Vitamin B2 - “beauty vitamin. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

This substance has importance to support the life of each individual biological system at a relatively constant level. Learn more about this element, its physiological functions and health effects.

Why does the body need vitamin B2?

The ability of a person as a biorobot to maintain endogenous dynamic balance is provided with the help of protein, mineral and many others. structural elements. It is important to note that the properties of vitamin B2, or riboflavin (riboflavin), most directly affect the processes of homeostasis. It is widely known that this element is useful for hair, skin and nails. In combination with retinol, riboflavin ensures the integrity of the mucous membranes. In addition, this substance performs the following main physiological functions:

  • participates in the synthesis of ATP;
  • prevents the development of cataracts;
  • participates in the absorption of iron;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and growth hormone.

What foods contain vitamin B2

The body is unable to store riboflavin. As a result, doctors advise eating foods with vitamin B2 daily. Patients who have studied the question of what riboflavin is and what it is for, as a rule, adhere to a balanced, varied diet. Said water-soluble protein structure is destroyed by light and heat. For this reason, it is extremely important to prepare vitamin healthy meals Right. When answering which foods contain riboflavin, nutritionists call:

  • milk;
  • greenery;
  • meat;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • yeast;
  • cereals;
  • almond;
  • vegetables.

Vitamin B2 deficiency

Riboflavin deficiency, or beriberi, is most commonly caused by malnutrition and disruption gastrointestinal tract. Lack of vitamin B2 has a very negative impact on human health. The patient experiences symptoms chronic fatigue, nervous tension. Avitaminosis has an extremely negative effect on the growing children's body. With a deficiency of this metabolite, the child, as a rule, lags behind peers mentally and physically. In addition, the manifestations of a lack of riboflavin are:

  • seborrheic dermatitis(rough scaly skin);
  • angular stomatitis (cracks in the corners of the mouth);
  • pain in the legs;
  • bright red tongue;
  • nervousness;
  • weakness;
  • inattention;
  • anemia.

Excess vitamin B2

This kind of condition is extremely rare in medical practice. An excess of vitamin B2 is observed when the allowable daily intake of this element is repeatedly exceeded. Symptoms of an overdose of riboflavin are manifested by multiple negative states. So, among the signs of hypervitaminosis, physicians especially distinguish the following:

  • allergic reaction;
  • burning sensation;
  • tingling;
  • loss of sensitivity.

Daily value of vitamin B2

Clinical manifestations riboflavin deficiencies are found in patients consuming less than 0.5-0.6 mg of this substance throughout the day. The daily norm of vitamin B2 for men is about 1.4-1.8 mg, and for women - 1.3-1.5 mg. It is important to note that pregnant and lactating women need several large quantity riboflavin - 1.7-2.1 mg per day. The recommended daily requirement of a substance for children ranges from 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg.

Instructions for use of vitamin B2

In the pharmaceutical industry, riboflavin is called differently: lactoflavin, beflavin, etc. The instruction for the use of vitamin B2 reports that the drug is useful for metabolic processes. In addition, flavin enzymes, which are part of this biologically active substance, act as catalysts for redox reactions.

This vitamin is shared with others chemical elements maintains homeostatic indicators at the proper level. This substance is essential for thyroid gland. Vitamin riboflavin helps this body synthesize growth hormone. It is important to note that the pharmacopoeia establishes strict rules production synthetic drug. However, doctors recommend satisfying daily requirement metabolites with the help of food - sources of this element.

Vitamin B2 tablets

Due to the fact that many manufacturers refused to release riboflavin in tablets and focused on injection solutions, there was a shortage of this substance. By the way, riboflavin is also used in Food Industry as dye E101. The limited production of the reagent has led to the use of harmful additives E102 and E104. However, in Lately vitamin B2 tablets are already available in many pharmacies. The content of the active substance in each pill does not exceed 10 mg. Oral intake of vitamin according to the instructions is carried out according to the scheme:

  • In acute vitamin deficiency in adults, it is necessary to take 6-33 mg of the drug per day.
  • Patients suffering from migraines are prescribed a daily dose of 400 mg.
  • To prevent the development of cataracts, it is recommended to take 2.6 mg of riboflavin daily.

