Home treatment of sinusitis folk methods. How to treat sinusitis folk remedies

When the sinuses become inflamed, this phenomenon in medical practice is called sinusitis. It is necessary to start treatment of sinusitis at home in adults at the first signs of the disease, so as not to fight with more complex manifestations later.

Signs of sinusitis in adults

The second name of the disease is sinusitis - this is maxillitis, it has the main features:

  • stuffy nose, narrowed airways;
  • runny nose, accompanied by discharge from the nose;
  • pain in the forehead, headaches;
  • nasal voice;
  • temperature.

Important! The cure of this disease takes place under the strict supervision of a physician. Get rid of the disease conservatively or surgically.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • systemic antibiotics;
  • antibacterial drugs for topical use;
  • anti-inflammatory agents;
  • antiseptic solutions for washing;
  • physiotherapy.

ethnoscience in the treatment of sinusitis has already proven effective. Moreover, the people used the most accessible and understandable products for treatment. For example, bee honey, beets and onions, other gifts of nature that could really resist sinusitis.

Important! In addition to the fact that the treatment of sinusitis at home in adults should be agreed with the attending physician, you need to prepare for the process. In particular, the preparation includes checking for allergies to one or another component of the treatment.

How can you cure sinusitis at home without a puncture

The puncture of the maxillary sinuses has been used in medicine for a long time, but this manipulation is unpleasant and can cause complications. Therefore, today we have developed new effective procedures that help to cure even purulent sinusitis without puncture:

  • "Cuckoo" is washing the nose with a solution of furacilin (or other antiseptic), which is injected into one nostril, and liquid with all secretions is obtained from the other;
  • YAMIK catheter is the most effective and efficient way;
  • laser heating (reduces puffiness, improves blood circulation).

If you are planning to cure sinusitis without a puncture for a child, then it is better not to self-medicate, consult a doctor for advice. Only a specialist is able to determine whether it is possible to do without a puncture. Common treatment regimen:

  • washing the nose with the "cuckoo" method;
  • YAMIK catheter (considered more effective than the cuckoo);
  • antibiotics together with probiotics, so as not to disturb the intestinal microflora of the child;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • sprays for local use;
  • drops with a vasoconstrictor effect.

Moreover, methods should be discussed alternative medicine that can be used at home (inhalation over potatoes, using saline solutions).


For the procedure, you need a quarter of a whole onion. It must be grated and wrapped in several layers of gauze. Apply the bag that you get to one nostril, then to the other. Repeat the procedure several times. There will be a burning sensation at first, but it should pass soon. After the tenth procedure, there should be no trace of pus left.

Interesting! The method shows particular effectiveness if, during the application of the bag, the area of ​​the nose is additionally massaged.

kalanchoe plant

In this situation, the leaves of the plant are taken. You need to wash and chop them so that each piece can be laid in the nostrils. Active substance the plant acts in such a way that soon a person will begin to sneeze. In the process of sneezing, the nose is cleared. The procedure is repeated up to four times a day until complete recovery.

Honey combined with onions

Natural bee honey, onion juice and alcohol, vegetable oil, laundry soap (cut into pieces) and cow's milk. You will get a mixture in which everything should completely dissolve when heated. Soak cotton swabs in the mixture and insert three times a day into the nasal passages. The treatment lasts three weeks, keep the mixture in the refrigerator during this period.

beet juice

The composition of the red root contains many substances that have on the human body antibacterial action. So in the treatment of sinusitis at home in adults with folk remedies, beet juice is actively used. Need to instill with a pipette nose fresh juice Do this up to four times in one day.

Important! To get the result faster, before instilling the nose with beet juice, you must first rinse the nasal passages saline solution. Also, if the juice will strongly burn the mucous membrane, you should dilute it with a small amount of water.

aloe plant

Used in the treatment of plant juice, which drip two drops into each nostril. Carry out instillation three times in one day.

What traditional medicine offers

It should be mentioned that the treatment of sinusitis at home in adults may well be carried out by the usual pharmaceutical products. In addition to drugs for instillation into the nose, traditional medicine recommends sinus lavage. In advanced cases, a puncture of the maxillary sinus is required, which is done only in a hospital setting.


Inhalations for the treatment of sinusitis in adults can be carried out using a nebulizer, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Often the procedure is carried out with the help of saline. If it is not possible to use a nebulizer, use folk remedies:

  • rinse the unpeeled potatoes, add water and boil it like a potato in a "uniform", then drain the water, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam;
  • cut into half rings 2 medium onions and breathe over them, while massaging the sinuses (do the procedure 3 times a day for 10 days);
  • 10 drops of fir oil to drip into 200 ml of water, breathe this aroma;
  • 1 tsp soda and 1/10 tsp. add stars to 3 liters of boiling water, cover your head with a towel, breathe first through your nose, then through your mouth.

What medications are prescribed

Cure sinusitis with one drug will not work. Medical treatment consists not only in the use of drops, but also in the treatment with tablets, inhalations and courses of certain physiotherapeutic procedures.

To take off acute symptoms inflammation, the doctor prescribes analgesics: this greatly facilitates the patient's condition. For pain, aspirin, ibuprofen are used in dosages indicated by the doctor for a particular case.

If the nose is very stuffy and it is difficult to breathe, then anti-edema medications are prescribed. This widens the nasal passages and makes it easier for air to enter the lungs. But such drugs are not a cure for the disease, but simply the removal of symptoms.

Important! If sinusitis in a person becomes protracted, antibiotics may be required.

Antibiotics for treatment

For treatment, drugs of a number of penicillins are used (Amoxislav, Flemoxin solutab), with individual intolerance, macrolides are prescribed (Sumamed, Macropen). For the treatment and relief of symptoms in chronic disease cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime) are prescribed. If you need to take antibiotics for a long time, they are changed to others (Levoxacin, Moxifloxacin). The antibiotic is also contained in sprays that are used for topical treatment:

  • Bioparox;
  • Isofra;
  • Polydex.

Treatment is not complete without anti-inflammatory drugs (Fenspiride, Mometozon, Phenylbutazone, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam), antihistamines(Ebastine, Chloropyramine), mucolytics (Myrtol, Sinupret), vasoconstrictor drops(Naphazoline, Oxymetazoline) and herbal preparations With essential oils.


