Aloe - medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits and harms, recipes. Useful properties of homemade aloe

The benefits of aloe are known to all. In many homes it is grown and used in medicinal purposes. This plant is originally from Africa, and there are currently about 300 of its species, each of which has its own specific medicinal properties.

In the article, we will consider in detail what the benefits of aloe are, and how it is used for various problems.

How to grow aloe

Aloe is tree-like and bushy. Inside, only the last type of plant is taken, while the tree-like one is successfully used externally. Aloe is quite unpretentious. Even if you forget to take care of it for a while, it will continue to grow regularly. But if you want to grow a truly healthy plant, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. The best soil for it is a mixture of brick chips and charcoal.
  2. Peat does not need to be added to it.
  3. In the warm season, aloe loves a lot of light, warmth, and it needs only moderate watering.
  4. In the cold season, watering should be even less frequent, but the place where the plant is kept should be light. Optimum temperature in winter: from 12 to 14 degrees.
  5. A good feed for him will be top dressing intended for cacti.
  6. Young plants are transplanted annually, and older ones - after 3 years. The oldest can be disturbed even less often - only every 5 years.
  7. Aloe can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and tuber division.


The benefits of aloe are due to its rich composition. So, succulent leaves contain a large number of essential oil, 20 amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, B, fiber and many other trace elements and useful substances. Also, the plant is famous for its bactericidal action.

Therefore, it is widely used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent. They are also treated for burns, psoriasis, dermatitis, boils, acne and other skin diseases.

Use in cosmetology

The plant is part of many cosmetic preparations. But women widely use it, making and natural masks, juice and more. After all, the plant perfectly moisturizes and restores the skin, cleanses it, is able to penetrate deep inside and stimulate regeneration, relieve itching and irritation.

Based on this, the benefits of aloe for the face are invaluable. After prolonged exposure to the sun, cosmetologists strongly recommend moisturizing the skin with aloe products.

Often in beauty salons, relaxing baths are made with its addition. And if you apply freshly squeezed juice at home on the face and neck area before going to bed, then it will look fresh and healthy in the morning. But before that, the face should be thoroughly steamed and cleaned.

Aloe can be added to creams and other skin care products. At the same time, so that the result does not take long to wait, it is necessary to achieve a high concentration of the plant.

Aloe in cosmetics

Almost all companies producing skin care cosmetics have in their arsenal products that contain. However, if you look at its concentration, it turns out that the maximum content of the substance does not exceed 15%. But advertising labels are full of catchy headlines, assuring consumers of amazing results. Unfortunately, in reality, such a small concentration of the plant will not be able to lead to a truly effective result. That is why it is desirable to add natural and freshest juice to these products: it will bring much more benefit to the skin.

This is most relevant for mature skin, which requires more substances from the outside to maintain tone.

Aloe in medical preparations

In addition to cosmetic purposes, aloe-based products are also used in traditional medicine. They are widely used in gynecology, dermatology, immunology, dentistry, and surgery. They treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, inflammation of the oral cavity, SARS and many other pathologies. Consider a few drugs for lovers of official medicine.

For example, pharmacies sell a drug called Aloe Juice, which is used for constipation, polyarthritis, gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Another well-known preparation is "Aloe Syrup with Iron". This unique combination can improve blood circulation and restore metabolic processes in the body. In addition, it restores protective functions, a infectious diseases leave. The drug is used in complex therapy for the treatment of anemia, with intoxication, radiation sickness and asthenia.

For burns, Liniment Aloe is often prescribed, which is rubbed into the affected area. It is also useful for periodontal disease, arthrosis, amphodontosis, conjunctivitis and polyarthritis. "Aloe tablets" are recommended for myopia and chorioretinitis in combination with other drugs.

At eye diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, often recommend "Aloe extract liquid" or "Aloe extract liquid for injection", which have the same effect. The first of them is taken orally in a teaspoon three times a day, and the second is injected under the skin.

How to prepare a remedy at home

Understanding how great the benefits of aloe for the body, many houses grow this plant. Let's see how you can use it yourself.

Aloe is harvested at any time of the year. At the same time, mature leaves are chosen, those that are lower. When the tip of the leaf begins to dry out, it is ready for use. The leaf is cut off at the base or broken off.

