My brain works non-stop. For the head to work well - what foods you need to eat

If you neglect the principles that should help your brain to work actively, then do not doubt that it will definitely take revenge on you and simply refuse to work. Sometimes we forget the words, sometimes we can’t get together, sometimes there are simply no thoughts in our heads. How to improve the thought process? Everyone knows that the brain needs oxygen to function, but how else can we wake up a relaxed brain to get to work?

So, your brain will not work if:

1. You don't get enough sleep

Besides the fact that chronic lack of sleep can cause a lot of health problems, it seriously impairs concentration and brain function. Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep every day, but this figure varies from person to person. In addition to the duration of sleep, its quality is important - it must be continuous. The phase in which we dream (phase REM sleep or REM phase) has a profound effect on how we feel during our waking hours. If sleep is interrupted frequently, the brain spends less time in this phase, causing us to feel sluggish and have difficulty remembering and concentrating.

2. You don't know how to deal with stress

There are many available ways stress management, including meditation, journaling, working with a psychologist, yoga, breathing practices, tai chi, etc. All of them have their own benefits in terms of helping the brain work.

3. You don't move enough

Physical activity allows you to increase blood flow, and at the same time - the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. Regular physical activity stimulates the production of substances that help connect and even form nerve cells.

If your work is sedentary, periodically be distracted and stretch your neck - do tilts to the sides. Alternate any mental activity with physical. We sat at the computer - sit down 10 times or walk along the corridors and stairs.

4. You are not drinking the right amount of water.

Our body is about 60% water, and the brain contains more more water- 80%. Without water, the brain malfunctions - dizziness, hallucinations, fainting begin from dehydration. If you do not drink enough water, you will become irritable and even aggressive, and your ability to take right decisions will decrease. Can you imagine how important water is for the mind? Often constant desire sleep, fatigue, fog in the head - are connected precisely with the fact that we do not drink enough. That is, we can drink a lot - soda, coffee, sweet teas, fruit juices. But many of these drinks, on the contrary, only deprive the cells of the body of fluid, just leading to dehydration. Especially drinks containing caffeine (tea, coca-cola coffee). As in a joke, "we drink more and more, but we are getting worse." So you need to drink water - drinking water. But it's also not worth "pouring" water into yourself. Just drink as needed. May you always have drinking water. Try to drink at least half a glass warm water per hour during the day.

5. You are not eating enough glucose.

For us, food is both lettuce and harmless chicken breast. And for the brain, all this is no food. Give your brain some glucose! And the main suppliers of glucose are carbohydrates. Chicken with vegetables will not let you faint from hunger, but come up with something ingenious ... for this dietary lunch will not be enough. We need bread, sweets, dried fruits (ideal). A person who needs mental activity is by no means suitable for a carbohydrate-free diet. At work, a piece of dark chocolate or dried fruit is perfect.


Carbohydrates are also different - simple and complex. Ordinary sugar (a simple carbohydrate), although it is glucose, will not add so much "mind". It quickly breaks down, causing first a sharp rise in glucose, and then sharp drop without having time to "feed" the nerve cells. But complex carbohydrates - grain bread, cereals, vegetables (yes, they also have a lot of sugar), pasta - are broken down slowly and provide the body with energy for a long time. Perfect for on the go and for lunch complex carbohydrates- banana! Pasta is worth eating next move food isn't coming soon.

6. You don't have enough healthy fats in your diet.

Avoid processed, hydrogenated fats called trans fats at all costs and minimize your intake of saturated animal fats. Reducing your trans fat intake is not that difficult if you keep a few rules in mind. First of all, you need to cut out margarines from your life - they all contain a lot of trans fats. Be sure to look at the labels on baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc.), as well as chips, mayonnaise and other foods containing fat. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers do not yet indicate the content of trans fats on the product packaging. If any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is listed as an ingredient, the product contains trans fats.

But polyunsaturated fats - Omega-3 and Omega-6 - are indispensable fatty acid. These fats can only be obtained through food. They improve circulation and reduce inflammatory processes in the body and are very beneficial for the brain. Found in salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout, as well as sunflower seeds, tofu and walnuts.

Monounsaturated fats are also healthy. Monounsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. They are found in many nuts, olive oil and avocado oil.

