Castoreum application. Beaver stream application

Castoreum, or, as it is also called, beaver musk is an orange, jelly-like liquid with a pungent, rather persistent odor. This unique natural substance is produced by the beaver's body, namely, the gland internal secretion. It contains approximately 50 different useful to the body human connections. Therefore, beaver stream has been used for many years to treat various diseases. What does beaver stream treat? How to drink beaver stream? Let's talk about it:

What does beaver stream cause - indications for use

Beaver musk - natural universal medicine. When consumed orally in the form of tincture or powder, it has a general strengthening, tonic effect, and rejuvenates the body. Helps improve heart function, activates hematopoietic processes, improves function nervous system, increases immunity, normalizes hormonal background.

Beaver stream - excellent remedy prevention against tumor neoplasms. Effective, quickly eliminates cramps, neutralizes Negative consequences radiation exposure.

This product has pronounced antibacterial properties, therefore it is often used for complex treatment acute respiratory diseases, sinusitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pulmonary silicosis and purulent pneumonia. In the process of taking this remedy, pathogenic bacteria and viruses located in the body are destroyed.

This natural remedy is recommended for use in the treatment of blood and liver diseases (in particular, hepatitis A, B). Beaver jet is effective in treating diseases of the stomach and pancreas. It is used for normalization blood pressure, for the treatment of atherosclerosis. The drug is useful for people recovering from a stroke.

This remedy is very effective in the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Pain is significantly reduced after the first use.

The jet stimulates and activates recovery processes in organism. Therefore, taking it speeds up healing various damages: wounds, ulcerations. Shortens and facilitates the rehabilitation process after treatment of fractures and injuries, facilitates the course of the postoperative process.

What else does beaver stream treat? And a lot more. For example, it is considered indispensable, extremely effective means, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Therefore, it is recommended to take it for prevention and treatment varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Her healing properties also apply to the skin. Beaver jet is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis, acne, psoriasis. The product will help get rid of barley, help cope with allergic rashes.

There is a lot of evidence that the use of this remedy has a very positive effect on male sexuality, increases libido, enhances sexual desire.

Application of beaver jet

This natural remedy can be used as a powder, tincture and rectal suppositories. They can already be purchased at finished form, or you can cook it yourself. Let's find out how to do this:

Preparing the tincture

The beaver stream needs to be finely chopped with a knife. Place in a jar and fill with very good vodka. Maintain the proportion: 100 g per 500 ml. Place in a cool, but not cold, place. Let it steep for 7-10 days. Shake the product every evening. The finished tincture has a beautiful cognac color.

For prevention, take 1 tsp. the day before meals. For treatment - 2 tsp. once a day. Can be added to tea. Treatment for 10 days with a break of 10 days. Then you can repeat.

Preparation of the powder

Dry the stream until it becomes hard. Now grind it to a powder (grate it on a fine grater). The powder is used for treatment skin diseases, used for wound healing, purulent tumors. To do this, the powder is dissolved in water and compresses are made. You can also take the powder internally: on the tip of a knife three times a day.

Preparation of rectal suppositories

With this remedy, hemorrhoids and prostatitis are effectively treated. To prepare it, purchase candles at the pharmacy with any plant extract. At home, melt them in a water bath. When the suppositories have melted, cool, add a little powder from the beaver stream (for 1 candle - powder on the tip of a knife).

Mix everything well, make candles or fill special molds. Place in the refrigerator to set. To treat hemorrhoids and prostatitis, use suppositories once a day at night.

Before we start self-treatment When using this remedy, be sure to consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Beaver stream (Castoreum)- an oily substance with a specific odor that animals produce to mark the boundaries of their territory. This natural product has a unique composition, a wide range therapeutic action, helps people of different genders and ages get rid of various serious diseases and prevent their development.

Beaver stream is a unique natural remedy

Beaver stream - what is it?

Beaver stream is an aromatic secretion that animals secrete; it contains a lot useful microelements, due to the fact that animals feed mainly medicinal herbs. After processing, organic components enter the beaver’s special glands and are not excreted in the urine. Many people believe that the healing liquid is contained in the animal’s eggs, but this is not so - the glands are located at the base of the tail.

The chemical composition of beaver musk is rich medicinal substances, which are used in traditional medicine– benzoin, cinnamon, salicylic acid, acetophenone, benzyl alcohol. The more precise composition of the liquid depends on the animal’s habitat and the characteristics of its diet. The beaver stream is often called the glands with their contents.