The modern market is rich in various drugs for the treatment of sinusitis, including sprays:

  • Otrivin (1 spray 3 times a day);
  • Sanorin (2 doses 3-4 times a day);
  • Vibrocil (1-2 sprays 3 times a day);
  • Aqua Maris (2 doses up to 8 times a day);
  • Physiomer (from 2 to 4 sprays);
  • Salin (2 sprays up to 8 times a day);
  • Nasonex (2 doses up to 4 times a day);
  • Bioparox (2 sprays in the nose 4 times a day);
  • Polydex (1 dose up to 5 times);
  • Isofra (1 spray up to 6 times a day).

Why are nasal rinses necessary?

At home, it is easy to perform rinses that clean the nasal cavities, removing mucus and pus. But washings are used in cases where the nasal passages are not narrowed. Most often, salt water is used for the procedure. You can make solutions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus.

Treatment of sinusitis depending on the type

Depending on the degree and type of disease are prescribed various ways treatment.


The treatment regimen for chronic sinusitis in adults includes:

  • antibacterial drugs (which the doctor prescribes individually for each patient);
  • vasoconstrictor drops, sprays (to avoid addiction, use no more than a week);
  • mucolytic agents (for thinning and removing sputum);
  • piercing of the maxillary sinus (widely used method);
  • YAMIK catheter ( modern method, an alternative to a puncture);
  • nasal lavage;
  • immunostimulants.


If sinusitis is caused by the action of allergens, then first you need to find out the main symptoms of this form of the disease. Most often they are the following:

  • stuffy nose;
  • swelling and itching of the nasal mucosa;
  • discharge;
  • temperature;
  • headache.

For the treatment of allergic sinusitis, the doctor prescribes special drugs. The therapy is carried out as follows:

  • analgesics, nasal sprays;
  • antibiotics, probiotics;
  • preparations for removing sputum and mucus;
  • nasal lavage;
  • antihistamines.


Treatment of acute sinusitis in adults should be carried out on time, in no case do not let the disease take its course. To get rid of the disease, use:

  • antiviral drugs (Amizon):
  • antibiotics (Amoxislav, Ceftriaxone);
  • sprays (Bioparox);
  • vasoconstrictor drops (Otrivin, Nazivin);
  • preparations for sputum removal and puffiness removal (Rinofluimucil);
  • painkillers and antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Nurofen);
  • physiotherapy.

Treatment of bronchospasm after sinusitis

  • Dexamethasone (tablets and injections with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect);
  • Clenbuterol (syrup and tablets with bronchodilator and tocolytic action);
  • Platifillin (tablets and injections that can relieve spasm, tone and relax smooth muscles);
  • Singlon ( chewable tablets to relieve spasms).

In order not to require treatment of sinusitis at home in adults, you need to think about prevention in time. It includes observing the rules of hygiene, taking care of the immune system and maintaining healthy lifestyle life.

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

This inflammation is caused by viruses or bacteria. During sinusitis, a person breathes through his mouth, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane respiratory tract, colds, bronchitis, dryness of the pharynx and larynx.

Causes of the disease

When hit in maxillary sinuses infecting microbes provoke inflammation of the mucosa, and the gaps that lead from the sinuses to the nasal cavity begin to narrow. As a result, mucus is not removed from the maxillary sinuses, it begins to accumulate and stagnate there. After that, microbes begin to multiply in it, releasing toxins and mucus begins to turn into pus.

There are several causes of sinusitis:

  • Anatomical disorders of the structure of the nose, etc.;
  • Adenoids, polyps, various tumors in the nasal passages;
  • Advanced caries, especially on the upper teeth;
  • Weakened immunity frequent colds, runny nose and infectious diseases;
  • Allergic diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Sinusitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in nasal breathing
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Fatigue and general weakness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Swelling of the face.

Very often, the symptoms of sinusitis and prolonged are similar.

But there are several symptoms that distinguish sinusitis from a runny nose. This is pain in the head, which is aggravated by coughing, sneezing and tilting the head, discomfort in the nose, which turn into pain over the eyes and bridge of the nose. After the person blows his nose, the pain subsides. But if you press on the sinuses - the pain will intensify.

Also, sinusitis can be distinguished from the common cold by the color of the discharge.

During a runny nose, they are colorless and liquid, and with sinusitis they have a yellowish-green tint and are viscous.

Complications of sinusitis

First of all, sinusitis can give complications to the brain in the form of meningitis.

This is due to the fact that the focus of inflammation is located near the brain. A complication is also possible on the ears -. There is a possibility of developing diseases such as myocarditis, hypertension, kidney damage and nervous disorders.

All folk remedies aimed at treating sinusitis help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and provide an outflow of pus and mucus from the maxillary sinuses. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of the microflora in the sinuses.

There are three main methods in the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies: inhalation, nasal lavage, instillation.

So, how to treat sinusitis at home?

Nasal lavage

The most effective and simple remedy for sinusitis is washing the nose.

This method of treatment helps to remove purulent contents from the maxillary sinuses. It is especially useful for sinusitis to rinse the nose with substances that have antimicrobial properties. It can be an infusion of herbs, propolis, and ordinary salt.

Video about the treatment of sinusitis folk methods

Drops and turundas for the treatment of sinusitis

Ointments, drops and turundas soften and remove pus from the maxillary sinuses, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, suppressing the pathogenic microflora. Often, the composition of such products includes onions, propolis, garlic, honey, carrot juice, beets, aloe. Nose drops can be made with oils or plain water. Oil drops have mild action They don't dry out the nasal passages.

Also, flagella can be made from cotton, dipped in drops and placed in the nose for several hours.

Garlic drops for sinusitis

Crush one clove of garlic, add 50 g of warm boiled water and insist for an hour. 3-4 times a day, bury the nose with the received drops, two or three drops in each nostril.

Onion-garlic nasal drops

1/3 of an onion and two cloves of garlic crushed and mixed with half a glass vegetable oil. The mixture should be infused for two weeks. Then it should be filtered and instilled one or two drops three times a day. The course of treatment with such drops is 2-3 weeks.

Propolis will cure sinusitis

tablespoon peppermint and 20 grams of chopped add to 200 g of vegetable oil, heat up to 40 degrees and insist 10 days in a dark and warm place. Strain the resulting mixture and instill into the nose. Propolis helps stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and mint relieves puffiness.

Drops of onion and aloe

Two tablespoons of aloe arborescens, 1 tablespoon of Kalanchoe and onion mix and instill regularly into the nose.

Honey drops for the treatment of sinusitis

Honey is very good for the treatment of sinusitis.

There are many folk recipes with honey, effective in this disease.