To healing properties not lost, the leaves cannot be kept without doing anything with them, more than 3-4 hours. Tinctures and mixtures are made from the plucked leaves. The recipes for treating them are not that complicated. They are prepared in two ways:

  1. The juice is simply squeezed out by hand, without peeling.
  2. The leaf is cleaned and all the pulp is used.

The main thing to remember is that the prepared remedy must be used within a few hours after the leaf has been plucked from the plant, otherwise the benefits of aloe will be significantly reduced, and its use will become useless. If all the prepared juice does not need to be used, then it can be preserved by mixing eight parts of it with two parts of medical alcohol.

homemade recipes

Cosmetic face masks can be made, for example, by mixing aloe juice with cream or with egg white. After applying to the skin, the mask should be held for a quarter of an hour, then rinsed with a soft cool water or unsweetened tea.

For burns, it is best to use freshly squeezed. The benefits of this will be the most effective. At the same time, nothing needs to cover the affected area from above so that the liquid is absorbed into the skin as much as possible.

For SARS and colds, aloe leaves (3 pieces), passed through a meat grinder, mixed with three tablespoons of honey and the same amount of alcohol.

When the body is depleted, a multivitamin mixture containing aloe, orally, is very useful. Its benefits are explained large quantity useful substances that make up the components used. Take one hundred grams: aloe juice, walnuts, lemon juice and honey. The mixture is taken in a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

With gastrointestinal disease, you can simply eat a piece of aloe leaf (5 centimeters in size) 30 minutes before meals for a month or drink freshly squeezed juice in a teaspoon.


Given the benefits of aloe, and the harm from taking this remedy should not be forgotten either. So, a person may experience individual intolerance or an allergy to the described plant. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume aloe juice inside.

The benefits and harms of aloe. Around the world, there are now about ten thousand plants that are actively used in medicine, cosmetology and other branches of social life.

Many tablets, creams, ointments, sprays and other medicines consist of them. They also make masks, infusions, tonics, ointments and much more.

In many countries of the world there is irreplaceable plant which helps in the treatment of many diseases. It can be found almost everywhere and thus almost every home can use it.

In our country, such a plant is aloe. Although today the flower markets provide a fairly large selection of various flowers, flowerpots, bushes, ornamental trees that you can buy and decorate your home with, you can find aloe in almost every home.

Perhaps in the cities it is no longer so popular, but in countryside it is definitely in every household. After all, it serves not only as an interior decoration, but is also used for healing purposes.

But about all this in order. What are the benefits and harms of aloe?

If this plant is beneficial, then there are good reasons for that. A simple flowerpot cannot give a considerable amount beneficial effect on the human body. There are well-reasoned arguments for that.

And all thanks to the fact that this miracle plant has about two hundred active ingredients . Each of them has a beneficial effect on human health. Aloe is rich in a certain amount of necessary and useful qualities.

Aloe contains several types of amino acids: lemon, cinnamon, apple, chrysophone, amber.

Of the vitamins, it contains such as A, C, E and some B vitamins. In addition, it contains very active natural antioxidants,betacarotene, polysaccharides (cellulose, galactose), enzymes, sterols.

In addition to this list of necessary ingredients, there are also minerals: potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, chromium, copper, zinc, magnesium.

Thanks to this, aloe has a beneficial effect on many human organs. He has healing effect, so aloe leaf gel is actively used. It helps you heal faster open wounds, and is also recommended for intestinal diseases, as well as at the time after surgery.

But the benefits of eating aloe do not end there. In addition to the healing effect, it neutralizes the affected area from harmful bacteria and microbes, fights inflammation it, relieves pain, prevents the appearance of suppuration.

In small amounts, aloe juice helps in diseases of the stomach, increases appetite. But it's not so simple here. If you go too far with the dosage or self-medicate, then you can do even more harm. This will lead to further indigestion.

In addition, aloe helps. Probably, all the inhabitants of our country know about the use of aloe juice for a cold. Also, many people know the healing properties of aloe in tandem with honey. It is used to boost immunity. If you have an acute breakdown, then such an infusion is just right.

Aloe juice helps with tuberculosis,diseases of the mucous membrane and oral cavity.

Highly useful plant aloe is for human skin. It relieves irritation, redness, helps heal wounds faster, fights acne and prevents their subsequent appearance. Also, aloe juice moisturizes the skin well, has a rejuvenating effect.