Beaver stream contains many useful elements

Main indications for use:

  • diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems;
  • reproductive dysfunctions;
  • high cholesterol, preventing the development cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure problems;
  • low calcium content, bone fragility, osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • sinusitis, colds;
  • varicose veins;
  • paralysis after stroke;
  • ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes, herpes, furunculosis.

Beaver musk is an excellent remedy for combating chronic fatigue, eliminating the manifestations of stress, emotional and mental stress. The drug is used in folk medicine for prevention oncological diseases, strengthening the immune system in people with positive HIV status.

Castoreum normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the body of toxic accumulations, which allows it to be used effectively for weight loss.

Pharmacy beaver stream

IN official medicine skeptical about beaver musk, but some pharmaceutical companies they introduce dietary supplements based on this natural substance.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on beaver stream

How is beaver stream useful and what does it treat?

Thanks to unique composition, high content substances with a therapeutic effect, the beaver stream has wide range medicinal properties, has a beneficial effect on various systems And internal organs person.

Why beaver stream is useful:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity;
  • improves blood microcirculation, eliminates deficiency of microelements and oxygen in tissues;
  • eliminates swelling, normalizes blood counts;
  • helps strengthen protective forces body;
  • increases performance, improves brain activity;
  • accelerates the recovery process after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

The beaver jet restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels

Beaver musk – powerful natural antibiotic, effectively fights various infectious pathologies without causing negative impact on the liver and other internal organs.

Benefits for women

Beaver musk is used in gynecology and cosmetology - the product helps get rid of inflammatory processes, fungal infections, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

What diseases does beaver musk help with:

  • thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • infertility;
  • mastopathy;
  • cysts;
  • cervical erosion.

Medicines based on beaver jets help make it easier to endure menopause and reduce the negative manifestations of PMS.

Castoreum helps treat mastopathy

For men

Beaver stream is also useful for men's health– it is used to treat prostatitis, urethritis, improve potency and libido, eliminate premature ejaculation, the product is often called Russian Viagra. With regular use, many men managed to cure prostate adenoma and avoid surgery.

Beaver jet effectively treats prostate adenoma

The natural product normalizes testosterone synthesis, increases sperm motility, which allows you to get rid of some forms of infertility in men and extend reproductive age.

Can beaver stream be given to children?

The safety of beaver musk for children has not been proven; experts recommend using the product for the treatment of children over 12 years of age in the form of an aqueous solution. The product can be used for inhalation for colds, coughs, runny nose, and used as an immunomodulator.

To treat a runny nose, you can do inhalations with a beaver stream.

The stream promotes the formation of a strong skeleton, has a beneficial effect on teeth, it can be taken during periods of intense mental or physical activity from a schoolboy.
Before treating a child with a beaver stream, be sure to:

For preventive purposes, you can take beaver stream 5 ml twice a day for a month, courses are carried out twice a year.

Cooking methods at home

Maximum amount useful substances contained in an alcohol tincture based on beaver gland powder. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or prepare it at home.

How to prepare vodka tincture:

  1. Pour 100 g of stream with 500 ml of vodka.
  2. Place the mixture in a transparent glass container and place in a cool place.
  3. Shake the composition thoroughly every 3 days.
  4. The medicine will be ready in a month; there is no need to strain it.

Place the beaver stream in a glass jar

You can prepare a tincture using alcohol with a strength of no more than 70%. It will take less time to infuse such a medicine, but it also contains slightly less useful substances.

Mix 400 ml of alcohol with 100 g of crushed natural raw materials, close the container tightly, and place in a cool room for a week. Most quick recipe– combine musk powder and alcohol in equal parts, the medicine is ready.

Other recipes based on beaver musk

To treat some diseases, it is advisable to use a jet in the form of candles. To prepare you will need chopped beaver gland and fresh unsalted pork fat– Melt 100 g of base, add natural raw materials at the rate of 1-2 g for each suppository, cool, cut into small candles.

Based on beaver musk, you can prepare healing ointment– 200 g melted badger fat add 100 g of stream, simmer for 10 minutes in a steam bath, cool, store in the refrigerator.

You can make an ointment from beaver oil and stream

The aqueous extract is used to treat children; the product is suitable for eye drops, nose drops, and rinsing oral cavity. For this alcohol tincture should be diluted clean warm water in a ratio of 1:2, after 5 minutes the alcohol vapor will evaporate.