  1. Mix equal amounts of honey, onion juice and potato juice. Instill the resulting drops into the nose three times a day, two drops in each nostril. Drops should be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of aloe juice, celandine juice and honey and instill three to four times a day, five drops in each nostril. These drops are excellent for the complication of sinusitis with polyps.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of tea leaves, pharmacy tincture and honey and instill three times a day, five drops in each nostril.
  4. Mix 30 grams of beetroot juice with a teaspoon of honey and three teaspoons of water and bury the nose with the resulting mixture.

Turundas for the treatment of sinusitis at home

  1. Grind a teaspoon of propolis and mix with a tablespoon of sunflower oil and a tablespoon of butter. The resulting mixture is heated to 40 degrees and let it brew for three days. Moisten a cotton swab with this mixture and put it in the nose for two hours twice a day.
  2. Wrap the gruel of chopped garlic in gauze or cotton wool and insert into one nostril for 7-8 minutes. Do the same with the other nostril. After that, it is worth making fresh turunda and leave it in the nose for 3-4 minutes. The patient will then begin severe sneezing, which will help to remove a large amount of mucus.
  3. Brew 1-2 tablespoons of herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist for two hours, moisten a cotton swab with infusion and insert it into the nasal cavity. This procedure should be carried out for at least a week, two to three times a day.
  4. In equal parts, mix milk, grated laundry soap, vegetable oil, onion juice. The resulting mixture is heated to 60 degrees and add honey. Soak in tampons in the mixture and insert into each nostril for ten minutes.

Sinusitis can be cured with inhalations, which soften the contents of the maxillary sinuses.

In addition, inhalation of vapors helps fight infection.

The simplest and most effective folk method against sinusitis, cough and runny nose is the inhalation of potato vapours. You need to boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water from it, and then wrap yourself in a towel over the pan and breathe in the steam. After such a procedure, mucus and pus are perfectly separated.

Excellent antimicrobial action possess inhalations with propolis. For such inhalation, it is necessary to boil 3 liters of water in a saucepan and add half a teaspoon of propolis pharmacy tincture to it. Wrap yourself over the pan and breathe in the vapors.

Great help and fir oil. 10 drops of this oil should be added to a glass hot water and breathe in its fragrance.

Warming up with sinusitis

Warming up is especially effective in the treatment of sinusitis. Here are some popular methods.

  1. Melt the paraffin candle in a water bath to a liquid state. After that, warm paraffin should be applied to the area of ​​the frontal and maxillary sinuses in several layers. After that, cover the face with a film and a blanket, leaving a hole for breathing. It is necessary to do 10 procedures.
  2. Grate well-washed black radish on a fine grater. Wrap two or three tablespoons of the resulting slurry in a piece of cloth and put on the maxillary sinuses. Before this, you need to lubricate the skin with baby cream or oil. Cover the top with parchment paper and wrap with a scarf. Hold for 10 minutes. Treatment of sinusitis with such a folk remedy should last at least 10 days.
  3. Apply a woolen bandage soaked in a salt solution (10%) on the forehead, fix it and cover with a terry towel over it. This method will wash out the mucus.

Simple folk methods against sinusitis

There are many more simple folk methods for the treatment of sinusitis.

  1. Honey zabrus - wax caps of honeycombs, you can buy them in any place where honey is sold. A tablespoon of this wax should be chewed once a day 30 minutes before meals. During chewing, a certain mass of the maxillary sinuses occurs and their contents liquefy. In addition, this wax contains many useful substances including propolis.
  2. The place above the focus of inflammation must be rubbed with garlic. If irritation appears on something, it is worth lubricating it with a nourishing cream before the procedure.
  3. Well, with sinusitis, mass also helps. bones thumbs it is necessary to gently tap on the bridge of the nose and both sides of the nose. After such a massage, breathing should open.
  4. Pour vinegar into a hot pan and inhale its vapors. This method is suitable for the treatment of sinusitis in adults.
  5. St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, lavender, string and yarrow are mixed in equal parts. Pour three tablespoons of this collection with two liters of boiling water and drink half a glass six times a day. In the evening, this infusion should be heated well and made steam inhalation. This folk method will wash to fight infection, relieve swelling and clear the airways well.

All these simple folk methods will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms sinusitis without medical participation and speed up recovery.

Modern doctors recommend the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies at home, which, however, does not negate drug therapy and others medical procedures. Why is it recommended to use drugs prepared independently on the basis of natural products? They just act with less side effects and practically have no contraindications for use.

It is impossible to delay the treatment of sinusitis, otherwise there may be complications

You can suspect inflammation of the maxillary sinuses by the following signs:

  • stuffy nose and, despite this, the presence of discharge (which may include pus);
  • an unpleasant feeling of pressure in the maxillary sinuses, as well as in the cheekbones;
  • pain in the head that gets worse in the evening;
  • fever and feeling unwell.

As soon as you observe such signs in yourself, hurry up, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only qualified specialist in otolaryngology can deliver correct diagnosis(sometimes resorting even to instrumental methods diagnosis), after which a suitable treatment course is prescribed.

Drug treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is considered basic. In this case, you usually have to use:

  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal agents;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestant drugs;
  • mucolytics;
  • corticosteroids.

In addition, the cleansing of the nasal cavity can be achieved in the following ways:

  • washing with a liquid (antiseptic solutions), which is fed into the nasal passages under pressure;
  • sinus puncture (this procedure is also called a puncture) and the introduction of antibacterial cocktails for treatment.

The use of folk remedies does not cancel drug therapy

As an extreme method (when neither medicines, nor physiotherapy, nor, moreover, folk remedies help), the doctor may suggest sinusectomy. This operation means:

  • washing out purulent contents;
  • removal of polyps;
  • cleansing of fungal colonies;
  • other recovery options.

But do not think that this is always the case with sinusitis. If the disease has not aggravated and has not passed into severe form, it will be possible to treat it through folk methods.

That is why it makes sense to talk about the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies at home. There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to make very effective drugs. True, any of them is recommended to be agreed with the doctor in advance.


What can be called the most effective folk remedies for the treatment chronic form inflammation?

First of all, it is worth starting with compresses, which are not so difficult to make, but which can be super effective in the healing process.

However, remember that with a purulent form of the disease and elevated temperature thermal procedures are contraindicated!

Hot compresses should not be done if the body temperature is elevated

Here are a few interesting recipes that you should know about.


  • First you need to take 50 grams of clay material and dilute it in boiling water until its consistency becomes plasticine.
  • Gauze pieces are wetted in oil and placed on the nasal walls.
  • Warm clay cakes are laid out on the prepared matter.
  • Such a compress should be kept for 60 minutes.