Therefore, in creams for the skin of hands and face, it is indispensable.

The help of aloe with a cold has already been mentioned.

He is also good with eye diseases. Eye drops are made from it, removing redness and some kind of fatigue.

If you suffer from cuts or abrasions, then you can apply aloe leaf gel to the wound, bandaging it with gauze. You need to change such a compress every few hours so that it does not dry out.

A cut aloe leaf will help. To do this, steam your legs well and inside apply an aloe leaf to the calluses. Wrap with a bandage and put on warm socks. Change this compress every 4 to 5 hours. After three days, remove the bandage and steam your legs well again.

Aloe juice is also used in cosmetology. Have problems with hair loss?write down next recipe . You need to combine aloe juice, honey, a teaspoon of garlic juice and one egg yolk. Use this mixture every time before washing your hair. Keep it on for about half an hour and then wash it off. herbal decoction or regular shampoo. If you apply this mask for three months, then the hair will become stronger, shiny, elastic.

As for internal use, there are also many recipes. But I want to warn you right away that you can’t treat yourself with aloe under any circumstances. Everything should be done only on the advice of a doctor.

Aloe juice helps digestive processes organism. It improves and accelerates the process of digestion of food, increases the pH balance of the intestines, and promotes maximum absorption. nutrients, clears of unnecessary accumulations, deal with bloating,heartburn,constipation.

Also aloe helps heal stomach ulcers. Possessing bactericidal properties, it heals and improves the microflora.

This plant is also good for people who are sick. diabetes. It is best to bring sugar to the required level in this way. If you have low hemoglobin, then also turn to the help of aloe.

Besides, aloe juice helps with pressure surges and improves blood circulation in the human body.

For those who follow debilitating diets in pursuit of slim figure, aloe juice is also recommended. He helps burn extra calories, accelerates the metabolic process, does not allow absorption extra pounds. AT Western countries aloe-based diets are widely practiced.

Apart from useful characteristics aloe can be harmful to your health and body. As for external use, there are no special comments, because it practically cannot harm in any way. But internal application entails a number of contraindications.

Do not use any form of aloe, if you have allergy problems. Since aloe contains active substances, which may cause different kind irritation and rash.
In overdose or misuse, aloe can cause indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, sharp pain, inflammation.

If you use aloe for a long time, it accumulates and harms the body. Studies have been conducted confirming that it even contributes to the appearance malignant tumors and growths on the internal organs of a person.

If you do not have such a plant at home, then do not be upset. You can buy ready-made aloe juice in pharmacies and specialized stores. And you can take the ointment or medicine you already need, which includes aloe.

In any case, remember that self-medication can have bad consequences. Be sure to check with your doctor first.

Agave or aloe is a genus of evergreen perennial xerophytic succulents that are common in wild nature Africa (Cape region), Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula, many species are found in the Canaries. These amazing plants close their pores in adverse conditions, thanks to which their valuable moisture is stored inside the leaves, and the plant itself is able to survive in any weather, unlike other representatives of the surrounding flora. In the article we learn about the benefits and harms home flower aloe.

The agave, standing on the windowsill in each apartment, has various properties including medical ones. Pharmacology and medicine have long used these fleshy thick leaves for their own purposes, and home cosmetology it is impossible to imagine without aloe and its beneficial properties. But without consulting a doctor, you should not treat yourself with the juice of this plant, since harm to the body can be done more than good.

Useful properties and composition of aloe

The unique composition of the ground part of this plant has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the human body. It has the most powerful biogenic stimulant, which increases its activity as a result of a certain preparation of the source material. Consider what benefits and harms a homemade aloe flower can bring.

The observations of the famous ophthalmologist and scientist academician Vladimir Filatov show that in order to enhance the effectiveness of the extract, it is necessary to biostimulate the plant, that is, to withstand the cut leaves at a low temperature (up to +2) without access to light for about 14-15 days.

Watering the plant must be stopped 8-10 days before cutting the leaves. After this manipulation medicinal properties aloe (agave) will be incredibly high, as the synthesis of active shoot compounds will start.

The valuable composition of the agave (aloe) is due to:

  • phenolic compounds;
  • hormone-like substances;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • a small amount of essential oil;
  • resinous compounds;
  • enzymes;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins (carotene, which is converted into vitamins of groups B, A, ascorbic and folic acids);
  • mineral salts (magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, calcium and others).

