The foot is hot. Baked feet: cause and treatment, possible diseases, reviews

This may indicate diseases of varying degrees of complexity and neglect. It's important to realize that this phenomenon- a symptom, not an independent pathology. What to do if this symptom affects you? First, let's try to understand its nature.

Main reasons

The causes of illness are not always related directly to the lower extremities. Sometimes the pathology is systemic in nature. What is most often found with this symptom?

  • Allergy. Your feet may be reacting to the flooring.
  • Vascular diseases. These include varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, affecting the vessels of the legs.
  • Skin diseases of the foot ( bacterial infections, fungal infection).
  • Damage to bones and muscles ().
  • Diseases nervous system(eg peripheral neuropathy).
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus).
  • Metabolic disorders. The most common.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The body may not have enough vitamin B.
  • Complications during pregnancy.
  • A state of fatigue caused by long walks.

What to do if your feet burn at night? This symptom may indicate dangerous pathology, as well as stress experienced during the day or mental fatigue.

Allergic conditions

Materials and substances that come into contact with the skin on your soles can cause an allergic reaction in the body. Most often, the problem lies in the insoles or poor-quality material of the shoes you wear. If you've been wearing shoes like these all day, don't wonder why your feet burn at night. Prepare also for the appearance severe itching And .

The problem sometimes lies in the poor quality of the fabrics from which:

  • tights;
  • socks;
  • tight pants.

Other substances that cause allergies:

  • self-tanning creams;
  • lotions;
  • depilatory products.

Cosmetics may be of low quality, but more often they are simply past their expiration date. In this case, the feet will begin to itch immediately after applying the drug to the skin.

Varicose veins

With this disease, venous vessels can dilate and lengthen. Any part of the body is susceptible to deformation, but most often the disease affects the legs below the knees. Risk factors include:

  • female;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • pregnancy period;
  • frequent leg injuries;
  • peculiarities labor activity(due to your occupation, you spend a lot of time on your feet);
  • taking hormonal drugs.

People with varicose veins often complain of a burning sensation in the calf area, the texture of their socks can be imprinted on their skin, and their shoes begin to restrict movement. Often such patients suffer from cramps, the veins in their legs swell and become deformed. Treatment of varicose veins is conservative:

  • exclusion of disposing factors;
  • excess weight loss;
  • treatment and prevention of constipation;
  • balanced diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • wearing compression garments.

Medication is also used, laser treatment And . In emergency cases, surgical intervention is allowed.


This disease can develop in a patient with a destabilized metabolism. Content uric acid increases in the blood, and crystals of this substance can be deposited in tissues and organs.

Risk factors:

  • high pressure;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • kidney disease accompanied by poor urine output;
  • systematic consumption of certain types of fish, red meat, cocoa, chocolate, tea, coffee, peas, lentils and low-alcohol drinks (beer).

The main blow is to the joints. Therefore, if your toes are burning, this is another reason to be wary - this is where the course of the disease begins. What to do if you know you have gout? The set of actions is as follows:

  1. Use large quantity liquids. Recommended lingonberry tea, water, cranberry juice. This will help remove uric acid faster.
  2. Complete peace. The affected limb is placed on a pillow. The position is slightly elevated.
  3. Taking painkillers. The only exception is aspirin, which will only make things worse.
  4. A heating pad with ice (applied to the affected joint).
  5. Refusal of certain foods (fish, meat, spices, offal, coffee, tea and cocoa, legumes and alcohol).
  6. Taking NSAIDs (, fenoprofen,).

During pregnancy

Once a pregnant woman reaches the third trimester, she may begin to complain that the heels of her feet are burning. This means that pregnancy occurs with a complication, the name of which is gestosis (a form of late toxicosis). With this disease, the legs not only burn, but also swell, and the process begins with the feet, and then spreads to the stomach and face. The disease is also accompanied by an increase in protein levels in the urine and blood, and increased blood pressure.

Swelling leads to compression of internal organs - that’s why the legs burn below the knees. An additional factor is excess weight, which a woman inevitably gains over time.


If the mentioned symptom is detected, it is necessary to resort to medical care . It is important to know that warm and hot baths are strictly not recommended. We also do not recommend floating your feet.

The best thing to do in this situation is to accept cold and hot shower. A good remedy There are also foot baths in which there is an alternating (1-2 minutes) change of cold and hot water. The procedure lasts about 25 minutes. After this, the affected area is wiped dry and smeared with mint cream. The direction of lubrication is upward from the foot.

Baths can be combined with herbal therapy, adding chamomile, mint, Linden blossom, calendula and wormwood. First, the herbs (they can be mixed in equal proportions) are infused in hot water.

In addition, the following are helpful:

  • blue clay compresses;
  • compresses from pine needles and hop cones;
  • foot massage

All these methods are suitable for first aid, but you should not forget that burning feet are just a symptom. In-depth therapy aimed at curing a specific illness can be developed exclusively in a clinic.


Let us mention some recipes that can temporarily relieve discomfort.

  • Hawthorn tincture. Remedy for internal use. Improves blood flow, reduces capillary permeability.
  • Flowers horse chestnut. The tincture is drunk daily in a warm state. Helps get rid of blood stagnation.
  • Verb infusion. A strong decoction is made from willow branches. The resulting liquid is poured into a bath, in which the affected limbs must be kept for about half an hour.


