Do not treat bursitis. Bursitis - treatment

Answer to the question how to treat bursitis- a disease, which is an inflammatory process of periarticular bags, is able to give a qualified rheumatologist. A comprehensive therapeutic approach has a high degree importance in the treatment of bursitis.

This periarticular sac is again called a bursa, the location of which is between the tendons and bones, and in shape it resembles a fairly elastic “pouch” filled with a lubricating fluid (synovia).

It is due to this fluid that the process of friction of bones, ligaments, tendons, which inevitably accompanies any physical activity of a person, is softened.

The process of inflammation provokes the accumulation of exudate in the cavity of the bag - a liquid enriched with protein, which has in its composition blood cells.

A characteristic feature of the exudate is the ability to strongly stretch the cavity of the bursa.

As a result, a swelling occurs, the size of which in some cases reaches ten centimeters. To the touch, the articular bag is quite dense, sometimes the touch causes pain, but it is worth noting that the functionality of the joint itself is not limited.

Causes of bursitis

Very often, provoking circumstances for the occurrence of bursitis are considered to be an excessively large load on joint, as well as the state when a long period of time, a pressing load is carried out.

The human body has an impressive (more than a hundred) number of synovial bags, and, most dangerously, the process of inflammation can originate in any of them.

The most “tidbits” for bursitis are: elbow, and shoulder. Much less often, bursitis chooses the hip joint as its place of residence.

Reveal exact reason bursitis, it is not always possible. Most often joint inflammation due to its fundamentally incorrect “use”.

I think many people know that the following circumstances can be considered the precursors of the disease:

- joint problems (high trauma)

– too active lifting of large weights, weights

- inflammation can occur due to infection of damaged burs, and infection can penetrate through the lymphatic tract or through the blood, from a purulent area, for example, with furunculosis.

Bursitis is striking in its versatility: serous, when a purulent infection failed to penetrate and purulent (the most obvious pathogen in this case is considered to be staphylococcus aureus).

There is also a rather impressive list of factors provoking the occurrence of bursitis:

- a significant complication of the protective (immune) boundaries of the body

- metabolic disorders, poisoning of the body

- joint damage

allergic reactions

However, extremely often, the development of the disease is observed without obvious, visible reasons.

This disease is classified into acute, chronic form.

The development of the first is sudden, proceeds and ends quickly. Concerning chronic type, then it is very long, it persists for a very long period of time.

Acute bursitis

Pain sensations that become stronger during movement are clear signals of the body about the possible onset of acute bursitis.

Of course, with every type of bursitis, it is possible different manifestation symptoms.

For example, when the shoulder joint is affected, rotational movements are extremely difficult.

The places of localization of pain can be the neck, the bottom of the arm. At night, the pain may increase. However, very often there are diametrically opposite situations when pain is clearly not felt by a person.

The injured person finds it difficult to answer the question of why the joint hurts.

A fundamental symptom for bursitis can be considered the appearance of swelling, in the zone of which there is a high temperature.

Duration acute form bursitis, in most cases, ranges from one to two weeks. At the same time, they are not seriously endangered. However, he is able to return again.

In the acute form of the disease, the wall of the bag becomes thicker, a massive growth is observed on the surface of the shell connective tissue, which "divides" the cavity of the bursa into additional pockets. At the end acute phase, the remnants of dead tissue, exudate, can safely linger, both in the wall itself and in the formed “pockets” of bags.

Secondary injury, re-penetration of the infection, can become excellent fertile soil for starting a new inflammatory process. Taken together, all of the above are excellent prerequisites for the formation of a chronic form of the disease.

Chronic stage of the disease

This form of the disease is characterized by the ability of the tissue growing around the joint to “fasten” the bones in a painful way, which naturally leads to limited joint mobility, increasing its stiffness.

It is worth noting one more, important point, that in many cases, the cavity of the synovial bag can become a place of “birth” of calcium deposits. Chronic form similar disease, predominantly “haunts” people whose occupational family occupations implies constant irritation of the articular cavity.

