Visceral massage of the abdomen of the oguls. Visceral abdominal massage: what are the benefits

Forerunner Visceral Practice

Venous and lymphatic congestion, spasm, prolapse of internal organs relative to each other are the most common cause occurrence pathological conditions organism. Suggested methodology external influence on the internal organs of the abdomen, the method of Ogulov A.T., makes it possible to effectively eliminate these pathologies.

In the process of visceral practice, a specialist performs dosed pressure on the diseased organ with his hands, at the required angle, according to certain laws.

As a result, the functions of organs are restored and normalized, and this, in turn, affects the state of the body as a whole, life expectancy, working capacity, psycho-emotional state. Since time immemorial, massage of the internal organs has been used in folk medicine, as a means of helping to survive in extreme conditions. Heavy physical work, household injuries, as well as wars were the main reason for this.

Various injuries and injuries associated with the life of a person of that time forced people to look for ways to eliminate similar phenomena. And of course, the most basic indication that forced people to deal with the stomach is pain. Relief of the condition of the victim at the first moment of injury or illness through massage of internal organs made people engaged in such activities think about finding additional funds, which would later help in his rehabilitation. Herbs, leeches, bees, pots, charms, etc. were such means that enhance the recovery process.

For example, pots were placed in order to organize hematomas on the body. Hematoma, as we can now say, considering this topic from a scientific standpoint, solved the problem of local immunity, activated metabolic processes at the place of their placement on the patient's body.

Leeches were used to improve the blood supply to organs and blood extraction.

Conspiracies for the psychological and mental support of the suffering, etc.

Today, such healing techniques are called visceral practice.

There are many types of massage. However, the universal option among them long time did not have.

A unique technique appeared relatively recently thanks to Alexander Ogulov.

His method is aimed not only at eliminating internal diseases, but also at improving the appearance of the patient.

Alexander Ogulov is a professor and doctor in the field traditional medicine. Thanks to his activities, he became a pioneer and direct founder of a new direction of its kind. It is he who owns the development of the postulates of visceral therapy.

Ogulov was the first in medicine to propose a method of abdominal massage, which is done to normalize the activity of internal organs. For the first time, Alexander Ogulov started developing this vector of traditional medicine about 30 years ago, in 1985.

Today, the doctor has so effectively demonstrated the work of his own system that he has gained fair popularity not only at home, but also abroad. He has many followers, and the number of Ogulov's own students has long since exceeded 5,000.

Now the professor also acts as the president of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists, is CEO and the ideological inspirer of the work of the Forerunner Training and Health Center.

Other regalia of Ogulov include membership in the international Academy natural sciences which is located in Germany. At home, the doctor became an active member of the presidium dedicated to the healers of Russia, who came out of the people.

No less weighty is the list of Ogulov's merits. Alexander not only wrote several author's books, but was also awarded various orders and medals dedicated to his contribution to the development of national traditional medicine. Moreover, professor and author unique technique was honored to receive the Order of the Red Cross.

Massage technique of Alexander Ogulov

The technique of visceral massage is unique. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it does not belong to the category of borrowed manual technologies. There is nothing from Western or Eastern practices in it. This massage is based on the principle of ancient Russian healing.

Today it has become known for sure that the Slavs eliminated many types of pain just through the effects on the stomach. That is why Ogulov's technique is often referred to as Old Slavonic massage.

Experts also call the naturopathic technique visceral chiropractic. This name most fully reflects the meaning of the technique:

  • chiropractor has an effect on the abdomen;
  • affects internal organs;
  • through them it affects the whole body, including the brain, blood vessels and joints.

It is this regular sequence that is fundamentally different from other well-known and frequently used practices in this field of medicine. They, as a rule, can eliminate pain in the joints or muscles, affect nerve fibers relieve discomfort in the limbs or back.

Ogulov himself explains this effectiveness of the method unique system blood supply, interaction of nerve endings, endocrine system and internal organs, which are just in the abdomen.

The chiropractor calls this part of the body the second brain. There is some truth in this statement. The stomach always sensitively responds to everything that happens to the brain. Anger, fear, feelings are instantly reflected on its functioning.

