How to use oat bran. Bran - what is it? How to use bran correctly

Bran, as the most effective remedy for the improvement of the whole body, they are essentially flour and represent grain shells and the remains of unsorted flour. But still oat bran- This the most useful product, fiber in its pure, concentrated form, or, to put it simply, when it enters the intestines, it acts as an adsorbent, which is what it deserves a large number of fans among people actively fighting excess weight.

In addition to the effect of losing weight and actively influencing all systems and organs involved in the digestion of food, oat bran also has other medicinal properties. Constantly eating them naturally will lower blood sugar levels during diabetes, increase the body's resistance to disease, reduce arterial pressure. In addition, bran is very useful for liver dysfunction, bile stagnation and constipation.

Oat bran for weight loss

Unique properties of this product- ideal for weight loss. It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend a bran diet for weight loss. In addition to the fact that they cleanse our body, which is already pleasant and necessary, dietary fiber adds a feeling of quick satiety. By absorbing liquid, they swell and fill the stomach, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger.

Bran also enhances which reduces the absorption of nutrients, that is, the calories that were eaten are absorbed to a lesser extent. In addition, fiber creates an environment that is pleasant for the proliferation of beneficial intestinal microflora. As a result, if a diet with bran is used in the process of losing weight, you can also get rid of dysbiosis.

Rules for using bran for weight loss

Start taking bran with a teaspoon, gradually (no earlier than after 2 weeks) increasing the amount to 2 tablespoons. Since bran acts only when liquid is absorbed, it must be consumed with water, otherwise there will be no effect.

Use bran for weight loss as follows. Infuse two tablespoons of oat bran with a glass of boiling water. After the water has cooled, it must be drained and the bran eaten or added to the main dish. Repeat this three times a day. If you consume bran separately, it is better to do this 20 minutes before meals, and wash it down with water.

Gradually, when you get used to the new menu item, you can add dry bran to your main food. But it’s still better to steam them with boiling water. No need to exceed daily norm bran, that is, 30 grams. It is very important to monitor the combination of features of bran products. For example, bran with beets is very useful for hypertension, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis and arrhythmias.

Oat bran can be used in almost any dish: soup, salad, cottage cheese, porridge, jelly, kefir - wherever you want! Moreover, it is not necessary to limit yourself in food in order to lose weight with bran. It’s enough just to enrich your diet with them, and you will be surprised to see how yours goes away. But if you organize it at the same time proper nutrition, the effect will be unsurpassed.

Bran: contraindications

But such a seemingly ideal product may have contraindications. Before resorting to such nutrition, consult your doctor. It is not recommended to use bran in acute period for peptic ulcers, gastritis, enteritis of infectious etiology and colitis. As the inflammatory process subsides, you can continue to use bran, starting with a small amount.

Bran should also be consumed carefully, knowing in moderation. If you suddenly start enriching food with fiber, not entirely pleasant symptoms may appear: increased flatulence, bloating, nausea, diarrhea. Very long-term use is also undesirable: not only toxins, but also essential microelements and vitamins can settle on the fibers. Therefore, a bran diet should be carried out in courses.

Everyday and regular use oat bran will help solve the problem balanced nutrition modern people. Therefore, in the absence of any contraindications, bran is very useful for everyone to consume. And for losing weight, this is one of the important parts of the diet!

The women's website “Beautiful and Successful” is happy to continue the topic of healthy eating and attractive shapes. Today our focus is on oat bran for weight loss, its benefits, methods of use and warnings.

It seems that modern trend The widespread use of all kinds of bran could have been overlooked only by those who are not at all interested in nutrition. However, this product still remains rare and even mysterious.

Bran as they are

The low popularity of bran is explained by its “origin”, because it is a specific by-product obtained as a result of grain processing - its exfoliated shell. Some consider it “industrial waste”, suitable only for feeding livestock, but nutritionists talk about bran as a valuable product.

The benefits of oat bran for health and weight loss

  • This product contains beta-glucan, which binds bile acids in the intestines, thereby reducing cholesterol levels quite noticeably (up to 30%).
  • Bran contains a large amount of the microelement selenium, which is “required” by all systems of our body. It effectively counteracts cancer, strengthens immune system, outputs heavy metals, participates in the hormonal system.
  • High content of B vitamins (for nervous system) and potassium (cardiac activity).