Bursitis treatment

In order for the doctor to accurately diagnose the essence of the problem, to decide how to treat bursitis - to start the therapeutic process, it is simply obliged to eliminate the cause that provoked the onset of the disease. In addition, it is strongly recommended to take a whole list of measures that prevent and prevent the development of the disease in the future.

In the acute form of bursitis, for a full recovery, the first week, it is categorically not worth taking any physical activity, only complete rest. A plaster splint is applied, or another type of fixative is applied, various means against inflammation (there are a lot of them, more specifically in choosing a drug, your attending physician will naturally help you navigate).

Sometimes it is allowed to use hormonal drugs in combination with some antibiotics.

When the primary symptoms of acute inflammation are localized, the treatment of bursitis is expanded by prescribing alcohol compresses, all kinds of physiotherapy procedures.

In addition to the above, bursitis is treated with cold, heat. Moreover, the effect on the body of cold and heat should be alternated in a certain sequence.

Treatment of purulent bursitis is carried out with the help of a puncture (puncture). If the process of inflammation, given remedial measure does not stop, development is still ongoing, then they “open” the bag, remove pus.

An important point in the treatment of bursitis is the creation of conditions under which the recurrence of bursitis will be completely excluded.

For these purposes, for a sufficiently long time, restorative procedures are carried out that minimize the area of ​​​​inflammation and help remove exudate from the joint bag.

Chronic bursitis is treated with punctures, during which the exudate is removed, the bag cavity is washed with antibiotic solutions.

Compliance with sterility - essential condition in this situation, otherwise complications are likely.

It happens that sometimes, it is required to get rid of the formed calcium deposits, the size of which is large enough and they are the cause constant pain significant limitation of joint movement.

Removal of calcium salts is carried out by “suction” through a needle, as well as surgically.

Not fully cured purulent bursitis threatens to turn into very serious complicating consequences for the health of the body, including:

- massive purulent inflammation of the fiber, which does not have a clear boundary (phlegmon)

- (inflammatory process in the bone, affecting all its parts)

- arthritis (inflammation of the joint)

I would like to note that maximum term rest treatment is limited to ten days. In other words, it is imperative, at least once a day, even in spite of pain, to subject the affected inflamed joint to moderate physical activity (try to bend, unbend).

In total stillness, on too long time the joint should not be left, because in the absence of minimal work of the joint, irreversible risks of limiting its mobility increase.

Prevention of bursitis

There are several simple, uncomplicated preventive rules, adhering to which, you can significantly reduce the risk of injury to the joints, as well as protect them from harmful infectious effects.

1. If, by the nature of your profession, an additional load is placed on your joint, then it is strongly recommended not to neglect the use of specialized protective devices ( different kinds knee pads elastic bandages on the elbow).

2. Before starting active execution, any exercise or just a movement that can additionally load the joints, they should be thoroughly kneaded.

3. It is advisable to support your physical form in “tone” systematically, and not when it pleases.

4. When receiving a wound in the joint area, it is necessary to treat it with at least elementary antiseptics, apply a bactericidal plaster.

5. You should not start the treatment of pustular diseases.

Alternative treatment of bursitis

Recipe Pantry traditional medicine contains a significant amount of active therapeutic methods that can provide all possible assistance in the treatment of inflammation of the periarticular bags.

However, any treatment for bursitis at home should only supplement the main drug therapy, be carried out with it in a complex way, and of course, it must be agreed with the attending physician.

