Why does the baby cough, what to do? Cough in a month old baby - causes, treatment.

cough month old baby is dangerous symptom, because of it, the voice may sit down, vomiting may appear, constant anxiety, sleep is disturbed, the disease is quite severe. It is important to find out the cause of the appearance in time and start a course of treatment, often a cough in a one-month-old baby can, in severe cases, lead to respiratory failure, suffocation and death.

What causes a cough in a one month old baby

cough small child are symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, first the nasopharynx becomes inflamed, then the process passes to the area of ​​the trachea, larynx, bronchus, and lungs.

Often in a month-old child, the ENT organs become inflamed - the pharynx, nose, nasal paranasal sinuses, cough can talk about adenoids. It can be one of the symptoms of a beginner, because of this, a person has an asthma attack.

In a one-month-old baby, a cough may signal that he has inhaled some foreign body, it is in the bronchi, it is life-threatening, urgent medical attention is needed.

Coughing is often a symptom of problems with the stomach, intestines, and heart. Also in monthly babies coughing provoked by an unfavorable environmental situation - inhalation of cigarette smoke, heavily polluted areas, also due to dry air in the room.

Rarely, a month-old baby cough appears due to pathological processes in the external ear canal, an inflammatory process in the middle ear, also of a psychological nature.

Dry cough may appear due to lack of sputum, while inflammation upper divisions in the respiratory tract. If a month-old child has an inflamed trachea, the cough is rough, it can be barking, it appears due to the inflammatory process in the larynx. This disease is very dangerous, in the future there may be laryngeal stenosis, the upper respiratory tract will sharply narrow. The child cannot fully breathe, it is important in this situation to urgently contact a therapist.

3. Cough can be in the form of attacks.

4. Blood is visible in the sputum or it turns green.

5. Cough does not go away for more than three weeks.

call urgently ambulance if a month-old baby has a fever, it is difficult for him to breathe. A cough in a one month old baby may indicate serious illness internal organs, so it is important to be examined on time. Often a month old baby can choke on milk, it can also be dangerous if it gets into the lungs, the baby can choke.

If the cough worries the child at night and is dry, it is dangerous, it may indicate that the baby has tuberculosis or inside the chest.

Treating a cough in a one month old baby

Please note that it is rather difficult to treat a cough in young children, many drugs are prohibited for them, because they can lead to serious pathological processes in the liver, stomach, intestines. Also often different drugs can cause a serious allergic reaction, dysbacteriosis, so you need to carefully monitor the child's reaction to different group drugs.

Also, when treating a cough in a one-month-old baby, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

1. Keep track of the humidity in the room. The air during illness should not be dry, use a humidifier.

2. Ventilate the room as often as possible, often because of the lack of fresh air, the child cannot recover.

3. Perform a gentle massage, so the sputum will be able to move away faster, the child will feel much better.

4. The child should drink as much liquid as possible, especially when, so the body can not be dehydrated.

5. Can thin layer rub the child's back, chest, heels with goat fat, put something warm on him, he should go to bed. Please note that this tool can be used if there is no temperature.

6. When there is no temperature, you need to walk as much as possible on fresh air, the lungs can fully open, strengthen.

If a month old baby moist cough, the doctor can prescribe herbal syrups - Prospan, Gedelix, with the help of which you can thin the sputum. In cases of dry cough, Stodal is prescribed.

A special patch will help alleviate the condition of the child, it is attached to clothing, it contains a large amount medicinal herbs, they have a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx, nose. Sprays cannot be used. month old baby, they can lead to suffocation of the child. In cases of a strong inflammatory process, Tantum Verde is prescribed, with the help of which it can be removed.

So, a cough in a month old baby can be a dangerous symptom for a baby's life. Therefore, mothers should forget about self-treatment methods and traditional medicine, it is necessary to immediately call the attending doctor so as not to aggravate the disease. Due to the fact that the child will not dispel the reflex that will help cough up sputum, you need to help the baby get rid of it, for this, gently tap on the back, while the child needs to be laid on his knees upside down. it effective method From cough.

The first months of a newborn's life are a test for a small organism, imperfect immunity. Wait for crumbs of infection respiratory tract and intestines, prickly heat, diaper rash. If a child has a strong cough for 2 months, then a cold should be treated and a complication should be prevented. Primary measures are to select such means that will help to cope with the malaise and will not harm the baby.