7. Your brain doesn't get enough oxygen.

The brain can survive without oxygen for about 10 minutes. And even when nothing prevents us from breathing, the brain may not have enough oxygen. In winter, batteries and heaters are all around, they consume oxygen, crowds of people and rooms where there are a lot of people also deprive us of required amount oxygen. A cold, a stuffy nose - we seem to be breathing, but it turns out not to be of high quality! In all these cases, have you noticed that you begin to want to sleep? This is how the lack of oxygen affects the brain.

What to do? Ventilate the premises, open the windows, and be sure to walk.

8. You are not exercising your brain.

Learning new subjects and languages, gaining additional skills, intellectual hobbies help to preserve and increase brain resources. Constant "training" ensures that he will perform at the highest level throughout his life.

How to quickly activate our brain

There are several points on our body that activate the brain.

  • Point on back side palms between thumb and index. Massage her.
  • Rub your earlobes to help you wake up.
  • Yawn as much as possible, it helps to throw oxygen to the brain.
  • Pinch the tip of the nose, this also activates the brain.
  • Someone knows how to stand on his head. This provides blood flow to the head and activates the brain cells, but if it is difficult to stand on your head, you can simply lie on the floor on your back and throw your legs behind your head. Lie like that for a minute.

If the brain is not used, it will relax and become lazy. Exercise your mind, train, solve puzzles, solve crosswords, learn languages, do homework with children, learn how to work with a computer, do not put aside instructions for new technology. Force yourself to think, move your brains, and then they will not let you down at the right time!

If you feel that you are capable of more, and the brain is desperately resisting, check yourself: maybe you are not loading it too much? This article will help you get your brain working at full capacity, will give some practical advice and technician.

Your poor brain is tired. He does not want to solve business problems, come up with ways of development - to wrap himself in a warm blanket and lie down all day, watch TV shows and surf the Internet. Well, if it's not, but just fatigue, bad habits and non-compliance with the daily routine. But if this condition is repeated more and more often - it's time to change something!

1. Get enough sleep already at last!

To fall asleep ordinary people they count sheep, entrepreneurs calculate profits, think about sudden expenses, about the fact that employees will soon have to pay salaries ... With such thoughts, you can toss and turn in bed until the morning, and in the morning get up broken and tired. You need to sleep well: for this before bed, drink tea with honey or warm milk take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils. AT difficult cases a sleeping pill will help (just be sure to consult your doctor!). Remember: a healthy adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep, and preferably more. Ideally, you need to focus on your biorhythms (you are an owl or a lark) and forget about the alarm clock: go to bed and get up not when you need to, but when you want.

2. Get ready for work

You get up in the morning and imagine a new day with horror: endless meetings, difficult meetings, debriefing with employees. Oh yes, and the supplier screwed up again, the delivery of goods is delayed. Calmly! To energize for the whole day, Meditate for 10-15 minutes before starting work. No, we do not suggest that you sit in the lotus position and read mantras: just close your eyes, relax, think about pleasant events, set yourself up for a positive outcome. You are an experienced businessman, a wise person, you are able to resolve all problems and hold meetings on highest level. A good addition to such a mini-meditation would be chamomile tea or strong coffee - depending on what you like.

3. Filter information

This applies to both Internet information and live communication with people. Let's take the Internet: every day, every hour, streams of information simply fall on us. We get so used to it that we ourselves become addicted: we update the news feed every hour, at every opportunity we climb to see what's new on social networks. Wait, do you think Oleg Tinkov or Roman Abramovich do that too? I'm afraid they just don't have time for that. So why do we allow ourselves to be wasted by the world's most valuable resource? Just don’t say that “this is how I relax”, “yes, I just come in for 5 minutes”. You do not relax - on the contrary, you scatter your attention over the endless RuNet. And 5 minutes, and even 5, and even add up to hours, months and years of lost time.

AT real life also nowhere without information garbage. Family members, subordinates and partners talk a lot, often, emotionally. Which of this really deserves your attention, and which is just empty chatter? Learn to separate the personal from the work, important issues from nonsense, and there will be more time. And with the Internet, everything is simple. Set yourself a limit: for example, go to social networks and mail 2 times a day - an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Don't worry if you miss an important message this way. See him in the evening: there is little sadness, the world will not collapse from this. And if something is very urgent, they will find you by phone.

