Why does the knee come out of the socket? The knee joint is falling out, what to do?

Nowadays, orthopedic doctors quite often encounter patient complaints about knee joint prolapse, in other words, habitual dislocation. More often this pathology is a consequence of injury kneecap and rupture of ligaments or meniscus. When the ligaments are damaged or excessive load is placed on the knee, the kneecap destabilizes, which leads to its constant flight beyond the joint.

If the knee joint pops out

If your kneecap has fallen out, you should not reset it yourself, this is fraught with very serious consequences. In this case, you need to call ambulance, and before her arrival attach cold compress on the knee and treat the skin with anesthetic ointment. It is imperative to consult a doctor, since only he can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment.

Why is it dangerous?

If the knee joint has fallen out, but returned to its place on its own, then you still need to visit an orthopedist. Since in case of untimely provision medical care, serious consequences are possible:

  1. Changes in the structure of cartilage and joint bones.
  2. Ligament rupture.
  3. Joint deformity.
  4. Chronic displacement of the joint, with the slightest load.
  5. Bleeding into the joint cavity.
  6. Patellofemoral arthrosis.


Dislocation of the kneecap is mainly due to injury due to damage to the muscles and ligaments surrounding the knee. As a result, during sudden movements the bone structure of the primary type is displaced. More often, habitual dislocation is observed in professional athletes due to severe overload, as a result of which the joint extends beyond the limits of the joint.

Causes of habitual dislocation:

  • Knee strikes.
  • Twisting the joint.
  • Violation of the integrity of the joint capsule as a result of primary traumatic dislocation.
  • Joint defect.
  • Failure to provide medical care in a timely manner after an injury.
  • Severe mobility of the ligaments of the lower extremities.
  • Failure to comply with doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period after a primary dislocation.

However, not only athletes, but also average people are susceptible to this disease. The knee can fly out for the following reasons:

  1. Hard physical work.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Uncomfortable shoes.
  4. Changes in the body associated with age.
  5. Congenital weakness of the femoral muscle.
  6. Flat feet.
  7. Fall or careless movement of the leg.
  8. Playing a traumatic sport.


It is impossible to confuse this disease with another, since the first and main manifestation is the displacement of the kneecap to the side. This happens abruptly and unexpectedly. The victim experiences severe pain, the knee swells, the mobility of the limb is limited, and the tendons become tense.

In most cases, the knee joint moves into place on its own when the leg is flexed or extended. But there are times when an orthopedist has to correct a dislocation; in this case, you cannot delay calling an ambulance in order to avoid irreversible consequences.


When the knee joint is removed, to visualize the condition of the tissues and tendons, swelling and pain are first removed. Diagnosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • X-ray. Do not use in advanced stages of the disease.
  • CT scan. Used if surgical intervention is required.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. The most accurate method for determining the condition of muscle tissue. Used at any stage of the disease.
  • General blood analysis. Allows you to exclude infectious diseases in the knee.


Depending on the severity of the pathology, habitual knee dislocation can be treated using the following methods: physiotherapy, conservative methods, therapeutic exercises, traditional medicine recipes, surgery.


During the recovery period of the knee joint after surgery, doctors prescribe physical procedures such as electrophoresis, paraffin lotions, and laser therapy. They improve biochemical processes, which promotes healing. The type of procedures and duration of treatment are determined by the orthopedist, depending on the injuries and age of the victim.

Conservative methods

The goal of this method is to reduce the load on the ligamentous apparatus of the knee and joint through the use of special orthopedic devices. Such devices include cuts, knee pads, bandages, plaster cast, elastic bandage. Such methods are used if little time has passed since the injury, and in the absence of ligament rupture.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are also used to eliminate pain syndrome. It could be injections Lidocoin, Novocaine, special pain-relieving ointments.

If fluid has accumulated in the knee, a puncture is performed. Next, the knee joint is fixed with a plaster.


Therapeutic exercises are prescribed by a doctor to prevent stagnation and normalize the functioning of the joint. Before performing, the knee is securely fixed with a knee pad. It is recommended to start exercises with passive exercises and gradually increase the load. Exercise therapy is performed for both limbs, the healthy leg for support, the damaged leg for development. At first, when doing it, you feel pain, which gradually goes away.

Traditional medicine recipes

To eliminate symptoms of kneecap prolapse, it is often used folk recipes compresses such as:

  • Lemon. You need the juice of one lemon. Soak a bandage in it for several minutes and apply it to the sore spot.
  • Burdock. Two burdock leaves are wrapped around the affected area.
  • Honey. A small amount of honey is spread on the sore knee, covered with cellophane, and bandaged.
  • Potato. You will need several potatoes. They are cleaned, rubbed, and the juice is squeezed out. The resulting pulp is applied to the sore spot and wrapped with a bandage.


Surgery is prescribed only if ligaments or tendons are damaged. It is carried out using micro-instruments using video equipment. It leaves virtually no scars; after surgery, a small scar is formed, which does not cause discomfort. After the operation, a plaster cast is applied. During the rehabilitation period, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Preventive measures

To prevent a primary knee dislocation from developing into a habitual one, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately after the injury. During the treatment period, you must strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations, and after eliminating the pain syndrome, do not stop performing the procedures until complete recovery.

To prevent the disease, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes.
  2. News healthy image life and eat right to avoid excess weight.
  3. Use knee pads for sports.
  4. If you have flat feet, wear shoes with orthopedic insoles.

In the practice of traumatologists, we often encounter patients who complain that their knee joint is popping out. The reason for this may be habitual (or, as it is also called, chronic) dislocation or instability of the knee joint as a result of damage to the ligaments or meniscus.

The knee joint falls out when the articular surfaces of the bones that form it are displaced. If we consider anatomical features structure of the knee, it becomes clear that it, in fact, contains two formations at once, which can be defined as a joint. One is located between the thigh and kneecap, and the second is between the thigh bones and the lower leg. Both joints are characterized by their susceptibility to injury under varying loads.

The patella is subjected to increased load when performing braking processes, extension movements, and it also transmits the muscular force of the thigh to the lower leg. Normal work The calyx is provided by the ligamentous apparatus. When the knee is overloaded and normal shape or the integrity of the ligaments, destabilization of the kneecap occurs, which is expressed in the fact that it constantly flies out of the joint.

