What is the DPT vaccine for? Local body reactions

Latin name: DTP Vaccine
ATX code: J07CA02
Active substance: Dead
microbial cells Bordetella pertussis
Anatoxinum diphthericum
Anatoxinum tetanicum
Manufacturer:"Biomed", "Microgen"
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Issued only
representatives of medical institutions

The DTP vaccine is comprehensively targeted against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria and produces immunity in 100% of patients receiving the vaccine. It is carried out according to the national vaccination schedule. Similar action has the drug "Infanrix", vaccination of which is paid for. The duration of immune protection against tetanus and diphtheria is ten years, against whooping cough - approximately five to seven years. After this period it is necessary DPT revaccination. However, its implementation is hampered by the fairly frequent development of complications after vaccination, negative consequences in the form of colds, coughs, swelling and pain at the injection site, and the small amount of pertussis vaccine produced for adults and children over six years of age. When it is planned to get DPT, vaccinations against polio and hepatitis B are usually also given at the same time. Moreover, the duration of the hepatitis vaccination is approximately 8-10 years, and sometimes its effect remains, no matter how many years have passed.

Indications for use

The DTP vaccine is given to prevent tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria in children aged three months to three years. According to the schedule, the ADS vaccine is used for children aged four to five years. Children over six years of age and adults are administered ADSM toxoid.

Composition of the drug

0.5 ml of the drug, equal to one vaccination dose, contains:

  1. Dead microbial particles of Bordetella pertussis - 10 billion (4 MZU)
  2. Inactivated and purified diphtheria toxoid - 15 FU (30 MIE)
  3. Neutralized tetanus toxoid- 5 EU (60 MIE).

Additional components:

  1. Aluminum hydroxide (sorbent) - 0.55 mg
  2. Formaldehyde - 0.05 mg
  3. Merthiolate (preservative) - 0.045 mg.

Medicinal properties

If you get vaccinated, it stimulates the body to produce specific antibodies to diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough viruses. The level of merthiolate in the blood decreases by half after 3–7 days, and after a month it drops to the original level.

Release forms

The cost of the vaccine is 158–193 rubles, but vaccinations with it in medical institutions are given free of charge

Suspension for intramuscular injection looks like a white liquid with a slightly yellow tint. When stationary, it separates into a clear solution and a loose sediment, which easily dissolves after shaking.

The drug is packaged in ampoules of 1 ml, which is two doses. One package contains ten ampoules along with instructions for use.

Mode of application

Vaccination is carried out within the time limits specified in the schedule, drawn up taking into account the comments outlined by WHO, and approved by the Ministry of Health. To avoid the development of complications, cough and other consequences, the child must be healthy and have no contraindications to the drug. As indicated in the instructions for use, the first vaccination is given three times with an interval of forty-five days. Reduction of deadlines is not allowed. Accordingly, the child is vaccinated at the age of three, four and a half and six months. Usually, vaccines against polio and hepatitis B are also given at the same time. If the baby does not have a fever, it is not prohibited to walk with him.

If due to fever, cough and infection, timely use of the next vaccination is impossible, it should be done immediately after successful completion of treatment. If for some reason he was not vaccinated before the age of four, the vaccination is carried out with ADS toxoid, as in the case if he has already suffered whooping cough. A second vaccination against hepatitis B is performed one month after the first one. And five months after the second one they give the third hepatitis vaccine.


DPT revaccination is performed for children aged one and a half years. If the first vaccination was not given according to schedule, DPT revaccination is carried out twelve or thirteen months from the date of administration of the third dose of primary vaccination. The following revaccinations are given with ADSM toxoid for children at seven and fourteen years old, and for adults every ten years.

Injection site

The vaccine is injected into the front outer part of the child's thigh, which can cause a lump at the injection site and other negative effects. To avoid allergic reactions and to reduce pain, you can apply Fenistil ointment to the leg. When the baby turns one and a half years old, injections are given at top part shoulder - deltoid muscle. Children after seven years of age can already have the drug administered under the shoulder blade.

Preparing for vaccination

  • Do not change the child’s diet a few days before the test.
  • Reduce the likelihood of occurrence allergic complications and the appearance of a compaction at the injection site. Why can you give your baby one calcium gluconate tablet per day for three days before and after vaccination?
  • Apply antihistamine, which the doctor will prescribe, for example, Fenistil drops, to avoid allergic consequences
  • Stop taking vitamin D two to three days before your vaccination, as it can increase calcium concentrations in the body. Violations in metabolic processes can lead to the development of allergic consequences in the child and the formation of a lump at the injection site
  • Make sure your baby has a bowel movement within 24 hours before vaccination. Otherwise you can use glycerin suppository or an enema
  • Limit your child's diet to reduce stress on the intestines
  • Avoid dehydration - give to baby sufficient quantity water and do not wrap him up too much, as this may cause increased sweating
  • One hour before vaccination and preferably for three hours after it, do not feed the child
  • Do not bathe your baby on the day of vaccination.

What to do after receiving the vaccine

Upon returning home, you should immediately give your child an antipyretic suppository “Paracetamol” as a prophylactic against the development of complications, infection, to prevent coughing and the appearance of a lump on the leg. If the temperature rises during the day, you can use another candle. And be sure to leave it overnight. At night, you need to measure the temperature again and, if necessary, you can insert a candle. To prevent allergic consequences, the baby should be given Fenistil drops.

