Comprehensive treatment will help get rid of androgenetic alopecia in women. What is androgenetic alopecia

But also to men. Alopecia is more aggressively manifested in the representatives of the stronger sex and in 90% of cases it is androgenic in nature.

Androgenetic alopecia is a disease that is characterized by hair loss caused by an excess of male sex hormones. This type of baldness leads to thinning and a significant decrease in the amount of hair in the frontal and parietal region. Treatment of this disease has its own specifics and should begin as early as possible. In our article, we will tell you about the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this type of baldness.

Causes and mechanism of development of androgenetic alopecia in men

Alopecia occurs in individuals with a burdened heredity.

Androgenetic alopecia is caused by a number of reasons:

  • increased sensitivity of the hair follicle to the hormone dihydrotestosterone;
  • elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone in the blood;
  • an increase in the activity of a special enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is able to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

The above reasons can be caused by various internal and external factors:

  • heredity;
  • chronic and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • taking pharmacological preparations;
  • frequent stress;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • bad habits, etc.

In most cases, the onset of androgenetic alopecia is provoked by several factors.

On a surface hair follicles there are special receptors that are sensitive to the effects of sex hormones. The action of estrogens on these special areas of the scalp follicles leads to the stimulation of hair growth. The effect of dihydrotestosterone on these receptors leads to the suppression different stages hair growth and hair loss. Under its influence, the follicles are depleted and begin to produce short and thinned hair. With prolonged exposure to dihydrotestosterone, hair roots completely atrophy and their growth stops completely.

Androgenetic alopecia in men is characterized by the onset of hair loss along the edge of the forehead. Further, the edge of the scalp takes on the shape of the letter "M" and the upper "corners" of this letter begin to gradually reach the top of the head. The back of the head of a man is the last to go bald, and it is the lower part of it that is most resistant to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (if necessary, hair can be taken from this area of ​​​​the back of the head for subsequent implantation).


The main complaint of patients with this type of baldness is hair loss. The man notices that they become thinner, duller and grow slowly, then bald patches appear on his head.

Androgenetic alopecia in men is characteristic flow and its progression can be divided into seven stages:

I - in the frontal-temporal part of the head, small bald patches appear along the edge of hair growth;

II - bald patches take the form of a triangle and deepen towards the crown by 2 cm;

III - fronto-temporal bald patches become deeper and empty, hair loss begins in the crown area;

IV - three clear zones of baldness are defined on the head, two of them are located in the fronto-temporal zone, and the third affects the parietal region;

V - the boundaries between the three bald patches become less clear and the baldness area resembles a horseshoe in its shape;

VI- greater expansion frontotemporal and vertex areas of baldness;

VII - the bald spot on the head has the shape of a horseshoe.


The diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia is established on the basis of the results of laboratory and some special studies.

The patient is given a series laboratory tests to detect hormonal disorders and assess the state of the blood:

  • clinical blood test;
  • a blood test for the level of thyroid hormones;
  • a blood test to determine the level of male sex hormones;
  • blood test for;
  • blood test B and T-lymphocytes.

Special studies are appointed to study the condition of the hair and their follicles. To do this, carry out:

  • microscopy of the hair shaft;
  • peeling microscopy;
  • hair pull test;
  • scalp biopsy followed by immunofluorescent examination and microscopy.


For the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, specific and non-specific therapies can be used.

Specific Therapy

Specific therapy is aimed at suppressing the activity of androgens. It helps stop hair loss. For this, the patient may be prescribed various antiandrogenic drugs. Minoxidil (or Headway, Rogaine, Regaine) was recognized as the most effective. It is able to act specifically on the hair follicles and prolong the phase of their growth.

Also, the patient may be prescribed drugs that affect the activity of 5-alpha reductase. Inhibitors of this enzyme, which converts testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, do not negative impact on potency, spermatogenesis and distribution of muscle mass.

To suppress the activity of androgens, 5-alpha reductase blockers (for example, Finasteride) can be used. These anti-androgenic drugs should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, as they have a fairly powerful effect on the body and can lead to gynecomastia, disruption of sperm production, decreased libido and even impotence. In parallel with them, it is recommended to take potency stimulants (Arginine, Yohimbe, etc.).

Most doctors do not recommend the use of synthetic estrogens, which can have an antiandrogenic effect, for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men. These drugs can have severe side effects on the body, leading to aggravation, development, arterial hypertension and cancerous tumors. Instead, in the composition non-specific treatment local remedies with phytoestrogens can be used, which do not have a systemic effect and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

Specific therapy for androgenetic alopecia gives results after a certain period of time, and therefore patients are recommended to simultaneously apply methods of non-specific therapy for alopecia, which can significantly improve appearance hair. Such complex treatment can not only stop baldness, but also have a positive effect on the patient's morale.

Nonspecific therapy

For non-specific stimulation of hair follicles, various physiotherapeutic methods are used:

  • electrical stimulation with Darsonval;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis with bioactive substances;
  • acupuncture, etc.

Patients with androgenetic alopecia are recommended to take multivitamins, microelements, dietary supplements, biotin, vitamins A, B6 and E. To correct the diet, coffee, alcohol, fatty, salty, spicy and flour dishes should be excluded from the menu. Patients are encouraged to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

For non-specific therapy of androgenetic alopecia, various external agents can also be used (including prescriptions traditional medicine). To wash your hair, use non-aggressive shampoos.

Can be applied after shampooing various masks from avocado oil, dwarf palm, blackcurrant and evening primrose. These oils contain gamma-linolenic acid, which is a natural inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase. Jojoba oil contains docosahexaenoic acid, which can inhibit this enzyme and block follicle receptors from the effects of dihydrotestosterone. These natural remedies can be used in various oil compositions that improve the absorption of their active ingredient.

As part of non-specific therapy for alopecia, agents with phytoestrogens can be used. Grape seeds (Pycnogenol), hop cones, leaves of red clover, St. John's wort, sage, soy and alfalfa have an estrogenic effect. From these herbal ingredients, you can prepare masks, decoctions and infusions for rinsing hair. They can also be used for electrophoresis.


It may be impossible to restore hair density in the advanced stages of the disease, since completely atrophied follicles can no longer produce hair. In such cases, a man may be offered surgical techniques:

  • transplantation of hair follicles from the occipital region and other parts of the body using the STRIP method - the patient's own follicles are transplanted, from 2000 to 6000 hair follicles can be transplanted in one procedure;
  • hair transplantation using the FUE method - the procedure is performed using special miniature instruments; for donation, not only the back of the patient's head, but also the abdomen, hips or back can be used.

These surgical treatments for androgenetic alopecia can be performed in specialized clinics. Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a detailed examination to exclude all possible contraindications. Such surgical operations cannot be performed with an insulin-dependent exacerbation skin diseases and with intolerance to anesthetics.