Try to periodically take off your shoes and walk barefoot. This stimulates blood circulation well and prevents blood clots.

Eliminate carbonated drinks, beer, seasonings, and spicy foods from your diet. Don't overuse salt. All of these products serve as catalysts for the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also contribute to lymph stagnation and worsen venous circulation.

Many people are familiar with the feeling of their feet burning. After a stressful working day, as a result of wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes I want to return home as soon as possible, take off my shoes and relax. But at home, the expected relief does not occur, since the freed legs “burn.” This phenomenon is especially common among women who wear narrow, high-heeled dress shoes. However, the burning sensation is not only observed after wearing tight shoes. Heat in the legs can appear at night or torment a person throughout the day. Sometimes only the heels or toes may burn.

A burning sensation in the foot can be caused by a sharp dilation of blood vessels. In tight shoes, the blood vessels in the foot were compressed, and the toes could even become numb. If the soles were in this state for a long time, then after being freed from shoes, the feet begin to burn from the rapidly flowing blood. It quickly fills and dilates blood vessels, causing a burning sensation.

But the reason does not always lie only in uncomfortable shoes. This phenomenon is often associated with various diseases vascular system legs It can be caused by thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, or obliterating atherosclerosis vessels lower limbs. The soles of the feet still burn with flat feet. Because of such diseases, the soles hum and bake in the evenings, even if you walk in slippers all day.

Radiculitis and osteochondrosis, gout or diabetes mellitus can also cause discomfort in the soles. In addition, stress and nervous tension. Many students must have felt heavy legs after a difficult exam. Often, after suffering stress, the legs hurt at night.

Feet often burn due to an allergy to the materials with which the sole comes into contact: the fabric of socks or inner surface shoes Can cause fire on the skin of the feet fungal infection or lack of B vitamins in the body.

A burning sensation in the foot is more often observed in overweight people and in expectant mothers in the last months of pregnancy due to increased load on the vessels of the lower extremities.

How to get rid of burning sensation in the feet?

You need to reconsider your diet. High-calorie foods should be avoided or minimized. This fatty varieties beef, lamb and pork, lard, duck and goose meat, offal, fat milk, butter, cream and sour cream, as well as eggs. Such foods increase blood cholesterol levels. This negatively affects the blood vessels in the legs.

It is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity and physical inactivity. Overload is just as harmful as a sedentary lifestyle. A gentle physical rhythm is necessary. Loads should alternate with rest. Swimming and cycling are very beneficial for the blood vessels of the legs.

It is highly recommended to get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse. They destroy collagen, which is the basis of connective tissue, including the walls of blood vessels. When collagen is destroyed, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity and become fragile.

It is necessary to choose comfortable shoes. The right shoes do not cause discomfort and the soles of your feet do not sweat. It is advisable to give preference to socks and tights made from natural materials. Whenever possible, you need to raise your legs. So that the feet are above the level of the pelvis. This situation makes it easier venous drainage blood and improves blood supply to the lower extremities.

With vascular diseases of the legs, you have to forget about hot baths. A contrast shower is recommended. Just the water should not be very cold or hot. Temperature fluctuations in the range of 30 to 40° will be optimal. When it's hot, it's a good idea to dip your feet in cool water. This procedure will help get rid of swelling.

People with overweight It is recommended to lose a few kilograms. Every extra kilogram of weight is an additional load on the vessels of the legs. You should walk barefoot as much as possible. In the warm season - outside, and when it's cold - at home. This stimulates blood circulation and prevents blood from stagnating in the feet. Walking barefoot or wearing very open shoes is the best prevention fungal diseases.

What to do if your feet are on fire and your legs hurt a lot? You need to see a doctor. Perhaps the cause of burning in the legs is a serious illness. In this case, drug treatment will be required.

Means How to cook How to use
Infusion of hawthorn flowers Hawthorn has long been famous for its ability to heal vascular diseases. To prepare an infusion of hawthorn flowers at home, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After half an hour, the infusion can be strained and drunk. You need to take half a glass three times a day on an empty stomach.
Infusion of hawthorn fruits You can prepare an infusion from hawthorn fruits. 1 tablespoon of dried hawthorn fruits is poured with a glass of boiling water, left in a thermos for 3 hours, filtered Take 2-3 tablespoons three times a day
Horse chestnut tincture A proven remedy for varicose veins is horse chestnut. Preparations based on it significantly strengthen veins and capillaries. It is better to prepare an alcohol tincture from horse chestnut. To do this, the fruits should be peeled and crushed. The raw materials need to be poured with vodka at a rate of 1:10 and the mixture should be placed in a dark glass container. The product should be infused in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. It needs to be shaken periodically Take the tincture three times a day, 30 drops. The course of treatment should not last more than one month. If your legs still hurt, you can extend the treatment. But the dose needs to be halved. Horse chestnut tincture can be applied to the feet as a compress. To do this, gauze folded in several layers is soaked in tincture and wrapped around the foot. You can secure the compress with a sock, after covering the compress with polyethylene. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
Willow bark A bath of willow bark will relieve pain and relieve fatigue in the legs. To prepare it you will need 200 g of willow bark per 10 liters of water. The tree bark is steamed under a lid in boiling water for one hour. When the broth has cooled to a comfortable temperature for the body, immerse your feet in it for half an hour. The procedure must be repeated daily for 10 days. The course can be repeated after two weeks
White clay Will help relieve burning sensation in feet White clay. She's being scammed boiled water until the consistency of thick sour cream. The composition is applied to the feet. The feet are covered with polyethylene and socks are put on. If you wear woolen ones, the effect will be better. The clay should be washed off after about 2-3 hours. warm water no soap.

