Important features of the use of folic acid for weight loss and in sports.

Nutritional supplements are now actively used by those who want to lose weight. Basically, the composition of the preparations includes biologically active substances that affect appetite, absorption of fats, cravings for sweets and metabolic rate. However, not only fashionable and promoted dietary supplements can be great helpers in the fight for harmony, but also ordinary vitamins, for example, folic acid, which is also called vitamin B9 or folacin.

Folic acid issued in this form:

How Vitamin B9 Helps You Lose Weight

Folic acid is necessary for a person literally from head to toe, as it contributes to the formation of red blood cells and is involved in the synthesis of proteins. Also, this vitamin significantly reduces the risk of birth defects in infants, therefore it is often prescribed to pregnant women. In addition, folacin has been adopted by nutritionists, as it helps to lose weight.

By itself, vitamin B9 is water-soluble, it is not biologically active. Only in the tissues of the liver is it activated, and the body can use it for its own purposes. However, sometimes there are changes in the gene set that prevent folic acid from being activated. Against the background of such disorders, obesity develops, which is extremely difficult to treat - it does not lend itself well to active training and the most stringent diets.

Supplemental folic acid intake vitamin complexes or an independent substance helps to activate metabolism and start the process of splitting already accumulated body fat into fatty acid and alcohols. Decay products naturally are excreted from the body, and the person gets the opportunity to reduce weight.

It is important to know that folic acid, like other vitamins and nutritional supplements, will not help you lose weight if you do not combine its intake with active training and a balanced diet. diet food. Only A complex approach to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

folic acid intake

The dosage and duration of vitamin B9 intake should be prescribed only by a doctor. The adult requirement for this element is 200 micrograms per day. Assuming normal health and no problems with overweight The body's entire dose of folic acid can be obtained from food.

Vitamin B9 you get from these foods:

However, if problems are found with the activation of the vitamin in the liver or during pregnancy, taking birth control pills, it is necessary increased amount folic acid for the normal functioning of the body and the prevention of obesity.

Your doctor should tell you how to take vitamins. Basically, one serving (one tablet) contains 1 mg or 5 mg active substance. Based on the release form, develop an admission plan.

Contraindications and overdose

Vitamin B9 is considered one of the safest for the body, because it is often prescribed to children and pregnant women without fear negative reactions. There are few contraindications to taking the drug, but if they are present, the doctor determines the appropriateness and possibility of therapy.

It is not recommended to take B9 in such cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • various forms anemia (impaired absorption of vitamin B12);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • deficiency of cobalamin in the body;
  • violation of iron metabolism;
  • hemosiderosis (excessive deposition of hemosiderin in tissues).

The benefits and harms of a food supplement are evaluated by a doctor based on a detailed study of each specific case.

If weight gain is not associated with a violation of the activation of folic acid in the liver, then taking vitamin B9 is considered inappropriate, it is better to replace it with other vitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes. It is impossible to increase the dose of the drug on your own in any case, this can cause serious complications.

Side effects in case of overdose:

  • nausea;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • allergy, which manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin and its itching;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamin B12.

Reviews of losing weight confirm that the correctly calculated dosage and time of taking folic acid-based preparations gives excellent results. Vitamin B9 stimulates the breakdown of fat deposits that have already accumulated in fat depots, and balanced diet and physical exercise do not allow the process of obesity to start again. The opinions of doctors about this supplement converge on its benefits to the body. Take vitamins correctly, keep active healthy lifestyle life and always be in shape!

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Reviews and comments

Folic acid for weight loss is not a treatment, but an excellent stimulant. It is responsible for all processes and favorable changes in the human body. In the complex treatment of obesity, the development and growth of blood cells are normalized, the bioprocesses of synthesizing protein complexes and metabolic processes. Detailed information about Folic acid is here.

Vitamin B9 enters the body both as a medicinal complex and together with consumed foods, then it is used by the body for its own purposes after folic acid is transformed into an active state in the cells of the main liver tissue.

There are cases when the use of a vitamin is impossible, this happens when a person has changes in the gene set, and at the same time the vitamin cannot go through all the stages of activation of the chemical state. Such people are prone to rapid accumulation of body fat and weight gain, which is not reduced even if efforts have been made. This pathology is called obesity.