All these beneficial properties allow the use of agave or aloe in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Ointment and medicine containing the juice of such a plant is used as in the treatment internal organs and for cosmetic purposes.

Medicinal properties that determine the benefits of aloe:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • biostimulating;
  • antiviral;
  • sedatives;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • deodorizing;
  • restorative;
  • antioxidant;
  • regenerating;
  • wound healing.

In modern pharmacy chains, pharmacological medications are sold that can be easily purchased: aloe in ampoules (extract) or juice, they can be used both internally and externally. The extract must be injected intramuscularly with a syringe, and the juice is drunk according to the scheme. Two of these drugs are used in the preparation local ointments that treat the skin and mucous membranes.

Traditional medicine - the use of aloe

These unique leaves will help in complex treatment diseases such as:

  • tuberculosis and bronchial asthma, bronchitis and cough;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • migraines and nervousness;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach;
  • colds, SARS and acute respiratory infections;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • conjunctivitis, inflammation upper eyelid and other eye diseases;
  • gynecological diseases in girls.

Below we will consider recipes from a homemade aloe flower, learn more about the benefits and harms of this plant. Agave will help in the treatment of wounds, abrasions, it heals well burns, boils, acne, acne, baldness, cracks in the corners of the lips, ulcers and herpetic lesions.

Aloe and epidermis - benefits

The value of succulents is mainly due to their pronounced regenerative quality. Juice, pulp, and concentrate are used to make a huge amount of skin care products, and manufacturers constantly provide them for consumer review.

Aloe concentrate renews and rejuvenates the epidermis, improves its elasticity and strengthens collagen fibers, it also cleanses skin from an unpleasant rash and relieves age spots.

A large number of women who do not have allergic reactions to vegetation can take care of the surface of the skin at home, through cooking various masks, balms, creams, tonics and lotions from the juice and pulp of agave leaves. The main rule in self-cooking is to keep the cut leaves in a dark and cold place for 14-15 days, and then extract the juice from them.

By adding the resulting product to any skin and body care product, hair, eyelashes and nails, you can enhance the result. It also needs to be used as a tonic, just wipe your face with a cotton pad that is dipped in medicinal juice only 2 times a day, after washing and cleansing the face.

Hand cream with aloe

To prepare the cream, you need a base. The use of pharmacy lanolin, baby or lanolin cream is welcome and vegetable oils(from grapes, apricot kernels, castor, jojoba).

Take 50 grams of the base, add 30 ml of fir and the same amount of agave juice (about 2 ampoules with extract), mix everything well. Such a cream should be stored in the refrigerator and used every day as the main care product. The skin will receive necessary nutrition and hydration.

Effective folk recipes from aloe leaves

To get an antitussive you need:

  • aloe juice - 25 grams;
  • softened homemade butter (goose fat or lard) - 150 grams;
  • bee honey - 180 grams;
  • pure cocoa powder - 90 grams.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a cup and consumed one tablespoon three times a day, you need to drink a glass of hot milk. This medicine will also help in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

As you can see, homemade aloe flower is more good than harm, for example, agave-based nose drops are an excellent medicine at home.

In the treatment of rhinitis, it is necessary to drip fresh agave juice into the nasal passages, 2 drops each and repeat this procedure up to 6 times a day as needed. The treatment lasts about a week.

In the treatment of an inflammatory process in the throat (tonsillitis), rinsing is used, for which you need half a glass boiled water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice. After the procedure, after 15-20 minutes, you need to drink warm milk with 1 teaspoon of agave juice. Carry out treatment three times a day.

If at night you were taken by surprise by a strong toothache, then you can attach a small piece of a fleshy leaf to the gum and this will eliminate the pain.

Wiping the affected area with the pulp from the agave leaf, 5 times a day, will help to eliminate the rash on the lips (herpes) very quickly.

Harm and contraindications of aloe for humans

The benefits and harms of this product have long been scientifically proven. Being a unique gift of nature, helping in the treatment human body with natural and safe means, it also has many contraindications, like any of the medicines. The most important is individual intolerance.

For any treatment options where there is a need to take the extract inside, it is necessary to coordinate this with the specialist who is under observation.