If your feet are burning, you need to drink a decoction of mint and then wipe your limbs with a swab dipped in lemon juice.

Many people, especially women, are familiar with the feeling of fatigue and discomfort in the lower extremities after a working day. The reasons why your feet burn at night can be very diverse and such symptoms are not always caused by any serious diseases. It all depends on individual characteristics patient and associated factors. In medical practice, the appearance of burning in the feet at night and in the evening is classified as Gopalan syndrome, and requires mandatory correction, and sometimes a review of lifestyle.

The main reasons for the development of pathology

The appearance of a burning sensation in the area of ​​the feet in some cases can be caused by the following pathological conditions:

1. Allergies

Burning soles of the feet can be caused by a specific reaction to contact with possible allergenic substances, which may be present in synthetic socks, shoe insoles, laundry detergent, lotions, creams, etc. In this case, in addition to burning, an allergic nature is indicated by skin reactions in the form of a hyperemic rash, spots and severe itching. If such symptoms appear, you should contact a dermatologist or allergist, who will tell you what needs to be done to get rid of allergic manifestations.

2. Problems with blood vessels

Pathologies of the vessels of the lower extremities can provoke a burning sensation in the feet, which include:


This disease is often accompanied by a burning sensation in the legs, which spreads from the calf muscles to the feet.

With varicose veins, patients often complain of heaviness and cramps in the lower extremities, which bother them at night

Obliterating endarteritis

Endarteritis develops against the background of vascular infection and is accompanied by numbness and burning in the feet at night. In this case, cramps in the calf muscles are possible while walking, which can result in episodic lameness. Patients first feel paresthesia, followed by a burning sensation in the lower extremities.


The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in vascular walls lower extremities with subsequent settling on the surface of blood vessels blood clot. In this case, there is redness of the skin over the veins, tissue swelling and pain in the affected limb. A characteristic feature thrombophlebitis is hyperemia and compaction along the vein.

Vascular atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis, there is the formation of a blood clot in the vessels, a burning sensation in the fingers and feet. In addition, patients complain of sudden seizures that can cause lameness. A typical localization of symptoms of atherosclerosis is the area below the knees and buttocks. IN Lately atherosclerosis is increasingly common in quite at a young age, therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of burning and restlessness in the legs.

The danger of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities lies in the narrowing of the lumen of a vein or vessel, which impairs blood flow and can lead to their rupture.

Skin fungal diseases

Burning and night itching can be caused by a fungal infection of the skin (mycosis). This is the most common reason development similar condition. On initial stage interdigital folds are affected, followed by peeling of the skin, after which adjacent areas with more severe symptoms are affected.

In case of mycosis, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and mycologist to select the necessary therapy

4. Pathologies of the nervous system

Not only mycoses and vascular pathologies can lead to burning of the feet; various types of disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia, can also provoke such symptoms. This disease is accompanied by tachycardia, changes blood pressure, headaches, and in especially severe cases, even loss of consciousness is possible.

5. Diabetes mellitus

With the development of diabetes mellitus, the amount of insulin produced in the blood sharply decreases endocrine system, which negatively affects peripheral small vessels whose structure is damaged. First of all, discomfort occurs in the feet after a long walk, and then burning and itching appears in the feet and toes. As the condition worsens, the damaged capillary dies, while the skin in the foot area turns pale and in the peripheral areas turns blue. In the absence of timely medical intervention, ulcerative formations with gradual tissue necrosis may occur on the lower extremities.

The most vulnerable places for the formation of diabetic ulcers

6. Gout

A burning sensation in the feet is possible with the development of a disease such as gout. The small peripheral vessels in the lower extremities most often affected by gout. A characteristic sign of gout is a burning sensation in the feet and toes, so if such symptoms develop, it is recommended to consult a rheumatologist.

As a result high content uric acid in the blood, its crystals are deposited in bones and joints, thereby gradually destroying them.

7. Hypovitaminosis

With insufficient intake of necessary microelements and vitamins into the body, especially groups D and B, the patient begins to be bothered by a burning sensation in the lower extremities, most often at night. This reaction is due to the body's response. In addition, with hypovitaminosis, night and evening cramps and significant deterioration in the condition of the skin and nails can be observed. In order to avoid this condition, it is recommended to make dietary adjustments and take multivitamins.

8. Pregnancy

As a result of changes in the body during pregnancy, the load on the lower extremities increases, which as a result provokes an increase in pressure in the vessels of the legs and swelling. In this case, the patient is recommended to limit the drinking regime and adhere to special diet limiting the consumption of salt, sugar, fatty and sweet foods, as well as regular medical supervision.

A burning sensation in the feet is possible in pregnant women at the beginning of the 3rd trimester, which is explained by a significant increase in body weight and hormonal changes in the body.