The body of a baby is practically defenseless against pathogens of infectious diseases. The respiratory tract is short, the mucous membranes are not yet able to cope with viruses and bacteria. ARVI pathogens at the onset of the disease cause changes that can go unnoticed by parents. Most often, the child's condition changes dramatically, the temperature rises, the skin becomes pale. The baby is naughty, refuses to eat.

How to treat a cough in a child for 2 months (with SARS with a runny nose and fever):

  1. Get advice from a pediatrician, follow his appointments.
  2. Give more fluids to drink herbal teas to maintain water-salt balance.
  3. Rinse the nasal passages saline solutions Aquamaris, Aqualor Baby Spray, Marimer.
  4. When the temperature rises above 38 ° C, use an antipyretic agent with paracetamol (syrup, suppositories).
  5. To eliminate the allergic component, give Fenistil drops.

If children are prone to febrile and other types of seizures, an antipyretic is given at a body temperature above 37.5 ° C.

If a child starts coughing for 2 months, you need to drink plenty of fluids. But a sick baby often refuses a bottle. Get out of this situation by digging herbal tea into the mouth with a pipette or disposable syringe without a needle. Chamomile flowers are suitable for making infusion, Linden blossom, coltsfoot leaves, rose hips. Physical Cooling the baby's body is provided with air baths, wiping hands and feet with wet wipes (20 ° C).

Can antibiotics be used to treat a two-month-old baby?

It is sometimes difficult for parents to recognize which factor causes a baby's cough - infectious or non-infectious. For some mothers, the problem of giving a child a cough for 2 months seems insoluble. Especially after reading the section "Contraindications" in the annotation to the drug and reviews. Most of the side effects listed in the instructions are very rare, negative impact officially recognized drugs is noted in a small number of cases.

Concerning antibacterial drugs, then with SARS, influenza, they are not effective. Doctors prescribe antibiotics to babies only in difficult cases when the illness becomes chronic. But how to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby caused by bacterial infection? Pediatricians recommend drugs based on the antibiotics amoxicillin, azithromycin, or midecamycin ( "Flemoxin Solutab", "Ospamox", "Sumamed", "Macropen" ). A single dose is calculated based on the body weight of the child. Course - 5 days.

Why is the baby coughing?

Cough in a child of 2 months is not uncommon. Mucus, dead cells, dust and microorganisms activate the cough center in the brain. Works defensive reflex, the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs are released from unnecessary substances. The mixing and removal of mucus with irritants is facilitated by the movement of cilia in the airways.

Experts distinguish between the following types of cough:

  • dry, barking (unproductive);
  • wet, with sputum (productive);
  • acute (lasts up to 8 weeks);
  • chronic (lasting more than 8 weeks).

There are many factors that cause coughing in two month old baby but most of them are harmless. Among safe reasons pediatricians call profuse salivation, teething. two month old baby most sleeps for days, leftovers breast milk and saliva accumulate in the pharynx, irritate the mucous membrane. Reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus and trachea is considered probable cause cough at night and in the morning.

The nasal passages in babies are narrow and short, the mucous membrane is poorly developed. When insufficiently warmed air, poorly cleaned of dust and infection, enters the respiratory tract, diseases can develop (ARVI, bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchiolitis, pneumonia). Dry cough torments the child with pseudo-croup with swelling of the mucous membrane of the trachea. Constantly irritate the baby's airways pungent odors perfumes, SMS, cigarette smoke. Chronic cough occurs with immunodeficiency, allergies, bronchial asthma.

The baby began to cough - see a doctor or treat yourself?

The delicate lining of the airways of infants often becomes inflamed. First, the viscosity of the mucus increases, sputum is difficult to secrete along with microbes and dust. Turns on natural defensive reaction to cleanse the respiratory system. During illness, the bronchi and lungs hardly perform their functions, the small body does not receive enough oxygen.

Typical situations in which a child coughs are associated with the flow of saliva and mucus into the respiratory tract during sleep. It happens that snot from the nasal cavity, tears when crying get into the throat. While eating, the baby swallows a lot of food at once. In all these cases, the baby clears his throat, then behaves calmly.

Dry cough occurs without obvious reasons in the presence of allergens in the diet and environment of the baby.

allergic reactions in infants are more often manifested in the form skin rashes. There is also the possibility of respiratory symptoms - runny nose and cough. In such cases, the first thing to do is to identify the allergen, exclude it from baby food, the diet of a breastfeeding mother. Symptomatic treatment carry out antihistamines and antitussives that alleviate the condition. After 1 month, children are given Fenistil drops, tea with anise drops, fennel (pharmaceutical dill).

