What is ascorbic acid for? Ascorbic acid tablets. Vitamin C

Part dragee includes ascorbic acid, starch syrup, sugar, talc, light mineral oil, yellow wax, dye E104 (quinoline yellow), orange flavor.

Compound r/ra for intravenous and intramuscular administration: ascorbic acid (0.05 g / ml or 0.1 g / ml), bicarbonate and sodium sulfite, saturated carbon dioxide water d / i.

The composition of the tablets includes ascorbic acid, dextrose, sugar, potato starch, additive E470 (calcium stearate), flavoring (strawberry/raspberry/cranberry/wild berries).

Chewable tablets contain ascorbic acid, refined sugar, magnesium stearate, , microcrystalline cellulose, orange flavor, hypromellose, sunset yellow E110 or beta-carotene.

Release form

  • Dragees packaged in 50, 100 or 200 pieces. in vials of polymeric materials / glass jars or 10 pieces in blister packs, 5 packs in a carton box.
  • R/r for intravenous and intramuscular administration of 5 and 10% in 1, 2 and 5 ml ampoules, 10 ampoules in a cardboard box.
  • Lyophilizate for the preparation of r/ra for i/v and i/m administration. Dosage 0.05 g. The drug is available in ampoules, 5 ampoules in a pack of cardboard complete with a solvent (water for injection - 2 ml).
  • Powder for the preparation of r / ra for per os. Dosage 1 and 2.5 g; sold in paper bags, laminated with PE.
  • Tablets packaged in 50 pcs. in glass jars.
  • Chewable tablets in pack #30.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin preparation . Ascorbic acid in its purest form.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has activity vitamin C. It has a metabolic effect, regulates oxidation-reduction reactions and hydrogen transport in a large number of biochemical reactions, improves the use of glucose in the citrate cycle, accelerates tissue regeneration, takes part in the formation of H4-folate, collagen and steroid hormones .

Maintains the normal permeability of capillary walls and the colloidal state of the extracellular matrix. Activates proteases, participates in metabolism , pigments and aromatic amino acids, promotes the deposition of glycogen in the liver.

Due to the activation of liver cytochromes, it increases its protein-forming and detoxifying activity, as well as the synthesis prothrombin . Restores endocrine function schthyroid gland and exocrine pancreatic , stimulates separation bile .

Regulates immunological reactivity (activates the production , antibodies, components of the C3 complement system), promotes phagocytosis and strengthening .

Renders antiallergic action and stops inflammatory processes. Inhibits the production of mediators anaphylaxis and inflammation (including prostaglandins ), slows down the ejection histamine and accelerates its degradation.

Because in the human body vitamin C is not produced, its insufficient amount in food provokes hypo- and beriberi C .

The daily norm for men is 0.07-0.1 g, for women - 0.08 g. During pregnancy, the need increases to 0.1 g, during lactation - up to 0.12 g. Children and adolescents, depending on age, should take 0.03 to 0.07 g of vitamin C.

Absorbed in the small intestine: when taking less than 0.2 g, about 2/3 of the dose is absorbed; with increasing dose, absorption decreases to 50-20%.

The concentration of ascorbic acid when taken per os reaches a maximum after 4 hours.

The substance easily penetrates into and , and later - in all tissues; deposited in the adrenal cortex, posterior lobe , intestinal walls, muscle tissue, brain, ovaries, interstitial cells of the seminal glands, ocular epithelium, spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and thyroid glands, a heart.

Biotransformirovatsya mainly in the liver.

Ascorbate and its metabolites ( diketogulonic and oxaloacetic acid ) are excreted in the urine and intestinal contents, and also excreted with breast milk and sweat gland secretions.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is advisable for:

The antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid are used in the treatment , , infectious and alcoholic delirium, diffuse connective tissue lesions (SLE, , scleroderma ), overdose of anticoagulants, intoxication with barbiturates, sulfonamides, benzene, aniline, methyl alcohol, anesthesin, carbon monoxide, dichloroethane, disulfiram, hydrocyanic acid, potassium permanganate, phenols, thallium, arsenic, , aconite.

The drug is also indicated during the recovery period after diseases and surgical interventions.

Intravenously and intramuscularly Ascorbic acid in ampoules is administered in situations where it is necessary to quickly replenish the deficiency vitamin C , as well as in situations where oral administration is not possible.

In particular, parenteral administration is required for Addison's disease , a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (under conditions, after resection of the site small intestine and gastrectomy , persistent diarrhea , peptic ulcer ).


Absolute contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • complicated and thrombophlebitis diseases of the veins .

Conditions in which Ascorbic acid is prescribed with caution:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • kidney disease (particularly urolithiasis - when using more than 1 g per day);
  • hemochromatosis ;
  • thalassemia ;
  • progressive neoplastic diseases ;
  • sideroblastic and sickle cell anemia ;
  • polycythemia ;
  • deficiency of the cytosolic enzyme G6PD.

In pediatrics, the restriction to the use of ascorbic acid dragees is the age of up to 4 years for. Tablets are prescribed from the age of six. Chewable tablets in pediatric practice do not use.

Side effects

From the side of the heart, vascular and hematopoietic systems: neutrophilic leukocytosis , thrombocytosis , erythropenia , hyperprothrombinemia .

