What are the vitamins for schoolchildren memory. Vitamins for the brain - to improve memory

In this article:

“Vitamins are the key to the healthy development of a child” is a fact that has stood the test of time. Annoying advertising has long turned it into a commonplace. Confused by propaganda beautiful life”, we sometimes throw all our strength on a strong blush, slim figure, healthy appetite and good sleep, completely losing sight of the most important component full life beloved child - a versatile development of personality and an increase in intelligence. What vitamin complexes help to take care of mental development children? Let's figure it out together.

Three by five: the most important "on one, two, three"

Baby, cutie, now a first-grader ... With a new stage of life, new problems come. And along with them, the first insidious transformations appear, when “our bunny”, “our pride” turns into “no, this is not our child, but some kind of whiny, capricious nehochuha”.

At the same time, the child has restless sleep, refusal of lessons, inability to remember a simple quatrain, learned with difficulty the day before ... Parents fall into despair, complaining about the child’s lack of brains and bad heredity. However, do not go to extremes. It is necessary to love the baby as he is, especially since he is the best in the world. He just needs help, because everything has a reason for this unwillingness or inability to learn, constant fatigue, nervousness, capriciousness, etc. Perhaps this reason lies on the surface, as well as its solution. Most often, the situation is saved by vitamins for the development of the brain, which are presented in a wide range on the shelves of pharmacies.

ONE: 5 Causes of Decreased Childhood Memory and How to Fix Them

  1. Congenital or acquired injuries:
  2. complications during pregnancy;
  3. birth injuries;
  4. falls, bumps and head injuries.

All this is undeniable reason to see a doctor. After that, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations, taking the drugs and vitamins that he advises, and, perhaps, soon the memory problem will be forgotten as an unkind dream.

  • Lag in the development of speech (sometimes called "porridge in the mouth").

A speech pathologist can help you. Perseverance and patience in following an individual correctional program - and success is guaranteed.

  • Fatigue from overload.

Perhaps whims and ailments are just an inept protest against parental mania for perfection? A studio, a section, a circle, a center for gifted children… Is it not too heavy a burden for adults to put on fragile shoulders? Yes, physical and creative development children are important, but ... They should not overload the body, already tired of school and homework!

It is better to talk to the offspring in an adult way, ask what he likes. And behave yourself like an adult: moderate your ambitions and resolutely give up everything superfluous. After all, all these sections are created for children, and not parents, who at one time could not achieve high results and indicators, as they were busy climbing trees and fences, playing kwacha, running around rain-drenched streets, making snowmen and many others. interesting activities. Your parents gave you happy childhood? Do the same for your child. Why is he worse than you?

  • Wrong organization of the daily routine.

Well, the child learns - the parent too. Illiteracy will have to be corrected by reading literature, sources from the Internet, grandmother's advice, eventually.

The main thing is not to forget about outdoor games, to alternate them correctly with lessons, leave room for children's fantasies and put the baby to bed on time. Everything is simple!

  • Vitamin deficiency, malnutrition.

This problem is not as easy to solve as it might seem. Fruits and vegetables alone will not be enough. And although the mother works daily on the diet, diligently feeds the little student with healthy goodies, but can she be sure of their quality and saturation necessary elements for the development of the child's brain?

You should contact a specialist. Who, if not a doctor, will be able to competently recommend proper diet and vitamins that are right for your student?

But first you should make up for your own ignorance in the matter of vitamins.

TWO: 5 essential vitamins for child mental development

  • Omega 3 ( polyunsaturated fatty acids)

Can only be obtained from fish and seafood, nuts and seeds, legumes, grains, vegetables,
fruit, vegetable oil. Improve memory, resist early aging brain and decrease intellectual abilities. What you need for the children's brain and its active work!

IMPORTANT! It should be taken together with vitamin E (without it, Omega-3 is destroyed and forms peroxides in the body). You need to store carefully, and use with caution: polyunsaturated fatty acids quickly deteriorate.

  • "Junior Bee Weiss"

Prevents fatigue, improves efficiency and performance.

ATTENTION! alcohol solution iodine is not meant to be taken orally! Only food and vitamins containing iodine are used. These are: cod liver, salmon, shrimp, herring, oats, mushrooms, seaweed, bakery products and dairy products.

