What do Scottish Fold kittens eat? Scottish Fold: how to properly feed a kitten from a month to a year? Selecting a power type

If you have a Scottish kitten in your home, it is very important to learn the basic rules of feeding it. The nutrition of such kittens is somewhat different from the feeding of ordinary kittens or kittens of other breeds. After all, the breed was formed as a result gene mutation. Today the market offers a very wide range of different foods designed specifically for cats. For animals of different ages, different breeds, as well as those that differ in certain features, feeds are developed with different composition- depending on the needs of the animal. In all this diversity, you can simply get confused. A purebred kitten needs high quality products. In addition, his diet must be clearly balanced. Only in this case will the Scottish kitten develop and grow correctly.

To prevent the animal from developing digestive problems as a result, you need to ask the previous owners what they fed it. It is advisable to give the kitten the same food for some time. If you want to change your diet, this should not be done suddenly, but gradually. If it was special food for kittens, then continue to give it to the kitten. If you want to switch him to natural food, this is done gradually.

Natural food

If you do not trust dry food manufacturers and believe that you can only raise a healthy animal with the help of natural food, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and recommendations. At the same time, it is also important to remember that once you accustom your kitten to natural food, you will be forced to spend time and effort preparing it every day. If this prospect does not frighten you, you have time, and the health of the animal is much more important to you, start studying the diet of fold-eared kittens.

  1. Poultry meat. It should be given to the kitten boiled. In this case, preference is given to low-fat varieties, even if the animal is already an adult. But chicken breast is ideal for a small kitten.
  2. Beef. The product must be frozen. Give it raw, cut into small pieces. Beef should be present in the diet at least every other day. Small representatives of the breed are given 35-40 g at a time.
  3. Fish. You shouldn't add it to the menu often. Once a week will be enough. Choose lean fish Boil before giving to the animal.
  4. It is also recommended to give your pet liver at least once a week. It also needs to be boiled. If you feed your kitten it more often, it may well cause digestive problems.
  5. 1-2 times a week you can give the boiled yolk of 1 egg. It can be mixed with other foods or given separately.
  6. At intervals of approximately 3 days, your beloved pet should have cottage cheese in his diet. Preference should be given to low-fat. In this case, dairy products are simply necessary, because without them the pet will not fully develop. If you cannot get your little pet to eat cottage cheese, sour cream or kefir will do instead. It is very important that they are not greasy.
  7. Until the animal is 5 months old, it should be given boiled milk. The diet should also include porridge cooked in milk.
  8. Every other day, a little porridge is cooked for the pet. Oatmeal or rice will do. To make the kitten eat it more willingly, the porridge is mixed with meat and fish.
  9. The little Scotsman also needs vegetables. They are also mixed with fish or meat. The ideal option would be carrots, cauliflower. They need to be boiled and then ground.

If you choose to feed natural products, you should remember that not all the necessary substances enter the body. Therefore, you should consult a veterinarian and introduce various supplements.

Ready food

This type of feeding has many advantages. It is very comfortable. There is no need to waste time preparing food, worry about the diversity of the animal’s diet, or add supplements. This food is very tasty, and animals eat it with pleasure. You just need to make sure that they consume sufficient quantity water. It is easy to accustom your pet to this food. Moreover, it is balanced. There are already all the components that an animal needs at one or another stage of life. The specialists made sure that the food was produced in accordance with all the rules.

But in addition to numerous advantages, this method of feeding animals also has disadvantages. First of all, this is the danger of fakes. There are a lot of them on the market today. The quality of such food, of course, is much lower. If the food differs even the most high quality, it can be damaged by improper storage. This is what often happens in modern stores.

There are several manufacturing companies that have proven themselves quite well. Veterinarians and breeders recommend purchasing their products for their pets.

  1. Royal Canin. This company produces special food intended for kittens up to six months old. This is Babycat Instinctive. The food is a canned mousse. For this age, it is also recommended to gradually start giving the kitten dry food Kitten Instinctive 12. After the kitten is six months old, it is recommended to feed it with two types of food from this company. This is Kitten 34 - pieces small size in gravy. Kittens really like them. The second type of food is Kitten 36. This is dry food. They should make up your pet’s diet for up to a year. After you open the bag of dry food, it must be sealed tightly. Otherwise, it may become damp and spoil. The canned food is transferred to a glass container, closed and placed in the refrigerator.
  2. Innova EVO. Ready-made food from this company contains few carbohydrates. Therefore, even if you overeat, the kitten will not gain weight. This dry food also contains a lot of calcium. All components here are natural. This includes poultry and a variety of vegetables.
  3. Purina Pro products labeled Plan Dental Plus. This food is designed specifically for small representatives of this breed. It not only ensures the supply of all necessary substances, but also helps to maintain the Scottish Fold kitten’s oral cavity in good condition. Research shows that cats who consume this food experience a significant reduction in dental plaque.
  4. Hills. This company's food contains a lot of carbohydrates. If the kitten tends to gain weight, it is better to give preference to another manufacturer. But, if a small pet is normal form, such nutrition will be very useful for him. After all, it contains calcium and magnesium.