4. Practice Mindfulness

This advice follows directly from the first. Distracted attention is a very undesirable quality for a businessman. Remember how attentive Sherlock Holmes was - not a single, even the most insignificant detail escaped his gaze. A simple exercise will help develop concentration of attention: every day, set aside 10-15 minutes for ... But for nothing. Just sit down, close your eyes and do nothing. Concentrate on your own breathing, make every inhalation and exhalation conscious. Every little feeling counts. Imagine that you are in a fitness room and pump one specific muscle - for example, triceps. Every day it will grow, your muscles will be stronger, and your arms will be more massive. It's the same with attention. This exercise will teach you to focus on the little things and notice everything that you didn’t even pay attention to before.

5. Practice multitasking

These are simple employees who can afford to concentrate on one task and carry it out to the bitter end. An entrepreneur needs to think about everything at the same time: how to pay rent, what new products to include in the assortment, ... It is not surprising that sometimes the brain boils, and hands drop.

How to develop multitasking? The main thing is not to grab everything at once. From the list of what needs to be done today, select a priority task and start from it. Gradually start solving other problems - before you have time to look back, and you already look like the many-armed Shiva.

However The multitasking property has significant disadvantages:

6. Pay attention to your intuition

Intuition is a subtle thing and has not yet been fully explored. Why, when communicating with one person, we feel the desire to wash our hands, even if he is fragrant with perfume, perfectly shaved and impeccably polite? And to the other, even if he is dressed like a gouge and does not know, we are instantly imbued with sympathy and are ready to go with him to the ends of the world? All this is the machinations of intuition, which works in conjunction with the brain. If the brain feels that something is wrong, but cannot explain it logically, intuition steps in and gives us signals. For example, “Run away from him faster!”, Or “Our man, we will definitely work together!”

Truth, sometimes intuition is deceiving. Don't trust her blindly but we advise you to take into account its bells and alarm bells.

7. Don't think about when to do it.

There are situations when there is no time for reflection - you have to take and act. What if you make a mistake and something bad happens? Oh, give me at least a couple of minutes to think and make the right decision! But sometimes these precious minutes simply do not exist - circumstances drive you into a corner, and you have to act automatically. If you start thinking, you will not have time to complete the action. To prevent such situations, learn to anticipate them and think in advance what you will do. Yes, you are not Vanga, but the main ones can be predicted: these are unforeseen fines, product returns, customer complaints, supply interruptions, employee jambs. Have a plan of action ahead of time and, if necessary, implement it.

8. Write down information

Even if it seems to you that you definitely won’t forget this, don’t be lazy, write it down. It's not that you have a leaky memory. When we write down information - on a computer, and best of all by hand - we use the motor activity of the brain. The nervous system is activated, brain activity increases, and you remember information better.

9. Memorize lists

If you're good at multitasking, here's the surprise: you also need to develop your memory to remember all these tasks. Most people don't know how to memorize long lists. Even when going to the store, we are sure to forget a few positions if we do not write them down in advance. So means what? The conclusion is obvious: you need to make lists for every day, week, month, and follow through methodically.

But that is not all. Sometimes there is simply no time to make lists: things circle you in a cheerful round dance, sometimes there is no time even to have lunch. So, you need to learn to keep the lists of tasks in your head and not forget them. How to do it? Use Loki's Method: Visualize Each Stage.

You will need a share of fantasy and spatial imagination. In fact, everything is simple: let's say you need to remember how to go to a meeting with your next partner. The navigator is broken, you are guided by the main points along the way: shopping center on the road, large intersection, difficult turn, industrial area. Now pick up visual associations for each point. For example, a shopping center - shopping with my wife, here she is smartly trying on new dresses and jewelry at home. Crossroads - Difficult choice, which you need to do (link to a real life situation, what is happening right now, happened in the recent past, or is about to happen). Industrial area - smoke and smog, a man in a gas mask. Imagine these images until they are firmly imprinted in memory.

10. Always consider an alternative

Even if the situation is pure as a child's tear - imagine that the cards lay wrong, and original plan crumbling. The reason for this may be human factor, coincidence, simple bad luck. What will we do? Consider alternatives ahead of time. Remember, you have probably rehearsed a difficult conversation with a person more than once. And if he says that, I'll say it. And if he says something completely different, you will have to answer not what you planned. That's pretty much how this method works.