Oat bran is useful for diabetes, and therefore for weight loss - adding bran to food allows you to change glycemic index any product, that is, significantly expand the dietary intake. They can be added little by little to breading, porridge, meat dishes, salads, minced meat and baked goods. With bran they become more healthy milk, cottage cheese and even fruit juices.

Oat bran provides the greatest service digestive system. As coarse fibers, bran is not digested or absorbed, but acts like a brush, stabilizing peristalsis and removing all excess from the intestines.

Oat bran for a fasting day

Bran is an ideal product for planned unloading or after a hearty holiday. Three times a day, drink a glass of kefir with the addition of one tablespoon of oat bran. The day before fasting day It is also recommended to eat a couple of spoons of dry powder and drink two glasses of water. The unloading effect is ensured by the fact that the bran in the stomach swells and gives a feeling of fullness and, of course, cleanses well.

On a fasting day, you also need to drink a lot of water so that the bran begins to “work.”

How to eat oat bran to lose weight

To lose weight, bran must be used in your daily diet. Choose not a ready-made product (granulated), but a dry powder (looks like coarse flour). Pour two tablespoons of “flour” into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Afterwards, don’t forget to drain the water and add the resulting mixture to your regular dishes, since they have a “neutral” taste, similar to oatmeal. This diet can last up to a month.

the site advises starting weight loss with one spoon of bran per day, since the stomach may not immediately like it :)

Daily allowance healthy norm bran - no more than three tablespoons. It is not recommended to get carried away with oat bran for those who have significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Also, if you regularly take any medications, be aware that consuming bran may interfere with their absorption.

Separately, it is worth mentioning dishes made from oat bran, which are useful for weight loss. From pure bran (or added to flour) you can make pancakes and pancakes, muffins and biscuits and, of course, bake bread. If you want to lose weight, then make a healthy and filling breakfast or dinner from bran with the addition of raisins, berries (blueberries, strawberries, cranberries), fruits (both fresh and dry).

Oat bran for breakfast for weight loss

Grate a medium apple, add a tablespoon of honey, any berries and bran, add a glass of low-fat kefir and mix everything in a blender. This “energy cocktail” should be drunk immediately, before the bran separates from the total mass and “drowns.” Read more about fruit, berry and vegetable smoothies for weight loss on “Beautiful and Successful”.

The dough for dietary flatbreads is prepared from a tablespoon of bran mixed with one protein and low-fat cottage cheese in an amount sufficient to prepare several “pancakes”. They can be fried without oil in ceramic or non-stick dishes or baked in the oven.

You can also cook porridge from two tablespoons of oat bran and half a glass of milk or cream diluted with water. Mix all ingredients and cook over low heat until thickened. At the end you can add a spoonful of honey, sugar or vanilla.

Remember that oat bran for weight loss must be consumed with careful consideration of the body’s reaction, and in large quantities this product is simply contraindicated.

It’s better to add a little “light” granulated bran for food – they do not require pre-steaming and are ready to eat.

Delicious and satisfying weight loss!

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IN Lately bran has firmly entered our lives. For many, they are associated primarily with the correct and healthy eating. Nutritionists actively include the use of bran in the diet for those losing weight, and this is not without reason. Their regular consumption helps not only to get your body in shape, but also to prevent certain diseases. There are different types of bran on the market - bran from buckwheat, millet, oat, rye. In our article we will dwell in more detail on how to take oat bran for weight loss, its advantages and cooking options with other products.

The effect of oat bran on the body

Previously, bran was considered livestock food; they were not particularly favored on the table, which is understandable. Bran is the outer layer of grain obtained during processing. This may not seem very appetizing to some, but in fact it is a most valuable product.

Benefit for health

Oat bran is useful in terms of digestive problems - they cope with them perfectly, improve the functioning of the stomach, and cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

Bran, once in the stomach, is slowly digested. Due to this, a person remains long feeling satiety.

Due to the high content of dietary fiber in bran, people suffering from constipation, these problems go away, thereby speeding up work metabolic processes in organism.

Selenium in bran has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the functioning of the hormonal system.

Contraindications to the use of oat bran

For some people, eating bran may cause some harm. This is related to individual characteristics health.

First of all, people with gastroenterological diseases (ulcers, gastritis) should pay close attention to this type of product. It is recommended to exclude them from the diet due to the fact that their consumption can harm intestinal function.

Frequent consumption of oat bran can cause allergies.

There may be difficulties with the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, which leads to problems with bones and joints. It is worth choosing the bran carefully and preparing it correctly and, of course, not overusing it.

