Hellish lower back pain: renal colic and ways to eliminate it. Kidney pain - causes, nature, treatment

Kidney treatment at home folk remedies in combination with medications gives good results. Collateral successful treatment is proper nutrition and following simple recommendations.

The decoctions are taken for a week, take a short break, and then use the decoctions in smaller dosages. To prevent exacerbations, infusions from the root and herb of parsley, orthosiphon staminate leaves, black elderberry flowers, blue cornflower, and knotweed herb are used.

You can and should periodically change herbs to herbal-based preparations, such as (article about, as well as), (read also about the use of,) and others.

If the herbal mixture is not suitable, and the swelling only increases, then it is necessary to change the chosen course of treatment and try another diuretic mixture. Experts advise choosing several suitable kidney herbs and taking them one at a time.

Warm compresses can be applied to the lumbar region only if there is no elevated temperature. Even slight fever at 37.1 degrees is a contraindication for hot bath or compress. Medicines for urolithiasis should be taken in combination with drinking plenty of fluids– up to 3 liters per day. Contraindications: severe edema and heart failure.

Diet for kidney disease

Conservative treatment should include a diet that limits spinach, cocoa, radish, strong tea and cheeses. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of spices, sour juices, coffee and various marinades.

Watermelons (), pumpkin, celery, parsley, lingonberries and strawberries are good for kidney diseases. For treatment, it is good to use alkaline mineral water - “Borjomi” and “Essentuki”, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

If urolithiasis disease associated with the formation, it is necessary to remove from the diet foods containing large quantities of oxalic acid and calcium. These include cottage cheese, beans, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, leaf salad. Oxalic acid salts are well removed by apricots, peaches, quinces, grapes, pears and apples. Read more about nutrition with oxalates at the link.

When phosphate stones form (), you should reduce your consumption of cottage cheese and whole milk. Good results gives the use of birch sap, sauerkraut and natural berry juices.

You need to drink only soft, purified water, completely avoiding hard water. Once a week you can have a fasting day, following a cucumber, watermelon or apple diet. In this case, the volume of liquid must be large enough.

Kidney treatment at home brings positive result only in case of regular and integrated approach. In any case, preliminary medical examination and consultation with the attending physician to determine the causes of the disease. An accurate diagnosis makes it possible to select necessary method treatments, drugs and herbal preparations.

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Drink plenty of fluids. This is the simplest, but at the same time very effective method to relieve kidney pain. To a healthy person you need to drink two to three liters of water daily, but it may take much more for you to pass kidney stones large quantity water. Water helps remove bacteria and dead cells from the kidneys. Stagnant urine in the kidneys is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Drinking sufficient quantity water, you will be able to ensure a constant flow of fluid through the kidneys, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Rest. Sometimes bed rest helps reduce pain. If the pain is caused by a kidney stone or kidney injury, excessive movement and exercise may cause bleeding in the kidney.

Apply a warm compress to relieve pain. You can attach hot compress or a heated cloth on the painful area to temporarily relieve the pain. Heat improves blood circulation and relieves nervous tension, which in both cases helps to remove painful sensations. Warm compress will be especially helpful if your pain is caused by muscle spasm.

  • The compress should not be too hot, otherwise you risk getting burned. Apply a heating pad, soak in a hot bath, or apply a cloth soaked in hot water(but not in boiling water).
  • Take an analgesic (pain reliever). Some pain relievers are available without a prescription and may help relieve kidney pain. To relieve pain caused by infection and kidney stones, doctors usually recommend taking acetaminophen/paracetamol. Before taking any medicine, check with your doctor first, as some medicines may worsen kidney problems or other medical conditions.

    Talk to your doctor about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics should be taken if you have any infection urinary tract. Kidney stones can cause urine to stagnate and flow back into the kidneys, which in turn causes bacterial growth and can lead to infection. In this case, your doctor will prescribe you to take antibiotics.