  • Vitamin A

Neutralizes harmful effect free radicals on the brain and protects the body from other unwanted impacts. Contained in apricots, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins, peaches, sea buckthorn, tomatoes, persimmons.

  • group vitamins B

Children's vitamins with the content of this group contribute to concentration, therefore they are especially important for schoolchildren. They are rich in brewer's yeast, lean pork, germinated wheat, seeds, peanuts, beans.

  • Magnesium, zinc and iron

The importance of these elements for the nervous system and the whole organism
hard to overestimate. They are called "metals of life". Yes, these are not vitamins, but they are also needed for the brain, especially for actively growing, working and developing! They can be obtained from pumpkin and sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds, cedar and walnuts, chocolate, cocoa beans, lentils, wheat germ, mushrooms, sea fish, bananas, prunes, beets, parsley, celery and many other products.

THREE: 5 popular vitamin complexes to improve memory and brain activity of a child

  • "Pikovit Omega-3"

Designed for preschoolers. Contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Produced in the form of syrup. An indispensable drug for the brain according to experts and caring mothers.

  • "Pikovit Forte"

It is optimal for the adaptation of the student to the academic load. Designed for children from 7 years old.

  • "VitaMishki"

Can be given to a child from 3 years of age. Made on the basis of natural juices, without artificial colors, without contraindications.

  • "Multi-tabs Intello Kids with Omega-3"

Includes Omega-3 fatty acids. It is prescribed for children from 3 years old, promotes mental development and protection from stress. Also excellent remedy to improve brain activity.

Instead of a conclusion

It is not so difficult to provide a child with a comfortable development of living spaces. Simple knowledge, help of specialists, love, attention, patience. What else is needed for a child?

As they say in one famous TV show - "take care of yourself and your loved ones."

  • In order for a child to study well, in addition to traditional stationery, he will need vitamins for schoolchildren. These substances increase resistance child's body to infections, improve memory, attention, add vitality.

    It is best if vitamins come with food. But if the child does not eat well, most spends a day at school, and fresh fruit during the study period is not enough - vitamin supplements will come to the rescue.

    When are vitamins needed?

    Parents should think about whether their student has enough nutrients if:

    • he has a poor appetite ;
    • he eats a limited set of foods ;
    • have learning problems ;
    • the child has impaired memory and concentration ;
    • often sick;
    • need to restore the body after long-term medication (especially antibiotics) .

    And also if everything is in order with the child, but he:

    • preparing for the olympiad or exams ;
    • plays a lot of sports .

    Taking vitamins is contraindicated in case of allergy to any of the components of the complex, if hypervitaminosis is suspected.

    Release form

    Vitamins for school-age children are acceptable in any form. In the period from 7 to 12 years, you can already take pills, capsules, even inject vitamin preparations, if necessary according to indications.

    Most children prefer chewable or lozenges, gels, syrups and gummies.

    Vitamin complexes

    Doctors can prescribe individual vitamin preparations to the child, which are necessary in this situation. For example, neuroscientists in the complex treatment often recommend B 6, and pediatricians - D 3. For general strengthening purposes, a set of various useful substances is usually required, for each age its own. Tablets can contain from 40 to 100% of the recommended daily dose of vitamins.

    One of the most complete vitamin complexes. 13 vitamins in it are supplemented with 10 minerals. The components are selected for compatibility and divided into 3 steps. For added convenience, the tablets are different colors- white, yellow and pink. This approach has been clinically proven to significant results- vitamins from the Alphabet complex are much better absorbed. The drug is recommended for the development of the mind and memory.

    Pikovit Forte 7+

    A tablet form of a well-known drug, designed specifically for schoolchildren. Contains 11 vitamins, among which group B is well represented. Recommended for increased loads, poor appetite, during the period of risk colds. Approved for diabetes.

    Chewable tablets for children 7-14 years old. The complex includes maximum amount useful substances. recommended during the period of active growth of the child due to high content calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It has importance to stimulate memory and attention. 1 tablet is enough per day.