  1. Strongly hot water(200 ml), it is necessary to brew the herb St. John's wort (st. L), well wrapped, provide the opportunity to brew for half an hour. After filtering, take 70 ml, half an hour before meals, several times a day, for two weeks. When the acute stage of the inflammatory process leaves, it is permissible to do compression procedures with this infusion, preheating to body temperature.
  2. Mix the following ingredients: vodka, honey, aloe juice (part ratio 3:2:1). Treat the diseased joint in the form of a compress with the resulting mixture.
  3. If possible, you should drink grapefruit juice 100 ml before meals for thirty minutes.
  4. A fresh cabbage leaf, neatly tie to the problem area. After 3-4 hours, as it dries, change the sheets.
  5. Put on a table cabbage leaves, carefully “beat” them with a rolling pin. Spread with sunflower oil, apply to the affected area, bandage with a warm cloth, scarf, and thus walk all day. Before going to bed, carry out a change of compress more fresh. Similarly, it is carried out using a burdock leaf. Best Option there will be a daily alternation of compresses. Yes, I forgot to clarify that before use, thoroughly rinse the burdock leaf with water at room temperature. The duration of this type of treatment is four weeks.
  6. Perhaps some people will be helped by regular treatment of inflamed joints with compresses from fresh vegetables, including potatoes, beets, cabbage (alternation is necessary). Before you go to bed, cut raw potatoes into circles (a couple of potatoes will be enough). Put the cut on a clean cloth, wrap the sore joint, and on top, apply a cellophane film, wrapping everything with a woolen cloth. Next, go to sleep peacefully, and when you wake up, compress delete. For the next two nights, use identical compresses, only replace the main component (beets, fresh cabbage). Treatment is quite long, can take up to four weeks.
  7. The main component of the next compress is castor oil, which is recommended to treat the directly affected area. White, cotton cloth, should be soaked in castor oil, excess to press. Wrap the affected area, cover with a thick cloth, such as a towel, to avoid spilling drops of oil, wrap the entire compress with cellophane.
  8. Mix in equal parts the following types oils: eucalyptus, vaseline, lavender. With a similar mixture, treat the affected joint regularly, every day, before you go to bed.
  9. A decoction based on burdock roots is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent during the treatment of bursitis. Pre-crushed, dried root (st. L), pour very hot water (200 ml). Boil for half an hour (the fire is weak), stand for a quarter of an hour. After straining carefully, it is recommended to take it several times throughout the day, 70 ml each, thirty minutes before meals. Drink the decoction should be at least two weeks, and after acute stage inflammation, you can make compresses, heating the decoction to a temperature of 30 degrees.
  10. Bring propolis to a powdery state, after which, ten grams should be poured with half a glass of vodka. Remove for a week, in a dark place to insist. After straining, apply lotions until the inflammation of the joint begins to recede.
  11. Brew hay dust (3 tablespoons) with boiling water (500 ml). Bring to a boil, leave on low heat for a third of an hour. After fifteen minutes, make compresses on the affected area.

At the end of the article, I draw your attention to the fact that you will receive a qualified answer how to treat bursitis, which suddenly arose and insanely tormented your joints, you can only in the office of a specialized doctor.

Therefore, do not delay with treatment, at the slightest symptomatic manifestations, immediately seek help.

Take an interest in your health in time, goodbye.

In the article we will talk about bursitis, its causes, symptoms and treatment. You will learn which anti-inflammatory pills, antibiotics and ointments to use. And most importantly, what can happen if the disease is not treated in time.

Bursas are small cavity formations slit-shaped, which are located near the places of attachment of the muscle tendons to the bone or under the tendons themselves and are designed to reduce friction. When an inflammatory process occurs in them with the formation of exudate, the doctor diagnoses "bursitis". The disease in most cases affects the elbow and shoulder joints on the hands, as well as the knee and hip joints on the legs.

Bursitis causes

Bursitis disease can occur due to damage to the synovial sac due to pressure or vibration. Even during a minor bruise, a rupture of the microvessels that feed the joint can occur. Blood poured under the skin becomes the cause of inflammation and a good breeding ground for bacteria. An injured joint may not be visually affected, but inside the blood circulation will already be disturbed.

Doctors allocate the following reasons bursitis:

  • infection of the synovial bag;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic overload of the joint during exercise professional sports;
  • the presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • other inflammatory diseases (gout, sinusitis, otitis), etc.

Alcoholism can provoke the development of bursitis, diabetes, reduced immunity, long-term use of hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of the disease

If you pay attention in time to the recognized course of such a disease, then it is easy to cure and completely get rid of it. Bursitis symptoms are:

  • Difficulty in movement, limitation of mobility, pain. The pain can be both constant and throbbing, often intensifying at night.
  • In the affected area, the skin turns red, swelling appears.
  • In the presence of such a disease, a person quickly gets tired, a temperature appears.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes located near the focus of the disease.

