Androgenetic alopecia in men and women: is a cure possible? Androgenetic alopecia in men: causes and treatment.

Androgens are male sex hormones that promote growth muscle mass, but inhibit the activity of hair follicles. Androgenetic alopecia in men this is a common phenomenon. Male pattern baldness is five times less common among the fair sex. Hair loss background hormonal changes not so dangerous for men. Androgenetic alopecia in women often accompanies problems in the genitourinary area, difficulties with conception, and atrophy of the genital organs.

Specifics of the disease

When the concentration of androgens increases, follicles are depressed. At the same time, the scalp becomes thinner and the level of hair follicles is reduced. Hair growth slows down and the period of development of hair follicles is shortened. Thermal follicles, which ensure the growth of dense hair with natural pigmentation, are replaced by dysplastic ones. The latter do not produce strong hair, but produce thin, almost colorless hairs, which fall off over time and do not grow back.

Male pattern hair loss in women can be caused not by internal changes, but by external ones. For example, taking hormonal drugs. In any case, alopecia - serious reason consult a doctor. Behind the rapid baldness lie pathological changes which may be hazardous to health.

An increase in androgen levels reduces human life expectancy, which is associated with rapid wear and tear of internal organs.

The disease is characterized by cyclicity. Periods of intense baldness are accompanied by attenuation pathological process. Sometimes the affected areas grow back with hair. But with each new period of regression, the area of ​​the bald surface increases.

Androgenetic alopecia in men is accompanied by changes in hair growth, which is determined using the Norwood scale. In this case, thinning of hair is observed on the back of the head and temporal region. Bald areas have a characteristic triangular shape. Over time, the boundaries between bald areas become blurred. Hair is retained only on the sides and the hair growth area between the head and neck.

For representatives of the fair sex, the disease has its own characteristics. Due to androgenetic alopecia in women, hair density in the frontal and parietal areas decreases. The Ludwig scale allows you to diagnose changes. In women, the changes are minor, which explains why the fair sex does not always consult a doctor.

Provocateurs of baldness

The sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens is determined by heredity. Moreover, the carrier of the defective gene is the mother. In 75% of cases, the predisposition to baldness is inherited through the maternal line. The causes of androgenetic alopecia in men lie in the structure of DNA. Scientific research were able to establish the nature of the changes, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Among other provocateurs of baldness:

  • long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids;
  • vitamin deficiency and addiction to diets;
  • mental disorders, tendency to neuroses;
  • Not proper care hair care, abuse of aggressive products or styling methods.

Causes of androgenetic alopecia in women include long-term use of oral contraceptives, gynecological diseases(polycystic ovary syndrome, inflammation of the appendages, etc.), menopause. Hormonal imbalances are common in diseases of the endocrine system, during and after pregnancy. While androgenetic alopecia in men can be a result of stress or increased mental stress, in women disorders are more likely to occur due to hidden hormonal problems.

Antidepressants, which the fairer sex takes quite often, can cause male pattern baldness in women. The gene factor recedes into the background, although without a predisposition to baldness the disease will not progress.

Clinical picture

The signs of androgenetic alopecia in women are somewhat different from the manifestations of the disease in men. But the disease has characteristic feature– hair doesn’t just fall out, it changes color and structure. Baldness is especially noticeable in the parietal area. Other signs vary.

Androgenetic alopecia in men is accompanied by a change in the border of hair growth in the forehead area. The line moves towards the crown. At the same time, the temporal areas are exposed. Hair loss occurs gradually, which makes it difficult to timely identify problems and prevent hair loss.

Signs of androgenic alopecia in women are more variable. Hair is thinning in stripes. If the hairs on the head become thinner and weaker, then on other parts of the body they grow more actively. This is due to the change hormonal levels and an increase in the production of male sex hormones. Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women include:

  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • problems with conception;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • fragility of nails;
  • nervousness and aggressiveness.

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia is determined by the specifics of the disease. It is important to identify the disease in time, then complete hair restoration is possible. The problem is that it is almost impossible to detect the symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women at an early stage. Here great importance has adequate and timely diagnosis.

Establishing diagnosis

Male pattern baldness is easier to identify. Enough to study external signs and get tested for hormone levels. Informative method The study is considered to be trichoscopy. Androgenetic alopecia in men is accompanied by thinning of the scalp and changes in hair structure.

Similar disorders accompany female pattern baldness. But women are recommended to undergo examination by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and neurologist. The doctor takes into account the general condition of the patient’s body, his age, and previous diseases. A microscopic examination of the hair is carried out, epithelial particles are studied.

Therapeutic measures

How to cure afforestation? The trichologist will select an individual treatment program based on the clinical picture. Without drug therapy no treatment regimen is bypassed. Hormonal correction medications are extremely necessary for women. At the same time, physiotherapy is prescribed, and if conservative therapy is ineffective, transplantation is recommended. Before deciding how to treat androgenetic alopecia in women, you need to find out exact reasons baldness.

Drug therapy

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men involves the use of drugs such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. The first drug is used externally. It is used at home to stimulate hair growth and prevent the death of hair follicles. The effectiveness of the drug is not very high - only in 39% of cases is it possible to restore hair growth and remove bald patches. Much depends on the urgency of treatment. It makes no sense to use Minoxidil after the onset of irreversible changes in the follicles.

The drug has been prescribed to women since 1991. Androgenetic alopecia in women is more difficult to treat, although the signs of baldness in the fair sex are not as pronounced. The use of external medications is not always advisable, since the causes of violations lie in internal changes. Treatment of baldness in women involves the use of drugs such as Cimetidine and Spironolactone. The first blocks the activity of androgens, the second helps with PMS and polycystic ovary syndrome. Pick up adequate therapy possible only on the basis of clinical data.