    Effervescent soluble tablets intended for teenagers 12-17 years old. Contains 10 vitamins in combination with magnesium. Beneficial effect on nervous system, reduces excitability, helps to absorb new material, adapt to growing workloads, exams. Take 1 tablet in 150 ml of water.

    Chewable tablets for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren(4-11 years old). The balanced formula contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. The introduction of an additional amount of iodine is good for the brain and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It is especially recommended when entering school to adapt to new workloads. It is prescribed 1 tablet per day.

    Chewable tablets for teenagers (11-17 years). An analogue of the Junior complex with some adjustment for age dosage. Stimulates growth, physical and mental development. Helps with school workloads, sports activities, preparation for exams.

    Chewable tablets for children 4-12 years old. Contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. The complex is widely represented by vitamins of group B, calcium is contained in large quantities. 1 tablet per day is recommended for stunting, multiple caries, fatigue.

    Useful delicacy in the form of gummy bears.

    Suitable for children from 3 years old, but can also be taken by schoolchildren thanks to a wide range of complexes:

    • to strengthen the immune system - Immuno+ with sea buckthorn;
    • to improve mental development - Multi+ with and iodine;
    • to strengthen teeth and bones Calcium+ with and calcium ;
    • to improve digestion - Bio+ with prebiotic ;
    • to improve vision Focus+ with blueberries.

    Small children take from 1 lozenge, in school age the dose is increased to 2 lozenges per day.

    Vitamins for mental and physical development

    Activation of the brain occurs under the action of certain vitamins. They stimulate the activity of neurons, protect nerve cells, strengthen blood vessels and improve nutrition of all parts of the brain.

    For students it is very important:

    • (thiamine)- to improve brain nutrition, memory development, increase activity;
    • IN 2 ()– to generate energy that helps to adapt to loads;
    • B 3 ( , RR)- to improve microcirculation and nutrition of nerve cells;
    • AT 5 ()- necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones that ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system;
    • (pyridoxine)- is of key importance for the activity of nerve cells and the brain as a whole, improves memory, increases mental performance and concentration of attention, normalizes coordination of movements, takes part in hematopoiesis;
    • AT 9 ()- participates in hematopoiesis, provides puberty;
    • AT 12 ()- helps in the synthesis of protein and blood cells, supports protective functions body is responsible for correct work brain, anti-stress protection, good memory, depression prevention;
    • WITH ()- increases activity defensive forces body, helps to resist allergic reactions, increases resistance to mental stress and stress;
    • (tocopherol)- improves blood circulation and nervous regulation muscles, to increase physical indicators In sports.

    trace elements

    Vitamin complexes are usually supplemented with trace elements. They are also involved in metabolism, help the absorption of vitamins. In many cases, their action on the body is impossible without each other.

    At school age, the following substances are especially needed:

    • calcium- needed to build bone tissue, affects insulin metabolism, hormone production, is involved in muscle contraction and the functioning of the nervous system;
    • phosphorus- is closely related to calcium in the implementation of many functions: as part of calcium phosphate, it is the main constituent of bones and teeth, promotes absorption and D, participates in the conversion of food components into energy;
    • iodine- participates in oxidative processes that affect brain activity, increases resistance to stress, improves blood circulation and vascular elasticity;
    • magnesium- is part of the components of carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism, plays important role in the transmission of nerve impulses, enhances the work of the intestine, reduces neuromuscular excitability;
    • iron- is an indispensable component of protein metabolism, participates in oxygen metabolism, is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and connective tissue;
    • potassium- participates in water-salt exchange, in the process of transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles;
    • zinc- supports the activity of the immune system, promotes rapid recovery and healing of wounds, participates in the production and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, stimulates the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, is part of many enzymes.

    Vitamins in nutrition

    Between courses vitamin preparations You should carefully monitor the child's diet. Nutrients from natural products are much more beneficial, provided they are fresh and properly cooked.

    The student's menu should regularly include:

    • fish dishes fatty varieties (salmon, chum salmon, trout) - they provide iodine and phosphorus;
    • vegetable oils and nuts - are a source of vitamin E;
    • cereals, bread and other grains - they have a lot of B vitamins;
    • meat, liver- provide iron and vitamin B 12;
    • legumes, dried apricots and nuts - a source of magnesium;
    • dried fruits and pumpkin - provide zinc.