All these postulates became the basis for the author of the methodology to develop his own unique methodology. Through the treatment of the abdomen, he proposes to seek the elimination of all other diseases. So, Ogulov proves that an ailment in one part of the body responds with discomfort in another area of ​​the body.

For example, a doctor claims that diseases in the gallbladder can be expressed unpleasant sensations at the top of the head. Also, getting rid of the gallbladder from the disease can eliminate epileptic seizures.

In addition, this internal organ can become a kind of litmus paper, reflecting the condition of the joints. For example, a crunch in the knee area can directly indicate problems with the stomach. This is due to the fact that bile can sometimes stagnate. As a result, the mobility of all joints is sharply limited.

That is why, according to the practitioner Ogulov, through his technology of the old Slavic massage of the abdomen, a variety of and at first glance completely unrelated diseases are easily cured. These are diseases and problems in the area:

  • reproductive system;
  • kidneys;
  • gallbladder;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraine;
  • arthritis;
  • jumps in blood pressure.

The professor strives through his own methodology to come to the deliverance of patients from oncology. However, he directly notes that massage will not be a panacea for cancer. It can only significantly reduce pain patient and somewhat prolong his life.

Ogulov oncological patients himself teaches some massage techniques, the effect of which is stronger than even the most powerful medicines.

The doctor explains the need for visceral massage simply. He is sure that over the years, internal organs can shift.

Infections, diseases, poor ecology, powerful loads lead to their compression. That is why there are lethargy, spasms, pain. As a result, the blood supply in this area slows down.

Massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov is still needed in order for the internal organs to return to their original, correct position.

This allows not only to normalize the natural process of blood supply, but also to restore the tone and natural arrangement of the organs. This will become the key to the optimal interconnection of all parts of the body with each other, including with the brain.

Abdominal massage technique

A massage session cannot be started directly without a preliminary diagnosis. A competent chiropractor can even calculate from the patient's face most ailments and disorders.

Introductory training video from Alexander Ogulov about the technique of performing abdominal massage.

For example, at the temples, the doctor can find out about the state of the gallbladder. The forehead is a reflection of the functioning of the intestines. About the kidneys can be found in the area around the eyes. Edema, acne, enlarged pores and others cosmetic defects also indicate a malfunction of certain internal organs.

The next step is manual diagnostics. Its essence lies in the possibility of determining the state of internal organs by touch. This is an important step because, according to the chiropractor, initial stage development of the disease, a person does not experience pain and does not even feel the slightest discomfort.

The impact on the body begins with the area under the pit of the stomach. It is here that the so-called onion is located. duodenum. Then the chiropractor, with a precisely calculated level of exposure, presses on this place. This is done while exhaling.

This allows you to eliminate spasms of the gallbladder. Also, when the muscles relax, the doctor manages to knead himself gallbladder ducts of the pancreas and liver. The manual practitioner manages to turn the intestines, as a result of which each internal organ takes its natural position.

The technique of abdominal massage according to Ogulov after kneading the gallbladder in the exact sequence involves the impact on:

  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • genitals;
  • spleen.

At the same time, the chiropractor most delicately, carefully and with little force presses on the walls of the abdomen. Only fingers are used during the session. Sometimes an experienced and highly qualified specialist can gently and accurately manipulate the fist. The strength of the impact may increase slightly if the patient does not experience discomfort.

If a person feels pain at a certain point, then the chiropractor lingers in this place and massages it until the discomfort disappears.

However, the force of impact does not increase. In any case, the ultimate goal is to eliminate pain and normalize the functioning of organs.

Due to the close interconnection of all internal organs, reflex impulses are transmitted to them in turn.

That is why the massage session itself is very sensitive. Moreover, often the patient during the procedure may experience discomfort and pain.

An excellent effect from the Old Slavonic massage can be obtained if during the session a special needle applicator is placed under the back. This nuance will be the key to the most productive impact on the spine.

One session lasts approximately 60 minutes. If the chiropractor is a real professional, relief will come after it is completed. The entire course consists of 10-20 sessions.

