What is the best remedy for cystitis? Treatment of cystitis in women - drugs for pain syndrome, fungal cystitis, as well as herbal remedies

Many women and some men have experienced this unpleasant illness. Someone had it once in acute form due to hypothermia, someone was left in chronic form and suffers from exacerbations for a long time.

There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of this disease. Of course, with such a prevalence of the disease, many drugs have been created that help with this disease, and many have also been invented folk ways fight this unpleasant disease.

However, despite the fact that there is now quite a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, at the first manifestations of cystitis it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to provoke the development of serious complications such as pyelonephritis.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane Bladder. It can develop according to upward path, and downward.

The ascending path is from the urethra to the bladder and further to the kidneys. So, urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) begins, then symptoms of cystitis appear, and if you do not take it in a timely manner, the inflammation can rise higher, to the kidneys.

This path of development is typical for cystitis caused by infection or bacteria, but it also happens when the body is overcooled and when ulcers appear in the bladder area.

The descending path is when pyelonephritis, i.e. inflammation of the kidneys, progresses to cystitis. This condition is considered complex and requires hospitalization of the patient in a nephrology hospital, or, failing that, in a urology hospital.

Cystitis develops much more often in women, due to the fact that the urethra in the female urinary system is several times shorter and twice as wide as in men, which allows bacteria to penetrate into the urethra, and from there into the bladder.

But despite this, it can also become a serious problem. So, it is for men that the disease occurs due to ulcers in the bladder area. Inflammation of the prostate can also affect the bladder.

The symptoms of the disease are very similar in both men and women. When they are more obvious, when chronic they are weaker.

Pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to urinate (often without urination), sharp pain when urinating, cloudy or dark urine, sometimes even elevated temperature, itching in the urethra.

Acute cystitis can develop rapidly, literally within a few hours from the appearance of the first mild symptoms to high fever and severe pain.

The causes of cystitis can be different. First of all, these are bacteria that enter the bladder mucosa and cause disruption of the microflora.

Most often, in women, cystitis develops this way due to poor personal hygiene or violation of toilet rules ( toilet paper when wiping, it should always move from front to back, and in no case otherwise).

Also, the development of the disease is provoked by tight underwear or underwear made from unnatural materials.

Hypothermia, general or local, can also trigger the development of this disease.

Drinking alcohol, spicy or too salty foods can also cause it, as can sexual intercourse. This disease is especially likely to develop when the location of sexual intercourse changes without hygiene procedures.

Important! Sometimes cystitis becomes a complication of urethritis or vaginitis, or accompanies the course of pyelonephritis. Prostatitis can also provoke development if suppuration appears on the prostate.

If you feel symptoms of cystitis, or one of your loved ones complains of characteristic malaise and pain, you should first consult a doctor.

The doctor will be able to correctly diagnose, taking into account your medical history, and if the diagnosis of cystitis is confirmed.

Usually, for cystitis, studies are prescribed that help to understand the causes of the disease, and in some cases, cystoscopy is prescribed, which allows you to examine in detail and assess the nature and extent of inflammation.

After the test results are received and the origin of the disease is reliably established, treatment is prescribed.

Besides the obvious (maintaining hygiene, eating large quantity clean water for drinking, following a diet, wearing underwear made from natural fabrics) drugs of various effects are also prescribed.

If cystitis is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. If there are any contraindications to treatment (pregnancy), herbal remedies and non-invasive means are used.

Painkillers, antispasmodics and probiotics can also be prescribed to restore the microflora of the bladder.

Review of effective drugs

Of the drugs used for treatment, the following are recognized as the most popular and effective:


  • - an antibiotic that can be prescribed even before the results of urine culture for flora have arrived. Gives good results in the treatment of acute bacterial cystitis, but is not used for exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease, due to the peculiarities of the development of the chronic form. Release form: suspension, granules, powder. Active ingredient: fosfomycin. The cost per pack is about 500 rubles.
  • Palinantimicrobial agent, which is often used to treat kidney and bladder infections. Release form: tablets. Active ingredient: pipemidic acid.
  • Rulid is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is prescribed and dosed only and exclusively by a doctor. It is used for both pyelonephritis and STDs. Active ingredient: roxithromycin. It is available in tablets and costs about 1,200 rubles per package.
  • Nevigramonantibacterial drug, which is used in the treatment of the urinary system, i.e. for cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Active ingredient: nalidixic acid. Release form: tablets. Cost – 4000 rubles per pack.
  • Furadonin– an antimicrobial agent that is used only for treatment genitourinary system. Active ingredient: nitrofurantoin. The price per package is about 100 rubles. Available in tablets.

Herbal medicines:

Previously, antibiotics were not used at all to treat cystitis, and the fight against pathogenic microbes was delayed, especially against the background of weakened immunity. Later, when it was established that cystitis can have bacterial origin, antibiotics have become widely used in the treatment of this disease, provided that bacteriuria has been proven.