To prevent bran from causing harm, it is important to know the main nuances of taking it.

Must comply drinking regime, at least 2 liters of water per day. This is necessary for better digestion of bran, otherwise problems with the intestines may occur, including constipation;

The daily intake of bran, according to nutritionists, is no more than 3-4 tablespoons, otherwise heaviness in the stomach may occur;

It is advisable to observe breaks in use according to the following scheme: take a week, rest for a week.

You should not start taking oat bran if you have never eaten it before; it is quite heavy food for an unprepared stomach. You can start with wheat bran, gradually moving to oat bran.

Oat bran: source of nutritional fiber for health and weight loss

Oat bran for weight loss

The desire to lose weight and become more attractive for a woman is always very significant. There are a huge number of options for diets, medications, and teas for weight loss. In pursuit of the ideal weight, we are ready to spend a lot of time, effort, patience, and money. At the same time, by consuming oat bran, we greatly simplify this process for ourselves. They are available for purchase, inexpensive, and the effect of their use is immediately noticeable. We will talk about how to take oat bran for weight loss below, and also look at some dishes with them.

Methods for preparing bran

You shouldn’t expect a miracle from eating bran if your diet doesn’t change. Everything works together: proper nutrition without sugar and high-calorie foods, drinking plenty of fluids, sports load.

The easiest way to prepare bran is to pour boiling water over it and drain the water after half an hour. Bran goes well with any food.

Bran is added to vegetables; yogurt or sour cream will be a good dressing for this salad. When losing weight, it is important to follow a routine. It is recommended to eat more in the first half of the day and keep the remaining meals light.

Oat bran can be used as a substitute for breakfast, lunch or dinner. To do this, just pour a teaspoon of bran with kefir and drink the resulting drink. Or drink this drink before meals, which will reduce your appetite and prevent you from eating much.

The main thing is not to overdo it. You absolutely cannot eat too much bran at once; 2-3 teaspoons will be enough to start with, then the volume can be increased. You can make this kind of food your regular diet, and it will only be beneficial. But it’s still worth taking breaks from eating bran, at least for 2-3 weeks. During these intervals, we include vegetables and fruits in our diet as much as possible so as not to gain extra pounds again.

Recipes with oat bran

Bran is quite easy to prepare, so dishes with it are quick and healthy.

Bran with zucchini

Cut the zucchini into small slices, add salt and place on a baking sheet. Add olive oil and leave in the oven for about 15-20 minutes. 3-4 tbsp. Mix bran with flour, pour in oil and rub with hands until crumbs form. Sprinkle them over the zucchini and bake for another 10-15 minutes until the crumbs turn golden. After this, the dish can be served.

Bran cakes

Mix a tablespoon of bran with an egg (it is better to use only the white), add 200 g of cottage cheese and mix. Place in the oven for 15 minutes. You can add wheat bran to oatmeal, and replace cottage cheese with an apple.

Bran porridge

Mix approximately 100 ml of milk with 2 tbsp. bran and cook over low heat. You can add honey, any berries, an apple or a pear to the porridge. This porridge will be an excellent breakfast, will keep you full for a long time and will give you energy for the whole day.

Having included bran in your diet, it is important to understand that despite all its beneficial features There is absolutely no need to exclude other foods. Pledge slim figure And healthy image life lies in a varied diet, i.e. bran can be a good alternative harmful products, a great way to lose weight, but you don’t have to limit yourself in everything. It’s enough just to eat right and exercise, then no diet will be needed at all.

It has been known for a long time. They perfectly cleanse the body, remove toxins and stimulate the intestines. Bran - what is it? These are by-products that appear during the flour milling process. They are rich which are very useful for our digestive tract.

How are they made?

Bran - what is it? This is a product that appears when grains are ground. Simply put, these are grain shells and unsorted flour. It would seem like production waste. But in reality this is far from the case!

Despite their not very attractive appearance, they are very useful and valuable product- bran. Their composition is simple - ground grain shells. But the benefits are enormous.

What types of bran are there?

So, we found out what bran is made of and what it is. Since flour is made from different grains, bran is also different types, namely:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • barley;
  • rye;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice and others.

All of them, regardless of type, contain such important element, like fiber - dietary fiber.

What are the benefits of bran?

They have not yet thrown away the waste that was obtained after grinding flour. They ate them and noticed undoubted beneficial properties.

Bran is primarily a large amount of dietary fiber. And they are very useful for human body. It is these fibers that perfectly regulate intestinal function, and this is very important for those who suffer from constipation, diarrhea, and flatulence.