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men involves the use of the drug Finasteride. This hormonal agent with antitumor activity. Women childbearing age the drug is contraindicated.


Is it possible to cure androgenetic alopecia in women? by medication? Not always. Physiotherapy methods come to the rescue. Treatment physical factors improves blood microcirculation, activates metabolic processes at the cellular level. Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women involves the following procedures:

  • mesotherapy – vitamin preparations are injected under the skin to stimulate hair growth. The main vitamins for androgenetic alopecia are nicotinic and hyaluronic acid, B vitamins;
  • darsonval - activates capillary blood circulation, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves hair structure;
  • cryotherapy – helps eliminate male pattern baldness in women. Enhances nutrition of hair follicles, reanimates damaged cells, activates blood circulation;
  • massage – in trichology, both hardware and manual techniques are used. Androgenetic alopecia in women cannot be treated with massage alone, but this method prevents tissue hypoxia and increases the absorption of nutrients.


Conservative therapy is not always effective. The trichologist will find out whether androgenetic alopecia in women can be cured without the use of radical methods. If bald areas are not subject to natural hair growth, then transplantation is performed.

Usually, native hair is transplanted from dense areas. It is important to remove the biomaterial from the area that is resistant to the effects of androgens, otherwise, after the operation, the transplanted bulbs will suffer the same fate. At the same time, the method of hair cloning is being developed. However, this technology has not received mass distribution due to its complexity and high cost.

It is important to transplant follicles quickly after extraction. They lose viability and do not take root.

Not everyone can become a hair donor. In case of total suppression of hair follicles, it makes no sense to transplant your own hair. If the operation is successful, the transplanted follicles are put into operation 2 weeks after transplantation. The disadvantage of therapy is its high cost. The effectiveness of treatment can be increased if the factors causing baldness are eliminated.

Prognosis and prevention

Androgenetic alopecia in men remains a difficult to treat and poorly predictable disease. It is difficult to achieve a positive result with unfavorable heredity. If men in the family lose hair early, then timely prevention will prevent alopecia. To the program preventive measures includes proper hair care, vitamin therapy, home massage scalp.

Male pattern baldness in women can also be prevented. Timely treatment of gynecological and hormonal disorders will prevent hair loss. Women are shown onion and mustard masks homemade, which activate follicles and improve blood circulation. It is necessary to use gentle shampoos and styling products, do not neglect a hat during the cold season, and avoid curling irons and thermal curling if you are prone to baldness.

Alopecia is aggravated by stress factors. For people prone to nervous feelings and psycho-emotional instability, sedatives are indicated. Recommend natural remedies to improve sleep, relieve nervous tension and prevent depression.

Androgenetic alopecia in women - what is it? This is a progressive baldness caused by the action of male hormones (androgens) on hair follicles.

Androgenetic alopecia is also called male pattern baldness in women, as it is a physiological phenomenon of aging.

Just a few 10 years ago, this pathology existed. Today, the incidence of androgenetic alopecia in women is increasing every year. What is due to the worsening environmental situation, unhealthy lifestyle, stress - factors that directly affect.

The phenomenon of baldness is studied by dermatologists and trichologists.. Since androgenic alopecia is a hormonal disease, consultation with an endocrinologist is also necessary. Afterwards, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.


Androgenetic alopecia in women occurs in 40% of cases due to age 60-70 years, but it can start earlier - from 25-30 years of age.


Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women: the first sign of incipient baldness is intense hair loss in the parietal region, on both sides of the central parting. If you divide the hair into 2 parts in the central part of the head, you will visually notice an expansion of the parting line.

The hair on the crown of a woman loses color, becomes more faded, becomes noticeably thinner, and as a result breaks off. Often, against the background of baldness, a concomitant disease occurs - seborrheic dermatitis., which is expressed the following symptoms:, greasy hair, the appearance of acne on the scalp and frontal area.

Androgenic baldness in women can also be determined by the symptoms of hyperandrogenism. Along with female pattern baldness reproductive age Menstruation disappears, coarse hair appears on the body and face (mustache, beard), and facial acne occurs.

The above indicate endocrine disorders and require consultation with an endocrinologist. From the outside, a woman’s hair looks unkempt: dull and greasy, with a gap visible on the top of her head.

Stages of the disease

The androgenic type depends on the cause of its development. U healthy women , without endocrine diseases, baldness develops as follows(Hamilton's classification):

  1. Hair loss along the anterior border of the growth line.
  2. The appearance of bald patches on the forehead.
  3. Thinning of the parietal region.
  4. Progressive baldness on the forehead and crown, ending with the merging of foci and the formation of a large bald patch.

Women with endocrine disorders experience intense hair loss and uniform thinning over a large area of ​​the head at once:

  • increased hair loss in the central parting area;
  • spread of baldness to the entire parietal region;
  • the formation of a large area of ​​baldness in the parietal area;
  • Alopecia progresses very slowly and lasts for decades.

Treatment of the disease

They are used to suppress the effect of androgens. Among the products for external use high efficiency Herbal lotions have: "Chronostim", "Tricostim".

Significant clinical improvement in women is caused by Minoxidil solution, the local application of which slows down the process of hair loss and, in most cases, resumes hair growth.

Minoxidil solution is sold in pharmacies under trade names“Alerana”, “Generolon”, “Kosilon”.

For general treatment Cyproterone acetate is effective for common baldness in women. The drug should be used in conjunction with estrogen-containing products, as it suppresses the production of estrogen.

In this regard, combined oral contraceptives"Diana-35", "Silest". If the areas of baldness are too large, then it makes sense. You can find out more details, including this procedure, on our website.

Unfortunately, androgenetic hair loss in women cannot be completely cured.. Topical use of sprays and lotions will help preserve hair and prevent further loss, however, they will have to be used for life.