Vitamin B2 in ampoules

The solution must be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Vitamin B2 in ampoules has its own recommended dosage. For adults, it is 10 mg per day, and for children - 0.6-10 mg. The duration of the course is determined individually for each patient. As a rule, treatment does not take more than 12-22 days. Riboflavin in ampoules is administered to children in two stages. During the first, the child receives the vitamin daily for 2-4 days. Further treatment involves the introduction of riboflavin twice a week.

Vitamin B2 preparations

Active forms of the metabolite can be synthesized from drugs containing precursor substances. Such medicines include drugs containing riboxin or inosi F. In addition, multivitamins can serve as a source of riboflavin. It is important to note that experts recommend giving preference only to high-quality bioavailable complexes. The list of preparations with vitamin B2 is presented below:

  1. Adivit (syrup) - is combination drug, including vitamins A, D3, E, C, PP. Recommended for use in children early age.
  2. Vectrum (tablets) - is a multivitamin complex. Vectrum is recommended to be taken during seasonal beriberi.
  3. Gerimaks (coated tablets) - the drug contains a large amount of multivitamins and other active components. Gerimaks is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.
  4. Vitamax (capsules) - the drug includes fat- and water-soluble biologically active substances. Vitamax has many contraindications, so you should consult a specialist before using it.

The price of vitamin B2

Doctors recommend taking riboflavin at the same time as other active substances, significantly enhancing the effect of the first. The price of vitamin B2 is formed taking into account the country of origin, the cost and quality of the raw materials used. It is important to note that inexpensive multivitamins purchased from an online store or ordered from a catalog presented on the site, as a rule, are inferior in quality to preparations purchased from licensed sellers. Meanwhile, Moscow pharmacies offer consumers riboflavin at following prices:

  • liquid for injections - 85-90 rubles;
  • tablets - 100-120 rubles;
  • riboflavin in the composition of multivitamins - 150-2000 r.

Video: what foods contain vitamin B2

I must say that there is practically no overdose of vitamin B2, and even its excessive administration in the form of injections does not cause any particular problems. unpleasant consequences: sometimes itching, numbness or slight burning may occur, but this quickly passes. Rather, we should talk about the lack of riboflavin, which affects more than 90% of the Russian population, and especially the elderly.

The lack of vitamin B2 leads to much worse consequences than its excess, which is extremely rare. When riboflavin is not enough, a person loses his appetite, weight decreases, weakness appears, his head hurts, his eyes hurt; the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth become inflamed, and sores and cracks appear in the corners of the mouth.
The eyes also become inflamed and redden, tears flow, a burning sensation appears; it is difficult for a person to look at the light. The skin on the face and on the chest may also become inflamed: unpleasant disease- seborrheic dermatitis.
If the deficiency of riboflavin increases, then hair begins to fall out strongly, digestion is upset, dizziness and sleep is disturbed; all brain reactions slow down, and this is especially noticeable in children, who in such cases not only study poorly, but also lag behind in growth and development.
The fact is that a deficiency of vitamin B2 primarily leads to the degradation of brain tissues - those in which there are many small vessels and capillaries. Cerebral insufficiency is a disease in which mental processes become inert, and the sensitivity of the brain to negative impacts increases, as a result of which various forms of nervous diseases can develop and mental disorders- for example, persistent depression.
With a lack of riboflavin, iron is poorly absorbed, which leads to anemia; weakens thyroid- and this is the path to serious violations in the hormonal system.
Rough and unhealthy skin, frequent boils, barley and herpes also indicate a lack of vitamin B2, and even its deficiency, so such people urgently need to introduce foods rich in this vitamin into their diet.
Once in the cells and tissues of the body, vitamin B2 increases the effectiveness of zinc, helps to absorb and store iron, activates the action of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and its compounds with vitamin A have beneficial effect on the work of many organs and systems.
As already mentioned, riboflavin almost does not accumulate in the body, so you need to eat foods with it every day, and try to keep its content in them as much as possible.
Riboflavin deficiency
The lack of riboflavin in the body manifests itself very insidiously, the metabolism worsens, oxygen is poorly supplied to the cells, it has been proven that with a constant deficiency of vitamin B2, life expectancy is reduced.
Signs of vitamin B2 deficiency:

The appearance of peeling on the skin of the lips, around the mouth, on the ears, wings of the nose and nasolabial folds.
Burning in the eyes (as if sand had been caught).
Redness, watery eyes.
Cracks in the lips and at the corners of the mouth.
Long healing of wounds.
Fear of light and excessive phlegm.

