What you need for a cough at home. Quick treatment of cough by inhalation

A cough can not only cause discomfort to a person, but also subsequently manifest itself as very severe complications that are life-threatening.

This can happen if the patient does not seek help from a doctor in time, because he is not bothered by fever and other symptoms. Meanwhile inflammatory process in the bronchi intensifies, which can lead to disastrous consequences in the form of pneumonia.

First you need to figure out what a cough is in general. This is a reaction that is caused by an external irritant, viral, bacterial, chemical or mechanical, that enters the bronchopulmonary system.

It is dictated by the need to clear the airways from foreign objects. Diseases of the central nervous system, heart, gastrointestinal tract, as well as colds and allergies can provoke coughing.

How to quickly get rid of a dry cough

If an unproductive dry cough exhausts the patient, the patient’s abdominal muscles ache, between the ribs, dryness in the chest, he feels pain and scratching, then drugs that suppress cough reflex. But the scope of application of such medications is quite narrow. Usually other means are used.

When choosing a medicine, you need to take into account the fact that it should normalize the viscosity of the secretion, stimulate the discharge of this secretion, that is, stimulate the work of the ciliated epithelium, a kind of escalator in the bronchi.

For this purpose, a group of drugs called mucolytics was created. The most commonly used drugs are acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, and ambroxol.

At the same time, ambroxol has the most complex action. It makes bronchial secretions more fluid and makes it easier for patients to cough them up, and also improves the functioning of the ciliary apparatus and, accordingly, the evacuation of bronchial secretions. Therefore, in fact, ambroxol has a complex effect.

When taking cough medications, it is very important to comply with the following conditions:

  1. Do not violate the rules for taking the drug.
  2. Adequate water regime. That is, a person must take in enough fluids when taking a particular drug.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the cough. And all subsequent actions should be aimed at eliminating the causes that led to its occurrence.

Coughing is often caused by respiratory tract viral infection. Therefore, the use of antibiotics in this case is useless and can harm the body, since such drugs kill the immune system and healthy microflora in the intestines.

If the cough that appears as a result of an acute respiratory infection continues for more than a certain time, you need to consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate a more dangerous disease.

Folk remedies

When coughing, it is useful to drink frequent warm drinks. It helps the body cleanse itself of toxic substances accumulated during the illness. It would be a good idea to steam your legs and feet. Hypothermia of the legs causes spasm of the vessels of the upper respiratory tract, thereby allowing the infection inside.

For severe dry cough

Dry cough goes away with warm alkaline inhalations, as well as taking medicinal herbs and decoctions from them. An infusion of wild rosemary, licorice, coltsfoot or marshmallow, taken at least three to four times a day, helps cope with the disease by having a soothing effect on the throat.

Recipe 1. A remedy for a dry, severe cough can be prepared as follows. Add two Mucaltina and a spoonful of honey to a cup of hot milk. For small children, add only one tablet to the mixture. You should drink the medicine warm, preferably at night, but you can also take it during the day.

Recipe 2. During severe coughing attacks, you can use the following folk remedy. Pluck a leaf of the golden mustache and chew it. This procedure very quickly calms the cough.

Recipe 3. Take equal parts lemon and horseradish roots. Grind everything. Take a teaspoon three times a day. This powerful tool not only against bronchitis, but helps treat runny nose, including sinusitis.

Recipe 4. Take an ordinary one table salt, heat in a frying pan to an acceptable temperature, pour into a tight bag and wrap with an additional towel. Place it on your chest. Before this, you should drink hot milk with honey, and also breathe over a hot decoction of herbs; you can use chamomile for these purposes.

Recipe 5. Brew one tablespoon of freshly picked and crushed plantain leaves with a cup of water, infuse and take at least 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

You can dry plantain leaves and get excellent effective medicine From cough.

If you have a cough, you need to exclude everything fatty and spicy from the menu. Eat porridge cooked in milk and with vegetables, with the addition vegetable oil. Such food does not irritate the throat and helps relieve bronchospasms.

For an attack of dry cough at night

A dry cough, including one that gets worse at night, may be a consequence of bronchospasm caused by irritation of the respiratory tract.

In academic medicine, in such cases, drugs from the group of bronchodilators (Berodual, Berotek, Salbutamol) are used. These drugs relieve spasm of the bronchial muscles and help remove secretions out.

IN folk medicine in this case, it is advised to calm down coughing by the following means:

Recipe 1. Add a few drops of valerian to the water and drink. This will help relieve tension in the bronchial muscles and calm the cough.

Recipe 2. If you have a severe coughing attack at night, you need to seek help. warm drink. This can be heated milk with honey, alkaline bottled water, chamomile decoction, a mixture of water and a pinch of soda.

Recipe 3. To quickly relieve an attack of night cough, you need to give the patient inhalation. To do this, it will be enough to place a bowl or small saucepan with just boiled water next to the bed and add a couple of drops of cedar oil to it.

For dry cough in a child

Treatment of cough in children under seven years of age is carried out taking into account age characteristics body.

Children over seven years of age undergo the same therapeutic procedures as adults.

Recipe 1. Squeeze 3-4 cloves of garlic with a garlic clove and boil in half a liter of milk. Give him a drink at night, then put the sick child to bed, wrap him well, and insulate his legs and chest. It is very important that the air in the room is fresh and even a little cool.

Recipe 2. Pour a mug of boiling milk over table 3. spoons of crushed coltsfoot flowers. Leave for no more than half an hour, while thoroughly wrapping the container with the solution. Then strain and add a spoonful of butter or other fat (goat fat, for example). Divide the resulting drink into four parts and give it to your child to drink throughout the day.