From the sense organs and nervous system: weakness and dizziness (with too rapid administration of ascorbic acid in / in).

From the side digestive tract: when taken orally - (when taking more than 1 g / day), irritation of the mucosa of the digestive canal, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea , vomiting, erosion of tooth enamel (with frequent use of tablets for chewing or resorption of dragees / tablets).

Metabolic disorders: violation of the course of metabolic processes, inhibition of production glycogen , over-education adrenosteroids , water retention and Na, hypokalemia .

From the urogenital tract: an increase , the formation of oxalate stones (especially with long-term use of more than 1 g per day), damage glomerular apparatus of the kidneys .

When injected into a muscle, pain at the injection site is possible, injection into a vein may be accompanied by a feeling of heat.

The substance is strong allergen and can provoke hypersensitivity reactions even in cases where a person does not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Stocks vitamin C depleted with prolonged intake of calcium chloride, drugs quinoline series , salicylates , corticosteroids .

Solution A.K. interacts with most drugs when mixed in one syringe.

Terms of sale

A prescription is required to purchase the solution. The remaining forms of release are dispensed without a prescription.

An example of a recipe in Latin for a 5% solution:
Sol. Acidi ascorbinici 5% - 1 ml
D.t.d. N.10 in amp.
S. Intramuscularly 1 ml 2 times a day.

Recipe in Latin for the tablet form of the drug:
Acidi ascorbinici 0.05
D.t.d. No. 50 in tabl.
S. 2 tablets. 3 times a day after meals

Storage conditions

Ascorbic acid should be stored in a light-protected, hard-to-reach place for children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Shelf life

The solution is considered suitable for use within a year, dragees - within one and a half years after the date of issue. Shelf life for powder, lyophilisate and chewable tablets- 2 years. Ascorbic acid in tablets preserves pharmacological properties within 3 years.

special instructions

Wikipedia states that vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is an organic compound related to glucose. Its use for human body huge - the vitamin performs the function of a coenzyme of a number of metabolic processes, an antioxidant and a reducing agent.

According to the International Pharmacopoeia, the substance has the form of a crystalline powder, almost white or white color with a sour taste. Easily soluble in water, soluble in ethanol (about 750 g/l) TS, practically insoluble in other organic solvents Practically insoluble powder. Belongs to the category of antiscorbutic drugs.

Vitamin C in solution is quickly destroyed by air; even in a light-protected place, it is gradually destroyed in a humid atmosphere. The rate of destruction increases with increasing temperature.

Ascorbic acid is present in all tissues of higher plants and animals. Man, unlike most animals, in the process of evolution, due to mutation, has lost the ability to independently synthesize vitamin C and gets it exclusively from food.

OKPD code for ascorbic acid ( vitamin C ) - For the food industry, the substance is obtained in accordance with GOST 4815-76.

Quantification of a substance

Methods for the quantitative determination of A.k. based on its pronounced restorative properties.

The simplest, most objective and accurate method is the method of determination based on the ability of A. to. reduce ferric ions to ferrous ions.

The amount of Fe2+ ions formed is equimolar to the amount of A.c. in the analyzed sample ( minimal amount A.k. in the sample - 10 nmol) and is determined by a color reaction with potassium ferricyanide.

What is ascorbic acid for?

The substance is involved in the processes of biotransformation of other , education , as well as education and exchange and norepinephrine in the medulla adrenal glands , supplies hydrogen for the formation of nuclear DNA, reduces the body's need for B-group vitamins , increases the immunobiological resistance of the body, affects the activity leukocytes ; improving the absorption of Fe, thereby enhancing the synthesis hemoglobin and maturation erythrocytes , neutralizes secreted pathogenic microflora toxins, accelerates wound healing and postoperative sutures and healing of fractures.

Ascorbic acid in the urine is an important indicator of the health of the body. Small amount vitamin C in urine may indicate a malfunction internal organs or the development of a tumor. Increased concentration ascorbic acid can signal an imbalance in the diet and the likelihood of kidney stones.

Daily excretion rate vitamin C urine - 0.03 g. When diagnosing such an indicator, we can conclude that a person receives enough ascorbic acid, and his body works optimally.

How many calories are in ascorbic acid?

100 grams of the product contains 0.1 g of fat, 0.1 g of protein and 95.78 g of carbohydrates. This amount of carbohydrates allows you to compensate for more than a third (namely, 35% *) daily requirement in them.

*average value given nutritional value products from different sources. The data may differ from the actual data depending on the origin of a particular product. The value is given for a diet that involves the use of 2 thousand kcal per day.

Calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 970 kJ or 231.73 kcal.

Why is ascorbic acid useful in cosmetology?

In cosmetology, ascorbic acid is used as part of drugs that slow down aging, restore protective functions and healing-accelerating agents.

The easiest way to apply vitamin C for hair - add powder (crushed tablet) or solution to a single portion of shampoo or hair mask. Ascorbic acid should be added to care products immediately before their use.

Such simple procedures allow you to restore the structure of the hair, prevent hair loss, and also make the hair soft and shiny.

For the face, ascorbic acid is most often used in powder form. Before the procedure, the powder (or crushed tablets) is mixed with mineral water to make a thick paste. The product is applied for 20 minutes on the face and then washed off.