Combined nutrition

Mixed nutrition is a combination of dry food and regular products. As a rule, in this case, the basis of the diet is dry food. But during the day a certain amount of natural products is added to it.

A kitten should be fed three times a day from the age of 2 months until it is six months old. Next, the baby is transferred to two meals a day. You should not give your small pet foods that you eat yourself. This can only be done with ordinary yard cats. Feeding your Scottish kitten your food may have a negative impact on its health.

What is prohibited

  1. Never feed this breed bones.
  2. They are also contraindicated in fatty, salty and seasoned foods. This will cause considerable harm.
  3. Do not feed kittens spoiled food or dry food that has already expired.
  4. The benefits of milk for kittens of this breed are very doubtful. The animal's body may not accept this product well. Sometimes it may not be digested. Since it contains lactose, fermentation processes can begin in the body. As a result, the functioning of the stomach will be disrupted, which will cause unpleasant symptoms And painful sensations in an animal. Instead of milk, it is better to give other dairy products that were listed above. If you still want to give your pet milk, it is better to do this only occasionally.
  5. It is still advisable to boil the meat. Raw product An adult cat can easily eat it, but in a kitten it can cause indigestion. In addition, the product may be of poor quality. Due to the consumption of raw meat products, animals often develop toxoplasmosis.

Nutrition secrets

Your kitten will grow up beautiful and healthy only if you feed it in accordance with all recommendations. Products must be of high quality, the diet must be balanced. If you are just starting out on complementary feeding, try hand feeding your kitten. Do not immediately pour the food into the bowl. In addition, this technique will help establish trusting contact between the animal and the owner. In the future, the pet will react to the owner more positively.

Give the same command before feeding. For example, “come here.” When the kitten comes when called, place a bowl in front of it. In this way you will let him know that you allow him to eat. The pet will develop such a habit, and in the future he will not steal food from the dinner table or, for example, from the dog’s bowl.

Already from the age of 2 months it is allowed to begin training. You should always feed your pet in moderation. Under no circumstances should you feed him from the table. Representatives of this breed are quite unpretentious, so they tend to gain weight and may suffer from heart disease, as well as disorders genitourinary system. Therefore it is very important to early age Provide your pet with the best possible nutrition.

Video: Scottish cats - features and care

The feeding of Scottish kittens differs from the diet of their outbred counterparts, since the breed appeared as a result of a gene mutation, and this implies some peculiarities in the animal’s nutrition. The range of cat food is varied, so it’s easy to get confused. Only high quality balanced diet can provide a purebred kitten with everything necessary for normal height and development.

The fold-eared kitten that you acquired at the age of 2 months (you should not separate him from his mother earlier) should be switched from mother's milk to a more varied diet. To avoid possible digestive problems, it is advisable at first to feed your pet the same food that he was given at his previous place of residence. This can be either specialized food for kittens, canned food, or cereals with lean parts of boiled chicken.

Feeding a Scottish kitten with natural food

This food option is quite labor-intensive, since it will require some time to prepare. The diet of Scottish Fold kittens should consist of the following products:

  1. Boiled poultry meat. It is advisable to use chicken breast for cooking food for a small pet.
  2. Frozen beef. This product should be given to kittens raw every other day, 30-40 g.
  3. Lean fish. It should be in your pet’s diet in boiled form no more than once a week.
  4. Boiled liver. This product should also be given to your pet no more than once a week, since eating the liver more often will lead to upset of the little Scotsman’s digestive system.
  5. Yolk chicken egg. Can be added to main food (boiled) or served in pure form 2 times a week.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese. This product is necessary for the normal development of the kitten, so cottage cheese should be given at least 2-3 times a week. If your pet is reluctant to eat cottage cheese, you can replace it with sour cream, fermented baked milk or kefir with low content fat
  7. It is recommended to give boiled milk and milk porridge to kittens up to 5 months.
  8. Porridge. Several times a week, a small Scottish Fold should eat a small portion of oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge mixed with boiled fish or meat.
  9. Vegetables. Grated boiled carrots and cauliflower with the addition of boiled meat or boneless fish must be included in the diet of a purebred pet.

When feeding kittens with natural food, it is necessary to ensure that the pet’s body receives minerals and vitamins, and for this it is necessary to give appropriate supplements.

