How much ascorbic acid should you eat per day? When is an overdose necessary?

All mothers know about the benefits of vitamin C, so attention is paid to its entry into the child’s body from birth, creating a rational menu for the baby. If you provide the child sufficient quantity ascorbic acid If it doesn’t work out with food, they resort to vitamin supplements. From what age is it permissible to give pharmaceutical drugs with vitamin C to prevent its deficiency and for what diseases they are needed childhood?

Release form

Ascorbic acid is produced:

  • In tablets. These round tablets may be white, pink, orange or another color depending on the composition. They include 25 mg or 100 mg of ascorbic acid, but also produce a preparation with 50 mg, 75 mg, 300 mg or 500 mg of this vitamin compound. One pack contains 10, 50 or 100 tablets.
  • In jelly beans. Often these are small spherical vitamins yellow color. Each tablet contains 50 mg of vitamin. One package contains 50, 100, 150 or 200 tablets.
  • In ampoules. This form of ascorbic acid is intended for injection into a vein or intramuscular injections. This is a 5% or 10% transparent solution, bottled in 1 or 2 ml ampoules. One package includes 5 or 10 ampoules.
  • In powder. A solution is prepared from it, which must be taken orally. The powder is colorless or white crystals that have no odor. It is packaged in bags of 1 or 2.5 g. One pack contains from 5 to 100 such bags.

Ascorbic acid is available in various flavoring additives and the kids really like it


The powder form contains only ascorbic acid. In addition to the main substance, tablets and dragees may contain sucrose, wax, calcium stearate, dye, dextrose, starch, lactose, talc, crospovidone and other auxiliary ingredients. IN injection form in addition to vitamin C, water, sodium sulfite and bicarbonate, cysteine, and disodium edetate may be present.

Operating principle

Once in the body, ascorbic acid has the following effect:

  • Normalizes the permeability of small vessels.
  • Protects cells and tissues from toxic substances(antioxidant effect).
  • Strengthens protective forces, preventing viral infections and colds due to activation of the formation of antibodies and interferon.
  • Helps absorb glucose.
  • Has a positive effect on liver functions.
  • Regulates blood clotting.
  • Accelerates skin healing in case of damage.
  • Participates in the formation of collagen.
  • Helps absorb iron and folic acid.
  • Activates digestive enzymes, improves bile secretion, pancreas and thyroid gland.
  • Reduces the manifestations of allergies and inflammation by inhibiting the formation of mediators involved in these pathological processes.

How vitamin C affects the body and what are the indications and contraindications for the use of ascorbic acid - watch in a short video:


  • If his diet is unbalanced and there is a risk of hypovitaminosis.
  • During active growth child's body.
  • To prevent ARVI. This reason is relevant in autumn, during winter cold and early spring.
  • If the child has increased emotional or physical stress.
  • If your baby is recovering from injury or surgery.

WITH therapeutic purpose Vitamin C preparations are prescribed:

  • With diagnosed hypovitaminosis C.
  • With hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • For nosebleeds and other bleeding.
  • At infectious diseases or intoxication.
  • With excessive use of iron supplements for a long time.
  • For acute radiation sickness.
  • For anemia.
  • For liver pathologies.
  • For colitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis or achylia.
  • For cholecystitis.
  • With sluggish healing of burns, ulcers or wounds on the skin.
  • For bone fractures.
  • With dystrophy.
  • For helminthiasis.
  • For chronic dermatoses and some other skin diseases.

At what age can it be given?

Give medications with ascorbic acid one year old child it is forbidden. Tablets containing 25 mg of ascorbic acid are prescribed from 3 years of age. Dragees containing the vitamin in a dose of 50 mg are prescribed for children over 5 years of age.

Such age restrictions are associated with difficulties in swallowing the drug in early age, as well as the risk of inhaling the pills. If necessary, your doctor can prescribe vitamin C earlier, but you should not do this on your own. Even when the child is already 3 years old or older, you should consult your pediatrician about the use of such a vitamin.


Instructions for use prohibit ascorbic acid in the following cases:

  • If the patient has an intolerance to such a vitamin.
  • If there is a tendency to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is detected.
  • If the child diabetes(for forms with sugar).
  • If the blood test showed too high level hemoglobin.
  • If a young patient is diagnosed with severe renal pathology.