Due to a slight but long-term deficiency of vitamin B2, cracks in the lips may not appear, but the upper lip will decrease, which is especially noticeable in older people. Lack of riboflavin is caused by gastrointestinal diseases, due to which nutrient absorption is disturbed, a lack of complete proteins, as well as vitamin B2 antagonists (some antidepressants and tranquilizers, medical preparations with sulfur, alcohol). During fevers, oncology and thyroid problems, the body needs additional doses of riboflavin, as these diseases increase the consumption of the substance.
Prolonged deficit vitamin B2 leads to a slowdown in brain reactions, this process is especially noticeable in children - academic performance decreases, a lag in development and growth appears. A constant lack of riboflavin causes degradation of brain tissue, with further development various forms mental disorders and nervous diseases.
The daily intake of vitamin B2 largely depends on the emotionality of a person, the greater the emotional load, the more riboflavin should be supplied to the body. Women per day need to receive at least 1.2 mg of riboflavin, and men 16 mg. The need for riboflavin increases during pregnancy (up to 3 mg per day) and breastfeeding, during stress and excessive physical exertion.
Riboflavin sources:
In the daily diet of a person, as a rule, there are a lot of foods that are rich in riboflavin, these are buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms, apricots, nuts (peanuts), green leafy vegetables, yeast. A lot of vitamin B2 is also found in herbs, such as: parsley, dandelion, alfalfa, fennel seeds, burdock root, chamomile, fenugreek, hops, ginseng, horsetail, nettle, sage and several others.
In the body, ribaflavin is synthesized by the intestinal microflora, some active forms This vitamin can be synthesized in the liver and kidneys.
Vitamin B2 overdose:
Vitamin B2 is a huge benefit for the body, it is also noteworthy that it practically does not accumulate in the body in excessive amounts. Its excess is not accompanied by toxic effects, but in very rare cases itching, tingling and burning sensation, as well as slight numbness in the muscles occur.
marginal insufficiency
Obvious clinical symptoms riboflavin deficiency is rare in developed countries. However, preclinical stages of riboflavin deficiency, characterized by changes in biochemical parameters, are quite common. In children, this can lead to growth retardation. Riboflavin deficiency rarely occurs on its own, and usually occurs in combination with other water-soluble vitamin deficiencies.
Manifest insufficiency
Artificially induced riboflavin deficiency in experiments on volunteers led to glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa with the formation of cracks in the corners of the lips), scabies (itching), peeling of the skin and seborrheic dermatitis (skin rash) especially in the scrotum . Individuals suffering from riboflavin deficiency may experience corneal vascularization associated with photophobia, blurred vision, itching, and a sensation as if a mote had entered the eye. However, a direct relationship between the occurrence indicated symptoms and riboflavin deficiency was not established.
Studies using the galoctoflavin antagonist have revealed a number of changes not normally seen in normal dietary riboflavin deficiency. In particular, normochronic anemia and peripheral neuropathy of the extremities (tingling sensation, cold sensation and pain) were observed. Riboflavin deficiency is also considered teratogenic, as pregnant rats receiving insufficient amounts of riboflavin gave birth to pups with numerous abnormalities.

