The dog is writing how to treat. The dog often pees, cystitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

For puppies, puddles left on the floor or rug are the norm. However, when a similar situation arises due to an adult dog, this quite naturally causes anxiety among the owners. A conflict arises that the owners can resolve by understanding the causes of the problem and the weaknesses of their pet.

Natural reasons why a dog often pees

There may be completely natural reasons for this situation. Of course, illnesses also happen, but we’ll talk about them later. In any case, there is a problem and it should be analyzed.

First of all, understand that dogs are driven by instinct. Males perceive the smell of urine as an indicator of their self-worth. A dog may pee at an unexpected moment due to fear, threat, stress or pain. If this is the case, then no treatment is needed; you can only slightly adjust your pet’s behavioral instinct.

Behavioral features

When at the base frequent urination behavior lies, then kicking and screaming will not help the matter, but will only aggravate the situation. Treatment will also be a waste of time and money. In this case, you need to carefully raise the dog, be patient, but at the same time be persistent.

Males love to mark territory. As a rule, they pee in the corners to do this. If you carry out sterilization, it will reduce the sexual instinct and help cope with the problem.

Presence of deviations

Incontinence is difficult to treat, since all abnormalities, acquired or congenital, are associated with contraction of weakened urethral muscles. In such a situation, urine will leak, even despite the use of medications or other aids.

What to do then? First of all, it is advised to contact a veterinarian. If pathology is detected early, it is still treatable. However, the problems may not be curable. However, this does not mean that they cannot be controlled.

Age characteristics

Answer to the question “Why does a dog pee?” may also be related to her age. The fact is that smooth muscles can weaken with old age. And in such a situation, you can support the animal with the help of medications.

Young girls also have this problem. Estrus plays a role here. When the time comes for the first "hunt", nagging pain. And this leads to the desire to empty the bladder. This way you can get rid of excess pressure. It is important here not to scold the dog, because he understands the problem, but cannot cope with it. Instead, take her for walks more often.

It is also possible that the dog drinks a lot of water, which is why it is not able to endure it until walking time. The big cause for concern here is precisely this exorbitant thirst. It may indicate some health problems.

Occurrence of diseases

The dog often urinates also due to various diseases. They may be associated with inflammation, which is difficult to detect even with examination. However, something needs to be done. How to be?

Write down the dog's diet and routine. How do you walk her? What does it face? pet? How much water does he drink? All this matters for the veterinarian, whom you will most likely want to call to your home. The more information he has, the faster and better help.


To properly help with cystitis, you need to get tested. One of the main ones is standard laboratory analysis urine. Incontinence may indicate cystitis, and if there is extensive inflammation, urine may leak occasionally. A puppy or an adult dog sometimes defecates even while sleeping.

Why does cystitis occur? It usually develops due to hypothermia. To cure a dog, antibiotics are used. Within a few days after the start of therapy, progress is usually noticeable. If the owners do not act, the problem gets worse: first the dog urinates blood, and then becomes unable to relieve itself. Most likely you will need full course treatment - “until the bitter end.” If treatment is stopped hastily after symptoms disappear, relapses are possible.


When a dog urinates due to polydipsia, he drinks a lot of water. Daily norm is exceeded several times, so frequent urination is not surprising. If this happens to a female, pyometra may be present. You need to do an ultrasound, but treating it yourself is very dangerous.

Polydipsia is also a symptom. Constant desire drinking water is not the main problem. The main problem is the cause: diabetes, renal failure genitourinary infection etc. Therefore, veterinarian intervention is needed as soon as possible.


Spinal injury This could also be the reason why your dog is urinating more often. The nerve endings or spinal canal are damaged, and complete relief from the problem is unlikely. If this breed of dog also has a long spine, then the likelihood of a problem increases even more. In particular, dachshunds belong to the main risk group.

Childbirth- Same painful process, which may influence the development of the problem. Nerves can become pinched and then weakness in the limbs begins, and the appearance becomes painful. It is even likely that the dog will abandon its own puppy. The veterinarian must conduct a comprehensive examination and determine the method of treatment based on the data obtained. The doctor will probably suggest surgery. However, it is better if tests and treatment are done first.

sphincter disorders, help hormonal drugs. This happens more often in spayed or neutered dogs because they lack of hormones.

In some cases, tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They help relax muscles Bladder, as a result of which the sphincter contracts. These tools are different strong impact, however, they can also cause side effects. That's why you need competent advice and correct dosage.

If a puppy pees

When to urinate little puppy, keep in mind that he will be able to control this process only by 3-4 months of age. The owner needs to explain everything correctly and prompt him.

On the other hand, if a puppy urinates, it does not happen by accident. Could have formed congenital pathology, which is treated through surgery.

If your dog peeing at home, this article will help you. You will find useful tips and recommendations on how to wean a dog from peeing at home (adult and puppy). Pets often start pooping in the house if infections occur. urinary tract, kidney disease, or the dog has contracted a cold. A dog's first heat can lead to funny situations. During this period, she experiences unusual sensations and tries to get rid of the discomfort by urinating.

Unusual behavior in a mature pet indicates that the dog has serious problems. Before scolding her, it is recommended to understand the reasons. You can induce urination at home mental disorders, if the dog has experienced prolonged hunger, physical abuse or other injuries.