Recipe 3. Cut young green cones into slices and sprinkle with sugar in equal quantities. Drain the resulting syrup and roll it into sterilized jars. In winter, give your child a spoonful for colds and severe coughs three times a day on an empty stomach. After 3-4 days of laziness, the cough subsides.

Recipe 4. Place 7-8 onions in a saucepan, cover everything with sugar and add water so that its level rises two fingers above the main mass. Cook until a caramel-colored syrup forms in the pan. The child should be given this product to drink often, but little by little. You can do this even at night, every three hours.

Recipe 5. Take one tablespoon 4 times a day after meals with licorice syrup, which is easy to find at any pharmacy for a low price. At the same time, drink a Mucaltin tablet diluted in water.

Recipe 6. Gently heat some camphor oil. Rub in small circular movements onto the chest, back and feet. Dress the child warmly and put him to bed. At elevated temperatures, this treatment method cannot be used.

Recipe 7. At night, drink warm milk with honey and make a compress. To do this, mix honey (3 tsp), butter, vodka (1 tbsp). Heat the mixture a little and spread it on your back and chest. Apply a layer of cotton wool on top, then special paper for compresses or ordinary cellophane, and secure everything with a scarf or handkerchief.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, taking medications, even the most harmless ones, is extremely undesirable. Therefore it is best to resort to traditional methods treatment.

Recipe 1. Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and boil. Put 0.5 kg of bran (rye or wheat) there and cook for 10 minutes. Add a little burnt sugar and cool. Drink during the day often, hot.

Recipe 2. Heat milk (50ml), add a teaspoon of poppy seed to it. Mix everything, let it sit for a while and drink in one go. This medicinal mixture softens severe dry cough, relieves painful sensations in the chest.

Recipe 3. One tablespoon pine buds Brew a cup of boiling water, let it brew for at least 40 minutes, while well insulating the container in the drink. It is better to use a thermos for these purposes.

Cough prevention

To avoid frequent colds and bronchitis, you need to strengthen the body in all available ways. Hardening, sports, balanced diet– these are the main ways to strengthen your immune system and achieve the desired health.

Before treating a dry cough, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. If he wears allergic nature, the treatment will be one thing, if it is viral, it will be completely different.

We bring to your attention detailed description effective recipe for treating dry cough:

In contact with

An obsessive cough that does not go away for weeks - frequent companion colds typical of the off-season. However, its insidiousness lies in the fact that it is nothing more than a symptom inherent in wide range pathological conditions. And if the question arises of how to quickly get rid of a cough, the underlying disease that caused it should be treated first.

The cough reflex is one of the body’s protective functions. It can be provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane with cold or hot air, smoke, chemical vapors, accumulation of mucus, blood, and pus. Its main purpose is to clear the airways of mechanical obstacles or remove substances that interfere with the normal functioning of the bronchi and lungs. How to get rid of a strong cough? First of all, eliminate the reasons that cause it.

Cough can be accompanied by diseases of a wide variety of etiologies:

  • various respiratory infections of a bacterial or viral nature;
  • bronchitis, pharyngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • laryngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy;
  • asthma;
  • chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in which mucus formed in the nose flows down back wall and causes coughing;
  • heart failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • poisoning with any chemical substances;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

Cough may also occur as a side effect while taking antihypertensive drugs, provoked by constant active or passive smoking, appear as a result of inhalation of fine foreign body. Not installed accurate diagnosis, it is impossible to determine how to effectively get rid of a cough. Seeing a therapist is the most reliable way overcome annoying, painful cough.

Types of cough

Cough can be acute or chronic, depending on the duration of symptoms and varying degrees severity - from a simple cough to a debilitating cough with anguish. It is also divided into dry, called unproductive, and wet (productive). Wet coughing is accompanied by the release of sputum, which can be watery, mixed with pus or blood, depending on the type and course of the pathological process.

Nonproductive cough

The specificity of a dry cough is that due to irritation of the cough receptors, you constantly experience a feeling of some kind of obstruction in the chest and throat, a tickle, and you always want to clear your throat. However, a continuous, annoying cough does not bring relief and can lead to hoarseness and loss of voice, vomiting, increased blood pressure, and even in complicated cases, cardiopulmonary failure.

Is it possible to get rid of a dry cough quickly? Depending on whether it occurred at the beginning of the disease or during the recovery stage, drugs of different types of effects are used. On initial stages disease, it must be converted into productive with the help of special drugs in order to help get rid of accumulated sputum. When it occurs during the recovery process, after the end of a wet cough, medications are prescribed to suppress the reflex.

Productive cough

The mucus (sputum) that accumulates in the lungs and bronchi is simply an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic flora, so its elimination should be promoted. If the disease drags on, the sputum becomes viscous and difficult to come out. In this case, the doctor prescribes medications aimed at liquefying it and facilitating separation.

How to get rid of cough with phlegm? First of all, eliminate the source of inflammation. Without treatment, it is possible to develop much more severe pathologies than the initial disease. If the cough does not go away for a long time, is accompanied by fever, general weakness, profuse night sweats, the sputum becomes yellowish or green color– this is a serious reason to immediately visit a therapist.

Diagnosis of cough

If you are thinking how to get rid of a cough quickly and without severe complications, contact the clinic at the first symptoms of the disease. For more early stage coping with a cough is much easier than in an advanced case. What research needs to be done in mandatory to accurately determine the cause of a wet or dry cough?

An accurately collected anamnesis plays a decisive role here, so you should describe in detail:

  • character of cough;
  • its duration;
  • the predominant time of its intensification is in the morning, evening or night;
  • whether it has seasonal exacerbations;
  • Availability chronic diseases and risk factors;
  • taking any medications;
  • accompanying symptoms.