It is impossible to get rid of obesity at this stage without treatment, so if the diet is useless, you can correct the situation with folic acid. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will choose a treatment method, mainly this is the use of food additives and vitamin complexes.

The process of losing weight with vitamin B9

Nutritionists, having adopted folic acid, condition their decision on the fact that the use of additional vitamin complexes, in addition to those that enter the body naturally, will activate metabolism. In addition, as a result of therapy, the process of splitting fatty deposits into alcohols and fatty acids is launched. Further, the decay products naturally leave the body, and a person is able to reduce weight.

Of course, taking vitamin B9 alone will not help you lose weight, so it should be in addition to your diet, supplements, other vitamins, and exercise. The desired results can only be achieved using an integrated approach.

In addition to the use of vitamin complexes, in order for folic acid to enter the body, you need to eat foods that contain it:

  • Greens, including lettuce and spinach
  • Broccoli and kale
  • seeds, beans, green pea and asparagus
  • Mushrooms, potatoes, turnips
  • Sprouted wheat, corn and millet
  • Almonds, figs and dates
  • Citrus fruits, melon and bananas
  • Juices, orange, tomato and pineapple are best
  • Brewer's yeast and pasta, the latter only allowed made from durum wheat
  • Meat and other animal organs such as kidneys, liver, heart and seafood.

B9 is a safe vitamin, but taking long time experts do not recommend it. Folic acid with diet and other activities is not recommended for use if allergies are noted, bronchial asthma and diseases affecting the kidneys.

Dosage of vitamin B9 for obesity

Following the instructions during the period of taking vitamins is simply necessary, it is important not to exceed the daily allowance. How to take vitamin B9 will tell only the attending physician, as each case is individual. For adults and children, the norm is different. This is due to the volume consumed per day by the body. Further, the dosage is indicated in mcg, despite the fact that 1 mg is 1000 mcg. Regardless of the reason for using vitamin B9, the average dosage is:

  • up to a year from 40 to 60
  • from 1 to 3 years up to 100
  • from 4 to 12 years 200
  • from 13 to 18 years up to 300
  • from 18 years old 400
  • for pregnant women 600
  • breastfeeding mothers 500.

Overdose and side effects

If you take a vitamin for a long time, then it may appear side effects:

Side effects are also manifested as a result of exceeding the required daily intake of the vitamin. On this basis, it is noted:

  • frequent convulsions
  • sleep problems
  • diarrhea and constipation
  • nausea and vomiting
  • overexcitability
  • pain in the abdomen.

In the event of the manifestation of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. At the same time, he will tell you how to continue taking folic acid for weight loss, for a while the dosage can be lowered, or for some time it is completely excluded from the course of treatment.

Folic acid for weight loss

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Nutritionists' reviews of folic acid for weight loss are unequivocal: vitamin B9 (folic acid) is one of the 8 B vitamins, they are responsible for converting food (carbohydrates) into energy, and also help the absorption of proteins and fats. Vitamin B9 is essential for smooth skin, good for eyes, hair and liver, it supports brain function and nervous system Helps regulate muscle movements.

From Latin, the translation means leaves, since folic acid is found in green leaves: spinach, broccoli, green onions. All these products are widely used in diet menus, because when using them, we do not get additional calories, but we significantly fill the body with microelements and vitamins.

Folic acid is very unstable: it is destroyed by light, heat or cooking and at acidity below pH 4, it can be destroyed at room temperature as a result of long storage.

What is folic acid for: Video review

Folic acid for weight loss: reviews of nutritionists

Vitamin B9 is transported into the blood from gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid was discovered in 1931. for the treatment of anemia in pregnant women. In addition, it was recommended to take yeast to alleviate the symptoms of anemia. In 1945 folic acid was found in spinach.

B9 deficiency is now known to be very similar to B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency can lead to progressive and irreversible neurological damage. If during a vitamin B12 deficiency, taking a lot of folic acid can be reduced bad influence deficit until it starts effective treatment vitamin B12.

