The influence of the computer on the human cardiovascular system. The computer and its impact on human health

"Influence of the computer on the health of a preschooler"

Uncontrolled computer use affects bad influence on children's health. Many families now have a computer, and all their free time is devoted only to it. And this is not surprising! Children need a computer mainly for games. And the games are different: from harmless and useful, such as football, hockey, chess, checkers, to harmful and destructive games in which people, robots, aliens are destroyed; blow up equipment, houses; arrange car races without rules. However, as statistics show, a large number of children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, nervous system, pathology of the musculoskeletal system, vision, sit for a long time in a tense position at the computer and worry about their success or failure in the game.

The impact of the computer on vision

Invisibly approaching a child who is passionate about the game, you can see how his eyes are literally riveted to the monitor. Eye fatigue quickly sets in, reboot sets in eye muscles. Due to the fact that the distance from the eyes to the monitor is always constant, the accommodation of the eye muscles is disturbed. Parents notice that their child is beginning to see things in the distance badly. And due to the fact that the child's eyes look at a bright flickering screen, redness of the eyes appears, watery eyes, a feeling of "sand in the eyes", joins headache. All this speaks of computer vision syndrome.

The influence of the computer on the musculoskeletal system

Sitting in front of a computer for a long time can cause bad posture or spinal curvature. This contributes wrong position on a chair (some children sit half-turned, leaning one shoulder forward, bending the spine), spinning models of computer chairs, size mismatch computer tables and chairs height children. The child gets used to sitting incorrectly, and the disease only progresses. The lack of movement leads to atrophy of the muscles of the back, abdomen, chest and neck, which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the chest, spine.

Prolonged monotonous work with hands and fingers leads to gradual damage to the ligamentous and articular apparatus of the hand. The so-called "computer mouse syndrome" develops. If measures are not taken in time, the disease will burn to become chronic.

The influence of the computer on the nervous system

Changes in the nervous system are visible to the naked eye. As noted above, the signs of the disorder are irritability, fast fatiguability, memory loss, sleep disturbance, general tension; children become fussy. Some children begin to imitate the main characters of the games, after all, such children often need the help of a psychiatrist. Neck muscle tension neck muscles forced tilt of the head forward often leads to instability cervical spine, cerebrovascular accident.

The impact of the computer on the heart - vascular system

The lack of movement when working on a computer entails a violation of blood circulation, a decrease in vascular tone; stress factors lead to accelerated cuts heart, to an increase in blood pressure, and even to cardialgia (pain in the heart) and arrhythmias (disturbances heart rate) due to overstimulation nerve plexuses located along the spinal column.

The influence of the computer on the digestive organs

sedentary, sedentary image life contributes to the weakening of intestinal motility, the development of dyskinesia gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, obesity. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis contributes to the development of hemorrhoids, cystitis.

All this can be avoided if parents constantly monitor their children: know what they do, how much time they spend at the computer, how they sit, what games they play.

How to keep children safe harmful influence computer at home?

For this you need:

Minimize the time spent by children near the computer at home. But do not forbid completely, as it is known that "forbidden fruit is sweet";

Parents communicate more with the child, gain confidence in him, so that he is not afraid and tells what games he plays and what he loves the most; then parents can tell the child about negative impact some computer games and captivate him with some other interesting game less dangerous for him;

adults need to diversify the life of a child: enroll him in an interesting circle, a sports section, or engage him in some kind of creative activity.

In order not to harm the health of the child, it is necessary to follow some rules for organizing the workplace, namely:

Place the monitor in such a way that its upper point is directly in front of the eyes or slightly higher, which allows you to keep your head straight and exclude diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

The monitor screen should be at a distance of 60-70 cm from the child's eyes, while natural light should fall from the left;

The chair should have a back and a height at which the child's feet can stand firmly on the floor.

· when working with a mouse, the hand should be straight and lie on the table as far as possible from the edge of the table;

Children aged 5-6 years should spend at the computer no more than 15-20 minutes a day;

Heartmain body human body. It, like a motor, supplies all organs and systems with nutrients and oxygen, which is necessary for the vital activity of cells.

But, as you know, nothing lasts forever, and the human motor can fail. It is about them that we will talk, because if there is pain in the heart, then the hemodynamics of the body is unstable.

