Golden root dosage. The use of the Golden Root in traditional medicine - complete instructions for use

This plant is popularly nicknamed the golden root in gratitude for the irreplaceable, considered magical medicinal properties. Officially, science calls it Rhodiola rosea, but to this day the “correct” name is less known than the popular one. The most healing of this herb is its root. That is why, in ancient times, the root was given the amount of gold, how much it weighed. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the name of the plant that has developed among people.

Myths, legends and beliefs

AT traditional medicine at all times, the healing properties of which caused reverence were valued. Widely known chinese history about a rich merchant who paved a path from coins and silk to the place where Rhodiola rosea grows.

It is still believed in Altai that the one who finds the golden root will find happiness, health and good luck, and his life span will continue for two centuries. However, they also consider this plant a symbol of justice and selflessness. If you dig magic root for the purpose of profit or purchase it from a greedy, greedy seller, luck will leave you, money will leave the family, and no measures will help to avoid poverty.

Altaians for the wedding gave the groom, together with deer antlers, a golden root, the healing properties of which not only strengthened health, but also guaranteed that the marriage would not be fruitless.

Main directions of use

There are several areas where the golden root is applied. Its medicinal properties are mainly aimed at relieving fatigue and nervous tension. The latter is especially true in our time, when not a single day can do without stress. The ability of Rhodiola to increase, increase both mental and physical performance has also been noticed.

If earlier this plant was considered exclusively folk remedy, then since the sixties of the last century it has been recognized and traditional medicine as a CNS stimulant. It is prescribed for neurosis, vegetative dystonia, neurasthenia. At nervous exhaustion the golden root will also help - its healing properties are very similar to the effects of ginseng.

It is no less valuable as a kind of antidote: it increases the body's resistance in case of chronic poisoning. This is very helpful for those involved with insecticides used in agriculture.

Apply the golden root (healing properties allow this) and with problems with the heart - it strengthens the heart muscle. With the help of it, uterine and internal bleeding. good for getting rid of some diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Precautions for use: diseases

In principle, the plant is useful not only for those who are sick, but also for healthy people. In Altai, they drink it for general health purposes. But like any medicinal product, it can become poison.

So, having behind some permanent illness or being an elderly person, before starting treatment with a golden root, it is worth consulting with your doctor so as not to exacerbate the underlying disease. Age features organisms also impose their own limitations. They may conflict with the effect that gives the golden root. The instruction, of course, will warn you about this, but the doctor will better understand how safe and useful Rhodiola preparations are for you.

You should also not drink the tincture of this plant with hypertension (or even an accidental, one-time increase in pressure) or if you have a temperature. It is also necessary to avoid it during emotional overstrain: Rhodiola will only increase arousal, but will not bring relief. Better sleep, bounce back naturally, calm down and only in the morning drink tea with a magic root.

Warnings for use: do not overdo it

But even if you do not have any contraindications to the use of this medicinal plant, remember that it is impossible to drink teas and tinctures from it continuously. The energy of a living organism is not infinite. If you constantly use even such "benevolent" stimulants as the golden root, you can quietly bring yourself to complete exhaustion. So after five days during which it is taken (on vodka, for example), a week break is required.

Tea Features

In terms of general health promotion, improvement of well-being and stimulation of working capacity, Altaians recommend tea. Its preparation is significantly different from the usual one: if it only needs to be insisted, then the Rhodiola drink will also have to be boiled. Moreover, very little raw material is needed: a teaspoon is enough per liter of boiling water. The “elixir of health” will boil for 7 to 10 minutes, and then it needs to be insisted for half an hour, and it is better to wrap it up. You will get a very tasty liquid with a light pink aroma. The color of this tea is also unusual. Depending on the quantity and quality of the root, it may be reddish-brown or (with a transition through all accompanying shades) dark purple. You can drink it without any additives, but you can also sweeten it. In the latter case, it is better to put honey.

A warning

Despite the outward harmlessness, golden root tea is a very, very strong stimulant! Its impact is greater than regular teas and even coffee. For daily use this drink is not suitable! But in the case of exams, annual reports or other urgent, but not frequent work will become an indispensable assistant.