Problems arose with adult dog– algorithm of actions:

  • increase the number of walks;
  • teach the animal to certain commands that allow you to go to the toilet;
  • use lax methods of punishment for errors;
  • use restrictive cages or enclosures;
  • use repellent sprays;
  • radical weaning measures.

How to wean a dog from peeing at home - raising puppies up to 4 months

At this age, pets are real babies who do not control urination. Therefore, there is no point in being offended by the puddles left behind. The optimal way out of the situation would be to accustom the puppy to one place in the house where shitting is still allowed. Cover the selected area with a diaper or newspaper. Diaper training occurs as follows:

  • start monitoring the puppy as soon as he drinks water;
  • after 10-15 minutes he will feel the urge to urinate;
  • as soon as the animal begins to squat (males pee in childhood in the same way as females), pick it up and take it to the diaper;
  • if the pet runs away, return it to the diaper again and again until it relieves itself;
  • Praise the puppy for a successful operation.

Advice: Some babies are quite shy and will refuse to go to the toilet in front of the owner. Therefore, try to turn away when the puppy goes to the diaper or place it in a box with a cut-out entrance.

Raising puppies up to 10 months

At this age, dogs resemble children under 6 years of age. Toilet mishaps are almost a thing of the past, but unpleasant surprises can still happen. At this age, it is time to train the dog to do its business exclusively outside, but you should not remove oilcloths from the house yet.

At first, you may encounter difficulties, because the puppy is used to urinating at home, considering it a safer and more familiar way. For training, use the following algorithm:

  1. Show your puppy that walks are a lot of fun and safe. Play with him, use tasty rewards. Do everything so that your dog begins to associate going outside with pleasant memories;
  2. feed and water your baby 40-60 minutes before going out into the world. This is exactly the amount of time a young body needs to digest most food;
  3. Walk your baby at least 5 times a day. This is the number of walks that will allow you to completely avoid household “troubles.”

Advice: if you or someone you know has older puppies that are already toilet trained, combine walking them with your pet. Dogs tend to copy the behavior of their relatives.

Increasing the frequency or duration of walks

Constantly monitor your pet if he is prone to creating “wet dirty tricks”. Try to take a few days off at this stage and spend the whole day at home. As soon as the dog starts sniffing the floor and sitting down, immediately put on the collar and go outside.

Over time, the dog will understand that the area outside the house is the only place where he should go to the toilet. However, this will take time. By increasing the frequency of walks, you insure yourself against risks possible urination Houses.

We teach permission commands

Take your pet outside and repeat the same command. Repeat cherished word so many times until you achieve the desired result from the dog. Be sure to reward him afterwards with verbal praise and tasty rewards.

It will take your pet some time to understand what exactly needs to be done to receive rewards. However, as soon as the animal realizes what’s going on, it will gladly please the owner by following the command.

Methods of punishment

These measures should be rather formal in nature. You should not shout loudly at your pet, or even hit him. Animals react extremely sensitively to changes in the owner’s mood. Therefore, as a punishment, you can choose a stern tone of voice, slightly raised.

If your dog has a favorite toy or sleeping area, then you can temporarily deprive your pet of its “luxury”. If you see that the dog is preparing to relieve itself at home, immediately shout “ugh”. The pet must know exactly how you feel about its behavior.

We limit the space

This method is more of an auxiliary method. It will serve as reliable protection for your home while you are at work, for example. Place the dog in a cage or enclosure covered with a diaper. Thus, you will protect the rooms from “wet dirty tricks”. And when you return home, you can continue accustoming the animal to the street.

Repellent sprays

Dogs are sensitive to odors, so use special sprays as a countermeasure. You can buy them at veterinary clinics. Treat the places with them increased risk. Unpleasant smell will scare away the pet. If you can’t buy a spray, you can replace it with vinegar.

Radical measures

Electric collars that have a special control panel are used as tough measures. This method is suitable for owners who have tried all of the above options and have not found a solution to the problem. You need to monitor the dog, catch it playing pranks and press the remote control.

At this moment, a slight current discharge will enter the pet's body. It is worth noting that dogs are extremely sensitive to electrical attacks, so even a minimal shock causes them discomfort.

The purpose of the collar is to form negative memories about urinating at home. At the same time, the owner’s authority does not suffer in any way, because you do not punish the pet yourself.

Why does a dog pee at home if it hasn't done so before?

My Irma is very well-mannered, but for almost a month I simply do not have time to take her outside. What causes a dog to pee at home?

Svetlana, Moscow

If the animal has changed its habit and now the dog is peeing at home, there is reason to immediately ask yourself whether your dog is healthy. This behavior may be a symptom of illness. Unfortunately, few people think that frost affects not only people who even end up in the hospital with injuries. Imagine how a dog feels when it doesn’t even protect it from the cold. Agree, not every dog ​​can wear a onesie.

Owners of bitches should remember one more detail. In some individuals, even by old age, the hormonal system, and there is a possibility that females will pee at home until they are 1.5-2 years old. The reasons become poor nutrition, bad heredity. Try calling the breeders and asking if this problem has ever occurred with their dogs. However, after the dog becomes pregnant for the first time, problems with hormonal levels disappear.

A common reason why dogs forget manners is that the dog does not have a strict walking and eating schedule. Dogs have a great sense of time, and their body adjusts to a certain daily routine. In its absence, there are no habits. Eating and walking should be carried out according to a schedule, with possible shifts of 1-1.5 hours, no more.