Vitamin deficiency is most often observed in the elderly, in alcoholics, mentally ill, in patients with epilepsy, in women taking birth control pills in people who are being treated with antibiotics. During pregnancy, women should first take care of sufficient vitamin intake (RDA doubles vitamin levels during pregnancy).

In addition, people who consume products with high content fats: meat, white flour, white sugar, etc., folic acid deficiency may develop. Normal level acid is easy to maintain by eating fresh vegetables every day.

The best thing is to get enough vitamins from food. The best dietary sources of vitamin B9 are green leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, asparagus, broccoli, starchy vegetables, corn, beans, green peas, potatoes, parsnips, wheat, whole grains. There are also fruits rich in vitamin B9: orange, melon, pineapple, banana, strawberry and other berries.

Folic acid is found in raw foods, in thermally processed it almost does not remain, but it is easily digested and well preserved in our body.

This vitamin is used in the treatment chronic diarrhea, it is also useful for depression, brain disorders, epilepsy and, most importantly, in a diet for weight loss.

Folic acid: Video instructions for use

This is useful to know:

Can you take folic acid for weight loss?

Beauty requires sacrifice? Fortunately, not always. Used modern women for weight loss, folic acid does not expect them to perform feats of self-torture. It is one of the B vitamins and can bring not only aesthetic benefits, but also healing.

There is a lot of it in some foods, but not enough to fully meet all the body's needs for this substance. Therefore, folic acid is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and ampoules for injection.

The only sad thing is that not every person will find this tool useful in terms of combating extra pounds. Let's try to figure out why.

What it is?

Folic acid is called vitamin B9, which is necessary for living organisms for the normal functioning of the circulatory and immune systems. It is a crystalline powder of yellow-orange hues, it dissolves in alkaline environment but quite resistant to water and alcohols.

The study of the vitamin began in the 1930s. It turned out that pregnant women are well helped by yeast extract from anemia. To understand due to which component this happens, the product was literally “disassembled” by molecules and found the same “hero of the day” - folic acid.

In 1945, for the first time, it was possible to synthesize it artificially. Interestingly, in Food Industry a number of countries subsequently introduced mandatory fortification of products with vitamin B9.

In nature this important component available in:

  • green crops;
  • broccoli cabbage;
  • leguminous plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • potatoes;
  • fruits (melons, citrus);
  • dried fruits (dates);
  • nuts;
  • fish and seafood;
  • liver, kidneys.

It is important to keep in mind that in the process of cooking (when heated), some of the vitamins are destroyed.

Indications for the use of the drug

The scope of folic acid is quite wide. The drug is prescribed:

Physicians use these beneficial features acids like:

  • participation in the processes of DNA synthesis, protein biosynthesis;
  • the ability to influence the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats;
  • support of the body's immune system;
  • a positive effect on brain cells, enhancing their performance;
  • participation in the processes of regeneration;
  • help to overcome depressive states;
  • the ability to influence the healing and pigmentation of the skin.

Among the valuable qualities of vitamin B9 is its participation in the production of serotonin. This substance is called the hormone of joy. It is easier to carry various diseases, despondency and depression are overcome - conditions characteristic of people who dream of losing weight, but suffer one setback after another.

Specifically, for these people, folic acid can be really useful, as it increases the speed of metabolic processes, is involved in fat burning. Under its influence, the fat reserves accumulated in the body are broken down into fatty acids and alcohols and, in this form, are excreted from the body through excretory systems.

Does it help to lose weight?

Experts consider folic acid not a medicine for weight loss, but a stimulant necessary processes. AT pure form vitamin B9 is not perceived by the body, its “activation” occurs in the liver, which, unfortunately, does not always cope with the task 100 percent (sometimes this is due to disorders at the gene level).

The result of this is speed dial extra pounds, which can be stopped by an additional "portion" of acid in the form of a pharmaceutical for weight loss.

Any strict diets and physical activity is powerless in this situation. But in combination with the intake of B9, other vitamin complexes, an integrated approach to the problem is provided - weight can be lost.

Harm and contraindications

There are, unfortunately, circumstances in which the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  • some forms of anemia;
  • inability to absorb iron;
  • oncological diseases.