Bay leaf

  • About three bay leaves should be poured with water, then bring the solution to a boil.
  • The broth should cool down a bit.
  • Then a napkin is wetted in it, which is then applied to the maxillary sinuses.
  • It is desirable to cover the face with a towel (this will allow the compress to cool more slowly).

Black radish

  • First of all, the radish must be thoroughly washed.
  • Then it is rubbed (together with the skin) with a fine grater.
  • The gruel that will turn out (a couple of spoons is enough) is wrapped in a cloth and placed on the skin of the maxillary sinuses (moreover, skin covering it is desirable to treat with baby cream).
  • The face should be covered with a towel, and the compress lasts for about 10 minutes.
  • The duration of the treatment course is 10 days.

Black radish can be used in making a compress

Try any of the above compresses and you will see for yourself that they can be truly effective and helpful.

Honey for sinusitis

Talking about the most effective folk remedies intended for the treatment of sinusitis, one cannot help but recall the active use of honey in the creation of certain therapeutic (as well as preventive) remedies.


  • To begin with, celandine is crushed, which is then mixed with agave juice, as well as honey.
  • The liquid is instilled five times a day - three drops are enough.

Honey ointment

  • Baby soap is taken, which is rubbed with a grater.
  • Milk, honey with vegetable oil are added to it.
  • It is necessary to make a water bath, heating the components so that the soap melts.
  • Alcohol is added to the solution. After a while, remove the mixture from heat.
  • It is advisable to pour the resulting ointment into a glass jar and cool.
  • It should lubricate the nasal passages (for this you will need cotton swab), after which the ointment should last a quarter of an hour.
  • The procedure is repeated for three weeks.
  • The ointment must be stored in the refrigerator.

Honey is actively used in the treatment of sinusitis.


During the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, it is often necessary to resort to inhalations, solutions for which can be based on a variety of natural ingredients.


  • First you need to boil a couple of liters of water.
  • Then a couple of spoons of propolis are added there (or rather, alcohol tincture based on it). You can easily find propolis itself in any pharmacy.
  • The resulting solution is used for the purpose of inhalation.
  • But if you are allergic to bee products, it is undesirable to use this method.

Sea buckthorn oil

  • Sea buckthorn oil itself needs a little - only 10 drops.
  • In addition, you will need boiling water.
  • Steam must be inhaled for about a quarter of an hour.

Vinegar and garlic

  • To begin with, eight garlic cloves are crushed.
  • They need to be mixed with a small amount of apple cider vinegar.
  • Everything is poured with boiling water, after which it is poured into the kettle.
  • The head is covered with a dense cloth, after which an inhalation procedure is performed for 20 minutes.
  • The procedure is carried out twice a day.

As for folk remedies for sinusitis, cold inhalations are also carried out. For example, over the bow. This is done as follows:

  • The onion is chopped, after which you need to inhale its vapors.
  • Strengthening the discharge of sputum can be achieved through the release of the nasal passages. This will help massaging the bridge of the nose, as well as the maxillary sinuses (just rub them with them, massage them with your fingers).
  • This procedure is carried out twice a day for ten days.

Inhalation has many benefits


Looking for folk remedies for sinusitis that can be used at home? Of course, you can not do without nasal drops. They are purchased at a pharmacy or made independently: the latter option, according to many doctors, is even preferable, since it involves much fewer side effects and has practically no contraindications.

Here are a few healthy recipes, the manufacture of funds for which you can do at home.

Rosehip and sea buckthorn

Oil from these berries is instilled into the nose up to five times a day. Thanks to it, the mucous membrane softens, the damage heals.

Suitable for everyone except the smallest children.


Probably everyone knows this cute indoor plant having pink flowers and hard leaves. Its juice may be universal remedy to combat colds and their complications (including inflammation of the maxillary sinuses).

The juice squeezed from the leaves is able to relieve puffiness and free the nose from mucus.

What needs to be done? Bury three times a day, three drops (if children are treated, twice a day). It would be nice to add honey to the drops.

Made from Kalanchoe effective drops into the nose

You need to be prepared for the fact that after instillation, the patient will actively sneeze with copious secretion of mucus.


Juice is squeezed out of the bulb of this plant - its use helps to get rid of constant headaches (alas, almost inevitable during sinusitis).

This is one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis. After using it, the patient actively sneezes and secretes copious amounts of mucus from the sinuses. Fever, excessive sweating, and fever are also likely.

To make the instillation more effective, the patient lies on his back and instills a couple of drops of cyclamen juice in himself. Five minutes later, the above reaction occurs. During the day, yellow-green mucus containing pus is released from the nose. But already then there comes a noticeable relief and, finally, the patient gets the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.


  • In this recipe, the cyclamen bulb is again used - it is mixed with naphthyzinum.
  • The resulting solution is instilled three times a day, three drops.
  • In order for the therapy to be effective, three treatment courses are carried out in a row.


For this method of preparing a folk remedy that removes pus, you will need:

  • a couple of spoons of aloe juice;
  • a spoonful of Kalanchoe juice;
  • a spoonful of onion juice;
  • a spoonful of juice of a viviparous highlander.

The listed components are mixed, after which they are buried in the nostrils. After the procedure, warming up with a blue lamp is recommended, and then lie down in bed.

The benefits of aloe in the treatment of sinusitis have long been known


Here medicine used to treat chronic sinusitis (with acute form diseases, its use, of course, also brings relief).

You will need:

  • glycerin - one spoon;
  • water - four tablespoons;
  • mummy - ten crushed tablets.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which they are instilled three times a day.

The duration of the treatment course is about three weeks. Then you need a five-day break, after which everything is repeated until you can achieve recovery.

Herbal preparations

How to treat sinusitis folk remedies? Herbal preparations are of great help against this disease. Among them you can find the most effective recipes for folk remedies for the disease. The main thing is to check if there is an allergy to the used herbal collection.

First recipe

Several herbs are mixed in glassware, including sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, and lavender.

It is also worth adding yarrow with a string (a spoonful of each herb is enough).

Everything is thoroughly mixed, after which:

  • poured two liters of boiling water;
  • covered with a lid;
  • left to infuse for half an hour.

The decoction can be drunk several times a day (with a three-hour break between doses) or used for inhalation (they are carried out shortly before bedtime).

There are many herbal preparations that help with sinusitis.

horseradish root

Traditional medicine, like traditional medicine, largely focuses on the observed symptoms. For example, horseradish root, or rather, herbal collection prepared on its basis, helps the patient to feel serious relief.