If a we are talking about purulent bursitis, then the symptoms of the disease will be more pronounced. The pain sometimes becomes so severe that the patient does not find a place for himself, painkillers may not help. All symptoms are accompanied by fever up to 40 0 ​​С, insomnia and loss of appetite. Significant limitation of limb mobility was expressed.

Chronic bursitis is characterized by moderate manifestations of the disease. There is a rounded limited swelling of a soft consistency that occurs at the location of the bag. The skin above it is mobile, the color is not changed, the functions of the limb are not disturbed.

Familiarize yourself with what does bursitis look like can be seen in the photo below. The disease is characterized by accumulation excess fluid in the cavity of the bursa, so the affected joint will be enlarged. Initially, there will be a slight swelling, and with the progression of inflammation, the edema resembles a soft-elastic tumor with clear boundaries.

photo bursitis

How to determine the disease bursitis?

Bursitis is diagnosed by doctors based on clinical picture. If the diagnosis is difficult or it is necessary to differentiate the disease, then the following examinations are prescribed:

  • puncture of the articular bag;
  • MRI or CT.

Radiography for bursitis is an uninformative method and it is advisable to carry it out only when it is necessary to exclude the spread of the inflammatory process to the bones.

How to cure bursitis: conservative therapy

The main role in the treatment of bursitis is played by the immobilization of the diseased limb. The joint affected by inflammation must be fixed in a stable position in order to exclude any movement and stress on the altered tissues. For this purpose, a kerchief or pressure bandage made of an elastic bandage, a rigid or soft-elastic orthosis, a splint made of adhesive tape or plaster is used. The patient needs to stay in bed for 2-3 days. With a purulent form of the disease physical activity prohibited until the temperature is completely normal.

Anti-inflammatory pills for bursitis are prescribed for a period of 3 to 7 days. The most commonly used drugs are Nimesulide, Ibuprofen and Meloxicam. If the inflammation is very pronounced, then intramuscular and intravenous administration medicines.

Glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone) have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. They are prescribed in extreme cases, when other methods of treatment do not bring the desired result. Some patients, due to the presence concomitant diseases they are contraindicated.

Antibiotics for bursitis should be prescribed if harmful microorganisms (streptococci, gonococci or staphylococci) are found in the exudate. Augmentin, Cefuroxime, Levofloxacin are the most commonly used drugs to suppress bacteria. The course of treatment is from 5 to 14 days.

Physiotherapy helps to cope with inflammation. Bursitis heals faster if electrophoresis is performed with medicines, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy or UHF. Is it possible to warm bursitis, you ask. If there are suspicions that you have a purulent form of the disease, then it is strictly forbidden to warm the affected joint. In other cases or easy course inflammation, a course of applications with paraffin can be prescribed.

Ointment for bursitis

It is also recommended to relieve joint pain topical application anesthetic ointments. Well helps to eliminate bursitis Diclofenac or Indomethocin. These ointments also have secondary effects: they relieve swelling and redness of tissues well, improve blood circulation.

With purulent inflammation, Vishnevsky ointment may be prescribed. She happens to be good antiseptic, enhances local blood circulation, warms and relaxes muscle tissues. The ointment is applied to the bandage and wrapped around the diseased joint 2 times a day.

Surgical treatment of bursitis

How is bursitis treated if conservative therapy does not help? In such situations, doctors have to resort to surgical interventions. Puncturing the cavity of the bag is the most frequent method treatment.

The operation is under local anesthesia and allows not only to remove excess synovial fluid, but also introduce anti-inflammatory drugs inside. With a favorable outcome of the puncture, the patient is allowed to go home after 2-3 hours.

Sometimes a bursectomy is required, that is, the complete excision of the bursa. It is carried out in two ways: open and arthroscopic. The second option is minimally invasive and is characterized by short period rehabilitation.

life forecast

Bursitis responds well to treatment if the patient consulted a doctor in time and did not self-medicate the affected joint. The orthopedist will individually select a rehabilitation program after recovery, which will prevent the recurrence of the disease. Only in 2-3% of cases, bursitis becomes chronic and worries patients throughout their lives.