At-risk groups
Riboflavin deficiency may result from traumatic injury especially burns or surgical operation, and has also been observed in patients with a chronic disease state (rheumatoid fever, tuberculosis, indolent bacterial endocarditis), diabetes, inflammation of the thyroid gland and cirrhosis of the liver. Another risk group is older women taking oral contraceptives, children and adolescents from low-income families, children suffering from chronic diseases hearts, people who do not include dairy products in their diet, and young children with high levels of bilirubin in the blood serum and undergoing a long course of phototherapy.
Malabsorption syndrome may develop as a result of gastrointestinal disorders such as sprue, celiac disease, constipation, resection small intestine, diarrhea, inflammation of the small intestine, atresia bile ducts and irritable bowel syndrome. The consequences of insufficient intake of riboflavin in the body can be aggravated chronic alcoholism and chronic stress.
Recommended prophylactic dose
Dietary guidelines for riboflavin exist in 38 countries and the average recommended daily intake for adults is 1.2 to 2.2 mg. The recommendations of the Division of Food and Nutrition of the US National Research Council are based on studies conducted in the forties, which showed that if the daily intake of riboflavin does not exceed 0.55 mg, symptoms appear after about 90 days. Clinical signs riboflavin deficiency. These data allow us to conclude that in order to meet the needs of the body for healthy people, the daily intake of riboflavin is 0.6 mg per 1000 kilocalories. The current (1989) recommended dose is 1.2-1.3 mg for adult women and 1.4-1.8 mg for adult men. For women during pregnancy, it is recommended to increase daily allowance Riboflavin intake by an additional 0.3 mg, an additional 0.5 mg during the first six months of breastfeeding, and an additional 0.4 mg in subsequent months. Recommended doses for children and infants range from 0.4 mg during the first six months of life to 1.2 mg up to ten years of age.

Riboflavin is available as oral preparations alone or in multivitamin or multivitamin-mineral complexes, as well as in a soluble form for injection. Riboflavin crystals are poorly soluble in water, so the phosphate form is used in liquid preparations. Commercially available FMN is also highly soluble in water.
Therapeutic use
In most cases of riboflavin deficiency, daily oral doses of 5-10 mg are prescribed. Patients suffering from achlorhydria, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatitis, or a number of other disorders that prevent normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients should be administered riboflavin parenterally. Symptoms of riboflavin deficiency begin to resolve in 1-3 days, but full recovery may take several weeks. Riboflavin has been successfully used to treat ulcerative keratitis, photophobia, and noninfectious conjunctivitis in patients without any evidence of riboflavin deficiency.
Cases of poisoning with oral administration of riboflavin have not been recorded. Limited ability of the gastrointestinal tract to absorb this vitamin virtually eliminates this possibility.
industrial production
Riboflavin can be obtained by chemical synthesis or biotechnological method. Chemical synthesis is an improved process developed by Kuhn and Carrer in 1934, using o-xylene, D-ribose, and alloxan as starting materials. Various strains of bacteria and yeast are being used to synthesize riboflavin commercially, using cheap natural materials and industrial waste as a nutrient medium for microorganisms.
Vitaminization of food
Riboflavin is one of the vitamins often added to white flour and baked goods to make up for losses during processing. It is also used to fortify milk, cereals and diet foods.
Other industrial applications
Due to its bright yellow color, riboflavin is often added to various preparations and infusion solutions as a marker. The appearance of color in the urine indicates that the drug has been taken, and the color of the infusion solution indicates that the drug has been added to the tube.

Blyth isolates lactochrome, a water-soluble, yellow fluorescent material from whey.

Warburg and Christian isolate the yellow enzyme from brewer's yeast and speculate that it plays important role in cellular respiration.

Kuhn, Georgi and Wagner-Yoreg distinguish from egg white and serum, a yellow crystalline pigment that stimulates cell growth, and they called vitamin B2.

The Kuhn group in Heidelberg and the Carrera group in Zurich synthesize pure riboflavin.

The Pharmaceutical Council of the American Medical Association names the vitamin riboflavin.

Theorel determines the structure of the flavin mononucleotide FMN.

Sebrel's group demonstrates clinical signs of riboflavin deficiency in experiments on volunteers.

Glatzel and his group suggest using a test to measure erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity to determine riboflavin status.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)- a water soluble vitamin in kind is a long yellow crystals, bitter taste. Partially soluble in alcohol and completely inert in solvents of organic origin (benzene, acetone).

In the free form, vitamin B2 does not occur in nature, it is found in solutions that function in living organisms. And since several scientists identified vitamin B2 in different products, it was given several names - riboflavin, lactoflavin, ovoflavin, etc. During the experiments, it was found that the same substance was studied. He was assigned common name- riboflavin.

It is absolutely unstable in the light, due to which products may lose useful elements. For example, a bottle of milk that has stood for 3 hours in the light loses about 70% of riboflavin. But B2 is resistant to heat treatment, which allows it to remain intact when cooking.

