How to get enough sleep in a short time. Getting enough sleep in a short time - is it possible?

The classic idea of ​​“correct” sleep is to sleep a third of your life, that is, eight hours out of twenty-four available in a day.
However, the modern pace of life has accelerated significantly, and for some, sleeping for a long time is an unaffordable luxury. Numerous studies in this area have made it possible to develop methods for productive sleep, when the body rests and recovers over more a short time, say, in 5-6 hours.

How it works?

The rest necessary for the central nervous system occurs only during a special phase of sleep called REM – “rapid eye movements”. This phase lasts about 20 minutes, then it changes slow sleep phase. In total, out of seven to eight hours of sleep at night, there are only a couple of hours of REM sleep, which gives you a feeling of vigor, complete rest and readiness to start a new day.

The sensation occurs when a person wakes up in the REM phase of sleep. If a sleeper is awakened in the slow-wave sleep phase, he will feel sluggish, exhausted and, of course, sleep-deprived.

This means that the main thing is not how much sleep, but at what moment to wake up. The principle of productive sleep is built on this. However, do not be mistaken about the main thing: you cannot shorten the total duration of sleep uncontrollably! If REM sleep restores the psyche and is necessary for brain development, then slow sleep is needed for our physical body, which also gets tired and needs rest and recovery.

What are they for? different phases sleep?

Sleep consists of cyclically repeating phases - rapid sleep ( 10-20 minutes) and slow. During the slow-wave sleep phase ( approximately 2 hours) there are several successive stages that plunge a person deeper into sleep. Passes overnight 4-5 cycles, and with each cycle the duration of the REM sleep phase increases.

During the slow-wave sleep phase, the body's cells are restored and regenerated. Our brain tests the state internal organs and corrects “downed settings”, preparing our body for a new day. NREM sleep is a time to produce antibodies and optimize your immune system. Anyone who does not get enough sleep regularly gets sick, for example, from the flu and colds, twice as often.

REM sleep is the time when bioelectrical activity brain is maximum. At this time, the process of analyzing the information accumulated by memory over the past day, sorting and systematizing it takes place. At this time, dreams occur. The most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the last cycle, in the morning, when the brain has already rested.

REM sleep is vital: in the experiment, the rat was deprived of the REM sleep phase, and after forty days the animal died. When deprived of the slow-wave sleep phase, she survived.

Productive sleep technique

Its essence is to use the REM sleep phase as efficiently as possible. To do this, you can use the following methods.

"Siesta". One little dream during the day and one big one at night. Allows you to reduce night sleep for almost 2 hours. Daytime nap should not exceed 20 minutes, since the REM phase fits into 20 minutes. To do this, set an alarm clock that will wake you up 20 minutes after falling asleep. If you don’t do this, you can get the opposite effect and wake up, say, an hour and a half later - sleepy and exhausted. When using the “Siesta” method, nighttime sleep is shortened by one cycle and allows you to wake up rested and well-rested not at 7-00 in the morning, but, say, at 5-00.

"Ladder". The essence of the method lies in the number of “steps” - daytime sleep sessions of 20 minutes, each of which reduces the duration of night sleep by an hour and a half. Two naps during the day reduce night sleep to four and a half hours, three to three hours, four to one and a half hours.

"Superhuman" The method is to sleep 6 times during the day for 20 minutes, which is a total of 2 hours of REM sleep.

Of course, not all of these methods are convenient for people with a standard daily routine, working, for example, in the office for eight hours every day. The most advanced and progressive employers in some companies provide the possibility of rest with a 20-minute nap during the day for their employees, since the increase in labor efficiency in this case will cover the loss of working time.

However, if you are a creative person who does not have a strict daily plan, for example, a freelancer, then the “ladder” method will stimulate your creative ideas well and allow you to rationally distribute time for work.

The “superhuman” method requires strict self-discipline and time management, since missing one session of sleep will ruin your entire schedule and lead to the opposite result - feeling tired and sleep-deprived. We should also not forget that this method cannot be practiced constantly, since it does not allow for full recovery. physical strength and immunity, and the need for a strict routine brings a certain amount of stress into life. The "superhuman" method is good when working on short-term projects, requiring concentration and creativity, “brainstorming”.

Hi-tech way

This is a special “smart” alarm clock that will wake up its owner exactly at the time when awakening is most comfortable - at the end of the REM phase. There are many modifications of such alarm clocks (for example, aXbo, Sleeptracker), but the principle of operation is the same for all - special sensors located in a bracelet worn on the hand at night record all movements of a person during sleep. Thus, the sleep phases and their duration are determined.