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA), like any other alopecia, is still at the stage of being studied by specialists. That is why it is so difficult to find out the reasons and prescribe proper treatment, although every year more and more more people susceptible to alopecia. Most often, androgenetic alopecia in women is accompanied by a genetic predisposition and a high concentration of the male hormone testosterone. Still, men are more susceptible to androgenetic alopecia; it affects up to 80% of men and up to 50% of women during their lifetime.

Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia

Hair loss with androgenetic alopecia occurs gradually, increasing with age and leading to baldness of the parietal and frontal areas. How does hair fall out with AGA? Each hair on the head goes through three phases of development: active growth (anagen phase), resting phase (catagen) and loss (telogen), and then a return to the anagen phase. With androgenetic alopecia, the growth phase (anagen) is shortened several times (compared to healthy hair) and very quickly passes into the resting phase and, accordingly, hair loss. That is, the hair falls out, a new one grows in its place, but it is thinner and shorter, since it does not have time to grow and falls out again, then in its place an even thinner (like fluff) and shorter hair appears, and this continues until until the hair follicle atrophies completely.

In androgenetic alopecia, genetically predisposed hair follicles, when exposed to androgen stimulation, tend to miniaturize, resulting in the replacement of terminal pigmented hair with barely noticeable depigmented hair. This leads to a progressive decrease in density visible hair on the head, depending on age and gender, in a pattern.

Progressive pattern of androgenetic alopecia in women according to the Ludwig scale:

The diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia can only be made by a specialist after a series of tests. The main dermoscopic signs of androgenetic alopecia:

Hair diameter difference – characteristic diagnostic sign AGA affects more than 20% of hair in androgen-dependent areas. Under the influence of androgens, hair follicles undergo progressive miniaturization, and the hair produced gradually becomes thinner and less pigmented. In severe forms of AGA, miniaturization diffusely affects the follicles, and uniform thinning of the hair is observed.

The phenomenon of empty follicles characterizes the presence of yellow dots on the skin of the scalp, which correspond to empty follicles. The yellow color is due to the fact that the follicular openings, expanded to a greater or lesser extent, are filled with sebum produced by the sebaceous glands.

Pigmentation is a nonspecific sign of AGA, however, it is common, especially in severe forms. This is a reticular, cellular pigmentation of the interfollicular epidermis, clearly visible at 40–50x magnification. Such dark pigmentation caused by increased exposure sun rays on scalp that is not sufficiently covered with hair.

Peripillary signs , also called peripillary rings, appear as a dark halo about 1 mm in size around the follicular opening from which the hair emerges. Deloche in 2004 trichoscopically demonstrated the presence of peripillary signs in AGA and their correlation with superficial perifollicular inflammation in this condition.

Inflammation : The skin of the scalp of patients with AGA is often (to a greater or lesser extent) erythematous, hyperemia can be diffuse or in the form of foci. In most cases, erythema is caused by inflammation due to seborrheic dermatitis. At high magnification (40x), the erythema corresponds to dilated capillary vessels surface layers dermis, which in seborrheic dermatitis usually form irregular loops.

AGA in women can be early, already in adolescence, or late onset, coinciding with the period of menopause.

Complex therapy in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia is very long, one might say lifelong, and this task is complex and requires a systematic approach. We will consider those treatment methods for AGA that are clinically proven.

It is not possible to cure androgenetic alopecia; you can only slow down this process and maintain hair in a “normal” state.

Absolutely useless for androgenetic alopecia ethnoscience, homemade masks, rubs and other grandma’s recipes will not help you with this problem, and sometimes they can even do harm, especially with oils that can clog the pores on the scalp and aggravate the situation even further. Try not to smear your scalp with any folk remedies.

Before taking any medications, you should always consult your doctor.

The drug Minoxidil for AGA

Minoxidil is a hair growth stimulant, although Minoxidil was originally developed to treat arterial hypertension. While the effect of the drug in the treatment of arterial hypertension is clear to specialists, its effect on hair growth is still being studied. Minoxidil promotes hair growth by increasing the anagen phase (growth phase), increasing follicular size and stimulating the growth of resting hair follicles.

Minoxidil in a dosage of 1 ml is applied to dry scalp twice a day (2 or 5%), evenly distributed over the skin of the affected areas and left for at least 4 hours. In case of termination local application minoxidil hair loss will begin after 8-12 weeks, so gradually all the newly grown hair will be lost.

First positive results after Minoxidil it can be noticed after 4-6 months. And when you start using it, hair loss may even worsen.

The drug Finasteride

Finasteride has been primarily prescribed to men for the treatment of AGA since 1998 and helps prevent and slow down hair loss in men.

The drug is also prescribed to women, but there are a number of contraindications and restrictions. The drug is contraindicated in women who are planning a pregnancy (or are already pregnant) because it can block the development of the genital organs in a male fetus. A recent study showed that oral finasteride 5 mg/day may be effective and safe method treatment for women with AGA with normal level androgens.

Oral finasteride at a dosage of 2.5 or 5 mg per day can only be prescribed to postmenopausal women or those simultaneously taking oral contraceptives.

Under no circumstances should you prescribe the drug yourself; be sure to consult your doctor.

Plasmolifting for hair with AGA

One of the promising methods for treating AGA is plasma lifting, platelet-rich plasma therapy. This procedure is absolutely safe; blood is taken from the patient’s vein and platelets are separated from red blood cells using a centrifuge, and then platelet-enriched blood is injected subcutaneously throughout the scalp. You can read more about the experience of using plasma lifting in the article.

The inclusion of plasmolifting in complex therapy with minoxidil solution is accompanied by a more significant increase in the diameter of all hairs and a decrease in the proportion of terminal and vellus hairs.

Mesotherapy for hair

Mesotherapy for hair loss and hair growth is modern technique to restore blood circulation in the hair follicles and nourish the hair with the necessary nutrients. During the procedure, nutritional medicinal mixtures are injected into the scalp. The composition of the mixtures is selected individually depending on hair problems.