However, even in such extreme situations it is not recommended to drink "seagulls" more than two or three glasses a day. Otherwise, you can completely deplete your nervous system.

The combination of Rhodiola with other plants

For colds or flu, indigestion, weakness in recovery, another drink that also contains golden root is well suited. Alternative medicine recipes advise combining rhodiola with strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, currant (black) and bergenia leaves. Plus, the same collection should include flowers of cinquefoil and St. John's wort, as well as thyme grass. All components are taken in equal parts by weight. Two large spoons hour infused in a liter of boiling water. The drink is not very tasty, so you can’t do without honey or sugar when drinking it. Stimulation in this case is very mild, besides, the metabolism is restored. And you can drink this tea for a long time until the general condition returns to normal.

Purpose of tincture

Such a drug from Rhodiola has, in principle, the same main purpose as tea, however, in cases where a faster effect is required, it is still a rather concentrated remedy. For the same reason, it is better to consult a doctor. How is the golden root (tincture) usually taken? The instruction recommends 20 drops half an hour before meals three times a day. However, in the presence of hypertension, you need to start with five drops, carefully monitoring your well-being and monitoring pressure fluctuations. In the case of a normal course of treatment, the dose is slowly increased.

Unlike tea, tincture is also used externally. It heals wounds and skin diseases, abscesses, rashes and conjunctivitis. In this case, poultices or lotions are made. The tincture is also used for dental purposes - for the treatment of wounds on the gums, palate and tongue. In this case, either cauterization is done, or rinses are prescribed.

DIY tincture

After the recognition of Rhodiola rosea by traditional physicians, the Golden Root tincture began to be freely sold in a pharmacy. However, it is easy to prepare it yourself - so you will definitely be sure of the quality of the medicine used. Moreover, in order to obtain raw materials, it is no longer necessary to travel to the taiga and look for treasured places: this plant has long taken root in country gardens and is not difficult to grow. The main thing in this matter is to properly prepare the roots, that is, to follow some rules. The first of them is to dig out for medicine only those plants that are more than 3 years old. Second: you can start digging in July, but finish it no later than September. Third: peeled, whole and not rotten roots are first dried in the shade and only then cut into segments of 10 centimeters and dried at 50 degrees.

The preparation of the tincture itself is extremely simple: the raw material (50 g) is finely chopped, put into a bottle and poured with half a liter of alcohol (40 degrees, no more). It is necessary to insist in warmth and darkness for two weeks. As can be seen from the strength of alcohol, the tincture of the golden root on vodka will turn out no worse, just take it good quality and no extra additives. Actually, pharmacy alcohol is recommended for the preparation of medicines because it does not contain impurities.

Even if nothing bothers you and you are relatively healthy (absolute health in our world, alas, is unattainable), it is worth drinking tea or golden root tincture once a year. The immune system will become stronger, the remnants of beriberi, which you did not even suspect, will go away. calmer sleep and stronger nerves. Health and well-being!

Golden root - what it is, its medicinal properties and contraindications for use in traditional medicine recipes, plant composition, side effects, analogues, preparation of alcohol tincture, decoction, infusion of Rhodiola rosea and treatment with these dosage forms - this is the topic of our conversation on the site site on today.

What is the Golden Root, photo

Golden Root or Rose Rhodiola- This is a herbaceous plant that grows in countries with a temperate or cool climate. Its flowering occurs in mid-summer. inflorescence have yellow sometimes greenish.

From the point of view of medicine for therapy pathological processes the rhizome of the plant is mainly used. But in addition to this, the inflorescence and leaves can be used. After the flowering period of this plant, its positive qualities begin to manifest itself more actively.

The composition and medicinal properties of the golden root

This plant contains a lot of useful chemical compounds. They can be used in the treatment of various painful conditions in medicine, both traditional and folk, cosmetic procedures, at large physical activity In sports.

The following components can be found in the composition of this medicinal substance:

  • Aromatic oils (have a persistent rose scent).
  • Phenols and flavonoids (hyperoside, quercetin, kaempferol).
  • Useful carbohydrates, organic acids.
  • A high level of micro and macro elements (manganese, a compound of copper and silver, zinc).
  • Also in its composition, this plant has many tannins.