A habitual dislocation, in which the knee flies out, leads to the fact that a person’s quality of life decreases, he cannot continue to engage in the same type of activity as before, especially when it comes to sports and physical labor. The most common complication with this diagnosis, this is the development of patellofemoral arthrosis.


The main reasons due to which a habitual dislocation occurs and the knee joint pops out are:

  • Primary traumatic dislocation, leading to disruption of the integrity of the joint capsule and surrounding tissues - muscles, tendons, ligaments;
  • A defect in the surface of the joint, which manifests itself after some time, which is facilitated by habitual dislocation;
  • Neglect of the process due to untimely contact with a specialist;
  • Incorrect immobilization, its absence or premature termination;
  • Violation of the load limitation regime during the recovery period;


If a patient's knee joint pops out, he usually feels a sharp pain that intensifies with movement. Upon examination, such a joint is usually slightly bent and increased in volume. Sometimes severe swelling or hemarthrosis is observed. Most informative method Investigations for such pathology can only include X-rays, MRI and diagnostic arthroscopy.

Risk factors

The knee pops up more often with the following predisposing factors:

  • Increased mobility and high alignment of the patella;
  • Atrophy or hypotrophy of the medial thigh muscle;
  • Deformation of the knee joint;
  • Curvature of the lower extremities;
  • Ligamentous weakness or hypermobility;
  • Any muscle imbalance;


What to do if this happens? It often happens that the patient adjusts the knee on his own. However, this does not eliminate the cause of the disease. In this case, you should not delay going to the doctor to avoid increased destabilization, destruction and deformation of the knee. The tactics of carrying out measures in the case when the knee joint flies out is decided only by a specialist and it depends on the degree of damage to the menisci, ligaments, the presence marginal fractures in the kneecap, the integrity of the articular surfaces, the condition of the cartilage tissue.

Treatment of such a pathology, when the knee joint pops out, lasts, on average, about six months. In the absence of serious damage, conservative treatment is usually used in such cases, which can give good results.

Conservative methods

When choosing a treatment regimen, conservative methods are used first:

  1. To reduce pain in an acute condition, it is necessary to apply ice to the joint; this can be done as first aid for acute injury.
  2. Immediately consult a doctor to clarify the cause and extent of the damage; it is especially important to exclude ligament rupture and other violations of the integrity of the periarticular tissues. This will determine further treatment.
  3. At first, it is necessary to first completely and then partially reduce the usual load on the knee. This is achieved by wearing orthoses, using orthopedic devices, bandages or elastic bandages.
  4. If hemarthrosis is present, joint puncture is performed followed by aspiration.
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - voltaren, ibuprofen - will help relieve the inflammatory process.
  6. Severe pain can be relieved with analgesics.
  7. After the condition improves a little, you should undergo massage and physiotherapy.
  8. It is necessary to perform physical therapy exercises (mostly static) associated with restoring muscle balance. This primarily concerns the extensor muscles.
  9. Physical activity, if the knee joint flies out, is required. To reduce repeated habitual dislocation, it is necessary that the muscles are trained.

Surgical intervention

If conservative methods do not help, or the degree of damage to the articular structures or periarticular tissues is too pronounced, or if the process is advanced, the doctor may recommend treatment with

On this moment There are many ways to surgically treat patella problems. But, nevertheless, treatment using most methods quite often lead to relapses of this disease and do not exclude the appearance of secondary changes inside the joint.

If the cause of persistent patellar displacement is that the outer ligament is too tight compared to the inner ligament, then treatment is to cut the ligaments using an arthroscope. This operation is well tolerated by patients, does not require long-term rehabilitation and is minimally invasive. For lateral displacement, a lateral incision is made. In some clinics, a thermal cautery is used to prevent bleeding into the joint with the development of hemarthrosis.


In order to avoid a problem in which the knee joint falls out, in the event of an acute dislocation, you should immediately go to the doctor and take action. During treatment, you must follow all recommendations and not violate the load limitation regime. Very important after cupping acute condition continue training and exercises. Since it is possible to stabilize the knee only with normal tone of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.


Regardless of the chosen tactics, treatment usually gives good results; if the knee pops up, the prognosis for this disease is usually favorable. When the stability of the joint and its mobility are restored, there is a high probability of young patients returning to their usual sports training. But at the same time, you should increase the load gradually, after consulting with your doctor, who can recommend the most best option rehabilitation measures and a set of special exercises in each individual case that the patient must do.

The complex structure of the knee joint ensures its smooth functioning. Each element is responsible not only for certain functions, but also for the stability of the entire “structure”. Therefore, when the joint occurs, the causes may be related to various factors. The main thing is not to panic, but to know what to do in such situations.

Why does the joint fall out?

The main causes of instability of the knee joint are associated with traumatic effects on it. It is after direct blows and unnatural movements that the primary displacement of the bone elements of the knee occurs.

This pathology is often encountered by professional athletes who engage in traumatic sports or do not calculate the adequacy of the load on their knees. But the average person is not immune to such problems. Injuries at home, industrial accidents, and car accidents often result in a knee being blown out.

Injury may result from:

  • a blow to the knee;
  • excessive load on the leg when the limb is in a certain position;
  • hyperextension or twisting of the joint;
  • awkward movements such as tucking, stumbling.

What changes occur at such moments in the joint? This is what will determine what to do in the future and how to prevent a recurrence of such a situation.

Signs of damage to certain joint structures

The ligamentous apparatus holds and is responsible for the mobility of the knee joint. Therefore, when the knee flies out, it is definitely damaged. Depending on which elements are damaged and to what extent, methods are selected to treat the pathology.

ACL injury

With such damage, the patient feels as if there is a “failure” in the knee joint while supporting the limb or while walking. In fact, the lower leg moves to the side and forward. This is accompanied by medial or internal instability of the knee joint.

The “drawer” syndrome is visually visible. That is, in a lying position, the lower leg moves forward. Often the damage provokes hemorrhage into the joint.