Problems can arise from exceeding the recommended dose. As a result, intoxication of the body usually occurs. Its manifestations:

  • bloating and pain;
  • feeling of bitterness;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • bowel problems (diarrhea, constipation);
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive excitability;
  • convulsions (in people with epilepsy);
  • allergic symptoms.

You can correct the situation by reducing the dosage of the drug taken. It is best to consult a doctor who will select the dose that will be optimal. AT exceptional cases the drug will have to be abandoned completely.

Methods of application and dosage

Main danger the drug is in overdose. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and not get confused in units of measurement. Folic acid is usually measured in micrograms (mcg), which is a mass equal to one millionth of a gram or one thousandth of a milligram.

Regardless of the purpose of using folic acid (be it weight loss or complex therapy), the rate of use is usually standard. Per day it is:

  • for children from 13 to 18 years old - no more than 300 mcg;
  • for those over 18 years old - 400 mcg;
  • pregnant women - 600 mcg;
  • nursing mothers - 500 mcg.

Doctors advise taking pills during or after meals, dividing the daily rate into 3-5 doses. Average duration course - 60 days.

Doctors' opinions

In order not to give anyone vain hopes, doctors say that folic acid is effective in fighting extra pounds only if obesity is caused by a lack of this substance in the body. It will help to get clarity on this issue. laboratory research, which means that without consulting a doctor, it is pointless to carry out a course of weight loss with the help of B9, you can not wait for the desired results.

Although in general, there will undoubtedly be benefits for the body. It is no coincidence that doctors prescribe folic acid to expectant mothers in order to strengthen the body of a woman in such a difficult period and a baby that grows and develops in the womb.

For men, this drug is prescribed to strengthen their reproductive system, as well as to restore strength during high physical and mental stress. The elderly need folic acid for better work heart and blood vessels.

Beauty requires sacrifice? Fortunately, not always. The folic acid used by modern women for weight loss does not expect them to perform feats of self-torture. It is one of the B vitamins and can bring not only aesthetic benefits, but also healing.

There is a lot of it in some foods, but not enough to fully meet all the body's needs for this substance. Therefore, folic acid is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and ampoules for injection.

The only sad thing is that not every person will find this tool useful in terms of combating extra pounds. Let's try to figure out why.

What it is?

Folic acid is called vitamin B9 necessary for living organisms for the normal functioning of the circulatory and immune systems. This is a yellow-orange crystalline powder, it dissolves in an alkaline environment, but is quite resistant to water and alcohols.

The study of the vitamin began in the 1930s. It turned out that pregnant women are well helped by yeast extract from anemia. To understand due to which component this happens, the product was literally “disassembled” by molecules and found the same “hero of the day” - folic acid.

In 1945, for the first time, it was possible to synthesize it artificially. Interestingly, in the food industry of a number of countries, mandatory fortification of products with vitamin B9 was subsequently introduced.

In nature, this important component is found in:

  • green crops;
  • broccoli cabbage;
  • leguminous plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • potatoes;
  • fruits (melons, citrus);
  • dried fruits (dates);
  • nuts;
  • fish and seafood;
  • liver, kidneys.

It is important to keep in mind that in the process of cooking (when heated), some of the vitamins are destroyed.

Indications for the use of the drug

The scope of folic acid is quite wide. The drug is prescribed:

Physicians use such useful properties of acid as:

  • participation in the processes of DNA synthesis, protein biosynthesis;
  • the ability to influence the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats;
  • support of the body's immune system;
  • a positive effect on brain cells, enhancing their performance;
  • participation in the processes of regeneration;
  • help in overcoming depression;
  • the ability to influence the healing and pigmentation of the skin.

Among the valuable qualities of vitamin B9 is its participation in the production of serotonin. This substance is called the hormone of joy. With it, various diseases are easier to tolerate, despondency and depression are overcome - conditions characteristic of people who dream of losing weight, but who suffer one setback after another.

Specifically, for these people, folic acid can be really useful, as it increases the speed of metabolic processes, is involved in fat burning. Under its influence, the fat reserves accumulated in the body are broken down into fatty acids and alcohols and, in this form, are excreted from the body through the excretory systems.