Vitamin B2 is listed food additives under the code E101. It is used as a quality food coloring, giving a yellow tint to cooked dishes. But there are problems with the release of synthetic riboflavin in the food industry. It is mainly produced for medical needs. Because of this, E102 (tatrazine) or E104 (yellow quinoline) are used in our country in the form of a yellow dye, which are limited to use in almost all countries of the world. It has been proven that they provoke the development of allergic reactions, agitation and hyperactivity in children.

Riboflavin itself, as a food coloring, is absolutely harmless and has no competitors.

As a food coloring, riboflavin is unique, safe and unrivaled.

The action of vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

The action of vitamin B2 is due to the work of its two derivatives FMN and FAD (nucleotides), which are present in any process that occurs in the body. In addition, it is part of enzymes, participates in metabolic processes and has a lot of spheres of influence:

Magic, of course, will not happen, but with sufficient use of riboflavin, their condition will improve significantly, due to the acceleration of oxygen uptake and the normalization of fat metabolism.

Daily rate

The daily norm of a vitamin is a variable value and strongly depends on age, gender and many surrounding circumstances:

  • the need for men is 1.7-1.8 mg;
  • for women, the dosage is slightly less than 1.3-1.6 mg;
  • for children, the dose depends on the age of 0.5-1.5 mg.

For adults, this dose can be obtained by eating 2 eggs or 300 g of cottage cheese. So a balanced, varied diet will be able to satisfy such a need. healthy person riboflavin.

But there are deviations from these norms, depending on several circumstances - reception hormonal drugs, contraceptives, alcohol abuse, constant training and increased physical activity.

And of course, it is better to consume vitamin B2 with food, and not administer with expensive medications.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency

Vitamin B2 deficiency is also called hyporiboflavinosis. It manifests itself both externally and on the level internal functions organism. On different stages hypovitaminosis, the following symptoms appear:

  • cracked, parched skin on the lips, the so-called angular stomatitis;
  • loss of appetite, weakness and headaches, decline in strength resources;
  • various skin diseases caused by disorders nervous system- skin rashes, itching, dermatitis;
  • hair loss, deterioration appearance, fragility;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity, red inflamed spots on the tongue and gums, causing pain;
  • vision problems, conjunctivitis;
  • indigestion, digestive problems;
  • insomnia, dizziness, lethargy mental activity due to tissue starvation blood vessels;
  • burning pain in the limbs, convulsions;
  • emaciation, stunted growth, especially characteristic and therefore dangerous for children.

Such problems often arise not only due to a lack of riboflavin, but also often due to improper cooking of foods and the destruction of the lion's share of vitamins in this way.

Sometimes a deficiency can be caused by taking medications that block the action of B2. And often the problems of the stomach and digestion cause a lack of vitamin, even with a full diet.

Sources of vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Many foods are called sources of riboflavin, let's start the list with the most saturated:

It is very important to observe some nuances in cooking, and you can forget about B2 deficiency:

  • it is worth cooking by closing the pots with a lid, avoiding the oxidation of food, and making the most of the water in which the food was cooked;
  • defrosting meat is best done in the refrigerator, or in the oven, wrapped in foil, and even better put it immediately frozen in boiling water;
  • the softer the cottage cheese, the more it contains riboflavin due to the presence in it a large number serum;
  • milk should not be stored in glassware in daylight, losses will be about 50%;
  • even with prolonged storage in the refrigerator, vegetables lose their vitamin reserves, so do not purchase them with a margin.

It is not difficult to provide yourself with a supply of a vitamin by eating the above products.

Vitamin B2 does not accumulate in the tissues of the body, the excess amount is quickly excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, the regularity of its receipt must be monitored.

By the way, with an excess of excreted riboflavin, urine will acquire a rich yellow color.

Interaction with various drugs and certain substances

Vitamin B2 has its allies that help it be absorbed and synthesized into active forms, and opponents that slow down or block its work.

Allied substances are drugs that regulate the activity of the thyroid gland and antihypertensive drugs lowering arterial pressure. Opponents, unfortunately, are much more: tranquilizers, antipsychotics, contraceptives, alcohol and nicotine.

Very negative effect on the activity of riboflavin household chemicals, which contains boric acid, and there are more than 400 of them.