11. Doubt!

Thomas the Unbeliever did not believe in anything and, they say, he lived a long time. You and I are used to presenting him as a negative hero, but the dude was right! Question more than just the words and actions of others(they may be wrong) but also their own(you can be wrong too). People who are piously sure that they are right (those for whom there are two opinions - their own and wrong), as a rule, have inflexible thinking. And for an entrepreneur, this is like death, because you need to constantly adapt to the requirements of the law, the wishes of customers, the conditions of partners. Therefore, stop considering your opinion as the ultimate truth - everyone has their own truth.

12. Work on mistakes

The ability to admit your mistakes and do everything so that they do not happen again in the future - distinguishing feature adult wise man. If you endlessly justify yourself or blame others for the failures, there is a great risk of stepping on the same rake. And here if you admit a mistake and start thinking about its solution, your brain will thank you for it. He will start looking for a solution to the problem, sort out and analyze the options, and in the end will give the best solution.

13. Dream!

If you live with the feeling that you have reached the ceiling in business, the brain will calm down and relax. What else to wish for, what to think about - after all, everything has already been achieved. New goals excite the brain cells, give them constant work, not to mention that they encourage you to develop. But look, do not dream: when the decision is made, go and put it into practice.

All these rules are quite simple, they can be put into practice right now. Try at least a few ways and tell us if they helped. Good luck with your self improvement!

1. Exercise

It is believed that with greater physical exertion, a person's brain develops better. Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Research in California found that mice running on a spinning wheel have twice as many cells in the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for learning and memory. Why mental capacity more active rodents better? Possibly voluntary. physical exercise are not as difficult and therefore more profitable. This means that when you enjoy sports, you become smarter and happier.

2. Train your thinking

Important not only physical exercise. You can develop different areas of your brain by making them work. Professor Katz says that thinking and analyzing the world around us can improve the functioning of dormant parts of the brain. Try new tastes and smells. Try to do something with your left hand (if you are right-handed, and vice versa). Travel to new places. Make art. Read Dostoyevsky's novel.

3. Ask "Why?"

Our brains are predisposed to curiosity. Let yourself be curious too. The best way to develop curiosity is to ask the question "Why?" all the time. Let it be new habit(on at least, 10 times a day). You will be amazed at how many opportunities will open up before you in life and work.

4. Laugh more

Scientists say that laughter is good for our health. During this process, endorphins are released and this helps us relieve tension. In this way, laughter can recharge our brains.

5. Eat fish

The oil found in walnuts and fish has long been considered only good for the heart. But a recent study found that it is good for the brain too. There is not only an improvement in the air circulation system, which supplies oxygen to the head, but also the function of cell membranes improves. This is why people who eat a lot of fish are less likely to experience depression, dementia, even attention deficit disorder. Scientists have noted that fatty substances are necessary for the mental development of children. Perhaps your own mental development and even intelligence can be improved with sufficient consumption of this oil. Eat at least three pieces of fish a week. For example, salmon or tuna.

6. Improve your memory

The brain is a memory machine. Take an old photo album or school diary. Spend time with your memories. Let the mind reflect, remember. Positive emotions from memories will help you cope with problems.

7. Eat right

Can bad fats make a person stupid? This question was answered by researchers at the University of Toronto. They put the rats on a diet that reduced their fat intake, which resulted in the deterioration of the functioning of the parts of the brain responsible for memory and spatial perception in the rodents. But the situation was worse with the diet, when the percentage of fat content was increased. Fat can reduce the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your brain. You can consume about 30% of your calories daily as fat, but most of it should come from the aforementioned fish. olive oil, nuts. Avoid fats found in crackers and snack foods.

8. Solve the riddle

Some of us like puzzles, some crosswords, and some logic riddles. All this is very good way activate your brain and keep it active. Solve the riddle for fun, but in doing so, know that you are training your brain.

9. Mozart effect

A decade ago, psychologist Francis Roscher and his colleagues made a discovery. It turns out that listening to Mozart's music improves people's mathematical thinking. Even rats navigated mazes faster and more accurately after listening to Mozart than they did after noise or the music of the minimalist composer Philip Glas. Last year, Roscher reported that in rats, Mozart's sonata stimulates three genes associated with cells that send signals to the brain. This is the most harmonious way to improve your mental abilities. But before you pick up the CDs, be aware that not everyone who aspires to the Mozart effect gets it. In addition, even its supporters are inclined to believe that music enhances the ability of the brain, because it makes listeners feel better. Both relaxation and stimulation of the body occur at the same time.