A child under one year old cannot take vitamin C in the form of tablets and dragees.

Side effects

Sometimes a child’s body reacts to taking ascorbic acid with an allergy. These are often skin changes that manifest themselves as redness, itching, and rashes.

Treatment with vitamin C may also lead to:

  • Thrombocytosis, erythropenia, leukocytosis due to neutrophils.
  • Weakness and dizziness (if injected into a vein too quickly).
  • Diarrhea (at high dosage).
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Damage to tooth enamel (with prolonged absorption in the mouth).
  • Fluid and sodium retention.
  • Education in urinary tract oxalate stones (with long-term use high doses).
  • Disruption of metabolic processes.
  • Kidney damage.
  • Pain at the injection site (if administered intramuscularly).

Sometimes children develop an allergy to vitamin C, which manifests itself as a rash on the various parts body

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Ascorbic acid tablets with glucose or dragees are offered to the child after meal.
  • Prophylactic dose for children 3-10 years old it is represented by 1 tablet containing 25 mg of vitamin, and over the age of ten years this daily dosage is increased to two tablets (50 mg per day).
  • Treatment dose is 2 tablets of 25 mg of ascorbic acid per day under the age of 10 years (daily dosage 50 mg) and three to four tablets of the drug over the age of 10 years (daily dosage 75-100 mg).
  • It is recommended to take ascorbic acid prophylactically from two weeks to two months. The duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor.
  • If dosage active substance Each tablet contains 100 mg, then this ascorbic acid is given in a dose of 1/2 tablet per day to children over 6 years of age.
  • Dragees are given for prevention to children over five years old, 1 piece per day, and for treatment - 1-2 dragees up to 3 times a day.
  • Only a doctor should prescribe Ascorbic acid in injections to children. Daily dosage is 1-2 ml of the drug, but a more precise dose, route of administration and duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the disease in a particular child.


Since ascorbic acid is a water-soluble compound, hypervitaminosis does not develop with an excessive dosage of this vitamin. However, excessively high doses of such a substance can damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and other negative symptoms.

Also, poisoning with a very large amount of vitamin C is manifested by weakness, sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, and headaches. In addition, an excess of this substance will reduce capillary permeability, which will impair tissue nutrition, increase blood pressure and can lead to hypercoagulation.

To prevent ascorbic acid from causing illness, you should be aware of the maximum recommended dosages of this vitamin:

  • For children under 3 years old this is 400 mg per day.
  • For a child aged 4 to 8 years maximum dose per day is called 600 mg.
  • For children 9 to 13 years of age, dosage should not exceed 1200 mg per day.
  • At the age of over 14 years, the permissible maximum of ascorbic acid per day is 1800 mg of this vitamin.

Watch an educational video that explains what can happen if you allow excess vitamin C in the body:

Interaction with other drugs

  • The use of ascorbic acid will increase the blood levels of penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics, as well as salicylates.
  • When taken together with vitamin C and acetylsalicylic acid Ascorbic acid absorption deteriorates. The same effect is observed if you drink ascorbic acid with an alkaline liquid or fresh juice.
  • Simultaneous use with anticoagulants will reduce their therapeutic effect.
  • Taking vitamin C together with iron supplements promotes better absorption of Fe in the intestines. If you prescribe ascorbic acid and deferoxamine, iron toxicity will increase, which will negatively affect the heart and its function.
  • It is not recommended to mix the injection form of vitamin C in the same syringe with any medications, since many drugs react chemically with ascorbic acid.
  • With simultaneous treatment with barbiturates, the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine increases.

Terms of sale

You do not need a prescription to purchase Ascorbic Acid in pharmacies. The price of 10 ampoules of 2 ml with a 5% solution of ascorbic acid is about 40 rubles. A jar of 50 mg tablets of vitamin C costs 20-25 rubles, and a package of 25 mg tablets, which contain glucose, costs about 10-20 rubles.

Ascorbic acid can be bought not only at the pharmacy, but also often at the checkout in the supermarket

Storage conditions and shelf life

The place where you need to place Ascorbic acid for better preservation should not be very humid, hot or lit. In addition, you need to keep the drug where small children cannot reach it.