Mesotherapy is not a panacea for androgenetic alopecia, but it still improves the overall condition of the hair and even slightly reduces hair loss, especially if AGA is also combined with diffuse hair loss.

Darsonvalization of the scalp

Physiotherapy is very often used for all types of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia. Darsonval is a device that improves blood circulation, has several different attachments and is powered. It acts on the scalp pulse currents high frequency. It is used for all types of baldness, since with the help of Darsonval you can strengthen and stimulate hair growth.

It also perfectly disinfects the skin, reduces oily scalp, increases overall tone and promotes deeper penetration of cosmetics. You can read about your impressions of Darsonval.

Our hair constantly needs amino acids, vitamins, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids, so don’t forget about .

Surgical hair restoration for AGA

Surgery as a treatment method for AGA is usually used very rarely; few people decide to take such drastic measures as hair transplantation. Typically, grafts of 1-2 follicular units from the back of the head are transplanted into thinning areas using a hypodermic needle or scalpel.

Follicular unit transplantation can be very good results, however, the success of the operation depends on careful selection of patients and the qualifications of surgeons.

Preparations based on L-cystine in combination with B vitamins have an evidence base for the treatment of hair loss.

Looking for effective remedy for hair care? Then go ahead and you will learn how to restore your hair.

Strong and shiny hair have always been a symbol of beauty and health. Unfortunately, there are many reasons that lead to loss of growth dynamics, hair thickness and density, and active hair loss: stress, lack of vitamins and microelements, poor diet, infectious disease, improper care, exposure medicines or toxins. In addition to the above, on this moment A common cause of baldness in men and women is hormone imbalance. The main disease associated with hormonal imbalances and, as a result, hair loss is androgenic alopecia. The problem can be solved with the help of complex treatment.

Description of androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance, leading to partial or complete baldness on the body or scalp.

Androgenetic alopecia occurs in both men and women

The root cause of androgenic alopecia is the effect of hormones in the blood on the hair follicle (specifically, androgens - male sex hormones).

The disease is more common in people mature age. Baldness occurs in certain areas of the head characteristic of alopecia: in women - in the area of ​​the central parting with its subsequent expansion to the sides, in men there is thinning of hair in the frontal and parietal areas.

Androgenic (or androgen-dependent) alopecia is a slowly progressive disease, sometimes observed for several decades. Gradually the hair becomes thinner and falls out. When treated on initial stages alopecia, the chance of returning to normal hair density is much higher.

The amount of male sex hormones in the blood plays an important role in the treatment of this type of alopecia, which was proven by a medical experiment: with castration of the patient and a subsequent decrease in androgens in the blood, baldness slowed down or ended altogether. With the start of hormone replacement therapy and an increase in androgen concentrations in castrated people, baldness began again.

Video: a trichologist's story about the problem

Development mechanism

Testosterone is initially present in the body of every person. But alopecia progresses only in those people whose hair follicles are particularly sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), one of the more active androgens synthesized from testosterone. The synthesis of DHT occurs under the influence of a special enzyme - 5-alpha reductase.

Under the influence of active DHT on hair follicles compression of the capillaries occurs in the vascular papillae, feeding the dihydrotestosterone-sensitive follicle. Due to cessation of nutrition, loss of hair thickness and color is observed.

With alopecia, new hair grows thin and brittle due to disruption of root nutrition.

This is the reason for visiting a doctor for late stages alopecia: hair does not fall out immediately, initially it becomes weaker, thinner, the area of ​​baldness is not so noticeable. The patient cannot name the exact date, from which the development of the disease began. When baldness progresses and is visible to the eye, alopecia has often been going on for several years.

The difference between AGA and androgenetic alopecia is that the latter is hereditary disease, which is transmitted in most cases through the female line (about 75%), in 20% of cases through the paternal line. Only in 5% of cases does the person become ill become the first in their family.

Features of the disease in men and women at different ages

Baldness in men and women is considered pathological when it appears before the age of 30. Unfortunately, androgenetic alopecia can also occur at a younger age, at the end of adolescence.

The causes of early androgenetic alopecia in girls can be:

  • genetics;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal therapy in the treatment of tumors;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands and ovaries;
  • other hormonal changes.

In boys 18–20 years old, androgenetic alopecia is caused by a genetic predisposition. Balding may not be as obvious, but when compared with photographs from 2-3 years ago, a shift in the hairline towards the back and sides of the head is usually noticeable. The forehead becomes higher, thinning is observed on the temporal lobes of the head.

Young people who develop androgenetic alopecia at age 20, without treatment, have more pronounced bald patches by the age of forty, compared to patients who experienced AGA in middle age.

Video: androgenetic alopecia in men

Causes and development factors

So, the main reasons for the appearance of AGA are:

  • increased sensitivity of the hair follicle to the male hormone DHT;
  • excess level of male hormone in the blood;
  • an increase in the activity of 5-alpha reductase, which promotes the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

In addition to hormonal imbalances in the body, the onset of AGA is facilitated by:

  • genetics;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • the presence of tumors that produce male hormones;
  • taking certain medications (steroids, hormonal contraceptives, antibiotics);
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • menopause in women;
  • stressful conditions;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.

Initial stages diseases in women and men

Often, a combination of several reasons leads to the onset of the disease. The occurrence of androgenetic alopecia can be judged by the following factors:

  • dryness and increased fragility of hair;
  • detection ;
  • hair thinning;
  • the addition of inflammatory and fungal skin diseases, for example, seborrhea.

Symptoms, stages and signs of alopecia

Main alarming symptom is hair loss higher average norm for a person.

Thus, it is considered normal to lose up to a hundred hairs per day, or no more than ten during one mechanical impact on hairline head (washing, combing). Exceeding the norm should cause caution and special attention to the problem.