What else is useful about bran?

  1. They perfectly restore the microflora of the colon.
  2. They help remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  3. They are great for helping you lose weight.
  4. They normalize blood sugar levels.

Several reasons to include bran in your diet

Many people suffer for years from chronic diseases digestive tract, but as soon as they add bran to their diet, the body begins to repair itself.

Those who, for example, took oat bran for six months leave only positive reviews. The body gradually gets rid of accumulated toxins, toxins leave the blood, and a person begins to feel lighter and freer. Fiber makes the intestines work like clockwork.

Not only does bran perfectly help normalize weight, fiber binds fatty acid and reduces bad cholesterol in blood.

It is also worth remembering that bran is dietary in nature. They include, in addition to great content fiber includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • provitamin A (carotene).

Also, all types of bran are useful:

  • as a choleretic drug;
  • in case of liver dysfunction;
  • in case of malfunction of the pancreas;
  • improve the treatment of peptic ulcer;
  • Great for gastritis.
  1. Regulation of the metabolic process.
  2. Improvement of colon peristalsis.
  3. Increased intestinal motility.
  4. Reducing the level of fat breakdown.
  5. Reducing carcinogens in the body.

So it’s difficult to exaggerate the beneficial properties of bran. One thing is clear - this miraculous product will definitely not be superfluous in your diet.

Pantry of trace elements

Bran - what is it? It is also a storehouse of various microelements that our body needs so much. The composition of bran includes:

  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • chromium;
  • magnesium.

So adding this product to your diet significantly enriches the body with valuable nutrients and microelements.

Sick diabetes mellitus, which throughout sufficient quantity time we consumed oat bran, the following reviews were left - almost everyone’s sugar level dropped after just a week of regular use.

Why is this happening? Because bran significantly slows down the process of starch breakdown. Thus, blood sugar levels decrease.

And this product, rich in fiber, creates an effect in humans full stomach. Appetite decreases significantly, and weight, accordingly, slowly but steadily begins to decrease.

For those who have skin problems, bran will provide a wonderful service. After all, they miraculously cleanse the body of toxins. Therefore, your skin covering it will become softer, acne and inflammation will disappear.

Despite the fact that almost all bran contains approximately the same amount of fiber, each type has certain characteristics.

  1. Barley bran. The soluble fiber content is very high. Excellent for reducing bad cholesterol levels.
  2. Corn bran. The richest in insoluble fiber. Eating them reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  3. Rice bran. They also contain a high percentage of soluble fiber. Good for those who have problems with gallbladder and who is experiencing
  4. Oat bran. Indispensable for patients with diabetes. Just 60 grams of oat bran per day and your cholesterol levels will drop by 7-10%.
  5. Wheat bran. Indicated for those who have a predisposition to tumors in the colon.

When choosing bran, it is important to understand what effect you want to achieve - lose weight or make your intestines work more actively, relieve pain due to gastritis or normalize liver function. In addition, it is worth paying attention to taste preferences— some people won’t like corn bran, but rice bran is perfect.

Caution doesn't hurt

It is also important to remember to use this product correctly. Then you certainly won’t harm your body. It doesn’t matter whether it is corn, rye, or rice, harm to the body can be caused by improper use of this product.

The most important rule is that it is not recommended to eat them dry. Be sure to dilute them with water. True, now there are special dry bran in capsules. So they can be consumed without first diluting with water. It is better to brew regular bran first.

Some people like to add bran to kefir or juices, and also sprinkle them on salads. With this use, the positive effect will be significantly reduced.

Oat, rice or rye bran - how to take them to get maximum benefit? It is best to pour boiling water over them and leave them to swell for half an hour. Then excess water needs to be drained. You can add milk, fruits, raisins to the resulting slurry and eat it. Important tip- wash down this food big amount water or tea.

Ready, steamed bran (not dry) can be added to cutlets, meatballs, porridge, puddings and casseroles.

Remember that a large amount of bran can contribute to your feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to start taking it with a small dose - 1-2 teaspoons per day. Gradually, if you do not experience any problems, increase the amount to 30 grams per day.

Do not forget that bran loves water very much, and you should increase the amount of liquid you drink per day.

To whom are they contraindicated?

Bran is a dietary and healthy product, however, there are certain restrictions on its use. You should not take them during periods of exacerbation of gastric diseases. If your colitis, enteritis, gastritis or peptic ulcer, wait until inflammatory process will calm down. And only then can you introduce bran into your diet in small doses.