Androgenetic alopecia in women: treatment and prevention. Doctors note an increasing number of requests for hair loss. Particularly affected by possible perspective baldness female part of the population. When the hair stops growing, becomes thin, falls out, you have to take Urgent measures. Similar symptoms indicate the onset of a disease associated with a change in hormonal levels. Early treatment increases the chances of keeping the hair.

Androgenetic alopecia is less common in women than in men. However, the presence of such a cosmetic defect causes more serious psychological trauma.

Androgenetic alopecia is quite common.

Causes of the disease

The body of the fairer sex produces hormones, both female and male hormones (dihydrotestosterone) in a certain ratio. Under the influence of various factors, it can be violated. As a result, the amount of male hormones which causes androgenetic alopecia in women.

The main factors that provoke the disease include:

  • Pregnancy. Required for fetal development nutrients, minerals, vitamins coming from the mother's body. As a result, women experience a deficit beneficial trace elements necessary for the functioning of organs and systems, including the condition of the hairline. The hormonal surge caused by pregnancy is added to the lack of nutrition.
  • Androgenetic alopecia in women occurs as a result of hereditary predisposition. If the problem of hair loss is present in older relatives, it is necessary to begin to engage in prevention before the first signs of baldness appear.
  • Adverse impact external factors- ecology, the use of low-quality dyes, hair styling products, perms.
  • Taking medications, hormonal contraceptives.
  • The presence of endocrine diseases, tumors.
  • Gynecological problems often cause hair loss in women.
  • Hormonal restructuring, as a result of which the amount of female hormones decreases.

Hair loss is often caused by stress, depressive states and nervous overload. In this case, hair loss is detected 1–2 months after the stress.

Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia

Abundant hair loss should not be ignored

Hair loss occurs in all people. Normally, their loss is up to 150 pieces per day. This is a natural process when old, dead hairs are replaced by growing new ones. Abundant hair loss should not be ignored - it often indicates the initial stage of alopecia. First of all, thinning of the hairline is observed on the crown of the head, in the forehead, central parting. occipital part it does not affect the head. Such alopecia refers to the male type, for which it received the name androgenic.

Androgenetic alopecia is defined by the following features:

  • Hair becomes thin and breaks easily.
  • In the parting area and on the temples, foci of baldness are formed.
  • Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes, firming masks, medical procedures to strengthen hair do not give a result.
  • Rapid contamination of the strands is another sign of the disease.
  • The scalp is covered with acne, dandruff. The affected areas expand.
  • Hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that hair begins to grow in the most inappropriate places (on the face, body), eyebrows and eyelashes may fall out.

The disease does not lead to complete baldness, causing only defects in the hairline. Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. Independent use of external agents leads to the progression of the disease, which creates serious problems in treatment. At the initial stage, the chances of stopping the process of hair loss are much higher.

Diagnostic methods

If you find signs of baldness, you should not panic. Any stress will only make things worse. You should not count on the help of miraculous ointments and shampoos - they are not able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Better to contact good specialist. Today in medicine there are various methods helping to solve similar problems. Before treating androgenetic alopecia in women, an examination is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the level of hormones (testosterone, estrogen). Microscopy of hair follicles is done. For this, material is taken from the parietal region, frontal and occipital.

If you have excessive hair loss, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, the doctor prescribes a phototrichogram - the most important study that allows using a special sensor to determine the density of hair growth per square centimeter of skin.

Diagnosis is carried out by a trichologist, but not without the help of other specialists. A gynecologist and an endocrinologist are involved in the examination. Studies are being conducted aimed at identifying chronic diseases, vitamin and microelement deficiencies. The state of the immune system is checked.

Based on the results obtained, a treatment regimen is drawn up, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of symptoms of alopecia.

Basic principles of treatment

You need to see a doctor as soon as the amount of hair on the comb is greater than usual. With androgenetic alopecia in women, treatment is successful if it consists of a set of measures aimed at strengthening hair follicles. The process takes quite a long period and it is possible that it will need to be repeated many times throughout life.

The treatment course includes drug therapy, physiotherapy and cosmetic procedures. Having determined during the examination the cause that caused hair loss, measures are taken to eliminate it. Androgenetic alopecia requires hormonal correction. This will help stop the process of thinning and loss. Additionally, methods that stimulate hair growth are used.

Medical therapy

Finasteride helps in most cases

With androgenetic alopecia in women, treatment involves the use of drugs whose action is to block dihydrotestosterone. These drugs include Finasteride. Based on it, Fincar, Finast, Propecia are produced. The active substance of these drugs leads to a decrease in the production of hormones that have a detrimental effect on the hair follicles. Funds containing finasteride have side effects, causing in some cases osteoporosis, an increase in the level of female hormones.

The result from the use of the drug is observed only 3 months after the start of the intake. Complete restoration of the hairline occurs after six months.

Minoxidil is one of the best means for hair loss in men

Minoxidil promotes hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. Available in the form of a spray, foam, which makes it easier to use. The effect of Minoxidil can be seen after a few months. With regular use, the hair is restored, looks more attractive, the volume of the hairstyle appears. If there are no signs of side effects, the doctor may allow you to increase the dosage of the drug. Minoxidil is recommended to be combined with Finasteride.

Depending on the causes that caused alopecia, appoint:

  • Spironolactone is a drug that causes a decrease in fluid in the body, blocking the action of dihydrotestosterone.
  • Cimetidine. Promotes scarring of ulcers, eliminates excessive growth of facial hair, reduces the production of stomach acid.
  • Cyproterone acetate. Prevents the connection of androgens with the receptors of the cells of the hair follicle.

In the case when androgenetic alopecia in women is treated with medications for internal use does not lend itself, use the method of mesotherapy. Drugs containing vitamins, nutrients, trace elements, substances that stimulate hair growth are injected into the scalp. The procedure improves metabolic processes, enhances blood microcirculation, which leads to the restoration of follicles.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a positive effect: electrophoresis with the use of drugs, laser therapy, cryotherapy, darsonvalization, electrical stimulation.

Diet for hair loss

The course of therapy directed against alopecia is accompanied by the maintenance certain rules nutrition. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, food rich in vitamins and microelements must be present in the daily diet. Useful dairy products- cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. You should limit the consumption of fatty, spicy and smoked foods. Improvement of hair growth is promoted by biologically active additives, vitamin and mineral complexes.

Folk recipes

Home remedies can only be taken as adjunctive therapy

Androgenetic alopecia is a disease that is manifested by hair loss. This disease occurs very often in the male half of the population and much less frequently in women. In order to cure alopecia, you need to know the exact causes of its appearance and recognize it in time. characteristics pathological alopecia.