Some dogs stop obeying when they do not feel the authority of their owner. Some animals show aggression in such a situation, others relieve themselves at home. Think about whether you have spoiled your pet too much.

Don't discount your lack of attention either. Dogs don't have many ways to attract him, and being unclean is one of them. Some breeds require a lot of affection from their owners, and when, in the opinion of the dogs, the owners are indifferent to them, the pets remind of their existence in such an “original” way - the dog pees at home. Remember that for a dog it doesn’t matter in what mood you look at it, the main thing is that you communicate with it.

Uncleanliness in animals sometimes appears with your child or new pet. The dog begins to get jealous - and either takes revenge on you, or, again, tries to regain your lost interest and as a manifestation of this behavior - the dog pees at home.

And finally - especially for owners of workers and hunting dogs. These animals do not tolerate a measured, “domestic” existence very well and require serious stress. They need the opportunity to realize their breed purpose. Lack of work, walks and physical exercise also causes uncleanliness in dogs.

When a dog is clean and fluffy, it's wonderful. But the animal’s body also tends to get sick, and sometimes unforeseen, emergency situations arise that cause inconvenience.

Urinary incontinence is not a disease, but a symptom, and this phenomenon must be treated with great caution.

Sometimes, of course, it happens that incontinence happens like this, but this happens once, but if it becomes permanent, you need to understand that it will not go away on its own.

Urinary incontinence is possible under stress.

Features of incontinence

  • females of large breeds;
  • from rocks - Doberman Pinscher, Airedale Terrier, Setter, Collie, Poodle ;
  • dogs with a nervous temperament such as sanguine and choleric (active, excitable);

Airedale terrier dogs are more susceptible to the disease.

Age also matters. This is due to the structural features of the genitourinary system, and in order to understand its mechanisms you need to delve into the basics of anatomy.

Anatomical nuances

The dog's urinary system consists of:

  • kidney. They produce urine, the basis of which is water and animal metabolic products (ammonia, creatine, uric acid, mineral salts, medicinal substances, toxins). Kidneys regulate water-salt balance and cleanse the blood coming to them, maintaining its balance. Urine formation is one of the complex processes. At night, less urine is formed than during the day, and the intake of succulent food rich in proteins stimulates its formation. The kidneys are a continuously working organ, but urine excretion is periodic. Urine accumulates in the pelvis, which contracts and forces it into the ureters.
  • ureters , which rhythmically contract, propel the flow of urine into the bladder;
  • Bladder , from which urine cannot flow freely into urethra, since sphincters (muscle ring) stand on the obstacle. Their work is well established: the sphincter relaxes, the bladder contracts and thus the organ is emptied;
  • urinary canal.

Urine, consisting of water and waste products, is formed in the kidneys.

The process of urine excretion is regulated by the activity of the central nervous system.

Causes of incontinence in dogs

Causes of incontinence may be:

  • natural, associated with the characteristics of nervous temperament;
  • acquired, caused by a specific disease.

Urinary incontinence can be a sign of a medical condition.


It is possible for a dog to produce a small amount of urine when he is extremely happy.

  • Behavioral or natural causes are usually accompanied by low discharge . If you know your dog's manners well, you may have repeatedly noticed him urinating when he is extremely happy. Such urination is very difficult to correct and, as a rule, accompanies the animal throughout its life.
  • Stress incontinence can be either one-time or permanent. . A dog may show it once when frightened, while still a puppy, but then never repeat it. It happens that constant fear when meeting, for example, a more aggressive relative, will be accompanied by urination.
  • Incontinence during estrus is also natural. . This is especially true for young females (first, second hunt). In this case, sometimes squatting may not be accompanied by urination, and the owner, by carefully observing, should already understand what exactly is happening in the female’s body.


Acquired urinary incontinence can be attributed to old age. With age, muscles lose elasticity and the ability to work synchronously. Such incontinence can be either inflammatory in nature (advanced chronic, which was not accompanied by treatment) or non-inflammatory, when muscle weakness is a genetic feature.

Older dogs often experience urinary incontinence.


Hypothermia can cause cystitis in a dog.

If the dog is young and active, but incontinence occurs, then the following diseases can be diagnosed:

  • Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder is possible with decreased immunity due to hypothermia, overheating, stress factors, common infections(chlamydia, leptospirosis), local genitourinary infections that penetrate into genitourinary system. To establish a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination and laboratory tests are necessary, both to determine the functionality of the kidneys and bacterial culture with the identification of the most active antibiotics to provide assistance.
  • Urolithiasis disease . It develops in dogs not in the kidneys, but in the bladder and clogs the sphincter. Impaired functioning of the sphincter leads to involuntary release of urine, however, these signs can alternate with urine retention and this must be clearly perceived by the owner. Males are diagnosed with the disease earlier than females due to anatomical features. It is also possible to differentiate because urine is released involuntarily and in drops. For diagnosis, ultrasound and a full examination are necessary.
  • Urethritis. Inflammation of the urinary canal is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and sometimes requires even more long-term treatment. Violation of its function may be accompanied by the fact that the animal makes attempts to urinate, but urine is not released, and sometimes it occurs spontaneously;
  • Endocrine diseases (, sugar insipidus, Cushing's syndrome,). These diseases are associated with a large intake of fluid by animals (polydipsia), therefore, it will be excreted in large volumes, sometimes spontaneously.
  • Spinal injuries and tumor processes in the area that is responsible for the innervation of the urinary system. Nerve entrapment, partial or temporary, may lead to persistent symptoms, alternating character.