Development clinical picture When the disease occurs, it occurs according to a certain pattern in both men and women. Hair thins in androgen-dependent areas, occipital part men and women are not subject to baldness.

The severity of the stages of baldness in women is characterized by the Ludwig scale.

Disease severity according to the Ludwig scale

The course of the disease and the degree of alopecia in men is characterized by the Norwood scale.

The Norwood scale characterizes the progress of alopecia

The most effective treatment for androgenetic alopecia will be early stages.

Table: course of androgenetic alopecia

Progress of AGA in men Progress of AGA in women
  1. The appearance of areas of baldness in the frontotemporal lobe, a shift in the hairline.
  2. Deepening of receding hairline, taking on the shape of a triangle. The forehead becomes higher.
  3. The frontotemporal lobes become completely bald, and the hair on the crown thins.
  4. The boundaries are outlined around three zones: parietal and temporal.
  5. The boundaries between the bald patches are gradually lost; the area without hair looks like a horseshoe.
  6. The receding hairline on the frontal and temporal lobes progresses further.
  7. On last stage Only the back of the head remains free from alopecia.
  1. Hair loss occurs mainly along the central parting.
  2. In the frontal and parietal parts there is a significant thinning of the scalp, the parting becomes wider.
  3. On the top of the head occurs diffuse loss hair. Complete baldness in women is extremely rare.

It is also possible for alopecia to occur in a male pattern, which is especially typical for women during menopause.

Diagnosis of the disease: what tests need to be taken

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis (a set of data about the disease), preliminary blood tests and some additional research. Diagnosis and treatment of androgenetic alopecia is carried out by a dermatologist or trichologist and endocrinologist.

When collecting anamnesis, the duration of hair loss and the presence of a hereditary predisposition are taken into account. At the appointment, a visual examination is performed to assess the health of the hair, scalp and the presence of bald spots.

List of laboratory tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • test for sex hormones;
  • analysis of adrenal hormones;
  • analysis to determine the level of thyroid hormones.

Differential diagnosis

First of all, AGA differs from other forms of non-scarring alopecia:

  • diffuse (uniform baldness of the entire surface of the head);
  • focal (hair loss in one or more areas).

The trichoscopy method consists of examining the structure of the hair, follicle, bulb, sebaceous glands, as well as the health of the scalp in general. A trichoscope is a camera that allows you to magnify individual areas of the hairline several times. The resulting images are displayed on a computer monitor and examined by a specialist.

Trichoscopy is necessary to make a correct diagnosis

To determine the type of baldness, two areas of the scalp are compared: androgen-dependent and androgen-independent. By using computer diagnostics The hair density and the difference in hair diameter in each area are calculated. The norm is considered to be a quarter increase in the number of hairs in the androgen-dependent area of ​​the crown compared to the androgen-independent area of ​​the back of the head, which is not influenced by male hormones.

In addition to tracing the relationship between hair growth and susceptibility to male hormones, trichoscopy can reveal and secondary signs hair thinning: the appearance of fungal infections and epithelial scales on the scalp.

When diagnosing alopecia at an early stage, a phototrichogram is used (the procedure is performed every three months to determine the degree of baldness, thinning hair and assess the general condition of the hair).

AGA detected using computer diagnostics

Androgenetic alopecia is often diagnosed simultaneously with seborrheic alopecia, which also causes baldness.

Seborrheic alopecia often accompanies AGA

This is possible due to the same cause of the disease - an increased number of male hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone) and a decrease in female hormones (estrogen, progesterone).

Table: making a diagnosis using computer diagnostics

Alopecia form Diagnostic result
  1. In the parietal zone, the number of hairs is less or equal to the occipital zone.
  2. The hair is thin, short, and is replaced by vellus hair.
  1. The density and diameter of hair are reduced evenly on the surface of the head, but the ratio of the amount of hair in the parietal and occipital zones is maintained.
  2. Observed increased number telogen hair.
  1. The functions of the sebaceous glands are impaired (hyper- or hyposecretion).
  2. Fungal elements were detected.
Focal The hair bordering the baldness zone is dystrophic, repeatedly split and does not have a root gap.

How to treat androgenetic alopecia

A correct diagnosis gives a high chance of curing androgenetic alopecia. If it is determined that the cause lies in hormonal imbalance due to illness (infections, endocrine disorders, tumors and systemic pathologies), then when cured, the hairline will be restored. It is more difficult with the androgenetic form of alopecia; in this case, constant therapy is needed, aimed at maintaining hair growth and stimulating the appearance of new follicles.

Drug treatment

Operating principle medicines, prescribed for androgenetic alopecia, is aimed at reducing testosterone synthesis and preventing androgens from reaching receptors sensitive to them.

Drugs aimed at reducing androgenic activity should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription. Self-medication is possible only with cosmetics.

For androgenetic alopecia in currently the most prescribed drug is Minoxidil (Rogaine) with a concentration of 2% for women and 5% for men.

Action of Minoxidil:

  • increasing the duration of the anogen phase (hair growth);
  • transfer of “dormant” follicles from catagen (degradation phase) to anagen;
  • increase in the size of the hair follicle.

Minoxidil is the most popular remedy in the treatment of AGA

The proven effect on hair growth in androgenetic alopecia has been tested in repeated clinical trials.

Treatment with Minoxidil brings positive results

A significant disadvantage of Minoxidil therapy is continued constant use of the drug. If treatment is stopped, hair will begin to thin again.

When using the product, it is necessary to avoid contact of the drug on the face, hands and other areas of the body where hair growth is undesirable.

In addition, you should not use Minoxidil under 18 years of age, or during pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated when used on propylene glycol.