The alarm clock sets a time after which you cannot get up, for example, 7.00. In the range of 30 minutes, that is, starting at 6.30, The smart alarm clock will select the most best time to wake up and will wake you up with a pleasant melody, for example, at 6.54, when your REM phase is close to completion.

Some models, in addition to the “wake up” function, have useful function, which helps you fall asleep softly and comfortably - thanks to a set of special melodies and sounds that bring the brain to a state of rest.

Prices for the miracle device start at $150, but it pays off thanks to good health and excellent performance.

There are special programs for iPhone, iPad and Android OS that allow iPhones and smartphones to work as smart alarm clocks. True, for this they need to be put in bed at night so that all noises and sounds are recorded. Based on their analysis, sleep phases are calculated and optimal time for a wake up call.

Whatever sleep system you practice, remember:
The best time to fall asleep is from 22.00 to 23.00. An hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to two hours after midnight. The body as a whole and the central nervous system rest and recover much more effectively at this time.
Don't overeat at night. Otherwise, your brain will direct the work of your intestines, instead of analyzing and systematizing the information received during the day.
The room should be cool and the bed warm. A motionless body without a warm blanket can freeze, and this is a reason for him to wake up in the cold. the right time.
Watching movies and TV shows, computer games overstimulate before bed nervous system and make it difficult to fall asleep. It is better to read a book or listen to calm music.
Do not take a shower at night, especially a contrast shower; it is better to leave it for the morning. You should also not do any activities before going to bed. physical exercise. Unless there are special yoga asanas for those who practice them.

Mandatory human process. But not everyone has enough time to devote to it. In this article we will discuss how you can get enough sleep quickly.

The Science of Sleep

Many people have a question about how to get enough sleep in a short time and not be sad all day long. This question can only be answered if you understand what it is and how you can influence it.
is a process during which it assimilates information received during the day. Everyone is resting at this time. And with the help of biochemical processes, strength is restored.

Why is it so important to get enough sleep?

If you sleep well, this has pros:

  • rises ;
  • risk decreases;
  • the chances of gaining are reduced;
  • works productively;
  • good ;
  • reaction is fast;
  • the risk of getting sick is reduced.

Did you know?One sleepless night can be compared to 6 months of poor nutrition.

Sleep phases

Scientists have divided sleep into two absolutely different types. And to find out how to get enough sleep in 2 or 3 hours, it is important to study their features. there are two types - fast And slow.

Slow consists of four phases:

  1. IN first phase a person falls asleep, and his brain continues to work actively, trying to find answers to questions that have arisen during the day, creates images, etc. The duration of this phase is from 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. In second phase the body calms down, muscles relax, pulse and breathing slow down. is significantly reduced. In this phase, a person is easy to wake up. Average duration phases are approximately 20 minutes.
  3. Third phase is a transitional stage of slow-wave sleep. It lasts about 45 minutes.
  4. IN fourth phase a person has the most deep dream. This time is considered the most significant, as the brain completely rests and restores its ability to work. In this phase, it is very difficult to wake a person. Lasts approximately 45 minutes.

Then comes REM sleep phase. At this time, the brain works very actively and does not rest at all. The eyeballs move very quickly under the eyelids. In this phase, a person sleeps more soundly.

Fast phase needed in order to assimilate the information received during the day and adapt to the conditions external environment. At this time, a person sees the most vivid dreams. This is one cycle. In order to get enough sleep, you need to go through at least 4 such cycles.

How much sleep do you need

How much time an adult needs to sleep for proper rest depends on the individual body.

General standards

By general standards a person should sleep 8 hours a day. This is the very minimum that ensures normal work good for the body. If you sleep more than the allotted time, it will not cause harm to the human body, but feeling good you can also forget.

How to determine time to rest

Many people believe that the body will choose right time for relax. It is not right. You need to follow a certain regime. Scientists have proven that the best time for proper rest is from 10 pm to 6 am.

You can change this time depending on your lifestyle, but it is advisable not to deviate by more than 2 hours. Everyone should determine their sleep schedule individually, after analyzing their condition.
If you feel constantly sleepy, fatigue, this indicates that you do not have enough time to rest. Try to go to bed early so you can get a good night's sleep and feel comfortable throughout the day.

Did you know?People, who grew up in the era of black and white television, see mostly only black and white dreams.

Sleep organization

In order to get a good night's sleep, you need to follow several rules.

Pre-sleep diet

First you need to follow a pre-sleep diet. 3 hours before rest, it is forbidden to eat fatty, spicy, smoked foods. Such food is very heavy and takes a long time to digest. And instead of resting, the stomach will be forced to work. , and also needs to be excluded. They won't let you fall asleep quickly.

Comfortable bed

A comfortable bed, an orthopedic mattress, a warm blanket and the right pillow are essential attributes for a good rest. On such a bed you can quickly fall asleep and have a good rest.