Ready-made feed

The advantages of this type of food are ease of feeding and excellent taste qualities. Pets happily eat the contents of bags and jars. But there is ready-made feed And negative sides, and first of all, this is a large number of fakes that do not always correspond to the declared quality, moreover, not all sellers comply with the storage conditions of food, which can affect the health of the pet. Of all the existing ready-made foods for kittens, veterinarians and experienced breeders advise:

  1. Royal Canin. Straight kittens up to 6 months old should be given Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive in the form of canned mousse and gradually introduced to dry food Royal Canin Kitten Instinctive 12. When the kitten is 6 months old, it can be given Royal Canin Kitten 34 - these are small pieces in gravy that the pet absorbs with pleasure, and dry food Royal Canin Kitten 36. These foods must be given to your pet up to 1 year. After opening the package, dry food for Scottish fold kittens should be stored in hermetically sealed bags, and canned food after opening a jar or bag must be transferred to glass containers followed by storage in the refrigerator.
  2. Innova EVO. These ready-made foods contain a small amount of carbohydrates, so your Scottish kitten will not gain weight. excess weight, even if he overeats this brand of food. Innova EVO dry food is enriched with calcium and contains only natural ingredients: chicken or turkey meat, fruits and vegetables.
  3. ORIJEN CAT and KITTEN. The finished food of this brand also does not contain preservatives, but contains the amino acids necessary for the pet, so this type of food is excellent for feeding Scottish straight and fold kittens.
  4. Purina Pro Plan Dental Plus. The food is designed for Scottish kittens and helps keep your pet's oral cavity in good condition. The manufacturers of this dry food claim that after switching your pet to this brand of food, you can reduce dental plaque in cats by almost 50%.
  5. Hills. Ready-made food from this manufacturer contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so if your pet has gained excess weight, you should not give it. But it is perfect for feeding animals that have good shape, since Hills feed has a balanced content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Combined feeding is a type of nutrition in which the kitten is given not only ready-made food, but also some natural food. Usually dry food is used as the pet's main diet, and natural products used as bait several times a day.

Rules for feeding Scottish kittens:

Scottish kittens aged 2 to 5 months need to be fed 3 times a day, and after 6 months, the animal can be switched to two meals a day. Eliminate the possibility of feeding your pet from your table. If for an ordinary yard cat such food will be perceived as a delicacy, then for a Scottish kitten, eating food from a person’s table can have negative consequences.

Prohibited Products

Never give your pet bones, smoked meats, fatty, salty or spicy foods, as they are harmful to the animal. You should not give your kitten food that has slightly spoiled or expired dry food. Be wary of milk in your lop-eared kitten's diet. Organism small pet milk is poorly absorbed, and in some cases it may not be digested, so the benefits of this product for Scottish breed remains in doubt. Lactose contained in dairy products can provoke a fermentation process in the kitten’s body, which will lead to an upset stomach in the pet. Therefore, it is best to exclude milk from your pet’s diet or give it, but as rarely as possible. No need to feed the kitten raw meat. It is not possible to be sure in all cases good quality this product. If an adult cat willingly eats a small piece of meat, it can lead to indigestion in a kitten; besides, meat products are main reason the appearance of toxoplasmosis in an animal.

Feeding secrets

How healthy and beautiful your pet will grow up depends on the quality of feeding. The first solid food is best fed by hand rather than from a bowl. This will bring the kitten and its new owner closer, help establish contact between them, and establish a positive character in the pet. Before feeding your Scottish kitten, give him the command “come here,” and when the animal sits opposite you, put a bowl for your pet, giving permission to eat. Such training will help a grown-up kitten protect itself from eating low-quality and possibly spoiled food from someone else’s bowl and trying to steal food from your table. You can start training your pet from the age of two months. You should not feed your pet more than the established norm or feed it from your table. Despite the fact that the “Scots” are unpretentious, this breed has a tendency to obesity, heart disease and genitourinary pathologies. Therefore, a pet’s diet at any age must be clearly balanced, and the kitten’s nutrition and adherence to food intake must be treated with special care.

Kitten food

What to feed small kittens 1.5 -2 months old.

You can feed:

1. Lean frozen meat. Raw if you are sure of its safety. You can scald it with boiling water, or just bring it to a boil, cool it and let it sit. Excluding pork completely - there is a risk of contracting diseases that are fatal to cats. When feeding fresh foods, meat should make up 2/3 of the diet. In addition, STEAM MEAT is deadly dangerous for cats!!!

Meat should only be pre-frozen. Otherwise, you risk losing your pet forever. The first sign of protein poisoning is seizures. Urgently inject at the same time:

1. Magnesium sulfate-0.5 ml intramuscularly

2. Sulfakameron -0.4 ml IM

3. Diphenhydramine -0.4 IM

4. Prednisolone-0.3 IM

We emphasize that even these medications (which are sold in pharmacies and veterinary clinics) do not guarantee healing of your pet if poisoning occurs. So don't experiment, it's better to see a veterinarian.

2. Porridge cooked from rice half and half buckwheat with pieces of meat, or just broth.

3. Chicken and beef liver - no more than once a week. Otherwise, skeletal deformation may occur.

4. Chicken, turkey - but without bones. Do not give bones at all - there may be perforation of the stomach and intestines. It should be noted that animals eat fillets with great pleasure. chicken breast. Of course, the quality of products varies, try to choose the safest ones. It is more convenient for kittens to turn the fillet through a meat grinder or cut it into small pieces, otherwise kittens can swallow large pieces whole; naturally, such food intake is not digestible.