All drugs from the Golden Root can have a positive effect in case of an increase in physical, mental stress. They accelerate redox (exchange) processes, which leads to rapid rehabilitation patient in the postoperative period.

What is the use of golden root?

The medicinal properties of pink Rhodiola allow it to be used in the treatment of simple forms of tuberculosis, stomach diseases, skin pathologies, initial stages diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Rose Rhodiola has the following medicinal characteristics:

  • Improves psycho-emotional state and physical activity person.
  • Restores exchange processes.
  • Helps improve human perception, increasing concentration.
  • Good to use as an immunomodulator.
  • Reduces fragility of capillaries and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Restores .
  • Clinically proven fact about the normalization of sugar in the patient's bloodstream.
  • Relieves symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, normalizes sleep phases, helps to eliminate.
  • Enhances the effect of drugs pharmacological group cytostatics, and has an antitumor effect on early stages diseases.
  • Used for .

Release form

Preparations that contain Rhodiola are available in various forms.

  • Rhodiola extract liquid 30 ml, in a dark bottle, in a cardboard box.
  • Herbal tea from the Golden Root in a package of 25 grams.
  • Rhodiola tablets 20 pieces in a carton.
  • Tincture on alcohol from the Golden root, volume 100 ml.
  • Herbal tea in bags from the rhizomes of Rhodiola, volume 50 gr.
  • Dried roots of Rhodiola in carton packs 50 gr.

Golden root contraindications

This drug can have a strong effect on the patient's body. It is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • Children under 8 years of age.
  • Nervous strain and severe feverish conditions.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the drug during all trimesters of pregnancy and for the period breastfeeding.
  • Arterial hypertension in advanced forms.

Side Effects of Rhodiola Rosea

Usually, drugs derived from this plant do not cause side effects. But sometimes patients violate the dosage, this leads to nausea, vomiting, headache in temporal areas, pressure in the region of the heart. Very rarely, insomnia can develop.

If this drug has been used for a long time, and the dose has been significantly exceeded, then an overdose occurs. It will be accompanied by the manifestation of the following clinical picture:

  • Severe dryness of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity.
  • Nausea that causes vomiting (sometimes with blood).
  • Very rarely occurs, which is accompanied by the appearance of convulsive spasms.
  • Development and malfunction of the heart rhythm (tachycardia) is possible.

With the development of such a clinical picture, the patient needs to be helped.

  • Perform a gastric lavage (cause a gag reflex).
  • Cleanse the contents of the intestine (put an enema).
  • Drink an enterosorbent (Polysorb, Sorbex, Atoxil).

If such actions did not improve the patient's condition, you should contact the medical institution.

The use of the golden root in folk medicine

The use of Rhodiola rosea covers questions - how to infuse the golden root, how to brew, how to prepare a tincture and, of course, how to drink, that is, to use all these dosage forms in treatment.

Range of use medications from the Golden Root covers a large number of pathological conditions.

  • Extract of liquid Rhodiola.

It is taken half an hour before a meal. For this purpose, 10 drops of the medicinal substance are added to half a glass of water, two or three times throughout the day. The course of treatment lasts up to 20 days.

This dosage form is usually used for increased loads on the human body, neurocirculatory dystonia, cases of loss of strength.

  • Golden root, which is available in the form of syrup.

It is prescribed in the amount of 5 ml, daily. It is best to add it to tea or compote. It has a good tonic effect, and helps to compensate for vitamin C deficiency.

  • Tableted forms of this plant are recommended to be taken in the amount of 2 tablets, no more than 3 times a day.

They can be used as a therapy various pathologies, which are associated with a decline in vitality in the work of the body. Also, this form is often prescribed to men, it has a positive effect on.

When using Rhodiola liquid, one should not forget the recipes of traditional medicine. Tincture and decoction can be prepared independently, at home.

Golden root tincture on vodka - a recipe for how to take

So to prepare a tincture on the golden root and vodka, place 50 g in a small half-liter container. ground root, add 0.5 l of vodka (40%). The resulting solution should be infused for two weeks, after which it is filtered, and no more than 20 drops are used per dose three times a day.