    How to choose a vitamin complex?

    It is quite difficult to make a choice in front of a pharmacy display case, and it is not always possible to understand the instructions.

    In this case, you should pay attention to:

    • for recommended age for taking multivitamins;
    • per manufacturer - it should be a fairly well-known company in the pharmaceutical market;
    • for the presence of additives (sweeteners, colors, flavors), if the child is allergic.

    If the child is deficient in certain trace elements, you can add preparations containing them (Iodomarin, Aktiferrin), or choose enriched vitamin complexes:

    • with calcium- Calcemin, Complivit Calcium-D 3, Calcium-D 3 Nycomed;
    • with iron- Vitrum Circus with iron, Doctor Theiss Multivitamol;
    • with iodine– Complivit + iodine, Junior Bee Weiss +.

    Vitamins for schoolchildren have a very great importance. They help in learning and in physical development. But only if they are accepted correctly and deliberately. Vitamins do not replace candy, and any healthy substance in a larger dose can become poison.

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    Psychological studies have shown that children with attention deficits who consume adequate amounts of nutrients experience significant improvements in attention and behavior at school compared to their peers who eat a lot of sweets, fried and salty foods. Since nutritional deficiencies negatively affect children's brain function, replenishing them improves memory and concentration. In children who have previously consumed sufficient amounts of nutrients, such noticeable changes are not observed.

    Nutrient levels can be determined using simple analysis blood. The best way enrich the body of the child nutrients- provide him balanced diet, but in addition to this, the doctor may recommend vitamin supplements.

    Vitamins that improve memory and brain function

    The B vitamins, which large quantities Found in fruits and leafy vegetables, they play an important role in brain function. Deficiency of B vitamins leads to problems with learning, concentration and memory. Studies show that the lack folic acid(vitamin B9) in the body impairs brain function even in adulthood. Deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) damages the nervous system, and riboflavin (vitamin B2) leads to brain dysfunction. A lack of niacin (vitamin B3) provokes memory impairment, and vitamin B12 causes brain damage and developmental delay.

    Minerals for brain function and memory

    Iron is a mineral necessary for the development of cognitive functions. Minor iron deficiency, which does not lead to anemia, causes deterioration in memory and mental functions. Iodine deficiency also leads to a decrease in the level of intelligence in a child (as studies show, the IQ level drops by 12-14 points). Nutritional supplements can help raise a child's intelligence to their previous levels, but for children who do not have iodine deficiency, they do not bring significant changes in mental development. Iron is found in high amounts in meat, seafood, leafy vegetables, nuts, and beans. It is also helpful to consume foods fortified with iron (bread, cereals, pasta, etc.).

    Omega-3 fatty acids and their benefits for attention

    Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy fat that is essential for brain cell membranes. Omega-3 is not synthesized in the body, so it must be enough contained in the child's diet. Its deficiency in the body negatively affects the ability to concentrate. According to research, nutritional supplements containing Omega-3, help to cope with attention deficit disorder in cases where drug treatment did not bring the desired results. Omega-3s are found in fish, seafood, walnuts, flax and hemp seeds.

    Vitamin Supplement Precautions

    Vitamin supplements should only be given to a child under medical supervision. Certain medical preparations interact with vitamins. Do not exceed the recommended dose of vitamin supplements so that the child does not develop side effects or symptoms of hypervitaminosis. Some foods may be fortified with vitamins (such as bread, cereals, or pasta), so make sure that you don't take more than the required amount of vitamins in total.

    New academic year sets the same tasks for all parents: how to improve the academic performance of your child, how you can improve his memory, because school program involves memorizing a large amount of information from different areas. Often the brain of a child cannot cope with the assimilation of such amounts of information. Regular rest, healthy eight-hour sleep, properly organized balanced diet. Of course, if memory has deteriorated sharply at some specific moment, you need to clarify whether something is bothering the child (maybe something hurts or there are worries due to the situation in the family, class), you need to make sure that there were no injuries and head injuries. Teach your child to do homework in complete silence without music and TV.