Does it help to lose weight?

Experts consider folic acid not a medicine for weight loss, but a stimulant of the necessary processes.. In its pure form, vitamin B9 is not perceived by the body, its “activation” occurs in the liver, which, unfortunately, does not always cope with the task 100 percent (sometimes this is due to disorders at the gene level).

The result of this is a quick set of extra pounds, which can be stopped by an additional "portion" of acid in the form of a pharmaceutical for weight loss.

Any strict diets and physical activity are powerless in this situation. But in combination with the intake of B9, other vitamin complexes, an integrated approach to the problem is provided - weight can be lost.

Harm and contraindications

There are, unfortunately, circumstances in which the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  • some forms of anemia;
  • inability to absorb iron;
  • oncological diseases.

Problems may arise due to exceeding the recommended dose. As a result, intoxication of the body usually occurs. Its manifestations:

  • bloating and pain;
  • feeling of bitterness;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • bowel problems (diarrhea, constipation);
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive excitability;
  • convulsions (in people with epilepsy);
  • allergic symptoms.

You can correct the situation by reducing the dosage of the drug taken.. It is best to consult a doctor who will select the dose that will be optimal. In exceptional cases, the drug will have to be abandoned completely.

Methods of application and dosage

The main danger of the drug is in overdose. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and not get confused in units of measurement. Folic acid is usually measured in micrograms (mcg), which is a mass equal to one millionth of a gram or one thousandth of a milligram.

Regardless of the purpose of using folic acid (be it weight loss or complex therapy), the rate of use is usually standard. Per day it is:

  • for children from 13 to 18 years old - no more than 300 mcg;
  • for those who are over 18 years old - 400 mcg;
  • pregnant women - 600 mcg;
  • nursing mothers - 500 mcg.

Doctors advise taking pills during or after meals, dividing the daily rate into 3-5 doses. The average course duration is 60 days.

Doctors' opinions

In order not to give anyone vain hopes, doctors say: folic acid is effective in fighting extra pounds only if obesity is caused by a lack of this substance in the body. Laboratory studies will help to get clarity on this issue, which means that without consulting a doctor, it is pointless to carry out a weight loss course with B9, the desired results may not be expected.

Although in general, there will undoubtedly be benefits for the body. It is no coincidence that doctors prescribe folic acid to expectant mothers in order to strengthen the body of a woman in such a difficult period and a baby that grows and develops in the womb.

For men, this drug is prescribed to strengthen their reproductive system, as well as to restore strength during high physical and mental stress. The elderly contingent needs folic acid for better functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Vitamins belonging to the B group big influence on the normal work organism as a whole. Vitamins from this group affect all processes occurring in a person. One of the most important vitamins of this group is folic acid or vitamins B9. By the way, we recently published an article about (in which products).

Folic acid for weight loss is involved in the bioprocesses of synthesizing protein complexes of the body, ensures the normalization of growth and development of blood cells, has a significant effect on metabolic processes occurring in the body. In the process of gestation, taking folic acid preparations is extremely necessary procedure, since without its additional volumes, disturbances in the intrauterine development of the child may occur.

The information that is encoded in the human gene apparatus provides the conditions for the folic acid that comes with food to be transformed in the cells of the main liver tissue into an active state in which the body is able to use it in its metabolic processes.

However, in some representatives of humanity, there are changes in the gene set that lead to the fact that folic acid does not go through the stage of activation of the chemical state in which the body is able to use it. The result of such a violation is a rapid weight gain, which does not decrease even with the application of certain efforts to reduce it. There is obesity in the human body.

Such type of obesity cannot be corrected through the use of a variety of diets, fasting and increased physical activity. When this type of body obesity is detected, treatment is required using specialized vitamin complexes in combination with special nutritional supplements.

How does folic acid for weight loss work on the body

The additional intake of folic acid, which is part of the vitamin complexes, makes it possible to increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body, and also helps to accelerate the process of burning fat from fat depots . This, in turn, can significantly reduce body weight. Under the influence of folic acid, the internal fat reserve is split into fatty acids and simple alcohols, which are removed from the body's environment using the excretory system.