The interdependence of the action of B vitamins is very pronounced, and taking an increased dose of one, it is necessary to reconsider the dosages of all the others. You can include brewer's yeast in your diet, but in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Indications for use

Indications for the appointment of a vitamin are both preventive and therapeutic in nature and are used for the following diseases:

  • Night blindness, conjunctivitis, cataracts, visual disturbances.
  • Wounds that do not heal for a long time.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders and ulcers.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Joint diseases - rheumatism, asthenia.
  • Anemia or leukemia.
  • Radiation sickness.
  • Addison's disease acute insufficiency adrenal cortex.
  • Thyroid disorders.

Riboflavin is an excellent antioxidant and for this reason it is strongly recommended to be taken by workers in industries related to the work with heavy metals, radioactive materials, poisons and pesticides, it perfectly protects the body from toxic effects.

Most often, riboflavin in the amount daily dose included in multivitamins. Riboflamin is available in capsules and dragees, sometimes even eye drops are used.

In our country, vitamin B2 is available in the form of injections.

necessary preventive or therapeutic dosage the doctor will prescribe, if necessary, as well as the form of admission.

The importance of vitamin B2 for the human body is difficult to overestimate in view of the versatility of aspects of its influence. This is the activity of the nervous system, and the formation defensive forces and regeneration of various mucous and epithelial cells. Deficiency or lack of vitamin B2 causes numerous disorders that, in advanced cases, can be seen with the naked eye. We invite you to learn more about riboflavin and its health benefits.

Vitamin B2 riboflavin

Vitamin B2 riboflavin is named for its golden yellow color (“flavus” is Latin for “yellow”). It is he who owes whey its yellow-greenish color.

Avitaminosis B2 (ariboflavinosis), like a deficiency of any vitamin, is accompanied by general weakness, loss of strength. characteristic manifestation lack of vitamin B2 - inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa: painful cracks appear in its corners, covered with crusts (angular stomatitis, colloquially - seizures). The tongue becomes bright red, edematous, dry, teeth marks are visible along its edges. The patient complains of a burning sensation of the tongue and skin, sometimes of profuse salivation.

Deficiency and lack of vitamin B2

Look at the corners of your mouth: cracks and sores signal that there is a lack of vitamin B2. At the same time, examine the language. If smooth flat spots appear on it more than bright color This means that the body lacks other B vitamins - B6 and PP.

With a deficiency of vitamin B2, there are fast fatiguability eyes, photophobia, pain in the eyes, inflammation of their mucous membrane (conjunctivitis) and eyelids (blepharitis). If the deficiency of the vitamin worsens, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) and clouding of the cornea with the appearance of cataracts can develop, leading to partial or complete loss of vision. Therefore, riboflavin is eye drops prescribed to the elderly for the prevention of cataracts.

Lack of vitamin B2

Another sign that there is a lack of vitamin B2 is seborrheic dermatitis, in which the skin on the face, in the area upper lip and nose, around the eyelids and on the ears. Long-term deficiency of riboflavin can cause the formation of trophic ulcers.

Vitamin B2 is not only involved in energy metabolism and affects the processes of color perception, but also participates in the absorption of iron by the body, as well as in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Accordingly, riboflavin deficiency often leads to anemia.

This vitamin is essential for normal development fetus. Its deficiency can lead to miscarriage and the appearance of deformities in children.

The functions and importance of vitamin B2: what is it for?

Scientists have long studied all the functions of vitamin B2 in the body of an adult and a child. What is the importance of vitamin B2 for development mental abilities and the formation of the central nervous system during the prenatal period of fetal growth, all obstetricians know. The answer to the question of why a pregnant woman needs vitamin B2 always comes down to saving the life of the unborn child.

Riboflavin occupies a special position among vitamins: with its participation in the body, active forms of a number of other vitamins are formed, in particular vitamins D, B6, folic, nicotinic acids. In this regard, with a lack of riboflavin, the normal performance of various functions by the listed vitamins is inevitably disrupted and a secondary deficiency of these substances develops, even if they are supplied with enough food.

Vitamin b2 riboflavin

Vitamin b2 riboflavin is quite widespread in nature and is present in both animals and plants, but its content in most foods is low.