Injury to the cruciate posterior ligament

When this ligament ruptures, a person experiences incredible pain, due to which he cannot make any movements with his leg. At the same time, swelling develops and hemarthrosis occurs. Despite these symptoms, knee instability is felt.

The joint slips back and the leg becomes unruly. A hematoma is found in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa, and when the leg is bent, the lower leg moves back. Posterior drawer syndrome is worsened by applying pressure to the front of the bent knee.

Damage to the collateral ligaments

The most common ligament torn is the internal collateral ligament. With such damage, the lower leg moves inward. The patient is in pain local in nature, the swelling is not too pronounced.

Lameness appears. Instability is indicated by instability of the leg during the transfer of body weight to the injured limb, as well as during rotational movements.

When the tibia flexes sharply inward, the outer ligament is torn. Even complete tearing of the ligament is possible. A person experiences severe pain during an injury, which becomes much stronger when the lower leg is abducted outward. Instability is recorded during rotational movements.

Often, when such ligaments rupture, other injuries occur in the form of fractures and meniscus injuries. This feature must be taken into account during diagnosis.

Meniscal damage

This injury results in instability or locking of the knee. The cartilage disc moves to the side - this is what prevents movement. The damage is accompanied by pain and limited mobility. The characteristic symptoms are considered to be a blocked position of the lower leg in a bent position.

The presence of swelling helps prevent complete blockage. Signs of a bruise or dislocation may cause displacement or damage to the meniscus to go unnoticed. Therefore, this feature must be taken into account during diagnosis.


Video - gap cruciate ligament knee joint

Patellar displacement

This type of damage is more common. There are many more reasons that could serve as an impetus for her. This and congenital pathologies joint, and traumatic injuries ligaments Pathologies that have become chronic or arisen against the background of acquired diseases are much more complex.

The surrounding ligaments do not strengthen the patellar capsule, and instability becomes common.

With this diagnosis:

  1. The kneecap moves outward, but easily returns to its place with simple hand pressure.
  2. During flexion, extension movements, you can visually see how the patella walks under the skin, that is, it flies out on its own and falls into place.
  3. The leg does not fully extend, since such movement is accompanied by pain and a feeling of an obstacle. Against this background, lameness appears.
  4. Tendons are under constant tension, which can be detected by palpation.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by radiography, which shows displacement and signs of deformation.

Conservative therapy

Treatment without surgery is only acceptable for fresh injuries that are not related to complete break ligaments or cartilage. This therapy is not suitable for habitual dislocation.

Help is provided according to the proven scheme:

  1. The site of injury is anesthetized by injecting novocaine or icecaine.
  2. If hemarthrosis is present, a puncture is performed.
  3. The joint is reduced using a technique appropriate for the specific knee alignment.
  4. After reduction, any leg movements and muscle tension are prohibited.
  5. The joint is fixed with a plaster cast. The duration of wearing the splint is determined based on the type of injury.

In the early stages, it is prescribed and drug treatment, which is aimed at reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Anti-edematous and blood circulation-improving medications and B vitamins are also used.

Surgical intervention

The operation is prescribed both immediately after the injury and after a period of time.

For new knee prolapses, surgical intervention is necessary:

  • if a ligament rupture is diagnosed:
  • with a rupture, tear or torsion of the meniscus;
  • when the displacement does not occur for the first time;
  • if other parts of the knee have penetrated into the joint cavity;
  • when abnormalities in the structure of the knee are detected , as a result of which mobility becomes abnormal.

The operation can be performed using either invasive or open methods. Damaged or stretched ligaments are sutured, and the menisci may be sutured or removed.

After the operation the joint is immobilized, most often using a plaster cast. Plaster application is required for a period of one and a half months.

Rehabilitation measures are carried out over a period of more than long period and involve, first of all, movement treatment. It is gymnastics that helps to develop a long-term immobilized joint, restore all its functions and, most importantly, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, which will prevent relapses.

Old injuries are treated more radically. Sometimes it is even necessary to remove the kneecap or damaged cartilage. After complete removal of the patella, the knee brace must be worn continuously.

How is habitual dislocation treated?

When the structure of the knee is not damaged, conservative methods of therapy are used. Recovery begins with physical therapy. Biostimulation, electrophoresis, and heating with dry heat are used. A massage is also required.

Later they begin to strengthen ligaments and muscle tissue. At the same time, they are working to increase joint mobility. For these purposes, physical therapy is indispensable. But exercise therapy is carried out only in the presence of an instructor, especially in the initial stages. Be sure to wear a knee brace to avoid repeated slippage of the joint during training.

If conservative methods do not produce results or the pathology is associated with deformation, surgery is prescribed. During surgery, the structure of the ligaments is artificially changed, which helps to keep the joint more stable in the future. In extreme cases, with a habitual dislocation, it is possible to remove the kneecap.

The recovery period of such treatment takes up to six months, and rehabilitation consists of standard measures in the form of physical procedures, massage and strengthening exercise.

The knee part has a complex anatomical structure, thanks to which its constant activity is ensured.

A person throughout almost his entire life (with the exception of infancy) walks, runs, squats, jumps and even falls. All these movements place high stress on the knee joint.

Many people suffer from excess weight and vitamin deficiency in the body. Such phenomena negatively affect the joint part of the leg, so under the influence of load the knee often pops out.

The peculiarity of the disease is that the joint can fly out and come back on its own. To do this, the person needs to remain still and apply something cold to the leg. But even after this, you will need to visit a doctor, since the damage leads to adverse consequences.

What causes hair loss?

The knee joint falls out for the following reasons:

  • Primary dislocation due to leg injury, which causes a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule and adjacent tissues.
  • Damage to the surface of the articulation that appears after a certain period of time after dislocation.
  • Improper immobilization of a limb or its complete absence.
  • Failure to comply with load restrictions during the rehabilitation period after injury.

Symptoms and diagnosis

You can recognize that the kneecap has fallen out by acute pain, which becomes stronger when moving. Usually the joint bends slightly, increases in size, and the patient experiences a feeling of the knee falling out.

The main signs of the disease are:

  1. Swelling of the affected area.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Presence of pits in the joint area.
  4. Weaving when walking.

If the kneecap prolapses, the pain radiates to the thigh. At the site of the lunge, you can see marks similar to a bruise. The knee quickly swells, the limb cannot move.