    • Common antibiotics used to treat such an infection: trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin, cephalexin. If the infection is not too severe, men should take antibiotics for 10 days and women for 3 days.
    • Be sure to go full course taking prescribed antibiotics, even if your condition improves and your symptoms disappear.
  • Do not overuse vitamin C. In general, vitamin C is beneficial for human body, especially when we're talking about about wound healing and bone formation. However, excess vitamin C is converted to oxalates in the kidneys. Oxalate can later turn into stones, so limit your vitamin C intake if you or anyone in your family is prone to kidney stones.

    August 22, 2017 Doctor

    Kidney pain is common. When your kidneys hurt, only a doctor can answer what to do at home to alleviate the condition.

    Causes of the disease

    He will introduce you in more detail to the features of the diet for renal pathologies, and also provide sample menu, Therapist.

    Drug treatment

    If pain in the kidneys occurs, contacting a specialist is mandatory. Timely diagnosis will allow you to quickly and effectively cope with the disease. The main principle of treatment of renal pathologies is complexity. Treatment is carried out with the following drugs:

    • Antispasmodics.
    • Painkillers.
    • Antiseptics.
    • Diuretics.

    In order to prevent the development of kidney diseases, great attention must be paid to prevention. Prevention is always easier than cure. Mobility, physical activity, healthy image life, proper nutrition, and timely medical checkup will reduce the risk of kidney pain to a minimum.

    Tired of fighting kidney disease?

    SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness and fast fatiguability, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

    If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

    This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

    • Eliminates the cause of pain and brings the kidneys to their original state.
    • German capsules eliminate pain already during the first course of use, and help to completely cure the disease.
    • None side effects and there are no allergic reactions.

    Update: October 2018

    The kidneys are the most important bodies, they act as a kind of filter and release waste fluid from the body. Accordingly, human life without these organs is impossible. But trouble can happen to anyone, and suddenly you begin to feel that your lower back hurts, or maybe it’s your kidneys? If there are any suspicious signs, you should go to the doctor and not self-medicate, since it is not known whether it is the kidneys or something else (back muscles, spine, etc.).

    Anatomical educational program

    The kidneys are paired organs of the body and are shaped like beans. The mass of each organ reaches approximately 150 grams. The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space (the peritoneum delimits the abdominal organs) within the lumbar zone, at the level and on the sides of the two lower thoracic ribs and two lumbar. Moreover right kidney located slightly lower than the left and has a smaller size due to its “oppression” by the liver. This is why the right kidney hurts most often.

    On the outside, each kidney is covered with a capsule, under which there is renal parenchyma. The parenchyma has a cortex (outer layer) and a deeper medulla. In the depths of the parenchyma, the renal pelvis is formed, in which the processed liquid - urine - accumulates. The large and small calyces open into the pelvis, and in them, in turn, nephrons. Nephrons are located in the medulla and cortex of the kidney. Main function nephrons are responsible for filtering fluid and forming urine.

    From the renal pelvis, accumulated urine is drained through the ureters into bladder and is excreted further from the body. It is characteristic that despite the well-developed circulatory network in the renal parenchyma, it does not have nerves, therefore the pain syndrome that occurs with kidney pathology is associated not with the parenchyma, but with damage to the renal pelvis, that is, the kidneys cannot hurt “from the outside.”

    The kidneys perform many functions in addition to filtering and excreting “waste” fluid:

    • regulation of circulating blood volume;
    • ensuring constant osmotic pressure in blood;
    • regulation of acid-base levels;
    • removal of toxins, foreign objects (medicines) and other “extra” substances from the body;
    • participation in blood clotting;
    • participation in lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
    • blood pressure regulation, etc.

    Why do your kidneys hurt?

    Why do my kidneys hurt? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are many reasons why the kidneys hurt:


    The vermiform appendix (appendix) is localized in the right iliac region. But its atypical location is also possible, when the appendage is “hidden” behind the large intestine and is located closer to back wall abdominal cavity than to the anterior cavity. In this case, when the appendix is ​​inflamed, the pain may radiate to right side lumbar zone, which is formulated by the patient as: kidney pain with right side. The situation is urgent and requires immediate surgery.