All that is required for the manufacture of such a folk remedy for sinusitis:

  • A gruel made from crushed horseradish root is mixed with juice squeezed from three lemons.
  • You will get a mixture with a thick consistency. Here it should be taken - half a teaspoon in the morning before breakfast. The general therapeutic course is 4 months, then a two-week break is needed, and the course is repeated again.

But whichever of the home recipes you choose, you need to consult a doctor - is the chosen remedy really suitable for you (based on the symptoms, stage and nature of the disease), do you have individual intolerance to its components and allergies.

Be careful that you are not allergic to the products used.

Actually, you can talk about how to cure sinusitis with folk remedies for a long time and interestingly. In other articles in this section you will find no less useful information. But beginning home treatment do not refuse to take medications prescribed by a doctor because only an integrated therapeutic approach can achieve the desired results.

sinusitis called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary, or maxillary, cavity. In most cases, sinusitis occurs in one of the cavities, left or right. Acute sinusitis, as a rule, occurs shortly after acute rhinitis or pulpitis, caries, and also as comorbidity with influenza, measles and scarlet fever. Acute sinusitis often becomes chronic.

In the bones surrounding the nose, there are so-called maxillary sinuses. Each such sinus is connected to the nasal cavity by a narrow channel. Actually the maxillary sinuses are located in the cheekbones. The frontal sinuses are located in the forehead, just above the eyebrows. The ethmoid sinuses are located above the internal nasal passages. The sphenoid sinuses are deeper, behind the nasal passages. In the first years of life, only the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are sufficiently developed, and only they are affected by infection. The frontal and sphenoid sinuses develop gradually after the age of six. When there is a severe or prolonged infection in the nose, it can spread to these sinuses. Sinus inflammation usually lasts longer than a common cold because the sinuses are closed and mucus and pus have a hard time coming out. Sinusitis can occur in mild form and manifests itself only in the discharge of pus from the back of the nose into the throat (postnasal discharge).

Sometimes it causes a chronic cough when the child lies in bed or gets up in the morning. On the other hand, sinusitis can be severe, with high temperature and severe pain. When a doctor suspects the presence of sinusitis, he usually resorts to x-rays or shines through the sinuses in a dark room. Are used various means, depending on the individual case.

Whatever specific means the doctor uses, remember that the general care of the child is very important. Sinusitis is, after all, just a more severe and persistent form of the common cold. As with a cold, it is best to keep your child at home in a warm room with constant temperature and humidified air. The child must be evenly covered; Keep windows closed at night.

Symptoms: strong headache with a feeling of "swelling" of the head, fever, nasal congestion, accompanied by loss of smell and discharge of pus.

What's happening? Inflammation of the nasal mucosa and sinuses leads to the accumulation of mucus and pus in the sinuses. Acute sinusitis is characterized by severe headache and pain in the cheek area, severe runny nose with pus, fever, chills and general feeling unwell.

Chronic sinusitis causes headache, stuffy half of the nose with purulent discharge from it, general weakness and fatigue. Permanent selection pus from the back of the nose into the throat in chronic sinusitis can cause a chronic cough.

What to do? Treatment of sinusitis is to ensure the outflow of mucus and (or) pus from the sinuses. For this, nasal drops and physiotherapy procedures (UHF, UFO) are used on the recommendation of the attending physician. Often a sinus puncture is used. In this case, the doctor pumps out pus from the sinus and injects anti-inflammatory drugs there. The house needs to be maintained constant temperature and humidity. Use a heater (oil cooler is best) and a humidifier if needed.

Sinusitis often occurs with influenza, measles, scarlet fever, with caries of molars upper jaw.

If the doctor has diagnosed you with sinusitis, the main thing that is necessary is to try to have a constant outflow of mucus or pus from the nose. To do this, naphthazine, galazolin or boron-adrenaline drops should be instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day. Only under the condition of a good outflow of secretions from the nose and pain relief can dry heat be applied.

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of sinusitis timely treatment runny nose (both acute and chronic) and caries, flu, allergies and other major diseases, against which sinusitis develops.

1. Dissolve dry menthol in a saucepan with boiling water. Wrap your head and breathe through your nose over the pan. The procedure lasts as long as evaporation takes place.

2. Propolis, alcohol tincture. Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 1/2 teaspoon of propolis tincture. Wrap your head and breathe in the steam.

3. Potato. Boil potatoes "in their uniforms", drain the water and, covering their heads, breathe over the steam.


1. Take 200 ml of St. John's wort oil, 40 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 20 ml of wild rosemary oil and 10 g of finely chopped propolis (preheat it so that it dissolves). Mix it all up and store at room temperature. Instill in the morning and evening in each nostril 1/2 teaspoon, turning your head for better penetration of the liquid into the maxillary sinuses.

Oils can be prepared independently. Finely chop St. John's wort, fill a jar with it and pour sunflower or olive oil. Close the lid and insist in a warm place for 1 month.

Grind rosemary, pour sunflower oil and cook in a water bath for 1.5 hours. Infuse for a week, strain and squeeze. Then put a new portion of wild rosemary into the resulting oil and boil again in a water bath, etc. In total, you need to do this 3 times. Sea buckthorn oil and other oils can be purchased at the pharmacy.

2. Take a large onion along with the husk, wrap it in a cloth and pound it with a wooden mallet. Squeeze the juice lightly so that it does not get into the eyes, apply the onion gruel along with the cloth to the forehead, and put cotton swabs on the eyes. Pre-lubricate the forehead with cream so that there are no burns. So hold no more than 3-5 minutes. After that, wipe the forehead again with cream. After 25-30 minutes, mucus begins to come out of the nose. Make 3-5 procedures every other day.

3. Place horse chestnut fruits in water for 2 days, and then peel them from the brown peel. From the white core, cut corks of such a size that they completely fill the nostril in thickness and length. Place one of the plugs in the nostril. After a while, the nose will start to come out into in large numbers slime, so you need to prepare a towel in advance. The second nostril should be cleaned the next day.

4. Squeeze the juice from the cyclamen flower bulb and dilute half cold boiled water. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril, then press the nostril with your finger so that the juice does not get into the throat, but into the maxillary sinuses. Bury 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to lie down for 30 minutes after the procedure.

5. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water in the morning, pour into the palm of your hand and suck it in with your nose. In the morning next day instead of salt, dissolve 1 teaspoon drinking soda. And so alternate until recovery, doing the procedure 1 time per day.