Doctors distinguish 3 degrees of hair loss:

  1. First. It is characterized by variable pain syndrome and joint mobility. At this stage, the patella is able to return to its original position on its own.
  2. Second. The patient suffers from severe pain and the kneecap is destroyed.
  3. Third. Characterized by sharp, severe pain. The person is limited in movement, and there is significant deformation in the knee.

Externally, you can see that the shape of the joint changes: the patella comes out and moves to another place. But this phenomenon can be noticed at stages 2-3 of the injury.

If a person knocks out a joint, then diagnosis does not begin without eliminating the pain and swelling. When the pain subsides, the doctor examines the knee. Visually, the lunge is similar to other injuries, so an instrumental examination is required.

Mandatory X-ray examination And CT scan. A laboratory blood test is also prescribed to rule out the development of an infectious pathology in the knee: infection also causes painful sensations.

Who most often suffers from prolapse of the cup?

The risk group includes people with the following predisposing factors:

  • High level of patella mobility.
  • Atrophy, hypotrophy of the muscle tissue of the thigh.
  • Deformation of the knee joint.
  • Curvature of the legs.
  • Weak ligaments.
  • Muscle imbalance.

Treatment of the disease

What should you do if your knee joint pops out? Often a person makes sure that the cup falls into place on its own. But this does not mean that you can postpone going to the doctor. Ignoring the cause of joint prolapse leads to its deformation. The treatment regimen is selected by the attending physician depending on the stage of the injury.

What to do after a joint prolapse?

If your knee pops out, you need to take a number of steps to provide first aid:

  1. Lay the victim down.
  2. Apply a cold compress.
  3. Treat the affected area of ​​the leg with an ointment with an analgesic effect.

After this, you must definitely call an ambulance or take the person to the hospital.

Conservative method

It consists of reducing the load on the joint and ligaments of the knee. For this purpose, orthoses, special orthopedic devices, bandages or elastic bandages are used.

To relieve the inflammatory process, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Analgesics will help get rid of pain. The patient is recommended to take vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of bones, joints, cartilage and ligaments.


Surgical intervention is prescribed if ligament and tendon rupture is added to the prolapse of the knee. Arthroscopy is often performed. During this process, the doctor will make 3 incisions. A lighting device is inserted through one of them, and the operation is performed through the others. Then stitches are applied. The recovery period after this technique is quick and almost painless.

If a joint regularly falls out and then comes back into place, but the person feels pain and discomfort when moving, then endoprosthetics is prescribed.

This procedure is quite expensive and complicated. But it has one main advantage - the patient will be able to remain active for a long time.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed during the recovery period of the limb after surgery. For this, patients are recommended to attend electrophoresis sessions. It is carried out in stationary conditions.

Patients require massage sessions for the injured knee. It can be done independently or in a massage room. It is necessary to massage your feet in the morning and evening time 10 minutes each. This will help normalize blood circulation in the affected area, eliminate discomfort.

During the rehabilitation period it is useful to perform therapeutic exercises. Complex physical exercise developed by the attending physician. Exercise therapy helps prevent stagnation and increase muscle tone.

Folk remedies

Symptoms of knee joint prolapse can also be eliminated with the help of unconventional methods. The most effective are:

  1. Lemon compress. The fruit is squeezed, the juice is extracted, gauze is dipped in it and applied to the affected area.
  2. Potato compress. The potatoes are peeled, passed through a grater, the juice is squeezed out, and then the cake is applied to the sore knee.
  3. Honey compress. Lubricate the joint bee product, wrap in cellophane and warm cloth.
  4. Compress with burdock. Apply to the sore knee fresh leaves plants and bandage.


To prevent the joint from popping out, you should immediately contact a specialist after a dislocation of the patella. During the therapy period, you need to follow all the doctor’s instructions, do not put stress on the knee, and do exercises to keep the muscles toned. Following the rules will help prevent joint prolapse.


The prognosis for kneecap prolapse is almost always favorable. Treatment helps restore stability and mobility to the joint, allowing patients to return to an active and athletic life in the future. The main thing is to increase the load on the knee gradually and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Knee pops out

Sometimes a person feels that his knee is going out after physical activity or regardless of it. Loss occurs due to chronic dislocation of the knee joint or its instability due to injury to the ligaments or meniscus. A lunge occurs when the articular surfaces of the bones that form the movable knee joint are displaced.

Why is there a problem?

If the patient feels that the kneecap is moving, then it is worth finding out the cause of the disorder. A loose knee joint on the leg is associated with injuries that damage the ligaments or muscles surrounding it. Due to blows delivered directly to the knee area or sudden movements, displacement is observed bone structures primary type.

Often the joints of the legs in the knee area pop out in professional athletes who engage in traumatic sports or do not calculate the load on the lower limbs.

U ordinary people the knee joint falls out due to a previously received and unhealed injury. A knocked out knee can be caused by the following reasons:

  • fall or blow to the movable knee joint;
  • excess weight;
  • careless movements or twisting of the leg;
  • flat feet;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • age-related changes in the knee joints.

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Predisposing factors

Some patients experience the problem of a dropped knee much more frequently than others. Therefore, it is customary to identify several risk factors:

Weak ligaments can lead to frequent recurrences of injury.

  • high location of the patella;
  • hypertrophy or atrophy of the medial femoral muscle;
  • deformation processes in the knee joint;
  • bowed leg;
  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • muscle imbalance.

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Additional signs

If the knee comes out constantly, the patient will be bothered by other symptoms. If a person constantly loses movable knee joints, then a sharp pain is felt in the damaged area. The disorder is accompanied by hemarthrosis and swelling. A knocked-out joint also leads to stretching and rupture of connective tissue formations. If the knee comes out, the patient may have different symptoms, which also depends on which ligament is more injured. When the knee joint falls out, the patient will have the following clinical picture:

  • crackling and crunching in the sore limb;
  • painful sensations in the legs;
  • the knee dangles and pathological mobility is noted;
  • It is problematic to climb the stairs.