    This pathology means “wandering” of the kidney, which is why the disease is also called wandering kidney. The reason for the prolapse and wandering of the kidney is the thinning of the fatty layer surrounding the kidneys and the stretching of the ligaments that hold the kidney in its proper place. As a result, the kidney moves up or down, turns or “goes” in the opposite direction. Such wandering kidney may return to its place, but very short term. Naturally, when the kidney wanders in the retroperitoneal space, the vessels and nerves are pinched, the ligaments are twisted, which causes pain.


    As a rule, pyelonephritis affects both organs at once. But it is also possible unilateral inflammation kidneys, for example, with nephroptosis or urolithiasis (kidney stones). More often, right-sided pyelonephritis develops, which is typical during pregnancy (the growing uterus moves slightly to the right and pushes the kidney).


    This disease is characterized by a progressive expansion of the calyx and renal pelvis system, which is associated with impaired urine outflow and leads to atrophy of the kidney parenchyma and progressive impairment of its functions. Hydronephrosis most often affects women, and the disease usually affects one kidney. That is, the kidney hurts either on the left side or on the right.

    Urolithiasis disease

    With urolithiasis, there are concretions (stones) in the renal pelvis that have formed as a result of metabolic disorders. During this exchange, insoluble salts are formed, from which stones are formed. With this disease left kidney it hurts less often than the right one, so in 60% of cases the stones are localized in the right renal pelvis. In turn, stones formed in the kidney lead to stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis and the development of an inflammatory process - pyelonephritis.

    Neoplasm in the kidney

    Also development pain syndrome in the kidney (right or left) can contribute to a neoplasm in it. Symptoms sore kidney for tumors are different, from general intoxication to the appearance of blood in the urine. In addition, an increase in the lumbar region is palpated, which is sensitive or painful when palpated. Pain during tumor processes is not the main symptom, and occurs due to the growth of the tumor, compression of nerve endings and blood vessels.

    Kidney cyst

    This disease is characterized by the formation of one or several closed cavities in the renal parenchyma, which are filled with fluid. With numerous cystic formations talk about polycystic kidney disease. The pain in this pathology is dull or aching and intensifies after physical activity.

    Kidney abscess

    The disease is characterized by the formation of a lesion containing pus in the renal parenchyma. Most often it occurs after purulent pyelonephritis or after injury. In addition to pain in the kidney area (the pain is stronger from the affected organ), there is an intoxication-inflammatory syndrome: heat, lethargy and weakness, lack of appetite, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting).

    Kidney injury

    The cause of pain in the kidney area can also be damage to an organ (one or both kidneys at once). The nature of the pain depends on the type of injury (with a closed injury, a bruise, crushing, contusion or other damage to the kidney occurs, and with an open injury, an organ injury occurs: a bullet, a knife, etc.). The kidneys hurt especially badly after open injurygunshot wound. The connection between the occurrence of pain and injury is easily established. There may be pain and hemorrhagic shock, peritoneal symptoms, dysuric symptoms (urinary disorders).

    Renal artery stenosis

    Both the artery of one organ and the arteries of both kidneys can narrow (stenose). The disease manifests itself as increased blood pressure, gradual development of heart failure and signs of renal ischemia - impaired blood supply, which leads to dull/aching pain in the back (lower back) or kidneys.

    Other causes not related to the kidneys

    How to understand that it is the kidneys that hurt? It is very difficult, especially for a person far from medicine. Often mistaken for kidney pain:

    Radiculopathy of the lumbosacral region

    Due to pinching of the spinal root in the last two lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, radicular syndrome, the main manifestation of which is pain in the lumbar region - lumbago and sciatica. The pain is shooting, forces a person to take a forced position (half-bent) and radiates to the leg. The causes of lumbosacral radiculopathy are numerous: spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, trauma, age, etc.