10. Improve your skills

Routine activities such as sewing, reading, drawing, and doing crossword puzzles are important. Challenge yourself to do it all in new ways to improve your skills. Read new books, learn new ways of drawing, solve more difficult crosswords. Achieving higher scores will help keep your brain healthy.

11. Cut down on alcohol

A study of 3,500 Japanese men found that those who consumed small amounts of alcohol had better cognitive function than those who did not drink at all. But, unfortunately, as soon as you drink more than you should, your memory immediately deteriorates. A rat study determined that those who consume a lot of alcohol lose cells immediately after drinking it. It has been proven that alcohol not only damages mental abilities, but also prevents their recovery.

12. Play

If you have free time, play. Set aside time for games. Play cards, video games, board games. It doesn't matter what you play. The game will improve your mood and brain function. This will teach your brain to think strategically.

13. Sleep with pen and paper

Reviewing key information before bed will improve its memorization by 20-30%. You can keep a book near the bed to read before going to bed, if it does not tire you too much. And be sure to keep a pen and notepad by your bed. If any appears obsessive thought, then she will not let you fall asleep until you "redirect" her to paper.

14. Concentration

Concentration can improve brain function. But "thieves of concentration" are not always noticeable. Learn to notice when you are distracted. If you were supposed to, for example, call, then this thought can interfere all morning, undermining your clarity in thoughts. You may not even be aware that this thought is bothering you. Get in the habit of thinking and asking yourself, "What thoughts are running through my head right now?" In our example, you could redirect a phone call to your to-do list. It can get rid of that thought and help you think more clearly.

15. Love for the brain

In a series of studies by Dr. Cutler and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania and later at Stanford University, it was found that regular sexual contact had a beneficial effect on a person. sexual contact, at least once a week slowed down the aging process. In Dr. Cutler's study, having an orgasm was not as important. Intimacy and emotional connection were the most influential factors.

16. Play with passion

When learning and creativity enter into people's lives, they give 127% more to their work. Admire yourself and admire the world. Remember what you loved to do when you were a child and do it as an adult. This is the key to your genius. Da Vinci, Edison, Einstein, Picasso - they all loved to play and explore.

17. Cycles of consciousness

Determine the time when your consciousness is most active. If you determine this time, you will be able to do the most important tasks at that time.

18. Learn something new

This may seem obvious. Surely you have a topic that interests you the most. It doesn't matter if it's work or leisure. If you do not have such a topic, then try every day to find out the meaning of a new word. There is a big correlation between vocabulary and your intelligence. When we have vocabulary constantly updated with new words, then our intellect can work differently. Work while learning!

19. Write

News The Diary very useful, first of all for you. This is very good stimulation brain. Keeping records allows you to expand the possibilities of your brain. Find ways to write so that others can read you. These may be stories from your childhood that your friends might be interested in. Start a blog so that others can read you.

20. Aromatherapy for brain activation

Aromas can be used to tone up or relax. Energy drinks include mint, cypress, and lemon. For relaxation, you will need geranium and rose. A few drops of oils in your bath or spray bottle will suffice. You can also use a handkerchief - a couple of drops will suffice. Make sure you are not allergic to this oil first.

21. Drugs to activate the brain

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks help students score higher on tests. But the coffee won't last long. Instead of coffee breaks, try tea based on Gingko Biloba. It will improve blood flow to the brain and concentration.

22. Surround yourself with inspiration

Connect with people who inspire you. Read magazines on various themes. Discover new opportunities. Find new solutions to problems. No matter how old you are and what you do, your brain just needs a load. It could be logic puzzles, memorizing Shakespeare, or learning a new language. Put your brain to work hard if you don't want it to rust like a car in a junkyard.

