The cause of inflammation of the adenoids in children. Inflamed adenoids in children: symptoms, how and what to treat

Adenoids are pathological changes in the pharyngeal tonsil and manifest as excessive growth. They are pale pink in color and round or irregular shape, are located on a broad base in the arch of the nasopharynx.

Their surface is uneven and looks like a rooster's comb. Inflammation of the adenoids in children most often occurs at the age of 5-10 years, in more late age this rarely happens, since in adults the adenoids are atrophied.

In this article we will talk about inflammation of the adenoids in a child and the symptoms of this disease, and also consider the causes and treatment that is used for different stages adenoids.

Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the adenoids that occurs in acute or chronic form. The causative agents of the disease are most often pneumococci, staphylococci (see), streptococci and adenoviruses.

Adenoids can become inflamed for the following reasons:

  1. Genetic predisposition– with an existing hereditary tendency to the growth of adenoids, frequent adenoiditis and malfunctions are observed thyroid gland, lethargy and apathy.
  2. Pediatric infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, measles or diphtheria, as well as various viral diseases are often the cause of inflamed adenoids in a child.
  3. Allergic reactions of various etiologies available to the child.
  4. Immunodeficiency states.
  5. Chronic foci of infection that are present in the child’s body.

Note! It is extremely important that adenoiditis is distinguished from adenoid hypertrophy. The fact is that adenoiditis can be successfully treated conservatively, and adenoid hypertrophy quite often leads to the development of complications and requires surgical treatment.

Manifestation of the disease

It is worth noting that inflammation of the adenoids in a child may be accompanied by various clinical picture, depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic.

Acute adenoiditis

Developing this disease quite quickly, with acute manifestation symptoms - increased body temperature, cough, intoxication of the body. When a child's adenoids become inflamed, he complains of painful sensations inside the nose and a headache, in addition, when swallowing, it hurts behind the soft palate, and the pain radiates to the ears and nasal cavity.

In the nasopharynx, a feeling of soreness and tickling appears in the throat, in the back of the head appears Blunt pain. Due to the spread of edema, hearing decreases and pain in the ears appears, impaired nasal breathing, nasality is noted.

In children infancy the sucking process is disrupted, the sputum has a yellowish-green color, the posterior palatine arches are hyperemic, the cough is wet and intrusive, and attacks of suffocation similar to subglottic laryngitis may occur.

On examination, redness and swelling are noted pharyngeal tonsil, the presence of fibrinous plaque, the grooves are filled with exudate of a mucopurulent nature. The occipital, posterior cervical and regional submandibular lymph nodes are sharply painful and enlarged.

The disease lasts on average about 5-7 days and tends to recur. In addition, it can affect the development of complications such as acute otitis media, sinusitis, bronchopneumonia and laryngotracheobronchitis.

Chronic adenoiditis

This form of the disease is a consequence of previously suffered acute adenoiditis. Accompanied by an increase in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil and a gradual increase in symptoms.

At night, mucus and pus entering the throat cause coughing, the presence of chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx becomes the cause of inflammation of the auditory tube, and as a result, its patency is impaired and hearing decreases. Body temperature is subfebrile, noted headache, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite, weakness and fatigue.

Based on what inflammatory reaction was predominant chronic adenoiditis divided into:

  • catarrhal;
  • exudative-serous;
  • mucopurulent;

Considering general state immunity and the degree of allergization distinguish the following types of disease:

  • the allergic component is pronounced;
  • reactions of the humoral immune system predominate;
  • the functional activity of the immune system is not sufficiently expressed.

Depending on how pronounced local signs inflammation and adjacent areas and organs are affected; the disease is usually divided into compensated, subcompensated and decompensated forms; in addition, adenoiditis can be superficial or lacunar.

Treatment of inflammation of the adenoids

In order to know how to relieve inflammation of the adenoids in a child, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis by an ENT specialist, who will decide on treatment based on the results of the studies obtained.

Instructions for the treatment of adenoiditis are primarily aimed at preserving organs, which means that surgery will only be considered as extreme measures in case of particularly advanced disease or serious complications.