It is very dangerous to exceed the dosage of drugs with aloe, as you can get poisoned. Signs: inflammation of the intestines, diarrhea, the presence of blood in feces, violation of the process of digestion and defecation.

During pregnancy, an overdose of aloe juice and aloe extract can even lead to miscarriage.

A lot of people are interested in the topic of beneficial properties and contraindications of aloe. Knowledge in the use of the fleshy leaves and juice of this home plant will help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases and health problems. The agave is absolutely unpretentious to the ground, it does not need to be constantly fed and watered. Left without water for many months, he will survive and wait for the attention of the owners. Such a plant will be a good helper in every home.

Aloe is a simple and indispensable home assistant for healing, healing and beauty. Simple - because it is easy to maintain, no special conditions he does not require. The agave grows and multiplies quickly, so you will always have your own green doctor, cosmetologist and a storehouse of vitamins at home. Irreplaceable - because there are few plants in nature with such a wide range applications.

  • It will help you with a runny nose and pull pus out of the wound in 2-3 nights and even a splinter. Not replaceable in the treatment of fresh abrasions, bruises and bruises (that is, it will not even have time to form if you immediately start applying aloe).
  • Expands capillaries and improves blood circulation.
  • It will raise immunity and cleanse the body, even cure oncology. Since it contains an amino acid - acemannan, which interferes with the creation of capillaries in the tumor. And protease enzymes that break down the lining of cancer cells.
  • Aloe contains a huge amount of nutrients, about two hundred. Including barbaloin, an antibiotic that helps against tuberculosis, chronic gastritis, eye and skin diseases. Vitamins B1, B12, B6, A, E, C., mucopolysaccharides, acetylsalicylic acid, B-sitosterol ... and many others.
  • Aloe vera saved from starvation and cured the sailors of Christopher Columbus. After all, when they stepped onto the American continent, their provisions ran out and their health was far from perfect. Since there were no edible plants around, they tasted the succulent leaves of Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, which grew in huge quantities around. Juicy pulp satisfied hunger and gave energy to exhausted sailors.
  • And this plant is also an excellent beautician, it will erase small wrinkles from the face, due to its restorative and regenerating properties and the ability to help the skin produce collagen. It will moisturize the skin, with the help of the allantoin contained in the plant, and make the hair silky and shiny, save them from falling out. It will help with acne, as it has powerful bactericidal properties.
  • Be sure to remember that Aloe arborescens and Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller are two different plants. Both of them are healing, but if the prefix faith is written in the recipe, then you do not need to use its tree relative. Especially if the mixture is intended for oral use.

After all, the peel of the arboreal agave contains aloin. Which refers to biostimulants, because of them, the rapid growth of neoplasms, for example, oncology, polyps or papillomas, can begin in the body. But this can happen after long-term use inside, and you can safely use it for external application, for example, as a cosmetic product, rinsing or as a lotion on festering wound. And aloin has a strong laxative property, so use it in case of constipation once.

    • What does it look like tree aloe probably everyone knows. On a lighter tubular stem, green, curved, bright green, juicy cone-shaped leaves with prickly tubercles along the edge grow, sharpening towards the end. Veterans usually have a lot of leaves below with a dry brown top, so they just need to be plucked for treatment.

How to treat with aloe. Training

A familiar grandmother, from whom I took Aloe Vera, said that she chews a leaf every day to prevent diseases and is therefore completely healthy. Below are aloe recipes from the so-called alternative medicine, which are used if the disease has already begun.

You can make these recipes with tree aloe if you don't already have aloe vera.

Our home doctor will successfully cure:

And these medicines are best made only from Aloe Vera, as they are taken orally:

Aloe for beauty purposes

These cosmetics make both tree agave and Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller. It will be very good if you take it inside at the same time. You can just drink a few drops, or use any recipe you like from several components. Acting inside the body, aloe will promote the production of collagen and other substances necessary for your appearance.

After all, folk methods do not just treat something specific, they adapt the body to external conditions, he becomes stronger and can defeat any disease himself.

