Alcohol tincture of the golden root application. Rhodiola rosea: remedy for hypotension

Traditional medicine throughout years is very popular. Each medicinal plant has useful vitamins, minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body. One of these plants is the golden root - medicinal properties and the contraindications of which you need to know for everyone who has encountered cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, because the root of the plant is used to treat these ailments. Popularly, the plant is known as "Rhodiola rosea", the name is due to the golden color of its roots.

What is golden root

Rhodiola rosea is a medicinal plant, distributed mainly at latitudes with a cold climate (in Russia it grows in Altai, Yakutia, the Urals, Eastern Siberia). The flowering period of the golden root falls in the middle of summer. The flowers have a yellowish tint, sometimes green, the plant emits a characteristic smell, reminiscent of the smell rose oil.

The first mention of the medicinal properties of the golden root dates back to 50 AD. The plant was used mainly in Asian countries for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Rhodiola rosea contains essential oils, organic acids, trace elements that destroy microbes, have an immunostimulating effect, accelerate the process of skin regeneration.

Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea

In Russia, medicine uses this plant to normalize many health problems. Medicines based on the golden root correct the work of the digestive, reproductive, cardiovascular and central nervous system. In addition, Rhodiola rosea extract stimulates immunity in adults and children, improves physical and psycho-emotional state.

From the natural golden root obtained by drying, lotions are made, decoctions for rubbing and ingestion, teas, the extract is added to medicines. Also, the plant is used to relieve stress, with severe fatigue, decreased performance, memory impairment, joint pain. For colds, the dry root is used to improve immunity and is drunk as a decoction. With a toothache, lotions are made on bleeding gums to relieve inflammation.


The collection of the golden root has a very strong effect on the body, which can cause side effects after consumption. For some categories of patients with the following diseases, the use of the golden root is contraindicated:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • intolerance;
  • severe overexcitation, nervousness;
  • organic brain damage.

Side effects after an overdose do not appear immediately, but 3 days after consumption. An overdose is considered to be the use of more than 40-50 drops. medicinal product. After taking it on the second or third day, you may experience migraine, irritability, discomfort when breathing. With these signs, it is urgent to lower the pressure in the patient and stop taking it. All preparations based on Rhodiola rosea are recommended to be taken in the morning.

The use of Rhodiola rosea

The healing properties of the golden root, even with contraindications, explain a large number of various drugs based on this plant. The use of Rhodiola rosea is diverse - lotions, decoctions and teas are used to relieve inflammation on the skin, they are popular for the treatment and prevention of many health problems (diabetes mellitus, hypotension, atherosclerosis, gastritis, tonsillitis, colds, diseases reproductive system, tumor processes, overwork, drowsiness).

Golden root extract is often used in preparations for the heart and the treatment of tumors. In its chemical composition, the plant has such a component as salidroside, which helps to block metastases of lymphosarcoma cells in the body with malignant or benign tumor. Decoctions of Rhodiola rosea are drunk to improve the quality drug treatment or for prevention.

Golden root for men

After long studies it has been proven by medicine that Rhodiola rosea for potency is a very effective remedy that promotes male power. In addition, a few drops of golden root tincture have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. For men, this plant has the following effect: it increases the time of sexual intercourse and prevents rapid ejaculation. Impotence can be cured after regular use for 3 weeks. If there are contraindications or side effects, you need to stop taking it.

In cosmetology

The healing properties of the golden root for the skin explain the presence of Rhodiola rosea in almost every cosmetic product face care. The extract is actively added to creams, serums, fluids, as Rhodiola rosea has a smoothing, soothing, moisturizing effect on the skin. Products with this component warm the skin and are suitable for winter care, but the warming effect occurs without expanding pores and blood vessels.

In the fight against wrinkles, the golden root occupies the first place - creams containing a large percentage of this component in the composition effectively smooth fine wrinkles, prevent the appearance of new ones, and normalize appearance skin. For anti-aging skin care, you should choose products with this extract, the effect will not be long in coming. Another important ability of this component is blocking. negative impact free radicals on the skin.

In folk medicine

At home, Rhodiola rosea can be used for almost any medicinal purpose. Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes for solving many health problems. To prepare this or that decoction, tea, you need to buy a dry golden root, it can be found in pharmacies. It can also be found in the form of tinctures and tablets. The use of this plant should be careful - in case of overdose and the presence of contraindications, health-threatening consequences can occur.