As Komarovsky advises, suppositories should be placed at temperatures below 38°C. When it rises higher and is accompanied by cough and infection, it is better to continue treatment with Ibuprofen syrup. In the absence of a positive effect, it is advisable to use Nimesulide syrup or solution. It is necessary to give the baby food often, preferably with rehydration solutions. For example, “Rigidron”, “Humana electrolyte”. You cannot bathe him or walk him until his temperature drops. Elevated temperature after DTP vaccination can last up to five days.

Is it possible to bathe a child after vaccination?

To avoid infection through the injection site, the formation of a lump and the development of complications, children should not be bathed for 24 hours after vaccination. The next day you can bathe your baby at his usual time. If the temperature still persists, you can simply wipe it with a damp towel, but you should not go for a walk.

Should I cancel my walks?

Dr. Komarovsky claims that if the baby does not develop a fever, you can walk with him. True, it is better to walk not in the yard where there are a lot of people, but somewhere in a sparsely populated place. While the child’s body produces antibodies to viruses, it is better for him not to contact other people, so as not to provoke the occurrence of infection, colds and coughs. For the same reason, the baby should not be bathed for 24 hours after vaccination.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The DTP vaccine is not used during pregnancy and lactation.


Vaccination cannot be done at a time when the child has an acute form of any disease, intolerance to the substances included in the vaccine, or immunodeficiency that precludes the production of antibodies to viruses.

Children suffering from progressive diseases nervous system, or those who experienced convulsions not accompanied by elevated temperature, are vaccinated with the ADS drug, which does not contain particles of pertussis microbes, which is why it is easier to tolerate.

If the baby’s seizures were noted during a rise in temperature, this cannot be an obstacle to the use of the vaccine, but requires special preparation to prevent any complications. If the baby has diathesis, vaccination is carried out during the absence of exacerbations. If he has an infection or acute respiratory infection, the vaccine is given after the end of the illness.

Precautionary measures

A vaccinated child should be monitored for about thirty minutes so as not to miss the possible occurrence of allergic reactions and other complications. In this case, there should be funds at hand antishock therapy. Ampoules with broken seals, without markings, with cloudy or discolored liquid and persistent sediment cannot be used.

Cross-drug interactions

DTP and polio vaccines, as well as the hepatitis B vaccine, can be given at the same time. And other vaccinations included in the schedule, except BCG.

Side effects

The substances that make up the drug are designed to stimulate the body’s production of antibodies to certain viruses, so the immune reaction to DPT can be quite active. Most often, the leg begins to hurt. Induration and swelling may occur at the injection site. To relieve pain, you can apply Fenistil ointment, which has anesthetic property. However, the effects appear within three days after vaccination. Therefore, complications that arise after this period are caused by other reasons. The reaction to the second and third vaccinations may no longer be as pronounced. But with revaccination (fourth vaccination), local effects may increase: compaction and pain at the injection site. The body's reactions to DTP vaccinations and polio are almost identical. In contrast, the hepatitis vaccine does not have significant negative consequences.

Typically, 30% of vaccinated people have a fever after DTP vaccination, and 20% may experience vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, their behavior becomes restless or, conversely, inhibited. In 15–25% of vaccinated people, a cough occurs, the injection site turns red, swells and hurts, and a lump can be felt on it. This is explained inflammatory reaction body, the lump formed at the injection site hurts, as evidenced by the baby’s crying and reluctance to step on the sore leg. In this case, you need to apply Fenistil ointment to your leg, which will relieve the pain.

If within two days after vaccination the child’s temperature rises to 40°C, the next two vaccinations are performed with the DPT or ADSM vaccine, since such a reaction to the DTP vaccine is already a complication.

Seal at the injection site

Induration and redness at the vaccine injection site are caused by the action of aluminum hydroxide, which promotes inflammation. As a result, the body's immune cells begin to actively divide and create T-lymphocytes, which remember information about the produced antigens. If the diameter of the seal does not exceed five cm and the injection site does not hurt, and the child behaves actively and moves his leg freely, there is no reason to worry. He can be bathed the day after vaccination. Do not touch the lump, try to rub it or apply a compress, as this can lead to an abscess. Fenistil ointment should be applied to the injection site to relieve pain. If pus or blood appears from the lump, you should immediately call a pediatrician.


Limping on the leg into which the injection was given is due to insufficient development muscle mass, as a result of which the absorption of the vaccine slows down. The baby's leg that was vaccinated hurts, and he tries not to step on it. In this case, massage can help. You can also apply Fenistil gel to the affected area. If the baby does not get up at all, you need to regularly do leg exercises for him in a lying position. You can bathe and rub your baby more often wet towel- this promotes muscle relaxation. You also need to take him for walks more often. fresh air, as much as needed. Usually the pain lasts no longer than a week.


Colds and coughs are not the body’s immune response to the vaccine, since a child’s immunity against ARVI begins to develop only after five years. A cough can occur as a result of incorrect actions of parents before and after vaccination, when the body does not have time to be distracted by additional infection. Therefore, it is better not to bathe children on the day of vaccination, so as not to introduce viruses through the wound.


A rash may appear on the skin around the injection site or throughout the body. If these are consequences that were caused by the vaccine, they disappear on their own, without any intervention. But in children prone to allergies, rashes are associated with certain foods included in their diet. In such cases, they are given “Suprastin” or “Fenistil” two days before the vaccination and, if necessary, within three days after it.


No cases of overdose have been recorded.

Conditions and shelf life

The drug must be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8°C, which must also be observed during transportation. Use within one and a half years from the date of manufacture. Do not freeze.