5. Stomachs, heart, kidneys, lungs (beef and chicken), udder - it is better to give them boiled - otherwise there may be an upset stomach.

6. Boiled vegetables. Just don't give too many potatoes. Perhaps this type of feeding will be convenient for you: boil the meat (for example, turkey), and you can pour a bag (or part of it) of frozen vegetables into the resulting broth. Then grind everything together - meat and vegetables through a meat grinder. In this way, food for the cat can be prepared for a couple of days. When buying vegetable mixtures for your cat, avoidthe presence of beans, peas and corn. Keep in mind that your cat's stool will not be hard, so don't be alarmed, but keep an eye on it anyway. Vegetables are not completely absorbed in the body; these are so-called ballast substances. But the body will extract everything useful from them.

Or pour a little soy mince (about 1/3 of the volume of meat) into the resulting broth, boil it, let it sit for a while and mix with the turkey minced through a meat grinder.

It is very convenient to use a turkey drumstick - cook until the meat begins to easily fall off the bone. The broth turns out to be very rich, so there will be lunch for both you and your pet. Along with the turkey, you can boil fresh carrots and some potatoes, spin the vegetables along with the meat, pour in the same broth - and the kitten will be terribly happy with such a dinner.

7. Eggs - 1 egg per week, yolk only. Boiled egg not digestible.

8. Cottage cheese. Cats like it to be sweetened a little and you can add a little sour cream. This is if you buy regular loose cottage cheese. But the “Agusha” series of baby food products is better absorbed. This is very important for the kittens' delicate stomach. More adults can already be switched to “House in the Village”, preferably 0% fat. In addition, you can buy dietary soft cottage cheese in “sausages”, although cats like it least of all.

9. The “Agushi” series also includes kefir. Cats enjoy drinking it and it is extremely beneficial.

10.Cheese. We would like to separately warn that all dairy products should be introduced into the kitten’s diet gradually, as stomach upset may occur at first.

It is better if at first you feed your pet mostly boiled meat, gradually introducing into his diet the foods you plan to feed him in the future. A sudden switch to another feeding often causes stomach upset.

11. Dry food. Never give dry “Whiskas”, “Friskas”, “Kiticat” in your life - you will end up with a sick animal. But you can give canned Whiskas.

From dry food - Royal Canin - K-34. This is for kittens. They can also be fed in the future. In addition, there are other super premium and holistic food series for kittens.

Pre-soak any of the dry food you choose with water, but preferably with broth or low-fat kefir. Wait until the food absorbs moisture, swells and offer it to the kitten. Their stomach and intestines are still very delicate, dry food can cause microcracks. Then in the kitten's feces or adult cat Drops of blood may appear.

Canned food is of course convenient, but it would be better not to give it - cats then refuse other food. In addition, canned food contains a lot of water and few digestible nutrients. From a financial point of view, it is more profitable to feed meat.

Please pay Special attention that sometimes inexpensive cheap canned food causes frustration.

When feeding dry food, make sure the water is always fresh. It is advisable for the cat's water to sit for a day in a separate container - for example, in a jar. This will allow the chlorine to completely evaporate from the water.

And in general, there should always be access to water!

12. Grass - you can buy it at a pet store, or you can grow it yourself. The grass that is sold is nothing more than sprouted oats or wheat. It grows very quickly - in a week you can already offer it to your cat.

Provide her with free access to the grass - she herself will eat it straight from the garden. If you bought it in a store, you can take the grass out of the bag and put it in a spare cat bowl with water - the grass will remain fresh for a long time.

13. If your cat stubbornly refuses to try something from the bowl, invite her to eat from your hand, especially if it is a kitten. Usually the problem is resolved immediately.

14. If you have small children, or in general it’s more convenient for you, you can also feed them meat baby food in jars.

Feed up to 4 months - 5-6 times, after 5 months - 3 times.

You can leave it like this, or after 7-8 months you can increase it to 2 times a day. It is possible (and most often it turns out to be much more convenient) to provide the cat with constant access to food - cats rarely overeat, but if this obviously happens, then feed by the hour. But in principle, unlike dogs, a cat’s stomach is not adapted to absorb large amounts of food at once, since in nature they are focused on small rodents and small birds, and not immediately on a deer carcass, like wolves. Dogs with wolf ancestors try to eat a lot at once, since it is not known when they will catch the next large prey.

When feeding meat in the morning and evening, if you go to work, you can leave the animal dry good food.

In general, it is advisable not to mix feeding natural and canned foods! You must determine for yourself what you will feed your pet in the future, whether you can feed him a balanced and regular diet of meat and vegetables, and also give him vitamins periodically.

If not, and your animal is often left at home alone, then it is most convenient to choose a good super-premium class food, which already contains all the microelements and vitamins necessary for your cat.