The intake of additional portions of folic acid for weight loss by a person is one of the points of specially designed programs for weight loss, which, in addition to taking vitamin B9, include a number of specialized diets and a set of physical exercises aimed at achieving the effect of weight loss. Taking only additional amounts of this biologically active substance does not allow you to achieve significant success in the process of weight loss without diet and physical activity.

Shouldn't make a decision about using additional drugs containing folic acid on their own without proper consultation with dietitians. Before starting the use of such medications, a consultation with a nutritionist is required, and only after his affirmative answer should you start taking vitamins containing vitamin B9 in their composition. Before recommending taking folic acid supplements, the attending physician will recommend taking certain tests, which will allow him to draw an appropriate conclusion about whether the use of additional amounts of the vitamin is required or not. The tests that the doctor recommends to pass will also allow him to determine true reason excessive weight gain and prescribe an appropriate course of vitamin therapy in combination with a diet.

Supplemental folic acid should only be used if the process of weight gain is indeed associated with disorders that affect the absorption of vitamin B9.. The need for folic acid per day for an adult is about 200 micrograms. It is best to take additional servings of folic acid at the same time as taking vitamins such as C and B12. Most often, folic acid preparations are produced in combination with the above vitamins.

Folic acid intake symptoms

To the deficiency of folic acid, and, consequently, the development of obesity processes lead to the use of antiepileptic, anti-tuberculosis, nitrofuran drugs.

Long-term use of folic acid preparations can lead to the formation of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Among the symptoms characterizing the lack of folic acid in the body, the main ones are the following symptoms: fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, breathing difficulties, memory problems, digestive disorders, apathy, anemia and many others.

People who are actively involved in sports need to get vitamins and minerals. They support the metabolic rate, fight fatigue, help maintain muscle mass.

Folic acid is successfully used by athletes. This vitamin is responsible for converting carbohydrates into energy, so nutritionists prescribe it to people who want to lose weight.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is a water-soluble compound necessary for the formation and support of the circulatory and immune systems. Derivatives of the vitamin have the same properties, are called "folates". Active study of B9 began in the 30s of the twentieth century, in 1945 it was synthesized artificially.

Folic acid is involved in all body processes:

  1. Improves protein synthesis.
  2. Supports immunity.
  3. Increases the efficiency of brain cells.
  4. Accelerates regeneration processes.
  5. Increases metabolism.
  6. Heals the skin.
  7. Increases the production of serotonin (the happy hormone).

The beneficial properties of the vitamin determine the breadth of its application. B9 appoint:

  1. At the stage of preparation for conception, also up to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. For the prevention of cancer.
  3. With anemia.
  4. AT complex treatment diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. To accelerate hair growth, improve their condition.
  6. For weight loss.
  7. When playing sports.

Folic acid deficiency can cause anemia, in which there is weakness and decreased performance. Vitamin deficiency also contributes to the development of obesity.

Application for weight loss

The use of folic acid for weight loss is due to its ability to increase the rate of metabolic processes and break down fats.

Not for nothing is B9 called " slimness vitamin". It begins to activate in the liver, breaking down fats into fatty acids and alcohols, which are then excreted from the body naturally.

Some people's livers can't activate all the folic acid they get from food, so they gain weight. In this case, you must additionally take B9.

Folic acid alone will not cope with obesity, it is an addition to diet and exercise.

How to use

An adult needs 200 mcg this vitamin per day. Take better together with vitamin C and B12 so they have a better effect on metabolism. The duration of the course is 60 days. The exact dosage can only be determined by a doctor.

achieve good results succeeds only when obesity is associated with a lack of this particular acid.

Important! Some people have failures at the gene level, then B9 is powerless in the fight against excess weight.

Sports needs

During sports, a person's need for folic acid is much greater than that of those who do not play sports, since it takes part in protein synthesis.

How to take in bodybuilding

For a person involved in strength sports, it is very important to gain and maintain muscle mass. Folate promotes active protein synthesis which promotes muscle growth.

Intense training requires the athlete to be stamina and vigor throughout the entire workout.

In addition, the risk of a decrease in immune responses increases, as a result, the body does not resist viruses well.