FSUE NPO Microgen, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, JSC Biomed, Russia
Price: RUR 79–83

Description: The drug ADSM consists of tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. It promotes the production of antibodies to tetanus and diphtheria viruses.


  • ADSM vaccine has no age restrictions
  • It is better tolerated than other similar drugs, which is why it replaces the DTP vaccine if children have a strong reaction to it.


  • ADSM vaccination is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • In rare cases possible adverse reactions: fever, pain at the injection site, swelling, redness.


GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium
Price: RUR 482–509

Description: "Infanrix" contains tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria toxoids. The Infanrix injection is carried out for a fee and stimulates the development of specific immunity to tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria.


  • Infanrix is ​​not as highly reactogenic as drugs containing whole viral cells.
  • A positive effect after administration of Infanrix is ​​achieved in 88% of those vaccinated.


  • After using Infanrix, side effects are possible in the form of fever, pain at the injection site, swelling, redness
  • Rarely occur allergic reactions on Infanrix: Quincke's edema, rash, urticaria.

The DPT vaccine is given to children all over the world. The international medical community knows it as DTP. In the Russian version, this is an adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.


The combined drug DPT is aimed at preventing three diseases at once:

  • diphtheria – acute illness bacterial nature. When it occurs, many are affected important organs: heart, kidneys, nervous system and others;
  • whooping cough, which manifests itself strongly paroxysmal cough and characteristic seizures. Particularly dangerous for children under 2 years of age. The probability of infection through contact with a sick person reaches 90%, because the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • Tetanus affects the central nervous system. During the course of the disease, convulsions and possible suffocation develop.

Imported drugs (Infanrix™ HEXA, Pentaxim) also form immunity against polio, a disease during which paresis and irreversible paralysis develop.

For unvaccinated people, all these diseases often end in death. If it is possible to achieve recovery, then very serious complications still appear, and it will no longer be possible to fully recover.

Vaccination does not provide absolute protection against the disease. But it gives confidence that even if the baby gets sick, he will survive the disease more easily than unvaccinated people, and the consequences of the infection will be much less serious.

For vaccination, DPT preparations are used ( Russian production) or "Infanrix" (Belgium). Also applicable combination vaccines extended spectrum of action.

Brands of DTP drugs

Name of the drug Whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria Poliomyelitis (strains 1-3 types) Hepatitis B Haemophilus influenzae infection
Pentaxim + + + +
Bubo-M + +
Tetrakok + +
Tritcanrix-NV + +
Infanrix IPV + +
Infanrix™ HEXA + + +

The timing of vaccination and revaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria coincides with the same timing for polio, but differs from the schedule for administering vaccines against hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae. If used imported drugs extended spectrum of action, then it is necessary to control which drugs will be used in the future to ensure timely injections and the formation of high-quality and reliable immune protection.

Features of the pertussis component

Pertussis components are very aggressive. They can cause a sharp immune response in the body and manifest themselves in high temperature, in other dangerous forms ah allergic reactions (for example, cause angioedema).

In similar cases, as well as when the patient has already suffered whooping cough, or has reached the age of 4 years, children are vaccinated with a vaccine that works only against diphtheria along with tetanus - ADS (DT according to the international nomenclature). For vaccination, the domestic drug “ADS-M” is used or imported analogue"D.T.Wax." It is permissible to use monovaccines AC (T according to the international nomenclature), intended to develop immunity against tetanus, and AD-m (D according to the international nomenclature) against diphtheria.

Vaccination frequency

At normal development and there are no contraindications for a person, the DPT vaccine is given in early childhood 4 times and quite often: at the ages of 3, 4.5, 6 and 18 months. The interval between injections should be at least 30 days. In some countries, the first injection of the drug is given to children as young as two months old. This is due to the presence in the child’s body of the corresponding antibodies received from the mother. But immunity to the mentioned diseases will be lost by 60 days of life.

In the future, ADS-M is done without the pertussis component, because the formed immune defense will be effective until the age of 8.5 years, and for older children there is a danger of this disease is significantly reduced. At 6-7 and later - at 14 years - revaccination is performed with the drug ADS-m. Then the vaccine is given at the age of 24 and subsequently every 10 years in order to maintain the number of antibodies at the level necessary for quality protection from diseases.

The pediatrician decides how many times this vaccine should be administered to weakened children. With pronounced negative reaction For the first vaccination, subsequent attempts to vaccinate the baby are either refused, or the dose of the drug is reduced, or ADS-m without the pertussis component is used, because often it is this that causes violent reactions that are extremely dangerous to life and health.

Totally, how many times do you do DTP in your entire life? Normally, the drug is given to a child 4 times before his or her 18th birthday, plus a double (at 6-7 and 14 years old) revaccination of ADS. And then once every 10 years, i.e. at 24 years old, then at 34, 44, 54, 64, 74 years old, they get a vaccination that maintains immunity at the proper level. If you count how many times the vaccine will be administered, it turns out that only 6 doses will be administered to a child before he reaches adulthood. How often adults will be vaccinated directly depends on life expectancy and regularity of visits to a medical facility.