In order for the head to work well, the brain must be given not only tasks that it would solve, but also properly nourished. To do this, you need to include products that are useful for him in your menu. Every second, 100 billion nerve cells in the brain are involved in the exchange of information. Ensure the smooth operation of this complex mechanism cells of gray matter can a large amount of energy. And although the mass of the brain is only 2-3% of body weight, the brain daily spends a fifth of all the energy that we get from food.
Thus, the performance of our brain depends on the food we eat. So, we will be able to make a menu of products that will help us. What is good for the brain?

Products to help you focus

shrimps and fatty varieties fish- a real delicacy for the brain. As you know, seafood supplies the body with fatty acids that play important role— do not let our attention weaken. It is enough to eat 100 g of seafood per day, for example, cook delicious.
Onion - helps fight fatigue and nervous fatigue. In addition, a simple onion thins the blood, and thus improves the supply of oxygen to the brain. Every day you need to eat at least half of the onion. What to do is quite simple, onions are used in the preparation of many dishes in cooking, but of course, the most useful will be raw onion used for dressing salads. For these purposes, it is best to take its sweet variety - red onion, or scald the usual one with boiling water so that all the bitterness comes out of it. You can cook the most useful and red onions.
Nuts are especially good when you have a mental marathon in the form of a report, conference or meeting, a long drive behind the wheel. Nuts strengthen the nervous system, as they contain in large numbers contain B vitamins and stimulate brain activity. But at the same time, nuts are heavy food for digestive system, so do not get carried away with them too much - one handful of nuts a day is exactly what is useful and necessary for your body.

Foods that improve memory

Avocado contains fatty acids, which serve as an energy source for short-term memory. In order not to forget anything when drawing up plans, schedules, shopping lists, include this fruit in your diet. The required norm per day is half an avocado. On the site you can read a delicious and original recipe.
Carrots, this familiar vegetable is extremely useful for mental activity - it stimulates the brain, so you can remember faster and faster. It is especially useful to eat in the morning a salad of carrots and apples, seasoned with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. You can see the recipe for this simple but very healthy salad.
It is no coincidence that pineapple is the favorite fruit of theater and film stars. Anyone who needs to keep large amounts of text and musical signs in memory needs elevated content vitamin C. It is in pineapple that it is as much as needed. But there are very few calories in it.
Drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed pineapple juice a day and no problems with memory and excess weight!

Products that help generate fresh ideas

Figs - the substances contained in it are similar in composition to aspirin, they inflame the blood, and the brain is better supplied with oxygen. This is best food for people of creative professions.
Cumin - contributes to the birth of new ideas due to essential oils contained in cumin, which stimulate the entire nervous system. For those who need to maintain the creative activity of the brain, it is very good to drink cumin tea regularly: brew 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds in a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the tea is ready, it is not only good for the brain, but also for normal operation digestion.

Products that help you perceive information

Lemon - this citrus clarifies thoughts, information is easier to digest. Such an influence is aroma oils contained in the peel of the fruit, as well as loading doses vitamin C. If you have to important meeting or a meeting - be sure to drink a glass of tea with a slice of lemon in it. Also, don't forget this healthy drink, as .
Cabbage, beets, spinach contains a large amount of B vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. To pass the excitement before an exam or a responsible meeting, eat and you will be more calm and reasonable.
Blueberry and cranberries very good to eat them those who are in the learning process. It is these two berries that are most beneficial for the brain, as they contribute to its better blood supply. Be sure to eat fresh berries during their ripening season. And in winter, you can cook delicious dishes from dried and frozen berries. vitamin teas, and kissels.

Mood Uplifting Products

In order for the head to work well, it is equally important positive emotions, which can also be affected by food.
Bananas contain a special substance tryptophan, which helps the body produce the well-known hormone of happiness - serotonin, and this allows you to feel happy. You can eat them as a healthy and healthy snack, and also make delicious desserts from them, you can see the recipe for making one of these sweet desserts.
Strawberries - many people love this fragrant berry, it is not only tasty, but also quickly cheers up due to its composition. In the strawberry season, do not forget to pamper yourself with this berry, the recommended rate is 150 g per day. In winter, you can buy frozen strawberries and cook them. healthy compotes, fruit drinks, add it to and .
Paprika- spicy paprika promotes the release of endorphins - "hormones of happiness." In addition, the addition of spices to food contributes, which cannot but please any woman.