In a cool room you can fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Therefore, before going to bed, ventilate the room. If possible, leave open window all night long.

Minimizing light and sounds

In order to fall asleep quickly, absolute silence is necessary. This way the brain will not be distracted by extraneous sounds. For quality rest you need to sleep in the dark.

Turning on the light, running a TV or computer monitor has a negative effect on a person. It's all about a hormone called melatonin. Thanks to it, a person quickly falls asleep, sleeps soundly and feels great during the day.

This hormone is produced only in the dark. It is destroyed in the light, and without receiving it in full, a person may experience problems with sleep.

Using smart alarms

There is such a " smart alarm clock", which is worn on the hand like a bracelet. It has sensors that record the movements of the human body and determine the phases of sleep. With pleasant music, it wakes you up at the most appropriate time, that is, during REM sleep. Thanks to this alarm clock, you can get enough sleep very quickly.

Should you sleep during the day?

If you don’t know how you can get enough sleep in 20 minutes, then try going to bed during the day. This is enough time to rest. Such short-term sleep can replace one night cycle.

There is more strength, the brain seems to be rebooting. Mental activity increases and well-being becomes better. If you have the opportunity to set aside 20 minutes during the day to sleep, be sure to take advantage of it.

Benefits of daytime rest:

  • relieves tension;
  • improves;
  • the lack of night sleep is compensated;
  • drowsiness disappears;
  • the desire to work increases;
  • creativity increases.
Daytime naps can also be harmful if you sleep for more than two hours. In this case, all human abilities are reduced, reactions slow down. Taking a long rest during the day can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. The human body will get used to being awake at night and this will lead to.

Did you know?Children who are not yet three years, cannot see themselves in a dream.

What is polyphasic sleep

A third of my life the man is sleeping. Some people can't come to terms with this. After all, you can miss a lot of interesting things in life.

In history there were people who slept 2 hours a day and saved time for more interesting activities. Nowadays, some have learned a method called polyphasic sleep pattern.

The essence of the method

Polyphasic sleep is a technique in which a person avoids getting a full 8 hours of sleep at night. But he sleeps quite a bit several times a day. In total, this takes from 2 to 4 hours.

Working technicians

There are several working techniques for polyphasic mode:

  • dymaxion - every 6 hours a person sleeps for 30 minutes. A total of 2 hours per day;
  • uberman - every 4 hours for 20 minutes. Total 2 hours per day;
  • everyman - 2-3 hours at night and 3 times for 20 minutes during the day;
  • siesta is one of the popular methods: 5 hours at night and 1 hour during the day;
  • tesla - 2 hours at night and 20 minutes during the day.
Everyone chooses the appropriate option for themselves.

Is it possible to compensate for lost nights?

For example, a person wakes up every day at 6 am. And on Saturday he compensates for his lack of sleep by lying in bed until lunchtime. And naturally, he cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, and on Sunday he wakes up late again. On Monday you have to get up early for work again, and this already poses a big problem.
So they shift The biological clock person on weekends for 6 hours one way. And on weekdays he tries to bring them back. It’s the same as flying from the middle of Russia to Far East and back. First of all, the nervous system suffers. In this case, doctors prescribe vitamins for good work. It turns out that after getting enough sleep on Saturday, you will return to normal only by the next weekend and again throw off the clock by getting enough sleep before lunch. This condition must be avoided. It is necessary to wake up at the same time both on weekends and on weekdays. If you have a week-long lack of sleep, then you can extend your rest by no more than 2 hours.

Sleep is an important part of every person's life. If you get enough sleep, you can stay in good shape, delay and protect the nervous system.

It’s easy to get two hours of sleep, giving your body good rest. It's both fast and effective. In the bustle of life, sometimes there is no time at all for sleep, but without it human body will not be able to be healthy, and the mind will not be accurate. When considering the topic - is it possible to get enough sleep in just 2 hours, providing all this, you should turn to various methods.

The importance of sleep

Even animals understand how important sleep is. This is a complete renewal of the body’s capabilities, and for a person it also ensures healthy psychological state And mental activity. The set of parameters gives people the opportunity to realize themselves.

Important! The critical indicator of insomnia is 11 days, after this time the psyche cannot withstand the load and the person goes crazy, which often ends in suicide.

Therefore, parents talk about the benefits of sleep in early childhood, accustoming the child to a schedule that gives normal rest to the body and brain. For a baby, sleeping is as important as eating. Lack of sleep affects physical and psycho-emotional state children and adults.

Sleep: phases

Mastering techniques that allow you to sleep 2 hours a day without harm to the body, it is recommended to study sleep as a full-fledged phenomenon. This cannot be done without familiarizing yourself with scientific research conducted by scientists.