If you have an infection or diarrhea, you should also not consume bran during this period. They can significantly distort the flow picture infectious disease. It’s better to get completely cured first, and then change your diet.

Remember also that a large amount of bran will not make you healthier faster. On the contrary, you can get flatulence, bloating, intestinal dysfunction, and hypovitaminosis.

Be careful with medications

If you are undergoing treatment and are prescribed medications, remember important rule. You cannot take bran and medicine at the same time. Fiber will quickly absorb active substance medicine and will not allow it to completely dissolve in the body. You will not benefit from either the bran or the medicine. Pause between doses medical supplies and consumption of bran should be at least 6 hours. And best of all, for a while drug treatment completely stop taking bran.

Healthy buns

If you love baking, but it is contraindicated for you, bran flour will come to the rescue. It is less sticky, and its composition is more useful than fine flour. Don’t be afraid to add it to any dish - pancakes, pies, pancakes. Remember that bran flour is more sticky, so add more water to the dough.

If you decide to add bran to your diet, remember that you need to take it regularly and for a long time, for several months. Only then will you achieve the expected result.

Many people ask whether it is possible to give bran to children. Of course, but in correct doses. Starting from 10 months, a child can add brewed bran to porridge. It is important to remember that daily dose should not exceed 1-2 teaspoons. Also, be careful to ensure that your baby does not have an allergic reaction.

Bran, or hard shell grains were once considered trash, fit for consumption only by the lower classes of society.

It seemed amazing how easily the poor endured life's difficulties and, unlike the rich gentlemen, tasted the soft White bread, practically did not complain about their health.

The secret was revealed in the last century, when it became clear that bran is a valuable product with a rich chemical composition. It turns out that oat bran is very healthy

Oat bran is especially useful, containing about 90 useful substances. How do you get oat bran, what are its benefits and harms, and what is the best way to take them?

Universal body cleaner

The main thing is how oat bran differs from oatmeal- this is the way to get them. The former are husks, or dense shells of grain, a secondary product formed when grinding flour.

Flakes are the result of flattening or cutting oat grains.

Cereals are inner part grains, and oat bran is the shell

What are the benefits of oat bran?

The central place (about 20%) in their chemical “arsenal” is occupied by fiber, rich in β-glucan - a special polysaccharide that binds fatty acids, “saving” the body from “bad” cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels. In tandem with the antioxidant lycopene present in bran, β-glucan actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

You may also be wondering what they are and how they help with cholesterol, can statins harm the body? Cholesterol can be reduced with or. Read more...

Oat bran is rich in various sugars, the benefit of which for the body is to support metabolic processes.

They also contain:

  • an impressive amount of vitamins (E, D, C, H, B);
  • macro- and microelements (magnesium, boron, sodium, copper, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur) necessary to maintain protective functions body.

According to the data latest research British scientists have found that consuming oat bran reduces the risk of colon cancer. Being a good addition to regular food, bran activates intestinal motility and digestion in general, cleanses the liver and stimulates its regeneration, and has a choleretic effect and normalize the functioning of the pancreas. They are recommended to be included in the diet of older people and diabetics.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of oat bran from the video:

Oat bran to normalize body weight

Oat bran provides a wide range of benefits an excellent remedy for weight loss.

People who want to lose weight are first of all interested in how many calories are in oat bran, and how do they “work” as part of the diet?

Despite high content carbohydrates and fats, oat bran, with a used/w/w ratio of 18.9/7.8/73.3, is a relatively low-calorie product.

On the one hand, they will help to “deceive” hunger: once in the stomach, fiber-rich bran swells in the presence of water, creating the illusion of a full stomach and a long-lasting feeling of fullness. On the other hand, "expanding" in all directions coarse fiber regulates the stool, “adjusting” intestinal motility - the “squeezed” calories will not have time to “reach” unnecessary places.

Therefore, oat bran, whose calorie content is only 120-160 kcal/100 g, is the most popular component of many diets and nutrition systems.

How to use for weight loss?