If cystitis occurs, do not think that the cause is necessarily bacteria. During diagnosis, your doctor will ask you to take two tests to make sure you have bacteriuria. General analysis urine test will detect the presence of bacteria and protein in the urine.

Protein in urine - bad sign. It indicates that the infection has already reached the kidneys (or that before submitting the biomaterial for analysis you did not hygiene procedures). Bacteria in the urine indicate that they are the cause of the development of cystitis. If two of these indicators are exceeded (or at least one of them is higher than normal), a urine culture is prescribed.

Culture of urine for flora and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics helps to identify which bacteria caused the inflammation.

In addition, such an analysis allows us to determine which antibiotic will be the most dangerous and lethal for this bacterium. After receiving the results, the doctor will be able to prescribe a course of treatment, including exactly those antibiotics that will be most dangerous for bacteria and will not have a detrimental effect on your body.

Important! Remember that any antibiotic is a big stress and a blow to the body, so you should never self-medicate.

It may happen that you yourself prescribe an antibiotic that will not be dangerous for the bacteria that causes the disease, but at the same time it will be dangerous for those bacteria that form your healthy microflora in the intestines and other systems. It turns out that you will not cure the disease, and your condition will worsen.

If the disease does not appear for the first time and you know for sure that the cause is not a bacterial infection, herbal remedies can help treat cystitis, and at the same time they will not harm the body as much as antibiotics (which do not need to be taken if the cause of the disease is not bacteria ).

In addition, herbal medicines, unlike antibiotics, have much fewer contraindications and are allowed even for pregnant women, in whom cystitis often develops as a condition accompanying pregnancy.

When choosing a medicine, be sure to consult with your doctor, and also study the instructions for the medicine to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions or individual intolerance to components.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder caused by pathogenic or opportunistic microflora in conditions of weakened immunity. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system, the disease most often affects females. Modern drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women, they allow you to cope with the pathological process quickly and painlessly.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in women

Features of therapy inflammatory diseases bladder in women are caused by anatomical structure genitourinary system. The urethra is short and located relatively close to the anus, creating a constant risk of infection. The route of penetration of bacterial flora into the bladder is ascending. The incidence of the disease is increased among women who lead an antisocial lifestyle and neglect personal hygiene.

Long lasting inflammatory process in the absence of necessary therapy, it leads to the formation of a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. More often there is a cystic variant of the pathological process. Similar conditions are being treated surgically. In other cases, the woman should receive powerful antibacterial therapy consisting of several drugs (levofloxacin + ciprofloxacin; fosfomycin + micillin).

Medicines for the full course of treatment of the disease

Acute forms of cystitis can be cured with antibacterial agents alone. However, this approach is not always effective.

To achieve the maximum possible therapeutic effect, you should use a full therapeutic course, which consists of drugs from the following pharmacological groups:

  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • herbal medicines;
  • probiotics.

For frequently recurrent primary cystitis (not caused by other diseases), immunostimulating agents can be used medicines.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial agents are the basis for the treatment of types of cystitis caused by penetration into the bladder harmful microorganisms. Fast treatment cystitis at home is possible by using a product such as monural (fosfomycin) in an amount of 3 grams. The dose is taken once; if necessary, the dose can be repeated after 24 hours.

If therapeutic effect from the use of monural has not been achieved, systemic antibacterial therapy should be started. The drugs are selected empirically, taking into account the most common pathogen (Escherichia coli, Proteus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus). The generally accepted regimen is to prescribe furadonin 0.1 g 3 times a day for 10 days. If the patient does not show improvement on days 3-4, the drug is changed.

Cystitis can occur for several reasons:

  1. Inflammation of the intestines, the bladder is associated with it.
  2. Infectious diseases: sinusitis, tonsillitis, influenza, furunculosis, bacteria enter the bladder along with the blood.
  3. Escherichia coli: staphylococcus, trichomonas and other fungi.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms and types of cystitis

Cystitis is more common in women than in men because women have a shorter and wider urethra, which makes it easier for infection to enter the bladder. It manifests itself with symptoms: like cutting pain in the bladder area, when urinating, feeling of constant desire to urinate. Blood may be released in the urine, body temperature may rise, aching pain in the lower abdomen may appear, and the urine may have an unpleasant odor.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  • urge to go to the toilet after 15 minutes;
  • pain and burning appears when urinating;
  • urine comes out with a cloudy sediment, sometimes streaks of blood may appear in it;
  • body temperature rises, but in rare cases;
  • general weakness appears and appetite disappears;
  • Nausea and vomiting may occur.

It’s bad if cystitis becomes chronic, you can simply treat it: relieve the symptoms and relieve the pain, but you won’t be able to cure it completely. You will need to constantly undergo examinations, preventive measures and protect yourself from the cold.