The following methods are used to treat inflammation of the adenoids:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • detoxification drugs;
  • vasoconstrictor sprays or;
  • use of immunomodulators;
  • intranasal glucocorticoids;
  • vitamin therapy.

In addition, after consultation with a doctor, you can do it yourself by rinsing the nasopharynx and nasal cavity with solutions medicinal herbs and propolis (see). Irrigate with emulsions of eucalyptus, propolis, and Kalanchoe. The price of these medicinal products small, and they effectively help in treating inflammation.

From the photos and videos in this article, we learned about why inflammation of the adenoids occurs, what symptoms it is accompanied by, and what methods are used to treat adenoiditis.

Did you know, dear readers what is the connection between adenoids in children preschool age And mental abilities child? If you had to see a neurologist about hyperactivity or poor perception of information in a child, the doctor will advise you to treat the adenoids. Many parents know that such a pathology is treated surgically by ENT doctors and therefore try to avoid surgery, especially in children. In this article you will learn that adenoids in children can be cured without surgery at home.

Adenoid vegetations- these are formations of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx area, which initially carry a very important immune function, protecting the body from infection. Here T-lymphocytes are formed, which are responsible for cellular and humoral immunity. The pharyngeal tonsil, one of the tonsils of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring, is located in the vault of the nasopharynx and is not visible during normal examination. To see it you need a special instrument - a nasal speculum.

The formation of the pharyngeal tonsil begins when intrauterine development fetus Adenoid vegetations are present mainly in young children under 7 years of age. Usually after 8-9 years the adenoids begin to shrink and by 12-16 years they almost completely disappear.

The pharyngeal tonsil is located at the very beginning of the respiratory tract and is the first to come into contact with germs and viruses. For any inflammatory process active interaction of T-lymphocytes with antigens of viruses and microbes occurs, the tonsil increases in size. As soon as the inflammation subsides, the lymphoid tissue returns to its original size.

But sometimes, without having time to arrive at normal condition, the adenoids become inflamed again and increase in size again, but after repeated inflammation they can no longer reach their original size: the folds of the nasal mucosa become thickened, lengthened, and take on the appearance of ridges separated by grooves.

Proliferation of adenoids is promoted frequent illnesses, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and this is one of the symptoms of measles, scarlet fever, sore throat, influenza, ARVI and other acute and chronic infections upper respiratory tract. Summarizing the above, adenoids are a pathological growth of the pharyngeal tonsils.

Why do adenoids appear?

I have already talked about one of the reasons for the development of adenoids - these are frequent infectious diseases accompanied by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Other reasons may be:

  • Frequent inflammatory diseases in children, accompanied by high fever;
  • Childhood infections - measles, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, acute viral infections;
  • Women who have suffered acute viral infections in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of developing adenoids in children is higher than in women who were healthy;
  • Untreated or untreated bacterial and viral infections;
  • Predisposition to allergies, which is almost always accompanied by an allergic runny nose.

At risk are children who often consume foods rich in preservatives, dyes, flavors and stabilizers. Not the least role is played by heredity, dry indoor air and unfavorable environmental conditions.

Signs and symptoms of adenoids in children

Parents should be alerted by the first signs when the child has difficulty breathing through the nose. At first this happens during sleep, the baby begins to snore, sometimes very loudly, when the child sleeps on his back from the floor open mouth.

Frequent and prolonged colds are another sign of the development of adenoids. Moreover, nasal discharge is initially clear and not thick, but later it becomes thicker and purulent.

There is usually no pain. They appear when the child has to breathe only through the mouth, which happens with grades 2 and 3 adenoids.

Symptoms of adenoids may vary depending on the degree of development of the pathology.

