What is more effective: fastum gel or voltaren. "Fastum gel": analogues

You are probably all familiar with the advertisement with a relatively “elderly” guy who remembers his childhood and roller-skates carefree. And at this moment he is overtaken by a “terrible” lumbago - apparently a lumbago in the lower back. The bent poor fellow with suffering on his face is rolled out on rollers, and a miraculous tube of Fastum gel. Moments - and a carefree smile shines on the “uncle’s” face again: the pain is as if it had never happened. Of course, all advertising is characterized by exaggeration, and everyone knows it. But nevertheless, the name “Fastum Gel” stuck in the consumer’s memory for a long time, as did the idea that this is the only effective remedy from .

Is it so? Our goal is to figure out whether there are analogues of Fastum Gel that are the most optimal in price and effectiveness.

Before embarking on a comparative assessment of diverse medicines, let us remember what the action of the famous Fastum is based on.

Fastum gel is an external solution for the back, the main active ingredient of which is ketoprofen. This is an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug from the groups NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which is produced and how independent remedy in the form of injections, tablets, ointments and the same gels.

It is the presence of ketoprofen in Fastum that alleviates the suffering of patients: the absorption of the medicine rubbed into the diseased areas of the back occurs through the surface layers of the skin and capillary vessels.

Ketoprofen relieves symptoms of hernia or osteochondrosis (lumbodynia and sciatica), pain in joints, muscles, ligaments and lymph nodes, reduces swelling, but does not eliminate the disease itself. This is a property of absolutely all anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

The basic principle of selecting an analogue

All other additives in Fastum Gel are called additional: this means that their effect on the disease is either not fundamentally important or is absent altogether. Therefore, to select good analogue medicines, it is enough to find in the pharmacy chain a drug containing the same main active ingredient, that is ketoprofen

The ability to select good and cheaper medicinal analogues is generally a vital necessity today. Thanks to advertising, people often buy expensive imported drugs(and very often with side effects!), while you can buy an analogue that is 2-3 times cheaper, not inferior in its effect and safer. Example: modern anti-influenza drugs that are sensational.

Let's remember the famous powder Teraflu, which, like all flu medications, is symptomatic. However, it was advertised as curing the flu in 3 days.

It included the following funds:

  • Paracetamol(antipyretic)
  • Pheniramine(antihistamine)
  • Phenylephrine(relieving swelling of mucous membranes)

The cost of 4 bags is approximately 140 rubles. According to the instructions - take every 4 - 6 hours. This means that 4 sachets may be enough for one day, but you can stretch it over two.

Now let’s calculate how much it will cost to treat with analogues purchased at random:

Total - a little more than 70 rubles.

It can be argued that galazolin dries out mucous membranes, and phenylephrine is more universal remedy and will have an effect on reducing swelling everywhere, not just locally.

But it is phenylephrine that is “the fly in the ointment,” which its manufacturers preferred to remain silent about. It is a vasoconstrictor that increases arterial pressure, which is already quite high during fever, and taking it orally is dangerous for hypertensive patients and heart patients. In addition to being expensive, Theraflu turned out to be far from a safe remedy.

However, let's return to Fastum.

Composition and price of Fastum gel

In addition to ketoprofen, it contains:

  • Carbomer 940(thickener)
  • Diethanolamine(emulsifier)
  • Neroli oil- has antispasmodic, bactericidal properties, helps with insomnia and stress
  • Lavender oil- soothing, antiseptic, analgesic, in addition, has a pleasant smell
  • Ethyl alcohol and distilled water

According to these properties essential oils we can say that they not only complement, but also enhance the effect of ketoprofen.

Let's see how this affects the price of Fastum Gel.

On average, the price of a 30 and 50 gram tube lies in a fairly wide range - from 185 to 380 rubles. and depends mainly on the manufacturer. The difference also arises due to the very widely branched pharmacy network and the sales system itself, when the price from a pharmacy warehouse through intermediaries, upon reaching a pharmacy, can increase significantly.

Comparison of Fastum gel and its analogues

Now let's look at Fastum's analogues and their composition, omitting thickeners, emulsifiers and the alcohol-water base used in the production of any gel

Most cheap analogueKetoprofen gel

  • Price 25 g - 45 - 57 rub.
  • Additional substances:
    Lavender oil

Thus, we see a price that is almost 4 times cheaper, although in the absence of some neroli oil. But is its presence so important and how is it justified by the price? And if someone cannot do without neroli oil, it can be purchased at a price of 105 rubles, which will still be cheaper in total.