What not to feed kittens

Do not give at all:

1. Pork.

2. Milk (after three months, cats cannot digest milk).

3. Oil and any fats. Milk, butter, fat causes diarrhea.

4. Onions in any form.

5. Chocolate and sweets.

If a disorder does occur, then:

1. You can give “Smect” 1/2 sachet dissolved in 1/4 glass boiled water and dispense approximately 1 ml from a syringe without a needle every 2-3 hours. Effect

there will be even more if you add phthalazole ground into a fine powder (this can be done in a coffee grinder) to Smecta (in a human pharmacy for three rubles).

The norm is at the tip of a knife. The drug is absolutely non-toxic, there is no need to be afraid of an overdose.

Scottish Straight or Scottish Fold is the embodiment of aristocracy, combined with softness and calm. The appearance of such a kitten in a family is a real event. Having prepared everything necessary for him, it’s time to decide on the menu and daily routine. What to feed a Scottish kitten and when - these are, perhaps, the most pressing questions for the happy owner of a furry delight.

Pedigree Scottish kittens are usually under the care of their mother cat for at least two months. Breastfeeding ensures the formation immune system from adorable fluffies. In this case, complementary foods are introduced long before the kitten is weaned from mother's milk.

If for some reason a cat is not able to feed her offspring, then the count of feeding the small lumps literally goes on for hours.

  • every 2-2.5 hours it is necessary to give milk formula to kittens under 2 weeks of age;
  • until 1 month is completed - once every three hours. For a month old Scottish kitten artificial feeding you will already need water. At the same time, complementary foods can be introduced;
  • after the pet turns 2 months old, even if it has a mother cat, it will not be able to do without good nutrition. The Scotsman should eat about 7 times, during daylight hours;
  • 3 months is a turning point for all babies. Mother's milk no longer, but you need to feed food at least 6 times a day;
  • at 5 months the number of appointments is reduced to 5;
  • at 9 – 4 meals a day are enough;
  • By 12 months, the Scotsman should get used to the “adult” daily routine: 2 or 3 feedings a day.

What should you not feed?

Whatever the fate of the Scottish kitten - with its mother or on breastfeeding, there are strict prohibitions on the use of certain categories of foods in his diet. After all, the formation of the immune system and all organs in the body lasts almost up to a year. This fact dictates that you carefully weigh what to feed your lop-eared kitten.

The list of unacceptable ones includes:

  1. Budget food. Remember, you are laying the foundation for health. To make the Scots happy long years, make sure your food is of professional quality and be prepared for it to be expensive. Savings on the health of a purebred Scottish kitten will result in large costs for its treatment in the future.
  2. Bones. Fish or chicken - easily crushed. The kitten can swallow a fragment and injure internal organs.
  3. Fat meat. Proteins should prevail in the balance of nutrients. Therefore, pork, lamb or fatty poultry are excluded from feeding.
  4. Fish. Primarily river. Under the strictest prohibition, raw and fatty.
  5. Cow's milk. In its pure form it can cause stomach upset.
  6. Raw eggs - due to the danger of salmonella.
  7. Food from the human table. Spices, sweets, baked goods that have undergone special processing are prohibited: smoked, fried, canned foods. You can't even give it to a kitten baby food: Sugar, spices, and vegetables are also added to it, which his body does not perceive.
  8. Medicines for people. It is unlikely that you will be able to measure the dosage, and active ingredients designed for humans, not predators. For a Scottish kitten, taking them can be dangerous.

  • potatoes, tomato, rhubarb. Not absorbed by the body, causing problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • legumes Causes digestive problems. Undercooked beans or peas in a kitten will provoke fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • citrus. The kitten is unlikely to eat them, but if this happens, indigestion and allergies are possible;
  • onion and garlic. The substances in the composition destroy red blood cells. IN large quantities contribute to the development of anemia.

If the owner loves mushrooms, this does not mean that the cat can eat them: the body cannot cope with such a source of protein, and predators do not produce enzymes to digest them.

Selecting a power type

As a rule, breeders or nurseries give Scottish Fold kittens or their straight-eared cousins ​​to new family at about 3 months of age.

New pets are fully socialized, own good manners and already have their own eating habits. It is only important to ask about them. Relocating to a new place of residence will cause stress and it will be better if you continue to feed your Scottish kittens as before. You need to change your usual diet to a new one gradually, and choose it wisely.


Of course, natural feeding has its advantages:

  1. 100% confidence in the quality of cat food.
  2. Diet variety.

However, it is quite difficult to feed a Scottish Fold or Straight-eared cat with a diet prepared by yourself:

  1. It will take a lot of time to cook.
  2. A couple of times every 6-12 months with natural feeding Scottish kitten needs a course of vitamins and minerals.