All this together will provide a clearer picture that will help in making a diagnosis. The therapist will also conduct an examination oral cavity and throat, listen to the lungs. Different character and the localization of wheezing will indicate the focus of inflammation.

An x-ray or, if necessary, a computed tomogram must be taken. chest. The image will show where exactly the pathological process is occurring. Sputum analysis will show with 100% accuracy the presence or absence of tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria or other pathogenic microflora. There are also instrumental methods, in particular, bronchoscopic examination. With its help, you can accurately diagnose any tumor lesions.

The question of how to get rid of a cough at home can no longer be considered when it drags on and does not go away for 2 weeks or more, since the disease can become threatening condition not only health, but also life.

Did you know that if you have a cough that is not accompanied by complicated symptoms, bed rest is not only not indicated, but is even harmful? IN horizontal position It is difficult to remove sputum, whereas when moving it will be separated much better.

Therefore, if there is no fever, there is no need to put a coughing child to bed and completely refuse walks. Only heavy loads are contraindicated.

Basic principles of treatment

The sooner you see a therapist, the more effective the treatment will be. Of course, you can’t cope with the disease in one day, but you can significantly speed up recovery by following simple rules:

  • humidify the air in the rooms - its dryness irritates the mucous membranes and makes it difficult to cough up phlegm;
  • drink more fluids - this will help thin the mucus and quickly remove pathogens;
  • reduce calorie intake and increase consumption of foods with high content vitamins;
  • reduce your stay in dusty and smoky rooms;
  • use technique correct breathing– avoiding fast and deep breaths holding your breath at the end of the inhalation process;
  • You can use a massage before bed.

Therapy for wet cough includes the use of mucolytic and expectorant drugs. The former dilute sputum, the latter stimulate its rapid elimination. Many people try to treat dry cough on their own using antitussives. However, they can be used only after the doctor confirms that the cough is not caused by diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Otherwise, the accumulation of sputum and the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora in it will lead to serious complications.

The main task in the treatment of dry cough is to transform it into a productive form. For this, both tablets and syrups can be used. Contrary to popular belief, syrup does not have greater efficiency, the active ingredients in it are the same as in other forms of release of the drug. Syrups are more convenient to give to a child, but for an adult fundamental difference There is no difference between them and the tablets.

You should never take expectorants just before bed, as they will make coughing more frequent. Optimal time last dose - 3-4 hours before going to bed.

Treatment at home

How to get rid of an annoying cough without medication? This is only possible if it is caused by a common cold, while bronchitis, otitis media and a number of other diseases cannot be cured quickly and easily at home, requiring the use of antibacterial therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you are planning to get rid of a cough using folk remedies, you should carefully consider the accompanying symptoms and, if there are no obvious improvements in the near future, still consult a specialist.


If earlier inhalations over a pan with steam were often used, now modern nebulizers have replaced the old methods. The particles they spray medicinal substances much smaller and penetrate the respiratory tract much better. Therapy using a nebulizer is available to everyone; for children, devices are produced in the form of steam locomotives and animal figures.

When choosing a method to get rid of a dry cough at home, you should think about purchasing a nebulizer as one of the most effective treatment options. It can use various medicinal solutions, including mucolytic ones, which will transform a dry cough into a productive one.

Medicinal plants

Help in treating coughs include thyme, coltsfoot, ginger roots, licorice, marshmallow, a mixture of calendula, sage and eucalyptus, as well as ready-made herbal teas, sold in pharmacies. All of them are aimed at making the cough moist, promoting the removal of phlegm.

Folk recipes

Widely used for treatment: mixtures of honey with butter or milk, milk with butter. There is also a known recipe for black radish with honey. They cut out the middle of it and put honey there, letting it brew. You can also get rid of a cough using cabbage juice with sugar, milk boiled with garlic or onions, aloe juice with honey.

It is worth remembering that a cough is a symptom of something larger; it appears due to chemical or mechanical irritation to the throat and lungs. If you have a cough, you need to understand that the lungs are not functioning properly. In the medulla oblongata there is a section responsible for coughing, which is immediately activated and turns the cough into chronic form. A cough can appear for many reasons, for example, due to a cold, lung cancer, allergies, heart failure, pneumonia, bronchitis and so on. A cough that has just appeared and greatly irritates the throat and lungs is called acute, and persistent cough with sputum are classified as chronic.

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How to treat dry cough

If in progress medical examination it turns out that the cough is associated with ARVI, they prescribe the use of warm milk with baking soda. This is done specifically so that mucus begins to be coughed up, and it is easier to cure the cough. Also, for a dry cough, medicinal decoctions of coltsfoot, plantain juice, black radish, thyme, anise and others can be prescribed. But such treatment methods have disadvantages, for example, a short-lived effect and the cough returning after a while. In addition, you need to take medications regularly to achieve the effect, but only in small portions, otherwise you will experience abdominal pain and nausea.

Inhalations are often prescribed if irritation of the upper respiratory tract occurs. The most popular inhalations are made with a solution of baking soda or with the addition of alkaline mineral water. This method of treatment is relevant for children with an obsessive and chronic cough that does not go away for a long time. But you need to take into account that children should not be given inhalations with very hot water, you cannot use water that has a temperature above 40 degrees Celsius.