If you want to reduce body weight with bran, follow several rules:

  • Getting 2-3 liters of fluid into your body during the day is the key to ensuring that the oat bran diet will work. Otherwise, the bran, which is difficult to digest, will not swell, and the “effect” can be constipation;
  • The daily intake of bran should not exceed 30-50 grams. Knowing how many grams of oat bran are in one tablespoon - and there are only 12 grams - it is quite simple to comply with the norm. Exceeding this amount threatens unpleasant phenomena from the intestines;
  • Introduce them into your diet gradually. Start with 1 tsp, gradually increase the intake to daily norm. Take breaks while taking. With continuous consumption of bran, the absorption of valuable nutrients is reduced;
  • It is advisable to take bran with breakfast, lunch or dinner, complementing fruit and vegetable salads or cheese dishes.

If you take bran, following all the rules, you can reduce body weight

So that the desired weight loss is not associated with negativity, we will present the most “delicious” recipes for dishes made from oat bran.

How to cook oat bran?

Let's start with those who want to slightly adjust their weight without dieting. If you use a little trick and “deceive” your appetite by eating oat bran with kefir 20 minutes before the main meal (1 teaspoon per glass of kefir), you can lose 2 kg of weight within 1 month.

The swollen bran that has absorbed the liquid will fill the stomach, and the feeling of fullness will come faster.

Oat bran bread

For punctual “followers” ​​of a diet, especially a low-carbohydrate diet, we recommend making bread from oat bran.
And so that dietary product acquired a “Borodinsky” taste and a rich supply of vitamin B and calcium, use a mixture of oat and wheat bran.

Oat bran bread:

  • Mix 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with 3 eggs;
  • Combine with wheat and oat bran - 6 tbsp each. each type;
  • Add 2/3 tsp. salt;
  • Stir everything;
  • Use vinegar (1/2 tbsp) to extinguish soda (1/2 tsp), mix with bran and curd mass;
  • Line a baking dish with foil and grease vegetable oil, to sprinkle wheat bran(so that the baked goods do not stick);
  • With wet hands, shape the dough into a loaf;
  • After placing the loaf in an oven preheated to 180 C, leave it there for 40-45 minutes until the crust is “brown”;
  • When the finished bread “grows” 1.5 times, turn off the oven;
  • After 20 minutes, remove the bread from the oven and enjoy its taste.

You will learn the detailed recipe from the video:

Oat bran cookies

It's even easier to make oat bran cookies:

  • Mix 140 ml of milk with a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • add 250 grams of oat bran;
  • egg;
  • 2-3 handfuls of raisins;
  • 70 grams of sunflower oil;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

By stirring the ingredients, you will get a thick, not “fluffy” dough. Scoop it up with a spoon and form it with wet hands small lumps are future cookies. Place it on a baking sheet covered with paper and “flatten” it a little with your hands. Preheat the oven to 180 C and bake the cookies for 25-30 minutes.

Oat bran pancakes

If the diet “fell” on Maslenitsa, but you don’t want to give up the traditional treat for it, prepare oatmeal pancakes from bran.
Whisk diligently egg, slowly add to it:

  • 1.5 cups kefir with zero fat content;
  • ground bran - 6 tbsp. oatmeal and 4 tbsp. wheat

After stirring the mixture until smooth, fry the pancakes by greasing the pan with olive oil.

You can prepare pancakes a little differently, you will learn more from the video:

Tasty and healthy porridge

Oat bran porridge will be a good energy boost for the whole day:

  • Boil 1 glass of milk;
  • add 2 tbsp to it. bran;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar to taste (for those on a diet - 2 tablets of sugar substitute).

Stirring, cook the porridge for 7 minutes. Lose weight with style!

How to make oat bran at home?

The beneficial effect of this is completely natural product on many body systems, no doubt. That’s why skillful housewives who always want to have it on hand are often interested in how to make oat bran themselves?

It was said above that bran is a secondary product of flour milling. Their production begins with thorough cleaning of oat grains using magnetic separators and destoning machines. Further, by wet peeling in special machines, partial peeling of the grain shell is achieved.

And only after going through several stages of crushing and grinding are the grains completely freed from their shells.

As you can see, to establish " own production» oat bran in the kitchen is impossible. However, there is no need for this - the price of even premium oat bran does not exceed 400 rubles per 1 kg.

Oat bran is often found rolled into crispy balls or granules. Flavoring fillers give such bran a pleasant aroma, but the flour gluten used in their production “adds” some calories to them.
Flavored oat bran granules are available for purchase.

Pharmacy and retail chains They offer this product in the form of a dry powder that can be sprinkled on any dish or diluted in drinks.

Whatever form of this dietary supplement you choose - dry powder, or delicious “crisps” - follow the above recommendations for their use, lose weight, and be healthy!

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