Natural nutrition presupposes that the Scottish kitten's menu includes:

  • lean meat. The most commonly used is beef or chicken. Alternatively, rabbit or turkey is possible. Raw meat should only be served frozen to reduce the risk helminthic infestation. By 6 months, be sure to feed your Scottish kitten offal: necks, hearts and navels, to prevent tartar. Liver only in boiled form, once a week;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs. Kittens are unlikely to eat them of their own free will. It is recommended to grate or cut into cubes and then add to chopped meat or cook in broth. Make sure you always have sprouted grass;
  • low-carb cereals. Only as a supplement to nutrition. They cannot be used as a basis;
  • milk. Only up to 3 months: in the form of porridge, always boiled;
  • fermented milk food. There should not be a lot - excess calcium can cause Scottish Folds to straighten their ears. Unlike kittens of other breeds, they are recommended to be given dairy products about once a week;
  • vegetable oil. A small amount to season vegetables or add to porridge;
  • boiled eggs - one yolk per week;
  • sea ​​fish. For variety and provision of the body fatty acids can be given once a week. Low-fat and only boiled.

It is necessary to carefully check portions and feed only fresh food each time. Do not leave it in the bowl. Take care of the water, it should be in the public domain.

Industrial feed

If you don’t have time to look for delicacies and prepare the next meal from them for the Scottish aristocrat, take a closer look at ready-made food.

They come in dry and wet varieties, designed specifically for kittens. The packaging should detail the composition and consumption rates per kilogram of weight, as well as the frequency of feeding.

Please note that canned food is not always balanced for daily feeding and can only be used as a treat.

Wet food eliminates the problem of saturating the Scottish kitten's body with moisture, because some practically do not drink. However, this is a more expensive food option. Food should not be left in a bowl; a fresh portion is needed every time.

It is important that the feed is professional quality, original production. You shouldn't buy economy options. There is nothing in them except ballast substances and raw materials of dubious origin.

High-quality dry food has undoubted advantages:

  • guarantees the Scottish kitten a balance of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and amino acids. No need for additives;
  • prevention of tartar;
  • ease of use for the owner: food is stored for a long time, economical, easy to measure daily norm.

The main thing in feeding a Scottish kitten with dry food is water. Clean and always available.

Mixed feeding

Some owners combine ready-made food and natural products. If you look from the point of view of diversity, this is justified.

Further difficulties are possible - it is difficult to establish the daily intake rate. Too much caloric content leads to obesity, and too little - dystrophy. Therefore, the Scotsman’s condition must be carefully monitored: the kitten must be active, mobile and cheerful. Everything else is a sign of imbalance.

At mixed diet It is important to follow the rules:

  1. You cannot feed it to a Scottish kitten at once. ready-made food and a portion of natural food. This is due to differences in the digestion process of feed that has undergone completely different processing.
  2. When combining foods of different origins, the Scottish kitten will need additional vitamin supplementation. The norms must be agreed with the veterinarian.

Features of nutrition in adolescence

Until 8-10 months, food for Scottish Fold cats is selected specially, marked “for kittens”. After this, you can gradually switch to “adult” food.

By this time, you need to decide on the timing of castration or include your Scottish Straight or Scottish Fold in the mating program.

If the kitten does not participate in breeding, then castration is the only way for a purebred animal to live a long and happy life. However, before surgery, he must be switched to food for neutered pets. Gently and gradually so as not to cause stress. Subsequently, feed only special diets that take into account the characteristics of mature cats, but lacking basic instinct.

With natural feeding, the transition period is marked by the opportunity to feed the pet more fermented milk food. After 10 months, the ears have already formed and the exterior has stabilized. Therefore, calcium will only be beneficial.

General feeding rules

The general principles of how to feed a Scottish or any other kitten are actually the same. Cats are carnivores and need animal protein. Even the affectionate and touching Scots.

  1. The basis of the menu should be meat. Natural food or ready-made food: pay close attention to the composition and quality of raw materials.
  2. Artificial additives, dyes, spices, salt, stabilizers, flavors and sugar are prohibited. By excluding them, you will ensure natural development and good health pet.
  3. Provide the Scot with water. This is the most important feeding rule.
  4. Make sure the food is at room temperature and the correct consistency. It is better to give crushed food to Scottish kittens up to 3 months old. Closer to 6 months, they switch to large pieces, which will provide normal development jaw muscles.

The Scots, together with the British, have long dictated the rules of home etiquette. Not only its health depends on how carefully you pay attention to feeding a kitten, and then an adult cat. A satisfied pet who is satisfied with the contents of the bowl will become a source of peace and well-being in your family.

The Scottish Fold kitten will be a great friend for the whole family. At proper feeding he will grow up healthy and beautiful cat, which will certainly delight the owners. At the same time, it is important to know the basics of nutrition so that there are no health problems. Some people prefer to give only natural food, others purchase ready-made food. In any case, you should understand the diet of the Scottish fold cat so as not to worsen the functioning of the digestive system.

What is the best way to feed a Scottish Fold kitten?

When buying a pet, it is recommended to immediately consult with the breeder about how his animals feed. It is especially important for small pets to choose the right diet, because they need high-quality nutrition. Kittens develop quickly, and they need to be given food in small portions up to 10 times a day. Up to 5 months it is allowed to pour boiled milk, but then it must be excluded from the menu. From the age of 6 months, three meals a day are required, and this will be more than enough for your pet. Naturally, you can only give permitted products so that the body functions fully.

