Visceral practices. Visceral or Old Russian abdominal massage

Forerunner Visceral Practice

Venous and lymphatic congestion, spasm, prolapse internal organs relative to each other are the most common cause the occurrence of pathological conditions in the body. Proposed Methodology external influence on the internal organs of the abdomen, A.T. Ogulov’s method makes it possible to effectively eliminate these pathologies.

In the process of visceral practice, a specialist applies measured pressure on the diseased organ with his hands, at the required angle, according to certain laws.

As a result, the functions of organs are restored and normalized, and this, in turn, affects the state of the body as a whole, life expectancy, performance, and psycho-emotional state. Since time immemorial, massage of the internal organs has been used in folk medicine as a means of helping to survive in extreme conditions. Heavy physical work, domestic injuries, as well as wars were the main reason for this.

Various wounds and injuries accompanying human life at that time forced people to look for ways to eliminate similar phenomena. And of course, the most basic indication that forced people to work out their stomachs was pain. Alleviating the condition of the victim at the first moment of injury or illness through massage of the internal organs forced people involved in such activities to think about searching additional funds, which would further help in his rehabilitation. Such means that enhanced the recovery process were herbs, leeches, bees, pots, spells, etc.

For example, pots were placed to create hematomas on the body. The hematoma, as we can now say, considering this topic from a scientific point of view, solved the problem of local immunity, activated metabolic processes at the site of their placement on the patient’s body.

Leeches were used to improve blood supply to organs and blood extraction.

Conspiracies for psychological and mental support of the sufferer, etc.

Today, such healing techniques are called visceral practice.

Ecology of health. Only hermits, who in isolated cases are hiding from civilization in the taiga and mountains, have not heard about Shiatsu massage, acupuncture and visceral therapy of Ogulov.

The end of the twentieth century was marked by an increase in public confidence in alternative medicine. Only hermits, isolated individuals hiding from civilization in the taiga and mountains, have not heard about Shiatsu massage, acupuncture and visceral therapy of Ogulov. It’s interesting that in China and Vietnam what we consider alternative methods treatment is the most traditional way healing. But medication and surgery– exotic and force majeure.

One of the most interesting methods Ogulov’s visceral massage was once recognized as an alternative to manual therapy. The author is a former athlete and coach, then a seeker of knowledge, now a member of the Academy natural sciences, located in Hanover, and also the main character medical center"Forerunner", working in Moscow.

Visceral massage from Ogulov was developed after the author of the system became acquainted with the abdominal massage performed for his fellow villagers by Vyatka Old Believers and a Stavropol healer. The actions and effect of the keepers of the knowledge accumulated by the ancestors made a huge impression on the future creator visceral massage Ogulova. After this there were years of practice and research, but the academician never hid that the basis of Ogulov’s visceral therapy is Old Slavonic or old Russian technology abdominal massage.


The principle on which the specialists of the visceral massage center in Yekaterinburg work in “Zdravitsa” is the same as in the Moscow “Predtecha”. The basis is knowledge about the reflex connections that exist between internal organs and other parts of the human body.

Knowing the representative zones of organs and Ogulov’s emphasis on visceral organs, that is, those that are in abdominal cavity, you can successfully eliminate headaches and minimize the risk of developing a whole bunch of dysfunctions of body systems - the list is attached below.


1. Colitis, gastritis, organ ulcers digestive system, hemorrhoids, constipation and diarrhea the first to fall “at the hands” of visceral therapy professionals according to Ogulov.

2. Glands internal secretionliver and pancreas, and rehabilitation of the body after “annexation” of the gallbladder.

3. Elements genitourinary system and the diseases to which they are susceptible - cystitis, enuresis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

4. Organs and parts of the human body that are reflexively connected with internal organs.

The impact on a person occurs viscerally according to Ogulov using the method of gentle compression of the abdomen. The specialist does not violate skin the patient, but only palpates, presses, taps and displaces the “offending” organs. If the pain is caused by stress and is not chronic, then it can be eliminated almost instantly - by visceral massage according to Ogulov.

Advanced, chronic illnesses require a full course of Ogulov’s visceral massage. Bonus and pleasant surprise Patients will experience a surge of energy, weight normalization and visible improvement appearance. Often, some patients of the visceral therapy center in Yekaterinburg are only interested in the aesthetic effect.

Those who have long been interested in informal medicine and chiropractic know that treatment physical body does not pass quickly without interaction with the mental. Therefore, all patients who have undergone a visceral massage session in Yekaterinburg receive recommendations for comprehensive health improvement of the body, including the basics healthy eating and principles of interaction with other people and the world.