In hospitals, inhalations are most often done with nebulizers, but only for dry coughs. They create an aerosol cloud, a state of small parts of the drug. With their help, inhalations are made even for small children who cannot tolerate a dry cough and cry a lot. But children begin to cough not because of bacteria and throat irritants, but because the air in the room is too dry, but doctors and parents often do not take this into account. The most dangerous dry air is cold; it is most often found in rooms with installed central heating. This cough is especially dangerous for children with ARVI, because in the respiratory system the mucus dehydrates and changes consistency, becoming very thick, and this interferes with expectoration. Of course, before starting treatment, you need to ensure good air humidity in the room, this will make the cough moist, and the bacteria will finally come out of the lungs. To do this, you can use a humidifier or place a damp towel on the radiator. If the cough is very dry and does not go away for a long time, massage your chest, but carefully so that tapping and patting does not cause pain. This method of treatment is relevant for children who have severe allergies for medical drugs.

How to quickly cure a cough

Of course, one cannot say that quick ways treatments are completely safe, but if you choose the right medications, you can get rid of the problem in a week. In no case should you delay treatment of cough, as this is fraught with exacerbation and deepening of the disease, in which case you will have to be treated whole month. If you feel the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor immediately; the sooner you purchase medications that thin or dilate the bronchi, the higher the chances of recovery in a short period of time. Do not forget that only the attending physician prescribes drugs; he will examine you and select the best drug.

You can use traditional methods of treatment, but given that they do not give much sustainable result. Many are treated with honey and radish, these are safe ingredients, you just need to make a small hole in a clean radish, and then put a piece of thick honey in there. After some time, juice will begin to secrete in the hole; it is used 5 milliliters several times a day, half an hour before eating, and the juice is also drunk before bed, so that the lungs are cleansed at night.

Figs are also used, which are pre-soaked in milk. For a dry cough, brew it in 200 milliliters of hot milk, you need to add 5 figs, always fresh. After infusion, the fruits are ground directly in milk. Use this remedy You can take about 70 milliliters several times a day before meals.

If the cough does not go away for a long time and is very bothersome, use aloe leaf juice, but mixed with butter and honey. Take the ingredients in equal proportions, use the mixture 5 grams several times a day (can be four times a day). In addition, you can combine treatment with the use of infusions of medicinal herbs; you can pour 20 grams of nettle with 500 milliliters of boiling water. Nettle should be brewed for half an hour, then strained thoroughly, but not drunk as a decoction, but as tea. Add a little broth and mix with water.

In addition to nettle, use thyme decoction or plantain tincture; simply mix crushed plantain leaves with 200 milliliters of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Next, wait until the broth has cooled, and then strain it and drink 20 milliliters several times a day, regardless of meals.

But use folk remedies carefully, as they cause allergies. The most unpleasant thing is if the cough is associated with an allergy, and you try to cure it allergic drugs. That is why you need to consult a doctor before starting treatment; perhaps you have an infectious disease, and folk remedies are powerless.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies at home

  • The disease can be cured onions, just take half a kilo of onion and peel it, then chop it and add half a kilo of sugar. Cook over low heat in one liter of water for about three hours, then add two tablespoons of honey. Pour the mixture into a bottle and close it carefully. Take 100 grams of medicine per day, but divide 100 grams into several servings.

  • Onion medicine, but prepared differently: carefully chop a large onion, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, leave the mixture overnight. In the morning you will see that the sugar has been absorbed into the onion, but juice may appear. Divide the medicine into two servings and use morning and evening.

  • In Brazil they use next remedy for cough: strain ripe bananas through a sieve, place in a pan with clean boiling water and cook. Proportions: 200 milliliters of water with added sugar and two bananas per pan. You need to drink the medicine hot.

  • Black radish is very effective in treatment, buy black radish with a small tail, remove top part, get it inner part by 1/3. Add a little honey inside, but keep in mind that you need to save space for the juice that will be released. Slowly lower the radish into the glass with the part where the tail is located. After 3 hours you will see that a lot of juice has accumulated, drink it immediately and add honey again. This remedy is considered one of the best in the treatment of cough.

  • You can make another medicine from radish, you need to cut the radish into several pieces. Apply as much powdered sugar or sugar as possible to each slice, then you will see that after 6 hours a medicinal juice appears, which looks like syrup due to the sugar. Use 20 grams of the medicine once every hour and a half; this is a very useful folk remedy. As healers say, you can get rid of even a very severe cough in a few days.

  • Licorice is very helpful for coughs, or rather its infusion. You will need 10 grams of licorice root, add 200 milliliters of boiling water, and then heat in a water bath. You need to cook for about 25 minutes, then wait an hour for the broth to cool. Strain the broth and squeeze thoroughly, at the end the volume of the medicine is 200 milliliters. Take 20 milliliters of the medicine several times a day, preferably 3-4 times with food.

  • You can cure a very severe cough with baked milk; drink hot milk with the addition of alkaline mineral water in a 50/50 ratio. Next, add 5 grams of honey per 200 milliliters of hot milk. This medicine Not suitable for small children; for them it is better to mix figs with warm milk. As far as we know, Vanga came up with the recipe and successfully treated people with this medicine.

  • Very strong remedy to treat the disease - milk mixed with onions. Take two regular-sized onions and grate them, then add 200 milliliters of boiling milk and let it brew for about 3-4 hours. Take 20 milliliters of the medicine every few hours. The medicine has no side effects.

  • Garlic and onions are also successfully used to treat the disease, take 10 ordinary onions and cut the head of garlic into several small pieces, then boil everything in milk so that the ingredients become soft. Then add mint juice and a teaspoon of honey. It is advisable to consume a tablespoon of the mixture at the moment when the dry cough has stopped for at least 20-30 minutes.

  • Lingonberry juice along with honey or sugar syrup is very popular; with the help of juice you can remove phlegm with bacteria from the lungs. Use the mixture 20 grams 3 times a day. The treatment will be more effective if you additionally drink a decoction of strawberries and drink more boiled water.