  • 1st degree - the child experiences gradual difficulty in nasal breathing, that is, during the day the child breathes normally, but at night during sleep the parents notice that the child begins to breathe through the mouth. When examining the nose, ENT doctors note that the tonsil covers 1/3 of the vomer (the nasal septum to which the pharyngeal tonsil is attached).
  • 2nd degree - symptoms are more pronounced. The child gets sick more often, and mouth breathing predominates over nasal breathing. Here the lumen of the nasal passages is closed by 2/3.
  • 3rd degree - the lumen of the nasal passages is completely closed by overgrown adenoid tissue. The child cannot breathe through his nose.

With difficulty in nasal breathing, which is typical for grades 2 and 3, the child’s brain constantly experiences oxygen starvation, which affects its development. This is called chronic cerebral ischemia or chronic hypoxia. In this state, the brain cannot work normally, and higher cortical functions decrease. As a result, the child’s attention, memory, speed of thinking, and speed of speech decrease.

With chronic hypoxia, the child’s appearance also becomes characteristic: pale circles appear under the eyes, the child’s face becomes slightly puffy. A headache appears, the child does not tolerate stuffiness.

Children with adenoids have characteristic symptoms:

  • The child sleeps with his mouth open, snores, attacks of suffocation or apnea are possible during sleep, babies cry in their sleep;
  • When breathing through the mouth, as a rule, the oral mucosa dries out, because of this the child may have a dry cough in the morning;
  • Due to nasal congestion, the timbre of the voice changes, speech becomes nasal;
  • Discomfort from nasal congestion affects the child’s mood, he becomes moody, and his appetite decreases;
  • Hearing deteriorates, and due to the proximity of the auditory canal connecting the nasopharynx and ear cavity, otitis media may develop and pain in the ear may occur;
  • Kids become lethargic, capricious, irritable, get tired quickly, and have headaches.

A possible complication of adenoids is adenoiditis, when pathogenic microflora causes inflammation of the hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil. Acute form adenoiditis is accompanied by fever, nasal congestion, pain and burning in the nasopharynx, symptoms of intoxication, mucopurulent nasal discharge, and enlarged regional lymph nodes.

At untimely treatment There may be problems with swallowing food, facial deformation and mental retardation.

How to treat adenoids in a child?

Treatment of adenoids is selected taking into account the degree of proliferation. And it is imperative to eliminate the factors that contribute to the enlargement of adenoids.

Treatment of adenoids without surgery

Grades 1 and 2 respond well to timely conservative treatment, which comes down to burying vasoconstrictor drops, if necessary, treatment with antibiotics is carried out. It is imperative to boost your child’s immunity so that he or she gets colds as rarely as possible.

Gives good results traditional methods, the essence of which is to rinse the nasal cavities with infusions of medicinal herbs or instill drops. An entire section below will be devoted to this treatment method.

Surgical treatment of adenoids

With grade 2 and especially with grade 3 adenoids, surgical treatment will be required. But before the operation, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment. Only if it is ineffective will the doctor decide on the need for surgical treatment.

There are several methods of performing operations, each of them has its pros and cons.

  1. Classic adenoid excision. The operation is performed under local anesthesia lidocaine, the operation lasts no more than 30 minutes, the child is left in the department for 1 day. However, this method is not acceptable, if the child actively resists, there is a risk of leaving even a small piece of tissue, which can cause a relapse, and for the child to mechanical injury a psychological one is also added.
  2. Laser adenotomy. This method is less traumatic, since the operation is performed with a laser beam, it is painless, postoperative period passes without pain and bacterial complications and relapses are rare. This method is recommended for use only for grade 3 adenoids, as aid after endoscopic adenotomy.
  3. Endoscopic (shaver) adenotomy. It is carried out under general anesthesia by using special devices– endoscopes. This technique is the most reliable and safe, which guarantees high-quality and complete removal adenoids.

Indications for surgery:

Contraindications to surgery:

Traditional methods of treating adenoids at home

Modern medicine claims that adenoids can only be cured surgically. However, given numerous reviews from parents, we can say with confidence that adenoids can be cured at home, without resorting to any medications, much less for surgery.

If you notice symptoms, do not delay and begin treatment immediately. Treatment at home has a number of advantages: healing procedures are carried out in a comfortable psychological environment and these methods are painless.