    Back muscle strain

    May occur after excessive exercise, after heavy lifting, injury or blow, or during a sedentary lifestyle. It is characterized by the appearance of back pain, especially with palpation and rotation, limited mobility and swelling at the site of injury. When the back muscles are torn, an extensive hematoma appears.


    When the kidneys hurt, there are other symptoms caused by dysfunction of the organs:

    Pain syndrome

    The nature of the pain can be different, which is primarily determined by pathology. The pain can be paroxysmal, so intense that you literally want to climb the wall. Such pain is typical during an attack of urolithiasis, when a calculus has blocked the outlet of the ureter from renal pelvis.

    It is undeniable that sharp pain appears at the time of open kidney injury and immediately after it. Dull, aching or nagging pain is characteristic of chronic renal pathology (chronic glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, kidney tumor, etc.). Often, pain in the kidney/kidneys radiates to the leg, sacrum, or simply pain in the abdomen.

    Localization of pain

    It is very difficult to understand for yourself where the kidneys hurt. In urology, the effleurage symptom is used to diagnose kidney diseases. To determine the symptom, the doctor places his hand, palm down, on the projection area of ​​the kidney (just above the lower back), approximately at the level of the lower thoracic ribs, and performs light tapping movements with his fist. The patient is sitting or standing at this time. At positive symptom the patient feels pain, which is localized somewhat laterally and spreads from the back to the abdomen.

    Until now, many doctors confuse the concepts of “effleurage symptom” and “Pasternatsky symptom.” The latter is carried out in the same way, but after it is completed in general analysis red blood cells appear in large quantities in urine. Gross hematuria is also possible, when the patient, during urination, notices that the urine has become brown or reddish.

    Dysuric phenomena

    Urinary disorders are almost always observed with kidney pathology. Pain when urinating, heaviness in the kidneys that appears during urination, frequent urination, or, on the contrary, urination is difficult or impossible (for example, during an attack of renal colic) may be disturbing.

    Change in urine

    Explicit and characteristic feature renal pathology, which may alert the patient - the urine changes color. Possible darkening and turbidity of the urine, the appearance of flakes or drops of pus in it, which indicates an inflammatory process, or the urine becomes red or brown - kidney injury, urolithiasis.

    Signs of intoxication

    With the development of the inflammatory process in the kidneys, characteristic symptoms intoxication: weakness, fever alternating with chills, dizziness, appetite disturbances, nausea and vomiting.


    The appearance of edema is also considered one of the typical signs of renal pathology. Swelling occurs not only on the legs, but also on the face (classic “bags under the eyes”), which are especially pronounced in the morning, immediately after waking up. In overweight people, swelling may spread throughout the body.

    Itchy skin

    When pain occurs in the kidneys, it may occur skin itching(often unbearable). The mechanism of development of this symptom is diverse, itching occurs as a result of metabolic disorders and the accumulation of urea in the blood (gout, amyloidosis), chronic kidney diseases when their filtration function is impaired (glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis), vascular diseases, in which the renal vessels also suffer (blockage or stenosis), kidney cancer (the formation of proteins by malignant cells that block renal tubules– impaired filtration), disease connective tissue(scleroderma, lupus).

    Disorders of the cardiovascular system

    The appearance of tachycardia, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, palpitations and chest pain, shortness of breath and cough. All of these signs are characteristic of long-term renal diseases, which leads to the development of chronic heart failure.

    During pregnancy

    Pregnant women are included in the group high risk on the development of kidney diseases. Firstly, a woman’s body works in an intense mode during this period, and all organs, including the kidneys, experience a double load. Secondly, in expectant mothers, phosphorus-calcium metabolism changes, as well as the metabolism of oxalic and uric acid. In addition, under the influence of the main pregnancy hormone, progesterone, the renal pelvis and ureters expand, their tone decreases, and the outflow of urine becomes more difficult, which increases its concentration. Thirdly, pregnant women have a weakened immune system and are susceptible to various respiratory infections.

    During pregnancy, the kidneys hurt most often as a result of the development of:

    • glomerulonephritis (as a complication of tonsillitis);
    • pyelonephritis (if it occurs for the first time, during gestation, they speak of gestational pyelonephritis);
    • urolithiasis.