Some people are interested: can legs be taken away from bursitis. In cases where complications arise or the patient does not seek professional help for a long time, complete immobilization of the diseased limb is possible. The condition is reversible, however, the treatment will be long and painful.

Complications of bursitis

Running cases of bursitis do not bode well for patients, and there is no question of a complete recovery at all. Complications appear in 1 patient out of 5000. The most common of them:

  • calcification;
  • cicatricial adhesions;
  • fistula;
  • necrosis of the bursa wall
  • infection in other organs.

Purulent inflammation extends not only to soft tissues and bones, but also affects small vessels and The lymph nodes. And this is fraught with the development of sepsis, which can lead to the death of the patient.

Bursitis is one of the most dangerous and unpleasant diseases joints, which causes limited mobility. If the patient does not receive timely treatment, then sepsis, or blood poisoning, a life-threatening condition, may develop. Among possible complications- fistulas, infection of other organs, arthritis, including purulent forms, adhesive processes and limitation of joint mobility.

What is bursitis?

This is the name of a disease in which the mucous tissue of the synovial bags, or burs, which are closed blind bags, becomes inflamed. Then exudate accumulates in them - a liquid secreted from blood vessels. These accumulations pull back the skin, causing the joint to increase in size. But if the inflammation is in a deep-lying bag, then only radiography will help identify the disease, since it does not appear outwardly.

There are acute and chronic bursitis. The acute form is most often caused by a bruise, abrasion or other injury. However, inflammation can also develop after ingestion of an infection caused by pyogenic microbes. chronic course the disease takes with constant irritation of the focus of inflammation.

As a rule, bursitis is accompanied by inflammation of the tendons.

Risk factors

Inflammation of the mucosa of the synovial bursa is typical disease athletes - cyclists, football players, and others. For example, weightlifters are often diagnosed. Due to the nature of the profession, builders and miners are susceptible to the disease.

Most often it affects men under the age of 35 years. The risk group also includes overweight people who are often susceptible, and those who wear uncomfortable shoes.

Provoke the disease of infection:

  • rheumatism;
  • angina;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • scarlet fever.

The chronic form is caused by pathologies of the joints and bones - arthritis, gout, valgus deformity of the foot.


Bursitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the affected joint during movement, which worsens at night;
  • redness skin over the articulation;
  • elastic painful swelling and swelling around the site of inflammation;
  • increased body temperature in the affected area;
  • muscle weakness.

Without therapy, the process passes to soft tissues, provoking the occurrence of acute purulent inflammation(phlegmon).

With chronic bursitis, the pain is somewhat less powerful. Calcium deposits appear in the area of ​​the synovial bursa. This causes stiffness in movements, swelling. With exacerbation of chronic bursitis, the amount of fluid in the bag increases.

The severity of the condition depends on the location of the inflammation. It is considered the most difficult.

Diagnosis and treatment

In addition to the examination, the surgeon prescribes an x-ray and ultrasound of the joint. If necessary, puncture the cavity of the bursa and bacteriological examination selected liquid.

In an acute course or exacerbation, the patient is prescribed rest, exclude the load on the affected joint. Cold and hot compresses are applied to relieve pain. Of the medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are used if the cause is an infection.

Additionally, the resources of physiotherapy, mud therapy, light therapy are used. AT rehabilitation period mobility is improved with physiotherapy exercises.


People at risk should pay special attention to their health. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary:

  • get rid of infections in a timely manner;
  • avoid excessive loads when playing sports, take into account the capabilities of the body;
  • correct joint deformities, especially those forming the foot;
  • keep normal weight;
  • wear comfortable shoes to reduce the chance of developing.

Need more information about the disease? Read other materials of the heading "Bursitis". Here you will find detailed list symptoms and treatments.