Special cases

Vaccination DTP for a child do not do it if he is sick or there are other contraindications:

  • neoplasms, as well as malignant blood disease;
  • one of your loved ones is acutely ill;
  • The patient is prescribed immunosuppressants that suppress and weaken immune system, or the baby is diagnosed with an immunodeficiency condition;
  • progressive diseases of the nervous system;
  • dangerous forms of allergies (shock, serum sickness syndrome, severe forms bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • convulsive conditions;
  • available congenital pathologies, birth head injury;
  • there was a violent reaction to the primary DTP vaccination with a temperature above 39.5ºC in the first 2 days after the manipulation, shock, convulsions, etc.;
  • intolerance to mercury compounds has been proven. To preserve their properties in the vaccine, pertussis microbial cells and tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are preserved with thiomersal, which is an organometallic mercury compound. If you suspect a possible allergy to a given substance, before vaccinating your child, you should perform a tolerance test.

When deciding to vaccinate a baby, it is necessary to clarify the presence of the contraindications listed above with his closest blood relatives. If any of them are found to have similar problems, then the little one can have it too genetic predisposition to negative (and life-threatening) reactions to such an injection. To prevent this, vaccines with the pertussis component excluded are used.

A premature baby weighing less than 2500 g is given DPT according to an individual schedule, taking into account the characteristics of his development and health status. Typically, such children are first vaccinated against the mentioned diseases no earlier than the age of 6 months, because their nervous and immune systems are still underdeveloped.

During exacerbation chronic diseases the procedure is postponed until the condition stabilizes. Upon recovery from a relapse, vaccination is carried out no earlier than 1-3 months later.

If a child has been diagnosed with tuberculosis, meningitis, hepatitis or other diseases characterized by severity and duration, the procedure is postponed for 5-12 months. The countdown begins from the time of complete recovery of the patient.

If the baby is vaccinated in violation of the established deadlines, then the break between injections should not exceed 12-13 months. Vaccination is performed taking into account previously administered doses. The countdown period for the subsequent manipulation is from the date of administration of the last dose.

If the third vaccination was performed only at 1 year, then the first revaccination is not possible at 18 months, as established in National calendar, and after 12 months. Similarly, if the child was vaccinated for the second time at 9 months, then the third injection should be given 30-45 days later. Those. If the established vaccination dates are missed, the normatively justified intervals between vaccinations should be observed and they should not be performed too often.

There are age restrictions on the use of vaccines. The drug containing the pertussis component is used only until the child reaches the full age of 3 years, 11 months and 29 days. Then, until the age of 5 years 11 months 29 days, ADS toxoid is administered. Older children can only be injected with ADS-m-anatoxin.

To minimize the risk of complications after vaccination, it is necessary to ensure that the patient is healthy at the time of injection.

Compaction after DTP vaccination

Today, many parents refuse vaccination, commenting on their disagreement with childhood vaccinations by saying that they are very dangerous for the health of their children. DTP vaccination is one of the most controversial. Moms and dads are not sure that this vaccination is so necessary. However, is it worth checking a child’s body, because when faced with dangerous diseases, from which DTP protects, there is no confidence that he will be able to fight back against them. So should you trust this vaccine? Let's try to figure it out.

DTP - what is it?

The DPT vaccine is intended to prevent particularly dangerous forms of such common diseases as whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria. And it stands for “adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.” A foreign substitute is Infanrix.

Why is DTP vaccination needed?

Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough are acute diseases that carry infectious nature. They are quite difficult, and the treatment is extremely difficult and lengthy. Diphtheria and whooping cough are infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets. In addition, they can provoke a real epidemic, the duration of which is from two to four years.

Diphtheria is accompanied by intense swelling of the pharynx and larynx, significant and serious intoxication of the entire body. These symptoms can even be fatal. In addition, there is a high risk of paralysis, disruption of the heart, central nervous system, and kidneys.

When whooping cough is observed frequent attacks spasmodic cough. This cough can persist for weeks, interfering with normal life activities. There is a high probability of developing brain damage and seizures. The disease is especially dangerous for children under two years of age.

However, first of all, the DPT vaccine is preventive measure tetanus, which of all the listed ailments is considered the most critical for a child’s life. Tetanus is transmitted by contact. The disease develops when the pathogen penetrates damaged tissues that do not receive oxygen. Tetanus can be caused by wounds, frostbite, drifts, burns, and injections with all kinds of thorns. In infants, tetanus can occur as a result of cutting the umbilical cord using unsterile instruments.

The pathogen produces a toxin that attacks the nervous system and provokes cramps and tension in absolutely every muscle of the body. The patient resembles an “arc”; he has heavy sweating, and the jaws close so that it is impossible to unclench them with anything. At the same time, the body temperature rises significantly - it can reach 42 degrees. However, the worst thing is the fact that this leads to disruption of body functions, including respiratory and swallowing. There is a high risk of coma or cardiac paralysis. In most cases, the disease ends tragically - death. And even the most modern treatment cannot guarantee a positive outcome.

If a person is not vaccinated, the course of these diseases is unpredictable. If the DPT vaccination has been done, then the body may not even notice the infection, or the disease will go away quite easily and without consequences. That is why WHO recommends this vaccination for all children without exception.

What types of DTP vaccinations exist?

Today, medicine offers 2 types of DPT vaccinations:

  • whole cell;
  • acellular.

Acellular is designed to reduce the number of dangerous neurological consequences of the pertussis component of the vaccine.

Parents are given a choice: their baby can receive a domestic vaccine or a vaccine from the UK called Infanrix.

You can also find combination drugs, which include not only DPT:

  • Pentaxim: DPT, polio, hemophilus influenzae;
  • Bubo-M: hepatitis B, diphtheria and tetanus;
  • Tetrakok: DTP and polio;
  • Tritanrix-NV: DTP, hepatitis B.