How to Treat Dog Incontinence

As can be seen from listed reasons Urinary incontinence in a four-legged animal cannot be treated without establishing accurate diagnosis. You cannot prescribe therapy based on one symptom - urinary incontinence.

Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed.

A comprehensive examination to identify other symptoms, conduct tests and studies, identify the real reason can lead to successful overcoming of this trouble.


Among medications used for urinary tract diseases: antibiotics, sulfa drugs and immunomodulators, hormonal agents , promoting both muscle contraction and relaxation.

Antibiotics are used to treat dogs.

Application sympathomimetics and antidepressants It is also necessary to increase the tone of both muscles and nerve endings.


Compliance with the rules of care and feeding, avoiding hypothermia and overheating of the dog will greatly help prevent inflammatory incontinence.

  • Do not neglect basic rules that can reduce the body’s resistance . At this time, the virulence of microorganisms increases significantly, and the processes become irreversible.
  • Don't expect the situation to resolve itself . If the first signs appear, contact immediately qualified specialists. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by examining the animal. Do not try to treat yourself; the slightest delay can cost the life of your four-legged dog.

You cannot treat your dog yourself; you need to consult a veterinarian.

Video about urinary incontinence in dogs

It happens that even the most well-mannered dog suddenly begins to pee in the apartment, although before this she had never allowed herself to do this. There may be several reasons for this. First of all, you should pay attention to the health of the animal, because it is health problems that provoke urinary incontinence. By the way, very coldy cause serious illness in representatives ornamental breeds who freeze even in special clothes.

Experts know that bitches can pee at home for up to two years. The main reason is an incompletely formed hormonal system. Contributes to this bad or poor nutrition, and bad heredity. This problem is solved after the first pregnancy.

Due to an uncertain daily routine, the dog does not develop specific habits. It is necessary to feed and walk your pet at strictly defined times.

The authority of the owner may fall due to excessive aggression towards your pet, as well as in case of unfair punishment, as a result of which the dog begins to take revenge. Also, too kind an attitude provokes aggressive breeds to begin to dominate, so you need to be strict towards your dog, but in moderation.

Pets use this method to attract attention due to its disadvantage. You should communicate with your pet more often. In addition, in this way they show their jealousy of a new representative of the animal world.

To understand why a dog urinates frequently and how to overcome this problem, you need to analyze in detail the reasons why such a problem may arise. Pollakiuria (frequent urination is called that in medicine) can be either physiological reasons, and a symptom of any disease.

Let us remember that dogs are direct descendants of wolves and therefore, at the level of instinct, they relieve their needs very far from their lair. This protects puppies from infectious diseases and protects the lair from enemies. But suddenly the dog experiences a violation of this instinct. What are the possible reasons? The reasons may be psychological or a disease.

    Such diseases, the symptom of which is polyuria (frequent urination) and pollakiuria (frequent urination with a large volume of urine), include:
  • Cystitis.
  • Sugar and non-sugar diabetes.
  • Renal failure during chronic process.
  • Ectopia.
  • Bitches are in heat.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Excessive intake of sodium salts.
  • Oncological diseases of the bladder.

Any of the listed diseases requires immediate intervention veterinarian After all, frequent urination leads to deepening of the existing problems with your pet's health.

Description of some diseases with pollakiuria (the dog urinates frequently)

In non-sterilized bitches

increased frequency of urination is noted. In this case, urination occurs frequently and in small portions. However, even after sterilization, the same phenomenon can be observed in animals that are prescribed medication with progesterone for treatment. This is directly related to the disruption of the body’s hormonal balance and homeostasis in general.

The above-mentioned non-sugar diabetes in dogs contributes to disruption of water and electrolyte metabolism. In turn, this disorder provokes polydipsia (increased thirst) in which urine density drops sharply.

there is a sharp lack of antidiuretic hormone.

as a result sudden violation metabolic processes In the dog's body, the body's need for fluid increases. Why is this happening? The reason lies in the altered osmotic pressure of the blood. Due to the increase in blood glucose concentration, blood density and osmotic pressure increase.

If an old male dog suffers from polyuria, then the reason for this may lie in

With age, the level of testosterone in the blood drops significantly, which may be the main reason that the dog began to pee frequently. If the male is sterilized, then sharp drop testosterone levels after sterilization are associated with testicular removal. And the consequence of this may be increased urination and, accordingly, frequent urination.

the dog is noted increased thirst and frequent urination. In this case, urine often contains blood and contains a large number of uric acid. These indicators can be determined during laboratory testing.

Psychological reasons why a dog urinates frequently

Let's consider psychological reasons pollakiuria in dogs. If your four-legged pet drinks little, and his diet is optimal, and his tests are all normal, then most likely the reason for frequent urination lies in the psychological plane.

When a dog plays a lot and nervous system experiences increased arousal, uncontrolled urination often occurs. This happens especially often with puppies.

During heat, the dog often leaves marks on its territory to attract males. Or, on the contrary, the male marks all the corners and hills. And this also applies to sexual behavior, and not to diseases. Also, the dog begins to urinate frequently after mating.