    The appearance of not only pain, but also any other suspicious signs described above should alert the woman and requires urgent visit obstetrician-gynecologist. Kidney diseases in expectant mothers have Negative influence during pregnancy, and can provoke premature birth or miscarriage, and in later development of gestosis.

    What to do

    If your kidneys hurt, what should you do? All patients ask this question when experiencing any discomfort in the lumbar region. The main slogan of all patients should be the following; “No self-medication!” Firstly, not a single person, even having medical education, will not be able to diagnose himself independently, without additional methods examinations. Secondly, any disease can be disguised as some other pathology, for example, the patient believes that his kidneys are sick, but in fact he has an exacerbation of osteochondrosis or an attack of appendicitis. Self-medication of mythical kidney disease in such cases will only aggravate the course of the real disease, which is fraught with complications, and in some cases even fatal. Thirdly, self-administration of medications (on the advice of family or friends) can not only be useless, but also harmful, especially with kidney disease, when the functions of filtering waste fluid and its excretion are impaired.

    First aid

    If pain (presumably in the kidneys) occurs for the first time, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

    • calling an ambulance;
    • go to bed, cover yourself with a blanket and take a comfortable position (warmth will normalize renal blood flow and reduce pain somewhat);
    • It is allowed to take a warm shower;
    • It is allowed to take antispasmodics (no-spa, papaverine), but be sure to inform your doctor about this.

    Relieving renal colic on your own

    Before the ambulance arrives, the patient or his relatives can try to relieve the attack at home. But this option is suitable only for those who are confident in their diagnosis, confirmed instrumental methods examinations. An exacerbation of urolithiasis (an attack of renal colic) can occur after drinking alcohol, breaking the diet, lifting heavy objects or sudden physical exercise, after suffering from colds.

    It is contraindicated to relieve an attack on your own (only an antispasmodic injection is allowed) in the following cases:

    • single kidney;
    • colic in both kidneys;
    • wandering kidney;
    • no improvement within 2 days of treatment;
    • high temperature (40 – 42 degrees);
    • severe vomiting and nausea;
    • lack of urine;
    • pain in the right kidney.

    First aid:

    • put the patient to bed, place a warm heating pad under the lower back or between the legs, to the perineum;
    • taking a warm bath (if the patient is able to do so);
    • consumption large quantity liquids, up to 1.5 - 2 liters per day, preferably non-carbonated mineral waters and infusions of plants with uroseptic properties (cranberry, lingonberry, horsetail, bearberry, juniper);
    • injection of an antispasmodic (spazmalgon, no-shpa, spazgan, papaverine);
    • raise your lower back (place a pillow) after the injection;
    • after the injection there will be a desire to urinate, all urine excreted should be collected in a separate container;
    • further control of urination until the attack stops.


    If pain occurs, especially in combination with other signs of kidney pathology, you should go to see a doctor (generalist, urologist). The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination:

    • general urine analysis ( high ESR and leukocytosis will confirm the inflammatory nature of the disease, low hemoglobin - loss of blood in the urine, etc.);
    • a general urine test, based on the results of which all other urine tests are prescribed (according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, a three-glass test): the color and transparency, urine density and pH level, the number of red and white blood cells, the presence/absence of protein, glucose, salts and microorganisms are assessed;
    • biochemical blood test (total protein and its fractions, creatinine, urea, residual nitrogen, glucose);
    • Ultrasound of the kidneys; according to indications (tumor, cyst), a kidney biopsy is performed under ultrasound guidance;
    • MRI and CT scan of the kidneys;
    • urography (radiography of the kidneys with the introduction of contrast) according to indications.


    If kidney pain occurs, you should start following a diet before visiting a doctor. Patients with chronic renal pathology will have to adhere to specific nutrition all life.