If earlier this disease occurred mainly in men, today alopecia can appear in women and even in children. Androgenetic alopecia in men accounts for 95% of all cases of baldness, it starts in front of the hairline and gradually reaches the top of the head, but there may be other options. Female pattern baldness usually occurs over the entire surface of the head, but more hair falls out at the top of the head.

Androgenetic alopecia in women can develop for several reasons:

  • hereditary factor;
  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Tumors that produce male hormones;
  • Violation of the hormonal background;
  • The action of chemicals.

Androgenetic alopecia is the same as androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia can appear in men by the age of 17, and in women by the age of 25.

Scientists have found that the disease can be inherited (maternally) and if at least one of the parents suffered from baldness, then the probability of a pathology in a child will be 70%. In addition to this reason, other factors can also cause symptoms of alopecia in women.

In women, androgenetic alopecia most often occurs during menopause, with a hormonal disorder, or during pregnancy. Pregnancy leads to hormonal failure in the body and a decrease in immunity. Therefore, during this period, hair loss, brittleness or dryness can be observed. Often this pathology goes away on its own, but in some cases additional treatment with folk remedies or special medicines may be required.

Most common cause Pathological hair loss is considered to be the predominance of a male sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone in a woman's body. An increase in the amount of the hormone damages the hair follicle, causing weakening and further hair loss.

Androgenetic alopecia can occur in women who live in areas with adverse environmental conditions or work with chemicals. Also contribute early baldness may be reasons such as diabetes and adrenal disease. Among gynecological diseases polycystic ovaries can be identified.

Treatment with corticosteroids and antidepressants can also contribute to the development of androgenetic alopecia.

There are other causes of hair loss in women:

  • Constant stress;
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • Anemia.

Symptoms of alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia in women progresses slowly and begins with gradual thinning and hair loss.

Androgenetic alopecia occurs in women according to the male pattern and has the following symptoms:

  1. Hair loss in the frontal and parietal region;
  2. seborrhea;
  3. hirsutism;
  4. Acne eruptions.

Often hair loss is accompanied by comorbidities, and in this case it is not difficult to establish a diagnosis. In women, alopecia can occur in combination with increased body hair growth, increased work of the sebaceous glands and the presence of inflammatory rashes. If additional diseases absent, diagnosis is much more difficult.

It is sometimes quite difficult to notice pathological hair loss, as the disease can last from several months to several years. It is worth paying attention if the hair structure has become fluffy, and if most of the hair falls out in the central parting. In addition, alopecia can be suspected if baldness does not stop even after exercise. proper care behind the hair.

It is very important to consult a doctor at the initial stage of the development of the disease, when irreversible changes, and it is possible to adequate treatment. A trichologist or dermatologist diagnoses and treats the patient.


In order to put correct diagnosis and start treatment, a woman needs to undergo a medical examination and pass the following tests:

  1. Analysis of the level of thyroid hormones;
  2. Assess the functioning of the immune system;
  3. Make a phototrichogram.

With the help of analyzes for hormones, the general hormonal background is clarified and possible deviations from the norm. Phototrichogram allows you to assess the density of hair per one square centimeter heads.

In addition to these examinations, additional tests and hair microscopy may be required. During the examination of the patient, the doctor must visually assess the condition of the hairline and determine characteristic manifestations alopecia. After an accurate diagnosis is established, suitable treatment considering the duration of the illness. It is quite possible that it will take a very long time to treat this disease, so the therapeutic regimen is selected individually for each person and the doctor prescribes the most effective drugs.

Baldness treatment

Standard treatment is with integrated methods and the use of several medicines at once.

This includes:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Cosmetic preparations.

When establishing exact reason disease, the doctor prescribes treatment, which consists in correcting hormonal imbalances. Restoration of the hormonal background is performed by hormonal means.

Antiandrogen therapy helps to stop pathological hair loss and thinning in women, but it is very difficult to return the lost hairline. Therefore, hormone treatment is used in combination with non-specific methods. They help stimulate hair growth and can be used for any type of hair loss.

Most effective medicines, which help cure alopecia, are considered mindoxidil and similar medicines. Against the background of the use of minoxidil, hair follicles are restored, and hair growth improves. A few months after its application, you can achieve full recovery hair growth.

Additionally, female pattern baldness can be treated with corticosteroid ointment or avocado oil.

Also, stimulation of hair growth is carried out with the help of physiotherapy:

  1. electrophoresis;
  2. laser therapy;
  3. Darsonval;
  4. Massage;
  5. Cryotherapy;

Among modern techniques that help treat hair loss, the mesotherapy procedure is very popular, which gives the maximum result. During a mesotherapy session, cocktails of various medicinal substances are used: vitamins, microelements.

Vitamins and other useful components are injected into the skin using a special syringe with a thin needle. Used for pain relief local anesthesia so the procedure itself is painless. Cocktails have a stimulating effect on the hair follicle, and needle pricks cause mechanical irritation of the skin. Due to this, blood circulation improves, metabolic processes are accelerated, the structure and growth of hair is restored. With a large loss of hair, baldness can be treated with hair transplantation or ultraviolet radiation.

folk therapy

In addition to the standard treatment course, you can use folk remedies in parallel to get the maximum effect. Serums, masks and herbal rinses help strengthen hair. Head massage with table salt and herbal decoctions with St. John's wort, sage and nettle are considered effective remedies.

Mustard will help stimulate blood circulation, which is equally suitable for both oily and dry hair. To do this, it is recommended to dilute the mustard with warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained and combine with one egg. The mask is recommended to be gently rubbed into the hair roots and left for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mustard mask with warm water without shampoo.

For dry and brittle hair you can use a mask of sour cream with a high percentage of fat. For its preparation, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of garlic juice are mixed. This mask is recommended to be rubbed into the roots and kept for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To prepare it, you need to purchase a ready-made tincture in a pharmacy or make it yourself. You should take 100 g of St. John's wort and add 100 g of alcohol to it. It is necessary to insist the tincture for 4 days, after which it is necessary to wipe the scalp with it. Then it is recommended to use the quartz lamp for a few minutes.

A noticeable result is provided by castor oil heated in a water bath, which is rubbed into the scalp with a cotton swab. The oil must be left overnight or all day, then thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo.

Nutrition for hair loss

Great attention with androgenic type of alopecia should be given to proper nutrition. The daily diet should include fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, greens and protein food. They will help replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, as well as improve the condition of the hair.

Have a beneficial effect vegetable oils and dietary supplements that help accelerate hair growth. In addition, alopecia can be treated with the help of properly selected vitamin and mineral complexes.

  1. Spicy dishes;
  2. Pickles, marinades;
  3. Smoked products;
  4. Fried foods;
  5. Too fatty food.

It must be remembered that the treatment of androgenetic alopecia is quite Long procces so you have to be patient. The first result will become noticeable only after a few months. At timely handling a cure occurs in 90% of cases.