Rhodiola rosea for children

One of the points of contraindications to the use of the golden root is childhood up to 12 years old. For use by children, it is better to find an alternative that is similar in composition and medicinal properties to Rhodiola rosea. After consumption, the child may experience allergic rash on the skin, vomiting, nausea, dizziness. It is worth paying attention that you can use the golden root only with the appointment of a doctor. The doctor may prescribe small amounts of Rhodiola rosea for the child if the benefits outweigh the harm to the body.

Application of golden root tincture on vodka

One of the most common types of taking this medicinal plant is a tincture, which is made on the basis of vodka. The intake of such a preparation should be reasonable, not exceeding the norm, in case of an overdose, the medicinal properties disappear, and the tincture only brings harm to the body.

You can use this tool to improve immunity during viral diseases, men to improve potency. Golden root helps with vegetative dystonia, hypotension, overwork, stress, diseases of the stomach and intestines. In addition, the use improves the functioning of the reproductive system in women and men. For patients who are prohibited from alcohol, a water base can be used.

How to make a tincture

There is a simple preparation option for those patients who do not drink alcohol. The medicinal properties do not change, but there remains a contraindication for use by children. Cooking method:

  • Place 1 tablespoon of dry golden root in a container;
  • pour 600 ml of boiling water;
  • mix, insist under the lid (can be in a thermos) throughout the day.

For those who are not contraindicated in alcohol, golden root tincture on vodka is prepared as follows:

  • grind dry golden root;
  • pour dry root (2-3 tablespoons) into a container and pour 80 ml of vodka;
  • mix well, insist in a dark place at a temperature not higher than 10-15 degrees;
  • insist about 15 days;
  • strain after insisting;
  • apply 20 drops diluted with water three times a day, the course of treatment is 15-20 days.

Instructions for using the tincture

When treating in this way, you must strictly observe the dosage, avoid overuse. The norm for an alcohol-based prescription should not exceed 60 drops diluted with water per day. Option on water based you can take no more than 3 tablespoons per day for half an hour before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, often it does not exceed 20 days. The break between courses can be 15 days.


The healing properties of the golden root are undeniable. In the form of a decoction, it is used for lotions and rinses. A decoction of the golden root can be used for colds for gargling, for periodontitis for gargling oral cavity, cuts for compresses. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes wound healing, relieves swelling and redness. The pink root in the form of a decoction has the same contraindications - children under 12 years of age and the presence of certain diseases in the patient. It is recommended to drink decoctions 2 glasses per day, you can add honey.

How to brew golden root

There are several simple recipes for decoctions of Rhodiola rosea rhizomes. One of the most common is prepared as follows:

  • boil 1.5 liters of water;
  • prepare Rhodiola rosea - finely grind one teaspoon of a dry plant;
  • pour boiling water over the dry mixture, boil for 15 minutes;
  • cover with a lid, let it brew for about 45 minutes;
  • strain after cooling.

To enhance the healing properties of the golden root, a decoction is prepared from a mixture of herbs. You need to drink it in half a glass mixing with water in equal proportions. The method of preparing such a decoction is very simple:

  • grind one tablespoon of Rhodiola rosea;
  • mix dry root with lure;
  • take a hawthorn and a few dry rose hips;
  • grind everything and mix well;
  • boil for 5 minutes;
  • put to infuse for 45 minutes;
  • strain after cooling.

Video: golden root grass

The golden root has a pronounced stimulating property, due to which there is an increase in the physical and mental capabilities of a person. At the same time, such a plant contributes to the normalization metabolic processes and improves energy metabolism in the brain and muscles, which is important for the body. Such a unique plant as the golden root has a significant impact on mental performance stimulating memory and concentration.

This plant promotes rapid adaptation to external factors due to its clear adaptogenic properties. The golden root increases the body's defenses, making it immune to stress. Along with this, it is the golden root that has a positive effect on sleep and appetite.

Application of the golden root

Golden root is often prescribed as a tonic and anti-febrile agent. In addition, it is very effective in gastrointestinal and nervous diseases. AT modern medicine medicines containing the golden root are indicated for disorders of the nervous system, with low blood pressure, with vegetovascular dystonia and increased fatigue.