What the heart hurts about: causes and origin of heart pain

Pain in chest- one of the most important indicators of violations in the body. Such pain occurs in various pathologies hearts. It is impossible to say unequivocally “what the heart hurts about”, but, according to medical indications, pain in the region of the heart may appear due to the following reasons, which are divided into two large groups:
1. Violations of the functioning of the organ itself:

  • insufficient nutrition of the heart muscles themselves;
  • inflammatory process in the tissues of the organ;
  • metabolic disorders in the coronary arteries;
  • a large load that causes changes in the organ itself (enlargement of the ventricles, loose closure of the valves).

2. Diseases not directly related to the heart, but giving pain syndrome to this area:

  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer);
  • neuralgia - clamping of nerve endings in the spinal column, ribs;
  • pathology of the lungs and bronchi;
  • consequence of injury.

How to understand what hurts the heart?

As already found out, it can hurt in the chest area not only because of cardiac pathology. This is due to the fact that everything internal organs interconnected by nerve endings. To make sure that it is the heart that hurts, you need to contact medical institution for examination and confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis.

The manifestation of heart pain directly depends on the reasons that provoked it, we will talk about the features of pain later. Such pain may be:

  • pulling;
  • tingling;
  • aching;
  • squeezing;
  • cutting;
  • with recoil in the hand, under the shoulder blade.

How the heart hurts: the main types of pain and symptoms

With angina pectoris, the patient complains of pain, as if someone stepped on his chest. Chest discomfort is described as a constricting feeling that interferes with breathing. It was this feeling that provoked in ancient times to call this disease angina pectoris.

It can be localized not only near the heart, but also give to left hand, shoulder, neck, jaw. Basically, the pain syndrome appears suddenly, and it can be provoked by a strong physical, emotional stress, eating, deep breath. The duration of such pain is up to 15 minutes.

Heart pain in myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is an ischemic necrosis of the heart tissue:

  • in the process (during an attack), necrotic areas appear on the myocardium, a sudden sharp pain with irradiation to the left arm and back;
  • there is numbness of the limb;
  • with a small area of ​​necrosis, the patient feels burning and squeezing in the sternum, but can stand on his feet.

The insidiousness of the pathology lies in the fact that the symptoms may be completely absent. The patient only occasionally complains of discomfort in the chest.

With extensive tissue damage, a person loses consciousness and requires immediate resuscitation, followed by hospitalization.

Pain in the heart with pericarditis

Do not try to diagnose yourself, especially prescribe treatment for yourself. This should be done by a competent specialist, a cardiologist or a cardiac surgeon.

The symptoms of heart disease are similar to each other, so before making a diagnosis, you should undergo a thorough diagnosis.

One of main methods diagnosis is electrocardiogram. It can be carried out not only in the office with special device, if necessary, an electrocardiogram is done:

  • during physical activitytreadmill test;
  • indicators are written throughout the day - holter monitoring.

There are other ways to study the heart:

  • echocardiography method- checked muscle tissues heart, its valves;
  • phonocardiography method- heart murmurs are recorded;
  • ultrasound method- the blood circulation in various cavities of the heart is examined;
  • coronography method- self-explored coronary arteries and their functioning;
  • myocardial scintigraphy method- determines the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the vessels;
  • X-ray method(computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) - makes it possible to confirm the pathology of the heart or to identify "non-cardiac" causes of pain.

Cardiologists noticed: with broad description pain syndrome, most likely, the cause is not in heart disease. For such diseases, recurring pains of the same type are characteristic.

How to distinguish pain in the heart from pain of non-cardiac origin?

Any tingling, pain, squeezing in the left side of the chest suggests thoughts about heart problems. Is it so? It should be noted that the nature of cardiac pain differs from non-cardiogenic manifestations.
1. Pain not related to the heart are characterized by:

  • tingling;
  • shooting;
  • acute pain in the chest, left arm when coughing or sudden movement;
  • do not disappear after taking nitroglycerin;
  • constant presence (not paroxysmal).

2. Concerning heart pain, then they are different:

  • heaviness;
  • burning sensation;
  • compression;
  • spontaneous appearance, come attacks;
  • disappearance (recession) after taking nitroglycerin;
  • irradiation in left side torso.

What to do if your heart hurts?

Initially, you should contact a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the pathology that provokes pain. You should not drink unfamiliar drugs for heart pain, as they may not be right for you.

Unfamiliar remedies can provoke a deterioration in the condition or harm even more.

If you know you have hypertension, you need to take medication fast action recommended by the attending physician to avoid an attack.