Androgenetic alopecia in women is a pathology in which irreversible loss of curls occurs (in advanced cases). In men this problem occurs more frequently than in the female sex. However, in Lately there is a trend of increased cases of alopecia even in young girls.

This process requires immediate drug therapy. Otherwise, in a neglected case, it will be impossible to save the rest of the scalp.

With the advanced form of androgenetic alopecia, you can lose all your hair.

Origin factors

The main list of causes and factors due to which androgenetic alopecia occurs.

There are many varieties of alopecia. The pathogenesis of most of them is associated with internal complex abnormal processes occurring in the body. Such pathologies can develop due to hereditary predisposition, as in the case of androgenetic alopecia in women and men, and due to acquired factors.

It is to the latter form that androgenetic alopecia in women belongs. That is, such baldness is not genetic disease. But it, similarly to the previous type, is classified in trichology as a male type of baldness, and also occurs against the background of hormonal disruptions, but not hereditary ones.

Namely, in this case, the body produces an excess of the male sex hormone - dihydrosterone. Due to the increase in its level, the follicles react negatively to it, and the risk of baldness increases significantly.

In turn, the causes of hormonal disruptions include the following fundamental factors:

  • disruption of the endocrine organs;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • systematic stresses and neuropsychic and vegetative deviations developed against their background;
  • inflammation of the skin on the head;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • long-term use of drugs (hormonal, contraceptive, antidepressants, antibiotics);
  • avitaminosis;
  • climax.

The period of bearing a child can also become the basis for the development of androgenetic alopecia in women. During pregnancy, the body of expectant mothers changes the hormonal background, which can provoke hair loss.

Most often, the condition returns to normal after childbirth. However, in some situations during this period, he is not able to bounce back himself, and then medication will be needed.

The group of risk factors also includes diets and an unbalanced diet. deficit useful substances in the body leads to hormonal imbalance and, as a result, to the weakening and loss of strands.

A poor diet is a provocateur of hormonal disruptions and, as a result, androgenetic alopecia.

Illiterate care and the use of low-quality cosmetics in itself cannot provoke androgenic type baldness in women. But frequent thermal exposure, the use of aggressive dyes and perms increase the likelihood of developing androgenetic alopecia, if in endocrine system there are already some failures.

Main symptoms

The photo shows how androgenetic alopecia in women externally manifests itself.

Signs of androgenetic alopecia in women have a dangerous feature - the disease begins imperceptibly. Many women do not pay attention to thinning hair or associate it with improper care and the seasonal factor.

The absence of the first manifestations makes it impossible to quickly respond to the problem and delay the start of treatment. And this is fraught with irreversible consequences in androgenetic alopecia.

To avoid this, you need to know what signs to look out for. Androgenetic alopecia in women has the following symptoms:

  • hair shafts gradually become thinner, weaken and grow more slowly;
  • in the temporal zone and in the region of the central parting, a clear thinning is visible;
  • the skin under the hair becomes dry and dandruff forms on it;
  • hair becomes dull and lifeless.

Course of the disease

Androgenetic alopecia proceeds for a long time with many stages.

At the initial stage of this disease, a barely noticeable thinning of the upper part of the head begins. As this kind of alopecia continues, dandruff is formed, which then turns into seborrhea. It can be formed in the form of both dry and fatty, and mixed type. Curls look unkempt, greasy.

Further, along with the continuing loss of strands, the structure of the rod also begins to change. In place of full-fledged hair, vellus elements grow. At first, less and less curls remain at the top of the head. A so-called wreath is formed through which the skin is visible. On one of last stages the entire parietal region becomes bald.

Quite often, this androgenic disease is accompanied by inappropriate growth of hair on the face and body of a woman. Balding or thinning not only the head, but also the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Directly the process of baldness of this type occurs gradually. It can last from several months and stretch for years. This disease is characterized by a long-term course with periods of calm and exacerbations.

IMPORTANT! Upon detection primary signs pathology, you should immediately contact a trichologist, endocrinologist and dermatologist. Shouldn't be doing self-treatment. The use of cosmetics and medical preparations misused may worsen the condition. Timely therapy under the supervision of doctors has a successful prognosis.


Accounting table important factors in the diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia in women (clickable picture).

It is possible to determine the development of androgenic alopecia using complex diagnostics. The doctor prescribes the following procedures to the patient:

  • tests to determine the state of the immune system;
  • hormone tests;
  • study of the functions of the thyroid gland;
  • analyzes that reveal a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins;
  • microscopy to detect cannon and dystrophic elements on the head.

After receiving the results of the study, the doctor determines the exact diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment. The tactics and scheme of therapy for androgenetic alopecia are individual for each specific case character.


The doctor should choose a scheme and prescribe the treatment against androgenetic alopecia only after a thorough diagnosis and 100% confirmation of the disease.

If androgenetic alopecia is found in women, the treatment of this disease should be based on integrated approach. Therapy necessarily takes into account the cause of the development of pathology and includes drugs to eliminate it. In addition to medications, the struggle may include physiotherapeutic procedures, the purpose of which is to stimulate hair growth and normalize their vital activity.

The tactics of treating this pathology always depends on the course, the level of the lesion, general condition, as well as the volume of fallen hair. In advanced cases, when drug therapy does not cope with the disease, the patient may be offered an operation to transplant (transplant) strands.

IMPORTANT! When asked whether androgenetic alopecia in women can be cured, the answer will be positive if a timely fight is started. The price of many drugs for the treatment of baldness is quite expensive, so it is very important that the diagnosis is made correctly.

Medical therapy

If androgenetic alopecia is suspected, take medical preparations without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited.

Such alopecia in women is treated with special drugs. These include:

  • corticosteroids;
  • products with retin A;
  • immunomodulators;
  • zinc-containing preparations (for example, Vitalong) and vitamins against androgenetic alopecia in women;
  • immunosuppressive agents;
  • hormonal agents.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe medications for the patient to treat psoriasis. He also often prescribes anti-allergic drugs for topical use.

In addition, doctors often prescribe medications that can block androgens. These products contain zinc and vitamin B6. They have the same properties contraceptives, for example Diana-35.

Or, there is an opinion of experts that the long-acting diuretic drug Veroshpiron, designed to combat hypertension, well blocks the production of male sex hormones. But it is prescribed only by a trichologist if necessary.


Minoxidil is widely used in androgenetic alopecia.

How to treat androgenetic alopecia in women by other methods? In addition to drugs aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, doctors also prescribe drugs to activate hair growth.

With regard to the functioning of the hair follicles, agents based on minoxidil (Regaine, Headway) are active. The mechanism of action of this substance has not been fully determined. However, it has been proven to increase the hair growth phase. Minoxidil also strengthens the follicles, which prevents thinning hair.