Useful for the face and daily wiping diluted with mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1 solution of ascorbic acid. You can also add the solution/powder to homemade masks.

Why is ascorbic acid useful for athletes?

Vitamin C is an anabolic stimulant muscle mass, which makes it appropriate to use it in bodybuilding. In addition, scientists were able to prove that by suppressing the process of peroxidation and secretion cortisol he also provides anti-catabolic effect . Thus, the reception vitamin C before training will protect the muscles and slow down the breakdown of protein.

Upon completion of the course anabolic steroids ascorbic acid is taken as a component of PCT (post cycle therapy).

Ascorbic acid to induce menstruation

High doses vitamin C impede admission progesterone into the uterus, so Ascorbic acid is often taken with a delay in menstruation.

However, doctors do not advise to abuse this method. First of all, repeated use ascorbic acid can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, taking pills can make it difficult to diagnose the causes of the failure. menstrual cycle and further treatment.

Precautionary measures

Too rapid intravenous administration of ascorbic acid solution should be avoided. If necessary long-term use the drug requires monitoring of blood pressure, kidney function, glucose levels.

Ascorbic acid changes the results of laboratory tests.


Additive Vitamin C , Asvitol , Ascovit , Vitamin C , Vitamin C-injectopas , Rostvit , Setebe 500 , Cevicap , Celascon Vitamin C , Citravit , (+ Ascorbic acid).

For weight loss

Ascorbic acid does not reduce the amount subcutaneous fat and cannot eliminate the consequences of an unbalanced diet and an inactive lifestyle, so using it as a independent means not suitable for weight loss.

However, vitamin C is by no means an unnecessary addition to the diet of losing weight, because it helps to strengthen the immune system, improve overall well-being in chronic diseases and faster muscle recovery after physical exertion.

Can Ascorbic Acid be Pregnant?

The minimum need for ascorbic acid during pregnancy is approximately 0.06 g / day. (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters). It is important to consider that the fetus can adapt to higher doses taken by a woman. vitamin C . This can result in withdrawal syndrome in the newborn.

According to FDA classification, injection forms ascorbic acid belong to group C on a scale of possible risks to the fetus. The introduction of the solution can be prescribed to a pregnant woman only in case of emergency.

The use of high doses vitamin C for intravenous administration during pregnancy may cause miscarriage.

The minimum requirement during breastfeeding is 0.08 g / day. Theoretically, there are certain risks for the child if a nursing woman uses too high doses vitamin C .

The most commonly used remedy for a cold is not the newfangled fast-acting antiviral agents, and this is an ascorbic acid. It is acquired not only during the period of illness or for the prevention of any infection, it is used to strengthen blood vessels, normalize the work of the whole organism.

Why is ascorbic acid so popular everywhere in the post-Soviet space and what effect does it have on the body? Is this substance so useful and what dangers will ascorbic acid cause when misuse? The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid are all about this drug.

What is ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is found naturally in many herbal products. This is a water soluble vitamin. It belongs to the group biologically active substances, which are involved in almost all life processes, and are required in not large quantities. What you need to know about ascorbic acid?

  1. It is not synthesized in the human body.
  2. How much ascorbic acid can be taken per day? The daily norm of an adult is 100 mg, during a cold, its amount should be doubled.
  3. Ascorbic acid is a very unstable substance and it oxidizes under the influence of oxygen at room temperature.
  4. Poisoning with ascorbic acid of natural origin (found in products) or is practically impossible and occurs in rare special cases.
  5. Vitamin C is not only a participant in reactions, it helps the work and absorption of other vital substances.

The benefits of ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid in its pure form and in combination with other substances has a positive effect on many body systems. With regular use, it is easier for the body to cope with infections. How else does vitamin C help?

  1. Improves iron absorption.
  2. Participates in many reactions: stimulates the liver at the cellular level, takes part in tissue respiration, in redox reactions.
  3. It is part of more complex reactions: the synthesis of hormones thyroid gland and adrenal, steroid hormones.
  4. Contributes to the normal process of recovery and healing of wounds and ulcers.
  5. An overdose of ascorbic acid in a child is rare, and its deficiency leads to a violation of the formation of bones, collagen and dentin of the teeth.
  6. Ascorbic acid increases the resistance of the human body to stressful situations, infection and cold.
  7. Normalizes vascular permeability.

Ascorbic acid is useful for everyone, especially in optimal daily dose. If you eat fruits and vegetables every day, then this is quite enough. Vitamin C is contained in green onions, peppers, garlic, dill, cabbage (most of all in sauerkraut), in all citrus fruits, blackcurrant, wild rose, mountain ash, kiwi.

Is it possible to get poisoned with ascorbic acid? Yes, if the product is of poor quality or there are violations in the work of the organs digestive system. This is more common when using a synthetic "pharmacy" vitamin. Can't eat more than normal natural vitamin, that is, the one that is contained in the products. Ascorbic acid is quickly excreted by the kidneys, so there is no excess of it in the body.

The benefits of ascorbic acid with glucose

On sale except pure vitamin C, there are several of its compounds with other drugs. Most often it is part of complex vitamins. But there is another drug familiar to everyone since childhood - ascorbic acid with glucose. What you need to know about this two-component compound?