How to treat cystitis in women

This disease will not go away on its own, so consult a specialist. To you blood tests will be required, urine and vaginal smear, only then will the urologist prescribe you correct treatment, it may include antibiotics for cystitis. This disease can be quickly cured at home. Tablets for cystitis in women, quick treatment:

  1. Uroantiseptics, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobials and antibiotics.
  2. During treatment you need to follow a diet and drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Take medications in combination with traditional methods.

Proper nutrition enhances the effect of medications. If you follow a diet, you will prevent the proliferation of bacteria, reduce intoxication, and avoid unnecessary damage to the bladder mucosa. Doctors recommend maintaining a diet during illness.

Treatment of cystitis in women, drugs

Acute cystitis appears suddenly and often carries with it infectious genesis. Treatment is prescribed to eliminate bacteria and viruses and restore natural protective forces. Treating cystitis at home requires following certain rules:

At chronic cystitis inflammation continues for a long time, and as a result, the walls of the bladder change. The disease proceeds latently or alternates between periods of exacerbation and remission. The disease must be treated comprehensively:

  • antibiotics are prescribed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs are used;
  • follow a gentle diet;
  • During this period, you should avoid intimacy;
  • accept antihistamines and drugs for immunity.

Antibiotics for cystitis

The pathologies of the disease are different and effective antibiotics are needed to treat it. An experienced specialist will help you choose such treatment. Pathology begins to develop from progressive infection and Doctors do not advise self-medication for some reasons:

  1. The patient himself will not be able to identify the type of pathogenic bacteria, so he will not know which antibiotic will act in relation to the source of the disease. Broad-spectrum medications are not effective enough for complete recovery.
  2. Cystitis can appear as developing pathology. It may also indicate other pathological processes. Then a course of therapy is drawn up to eliminate main reason disease, and then cystitis.

Cystitis can be accompanied by diseases: pathologies of the female genital area, urolithiasis and kidney disease. Antibiotics should be taken under constant medical supervision so that cystitis does not become chronic. Cystitis that is not treated in a timely manner leads to complications - cysts, neoplasms and malignant tumors may appear.

In pharmacies, antibiotics are sold in a large assortment. To select a medication, you need to use the following basic criteria:

  • safety;
  • affordable price;
  • comfort during reception;
  • effectiveness of the drug.

For the right choice antibiotic, it is necessary to undergo examination and consult a specialist. In addition to antibiotics, the following are prescribed: painkillers, diuretics and antispasmodics. To get rid of pain before visiting a doctor, you can take No-shpu or drink a decoction of lingonberry leaves and berries.

Any drug has side effects and this must be taken into account when choosing an antibiotic to avoid dizziness or nausea. Antibiotics are divided into two categories:

  1. Old generation - “Furagin”, “Furadonin”, “Levometitsin”, they cost from 30 to 150 rubles. But during the period of evolution, microbes adapted to active substances and now it is preferable to take newer drugs.
  2. New generation - “Ceforal”, “”, price from 300 to 500 rubles.

Effective antibiotics for cystitis

We present a list of modern and effective antibiotics that are recommended for use for cystitis:

Tablets for cystitis are inexpensive and effective

Treatment of cystitis should include uroantiseptics or antibacterial agents and anti-inflammatory drugs. Depending on the pathogen, antibacterial agents are prescribed; an analysis is performed to determine the sensitivity of the microorganism to the effects of drugs bacteriological culture. To eliminate pain and spasms, it is recommended to take Papaverine, the price of these drugs varies from 50 to 100 rubles. Antispasmodics can be taken in tablets, soluble powder or suppositories. The effectiveness of use does not depend on the form of the product.

If the disease accompanies strong pain, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed: “Ibuklin”, “Mig”, “Nurofen”, “Faspik”. The price of these drugs ranges from 30 to 100 rubles. This cheap pills from cystitis.

Cystitis tablet once

Any sick person dreams of being able to take just one pill and immediately get well. For the treatment of cystitis, such a drug was found - this is “Monural”. It is used during acute illness, applied once at night after emptying the bladder. After three hours, the patient will be able to feel the therapeutic effect, all symptoms of inflammation will disappear. The medicine is safe, most of it is excreted by the kidneys, and does not affect the functioning of other organs and systems. Can be used by children from five years of age.

Contraindicated in individual intolerance and renal failure. Its cost is about 500 rubles, but you can use its analogues: “Phosforal Rompharm”, “Cistoral”, “Ecofomural”.

But spa for cystitis in women

No-shpu (drotaverine) is used to relieve pain caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of the bladder. The drug has vasodilating and hypotensive properties. When using No-shpa, the pain decreases or disappears completely. The tablet begins to act after taking 30 minutes, maximum effect achieved three hours after using the drug. If you get sick, you need to take two tablets at once; you also take two tablets at night; you can take no more than six tablets per day.

To avoid complications, it is necessary to undergo examination and a full course of treatment.