    After conducting simple studies on volunteers, scientists different countries came to the conclusion that certain foods help to improve memory, concentrate attention, and increase the reaction of perception. They contain optimal composition from vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids.

    What does the brain need to improve memory

    MINERALS: I, Mg, Fe, Se, Zn
    VITAMINS of groups B, A, E, C

    What vitamins are needed for memory processes

    Vitamin B12 helps the child's body fight fatigue, improves concentration, and contributes to a better perception of new information.

    This is mainly vitamin E, which in extreme conditions can improve memory by almost half.

    • B vitamins. Vitamins B1 and B2 affect the concentration of memory. Vitamin B6 improves the utilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin B12 is needed to improve memorization, fights fatigue, reduces the fatigue of a small organism, calms the nervous system, which helps to concentrate, promotes better memorization. In combination, these vitamins are an indispensable component for increased mental stress.
    • Vitamins E do not directly affect the improvement of memorization, but they reliably help fight its deterioration. Vitamins A and E are antioxidants, in the human body they enhance the effect of each other, protect the brain from negative impact, restore strength.
    • Vitamin C. Its antioxidant properties not only help to strengthen the immune system, they improve brain function and the process of memorization. Antioxidants protect the body, and even more so the nerve cells of the brain, from the damaging effects of radicals.

    Trace elements for children's memory

    • . Provides mental clarity. With a lack of iodine in the body, memory and intelligence deteriorate, due to a lack of iodine, the thyroid gland cannot work normally, this is manifested by drowsiness and general fatigue. In iodine-deficient regions, the incidence of dementia in children is increased.
    • . It actively supplies oxygen to all brain cells, which means that it saturates the brain with oxygen, improves blood flow.
    • Selenium. An excellent antioxidant necessary for the functioning of memory. Essential for the absorption of vitamin E and iodine.
    • . It improves the processes of nerve impulse transmission, which ultimately improves the entire functioning of the brain, relieves excess excitement.
    • . It is necessary for the exchange of vitamin E in the body, only together with zinc, B vitamins calm the nervous system, improve memory, increase attention and mood. In people with reduced level zinc in the body works worse cognitive functions.

    I advise you to use vitamin complexes containing micro- and macroelements 1-2 times a year, which are needed both for immunity and for the whole body, including they will improve brain function.

    Polyunsaturated acids

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids nourish the child's brain, increasing its mental capacity and motor-visual coordination

    From birth, a child especially needs those substances that his body does not produce on its own. These substances include polyunsaturated fatty acids. Absorbed from food in the intestines, most of them enter the brain, so it is the brain that is primarily sensitive to their deficiency. With their participation, the transmission and perception of all incoming information, the regulation of basic brain functions is carried out. The connection between their intake and providing the brain with glucose, improving blood flow has been proven. According to American scientists, omega-3 fatty acids determine the mental abilities of a child, his fine motor skills and motor-visual coordination.

    Interesting to know! American and Australian doctors conducted a study in which hyperactive children with attention disorder took part. These children took polyunsaturated fatty acid tablets for 3–4 months. Already after two months, the parents of the children under study noticed the results: excess activity disappeared, their children became more attentive, there was an increase in vocabulary. Scientists came to the conclusion that the use of foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids has a positive effect on children with learning problems, absent-mindedness.

    Aromatherapy to improve memory

    • Rosemary. In order to improve memory, rosemary is most welcome. Of all the herbs and plants, it is the best for this task. Thanks to the content of antioxidants and carnosic acid, rosemary perfectly improves the working capacity of the brain, and the wonderful substance 1,8-cineol affects chemical processes on the basis of which memorization takes place. It is believed that inhaling the smell of rosemary allows you to absorb great amount information from different areas. You can use both rosemary essential oil and the flowers or leaves of the plant. You can add a couple of drops of rosemary oil to the bath, infusion from the plant itself, put a small bouquet of branches of this wonderful plant on the child’s desktop. In addition, rosemary is perfect as a spice in the kitchen of every housewife, rosemary will give an unforgettable aroma to meat, vegetables, potatoes.
    • Sage. Helps tired brain cells recover faster and perceive a new portion useful information. For the same purpose, you can use ginseng and ginger.
    • To raise the tone and charge of energy, you should use the essential oils of lemon, mint and cypress.
    • If the child needs, on the contrary, relaxation, then in this case he suitable oil roses or geraniums.