Such alcohol tincture Rhodiola has a positive effect on hypotension, dystonia various etiologies, diseases of the stomach, has a good effect on reproductive function male and female body.

Decoction of the golden root

At home, you can make a decoction of Rhodiola rosea, it is consumed like regular tea. To prepare it, one teaspoon of the root is poured with water (1 liter). Put on fire and, bringing to a boil, pour into a thermos. After 10 minutes, the broth is considered ready.

Very useful for colds, tonsillitis,. good effect observed in the treatment of sluggish wounds.

Infusion of golden root

To prepare it, you can also use a thermos, placing a few tablespoons of ground root in it (to achieve a homogeneous mass, it is better to use a meat grinder), and pour hot boiling water over it. This medicinal infusion You can consume half a cup a day, preferably half an hour before meals.

Rhodiola rhizome infusion can be used to normalize and maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Analogues of the Golden Root

This plant is unique dosage form by its composition. Therefore, there are no absolute substitutes. For tools similar to therapeutic effect can be attributed:

  • Red root.
  • Balm Vigor.
  • Aralia tincture.
  • Grass .

The benefits of the golden root are great, the plant is not bad medicine, it can serve as an adjunct in the therapy of various pathological processes. and assigned as prophylactic. A big plus in its use is a small price, over-the-counter, general availability.

The gifts of nature have always had a powerful impact on human health. Drawing strength from plants, a man always remained full of strength and energy. The golden root for men is especially necessary. This is a plant whose properties are difficult to overestimate. Applying it means fully taking care of sexual function and confidently overcoming fatigue and constant stress.

What valuable substances does it contain

Golden root is popularly called rhizomes pink rhodiola or Siberian ginseng. This is an herb that has a powerful effect on health and is not addictive. The use of the golden root is far superior in effectiveness to most modern pharmaceutical products. The photo of the golden root shows why it is called that. When the plant is cut, a liquid is released that smells like a rose.

Rhodiola rosea for men is simply priceless. Golden root extract contains valuable compounds, extremely necessary for the body person. Plants are rich

  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins.

Among other things, the male root contains a complex of trace elements that the body needs every day:

  • magnesium;
  • chromium;
  • titanium;
  • zinc;
  • cadmium.

The golden root is very useful for potency. But like everything medicinal substances, it must not be used uncontrollably, otherwise it may cause adverse reactions. Instructions for use, which is in each tool, will help you understand when to use the drug, and when it is better to refrain from it.

Useful properties of the plant

Golden root tincture on vodka has a beneficial effect on the body of a man. The tool stimulates the brain, increasing stress resistance and improving mental abilities and memory. The use of the golden root for male power increases efficiency, contributes to the rapid adaptation of the body to changing conditions.

The use in folk medicine is quite wide. The tool is effective for such diagnoses:

  • impotence;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • menstrual pain;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • salt deposits in the joints;
  • diabetes.

Important! Rhodiola rosea is simply irreplaceable for potency. This plant restores sexual function and improves sperm quality. Thus, the use of this medicinal plant has a positive effect on the ability of a man to procreate.

The valuable components that make up the plant have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. The heart muscle is better at pumping blood, supplying it with high quality nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, including the genitals. Therefore, with prostatitis, it is extremely necessary to use the roots of Rhodiola. The plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so the treatment of these diseases with golden root is very effective. Also, many doctors recommend using the remedy for oncology.

Rhodiola rosea roots have a beneficial effect on hormonal background. This helps you recover faster after labor day and be in good moral health.

Contraindications for use

Although beneficial features golden root are undeniable, there are contraindications. Use medicinal tincture not desirable in the following conditions:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • in strong emotional arousal;
  • with fevers;
  • with a severe allergic reaction.

If you take into account all the contraindications, you can protect your body from possible harm.

It is incompatible to use rhodiola and its medicinal properties for men and at the same time use alcoholic drinks and smoke. Though these bad habits never carry something good for the body representatives of the stronger sex, it is better to refuse this during the treatment with the golden root. Otherwise, the effect of tinctures and decoctions medicinal plant will not.