Minoxidil formulations are available as topical lotions or foams. They are applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. At the beginning of treatment, many patients experience increased hair loss, but this is only natural selection.

Already at 2-3 months of therapy, the strands stop falling out, and then healthy and strong hairs begin to grow. The final effect of the reception can be assessed after a year.

For the treatment of this disease, innovative drugs containing medicinal ingredients. These include:

  1. Minomax (based on biotin) - blocks the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which acts as a provocateur of strand loss.
  2. Dualgen (minoxidil + azelaic acid) - blocks dihydrotestosterone and activates growth.
  3. Minox - is available in 2% (for women) and 5%, 10% (for men) composition.
  4. Alerana - strengthens roots, awakens dormant elements and stimulates growth.

You can also activate hair growth with the help of external rubbing alcohol tinctures and medicines containing extract hot pepper. These procedures improve blood circulation in the skin heads. Thanks to the increased blood flow, the hair follicles receive large quantity nutrients and oxygen molecules.

Homemade masks also have beneficial effects, the ingredients of which help strengthen the follicles. All these funds activate the growth of new healthy hairs.


Phototherapy in combination with other methods gives good results in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

Along with drug therapy the doctor prescribes physiotherapy measures. The most popular procedures in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia are:

  1. Ultraphonophoresis - the introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs under the influence of ultrasonic waves.
  2. Phototherapy is treatment with artificial light, most often a laser.
  3. Mesotherapy - injections into the scalp of cocktails containing vitamins and trace elements.

This also includes specific techniques:

  • manual or vacuum massage;
  • darsonval collar zone;
  • galvanic peeling;
  • medical masks.

In neglected situations, with inefficiency drug treatment, a woman is offered transplantation of artificial strands. The procedure is carried out only at the request of the patient herself.


Nowadays, you should not complex in the absence of hair, because for modern women many accessories have been invented to mask this problem. Yes, and naturalness is now in trend.

With androgenetic alopecia, women experience an inferiority complex and fear of losing attractiveness. But do not despair, because the real beauty is naturalness.

For hair loss, patients should choose short haircuts and medium length hairstyles that do not require daily thermal styling. By the way, they are now in vogue.

You can improve the condition of curls after treatment with shampoos from natural ingredients. It is very important in such a situation to organize proper nutrition. Equally important are sports, rest and proper sleep.

If suddenly there was a complete loss of hair, you should not despair. Indeed, now some innovative drugs in complex treatment can help make the bulbs “wake up” again. Besides, modern life welcomes extraordinary images, and even their complete absence is not a sentence. There are now many accessories and wigs invented to help you regain your confidence and beauty.

Well, if you know the solution to this problem, then share useful information in comments. Thus, you will help desperate women. In the video above, a highly qualified specialist will answer many questions regarding this problem.

According to statistics, the cause of persistent hair loss in 95% of men and 20-90% of women (according to various sources) is hypersensitivity hair follicle cells to dihydrotestosterone, the active form of the male sex hormone testosterone.

This type of baldness is called androgenic (associated with male sex hormones), androgenetic (for the presence of a genetic predisposition), androgen-dependent alopecia.

It is characterized in men first by thinning, and then by thinning of the hair of the frontal and parietal regions. In women, thinning is noticeable first in the region of the central parting, and then spreads to the entire crown area.

A feature of this type of baldness is that the hair in the back of the head is insensitive to male sex hormones and continues to grow even when a noticeable bald spot has already formed in the frontal and parietal region.

Causes and mechanisms of development

Everyone has testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, both men and women. But not everyone develops baldness. The development of thinning and thinning hair is associated with the sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone, which is transmitted with genes from one of the parents. In 75% of cases this genetic predisposition transmitted from the mother.

Under the action of dihydrotestosterone in the vascular papillae of sensitive hair follicles, a prolonged spasm of blood capillaries occurs.

Violation of blood flow to the follicle leads to:

  • to dystrophy of the hair follicle itself;
  • hair becomes thin and colorless;
  • hair goes into the resting phase (telogen) prematurely, so they do not have time to grow long;
  • an increasing percentage of follicles enter the telogen phase ahead of schedule, the hair in the resting phase is dead, they easily fall out when combing, washing and other manipulations.

A bald spot can appear long before a period of abundant hair loss, as thin and colorless hair can't hide the scalp.

Video: Androgenic type baldness

Androgenetic alopecia in women

In fact, most women (20 to 90%) also suffer from androgenetic alopecia. Another thing is that hair loss, as a rule, is not as significant as in men. And it starts later, after 55 years, during and after menopause.
This is due to differences in hormonal background men and women and the stimulating effect on hair growth of the female sex hormones estrogen. The development of androgenetic alopecia in women of all races and nationalities is characteristic. There are three main types of androgenetic alopecia.

According to the type of strip (I - shaped).

A decrease in hair density becomes noticeable first in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe central or side parting, especially if the parting is constantly done in the same place.

Then the area of ​​hair thinning extends from the parting to the temples.

According to the type of nest (O - shaped).

Hair thinning becomes noticeable in the parting area. But the dystrophy of the follicles, unlike the previous version, develops simultaneously throughout the entire frontal and parietal regions.

Therefore, the bald spot in the parting area for a short time extends to the parietal and occipital regions, forming a rounded "nest".

Male pattern baldness.

An extremely rare type of baldness for women, in which in the parietal and frontal areas of the scalp, the hair first thins out, and then completely falls out with the formation of a bald patch in the manner of a man.

Is different fast current. If you postpone a visit to the doctor for 2-3 months, then it is quite possible that there will be nothing to treat.

The degree of baldness in women is determined by the Ludwig scale:

  • in women, the temporal region is almost never affected;
  • the front hairline usually remains unchanged (does not move backwards);
  • thinning depigmented hair in women often alternates with normal hair, therefore the density of the hair may decrease, but complete hair loss develops extremely rarely.

You may be wondering why the incidence of androgenetic alopecia in women varies so much from different sources. It's all about what was calculated during each of the studies. If we take into account the appeals of women about significant, visible thinning of hair, then there are much fewer such women than men.

If a group of women aged 50 and older without signs of impending baldness was examined, then when examining the hair in the crown area, altered hair (thinned, short, colorless) was found in almost everyone.

In men

The incidence of androgenetic alopecia in men reaches 95%. Two-thirds of men notice noticeable hair thinning by the age of 35. A quarter of men begin to go bald by the age of 20. Three quarters have a significant degree of baldness by the age of 50.

Androgenetic alopecia is typical for men of all nationalities and races. But its highest frequency is observed among the inhabitants of the Caucasus, the lowest - among the American Indians.

Androgenetic alopecia in men is classified according to the Norwood scale.