What to feed a Scottish adult cat

Adult cats do not need to eat as often as kittens. It is enough to feed 2 times a day, and the portions must be such that the pet is full. Naturally, you will need to monitor your weight, because sterilized cats are especially prone to obesity. The owner may prefer both natural food and ready-made food, but the food must be of good quality.

What is forbidden to feed

Owners of fold-eared kittens need to know exactly what they should never give to their pet. If these rules are neglected, then the animal may develop problems with the digestive system. To feed Scottish kittens, you need to create a menu that will not harm your pet’s body.

List of prohibited products:

  1. Sweet dishes. They cannot be given regardless of quantity. Even if a cat asks for cake, this does not mean at all that he is interested in this dish. It is possible that he wants another ingredient that is included in the composition. There is no need to give your pet sweets, as this can lead to the development of diabetes.
  2. Spicy. Kittens should not be given spices, as they will upset their digestive function.
  3. Salty. Cats' food should not be salted, much less given food containing this ingredient. Salt causes problems with bladder and kidneys, and Scottish kittens are already prone to this problem.
  4. Coffee. This product is considered poisonous for pets. If your pet wants to try a drink, then it is quite possible that he is interested in milk.
  5. Onion and garlic. They also lead to problems with digestive function in a domestic animal.
  6. Marinades. Your pet should not be given any pickled foods. And we are talking not only about meat, but also about canned food.
  7. Fat. Such a diet will worsen the function of the pet’s pancreas. Moreover, even sour cream can spoil gastrointestinal tract Scottish kitten, which is why it is important to monitor the fat content of foods.
  8. Smoked. It is considered poisonous to cats and should not be given to Scottish Fold.
  9. Pork. If the owner wants to treat her pet, then it is allowed to give only a small piece of meat once a month. Moreover, the product should not be greasy.
  10. Citrus. Most cats do not like the smells of lemons, oranges, limes and similar fruits. However, exceptions do happen. A strong aroma will harm the animal’s sense of smell, and in addition, such a product will upset the digestive function.
  11. Potato. It is starch in its pure form, which is poorly accepted by the cat's body. For this reason, this product should be excluded from the diet.
  12. Legumes. Soybeans, lentils, peas are prohibited for Scottish kitten. These products are considered difficult for the pet’s body and also provoke fermentation.
  13. Flour dishes. Even bread is not allowed to be given to kittens, because it only harms and has no nutritional value.
  14. Mushrooms. They are considered a heavy product and provoke intoxication.

Conscientious owners will make sure that there are no problems with the body due to feeding Scottish kittens. If a person is not sure that he can properly balance the diet, then it is better to use ready-made food. Naturally, you need to purchase only super-premium products for Scottish Fold kittens.

Determining your cat's nutritional type

The animal's diet may be different types. In particular, it can be natural, ready-made and mixed. In the first case, a person uses only fresh products, such as meat, cereals, vegetables and other dishes. Ready meals divided into two types: dry and jelly-like. Regardless of the type, you should purchase only expensive products from good producers, and not limit yourself to cheap bags of cat food. If a person is not ready to pay a lot of money for such goods, then he should prefer natural food.

The mixed appearance implies the presence of both fresh and ready-made products. Naturally, both types cannot be given at the same feeding. It will be necessary to evenly distribute the types of food in order not to harm the pet’s body.

Breeders and veterinarians adhere to different opinions about exactly how best to feed a one-month-old kitten and older animals. If the owner is not ready to carefully select a menu for his pet, then it is better to purchase ready-made food. They contain the correct components and maintain the appropriate balance of products for the animal. At the same time, you need to buy expensive goods, since cheap ones have nothing useful for your pet.

It is especially recommended to pay attention to the characteristics of your pet’s body. Some cats have upset digestion due to cereals or meat, so it is better to give them dry food or pate for cats. If the animal feels good when eating natural food, then it should be stopped. In any case, each situation must be resolved individually so that there are no problems later.

Natural nutrition

Nowadays, more and more people decide to switch to natural nutrition, because they consider it more useful and at the same time cheaper. The process will not be easy, as you will have to spend a lot of time preparing food. Naturally, busy people cannot afford this, which is why the pet suffers. If natural nutrition was chosen, then mandatory feeding rules should be followed.

What products are allowed:

  1. Frozen raw beef. Babies under 3 months should be given approximately 30 grams per day. Naturally, the meat must first be completely defrosted and chopped very finely.
  2. Boiled liver. It is given maximum once a week. If you abuse this product, then your stomach may be upset.
  3. Boiled chicken breast. It is beneficial for cats as it contains many nutrients.
  4. Fish. It is allowed to be given to a Scottish cat only once a week, and it is only allowed low-fat varieties. For example, hake, perch, and carp are suitable. If this product is given in excess, then kidney pathologies may occur.
  5. Boiled milk, as well as porridge on it. This product You can add a menu to animals that are under 5 months old. In more mature age the component will cause stomach upset.
  6. Vegetables and cereals. These carbohydrates are required to ensure that your pet always has energy. At the same time, you can cook semolina, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal for your pet. It is useful to mix them with fish or meat, and then give them 3-4 times a week.
  7. Low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese. Scottish kittens love these foods and consider them a treat.
  8. Boiled or steamed vegetables. Carrots and cauliflower will do. They should be mixed with meat so that your pet agrees to eat vegetables.
  9. Chicken yolk. In this case, the egg should first be boiled and the white removed.