  1. Synthetic vitamin C is derived from glucose.
  2. Working together, these two substances improve liver function.
  3. This is a good energy boost for the body.

But in large quantities it should not be used - even this at first glance safe product may lead to permanent changes.

Why is ascorbic acid with glucose useful and when is it used? Indications for the use of a vitamin and a drug combined with glucose are as follows:

Is ascorbic acid harmful?

What are the consequences of an overdose of ascorbic acid? The drug is freely dispensed in a pharmacy, for its purchase there is no need to write a prescription from a doctor. Is he really that safe?

An overdose of vitamin C is rare, the body does not have a supply of this substance. Everything that is consumed with food is immediately consumed by the body, and the excess is excreted by the kidneys, through the intestines and sweat glands. But when using synthetic ascorbic acid or injecting a substance in the form of injections, some difficulties may arise.

What to do with an excess of vitamin

With the appearance of weakness, heartburn and abdominal pain, it is difficult to suspect an excess of ascorbic acid in the body. Only a carefully collected history can help to make such a diagnosis. What to do with an overdose of ascorbic acid? Any of the developed conditions associated with an excess of ascorbic acid in the body requires medical supervision. How can you help close person with symptoms of poisoning? What do you need to know about overdose?

What is ascorbic acid for? It helps to cope with changes in the growing body and is indicated for severe physical and mental stress. Vitamin C hypervitaminosis can only be associated with misuse synthetic drug in the absence of control over children. How to avoid it dangerous influence? It is impossible to abuse ascorbic acid in tablets, and if it is taken systematically, it should be observed by a doctor.


What is ascorbic acid?

What is ascorbic acid, the benefits and harms, as well as what it has medicinal properties And what exactly is this vitamin good for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health, lead healthy lifestyle life and is interested in folk methods treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Perhaps the most ingenious invention of nature can be called vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. If gold medals were awarded at the Olympics, arranged among nutrients, the “ascorbic” would certainly rise to the highest step of the podium.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an organic compound with the formula C6H8O6. physical properties this vitamin is a white crystalline powder with a sour taste. Easily soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. For the first time in its pure form, vitamin C was isolated in 1928 by the Hungarian-American chemist Albert Szent-György, and in 1932 it was proved that it was the absence of this vitamin in human food that causes scurvy.

Beneficial features:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. He plays important role in the regulation of redox processes, participates in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen, metabolism folic acid s and iron, as well as the synthesis of steroid hormones and catecholamines. Ascorbic acid also regulates blood clotting, normalizes capillary permeability, is necessary for hematopoiesis, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

This vitamin is a factor in protecting the body from the effects of stress. Enhances reparative processes, increases resistance to infections. Reduces the effects of exposure to various allergens. There are many theoretical and experimental backgrounds for the use of vitamin C for the prevention of cancer. It is known that in oncological patients, due to the depletion of its reserves in tissues, symptoms of vitamin deficiency often develop, which requires their additional administration.

There is evidence showing a preventive role for vitamin C in colon, esophageal, bladder, and endometrial cancers.

This vitamin improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and iron, remove toxic copper, lead and mercury.

It is important that in the presence of an adequate amount of vitamin C, the stability of vitamins B1, B2, A, E, pantothenic and folic acids increases significantly. Vitamin C protects low-density lipoprotein cholesterol from oxidation and, accordingly, the walls of blood vessels from the deposition of oxidized forms of cholesterol.

The ability to successfully cope with the emotional and physical burden of stress depends more on ascorbic acid than on any other vitamin. The adrenal glands, which secrete the hormones necessary to function in stressful situations contain more ascorbate than any other part of the body. Vitamin C helps produce these stress hormones and protects the body from toxins produced during their metabolism.

Our body cannot store vitamin C, so we need to constantly get it in addition. Since it is water soluble and subject to temperature, cooking with heat treatment destroys him.

Lack of ascorbic acid:

Vitamin C deficiency can be of two types:

  • Pronounced - has symptoms such as muscle pain, apathy, lethargy, dry skin, aches and weakness, as well as bleeding gums;
  • Acute - characteristic the following signs: tooth loss, heart disease, hypotension, dysfunction gastrointestinal tract and hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue.

An acute form of ascorbic acid deficiency can lead to serious consequences - a disease called scurvy. This disease is characterized by a violation of cartilage structures, the destruction of tubular bones, and a decrease in the functioning of the brain.

Scurvy in the primary stages has the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness, weakness and fatigue;
  • Irritation and drowsiness;
  • Pain in caviar muscles and joints.

These symptoms appear several months after the onset of beriberi and do not indicate the presence of the disease, but are only its harbingers. If scurvy passes into a progressive stage, in which changes in gum tissue are observed, then this is an alarming sign, since it threatens not only with serious damage to the health of the whole organism, but also with a fatal outcome.

Scurvy in a neglected state has the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Specific pallor;
  • Blueness of the mucous membranes;
  • Change in interdental papillae;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Internal hemorrhages in the oral cavity;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Pain when chewing food.

The first symptoms of vitamin deficiency of this vitamin indicate the need for emergency measures to compensate for the lack of this element. With untimely treatment, a gradual destruction of human systems and organs is observed, which entails disappointing consequences:

  • Accession of secondary infections;
  • Complete loss of teeth;
  • Acquisition of a specific appearance;
  • Strong muscular and joint pain blocking movement;
  • Inhibition of intestinal and gastric motility;
  • Insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes.