Analogue of neroli - ordinary peppermint, which also has pronounced antiseptic, relaxing and sedative properties. The cost of 10 ml of mint oil is approximately 65 rubles.
Before rubbing with Ketoprofen, drop a few drops of essential oil onto the surface of your back and rub them in. Another inexpensive external remedy for treating joint pain is Artrum gel.

  • In terms of its composition, it is ketoprofen in pure form without any additional oil additives (except for the base)
  • Price 98 - 116 rub.

But relative to the cost of Ketoprofen gel, which also contains lavender oil, the price looks somewhat overpriced

Also, without any additional oils, the Ukrainian analogue of Fastum is Fort Gel:
The product is super cheap - from 20 hryvnia and above

  • the presence of essential oils of lavender and neroli
  • A 30-gram tube of Bystrumgel costs 150 rubles

Another analogue medicine Ketonal.

  • Contains lavender oil
  • A 50 g tube costs about 230 rubles

It is not clear why this complete analogue in composition of Ketoprofen gel costs twice as much.

In addition to these products, there are many more absolutely identical and similar to each other, like twin brothers, analogue gels. They have one thing in common:

  • The presence of ketoprofen in the base
  • The price is more expensive than Ketoprofen gel and slightly cheaper than Fastum gel
  • They are imported
  • They cannot be found in all pharmacies.
  • Oruvel
  • Febrofeed
  • Profenid
  • Flexen

Gels based on other NSAIDs

In addition to gels based ketoprofen, exists wide range medications based on other NSAIDs, e.g. diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesil etc. They can also be successfully used for:

  • treatment of joint, rheumatic, neuralgic pain
  • with polyarthritis, osteochondrosis,
  • for sports injuries, sprains and tendons

and for many other diseases of the back and joints.

To the fullest extent, these are not analogues of Fastum, since the base is different, but therapeutic effect theirs is the same at a lower price.

Examples of such drugs:


  • The basis - diclofenac
  • Price - from 25 rubles and above

Pharmacies often sell cream rather than gel. The price difference between Ortofen and Fastum Gel is impressive: Ortofen is 8 times cheaper.

Let's remember another popular brand - Voltaren, also containing diclofenac, but 7 times more expensive than ortofen. A story very similar to Fastum Gel and its modest analogues, lost in the shadows and undeservedly forgotten due to advertising

Even more cheap remedy Diclofenac gel

  • Cost 30 g - from 12 (!) rubles. and higher
  • Also contains lavender oil

The rest of the products cannot be called super cheap, however, their price is lower than the cost of Fastum gel


  • The basis - phenylbutazone
  • Cost 25 g - about 100 rubles

Deep Relief gel

  • The basis - ibuprofen + levomenthol
  • Price - about 170 rubles for a 50-gram tube

Nise gel

  • At the core - nimesulide
  • Pharmacy price - about 150 rubles

Rules for using rubbing gels

If you have frequent attacks of pain, you can periodically change the means to avoid addiction and a decrease in the effect of their use. However, it is necessary to take into account:

  • medical indications - these may differ for different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • possible individual intolerance to certain drugs
  • So, for example, drugs based diclofenac are more suitable for rheumatic pain, since it is in diclofenac that both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are best synthesized
  • Gels based ketoprofen best used for lumbago, sciatica and persistent pain for injuries, since ketoprofen has more pronounced analgesic properties

When using external preparations, do not forget that they also cause adverse reactions- the same as those NSAIDs that they contain. In addition, additional emulsifiers used in their composition are toxic.

"Fastum Gel" is one of the most famous medications for the treatment of muscle and bone pain. Advertising of the product ensured large-scale sales, and it gained popular recognition due to its quality and quick effect. The gel contains ketoprofen and Excipients. The medicine belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It removes painful sensations, swelling and restores motor activity.