The root causes of feet burning, buzzing and pain are not always due to diseases varying in severity. In some cases, such symptoms are caused by ordinary fatigue or incorrectly selected shoes, so you should first exclude this option for the development of negative manifestations. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe adequate therapy with the use of medications (externally and internally).

Drug therapy

Treatment of burning sensation in the feet is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause that provoked this condition, and involves the use of the following drugs:

  • in the case where the diagnosis has confirmed the allergic nature of the burning sensation in the feet, it is recommended to take antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadine, Zyrtec, etc.);
  • for fungal etiology of the disease, antimycotic drugs are prescribed (Terbinafine, Clotrimoxazole, Naftivin, Miconazole, etc.);
  • to relieve pain and inflammation, it is recommended to take NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, etc.);
  • for gout, Anturan and Colchicyl are prescribed, as well as corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • to normalize venous tone, venotonics are prescribed (Detralex, Aescusan, Venarus, etc.), and if the feet are burning due to thrombophlebitis, it is recommended to take anticoagulants (Heparin, Warfarin, etc.);
  • at diabetes mellitus burning may be present not only in the feet; similar symptoms can also affect the palms, which requires compulsory treatment, primarily with drugs such as Bucarban and Glyurenorm;
  • To compensate for the deficiency of vitamin substances, oral intake of B vitamins (Neurobion, Tienshi, etc.) is recommended.

For burning and pain symptoms, intramuscular and intravenous injections antispasmodics and painkillers (Analgin, Spazgana, Trigana, etc.), however, the main role in therapy is given to physiotherapy (electrophoresis, paraffin-ozokerite applications, massage, exercise therapy, etc.).

Folk remedies

At mild symptoms possible use folk recipes, which are used both independently and in combination with traditional therapy. Compresses using blue clay are widely used, applied to the feet before bedtime.

When performing a massage, you can use the Kuznetsov applicator

During rest, it is necessary to place a cushion or small pillow under the foot end to ensure good blood supply, eliminating stagnation in the limbs. Effective impact have foot baths (including contrast ones). Herbs such as mint, calendula, chamomile, wormwood, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. can be used for this.

To relieve burning and itching, it is recommended to wipe your feet and calves before going to bed with a piece of ice (for 3-4 minutes), aloe or lemon juice. If you do such procedures regularly, the itching and burning will go away quite quickly. In addition, massaging the foot, especially in the evening, with the addition of menthol cream is extremely effective.

It must be remembered that any problems require a timely solution. Therefore, when discomfort in the foot area, including burning and itching at night, you should contact medical institution to receive qualified advice. This will eliminate a number of serious illnesses which may be accompanied by complications in the future.

Many people are familiar with the feeling when their feet are burning; In women, due to various circumstances, this happens more often. This is not a disease - just a symptom that can be present in many pathologies. And often with those that seem to have nothing to do with the legs. The term itself, meaning the appearance of a strong burning sensation in the feet, in medicine, due to its frequency, received the name from the name of the author - Gopalan syndrome.

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    The essence of pathology

    This burning sensation may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, tingling, and soreness. The sensations can be short-term, episodic, constant, or only at night, etc. Moreover, most often this burning sensation appears at night. It happens when, after a working day, a person dreams of resting and relaxing his legs, his “flaming” does not allow him to do this at night. Of course, women suffer more from this. After all, they are the ones who become victims of fashion, wearing narrow dress shoes with heels.

    The burning sensation may only affect the toes, soles, or even the legs below the knees. This feeling among people of standing professions is almost professional, constant. It is clear why unpleasant sensations appear in the late afternoon: the reasons are that when removing shoes, the legs are freed, the blood vessels dilate, and become overflowing with blood. This increased blood flow causes burning in the feet. If it’s just a matter of overload, all the symptoms go away by the morning, and the woman doesn’t remember them; but if they become permanent, then consultation with a phlebologist is necessary.

    Burning sensation during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, Gopalan syndrome almost always occurs and usually in the 3rd trimester. This is associated with weight gain and swelling. Due to the pronounced hormonal changes the vascular muscles become sluggish and “allow” the development of edema and circulatory disorders in the legs. Especially if preeclampsia and increased blood pressure are added to this. As weight increases, vascular permeability increases, under-oxidized waste products accumulate in the tissues due to decreased metabolism, and they irritate the nerve endings, causing a burning sensation.

    Etiology of the phenomenon

    During pregnancy we're talking about about physiology. But what pathologies can cause burning in the legs? This is first of all:

    • any vascular diseases of the legs (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis);
    • Diabetes, hypothyroidism, mycoses and onychomycosis, allergies, hypovitaminosis, especially lack of vitamins c. IN;
    • liver diseases;
    • longitudinal and transverse flatfoot;
    • at ;
    • obesity;
    • atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
    • polyneuropathy due to alcoholism;
    • multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism;
    • Morton's neuroma;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • calluses on the soles;
    • deterioration of nerve conduction in the elderly;
    • overwork;
    • heel spur;
    • hereditary diseases;
    • microtraumas after heavy loads;
    • complications after hormonal therapy;
    • viral infections;
    • smoking;
    • physical inactivity;
    • abuse of caffeine-containing products;
    • radiation;
    • VSD, attacks of which can be triggered by overheating of the body, stress;
    • wearing low-quality hosiery, uncomfortable shoes;
    • use low-quality means care

    Shoes are considered uncomfortable not only because of their narrowness; a loose one that is worn too long also creates increased stress on the legs. Considerable harm have high heels: they unevenly distribute a woman’s weight when walking, creating an unnatural posture for the spine and causing special pressure on the fingers and metatarsus.