  • You can make cough candy: add powdered sugar or granulated sugar to a tablespoon, and then hold it over the fire until the sugar changes color to dark brown. Then pour it into a small saucer with milk. The prepared candy should be slowly dissolved and kept in the mouth; it helps with dry cough. This is an ideal medicine for children who do not like bitter herbs and medicines.

  • A very old recipe for coughs, but proven over the years: mix 250 milliliters of white wine with a decoction of 60 grams of pepper roots. Use before bed and during the day, but warm up before taking, otherwise the effect will be insignificant.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

During pregnancy you need to take care of your health, aggressive chemicals negatively affect the fetus. It is best to treat a cough with inhalations; the fact is that any acute respiratory infection begins with throat irritation and a dry cough, but inhalations quickly relax the throat and lungs.

It is best to use a nebulizer or inhaler, although if you don’t have one, you can use improvised means. For example, you can breathe over a plate of medicinal decoction, but be sure to cover your head to achieve better effect. A decoction of potatoes, onions, garlic, herbs and so on is very useful; they are absolutely safe for health. But before use, consult your doctor, as you need to choose a medicine based on your type of cough. If you have a dry cough, you need to be treated with St. John's wort, lime color, sage, thyme, plantain, chamomile and so on. When coughing with sputum production, it is best to use a decoction of plantain, wild rosemary herb, string, snake mountaineer, lingonberries, coltsfoot, millennial and lingonberries. Also remember that regular teas provide strong impact on the lungs, so when choosing medicinal tea check the list of ingredients.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

The most common symptom of a cold or infection is a cough with phlegm, but it can also occur due to the ingestion of large amounts of dust or pollen from plants to which you are allergic. This defensive reaction lungs, contaminants accumulate in sputum and are released. Although this cleanses the body, it causes a lot of discomfort; you need to select medications, otherwise the cough will distract you from work or study. Below we will talk about the most best methods combating wet cough.

Mix mustard plasters with potato or cabbage compresses; they warm very well and provoke sputum production. Mash the jacket potatoes thoroughly, add a little honey, a spoon olive oil, then add everything to the foil and wrap it. The place that you apply to the chest needs to be pierced with needles in several places. Since the compress can be very hot, you need to put a towel or diaper between the chest and the compress, and then wrap everything in a towel so that the compress fits tightly. You can use cabbage instead of potatoes, as it contains many vitamins and minerals that quickly cure cough and remove bacteria.

Treatment of cough in children

Cough occurs due to respiratory diseases, and if the underlying disease is not treated, the problem will persist. Although even after the underlying disease has been cured, a cough remains; of course, it is not so intense, but it is still present. The child should be dressed as warmly as possible; always wear warm socks along with a vest, for example, made of sheep or camel wool, this wool retains heat well. Also, do not forget that your child should be given drinks high in vitamins, for example, tea with honey or compote with jam. With their help, you can thin sputum, increase sweating, which reduces elevated temperature bodies.

You need to make compresses in the evening or at night, and all because exacerbations occur at this time, you may notice that the child begins to cough the most at night. Apply a layer of honey to a cabbage leaf, place the leaf on your chest and secure with foil or compress paper, wrap with a bandage so that the compress does not fall off. Keep the compress overnight to get healing effect. Approximately the same effective remedy - mashed potatoes with iodine. Add 20 milliliters of olive oil and two drops of iodine to the puree, and then wrap the puree in a bandage. Apply the compress to your throat or chest and wrap it carefully in foil so that the warmth does not disappear.

Do not forget that the most effective and simple cough remedy is warm milk with honey. All children love milk, so you can be sure of the effectiveness of this product. You can buy delicious lozenges at the pharmacy that help relieve coughs and soothe your throat, but check with your doctor before purchasing.

It often happens that all the symptoms of a cold disappear completely, but a dry cough continues to torment both adults and children, both day and night. Such a manifestation not only torments the patient, but also creates discomfort for those who are nearby. After all, people, seeing that a person is coughing a lot, intuitively want to protect themselves from the infected person, so they avoid him.

To get rid of a cough that does not go away for a month, without antibiotics, using folk remedies, you need to choose really effective recipes that really help get rid of such an annoying and even painful manifestation. This technique is especially relevant during pregnancy, because many medicinal substances can harm the fetus. Therefore, later in the article we will analyze how to effectively and efficiently cure a strong, long-lasting cough using folk remedies.

Before you begin treating cough, you should understand what this phenomenon is. In medicine, such a manifestation is considered as an unconditional protective human reflex to an irritant or foreign body that can penetrate the respiratory organs.

Development allergic cough causes the following:

  • dust particles;
  • plant pollen;
  • allergens, both domestic and industrial.

The infectious nature of the manifestation is caused by:

  • pathogenic microbes;
  • viruses;
  • bacteria.

Any type of cough, which can be either dry or wet, is not considered separate disease. This phenomenon indicates that in human body develops certain type illness. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to find out what caused the cough in order to eliminate it first. If the correct treatment is chosen, then it will be much easier for the lungs and bronchi to secrete accumulated mucus, which, in turn, will make the cough easier. You can quickly get rid of an annoying cough using only folk recipes only if this phenomenon occurs against the background of a cold. In other circumstances, especially if the cough does not go away for a month or even two, seek medical attention. medical assistance should be mandatory, since such a symptom may indicate the development of very serious diseases, the treatment of which will require strong medications and antibiotics prescribed an experienced doctor after a complete examination of the patient.

Which ones are the most effective techniques, according to traditional healers, will help get rid of a cold cough, and it is completely safe for health and very quickly, we will analyze it further.