Golden root tincture

Healing tincture of the golden root is prescribed for anemia, diabetes mellitus, for some diseases of the stomach and liver, for severe toothache, chronic fatigue as well as neuroses. The list of diseases that the plant successfully copes with is quite large. In order to prepare such a unique golden root tincture, you should first rinse and dry the roots, and then grind them thoroughly. After that, put them in a glass container and fill with vodka.

The mixture should be infused in a dark place for at least 22 days, after which it is recommended to strain the tincture. Take the drug should be 15 drops before meals three times a day. The optimal course of treatment is 20 days. The course can be repeated after a 10-day break.

Infusion of golden root

A water infusion from the golden root is made as follows: we take about 20 grams of raw materials and boil it for at least 10 minutes in one liter of water. Then pour the mixture into a thermos and insist for a day. Infusion should be consumed 1 tablespoon half an hour before each meal. This treatment should last about 15 days. After a full two-week break, if necessary, such a course of treatment can be repeated without any side effects.

Decoction of the golden root

Such a wonderful decoction is indispensable for scurvy and toothache. To prepare it, you need 1 teaspoon of raw materials and 900 grams of water. Boil the remedy for at least 5 minutes. After the broth has cooled down, you can use it instead of tea, but no more than two glasses a day. If desired, honey can be added to the broth to taste.

golden root extract

Such an extract is an excellent tool for increasing attention, for reducing overwork, with neurosis and stress. The pharmacy version of the golden root extract should be taken 2 times a day, 8-10 drops 20 minutes before meals for two to three weeks. It contributes to the normalization of excitatory processes, is effective in sexual impotence and impotence. Often it is prescribed for amenorrhea, tonsillitis, hypotension. Thanks to the use of golden root extract, increased mental stress will not adversely affect the human body.

golden root treatment

Reception of the golden root has a positive effect on the entire human body. The use of the extract increases attention and enhances memory. To strengthen the immune system and increase stress resistance, it is recommended to take golden root tincture. In addition, the plant will not allow overwork and decrease in mental activity during hard work.

How to drink golden root

Purchased pharmacy extract golden root can be used as an effective stimulant for stress, nervous and physical exhaustion, as well as for vegetovascular dystonia and increased fatigue. As a rule, 10-12 drops are prescribed three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. You can prepare such a wonderful tincture at home. To do this, pour the crushed roots with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. During the week, the mixture will be infused, after which it can be taken 15 drops before each meal. This course of treatment is designed to stimulate internal forces organism and increase resistance to adverse environmental influences.

What heals the golden root

Various remedies from the golden root are prescribed for asthenic conditions, with overwork, with serious neurosis, hypotension, diabetes, during increased mental work, as well as with amenorrhea and impotence. On average, the course of treatment with golden root extract varies from 10 to 22 days. In addition, you can use this extract externally. It is effective as a wound healing agent for small cuts, for periodontal disease, and also for tonsillitis. Vodka tincture from rhizomes is used for general strengthening of the body, with headaches, with tuberculosis, with strong uterine bleeding x and various chronic diseases gastro- intestinal tract. It should also be noted that drugs and tinctures are indicated for reducing erection and impotence, as well as for infertility.

Contraindications to the use of the golden root

The main contraindications to the use of the golden root as a medicine are individual intolerance to its constituent substances and high blood pressure.

Nature has given us huge amount various useful plants that correct use can be both food and medicine. Our ancestors determined many hundreds of years ago that vegetable crops could be used to cook medicinal products that prevent and eliminate various pathological conditions. Subsequently most of properties of these plants has been confirmed by multiple scientific research. Rhodiola rosea is considered one of the amazing medicinal qualities of cultures. In the people, such a plant is called the golden root, on the basis of which a unique tincture is prepared, which we will now discuss, as well as its use and possible contraindications a little more detail.

Application of the golden root

Golden root tincture can help in the treatment of a variety of pathological conditions. This is medicine contributes to the normalization of blood pressure during hypotension and well eliminates headaches. The tincture can be used to correct physical or mental fatigue, as it has a wonderful invigorating and tonic effect. The medicinal composition will help to cope with diabetes mellitus, as well as pulmonary tuberculosis. Golden root tincture can also be used externally - for healing wounds and cuts, and lotions can also be prepared on its basis to eliminate skin rashes, abscesses and conjunctivitis. Such a drug eliminates well inflammatory processes with developing angina, and also corrects the most various ailments oral cavity - scurvy, periodontal disease, stomatitis, etc.