The shelf life of tablets with ascorbic acid is 1-3 years. different manufacturers, 5% solution for injections is stored for up to a year, 10% solution and pills - 18 months from the date of release.


Parents generally speak well of ascorbic acid preparations. Sweet ascorbic acid is liked by children and is considered by most adults to be a useful supplement, especially during the cold season. Moms are attracted by the ability of such a medicine to prevent ARVI, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels. In their reviews, they also praise Ascorbic acid for its pleasant taste, low cost and availability in pharmacies.

Most reviews do not mention any disadvantages of this drug. Only in some children Ascorbic acid causes allergies, but larger number Young patients tolerate the drug well.


Ascorbic acid for children in tablets, dragees or injection form can be replaced with other drugs that can compensate for the lack of vitamin C or prevent hypovitaminosis. These include:

  • Asvitol. The drug is presented with vitamin C in tablets (25-50 mg each) and chewable tablets(200 mg).
  • Ascovit. This vitamin C is produced in powder (packaged in 1 g bags), from which a drink with green tea and hibiscus flavor or orange flavor is prepared. This drug is also available in effervescent tablets of 500 or 1000 mg of ascorbic acid with orange and lemon flavor.

Vitamin C very effectively strengthens our immune system, in addition, it is simply necessary for the formation of mucous membranes, bones and connective tissues, and it is also involved in the detoxification of our body. This element protects all cells from destruction by destructive radicals and stimulates iron metabolism. It prevents the formation of nitrosamines, which cause cancer.

Vitamin C is very important component for the normal functioning of our psyche. It is involved in the synthesis in the pituitary gland of those hormones that help cope with stress. When necessary, this element, together with amino acids, produces dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which affects in a positive way not only on the state of a person’s psyche, but also on his intellectual performance.

Classic vitamin C deficiency manifests itself common cold, which occurs due to reduced functionality of the mucous membrane, which creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of viruses and bacteria. Deficiency can also manifest itself as too slow wound healing and a state of depression.

In early childhood, a lack of vitamin C can cause changes in the skeletal structure, which are called Möller-Barlow disease. With severe deficiency, scurvy develops, which is manifested by increased fragility blood vessels and tooth loss.

Diet, rich in vitamins C, is especially important in the cold season, as it is an excellent preventive measure against various colds. A runny nose will not stand a chance if you take one hundred milligrams of this element in powder form every day, combining such treatment with in a healthy way life and correct balanced diet. Don't forget that vitamin C is water-soluble, and excessive amounts leave our body in urine. That is why it is recommended to take it in parts, distributing the dose into several doses throughout the day. But there is one thing!

It is known that if your daily requirement of vitamin C has become sufficiently long period time (from 5g per day) and if there is a predisposition, you can encounter the formation urinary stones or with this side effect like diarrhea. So in Sweden it has long been customary to take 1000 mg of this vitamin per day. So this, as scientists have found, definitely leads to kidney stones. Therefore, they recommend reducing the dose to a maximum of 500 mg. Soviet scientists have always said that the norm of vitamin C per day for the purpose of preventing various diseases is 100 mg per day, a one-time shock - 2 grams (4 tablets for adults, 500 mg each); during cold season – 500 mg per day. American chemist Lowns Karl Polling, 2x laureate Nobel Prizes, consumed 19 g of ascorbic acid per day and lived to be 93 years old (1901-1994). Is it just for this reason...

One way or another, it was he who was the author of the theory of the special role of vitamin C. It was like this. In 1966, Dr. Irwin Stone suggested that Pauling take 3 grams of ascorbic acid every day. This resulted in Polling becoming healthier, and the colds that had plagued him all his life became rare. Pauling, who tested the power of ascorbic acid on himself, began to share information about this with everyone who attended his lectures. This caused discontent among the American medical community.

This vitamin is very sensitive to oxygen, light and heat. It is recommended to process fresh products quickly and gently (steam or stew).

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those ladies who take contraception. Large dosages are necessary for alcoholics, smokers and those people who are exposed to negative environmental influences.