6. Mix into a homogeneous mass 1 teaspoon of Extra salt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Immediately apply the mixture on the forehead, wrap with cellophane and cover the head with a warm scarf. Stay in a warm room, because after 2-3 hours, clots will begin to come out of the nose. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

7. Instill 3% hydrogen peroxide into the nose at the rate of 10-15 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water. For a whole pipette, first drip into one and then into the other nostril (in a day or two, you can increase the dose - 2-3 pipettes in each nostril). After 2-30 seconds, mucus will begin to stand out from the nose, which should be blown out first through one and then through the other nostril. Blow out all the slime! After the procedure, do not eat or drink anything for 10-15 minutes.

8. Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals sea buckthorn oil (purchase at a pharmacy).

9. Chew honeycombs every hour for 4-6 hours. The duration of each chewing is 15 minutes, after which the chewed mass is spit out. At acute inflammation maxillary sinus, one day of such treatment is enough. But then for another week, once a day, it is recommended to chew honeycombs to prevent a possible relapse.

10. Grate a clove of garlic on a fine grater and add a piece of unsalted butter equal in size to a clove of garlic to the garlic gruel, mix thoroughly. At night, smear the superciliary and nasal parts of the face with the resulting oil, as well as the areas under the eyes - areas where pus mainly accumulates. The feet should also be smeared. Allow the medicine to dry, then put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, boil potatoes in their skins and breathe over them, wrapped in a blanket, for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure for at least 3 days in a row.

11. Apply grated black radish to the bridge of the nose for 10-15 minutes, after wrapping it in a linen cloth. Do 3-5 times during the day. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

12. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil and 1/2 teaspoon of lard, add about 1 cu. see crushed propolis. Bring the butter to melt, put lard and propolis into it. Boil all this on low heat for 1 minute, strain and cool. Bury in the nose 5-7 drops 3-4 times a day.

13. Mix into a homogeneous mass 2 tbsp. tablespoons of onion juice, 25 g of grated laundry soap, 75 g of glycerin. Make gauze cone-shaped tampons, moisten them in the prepared mixture and insert into both nostrils. Do daily 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days in a row.

14. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iris and pour 5 tbsp. spoons of vodka. Leave for a week and strain. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and aloe juice to the tincture. Mix well and instill 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril. Pre-lubricate the mucous membrane of the nostrils, in order to avoid burns, with sea buckthorn oil.

15. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, eucalyptus tincture and tea decoction. Bury 2-3 drops of the mixture in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

16. Bury 3 times a day, 3 drops in each nostril of the cleansed Birch tar(pharmacy). Procedures are carried out every other day. .

17. Glow a red brick, peel a few cloves of garlic and put them on the brick. Cover your head and inhale the smoke emitted through your nose as long as you can bear it. Do 3-5 procedures, one per day.

18. Mix 1 glass of viburnum juice and 1 glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, but take it warm for 20-30 days.

19. Every morning, alternately draw in salted water through the left and right nostrils, so that it passes through the nasopharynx and exits through the mouth;

20. Go to the sauna weekly. For the treatment of sinusitis:

Drip 2 drops of juice from cyclamen tubers into each nostril;

If you lose your sense of smell, pour vinegar into a hot frying pan and breathe in vinegar fumes.

21. Infusion of St. John's wort at the rate of one teaspoon of dry herb per glass of water. St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances protective function leukocytes - white blood cells, accelerates tissue repair. No wonder it is called "plant antibiotic".

22. At home for the treatment of sinusitis, you can prepare herbal medicines according to the following recipes.

The FIRST consists of three infusions brewed separately and in a glass of water: 15 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of chamomile flowers and 10 g of marsh cudweed.

The SECOND includes infusions of 10 g of yarrow and 5 g of Ivy Powder, prepared as in the first recipe.

According to the THIRD recipe, three infusions are prepared: mint n river, leaves and flowers of lemon balm and leaves of plantain. Each infusion is prepared separately - 10 g of grass per glass of water. Mixtures of these infusions are instilled 5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day. They can also be used for inhalations lasting 5 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

23. In Russian folk medicine, sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal and maxillary cavities) was treated with horseradish. To do this, the horseradish root was thoroughly washed, the top layer was removed, rubbed on a grater. One third of a glass of this mass was mixed with the juice of two or three lemons. It turned out a rather thick mixture of the consistency of sour cream, which was taken in half a teaspoon in the morning 20-25 minutes after eating every day. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. After a two-week break, a second course was carried out. How to rule lo, after that there was a significant improvement. However, the treatment must be patiently continued twice a year - in spring and autumn, without waiting for an exacerbation of the disease. After two years, seizures in most cases stop.

Propolis treatment

Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 teaspoon of 30% propolis tincture. Wrap yourself up and breathe over this pan.

How else can you treat

1. Dissolve dry menthol in grains in a saucepan with boiling water. Having wrapped your head, breathe through your nose over this pan. The procedure lasts as long as the evaporation from the pan.

2. Jacketed potatoes. Boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water. Wrap yourself over the pot and breathe in the steam of potatoes.

3. Propolis, alcohol tincture. Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 teaspoon of propolis. Wrap yourself up and breathe over this pan.

4. Ebonite disc with a diameter of 10 mm, 10 mm thick, sanded on one side. With this disk, the polished side is stroked on the face (forehead, cheeks, chin) clockwise. Make 1 turn in the face for 1 second. The session lasts 10-15 minutes. Do twice a day. It is used for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, headache, toothache. With a toothache, stroke the sore spot and hold it over this place for some time (3-5 minutes).

sea ​​salt treatment

Sinusitis is a severe and unpleasant disease. If it is started, doctors will be forced to make so-called "punctures" - to pierce cavities in the nose where pus has accumulated, and wash them with furacillin. This procedure is very painful, but if it is not carried out, the accumulated pus can go further - to the brain. The prospect is not a happy one! But sinusitis can be cured with sea salt.

But you can be treated at home, with the help of sea salt. There are several methods of such treatment of sinusitis.

Method one

Twice a day, apply sachets of hot sea salt to the slightly moistened area of ​​the bridge of the nose and hold until the salt has cooled.

Method two

Wrap a hot mixture of two tablespoons of sea salt and a minced garlic clove in a linen towel, place the towel against your sinus cheek and hold until the salt and garlic inside the towel have cooled. Repeat the procedure in the evening before going to bed.

Method three

Soak a linen napkin in a hot solution of sea salt: temperature - at least 40-45 °, concentration - 40 grams of sea salt per liter of water. close with a napkin upper part face, cover with a medical oilcloth and wrap with a woolen scarf. After 25 minutes, remove the compress and wipe your face with a warm, damp towel.