    Symptomatic manifestations

    Burning symptoms can occur not only in women, they can also occur in men, especially with obliterating endarteritis, which is generally considered a characteristic “male” disease; in old age with a bunch of various pathologies, this syndrome is also not uncommon. Therefore, you should not ignore it and cancel your visit to the doctor. Depending on the type of pathology, heat and burning in the legs may be accompanied by:

    1. 1. Dryness and cracks, itching, swelling, changes in the thickness of the nails and their yellowness - with mycoses.
    2. 2. Cramps, swelling, heaviness, pain and leg cramps at night - with varicose veins.
    3. 3. Numbness in the legs and a crawling sensation, intermittent claudication - with obliterating endarteritis.
    4. 4. Swelling, redness, nagging pain in the calves, increased temperature - in case of thrombophlebitis.
    5. 5. Poor posture, pain when walking, standing, clubfoot, splayed foot in width and length - with flat feet.
    6. 6. Increased thirst, weight loss while maintaining an uncontrollable appetite, sleep disturbances, headaches, weakness, lethargy, heart pain, impaired ability to work, etc. - this indicates the presence of diabetes.
    7. 7. The appearance of dense nodules under the skin in the joint area, trembling in the legs, pain in the joints, stiffness of movement - with gout.
    8. 8. Burning of the palms, feet, redness of their color - often a sign of hepatitis or the beginning of cirrhosis of the liver, when its detoxification function is disrupted.

    To clarify the diagnosis and get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to undergo treatment with a doctor, even if not all signs appear, but only 1-2.

    More information about possible ailments

    So, each pathology has its own characteristic features:

    1. 1. Allergic reactions. In this case, the main symptom is primarily itching. Such a reaction can occur to any part of the shoe: insoles, chemical additives to leather, fabrics, low-quality dyes, etc. In addition, the quality of socks, tights, and foot deodorants is also important. In addition to itching, there will be a burning sensation on the soles of the feet, redness and swelling of the skin; small itchy blisters, spots; peeling and dryness of individual areas. With allergies, not only the feet, but also the palms can burn. In this case, all symptoms stop with the removal and abandonment of these shoes or tights.
    2. 2. Burning sensation in the feet during pregnancy. Typically, women begin to complain in the third trimester. Burning in the heels is associated with increased weight and manifestations of late toxicosis. At the same time, these manifestations are accompanied by swelling, the appearance of protein in the urine, and increased blood pressure. After the heels, a burning sensation begins below the knees: this occurs because swelling and increased blood volume compress internal organs. The veins themselves also change: they become wider and longer, the valves weaken, they do not completely fulfill their task of pushing the bloodstream upward, and blood stagnation occurs, which is expressed in the appearance of a burning sensation. These are all signs of varicose veins. Symptoms appear not only in the feet, but also in the calves and thighs. In addition to the burning sensation, it happens that the legs hurt, a feeling of heaviness, cramps in the limbs at night, and tingling.
    3. 3. Mycoses. Of all the causes of burning feet, especially at night, this is the most common. First, itching appears between the toes, then it moves to the heels and nails. Such patients say that their heels bake. The itching is accompanied by inflammation and a strong sensation of heat. Small cracks may appear on the sole, and the nails may turn yellow and thicken.
    4. 4. Obliterating endarteritis - inflammation of the arteries of the legs; at the same time, they spasm, and a strong burning sensation occurs in the affected area.
    5. 5. Thrombophlebitis. Blood clots form on the inner wall of blood vessels as a result of inflammation. Blood clotting increases, its movement through the vessels slows down. The burning sensation is most localized below the knees in the calves.
    6. 6. Another leader in burning legs is diabetes. Fingers tingle and tingle, heels burn, especially at night; this occurs because small vessels react most to excess sugar, then nerves (polyneuropathy). In addition, not only the legs, but also the arms react to increased blood sugar: as soon as heat and burning appear in the hands, and then in the feet, this is a sure sign of a change in blood glucose levels.
    7. 7. VSD. In this case, the feet may become either too hot or completely cold.
    8. 8. Varicose veins most often affect the lower extremities; at the same time, the pattern of the veins changes: they become elongated and expanded. Symptoms include: heaviness in the legs, burning in the thigh, calves, ankle; vein swelling, dull pain who are more present in the evenings and leave in the morning; night cramps, thickening and darkening of the skin; If left untreated, blood stagnation and ulcers develop. Women are more susceptible to varicose veins, so if you notice marks on the skin of your legs from the elastic bands of socks in the evenings, or swollen feet, you should consult a doctor immediately and undergo treatment.
    9. 9. Gout is always an indicator of metabolic disorders and is more common in men. When it occurs, the level of uric acid in the blood increases, and its excess is deposited in tissues and joints. Therefore, its first manifestations are when the toes bake and burn. The main treatment for this is diet.
    10. 10. Polyneuropathy (PNP) is a sign of conduction disturbances in the fibers of the leg nerves. Develops in alcoholics, diabetics, and with a deficiency of vitamins B. At the same time, pain signals in the legs are distorted and intensified, and therefore the soles constantly experience a burning sensation. As if there were no injuries to the legs, but the signals indicate otherwise; pain can affect not only the feet, but also the thighs and calves. Symptoms: tingling in the feet, burning of the legs, most often on the affected side; numbness of the limbs. Neuropathy can last up to 2 years. It is often caused by alcohol.
    11. 11. Heel spur - a bone growth near the tubercle of the heel bone, determined only by x-ray. In this case, a burning pain appears in the morning when you try to step on your foot. In the evening it intensifies again. During the day, when moving, when a person “diverges,” it disappears.
    12. 12. Morton's neuroma is quite rare and is more common in women. With this pathology, fibrous growth of plantar nerve tissue occurs between the 3rd and 4th fingers; and the burning sensation appears precisely in this area.
    13. 13. Multiple sclerosis. Burning, itching, tightness of the skin, “wooliness” of the legs, paresthesia may be the first manifestations of sclerosis. In this case, a burning sensation occurs in a limited area, for example in thumb feet. A person may think that he just spent time on his leg, especially since this feeling then goes away. But soon it becomes constant along with other symptoms.