To keep your body healthy, carry out regular preventative measures and the disease will not develop. And if the disease still overtakes you, seek help from a specialist, who can appoint effective course treatment.

Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) is a disease known to many. Women are more often affected. Attempts to quickly get rid of painful sensations when urinating and constant urge to go to the toilet on your own lead to improper treatment cystitis, the transition of the disease to a chronic form with further relapses.

The pharmacy network has a sufficient range of medicines for cystitis, but what drugs should be used? specific case Only a doctor can know for sure after an examination. Therefore, the most reasonable solution is to see a therapist or urologist and take a necessary tests and follow the recommendations without prolonging the illness.

At the same time, we should not forget about the enhanced drinking regime(water, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, compote, tea), stopping eating spicy foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

What effect should medications have?

An effective cure for cystitis should have a maximum positive properties and a minimum of contraindications for use. According to the mechanism of action, all drugs for the treatment of cystitis are divided into:

  • antimicrobial - depending on the main causative agent of inflammation, the group includes antibacterial agents, antiviral, antifungal, as well as specific drugs against cystitis caused by gonococci, mycobacterium tuberculosis, chlamydial and trichomonas infections;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - destroy all signs inflammatory reaction(swelling, destruction of the epithelium, expansion of capillaries);
  • immunomodulators - to support the body, activation of local and general immunity is necessary;
  • antispasmodic drugs - to relieve tense tone from the detrusor muscle;
  • weak diuretics - a diuretic effect is necessary to flush out infection, tissue breakdown products and microorganisms, but it should not irritate the epithelium;
  • painkillers - removing irritation of nerve receptors from the wall and sphincter of the bladder with inflammatory elements leads to a reduction in pain when urinating;
  • antihistamines - if cystitis is of an allergic nature, medications that relieve increased content histamine, serotonin.

Such a division is conditional, since many drugs have several properties at once, some of which are more pronounced, others very little.

Antibiotics of a number of fluoroquinolones suppress the ability of bacteria to reproduce

Types of therapeutic effects of drugs

According to the mechanism of influence on pathological process, in medicine it is customary to distinguish 2 types of therapy:

  • Etiological - direct destruction of the causative microorganism or the creation of conditions that make its life and division process impossible. Drugs in this group include antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals. Varieties etiological treatment depend on the susceptibility of the pathogen to the drug.
  • Pathogenetic- elimination of inflammation and its consequences. This can include drugs from all other groups that affect the reduction of swelling, muscle spasms, vascular permeability, and local immunity.

A special type of therapy - restoration hormonal balance in women at menopausal age. It has been established that it is the decrease in estrogen synthesis that affects the occurrence of cystitis. Therefore, they are used in treatment vaginal suppositories with estrogen, ointments in agreement with the gynecologist.

In the treatment of cystitis, all areas of therapy are important.

Requirements for the form of medicinal products

Since inflammation of the bladder almost always occurs without severe consequences, then an indispensable condition for recognition as the most effective remedy for cystitis is the ability to take the medicine at home in the form of tablets, capsules, powders or suppositories without the need for frequent monitoring of the condition of the blood and internal organs.

Another option is when severe course With high temperature, hemorrhagic rashes, ulcers on the mucous membrane of the bladder, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital and for possible fast acting Medicines for cystitis should be in ampoule form for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Urologists get good results from rinsing the bladder by introducing solutions with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects through a catheter. Standard solutions of the required concentration have wound healing properties, wash away accumulated microbes and inflammatory products.

The form of vaginal suppositories and ointments is very convenient for women over 50 years of age with frequent relapses of chronic cystitis. Good absorption of drugs without a general effect on other organs allows us to recommend them as a means of treating and preventing cystitis.

Time-tested products have the least toxic properties herbal preparations. The remedy for cystitis, prepared from natural raw materials, is safe and can be given to children to drink.

What drugs treat bacterial inflammation?

The most common pathogens cultured from urine during cystitis are bacteria (Escherichia coli, Proteus, staphylococcus). Antibiotics can fight them. The optimal prescription is considered to be a drug identified by culture on bacterial media to determine the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora to it.

The doctor should take into account that Amoxicillin suppresses the synthesis of vitamin K and prothrombin and enhances the effect indirect anticoagulants creates a risk of bleeding

The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity, concomitant diseases, in children - from weight. In practical applications, bladder bacteria are most susceptible to:

  • group of fluoroquinolones - drugs are taken in a course of 5–7 days, representatives - Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin twice a day, Levofloxacin 1 time;
  • macrolides - representatives Azithromycin, Azitsin, Clarithromycin (prescribed twice a day), Erythromycin (4 times a day, course duration from three to five days;
  • group of protected penicillins - take at least three times a day, representatives include Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoklav, course duration - 7 days.

When treating with antibiotics, it is important to drink them 20–30 minutes before meals, drinking plain water, observe the frequency and duration of administration. Otherwise, the body develops resistance to pathogenic microflora, which makes treatment ineffective.