    Oils can be added to the bath or used in the bath. An easier method: put a couple of drops essential oil in a child's handkerchief.

    Attention! First, make sure your child is not allergic to the essential oil you are using.

    As a result, we can say that the most necessary products for the brain are: sea fish, seafood, nuts and rosemary. It is their composition that can improve brain activity.

    There is no one exotic fruit or product that instantly or within one day makes the memory phenomenal.

    Do not neglect the rest of the products presented in this article, with their help the variety of useful components necessary for different kind work of the brain, which will help improve the sharpness of the reaction, performance, speed up the processing of all incoming information.

    Menu planning

    It is better to make a menu in advance a week in advance to make sure that the child will receive useful material. There should be a hearty breakfast and lunch, and a light enough dinner so that the digestion process does not interfere with restful sleep.

    • Plan in advance what products he will receive on which day, make sure that necessary products were purchased a week in advance.
      Offer children sea ​​fish for lunch instead of meat at least 2-3 times a week.
    • Try to have seafood as often as possible in salads, sandwiches, side dishes.
    • Make seven days in advance (sandwiches with fish and caviar, nuts, seafood salad, raisins, other dried fruits, etc. at your discretion), alternate so that the child does not get tired of the same foods.
    • A child should eat nuts at least 5 times a week.
    • A menu of foods to enhance memory should be used for at least 3-4 weeks in a row. During this period, the body will have time to accumulate the necessary volume needed by the brain vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids. These substances have a long-term property, their nutritional effect will work for several months, even when the "brain food" will not come.

    And do not forget about a strong, healthy sleep, teach your child to constantly train his memory, read more. The more the brain remembers, the wider the memory reserve becomes.

    The program "School of Dr. Komarovsky" will tell you more about ways to improve a child's memory:

    Rhythm modern life requires children to constantly work the brain and. Huge amount of incoming data a large number of objects and complicated educational process at school, it is necessary not only to somehow fit into the small head of children, but to convey the essence of each subject.

    The process of processing and memorizing information is improved by obtaining a complex of vitamins and minerals, in sufficient quantities for the body to work. Properly balanced vitamin and mineral complex has a positive effect on mental processes brain, improving the child's concentration, memory function, as well as his general physical condition.

    When does a child need vitamins?

    Vitamins and minerals are the foundation of a child's diet. However, it is possible to determine whether a child consumes a sufficient amount of them after consulting a doctor and based on the results of tests. You can also observe the behavior of the child and his general condition and well-being. There are main signs, manifestation in behavior that cause alertness among doctors:

    • extremely high fatigue;
    • difficulty in the perception and assimilation of educational material;
    • low concentration of attention;
    • fussiness and restlessness;

    If there are certain factors mentioned above, then it's time to decide which vitamins are needed to improve the state of the body, and specifically memory. It is also recommended to visit medical specialist for diagnosing the child's body.

    Vitamins for memory development

    Children's good memory is affected by the most effective vitamins from group "B". Their action is aimed at restoring and strengthening the human central nervous system, and focusing attention. If there is a lack of B vitamins in the body, then this is indicated by next state baby:

    • general weakness of the child;
    • especially nervousness;
    • insomnia;
    • decreased appetite.

    In the event that a child is extremely slow in school and has difficulty learning educational material, does homework, does not want or does not want to delve into the essence of elementary things, you should pay attention to a deficiency in the body essential vitamins and minerals for full development.

    Presentation: Healthy food products for school children"

    Group "B" consists of essential vitamins that have a direct impact on the performance of the brain. They include the following types vitamins:

    • Thiamine (B1), which helps children absorb large amounts of information.
    • Riboflavin (B2) - accelerates mental processes brain and provides a person with energy.
    • Nicotinic acid (B3) - in general, improves brain function and has a positive effect on nerve cells.
    • Calcium pantonenate (B5) - is responsible for improving a person's long-term memory, stimulating it.
    • Pyridoxine (B6) - has a positive effect on intelligence, improving it. One of the few vitamins produced by the body itself.
    • Folic acid (B9) - affects the speed of thinking. Responsible for improving the quality of memorization.
    • Cyanocobalamin (B12) - controls the correct daily activity of the body. Responsible for sleep and insomnia. It depends on its presence whether the information gets into long-term memory.