It is believed that the use of tincture based on pink rhodiola effectively eliminates ailments digestive tract. In addition, such a drug can be used in the correction of diseases. genitourinary system, including uterine bleeding, as well as infertility and prostatitis. There is evidence that the use of this tincture is very effective in eliminating impotence.

The medicine obtained from the golden root will benefit patients with epilepsy, as it can reduce the number of seizures by an order of magnitude. Its use is also advisable for anemia or malaria, since such a drug has an optimizing effect on circulatory processes.

It is believed that the use of golden root tincture helps to cope with various oncological lesions and helps patients with diseases. thyroid gland. Its consumption will also speed up the recovery processes after the transferred chemistry.

This drug can also be used in the treatment of increased swelling, seborrheic dermatitis and acne of various localization.

If you are going to use golden root tincture for skin treatment, then it can be applied in a slightly diluted form to problem areas. Such a remedy will have a local anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It is also allowed to apply the composition undiluted, but in this case it should be applied exclusively pointwise. Not very strong solution of the drug is great for applying lotions and for rinsing the mouth.

For those who have begun to use the golden root inside, the use of tincture should be limited to the standard duration of Rhodiola treatment of one month.

Alcohol + golden root = tincture

In order to prepare a tincture of the golden root on your own, you should purchase the root of Rhodiola.

* For the first version of the drug, combine one hundred grams of such raw materials with four hundred milliliters of ordinary vodka. Infuse such a remedy in a fairly dark place for one week, then strain. Take the prepared composition about a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes before a meal. At a time, it is worth drinking fifteen drops of such a remedy, dissolving them in a small amount of ordinary warm water.

* For the manufacture of the second option, you will need a glass container of a suitable size. Fill it with dried rhodiola roots, and top it with 70% alcohol. It is also recommended to infuse this tincture in a fairly dark place for two to three weeks. The prepared medicine should be filtered, and the plant material should be squeezed out. Take the composition of a third-half teaspoon, dissolving it in a glass clean water. Reception can be carried out twice or thrice a day.

Does the golden root have contraindications for use?

Many lovers of treatment natural remedies they believe that there can be no such, one, like everything else on the earth, and this plant has restrictions on reception. Despite the fact that Rhodiola rosea is a completely natural substance, and tincture based on it has some contraindications. So it should not be taken with an increase in blood pressure. In addition, such a drug is not suitable for the treatment of persons with excessive excitability. Tincture of the drug can not be used in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of twelve.

It should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of the drug is fraught with the occurrence of nervousness, and such treatment can also lead to sleep disturbances, irritability and pain in the heart area. In order to prevent the development of insomnia, it is strongly recommended to take golden root tincture at least four to five hours before the planned sleep.

To take into account the contraindications of the golden root, taking into account the consumption of others medicines, even before using Rhodiola tincture for therapeutic purposes, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. When treating her - even more so!

The golden root is considered a very rare medicinal plant that grows in northern Europe and in the highlands of central Asia. The most valuable part of this representative of the flora is its rhizome, which contains a large number of useful components, such as essential oxalic and fruit acids, as well as flavonoids and lipids.

Most often in medicine, golden root tincture is used - this is excellent remedy not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for the normalization of the nervous system. The plant renders beneficial effect on the human body, which is very similar to the action of ginseng or eleutherococcus. His healing qualities contribute to the active strengthening immune system, prevention viral infections, increasing vitality, as well as relieving fatigue. In addition, golden root tincture improves myocardial function and increases blood pressure. With its help, you can significantly increase both physical and mental activity. Next, consider how to make golden root tincture at home.

Preparation of golden root tincture

First of all, you need to take a fresh underground part of the plant, rinse it thoroughly and let it dry, after which it should be crushed. Preparing the tincture takes enough long time, therefore, for its best preservation, it is recommended to use a dark-colored vessel. After filling about half of the entire container with the roots of the plant, pour them with 40% vodka under the neck, cork and insist at room temperature for three weeks, then carefully strain through gauze and apply as directed. The tincture of the golden root should be stored in a cool and dark place.

Indications for the use of medicinal tincture:

heart disease;

Problems with the liver and kidneys;

Vascular pathologies;

Disorders of the gastrointestinal system;



Numerous positive reviews indicate that the golden root tincture really has a truly unique properties and brings great benefits. human body. However, even this universal remedy has its own contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting treatment.