Due to the development of the disease that arose from a lack of vitamin C, disorders of the cardiac system may occur. On the given state indicate signs such as increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and weakening the strength of cardiac impulses. A prolonged lack of ascorbic acid in a disease such as scurvy can lead to massive hemorrhages, bone fractures, disability and even death.

Why is vitamin C good for children?

Ascorbic acid for children is important at any age, but I would like to highlight the special findings of some experts. It is vitamin C that is prophylactic which avoids sudden infant death (in infancy). This does not mean that babies need a higher intake of vitamin C. All important vitamins the baby receives with mother's milk or with artificial nutrition(modern mixtures are enriched with vitamins). It is strictly forbidden to use vitamin complexes on your own without a doctor's prescription. If necessary, the doctor prescribes vitamins, and also gives recommendations on the organization of nutrition for the child (the timing of the introduction of complementary foods) or on the organization of nutrition for a nursing mother. It is on normal nutrition that you should pay attention in this age period.

One of the most famous beneficial effects of ascorbic acid can be called positive influence for immunity. Vitamin C is often recommended to children during the period of colds. It helps to resist colds, speed up recovery.

This vitamin helps wounds and burns heal faster, recover faster after surgery, is considered a natural laxative, and reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

The benefits of ascorbic acid for a child:

  • Improves immunity
  • Helps fight viruses
  • Helps treat colds
  • Heals wounds
  • Helps to recover after surgeries
  • Positive effect on the blood

Hair treatment:

Vitamin C is needed for hair no less than other vitamins, especially group B. As you know, the latter are responsible for constant growth hair, their silkiness and shine. In addition, their deficiency affects the state of the body as a whole, provoking depression and stress. As a result, the scalp becomes dry and uneven oiliness of the hair appears: the roots will be oily, and the tips will be dry and brittle.

To restore in these cases, ascorbic acid is also required - it regulates the activity of all capillaries that supply each individual hair. The role of this vitamin should not be underestimated, as disturbances in blood microcirculation will cause a terrifying problem - hair loss. This is the most danger sign for every woman, rather than the loss of luster of hair or their greasy. In the course of a protracted imbalance, provoked by malfunctions of the capillaries, hair can fall out in whole strands, and complete baldness is not excluded.

Vitamin C, as already noted, is useful for men. In fact, when a man's hair began to fall out, the timely treatment with vitamin C started can restart the functions of the hair follicles and, therefore, stimulate hair growth.

Dental treatment:

Vitamin C means healthy gums and strong teeth.

This process is especially pronounced in the gums and jaw alveoli, which differ from all other bones of the body in the most high content calcium. Our teeth are attached here, which, when biting off food, have to withstand heavy loads. High doses of vitamin C can eliminate bleeding gums in no time, as it can strengthen countless small vessels in the gum tissue in just half an hour.

Calcium alone is too slow to reach the cells of the body, especially when it is needed in large quantities. With vitamin C, it forms chemical complexes, the so-called chelates, and with their help is delivered to the right place with truly courier speed. This is especially noticeable when supplying calcium to the dentin. Without this vitamin, calcium loses half of its useful qualities.

Calcium and vitamin C are the secret rivals of dentists, or rather, they are natural dentists themselves. Some American biochemists eat lemons twice a day instead of brushing their teeth. They have absolutely clean teeth and fresh breath thanks to self-cleaning mouth products, which include saliva. Vitamin C kills bacteria that cause tooth decay, strengthens gums, and calcium turns jawbones and teeth into an impregnable fortress. “It’s healthier than scratching your gums with a toothbrush three times a day,” say modern biochemists. As evidence, they refer to the jaws of people found during archaeological excavations who lived 5 or even 10 thousand years ago, in which all teeth were healthy, although then there was no toothpaste or dentists.

Ascorbic acid also carries sulfuric acid salts through the cells of the body. If these salts are not enough, microscopic tears occur in the connective tissues, which most often manifests itself in bleeding gums and poorly healing wounds. What is very important: if the gums begin to bleed, then in most cases, hidden internal bleeding appears throughout the body.

Cold treatment:

Although vitamin C cannot protect us from influenza viruses and other colds, its beneficial properties are still used to prevent and treat SARS.

The world-famous biochemist and winner of two Nobel Prizes, Linus Polling, has devoted many years to studying the properties of vitamin C. The scientist became interested in its biological effect in the late sixties of the 20th century.

In 1971, Polling completed his monograph Vitamin C and the Common Cold. The scientist believed that loading doses ascorbic acid - the best remedy cold prevention.

But do not rush to follow his advice! Modern research showed that a person does not need “horse” doses of this vitamin, because its excess is excreted by the kidneys in an unchanged state.

A synthetic analogue of "ascorbic acid" is often added to drugs designed to alleviate the symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. Of course, powders and tablets are not as pleasant a treat as tangerines or strawberries, but in their properties synthetic vitamin C is not inferior to natural.

And now let's move on to the main thing - why do the mentioned preparations contain ascorbic acid and how can it help a person with a cold? The fact is that vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of interferons - protein compounds that our the immune system produces to fight enemies (pathogenic bacteria and viruses).