Nasal rinsing

An excellent effect is achieved by washing the nasal passages with saline solution, baking soda and herbal infusions:

  • In 1 glass warm boiled water dissolve a quarter teaspoon baking soda, add 15 drops of 10% to the solution alcohol tincture propolis. Rinse each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed horsetail herb, put it on the fire and cook for 15 minutes, remove from the heat and let it brew for another 2 hours. We rinse the nasopharynx 2 times during the week.
  • Grind the St. John's wort herb and pour it in warm water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Rinse your nose twice a day. The infusion can be taken orally, half a glass per dose three times a day.
  • Pour crushed oak bark (1 tbsp) into a liter of water and boil over low heat without a lid until the amount of water has evaporated by half. Add half a teaspoon of any pine resin to the strained warm broth and stir well. Use to rinse your nose morning and evening.

Some parents will say that rinsing the nose is a very technically complex procedure. And they will be wrong. I found a video that shows how to perform this procedure simply and effectively. Be sure to watch this video to the end!

Nasal drops

  • Thuja oil. In 1 tbsp. l. olive oil add 5 drops essential oil thuja, mix gently with a wooden stick. Place the resulting oil 2 drops into each nasal passage at night. You should first rinse your nasal passages with saline. solution.

Children do not like to have drops put into their nose, which cause a burning sensation. N.F. Fonstein, director of the Moscow Clinic of Children's Diseases, suggests putting it in the nose eye drops(Sofradex, Garazon). They are gentle, contain antibiotics and the hormone dexamethasone or hydrocortisone. They need to be instilled 6-8 drops into each nasal passage for a week.

In order for the use of nasal drops to be effective, they must be instilled correctly. The point is that the medicine gets to the surface of the adenoids. And in order for the medicine to actually be on the surface of the adenoids, when instilling drops, the child should lie on his back with his head thrown back strongly, you can even put a pillow under the shoulders. After instillation, the child must be kept in this position for another 2-3 minutes.

Dear readers, after reading this article, you learned that adenoids in children can be cured without surgery. To do this, you need to be a little more attentive to the health of your children. Don’t delay, start treatment on time when the first signs appear! Be healthy!

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

– pathological proliferation of lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, more often in children 3-10 years old. Accompanied by difficulty in free nasal breathing, snoring during sleep, nasal voice, and runny nose. Leads to frequent colds and inflammation in the middle ear, hearing loss, voice changes, slurred speech, developmental delays, formation malocclusion. The diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist based on pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy, radiography of the nasopharynx, endoscopic examination nasopharynx. At surgical removal adenoids (adenotomy, cryodestruction), a relapse of their growth cannot be ruled out.

General information

Adenoids – pathological increase nasopharyngeal tonsil. The disease is detected in 5-8% of children aged 3 to 7 years, and equally often affects boys and girls. In older children, the incidence rate decreases. In patients over 15 years of age, hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is rarely detected, although in some cases adults can also suffer.

Together with food, water and air, it penetrates into the human body through the mouth. great amount microbes In the pharynx there are lymphoid formations (tonsils), which prevent the penetration of infection and protect the body from pathogens. The tonsils form a pharyngeal ring (Valdeira-Pirogov ring). The nasopharyngeal tonsil is part of the pharyngeal ring and is located on the roof of the nasopharynx. The amygdala is well developed in children, but decreases with age and often completely atrophies.


There is a hereditary predisposition to the proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, due to a deviation in the structure of the endocrine and lymphatic system(lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis). In children with this anomaly, along with adenoids, a decrease in thyroid function is often detected, which is manifested by apathy, lethargy, swelling and a tendency to be overweight.

A predisposing factor in the development of adenoids may be malnutrition (overfeeding) and the toxic effects of a number of viruses. Secondary inflammation and enlargement of the adenoids can develop after such childhood infectious diseases like whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever and diphtheria.