The test result was determined based on the following sleep phases:


Scientists divided it into subphases:

  1. First. The duration is no more than a quarter of an hour. This phase is popularly known as dozing. In this state, the body relaxes, breathing becomes even, and the pulse slows down. The brain organizes the flow of information received during the day. There are often cases when, due to the abundance of information, a person begins to hear something incomprehensible, incl. hallucinations, taking it for reality.
  2. Second. The phase lasts more than 20 minutes. The body slows down brain activity, pulse and breathing rhythm slow down, completely relaxing the muscles. It is noteworthy that in this state the hearing is sensitive, and even a whisper can cause waking up. The importance of silence at this stage is difficult to overestimate.
  3. Third. It is a bridge between the previous and subsequent subphases. Sounds no longer interfere with rest, because... the rest became deep.
  4. Fourth. Paired with the 3rd subphase it takes 50 minutes and is an important part of the night's rest. Forced awakening will be difficult to achieve. Consequences - sleepwalking worsens, as well as dreams with nightmares. If there is no tendency to these violations, then the dreams will be vivid and realistic. This subphase includes a regime of body regeneration, tissue growth, and strengthening of immunity.


Normally, 20% of the time allotted for rest is spent on it. The body relaxes, but the brain does not, so a person sees colorful dreams and if he is woken up, he will clearly remember every little thing that he dreamed. The eyeballs under closed eyelids move as if trying to look at the image.

Standard indicators

Nowadays, not everyone manages to sleep well, because you need to have time and do the planned things. Productive work requires proper rest, which only rest can provide. That’s why a person is tormented by the thought of how to get enough sleep in 2 hours. Doctors do not provide a clear framework for proper rest. How much rest a person needs per day to get enough sleep depends on age, body functioning, place of work and place of residence. Therefore, speaking generally, this is 8 hours of continuous night rest. You should not sleep for 10 hours in a row, because after that you can wake up even more tired than before sleep.

Polyphasic sleep is

The idea of ​​choosing the time allotted for rest not in one stage, but in parts, turned out to be effective. Polyphasic sleep will allow you to sleep for 2 hours and get enough sleep, without spending 8 hours of your life. Researchers have developed a special regime. Those who are interested in a quick rest technique can choose the appropriate one:

  • Siesta - up to 6 hours of sleep at night and up to 2 hours in the afternoon;
  • Everyman - up to 3 hours at night and three times for 20 minutes during the day;
  • Dymaxion - every 6 hours, give the body a rest for half an hour;
  • Uberman - every 4 hours, providing the body with 20 minutes of sleep.

There are many examples of how people spend 2 hours a day, while still getting proper rest. Which method to choose, everyone decides individually, listening to the body and brain.

Choosing the time to sleep: exploring our own cycles

Biological rhythms are inherent in all life on planet Earth. Circadian rhythms allow a person to get enough sleep and learn to manage himself, achieving maximum performance life activity. Focusing on the 24-hour cycle of human life, scientists have identified the main rhythms:

  • at 6 am, the level of cortisol in the blood increases, awakening the body;
  • by 7 o'clock melatonin for quality sleep no longer produced;
  • by 9 am, sexual hormones reach their peak production;
  • at 10 a.m. there is a peak in brain activity;
  • at half past three it is better to devote time to training, because body coordination is at its peak;
  • after another hour, maximum body dexterity is achieved;
  • by 5 pm, tissue elasticity and the functioning of the heart and vascular system increase;
  • Diagnosed at 7pm Maximum temperature human body and blood pressure indicators;
  • at 21 o'clock the production of melatonin begins, preparing the body for sleep;
  • after an hour, the gastrointestinal tract calms down and prepares for rest;
  • at 2 a.m. the deep sleep phase begins;
  • At 4am the body reaches its lowest temperature for the day.

These indicators and designations are given approximately and depend on the characteristics of the body and the rhythm of a person’s life. For most people, these rhythms shape their life activity.

Modern sleep techniques and achievements of ancestors

Sleeping for 2 hours and waking up refreshed is a system that people choose for themselves. Most people prefer to sleep 8 hours a night, but the two-hour daily rest method is also in favor. At the peak of spirituality and religious life, people preferred to sleep 4 hours at night, and spend two hours on such rest during the day.

During waking hours, in addition to daily duties, people carried out spiritual practices, considering actions sacred. With this method, scientists recommend starting to enter the practice of two hours of sleep, as a complete daily rest. Afterwards, it is recommended to move on to the methods of famous geniuses of past times.