Contraindications to the use of the golden root

Usually, folk treatment considered safer than using the standard drug therapy, however, even the most useful plants sometimes provoke enough serious consequences, and the golden root is no exception. There are some contraindications for which the use this plant Absolutely forbidden. Golden root tincture is dangerous to take for pregnant and lactating women, persons suffering from hypertension and various depressive disorders, as well as people who are undergoing treatment with antidepressants. The most common side effects of the plant are: insomnia, irritability, agitation, indigestion and abrupt shifts moods.

Good morning, dear readers and just connoisseurs traditional medicine, accidentally found on my modest site. Today I would like to tell you about a medicinal plant called the Golden Root, or as it is also called - Rhodiola rosea.

This plant has the widest range application, is very famous and loved by the people, due to its medicinal properties, relatively low price and availability.

This article, in fact, is a ready-made instruction on the use of the Golden Root in medicinal purposes. In it you will find ready-made recipes for the use of Rhodiola, tips and tricks. Well, for those who hear about this medicinal plant for the first time, I think it will be just interesting to get to know him.

What is the Golden Root - a description of a medicinal plant

The plant got its name thanks to an unusual rhizome, or more precisely, but thanks to its unusual color, which is somewhat reminiscent of gilding.

Although this plant is more popularly called the Golden Root. In medical circles, the second name is more common - Rhodiola rosea.

This is perennial from the fat family. Rhodiola is unusually rich in various trace elements and has a truly the richest composition, numbering more than 140 different trace elements. You can find them out by reading the table below, and this is how the plant itself and its roots look like.

Golden root - photo

Complete chemical composition of Rhodiola rosea

Phenols (tyrosol, salidroside) Have a strengthening effect on circulatory system person. Reduce bad cholesterol
Carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sedoheptulose, sucrose Promote energy metabolism in the body
organic acids oxalic acid (stimulates the secretion of the stomach and improves bowel function), malic acid (normalizes digestion, has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, improves vision and is involved in metabolism), succinic acid (neutralizes free radicals, reduces the level uric acid, restores joint mobility, participates in the production of insulin), lemon acid(improves appetite, stimulates cell renewal, strengthens immunity)
Glycosides They have cumulative and cardiotonic properties, normalize the work of the entire cardiovascular system. In addition, they have a calming and diuretic effect.
Trace elements: silver, copper, manganese, zinc, etc. Participate in life important processes organism
Anthraquinones They have a strengthening effect on the immune system, actively participate in the formation of immune cells. May have a mild laxative effect
Terpenoids: rosiridin, rosiridol Terpenoids increase tissue resistance to damage
Flavonoids: kaempferol, astragalin, kaempferol 7-rhamnoside, rhodiolin, tricine, rhodionin, tricine 5-glucoside and 7-glucoside, rhodiosin, acetylrodalgin, 8-methylherbacetin Reduce vascular permeability, normalize blood pressure and heartbeat, reduce intraocular pressure, actively participate in the processes of bile formation, stimulate the function of the adrenal cortex and regulate the production of urine
Coumarins They have antitumor, anticoagulant and anticoagulant effects. They act on tumors at the genetic level, inhibiting the ability of cells to metastasize
Essential oil Possesses the following properties: bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, wound healing, analgesic
Tannins They change the structure of proteins and participate in the formation of a protective albuminate film, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect.
alkaloids Alkanoids have antispasmodic, hemostatic, analgesic, sedative and hypotensive effects.
Aromatic compounds such as rosavin, rosin, rosarin, cinnamon alcohol Render positive influence for the entire central nervous system
Sterols , strengthen cardiovascular system, in short term increase immunity, affect the quality and quantity of helper cells that protect against the development of autoimmune reactions

Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea or what is treated with it

Rhodiola rosea has very extensive medicinal properties and is used for complex treatment a number of diseases, namely:

  1. with metabolic disorders
  2. poor appetite
  3. overwork
  4. with vegetative - vascular dystonia
  5. neurosis, varying degrees gravity
  6. as a restorative agent after severe and prolonged illnesses
  7. with various allergic reactions
  8. at poor eyesight or hearing
  9. with tuberculosis
  10. anemia
  11. in various cancers
  12. fractures, as aid
  13. with menorrhagia
  14. dysmenorrhea
  15. amenorrhea
  16. with various gynecological diseases
  17. with menopause
  18. impotence in men
  19. with oligospermia
  20. for migraines and headaches
  21. with angina and other colds
  22. at various skin problems(rashes, boils, wounds, etc.)
  23. with conjunctivitis

Various preparations based on the golden root are an excellent solution if you want to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, eliminate the symptoms of overwork and increase vitality.