The product reduces inflammation and eliminates pain and is used to treat diseases musculoskeletal system. The advantage of the medicine is that it is not addictive and alleviates the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases or discomfort after injury. It is used to eliminate muscle stiffness and pain of almost any etiology. Here's what Fastum Gel helps with:

  • muscle pain due to sprains, bruises and other soft tissue injuries;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region when pinched sciatic nerve, osteochondrosis, the formation of hernias or protrusions;
  • pain in muscles and joints caused by rheumatic processes;
  • inflammation of ligaments and tendons;
  • limited mobility and increased voltage muscles of the cervical region.

Ketoprofen stops the processes of tissue destruction during inflammation. It reduces swelling of joints due to their pathologies, relieves stiffness and returns a person’s ability to move without pain. To achieve a lasting effect, use the product for several days, rather than once (but the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days in a row).

"Fastum gel": instructions for use of the product

The drug is distributed over the painful area of ​​skin thin layer and rub in without much pressure. The medicine does not need to be applied in excess. Before the treated area of ​​the body is hidden under clothing, you need to wait until it is completely absorbed. The sliding texture of the product allows ketoprofen to penetrate deep into the tissue and bring relief.


  • increased sensitivity skin to sunlight;
  • intolerance to ketoprofen or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • any damage to integrity skin or rash at the site of intended application;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

During treatment and for 2 weeks after it, the skin that was absorbed by the medication should not sunbathe. Contraindicated as natural sunlight, and a solarium. The drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

Expectant mothers who have back problems are concerned about the question: can Fastum Gel be used during pregnancy? Unfortunately, during this period it is better to abandon the use of the medicine in favor of natural analogues. The drug is also not prescribed during lactation. Clinical researches are never performed on nursing mothers, so the risk from using the drug is unknown.

"Fastum Gel": side effects of the drug

Undesirable effects when using the drug are rare and are usually associated with its excessive application to the skin or exceeding recommended dosages. If any alarming symptoms The product should be washed off and not reused until consulting a doctor. Under no circumstances should you use expired medicine, even if it has been stored in the refrigerator and has not been changed. appearance and texture.

Possible side effects:

  • redness of the skin with severe dryness and flaking;
  • small rash or purulent pimples;
  • disorder gastrointestinal tract;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • severe allergic reaction.

For gastritis, ulcers and gastric erosion, any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including Fastum Gel) can cause bleeding. This phenomenon is more common when taking tablets, but theoretically the risk is also possible with external treatment.

Gel "Fastum gel": the price justifies the quality

The drug is an expensive medicine; it is produced by a well-known German company pharmaceutical company"Berlin-Chemie", which has established itself as a high-quality and reliable manufacturer. In Russian pharmacies, the average price of a small tube (30 g) is 250 rubles. In Ukraine, the cost of a product of the same volume varies from 65 to 90 UAH. The price of Fastum Gel depends on the region and pharmacy chain. Both in Kyiv and in small towns(such as Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev, etc.) the markup differs in different pharmacies.

The drug is used sparingly due to its melting texture. To treat inflamed areas you need to use very little product, so it lasts for a long time. When rubbed, “Fastumgel” burns, which causes increased local blood circulation. Due to this, ketoprofen is absorbed into the blood faster and begins to act, so the patient soon feels relief. Cheaper analogues and medicines with similar active ingredients do not always provide the same warming and quick result, although among them there are decent means.

Inexpensive analogue of "Fastum Gel"

Considering how much the drug costs, sometimes the question arises of replacing it with a generic. Essentially, it's more cheap medicine with the same composition, which is produced by another company. A popular direct analogue is “Bystrumgel”. It is produced by the Russian Akrikhin plant, the cost is about 150 rubles. per tube with a capacity of 30 g. Reviews of the drug confirm its effectiveness: it acts quickly and eliminates pain for a long time. The difference between this product and the original is that the Bystrum gel cools and does not heat.

There is a medicine with similar name"Fitofastum", however this veterinary drug and people are not treated with it. There are many ointments with anti-inflammatory components, which sometimes serve as substitutes for Fastum Gel:

  • "Dolobene";
  • "Finalgon";
  • "Dolgit";
  • "Finalgel";
  • "Nicoflex";
  • "Diklak";
  • "Voltaren."

Before replacing the drug, you should consult your doctor and study the instructions. The mechanism of action of drugs may differ slightly, so they are not always equally effective for different pathologies.

"Voltaren gel" or "Fastum gel": which is better?