This element helps the body absorb iron from plant food. That is why after products with high content It is recommended to eat a vegetable or fruit rich in vitamin C of this mineral. There is especially a lot of it in black currants, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges, strawberries, papaya and grapefruits, as well as in vegetables such as Bell pepper, fennel and all types of cabbage.

If you regularly catch colds during the cold season, and in early spring you feel strange weakness and fatigue, adjust your diet and saturate it with enough vitamin C. If you do not have the opportunity to eat a varied diet, take vitamin complexes artificially created by pharmacists. But you should not swallow them indiscriminately, as some elements can accumulate in the body and negatively affect it. Before purchasing such a complex, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

A healthy adult needs from 45 to 70 milligrams of vitamin C per day. Let me clarify - this is a physiological, but not a preventive norm. Those. These are average numbers reflecting his daily needs. For pregnant women, this amount increases to 90 mg, and for nursing women - to 100 mg. In childhood, you should not consume more than 50 mg of this element, and for infants only 35 mg.

For illnesses and severe stress, as well as in old age and with changes climatic conditions Our body's need for vitamin C increases markedly.

There is scientific evidence that consuming this element is an excellent preventive measure. oncological diseases esophagus, colon, endometrium and Bladder. Vitamin C helps our body absorb not only iron, but also calcium, and it also helps remove harmful toxins such as mercury, lead and copper.

Proper consumption of vitamin C enhances the stability of vitamins E, A, B1 and B2, as well as folic and pantothenic acids. In addition, it protects the walls of blood vessels from the deposition of oxidized forms of cholesterol on them.

Unfortunately, our bodies cannot store vitamin C, so we need to get it daily. To prevent hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to take an infusion of rose hips. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of berries and pour one glass of boiling water over them. Place the container in a water bath and keep it for a quarter of an hour, then remove and cool for forty minutes. The strained infusion must be diluted with cold, pre-boiled water to its original volume. Take half a glass of this drink twice a day.

Vitamin C is necessary element for the normal functioning of all systems of our body.

As you know, vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins that takes part in almost all life processes. human body. It is the main assistant in the fight against colds, perfectly strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism. The main "carrier" of this vitamin is ascorbic acid - the main acidic element in the human body.


Since ascorbic acid is directly involved in almost all vital processes of the body, its benefits can be fully appreciated when its deficiency occurs. Namely, symptoms such as pale skin, constant fatigue, bad dream and appetite, frequent colds, decreased immunity and pain in the limbs, in most cases indicate that the body does not have enough acid in the required volumes.

Regular consumption of vitamin C helps:

  1. strengthening immune system;
  2. normalization of cholesterol levels;
  3. prevention of respiratory system diseases;
  4. increasing hemoglobin and improving blood composition;
  5. strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  6. improvement general condition body, including skin, hair and nails;
  7. rejuvenation of the body.

IMPORTANT! Ascorbic acid is included in almost all medicines, which contribute to the fastest recovery of the body. However, it can even be harmful if consumed incorrectly, without adhering to certain dosages.

Dosage of ascorbic acid for colds or how many ascorbic acids can be eaten per day

Before consuming ascorbic acid, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances. Vitamin C can be used in three forms: tablet form, intramuscularly or intravenously.

IMPORTANT! The maximum daily dosage for each vitamin variety should be prescribed by a qualified physician.

Of course, ascorbic acid is most often prescribed in tablets, since taking it in this form is more pleasant and comfortable for both children and adults. The dose of the vitamin depends on the age and body weight of the person. It is better to consume it after meals.

As a rule, the daily dose of ascorbic acid required for a person ranges from 0.05 g to 100 mg. However, it should increase with increasing physical activity, during colds (infectious) diseases, during pregnancy, emotional and mental stress. The therapeutic dose of the vitamin per day ranges from 500 mg to 1500 mg.