Method Four

Make this ointment: mix interior pork fat and sea salt in a ratio of 1:4. Rub the ointment into the skin over the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, as well as to the left and right of the nose several times a day until all signs of the disease disappear.

Acupressure for sinusitis and frontal sinusitis

AT acute stage these diseases, it is advisable to contact an ENT specialist to resolve the issue of antibiotic therapy, and possibly surgical intervention (sinus puncture). However, when chronic course process, accompanied by periodic unexpressed exacerbations, acupressure can be quite effective in the treatment of these diseases.


Yang Bai - the point is located 2/5 of the distance between the middle of the eyebrow and the front border of the scalp.

3.1 - Cheng-chi ("collector of tears"). The point is located in the middle of the lower edge of the orbit. In this area are the infraorbital artery and infraorbital nerve.

The point is used in the treatment of neuralgia trigeminal nerve, dizziness, toothache, rhinitis, etc.

Yin-tan ("Meeting with the temple"). The point is located in the center of the bridge of the nose, in a depression that can be felt in the middle of the line between the eyebrows. Refers to points general action. The location of the point corresponds frontal bone. This is where the frontal artery and frontal nerve pass.

Point massage is performed for pain with a feeling of fullness in the area eyeball, with trigeminal neuralgia, neuritis facial nerve headaches, dizziness, insomnia, asthenic conditions,

3.36 - Zu-san-li ("Three gaps on the leg"). Tonka of longevity, located on the front surface of the leg 3 cun below the lower edge patella 1 cun outwards from the beginning of the tibial tuberosity. To find it, you need to put your hand on your knee, and forefinger on the anterior edge of the tibia. Then the end of the middle finger will be directly above the point.

The point is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach ( peptic ulcer, gastritis), functional diseases of the central nervous system diseases of the oral cavity, eyes, hypertension, insomnia.

It is also advisable to massage the He-gu point (2.4) . With sinusitis, thermal heating of the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses is also shown. To do this, you can use bags of sand, salt, or just hard-boiled eggs.

About sinusitis as a disease has been known for a very long time. The symptoms of the disease were studied and described in detail in the seventeenth century by the English physician Nathaniel Highmore. According to his surname, the officially recognized name of this disease was given.

Sinusitis has an infectious nature. For the most part, it develops as a complication after influenza, rhinitis and other viral diseases. Getting into the sinuses of the nose, viruses cause an inflammatory process, there is swelling of the mucous membrane, blocking the nasal passages and the accumulated fluid, not finding a way out, remains in the sinuses, where in the future sinusitis receives all the conditions for its progression.
Sinusitis is acute and chronic. If you do not attach importance and do not start treatment immediately, the acute course of the disease becomes chronic.

Varieties of sinusitis

Infectious, vasomotor, allergic, exudative.
Productive is dangerous neoplasms in the sinuses.
Necrotic is able to cause tissue death.
Atrophic causes mucosal atrophy.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Common symptoms for all types of sinusitis: fever, weakness and headache. Perceptible pain on the sides of the nostrils, in the center of the forehead and at the base of the nose. Nasal congestion and discharge. Swelling of eyelids and cheeks.


Sinusitis is dangerous for its complications if it is not treated, or the wrong treatment regimen is chosen. The maxillary sinuses are located in direct proximity to important organs. The pus accumulated in them is able to escape at any moment and spread into the brain, eyes and cause serious problems such as meningitis or blindness. Therefore , feeling or suspecting that your banal cold can turn into sinusitis , be sure to be examined . If sinusitis is confirmed, do not ignore medical recommendations, be treated seriously and thoroughly. After the treatment is completed, take a control picture to make sure that it gave a result.

If you decide to be treated with traditional medicine, be sure consult at the doctor's . This is the only way to achieve positive results, if traditional and non-traditional treatment complement each other, and not stop each other's action in any way.

Traditional medicine recipes


  • Washing the nasal passages with silver water is very useful. Once in the sinuses, it will kill pathogens and remove pus. You can prepare water yourself. Boil a liter of water, let it cool, and dip silver coins, jewelry without stones or cutlery into it. After a day, the water is ready for use.
  • Add thirty drops of calendula tincture and one teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Stir until the salt dissolves completely and use a sinus rinse solution twice a day using a syringe without a needle or a small enema. The course of treatment is fourteen days.

warming up

  • Paraffin warms up the nose even in modern hospitals. But this simple procedure can be carried out at home. Buy paraffin wax from a pharmacy, heat it until it melts and immediately apply it to the places above the sinuses. Lay wax paper on top and secure with an insulating bandage. Keep the warm compress on for one hour.
  • The classic warming option is hot boiled eggs. Hard - boiled egg , while it 's hot , peel the shell and cut into two parts . Wrap the halves in a wide bandage folded in several layers and apply to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Hold until it gives off its warmth. After about three procedures, pus will begin to come out of the sinuses.

  • Warming up with sea salt. Sew two small linen bags, add coarse sea salt to them and sew them up. Heat the bags and apply on the sides of the nose. Keep until cool.
  • A slightly more complicated version. Add one finely chopped garlic clove to the salt bags. Then proceed in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Nasal drops

  • For drops, squeeze juice from celandine and aloe. Measure out an equal amount of them by volume and add another volume of honey. After mixing thoroughly, instill up to ten drops into the nostrils five times a day. If drops go through the nasopharynx into the mouth, spit them out. Ten days of such treatment is sufficient for the treatment of sinusitis.

  • In the spring, when snowdrops appear on forest thawed patches, in reference books of traditional medicine this plant is called blueberry or pigeon snowdrop, dig out their bulbs. From them you need to get juice and add water to it in a ratio of one to five. Once a day (!) instill three drops into the nose.
  • For three weeks, you can recover from sinusitis, if three times a day, drops prepared on the basis of mummy are instilled into the nose. It is easier to use mummy in tablets, which are sold in pharmacies. In this case, do not make a mistake with the dosage. Mix four teaspoons of water with one spoon of glycerin and dissolve ten tablets of mummy in a water-glycerin solution.
  • Prepare for instillation in the nose garlic water. Squeeze one medium-sized clove of garlic into one hundred milliliters of chilled boiled water and leave for an hour. Carefully so as not to get garlic gruel , draw the infusion into a pipette and inject a few drops into each nostril . Perform the procedure lying down, several times a day.
  • Black tea will cope even with chronic sinusitis. It is most convenient to mix the ingredients in the bottle in which the penicillin was packaged. Brew strong tea and pour halfway into the bottle. Add liquid honey almost to the top and 15-17 drops of eucalyptus tincture. Close the bottle and shake well to obtain a uniform consistency . Every day, for a month, three times a day, drip two drops of the product into the nostrils.
  • The effect of the treatment can be obtained if five drops of onion oil are instilled into the nose three times a day for a week. To prepare it, pasteurize high-quality vegetable oil in a steam bath for five minutes. Cool and add the same amount of juice obtained from onions to a spoonful of oil. Use for instillation.