For face:

Agave for hair beauty

Aloe - homemade recipes for beauty and health

From the common cold, sinusitis and sinusitis:

  • For diseases of the nose, you need to instill aloe juice 3-4 times a day. If you are afraid of a burn, then it is better to breed with boiled water diluted with juice or 1 part juice and 2 parts water. Continue treatment until the runny nose disappears and longer than a week. And after instillation, the mucous membranes will begin to pinch, and you will most likely begin to actively sneeze. This will also help clear your nose and make breathing easier.

For get well soon take a teaspoon of aloe juice after instillation. To reduce bitterness and increase benefits, take it with honey.

  • For children, it is better to make such a mixture: take 1 tablespoon of juice and add 3 tablespoons of warm boiled water. And to reduce bitterness, you can add honey to the drops.

For babies, dilute the juice with water 1:5. Or boil 3 tablespoons olive oil, add 1 spoon of aloe juice, stir and lubricate the spout 3 times a day.

For sore throat and sore throat:

Gargle with this composition: 1 part aloe juice and 1 part warm water. The more often, the better, for example every hour.

After the procedure, swallow half a teaspoon of aloe juice and drink with a glass warm milk with honey.

If the wound has festered

Firstly, you can prevent suppuration if you immediately apply a piece of aloe leaf divided in half to the wound or splinter, or make a lotion from the juice. With the dry side on the bandage, and with the wet side, attach to the sore spot, and secure with a band-aid. You will understand that it has bactericidal properties when it starts to pinch. But besides that, it will soothe the pain, because it contains salicylic acid.

Pus from a small wound is drawn out in 3 nights. You can understand that aloe has finished its work by the leaf that was tied to the wound. While the plant is working, the aloe leaf will be dry in the morning, so you need to continue the procedure. When the treatment is over, the agave will be wet in the morning.

How to remove a splinter if it does not pull out

Put on the bandage processed, as described above, the sheet, while choosing the most fleshy. And tying to the place with the thorn usually helps in one night or a few hours. The splinter will simply remain on the leaf.

How to treat otitis media

Heat aloe juice no higher than body temperature. And put 5 drops into the ears. Treat in this way for up to 7 days. It will relieve pain and disinfect.

Or wet the pulp of the turunda plant and carefully inject into both ears. Keep it on for about an hour or until the pain subsides.

Or wrap aloe gel in a napkin and tie it to a sore ear all night.

Cleansing the body of accumulated toxins

Take 1 kilogram: Aloe vera leaves, butter and natural honey.

Melt the butter, add chopped leaves, honey and mix. After the medicine has cooled, place it in the refrigerator and store it there.

AT warm milk dilute a teaspoon of the medicine and drink once a day on an empty stomach. Continue taking until healing mixture won't end. During the course of treatment, try not to eat meat, fish, starchy foods, sweets and fatty foods.

Relief from constipation

  • 150 ml aloe vera juice
  • 250 gr honey
  • 350 ml strong red wine
  • Stir, put in a dark place for 5 days, then store in the cold.
  • Take as needed: 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

For raising vitality and immunity.

Mix equal parts: aloe juice and cranberries + honey. Eat 2 tbsp. spoons before each meal.

Gastritis prevention and how to cure

    • If you want to prevent gastritis, then 2 times a year, within a month, drink 10 drops of aloe vera, poured into a spoon with water. Half an hour before meals.

And to cure chronic gastritis, use this recipe

Take 200 grams: honey and aloe pulp and 2 tablespoons carrot juice. Stir and drink 30 minutes before meals in a tablespoon.

  • To get rid of gastritis with high acidity, there is an old medicine that is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

squeeze glass potato juice(use freshly prepared within the first 15 minutes). Add two tbsp. spoons of honey and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of aloe pulp (also fresh). And drink all this and eat nothing for 30-45 minutes.

From a stomach ulcer

These recipes will not only help restore mucous membranes and stop inflammatory processes, but also relieve pain, pacify heartburn and nausea.

  • Helps a lot with this ailment. alcohol tincture, but minus this recipe, long period insistence. AT glass jar put half a kilo of finely chopped Aloe vera leaves, 700 grams of quality honey and half a liter of food alcohol or quality vodka. And put in a dark place for 2 months. Strain, and so that the medicine does not ferment, keep the tincture in the refrigerator.

Take a course for 6 weeks, 30 minutes. before meals, 1 tablespoon. Stop taking for 2 months and repeat if necessary.