In total, visceral therapy is presented in Yekaterinburg certified center“Zdravitsa” and “Forerunners” have been in Moscow for 20 years now. We comprehensively restore people's health, and also contribute to the dissemination of positive knowledge about the connection between health, humans and Nature.

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It has long been known that soda has beneficial properties, therefore the product is actively used in medical purposes. One of the supporters of this method of treatment is Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov, a man who has proven in practice the effectiveness of baking soda therapy.

The essence of the method and indications for its use

Therapy also helps with problems in the digestive tract. Baking soda normalizes acidity levels gastric juice, due to its increase, a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs may occur.

Dr. Ogulov gives lectures where he talks about his technique

Soda enemas according to Dr. Ogulov’s method are aimed at:

  • purgation;
  • rendering sedative effect with diarrhea;
  • relief from constipation;
  • fight against excess weight.

In addition, baking soda can thin the blood, restore acid-base balance in the human body, relieve allergies and even, according to the professor, fight cancer. However, this method has not been officially confirmed, although it is widespread.

Video: Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov about soda: how will the product help?

Rules for using soda

It is useful to combine any treatment with soda with therapeutic fasting and a certain diet. If therapy is carried out for the first time, then it will be enough to limit the consumption of salt, spicy, smoked and fatty foods. Emphasis should be placed on dairy products and those rich in fiber and dietary fiber. Instead of soda and coffee, it is better to pay attention to bread kvass, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. It is also recommended to abstain from alcohol and smoking. It is advisable to exercise in moderation physical activity and walk in the fresh air.

You should start taking soda with a fifth of a teaspoon on an empty stomach half an hour before meals, you need to do this 2-3 times a day. The dose should be gradually increased to half a spoon. You can dilute the product in a glass warm water or milk, and also taken in powder form with the indicated amount of liquid. Continue treatment for 2–4 weeks, then take a short break, and then resume the procedure if necessary.

It is allowed to dissolve soda not in water, but in milk

To restore acid-base balance

Take half a teaspoon of product per glass hot water, mix everything thoroughly until the soda dissolves and drink. Drink soda every day for 1-2 weeks.

To thin the blood

Pour a third of a teaspoon of soda into half a glass of hot water, stir well and drink. Continue the procedures for 1-2 weeks, then take a break for 10 days, after which you can resume taking them. There is also a therapy option: use the solution once a week for the rest of your life.

You can regularly rinse your mouth with soda in the morning to prevent dental disease.

To improve bowel function

In 800 ml heated to 40° boiled water add 30 g of soda. Infuse the mixture a little and pour it into Esmarch’s mug. Then do an enema and keep the solution inside for 20 minutes, after which you can go to the toilet. Such procedures must be carried out over the course of a week (an enema every day), and then take a break for 7 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

To remove toxins through pores

Pour 8 tablespoons of soda into bath water (200 l), the temperature of the liquid should not be less than 40°. It is recommended to lie in the solution for at least an hour so that all toxins from the surface of the skin have time to be removed. The course consists of 10 procedures, which are carried out every other day, and can be repeated every 4-6 weeks.

Professor Ogulov also advises rubbing with soda in order to get rid of age spots, which, in the opinion traditional healers, are a fungus that grows on the surface of the skin.

Contraindications and possible harm

It is forbidden to experiment with baking soda during pregnancy.

When consumed baking soda V medicinal purposes you should be careful. If during the procedures any disturbances in the functioning of the heart, digestive system or other internal organs are revealed, it is necessary to interrupt the therapy and consult a doctor.

Soda baths should not be performed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • gynecological ailments (consultation with a doctor is required);
  • pustular skin lesions.

Before you start treatment oncological diseases using the Ogulov method, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Ogulov’s technique has both supporters and opponents. Soda does not guarantee a 100% result and freedom from diseases, so everyone must decide for themselves whether to use this method or not.

It is generally accepted that the art of massage came to us exclusively from the countries of the East: China, India, Thailand and Tibet. But it turns out Slavic culture also gave the world a unique technique, the popularity of which is only growing year by year. Since ancient times, a very common method of treatment and pain relief in Rus' was the so-called “abdominal correction.”

Witch doctors and healers quite rightly called this part of the body the main one in the human body. By pressing their hands on the abdominal cavity, they influenced the 18 vital cells located here. important organs, thereby helping to get rid of the disease. Due to its effectiveness, this technique has survived centuries, and today each of us can maintain health with the help of visceral or Old Slavonic self-massage of the abdomen.