It is recommended to give kittens mainly meat products, because they are rich in useful microelements, and they also contain protein. It is necessary for the full functioning of the body, in particular for maintaining the function of the heart, eyes and reproductive system. If a person is not ready to feed the cat a variety of foods and give only approved products, then you should refuse natural food. It is better to purchase ready-made food for Scottish kittens so as not to damage the digestive system from childhood.

Industrial feed

If a person understands that he does not have time to feed his pet a variety of foods, then it is better to purchase a ready-made product. Suitable for both dry and wet food. In this case, you should purchase packages designed specifically for this breed. If the kittens have already been fed in the nursery industrial feed, then it’s better to use them.

It is highly not recommended to select cheap analogues, because they are less easily absorbed by the body and bring less benefit. It is recommended to purchase products from Hills, Royal Canin, Advance, as well as other brands that produce super-premium products. Naturally, it is necessary to select those products that are intended specifically for the Scottish fold kitten. On the packaging you can see exactly how much food you will need to give depending on the age and weight of the animal.

How to safely transition your cat to dry food

If your pet has previously consumed natural foods, then you should not immediately feed it dry food. The transfer should be gradual so as not to cause a blow to the body. First, you need to give a small handful of dry food between feedings. The portion should be gradually increased over the course of a week. After this a few natural feeding you need to completely replace it with a dry product and observe the body’s reaction. If everything goes well with digestive system, then you can completely switch your pet to industrial food.

Mixed feeding

Feeding mixed type causes a lot of controversy among veterinarians and breeders. Some say that this will harm the pet’s body. Others believe that the regimen is good and ensures the supply of all vitamins and elements. In any case, each person must decide for himself whether to use mixed feeding. If this option is selected, then the right decision will follow a meal schedule.

Natural products are given no more than 2 times a day. The rest of the time the pet should be fed dry food. Of course, you shouldn’t interfere with a straight woman and finished products, they must be given to the animal separately.

Features of feeding during adolescence

Cats in transition also need proper nutrition. Scottish Folds should be fed 4 times a day between 5 and 9 months of age. At the same time, many animals no longer want to eat so much and independently switch to a feeding schedule of 2-3 times a day. In any case, the total amount of food consumed should be up to 240 grams per day.

During this period, cats experience their first heat. Because of this, they lose their appetite and lose weight. This phenomenon can be considered normal, so the owner should not force the pet to eat food.

At the age of 9 months, a cat is already considered almost an adult, although it will continue to develop before the age of 2 years. During this period, cats should eat no more than 2-3 times a day, and the total amount of food reaches 200 grams. Naturally, the portion will be individual for each pet. If the animal does not want to eat a lot, then it should not be forced.

General principles of feeding

The nutrition of a small kitten must be balanced so that there are no problems with the digestive system later. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the tendency of Scottish cats to constipation. If the kitten does not go to the toilet for more than 1 day, then it is better to contact a veterinarian. He must examine the pet and tell whether the food has been chosen correctly. You may need to eliminate certain foods that cause constipation.

It is worth calculating your meals by calories. If the pet is only 2-5 months old, then it should consume an average of 200 kcal. This will be quite enough to always have the necessary supply of energy.

You should not train your cat to eat snacks, as this can lead to weight problems. The pet must eat a strict number of times a day, preferably at the same time. If the owner constantly gives the animal treats, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may develop because of this. In addition, due to sweet, fatty and salty treats, obesity will occur, as well as problems with the kidneys and pancreas.

Natural nutrition should not be monotonous. That is, you should not allow your pet to eat exclusively porridge and fish or only chicken. Vegetables should be given, as well as fermented baked milk and cottage cheese. If a cat refuses any foods, then there is no point in specially accustoming them to them.

What should you feed a Scottish kitten at the age of 2 months?

At the age of 2 months, the kitten is ready to be weaned. This best period in order to gradually switch to normal nutrition. Overall volume food will be up to 180 grams per day, and it is worth feeding 6 times a day. It is necessary to give small pieces of meat, grated vegetables and bran. You can gradually introduce dry food, which is designed specifically for kittens.

If you follow all the recommendations regarding nutrition, then the animal will be healthy and active. You should not assume that your cat will enjoy eating fatty, fried or salty foods. They will destroy the body and only cause harm to health. If a person is not ready to independently select a diet for a pet, then one should immediately buy ready-made food and switch the pet to it.