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If your knee joint is loose, you should consult a doctor who can accurately diagnose and set the knocked-out knee. First, an examination of the injured lower limb is performed and an anamnesis is collected. To find out the full clinical picture It is worth undergoing some instrumental examinations:

  • X-ray. Such diagnostic method may not be sufficient for severe injuries that cause the knee to drop out.
  • CT scan. Damage to the knee ligament apparatus is determined as accurately as possible due to images in different projections.

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What to do if your knee pops out of the socket?

Traditional healing measures

When a knee pops out, you should start treatment immediately, otherwise complications will arise that are more difficult to treat. Without surgery, it is possible to treat a prolapsed knee in the initial stages. It is important that there are no ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus or cartilage. Conservative treatment is not carried out if the prolapse is associated with habitual dislocation.

Therapy consists of the following:

Before performing other medical procedures, the patient is given an injection of an anesthetic.

  • The anesthetic “Novocaine” or “Lidocaine” is injected into the sore area of ​​the knee.
  • A puncture is prescribed when an accumulation of blood fluid is detected in the joint cavity.
  • Reduction is carried out according to an individual technique by the attending physician.
  • Providing immobility to the sore leg.
  • Fixation of the knee with a cast, which is worn from several weeks to a month. If the injury is serious, the period of wearing the plaster cast may increase.

And also prescribed medications, allowing to eliminate pain, swelling and inflammatory reaction. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are important in the treatment of knee prolapse. Doctors prescribe medications that have a decongestant effect and improve blood flow. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also performed to normalize blood circulation and allow for a faster recovery. Physiotherapy includes:


Exercise therapy can also be performed when the knee is immobilized after severe injuries. In this case, to prevent re-loss, perform light exercises at a moderate pace. The tasks are performed on the diseased and healthy limb. First, the doctor recommends doing passive exercises, gradually moving on to more complex activities. At first, during gymnastics, pain is felt, which will soon cease to bother you.

Surgical treatment

When doctors are unable to put a prolapsed knee joint back in place after a severe injury, surgery is indicated. Surgery is also necessary if the knee does not return to place after conservative treatment. Radical surgical methods are used extremely rarely, since there are more modern methods, which have many advantages:

  • low morbidity;
  • no bleeding;
  • rapid restoration of soft tissues;
  • short rehabilitation periods.

The most effective is an operation using video equipment and micro-instruments, which are inserted into the patient through small incisions in the skin. After surgical manipulation, the patient is left with small scars that do not interfere with the movement of the lower limb. If the knee pops out after surgery, then a more serious treatment measure is taken, often requiring plastic surgery.

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The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. We recommend that you consult a specialist for further advice and treatment.

The kneecap is displaced. What to do?

The kneecap is anatomically proper education, which consists of two parts, or rather, a large tendon of the thigh muscles and the patella, located inside the structure. The front part of the strong wall of the knee joint consists of these formations.

Since the patella has an atypical location and is located inside the ligament of the muscular femoral apparatus, it helps prevent its overstretching. If the leg is in a relaxed state, the patella moves along with the tendon, thus increasing the volume in the joint cavity. If the femoral muscular system is strained, it returns to its place, allowing the knee to maintain healthy mobility.

If the joint does not hurt, we do not feel these motor metamorphoses, but if there is damage, we feel how the kneecap pops out and falls back into place.

If such sensations occur, the doctor may diagnose a luxated patella or a muscle ligament injury. femoral area.

Injury to the ligaments of the muscular system of the femoral region

Damage to the tendons in the muscular system of the thigh can have open and closed form. In case of injury open type, the wound is often inflicted sharp object with a cut and bleeding from it. Damage closed type characterized by integrity skin and they arise due to the impact on the joint strong impact leading to rupture of ligamentous tissues.

In order to correctly diagnose and understand what needs to be done and how to treat, it is necessary to establish the time when the damage occurred. The border between old and fresh injuries is one and a half months. This distinction is due to the fact that this is precisely the period necessary for the formation of connective tissue, leading to deformation of the ligaments.

Causes of the disease

A person’s daily life is filled with various situations, including unpleasant ones. Such situations include injuries. Most often, damage occurs to the lower extremities, or more precisely, to the knee joint and meniscus, which occurs under the influence of mass human body. The causes of such injuries are overstrain of the muscles of the femoral region.

This injury situation is represented by an unexpected landing or fall on one or both knees.

  • With such a fall, the knee joint bends strongly under the weight of its own body, leading to a stretch of the tendon.
  • As a result of a strong stretch, the muscular system of the thigh contracts sharply, which leads to rupture of the ligaments and often the mixing of the meniscus.


Traumatic symptoms appear immediately after injury, when the victim gets up and tries to move on.

  • Shooting pain sensations appear, spreading along the thigh.
  • A leg bent at the joint cannot be straightened completely and this process is accompanied by a feeling of stiffness.
  • In the place where the kneecap and meniscus are located, swelling and bruising immediately appear. Dents may also be present small size on both sides of it.
  • The injured limb gives way as the area of ​​the patella falls out and returns to its place.

When going to the hospital, the traumatologist takes an x-ray, which is used to assess the severity of damage to the joint and meniscus. If the ligament rupture is partial, then the knee pad will move quite a bit, and if it is complete, then it will move very much.

In order to accurately determine how serious the tears are and find out their location, it is necessary to examine the knee joint with ultrasound, or use magnetic resonance diagnostics. In order to make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, it is necessary to use these two methods. They are especially justified if the patient is awaiting surgery.

Such treatment methods are used only when the patellar ligament is not completely torn. They are applied by applying a plaster cast over the entire length of the injured leg for thirty days.

When the plaster cast is removed and physical therapy is prescribed, which consists of special exercises to restore muscles and ligaments, it is also possible to restore the mobility of the knee joint. Warming up may also be prescribed.

Surgical treatment

If the tendons are completely damaged, the doctor prescribes reconstructive surgery. It is carried out on early stages injury before connective tissue has time to form.

  • Stitching of the damaged ligamentous system using strong sutures.
  • Replanting your own ligamentous material, which is taken from the widest femoral ligament.

The choice of method will depend on how accurately it is necessary to connect the ends of the torn ligamentous apparatus. After surgery, a plaster cast is applied to the entire leg for forty-five days.