Finasteride is a drug for internal use, usually prescribed only to men. The mechanism of action is based on inhibition of the activity of the phase of conversion of testosterone to DHT, which causes baldness. In medicine, Finasteride is used to treat hormone-dependent tumors.

Finasteride gives good results in the treatment of AGA

For women, Finasteride can only be prescribed with the proper level of contraception due to negative influence on the fetus, especially the male one. The drug has a large number of contraindications; use should be supervised by a doctor.

Estrogen oral contraceptives (EOC)

Taking EOC for the treatment of alopecia is currently considered an outdated method, inferior to Minoxidil and its analogues. Estrogens affect testosterone levels. More efficient EOCs do not have systemic action, but estrogens for local use.

Yarina, Diane 35, Zhanin, Androkur 10 are EOCs with pronounced antiandrogenic activity

EOCs have a positive effect on hair follicles and hair growth only while taking the drugs. Upon discontinuation, progression of alopecia may be observed in a more severe form than before treatment.

A line of drugs (tablets, shampoo, lotion) containing herbal active ingredients, including dwarf palm berry extract, whose action is aimed at preventing hair loss.

Rinfoltil contains herbal inhibitors of DHT activity

The drug contains phytoinhibitors of substances that promote the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone. When taken, the sensitivity of follicles to male hormones decreases. The best effect is achieved when complex application all products in this series. Approved for the treatment of alopecia regardless of gender. Contraindication is individual intolerance.

Esvicin - multicomponent drug, has a general strengthening effect on the body. Contains vitamins, biostimulants, enzymes and microelements that help stop hair loss. In addition, Esvicin is used in the treatment of seborrheic alopecia.

Esvicin is effective when used in combination

For successful treatment The drug is taken orally and rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements. Esvicin can be used for a long time; contraindications are individual intolerance, periods of pregnancy and lactation.

The product belongs to the B vitamins. In the treatment of androgenetic alopecia a nicotinic acid is a secondary drug. Effective only in the early stages of baldness - stimulates hair growth.

Nicotinic acid is effective only in the early stages of baldness

Nicotinic acid is available in injection ampoules. The solution is rubbed into the scalp every day for ten days and is not washed off. Treatment of alopecia requires at least three courses.

Physiotherapy: use of the Darsonval apparatus and other methods

The attending physician should select an auxiliary course of physical treatment for androgenetic alopecia. The improvement or deterioration of the condition depends on the number of prescribed procedures, intensity, and duration of therapy.

The most prescribed treatment for alopecia is electrotherapy. After the course of treatment, the follicles wake up, enter the growth phase faster, and there is more hair. Under the influence of current, blood circulation in the scalp increases and metabolic processes are activated.

Electrotherapy can be performed using one of the following methods:

  • galvanization,
  • electrophoresis,
  • darsonvalization,
  • UHF field to the area of ​​hair loss,
  • ultrasound on the collar area.

The most common method is darsonvalization - treatment with pulsed currents high frequency. When the electrode is applied to the scalp, expansion occurs. blood vessels, and therefore, the hair receives additional nutrition and stimulation for growth. Darsonval can be bought at a pharmacy and used at home, which is a significant advantage.

A hardware method of treating AGA - darsonvalization - can also be used for preventive purposes.

In addition to electrotherapy, the following is used to treat androgenetic alopecia:

  • phototherapy of the scalp (after preliminary haircut);
  • cryotherapy;
  • aeronization of the skin of the collar zone;
  • heat therapy;
  • massage and vacuum therapy.

Video: trichologist talks about the effectiveness of massage and dermarollers

Traditional medicine for hair loss

Traditional medicine methods will not help stop hair loss with androgenetic alopecia. It is recommended that they be considered as part of an integrated approach to the treatment of baldness.

The most effective are the recipes that, when used, have an irritating effect on the scalp. As a result, blood microcirculation improves and new hair growth is stimulated.

Onion medicine

Suitable for normal to dry hair. At high fat content For kizhi head, alcohol or cognac is added to the onion.


  • onions 2 pcs.;
  • cognac 50 ml.


  1. Chop the onion by grating or using a meat grinder.
  2. Add cognac to the onion pulp and stir until smooth.

Rub the resulting mass into areas with signs of baldness every week for six months, taking a break for 5-6 days.

The tincture has a warming effect, can awaken “sleeping” hair follicles and provoke the growth of new hair. Results can be seen after half a month. It's inexpensive and effective remedy in the early stages of alopecia.

Pepper tincture is a well-known folk method for treating baldness.


  1. Soak a cotton swab in pepper tincture.
  2. Apply to problem areas of the scalp immediately after washing.
  3. After half an hour, wash off the tincture. If a strong burning sensation occurs, it is recommended to rinse off earlier and dilute the tincture with water before the next application.
  4. The procedure must be repeated after two weeks.

Mustard mask


  • burdock oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard powder 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix ingredients in a small container.
  2. Leave the mixture for half an hour.

Apply the mask to bald areas, rubbing into the skin with your fingers. The duration of the procedure depends on the sensitivity of the skin: the mask is kept on until a burning sensation occurs. Frequency of procedure: 1 time per week for a month. Then take a break for 30 days. Use with caution on dry hair.

Henna and castor oil

In addition to masks with an irritating effect, traditional medicine recommends the use of products that provide additional nutrition for the scalp. Henna is known for its strengthening properties, and castor oil helps thicken the hair shaft.

Application of henna:

  1. Boiling water is added to a standard bag until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. Rub the hot paste into the scalp.
  3. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for half an hour, rinse off.

Henna helps strengthen hair

Castor oil mask:

  1. The oil is applied before washing your hair for an hour and a half.
  2. Wash off with shampoo.
  3. The mask is made 4-5 times a month.