DPT and tetracok have a similar composition, since they include killed cells of pathogens. And they are considered whole cell.

Infanrix is ​​an acellular vaccine that contains minor elements of whooping cough microorganisms, as well as diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. The child's body does not react so actively to this vaccine and practically does not cause complications.

What is the procedure for vaccinating children?

DTP vaccination is carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar.

The best DPT vaccination regimen, according to WHO recommendations, is:

  • the first course lasts from two to six months - these are three doses, with a break between them of 1 month;
  • revaccination is carried out at the age of 15-18 months;
  • another vaccination - 4-6 years old vaccination, which contains a special pertussis component.

If the DPT vaccination was missed

This situation may be due to for various reasons. If only 1 vaccination is not done, then the course does not need to be repeated: just continue vaccination as planned. By the way, DTP is allowed to be given simultaneously with other vaccines, for example, against polio. If a child has not received such a vaccination at all before the age of seven, then doctors recommend using only ADS vaccination, in most cases, twice with an interval of one month.

If the first course and revaccination were done, but vaccination was no longer done until the age of four, then in this case the child will not have immunity against. In the future, the baby is vaccinated only against diphtheria and tetanus.

How can a child’s body react to a DPT vaccine?

Each vaccination carries with it a special burden on the body, since vaccination causes a serious change in the immune system.

If we talk about the baby’s response to vaccination in general, then the presence of minor side effects– this is the norm, which indicates that immunity is being formed correctly. However, if the body does not react at all to the administered drug, you should not think that something is going wrong - this way the result of efforts to reduce adverse reactions may appear.

DTP vaccination is considered the most difficult for child's body. The reaction may make itself felt in the first 3 days.

Doctors distinguish several types of reactions to DPT:

  • weak, in which there is an increase in body temperature, lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite. A local reaction may also be observed - redness of the vaccination site and slight swelling. In some cases it can be about 8 centimeters in diameter. It appears immediately after vaccination and may not go away for 2-3 days;
  • moderate, in which there may be convulsions, constant crying and a fairly high temperature - about 40 degrees;
  • severe is accompanied by dangerous allergic reactions, prolonged seizures, fainting, coma, and brain damage.

If your baby's temperature increases, do not wait until the thermometer shows 38 degrees; be sure to give an antipyretic. If the drug does not help, call an ambulance.

How to prepare your baby for DTP vaccination?

Before vaccination, it is necessary to show the baby to such specialists as a pediatrician and neurologist, as well as undergo blood and urine tests.

Parents should make sure that the child is healthy before administering the drug.

If the baby has alarming symptoms, you should first treat it, and after a two-week period you can think about vaccination.

In what cases is DPT vaccination contraindicated?

Vaccination is not carried out for children in the following cases:

  • if the baby has an acute illness. performed only after complete recovery;
  • if the child develops a serious allergy during the first dose of the drug;
  • if the baby has a serious disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system a week after vaccination;
  • if the baby has liver, heart and kidney diseases;
  • if the child exhibits progressive neurological diseases. The vaccination is given only after the condition has normalized.

DTP vaccination is mandatory. However, only parents know absolutely everything about their child, for this reason it is mothers and fathers who decide whether to vaccinate their baby or not. But not all parents have medical education and do not always think about what the consequences of both vaccination and the diseases from which these are created may be. In any case, parents should carefully study the information about vaccination and consult a doctor, and only then make a decision.

Complications after DTP vaccination (video)


For many reasons, modern parents refuse to vaccinate their children. This is often due to possible complications after vaccination. Controversial drugs also include the DTP vaccine, which protects the child’s body from such dangerous diseases as diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. It is these diseases that can be very tragic, since in most cases they lead to death, despite the most modern treatment.

DTP vaccination is carried out in three stages:

  • the first course is carried out at the age of 2 to 6 months - three doses with a break of a month;
  • revaccination should be carried out from 15 to 18 months;
  • at 4-6 years of age, introduction to vaccines with a pertussis component.

If at least one DTP vaccination was missed, the course simply continues as planned.

Of course, the child’s body reacts to the administration of the drug. This may be an increase in temperature, redness and swelling of the injection site, tearfulness, loss of appetite. This is the so-called weak reaction. But each organism is individual, so the response may be different. If after vaccination your baby experiences allergies, seizures and loses consciousness, call an ambulance immediately.

Before any vaccination, parents must make sure that the child is healthy, so a mandatory examination of the baby by a doctor is necessary.

DTP vaccination is contraindicated if the child has an acute illness, has an allergy after the first DTP vaccination, has a nervous system disorder, or has heart, kidney or liver disease.

Despite the fact that DTP is mandatory vaccination, parents themselves have the right to decide whether to refuse it or carry it out. However, you should think carefully before refusing, because possible complications may be insignificant compared to the consequences of the baby’s “acquaintance” with these diseases. We wish you to make the right choice!

Good afternoon, dear parents! Have you given your child the DPT vaccine? Judging by my experience, and by numerous publications and reviews on the Internet, it is she who brings fear to everyone and everything. And with good reason. Doctors do not deny that DPT has a high percentage of complications, a number of contraindications and side effects and requires serious preparation before its introduction.

But at the same time they insist that it protects against the most dangerous infectious diseases. So, to be or not to be? This is exactly what we will help you deal with.

DTP vaccination is used to prevent diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.