After the plaster cast is removed, the patient is prescribed special exercises, massage and thermal treatments.

This treatment allows the ligaments to heal and restore their functionality in just three months.


Patellar dislocation

Often, such an injury occurs due to congenital ailments of the knee joint. Most susceptible to this injury are people with X-shaped legs, and those who have suffered rickets in childhood. The causes of the disease are the underdevelopment of the outer part of the joint, which leads to the fact that the meniscus and the kneecap are mixed outward.

Causes of the disease

This injury occurs due to the impact of your own weight on the knee joint. This can happen in case of sudden tension in the muscular system of the limb and sprain of ligaments. This type of injury is not caused by twisting the leg to the outside and falling on the knee.

You can get a similar injury by slipping on ice or as a result of an awkward fall. Exactly these traumatic causes provoke stretching of the articular membranes with displacement of the meniscus, which is caused by contraction of the femoral muscles with excessive load on the patella.

Also with similar problem people who have disorders in the structure of the joint may encounter, because of which the meniscus area is affected strong pressure, leading to rupture of the joint capsule and a feeling as if the cup falls out, and then returns to its place, thus shifting the patella outward.


If we compare this dislocation with others, its untimely detection can develop into chronic problems with the knee joint. This is due to the fact that constant stress on the knee does not allow the affected area to heal, causing constant loss or displacement of the meniscus in the patella area with heavy loads on a limb. As a result of this, the patellar capsule is left without the support of the ligaments that strengthen it, due to their stretched state due to an untreated dislocation.

  • The kneecap is outward, but if you press on it with your finger, it returns to its original position.
  • A noticeable “flight” of the joint and its return to its place during flexion and extension of the limb.
  • The inability to fully straighten the limb, as severe pain and a feeling of stiffness interfere. Over time, severe lameness appears.
  • Pain and tension in the tendons when palpating the joint, and if you move your leg, you can see how the cup “walks” from side to side.

To confirm the diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment The doctor sends the patient for an x-ray. Using the finished image, you can determine how much the joint has shifted and identify the causes of this condition.

Treatment of the disease using conservative methods

Conservative treatment is appropriate only for injuries that are less than one and a half months old and only in the absence of a normal dislocation.

  • First, the doctor examines the affected limb and identifies the causes of the damage.
  • Next, he numbs the damaged area with novocaine.
  • Then the patient will be asked to make flexion and extension movements in order to press on the knee pad and return it to its original position.
  • Having straightened the sore limb completely, he applies a plaster that will remain on the leg for three weeks.

When the plaster is removed, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. It will be necessary to carry out physical therapy and dry heat massage. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, the treatment will only take a month.

Surgical treatment

The operation can be done both in early and late stages. later, having previously established the cause of the injury.

  • If the x-ray shows that the membranes of the patella are in the articular area.
  • If the patient has a repeated dislocation, the causes of which are unclear.

Surgery to correct a dislocated patella

During surgery, the surgeon sutures the damaged membrane of the kneecap and strengthens it using the surrounding ligaments of the muscular system of the femoral region. After the operation, a cast is placed on the entire limb for a period of five days.

When the plaster cast is removed, various physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to promote a speedy recovery.

If the damage was old or the injury recurred, treatment is prescribed more radically. If the integrity of the capsule is broken and it cannot be restored, then the patella is completely removed. In this case, the patient is prescribed to wear an orthosis for life.

In order to avoid disastrous consequences and not ask yourself the question of why such a nuisance happened to me, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his instructions. In this case, recovery will be quick and easy, and the integrity of the joint will not be compromised.

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Knee meniscus prolapses

The knee is one of the most complex and most vulnerable parts of the human body, as the knee joint consists of many parts. A torn meniscus is the most common knee injury.

A knee meniscus injury can occur at any age. In young people, the meniscus is quite stiff. With age, knee problems become almost inevitable; the meniscus weakens and, as the body ages, is easily injured.

One of the more common injuries to the knee joint is meniscal prolapse. Most often, such injuries occur in athletes or dancers. Most cases of knee meniscal prolapse occur in men.

The main symptoms of a knee meniscus injury are pain, swelling, and decreased functionality knee joint.

Pain often occurs when straightening the leg. If the pain is moderate, you can continue walking. Severe pain can be caused by torn meniscus fragments affecting the tibia and femur. Sometimes a past injury can cause pain months or years later, especially if the knee is re-injured.

The knee often swells within a day or two after the injury. Many people notice that their knee is a little swollen for several months.

The functions of the knee joint may be reduced, this manifests itself in the fact that the victim will not be able to straighten the knee in full. The injured knee blocks normal movement.

Causes of meniscus prolapse

The main cause of meniscus damage can be increased physical activity. The menisci are made of cartilage, allowing the knee joint to rotate (in a bent position). The damaged meniscus is torn, compressed between the bones of the thigh and lower leg. This type of damage is very similar to a loss intervertebral disc. The cartilage shock absorber fails and the load on the knee joint increases.

Meniscus prolapse or rupture can be caused by various injuries, which are accompanied by rotation (or rotation) of the tibia outward. A prolapsed meniscus can occur as a result of a blow or bruise or during sudden hyperextension of a joint. The consequence of chronic microtraumas is degenerative changes in the meniscus and its loss.

How to overcome a knee injury

Some types of knee injuries are more difficult to overcome than others. A torn meniscus is one such injury. Sometimes people do not immediately notice pain in the knee joint, but over time it increases and becomes long-lasting.

First, pain appears just below the kneecap, and then spreads to the entire knee. With such symptoms, any pressure on the knee joint should be avoided. To carry out diagnostics and necessary treatment should apply for medical assistance. Treatment of a damaged meniscus depends on the complexity of the patient’s condition. In some cases, injuries are treated in outpatient setting. In difficult situations, in some cases, especially among athletes, meniscal prolapse requires surgical intervention. Repairing the meniscus is quite a difficult job.

Only a qualified doctor, particularly an orthopedist, can make a correct diagnosis before making an informed decision about surgery.

Restoring the knee joint

Eat different kinds exercises that help restore range of motion of the knee joint after surgery. One of these is flexion and extension of the injured leg. Performing slow and controlled movements, it is necessary to bend and straighten the leg as far as possible without severe pain. Experts recommend performing such exercises 10 to 20 times during the day.