1. Da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci attributed success in creativity to the technique of sleep. The genius gave his body a rest for a quarter of an hour at a time, but every 4 hours. This allowed me to rest 2 hours a day. The remaining 22 hours were spent at work, preferring such multiphase sleep to others. There are still followers of da Vinci in the world.

2. Napoleon

Scientists believe that great commander due to frequent stress and depressive state suffered from insomnia. Bonaparte himself was sure that 4 hours was enough for rest, while soldiers needed 5-6. The commander’s opinion about those who sleep 8-9 hours are sick people. Napoleon fell asleep at 12 at night and slept for 2-3 hours, then devoted another 3 hours to work and again rested for two hours. At the end of his life, the rhythm underwent changes, and the commander slept a lot and for a long time.

3. Salvador Dali

The Spanish artist Salvador Dali needed a torn sleep to create and live. I practiced control over this condition in an interesting way - I went to bed with a spoon and an iron tray, and when it came deep phase As he slept, the spoon fell out of his weakened hands, and the genius woke up. In his opinion, this contributed to new creative ideas and achievements.

4. Secret Service Sleep System

A secret agent in his activities faces different situations, incl. with being awake for more than a day. After all, only a cheerful specialist achieves his goals, which is why it was developed special system sleep for agents. Most services have adopted sleeping methods for animals, which spend a couple of hours on basic sleep, and then take another 3-4 naps for a quarter of an hour during the day with equal intervals in between. It is not harmful to health and is considered effective.

5. Dymaxion

This method was developed by Bucky Fuller and is considered effective. Followers only need to sleep 30 minutes every 4 hours to feel alert and healthy. Despite the extreme nature of the technique, even doctors, after a number of researchers, recognized it as effective and safe.

6. Superman

After sleeping for 20 minutes, but every 4 hours, many feel vigorous and healthy. In this case, it is recommended to strictly observe the rhythm without skipping up to one minute. The consequence of such non-compliance is complete weakness and fatigue for 2-3 days. However, according to reviews from followers, this method is a generator of incredible ideas and achievements.

7. Tesla

The brilliant inventor considered it blasphemy to spend 8 hours of life's time on rest. That is why he preferred to spend 2 hours sleeping at night and no more than half an hour during the day. His achievements in science are difficult to overestimate, which is why there are quite a few followers of his methodology all over the world.

8. Wayne method

Using it, it is important to identify your optimal hours for rest, adhering to the body’s biorhythms. The desire to fall asleep should be natural; this is the only way to understand that it is time for the body to rest. To accurately determine such a time, you need to spend 24 hours and then focus on your conclusions. Having chosen 2 main ones, stick to them all your life. Set aside one period for the night, the second for the day. The body will remember the technique and will fully rest during the hours allocated to it.

Getting enough sleep in a short period of time is not easy, but there are a number of tips that will help with this. Following them allows you to quickly develop such a habit and get the maximum effect from such a short rest.


In addition to the fact that the bedroom should be designed in a calm, soporific color scheme, you need to take care of:

  1. An influx of fresh air, incredibly useful for good sleep and more. It will also bring coolness, which, after wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, will drive away insomnia.
  2. Convenience sleeping place and personal space on it. After all, not only an uncomfortable bed can cause lack of sleep, but also a partner who has pulled off the blanket or taken up a lot of space. An orthopedic mattress is needed so that the body receives not only comfort, but also health from sleep.
  3. A pillow that should be purely personal, orthopedic and as comfortable as possible. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Japanese roller or a boot under your head, your comfort comes first.
  4. It is better to choose underwear from natural fabrics that provide comfort and convenience. No narrow or tight fitting parts, and it’s even better to sleep naked.
  5. Light and silence, without which it is difficult to rest properly.


Don't overeat or eat at night heavy food. The gastrointestinal tract also needs to rest without disturbing the body.

A disrupted diet inevitably leads to disruption of all biorhythms in the human body.

You shouldn’t rely on alcohol as a relaxant either. After all, despite falling asleep quickly during alcohol intoxication, after a while the body will wake you up due to dehydration. Tobacco is also harmful for night rest; after smoking before bed, a person is tormented by irritability and fatigue, which does not allow him to rest properly.

Psychological attitude

The more excited a person is, the more difficult it is for him to rest. Therefore, scientists recommend throwing all thoughts out of your head and psychologically preparing yourself for rest. You can use relaxing practices to make it easier to fall asleep. Quiet reading or relaxing music can help with this. But if the person himself does not have the desire, then the dream will not give the expected results.

Smart alarm clock

Now this is a complete replacement for the spoon and tray used by Salvador Dali. Wearing such a bracelet, you can be sure that it will wake you up. the required phase sleep. The technology calculates your condition and wakes you up. It could be vibration, sound or light. Those who tried it agreed that sleeping with it gives a greater surge of strength and vigor.