The active ingredient of Voltaren is diclofenac sodium. It belongs to the same group of drugs as ketoprofen and has a similar mechanism of action. Ketoprofen relieves pain faster in comparison, so its use is preferable for bruises and other pathologies with acute pain. The severity of side effects when using diclofenac is slightly higher, but otherwise the substances are very similar.

The indications for the use of these drugs are the same, the side effects and contraindications are almost the same. Both drugs are not used during breastfeeding (BF), since both diclofenac and ketoprofen are excreted with breast milk and enter the newborn's body. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women should not be treated with these medications. When choosing the optimal medication for yourself, you need to rely on the doctor’s prescriptions and individual tolerance.

"Fastum Gel": patient reviews


This summer I had to help relatives in the village dig up potatoes. Since I live in the city and lead a sedentary lifestyle, any average exercise stress makes itself felt immediately. After a whole day of working in the garden, spent in a squatting position, I simply could not straighten up from the pain in my spine. The lower back was especially affected. I found Fastum gel in my grandmother’s medicine cabinet. I smeared it on my back and lay down to rest. At first it burned a lot and my skin turned red, but I decided to endure it. After 10 minutes, the pain subsided, and instead of a burning sensation, a pleasant warming warmth remained. When I arrived home, I bought myself the same tube in case similar situations arise.

While training in the gym, I pulled my neck muscles, and when I thought about the need to buy some kind of ointment, I remembered a picture from an advertisement for the drug “Fastum Gel”. After reading the ingredients online and reviews, I bought it. Relief came quickly, but after a couple of hours the pain from the sprain returned, although not as pronounced. In the morning and in the evening next day I rubbed the medicine in again, and my neck almost didn’t hurt when I turned my head. Now for me this is definitely an emergency aid for injuries, which has taken up residence in the home medicine cabinet.

Fastum gel (ketoprofen) is a topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Used to relieve pain in diseases and pathological conditions musculoskeletal system. The mechanism of action of Fastum gel is due to its ability to suppress the synthesis of pain and inflammation mediators, prostaglandins. The drug has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It has good penetrating ability, which allows it to be used as an external drug in the treatment of musculoskeletal and joint-ligamentous pain. When applied externally, it penetrates into the inflammatory focus through the epidermis. According to the World Health Organization, spinal pain is the second most common reason for visiting a doctor after diseases of the respiratory tract. Occasionally, these pains occur in 80% of the world's inhabitants. This is especially true for people who have a dacha or garden plot(by the way, in our country there are 58% of the total population). NSAIDs are the first choice drugs for eliminating musculoskeletal pain. The gel form of the drug Fastum gel provides greater efficiency and ease of use than drugs in the form of cream or ointment. The gel provides faster, deeper and more complete penetration active component in fabric. It is made on a water-alcohol basis, not on a fat basis, so it does not leave marks on hands and clothes. In the sales structure, the gel form of medicines is ahead of ointments and creams. Contraindications to the use of the drug are individual intolerance to ketoprofen (or any other NSAID, including aspirin) or auxiliary components, weeping dermatitis, bacterially contaminated wounds and abrasions, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 12 years.

Single dose - 3-5 cm of gel. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a day. The gel is applied directly to the area of ​​skin located above the inflammatory focus. The dose can be increased or decreased depending on the area of ​​the treated area. Pharmacotherapy can be complemented by physical therapy (phono- and iontophoresis). Side effects when taking Fastum gel (allergic reactions, increased sensitivity to UV radiation, skin redness, itching) develop extremely rarely. If they appear, it is recommended to stop the medication course and seek medical advice. It is not recommended to use the drug simultaneously with drugs that promote the development of photosensitivity. Fastum gel is not used on open wound surfaces. It has an irritating effect on mucous membranes, so it is necessary to prevent it from getting into the eyes. Not intended for use “under a bandage” if the latter is sealed. Long-term use external medications may cause local irritation. Persons suffering from severe liver and kidney diseases should exercise caution when using the drug. An important advantage of the drug, which determines its high bioavailability, is the molecule size of the active component. It is the small size of the ketoprofen molecule that allows the drug to be deservedly considered one of the most effective NSAIDs, ahead, in particular, of ibuprofen. It is also important that ketoprofen, when used topically, does not have any negative influence on articular cartilage.