Golden root tincture is excellent for low blood pressure. Within a few days after the start of the reception, you will be amazed at the effect! The usual lethargy and fatigue will disappear, you will be filled with energy, your working capacity will increase.

Another field in which the Golden Root has earned respect and fame is its unique ability to restore and stimulate strength, both physical and mental. That's really energetic so energetic!

Try to drink Golden Root tincture during a period of strong brain overload (work, study, exams) and you will be surprised to find that your feelings of excitement and anxiety have disappeared, and your memory has become much better.


Despite the mass positive feedback use the Golden Root for medicinal purposes should be cautious, and even better after consulting a doctor. This plant has both contraindications and simple side effects.

Contraindications include:

  • (high blood pressure) - Rhodiola rosea has a pronounced property to increase blood pressure, and in hypertensive patients it is already constantly elevated
  • Pregnancy
  • breastfeeding period
  • Temperature - it is not recommended to take Golden Root in any of its forms at a temperature
  • Age up to 12 years
  • Hypertensive crisis
  • States of acute arousal
  • Organic brain lesions
  • Individual intolerance

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Possible side effects

Side effects from taking drugs based on Rhodiola rosea occur, as a rule, after an overdose. Therefore, it is very important to observe the proportions (if you are preparing a tincture or infusion yourself) and the recommended dosage (if you are taking a ready-made drug).

BUT side effects may be the following:

  • a state of increased sleepiness
  • noticeable decrease in performance
  • allergies (in rare cases)
  • pressure increase

Important! Golden root has been found to affect contraceptives, therefore, it is better for women who are protected from pregnancy with the help of pills to refuse such a combination.

In addition, Rhodiola may interfere with the action of certain medicines for diabetes. Therefore, although many write that the Golden Root is used for diabetes, I do not recommend doing this! Diabetes is a serious disease and trying to treat it with herbal preparations simply unreasonable!

The use of the Golden Root in traditional medicine - complete instructions for use

The use of Rhodiola rosea in medical purposes includes its use in the following forms:

  1. Tincture with alcohol or vodka (the most effective remedy, since alcohol best draws their beneficial substances from any medicinal plants)
  2. Water infusion - also used quite often, but not so effective. Mainly used for outdoor use
  3. Decoction of the Golden Root - there are situations when the use of alcohol in the preparation of the medicine is unacceptable! In this case, you can use a decoction of Rhodiola, which has proven itself quite well for a number of diseases, such as, for example, headaches, uterine bleeding, etc.
  4. Herbal preparations - in this case, not only the Golden Root is used, but also others medicinal plants. There are a lot of such fees and their use is justified by the fact that there are many plants that complement and enhance healing effect each other
  5. Dietary supplements - there are many biologically active additives prepared from the extract of this plant. You can find them in any pharmacy, but I will not consider them in this article, since they are much less effective than other forms of application. I recommend making your own remedy by purchasing whole, dried roots.

Golden root tincture on vodka or alcohol

As I said, Golden Root tincture for alcohol is considered the most effective tool use of this plant. It is this option that is most preferable to use if there are no contraindications. Preparing alcohol tincture is very simple:

  • Dry roots of Rhodiola rosea are taken in an amount of 50 grams, ground to a powder state (you can use a coffee grinder) or simply rubbed on a coarse grater, put in a glass bottle (ideally dark glass) and filled with vodka (0.5 l.) or alcohol with a strength not higher 70 degrees.
  • The tincture is infused for exactly 2 weeks in any dark place at room temperature. It is advisable to shake it once every 2 days in order to healing substances Rhodiola was better combined with alcohol.
  • Take tincture of 15 - 20 drops (about a teaspoon), 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • The course of treatment is usually 25 days. If necessary, it is repeated after a 10-day break.

Important! Alcohol tincture must be taken in courses (20 - 25 days) with breaks between them (10 days). Otherwise, there is a risk of various side effects.

In addition, the last intake of tincture should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime, otherwise problems with sleep may occur.

