collected at this time for a long time, preferably constantly.

E. Naumova,

Uterine fibroids and fibrocystic mastopathy

Dry cucumber tops, collected in the fall, can cure uterine fibroids and breast fibroids.

To do this, take 1 tbsp chopped dry tops. spoon and add 600 ml of water. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. And divide this infusion into 3 doses, approximately 3 glasses. Drink 1 glass of infusion per day, starting at 7 am, every hour 1 tbsp. spoon until the glass is empty. Until approximately 19:00. Drink one day in a row, two, three. A month is a break. Repeat treatment every month until recovery.

Ordinary. Take it for 4 months and do an ultrasound to find out if you need further treatment.