NSAID, propionic acid derivative. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the activity of COX - the main metabolic enzyme arachidonic acid, which is a precursor to prostaglandins, which play main role in the pathogenesis of inflammation, pain and fever.

The pronounced analgesic effect of ketoprofen is due to two mechanisms: peripheral (indirectly, through suppression of prostaglandin synthesis) and central (due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as the effect on the biological activity of other neurotropic substances that play a key role in the release of pain mediators in spinal cord). In addition, ketoprofen has antibradykinin activity, stabilizes lysosomal membranes, and causes significant inhibition of neutrophil activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Suppresses platelet aggregation.


When taken orally and rectally, ketoprofen is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma when taken orally is achieved within 1-5 hours (depending on dosage form), with rectal administration - after 45-60 minutes, intramuscular administration - after 20-30 minutes, intravenous administration - after 5 minutes.

Plasma protein binding is 99%. Due to its pronounced lipophilicity, it quickly penetrates the BBB. C ss in blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid remains from 2 to 18 hours. Ketoprofen penetrates well into synovial fluid, where its concentration 4 hours after administration exceeds that in plasma.

Metabolized by binding to glucuronic acid and, to a lesser extent, by hydroxylation.

It is excreted mainly by the kidneys and to a much lesser extent through the intestines. T1/2 of ketoprofen from plasma after oral administration is 1.5-2 hours, after rectal administration - about 2 hours, after intramuscular administration - 1.27 hours, after intravenous administration - 2 hours.

Release form

Gel for external use 2.5% is colorless, almost transparent, viscous, with a pleasant odor.

100 g
ketoprofen2.5 g

Excipients: carbomer 940 - 1.5 g, ethanol 96% - 40 ml, neroli oil - 0.05 g, lavender oil (hybrid lavender oil "Lavandin") - 0.05 g, trolamine (triethanolamine) - 2.8 mg, purified water - up to 100 g .

30 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
50 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
100 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
100 g - polypropylene containers with a dosing device (dispensers) (1) - cardboard packs.


They are set individually, taking into account the severity of the disease. For oral administration for adults initial daily dose is 300 mg in 2-3 doses. For maintenance treatment, the dose depends on the dosage form used. For treatment acute conditions or to relieve an exacerbation of a chronic process, 100 mg is administered as a single intramuscular injection. Next, ketoprofen is administered orally or rectally.

Externally - applied to the affected surface 2 times a day.

Maximum dose: when taken orally or rectally - 300 mg/day.


At simultaneous use ketoprofen with other NSAIDs increases the risk of developing erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and bleeding; with antihypertensive drugs (including beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics) - their effect may be reduced; with thrombolytics - increased risk of bleeding.

When used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid it is possible to reduce the binding of ketoprofen to plasma proteins and increase its plasma clearance; with heparin, ticlopidine - increased risk of bleeding; with lithium preparations, it is possible to increase the concentration of lithium in the blood plasma to toxic levels due to a decrease in its renal excretion.

When used simultaneously with diuretics, the risk of developing renal failure due to a decrease in renal blood flow due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, and against the background of hypovolemia.

When used simultaneously with probenecid, the clearance of ketoprofen and its binding to plasma proteins may be reduced; with methotrexate – the side effects of methotrexate may increase.

With the simultaneous use of warfarin, severe, sometimes fatal bleeding may develop.

Side effects

From the outside digestive system: pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, anorexia, gastralgia, liver dysfunction; rarely - erosive and ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract, bleeding and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract.

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness.

From the urinary system: renal dysfunction.

Allergic reactions: skin rash; rarely - bronchospasm.

Local reactions: when used in the form of suppositories, irritation of the rectal mucosa and painful bowel movements are possible; when used in gel form - itching, skin rash at the site of application.


Joint syndrome ( rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout); symptomatic treatment inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (periarthritis, arthrosynovitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, lumbago), pain in the spine, neuralgia, myalgia. Uncomplicated injuries, in particular sports injuries, sprains, sprains or ruptures of ligaments and tendons, bruises, post-traumatic pain. As part of combination therapy inflammatory diseases veins, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes (phlebitis, periphlebitis, lymphangitis, superficial lymphadenitis).


For oral administration: erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase, “aspirin triad”, pronounced violations liver and/or kidney functions; III trimester of pregnancy; age up to 15 years (for retard tablets); hypersensitivity to ketoprofen and salicylates.