The diet for the treatment of AGA should comply with the principles of a healthy diet: avoidance of fatty and fried food, as well as products with high content salt and sugar. The diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, as well as protein food. Biologically approved for stimulating hair growth active additives with complexes of vitamins and minerals. The most important vitamins for hair health are B vitamins; among minerals you need to pay attention to iron, zinc, sulfur, silicon, calcium and selenium.

When planning to take a course of dietary supplements, you must seek advice from your doctor, since it is often impossible to independently determine the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the body.

Shampoos and cosmetics

Choosing a shampoo for baldness problems is a very difficult task. Before purchasing, you should determine your hair type in advance and carefully read the composition on the label.

Video: trichologist about shampoos and vitamins against baldness

Hair transplantation (transplantation) into the androgen-dependent zone

Hair transplant has become a popular procedure for both men and women. Transplantation is a transfer healthy hair from the androgen-independent zone to the androgen-dependent zone by excision of follicular groups and their subsequent implantation into problem areas. The procedures are performed by a transplant surgeon, and the first results are visible after 4–6 months.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications, consequences

The prognosis for treatment of androgenetic alopecia is favorable if timely application and subject to compliance with all prescriptions and recommendations of a specialist. A complex approach to the treatment of the disease ensures faster recovery.

With non-medicinal effects, for example, only folk remedies, treatment is impractical and ineffective, since it does not eliminate the causes of alopecia.

Possible complications can occur due to improper self-medication with medications. Some treatments may also cause health problems (for example, side effects from medications or inflammatory processes after hair transplantation).

Most adverse consequence Alopecia is severe baldness, which is not harmful to health, but causes psychological discomfort, especially for women.

Preventive measures: is it possible to dye your hair or perm it?

When a diagnosis of anodrogenic alopecia is made, hair loss is prevented by constant monitoring and examinations by a trichologist. The causes of AGA often do not depend on external factors influences such as dyeing, perming, shampooing, blow-drying. Androgenetic alopecia requires constant therapy with drugs that prevent hair loss by reducing the activity of male hormones.

Hair and scalp care is a secondary prevention that promotes the beauty of hair, but does not prevent hair loss.

For such prevention, the following measures are relevant:

  • balancing nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • washing your hair with shampoos without lauryl sulfate and when dirty;
  • refusal to use a hair dryer;
  • use of wide-toothed combs;
  • wearing hats in the cold season;
  • regular medical checkup(in addition, it is necessary to take tests for the level of male hormones).

Hair loss, resulting in baldness, is a common disease. To get rid of this disease forever, women will have to combine drug treatment and cosmetic therapy.

Severe hair loss in women may indicate androgenetic alopecia - hormonal disease which requires long-term treatment. According to statistics, approximately a quarter of women under the age of 50 and approximately 40% of women aged 70 suffer from this disease.

What is androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is a form of baldness that is caused by an increase in the amount of male sex hormones. Despite the fact that men are more susceptible to this disease, the disease often occurs in the fairer sex.

The first signs in women may not be immediately noticeable: the hair gradually becomes thinner, and dandruff appears.

This could be a wake-up call severe loss hair in the parting area.

In medical practice cases recorded complete baldness for only 2-3 months, but most often the disease progresses slowly. This significantly complicates the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. This is why it is almost impossible to make a prognosis for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women: doctors cannot guarantee a positive result.

Causes of alopecia in women

An increase in the amount of male sex hormones that provoke baldness in a woman’s body may indicate the development of a number of serious ailments, including cancer.

Baldness in women can occur when:

  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, lactation or menopause);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • gynecological pathologies (such as polycystic disease, etc.) and ovarian diseases;
  • adrenal diseases
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract

The reasons for the development of androgenetic alopecia in women can also be associated with taking medications: antidepressants, steroids, corticosteroids. Even oral contraceptives, which many girls regularly take, can provoke the disease.

The role of heredity in baldness

According to some experts, a predisposition to androgenetic alopecia is not inherited. But there are other forms of baldness, with similar symptoms that are determined by genes. Such ailments include the androgenetic form of the disease, a predisposition to which can be transmitted from parents to children.

Although diseases have similar symptoms they can be distinguished. In the androgenetic form, the level of male sex hormones in a woman’s body does not exceed permissible norm, but y is observed high level sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens).
Such women grow thin and short hair that looks more like fluff.

Course of the disease

Baldness, being a hormonal disease, can progress over several years. In the first stages, patients experience weakening of the hair follicles: the hair becomes sparse and the scalp becomes dry, which provokes the appearance of dandruff.

Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women can manifest themselves differently, depending on the form of the disease, but most importantly clinical manifestation Alopecia is the rapid loss of hair strands.

Most often, baldness begins in the frontal area, but over time it spreads to the crown area.

In the focal form of the disease, hair falls out in a certain area of ​​the scalp, and the lesions have specific form, resembling a circle or oval. This type of baldness is characterized by a gradual increase in the affected area. Over time, the hair growing near the lesion becomes thin.

Often, new hair follicles may appear in place of the existing bald patch. But after just a few weeks, the hairs fall out, and the lesion increases its area.

Diagnosis and treatment of androgenic alopecia

Diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia in women begins with an examination of the body.

The specialist will:

  • microscopy of hair follicles;
  • phototrichogram;
  • determine the level of sex hormones;
  • determines the level of thyroid hormones.

If the diagnosis helped to identify the root cause that led to a change in hormonal levels, specialists prescribe medications that help restore the balance of hormones. As a rule, experts recommend complex treatment that combines cosmetic procedures, physical and drug therapy.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is an integral component of therapy. Experts recommend taking medications that block the action of male sex hormones for androgenetic alopecia.


Spironolactone tablets, which were developed for the treatment of heart failure, are in great demand. Considering that the drug has antiandrogynous properties, its use makes it possible to stop hair loss. IN medical practice Cases have been recorded where the medicine made it possible to completely stop the process of baldness.