There are three degrees of adenoid enlargement:

  • 1st degree– adenoids cover a third of the choanae and vomer. During the day the child breathes freely. At night, due to the transition to a horizontal position and an increase in the volume of the adenoids, breathing is difficult.
  • 2nd degree– adenoids cover half of the choanae and vomer. The child breathes mainly through his mouth both day and night and often snores in his sleep.
  • 3rd degree– adenoids completely (or almost completely) cover the vomer and choanae. The symptoms are the same as for grade 2, but more pronounced.

Symptoms of adenoids

The child's nose is constantly or periodically stuffy, with copious serous discharge. The child sleeps with his mouth open. Due to breathing difficulties, the patient's sleep becomes restless, accompanied by loud snoring. Children often have nightmares. During sleep, attacks of suffocation are possible due to the retraction of the root of the tongue.

For adenoids big size phonation is impaired, the patient’s voice becomes nasal. Holes auditory tubes are closed by overgrown adenoids, which causes hearing loss. Children become distracted and inattentive. Because of the adenoids, congestive hyperemia of the surrounding soft tissues (posterior palatine arches, soft palate, mucous membrane of the turbinates) develops. As a result, breathing problems worsen, and rhinitis often develops, eventually turning into chronic catarrhal rhinitis.

The growth of adenoid tissue is often complicated by adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoids). With exacerbation of adenoiditis, signs of a general nonspecific infection appear (weakness, fever). Adenoids and especially adenoiditis are often accompanied by an increase in regional lymph nodes. Prolonged course of the disease leads to impairment normal process development of the facial skeleton. Lower jaw becomes narrow and lengthens. Due to a violation of the formation hard palate, malocclusion occurs. The patient's face takes on a peculiar “adenoid appearance”.

Adenoids can affect the breathing mechanism. When a stream of air passes through nasal cavity there is a reflex formation of the nature of inhalation and exhalation. Therefore, a person always breathes deeper through the nose than through the mouth. Prolonged breathing through the mouth causes a slight, but uncompensated lack of ventilation of the lungs.

The child’s blood is less saturated with oxygen, and chronic, mildly expressed brain hypoxia occurs. Due to chronic oxygen depletion in children with long course adenoids sometimes develop some mental retardation. Patients often complain of headaches, study poorly, and have difficulty remembering educational material.

Decreasing inspiratory depth during long period time causes disruption of the formation process chest. The child develops a chest deformity called “chicken breast”. A number of patients with adenoids exhibit anemia, impaired activity gastrointestinal tract(decreased appetite, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea).


The diagnosis is made on the basis of a detailed examination, carefully collected anamnesis and data instrumental studies. The following instrumental techniques are used:

  • Pharyngoscopy. During the study, the condition of the oropharynx and palatine tonsils. The presence of mucopurulent discharge on the back wall throats. To examine the adenoids, the soft palate is lifted with a spatula.
  • Anterior rhinoscopy. The doctor examines the nasal passages. The study reveals swelling and the presence of discharge in the nasal cavity. Vasoconstrictor drops are instilled into the child's nose, after which the adenoids covering the choanae become visible. The child is asked to swallow. The resulting contraction of the soft palate causes vibration of the adenoids, during which light reflections are visible on the surface of the tonsils.
  • Posterior rhinoscopy. The doctor examines the nasal passages through the oropharynx using a mirror. Upon examination, adenoids are visible, which are a hemispherical tumor with grooves on the surface or a group of hanging formations in various departments nasopharynx. The study is highly informative, but its implementation presents certain difficulties, especially in children younger age.
  • X-ray of the nasopharynx. The x-ray is performed in a lateral projection. During the examination, the child opens his mouth so that the adenoids are more clearly contrasted with air. An x-ray allows you to reliably diagnose adenoids and accurately determine their degree.
  • Endoscopy of the nasopharynx. A highly informative study that allows for a detailed examination of the nasopharynx. Anesthesia is required when examining young children.

Treatment of adenoids

Treatment tactics are determined not so much by the size of the adenoids, but comorbid disorders. Indications for surgery are determined by an otolaryngologist. In young children, operations for adenoids are performed under general anesthesia. In older children they are often performed under local anesthesia. It is possible to carry out cryodestruction of the adenoids or their endoscopic removal.