For rectal use: history of proctitis and rectal bleeding.

For external use: weeping dermatoses, eczema, infected abrasions, wounds.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated for use in III trimester pregnancy. In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, the use of ketoprofen is possible in cases where the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If necessary, use ketoprofen during lactation breast-feeding it is recommended to stop.

Use for liver dysfunction

Contraindications for oral administration are severe liver dysfunction.

Use with extreme caution in patients with liver disease. During treatment, systematic monitoring of liver function is necessary.

Use for renal impairment

Contraindications for oral administration are severe renal dysfunction.

Use with extreme caution in patients with kidney disease. During treatment, systematic monitoring of renal function is necessary.

Use in children

Contraindicated under the age of 15 years (for retard tablets).

special instructions

Use with extreme caution in patients with liver and kidney diseases, a history of gastrointestinal diseases, dyspeptic symptoms, immediately after serious surgical interventions. During treatment, systematic monitoring of liver and kidney function is necessary.

Gels and ointments with analgesic and inflammation-reducing ingredients are very popular and, as a rule, work effectively, especially in combination with similar systemic agents. Contrary to popular belief, most often they are used as part of complex treatment diseases of the nerves and joints, and not just in the case of bruises and sprains. Pharmacies offer a huge variety of such local funds with a similar focus, here we will carefully look at two popular brands that are most often heard - these are Voltaren or Fastum gel. Let's go through their compositions, effectiveness and others. important factors, determining the choice.

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

Voltaren and Fastum Gel - what is the difference?

Perhaps the first thing to start with is the difference in composition, since although Fastum Gel or Voltaren Emulgel belong to the same group - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they are not analogues, since they contain different active ingredients.

IN Voltarene main active substance stands diclofenac sodium. This is a long-known and widely used anti-inflammatory drug with a good analgesic effect. Its amount in the gel is determined by the release form and the name of the drug. There are three in total:

  1. "Voltaren Emulgel" - contains 1 g of diclofenac in 100 grams of gel, that is, 1%.
  2. “Voltaren Emulgel 12 hours” is a twice-strengthened version of the previous one - 2%.
  3. “Voltaren patch” - the form is clear from the name, and the content of diclofenac corresponds to 1%. Apply for 24 hours to the painful area and is equivalent to applying regular Voltaren for 24 hours.

Voltaren patch 15 and 30 mg/day

Fastum Gel contains another common active ingredient - ketoprofen, which, like diclofenac, is often used to relieve pain. Below we will definitely compare how Voltaren gel differs from Fastum gel in terms of strength, but first, let’s see in what variations Fastum is presented. Here everything is more modest, since the drug is available only in one form - a gel with 2.5% ketoprofen content (i.e. two and a half grams per 100 g).

Gel 2.5%

It turns out that in addition to the main working component, Fastum Gel and Voltaren have significant differences in the variety of their forms, and therefore the ease of dosing and use. Here, Voltaren has a clear advantage, the peculiarity of which is the unconventional form of the patch, which, thanks to the prolonged release of diclofenac, provides an effect for 24 hours with a minimum of manipulation.

Similarities include the European origin of the drugs. Voltaren is produced in Switzerland, and Fastum Gel in Germany.

Voltaren or Fastum gel - which is better for pain relief?

The effect of diclofenac (Voltaren) and ketoprofen (Fastum) has been well studied. There is even a special rating for such substances that evaluates their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, it can be argued that the analgesic effect is stronger in ketoprofen, which, although not much (by one level in the rating), is superior to that of diclofenac.

But in the fight against inflammation, the situation is the opposite - here diclofenac has an advantage, and in this it is at least two steps ahead of its opponent. Thus, when using the same forms (gel) in equivalent concentrations, Fastum will be more effective for pain relief. Voltaren is best used if, in addition to pain relief, a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is also required. However, it is important to keep in mind that, unlike an analgesic, the proper anti-inflammatory effect does not occur immediately, and long-term use of NSAIDs (even topically) should only be under the supervision of a doctor.