Doctors consider Minoxidil to be an affordable and reliable drug, which was originally intended for people suffering from high blood pressure. This remedy is applied to the diseased areas of the head several times a day. The therapeutic effect will not be noticeable immediately, but only after several months. Experts recommend using Minoxidil from four months to a year.

Vitamin PP (niacin)

Great healing effect for androgenetic alopecia, the use of vitamin PP, better known as nicotinic acid, helps. When exposed to the scalp, vitamin PP increases the flow useful substances to the scalp. Thanks to this, the hair becomes healthier, and fluff appears on damaged areas.

Despite the fact that nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules, there is no need for injections. The product is applied directly to the scalp.


Taking Cimetidine gives a good therapeutic effect. Due to the fact that these pills block androgynes that cause baldness, they can only be taken by women.


For androgenetic alopecia, it is recommended to use esvicin. This cosmetic product allows you to nourish the hair follicles with vitamins and useful microelements. Esvicin not only helps to activate hair growth, but also improves the quality of hair: the hair retains the necessary moisture and ceases to be brittle.

Experts do not recommend using this drug for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Laser therapy

In some cases, women resort to laser therapy to combat baldness. Basically, this procedure is indicated for those people who have alopecia due to hormonal imbalance. This treatment really gives good effect, if it is used as an addition to the main therapy.

Treatment of baldness with laser is a long process. Patients can expect a multi-month course of therapy, with procedures 2-3 times a week. The first result will be noticeable no less than 3 months after the start of treatment: the patient will begin to grow thin, fluff-like hairs. Further, when the follicles become stronger, the hair will become strong and take on a healthy appearance. In order to track the dynamics, doctors take regular pictures of the head.

The positive effect of laser therapy is possible due to the fact that light rays penetrating the hair growth area improve local blood circulation.

Pass laser therapy recommended only in specialized clinics equipped with special laser equipment. For treatment, devices with 92 diodes are used, as well as manual (hand-held) devices with 9 diodes.
Externally, the latter device resembles a comb and can be used at home.

Surgical methods

Most radical method The fight against baldness is surgery.
During the operation, healthy hair follicles are transplanted into the patient's affected areas of the scalp. Surgical implantation is offered only to those patients whose follicles have completely lost the ability to produce hair. As a rule, this problem occurs in the later stages of baldness.

IN difficult situations, experts recommend transplantation. Hair transplantation is an expensive operation. If everything goes well, the new hair will fully take root within two weeks. After this, they will grow like natural hair.

Effective traditional methods of treatment

Many women suffering from baldness prefer to use folk recipes for treatment. You should not be skeptical about such therapy: folk remedies for androgenetic alopecia in women and men, include those ingredients that are added to the composition of professional cosmetics.

Even after one course of treatment with traditional methods, you can notice improvements: the hair becomes stronger, and the amount brittle hair decreases.
This therapy also helps to strengthen natural properties hair and helps it resist temperature changes and exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun

Onion masks

Masks made from fresh onions will help stop androgenetic alopecia in women. This remedy is so effective that it is often recommended by trichologists.

Regular use onion masks not only strengthens the follicles and normalizes their nutrition, but also stimulates hair growth.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • chop one medium-sized onion;
  • filter the slurry from the liquid through gauze;
  • onion juice is applied to the scalp with circular massaging movements;
  • leave the product on the roots for no more than half an hour (otherwise you can cause a chemical burn to the scalp).

Experts advise “steaming” the scalp before starting the procedure. To do this, you need to wrap your head in a heated and damp towel. It is recommended to “wrap” your head after applying onion juice.

In order to get rid of unpleasant odor onions, you should add essential oils with persistent aromas to the mask. Essential oils of lavender, rosemary, cinnamon or citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange) are suitable for these purposes.

Salt massage

In addition to taking medications for hair loss, experts advise regularly doing salt massage. This combination allows you to fight alopecia more effectively.

You should know that coarse salt, rich in minerals, is used to massage the scalp.

Himalayan pink salt is perfect.

Before starting the massage, you need to moisten your scalp with warm water.

After this, you can begin the procedure: rub salt into the roots and massage the head until the granules are completely dissolved. Typically this massage takes from 5 to 10 minutes. It is recommended to rinse off any remaining salt with running water and dry your hair naturally.

If you decide to do a salt massage, consult a trichologist: this procedure is contraindicated for those with too thin and damaged hair and sensitive skin.

How to disguise a receding hairline

Trichologists who know how to deal with androgenetic alopecia in women claim that it is simply impossible to quickly get rid of the disease and return the hair to its previous state. That is why women with problem hair will have to learn to hide a receding hairline, which will be visible until the end of treatment.


Many girls suffering from hair loss try to hide their bald spots with backcombing. This hairstyle is suitable for owners of any face shape, but it is not recommended to do it regularly.
According to experts, backcombing greatly injures the bulbs, which only aggravates the situation.

Hair extensions

Hair extensions will help to visually correct the situation. With this procedure, the master “puts” a capsule of hair (both natural and artificial) onto the client’s strands. Hair extensions not only make your hair look fuller, but also look natural.

Note that this procedure is quite expensive(depending on the quality of materials) and requires regular correction.


Buying a wig is another popular method that women resort to to hide their baldness. This accessory, made from natural hair, is quite expensive and looks practically no different from real hair.
Note that wigs have a significant drawback - they can be worn for no more than six hours. Otherwise, you will injure already weakened hairs.

Stop hair loss and restart it normal height hair loss is possible only if the disease was diagnosed in time by a specialist. If a trichologist or dermatologist has detected signs of androgenetic alopecia in you, you must follow all of his instructions. Otherwise, treatment will become noticeably more complicated.

Video on the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women

In the first video, a specialist trichologist answers the most frequently asked questions; from the second video you will learn an example of recovery from a girl who was able to overcome this illness.