Only brewer's yeast, liver and kidneys are really rich in riboflavin.

In addition, in order for the body to well absorb the riboflavin taken with food, great importance has sufficient protein content; deficiency of vitamin B2 is most often combined with a deficiency of animal protein and vitamin PP.

With the participation of vitamin B2 in the body, active forms of vitamins D, B6, folic acid And nicotinic acid.

Avitaminosis B2

Vitamin B2 avitaminosis can be quite easily prevented without the use of pharmacological preparations. It is enough to normalize your diet. Depending on gender and physical activity an adult needs riboflavin from 1.3 to 1.8 milligrams per day. The problem is that there are very few products rich in it, and we do not include them in the menu every day.

In meat, the amount of vitamin B2 varies from 0.16 to 0.23 milligrams per 100 grams, in milk - from 0.1 to 0.13 milligrams per 100 grams. Vegetables and fruits are poor in this vitamin. Thus, meeting the human need for vitamin B2 is not easy. To do this, you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of beef or drink about 2 liters of milk per day. This explains why riboflavin deficiency is so common.

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And trace elements play a significant role in ensuring normal life. human body. They saturate every cell and allow organs and systems to function optimally.

It should be noted that the lack of B vitamins can lead to serious malfunctions and even diseases, so you need to replenish your stocks of these substances daily. This is extremely necessary, since vitamins belonging to group B, when they enter the body, do not have the ability to cumulate (accumulate) in it, but rather short term are excreted in the urine.

Sometimes the lack of vitamins of this group is due to other reasons, for example, the presence of chronic diseases and pathologies, the influence of various negative factors.

Lack of vitamin B in the body can cause stress.

Based on the data obtained on the basis of research, it was revealed that stressful situations play a huge role in the lack of vitamins of the B group.

When they occur, the need for cells in vitamin B1 increases dramatically by 10 times! At the same time, B6, B5 and B2 begin to be processed 5 times faster, which requires their prompt replenishment.

A significant lack of B vitamins can lead to more serious illnesses and even pathologies. These include: diseases skeletal system(for example, sciatica), allergic reactions, bleeding from the uterus, various kinds of neuralgia, dystrophy (thinning of the wall) of the myocardium.

Also, in a state of critical lack of B vitamins, the likelihood of various infections and diseases increases. genitourinary system, hepatitis and atonic constipation. Gastrointestinal diseases are exacerbated or develop: colitis and ulcerative manifestations, etc. It is very important to know that the deficiency of each individual group of vitamin B is characterized by its own specific symptoms.

Lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) provokes increased fatigue and heart palpitations, memory impairment and shortness of breath (even with small load), sleep and eating problems.

If thiamine is not supplied or insufficiently supplied to the body for a long time, then muscle weakness may develop (which is especially noticeable when walking) and a violation of statics, pain may be felt on palpation in calf muscles, a feeling of "goosebumps" in the lower and upper limbs, a violation in the transmission of nerve impulses. However, the latter is quite rare. It is also noted that B1 is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Learn more about vitamin B deficiency in this video:

Lack of B2 (riboflavin) can lead to blurred vision and redness of the eyelids, cracks in the corners of the mouth, barley and peeling of the skin of the face. With a deficiency of riboflavin, the likelihood of anemia increases, there is a tendency to irritability and depressive states. In some cases, there is a violation of appetite.

If the body is deficient in vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid), then this can cause dizziness and frequent ringing (noise) in the ears, as well as dermatitis. Appetite may be disturbed and immunity weakens, which leads to SARS.

B4 has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, in particular, it is very useful for the work and digestive organs. It is this substance that contributes to the production of special enzymes in the liver, with the help of which the digestion of food is subsequently carried out. B4 is also required for normal operation memory, and its lack leads to problems in this area.

Lack of vitamin B can cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Deficiency of vitamin B5 (or pantothenic acid) is quite rare. The reason is simple - this substance is found in almost all foods and therefore its shortage is possible only in rare cases.

But if all the same this happened, then the first symptom can be considered frequent leakage of the lower or upper limbs. And a critical lack of B5 can provoke even serious brain pathologies, the appearance excess weight and mucosal diseases.