Bursitis is an inflammation of the periarticular sac or bursa. The disease is manifested by the accumulation of a significant amount of fluid in the joint cavity. The periarticular sac is a cavity filled with a specific fluid that prevents the bones from rubbing. As a rule, such cavities envelop the joint and protect it from possible damage. bursitis enough insidious disease which needs adequate and timely treatment.

Inflammation of the bursa can occur different reasons. Experts most often distinguish the following:

  1. Significant physical exercise. This problem is faced more often by athletes and people whose professional activity associated with severe physical work. Monotonous and repetitive movements strong pressure on the joint and cause inflammation of the bursa. Bursitis appears in the joint that is most exposed to stress.
  2. Injuries of tendons and synovial bag. It has been observed that bursitis develops as a result of various injuries (blows, abrasions, bruises).
  3. Infection. Diverse infectious diseases can cause inflammation of the periarticular sac. Thus, bursitis may appear on the background erysipelas, flu, tonsillitis, furunculosis, abscess.
  4. Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal motor system. The cause of the disease can be inflammatory processes that occur in the joints: arthritis, arthrosis and gout.
  5. Metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders can provoke the development of the disease.
  6. Autoimmune ailments. Work failures immune system lead to the production of specific antibodies that attack their own own fabrics such as joint cells.

Bursitis classification

The disease is classified according to the following criteria:

Depending on the composition of the fluid from the joint capsule, bursitis occurs:

  • purulent;
  • serous;
  • purulent-hemorrhagic;
  • serous fibrous.

The purulent form of bursitis is considered especially severe, since it proceeds acutely with high temperature.

Depending on the nature cellular composition accumulated fluid are distinguished:

  • lymphocytic bursitis;
  • mononuclear;
  • neutrophilic;
  • eosinophilic;
  • mixed.

Lymphocytic and mononuclear is characteristic of the acute form of bursitis. The neutrophil develops when chronic form ailment. Eosinophilic occurs against the background allergic disease. Mixed is a simultaneous combination of several forms of bursitis.

Depending on the etiology of the disease, there are:

  • infectious (septic);
  • traumatic (aseptic).

Septic bursitis is a consequence of the penetration of the pathogen into the bursa. It can be either endogenous or exogenous.

Aseptic bursitis develops as a result of trauma and is not infectious.

According to the degree of intensity of the disease, they distinguish:

  • inflammatory process that damages cells (alteration);
  • the process of formation and accumulation of fluid (exudation);
  • restoration of articular tissue (proliferation).

Depending on the localization of the disease, the following types are distinguished:

  • hip bursitis;
  • foot bursitis;
  • knee bursitis;
  • shoulder bursitis;
  • elbow bursitis;
  • bursitis thumb.

According to the course of the inflammatory process, there are:

  • acute bursitis;
  • chronic bursitis.

hip bursitis

This form of bursitis is the most severe. It is characterized by pain that appears when walking and rotation of the hip. Visually, you can see swelling on the anterior surface of the thigh. Sometimes an infectious-purulent variant of hip bursitis develops.

Foot bursitis

The development of this form of the disease is provoked by an infection or injury, as well as uncomfortable stilettos.

knee bursitis

Develops due to frequent mechanical injuries knee joint. It is often observed in hockey players and football players, as well as in individuals who are subject to intense physical exertion.

shoulder bursitis

It is characterized by pain that appears with a circular rotation of the arm. There is an increase in the muscles of the shoulder, swelling shoulder joint, skin redness and swelling.

Elbow bursitis

Characterized severe pain, skin redness and swelling. The most common infectious form of bursitis.

Bursitis of the thumb

Bursitis can strike like thumbs hands and big toes. Develops as a result chronic inflammation joints of the foot, hand or congenital anomalies. Bursitis can also be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes and joint weakness. A bursitis of the thumb often develops due to mechanical injuries of the hand and finger. Injury to the toe can lead to hallux valgus thumb, which causes it to deviate to the side.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease is to study the exudate that accumulates in the bursa. For this, a puncture is performed, fluid is taken, and the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics is determined.

Methods for diagnosing bursitis include:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • examination of the patient;
  • complete blood count to detect inflammation;
  • arthrography ( endoscopy affected area);
  • angiography (examination of blood vessels).