First steps for heart pain

In cases where a person is unaware of possible pathologies heart, and pain in the region of the heart appeared for the first time, then you need to do the following:

  1. Drink depressant. It can be Corvalol, tincture of valerian or motherwort.
  2. Lie down or sit down to be comfortable.
  3. If chest pains are severe, then you can drink an analgesic drug.
  4. If after taking sedatives or painkillers, the pain does not go away for the first half hour, call an ambulance.

Do not take medicines that help friends and family on their advice. A cardiologist should prescribe "your" drug after a thorough study of the diagnostic data.

Very often among active computer users, the question arises whether blood pressure can rise and headaches appear. AT modern world each of us is forced to spend more than 10 hours in front of a computer screen. In offices, at home, we constantly use computers, some people are forced to spend a full day at the monitor screen, others use their homes to check social networks, watch a movie. As a result, the body suffers.

However, doctors advise staying at the computer screen for no more than 6 hours, so as not to harm the body.

High blood pressure symptoms

Until a certain period of time, experts believed that hypertension only occurs in people over 50 years of age. But now young people from 20-35 years old have begun to turn to doctors very often with complaints. Frequent nervous breakdowns, overvoltage and stressful situations, reduced activity, malnutrition, bad habits lead to the fact that the immune system weakens, and the action from the computer increases the likelihood that blood pressure will rise. Symptoms of increased blood pressure:

  • constant fatigue, which after a certain period of time turns into chronic form, frequent irritability, redness of the eyeballs, difficulty concentrating, disturbed sleep patterns;

Redness of the eyeballs is one of the symptoms of AD

  • with acute progression of hypertension, the patient has frequent headaches, and there may be constant migraines;
  • aching and squeezing pains - a sign that the blood flow is disturbed;
  • pain in the chest and in the left arm;
  • weakness, bloating abdominal cavity, nausea, vomiting.

If pressure often rises, at the first symptoms, you need to contact a specialist for primary and secondary examination, after which a diagnosis will be made and necessary treatment to prevent complications.

The impact of the computer on humans

Due to prolonged use of the computer, irritability, sensitivity and static stress increase - an action that is constantly performed while sitting, in the same position, this negatively affects the body. Experts have found that as soon as the pressure rises, the static tension increases, the muscle tone increases, and the limbs suffer from the fact that they do not move.

The computer affects the cardiovascular system

While working at a computer, two phases of voltage are distinguished. When the first phase passes into the second, salivation production decreases, the body becomes dehydrated, and bad smell in the mouth. Breathing becomes less and less, the depth also decreases. And when examined by a specialist, there are violations in the work of the heart, high blood pressure.

The computer affects the human body in this way:

  • The cardiovascular system undergoes critical changes: pressure rises, heart rate increases, shortness of breath appears, body temperature rises, constant weakness, acute headaches. If a person moves little and abuses junk food, then over time appears excess weight. When no action is taken, this can lead to grave consequences followed by a stroke.
  • Venous insufficiency, or varicose veins. Under the pressure of gravity, the blood moves very poorly from the limbs to the heart, if the pressure from the organs is bad, then the veins and valves are stretched, and varicose veins occur. The first signs of varicose veins are pain and discomfort in the feet, which increase in the evening.
  • Pain in muscles and spine. Some types of muscles do not function at all, others are in increased tension, for this reason, muscles progress painful syndromes. At the same time, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs quickly lose their functionality. In addition, posture is disturbed, different kinds scoliosis, appear sharp pains in the neck, back and lower back.

The computer causes pain in the muscles and in the spine

  • The work of the immune system is disrupted, the risk of infection with infectious, malignant and benign neoplasms increases.
  • Decreased sexual activity.
  • Tired eye syndrome or impaired condition of the eyeballs and pupil, when the movement of the eyes is limited, and the muscles of the eye are constantly in tension. This affects vision and leads to the fact that eyeballs dry up.
  • The development of diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Hands suffer, carpal tunnel syndrome develops.
  • Annoyance rises.
  • Stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis is formed.

Over time, an active computer user develops insomnia, the work of the nervous system is disturbed, fatigue is observed more and more often, and against the background of these signs, hypertension progresses. Over time, at 5 o'clock, fatigue turns into severe form This can increase blood pressure and increase heart rate.

How to protect yourself from computer influence?