Folic acid prevents all negative processes, helps:

  • extend the time of the training process;
  • quickly restore strength after exhausting workouts;
  • cope with fatigue, loss of strength during the day;
  • prevent injury, sprains;
  • reduce recovery time after exercise.

The daily requirement for bodybuilders doubles and is 600mcg. Sometimes doctors recommend taking 1000 mcg, it depends on muscle mass, intensity, number of workouts.

Usually daily dose divided into two or three times, regardless of meals: in the morning before class, two hours after training and in the evening. It is very important to drink a vitamin after class, since it is after 1.5-2 hours that the body begins to actively absorb vitamins and minerals.

Without vitamins, the processes of muscle catabolism begin, which must be prevented.

Benefits in other sports

People who are actively involved in sports such as running, dancing, gymnastics need B9 for prevent muscle loss, increase endurance.

Besides, jerky movements, heavy loads lead to injury, microfractures muscle fibers. Folacin protects ligaments and muscles from negative processes.

The vitamin is involved in the metabolism of iron, increases the synthesis of red blood cells, thereby maintaining the level of hemoglobin. The adaptive functions of the body increase.

acid renders positive influence on a person's mood. Promoting the production of serotonin and norepinephrine, the vitamin gives a charge of vivacity, at the same time it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

As a result, it is easier for an athlete to cope with stress and fatigue. Daily rate folic acid for athletes 400-600 mcg. The need depends on the type of sport, the intensity of the load.

Therefore, folic acid is included in the list of mandatory vitamin supplements for athletes, it allows you to get the most out of the training process.

Side effects and contraindications

It is not always safe to take this supplement. Certain diseases are contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • impaired absorption of iron;
  • asthma;
  • some forms of anemia;
  • kidney failure;
  • individual intolerance.

Side effects may also appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, flatulence;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • excitability, insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • allergy.

Vitamin overdose is dangerous. To avoid it, you must not exceed the maximum daily dose, which is determined by the doctor. Not recommended long-term use(more than 60 days).

In addition to taking folic acid supplements, you should eat foods rich in this vitamin. Especially a lot of B9 contain products of animal origin.

Source of folacin - whole grain flour, legumes, fresh herbs(spinach, parsley, cabbage). B9 is present in dairy products.

Important! Heat treatment destroys most vitamin A.

If a person is not engaged professional sports, then he may well replenish the reserves of folacin by eating foods rich in this vitamin.


Folic acid - vital important vitamin, ensuring the smooth operation of the whole organism, actively participating in metabolism.

With a deficiency of B9, a person's immunity, hemoglobin decreases, lethargy and apathy appear. Widely used in complex therapy for weight loss and control, even in obese patients.

Professional athletes have included folic acid in the list essential vitamins. It helps maintain muscle mass quick recovery helps to achieve maximum effect in training.

In contact with

Folic acid is one of the vitamins that are not only actively involved in vital metabolic processes, but also increase their rates. Since this vitamin improves the quality and speed of metabolic processes, folic acid is essential element for effective prevention accumulation of body fat, normalizing the weight of a person. It is noteworthy that similar properties of this element have been known for a long time, but in practice folic acid has been used for weight loss relatively recently.

Previously, this drug was prescribed exclusively to women during pregnancy, since the elements of this product contribute to the correct intrauterine development. However, studies by nutritionists confirming the benefits and effectiveness of folic acid have made a splash, multiplying the number of cases of using folic acid for weight loss.

Since the introduction of folic acid on the pharmaceutical market to the present day, it has been considered the main means of drug support for the body of a pregnant woman. However, experience and practice have proven that its use can contribute to weight loss. However, this product there is individual characteristics which must be taken into account.

First of all, folic acid has a special mechanism of action on the body when losing weight. This is due to the fact that this substance does not belong to the group of laxatives and diuretics, and also does not suppress appetite. Its action is softer and safer than that of weight loss drugs, but this affects the rate of weight loss.

The effectiveness of this acid is due to its properties:

  • increase in the speed of metabolic processes;
  • accelerating the rate of decomposition and burning of body fat;
  • promoting the removal of decay products from the liver;
  • excretion of a complex of harmful and dangerous substances, microelements from the body.