Quick relief from annoying cough

Painful manifestations always come at the wrong time, because modern business man I just don’t have time to lie in bed, so I want to get rid of the cough very quickly and effectively. If the cough is of a cold nature, then by using a comprehensive treatment method, you can get rid of this manifestation in a couple of days at home:

  1. It is imperative to use warm compresses from medicinal ointments, which are sold at the kiosk.
  2. Expectorant syrups have proven to be no less effective in the fight against dry cough.
  3. You should definitely drink warm drinks as much as possible, giving preference to the following:
  • well-heated milk, to which a little is added natural honey and a small piece of cocoa butter;
  • tea with raspberry jam or brewed with fresh leaves raspberries, soothes the throat quite well;
  • You can brew tea with linden, add fresh lemon or viburnum jam to the drink.

Inhalations, especially from boiled, thoroughly washed potatoes, have proven to be no less effective in the fight against cough. By performing this procedure, you can quickly warm up the airways with steam, and then use the base for a warming compress. To make a compress, you need to thoroughly mash the boiled potatoes, put them in a thick cloth and use it to warm the patient’s chest and back. The compress should be kept until the base is warm, and then rub the back and chest well with warming ointment.

It is worth reminding again that the above recipes, which need to be used comprehensively and used 3-4 times a day, will give positive result only if the cough is of a cold nature. Doing it correctly healing procedures, you can get rid of a cough, even a very strong one, in a couple of days.

Some simple recommendations and folk recipes will help get rid of cough, both for adults and children, without the help of medications:

  1. If there is no increase in temperature when coughing, you can take a well-warm bath, but under no circumstances hot water, and take a steam bath in it. After water procedures You definitely need to go to bed under a warm blanket and drink warm tea with lemon or raspberries.
  2. During treatment, your feet should be kept warm at all times; there should be no drafts in the room.
  3. You can put ordinary mustard plasters on your chest and back for a short time, but you should not forget that their use can aggravate a coughing attack, since mustard plasters will begin to irritate the bronchi, but after some time the coughing attacks will significantly decrease or even disappear altogether.

Today, it is quite easy to buy a variety of cough medicines at the pharmacy, but almost every family is in no hurry to use medicines to eliminate this manifestation, especially if it manifests itself against the background of colds, and they use those recipes that have been tested by time. It will take a lot of time to list all the methods, so we will consider those that have proven to be the most effective and efficient:

  1. Tea based on coltsfoot, raspberries and oregano. To prepare, you will need 1.5 teaspoons of each herb, pour boiling water, approximately 1.5 cups, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, and then strain and drink as usual, always warm tea.
  2. Stinging nettle, which is boiled in sugar syrup, is an excellent way to combat chronic cough. For this remedy, you need to prepare sugar syrup, add crushed leaves and stinging nettle root, about 1.5 teaspoons, and boil the composition for 5 minutes. It is recommended to take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals.
  3. Carrots, grated and boiled in a glass of milk, will help relieve cough quickly and effectively. You need to cook the decoction for no more than 5 minutes, let it brew for about 15 minutes, drink before going to bed.
  4. You can get rid of a strong cough with a decoction of onion peel. For preparation you will need:
  • peel from 10-15 onions;
  • purified water – 1 l;
  • natural, preferably linden honey.

The husk is poured with boiling water and boiled until half of the liquid has boiled away. The decoction is filtered through ordinary gauze; it is recommended to drink 100 ml of it, sweetening it a little with honey, three times a day.

  1. A very severe cough can be effectively treated with a decoction based on the usual walnuts and elderberry. The method for preparing the decoction is as follows:
  • 4-5 washed walnuts, depending on the size, you need to boil it directly in the shell in purified water, approximately 0.7 liters will be required;
  • after the nuts have been boiled for 30 minutes, add 1.5 tbsp to the broth. l. elderberry and the same amount of natural honey. Leave on low heat for another 15 minutes.
  • The strained broth should be drunk 1.5 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day until coughing attacks completely disappear.

It is worth keeping in mind that the use of one folk recipe You may like it, but the other one will not only taste bad, but even smell bad. This point must be taken into account, especially if the product is intended for a child or pregnant women. The traditional treatment method, although longer, still gives the desired result if medicinal compounds take regularly and patiently.

Despite the effectiveness folk methods, doctors do not recommend self-medication, because if the cause of the cough is not clear, then self-treatment you can only make the condition worse own health and their children.

Kashlem is the forced exhalation of air through the mouth, accompanied by wheezing, barking sound, sputum production or lack thereof. This symptom can appear for various reasons:

external factors, congenital prophets, acquired pathologies. Doctors say that moist cough better than dry. But what to do if it’s the latter that’s tormenting you?

Increasingly, patients resort to self-medication, explaining their refusal to see a doctor by lack of time, money or other excuses.

This is not entirely the right approach, but if you belong to the group of people who want to get rid of cough at home quickly and without the help of a doctor, then you should learn the basic methods of dealing with this symptom.

Cough is most often caused by infectious diseases: viral, bacterial and fungal. Flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, nasopharyngitis - this is what can cause a painful symptom.

Less commonly, cough appears due to congenital abnormalities of aging respiratory system or acquired pathologies: cystic fibrosis, allergies, bronchospasm, asthma, COPD, adenoiditis, pleurisy, etc.

A painful symptom can occur due to blood diseases or even due to the presence of helminths in the body.

There is a so-called physiological cough, which occurs due to exposure to climate, dry air, and also when an irritant (smoke, perfume, dust) appears. Newborn babies often have a similar symptom.

Varieties and symptoms

Medicine knows several types of cough. Depending on which one is present in the patient, specific treatment is prescribed.