To minimise negative impact computer on the human body, it is worth considering some recommendations for the user:

  • It is necessary to purchase glasses with anti-reflective glass, without diopters.
  • When buying a computer, you need to choose a high-quality monitor that will protect against harmful radiation.
  • It is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist, he will prescribe drops that will relieve tension in the eyes.
  • After every two hours of work at the PC, you need to take a break for 10 minutes, in addition, you need to use gymnastics for the eyes.
  • When working at a PC, you need to constantly blink, this will help protect your eyes from excessive dryness.
  • Reducing the amount of contrast on your monitor will help protect your eyes from irritation and strain.
  • It is very important to change position while working at the computer. This will reduce the risk of developing pathology. If you sit in one position a long period time, blood circulation in the head will be disturbed, and pains will appear in the neck and spine.

Organization of the workplace at the computer

  • If you work on a PC for more than 2 hours, you must use a special laptop stand.
  • The distance from the monitor to the eyes should be at least 60 cm.
  • Glare from daylight on the screen should not irritate the eyes.
  • The monitor should be tilted 15-20 degrees for greater comfort.
  • When working with the keyboard, it is necessary to place it at the level of the elbows so that the hands are without tension.
  • When typing, it is desirable to deflect the keyboard by 15 degrees, this will help the fingers to avoid strain.
  • An adjustable office chair can help prevent neck and back pain.
  • The workplace should be as comfortable as possible for long work at the PC. But the body must be constantly in motion.
  • For any convenient opportunity try to reduce the amount of time spent at the computer.

In our age most of young and middle-aged people are employees of offices equipped with computer technology. One way or another, employees of these firms have to spend at the monitor almost all day. However, this is still not enough: the bulk of the population has a computer at home for personal needs. Returning from work in the evening, many consider it their duty to relax in front of a personal screen by visiting the pages in in social networks or, for example, watching a movie. As a result, the average inhabitant of the planet spends at the keyboard from 10 to 12 hours a day instead of the usual sanitary standards six. Sadly, our internal organs are paying for such a lifestyle. Let's talk, for example, about How does the computer affect the heart?.

Computer technology can provoke the development of heart ailments in several ways at once, only some of which are associated with the direct impact of the apparatus on the human body, while others are roundabout and "hit" on the sly. Of course, in the foreground "in terms of harm" is electromagnetic radiation, under which any person sitting at the monitor falls. Invisible waves are quite capable of causing functional disorders of the cardiovascular system. However, no less important are the secondary factors faced by employees of classic offices. Prolonged sitting position, sedentary lifestyle, increased load on the hands and eyes - all this has no less detrimental effect on cardiac activity than the very presence of a computer.

  • Sitting position causes tension in the muscles of the cervical spine, back, lower back, as well as arms and shoulders, which can lead to pathological processes in joints, ligaments and vertebrae. Most common problem employees is considered osteochondrosis. For men, constant sitting is also dangerous due to the occurrence of prostatitis, and, in general, stagnation venous blood in the organs hip joint often leads to hemorrhoids. Staying in one position for a long time leads to congestion in system vertebral arteries, disruption of the normal blood supply to the brain and, as a result, to headaches, increased fatigue, memory loss, increased blood pressure, cardialgia (heart pain) and arrhythmias (heart rhythm disturbances). This happens due to excessive irritation of the plexuses. nerve cells (ganglions) located along the spinal column.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, as you know, is a harbinger of a slowdown in metabolism, provoking the deposition of excess fat. Together with improper or unbalanced nutrition, this creates the prerequisites for the development of obesity - a disease associated not only with an aesthetic defect, but also many times increasing the load on the heart muscle.
  • overvoltage eyes that react to any flickering of the screen often leads to a decrease in vision. The load on the hands causes premature wear of the joints and everything ligamentous apparatus. Monotonous movements are dangerous pinched nerves. In addition, there is a constant flow of blood to the hard working parts of the body, which can also play a cruel joke on a person.

The constant stress that the work of a typical modern clerk is associated with is, of course, another “roundabout” risk factor for the development of pathology of the cardiovascular system.

There are many ambiguities and inaccuracies regarding the radiation impact of a computer on a person. It is believed that in order to reduce the harmful effects of technology, it is necessary to minimize the degree of its electromagnetic radiation. Meanwhile, studies by scientists from the Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences show that extremely weak radiation, barely detected by physical devices, can have a much stronger effect on biological objects than powerful waves. It turns out that protective screens household appliances do not reduce, but, on the contrary, increase the perniciousness of its influence on a person.