What most often causes our diseases and ailments? Each organ in the human body is surrounded by a whole network of nerve endings and blood vessels. These are peculiar transport routes along which sensitive impulses pass and are delivered nutrients and oxygen, decay products, waste and toxins are removed. When the work of this clearly calibrated mechanism is disrupted for some reason, spasm appears, venous and lymphatic congestion is weakened nerve fibers, which immediately affects the body, reducing its performance, causing rapid wear and tear of systems and the occurrence of various diseases.

Thematic material:

Besides, nature has provided a special mechanism for fixing internal organs using ligaments. Their condition deteriorates significantly over the years due to aging, changes in structure musculoskeletal system, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle and stress. As a result, organs are displaced, their blood supply and innervation are inevitably weakened, which leads to various disruptions in their functioning.

Surprisingly, eliminate such pathological conditions possible without resorting to medications and injections. In this case, a person’s own hands become a miraculous healing tool.

By pressing at the required angle on certain areas of the front wall of the abdomen, tapping, rubbing or shifting the deep layers, we perform a healing massage of the internal organs.

Thanks to these actions, the popular technique received another name - visceral chiropractic (from “visceral” - internal, “hiro” - hand). As a result of such manipulations:

  • the correct position of the organ is restored;
  • are eliminated congestion;
  • lymph outflow and blood circulation improve;
  • pathological tension in the muscles is relieved;
  • spasms go away;
  • are decreasing painful sensations;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • functional disorders are eliminated;
  • is released into the bloodstream a large number of enzymes, endorphin hormones and mediators - biologically active substances, conducting nerve impulses from one cell to another;
  • intestinal motility and local immunity are enhanced.

Do not forget that the human body is one interconnected system. Restoring the functions of one diseased organ improves overall well-being, aligns psycho-emotional state, significantly changes the quality of life. Trying to get rid of the disease, you will definitely become slimmer and fitter - after all, visceral massage perfectly trains the abdominal muscles and helps get rid of fat deposits.

Do not forget that visceral chiropractic is also effective method diagnostics Using his hands, a specialist can accurately determine how much internal organs are displaced or their functions are impaired.

Indications for use

For a long time traditional medicine denied healing effect visceral abdominal massage, calling supporters of this method charlatans. But modern scientific observations have proven the extraordinary benefits of the procedure, and now doctors often recommend it as part of complex treatment diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, chronic constipation, ulcers, flatulence;
  • excretory system: pathologies Bladder, pyelonephritis, urinary incontinence, congestion in the kidneys;
  • liver, gall bladder (cholecystitis, pancreatitis) and pancreas;
  • heart and blood vessels, especially in rehabilitation period after suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • genital area in men and women;
  • respiratory tract: bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • thyroid gland;
  • skin;
  • spine (treatment of osteochondrosis is especially effective; with such therapy it is possible to straighten even the hard-to-reach L5 vertebra).

A healthy person would also benefit from such a course. After all, as a result, the immune system is strengthened, the body’s endurance and its ability to withstand the influence of negative factors, That is the best prevention various diseases. Moreover, this great opportunity get rid of extra pounds and the “lifeline” at the waist, without resorting to grueling workouts.

Evidence of the universal acceptance of visceral chiropractic as an effective diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic is also the fact that learning self-massage of the abdomen has become a mandatory discipline in preparing polar explorers and astronauts for survival in extreme conditions and athletes to improve performance.

There is a special massage technique that allows you to influence internal organs. After the sessions, improvement occurs not only in physically, but also psychological. This is Ogulov's visceral massage.

The essence of visceral massage

During the massage session, the abdomen is examined, through which damaged ligaments of internal organs are detected. With the help of special pressing and penetrating movements, the specialist returns the position of certain organs to normal.

When applying pressure to the abdomen, the ligaments and structure of the internal tissues are checked. Upon completion of the first sessions of visceral massage, a conclusion is made about the work or violation of a certain area.

Massage of the viscera through manipulation of the abdomen has been used for a long time. The healers adjusted the internal ligaments through the outer portions of the abdomen.

Nowadays, visceral massage is performed not as a separate procedure, but with a complex technique. The method is used in combination with classical methods, thanks to the people's doctor Alexander Ogulov.

The essence of visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov lies in knowing the correct location of the organs inside and the location of their ligaments.