Its decoding is simple: adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. The drug is considered a combination drug due to the fact that it has antigens of three dangerous diseases at once. By the way, don’t be afraid of this number.

The fact is that for our body the number of vaccine components does not matter, rather their compatibility. Therefore, in this case there is no excessive load there is no need to talk about the immune system.

2. Types of DTP

On modern market There is a DTP vaccine of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter most often means Infanrix(Great Britain). They differ from each other not only in their cost, but also in their influence - the imported vaccine is easier to tolerate by the body.

Besides, All DPT vaccinations are divided into:

  1. whole cell(DTP itself) - they cause more side effects, since they contain killed pathogen cells;
  2. acellular, or acelial (AaKDS) - the aforementioned Infanrix. The drug consists of fine particles pertussis microorganisms and tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, due to which it causes less negative consequences and complications. Simply because it is free of allergens.

Along with this, there are other variants of DTP, enriched with components that contribute to the formation of immunity to other diseases, namely:

  • Pentaxim- French vaccine. What does it protect against? From diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hemophilus influenzae and polio;
  • Tetrakok– vaccine against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio;
  • Bubo-M– from tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B;
  • Tritanrix-NV– in addition to tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria, it also protects against hepatitis B.

According to doctors, complications after DPT vaccination arise precisely because of the pertussis component.

At one time, some countries even abandoned it, producing drugs that formed immunity only to tetanus and diphtheria. But later they returned to him anyway, as outbreaks of whooping cough resumed on their territory.

In our country in case of intolerance to the pertussis component or the occurrence of excessively violent reactions to it, they can be used the following vaccines:

  • ADS– from tetanus and diphtheria;
  • ADS-m– acts similarly to the first, but is intended for revaccination;
  • AC– against tetanus;
  • BP-m- against diphtheria.

3. Vaccination scheme

According to the vaccination schedule, DTP is done in several stages:

  1. the first occurs at the age of 2-4 months. During this period, the child is given 3 doses with an interval of 30-45 days;
  2. the second – for 15-18 months;
  3. third – 4-6 years;
  4. fourth - 14 years old;
  5. subsequent vaccinations are given every 10 years.

But this is ideal. In fact, it often happens that the vaccination schedule is disrupted due to illnesses of the child. Do I need to start all over again in this case? No. It is enough to simply continue vaccination by giving a new injection as quickly as possible.

4. Where is DTP vaccination given?

The DPT vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Traditionally, the injection site is the child's thigh. And there are at least 2 reasons for this:

  • Firstly, even children have well-developed muscles in this area.
  • Secondly, in this zone they do not pass blood vessels And sciatic nerve. There is also no large fat layer in it, once in which the drug will simply be useless.

And finally, according to international research, a vaccine injected into the thigh promotes maximum production of antibodies by the body.

5. Reactions to DPT: mild and severe

Many mothers complain that after DTP vaccination, the baby’s temperature rises, behavior changes, rashes are observed, etc. I will not exaggerate if I say that each of them in itself is a reason for panic, especially for a young mother. However, doctors insist that this is a normal reaction of the body and there is no need to be afraid of it.

At the same time, they conditionally divide such reactions into mild, moderate and severe.

The following are considered light:

  • the appearance of temperature;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • lethargy;
  • swelling, redness, or pain at the injection site.

To reactions of moderate severity relate:

  • continuous crying (for 3 hours or more);
  • high body temperature (above 40 degrees);
  • convulsions.

Severe consequences of vaccinations are:

  • serious allergic reactions;
  • constant convulsions, loss of consciousness, coma;
  • brain damage.

Reviews from mothers on forums indicate that temperature after DTP may last for several days. It is necessary to bring it down already at around 37.5 with an antipyretic. Some pediatricians advise giving it immediately upon arrival home, without waiting for a promotion. And if, nevertheless, it increases, after some time it does not fall, consult a doctor.

One more unpleasant consequence is lump after vaccination which occurs at the injection site. It can cause painful sensations, which can be reduced by using a cool, sterile bandage. However, it is better to apply it after consulting a pediatrician. Perhaps he will advise more effective ways exactly in your case. As a rule, such a bump completely disappears in 2-3 weeks.

6. Preparation for DTP

If possible, before administering the drug, it is better to show the child not only to the pediatrician, but also to a neurologist.

In addition, it is advisable pass clinical analysis blood and urine. They will confirm the presence or absence of viruses and bacteria in the child’s body, even if no symptoms are observed externally. For example, when their concentration is insignificant and the body successfully fights them. At least for now.

These precautions will make sure that the child is absolutely healthy and will be able to more easily tolerate vaccination with DTP, imported or domestic.

7. When not to vaccinate with DTP

DTP vaccination is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. in the presence of an acute disease in any form. It's about about pneumonia, bronchitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases that are accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees;
  2. in the presence of a severe allergic reaction to a previously administered DPT vaccination - convulsions, continuous crying, fainting, etc.;
  3. with the appearance of disorders and diseases of the nervous system that appeared within 7 days after the previous DPT vaccinations;
  4. in the presence of kidney, liver and heart diseases;
  5. in the presence of any progressive diseases, including epilepsy, encephalopathy, febrile seizures etc.

More detailed information You can learn about DPT vaccination in the video at an appointment with Dr. Komarovsky:

8. Reviews about DTP vaccination


We gave our child Tetrakok because, according to the pediatrician, this vaccine is cleaner and of better quality than the domestic one. I can't say that everything went smoothly. There was a fever, the baby refused to eat or play, but, thank God, that was the end of all the consequences for us.