Modern antibiotics most often prescribed by urologists

Most modern means with antibacterial action are drugs created in last years, with the least addiction and resistance of microorganisms. Therefore, doctors prescribe them without waiting for test results.

  • Monural is a phosphonic acid derivative. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of granules, powder and suspension. Not indicated for children under five years of age. It has a property that allows the drug to be classified as one of the most the best means: for treatment it is enough to take it once, some patients are prescribed readmission in two days. Creates a high concentration in the blood, accumulates in the urinary organs, and is most effective for cystitis.
  • - acts on large group bacteria, has proven effectiveness in chronic inflammation Bladder.
  • Palin is a uroantiseptic and targets the flora of the bladder. A course of one to two weeks is required for cure.
  • Flemoxin Solutab- antibiotic related to the latest means from cystitis. At clear symptoms One capsule is prescribed every 4 hours; as symptoms decrease, the dose is reduced and the drug can be taken 3 times a day. General course therapy 5–7 days.
  • Ceforal - refers to semi-synthetic antibiotics; the dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor based on the patient’s weight. Treatment lasts 7 days.

Nolicin is effective in advanced stages of the disease, taken twice a day for three days

How does the prescription of antibacterial therapy depend on the type of infection?

The tactics for choosing an antibiotic are correlated with the types of infection.

  • Infection is considered primary in the acute form of cystitis, when the pathogen has not previously entered the bladder. In such cases, treatment is most effective if full course. The patient will feel the result within 1–2 days, but it must be completed.
  • Repeated infection indicates the transition of cystitis to a chronic form. The source may be untreated chronic lesions in the nasopharynx and genitals. In such cases, medications for cystitis have to be changed, combined to enhance effectiveness, or combined with oral and intravesical administration.
  • Nosocomial infection is one of the most difficult to treat. Most strains of bacteria living in a hospital are resistant (resistant) to the main classes of antibiotics. You have to prescribe 2 types of drugs at once, choosing the latest generation of drugs.

Nosocomial infection is possible not only due to unsterile instruments or the hands of staff, but also due to overcrowding of patients, coughing employees and patients, and insufficient conditions for hygiene

Antifungal therapy

If a urine test reveals fungi, then best medicine for cystitis you need to look for antimycotic drugs. Not all drugs in this group are equally capable of accumulating in the mucous membrane of the bladder. The most effective are:

Antimycotic drugs with less penetrating ability include:

  • Itraconazole,
  • Itrakon,
  • Orungal,
  • Natamycin,
  • Pimafucin.

They are prescribed in tablets for 2 or 4 doses daily, in a course of 2 weeks.

What antiviral drugs are used in treatment?

What to drink for cystitis caused by influenza, ARVI, common herpetic infection? After all, it is impossible to identify the pathogen in such cases using conventional bacterial studies. When prescribing, the doctor focuses on:

  • clinical symptoms;
  • general illness;
  • epidemic situation at home and at work of the patient;
  • failure antibacterial therapy.

It is difficult to do a free analysis in a virology laboratory. In some medical institutions there is equipment for chain reaction precipitation.

TO antiviral drugs relate:

  • Ribavirin,
  • Ribamidil,
  • Virazol,
  • Acyclovir,
  • Gerpevir.

They are prescribed in capsules three times a day, for a course of five days to two weeks.

Tools such as:

  • Laferon

are available in ampoules.

Interferon is administered intramuscularly, intravenously, or directly into the bladder

Medicines for non-infectious cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder can cause especially sensitive people cleaning gels, bubble baths, products personal hygiene. The identified causes of cystitis require, first of all, refusal to use and any contact with these drugs. To reduce hypersensitivity the following are prescribed:

  • Diphenhydramine,
  • Suprastin,
  • Loratadine,
  • Cetrin.

These drugs for cystitis have antihistamine effect. It is enough to drink Cetrin and Loratadine once a day; they have a prolonged effect and remain in the blood for a long time. When treating with the first two drugs, it is not recommended to drive vehicles, since they have a pronounced sedative effect on nervous system slow down the reaction.

Development of cystitis against the background radiation therapy associated with activation internal infection, suppression of immune defense. Medicines are used in their treatment antibacterial action and definitely immunomodulators. The patient will have to drink for 3–6 months:

  • ginseng tincture,
  • echinacea,
  • aloe.

Echinacea - natural protection against viral and other infections

As prescribed by the doctor:

  • Transfer factor,
  • Timolin.

The protection is supplemented and activated by vitamins, including several types:

  • Pikovit,
  • Vitrum,
  • Multitabs.

Anti-inflammatory treatments

Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-antibiotic origin include:

Sulfonamides - Urosulfan, Sulfadimethoxine are used once a day, usually combined with antibiotics and nitrofurans. Urosulfan has active substance(sulfacarbamide), which disrupts the synthesis in microbial cells folic acid. The drug is active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, especially effective against staphylococci and E. coli.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- Paracetamol, Indomethacin, Naproxen, Nimesulide cannot be considered completely safe, since they have an undesirable effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and liver cells. For persons with existing chronic ulcers, gastritis - contraindicated. Not applicable in .