In patients prone to allergies, adenoids often recur, so surgical treatment should be combined with desensitizing therapy. With the proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils of the 1st degree and weakly pronounced violation breathing, conservative therapy is recommended (instillation of a 2% protargol solution). The patient is prescribed general strengthening agents (vitamins, calcium supplements, fish oil).

What are adenoids? These are two tonsils consisting of lymphoid tissue (like lymph nodes). Together with the palatine tonsils (tonsils), as well as the lingual and laryngeal tonsils, the adenoids form a lymphoepithelial ring, a closed line of defense against infection.

As a rule, 1.5-2 year old children with adenoids do not have problems. They begin to grow and reach a maximum at 3 - 7 years, when the child goes to kindergarten or to school, meets with big amount new viruses and begins to get sick often. And during illness, the lymphoid tissue that makes up the tonsils increases in order to more effectively act as a protective barrier against the spread of infection.

If a child, without having time to recover, picks up a new infection, the adenoids are constantly in an inflamed state, grow greatly and themselves become a chronic source of infection. Growing and gradually descending, the adenoids block the posterior nasal openings, making breathing difficult.

Consequences of rapid growth

Doctors distinguish three degrees of growth.

  • 1st degree- when the adenoids cover a third of the nasopharynx space. During the day, the child breathes freely, but during sleep, when the volume of the tonsils increases (due to the influx venous blood V horizontal position) and breathing becomes more difficult, the baby often sleeps with his mouth open. Do not neglect this symptom; be sure to show your child to an otolaryngologist.
  • 2nd degree- when two thirds of the nasopharynx are closed.
  • 3rd degree- when the nasopharynx is completely closed by the adenoids.

With grade 2-3 adenoids, children often sniffle, snore, and even cough as if choking in their sleep. They are forced to breathe through their mouths around the clock.

What other symptoms indicate enlarged tonsils?

Is it periodic or persistent runny nose, frequent colds, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, ARVI and others. Otitis and hearing loss.

Changes in the child’s behavior: due to a constant lack of oxygen, the child does not sleep well, is capricious, develops worse, and often complains of headaches.

Change appearance: pale, puffy face with a meaningless, apathetic expression; the eyes are slightly protruding, the mouth is open, the nasolabial folds are smoothed, the lips are dry and cracked. Over time, the growth of the bones of the facial skeleton may be disrupted: the alveolar process suffers the most upper jaw, it becomes narrow and elongated, the incisors stick out at odd angles and protrude forward, like a rabbit's. The sky becomes high and narrow. All this has a bad effect on the formation of speech.

If they are inflamed

When the adenoids are inflamed, body temperature can rise to 39 °C or higher, and symptoms appear in the nasopharynx. discomfort burning, stuffy nose, sometimes ear pain. The disease lasts 3-5 days and is often complicated by ear diseases. Very often, especially against the background of repeated acute respiratory viral infections, acute adenoiditis becomes chronic. The child shows signs chronic intoxication: fatigue, headache, bad dream, loss of appetite, persists slightly for a long time elevated temperature(37.2-37.4° C), submandibular, cervical and occipital lymph nodes enlarge.

At night, such children cough heavily, as mucopurulent discharge from the nasopharynx enters their respiratory tract.

Chronic inflammation is an excellent background for changes in blood composition, allergies, kidney disease, inflammation and proliferation of the tonsils, and even purulent conjunctivitis.

Let's get treatment!

Phytotherapy: inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx will decrease, and air will become easier to pass through the nose if you breathe over the steam of a decoction of budra ivy 3-4 times a day for one to two weeks. Pour 15 g of herb into a glass cold water for 1-2 hours, then simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Prepare the decoction daily.

For recurrent adenoiditis for 1-2 weeks, 3 times a day, a child of 5-6 years old can rinse the nasopharynx with a special solution, provided that he does not swallow it, but spits it all out - watch this! Dissolve 0.25 teaspoon in a glass of warm boiled water baking soda and 20 drops of 10% alcohol solution propolis.