    Necessary treatment

    Since the cause is most often a disorder in the blood vessels, treatment should be carried out primarily with drugs whose action is aimed at strengthening the veins. Depending on the pathology, the following may be prescribed:

    1. 1. It is mandatory to use venotonics, which strengthen the veins, increase and maintain their tone (Venarus, Glivenol, Detralex). To treat varicose veins, sclerotherapy is often used - the injection into a vein of a substance that clogs the affected vessel. For small veins, the use of a laser is effective: the principle is the same. In advanced cases, the affected vein can be completely removed - surgical method. For allergic reactions - antihistamines: Tavegil, Suprastin, Claritin. Ointments Flucinar, Lorinden, Celestoderm, etc. are used topically.
    2. 2. For fungi - antimycotics: Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Terbinafine, Naftifine. At inflammatory processes- NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Celebrex, Nise, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac) - for peripheral neuropathy. For polyneuropathy, drugs are prescribed that stimulate recovery processes in neurons: Thiogamma, Berlition, Milgamma, etc. These drugs also reduce pain.
    3. 3. B vitamins in tablets (B Complex, Tienshi, B-50, Neurobion) - for B-vitaminosis.
    4. 4. For diabetes mellitus - biguanides (Adebit, Siofor), alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Acarbose, Glucobay, Miglitol), meglitinides (Novonorm, Starlix), sulfonylureas (Bucarban, Glyurenorm) - these medications treat burning in the feet caused by diabetes mellitus. diabetes.
    5. 5. Gangioblockers (Hexonium), antispasmodics (Halidor, Diprofen, No-spa), drugs that improve blood rheology (Nicotinic, Ascorbic acid) are used in the treatment of obliterating endarteritis.
    6. 6. Capillary-stabilizing agents (Ascorutin), antihypoxants and angioprotectors (Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Pentoxifylline) - against varicose veins.
    7. 7. Anticoagulants (Warfarin, Heparin), fibrinolytics (Trypsin, Urokinase, Fibrinolysin) are used if the feet often burn with fire due to thrombophlebitis.
    8. 8. Medicines with an anti-gout effect (Colchicine, Anturan), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone) - they treat gout.
    9. 9. In the treatment of flat feet, due to which a burning sensation occurs periodically in the soles, painkillers (Analgin, Baralgin, Nurofen), angioprotectors with decongestant properties (Troxevasin), vitamin D in liquid form or tablets (Etalfa) can be used, but the main role is given to massage, therapeutic exercises, selection of orthopedic insoles and physiotherapy (phono-, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, paraffin-ozokerite applications).

    Folk remedies

    Of course, they should not be the only treatment; their use must be agreed with a doctor. Compresses for 1 hour with blue clay or with brewed pine needles with hop cones are widely used. After applying compresses, additional lubrication of the skin is not required. It is recommended to use various kneading techniques for the toes, feet and heels.

    When resting, your legs should always be elevated. Good help provide contrasting dousing of the legs, the latter should be with cooler water. You can add it to water various herbs: wormwood, mint, calendula, oak bark, chamomile, string, verbena, eucalyptus oils, tea tree, lavender, fir. A foot massage with menthol cream will be useful; it is especially good to carry out this procedure in the evening before bed. For massage, you can use available tools: Kuznetsov applicator, rolling pin, massage mat.

    Rubbing with a piece of ice for 3 minutes may also help. But you shouldn’t soak your feet with soda or anything else: heat It does not strengthen the blood vessels, nor does being too cold. Walking barefoot on sand, pebbles, pearl barley, buckwheat, peas, rice is encouraged - 10 minutes of such trampling is enough. It would be a good idea to rub your calves and feet with lemon juice or aloe juice at night. Zvezdochka ointment helps relieve itching very well due to the content of mint and eucalyptus in it. You can take warm foot baths for 30 minutes with the addition of soda; they help relieve itching and irritation of the skin.