Also, by the nature of the symptom, you can determine the cause of its origin, which will help in short time alleviate the patient's condition.

Cough is classified according to three main indicators:

  • character (unproductive or productive);
  • duration (constant, paroxysmal, short-term, episodic);
  • course (chronic or acute).

Also, any cough is divided into subtypes, each of which has its own manifestation:

  • dry– characterized by chest pain, lack of sputum, cramps and a painful condition for the patient;
  • wet– a slight, gurgling cough, in which mucus is coughed up.

Acute cough occurs abruptly and is often spasmodic in nature. Its causes may be infections, foreign bodies, dust, inhalation or allergies entering the respiratory tract.

Chronic is a condition that occurs after an acute one. If the latter is not treated or treated incorrectly, then it takes on a permanent form. Chronic cough is characterized by a long course (from 3 months).

Treatment options

Before you get rid of a cough at home using a remedy recommended to you by someone, evaluate all the pros and cons of such treatment. If you plan to take the medication, be sure to read its instructions.

Dry cough can be treated in two ways:

  1. transfer of one subspecies to another (from dry to wet);
  2. blocking irritation and completely eliminating the symptom.

The choice of one method or another is given based on the causes of the cough.

For example, for irritation caused by tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, the second method of treatment is used, and for bronchitis, tracheitis or cystic fibrosis, the first is used.

Let's find out what methods will help you at home.

Selection of synthetic medications

Patients suffering from the described illness are wondering: how to get rid of it without seeing a doctor? For therapy to be effective, it is necessary to assess your condition.

Pay attention to whether there is irritation in the throat or pain behind the sternum during forced exhalations. This recommendation will give you the opportunity to make a primary diagnosis yourself, but to establish exact reason, the patient must undergo mandatory comprehensive diagnostics.

Treatment of the symptom itself does not make sense until the underlying disease is cured.

If your cough is caused by throat irritation or allergies

Antitussives, as well as drugs that have a softening, antimicrobial and regenerating effect on the throat mucosa, will help get rid of a dry cough.

Please note that the independent use of these drugs is not recommended by doctors, since their improper use can aggravate the patient’s already deplorable condition

  • Sinekod – drops, tablets, suspension. This drug has an antitussive effect. It affects the cough center, blocking the symptom, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for acute

Prohibited for use during pregnancy and in children under 2 months.

  • Stoptussin - tablets and drops. The medication has an antitussive and secretolytic effect. To some extent, this remedy can be called a combined remedy, since it blocks the symptom itself, but at the same time has an expectorant effect and reduces the viscosity of sputum.

Stoptussin is contraindicated for children under one year of age and pregnant women in the first trimester.

  • Bronholitin – suspension combined action. The drug affects the cough center and also has a slight analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Bronholitin syrup relieves swelling from the respiratory tract, normalizes blood flow and has antimicrobial effect.

Prescribed to children from three years of age, prohibited for heart failure.

  • Libexin - tablets and syrup. The drug acts similarly to codeine, but does not cause addiction. Libexin dilates the bronchi, relieves spasms and pain, affects the respiratory center, eliminating cough.
  • Falimint is a menthol-based drug. Causes a feeling of freshness, softens and has a slight antiseptic effect.

By acting on the lining of the larynx, the medicine eliminates cough in adults and children from 5 years of age.

The following medications will also help to soften an irritated throat, relieve a cough and eliminate sore throat: Ingalipt, Cameton, Tantum-Verde, Strepsils, Grammidin, Faringosept and many others.

Before using any of them on your own, you should consult a doctor.

Read more about cough syrup treatment.

If the cough is caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract

How to get rid of a cough that is caused by an infection? Often, with such a pathology, the patient can hear hard breath and there are wheezing in the bronchi. Using the above remedies in this case is not only inappropriate, but also very dangerous.

The use of antitussives will certainly relieve the painful symptom, but such therapy will not provide relief. This, in turn, will cause additional inflammation. What to do in this case? The following medications are prescribed by your doctor:

  • ACC – powder, tablets for suspension preparation. The medicine has an expectorant effect, helping to thin the mucus.

The medication also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Can be used in children from two years of age (at a certain form). The result becomes noticeable already on the first day of use.

  • Bromhexine – a drug in the form of tablets and syrup. It combines well with antimicrobial agents, enhancing their penetration into bronchial secretions. Bromhexine thins mucus and promotes its gentle removal from the lungs. Prescribed for children from 6 years of age.

Ambroxol is an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Popular analogues are the drugs Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Halixol. The medicine is well tolerated and can be used in children of the first year of life.

  • Fluditec - syrup for children and adults. It is based on active substance carbocysteine. The medicine increases the amount of sputum, improves its elasticity, and easily removes naturally from the respiratory tract. It is important that this medicine may not be combined well with other medications, weakening their effect. Therefore, when using it independently, special care must be taken.

All expectorants and mucolytics are designed to turn a dry cough into a wet one. Therefore, already in the first days of treatment, patients may notice an increase in forced exhalations, but the sputum will be much easier to get rid of.

Herbal preparations – how effective are they?

IN Lately More and more often, patients are trying to replace synthetic drugs with natural ones. They are considered to be safer, but no less effective. However, the myth that has become entrenched in people’s minds is just an assumption.

Many medications plant origin They cannot cope with a severe cough, and they can also cause severe allergies.

In medical practice, these drugs are used as additional drugs to the main drugs.