The doctor recommended Infanrix to us. There were no side effects, TTT. Even the temperature did not rise. Moreover, I did not give any suprastins or anything else. True, I decided to get the first vaccination when my daughter was over a year old.


They put domestic DTP, the temperature did not drop below 39 for 3 days, the baby cried all the time.


During the domestic period, the child had both a fever and a lump on his leg. He then limped for a week.

From year to year we are convinced that vaccination is the only way to protect children from terrible diseases. Nobody argues with this, but many do not know what dire consequences she can lead.

That is why the choice, as well as the responsibility for it, always falls on the shoulders of the parents. Keep this in mind when making it.

And be sure to share this information with others, give everyone a chance to happy childhood and motherhood!

And also subscribe to our updates and come back to us again! See you soon!

All people, both adults and children, should be up to date with vaccinations. Vaccinations for children are the most important medical procedure. Many parents are interested in: “What is DTP? And what kind of DTP vaccine are they given to children?” This vaccine is aimed at combating whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, which determines the corresponding interpretation of the DPT vaccine. These diseases are among the top the most dangerous diseases. Often, complications contribute to the onset of developmental disorders, resulting in disability.

DPT decoding and vaccines used

DTP is the most common type of vaccination around the world. Explanation of DPT: Adsorbed Pertussis Diphtheria Tetanus Vaccine. In the international nomenclature it is designated DTP. Having learned the meaning of the abbreviation, some parents still ask: “DTP drugs for what?” The answer is simple: vaccination has a combined effect on diseases of the same name.

The domestic vaccine is represented by the drug Infanrix.

What else can vaccinations with a DPT component be for? There may be drugs that additionally act on other diseases, for example:

  1. + Polio: Tetracoc.
  2. + Poliomyelitis and hemophilus influenzae infection: Pentaxim.
  3. + Hepatitis B: Tritanrix.

This vaccination is the basis for immunoprophylaxis. But with all the positive things, sometimes the component that is responsible for whooping cough causes significant bad influence. Therefore, only tetanus and diphtheria are often vaccinated together. Such ADS vaccination has a similar graft DPT decoding, excluding the Pertussis component.

The following vaccines are available in Russia:

  1. Domestic ADS or foreign D.T. Wax: for children under 6 years old.
  2. ADS-m and foreign D.T. Adulthood: for children aged 6 years and over.

Vaccines for individual species diseases:

  1. AS: for tetanus.
  2. AD: anti-diphtheria.

Place to get vaccinated

The DTP vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Using this technique, the optimal rate of distribution of the components of the drug for the formation of immunity is achieved.

A child is most often given DTP in the hip area, where the muscle. For an adult, the location is changed to the shoulder. This can be done only if the muscles there are sufficiently developed.

Injection under the skin is unacceptable; the vaccine will be considered useless. Introduction into the gluteal region is excluded. This is due to the presence of a large fat layer, as well as the risk of getting into the blood vessels or the sciatic nerve.


You should carefully consider the factors that make this vaccination impossible.

General contraindications:

  • all diseases in the acute period;
  • signs of immunodeficiency;
  • allergic reactions to components in the drug.

In this case, the vaccine is postponed until complete cure, or not given at all.

Temporary non-admission is received by:

  • children with leukemia;
  • pregnant women;
  • children during exacerbation of diathesis.

For convulsions and neuralgia associated with elevated temperature, it is possible to administer ADS instead of DTP.

IN mandatory Those who have false contraindications should receive admission:

  • allergies in relatives;
  • early birth;
  • convulsive conditions in relatives;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • observation of severe exacerbations in relatives with the introduction of DTP.

People with such symptoms, having been cleared by their attending physician, may well be vaccinated.

Should children be given DTP?

Nowadays, many parents take a sharply negative position towards vaccination. Of course, one can understand their point of view. Having read articles on Wikipedia, Google and other resources, they, not understanding the correct meaning of the terms, believe that in this way even more harm is caused than the benefit of vaccination.

I would like to dispel this myth. It has been scientifically confirmed that when administering DTP it is possible to avoid serious complications from diseases, and even fatal outcome. That is why the DTP vaccine is given to many children all over the world.

The human body, even a very small one, is able to cope with the components of drugs that are this moment are well-developed in composition. Thanks to many years of experience, a formula has been developed that allows least risk for health, carry out a procedure for preventing diseases.

Number of DTP vaccinations and affixation scheme

In young children, the DTP vaccine is administered in four stages:

  1. At 3 months.
  2. At 4-5 months, after 30-45 days.
  3. At 6 months.
  4. At 1.5 years old.

During this period, they are vaccinated with DPT for the best development of immunity and the acquisition of antibodies to the diseases of the same name. At subsequent ages, vaccines are given at 6-7 years of age, and later, in adolescence at 14 years of age. This is aimed only at maintaining the number of indicators already acquired. This procedure is called DPT revaccination.

Setting interval

The interval between vaccines is strictly established by medical institutions. So the first 3 stages are carried out at intervals of 30-45 days. Further medications administered no less than 4 weeks later.

It is possible to postpone vaccination: due to illness or other reasons for refusal. If you are eligible for vaccination, you should get it immediately.

If vaccination is delayed, re-vaccination should not be started. The chain of stages continues. That is, if you have the first vaccination, the next two should be with an interval of 30-45 days between them, the next one comes after a year. Next goes according to schedule.

How many times is DTP given for adults?