Indications and contraindications

Since visceral abdominal massage is able to cope with various diseases, Ogulov recommends it to get rid of:

  • endocrine diseases, as the method improves the well-being of diabetics;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver, including cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis;
  • female and male diseases affecting the genitals, including prostatitis, prolapse and bending of the uterus, cysts, cycle failures;
  • unpinched ;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, constipation, gastritis, enteritis, duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers outside the period of exacerbation, hemorrhoids.
Also, this kind of unique massage technique can effectively affect the elimination of cardiovascular disease, migraine, ailments in the area urinary tract and kidneys. Old Slavic massage of the abdomen is able to cope with kidney prolapse, cystitis, pyelonephritis, incontinence and urolithiasis.

Also, Ogulov's technique solves problems in the field of breathing. Massage can eliminate bronchitis and even asthma. It is also in demand by many patients as an effective approach to eliminate such cosmetic problems as acne and a familiar huge part of the ladies. orange peel. Such massage also gives excellent results as a prevention of various diseases.

However, there are also contraindications to abdominal massage using the Ogulov technique. This is first of all:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis in open forms;
  • bleeding and any injury;
  • sharp infectious diseases flowing with an increase in body temperature;
  • mental illness;
  • some degree of cancer.

Direct recommendations for visceral massage of the abdomen boil down to the fact that after the first course it is necessary to take a break. The human body must adapt, but not get used to pressure.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the procedure is minimized. Every patient is recommended to have an ultrasound abdominal cavity before starting the course of procedures.

To maximize the effectiveness of abdominal massage, after the session, the patient is recommended to do a simple exercise.

It is necessary in a sitting position to tighten the muscles in the abdomen, alternately, as if pulling them from side to side. To normalize blood circulation, Ogulov recommends combining abdominal massage with hirudotherapy.


However, it is worth remembering that only a professional manual therapist can really help in getting rid of diseases through visceral massage. Do not put your health at risk and do experiments at home is not worth it.

It has long been known that soda has useful properties, so the product is actively used in medical purposes. One of the supporters of this method of treatment is Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov, a man who in practice proved the effectiveness of baking soda therapy.

The essence of the method and indications for its use

The therapy also helps with problems in the digestive tract. Soda normalizes the acidity level gastric juice, due to its increase, a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs may occur.

Dr. Ogulov gives lectures where he talks about his methodology

Enemas with soda according to the method of Dr. Ogulov are aimed at:

In addition, baking soda can thin the blood, restore acid-base balance in the human body, relieve allergies and even, according to the professor, fight cancer. However, this method has not been officially confirmed, although it is common.

Video: Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov about soda: how will the product help?

Rules for the use of soda

Any treatment with soda is useful to combine with therapeutic fasting and certain diets. If therapy is carried out for the first time, then it will be enough to limit the use of salt, spicy, smoked and fatty foods. Emphasis should be placed on dairy products and those that are rich in fiber and dietary fiber. Instead of soda and coffee, it is better to pay attention to bread kvass, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. It is also recommended to refrain from alcohol and smoking. It is advisable to engage in moderate physical activity and walk outdoors.

It is supposed to start taking soda from a fifth of a teaspoon on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal, this should be done 2-3 times a day. The dose should be gradually brought to half a spoon. You can dilute the product in a glass warm water or milk, and also taken as a powder with the indicated amount of liquid. Continue treatment for 2-4 weeks, then take a short break, and then resume the procedure if necessary.

It is allowed to dissolve soda not in water, but in milk

To restore acid-base balance

Take half a teaspoon of the product in a glass hot water, mix everything thoroughly until the soda dissolves and drink. Drink soda every day for 1-2 weeks.

For blood thinning

Pour a third of a teaspoon of soda into half a glass of hot water, stir well and drink. Continue the procedure for 1-2 weeks, then take a break for 10 days, after which you can resume taking. There is also such a treatment option: use the solution once a week for the rest of your life.

You can regularly rinse your mouth with soda liquid in the morning to prevent dental disease.