It is important to understand that in all of these cases, the issue of correcting the pet’s behavior is acute. A veterinarian or animal psychologist needs to explain in what cases a dog urinates very often. Detailed description problems often help to accept correct solution and without veterinary diagnostic methods.

To determine the real reason why your dog is peeing frequently, your veterinarian will likely conduct an examination of his shaggy patient. In this case, a detailed and detailed survey of the owner will be conducted about possible reasons pathologies, whether or not the dog has a history of kidney disease, bladder disease, or even spinal injury.

    Mandatory tests in such cases are:
  • General laboratory blood test.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • General laboratory urine analysis.
  • Biochemical examination of urine.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and/or bladder.
  • Neurological examination of the dog.

Based on the data obtained as a result of the tests, the veterinarian will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe measures. further treatment and rehabilitation.

If you feed an animal with over-salted food, then it will drink much more than it should. In cases where an animal is transferred from normal natural nutrition for dry food, your pet will need additional liquid. This normal phenomenon, because previously the body received not only water, but also liquid from soups, broths, and cereals. And dry food does not contain moisture, so the bowl of water must be much larger than before or you will have to add water more often than usual.

Taking medications

This is completely normal and should not be limited. Treatment anticonvulsants also causes thirst in some animals.

Diagnosis and determination of the reason why a dog often urinates

If a small puppy often sits down to go to the toilet, this is due to natural causes. At 4 months he is just learning to control this process. Other causes of frequent urination in puppies and dogs include:

  • drinking plenty of water due to hot weather weather conditions, eating dry food;
  • low temperature in the house and outside;
  • fear;
  • nervous shocks;
  • bladder pain;
  • excessive excitement.

In older dogs, smooth muscles weaken as they age, causing frequent trips to the toilet and incontinence.

The bitch often asks to go to the toilet if she is in heat. The most frequent urination is typical for an animal that has never had sexual intercourse.

Of course, both the causes and their treatment are completely different. Let's look at each of them.

Incontinence in pets may indicate various problems. Contrary to what many breeders believe, incontinence is not limited to older pets. It must be taken into account that any dog ​​is an emotional animal, which in the process of life is guided by instincts. For males, the smell of urine is a sign of dignity, which is why many males “mark” the territory in which they live.

As practice shows, a dog often urinates for the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • fear of something;
  • fear of other, more aggressive pets;
  • pain.

In fact, in these cases, the animal does not require treatment; the breeder will only need to make adjustments.

Frequent urination may also be caused by urolithiasis, in this case, blood may also be present in the urine.

Behavioral features

Why does the dog pee a lot? Incontinence in pets may be caused by behavioral characteristics. You should not shout at the dog or hit him, as this will have no effect. It doesn’t even make sense to treat a pet; the dog breeder will only have to raise the animal and be as patient as possible (video author - Kremproc P).

If males mark territory in this way, they tend to urinate in any place. As for bitches, they usually go to the toilet in the corners. Treatment in this case will consist only of sterilization or castration. As a result of a decrease in sexual instincts, the need to urinate will disappear.

Age characteristics

If you don’t know why your dog has incontinence and what to do about it, then keep in mind that this may be due to the age of the body. In particular, we're talking about about weakening of smooth muscles. The only thing that can be done in this case is to give the pet certain medications prescribed by the doctor.

Another reason why your pet may become incontinent is when they are in heat. As a rule, this problem often manifests itself during the first estrus in young individuals. As the dog begins to experience nagging pain, he may try to go to the toilet to get rid of it. This can actually be done by reducing pressure.

As for treatment, in this case it is not necessary. The only requirement from the breeder is to walk the dog more often, but you cannot scold your pet. The dog already understands that urinary incontinence and, as a consequence, the need to clean up the dog’s puddles is an unpleasant matter for the owner. However, it’s hard for a dog to correct itself, so get into its position.

It often happens that your pet drinks a lot of water and, accordingly, is not able to wait until you go outside with him. In principle, this is normal, but if the dog still drinks a lot of water, then this may indicate illness.

Presence of deviations

Why else is a dog diagnosed with incontinence? If it is associated with deviations, then treatment for this cause may not produce results at all. As a rule, in this case the cause lies in congenital or acquired abnormalities of the dog. They are caused by contraction of the urethral muscles, and accordingly, incontinence will occur regularly. Treatment of abnormalities will never completely rid your pet of incontinence (video author - Maxim Golovanov).

What to do and what to do in such cases? It is necessary to take your pet to see a doctor. If you can get rid of the pathology at an early stage, you may be able to cure it.

Experience and many years of observational practice show that there are several natural reasons why a dog urinates at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

  1. Severe emotion-based stress. When experiencing a feeling of joy or fear, a dog may involuntarily make a puddle.
  2. Uncleanliness. The dog is by nature unclean, has not received proper education and may simply not know how to ask to go outside to go to the toilet.
  3. Fear of other aggressive dogs.

There are other reasons, but these are the most common and owners do not need to worry. Such a reaction is a normal thing for dogs; in this case, the animals are guided by instincts.

Let's say, the instinctive desire to mark territory with urine is very developed - males do this anywhere in the house, but females prefer in the corners. They also mark objects that the animal considers to be theirs with urine. To avoid such incidents, you need to work a little on your pet’s behavior.