Difference in cost of gels

If the pain is tolerable, then given the similar mechanism of action of the gels, you can also resort to the financial criterion in choosing Voltaren or Fastum gel - which is better to buy. The price of a fifty-gram tube of both drugs is almost the same (350-400 rubles), and 2% gel “Voltaren 12 hours” in the same volume will cost about 100 rubles more than the usual one (1%), so it is more profitable to take it. If we compare the price for maximum volumes and concentrations, then a 100 g tube of Fastum Gel is approximately 20% cheaper than Voltaren (2%) in the same volume.

"Fastum Gel" is a drug used in the treatment of joints, tendon and muscle injuries. The medication has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has an anti-exudative effect and reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins. The drug is used externally, relieves swelling and has a strong pain syndrome. The medication is produced in the form of a gel, which is used to treat the site of inflammation - with a thin layer and massage movements. The drug is absorbed into the blood slowly, which leads to the fact that the concentration of the drug in the body remains at the level of 0.08 - 0.12 mcg/ml.

The gel is very effective in treating various damages fabrics, however, it is considered quite expensive. But it is possible to find a medicine with the same active ingredient and indications for use as the drug “Fastum Gel” - an analogue. Medicines, which will be discussed in this article, will help you get treatment cheaper. We will also look at the drug “Fastum Gel” itself.

Indications and method of use

"Fastum Gel" is prescribed for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

2. For osteochondrosis.

3. For joint diseases.

4. For inflammation of ligaments.

5. For lumbago syndrome.

5. For the treatment of bruises and inflammation of tissues acquired due to injuries.

“Fastum gel” is used once a day for no more than fourteen days. Massage movements The product is applied in a circle to the site of inflammation and left to be absorbed.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may occur due to the patient's intolerance to certain components of the drug. They can manifest themselves as photodermatitis, urticaria, tissue redness and swelling. Stomatitis and photosensitivity are also possible. Therefore, the drug should be used only after consultation with a doctor.


1. Children under 12 years old.

2. People who are intolerant to any of the components of the drug.

3. When open wounds and skin lesions.

4. In the third trimester of pregnancy and while feeding the baby with breast milk.

5. In the presence of bronchospasms or rhinitis.

It is important to consult a doctor if a person has chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and heart failure. Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes and eyes. Do not apply airtight bandages to the area treated with the drug. Despite how much effective drug is "Fastum Gel", an analogue, cheaper, maybe no less effective means. The average cost of the drug is 180 rubles.

"Ultrafastin gel"

Let's consider an analogue. The drug “Ultrafastin gel, like the previously described drug, bases its pharmachologic effect on ketoprofen. It penetrates deeply into the skin and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on damaged tissue. Used similarly to Fastum Gel. The medication has the same contraindications and possible side effects. The average cost of this drug in Russia is 90 rubles. Reviews from patients indicate that if, for example, after playing sports, sprains or some kind of injury occur, then inflammation and pain quickly disappear after using the gel. The price is more than affordable, and the effect is no worse than expensive medicines. The gel is quickly absorbed, does not leave stains on clothes and smells pleasant.

Medicine "Diclofenac"

The active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. Penetrating into tissues, it has antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory effects. The gel facilitates joint movement and relieves pain. The effect of the drug lasts for 6 - 9 hours, after which the drug is completely removed from the blood plasma. Prescribed for bruises, sprains, injuries of joints and ligaments. Also effective treatment performed for degenerative rheumatism and tendonitis.

The product must be used 2-3 times a day. After this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands to prevent the gel from getting on mucous tissues and in the eye area. Many people replace Fastum Gel with Diclofenac. Reviews for this drug are positive, and many people recommend its use based on own experience. average price drug - 35 rubles. The product "Diclofenac" received mostly positive reviews. Patients note that they were pleasantly pleased with the gel when they decided to replace more expensive drugs with it.

Medicine "Ketonal"

This medicine local application. Based on active substance- ketoprofen. Can be used in treatment painful symptoms and inflammation in the following ailments.

1. Periarthritis, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.

2. Bekhterev's diseases.

3. Reiter's syndrome.

4. Bursitis and myalgia.

5. For radiculitis and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

The use of "Ketonal" is not recommended for children under 15 years of age, as well as for allergic reactions, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal problems and problems related to blood clotting. The use of the drug during pregnancy in the third trimester and lactation is prohibited. Ketonal may well be suitable as a direct replacement for Fastum Gel. The price of the drug is 88 rubles.