Video instruction: This video will help you learn polyphasic sleep more easily.

Is it possible to constantly sleep 2 hours a day?

Most people prefer to sleep the usual 8 hours of sleep, but there are those who need it for work, such as security guards and soldiers. It is for them that polyphasic sleep is the only way to give the body a good rest. But you shouldn’t practice them all the time, because such stress and lack of sleep can end very sadly, bringing negative results from decreased vitality to a heart attack.

Doctors came to unanimous opinion that long-term use of the above methods leads to irreversible consequences in the body, which can even end fatal. After many years of research, the harm of lack of sleep was not only determined, but also proven, which made it possible to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Lack of sleep: harm

Young people can get little sleep and feel relatively well. But what older person, the more difficult it is for him to survive lack of sleep, which manifests itself in:

  1. Problems with skin that takes on an unhealthy and tired appearance, leading to premature aging. And neither expensive cream nor concealer will help here, only good sleep.
  2. Excess weight, which will increase gradually, because during periods of stress the body accumulates reserves.
  3. Hormonal imbalance, which can lead to diabetes mellitus and a number of other problems. Most often they are difficult to fix. And then you have to be on medication for the rest of your life. Ensuring the functionality of the body.
  4. All systems begin to malfunction, which can lead to the failure of any organ. Often people who practice polyphasic sleep suffer from:
  • frequent colds, because the immune system fails and weakens;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • migraines, attacks of which are frequent and quite severe;
  • weather sensitivity, when even slight cloudiness can knock a person out of his usual rut for a day;
  • lethargy and decreased mental abilities, which has been confirmed by repeated research by scientists.

Master one of the polyphasic sleep techniques to prove to yourself that you can do a lot. And this is an achievement. However, you should not test your body’s strength, let everything be in moderation, because too much sleep is no less harmful than its lack. This skill will be useful in extreme situation and will even save your life, but the rest of the time you shouldn’t abuse interrupted sleep.

The alarm clock shows three o'clock in the morning, in a few hours it's time to get up for work or school, but the dream still didn't please you with new twists of the subconscious? Not even a glass helps you fall asleep warm milk, nor a cold pillow?

Sleep problems plague more than half of the world's population, and there is still no single effective method, which would help cope with insomnia. Of course, you can resort to drug intervention, but the effect of pills on the body can have catastrophic consequences.

Many people wonder about 4 hours and not walking around depressed and tired all day, while not tossing and turning in bed half the night. You can find answers to it only by finding out how you can influence it.

Sleep as a science

To understand how to get enough sleep in 4 hours and get tired less often, you need to understand that sleep is a process through which the human brain assimilates all the information received during the day. At this time, the organs of the body rest, and biochemical processes help to awaken.

Experts recommend setting aside time for sleep from 22.00 to 3.00. If it is later than 3 o’clock in the morning, the human body will begin to age faster: the nervous system will deteriorate, irritability and nervousness will increase. Biorhythms will help you understand why this particular period of time is ideal for sleep.


The human body performs certain functions at strictly defined times:

  • From 3.30 to 4 a.m. the breathing center is activated.
  • At 5 am the colon begins to become excited.
  • From 6 am, hormones are released in the body, the metabolism is the fastest.
  • From 7 to 9 am is the best time for a light breakfast.
  • 9 am is time for mental activity.
  • 10 o'clock - at this time blood circulation is fastest, new information is best remembered.
  • 12.00 is the best time to study.
  • From 12.00 to 13.00 the acidity level in the stomach increases. This period is favorable for eating and unfavorable for learning.
  • At 14.00 the processes are restored.
  • From 15.00 to 20.00 is the ideal time for work.
  • Starting from 20.00 it decreases arterial pressure and metabolism.
  • From 21.00 the brain begins to prepare for sleep. Body temperature decreases, secretion of organs and skin calms down.
  • From 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., cells in the body are actively renewed, and the nervous system is being restored.

Types of sleep

Scientists have long divided sleep into two radically different types, and in order to quickly get enough sleep in 4 hours, it is important to know their features.

There are:

  • Slow sleep.
  • Quick sleep.

NREM sleep, in turn, consists of four phases.

  • First phase. At this stage, a person falls into a doze, the brain continues to be active: looking for answers to questions that have arisen during the day, creating images, etc.
  • Second phase. At this time, the human body calms down. Muscle activity decreases, pulse and breathing slow down. Brain function is noticeably reduced. The body enters a phase when it is easy to wake up.
  • Third phase. Transitional stage of slow-wave sleep.
  • Fourth phase. During this period, the deepest sleep occurs. This phase is considered the most significant, as the brain rests and restores its ability to work. During the fourth phase, it is very difficult to wake up a sleeping person.