It is necessary to differentiate the disease from synovitis (inflammation of the vessel lining) and arthritis (inflammation of the joint). With bursitis, mobility is preserved to a large extent than with arthritis. In some cases, synovitis and bursitis are diagnosed at the same time, since these ailments often occur in parallel. However, X-ray examination is carried out for accurate diagnosis, ultrasound procedure(ultrasound), CT scanner(CT). Of particular importance in the context of diagnosis is the recognition of deep bursitis, which are poorly accessible for detection. In this case apply additional methods diagnostics.

There are several tests that can be used to diagnose bursitis:

  • the patient is asked to put his hand behind his hair, as if he were combing it;
  • the patient is asked to squat for some time.

In the first case, with bursitis, the range of motion of the hand is limited and the patient cannot put his hand behind his head. In the second case, the patient experiences severe pain when squatting and cannot squat. Therefore, bursitis of the elbow and knee can be diagnosed.

Bursitis symptoms

The main symptoms of bursitis are swelling and pain at the site of the periarticular bag. The pains are of a different nature: sharp, throbbing, shooting, spasmodic and aching. Other symptoms are:

  • local increase in temperature;
  • limited mobility of the diseased joint;
  • redness of the skin over the joint;
  • accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity;
  • sometimes the pain intensifies at night and radiates to the leg;
  • swelling of the extracellular space;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

If the disease has an infectious-purulent character, then acute bursitis develops, which is manifested by strong painful sensations and high body temperature (sometimes it can rise up to 40°C). Chronic bursitis is manifested by a change in exacerbation and remission. In chronic bursitis, there is a clear swelling in the form, which is localized in the region of the bursa. At the same time, the skin is mobile, of normal color, and the functions of the joint are not impaired.

How to treat bursitis

Treatment for bursitis involves:

  • conservative therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery.

Conservative treatment

Implies application medications. For this purpose, use:

  • non-steroidal drugs from the group of NSAIDs;
  • analgesics;
  • antibiotics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs for local treatment.

Very often, with bursitis, bed rest is prescribed, immobilization of the diseased area with the help of an orthosis, a soft bandage or a plaster cast.

Physiotherapy procedures

For get well soon appoint the following procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • ozokeritotherapy;
  • acupressure;
  • acupuncture.

Treatment of bursitis with physiotherapeutic methods is effective for any type of this disease. They are used to activate metabolic reactions, prevent edema and fluid retention, relax muscles and improve joint function.

After acute period you can gradually increase the load on the joints. For this purpose, a course therapeutic gymnastics, including exercises for the rehabilitation of damaged areas.

For immobilization of a diseased arm or leg, use elastic bandages, orthoses, soft bandages. It is also advisable to massage with a cold towel or apply a heating pad with ice. At first, with acute bursitis, a person is prescribed bed rest, and the affected limb is placed on a hill to reduce swelling.

When the acute period subsides, all physical activity increases gradually. top or lower limb are developed with the help of a special massage, and a complex of physiotherapy exercises is selected individually.


Chronic bursitis, especially post-traumatic, very often leads to surgical intervention. It is carried out primarily to restore the functions of the affected area.

During the operation, calcium deposits are removed, which tend to accumulate in the tissues of the joint. The bursa is opened, purulent masses and accumulated fluid are removed, large adhesions are removed, and the cavity is disinfected.

In some cases, it may be necessary to partially or complete removal periarticular bag. In especially severe cases, bones are replaced with metal rods.

What are the possible complications

Bursitis should be treated as soon as it is diagnosed. Otherwise, serious complications can occur that will lead to loss of motor activity and many serious diseases.

Most often, bursitis is complicated by:

  • necrosis of the walls of the synovial bag;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • the appearance of adhesions and fistulas;
  • phlegmon and abscess;
  • purulent arthritis;
  • sepsis;
  • calcification.

In rare cases, infertility may develop after the occurrence of adhesions in the area of ​​the reproductive system after hip bursitis.

An inflammatory pathology that affects the synovial joint capsules is bursitis. It is characterized by increased formation and accumulation of fluid in the articular cavities.