What is bad for the brain

We have talked about useful products nutrition for good head work, the conversation will be incomplete if I do not tell you about harmful products, which slow down the work of the brain and weaken memory. These are products containing various chemical additives (monosodium glutamate, artificial sweeteners, flavors identical to natural, etc.) bad influence to the work of the brain. Such industrial products include: sweets (cakes, pastries, sweets, ice cream, etc.), bakery products(buns, muffins, cookies, fast food, etc.), fatty foods (chips, mayonnaise, canned food, etc.) carbonated drinks (cola, sprite, fanta, etc.) and alcoholic beverages.

Rational diet mode

Important for normal brain function balanced diet. Need to eat daily protein food: chicken breast, fish, egg white, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts. The protein that enters the body contributes to the production of compounds such as dopamine and adrenaline, which are responsible for the thinking processes of the brain. Along with proteins, the brain needs carbohydrates for its normal functioning - fast (fruits, honey, chocolate, sweet desserts) and slow (pasta, legumes, potatoes), which help concentration. Since the brain is 60% fat, it also needs them. As mentioned above, it is useful to eat seafood, nuts, dress salads with vegetable oil.
An optimal diet is required, at least 4 times a day. It is with this method of eating that there is no feeling of hunger when the level of sugar in the blood drops and this causes weakness, weakness, headache- there is no time for intensive work with the head.
already published, in which she dwelled in detail on the question of what is useful to eat daily in order for the head to be clear and healthy. Here I will only briefly say that breakfast should account for about 20% of the daily diet, it can be: cereals, eggs, bread coarse grinding, fruits.
In the afternoon you can have a snack: a glass of yogurt, kefir, tea with lemon or freshly squeezed juice, eat a banana or other fruit, a handful of nuts.
Lunch should account for 40% of the daily diet: vegetable salad, a piece of lean meat or fish, cereals, potatoes, compote or juice. For dinner, it is useful to eat lean meat or fish, vegetables, kefir, fruits.
Rational nutrition, which includes products that help the head work well, stimulate brain activity, speed up reaction and thinking processes, and increase a person’s attentiveness. Include these foods in your daily diet more often and you will always have an excellent memory, a clear mind and good performance. What wishes you with all my heart


Do you have little rest and work a lot? Mental fatigue is unavoidable. The brain needs enough time to rest and sleep, otherwise it will not be able to work well. It may also decrease if you have endocrine diseases, chronic diseases and depression.

Brain performance depends on several things. First, it is innate in your central nervous system to digest the information received. The second is brain training. If you are used to thinking and deciding challenging tasks, then you are easier to deal with than those who encounter them for the first time. And the third is the nutrition and rest of the brain. He needs special nutrients and the opportunity to have a good rest.

The main substance of which the brain tissue is composed is unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, in order to recover and function well, it is necessary to eat lean meat, vegetable oils such as soybean, olive, sunflower. Nuts and seeds are rich in brain-healthy nutrients. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the brain, also ensure that the blood moves around the body, supplying the neurons with oxygen, which is vital for them. Proper nutrition and sufficient rest can greatly improve brain performance.

Everyone knows that the brain is on carbohydrates, but there are those that are quickly digested and give a slight rise, followed by a sharp decline - these are sweets, buns, chips, and there are slow carbohydrates, they give up their energy gradually, therefore they are able to nourish the brain throughout the day. These are various cereals, vegetables. The brain also needs proteins found in meat, phosphorus, the source of which is fish, vitamins of groups B, E, A, and microelements - iron, magnesium, calcium.

If you need to improve the ability of the brain immediately and quickly, for example, before an exam, then you can use new drugs that stimulate the brain, they are called neotropics. For example, phenotropil is a substance that improves memory and mood, the speed of the brain. These drugs have side effects so don't get carried away with them. They are ideal for one-time emergency use, for example, during a session.


Many people try to increase the efficiency of the brain with the help of coffee. But caffeine only increases nervous excitability, hands begin to tremble from it, a person is worried and cannot concentrate.

Helpful advice

If you started eating right food and sleep well, then your brain will not instantly start to work quickly. It will take time to notice improvements.

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To do something difficult task or completely immerse yourself in the work, it is often necessary to use all the resources of our a. These can be both actions that require full concentration on achieving results, as well as mechanical actions that are repeated cyclically. Be that as it may, in this case, all the resources of our concentration are needed without a trace.