There is a slight deepening of the frontal-temporal regions along the anterior hairline. The indentations of the frontotemporal regions acquire a symmetrical triangular shape and extend less than 2 cm from the hairline in front. Begin to thin hair in the parietal region. 3a stage. Fronto-temporal bald patches extend more than 2 cm deep from the hairline. 3b stage. Against the background of deepening bald patches in the fronto-temporal areas, a significant thinning of hair appears in the parietal region (at the crown) Hair thinning begins frontal area, hair loss continues in the crown area. Both balding areas are separated from each other by a zone of normally growing hair. The zones of maximum hair loss in the frontal region and on the crown are still separated by a band of denser hair growth, but this bridge is becoming less and less noticeable. 6 stage. The fronto-temporal and crown zones of alopecia merge and begin to spread towards the back of the head. The hair remains only in front of the ears and on a narrow strip of skin at the back of the head. Men have baldness female type exactly the same as for women for men.


Hair loss, even a slight one, causes both a woman and a man a violent emotional reaction. If we are talking about baldness in the near future, then all means become good. Hence a large number of misconceptions and unfair advertising miraculous remedies that will return the hair and cure the disease forever.

In fact, there is no cure for androgenetic alopecia. You can only slow down its progression and restore normal hair growth in the early stages. Treatment will need to be carried out throughout your life, because as soon as you stop doing procedures and taking medications, baldness will begin to progress again.

What is used to treat alopecia:

Also, a large number of preparations and devices for masking hair thinning have now been developed. This direction can also be considered therapy in some way, since hair loss often brings suffering to men and women with baldness.

All drugs for treatment can be divided into three groups:

  1. The drugs that were developed for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia have passed the necessary tests and received the approval of the Food and Drug Administration in the United States and the European Medical Administration in the European Union: at the moment there are only 2 such drugs - finasteride and minoxidil;
  2. Preparations of a well-known manufacturer, having sufficient evidence base in respect of beneficial effect for hair growth: spironolactone and cyproterone acetate;
  3. Any other drugs, the advertising of which is clogged with the Internet and the media.

You can choose drugs of the third group only when:

  • used the drugs of the first two groups and did not get the result;
  • you are ready to pay money for another hope, which with a high degree of probability will turn into disappointment.

Medications according to the mechanism of action are divided into:

  1. Dihydrotestosterone blockers. The drugs of this group have the most pronounced effect, since they directly block the substance that is the cause of the development of androgenetic alopecia - dihydrotestosterone. Finasteride belongs to this group of drugs.
  2. growth stimulants. Preparations of this group act on those hair follicles that are already damaged by the influence of dihydrotestosterone. Growth stimulants return these follicles to their normal metabolic rate and the ability to give normal hair growth. Drugs cannot prevent damage to new follicles, because best effect give in combination with drugs from the first group. Growth stimulants include minoxidil.
  3. Antiandrogens. Preparations of this group prevent the connection of hair follicle cell receptors with dihydrotestosterone molecules. Apply locally only. Spironolactone is an antiandrogen.

And now let's take a closer look at specific drugs that can currently be bought in Russia or ordered from online stores in Europe.

Trade names of the drug:

  • finasteride 1 mg: Propecia, Finpecia, Finax;
  • finasteride 5 mg: Proscar, Finast, Fincar, Penester, Prostan, Prosteride, Alfinal, Vero-fenostretide, etc.

Preparations containing 5 mg of finasteride are intended for the treatment of prostate adenoma, but they are also suitable for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, only the tablet must be divided into 5 parts.

Mechanism of action

Finasteride blocks the type 2 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone to its active form, dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the concentration of dihydrotestosterone decreases, and its damaging effect on the hair follicles is significantly weakened.

The effectiveness of the drug

Finasteride is effective in about 85% of patients with long-term use. After 3 months of taking hair loss stops. After 6 months, the growth of hair normal in thickness, length and pigmentation begins, more in the parietal region than in the temporal region. The result in the first months of admission is not for everyone. After a year of use, baldness stops in 50% of men, in 65% after 2 years of continuous treatment.

After stopping the drug, the newly regrown hair falls out within 3-9 months due to the newly developed dystrophy of the follicles.

Side effects of the drug

Dihydrotestosterone is a useful molecule in the body. If it were not for the genetic predisposition, then dihydrotestosterone does not cause baldness, but we have not yet learned how to treat genetic abnormalities.

Why do we need dihydrotestosterone in the body:

  • libido, potency, pleasure from sex;
  • selection required amount sperm;
  • control of the level of female sex hormones;
  • participation in the production of substances necessary for the full functioning of the brain.

When the production of dihydrotestosterone is disrupted under the action of finasteride, the above processes in the body can also be disrupted.

In most cases, complications disappear after discontinuation of the drug, but in some patients the disorders remain persistent. The development of such persistent disorders is called post-finasteride syndrome.

Post-finasteride syndrome is a persistent disruption of the organs and systems of the body that arose as a result of taking finasteride and lasting after the end of the drug. The main ones are depression, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and a decrease in the volume of the genital organs, impaired fat metabolism, gynecomastia (an increase in the volume of the mammary glands according to the female type), osteoporosis, etc.

The use of finasteride for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women is possible in the menopausal and postmenopausal period, since even trace concentrations of finasteride in the body of a pregnant woman cause congenital deformities in children.

Trade name: Rogaine 5% foam, Spectral DNC spray, enhanced formula Spectral DNC-L cream. For women, drugs with a 2% concentration of the active substance are produced, but they are not in demand. Both our and European women prefer 5% preparations and are not very worried about the possibility of developing such a side effect of minoxidil in a large dose as excessive body hair.

The effect of minoxidil is dose-dependent, therefore, preparations with 10-15% content of the active substance have now appeared in Europe. But for the price, such drugs are still not affordable to anyone. All of these drugs are intended for topical use and contain in their composition Excipients such as panthenol, plant extracts, aminexil, vitamins, minerals.

Mechanism of action of minoxidil

How minoxidil works on hair follicle cells is not completely clear. But the result of this effect is an improvement in blood supply and an acceleration of metabolic processes in the follicle, which creates conditions for the growth of healthy hair. Minoxidil acts only on damaged follicles and does not have a protective effect on healthy ones.

The effectiveness of the drug

Hair growth cycles are not restored immediately, therefore, it takes time for the effect of minoxidil to manifest. Usually the minimum period of application, after which the result is evaluated, is 12 months.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on a large number of factors:

  • age of the patient: the younger, the more effective;
  • patients with vellus hair are more likely than those with overgrown hair follicle orifices epithelial tissue and persistent bald patches have formed;
  • in women, the effect is better than in men;
  • with a mature bald spot, the effect is better for those who have a completely hairless area less than 10 cm in diameter, and the age of the bald spot is less than 10 years.

In the first weeks of using the drug, hair loss may increase, as newly appeared hair will push out already dead hair from the hair follicles.