Ascorbic acid dosage for adults:

  • In tablets. For prevention and general maintenance of ascorbic acid in the body, it is prescribed to adults at 0.05 g - 0.1 g twice a day. During treatment, the dose of vitamin C is almost doubled - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • In jelly beans. Maximum possible dose ascorbic tablets for adults it is 1-2 pieces of 0.05 g. For medicinal purposes, the number of tablets can be increased to 5 per day.
  • In powder form. For preventive purposes, vitamin C powder is taken: from 50 ml to 100 ml per day, for treatment: from 300 ml to 500 ml. In this case, 1000 mg of powder is dissolved in 1 liter clean water and taken after eating.
  • in ampoules. In case of intramuscular (intravenous) use, 5- percentage solution vitamin (sodium ascorbate). The therapeutic dose is 1-5 ml one to three times a day. As a rule, tableted forms of ascorbic acid or in the form of dragees are used to prevent deficiency.

Ascorbic acid during pregnancy

Ascorbic acid is one of the first drugs prescribed to pregnant women. It affects many processes associated with normal height and the development of the baby, and is also an excellent prevention possible bleeding during childbirth. Maximum permissible dose for women in an “interesting” situation in the second and third semesters it is 60 mg.

IMPORTANT! An overdose of the drug during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) has a very bad effect on the baby’s health and can lead to the development of ascorbic acid disease, scurvy and, in rare cases, termination of pregnancy.

How to properly take vitamin C for women carrying a child:

  • In tablets. If there are no contraindications, then pregnant women should take 2 to 4 tablets per day (1 tablet – 25 mg). In the first months, daily vitamin intake should not exceed 60 mg.
  • In jelly beans. During pregnancy, it is recommended, starting from the second semester, to take 1-2 vitamin C tablets, where one tablet contains 50 mg of acid.
  • In powder form. During pregnancy and lactation, you should consume no more than 60 ml and 80 ml of vitamin C solution, respectively. You need to prepare the solution strictly following the instructions: dissolve 2.5 g of powder in 2.5 liters of clean boiled water. Drink after meals.
  • in ampoules. For injections, use a 5 percent acid solution. Pregnant women are prescribed 1-1.5 ml of a 5% solution once a day (1 ml of solution contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid).

IMPORTANT! During pregnancy, the need to take ascorbic acid, the dosage and duration of use is prescribed exclusively by a doctor!

Ascorbic acid dosage for children

- In tablets. Therapeutic dose for children from 3 to 7 years old – 2-4 tablets (50-100 mg) per day, for children aged 7 to 10 years – 4 tablets (100 mg) per day, children from 10 to 14 years old – 4-6 tablets (100-150 mg) per day. Ascorbic acid should not be given to children under 3 years of age. For prevention, children from 3 to 14 years old should take 1 tablet per day.
- In pills. The recommended professional dose for children over 5 years old is 1 tablet per day, with therapeutic therapy– 2-3 tablets per day.
- In powder form. For preventive purposes, children over 6 years of age are recommended to use the drug after meals, in the form ready solution up to 50 ml per day. The therapeutic dose is up to 10 ml per day.
- In ampoules, children are prescribed: up to 6 months of age - 0.4-0.6 ml of 5% solution, 6 -12 months -0.7 ml of 5% solution, 1-3 years -0.8 ml of 5% solution, 4-10 years - 0.9 ml of 5% solution, 11-14 years old -1 ml of 5% solution, over 15 years old - 1.2-2 ml of 5% solution once a day.

As mentioned above, ascorbic acid is essential vitamin For human health, taking part in almost all life processes. Interestingly, vitamin C is also important for animals, including cats, dogs, pigs, birds, horses, etc. It improves immunity, removes toxins, normalizes metabolism, and is also indicated for fractures, injuries, poisoning, pathologies of the kidneys, intestines, etc. Often “ascorbic acid” is prescribed to pregnant animals.

Vitamin C is given to cats or dogs in three ways: intramuscularly, intravenously, or injected subcutaneously. Use a 5% solution of ascorbic acid in ampoules or powder. The dosage is prescribed exclusively veterinarian, taking into account the weight of the animal and its condition. As a rule, the dose is 0.1-0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. In powder, animals are prescribed from 50 to 200 mg of weight per 1 kg of weight. Powdered vitamin C is given mixed with food.

Vitamin C in combination with glucose is a powerful natural antioxidant that takes part in many biochemical processes in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and kidneys, removes toxins, has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, activates blood circulation, improves iron absorption and accelerates metabolism.