Don't expect instant results. Of course, if golden root tincture was made at home, the effect may come faster. However, the restoration of potency - long process which will not occur after several uses of the drug.

Attention! In addition to refusing bad habits, it is advisable to carefully monitor nutrition during treatment. special diet aimed at mobilizing internal forces body and maintenance of the sexual sphere, will enhance the effect of the golden root on male energy.

It is important to always carefully monitor the dosage of the drug. You can insist on the golden root at home, but you should read the instructions before use. The fact is that the effect will depend on the amount of the agent used. If you prepare a tincture and drink it in 3-5 drops, the medicine will have a calming effect on the body. If the accepted dosage is increased to 10 drops, the tincture will act as a stimulant, and will only excite the nervous system.

cooking secrets

Rhodiola rosea root can be brewed in different ways. One effective recipe is described below.

About 100 g of rhizomes must be chopped with a knife or blender. Raw materials are filled with vodka. The composition must be placed in a dark cool place. Shake the mixture vigorously from time to time. Two weeks is enough to get a good tincture. Ready composition strain and take according to the scheme.

Before using the tincture, it is better to consult a doctor, as for different people may be different dosage. Also, individual reactions can be different for everyone. Therefore, when it occurs unpleasant symptoms, it is important to immediately stop using the drug.

A sensitive attitude to your body will allow you to feel good every day and enjoy life!

Watch the video - tincture:

Rhodiola rosea is known as rose root, golden root. Latin name, which can be used in order not to be mistaken - Rhodíola rósea. Golden root tincture in ready-to-use form is sold in any pharmacy and is inexpensive. If you want to prepare the product yourself, you need to know how to choose a plant, how to dry and infuse raw materials. We must not forget that the plant is listed in the Red Book. The use of pharmacy tincture is safe for health and does not harm environment, because for medicinal collection plants are specially grown.

About the medicinal plant

In folk and evidence-based medicine has the use of only the rhizome of Rhodiola. The plant has a stem with a height of 10 to 40 cm of juicy green color. The leaves are oval or pointed, dense, alternate. It blooms with an umbrella yellow-green inflorescence from June to July. Few on the ground useful substances, so only the root is used. Rhodiola grows on the territory of the Siberian part of Russia, in the Urals, in the Carpathians. The rhizome contains:

  • phenols: salidroside, tyrosol;
  • aromatic and essential oils, cinnamon alcohol, rosin, rosarin, rosavin;
  • organic sugars;
  • organic acids: oxalic, succinic, citric, malic;
  • terpenoids, tannins;
  • flavonoids, plant alkaloids;
  • trace elements: manganese, zinc, copper, silver.

In traditional medicine shops and some pharmacies, already peeled and chopped root is sold. To prepare a high-quality vodka tincture, it is better to take already crushed root. Before use, check the expiration date and appearance raw materials. Rhodiola has many applications, the main ones are:

  • stimulation of immunity;
  • strengthening blood vessels, used for motivated vascular pathologies;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • to improve concentration, for a surge of vivacity and energy in the event of a breakdown;
  • to stabilize the work of the psyche, with a depressive syndrome.

In order for the use of Rhodiola rosea to benefit, and not cause a deterioration in the condition, the treatment of mental disorders must be carried out under the supervision of a competent psychotherapist. Reception of the golden root should be completed 3-4 hours before going to bed, otherwise the tonic effect will prevent you from falling asleep.

From what diseases does golden root tincture help?

Viral and bacterial infections, inflammatory processes of various etiologies, a drop in the body's defenses, is used to prevent infection with SARS during epidemics.

Drowsiness, depression, decreased efficiency and concentration, memory and cognitive impairment, for example, in women with menopause.