To improve bowel function

In 800 ml heated to 40° boiled water add 30 g of soda. Infuse the mixture a little and pour it into Esmarch's mug. Then make an enema and hold the solution inside for 20 minutes, after which you can go to the toilet. Such procedures must be carried out for a week (put an enema every day), and then take a break for 7 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

To remove toxins through the pores

Pour 8 tablespoons of soda into bath water (200 l), while the temperature of the liquid should not be less than 40 °. It is recommended to lie in the solution for at least an hour, so that all toxins from the surface of the skin have time to be removed. The course consists of 10 procedures, which are carried out every other day, it can be repeated every 4-6 weeks.

Professor Ogulov also advises rubbing with soda in order to get rid of age spots, which, according to folk healers are a fungus that grows on the surface of the skin.

Contraindications and possible harm

It is forbidden to experiment with soda during pregnancy

When used baking soda in medicinal purposes should be careful. If during the procedures abnormalities in the work of the heart were revealed, digestive system or other internal organs, it is necessary to interrupt therapy and consult a doctor.

Soda baths should not be carried out in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • gynecological ailments (a consultation with a doctor is required);
  • pustular lesions of the skin.

Before starting treatment oncological diseases according to the Ogulov method, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

Ogulov's methodology has both supporters and opponents. Soda does not guarantee a 100% result and get rid of diseases, so everyone must decide for themselves whether to use this method or not.

People have known about visceral massage since ancient times. Already massaged the internal organs of people through the outer shell of the abdomen. Manual therapy has long been used to cure diseases in countries such as China, Thailand, Tibet, India. Now visceral chiropractic has regained its former popularity.

When antibiotics and all kinds of medicines were created, people were sure that they had conquered all diseases, because of this there was a huge gap in these two directions.

At that time, when there was a peak in the popularity of drugs, everyone believed that manual therapy was a relic of the past.

"Editing the abdomen" has become "visceral chiropractic."

But the old diseases that have existed since the advent of mankind have been replaced by those caused by treatment with medicines. And then they began to look for ways, thanks to which it would be possible to dreally heal, not just relieve the symptoms , thereby further harming the body.

It was then that many methods of traditional medicine were reborn into the world, but at the highest level. Doctors who began to introduce these methods into practice studied them on an already existing scientific basis.

Thus, "tummy tuck" turned into "visceral chiropractic" .

What is visceral abdominal massage

For some reason, for example, if a person has an uneven posture, there are inflammatory processes, also due to frequent stress skeletal structure is broken . With age ligamentous apparatus changes, while the organs can be displaced. BUT if any of the organs is improperly located, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to dysfunctions.

In order to return the organs to the places where they should be, it is necessary to do a visceral massage of the abdomen.

In order to return the organs to the places where they should be, it is necessary to do a visceral massage of the abdomen.

Training massage Ogulov in this area will be better than any scientist. He gropes through the walls of the abdomen problem areas and with the help of massaging restores them. Ogulov's school developed cartography, where you can see all the zones on the human body.

Knowing the location of all human organs, you can easily see problem areas on the face or body.

Knowing the location of all human organs, you can easily see problem areas in the face.

It is important that at Ogulov's school, the skill of visceral analytics is given. Thanks to logical thinking existing symptoms can be identified.

Training with Professor Ogulov

According to the professor, in order to get rid of diseases of the internal organs, you need to do a visceral massage of the abdomen. Ogulov conducts training for many students at his seminars.

Ogulov is not only a wonderful person with a sense of humor, but also knows his job well. During training, he tells everything plain language and shows on the image so that everything is immediately clear to the student.

You can always ask the doctor for help, ask any question and he will pay attention to everyone.

During the lesson, it is allowed to approach the teacher in order to see exactly how he puts his hand on his stomach, what movements he makes. Even if desired it is possible to personally practice by giving the “models” a massage and ask how similar he is to Ogulovsky.

You can always ask him for help, ask any question and he will pay attention to everyone. As soon as the teacher has a free minute, he is immediately surrounded by a crowd of guys whom he teaches, and jokes, humor, laughter begin, a warm human atmosphere that you don’t want to leave.

When the theoretical classes are over and it's time for the students to practice, doctors from treatment center.