    Preventive actions

    First of all, you should introduce changes to your diet: eliminate and reduce fats of animal origin (fatty meats, offal, dairy products), try to reduce the consumption of soda and alcohol as much as possible, and stop smoking. There must be physical activity, but gentle and not excessive; Complete physical inactivity is also harmful. A rest regime must be observed. Swimming, cycling, yoga, physiotherapy for the legs - all this is useful for blood vessels.

    It is recommended to carefully consider the choice of shoes. It may not be cheap, but it will fully justify the cost. It keeps your feet from getting tired and sweating. You should not wear high heels more than 2 times a week, and only for a few hours.

    Signs of comfortable shoes:

    • the material is natural and breathable;
    • the last follows the shape of the foot and is comfortable to wear;
    • inside there should be orthopedic soft insoles that support the foot and evenly distribute the load when walking.

    But perhaps the most useful thing for modern man- walking barefoot whenever possible. Take off your shoes as often as possible and walk barefoot, then the blood will not stagnate. When walking barefoot on grass, especially when it is soft and silky, there will be natural massage feet and stimulating proper blood circulation. In summer it is better to walk barefoot outside, in winter - indoors. It is necessary to properly care for your feet:

    • after water procedures immediately wipe your feet dry, especially between the toes;
    • wear socks at all times;
    • after removing shoes, they must be ventilated;
    • For public places always have your own slippers or flip flops with you;
    • You should choose shoes that are breathable.

    For gout, it is recommended to increase drinking regime: herbal teas, fruit drinks; when going to bed, the sore leg should be higher than the level of the head on a raised pillow; for pain - take analgesics and NSAIDs. By the way, aspirin is not recommended for gout: it increases uric acid levels. To the affected joint you can a short time apply a heating pad with ice.

    Prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women: shoes with comfortable lasts without heels, control of posture. You need to walk correctly with a straight spine, not arch your lower back, and not lean back when walking. Taking a multivitamin will be helpful.

    For foot care:

    1. 1. Blue and mint balms (Fusskraft blau, Fusskraft mint) are ideal for summer. They disinfect the skin and can easily eliminate unpleasant odors.
    2. 2. The balm takes care of dry and hard areas of the skin of the feet and is instantly absorbed.
    3. 3. Gevol - powder (Foot powder) - allows you to keep your feet dry, normalizing sweating, thereby preventing the appearance of various skin infections. Fusscraft, a herbal lotion and active spray, are ideal for use in the morning.
    4. 4. Caring foot deodorant (Pflegendes fubdeo) has disinfectant properties, normalizes foot moisture, and fights fungal diseases.
    5. 5. Deodorant for feet "Sensitive" (fubspray). The product contains panthenol and bisabolol, which soothe and heal irritated skin areas.

    As can be seen from all of the above, it is better to prevent the disease in early stages, and then the treatment will not be so difficult. At the first unpleasant symptoms you should visit a doctor. It is impossible to ignore such signs, because this can be fraught with very dangerous complications.

Burning in the legs is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease. This may indicate a serious pathology that must be treated. It doesn’t matter whether the pain appears once or is present constantly, you should definitely consult a doctor (rheumatologist, neurologist or therapist).

Causal factors that can cause burning in the legs

There are several reasons that can cause burning sensations in the lower extremities . They are classified into:

  • External, they are also called external.
  • Internal.

The first factors include uncomfortable, constricting shoes; hosiery and trousers are not made of natural, but synthetic material; a specialty that involves being on your feet all the time.

Internal factors include:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Blood sugar is higher than normal.
  3. Avitaminosis. Special attention attributed to a lack of B vitamins.
  4. Pathology of the vascular system.
  5. Pathology caused by impaired innervation (impaired nerve function). This is usually associated with previous injuries that affect the brain. This leads to impaired passage of nerve impulses.
  6. Defeat skin on the feet, caused by fungal microcells.

What pathological processes are indicated by burning sensations in the legs?

A burning sensation can be diagnosed:

  1. For diabetes mellitus.
  2. At varicose veins vessels of the lower extremities.
  3. For fungal infections of the feet.
  4. For prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland.
  5. For diseases of the spinal column - osteochondrosis.
  6. At vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD).
  7. With neurosis.
  8. With hereditary predisposition.
  9. During pregnancy.


Diabetes mellitus is characterized by the symptom of diabetic neuropathy, which occurs due to damage to the vessels of the capillary network. Their defeat leads to the fact that the nerve endings begin to have poor blood supply. As a result, the patient experiences a feeling of crawling, tingling and burning sensations in the legs. If you press on your toes, pain reflexively occurs, spreading from the foot and above.


With varicose veins, in addition to burning, there are other symptoms: swelling of the lower extremities, which manifests itself towards the end of the day, spider veins, muscle cramps that often appear at night. Either pain or a feeling of fullness appears in the calves of the legs.


If a fungus appears, then clinical picture has the following characteristics:

  1. A burning and itching sensation appears at the site of the fungus.
  2. Symptoms are present throughout the day.
  3. The disease does not go away on its own. If antifungal therapy is not started in a timely manner, the clinical picture becomes clearer.

For prostatitis

If a man has a history of prostatitis, then the following manifestations are possible:

  1. Aching pain appears in the projection of the inner thigh. In this case, patients report a feeling of squeezing of blood vessels.
  2. A burning sensation and shooting sensations are felt in the legs below the knee.
  3. The pain symptom is not always present. It appears spontaneously and goes away on its own.