Final stage childhood ends at age 14. Subsequently, adults should undergo booster vaccination every subsequent 10 years. Therefore, at older ages, vaccination DPT for adults placed at 24, 34, 44 years old, etc.

In most cases, adults are prescribed ADS, since this type eliminates the component of whooping cough, which is low-risk for older people.

If you do not undergo revaccination, the number of antibodies capable of fighting the disease decreases, and there is a risk of infection. But the disease will be in its mildest form.

First DTP

The initial DTP should occur when the child is 3 months old. Maternal antibodies last only 60 days after the baby is born. To restore antibodies, doctors have appointed exactly this period for the first administration of the medicine.

If the first DTP is transferred by medical indications, then it is allowed to do it up to the age of 4 years. Sometimes this seems impossible, then vaccination should take place after 4 years and only with drugs against ADS.

To avoid complications after DTP vaccination, the baby is brought to the procedure healthy. When observing an increase thymus gland DTP insertion is not recommended, as there is a high risk severe reactions baby.

DPT vaccination is carried out with any of the drugs existing for these purposes. Infanrix is ​​the easiest to tolerate, and under the influence of the others, post-vaccination reactions can be observed. They are not complications, and the baby’s body is able to cope with them.

Second DTP

Under favorable conditions for vaccination, the second stage is carried out 30-45 days after the first stage DPT vaccination, therefore, at 4.5 years.

It is recommended to vaccinate the little one with the same medicine, as the original DPT. But in the absence of such a medicine, you should not despair, because according to the WHO, all types of DTP vaccinations and vaccines can be replaced with each other.

Many parents are sometimes frightened by the reaction to a second vaccination. Yes, it may be stronger than with the first DTP. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that during primary vaccination a certain amount of antibodies are introduced, which, when faced with microbial components for the second time, begin their resistance and the body’s defense reaction. The effect of a negative reaction to the second stage of vaccination is considered the most pronounced and severe of all subsequent ones.

When the first vaccine is administered, significant negative reaction, therefore, a different drug is selected for the second procedure. Usually, ADS is used instead of DTP, since active ingredient responsible for whooping cough and causes such reactions.

Third DTP

Vaccination number three occurs 30-45 days after the second stage DPT vaccination. If, when the vaccination was postponed, DTP was later given, then it is still considered the third.

Even at the third stage of vaccination, a strong reaction from the body is possible, which should not frighten caring parents. In the absence of the same drug as in the previous stages, the planned procedure should not be postponed. Another medicine, no less good in quality, is selected.

Preparation before vaccination

DPT vaccination is recognized as the most reactogenic procedure. To alleviate and eliminate adverse reactions, you should carefully prepare for the event.

General rules:

  1. A person must be completely healthy.
  2. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Make sure your child wants to eat before the procedure.
  3. If the procedure is performed on a baby, he needs to poop before DTP.
  4. The child dresses so that his temperature does not rise.

The drug should be administered while taking painkillers, antipyretics and antiallergic drugs. This is especially true for vaccinating children.

When observing severe pain the child is prescribed analgesics. To minimize adverse reactions, you should keep all these types of medications nearby so that you can take the medications at the first symptoms.

Scheme of drug preparation for DPT:

  1. For a couple of days for allergic reactions, take antihistamines.
  2. On the day of the procedure, after the procedure, antipyretic suppositories are administered for children or tablets are prescribed for adults. Monitor the temperature level. Take anti-allergy pills.
  3. Second day: antihistamines are taken, antipyretics for high temperatures.
  4. On the third day, improvement is usually observed and any medications are stopped.

The best option is to select medications for the baby with a pediatrician before the DTP procedure.

Actions immediately after

To ensure good condition, the child should spend the first half hour close to medical institution. You can either stay in the hospital itself or walk around it. This is done taking into account the fact that a very severe allergy may occur, requiring specialized medical intervention and further observation within the hospital.

If there are no allergic reactions, you can go home. If your baby is very active, you should take a walk in nature, avoiding crowds of children.

Upon arrival at home, the child should be given an antipyretic, without relying on the temperature at the moment. Strict temperature control must be maintained throughout the day. In order to take measures to normalize it when it increases.

Antipyretic suppositories are used before bedtime. Excessive feeding is excluded. Only ordinary products are allowed, not causing allergies. Liquids should be given in large volumes, mainly water. Follow temperature conditions in the room. The temperature should be within 22°C. If the baby’s health is favorable, then pay attention to walks, but exclude communication with others.

Adverse reactions to DTP

As with many vaccination procedures, after vaccination with DTP, both local and general side effects often appear.

Local symptoms:

  • pink spot, swelling, pain at the insertion site;
  • impaired movement of the vaccinated leg due to pain.

General symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • nervousness, whims, restlessness of the baby;
  • long sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

When appearing from DTP vaccination side effects On the first day there is no need to worry. The reason for visiting the clinic should be the appearance of symptoms on the third or more days.

Complications requiring medical attention

DTP drugs, when the procedure is done, can cause serious consequences. These effects include:

  1. Heavy allergic forms(Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock and etc.).
  2. Convulsive phenomena at normal temperatures.
  3. Encephalopathy.

If these symptoms occur, you must urgently call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital.

When prescribing DPT vaccination for a child, his parents should not panic. Answer the question: “DTP, what is it?” A pediatrician will help you fully. He will professionally explain how DTP is deciphered. He will also consider the baby for admission to this procedure and prescribe medications after vaccination.