When the theoretical classes are over and it's time for the students to practice, the professor doctors from the treatment center join . They, together with the professor, teach the children all the features of massage, showing it to living people, and do not leave a single student unattended.

The doctor will teach those who wish how to maintain their body on their own at home and help relatives in this.

Visceral massage can help improve family relationships(mutual massage, psychology, gymnastics).

Features in Ogulov's massage

The author created his own technique thanks to the Stavropol healer. Ogulov received great experience from communicating with the Old Believers, and then he decided to design his own personal methodology. After that, the study of human anatomy and the study of similar methods used by the Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese joined in.

Before starting the visceral massage of the abdomen, during training, OGulov examines the patient from head to toe. When diagnosing, the doctor examines the condition: face, soles, palms, feels the stomach. Also pays Special attention when examining changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Massage of the internal organs is most often used in Chinese and Indian medicine. They act on the body by acupuncture, moxibustion, su jok.

At the end of a comprehensive examination, the doctor makes a preliminary conclusion and plans further treatment with visceral chiropractic.

Massage of the internal organs is most often used in Chinese and Indian medicine. They are affect the body by acupuncture, moxibustion, su jok. Also they use various herbs and minerals for best results.

Visceral massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov's training is a self-sufficient technique. This means that upon graduation from a professor and with good skills, conduct this massage maybe even to yourself.

The psyche greatly affects the functioning of the internal organs of a person. Therefore, Ogulov conducts massage in conjunction with psychocorrection, psychotherapy and stress elimination sessions.

Visceral Chiropractic as a Comprehensive Approach to Therapy

Can be achieved good result if, in addition to massaging the abdomen, massaging reflex zones associated with organs in which pathology is present. Visceral therapy by Dr. Ogulov can be carried out in conjunction with occupational therapy, treatment with leeches. This addition will allow you to recover faster internal organs.

In combination with visceral massage Ogulov uses hydrogen peroxide therapy. In many years of practice this method only showed positive results. Also, procedures that include soda give a wonderful effect.

This method has been used for over thirty years and many people have been cured by it.

In conclusion, we can safely say that the visceral massage of the abdomen, which Dr. Ogulov teaches, is the “pearl” of natural therapy on the whole Earth. This method has been used for more than thirty years, and many people have been cured by it. We must always remember, in order to live happily ever after, should be monitored not only appearance but also for internal organs.

Read the most popular article headings:

AT modern medicine exist great amount various methods treatments that have high efficiency. One of these is the visceral massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov. It was developed quite a long time ago and belongs to alternative medicine. For many centuries, this massage has been actively used to combat various diseases and prevent them, and today only a few practice it. traditional healers. Let's try to understand all the features of this technique and find out how relevant it is today.

general information

Previously, no medicines existed, so people were forced to use any medicine to fight ailments. possible ways. were very common various tricks physical and mechanical effects on the body.

Massage of the abdomen by the method of Ogulov A. T. is based on the impact of hands on abdominal region in order to detect damage or displacement of internal organs. This technique is still used today by some narrow specialists in the process of examining patients and making a diagnosis. A strong physical impact sometimes helps to return the body to the correct position, improve blood circulation and peristalsis. But to achieve a positive effect is possible only if the massage is performed by an experienced specialist. Otherwise, irreparable harm may be done to health. In addition, you should not resort to using the technique without first consulting a doctor, since it is not allowed for use in all cases.

Indications for carrying out

Let's look at them in more detail. Like any other treatment, Ogulov's abdominal massage, reviews of which will be given at the end of the article, is prescribed in certain cases.

These include the following:

  • various problems gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the internal organs of the pelvic area.

In addition to all of the above, this species massage is widely used in cosmetology. It helps to get rid of acne, allows you to reset overweight and is also very effective in various diseases skin cover.

Abdominal massage according to Ogulov or Old Russian, as it is also called, is used for frequent and severe headaches, pathologies of the heart muscle and blood vessels, hernia, provided that there is no infringement. In some cases, the technique is used in violation of metabolic processes and endocrine diseases. In this case, massage is good because it can be carried out even for people who have problems with being overweight, when other types of therapy are simply useless.