Vegetovascular dystonia, hypotension, hypotension, bradycardia.

asthenic disorder, chronic fatigue, recovery after diseases.

tincture recipes

The tincture is prepared on vodka, alcohol or any other high-quality pure alcohol, except for cognac. Most popular recipes:

  • Chopped root 2 tbsp. 0.75 liters of vodka is poured, infused in a cold dark place for 10-14 days. Application takes place after straining, you need to dissolve the drops in a small amount drinking water. Dosage for an adult - 15 drops 3 times a day. Children should not drink tincture of vodka. The duration of the course is 20 days.
  • For those who cannot tolerate alcohol, you can prepare an aqueous tincture. Take 1 tbsp. raw materials, pour boiling water 500 ml. Insist in a thermos for 24 hours. Shake periodically. Application is recommended for 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 15 days.

Rhodiola root should be used intermittently. For example, a course of 20 days, a break of 10 days. Course 15 days - break 5 days. This scheme applies only to homemade vodka tinctures. Prolonged and continuous use increases the likelihood side effects. You can add tincture not to water, but to a neutral, not soothing Herb tea. Improve taste qualities drink can be added by adding a teaspoon of honey.

Medicinal tincture golden root should not be used on a regular basis. Overdose leads to severe alcohol intoxication, excruciating hangover. The harm that alcohol causes to the liver destroys all the benefits of treatment. If used pharmacy tincture on 40% alcohol, then the reception takes place according to a different scheme:

  • for adults, the course begins with 5-10 drops, 2-3 times a day;
  • within three weeks, the dosage increases to 30-40 drops;
  • then you need to cancel the drug and take a break of 2 weeks.

The use of Rhodiola rosea induces tolerance in order to therapeutic effect persisted with a long course, increase the dosage. According to the instructions, Rhodiola rosea tincture has drug interactions:

  • reduces the effect of sedatives;
  • enhances the effect of stimulant drugs, as well as coffee, strong tea and tonic drinks.

In case of an overdose, symptoms of general intoxication are noted, and from the side of the nervous system there is:

  • insomnia, psycho-emotional overexcitation;
  • emotional lability, sharp drops sentiments;
  • hysterical laughter and crying.

In case of overdose, call ambulance, at serious disorder behavior - a psychiatric team. In patients with psychiatric illnesses against the background of taking stimulants may be backlash up to psychosis. Therefore, if there is doubt about the mental health of elderly relatives, it is better to recommend sedatives rather than tonics.


Any medicinal plant can cause allergic reaction. Reception should be stopped if:

  • shortness of breath, runny nose;
  • flush of heat to face and chest;
  • pulling or stabbing sensations in the chest, increased heart rate;
  • skin rashes, eczema, urticaria.

If an allergy occurs, you need to take 1 tablet of Suprastin, Tavegil or Claritin and consult a therapist. Other contraindications for use:

  • High blood pressure, hypertension. Increased tone blood vessels, hypertension. The golden root increases the intensity of blood circulation, therefore, in older patients with hypertension, it can cause intense headache. At chronic diseases heart pain and heaviness may appear in chest. Only the attending cardiologist can assess the harm and benefits of using tincture in patients with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Autoimmune reactions: atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. In these diseases, before using immunostimulating folk recipes you need to consult a dermatologist. Otherwise, aggravation of itching and rashes on the skin is possible.
  • anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurotic disorder. Rhodiola rosea is prescribed only for such mental disorders associated with a decrease in energy. For example, if depressive syndrome accompanied by a breakdown - you can use the medicine in agreement with the psychotherapist. If the depressive syndrome proceeds with overexcitation, insomnia, anxiety and emotional lability- you can not use the golden root.
  • With fever of unknown origin. Any pathological condition of an unknown cause is a contraindication to the use of drugs. First you need to establish why the patient heat, and only then use traditional medicine.

The golden root can be used in pregnant women only if there are no disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Assess the benefits and harms of each specific case Can only a gynecologist who leads the pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the tincture should definitely not be used. The tonic effect and the alcohol component will cause insomnia, intoxication, indigestion and overexcitation in the baby. Children under 12 years of age should not use this remedy, and adolescents under 16 years of age should be prescribed a dosage half as much as for adults.

Rhodiola rosea, the tincture of which is used in modern medicine as a remedy for many pathologies, has long occupied a special place in ancient Greek, Tibetan medicine, was valued by the healers of the Altai Mountains. The plant is also known as the "golden root" due to the bronze-gold color of the rhizome with a pearly sheen.