When to contact the pediatrician for a cough in a child:

  • symptoms such as fever, vomiting are observed;
  • there are whistling sounds at the end of the attack;
  • cough lasts more than two weeks;
  • the baby is weak, emaciated;
  • less than 2 months old.

A high degree of danger to the health of children occurs when breathing becomes faster up to 50 breaths in 60 seconds. In this state, the baby refuses or is physically unable to drink and eat. The child becomes very restless, drools more than usual. You can not postpone the call to the ambulance if the baby turns pale, does not sleep due to coughing for an hour in a row.

Reasons for seeking emergency medical care:

  • the child is 2 months old, snot and cough occur suddenly;
  • the baby is sick with ARVI for more than three weeks;
  • green-yellow mucus is secreted;
  • the attacks came on at night;
  • in the sputum an admixture of blood;
  • loud wheezing.

Parents should not worry about an urgent call to the doctor. Pediatricians know that delay in treating babies leads to severe complications, diseases can go into chronic form. Breastfeeding during this period is by no means stopped. Together with mother's milk the child receives the necessary nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. If the sick child does not have high temperature, then briefly take it out into the fresh air.

In a month-old baby, it does not always signal the need for treatment. Liquid often enters the bronchi of the baby: milk, mucus, saliva, tears after crying. The baby clears his throat, and this is a normal reflex action to eliminate the irritant. But there are situations when parents need to respond immediately.

anxiety symptoms

Seizures should cause anxiety unusual cough: sudden, rude and incessant; dry, occurring without visible reasons; hoarse, accompanied by obvious wheezing. A particular danger to the health of the crumbs is a cough with signs of suffocation, an admixture of blood or in green sputum.

The most common causes:

  • Allergic reaction
  • aspiration (hit foreign object into the trachea and bronchi)
  • Inflammation of ENT organs, SARS, bronchitis.

Less common factor coughing in a month old baby, is chronic illness- heart disease or reflux esophagitis (pathology gastrointestinal tract).

General treatment

Allergy in newborn babies usually manifests itself skin rashes, but also possible respiratory symptoms. Seizures are removed with antihistamines. To avoid exacerbation, you need to identify and eliminate the allergen. Cough can be caused by dry, stale indoor air, animal hair, mold, tobacco smoke and other factors. You will need to analyze the situation, as well as pay attention to the mother's diet or the composition of the mixture if the baby is on artificial feeding.

Aspiration causes the child to have a sudden, choking cough. Inhalation foreign body threatens the life of the child, so you need to take immediate action. Parents can examine the baby's throat. It is good when the object is close and you can extract it yourself. If a foreign body, after inhalation, has entered the trachea and bronchi, you will have to call an ambulance and remove it in the hospital.

A cold or viral cough requires a doctor's consultation. Respiratory diseases must be treated on time to avoid serious complications later. In a baby who does not move much, common cold can quickly develop into acute bronchitis. Dealing with such a complication is much more difficult.

Treatment of a cold cough

After the examination, the pediatrician will prescribe pharmaceutical preparations appropriate for the age of the child. For help drug treatment folk methods will come.

Warm compresses

Warming up helps speed up recovery respiratory diseases. For the treatment of newborns, the following recipes can be used:

  • Knead a dense cake of honey, which is the main component of flour and vegetable oil. From 4 months, you can add mustard, but this product is not suitable for the delicate skin of a one-month-old baby. The cake should be placed on the baby's chest over the diaper, insulated, then fixed
  • Mash boiled hot potatoes with 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine. Wrap the finished mass in foil, pierce holes in it and place it on the chest, making a layer of diapers, polyethylene and a fixing bandage
  • Pour salt heated in a pan into a rag bag and warm the baby’s chest with it
  • Rub the baby melted badger fat, insulate on top with gauze folded in several layers and fix the compress.

In addition to badger, you can treat the baby with goat fat or camphor oil. It is advisable to treat with the product not only the chest, but also the feet.

Simultaneous heating of the chest and back is not recommended. This can lead to pneumonia. It is necessary to exclude the effect of heat on the region of the heart. You should not treat the child with warming when he has a temperature.