General strengthening agents: vitamins, homeopathy, ultraviolet irradiation (you can buy a quantum therapy device).

Washing. It must be carried out using special equipment. Independent attempts to rinse a child’s nose using a yoga technique can result in acute otitis media!

But drops, rinses and other conservative treatments help at first, when breathing is difficult only during sleep. In more difficult cases The doctor may suggest surgery - removal of the adenoids.

Indications for it are: enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsils to the 3rd degree; the child constantly catches colds; his nasal breathing is impaired and his facial features are distorted; constantly inflamed paranasal sinuses nose; bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia often recur; there are signs bronchial asthma; hearing loss; inflammation of the middle ear occurs periodically - otitis media; a nasal voice formed; there are psychoneurological and other disorders (enuresis, convulsions).

The longer you delay the operation, the higher the risk of neurosis in the child, seizures, asthma, obsessive cough, tendency to spasms of the glottis, bedwetting.

True, in some children the adenoids undergo reverse development, but this occurs only in adolescence(by the age of 12) - you can’t always wait that long!

The nasopharyngeal tonsil must protect the body from the invasion of viruses and bacteria. But what to do if your child gets sick?How to treat adenoiditis in children?

If your child still has a cold and the inflammation of the adenoids has worsened, then it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the most pronounced symptoms adenoiditis in children: use drugs that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and thin the mucus, in combination with antibacterial therapy.

After each infection, it is necessary to use cauterizing agents: oak bark or protargol. Herbal medicine and reflexology are also successfully used today for treatment of adenoiditis.

About prevention and how to treat adenoids in children- our expert Ekaterina Uspenskaya, pediatrician, Ph.D.

To treat adenoids in a child, the most important thing is to reduce the number of acute respiratory viral infections that lead to exacerbations.

If you want your child to get sick less, simple steps will help. preventive measures: reducing the number of contacts with patients, frequent washing hands, nose lubrication oxolinic ointment in the midst of an epidemic of influenza and ARVI, as well as strengthening the child’s immunity with the help vitamin complexes And herbal tinctures(schisandra, eleutherococcus).

For the prevention of ARVI in children, special medicines. Naturopathic drugs from French manufacturers that have undergone the necessary research are best suited.

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

Inflammation adenoids in a child leaves an imprint on the functioning of other body systems.

  • In addition to difficulty in nasal breathing, overgrown nasopharyngeal tonsils characterized by nasal discharge. Impaired nasal breathing leads to inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and further to persistent rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Does the child seem to have a change in the timbre of their voice? It happens! The pharynx forms the timbre coloring of the voice, and adenoids become an obstacle to the path of the resonant wave.
  • Hearing impairment is another consequence of inflammation adenoids in a child. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, pressure of lymphoid tissue on the mouths of the auditory tubes prevent the middle ear from functioning normally and... manifests itself in hearing loss and frequent otitis media.
  • The child began to suffer from bronchitis more often. This is a natural phenomenon caused by mouth breathing, as well as the constant presence of infection in the nasopharynx.
  • Being an obstacle to the air stream, adenoids cause a child to snore during sleep.
  • Mucus from the nasopharynx flows down the inflamed lining of the pharynx, causing a cough.
  • Lack of oxygen due to constant nasal congestion is the cause of irritability and fatigue child.
  • Over time, enlarged adenoids can lead to deformation facial skull(constantly half-open mouth, reduced in size and sunken lower jaw).

The doctor determines the degree of growth based on how severe the disturbances manifest themselves. adenoids in a child.

II-III degree - the child constantly breathes through his mouth.
I degree - the child does not breathe through his nose only during sleep.

Examinations for the treatment of adenoids in children

Previously from increased adenoids in a child, which were constantly inflamed, were recommended to be removed surgically. Today, such measures are resorted to only in extreme cases. Does the doctor insist on removing the adenoids? Don't rush to agree with this decision. First of all, find out how much strong arguments from a specialist. Sometimes the doctor is misled by the same main symptom– the child constantly breathes through his mouth. Although the causes of mouth breathing may not be related to the functioning of the adenoids (deviated nasal septum, tumor).