Scientists also classified the stages of slow-wave sleep. The first two are related to shallow sleep, and the last two are related to deep sleep.

During fast sleep, or REM sleep, the brain does not rest, but, on the contrary, begins to work more actively. It is characterized by fast movements eyeballs under the eyelids.

Interestingly, during REM sleep a person sleeps more soundly than during slow sleep. And waking him up is much more difficult. REM sleep is designed for:

  1. Assimilate the information received during the day.
  2. Adaptation to environmental conditions.

Experts note that in this phase people see the most vivid dreams.

Best time to relax

Many treatises have been written on how to get enough sleep in 4 hours. And almost every one of them notes that for quality sleep it is important to follow biochronology. Night rest must be at midnight. According to biorhythms, a person should go to bed at approximately 20.00-21.00 and wake up around 4-5 am. Yogis also advise sticking to a routine and getting up at 3 am, when the breathing center is stimulated.

It is better to start preparing for bed at 8 pm. During this period, a person feels the most sleepy. This condition installs for only 10-15 minutes. Doctors also advise putting children to bed at 8-9 pm, since their period of drowsiness is much more pronounced.


A person who is even remotely familiar with the biorhythm schedule will be able to go to bed at 21-22 hours without making any effort. Getting up early will also not be an impossible task for him. In the morning he will wake up easily and, importantly, feel rested.

However, those who are accustomed to performing daytime activities at night: working, tidying up, or just having fun, will eventually deplete the body's energy reserves and cause irreparable harm to the nervous system. It is not surprising that those who lead a midnight lifestyle are characterized by depression, despondency and a feeling of weakness.

Such people should remember that sleep after midnight is less effective than before the onset of a new day. It will be more beneficial for the body to sleep three hours before midnight and get enough sleep than to go to bed at three in the morning, sleep for half a day and still wake up tired.

Proper nutrition

It depends on what a person eats whether he can get enough sleep in 4-5 hours. The REM sleep technique will not help if you eat dead and heavy food. The body spends on digesting such food a large number of energy, thereby requiring significantly more hours of sleep for rest. Those who eat healthy and raw foods do not spend a lot of energy on digestion, therefore, they get enough sleep much faster.

New information

How to get enough sleep in 4 hours? Many people ask this question. But only a small part of the population knows that the quality of sleep is influenced by information received during the day and immediately before bedtime.

If, before going to bed, you watch a horror movie that is full of murders or creepy scenes, then the problem of how to get enough sleep in 4-5 hours will become insoluble. Nightmares generated by the subconscious after watching scary scenes will not force the body to gain strength, but, on the contrary, will force the brain to be active. Experts advise watching relaxing films and TV series before bed that will bring peace and tranquility.


Scientists solve the problem of how to sleep for 4 hours and get enough sleep by completely relaxing the body. Before falling asleep, you need to discard all the problems that have accumulated during the day and achieve a state of complete peace. Yoga and meditation come to the rescue. Scented candles and simple asanas will relax the body and calm the mind.

But in 4 hours? The REM sleep technique involves a pose called savasana. In this position, the person lies on his back, his arms and legs are spread out in different sides. It is necessary to alternately tense and relax all the muscles of the body. This simple exercise will help you fall into deep sleep faster.

Water procedures

What is the connection between water procedures and how to get enough sleep in 4 hours? The REM sleep technique states that warm water relaxes the body and brings it into sleepy state. During water procedures the body throws off all the dirt that has accumulated throughout the day. The pores begin to breathe.

To give your body additional relaxation, experts recommend taking warm foot baths several times a week. Aromatic and medicinal herbs should be added to the water.

Fresh air in the room

An important aspect for quality sleep and getting enough sleep in 4-5 hours is Fresh air in the room. Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Scientists have proven that a person falls asleep much worse in a cold room than in a warm room. However, even with the stuffiness, it is difficult to get a good night's sleep. And all because in both cases the body spends a lot of energy regulating body temperature.

The way out of the situation is simple. When it’s cold, sleep under a warm blanket, and in the summer heat, buy bedding that breathes. Doctors also advise choosing pajamas made from natural materials that will not irritate the skin and will help achieve maximum relaxation.

Sleep is an important part of every person's life. Healthy sleep will help keep the body in good shape, delay aging and protect the nervous system. Getting enough sleep is important, but for those who do not have time to rest for eight hours and only have to sleep 4 hours a day, it is worth falling asleep before midnight, when sleep is most beneficial.

A person simply needs healthy sleep of a certain duration - this is an important part of its daily rhythms, directly related to the need for rest of all body systems. However, there are situations when you cannot get enough sleep. What to do?