Known to many, pyridoxine or vitamin B6 takes an active part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, in particular, the "hormone of happiness", which is so necessary for every person. With a lack of pyridoxine, drowsiness, irritability or lethargy (both motor and emotional) can be observed.

Appear inflammatory processes in the gum area or a feeling of dryness in the mouth. Sometimes appetite or sleep is disturbed, it can make you feel nauseous. Blood parameters also change, which is manifested in a violation of the synthesis of glycogen and red blood cells. Seborrheic type dermatitis may appear on the face.

Lack of B6 can provoke asthma attacks, and in women, aggravate the symptoms characteristic of “critical days”.

B7 (biotin) promotes the conversion of fat cells into energy. If its level drops to a critical level, then there is a failure of fat metabolism, which is fraught with serious consequences. And a long-term lack of biotin can lead to skin lesions and decreased appetite, drowsiness, weakness, and sometimes depression.

It is also characteristic: a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, hair loss, a decrease in muscle and vascular tone, which leads to a drop in blood pressure. Conjunctivitis, brittleness and stratification of nails, muscle pain may appear, sometimes psoriasis attacks become aggravated. Also, a lack of B7 can lead to a serious failure in the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids.

Not so well-known, but no less important for the body is vitamin B8 (inositol). Its deficiency can cause the accumulation of fat cells in the liver, accelerate the development of atherosclerotic changes, and provoke dermatitis. The work of the musculoskeletal system may also be disrupted, changes in the structure of nerve receptors may occur, which is fraught with the appearance of psychological problems.

With a lack of folic acid (vitamin B9), there are problems with appetite and loss of strength, anemia, shortness of breath may appear even with minor exertion, the whites of the eyes become yellowish. Irritability and dizziness, nausea, and tongue are also characteristic.

B9 plays a very important role in the development of the fetus in pregnant women. Its deficiency can provoke a slowdown in the growth of the baby in the womb, and sometimes his death. Therefore, pregnant women should definitely eat foods rich in folic acid.

B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid) takes an active part in the synthesis of red blood cells, therefore, if it is deficient, this process fails. Also, B10 deficiency can provoke disorders in the digestive tract (flatulence, diarrhea, etc.), the appearance of anemia, neurasthenia, and even a decrease in sexual desire.

Sometimes a lack of B10 affects the appearance of headaches, skin and hair problems (early graying or hair loss). If this substance is not enough in the body of a woman who has given birth to a baby, then this can cause underproduction milk while feeding.

With a lack of B11 (carnitine), increased fatigue and a decrease in muscle tone may occur, malfunctions of the heart appear, kidney and liver dysfunction develops. Since this vitamin is involved in the processes of splitting fat cells, its lack can affect the appearance of excess weight.

The well-known vitamin B12 (cobalamin) plays an important role in the synthesis of red blood cells. Its deficiency can affect the appearance of dandruff, increase the fragility of blood vessels, bones and hair.

It also increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis and paresthesia in the legs. May occur emotional instability and pain in the calf muscles.

What you need to know about the prevention of vitamin B deficiency?

B vitamins are found in many foods.

According to doctors, vitamin deficiency (as well as other diseases and pathological conditions) is easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • First of all, you need to balance your diet so that every day there are foods rich in all the necessary vitamins and minerals on the table. You do not need to eat a lot, it is important to use healthy and rich essential substances food.
  • If all the same signs of beriberi appear, then you need to review your menu and consult a doctor.
  • In autumn and spring, be sure to drink courses of vitamin and mineral complexes. This will help maintain the normal functioning of the body, as well as get rid of unnecessary problems. Such courses are useful in postoperative periods as well as after infections.
  • It is very important to lead healthy lifestyle life, excluding the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Need to move and breathe more fresh air. So the appetite will be better, and the metabolism will stabilize.

What threatens the body with a lack of B vitamins?

Of course, vitamin deficiency is unlikely to lead to lethal outcome, but it can negatively affect systems, work capacity and many other vital factors.

It is imperative to lead a healthy and correct image life, using the necessary nutrients and vitamins. This will make life even more productive, and your well-being and mood will always be great!

It happens that the deficiency of B vitamins becomes critical, then it is reasonable to seek a qualified medical care and correct this situation. Vitamin therapy will help get rid of health problems and allow you to restore strength.