So before you agree to surgery to remove adenoids in a child, it is worth undergoing examinations (nhinopharyngoscopy, x-ray of the nasopharynx, CT scan). The results of laboratory tests will allow the doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

How to treat adenoids in a child: folk remedies

Often it is possible to restore the function of the adenoids without surgery. And in parallel with the treatment regimen, which will be prescribed by highly specialized specialists, you can use aromatherapy, and physiotherapeutic methods (Ural irradiation, UHF on the nose area), and homeopathic remedies. They will help relieve the inflammatory process faster.

However, remember: along with treatment of adenoids in a child It is necessary to constantly ensure that the nose breathes well. At first glance, it seems that it is almost impossible to achieve this. But that's not true!

Restoring nasal breathing during inflammation of the adenoids is simple, thanks to the procedure of rinsing the nose.

How to treat adenoids in a child: nasal rinsing

Fill the syringe (without a needle!) with the prepared water-salt solution and spray a little into each nostril of the patient. Don't have a disposable syringe at home? Try the same manipulation with a small syringe (make sure that the stream is not too strong).

No less effective and ready-made pharmaceutical drugs based sea ​​water. They are more convenient to use because the bottle has a special dispenser.

A special anti-inflammatory collection also cleanses the nose well.

How to treat adenoids in a child: anti-inflammatory preparation

Brew a mixture of herbs (chamomile, oak bark, sage) in a proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of water. Strain and rinse the baby’s nose with the broth.

Time has passed, but normal breathing through the nose has not resumed? More injections, rinsing or... drops will be required for the child Kalanchoe juice(dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with water), this will help remove mucus from the nose.

Removing adenoids from a child

Rapid parallel growth of adenoids and palatine tonsils, III degree of adenoid proliferation (when they actually cover the entire nasopharynx), persistent otitis media that can lead to hearing loss, unproductive conservative treatment - these are not all indications for removal adenoids in children. There are others too. However, each case must be considered individually, taking into account age, frequency colds, complications and other factors.

Have you contacted several specialists and all agreed on one thing: is adenoid surgery inevitable? Dont be upset! After all, after this the child will get rid of constant infection. So calm down and try to help him.

Adenotomy (removal of adenoids) is one of the shortest operations.

As a rule, it is carried out under general or local anesthesia in the morning, on an empty stomach. Lasts only 2-3 minutes. Then the baby is admitted to the hospital. True, at first (two or three days) you will have to make sure that he is not too “active” and does not overheat - after the operation, the body temperature rises.

Diet after surgery

It is very important to follow a special diet: food should not be hard, hot or irritating to the mucous membranes. Liquid purees, porridges, and creamy soups are suitable. All these measures are needed only for the first time, and then the baby will recover.

Inflammation of the adenoids: breathing exercises

Restore correct nasal breathing, strengthen respiratory muscles and eliminate bad habit breathing through the mouth, which often remains even after adenotomy, will be helped by a special set of exercises. Do it daily. Before classes, clear your child's nose of mucus.

  1. Let the child hold his right hand, then left nostril and each person will take about 5-6 deep breaths.
  2. Now it’s time for quick shallow breathing (like a hedgehog) through the nose with two nostrils at the same time.
  3. Invite your child to put water in his mouth and... hum a little (pronounce the long sound “mm-mm-mm”).

Inflammation of the adenoids in a child: causes

Adenoids They are small lymphoid formations - a kind of filters in the nasopharynx. They hold the first line of defense against germs, viruses and bacteria trying to take over the body. Powerful weapons adenoids are special cells produced by them - lymphocytes, which neutralize the enemy. Sometimes the adenoids lose in this fight. Due to the fact that they become inflamed and grow, and, therefore, they themselves become a source of infection.

The main reason for this is physiological characteristics child. And the trigger becomes frequent colds, bacterial infections, allergies, immune problems and even poor environmental conditions.