Heart suffering. Be that as it may, as a result of a survey of people working in conditions constant impact electromagnetic radiation from a computer, it was proved that the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the respondents described changes in hematopoiesis, disorders of the endocrine system, metabolic processes and diseases of the organs of vision. The immune system office clerk reduces the release into the blood of special enzymes that perform protective function, due to which the system is weakened cellular immunity. Endocrine system, on the contrary, begins to eject into the blood large quantity adrenaline and, as a result, increases the workload on the heart. There is a thickening of the blood, as a result of which the cells receive less oxygen. In a person who has been exposed to electromagnetic radiation for a long time, the sexual attraction, potency drops.

It is important to know that bremsstrahlung (a type of gamma or X-ray radiation) propagates in all directions, making lateral and rear walls computers are especially dangerous for humans (say, if your workplace assumes the presence behind the back or on the sides of other computers). For the most part, this remark concerns old models of personal equipment, which provide only screen protection, but not the entire device as a whole. A modern computer most often has a protective coating on all surfaces.

Remember: a computer is especially dangerous because it has two sources of electromagnetic radiation at once - a monitor and a system unit. At the same time, the latter operates at a frequency of 40-70 GHz, the most harmful for humans.

How many disputes are around the influence of the computer on human health. If earlier it was believed that a computer could cause harm, now the opinion of doctors has changed. Observing certain rules and listening to the recommendations of experts, you can avoid those negative consequences that occur when you stay in front of a computer monitor for a long time, as well as minimize the risks of developing various diseases organs of vision musculoskeletal system etc.

How do people sit at the computer? That's right, absolutely motionless! And this leads to a weakening of the muscles of the spine, since during a motionless sitting, one muscle group is in constant voltage and the other is relaxed. Against the background of such a non-standard load on the spinal column, myofascial pain syndrome may develop, and prolonged loads lead to abrasion and premature aging intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

If the monitor is low at the computer, then the person will be forced to change his posture and lean closer and lower - the back is in a bent position all the time. Such a landing leads to an increase in the load on the anterior edges of the intervertebral discs - this is a direct path to protrusions (protrusion of the discs outside the spinal column) and hernias.

In general, scoliosis and any other violation of posture are the most common problems that occur in people who are forced to long time at computer. And against the background of a violation of posture, it develops very quickly and - a person will suffer from severe pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back.

Prevention of the development of diseases of the spine during prolonged work with a computer:

Note:in any case, a sedentary lifestyle will negatively affect the condition of the spinal column, so you will have to give up elevators, cars and lying on the couch on weekends - walking, exercising in gyms, the pool should form the basis of the rhythm of life.

Eyes and computer

Note:in 2016, in March, another study was conducted, which confirmed that those people who often use a computer in their work have a 42% lower risk of developing the mentioned diseases at an older age. The results of the study are published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

There is a lot of talk about the fact that the computer negatively affects children - violent games lead to psychoses and neuroses, aggression and irascibility,. But relatively recently, it was found out that the reason for such a cardinal change in the work of the nervous system may not be the games themselves, but the conditions of their passage - for example, children often literally "explode" when it is impossible to quickly pass the next level in the game.

And by the way, many scientists believe that computer games can also have a positive effect on the child's psyche - they instill some specific social skills, cognitive thinking. Of course, it depends on the choice of a particular game, but here it’s the parents’ concern to control and explain to the child himself possible harm from "shooters", "zombies" and other horrors of the virtual world.

It would seem, what can be common? The fact is that it is the sedentary lifestyle of a person who for a long time spends at the computer, leads to the following phenomena:

The most common myths about the impact of computers on health

Of course, this topic is literally shrouded in myths, but it is enough just to study the conclusions of scientists and doctors, which they made after many years of research, to make sure that each of them is fictional.

Computers emit harmful radio waves

This is heard from everyone and everywhere, and for sure even you have a cactus near the monitor, or even several - it is believed that this particular plant is capable of taking on all the radio emission. Calm down and leave the cacti alone!

Firstly, a computer monitor does not have any radio emissions - this object can emit only electromagnetic waves. And secondly, all possible harm from such radiation is neutralized automatically - modern monitors already have such protection.

During pregnancy, the computer is prohibited - there will be a miscarriage

It has been absolutely officially proven that there is no connection between working at a computer and a miscarriage in a pregnant woman, just as there is no harmful effect. modern technology on the intrauterine development child. Yes, you will need to properly equip your workplace, provide the necessary brightness to the screen and choose a comfortable office chair - nothing more!

We recommend reading:

No, the light from a computer monitor does not burn out the eyes and does not lead to blindness. Yes, vision problems can occur, but they are strictly temporary and can be corrected, so to speak, "on the job."