  • A simpler remedy. Stir in 2 tablespoons of crushed aloe and 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 teaspoon, drink water 30 minutes before meals - 3 times a day. Take - 3 weeks, then interrupt for 2 weeks and repeat again.

Aloe for pulmonary tuberculosis

Aloe helps fight Koch's wand and slows down its rate of reproduction.

  • This healing mixture will save you, among other things, from a cough or chronic bronchitis.
  1. 100 gr butter or goose fat. You can 1: 1 of both.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice
  3. 100 gr honey
  4. 100 gr ground cocoa

Melt butter and/or goose fat. Add other products. Stir and take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon with a glass of warm tea or milk.

  • The second prescription for pulmonary tuberculosis
  1. Aloe pulp - 150 grams
  2. Badger fat - 500 grams
  3. Garlic peeled 25 grams
  4. Birch buds - 50 gr
  5. Natural honey - 50 gr
  6. Vodka or cognac - 100 ml
  7. Shells from 7 large chicken eggs, finely ground

All components are mixed and placed in a jar. In a warm place, this composition is infused for 5 days, while the composition must be mixed daily.

Reception - 1 tbsp. spoon an hour before meals, up to 3 times a day.

From hypertension and to lower bad cholesterol

30 minutes before eating, pour 5 drops of freshly squeezed aloe vera juice into a spoonful of water and drink. Course 2 months. Control your blood pressure and do not stop taking pills abruptly.

To raise vitality and immunity, as well as chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and dysentery

Take 10 ml of Aloe Vera juice in a spoonful of water 30 minutes before meals

From cancer and other diseases. Brazilian priest Roman Kago's recipe

Release the leaves from the edges and skin. The result should be 300 grams of pulp, which must be cut into pieces. Put them in a blender + 500 grams of honey + 4 tablespoons of quality alcohol (there was cane liquor, but you can use any good spirit). Mix.

Eat a full tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before eating a spoon until the disease subsides.

This priest was called to the sick in order to receive a blessing before death, but very often these sick people were met with surprise on the street. It turns out that Roman Kago regaled all the dying with this drug.

By at least this is what Michael Poyser said on a talk show about aloe vera. You can watch it right now, I advise you, it is very interesting.

Aloe for face care

If your skin is sensitive or dry, don't apply aloe juice without first diluting it with water! Otherwise, you may feel a strong burning sensation.

Grind the pulp of the agave. Wrap in a clean cloth.

Lie down and put wrapped aloe under the eyes, where swelling and dark circles, take a towel, as the juice may drip onto your face. Rest like this for about half an hour or more.

After the mask, you can wash your face and smear with cream, or you can not do this.

From wrinkles under the eyes

  • Cut a cotton pad into 2 semicircles with scissors, soak with aloe juice and place under the eyes. Keep at least 30 minutes.

And to refresh the skin around the eyes, wet a whole cotton pad with juice and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Put on closed eyes for 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is better to spread eye cream around without washing off the juice. Or wash off the juice and do not smear anything - as you wish.

  • Aloe for wrinkles and early aging

The simplest thing is to divide the leaf, after cutting off the prickly parts, and wipe the face directly with this leaflet, pressing on the pulp, mostly wrinkled areas. After it dries, you can spread the cream, after which the face will begin to tingle. It's okay - it's disinfection from various pimples and micro-inflammations.

Or mix honey and Aloe pulp in half and make a mask for 30-40 minutes. This mask will moisturize the skin well and smooth out wrinkles.

Seizures in the corners of the lips to treat

it unpleasant phenomenon also heals centennial. Just squeeze the juice onto cotton pads and press it against the sick as often as possible during the day, and lubricate with aloe juice at night.

For hair beauty

You can rub the agave juice before each wash 30 minutes before, and enjoy your hair. Or use mixtures that enhance the effect of aloe juice.

Mask that nourishes, moisturizes and accelerates hair growth

Yolk from chicken egg+ one spoon of juice and olive oil + 4 tablespoons of kefir + vitamin E and A one capsule each. Lubricate the scalp an hour before washing. And cover with a plastic cap and a towel to create heat. Then wash your hair as usual.

If hair falls out

Need to mix the ampoule nicotinic acid(vitamin B3) and tsp. aloe juice and rub into the scalp after washing. Moreover, the composition should be applied immediately, otherwise vitamin B3 will lose its healing properties in the open air. Do this 1-2 times a week. After 30 days, you will notice that the hair on the head has become much more and they began to fall out less.