During treatment, bursitis lends itself well to correction, and both with medications and responds well to complementary therapy at home.

In order for therapeutic measures to be as effective as possible, first the specialist must exclude the cause that caused the appearance and activation inflammatory processes(it can be bacteria such as brucella, gonococci, spirochetes).


  • analyzes the patient's history;
  • carries out a thorough study of the bacteriological composition of the synovial bag of the diseased joint;
  • detects serological reactions.

To specify bursitis, the doctor examines the degree of joint mobility. To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray is performed.

At an early stage of development of acute bursitis, the following are indicated:

  • complete rest of the affected limb;
  • pressure fixing bandage on the joint;
  • heat compresses.

In a situation with chronic, especially purulent bursitis, the orthopedist resorts to puncturing the articular bag with the subsequent removal of the esudate that has accumulated there. After that, the area is washed with solutions of antibiotics or antiseptics. If necessary, the doctor additionally prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets or injections, soothing ointments.

Traumatic bursitis

When it comes to bursitis of traumatic origin, hydrocortisone is injected into the synovial bag (dosing medication costs 20 - 50 mg in combination with antibiotics in an amount of two to five times; the patient is first injected with an anesthetic 2% solution of novocaine).

Purulent and acute bursitis

With purulent bursitis, a puncture is indicated. If the disease progresses, it is necessary to open the synovial bag and clean it of pus. In fact, shown surgical intervention, the residual wound after which heals for a long time.

In a situation with acute bursitis, the result of treatment depends on such additional factors:

  • what is the degree pathological changes that occurred in the joint bag;
  • patient immunity;
  • infection prevalence.

In the event of an unfavorable outcome, either untimely treatment bursitis can cause complications:

  • sepsis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • fistulas.

The treatment of bursitis often begins with the use of conservative methods. In particular, such as:

  • cold compresses on the affected areas;
  • taking weak painkillers.

Complex treatments

If the above methods did not give the desired result, then the sequence of treatment is as follows:


Standard physiotherapy, which is carried out in three directions - absorbable, anti-inflammatory, analgesic. It can be UHF, applications with paraffin and ozocerite, dry heat, microwave technology.

Chronic and subacute forms of bursitis respond well to radiation therapy. In particular, this procedure restores trophism and eliminates pain.

Massage is used to restore joint function and optimize muscle tone.

Folk methods of treatment

In addition to traditional technologies, bursitis is treated with folk remedies at home.


Compresses made from fresh vegetables - they are applied to damaged joints at bedtime, while the fruits can be alternated (for example, cabbage, potatoes, beets). Coarsely chop the vegetables, put on a clean, dry cloth, wrap the affected area with it. Tie a warm scarf on top to keep warm. Repeat the procedure until the formation completely disappears.


Treatment of bursitis at home is also possible with the help of granulated sugar - a slightly warmed product is poured into a bag made of linen, applied to the affected joint before going to bed. It is worth laying a cellophane film upstairs and wrapping the structure with a warm scarf or scarf. In the morning, the compress is removed, the wet sugar is thrown away. The procedure is repeated until the patient is completely healed.

health drink

A good remedy for treating bursitis is a tea made from celery. The drink has a good anti-inflammatory effect, helps to strengthen the immune system. Proportions: one big spoon plant seeds, you need to take a glass of boiling water. Brew tea, let it stand for several hours. After - strain. Take twice a day for two weeks.


One more folk remedy for the treatment of bursitis at home - lotions based on propolis. So, 10 g of a substance should be poured with one hundred milliliters of vodka. After this, the remedy is infused for five days. Lotions are performed until the swelling in the articular area disappears completely.


Additional home remedy- massage using aromatic oils. So, you can use vaseline, lavender, Eucalyptus oil. The mixture is rubbed into the joint area. The procedure is performed every day before bedtime.

Herbal compresses

A good remedy for removing puffiness in the area of ​​the affected joint at home are such plants: burdock and plantain leaves, calendula and linden flowers. Of these, special compresses are made, which should be applied to a sore spot before going to bed.