Thanks to so a wide range folic acid is quite actively and effectively used for weight loss and weight maintenance. However, it is important to note that the safety and effectiveness of administration directly depend on compliance with the requirements and prescriptions of a particular pharmaceutical product containing folate.

It is noteworthy that folic acid is completely ineffective for weight loss if weight problems are associated with serious illnesses or a hormonal disorder.

Folic acid is a fairly specific substance that enters the human body from food. Abuse and taking too large dose this element are invalid. Losing weight with it is contraindicated if a person is diagnosed with:

  • anemia;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • oncology;
  • asthma;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • acute sucrose deficiency;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • indigestibility of fructose;
  • hemochromatosis.

The list of such ailments is quite long. More specific contraindications will depend on the specific drug chosen. Information about contraindications must be indicated in the instructions for the pharmaceutical product.

It is important to note that some sources indicate that folic acid is easily soluble in water, that is, it is easily excreted from the body and is not capable of causing serious harm to it. This is an erroneous opinion, since the abuse of this substance can be the root cause of severe consequences:

  • problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • increased excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • general weakness and poor health;
  • development of oncological diseases.

The intensity and list of such manifestations directly depend on the duration of the course of folate intake and the volume of their consumption. In this regard, it is strongly recommended not to abuse this substance and to coordinate the duration of its use with a qualified dietitian.

Vitamin Sources

Folic acid is produced large quantity specialized pharmaceutical manufacturers. Release form: capsules, tablets, powder. The properties necessary to activate the process of losing weight are inherent in this substance, regardless of its form.

In almost every pharmacy, you can find several preparations based on folic acid. It is noteworthy that in most cases they differ only in the form of release, packaging and cost. That is why the choice in favor of one or another means can be made only on the basis of personal preferences. However, we must not forget that the pharmaceutical product must be certified.

It is curious that even those folic acid-based products that are intended for pregnant women can be used for weight loss. Such preparations are of higher quality and include a strictly regulated amount of the active substance, which is safe for health. Almost all pharmaceuticals This group is sold without medical prescription.

An alternative way to obtain this substance is to include foods rich in natural folic acid in the diet. Fortunately, there are many such products. Their use is safer and can provide a similar result of losing weight, because natural vitamin begins to act quickly and improves metabolic processes.

The main sources of natural folic acid include:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • berries;
  • citrus;
  • cereals;
  • liver;
  • nuts;
  • eggs.

The list of such products is quite wide, but the content of folic acid directly depends on the degree heat treatment. So, to increase the effectiveness of losing weight, it is advisable to eat foods raw or with a minimum of processing.

It is very important to know and remember that weight loss with folic acid should never be combined with taking antibiotics and other medicines, since almost all drugs impair the absorption of folins into the blood, respectively, the effectiveness of losing weight is greatly reduced.

When used for weight loss folic acid in the form pharmaceutical product it is extremely important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the course of administration and dosage. Failure to follow this rule may result in severe consequences in the form of health problems.

For more effective weight loss It is better to consult a qualified nutritionist first. His recommendations allow you to make the process of losing weight not only faster, but also safer.

Insofar as this vitamin does not apply to fat burners, it is impossible to ensure the desired result of losing weight solely by taking it. During the course of folin use, physical activity should be increased many times, and the diet should be changed. During this period, it is important to spend more calories daily than what is ingested with food.

During weight loss, you need to drink plenty of water. This will further stimulate metabolic processes for weight loss.

When there are complaints about general state and manifestations side effects you should immediately stop taking the vitamin and seek medical help.


For adults, the daily dose should not exceed 5 mg. In this case, the vitamin should be consumed during or immediately after a meal. It is important to swallow the tablets whole, without first crushing them, since a special protective coating is applied to their surface. Tablets and capsules should be taken with plenty of water. The course of weight loss with acid intake should not exceed 1 month. The break between courses is also 1 month.

Weight loss with folic acid new way the fight against body fat, which has many characteristic features and contraindications, but at the same time, with full observance of all the basic recommendations and rules, it brings the desired result.