Aloe can rightfully be called the cure for all ailments. Now read under what conditions it is absolutely impossible to use this home doctor, otherwise it can be harmful.

Contraindications to the use of Aloe:

  • Various bleeding.
  • For any inflammation.
  • It is not allowed to apply to pregnant women, as the juice contains anthraquinones, which increase the tone in the uterus.
  • If you are breastfeeding, milk can become bitter.
  • Aloe allergy.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder
  • Diabetes – Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller can lower blood sugar levels in some people!
  • Heart disease - can reduce the level of potassium in the blood.
  • if you accept medicines: digoxin, glibenclamide or diuretics.
  • You can not use aloe for more than a year without a break!

It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, otherwise aloe can cause internal bleeding, pain in the heart, kidneys and other organs. And no matter how much good reviews about the miraculousness of any folk remedy However, be sure to check with your doctor.

You can read other articles, for this use

From what and why

The main medicinal properties are bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory. With the help of tinctures, leaf extracts are treated:

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: cough, tracheitis. home remedy effective even with bronchitis, asthma;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum(in remission);
  • Colds, complications of acute respiratory infections;
  • Inflammatory processes in the throat and nasal cavity (rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Ulcers, burns, wounds.

Useful characteristics are due high content in the aerial part of amino acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, enzymes, mineral salts, bioflavonoids. And here is the percentage essential oils extremely low. Therefore, it is rare for anyone to develop an allergic reaction.

simple recipes

Aloe just saved me recently. A four-month-old grandson has an inflamed finger. Nails were cut carelessly, apparently, they brought an infection. The daughter took the baby to the surgeon, the abscess was opened and cleaned. But a day later, the wound began to boil again.

Barely persuaded the young to trust traditional medicine. The upper hard skin was removed from the leaf, doused with boiling water, put on the finger, bandaged, and left overnight. By morning the swelling subsided. The procedure was repeated in daytime sleep. There was no trace of inflammation!

It is easy to prepare cough syrup at home. For 25 grams fresh juice add 150 g of pure lard (you can use homemade cow butter). There - 180g of honey, 90g of cocoa.

All components are mixed in a glass container (I use a wooden spoon to avoid oxidation). Take a tablespoon three times a day. The tool works even more effectively if you drink it with a glass of hot milk. Tested on myself!

Cosmetic novelties

Few people realize that a houseplant - good helper in the fight against age spots, acne, boils. Possessing amazing wound-healing abilities, the juice cures acne with a bang.

It is enough to squeeze the juice onto a cotton ball, and apply it 1-2 times a day on the face, like a tonic. After a week, the skin will noticeably clear, the complexion will become fresh. You can add a few drops of the extract to your favorite cream, or add it to the mask.

Important conditions to be observed when harvesting raw materials:

  • Watering stops 10-14 days before pruning;
  • The cut parts are washed, dried, wrapped in plastic wrap and stored for 2 weeks in the refrigerator without access to light.


More than one book has been written about the healing properties, but rarely does anyone remember contraindications. And there are!

  • It is unacceptable to self-medicate using aloe-based potions if there is an individual intolerance to it;
  • It is not recommended to take the product inside with liver pathology;
  • It is forbidden to use for exacerbation of gastritis, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer.

I would never risk giving my grandson aloe inside, the probability is too high allergic reaction. So that childhood up to 3 years can also be included in the list of contraindications (if we are talking on internal use).

Bed on the window

Flower care comes down to regular watering, moistening the shoots. It is useful to wash them with water from time to time, it is convenient to do this with a soft cloth. Washing off the dust, you help the leaves "breathe", improve the access of light. And this means that even more useful substances are formed.

It is easy to propagate a flower due to young shoots. They are placed in a glass of water, waiting for the roots to appear, then transplanted into a pot. Some grow it from seeds. For me - too troublesome, for an amateur.

The plant is very unpretentious. Withstands low temperatures(but not less than 15 degrees). Likes light, but sensitive to direct sunbeams. Needs feeding once a month. "Useful" becomes 3 years of growth.

Photos of plants on the Internet are different. There are less or more popular varieties. In our country, tree-like, spinous, and variegated are mostly common.