The dog growls at the owner: why and what to do?

and/or n

If your dog begins to pee a lot not only as an adult, this indicates some kind of problem in its body. You need to realize that your pupil lives according to his instincts and physiological laws, since he is very emotional.

So, it has been noticed that a very frequent desire in dogs to mark territory appears in the following cases:

  • sexual desire. During this period, the four-legged animal imagines that it is ready for copulation (this happens not only in boy dogs, but also in girls during the period of heat, when they often pee in small portions). It has also been proven that by the smell of urine, which contains a significant amount of information, for example, it can be used to determine the individual, gender, physiology and much more;
  • innovations in the house. For example, buying new furniture, the appearance of a baby, or something else pet- this all brings unknown smells to your dog and makes them familiar, i.e. theirs;
  • social status in the family. Since dogs are pack animals, therefore, when their importance in the family decreases, this serves as an excuse to leave feces in the bed or urinate on the furniture. This often happens when you get a new pet, or when your grown child begins to raise an adult dog.

Many pets urinate frequently due to an incorrect daily routine. For example, consider the following situation: the owner is in a hurry to go to work, naturally, there is not enough time to walk his pet, and only four-legged friend relieves himself, immediately takes him home. In this case, if your dog likes long walks, in order to take a longer walk he will relieve his needs at home.

And your pet’s frequent urination may also depend on behavior, and kicking, screaming and poking the nose will not help correct the situation, but will only worsen it. Also, using a variety of treatments will be a waste of your time and money spent on purchasing various drugs. In this case, you need to thoughtfully raise your four-legged friend, show patience, but confidently and calmly insist on your own.

And male dogs have a natural intuition to mark their territory; they often pee in the corners. Sterilization, after which the animal’s sexual instincts decrease, will help in such a situation.

Of course, even in the presence of various abnormalities, dogs often experience urinary incontinence; it can be congenital or acquired; this is associated with weak contraction of the urethral muscles. In this case, even the use of various medications or others additional funds urine will leak out.

All owners are interested in the question, what to do about this problem? First of all, we advise you to contact a veterinarian. When found of this disease on initial stage it is still treatable. However, the disease may be incurable, but not uncontrollable.

Another answer to the question “Why did the dog start peeing often?” is her age, this is due to the fact that smooth muscles soften in old age and in this case it is necessary to support the pet with the help of medications.

In young bitches, this problem occurs during the period of estrus, and they experience pulling painful sensations, which lead to urination to relieve well-being and reduce excess pressure. The main thing is not to scold your dog, because he understands why this is happening, but is not able to cope with it. It is recommended to walk her more often.

Another factor of frequent peeing is that your pet consumes a large amount of water, because of this it cannot wait until a walk. In this case, anxiety is considered to be enormous thirst, which may indicate various health difficulties. Now let's look at the causes of diseases in dogs.

When is this a sign of serious health problems?

Another reason why a dog suffers from urinary incontinence is that some kind of disease has settled in it. Most often, such diseases are accompanied by the presence of inflammatory processes inside the dog. Usually, a specialist, by examining a sick animal and ordering various studies and tests, finds the cause, but it happens that it is difficult to make a diagnosis. A dog breeder can help him with this.

You just need to carefully observe your animal and note all the nuances regarding its content in a special notebook. Frequency and duration of walks, nutrition (full description of diet, feeding time), amount of water drunk. It is quite possible that some event occurred that served as the beginning of such bad behavior in the pet. Based on the information received, the doctor will be able to draw certain conclusions and make an accurate and correct diagnosis.

Inflammatory processes in the bladder or cystitis It is quite possible that the bladder has become inflamed and cystitis has become the cause of incontinence. To detect the presence of the disease, it is necessary to have your dog's urine tested. At strong development Diseases and leaks are not excluded even when the dog is sleeping. Even if he didn't drink much water during the day.

Cystitis is caused by two reasons: either the body has become very cold, or an infection has entered the genitourinary system. Treatment is carried out by taking antibiotics - on the fourth or fifth day, visible improvements become immediately noticeable. If the dog is not treated, then blood appears in the urine, the dog begins to whine from severe pain, it becomes difficult for her to go to the toilet.

When treating cystitis, it is advisable to complete the entire course of treatment, otherwise the disease may return, and repeated use of antibiotics will be ineffective.

Polydipsia When suffering from polydipsia, the animal begins to drink quite a lot, often forcefully, which leads to frequent urination. The owner should be wary if he notices that the dog is drinking a lot of water - it is quite possible that he has developed diabetes mellitus or diseases associated with urinary system, problems with blood vessels and kidneys began to develop.

EctopiaEctopia is a condition that some dogs are born with. With this disease, the ureter is connected to the rectum or vagina not through the bladder, but directly. This is usually observed in animals that have one kidney. As a rule, the disease is detected in dogs during puppyhood, when the owner notices problems in his pet.

food poisoning in dogs - symptoms and treatment

The dog urinates often: how to treat it, what to do?

Treatment methods for increased urination are determined after identifying the cause. To do this, the veterinarian diagnoses the animal’s condition. Non-dangerous causes of pathology are eliminated at home.

If your puppy urinates frequently, it is important to get him accustomed to the process of going to the toilet. Over time, the animal will get used to relieving itself twice a day outside.