When coughing, light tapping on the chest and exposure to reflex zones feet. Before the procedure, the baby is picked up. Massage improves bronchial drainage. The use of vegetable balms increases the effectiveness of the procedure.


A cough in a one-month-old baby can be treated with a passive one. To do this, hot water is poured into the bathroom and a few drops are added. In the presence of allergies, oil is not added.

When the room warms up, a naked baby is brought in so that he breathes healing vapors for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, the baby is wiped dry and wrapped in a warm blanket.

Just as when warming up, inhalations to a child should not be done when elevated temperature.


Herbal decoctions can be used to alleviate a cough that occurs in a 2 month old baby. There is good recipes, tested by more than one generation of mothers on their children:

  • The leaves of the coltsfoot are mixed in equal proportions with plantain. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Give the baby 2 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before meals
  • The roots of licorice, marshmallow and elecampane are combined in equal amounts with each other. A tablespoon of dry raw materials is added to 0.5 liters cold water and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Offer the baby 2-3 times a day, 50 grams
  • 1 st. l. chamomile flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours, after which they are filtered. A decoction is given to the baby every hour for 1 tsp.

It is not worth abusing herbal decoctions, as an overdose causes side effects or a severe allergic reaction. Before treatment, it is better to consult with a local pediatrician who has been observing the baby since birth and knows the features of his health.

In order for the child to be less sick, it is important to take care of his health. Breastfeeding and mother's vigilant attention is the best prevention diseases for children of the first year of life.

If a infant coughed, it is required to start treatment with a doctor's call. The baby's body is very delicate, metabolic processes it is accelerated. A moderate inflammatory process sometimes quickly turns into acute condition. Deciding what and how is more correct, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. The most common cause of a cough can be:

  • SARS;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Inflammation of the larynx;
  • Foreign body entering the respiratory tract or clogging them with liquid;
  • Bronchospasm.

After the pediatrician determines the nature of the cough, he can advise parents to combine the use of traditional therapy and treatment. folk ways. This speeds up the healing process and does not a large number side effects.

Alternative methods of treating cough in children up to a year

Inhalation for baby

It is possible to alleviate the condition of a child up to 2 months of age with a dry cough using passive inhalation. It is done like this. Boiling water is poured into the bath, and they wait for the room to warm up with steam. A coughing infant is inhaled for about 5 minutes. If the fragrance essential oil eucalyptus does not cause an allergic reaction in a child, you can add a few drops of this oil to the water.


In addition to decoctions, compresses and inhalations, the use of massage is effective - gentle pats and taps are massaged rib cage and the child's feet. Massage with the use of herbal balms will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. The use of massage improves sputum discharge.

Pick up the child and gently pat on the back - this also improves bronchial drainage.

  1. It is not recommended to limit the child's mobility, this can provoke sputum stagnation.
  2. Before use folk recipes in the treatment of infants, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  3. Warming procedures are used only when children do not have a temperature.
  4. In addition to the described means, you can bathe the child in various herbs, for example, good effect renders thyme .

Thus, it is not always necessary to load the baby’s fragile body exclusively with medicines, you can additionally use proven and effective recipes traditional medicine used by more than one generation of mothers.

cough baby - serious challenge not only for the baby, but also for his parents.

There are many reasons why children cough in infancy. For proper treatment disease, the main thing is to correctly determine its cause.

Causes of cough in infants

Treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms of suffocation may simply hide the symptoms of the disease, leaving it inside the child's body. Therefore, the treatment of cough in children under one year old should always consist of several important steps:

  • Correct diagnosis
  • Determining the root cause of the cough
  • Treatment.

So, let's look at the most common causes of coughing, which can be divided into 4 main subgroups:

  • Viral infections (ARVI, etc.);
  • Inflammatory nature (inflammatory process in the upper and lower respiratory tract);
  • allergic origin;
  • Cough caused by other causes (we will talk about them below).

To select the only correct treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause, and then together with your doctor, decide how to treat a cough in an infant.

Viral nature of cough

Cough caused by an acute respiratory viral infection is most common in infants. The main symptoms of a child's illness with ARVI are a sudden runny nose and cough in the baby, which is sometimes also accompanied by fever. Self-medication under the age of one year with viral diseases is categorically contraindicated, therefore, if you notice a cough and runny nose in a baby, you should immediately consult a doctor for complete diagnosis. A highly qualified specialist will always prompt the right strategy actions to be followed in case of SARS.