Preference is given to the following drugs:

  • Gerbion is a syrup of three types of action: expectorant, for dry cough and mucolytic. The drugs are approved for use in children from two years of age, and in some cases are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Codelac Phyto is a herbal remedy with an antitussive effect. It also has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect, and reduces the viscosity of secretions. Prescribed for children from 6 years of age.
  • Doctor Mom - syrup, lozenges and ointment for external use. Suitable for use in children from 2 years of age. The medicine contains plant substances and essential oils. The drug relieves inflammation, has a regenerating effect on damaged tissue and has a slight antiseptic effect.
  • Mucaltin is a well-known Russian cough medicine. Helps reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretions, relieves swelling and inflammation. According to various sources, the effect of the drug is observed after 1-4 hours. Doctors question the effectiveness of this drug.
  • Gedelix is ​​a syrup used in children and adults. The medication thins the mucus and then removes it using an expectorant action. The medicine also has an antispasmodic effect.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

In addition to drug treatment Physiotherapy is often recommended for dry cough. You must approach them carefully.

For example, it is better for young children not to carry them out on their own.. Physiotherapy includes warming up and treatment using non-traditional methods. Before independent actions In this direction, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Mustard plasters for dry cough

This remedy has long been used not only to treat coughs, but also to get rid of joint pain, symptoms of soft tissue contusion, various kinds inflammatory processes.

Mustard plasters are designed to have a warming and locally irritating effect, increasing blood flow to the chest area, they activate recovery processes in organism.

They contain essential oils of mustard and mustard powder. Today there are many varieties of this remedy, but almost all mustard plasters have the same method of application:

  1. separate the bags;
  2. soak them in water;
  3. apply to the back or chest, avoiding the heart area;
  4. cover with a soft dry towel and leave for 3-15 minutes.

Inhalations: hot and cold

Using hot inhalations for a long time it was customary to treat dry and wet cough. However modern research have shown that in some cases such therapy can be harmful.

For example, if the cough is caused by laryngitis (inflammation vocal cords and laryngeal mucosa), then steam and hot air will aggravate the patient’s condition. A similar situation is observed in patients with fever.

Therefore, the use of hot inhalations must be approached very carefully. Typically, essential oils diluted in boiling water or plant decoctions (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus) are used for them.

You can breathe in the steam while covering yourself with a towel or through a homemade kufa.

Cold inhalations are used in modern medicine Often.

With the invention of a device called a nebulizer, this type of inhalation became widespread.

It is with a dry cough caused by a spasm that such procedures are very effective.

Inhalations with a nebulizer are indicated for adults and children for any type of cough, as well as for high fever.

The following medications are used to prepare the solution:

  • Berodual
  • Pulmicort
  • Pulmozyme
  • Berotek
  • Fenoterol and others.

You can also use regular saline, soda or mineral water.


You can find reviews from some consumers talking about how to quickly get rid of a cough using ointments. Some methods promise elimination of this characteristic literally overnight.

The effect of using ointments is similar to the effect of mustard plasters. They have a local warming and blood flow activating effect.

However, they are not used as a separate method of treating cough, since they have a weak effect on the source of the disease.

Ointments Doctor Mom, Doctor Tice, Vicks Active– contain plant substances that have a warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cream Badger and Pulmex baby– can be used for small children, unlike previous products.

Camphor oil – has a warming effect. It should not be used in children under 2 years of age, or in persons with heart disease.

Badger or goat fat – effective means for the treatment of cough. The peculiarity of these substances is their specific smell, so this method will be unpleasant for many.

When rubbing, follow the basic rules:

  • Warming up can be carried out only in the absence of elevated temperature;
  • rub the area of ​​the chest, back, neck and feet immediately before bed;
  • after treatment, you should not run, walk, drink or eat cold things;
  • Avoid contact of drugs with the heart area and nipple skin.

Traditional methods of treatment

These herbal remedies came to us from past centuries. And many of them remain effective and frequently used.

The huge advantage of home treatment methods is their safety, and the absence side effects, as well as the ability to give them to children up to one year old.

Modern medicine has not denied their effectiveness for a long time, but only the combined use of medications and the following remedies will help adults quickly get rid of dry cough:

Honey. The beekeeping product has mass useful properties. It disinfects, softens, regenerates. It is important to choose really high-quality honey. Many people prepare hot milk with honey.

This remedy is believed to effectively combat dry cough. However, some experts believe that honey should not be heated, as all its beneficial properties disappear.

Rinsing sore throat . Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, sage or other herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. You can replace the herbal solution with saline solution.

Ginger - excellent remedy to improve immunity. If a dry cough is caused by colds, then it will help you ginger drink. To prepare it, use 20-25 grams of root and one lemon. Brew the ingredients with a liter of boiling water, consume 2-3 cups per day.

Onion decoction, according to many patients, effectively eliminates dry cough. To prepare the medicine you will need 100-200 grams of onion and 2 liters of water. Boil, strain and take a glass twice a day.

Aloe juice is natural antibacterial agent. You need to take it very carefully, as allergies may occur. Usually one teaspoon of juice, divided into several doses per day, is enough to feel better.

Dry cough is very an insidious symptom. It can appear during harmless diseases, or it can occur due to the formation of a tumor.

Therefore, the treatment of this symptom must be treated very carefully. And before you start, be sure to consult your doctor.

Independent attempts to get rid of cough, without medical diagnosis, are acceptable only as a temporary measure aimed at alleviating symptoms, but not as full-fledged therapy.

When treating cough at home, follow these basic recommendations:

  • take medications in strictly prescribed doses;
  • do not overuse medications;
  • do not combine antitussives with expectorants;
  • If you develop an allergy or feel unwell, contact a medical facility immediately;

If you do not feel better within 2-3 days, you should see a doctor, as you risk developing a chronic cough.

Elena Malysheva. How to cure a cough?

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