    Prohibited products (or their maximum limitation):

    • any spices, especially hot pepper:
    • fried and fatty foods;
    • fatty meats, fish, poultry;
    • legumes;
    • canned food and fast food;
    • rich pastries and confectionery(chocolate, creams, jam);
    • sour and bitter greens/vegetables: spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, onion and garlic;
    • strong tea and coffee;
    • alcohol (exclude completely);
    • smoked meats;
    • mushrooms, semi-finished products, sausages;
    • salt (limit) and pickles, smoked meats;
    • margarine, lard, cooking oil, mayonnaise;
    • ice cream and sweet carbonated drinks.

    Authorized products:

    • lean varieties of meat, fish, poultry;
    • low fat dairy products;
    • eggs;
    • dry biscuits (biscuits, crackers);
    • any berries and fruits;
    • cereals;
    • vegetable oils, butter no salt in moderation;
    • vegetables (except for those prohibited);
    • pasta made from durum wheat.


    If your kidneys hurt, the doctor will prescribe treatment only after an examination has been carried out and the cause of the disease has been established.

    Conservative therapy includes the appointment of:

    • antibiotics;
    • uroseptics (nitroxoline, furazolidone);
    • herbal teas;
    • diuretics;
    • anticoagulants (thin the blood):
    • glucocorticoids;
    • antispasmodics;
    • analgesics.

    Surgical treatment is carried out according to indications (nephroptosis, carbuncle or abscess of the kidney, cyst or tumor of the kidney, urolithiasis and others). Possible various options surgical intervention: nephrostomy (drainage of the renal pelvis), removal of stones, plastic surgery of the collecting system, in severe cases, nephrectomy (removal of the kidney).

    Question answer

    A month ago I had a sore throat. Now I am worried about aching pain in the lower back, more on the right side, the urine has become cloudy, and in the morning there is swelling under the eyes. What to do?

    You may have a complication after a sore throat - glomerulonephritis. During illness, kidney function is impaired, but 2 weeks after recovery everything returns to normal. You should visit a doctor and have your urine and blood tested.

    How do the kidneys hurt, are there any special symptoms among women?

    No, the nature and location of pain in the kidneys does not differ from kidney pain in men. Symptoms of any renal pathology do not depend on gender and appear to varying degrees. If you have any suspicions, especially if kidney pain occurs, you should consult a doctor.

    2 days ago I slipped and fell on my back, hurting it badly. A huge hematoma has formed on the lower back and above, and the back itself still hurts. But today while urinating I saw that the urine had turned reddish. What is it and what should I do?

    Perhaps during the fall you damaged not only your back muscles, but also your kidneys. Reddish urine indicates the presence of red blood cells and indicates mechanical injury kidney You should see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Is drinking beer good for kidney disease?

    For any kidney disease, drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, is prohibited. Yes, beer has a powerful diuretic effect, but along with beer, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements (potassium, magnesium) and vitamins (especially vitamin C) are washed out of the body. Therefore, beer consumption cannot be classified as therapeutic measures.

    Kidneys hurt when their functions are impaired and various diseases. The symptoms are different. Unpleasant sensations in the lower back also occur with diseases of other organs. This article will tell you in detail how to understand that the problem is with the kidneys and what to do about it.

    These organs are located on both sides of the spine, at the level of the lower ribs. Outwardly, they look like bean grains weighing about 150 g. Under the outer shell there is a complex blood filtration system. As the blood passes through the kidney tissue, it is cleared of toxic metabolic waste. Necessary substances- minerals, proteins, vitamins - return to the blood. Waste is collected in the renal pelvis, sent through the ureter to the bladder and expelled during urination. Painful sensations occur on one or both sides, it depends on whether one kidney or both are affected by the disease.

    Kidney pain is similar to signs of osteochondrosis, radiculopathy or intervertebral hernia, but spinal diseases have characteristic differences:

    1. Aching or shooting pain radiates to the leg, intensifies with movement. It prevents a person from straightening up and forces him to maintain a tense posture.
    2. The horizontal position of the body alleviates the patient's condition.
    3. The temperature is not elevated, there is no chills, no sweating.
    4. Urination is painless, there is no turbidity, blood or pus in the urine.