As a rule, the treatment strategy is to "catch" the disease. In such early age children are contraindicated medicines Therefore, bed rest is the main thing for children under one year old. In the process of treating the symptoms of SARS in infancy, parents need to remember a few basic rules:

  • You can not bathe a child at an elevated temperature - water procedures can cause a serious complication of the disease, therefore, if it is necessary to observe the personal hygiene of the baby, it is necessary to use wet towels, and immediately wipe the skin dry;
  • Do not resort to medication without the instructions of the attending physician- treatment viral disease with the help of pills or other medications can provoke serious attacks of the disorder digestive tract, heart complications and internal organs. Of course, the attending physician can prescribe medication for children up to a year of coughing, but only if there is a real need for them and your child's age allows them to be taken;
  • Cough in a child up to a year can be tried to weaken, resorting to some harmless and proven traditional medicine recipes, but only in order to - after the baby feels better, it will still need to be delivered to the clinic.

Children's cough of an inflammatory nature

Another reason why a baby coughs is inflammation of the airways. The inflammatory process, which often causes cough and runny nose in infants, almost always proceeds without an increase in temperature, which is characteristic of SARS. The nature of the appearance of the inflammatory process can be different, but it is almost always associated with a weak immune system of the child and infection in the respiratory tract, or exposure to too cold or hot (overdried) air.

If there is a suspicion that your child has inflammation, the best remedy from cough for children up to a year - timely appeal to a competent otolaryngologist. The doctor will advise, establish the correct diagnosis and tell you how to treat at home or in the hospital. In case of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), the baby may be prescribed physical procedures, such as rinsing. Small children are painfully endure such therapy, so it is better for parents to be patient in advance and be prepared for children's crying and tears.

Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi) is accompanied by attacks of dry persistent cough. When treating such inflammatory processes often used cough medicine for children under one year old. It can be either medical preparations introduced into the children's body by injection, as well as conventional syrups. The main task of such drugs is to turn a dry, unproductive cough into a wet one with sputum excretion.

There are also various means from cough for children up to a year, which have a softening effect on the area pectoral muscles and lungs of the child. They are created on the basis of mucolytic agents - special medicines that relieve the main symptoms.

allergic cough

Allergy is a common type of cough, which for some reason is not given enough attention, but if it does, it will help to completely get rid of it. Child cured of allergic reaction once, will not suffer from it throughout his life.

Allergic cough in children under one year is manifested not only by the attacks themselves, but also copious excretion tears, and in some cases - a runny nose. In the treatment of allergies, the most important task is to localize the allergen that is the cause. Very often, such allergens turn out to be things of the baby, for example, his bed linen, or certain products, eating which .

Cough while breastfeeding

And what if not only the child but also the nursing mother gets sick with a cold? In this case, the acute question arises “How to treat a cough with breastfeeding? because together with nutrients that enter the child's body with milk, an infection associated with the mother's illness can also get into it. Experts advise - even in case of a cold in a nursing mother, the breastfeeding procedure should not be stopped, however, some recommendations should be followed in order to protect the child from the risk of getting sick as much as possible. From passing on a cough to a baby during breastfeeding will help gauze bandage to be worn by the mother while breastfeeding.

Treatment of cough during breastfeeding in a mother depends on what kind of disease she is sick with. Maternal cough attacks are preferably soothed with herbal syrups. These breastfeeding cough medicines do not contain chemical ingredients, the composition of which can somehow harm the baby, passing into his body during feeding.

Cough caused by bad air condition

Many parents, not knowing how to treat a cough in a child under one year old, try to solve the problem by giving him various medicines or resorting to traditional medicine. However, parents forget that coughing in infants can be caused by bad condition air in the children's room. Bad air in the children's room acts as an irritant on the children's lungs, as a result of which the child may experience severe attacks cough. In order to exclude this cause, it is enough to ventilate the room well several times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Fresh air will not only prevent seizures, but also enrich the children's body with oxygen, which will positively affect baby dream. For cough caused bad air, children under one year old can be helped by some houseplants. You just need to make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to them.

Coughing fits caused by cutting teeth

If a child has been coughing systematically for more than a month, the reason for this is the beginning of the growth of milk teeth. Usually, the growth of the first teeth is accompanied not only by attacks of suffocation, but also by strong emotional upheavals of the child, causing crying, and in some cases even fever. If the reason is teething, and you don’t know what to give a child up to a year from coughing, then you can try to apply therapeutic baths based on mint, chamomile or motherwort grass.