This technique is also effective in the fight against pathologies of the lungs and respiratory tract when they are accompanied by a violation of normal blood circulation. By influencing a certain area with his hands, the specialist achieves a positive effect and speeds up the patient's recovery process if he is on medication.

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

This issue should be dealt with first. Before going for a belly massage according to Ogulov, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor, since the procedure has a number of contraindications.

Massage is prohibited for people with the following problems:

Visceral massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov is also not recommended after receiving any injuries. different nature, because in this case there is a great threat to the development internal bleeding. Also, the technique is prohibited during pregnancy.

Preparation for the procedure

What is she like? Compared to others therapeutic methods treatment, the old Slavonic massage of the abdomen according to the Ogulov method requires more preparation of the patient for its implementation. This is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of possible complications.

The specialist preliminarily clarifies the maximum pain threshold for a person that he is able to withstand. Obligatory is the passage of ultrasound, which allows you to identify problems with the internal organs, as well as their location. Such information greatly simplifies the task of the massage therapist. Immediately before the procedure itself, the patient must definitely go to the toilet and perform a bowel cleansing.


Ogulov's method (healing by abdominal massage) is based on the impact on the abdominal region. Depending on which internal organs there are problems, the specialist selects the level of force with which he exerts pressure. The procedure is carried out from top to bottom, and the movements are very light and smooth. Massage allows you to treat diseases of almost all internal organs and intestines, as well as eliminate problems associated with the functioning of many systems. A short break is made between each dose so that the patient can take a breath and move away from severe pain.

A prerequisite during the procedure is a relaxed stomach. If the muscles are tense, then the specialist will not be able to have the proper effect on the organs, so no positive effect will be achieved.

Treatment of diseases of the stomach and pancreas

What is the feature? Abdominal massage according to Ogulov is widely used for the treatment of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system as a whole. As mentioned above, the procedure begins from the upper abdomen, after which the specialist gradually moves down to the navel. In this case, both two fingers can be involved, and all at once. It all depends on which internal organs need to be palpated. The strongest pressure is produced at the moment of complete relaxation of the muscles. To improve the wave-like contractions of the intestines and stomach, the patient's hands are fixed on chest and then start the procedure.

Eliminate bowel problems

Abdominal massage by the Ogulov method is one of the best practices therapy of many pathologies associated with the work of the small and large intestine. After the stomach, the specialist proceeds to palpation of the lower part of the abdominal cavity, in which the intestines are located. During the procedure, he puts his fingers under the bone from the back and slowly moves his fingers along the intestines. Thus, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sigmoid region is pressed through. Next, the doctor again returns to the stomach and pancreas.

Therapy of the genitourinary system

What is its feature? Palpation of the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems is carried out in the area slightly below the navel. Movements similar to those described above are used, however, if the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, then the doctor should be immediately notified about this. In this case, he will perform manipulations with less force.

Kidney work

Training in visceral massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov should be carried out in specialized centers. This technique is highly effective in combating various kidney disease. Manipulations are performed very carefully so as not to hurt other internal organs located nearby and not harm them. Pressing is done with great force, but very slowly and smoothly. As a rule, the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, which in some cases can become simply unbearable. So that the patient can normally endure the massage, it is carried out in several approaches, each of which lasts about 4 minutes. If no effect is achieved, a second session is scheduled.

After the kidneys, the liver and intestines are processed. In this case, the specialist exercises pressure not with his fingers, but with the palm of one hand. At the end of the procedure, the doctor gently strokes the abdominal area or performs vibration movements to relieve tension and relax the muscles. As a rule, in the first session, the doctor manages to identify the problems present in the patient, and already in the second session, the treatment itself begins.

Therapy according to Ogulov's method at home

In many major cities you can find advertising inscriptions of this nature: “Heal with a massage of the abdomen. Ogulov's method is a magical effect." Etc. However, the cost of such services is very high and not everyone can afford it, so many people are thinking about using this technique on their own at home. In principle, this is possible, but it is not recommended to do such a massage on your own, because due to lack of knowledge and experience, the consequences can be very different. Therefore, it is best to contact a qualified specialist.