    These symptoms indicate that the cause painful sensations connected to the spine.

    Important! When a back muscle is bruised or sprained, pain in the kidneys is often attributed to injury. But internal organs They can also get damaged - bruise, rupture or crushing. This dangerous situation, in which it is impossible to do without medical care. If you have changed after a back injury appearance urine, there is an admixture of blood, the body temperature has risen - you need to consult a doctor.

    Other diseases also cause discomfort in the lower back:

    1. Gallstones.
    2. Inflammation of the pancreas.
    3. Gynecological diseases.
    4. Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
    5. Aortic aneurysm.
    6. Acute appendicitis.

    How can you tell if your kidney is hurting?

    A characteristic symptom indicating kidney disease is a change in urine. The color, smell, transparency changes, and impurities of pus or blood appear. The amount of urine excreted decreases. Other symptoms may also appear:

    1. Stinging, shooting or pulsating on one side of the spine.
    2. Drawing or aching pain, a feeling of heaviness in the lower back.
    3. Urination is frequent, painful, intermittent.
    4. A person is thirsty and has a dry mouth.
    5. Swelling - constant or morning - appears on the face, arms and legs.
    6. General deterioration of health - intoxication causes weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite.
    7. Body temperature rises, chills, nausea, and vomiting begin.
    8. Blood pressure rises.

    For kidney pain and presence accompanying symptoms treatment and observation by a nephrologist is required.

    Why do my kidneys hurt?

    The kidneys can hurt because a person has drunk a lot of liquid, and they work hard to remove it from the body. Alcoholic drinks load renal tissues extra work- neutralization of toxic metabolites. With intense physical activity- fast running, training in the gym - discomfort arises from the fact that a large volume of blood is pumped through the kidneys.

    Often, kidney pain is caused by more serious causes:

    1. Inflammatory processes - glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
    2. Infections - urological or venereal.
    3. Nephroptosis (organ prolapse).
    4. Complications after sore throat, flu.
    5. Urolithiasis disease.
    6. Cysts - single, multiple (polycystic).
    7. Neoplasms - benign or malignant.
    8. Stenosis (narrowing) of the renal artery.
    9. Blockage of an artery by a thrombus, atherosclerotic plaque.
    10. Injuries - bruise, rupture, wound.

    Diseases that cause kidney pain, occur at any age. A nephrologist must determine their cause.

    Children have congenital pathologies, from hypothermia occur inflammatory processes, and in case of violations water-salt metabolism- sand and stones. Child complains of pain in the lower back - serious reason to contact a pediatrician.

    During pregnancy discomfort in the lumbar region appear from an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the surrounding organs. Painful manifestations intensify with exacerbation chronic diseases, development of renal failure. This condition is dangerous for women and children. The expectant mother must be hospitalized for treatment under the supervision of specialists.

    How do your kidneys hurt?

    The nature of the pain syndrome depends on the disease that causes it. Based on the description of symptoms and examination results, the nephrologist makes a preliminary diagnosis and prescribes tests to clarify it. It is necessary to tell the specialist in detail where and how the kidney hurts.

    Renal colic

    Piercing, unbearable pain in the kidney area is a symptom of renal colic. She gives it to the groin, crotch, abdominal cavity, rectum. Urine excretion decreases, blood and cloudy sediment appear in it. The patient turns pale and breaks out in a cold sweat. An attack begins when the outlet of the ureter from the renal pelvis is blocked. Urine is not excreted, causing severe pain in the kidney. Often the urine output is blocked by stones, but blockage by a clot of pus or a neoplasm is possible.

    Only a nephrologist can determine the cause of the attack. All that can be done at home is to provide the patient with peace, call ambulance. You should not try to stop the attack on your own. When the stone or clot comes out, the pain in the kidney stops. But if this does not happen, complications will arise that cannot be dealt with without the help of a specialist. A late visit to the doctor reduces the patient’s chances of a successful outcome.