Typically, ascorbic acid paired with glucose is prescribed to increase protective functions the body, for the proper production of adrenal and thyroid hormones. The doctor prescribes the dose of the drug based on the person’s age, weight, condition and complexity of the disease. For preventive purposes, adults and children over 14 years old are recommended to take from 50 to 100 mg per day, children under 14 years old - up to 50 mg per day. The therapeutic maximum allowable dosage of vitamin C and glucose for children from 6 to 14 years old is no more than 150 mg per day (2-3 tablets per day), for adults - 50-100 mg of the drug 3 times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed more than two weeks.

What are the dangers of an overdose of ascorbic acid - symptoms of overdose

It should be noted that an overdose of ascorbic acid is no less dangerous than its deficiency. And all because, due to its large accumulation, intoxication of the body occurs, or simply poisoning.

IMPORTANT! The dosage of vitamin C must be reduced or completely eliminated when adding a large amount of citrus fruits to your daily diet - tangerine, orange, grapefruit, herbs - parsley, dill, spinach, berries - red and black currants, gooseberries.

You should be alert to symptoms such as:

  • nausea, frequent dizziness, general weakness of the body;
  • irritability and increased nervousness;
  • poor sleep;
  • intestinal problems: pain, cramps, disorders;
  • vomiting, stomach cramps;
  • skin rashes.

after all, they may indicate an excess of vitamin C in your body. To prevent an overdose of the vitamin, it is very important to set an individual dose for yourself. daily norm drug and balance the intake of ascorbic acid with products containing it in large volumes.

A sufficient supply of vitamins to the child’s body is very important for the full development of the child. Among these substances, vitamin C, also called “ascorbic acid,” is considered one of the most important. Why is such a vitamin valuable for children, what is the norm for vitamin C consumption in childhood, and is it possible to obtain such a compound not only from food, but also from vitamin supplements?

The importance of vitamin C for children's bodies

The most well-known property of this vitamin is its effect on the immunity of children.

If the intake of ascorbic acid into the baby’s body is sufficient, this will reduce the incidence of diseases and help the baby resist illness during the season of colds and viral infections.

Other valuable properties of vitamin C include:

  • Acceleration of wound healing. This vitamin helps you recover faster postoperative period or after burns.
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels, in particular, normalizing capillary permeability. This determines the value of ascorbic acid for frequent bleeding.
  • Protecting cells from toxic substances and harmful compounds. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, vitamin C can even protect against cancer.
  • Participation in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that is part of the structure of skin, cartilage and bones.
  • Participation in the absorption of iron and vitamin B9. Since vitamin C is important for hematopoiesis, a sufficient amount of it in the daily diet is important after blood loss or injury.
  • Regulation of the blood clotting process.
  • Influences the synthesis of adrenaline, which improves children's mood and reduces stress levels.
  • Positive impact on digestive tract thanks to the activation of digestive enzymes. In addition, ascorbic acid has a slight laxative effect.

Vitamin C Plays a big role in the development children's immunity

Needs at different ages

Daily dose ascorbic acid depends on the age of the child. Children should receive the following amounts of vitamin C daily:

In case of illness or signs of ascorbic acid deficiency that have already appeared, daily dosages are increased, but should not exceed the following indicators:

How older child, those large quantity vitamin C should be in his diet

What products contain

Vitamin C is a water-soluble compound that is not produced in the human body. That is why ascorbic acid must be present in the food that a child eats, because food is the main source of this vitamin.

A lot of ascorbic acid is found in:

  • Rose hips.
  • Currants.
  • Sweet pepper.
  • Spinach.
  • Strawberries.
  • Gooseberries.
  • Sea buckthorn.
  • Kiwi.
  • Cabbage.
  • Green peas.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Pineapple.
  • Potatoes.
  • Cherry.

Vitamin C in large quantities found in berries and fruits

It is important to remember that during long-term storage, some of the vitamin C is destroyed. This vitamin is poorly tolerated and high temperatures, which makes it important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

For more information about what foods should be included in your diet to provide yourself with vitamin C, see the program “Live Healthy.”

Vitamin C deficiency - symptoms

If the food a child eats contains too little ascorbic acid, then a deficiency of this vitamin in the body will manifest itself:

  • Quick fatigue during games.
  • Falling asleep earlier and sleeping longer.
  • Pale skin.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • The appearance of nosebleeds.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Frequent viral infections.
  • Blueness of the skin around the nose, ears or lips.