A physical therapist can help you develop a plan to restore your knee function. Recovery programs after meniscus loss are developed taking into account age, general condition health and severity of injury. Most exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs, calves and quadriceps.

The knee pops out of the socket

Normal footwork is based on the stable functioning of all its parts. When a knee flies out, the process of normal human life is disrupted, which leads to serious consequences. Restoring full functionality directly depends on the speed of contacting a doctor, since the fresher the injury, the easier it is to eliminate it without surgery.

Why might a knee pop out?

In medicine, we often encounter patients whose joints come out and move. From an anatomical point of view, the knee joint consists of two joints. The first is located between the cup and the thigh, and the second is between the thigh bones and the tibia. The main reasons that provoke knee prolapse include:

  • Exposure to significant load during braking or extension of the limb. If parts of the knee joint become loose, then this is a consequence of severe overload, after which the joint went beyond its limits.
  • Curvature of the legs. Incorrect positioning can lead to serious dislocations, which cause joints to pop out.
  • Excessive mobility of the ligaments of the lower extremities. In this case, it is impossible to hold the knee and it dangles, which leads to serious discomfort.
  • Injuries. Most often, the knee pops up in people who play sports professionally.

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Symptoms indicating a joint has come out

If you knock out the knee joint, it will appear various signs, which include:

  • unbearable pain syndrome;
  • swelling in the affected area;
  • hemarthrosis;
  • stretching or tearing of connective tissues;
  • characteristic crunch in the knee joint;
  • severe mobility and deformation of the joint;
  • difficulties when climbing stairs.

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What to do if your knee pops out of the socket?

Conservative treatment

Treatment without surgery is acceptable if the kneecap is recently injured and there are no tears knee ligaments and cartilage. Most often, conservative therapy consists of the following principles:

  • Performing a blockade with Novocaine or Lidocaine to relieve pain.
  • Removing excess fluid that has accumulated in the joint.
  • Insertion of movable bone joints using specialized techniques that take into account the specific displacement.
  • Fixation of the joint with a plaster bandage.
  • Prohibition of active movements and overexertion during the recovery period.

Treatment also includes the use of medications, but only in the initial stages. Most often, drugs from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group are prescribed, which help relieve pain and reduce the inflammatory process. Drugs that improve blood flow to the damaged joint and B vitamins also help to cope with swelling.

How is the operation performed if the cup comes out?

Surgical intervention is prescribed for fresh and old injuries to the leg. If the joint has recently come out, intervention is carried out in such cases as:

  • ligament rupture;
  • meniscus injuries;
  • repeated knee prolapse;
  • observation of other parts of the joint in the knee cavity;
  • abnormally mobile knees due to deformation of the joint structure.

A loose knee joint requires the selection of individual therapy, taking into account all the characteristics of the injury.

Knee joint prolapse is treated using invasive and open methods. If the ligaments are damaged or sprained, they are sutured; the menisci are usually sutured or removed. If the consequences of old injuries are eliminated, then a more radical approach is used, in which the kneecap or damaged joint is completely removed. After the manipulations, the damaged joint is subject to immobilization, which is ensured using a plaster cast.

Is physical therapy necessary if your knee goes out?

If the knee joint falls out, then putting it back in place is not enough, and it will take a long time recovery period. At this time, to improve biochemical processes and microcirculation, which improve healing, special physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, such as:

  • electrophoresis;
  • cryo- and magnetic therapy;
  • laser exposure;
  • paraffin and mud lotions;
  • electromyostimulation.

The knee is made up of a complex system of ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscles, acting as the main hinge between the ground and the body.

The knees put a lot of stress on them, especially when compared to other joints. This is why knees need care, but... Many of us do nothing but hurt our knees.


First, let's take a quick look at the structure of the knee joint. The knee joint is one of the most large joints. It consists of the tibia, femur, fibula, and patella. The joint is able to bend back and forth and rotate left and right.

The image shows that the knee consists of 2 bones, the ends of which are covered with cartilage and menisci - special “gaskets” that act as shock absorbers. To reduce friction, a fluid is released in the joint, which acts as a lubricant.

The first and very common problem - thinning, tear and tear of the meniscus.
Thinning of the meniscus occurs no matter how you move. However, certain factors speed up this process. These are: insufficient fluid intake, leading to fluid deficiency in the joint and, as a result, increased friction; incorrect posture, leading to increased load on the meniscus; incorrect operation muscles and, as a result, improper functioning of the entire knee joint. Thinning of the meniscus cannot be treated, since the meniscus is not a regenerating tissue. This damage leads to unpleasant sensations in the knee joint and the risk of complications due to reduced depreciation in the knee.
Meniscus tear- incomplete rupture of the meniscus, which occurs due to injury or severe thinning of the meniscus. Everything is simple here - the “shock absorber” cannot withstand the load. A meniscus tear is when the meniscus splits into several pieces. In both cases, the loose parts of the meniscus begin to damage the surrounding tissue, especially when pedaling. As a result, the entire knee joint suffers. These defects can be eliminated exclusively surgically - in case of a tear, a piece of the meniscus is cut out and the edges of the remaining piece are aligned; in the case of a meniscus tear, its complete removal with the possibility of replacing it with an artificial one. Pain from these injuries may be sharp character, immediately after an injury, and chronic - the knee may hurt with loads, without loads, the knee may jam (if parts of the meniscus get into the intercondylar space).

Arthrosis- one of the most common problems. Causes of this disease are still unclear, but it is known that with constant microtraumas, the likelihood of arthrosis increases very sharply. Osteoarthritis is a degeneration, breakdown of joint cartilage. Symptoms of arthrosis include a crunch in the knee, discomfort, and a reaction to the weather (aching pain). Once arthrosis begins, it is unlikely to stop; it can only be stopped for a while. Factors in the appearance of arthrosis are overloads (such as pedaling, which is not typical for our body) and also, partly, poor nutrition. Treatment of arthrosis (its stop) is drug therapy coupled with physiotherapy - magnetic waves, ultrasound, gelatin, calcium, removal of salts from the body.
Chondropathy- destruction of cartilage that occurs during stress. Knee chondropathy occurs as long as the knee is not working properly or is overloaded. Chondropathy most often affects the patella - inner part patella ("runner's knee"). When the cartilage thins, the insides of the joint begin to come into contact with the bones, which causes unpleasant, painful sensations, as well as destruction of the knee. Risk factors include overload and improper functioning of the joint, which may be caused by an abnormal skeleton or improperly working muscles. The consequences of chondropathy can only be treated surgically, and chondropathy itself is treated by unloading the joint - reducing loads, using bandages, stretching muscles.