That is, vitamin C cannot neutralize, for example, the influenza virus, but it can strengthen our body's natural defenses, thus alleviating the symptoms of the disease and shortening its duration.

Benefits for weight loss:

By the way, this vitamin stabilizes body weight. It takes part in the synthesis of carnitine from the amino acid lysine. This is of paramount importance for all obese people. Carnitine is a kind of taxi that picks up fat molecules from the blood and delivers them inside the cells for oxidation and energy. Since it is vitamin C that ensures the production of stress hormones that turn fat into a digestible form, it cares more than anyone about the harmony of our figure.

It is curious that animals in nature, with the help of vitamin C, maintain a stable weight until death. This vitamin also has other functions in the body. It releases iron from the intestinal wall and bile and delivers it to the bloodstream to oxygenate the cells.

Since it is vitamin C that ensures the production of stress hormones that turn fat into a digestible form, it is more than anyone who cares about the harmony of our figure, and indeed about beauty.

Vitamin C with zinc:

Today, quite often in pharmacies you can see combined preparations containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and zinc.

  • Zinc. It is an important trace element for the body, it is necessary for the functioning of the immune system, participates in many metabolic processes, is integral part over 90 various enzymes. Zinc increases the body's resistance to colds, has antiviral and antitoxic properties.
  • Vitamin C. Helps to increase the body's nonspecific resistance to infections. It stimulates the body's immune system to fight off colds and flu. Also, vitamin C plays an important role in metabolic processes and the formation of the antioxidant status of the body. Vitamin C increases the concentration of interferon and antibodies in the blood, activates the production of leukocytes, immune proteins, which together quickly increases defensive forces organism.

What foods contain ascorbic acid?

Vegetables and fruits, the main suppliers of vitamin C, should preferably be eaten raw. The longer they are stored, the lower the concentration of ascorbic acid in them.

During storage or processing, especially when heated, a significant part of vitamin C is lost. Ready-to-eat salads in plastic packaging, which are offered in supermarkets, tend to contain more harmful and toxic substances (due to the presence of pest control agents, preservatives and etc.) than vitamin C. The same, although to a lesser extent, applies to frozen fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are still the main suppliers of vitamin C. They should be eaten raw whenever possible, as heat destroys most the vitamin they contain.

Especially rich in this vitamin following products: (in milligrams per 100 gr.)

  • Elderberry - 37.1
  • Kiwi - 26.7
  • Oranges - 35.4
  • Lemons with pulp - 34.0
  • Lemon juice - 28.2
  • Raspberry - 27.7
  • Grapefruit juice (freshly made) - 26.3
  • Beets, onions - 26.2
  • Spinach, broccoli - 26.1
  • Green peas - 26.0
  • Kohlrabi - 25.8
  • Asparagus - 23.7
  • Cabbage - 23.6
  • Liver - 22.2
  • Blackberry - 21.2
  • Soybeans - 18.5
  • Potato - 18.0
  • Tomatoes - 16.9
  • Artichokes - 10.2
  • Apples - 8.8


An overdose of vitamin C is rare, the body does not have a supply of this substance. Everything that is consumed with food is immediately consumed by the body, and the excess is excreted by the kidneys, through the intestines and sweat glands. But when using synthetic ascorbic acid or injecting a substance in the form of injections, some difficulties may arise.

  • Increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels with blood clots).
  • Poisoning with this vitamin in combination with glucose can lead to disruption of the pancreas. At the same time, glucose appears in the urine and glycogen synthesis is disrupted - this is the main form of storage of its excess in the human body.
  • Excessive repeated intake of vitamin with food disrupts the functioning of the stomach glands, which manifests itself in the form of heartburn, nausea and pain.
  • Such a symptom of an overdose of ascorbic acid as an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria is rare, but with hypersensitivity to the drug is possible.
  • Violation of the kidneys: changes in the urine, a constant overdose of the vitamin often leads to the appearance of kidney stones.
  • This is another factor in the development of arterial hypertension.

As you know, ascorbic acid belongs to the category of organic compounds and is an indispensable substance in the human diet. It performs the functions of a restorer of some metabolic processes, and is also an ideal antioxidant. However, not every person knows the benefits and harms of ascorbic acid in full.

The main active element in this preparation is vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a white powder, almost instantly soluble in water and other liquids. Ascorbic acid cannot harm human health if it is not consumed in large quantities. The basis of all problems lies in an overdose. However, it is worth remembering that ascorbic acid may be contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute period.

What is useful ascorbic acid?

The benefits of this drug are judged by the signs of its shortage in the body. Vitamin C deficiency is expressed by the following symptoms:

  1. Weakening of the immune system and general malaise.
  2. Paleness of the skin.
  3. Increased wound healing time.
  4. Bleeding gums.
  5. Anxiety, bad dream and pain in the legs.

As you know, ascorbic acid contains vitamin C, which prevents the listed symptoms from developing.

  1. This drug increases, normalizes cholesterol levels, increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Ascorbic acid has other useful properties: contributes to the production required amount collagen, designed to restore cells, tissues and blood vessels.
  3. Ascorbic vitamins strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  4. Prevents the development of bronchitis.
  5. Reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases. Ascorbic acid helps the immune system fight dangerous microorganisms.
  6. Protects the body from toxic substances.