    Colic attacks are dangerous for pregnant women and children. Pregnant women acute colic are often hospitalized maternity ward, as the symptoms are similar to premature labor. It is difficult to diagnose renal colic in young children who are unable to explain what is bothering them. They require hospitalization for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

    Note! Often renal colic begins when the patient attempts to remove stones on his own during kidney stone disease. Eating large amounts of cucumbers, watermelon or diuretics herbal infusions leads to the movement of stones and blockage of the ureters, provoking an attack.

    Painful throbbing on one side of the lower back may be a sign of kidney failure. This pathological condition, in which the kidney tissue fails to cleanse the blood, so the body begins to suffer from intoxication. In addition to pain, dizziness and shortness of breath appear, blood pressure rises, and heart function is disrupted. Heavy renal failure can lead to death, so throbbing pain in the kidneys cannot be ignored.

    Aching, pressing or pulling pain

    Kidneys ache due to inflammation or infectious processes. Kidney pain is accompanied by urological signs of inflammation: the amount of urine decreases, it becomes foul-smelling, dark or colorless. Pain when urinating indicates irritation of the urinary tract. Swelling, dry mouth, and thirst appear. Weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting often accompany aching pain in the kidneys. Rising temperature, chills and fever mean that the disease is progressing. If the disease is not cured, it will become chronic, then the kidneys will hurt with every exacerbation.

    The back constantly aches due to kidney stones. Stones and sand irritate surrounding tissues, causing inflammation. If the stones move, getting stuck at the entrance to the ureter, acute pain occurs - renal colic.

    If the lower back aches periodically, when lifting weights or being in a vertical position, this may be a symptom of nephroptosis. The organs are held in place by tendons and fat. If this layer becomes thinner and the ligaments become weaker, the kidney may move down or to the side. Tension of the ligaments causes pain. Prolapse most often occurs in women after pregnancy, childbirth, or with significant weight loss. This pathological condition is dangerous because when displaced, the kidney can turn, twisting blood vessels. The access to blood will be blocked, which will lead to necrosis - tissue death.

    Pressing pain in the kidney is a symptom of a cyst or tumor. It appears when the tumor grows so large that it begins to put pressure on the nerve endings. Pressing pain from neoplasms is accompanied by weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, and sweating. With such symptoms, it is unacceptable to waste time on self-medication. Oncological diseases develop unnoticed, pain appears on late stage illness when it is difficult to cure.

    What should you do if your kidneys hurt?

    Contact your doctor. Kidney diseases They are life-threatening and should not be attempted to be treated on your own. For aching, throbbing, pressing pain You should visit a therapist and get tested. Based on their results, the doctor will refer the patient to a specialist: a urologist, nephrologist or oncologist for detailed examination and treatment.

    If the pain is sharp, cutting, you should immediately call an ambulance. If the pain is tolerable, you can use the following recommendations:

    1. Drink No-shpa, Papaverine or another antispasmodic drug.
    2. Maintain bed rest.
    3. Stick to a diet.
    4. Drink clean water, compote or fruit drink - these drinks are for the kidneys healthier than tea or coffee.

    Therapeutic diet

    A distinctive feature of this diet is the reduction in the amount of protein foods. It is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, fermented milk products. Lean meat, lean fish and poultry are included in the menu 1-2 times a week. The amount of salt is reduced to a minimum. Eating boiled, stewed, steamed dishes from permitted foods reduces the load on the urinary system. Vegetable soups, porridges, salads with vegetable oil, stewed vegetables, fresh fruits - varied, healthy diet for a sick person. Watermelons and cucumbers, which have a diuretic effect, are recommended to be consumed in small quantities. Herbal teas permitted with the permission of the attending physician.

    If your kidneys hurt, you need to be treated by a nephrologist or urologist. To assign adequate treatment, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination and put accurate diagnosis. Self-medication for kidney disease leads to severe complications, and in some cases - to fatal outcome. Treatment under the supervision of a competent specialist will eliminate the cause of painful manifestations and restore health.