Rhodiola rosea - properties

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial succulent plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. It has straight stems reaching a height of about 40 cm, fleshy gray leaves, flowers with yellow or greenish petals. Rhodiola blooms from late spring to mid-summer. The main value is a fleshy tuberous rhizome, which has a bitter astringent taste and smells like the color of a rose. Rhodiola rosea grows mainly in mountainous areas, preferring the cold climate of the Urals, Eastern Siberia, coasts of the northern seas.

The golden root plant (Rhodiola rosea) acquired medicinal properties due to its unique chemical composition, studied in detail in the 60s of the last century. Close attention was paid by scientists to the underground part of the bush, which traditional healers always attributed the most useful properties. Indeed, many qualities of the unique medicinal raw materials were confirmed, because more than 140 biologically active substances were found in it. active substances. We list some of the ingredients that make up the roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea:

  • organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, oxalic);
  • flavonoids (tricin, astragalin, kaempferol, rhodiosin, rhodiolin);
  • glycosides (including rhodioloside);
  • trace elements (copper, silver, manganese, zinc);
  • tannins;
  • anthraquinones;
  • coumarins;
  • phenols;
  • sterols;
  • alkaloids;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • essential oils;
  • cinnamon alcohol.

The list of medicinal properties characteristic of products based on the root of Rhodiola rosea include:

  • antibacterial;
  • painkillers;
  • adaptogenic;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunocorrective;
  • cardioprotective;
  • neuroprotective;
  • laxatives;
  • anticancer;
  • antimetastatic;
  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiallergic and others.

Rhodiola rosea tincture - indications for use

Rhodiola rosea (tincture) is often used as an oral remedy, and when different types pathologies, different schemes for the use of the drug are shown. In addition, the drug can be used externally - mainly as a wound cleanser, disinfectant and healing agent. We list the indications for use in traditional and folk medicine for golden root tincture:

  • diseases digestive tract(stomach, intestines, liver);
  • asthenic conditions;
  • nervous, mental fatigue;
  • physical fatigue;
  • neurosis, neurasthenia;
  • diabetes;
  • female diseases (amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, menopausal conditions);
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • radiation injury.

Rhodiola rosea - tincture for women

It is believed that golden root tincture is one of the the best means to maintain the health of the female genital area, sexual functions during long years. The drug is effective for hormonal imbalance, disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, uterine bleeding. By stimulating the activity of the ovaries, increasing the synthesis of estrogen, the root of the plant helps to restore sexual desire, reduce the negative manifestations of menopause, and helps to recover more quickly after childbirth.

Rhodiola rosea tincture for men

Rhodiola rosea (tincture) also has indications related to male sexual health. It is recommended for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, to increase the time of sexual intercourse, enhance libido, enhance reproductive abilities. When signs of impotence appear, long-term medication can get rid of this problem, while preventing the development inflammatory pathologies urinary system.

Rhodiola rosea - contraindications

Due to the fact that the alcohol tincture on the golden root is strong drug, which affects many organs and systems, it also has a number of limitations for use. Refuse to accept this tool should be in such cases:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to the components of the tincture;
  • organic brain damage;
  • feverish conditions;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • pronounced nervous excitability;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • tachycardia;
  • tendency to epileptic seizures;
  • alcoholism.

Given the powerful stimulating effect on the central nervous system, Rhodiola rosea preparations should be consumed in the morning or no later than 4-5 hours before going to bed. When taking the medicine, you should strictly monitor the dosage, otherwise the following side effects may develop:

  • headache;
  • trembling in the limbs;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • jump in blood pressure.