Causes of frequent urination Fighting methods, therapy
Drink plenty of fluids If your animal is drinking a lot of water due to the heat, you should move it indoors and turn on the air conditioning. It is advisable to replace dry food with homemade food
Low temperature There are special clothes for dogs for walking outside. There are dogs that are cold even at home, so it is important to monitor your pet’s condition to avoid hypothermia
Fear and stress The veterinarian prescribes antidepressants, but it is best to provide the dog with a calm living environment
Excitation This often happens when a dog changes its place of residence. During this period, you should treat your pet with understanding.
Desire to mark territory Reduce sexual desire and the desire to mark possessions with castration. In some cases, you can limit yourself to re-education
Age Treatment of the condition in older animals is with supportive medications prescribed by a veterinarian. If there are contraindications, the problem can be solved with the help of diapers
First heat No treatment required, frequent walking of the dog is required

Treatment for urinary incontinence begins only after a thorough examination and an accurate diagnosis. The nature of therapy is selected by the veterinarian, taking into account what disease was the cause. frequent urges to urination:

  1. At inflammatory diseases organs of the urinary system are offered to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy;
  2. At stressful situations Sedatives may be prescribed.
  3. For polydipsia, the treatment method depends on what disease caused the symptom;
  4. The consequences of spinal injuries, as well as false incontinence, are proposed to be treated mainly surgically;
  5. If there are complications of sterilization, there are several treatment regimens depending on the severity of the condition. A course of hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, which helps restore hormonal balance body. When introducing medications into the bladder through a special probe from abdominal cavity endoscopically, the effect occurs directly on the affected area. It is more effective and has fewer side effects. In severe cases it can be used surgical intervention, during which the muscles of the urethra and bladder are sutured.
  6. Treatment of urolithiasis begins with determining the type of stones formed in the bladder. Appointed special diet, which consists of high-quality medicinal feed with additives that dissolve certain type stones. Treatment is usually long-term and lasts several months. If a blockage occurs urinary tract, the only way to save the dog is urgently surgery.

From all of the above, we see that there can be many reasons for urinary incontinence and the ways to eliminate them are very different. But in all cases, you must be guided by the following rule: if a puppy or dog begins to pee frequently, you should never scold your pet. There is always some reason behind any deviation, and it can be very serious. You should carefully understand it, and then take action possible measures to eliminate it, carefully following the recommendations of the attending physician.

First you need to understand what the animal’s problem is. In a situation where the disease is caused by disturbances in the contractility of the anus, hormonal drugs will help solve the problem. In practice, this problem is familiar to many castrated animals; it is directly related to the lack of hormones in the body.

If there are other reasons, then the most effective option would be to use drugs belonging to the group of antidepressants. This refers specifically to the tricyclic type. Such remedies allow you to relax the bladder muscles and at the same time contract the sphincter.

These drugs are quite strong and can sometimes cause side effects. The use of such products is permitted only with the permission of a veterinarian. The doctor must also prescribe the correct dosage.

If a puppy pees

Incontinence is normal for young adults. Puppies can usually control their need to go to the toilet by four months of age. Much here also depends on the upbringing of the pet. The breeder is required to explain to the animal as clearly as possible where its toilet is located.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that puppies usually do not defecate without reason. As a rule, this is due to pathologies. If this is the case, then only surgery can correct the problem.

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the dog has begun to walk frequently, the first thing you need to do is give some drug that relieves the spasm. At the same time, you need to understand that this medicine will not solve the problem, but will only remove pain symptoms. Therefore, in any case, especially if the animal has severe unbearable pain, you need to pay a visit to the veterinary clinic and show the sufferer to the doctor.

Under no circumstances should you massage the bladder or provoke the emission of urine. Moreover, there is no need to attempt to insert a urinary catheter into your dog yourself. You should also not give your dog anything diuretic. In general, you should not start treating your pet on your own.

If the animal cannot urinate for a day or more, there is no need to waste time, but you need to take the dog and go to the clinic. If after examination the doctor does not find anything critical, then he may prescribe home treatment. In this case, the dog owner is obliged to follow all the doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate, as this will lead to additional complications.

If a dog has a blocked urethra, it should be immediately taken to a doctor so that he can restore the flow of urine. After the animal receives painkillers and sedatives, a catheter is placed.

We must remember that frequent urination often serves as a signal of the development of a serious problem in the dog’s body. This message cannot be ignored. And as soon as it became clear that the dog began to urinate frequently, and in small portions, you should take him to the veterinarian and let the doctor determine the cause and select the necessary treatment.

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Of course, no matter how long a dog has been suffering from frequent urination, it should be seen by a veterinarian. Effective assistance in such and many other cases is provided by veterinarians Center veterinary care animals "I-VET".

If the problem arose, for example, after sterilization, then the doctor, after a thorough examination, may prescribe corrective hormone therapy. For any diseases, and also after a thorough examination, comprehensive and effective treatment will be prescribed.

Well, if the problem arose not after sterilization, but generally out of nowhere, then animal psychologists will be happy to work with your pet to correct behavior and normalize reflexes.