Based on all these factors, it becomes clear whether ascorbic acid is useful or whether we use it in vain.

Why do you need ascorbic acid in large quantities?

The main cases of taking ascorbic acid in large dosages:

  1. People who received severe poisoning carbon monoxide, and other harmful substances. In case of poisoning, vitamin C quickly restores everything necessary processes in the body.
  2. This drug is taken in large quantities during the change of seasons, when the body is depleted and lacks all essential vitamins. Together with drug, fruits and vegetables containing should be added to the diet. All this will strengthen the immune system and help to painlessly transfer the off-season period.
  3. Pregnancy. During this period, women also experience a lack of ascorbic acid. However, they can only take it with a doctor's prescription. He usually prescribes a third more drug to pregnant women than they used before pregnancy.
  4. Smoking. This addiction is equated to carbon monoxide poisoning, therefore, it needs an increased dosage of vitamin "C". The fact is that ascorbic acid quickly restores the acidic environment in the body.

Summing up, we can conclude that ascorbic acid is harmful only in the following cases:

  1. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. With an overdose.
  3. For people suffering from kidney disease.
Where to look for ascorbic acid?

Everyone knows about the benefits of ascorbic acid - for colds, we drink tea with lemon and cranberry juice or everyone's favorite ascorbic acid with glucose from a pharmacy. The antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid were discussed later, but now everyone who cares about their health knows that it helps fight free radicals. On our website, we prefer to consider in detail the usefulness of certain vitamins and supplements. Now let's take a closer look at the well-known friend - why is she still needed?

Discovery of ascorbic acid

The discovery of ascorbic acid went hand in hand with the search for remedies that could protect against scurvy, a disease that claimed the lives of many explorers and sailors. For the first time, the presence in food of some substances necessary for life was announced by the Russian pediatrician N. Lunin in 1881, and in 1911, the Polish biochemist, having isolated these substances from the products, called them vitamins. In 1922, N. Bessonov singled out white cabbage substance that cures scurvy. Then it was not yet assumed that this was ascorbic acid. And only at the end of the twenties Zilva isolated it in its purest form. For the discovery of the formula of ascorbic acid, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Szent-Gyorgy, who gave the name to the substance ascorbic acid.

Its beneficial properties, in addition to the ability to cure scurvy (a disease that causes a lack of vitamin C), were discovered later and are being discovered to this day.

It must be said that at one time doctors were so passionate about it that in a number of countries it was strongly recommended to use it in large quantities several times a day. Alas, an overabundance of the vitamin caused no less unpleasant illnesses, therefore, in the same countries, a few years later, advertising of ascorbic acid was sharply reduced, and the doses were revised.

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Why do we need ascorbic acid

Interestingly, almost all living beings, with the exception of humans, great apes, guinea pigs and pigs, produce ascorbic acid in the quantities they need themselves. And only people and animals-exceptions need to receive this substance daily with food.

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One of essential functions vitamin is a powerful oxidant that can fight free radicals. Ascorbic acid takes part in oxidative processes.

It is known that the maintenance of life requires energy, which is produced during oxidative processes occurring under the influence of oxygen. During all these complex reactions, free radicals appear. They are produced every second, take part in oxidation and just as quickly decompose under the influence of a number of substances. If a failure occurs and there are too many free radicals, they begin to attack and destroy tissues - the so-called oxidative stress develops, the outcome of which, according to many modern researchers, is various diseases - cancer, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis. Ascorbic acid does not allow an increase in the number of free radicals, thereby saving from many diseases and accelerated aging of the body.

May cause an increase in free radicals external factors - carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and other gases that are part of the exhaust gases of cars. In cities, therefore, the need of residents for ascorbic acid increases dramatically to neutralize free radicals.

Other functions of the ascorbic

Under the action of ascorbic acid, the synthesis of collagen proteins proceeds. The creation of connective tissue is unthinkable without vitamin C. Accordingly, its deficiency leads to defects in the connective tissue and damage to blood vessels, the heart and all organs where it is present. connective tissue. Ascorbic acid accelerates the healing of wounds, the restoration of skin damage, and is responsible for its elasticity and tone. That is why vitamin C is also called the vitamin of beauty - with its chronic deficiency, wrinkles begin to form early and sag the contours of the face. With a lack of vitamin fractures grow together worse or do not grow together at all.

Vitamin C is responsible for transporting glucose into cells. This ensures the correct energy metabolism of the body. With a vitamin deficiency, first of all, there is a loss of strength, weakness, lack of energy.

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and metabolism. A number of trace elements without it are absorbed incorrectly or in insufficient quantities. It promotes better absorption of iron and calcium. Vitamin deficiency can provoke anemia or calcium metabolism disorders with all the ensuing consequences - disruption of the nervous system, the development of caries, osteoporosis.

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their permeability.

Vitamin C has a positive effect on blood formation, accelerating the production necessary elements blood.