Long-term lack of vitamin C can lead to serious consequences, for example, the formation of pinpoint subcutaneous hemorrhages and the development of scurvy. A doctor should prescribe vitamin C in such situations, selecting a therapeutic dosage.

Vitamin C supplements

Preparations containing vitamin C are especially relevant during periods when there are fewer fresh vegetables or fruits in the children's diet or the concentration of ascorbic acid in them decreases due to long storage. This period is usually winter and early spring.

Vitamin C supplements include:

  • Single-component. In such preparations, ascorbic acid is the main component. These include vitamin C in dragees or tablets, combined with carbohydrates (glucose, dextrose) for better absorption.

Also popular effervescent tablets, from which a vitamin drink is prepared.

  • Multicomponent. Such drugs include multivitamin complexes that include vitamin C as one of the many ingredients. A child can get ascorbic acid from such popular multivitamin complexes as Multi-Tabs, Alphabet, Pikovit, Sana-Sol, Nature’s Plus, Solgar, Biovital gel, Vitamishki, Vitrum and many others.

Doctors' opinions on the need to introduce vitamin complexes into a child's diet differ. Thus, the famous doctor Komarovsky is against such additives, but the Union of Pediatricians of Russia is for it. See the following videos for more details.


  • With an unbalanced diet.
  • During the period of active growth of the child.
  • During the winter-autumn period.
  • At increased loads, both physical and emotional.
  • During the recovery period after surgery or injury.
  • With hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • For the prevention of colds.


It is not recommended to take vitamin C supplements if:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Tendency to develop blood clots.
  • Elevated level hemoglobin.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Serious illnesses kidney

Instructions for use of ascorbic acid

Most often, for the prevention of hypovitaminosis C in childhood, sweet tablets are chosen, in which ascorbic acid is combined with glucose. These white round tablets are familiar to every adult. Each tablet contains 25 mg of vitamin C. Here is what is important to know if you want to give ascorbic acid in this form to your child:

  • The supplement is recommended to be given to children no earlier than 3 years of age.
  • This vitamin C is offered to children after meals.
  • Children under 10 years of age are given 1 tablet per day, and children over 10 years of age are given 2 tablets daily.
  • The duration of prophylactic administration of ascorbic acid is from 2 to 8 weeks.
  • For therapeutic purposes, such ascorbic acid is prescribed in double dosage - 2 tablets daily for children 3-10 years old and 3-4 tablets for children 11 years old and older.

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Lack of vitamins in the body leads to various diseases, just like an overdose of some useful microelements also provides Negative influence. That is why it is necessary to know the exact dosage of a particular component for active life and maintaining the body at the proper level, but not to harm it. For example, you should consider how much ascorbic acid you can take per day if you are going to undergo additional course her reception.

Vitamin C, which is the main component of everyone’s favorite ascorbic acid, is responsible for supporting the body, which allows it, in turn, to keep its defenses at the proper level. An additional benefit of this useful substance in the form of tablets will increase immunity, subject to compliance with
dosage that is allowed daily.

Requirement during the day

The dosage of any vitamins depends on the purpose pursued when taking them. Thus, daily minimum dose of ascorbic acid will depend on what it is taken for, as well as on the person’s weight and the condition of the body. In addition, it is worth drinking this remedy daily, focusing on the transferred early illness. The level of the immune system will depend on this indicator.

Since ascorbic acid is involved in most body processes, the number of tablets you can take per day will be much more than any other vitamin. For men, 100 ml of this substance is required per day, while women need to take at least 75 ml per day. Slight deviation from specified standards for various purposes.

It is also possible to violate accepted norms, and the daily dose is increased to 1 g in the following cases:

  • If there is a viral epidemic in a person’s area of ​​residence, for example, influenza, and an urgent boost to the body’s immune forces is required.
  • Sports training or increased exercise stress before the competition. Dosage of ascorbic acid for athletes usually significantly more than for people leading a normal lifestyle.
  • Periods of acute respiratory infections, especially during the off-season. At such times of the year, doctors always allowed an increase in the dose of ascorbic acid to maintain immunity.
  • Dependence bad habits: Cigarettes and alcohol remove ascorbic acid from the body. This also applies to many other useful elements.
  • Pregnancy and lactation require an additional dose of vitamin C. If necessary, the doctor prescribes ascorbic acid in ampoules. It is necessary to eat not double, but triple the amount provided for by the daily norm.