At in the wrong way life, the position of the fixing ligaments that hold the internal organs is disrupted. Because of this, displacement begins, blood flow pathology occurs, and it turns out venous stasis blood in organs. Due to a disruption in blood flow, metabolic processes are disrupted. Due to the displacement of internal ligaments, pathological joint processes develop, muscles and skin suffer.

With the help of visceral massage according to Ogulov, you can restore the normal position of the organs. Thanks to visceral manipulations, general well-being is normalized and mental health is restored.

Indications for internal abdominal massage

Visceral massage technique is performed when the following diseases and pathologies:

  • problems related to the stomach. These are gastritis conditions, ulcers, constipation and colitis, any stomach disorders;
  • pathological processes of the liver and gall bladder problems. This category of diseases includes pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stones;
  • renal pathologies and inflammation of the genitourinary area, cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • female diseases: inflamed appendages, bent and prolapsed uterus, problems with the menstrual cycle;
  • dermatological problems: acne, neurodermatitis;
  • problems with the heart muscle. This is high blood pressure, vascular pathologies, varicose veins;
  • failures metabolic process, Related malfunction thyroid glands;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • joint pathologies arising from bruises, sprains, dislocations. Problems with the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bronchitis occurring in chronic form, asthma, chest pain;
  • migraine headaches;
  • problems with cerebral circulation;
  • nervous disorders and other problems associated with disruptions in the functioning of nerve fibers;
  • overweight;
  • exhaustion;
  • apnea.

The list of diseases for which massage of the viscera through the abdomen is indicated is long. Dr. Ogulov’s amazing technique allows you to monitor the health of a person in extreme or isolated conditions. Massage through the abdomen can be used for astronauts, polar explorers, or for people who find themselves in extreme conditions, where constant monitoring of their well-being is impossible.

When are internal massage movements prohibited?

Visceral movements have the following contraindications:

  • internal bleeding;
  • perforated type peptic ulcer;
  • tension in the abdominal area;
  • oncology;
  • spinal cord pathologies;
  • diseases of the venereal category;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • blood poisoning;
  • diseases caused by acute infections;
  • feverish conditions;
  • brain pathologies;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • intoxication caused by alcohol or drugs.

If there are no contraindications listed above, then you can begin massaging the internal organs through the abdomen.

Preparation for the procedure

Before starting a massage session, the specialist interviews the patient and conducts a palpation examination. The diagnosis must be clarified, the presence of concomitant pathological processes. Essential has the general well-being of the patient. The specialist pays attention to the structure of the skin, the presence of papillomas and other skin growths. The shade of the tongue and the structure of the lips are examined.

A professional engaged in visceral massage must know the exact location of all the insides of the body. Such information helps to learn about a person’s problem simply without the use of additional research.

Visceral manipulation technique

For correct implementation internal abdominal massage, actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. the therapist uses manual movements to press on the outer walls of the abdomen;
  2. when pressed, the organs inside are affected;
  3. through the front of the abdomen the organs are restored to correct position, has a general effect on the body, blood vessels, joints and brain.

Massage movements are performed as follows:

  1. First, painful areas of the abdomen are felt. Despite the spasm of a certain area, the patient does not experience pain or discomfort during the massage;
  2. Each person has a certain pain threshold, so the force of pressing on the stomach is adjusted for each patient;
  3. The first session is accompanied by a gentle, palpable pressure on the abdomen. A certain area is pressed in 3 minutes;
  4. The next procedure is characterized by stronger pressure. The force of pressing on the abdomen increases with each subsequent manipulation;
  5. the impact on a certain area is exerted with a specific force. Pressing on the abdominal area is performed while exhaling air when the muscles are in a relaxed state;
  6. pressing usually starts with bile ducts, then there is a transition to the liver area. Next comes the pancreas, then movements go to the large intestine, with a transition to small intestine. When the massage of the listed organs is completed, the work begins on the areas responsible for reproductive system and stomach.

Already after performing the first Ogulov visceral massage, rumbling sounds are heard in certain areas of the abdomen. This response indicates the opening of the bile ducts and the cessation of spasms. Blood flow and function of the organ on which pressure was applied are restored.

When pressure is applied, the specialist monitors the patient’s well-being. If they appear painful sensations, or feels sick, then the manipulations stop immediately.

During manipulation, compacted areas are detected. This means that certain places in the vessels are clogged and congestion occurs. When pressing on these areas, unpleasant, painful sensations are possible. But, after competent actions of the chiropractor, discomfort leaving.