The result of using the drug becomes noticeable after 3-6 months of daily use. Hair thinning areas begin to grow in the reverse order of hair loss: the first to begin to recover hair in those areas in which the loss began last. After 12 months of using the drug, its effect stabilizes and the increase in hair density no longer occurs.

Preparations with high content minoxidil (10-15%) can give faster results to those who are just starting to treat alopecia, and improve results for those who are already being treated. more than a year. Stops only the price of such drugs.

Side effects

The most common side effects of minoxidil preparations are swelling of the face, dark circles under the eyes, burning sensation, dryness and tightness of the skin, profuse peeling. Less commonly, rhinitis, dermatitis, palpitations, a drop in blood pressure develop, headache, dizziness.

Diffuse alopecia is characterized by profuse hair loss, sometimes intensifying during certain periods of the year. All the details in the article -.

If your child's hair began to fall out, and you notice any changes with the skin, then you should pay attention to this. Special attention. Find out what are the causes of hair loss in children 7 years old.

Trade names: Spirolactone, Verospirolactone, Aldactone, Verospirolactone. For the treatment of alopecia, spironolactone is used in the form of a cream.

Patches and subcutaneous implants are currently being developed with active substance so that patients do not have to apply the cream every day on the scalp.

Mechanism of action

When taken orally, spironolactone has a diuretic and antiandrogenic effect. At local application, namely, locally the drug is used to treat alopecia in men and women, only the antiandrogenic effect of spironolactone is manifested.

In the scalp, spironolactone blocks the follicle cell receptors for dihydrotestosterone. It also converts dihydrotestosterone into the hormone estrogen, which has a stimulating effect on hair growth.

The effectiveness of the drug

Long-term treatment with spironolactone for 12-15 months gives new growth hair loss in 44% of patients, in another 46% it stops hair loss, in 10% of people using the drug, hair loss continues.

Copper peptides

Trade name: Trikomin, Folligen.

Mechanism of action

Copper peptides enter the hair follicles in the region of the hair papilla and stimulate the production of proteins necessary for hair growth, block 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

The effectiveness of drugs

Tricomin and Folligen, with daily use, stop hair loss after 30 days, and during the first four months of use, healthy hair growth is restored. Copper peptides can be used at the same time or after minoxidil and can significantly improve hair growth.

Both drugs, and Tricomin, and Folligen are available in the form of a spray, shampoo and hair conditioner. The drugs can be used in men, women and children, not only with androgenetic alopecia.

Side effects

With topical application of drugs, mild itching is possible, which disappears with time.

Folligen is able to give light hair a greenish tint. Therefore, a preparation based on tin peptides was developed for blondes, which does not give a green color.


Trade name: El Crannel Alpha, Pantostin, Alfatraradiol.

Mechanism of action

17-alpha-estradiol is one of the isomers of the female sex hormone estradiol, a distinctive feature of which is almost zero hormonal activity.

Alfaradiol enhances the activity of aromatase, an enzyme that converts dihydrotestosterone to testosterone and estrogen.

Thus, the concentration of dihydrotestosterone in the area of ​​​​hair follicles decreases and hair loss decreases until it stops completely.

The drug does not restore hair growth, so it must be used with one of the stimulants.


Trade name: Nizoral-shampoo, etc.

Mechanism of action

How ketoconazole blocks the activity of dihydrotestosterone is currently unknown. But this effect has been proven in a number of serious studies both on laboratory animals and on people with androgenetic alopecia.

In terms of its effectiveness, ketoconazole surpasses even 2% minoxidil. Due to the fact that the mechanisms of action of ketoconazole and minoxidil are different, it is recommended to use them simultaneously.

Antifungal drugs used to treat thrush, such as miconazole, have a similar effect. This ability of antifungal creams to improve hair growth was noticed by women before scientists and was quickly implemented.

You can now find it on YouTube great amount video evidence of the effectiveness of antifungal agents for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

Video: TRX2 against hair loss


TRX2 itself is not a substance, it is the name of a drug that contains several active ingredients, such as biotin, niacin, potassium chloride, L-carnitine-L-tartrate, BCCA amino acids. The drug is available in capsules for oral administration. Daily dose: 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Mechanism of action

Such a complex has a stimulating effect on the metabolism in the hair follicles and improves hair growth.

The effectiveness of the drug

The result of the drug becomes noticeable after at least 6 months regular intake. Within 18 months positive results received by 89% of patients.

laser therapy

Already 30 years ago, it was found that low-intensity laser radiation accelerates the metabolism in the cells of living organisms.

In human tissues, low-intensity laser radiation accelerates blood flow and lymph outflow, in damaged tissues, metabolic processes are normalized and the recovery process is accelerated.

As for the hair, under the action of laser light, the hair growth cycle is normalized, the hair itself becomes thicker and thicker, their excessive loss stops, and the appearance of the hair improves.

For the treatment of alopecia are used:

  • visible red light with a wavelength of 635-660 nm: low-intensity laser radiation with such wavelengths penetrates to a depth of 6-10 mm, which is quite enough to affect the hair follicles and their surrounding tissues;
  • infrared low-intensity laser radiation with wavelengths of 870-910 nm penetrates deep into tissues by 6-8 cm.

Pulsed low-intensity laser radiation has a more pronounced effect on tissues and does not have an "addictive" effect.

A study by specialists from the Massachusetts Hospital, which was published in the journal Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, states that low-intensity laser radiation is effective not only in the case of androgenetic alopecia, but also in alopecia areata and baldness caused by chemotherapy drugs.

The alopecia laser head has the form of a cap that can contain up to 100 red laser emitters.

Photo: before and after laser treatment

Minimum course of treatment: 2-3 treatments per week for 15 minutes each for 1 year. Then maintenance procedures are carried out at 1 per month.

Already at the end of the first month of such therapy, hair growth normalizes and hair loss stops. In the second or third month, new healthy hair appears.

Annual low-intensity course laser therapy allows you to reduce baldness by 1-2 degrees on the Norwood scale.

Photo: before and after treatment

At home, you can use a laser comb, realizing that its effectiveness will be much lower than a stationary laser installation. Or laser machine for home use "Orion".

hair transplant operation

Hair transplantation has existed for a relatively long time, but its effectiveness largely depends on the human body, so patients do not always get exactly what they expected.

Usually, hair follicles are taken for transplantation from the occipital region and the area above the ears, since hair damage does not occur in this area.

For transplantation, it is necessary that the donor area has enough hair in order to close the areas of baldness and hide possible scars that may appear during the collection of material for transplantation.

Hair follicles are transplanted together with pieces of skin - grafts. The smaller the graft, the more natural the transplanted hair then looks. Currently transplanted grafts with 1-2 hair follicles. Such an operation is currently considered standard.