How can you help your dog if he drinks too much water? Here are the basic recommendations to help novice dog breeders:

  1. Checking Dog Food for Salt. If foods are oversalted, you should change your diet and temporarily eliminate salt completely.
  2. By increasing the amount of protein foods in the menu, you can achieve a reduction in water consumption.
  3. If thirst is caused transfer to dry food, just put a large bowl of water and periodically add liquid to it.
  4. If the owner suspects the dog pyometra, you need to contact your veterinarian. He will appoint blood tests: general and biochemical, then send the animal for an ultrasound. Depending on the results obtained, treatment will be prescribed. In severe cases, this will be surgery with removal of the uterus and ovaries. Sometimes prescribed conservative treatment. This will include antibiotic therapy as well as the use of hormonal drugs, affecting the contraction of the uterus and the removal of any contents from it.
  5. Diabetes in animals is considered incurable, but the use of special medications can improve the condition and prolong the life of the pet. If your pet has diabetes, a diet will be recommended and insulin will be prescribed. The veterinarian will select the dose. It will depend on the constitutional characteristics of the dog, its physical activity. Regarding nutrition, it is best to transfer the animal to ready-made feed for diabetics. This will make it easier to control the nutrition process. Feed should be chosen only of high quality. If the doctor prescribes insulin, your pet will have to inject it at the same time every day. The doctor will select the dosage and tell you whether it is better to inject into the withers or chest. Special syringes are purchased at the pharmacy. You will also need to have a portable glucometer on hand to monitor your glucose levels. Sometimes, after taking insulin, an animal experiences an excessive drop in glucose levels, which can lead to the development of a hypoglycemic coma and can result in the death of the animal. If the level on the glucometer drops to 3 mmol/l, you should give the dog something sweet. For example, natural honey or dilute sugar in water and feed the animal with this syrup.
  6. For cystitis, give the dog as much as possible more water , you can brew bearberry and let your pet drink this decoction. Treatment with antibiotics is mandatory. IN veterinary clinic The bladder is washed with disinfecting solutions. Suitable for this purpose: furatsilin, potassium permanganate, penicillin. At infectious process urosulfan, furadonin are prescribed, and if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is detected, gonocrine is prescribed. Cystenal helps relieve spasms and soreness. It is dripped onto sugar and given to the pet to eat.

01/16/2017 by Eugene

Urinary incontinence in dogs can indicate the presence of various types of diseases. Such an unpleasant moment, by the way, can occur not only in elderly dogs, but also in small puppies. It should be remembered that any dog ​​is a living being. It is guided by instincts and various emotions. And for sexually mature males, the smell of urine is a sign of their own dignity and superiority, and therefore they can begin to mark their own territory.

Practice shows that most often a dog urinates for the following reasons:

  • fright;
  • stress;
  • fear resulting from contact with other, more aggressive animals;
  • painful sensations.

None therapeutic actions if the dog urinated for the reasons stated above, it is not required. The only thing that is necessary is to make some adjustments to your own actions.

But it also happens that urination is caused, for example, by urolithiasis. In this case, it is simply impossible to do without the intervention of doctors.

Features of behavior

Urinary incontinence in pets may also be due to behavioral characteristics. Believe me, in this case, you should not scold and punish your dog, since this will not bring any expected effect. Even if the animal urinates, the owner only has to be patient and persevering in order to wean the animal from this action.

If a male dog pees because he wants to mark his own territory, it will simply be impossible to wean him off this. Bitches, in turn, try to go to the toilet in a small way somewhere in the corner.

The best way to treat this type of incontinence is to sterilize or castrate the animal, since after this procedure their sexual instincts disappear.

Age characteristics

Urinary incontinence can also be caused by age-related changes that occurred in the dog’s body. The fact is that as an animal ages, its smooth muscles weaken. In this case, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The dog will need to be given special medications on which it will live for the rest of its days.

It should be remembered that if the smooth muscles weaken, the dog experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can only be relieved by emptying the bladder.

It is also not worth scolding the dog, since the previously obedient, but now sick, dog already understands perfectly well that it is impossible to act in this way, but cannot do anything about it. Treat a pet who has started peeing due to old age with understanding and respect.

A pet may also go to the toilet unscheduled because it drinks too much water. Then you should take him out for a walk more often, and also deal with the problems that result in overuse liquids.
Incontinence due to illness

Incontinence in dogs can also be caused by incontinence associated with inflammatory processes in her body. The most common diseases causing incontinence are:

  1. Cystitis. Define similar problem most often it is possible by simply passing a general urine test. Cystitis is directly related to hypothermia, as well as the presence of microbes in the dog’s body. This disease can be overcome with a course of antibiotics. You should not delay starting treatment, as soon there may come a time when blood appears in the animal’s urine. In this case, the treatment process will drag on for quite a long time.
  2. Polydipsia. If an animal consumes two or even three times more water than it needs per day, and at the same time it experiences incontinence, this may be associated with a disease called polydipsia. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after preliminary ultrasound examination. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured conservative methods unreal.

Among other things, the manifestation of this disease indicates that the dog has a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, as well as some others serious illnesses. Therefore, a dog that has been diagnosed with this condition requires constant care.

  1. Ectopia. This disease is not acquired, but congenital. Most often it affects representatives of the fair canine sex. Ectopia is usually diagnosed in a dog in puppyhood or adolescence. The disease can be cured only by surgery.

Incontinence in a puppy

But incontinence in a puppy is absolutely normal and natural. Veterinarians say that by about four months of age, puppies should learn to control their own urges to go to the toilet. However, do not forget about the features various breeds, due to which the period of the puppy’s awareness of the need to go to the toilet can drag on for much longer.