For osteochondrosis

The disease osteochondrosis is characterized by pain in the lumbar area, gradually the pain begins to spread towards the hips and to the calf muscles. Usually in pathological process Only one of the lower limbs is included. In addition to pain, there is lameness, muscle cramps, weakness in the legs and numbness in the lower half of the body. During movement, tingling and burning sensations appear above the knee.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

VSD is characterized by burning sensations different localization(in the legs, torso, upper extremities), but most often it is still observed in the legs. With this disease, patients note increased weakness, fatigue, sleep problems. They are thrown either hot or cold. Sweat glands work more actively than usual, which leads to increased sweating. Hands and feet with VSD are always cold.


With neurosis, pain most often appears in the joints of the lower extremities. Such patients step on their feet with caution, because there is a feeling of paralysis of the legs. Their gait is uncertain and shaky. They cannot walk or even stand for a long time. Symptoms usually appear in the tissue below the knee and are characterized by numbness, squeezing and burning sensations.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, not everyone experiences a burning sensation in their legs. Usually this is a manifestation of gestosis (complication) on later pregnancy. Because the disease is characterized by severe swelling and increased pressure, compression of blood vessels occurs and deterioration of blood supply to the tissues of the lower extremities. This leads to pain and burning.

What to do, which doctor to contact if there is a burning sensation in the legs

If more than 2 days have passed after the onset of burning sensations in the legs, but the symptom does not subside, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor to diagnose the disease. With such a symptom, one doctor will not be able to diagnose accurate diagnosis, you need to consult with several specialists:

  1. Vascular surgeon.
  2. Endocrinologist.
  3. Neurologist.
  4. Dermatologist.

You can first make an appointment with a therapist, and he will give you a referral to other doctors. Experts conduct full examination and prescribe a set of necessary tests:

  • Laboratory testing of blood and urine. The blood test is not only general. Examine the level of glucose in it.
  • Analysis of the concentration of vitamins and microelements.
  • Blood test for hormone levels. Required if there is a suspicion of hormonal imbalance.
  • Electromyography, to study the functioning of muscle fibers.
  • Nerve conduction studies to confirm normal operation nervous system.


Treatment methods will depend on the causative factor. If the diagnosis shows that the causes lie in problems with blood vessels or nerves, then the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Painkillers.
  2. Sedatives.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Corticosteroids.
  5. Neuroprotectors.
  6. Drugs that improve blood circulation (Trental, Pentoxifylline, Vazonit, Pentilin, Agapurin).

To alleviate the condition, you can resort to:

  • Contrasting foot baths. Contrasting means that hot water is used first, and then cold water and vice versa. It must be remembered that the liquid should not be too hot or cold. The procedure should not cause discomfort. The bath is made for about 15 - 20 minutes, after which a moisturizing foot cream with menthol is used.
  • Use of medicines local action, which includes menthol (gel, cream, spray). The cream or gel should be rubbed in the direction from the fingertips to knee joints and higher.
  • The position of the legs in exalted position . To do this, you need to sit comfortably on the bed. Place 2 pillows or a high cushion under your feet. You need to lie like this for about 15 minutes. The method helps improve blood flow and improved tissue nutrition.
  • The use of herbal medicine. To do this, lotions are made from medicinal herbs with a calming effect: hawthorn, menthol, lavender, wormwood, hops, motherwort, linden blossom and valerian.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics to improve blood circulation. The exercises are not complicated: flexion and extension of fingers; rotating the feet first clockwise and then in the opposite direction.
  • Self-massage or massage using various massagers. The self-massage technique involves kneading the tissues of the feet in the direction from the toes to the heel. In this case, you first need to apply light stretching movements to each toe. Massagers can be made of plastic or wood. A good effect is achieved by walking on special massage mats or the use of grains and small stones.
  • Healthy lifestyle and regular good rest.
  • Wearing comfortable, loose shoes, preferably with special inserts.

It must be remembered that the cause of burning in the legs can be associated not only with illness. Very often it is hidden in the banal allergic reaction on materials from which hosiery, clothing or shoes are made. To get rid of such symptoms, no special treatment is required; it is enough to use high-quality natural materials. Allergies can also occur to cosmetical tools for legs. To make allergy symptoms go away faster, it is recommended to use antihistamines.


To prevent burning and pain in the legs during pregnancy, you need to monitor your health. Eat right, watch your body weight. Follow all recommendations of the gynecologist to prevent the development of gestosis.

To prevent diseases that can cause pain and burning in the tissues of the legs, you need to adhere to proper diet. Eat more products, rich in microelements (buckwheat and oatmeal, beans, carrots, eggplants, nuts, etc.). Drink more freshly squeezed juices from apples, grapes and cranberries. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. From drinking alcohol and tobacco products It's better to give up completely. Drink less strong black tea and coffee. It is better not to eat spicy, salty or peppery foods, as well as fried foods. Stressful situations try to avoid. News healthy image life. Walk more, go out into nature near the water or into the forest, exercise physical activity, but do not overload the body.

The treatment regimen for burning sensations in the legs depends on the cause of their occurrence. On one's own causal factors It is extremely rare to determine. You should not try to cope with the disease on your own. Be sure to consult a specialist.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010