With hypotension

If you are suffering from reduced pressure, then it is correct to take the tincture starting from 5 drops, increasing their number every 1-2 days by 1 drop, thereby bringing their number to the recommended 20 by the end of the course.

To strengthen immunity in the autumn-winter period

  • To strengthen the immune system, Golden Root tincture is taken every day, 20 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals for three weeks.
  • After 10 days, you can repeat the course of treatment.

To enhance mental and physical activity (suitable for students and schoolchildren passing the exam)

If you feel every day chronic fatigue, you have the Unified State Examination or other serious exams on your nose, then it will do next recipe, which includes 3 courses of treatment following one after the other.

Each course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of 1 month is also required, so you need to calculate the terms of treatment in advance and start taking somewhere 5-6 months before the exams.

Stage 1
  • An alcohol tincture is prepared according to the recipe described above. Reception begins with 5 drops, daily increasing their number by 1.
  • Half a month after the start of the intake, that is, on the 15th day, the number of drops is reduced in inverse proportion, by the end of treatment reaching the same 5 drops, with which the treatment began.
  • Drops can be dissolved in a small amount of water or drunk without dissolving. After the completion of the 1st course - mandatory break for 1 month.
Stage 2
  • Alcoholic tincture of the Golden Root is drunk in 25 drops, no longer reducing or increasing their amount throughout the course.
  • It is better to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, once a day. The course is 30 days, then the same break.
Stage 3
  • Tincture is drunk 1 time per day, in the morning, after a meal, 25 drops. The course of treatment is 1 month.

It is no secret that for modern schoolchildren, the USE has become not just an exam, it is the strongest stress, which is very difficult to overcome without help. Those parents whose children passed the exam can confirm this. This recipe will help you cope with stress and safely survive a difficult period. By the way, the reception of tincture will also be very useful for parents!

With oncological diseases

Rhodiola tincture in oncology is taken before chemotherapy, as an adjuvant or simply for prevention, for those who are afraid of cancer.

  • Before chemotherapy, the reception begins 1 week in advance with 20 drops, gradually increasing their number to 40 (drink every morning on an empty stomach).
  • It is also possible during the course of chemotherapy to reduce its toxic effects on the body and increase the level of leukocytes in the blood. To do this, start taking 5 days before the procedure.
  • accept alcohol tincture 3 times a day before meals, diluting 30 drops in 50 ml of water

With impotence

  • With impotence, 2 courses of treatment are carried out, 3 weeks each with a break between them of 2 weeks.
  • Scheme of administration: 5 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Water infusion of golden root

Water infusion of Rhodiola is mainly used for colds, heart and gastrointestinal intestinal diseases or for outdoor use various diseases skin, wounds, abscesses, etc.. It is prepared in an elementary way:

  • 20 grams of Rhodiola rosea roots should be ground in a coffee grinder or grated on a coarse grater and simply pour 2 cups of boiling water, leaving to infuse for about 4 hours.
  • Before taking the infusion must be filtered.

Reception scheme:

  • 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

Root decoction of Rhodiola rosea

The decoction has more effective properties rather than an infusion and is used for diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding, tonsillitis, headaches and toothaches, and also as an external agent. It is prepared as follows:

  • 20 grams of dry roots are crushed and poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, after which they are put on the stove and simmered for another 10 minutes.
  • Then, cover with a lid and leave to infuse until completely cooled.

Take, filtered, 50 ml. 3 times a day. Last dose no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Important! Such a decoction is the strongest tonic! Much stronger than strong tea or ground coffee. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it for a long time or at night!

Herbal preparations with Rhodiola rosea

Herbal preparations in which the Golden Root is just one of the components are also quite common. There are different fees: to raise immunity, from colds, from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. By the way, it is best to restore immunity with the help of.

As a rule, the herbs in them are selected in such a way as to have a complex effect on one problem and at the same time enhance and complement the healing effect of each other.

You can buy such fees with Rhodiola at a pharmacy, at the place of residence or by ordering them via the Internet. If you are interested, ask in the comments, I will tell you where to stop and where to buy.


In conclusion, I want to say that if you have not tried the Golden Root, then you have lost a lot! It costs relatively little, preparations based on it are prepared elementarily, and its medicinal properties have long been recognized even by traditional medicine!

In the absence of contraindications, Rhodiola rosea can become your assistant in the difficult task of maintaining health!

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