Now let's look at the 8 most common ways to destroy your knees...

Knee injuries

Knee injuries are inevitable in our lives. They are diagnosed very often and not only in athletes, but also in people who are not involved in professional sports.

The following types of knee injuries are distinguished:

1. Bruise. Typically the mildest injury is the knee joint. Occurs due to a direct blow to the front or side of the joint. Most often, a knee bruise is diagnosed after a person falls or when he hits something with his knee.

2. Tears and damage to the internal and lateral menisci. They arise as a result of a sharp lateral movement of the knee with a fixed foot. Meniscus tears and injuries are most often observed in athletes and in most cases require immediate surgical intervention.

3. Sprains (tears) and ligament tears. They occur in the event of a direct impact on the knee joint of great traumatic force. Ligaments can rupture (or tear) during falls from a height, car accidents, or playing sports (in particular hockey, wrestling).

4. Knee dislocations and patella and occur quite rarely, just as ligament ruptures occur as a result of serious knee injuries.

5. Intra-articular fractures femoral, tibia or patella. Patellar fractures occur mostly in older people as a result of a fall.

6. Cartilage damage very often accompanies a knee bruise, joint dislocation or intra-articular fracture.

Running and cycling

If you run or ride a bike incorrectly, then you are at risk of softening the cartilage tissue, as well as losing its elasticity. This disease is called “runner's knee” - chondromalacia of the patella and inflammation of the iliotibial tract. Most susceptible to disease are women. The risk of developing the disease increases if you often run on an inclined surface, bending your foot inward.

"Runner's Knee" is accompanied by acute pain, which can be relieved with painkillers. But if you are faced with a disease, leave it without it for at least six months.

If you ride a bike frequently, you also put prolonged and unnatural stress on your knees. The result is the same as when running.


Every extra 500g your knees feel is like 2.5kg of force. Imagine what your joints experience with an extra 5 kg of weight? This is a real test.

Excess weight kills knee joints
In the knee joint, between the two bones, there is a layer - hyaline cartilage. It ensures the sliding of articular surfaces. 1 kilogram of excess weight increases the load on the cartilage surface several times. The cartilage becomes loose, and foci of inflammation form on it.

Thus, you shorten the lifespan of your knees. There is only one way out - try to lose weight or suffer in adulthood or old age hellish pain and incapacity of the knees.


Insufficient water during physical activity causes the joint capsule to secrete less synovial fluid, which is a lubricant that prevents friction between bones.

Your joints lose water before you even become thirsty. That is, when physical activity, you should drink water as often as possible, especially during running, cycling and aerobic exercise.

Excessive loads

A sudden increase in the intensity or duration of physical activity can cause injury.

For example, you may have an inflamed tendon or pain in your kneecap. If you are overexerted, you also need excessive rest; follow your training and rest schedule.

Ignoring the knee muscles

The knee muscles need to be stretched. Just be careful.

Light clothing for the cold season

You can get cold knees. It is a fact.

As well as the fact that many girls and women ignore it and even in the cold season wear thin nylon tights rather than fleece leggings. Hypothermia of the knee and any other joint can lead to inflammation of the joint capsule, which will remind you of your frivolity for a long time after that.

Performing dangerous exercises in gym

When working out in the gym, try to avoid complex exercises, especially if you have just started working out or your body is not ready for such tension and technique.


Sore knees require special exercise
Exercising with knee pain only increases the load on the joints and provokes the destruction of cartilage. To reduce the stress on your knees, you need to replace vertical physical activity, such as running, with swimming, a sport that is safe for your knees.

Shouldn'talways wear flat shoes
If you wear shoes with flat soles, the load on the knee joints is redistributed, and your legs take on an X-shape. Cartilage is destroyed and osteoarthritis develops.

It's better to chooseshoes with stable heels 3-4 cm high
The heel area must be large, otherwise you may lose your balance. And in shoes with flat soles you need to put in orthopedic insoles with arch supports that support the arch of the foot.

You can't mscrub the floors on your knees
There are synovial bursae in the knee joint. During physical activity on the knees, the synovial bursa becomes inflamed and secretes synovial fluid and pain occurs.

It is better to wash floors with a mop
To protect your knees, use a height-adjustable mop to clean your floors. If you have to kneel frequently while cleaning, you should use knee pads. They will soften the load on the knee joints and protect the synovial bursa.
Based on materials from www.1tv.ru, www.7mednews.ru, www.jv.ru

PS. Even if your knees haven't bothered you yet, do a little test. Stick small pieces of paper in the center of the kneecap and on the ankle - in the middle of the fold line. Put on shorts or short pants, stand in front of a mirror, feet hip-width apart, and look carefully at yourself.
Where is the knee located relative to the ankle joint, the hips - in the same plane with them or to the side?
Squat down with your knees slightly bent. Where are they located? Is it right above the foot, or has the knee run inward?
Maybe ankle joint led inside? A thumb does it look outward on the foot? This is just one of the possible violations.

On the left is correct, on the right is one of the violation options

To control the functioning of your joints, stand in front of a mirror at least once a day with your feet wide apart, equal to length feet, and perform at least 20 shallow squats, keeping your heels on the floor.

The knee should stay above the foot and not go inward. If the knee goes inward, all the elastic tissues in this area are under constant tension: the internal ligaments are stretched, and the external ones are compressed. In addition, this flattens the foot and increases instability of the knee joint.

As you do squats, count how many of them you do correctly and record the results in your diary. Once you can do 80% of your squats without errors, start doing shallow squats on one leg - 20 times on the right and on the left.

When these squats become even and correct, your knees will not face problems in the near future; o)

Be healthy!