Photo: the course of the hair transplant operation

Graft extraction methods:

  • fast and relatively inexpensive: a section of skin with hair is cut out from the donor area, which is then divided into micrografts;
  • more painstaking and gentle: micrografts are removed immediately from the skin of the donor area without incisions and the risk of scars.

Additional conditions that ensure the success or failure of the operation:

  • the degree of baldness: the greater it is, the more donor hair will be needed, and the less noticeable the result will be;
  • baldness zone: it is preferable to transplant hair in the frontal zone than on the crown, since it is more difficult to close the bald spot at the crown and this requires more donor hair;
  • density of hair in the donor area: the thicker the hair, the better, the more hair follicles can be obtained without the risk of significant hair thinning in the back of the head;
  • patient age: the younger, the less predictable result;
  • hair thickness: the thicker the hair, the better it will cover the skin of the scalp at the site of baldness;
  • hair color: in patients with blond, blond, red and gray hair, the cosmetic effect of the operation is better than in patients with black hair.

Bald head masking techniques

  • Wigs and hairpieces.

In order for a wig to be indistinguishable from real hair, it is usually made to order. It's not cheap. Mass-produced wigs are usually noticeable.

  • Haircuts and styling.

A textured haircut on hair with the first signs of baldness can hide the problem thanks to the extra volume that comes from layering. Such a haircut is worn, for example, by Jeffrey McConahue. Sloppy styling creates a “light mess” on the head and distracts from the essence of the problem. An example of such styling on the head of the actor Jeremy Piven. A hawk haircut is ideal for those who have bald patches in the temple area. This haircut makes Jude Law look chic.

Haircut under the machine allows you to look stylish, and short hair does not focus on problem areas. This choice was made for himself by Dwayne Johnson.

  • Use of hair thickeners.

Currently, special cosmetic preparations are used to thicken hair, which have microfibers of cotton, viscose or keratin in their composition. These fibers stick to a person's own hair and give it much more volume, which is able to hide the translucent scalp.

The most important thing in the use of camouflage fibers is to choose the right color so that it matches the color of your own hair. After applying camouflage fibers to the hair, you can style and use styling cosmetics.

  • Hair tattoo for bald people.

  • Extreme option.

Folk remedies

Patients with androgenetic alopecia often ask trichologists about whether baldness can be cured. folk methods. At the same time, few of the balding people think about why there are so many bald people around, if there are so many folk remedies. In fact, the cause of androgenetic alopecia is genetic, and the use of folk remedies only delays the moment the patient seeks real help.

There is one “But” here: if the effectiveness of masks with pepper or mustard is not worth discussing, since they are ineffective, then there are a number of methods aimed at using the internal reserves of the body. Theoretically, it doesn't make sense. In practice, such methods are best combined with drug therapy, which has proven to be effective. So what are these methods.


From yoga, you can take a special massage of acupuncture points responsible for hair growth, asanas to combat hair loss and breathing techniques.

  • Chinese medicine remedies.
  • Special exercises for the scalp.
  • Music for hair.

Follow the link and find out.

Did you know that with hereditary hair loss in women, thinning hair occurs, but the hairline remains the same? Read more.

Do you want to know how effective the onion mask for hair loss is? See mask recipes.


How long does it take to get hair back?

Usually the first improvements in the condition of the hair become noticeable after 3-6 months. For complete hair restoration, several cycles of hair change are required, which takes up to 2 years.

Do the treatments cause new hair follicles to grow?

Medicines can only activate the functioning of damaged hair follicles, and protect existing follicles from damage. The emergence of new follicles in the skin under the action of drugs does not occur.

At what degree of baldness is it possible to restore hair?

The best results are for those who started losing hair less than 3 years ago. There is little chance for those whose baldness is already 10 years or more. If the degree of baldness on the Norwood scale is higher than the fifth, the treatment will also be ineffective, since in such patients there are practically no living follicles in the forehead and crown area.

Does scalp massage help?

The cause of androgenic alopecia is the increased sensitivity of the follicles of the frontal and parietal regions to dihydrotestosterone. Massage can in no way affect the genetic component of the disease.

If I take vitamin-mineral complexes for hair, will baldness stop?

The thing is that follicles transplanted from the occipital region to the crown area can grow healthy hair without any additional vitamins and minerals. The fact is that the follicles from the occipital region do not have sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone. For the treatment and prevention of androgenetic alopecia, only this fact matters.

Is it possible to cure hereditary alopecia with proper nutrition, refusal bad habits and physical activity?

When a person loses hair, he is ready to do anything to get it back or at least stop the loss. Therefore, doctors are always tempted to use every opportunity to instill in the patient a love for healthy lifestyle life. In fact, proper nutrition and sports are wonderful, but cannot stop androgenetic alopecia.

Does it make sense to buy a laser comb home?

Low-intensity laser radiation is beneficial for hair and promotes hair growth. A laser comb at home can be used, especially for maintaining the result of laser therapy in medical institutions.

Can wearing a hat speed up hair loss?

No, he can not.

Can a bad haircut lead to baldness?

Maybe if the hair is under tension for a long time. But it will be traumatic alopecia, not androgenetic.

Is it true that androgenetic alopecia is more common in mental workers?

No, androgenetic alopecia can develop in individuals and severe physical labor. Dependence of the degree of baldness on physical activity or the intensity of thought processes was not observed.

When does it make sense to start using TRX2?

If your relatives have cases of androgenetic alopecia, then you can start using the drug at the first sign of increased hair loss, even if this happens at the age of 18.

How long can TRX2 stop hair loss?

The drug was developed not so long ago. But so far (for more than 3 years), the participants in the experimental group have not noted a decrease in its effectiveness.

Can TRX2 cause increased body hair growth?

The drug is designed in such a way that its active ingredients affect only one type of potassium channels, which are present only in the hair follicles on the head, but absent in the hair follicles on the body. But long-term results of using the drug have not yet been obtained.

What is the difference between the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men and women?

The only antiandrogen that men can use is spironolactone. And then, it can only be applied topically. The choice of antiandrogens for women is great, and they can be used both externally and internally.

Does mesotherapy help with androgen alopecia?

It helps if this mesotherapy is carried out with medicines for the treatment of hereditary alopecia. An example of such a drug is dutasteride. 12 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride give a visible improvement in 68% of patients.

What are the herbs used in Chinese medicine, can stop hereditary baldness?

None. Moreover, part Chinese herbs that benefit the Chinese may be toxic to Europeans due to differences in the activity of the body's enzyme systems.

I saw in the store special lines of cosmetics against hair loss Vichy, Dove and Loreal. Worth taking?

Cosmetics from the listed manufacturers can be effective in preventing and accelerating the restoration of hair density in diffuse alopecia. But they are not able to stop the damage to the hair follicles, because these cosmetics will not be able to prevent hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia.

Is it possible to be happy being bald?