Exist modern techniques, allowing you to restore a person’s performance in a relatively short time without serious damage to health.

How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep?

Our industrial era, with its frantic pace of life, does not always make it possible to sleep comfortably and feel good after waking up. Extraneous noise, a tight schedule with late returns home, extreme physical and mental fatigue - all these factors negatively affect the important stage of rest.

Modern conservative medicine does not set a strict time frame for sleep– its duration depends on the person’s age, individual characteristics organism, environment and other important factors.

How to get enough sleep in a short time?

If you do not have the opportunity to fully sleep for 8-9 hours, then this period can be reduced using the features of the psychomechanics of sleep. Dream like physiological process, is divided into certain phases:

  • 1st phase. A person begins to fall asleep, his muscles gradually relax, and his heartbeat slows down. The eyeballs actively move under closed eyelids. This stage is a borderline state between wakefulness and sleep, lasts about 15 minutes;
  • 2nd phase. A quick sleep that is always forgotten upon awakening. Muscle and cardiac activity is weak, rotational movements of the eyeballs are present. On average, this stage takes from 20 to 30 minutes;
  • 3rd phase. Deep dream. The activity of the muscles, heart and brain is very weak, it is quite difficult to wake a person in this state;
  • 4th phase. Go to 2 borderline state: Deep sleep is still present, but brain activity increases. The sleeper sees memorable and clear dreams. After another 15-20 minutes, the cycle moves to the 1st phase.

You can read more about the phases of sleep and the time of best awakening.

On average, the duration of one full cycle of 4 phases takes about one and a half hours. Accordingly, with a “healthy” full sleep a person has 5-6 such cycles per night - that’s 7.5-9 hours.

If you don’t have enough time, then without harm to the body and well-being, you can reduce the number of “approaches” to 3-4, strictly adhering to their boundaries and not waking up in the middle (4.5 or 6 hours).

Interrupting a person's sleep at other times is fraught with lack of sleep, a broken state and a number of other negative factors.

How to get enough sleep in 2 or 4 hours and what are the consequences?

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Some researchers claim that the effectiveness of techniques using only the REM sleep phase. Most experts are skeptical about this scheme, but in a number of extreme cases they turn out to be the only possible ones in the current situation.

The development of the basic scheme for ultra-short sleep is attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci, who, according to legend, slept only 1.5 hours per day and still worked effectively. In the modern era, similar techniques are used by people with extremely complex work schedules - security guards serving facilities on a rotational basis and working overtime, soldiers, etc.

Its essence is sleep only in the rapid phase 1. There are 2 options for getting enough sleep quickly:

  1. Every 4 hours of wakefulness are replaced by 15 minutes of REM sleep with precise alarm setting;
  2. 4 stages of REM sleep in sequence. The alarm clock starts for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the person gets up, switches it for another 30 minutes and falls asleep again. This event is repeated 4 times, after which the wakefulness phase begins, within 6-7 hours.

It is not advisable to carry out such practices on a regular basis; only in acute cases are they needed for a maximum of 2-3 days.

Long-term lack of sleep is fraught with metabolic disorders in the body, a significant increase in the risk of heart attack and stroke, a significant general decline vitality and performance.

Rules for good sleep

In order for your sleep to be pleasant, long and beneficial, you must adhere to a number of simple recommendations, then you will be able to get 8 hours of sleep. Thanks to them, you will always get up in the morning with good mood and full of energy for a long day of work.

  • Food for the night. The age-old statement that you shouldn’t eat enough at night is still relevant today. It's not just a matter of extra calories: the stomach, overloaded with food, begins to actively digest it, temporarily weakening other functions of the body, including the brain, which reluctantly goes into sleep mode. In addition, working at night digestive system will violate natural cycles changes in fast and slow phases of dreams. Try not to eat food at least 3-4 hours before your night's rest;
  • Daytime nap. 1.5 hours of good daytime sleep will compensate for 1-2 full phase cycle night At the end of the day, the person will feel much better. Daytime naps are not just for children, but Western countries the midday “siesta” is the norm;
  • Fresh air. Before going to bed you need to mandatory ventilate all rooms, especially the bedroom. At the same time, it is advisable not to active actions– so, replacing it with a long walk can invigorate a person, and he will fall asleep much more slowly. As an addition, take a warm shower - it will further relax your body;
  • Comfortable bed. The main factor in the effectiveness and usefulness of sleep is the right bed. The bed should have an orthopedic mattress and appropriate pillows, bed linen should only be natural, fresh and clean. A third of your life is spent in bed - give it maximum of your attention;
  • Correct circadian rhythms. Try to fall asleep before midnight, optimally by 21-22 hours - it is during this period that sleep has the maximum restorative effect.