Rhodiola rosea - preparation of tincture

Although a tincture from this plant can be bought at a pharmacy, many fans of herbal medicine began to grow Rhodiola rosea in their summer cottages and prepare a tincture from its roots on their own. Some even cultivate this plant on balconies and on window sills in the room. To obtain effective result from treatment, it's not enough to know the right recipe how to prepare a tincture - the golden root must be prepared according to all the rules:

  1. Plants that are at least 3-4 years old have healing power, so younger bushes are not suitable.
  2. The collection of raw materials is carried out from August to September - after the end of flowering.
  3. Having dug up the roots, they must be cleaned from the ground, washed under running water and dried in the shade.
  4. Next, the roots are cut into strips of 2-5 cm and dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.
  5. Properly dried raw materials at the break have a pinkish or White color, if the color is brown, then it is unsuitable for use.
  6. Dried roots should be stored in canvas bags in a dry, dark place for no more than three years.

Golden root tincture on vodka - recipe

The golden root, from which vodka tincture is prepared very simply, is an almost universal remedy. Vodka and alcohol - the most powerful solvents, allow you to extract and preserve for a long time all the valuable substances contained in the root of the plant. If Rhodiola rosea tincture is prepared with vodka at home, care should be taken to purchase a quality certified product with a strength of 40% without additional additives.

Vodka tincture recipe


  • raw materials - 50 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.

Preparation and application

  1. Place the crushed roots in a dark glass container.
  2. Pour in vodka, cork with a lid, put in a dark place.
  3. Keep for a month, shaking occasionally.
  4. Filter the infusion, apply according to the type of pathology.

Golden root tincture on alcohol - recipe

Slightly less commonly used for making tinctures ethanol a strength of 70%, which can be bought at a pharmacy. In this case, the infusion time is reduced, and the proportions of the ingredients are different, although healing properties the finished product will be the same as in the case of vodka tincture. Consider how to make an alcohol-based golden root tincture.

Alcohol tincture


  • raw materials - 10 g;
  • alcohol - 0.5 l.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour the crushed roots with alcohol, placing in a resealable glass vessel.
  2. Insist for two weeks, shaking occasionally.
  3. Strain through gauze, take according to the recommendations for the existing disease.

Rhodiola rosea - how to take tincture?

There are a lot of options for using the root of the radiola pink plant, the tincture from which is prepared with alcohol or vodka. The tool can be used as a single use to improve well-being with different pathological conditions, and long courses, sometimes repeated. It is better to learn from a specialist how to drink golden root tincture, since this takes into account the severity of the pathology, concomitant diseases, individual characteristics organism.

Rhodiola rosea for colds

Due to its antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to enhance defense mechanisms body, the drug successfully fights against colds. In addition, it can be used for prophylactic purposes during the cold season, a period of mass morbidity. respiratory infections. To do this, tincture of Rhodiola rosea on vodka is taken orally 30-40 drops 15 minutes before meals once a day for five days (dilute with water).

Rhodiola rosea tincture for panic attacks

For people suffering from recurrent phenomena panic attack, which may be associated with various problems in the body, treatment consists primarily in reducing the frequency and intensity of attacks. Rhodiola rosea (alcohol tincture) is one of the herbal remedies that can help in this, due to its beneficial effect on the nervous system, sedative effect. In this case, it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment once a year lasting 1-2 months, taking 5-10 drops of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals.

Golden root tincture to enhance potency

Due to the stimulating effect on the sex glands, activation of blood flow in the genital area, normalization mental state, the golden root is able to return male sexual activity. With a decrease in male power, tincture of Rhodiola pink application has the following: use inside 1 ml of the product, diluted with a small amount of water, 30 minutes before a meal three times a day. The duration of the course is 15 days.

Rhodiola rosea for frigidity

Sexual dysfunction, which is understood as a decrease or complete absence sexual desire, the ability to achieve orgasm, may be associated with psychological disorders, mental exhaustion, fatigue. In such cases, the tincture of the golden root with frigidity in women can be beneficial. It should be taken for 2-3 months, 15 drops three times a day, a couple of hours before meals.

Rhodiola rosea for cancer

Many patients are interested in whether Rhodiola rosea tincture is used after chemotherapy. It's worth knowing that given plant effective not only for the recovery of the body after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but can also be used to slow growth malignancy, against metastases. Before starting the reception, it is advisable to consult a phyto-oncologist. Often, Rhodiola rosea (tincture) is used three times a day a few minutes before meals, 30 drops each, the duration of the course is at least a month.