Nitrofurans - Furazolidone, Furagin are effective against staphylococci and streptococci. It is recommended to take them only after meals and drink plenty of water. IN Lately are among the less popular medications for cystitis. In many patients they cause nausea and vomiting, headaches. This may be due to failure to follow the recommendations for admission.

Hydroxyquinoline derivatives- representatives of the group of effective uroseptics 5-NOK, Nitroxoline. They have a wide spectrum of action against bacteria, cocci and fungi. When using drugs from the nitroxoline group, the patient’s urine takes on a pronounced yellow-red color. Contraindicated in the treatment of children under three years of age, pregnant and lactating women, patients with glaucoma. In chronic renal and liver failure the dosage is reduced by half.

Herbal medicines in the treatment of cystitis

Preparations based on herbal raw materials have a moderate antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, act as weak diuretics, and relieve spasm of the bladder muscles. Patients report rapid relief from pain. The most famous:

  • Canephron - available in the form of dragees and tinctures, the composition includes extracts of lovage, rosemary, centaury, should be taken after meals.
  • Urolesan - in addition to cystitis, is used for urolithiasis. Different from Canephron essential oils fir, mint, castor oil in combination with extracts of hops, oregano and carrot juice. It is a tincture, it is recommended to take up to 10 drops on a piece of sugar at a time, repeat three times a day before meals.

Not all patients are satisfied with the form of the tincture; it is inconvenient at work. Therefore, they prefer another herbal preparation.

  • Cyston is available in tablets containing dry herbal extracts of saxifrage and heart-leaved madder.
  • Monurel - created on the basis of cranberry extract, according to the description, prevents the attachment of microorganisms to the wall of the bladder. At the same time it has bactericidal properties.

Nitroxoline limits the activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Trichomonas, disrupts DNA synthesis in microorganisms

Pathogenetic drugs

To relieve spastic painful contractions of the bladder muscles, antispasmodics are indicated. They are available in both tablets and ampoules. Suitable for continuous use and assistance in cases of severe pain attack, in small dosages can be used in the treatment of children. The most famous:

  • No-spa - refers to isoquinoline derivatives, through the gradual blocking of a number of enzymes and calcium, it reduces spasm of smooth muscles.
  • Papaverine - in addition to tablets and ampoules, its form is known in rectal suppositories, acts on the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles.
  • Platiphylline is a cholinergic receptor blocker, as a result muscle fibers do not “recognize” the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is necessary for contraction. Available only in ampoules. More applicable in emergency situations for spastic pain.

Analogues of No-shpa: Drotaverine, Drotaverine-forte.

Diuretics for inflammation of the bladder are recommended only plant origin because everything synthetic drugs have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. To enhance the “flushing” effect, the following are shown:

  • herbal diuretics,
  • bear ears,
  • the above herbal remedies.

Preparations in the form of suppositories for the treatment of cystitis

To treat cystitis, vaginal suppositories can be used for women and rectal for men and children. The form is convenient because it does not affect other organs (except the genitals and intestines).

  • Ovestin - helps increase estrogen levels in menopausal women with frequent cystitis;
  • Hexicon - relieves painful urges;
  • Papaverine is an effective antispasmodic;
  • Viferon - has immunostimulating and antiviral activity.

For the most part, drugs in suppositories are auxiliary symptomatic treatment. But they work well for concomitant diseases of the stomach and intestines, when extra pills lead to an unwanted aggravation.

You can read about indications and contraindications for candle therapy.

What pills can you take for cystitis during pregnancy?

Cystitis on early stage pregnancy it is recommended to treat only folk remedies(sitz baths), herbal remedies (Canephron, Fitolysin). If there is no improvement, you have to think about possible risk pyelonephritis, so medications are prescribed in short courses.

The following antimicrobial drugs are suitable for a pregnant woman:

  • Flemoxin Solutab,
  • Amoxiclav,
  • Monural,
  • Monurel.

Treatment with specific agents

When identifying the etiology of cystitis associated with the entry of gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections into the bladder, specific anti-inflammatory drugs are added to the treatment. The standards for the treatment of gonorrheal process in the bladder and urethra include the following drugs:

  • Ceftriaxone - administered intramuscularly once;
  • Ciprofloxacin - once orally;
  • Ofloxacin - take tablets once;
  • Spectinomycin - intramuscular 2 g.

Trichopolum (Metronidazole) is considered specific drug for the treatment of trichomonas cystitis. Available in oral tablets, vaginal tablets for women, and solution. It also acts on chlamydia and gonococci. About 85% of the active substance is absorbed. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.

What drugs can be used for cystitis in childhood?