You will need

  • - pen
  • - paper


Isolate yourself from the outside world. Turn off your phone, radio and TV. Isolate yourself indoors and make sure no one bothers you. This is a decisive factor, in the case of reorienting the logical apparatus to something else, you spend both time and resources in the form of mental resources.

Use what you tune in and concentrate on. Perform a ritual that is an aid to you in concentration. It is different for everyone - it can be a cup of coffee, a mug of tea, or a cigarette. In any case, during this time yours should be cleared of distractions and annoying factors.

Follow this list using the item as a task. When moving on to the next task, allow yourself five to ten minutes of relaxation in order to recover in case of overexertion. Do not use this time to distract yourself with other things and do not allow yourself to be distracted.

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Never allow yourself to be distracted

Helpful advice

Observe the most a high degree concentration on each task.

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Some people go to gym to keep yourself in good physical form. Someone sits on special diets to keep fit and increase stamina, but what about the brain? After all, it can also be trained and made to work better than you want.


Train your memory. Walking down the street, try to remember the numbers of cars, houses, count the trees. by the most the best way workout is memorization foreign words, new terms for you. By improving your memory, you no longer have to look into your notebook for a phone number, no need to ask a friend if you forget their name.

Learn something new. Actively read literature, newspapers, books. So you will not only become more literate, but also remember interesting words for yourself, learn life experience You will be able to concentrate more on business and not be distracted.

Eat, include dark chocolate in your diet. Any sweet fruit, honey, will make your brain work harder. Chocolate speeds up the exchange of information between you and you start to think more intensively. Drink cocoa and eat at least one chocolate bar every three days. Also remember that excessive sweets are not healthy.

Solve crossword puzzles, play mahjong or chess with your friends. Sudoku will make your brain not only think faster, but also improve logical thinking. In checkers, you can begin to think strategically, calculate in advance all kinds of decision moves.

Communicate, move. Morning jogging, going to the gym and just good vacation increase the level of endorphins (happiness) in our. And, your brain remembers the information instantly and reproduce it without repetition the next time you need it.


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During the change of seasons, our body experiences incredible stress. Hence the problems with sleep, depression and a general deterioration in mental activity. There are several scientifically based methods to combat this.


AT recent times Meditation has become fashionable. like yoga or proper nutrition, now meditation is firmly rooted in our way of life, and if you have not yet tried its effect on yourself, then the right moment has just come. But keep in mind that meditation will not work instantly. You will need time to gradually stop being annoyed by sitting in one position and concentrate not on your galloping thoughts, but on one single object. For example, in breathing. Practice meditation every day. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the duration of the meditation. Regular classes meditation not only in a positive way affect the work of the brain, but in general lead your nervous system to a state of harmony and peace.


No wonder the proverb says that healthy bodyhealthy mind. If you want to get rid of negative emotions, improve your mood, improve concentration, then sports are the best solution. Regular exercise increases brain activity and relieves stress. You can work out at home, in the gym, in the park and choose what type of activity you want (running, swimming, fast walk, fitness, dancing, etc.). Most importantly, classes should give you pleasure.

Cooking food

Experimenting in the kitchen is a great way to unleash your creativity. Cook something unusual every day or come up with your own recipes, and very soon the cooking process will no longer be a burden to you.

More greens in your diet

Greenery has a huge positive influence on our body. Never neglect adding it to your diet. Greenery keeps our nervous system and also speeds up perception new information our brain. For prevention senile dementia add green tomatoes and oily fish: herring, sardines, tuna or salmon.


It's not about to-do lists and daily plans for the day. Get a notebook in which you collect the thoughts you like, the poems that inspired you, your own ideas- everything through which you express yourself and realize your creative side. One such notebook can continue to give you inspiration for a very long time.


Sleep more. In order to treat yourself to the opportunity to sleep, you will have to give up some of the usual things, such as late working hours or nightly correspondence. Go to bed at 22.00-23.00 hours for at least a week, and after it you will notice that your well-being has improved, your mood has improved, and your working capacity and productivity have increased several times.

Surely you would like to instantly and efficiently memorize information. To many, this possibility seems unrealistic. However, if you know several ways, you can significantly improve your memory.

Sports and active image life have a positive effect on memory and overall health. In this case, you can choose both specific sports and ordinary walks in the air.