Such water procedures will have a calming effect on the child's body, as a result of which he will be able to tolerate the appearance and growth of teeth more restrained. Along with this, seizures will also go away. baby cough, which occur due to inconsistent children's breathing and spasm in the process of crying.

Common Causes of Cough in 1 and 2 Month Old Babies

Although cough in children under one year old is often caused by the same set standard reasons However, they may differ for different age groups. This happens due to some physiological features child's body during its formation. We will try to compile a list of the most common factors that cause discomfort, going through the age groups of babies from a month to a year, and also tell you how to cure a cough in a child up to a year.

A cough in a one-month-old baby is often caused by the peculiarities of the formation of his respiratory system. At this age, systematic seizures are appropriate, of course, only if the child is not sick and has a healthy appearance. It should be remembered that a cough in a two-month-old child is most often caused by infectious disease(at this age, the initial immune system is only being formed, as a result of which infants highly susceptible various diseases). In this case, it is better not to postpone, but immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat a cough in a child at 2 months old.

Before starting treatment, your baby needs to first get a proper diagnosis. Contemporary medical equipment allows, after a few hours of examination, to identify the causes of disorders in the child's body. A cough in a child at 2 months old (especially dry and prolonged) may indicate the onset of bronchitis, which is extremely dangerous at this age, so you can’t delay a visit to the clinic!

Cough in children at 3, 4 and five months of age

A cough in a 3 month old baby can be both viral and infectious nature. Cough in a child at 3 months can also be triggered wrong position while lying down. In this case, saliva can accumulate in the child's throat, causing prolonged bouts of coughing. If your child is 3 months old and is pestering him nocturnal cough- try to put his head a little higher than the level of the body. To do this, you can use a large pillow, or lay out a special slide of children's things and blankets.

How to treat a cough in a 3 month old baby is best known by a qualified pediatrician. Make it a rule to visit the clinic regularly from the moment your baby is born. By observing the child from the beginning of his life, the doctor will have much more information, as a result of which he will be able to make a diagnosis with higher accuracy.

A cough in a 4 month old baby is usually provoked by the beginning of the growth of his first teeth. In general, the features of tooth growth are purely individual and manifest themselves differently in different children, however, in the vast majority of cases, this process occurs between the ages of 4 and 7 months. If a cough in a 4-month-old baby is accompanied by redness and copious tears from the eyes, you may be dealing with an onset of an allergy attack.

A cough in a 5 month old baby can also be caused by indigestion. In this case, it will also be accompanied by periods of regurgitation. Children's body up to a year - not strong in the formative stage, so the onset of an attack can be caused by any, even the most non-obvious reasons.

Cough in children aged 6 to 9 months

A cough in a child at 6 months old can also be physiological in nature. At this age, children usually cough up to 20 times a day, and coughing fits can last for 2-5 minutes. If the child has a good appetite, he does not have an elevated body temperature and does not flow from his nose - you can stop wondering how to treat such a cough. Such physiological cough in a child at 6 months - quite an ordinary and ubiquitous phenomenon. If the baby shows some anxiety with frequent bouts of coughing, and its nature resembles a viral or infectious one, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

A cough in a child at 7 months old can be triggered by a foreign object getting into the throat. In children of this age, the grasping reflex is already quite well developed, and any trinket that falls into the hands of a baby can easily end up in his throat. In this case, the sooner you contact the pediatrics department, the better, because it is necessary to treat such a cough in a 7-month-old child promptly. A frightened baby can seriously harm himself by trying to swallow a foreign object that has fallen into the throat.

In very rare cases, serious pathologies of the child's body (heart disease, asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) can become the cause of suffocation. No one except the attending physician will tell you how to treat a cough in a child at 7 months old, if its cause is a pathology, so do not hesitate to contact if you suspect something is wrong.

Treatment of a cough caused by SARS at the age of nine months in the vast majority of cases is carried out without the help of medicines - this is a fact. The child's body may simply not cope with the prescribed course, as a result of which complications may begin in the baby. Therefore, if the baby is sick, and you don’t know how to treat a cough in a child at 9 months old, you can use folk remedies. For this, in 200 mg hot water or milk, you need to add a few teaspoons of honey, a couple of slices of onion or radish. Such a drink will have a healing effect, as well as strengthen immune system your baby. The main thing is to check in advance if your baby is allergic to honey or other components of the recipe.