Treatment of cystitis in children always begins with herbal remedies. Canephron is the safest. It is prescribed in drops to babies up to one year old (10 drops per dose). For older children, the single dose is increased to 25 drops, and total number appointments will be recommended by your pediatrician.

  • antibiotics - Cefodox, Cefix, Augmentin;
  • nitrofurans - Furadonin, if the child is more than one month old;
  • sulfonamides - Co-trimoxazole in syrup, in European countries the drug is considered the main antibacterial agent for children with urinary tract infections;
  • nalidixic acid preparations (Nevigramon, Negram).

The dosage is calculated according to the baby’s weight and age.

What is used during the recovery period?

The impact on pathogenic microflora, unfortunately, is not complete without destruction beneficial bacteria, living in urine and intestines. Therefore, during the recovery period after liquidation acute symptoms Patients with cystitis feel bloating and an unpleasant heaviness above the pubis.

Hilak Forte - consists of lactic acid and its salts, recommended as an effective probiotic

  • Acipol - regulates the state of intestinal microflora, prevents penetration into the urinary tract;
  • RioFlora Balance - contains lacto- and bifidobacteria, is contraindicated for pregnant women and persons with chronic pancreatitis;
  • RioFlora Imuno - contains 8 types of microorganisms, strengthens the natural defense response;
  • Bifiform - capsules contain bifidobacteria and enterococci; it is of indirect importance for the treatment of cystitis.

There is a wide range of medications available to treat cystitis. The doctor has the opportunity to prescribe the most effective means. The main thing is to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner and not try to waste time on unreasonable recommendations from friends. A protracted process leads to chronic course, which complicates therapy and the effect of drugs.

The content of the article:

Drug treatment of cystitis is a set of measures aimed at eliminating the negative symptoms of bladder disease. Typically used A complex approach in the treatment of illness. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics, uroseptics, antispasmodics, depending on the severity of symptoms and the form of cystitis.

  • Read about capsules

Groups of drugs for cystitis

Cystitis is usually caused by bacteria. For this reason, the main treatment for this disease is antibiotics. In most cases, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed.

When choosing appropriate antibiotic For treatment, a factor such as antibiotic resistance should be taken into account. However, some strains of microorganisms can develop resistance to a number of antimicrobial drugs. Therefore, treatment may not be effective. According to latest research, there are a number of antibiotic drugs that in 50-80% of cases do not cope with cystitis, since they do not have a detrimental effect on E. coli.

Recommended for selecting the correct antimicrobial drug for cystitis, take a urine test. He will be able to identify the pathogen and determine the resistance of the microbe to the antibiotic. It is for this reason that it is so important not to self-medicate and not to aggravate the course of the disease, but to promptly consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct antimicrobial therapy.

Slightly less often than antibiotics, herbal remedies are used in the treatment of cystitis. These are medicines based on plant extracts and extracts. Can be used to relieve inflammation of the bladder herbal medicines both as an independent therapy and as an auxiliary, restorative one. However, it is worth noting that in most cases, herbal remedies are effective as stand-alone medications only for mild symptoms of cystitis and in the absence of elevated body temperature. Typically they are part of complex treatment illness with the mandatory use of antibiotics.

Herbal medicines can also be prescribed to patients with a chronic form of the disease during the stages of remission as a preventive treatment.

In addition, analgesics and antispasmodics are used in the treatment of cystitis. They are called upon to eliminate painful sensations, which often accompany the process of urination.

Another group of drugs used in the treatment of cystitis are probiotics. They are prescribed to eliminate unpleasant consequences use of antibiotics. They effectively restore the microflora of the intestines and genitourinary system.

Currently, there is a list of antibiotics that have proven effective in combating coli, which most often causes the development of cystitis. Let's look at the most popular tools in this group:
  • Monural. His active component is fosfomycin. It can be prescribed even without preliminary analysis urine on the resistance of the pathogen to this medication. The medicine has a wide spectrum of action. It is convenient to accept it, since there are various shapes drug - powder, granules, suspension. This medicine is not prescribed for chronic cystitis, since it is impossible to cure an advanced or complicated form of the disease with a one-time dose of an antibiotic. In this case, an integrated approach is required. Expectant mothers should be prescribed Monural by a doctor, taking into account all the features of the course of pregnancy and weighing the potential risks. The medicine increases the risk of disruption of the fetal development process in the early stages, which can lead to the formation of various anomalies.
  • Nolitsin. This antibiotic also has wide range actions. Its active ingredient is norfloxacin. Today, medications containing this substance are considered very effective in treating microbial infections. Most of microorganisms are not yet resistant to norfloxacin. This means that bacteria quickly die under its influence. So this one medicinal product It is considered “reserve”, that is, it is prescribed, as a rule, when other antibiotics have failed. During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed with caution, weighing the risks, and during lactation it is prohibited to use it.
  • Nitroxoline. The medicine belongs to the oxyquinoline group. It is widely used for infections of the genitourinary system, including inflammation of the bladder. After taking this antibiotic, the patient's urine may take on a deep orange hue.
  • Furadonin. Relatively inexpensive drug to get rid of cystitis. It is also popular because it is able to cope with the disease in both acute and chronic forms. This remedy is also prescribed as a prophylactic to prevent relapses of the disease.
  • Palin. The basis of the medicine is pipemidic acid. It is effective in getting rid of various ailments of the genitourinary system. However, use this remedy It is prohibited during pregnancy at any stage, as well as during breastfeeding.
There are also a number of antibiotic drugs used for cystitis, for example, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Rulid, Furagin and others. However, they are less in demand, as they may not cope with a number of pathogens and cause certain adverse reactions.