    All these vitamins to normalize the development process and improve memory and attention. If they are not enough in the child's body, it is far from always necessary to resort to mineral complexes in the form of tablets.

    Most often, it is enough to review the diet and take into account the needs of your baby.

    The main sources of vitamins to improve memory

    First of all, these are food products available to every family. It’s worth starting from polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely Omega-3. They are contained in oily fish, for example, in salmon, pink salmon or trout. Together with him, the child will receive iodine, which is necessary for the development of clear thinking, improving concentration. Fish protein will ensure the full construction of brain cells.

    Equally important in the diet of a child are nuts and seeds, which increase the activity of the body and improve memory. The concentration of attention is positively affected by vitamins that are in pumpkin seeds and dried fruits.

    Be especially careful with whole grains. They must enter the body in sufficient quantities, especially in the most busy periods of study. It is in them that the B vitamins are necessary for memory during a serious load. Don't forget red meat.

    Quite often it happens that the nutrition of the child is far from ideal, i.e. unbalanced and saturated with harmful components. And if you have difficulty providing such a diet to your baby, we recommend that you pay attention to the vitamin-mineral complex. Properly selected useful substances will not only allow the development of memory and improve concentration, but in general will have a positive effect on the health and well-being of the child.

    Before sending to the pharmacy for vitamins and minerals that we saw in the advertisement, we advise you to consult a doctor and diagnose the child's body. You will also need to take tests so that the doctor can write out a correctly balanced complex. This is due to the fact that oversaturation of the body with some vitamin is not very good and can cause allergic and other manifestations. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right components for the development of the child.

    We also note that self-treatment, incorrect intake of the vitamin-mineral complex can negatively affect the well-being of your student.

    Improving a child's memory is a simple process, the main thing is to approach it with all responsibility and regularly monitor the baby's condition.

    Remember, everything that is necessary for the growth and development of the body is around you, in products available to everyone.

    Take some time for your child and balance his workload and diet, so you guarantee the full development, improvement of his memory and brain as a whole.

    How to take vitamins correctly

    In this section, we will highlight such actual question, like an overdose of vitamins, and also talk about the best organic compounds.

    Vitamin "B1"

    Thiamine is reduced by antibiotics and antacids. Even once an overdose entails allergic reactions, and prolonged excessive use threatens to malfunction of the liver and kidneys.

    "B1" will be well absorbed by the body at the right dose, even with other vitamins and minerals.

    Vitamin "B6"

    Signs overuse are - fatigue, weakness in the body, pain syndrome in the limbs. It is recommended to take as part of "B3", calcium and copper.


    Taking an increased dose affects the level of blood clotting, stimulates gastrointestinal disorders, and headache. Simultaneous reception with vitamin "K" can cause bleeding.

    Best taken with vitamin C.


    Extremely overdose this vitamin causes toxicity, gastrointestinal disorders, failure in the central nervous system, increased irritability and fatigue. Also observed bad smell from oral cavity, fragility of nails and hair and a rash on the skin.

    Best taken in combination with vitamin E.


    An overdose of this vitamin negatively affects immune system and causes copper deficiency. One overdose can cause nausea and vomiting.


    No matter how useful iodine is, an overdose causes very discomfort- Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. The pulse may also decrease and confusion may appear. If high doses of this vitamin are constant, then this leads to such ailments as goiter, thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis.


    A reduced level of this trace element is often diagnosed in children, despite its prevalence and easy absorption by the body. An overdose manifests itself in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of a disorder, a malfunction in the work of blood vessels and the heart, as well as the liver and kidneys.

    Iron intake should be under the supervision of doctors, taking into account individual contraindications. As a rule, it is prescribed in combination with vitamins B6 and C.

    "AT 12"

    The body independently removes excess "B12", so an overdose occurs extremely rarely. However, with a significant excess allowable dose can lead to numbness and tightness in the limbs.

    Best taken with B vitamins. Best with "B5" and "B9".