  • Prepare the ointment according to the recipe below. If treated with her for twenty-one days, sinusitis is guaranteed to recede. Prepare equal volumes of medical alcohol, honey, milk, vegetable oil, onion juice and laundry soap grated on a fine grater. Place everything in a small saucepan and put on a steam bath. Constantly stirring , wait until the soap is completely dissolved . Remove, cool. Three times a day for fifteen minutes lay tampons in the nostrils, generously smeared with healing ointment.

  • An interesting treatment option with sea salt ointment. Take pork lard , melt it , cool it and add to it fine sea salt four times more than the amount of lard . Mix well. You need to rub the ointment into the bridge of the nose and into the skin above the eyebrows. Traditional medicine promises a cure for several procedures.
  • After treatment in this way, a profuse discharge of pus from the sinuses begins in the morning. Soak cotton swabs with propolis tincture and, after soaking in sunflower oil, enter into the nostrils for half an hour. Tampons should be administered three times a day. In the evening, after the third procedure, lubricate the nostrils with eucalyptus or arborvitae oil.
  • Tampons lubricated with an ointment of equally mixed sunflower oil, honey and food soda, enter alternately in every nostril on the twenty minutes. And, entering tampon in right nostril, should lie down on the left side, and vice versa. Usually enough five procedures for relief states.
  • Most simple recipe ointments from sinusitiscreamy oil. But With one reservationoil must to be natural, desirable rustic. Before sleep lay down in one nostril small, about With pea, a piece oils and leave before morning. On the next evening enter oil in another nostril. And So, changing each evening nostrils, get treated eight days.


  • Dissolve in liter hot water fourty grams nautical salt. wet in solution linen napkin and impose her So, to she is covered face above before tip nose. Above put warm scarf or handkerchief and lie down half an hour. Temperature water for this compress not must exceed magpie five degrees.

  • Treatment compresses With laurel decoction in flow weeks guarantees cleansing sinuses nose. Five big laurel leaves pour small quantity water and bring before boiling. Remove With fire, slightly cool down and wet in laurel decoction cotton napkin. Overlay compress So same, how in previous prescription and lie down, bye she is not cool down. heat up decoction and impose compress more two times.


  • Inhalations With heated infusion tea mushroom start bring medicinal Effect after second procedures. Allocations from nose intensify, a after, day oto days, them will become less and to end second weeks at daily treatment stop at all. Repeat can through month.
  • Complicated option use tea mushroom. AT metal capacity place Good warmed up brick. Pour on the him a little infusion and, bowing down above capacity, breathe outgoing fumes, bye goes steam. Then have a drink one cup infusion tea mushroom and drip in nostrils on three drops heated infusion. This procedure better Total conduct on evenings.


  • If a to you succeed get Adamov root, then use his for chafing skin, located above maxillary sinuses, t.e. above eyebrows, nose bridge and around nose. Procedure will respond burning sensation, not get scared, soon from nose start plentiful allocation. it coming out accumulated pus.

  • cut off leaflet kalanchoe, rinse his and dry. cut into finely and lay down crushed pulp in nostrils. Soon you become sneeze, straightaway same take away kalanchoe. Conducting such simple procedure three times in day, very soon your sinuses be cleansed. Parallel With laying pulp kalanchoe should flush nose in one-saline solution.
  • Before procedure one horse chestnut lower in water on the three hours. Clear his and cut off With nuclei shavings. Enter shavings how can deeper in both nostrils. Hold one hour.

  • If a there is its bath, Great! Three bath procedures With three days intervals between them help get rid of from sinusitis. Attention! visit steam room categorically not allowed at elevated temperature body! Take With yourself in bath third glasses honey. Honey smear on the dry body and go in steam room. Sit down on the canopy and well sweat. sit before those since, bye honey stop to be sticky. Then, not rinsing, turn around big towel, lie down in bed, hiding blanket, desirable With head. Through hour get dressed in cotton underwear and go sleep before morning.
  • There is more one way, which the helps from many problems co health, in volume including and at sinusitis. one spoon vegetable oils take in mouth and quarter hours suck his not spitting and not swallowing. When oil will become at all liquid, spit it out his in sink and pay Attention on the color. If a oil whiteall fine, if yellownecessary increase time procedures. This method cleanses not only maxillary sinuses, but and the whole organism in in general, bringing out from him pathogenic microbes.

Classification, causes and pathogens, traditional treatment sinusitis

Classification Pathogens and causes Traditional treatment
Viral Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses, influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses. Antiviral drugs are antihistamines, immunomodulators and vasoconstrictors.
Bacterial Haemophilus influenzae, pneumonia, moraxella, pyogenic streptococcus. Always antibiotics.
Fungal Mushrooms of the genus Aspergillus and Alternaria. Antimicrobials. Sometimes required surgical intervention. Immunostimulants as a strengthening treatment.
Traumatic Consequence of injury. Fracture of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Treatment of patients with chronic traumatic sinusitis is only surgical.
Allergic Exposure to various allergens. Elimination of the source of the allergic reaction. Antihistamines.
Aerosinusitis Air travel. Works related to prolonged stay under water. Exemption from work. Vasoconstrictor drugs, sinus lavage. Sometimes analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Mixed Combination different forms sinusitis. Treatment according to the results of the study of associated forms of sinusitis.

Prevention sinusitis

  • At first symptoms runny nose not wait, bye he will pass myself, straightaway same start Events on his treatment.
  • AT purposes prevention gradually start hardening organism for raise immunity.
  • Sport and physical Culture strengthen organism in in general.
  • take a walk on the fresh air in any weather, but at this try avoid hypothermia, get dressed on weather.
  • If a partition nose twisted on which-then reason, necessary undertake all measures for fixes defect.
  • If a at you runny nose, and you release nasal way blowing your nose, try not overdo, because what at this pus from nose maybe get into in maxillary sinuses, what entail per yourself development sinusitis.

Video - Sinusitis

Video - The best treatment for sinusitis

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