Herbal remedies for cystitis

These drugs are popular among patients because they practically do not cause side effects and allergic reactions. In addition, they do not disrupt the microflora of the intestines and vagina the way antibiotics do. However, it is worth considering that these medications are not always effective if used independently. Therefore, only the attending physician can decide on the advisability of taking them.

Let's look at the most popular plant-based products:

  1. Cyston. This medicine is a distillation of more than ten medicinal herbs. The latter have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effect on the body. With the correct use of this drug, inflammation in the bladder and nearby organs is eliminated. Besides, this medicine enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics and promotes the destruction of kidney stones.
  2. Canephron. These tablets contain extracts of centaury, rosemary and others. medicinal plants, effective for bladder inflammation. Perfectly relieves inflammation, kills bacteria and strengthens local immunity. Centaury has a diuretic effect and also improves kidney function.
  3. Krenfors. This drug belongs to the group of uroantiseptics. The composition contains an extract from swamp cranberries and a number of biologically active substances. The components of the drug have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, antioxidant and diuretic effects. They also make urine more acidic, help remove toxins from the bladder, and prevent the formation of kidney stones. The drug enhances the effect of antibiotics used in treatment infectious lesions urinary system. Can be prescribed to pregnant women.
  4. Phytolysin. Available in paste form. It contains about ten extracts medicinal herbs, and vegetable oils. The components of the drug have an antibiotic effect, destroy and remove from the body naturally pathogenic flora. Also helps with shooting sharp pains and spasms due to inflammation of the bladder.
  5. Monurel. This is a concentrate of cranberry extract. The latter has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating effects. Promotes rapid removal of toxins and bacteria from the body. Can also be taken as a prophylactic.

Antispasmodic drugs in the treatment of cystitis

Antispasmodics (analgesics) for cystitis are often prescribed if, in addition to frequent urination, the patient suffers from pain and cramping in the area of ​​the inflamed organ. Drugs in this group help relieve pain and also reduce the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet.

As a rule, antispasmodic drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women belong to the group of drotaverine-containing drugs. They act as quickly as possible and effectively relieve discomfort.

In most cases, patients are prescribed Drotaverine, Papaverine, No-Shpu. All of these drugs act in approximately the same way - they reduce the activity of the smooth muscles of the bladder. This eliminates the spasm and the pain disappears. The advantages of these antispasmodics are that they do not have a detrimental effect on the human nervous system, and pain is relieved quickly.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of cystitis

In the treatment of bladder inflammation, in some cases, additional anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They are effective and necessary in cases where the patient has an elevated body temperature and severe symptoms of the disease. In most cases, they have a gentle effect on the body and do not lead to side effects.

The following anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat cystitis:

  • Ibuprofen. Removes painful sensations and is able to reduce body temperature to normal. It has an effect quickly and effectively. It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women and young children.
  • Faspik. Essentially the same as Ibuprofen, only the dosage of the active ingredient is higher.
  • Ibuklin. The composition includes paracetamol, which enhances the effect of the medicine. However, at the same time, Ibuklin has more contraindications than the above remedies and can cause side effects.
Among the side effects of these drugs are disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, stomach, and liver.

Probiotics in the treatment of cystitis

If antibiotics were used in the treatment of cystitis, then the prescription of probiotic drugs is mandatory. They help restore microflora and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease.

To the group of effective probiotics that are used in the process drug treatment Cystitis in women includes:

  1. Rioflora Immuno. Helps maintain healthy microflora in the intestines, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, improves local immunity, and prevents the disease from developing again.
  2. Linux. Like Hilak Forte, it effectively populates the intestines and vagina with beneficial bacteria.
  3. Acipol. Significantly improves the composition of the intestinal microflora, prevents harmful bacteria from developing and multiplying, which have a destructive effect on the bladder mucosa.
The advantages of these drugs are that they do not cause side effects, are safe and can be used by patients at any age.

How to treat cystitis in women - watch the video:

Cystitis must be treated using comprehensive measures. It is recommended to use a combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy. Also, according to indications, you should take antispasmodic drugs and probiotics. Only an integrated approach will help to completely get rid of the disease without the risk of it becoming chronic.