Danger of overdose

Despite the apparent harmlessness of the medicine, exceeding the norm of ascorbic acid per day can lead to unwanted side effects. One of them unpleasant phenomena If you eat more than the permitted dose, it is an allergy. This reaction is caused general reaction for vitamin C.

The allergic response, characteristic of patients on ascorbic acid, is manifested by external signs. These include redness, spots, rashes and unbearable itching. This may be accompanied by severe eczema if vitamin C intake is not stopped in time. You should also not lose sight of an allergy to ascorbic acid, which is congenital. In this case, even a normal dose of the medicine will cause an allergic reaction.

Another unpleasant symptom overdose – problems with the stomach and intestines. Annoyed large dose vitamin, the mucous membranes of these organs will respond with unbearable pain, accompanied by nausea. If the patient has eaten too much of this vitamin preparation, it is advisable to give him gastric lavage.

An increased dose of vitamin also works on nervous system. An overdose here will manifest itself in the form of increased excitability, which will lead to insomnia.

Among other signs of an overdose of ascorbic acid, the following can be identified:

  • Strong headache;
  • diarrhea and general disorder gastrointestinal tract work;
  • malfunctions of the excretory system, in particular pain in the kidney area;
  • increased blood clotting, as well as narrowing of capillaries, which interferes with their patency;
  • threat of miscarriage in a pregnant woman;
  • disorders of other body systems.

Ascorbic acid in urine – a clear sign an overdose of this vitamin, which can lead to the formation of stones if the medication is continued.

Overdose according to tests

Besides external signs, as well as an excess of ascorbic acid in the urine, its presence can also be observed in blood tests. In this case, the following disturbances in the plasma composition will be visible:

  • increased thrombin;
  • increase in platelets;
  • decrease in the number of red blood cells;
  • decrease in potassium due to increase in sodium;
  • increase in neutrophils.

Changing the composition of blood plasma can lead to undesirable changes in the body. If the blood changes, changes may occur in general blood supply. Vital important organs will not receive the required nutrition and will fail in their work.

This is why it is important to know How much ascorbic acid can you safely consume per day? without fear of negative consequences.

When is an overdose necessary?

Despite the fact that ascorbic acid has a certain dosage threshold, neglect of which can lead to negative consequences for the body, there are some situations when it is required loading daily dose of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C enters the body in larger quantities through diet, in particular through fruits and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid. However, this amount is not always enough, so doctors prescribe additional medication.

Most often, additional acid may be prescribed in the following situations:

  • Frequent colds. If tests for various viruses do not indicate the presence of chronic diseases in the body, an increase in the immune system is required. In this case, among various medications, high-dose ascorbic acid is also prescribed.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins of another group. Replenish all multivitamin complex ascorbic acid will not be able to, but it will help increase the body’s resources to “stay afloat”.
  • If a child has a slowdown in growth, against which he is noticeably behind his peers, he should also take vitamin C.
  • Burns and severe skin damage also require additional vitamin supplementation.
  • Complex and long-term diseases during which therapy occurs strong medications, require replenishment of the strength of a weakened body. Vitamin therapy will help put the body in order and replenish its resources, where mandatory component will be ascorbic acid.
  • Previous injuries and operations accompanied by long period rehabilitation must also be supported increased dose vitamin C.
  • Severe stress, treatment for nicotine or alcohol addiction, which also results in stress for the body. Normal level Ascorbic acid in the body helps not only to increase the level of immune defense, but also to improve the psychological state.
  • During periods of severe vitamin deficiency, if against this background the patient develops symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • During pregnancy and childbirth you cannot do without vitamin complex. It is especially important to get a triple dose of vitamin C immediately before childbirth, when the body is under stress.

Taking ascorbic acid is a necessary therapy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. However, even such a seemingly harmless drug has a maximum dose, exceeding which can lead to unwanted side effects.