If you still decide to do everything yourself, then you need to take into account the fact that to massage the entire abdominal region entirely without outside help will not work. Even a doctor who is fluent in this variety manual therapy, will not be able to do this, because it is not immediately possible to choose the depth and intensity of the impact.

In some cases, there may be exceptions, but due healing effect will not be achieved. Self-massage can be performed with a ball, on which you need to lie with your peritoneum. In this case, the procedure will be very painful, so prepare for this in advance.

Features of the technique

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Many people are interested in how Ogulov's visceral abdominal massage, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, differs from other manual therapy methods. The main and most important difference is that traditional massage allows you to only temporarily eliminate the symptoms, while the old Russian one eliminates the problem itself. It improves blood circulation in the internal organs, so that they receive more nutrients and start doing better.

However, this technique can only be used to treat adults. This is due to severe soreness, which children simply cannot endure. Even not all representatives of the older generation succeed. Sometimes such a massage can be prescribed for a child, but it is carried out with much less intensity. But, as practice shows, doctors do this in very rare cases, preferring to use less radical and more modern methods treatment.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, Ogulov's abdominal massage is performed using a special needle mat, which is placed under the patient's back. Thus, a kind of acupuncture is obtained, which improves blood circulation. Sometimes specialists resort to the use of some additional techniques.

A full course of therapy consists of at least ten sessions. Only then can any effect be achieved. old Russian massage. A maximum of 20 procedures are allowed. The duration of the first massage is one hour, gradually its duration gradually increases. But here it all depends on how a person reacts to pain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other method of therapy, visceral abdominal massage according to the Ogulov method has its pros and cons. Among strengths can be identified greater efficiency. As shows medical statistics, in many patients after undergoing full course there are significant improvements in health status. This is especially true in the fight against excess weight. This technique helps much better than exhausting diets combined with the use of special drugs that promote weight loss.

The main disadvantage, as you might guess, is strong pain. Therefore, if you are thinking about undergoing treatment with a massage therapist, then be sure to consider your pain threshold. In addition, the disadvantages include the fact that truly good specialists quite hard to find. Nowadays, not many people practice Ogulov's belly massage, so it is likely that you will stumble upon a novice specialist who does not have the proper level of competence. As a result, many people do not get the expected results and all their suffering is in vain.

Benefits of internal massage

So, how does it manifest itself? Massage of the abdomen according to the Ogulov method allows you to achieve excellent results in the fight against various pathologies and diseases, if it is performed in compliance with all the rules. Already after the first session, most people experience a noticeable change in well-being in better side. They improve blood flow to internal organs, normalize metabolic processes and accelerate metabolism, which is especially good for those who are obese. This technique also stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body, helping to cleanse it. During the massage, strong impact on the muscles, thereby increasing their tone. At the same time, many problems associated with the spinal column disappear.

For the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity this procedure may simply be indispensable if, over the course of long period unable to get pregnant. And after childbirth, this massage helps to get in shape and recover faster, as well as prevent organ prolapse. However, it is very important not to overdo it here, since excessive exposure to them can have not only a positive, but also a negative effect.

What do doctors and patients say about the technique?

So, as you understand from this article, with many pathologies, one of the most effective methods therapy is a massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov. Reviews about this technique in most cases are positive both among specialists in this field and among people who decide to undergo the procedure.

"Internal" massage is not only time-tested. A huge number of studies have been devoted to him, which have shown that positive results are indeed achieved with physical impact on organs. To increase the effectiveness of manual therapy, professionals advise combining it with drug treatment.

Clients of massage parlors practicing the Ogulov method claim that after completing the full course, their general well-being improves, and the ailments present either disappear completely or become less pronounced. Apathy and depression disappear, sleep normalizes. Some people say that their body becomes as light as a feather. At the same time, if you follow all the recommendations of specialists and pre-prepare your body for the procedure, then the pain becomes not so strong and can be easily endured.

However, you must understand that any treatment, including manual, does not bring quick results. To get rid of any health problem, at least 10 sessions are required. Therefore, if you have already decided on this type of massage, then immediately set yourself up for it.