Vitamin C normalizes the synthesis and metabolism of cholesterol in the body, so the risk of deposition cholesterol plaques decreases on the walls of blood vessels. Accordingly, the development of atherosclerosis is delayed. Thus, the introduction of ascorbic acid in food is the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. In combination with vitamins A and E, it dramatically improves resistance to disease and activates the body's defense cells. This helps not only to avoid seasonal colds. Improving the immune response protects against the development of cancerous tumors. Therefore, today ascorbic acid is prescribed by doctors as aid at various diseases gastrointestinal tract, as a prevention against the development of cancer. As - the elixir of youth and a remedy for cancer - and ascorbic acid saves from the same.

Vitamin C normally improves the body's fight against mutated cells. But it's worth knowing that if cancer tumor already exists, then too high doses of the vitamin may, on the contrary, increase resistance cancer cells to radiation therapy. Therefore, the level of the vitamin should be optimal, not elevated.

Vitamin C improves the activity of the liver in neutralizing toxic substances. In particular, it removes mercury, lead, and copper better. That is why in case of poisoning and hangover syndrome shows the introduction of ascorbic acid. You can just take a few tablets, and this will alleviate the condition.

Vitamin C helps the adrenal glands to work steadily to produce anti-stress hormones. Hence its strengthening action under stress.

In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine. The normal level of these hormones is responsible for the proper response to stress and mood. That is why with a deficiency of vitamin C can develop depressive states- who does not know about spring fatigue and spring depression, caused just by beriberi. Lack of vitamin C can cause a decrease in mental activity.

Recent studies have shown that vitamin C has a fat-burning effect. This is all because it is involved in the synthesis of carnitine, a substance responsible for the oxidation of fats.

Is it only benefit?

At one time, ascorbic acid was so passionate that they began to recommend drinking it as a preventive measure to slow down the aging process in large doses. A significant role in this was played by Linus Pauling, who in the seventies advised taking from 500 mg to 3 g of ascorbic acid per day. He claimed that it would prolong life, and he himself drank vitamin C daily. Since Pauling lived for 93 years, mankind unconditionally believed him. However, many centenarians lived the same amount without leaning on pharmaceutical preparations, which makes the conclusion somewhat controversial.

At the same time, since the seventies, doctors have already accumulated a wealth of experience about an overdose of vitamin C. It turned out that in large doses it is not at all harmless. Too much vitamin C interferes with the absorption of glucose, which leads to the development of prediabetes. In addition, its excess dramatically increases the chance of getting kidney stones and bladder due to increased levels of oxalic acid. And in children, increased doses of ascorbic acid can cause caries and enamel destruction.

Signs of ascorbic acid deficiency

The first signs are fatigue, feeling constant fatigue and lowered mood. Weakness and fatigue associated with long sleep bringing no rest.

Also, the first signs include bleeding gums and bruising on the body from a light blow and even just from pressing the skin. Joint pain that occurs with vitamin C deficiency is actually the result of the same bruising, only they are not visible to the eye.

Another row characteristic symptoms deficiency: hair loss, poor wound healing, irritability, more severe leakage gastrointestinal disorders, increased susceptibility to colds.

First of all, the immune system and connective tissue suffer from deficiency. And only then the oxidative balance and the synthesis of hormones are disturbed.

Lack of ascorbic acid is quite a common occurrence, especially in northern latitudes in winter. At this time, the percentage of vegetables and fruits in the diet is reduced, and the available supply of vitamins in vegetables is destroyed due to the principles of cooking. Alas, vitamin C is unstable both when heated and under the action of sun rays quickly collapses. In cabbage, after three months of storage, only 30% of what was left remains. But if it is salted, then much more of it will be preserved - 55%. So better in winter there is sauerkraut- by the way, this has been a cultural tradition of Russian cuisine for many centuries.

How to take ascorbic

Increased doses of ascorbic acid are necessary for the body during illness, stress, physical and mental overstrain, in adverse environmental conditions. But you need to take vitamins correctly.

AT without fail for preventive purposes, ascorbic acid should be taken from mid-autumn to summer - this protects against beriberi.

Doctors advise if needed overdose vitamin C for the treatment of vascular disorders, take it together with vitamin E in order to reduce the harmful effects of high doses of ascorbic acid. Also, vitamin C alone, according to research, is not enough - it must be taken in combination with vitamin P. Only then vitamin C works in full force. Vitamin P is also called quartzetin, or citrine. The best drug is Askorutin. The derivative of quartzetine, which is part of the capillary, is 10 times weaker, but costs much more.

Medical practitioners and theoretical scientists independent of pharmaceutical companies argue that with a lack of vitamin C synthetic drugs from the pharmacy will not bring any benefit. Without flavonoids - plant components - synthetic ascorbic acid is quickly oxidized in the body and excreted in the form of oxalic acid, without any benefit, but affecting salt metabolism not in better side. It is flavonoids that improve the permeability of blood through the smallest capillaries and enhance the effect of natural ascorbic acid contained in vegetables and fruits. We have already written about flavonoids, what they are and what their benefits are. To maintain the tone of the body and get maximum effect it is necessary to use ascorbic acid in its natural state in vegetables and fruits. Then an overdose does not threaten.

Lemons and all citrus fruits, kiwi, cabbage, rose hips, red currants, sauerkraut are considered record holders for the content of ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is not a panacea, but essential substance thanks to which our body functions properly. And if you keep its balance, then, indeed, you can live happily ever after!