To increase performance and endurance, you need to add 5 ml of beaver stream tincture to your tea or coffee every morning.

How to take a beaver stream

The treatment regimen for beaver musk depends on the pathology; experts recommend starting the tincture with 2–4 drops and monitoring your well-being. Average duration The course of treatment is a month, but it all depends on the severity of the disease.

Rules for taking the tincture

Disease Treatment regimen
Varicose veins 10 ml each alcohol solution musk after breakfast and during dinner. The duration of the course is 10 days, after which you need to take a ten-day break. This therapy will help get rid of swelling, strengthen blood vessels, and prevent the formation of blood clots.
Furunculosis, herpes, fungal infections 15 drops three times a day
In gynecology 5 ml 3-4 times a day, courses are carried out for 10 days, between which there should be intervals of 7-12 days
Obesity, chronic fatigue 10–15 drops before each meal
Hypotension, hypertension, for heart patients 5 drops twice a day for a month
To improve potency 5 ml morning and evening, continue taking until testosterone levels normalize
Prostatitis 4 drops morning and evening for a month, after a ten-day break continue treatment
Diabetes Mix equal parts beaver musk tincture, water and Apple vinegar, take 5 ml of medicine every morning
For gastritis and other problems with the digestive system Drink 7 ml of tincture half an hour before breakfast and dinner

For the treatment of bronchitis, colds for three days You should take 3 drops of alcohol tincture, after dissolving it in 50 ml of water. You need to take the medicine every 6 hours. Starting from the fourth day, the dose should be increased by one drop daily to a maximum of 15 drops. Duration of treatment – ​​4 weeks. A similar treatment regimen is used for diseases of the nervous system.

Treatment of colds should begin with small doses of beaver stream

For spinal hernia, you need to take 5 ml of tincture three times a day for a month. Additionally, you need to lubricate the diseased area with ointment 2-3 times a day, or make compresses with an alcohol solution for an hour. This treatment regimen can be used for osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Outdoor use of the jet

Local use for various diseases:

  1. To get rid of thrush, you need to dilute 10 ml of alcoholic musk tincture in 250 ml of water, soak a tampon in the liquid, and insert it into the vagina before bed. Usually one session is enough to get rid of a fungal infection.
  2. To treat urogenital infections, you need to apply ointment with musk to the affected area, cover with a sterile bandage, and put on thick underwear. The procedure should be done before bedtime.
  3. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, women's diseases You should insert one suppository at night for a month. In case of infertility, suppositories should be used by both spouses for six months, or 15 g of powder should be taken daily. You should take a month's break between courses.
  4. For ophthalmological problems or a runny nose, it is enough to instill one drop of aqueous extract daily.
  5. For injuries, sprains, pain in the back, joints, muscles, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas twice a day with musk ointment. Or make compresses from the tincture - soak a piece of natural fabric in the solution and apply to the problem area for 40–60 minutes.

Medicines with beaver musk have a specific taste and smell to smooth out discomfort, you need to wash them down with coffee or chicory.

Beaver stream diluted in water can be dripped into the eyes

Does beaver jet help with oncology?

Beaver musk – powerful antioxidant, which activates all the forces in the body, stops the growth of malignant cells. It is most effective to use the product on initial stages oncological diseases, during a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

The treatment regimen consists of several stages - on the first day, the medicine should be taken in certain doses strictly by the hour.

How to drink beaver stream tincture on the first day

The duration of the second stage is 3 weeks, you need to drink 5 ml of an alcohol solution every day, dissolve it in 100 ml of water. Next, the dose of the medicine should be increased to 15 ml and taken for at least three months.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, beaver tincture should be taken simultaneously in equal proportions with bear bile.


There are no special restrictions for treatment with preparations based on beaver musk, but experts do not recommend exceeding the indicated dosages in order to avoid the appearance of negative effects. adverse reactions. The jet is compatible with all methods traditional treatment, medications.

The last dose of preparations based on beaver musk should be 3–3.5 hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.

Beaver stream should not be used for tuberculosis

Harm and side effects

The natural product is very active, so some people experience liver pain when taking it. Musk can cause harm to people who suffer from alcohol addiction– in such cases it is better to use not an alcohol tincture, but an ointment or an aqueous solution.

Side effects during treatment occur rarely, most often nausea, diarrhea, and increased heart rate. But usually unpleasant symptoms disappear a few days after the start of therapy.

Castoreum is intended for the treatment and prevention of ailments, including impotence, women's diseases genitourinary area and tumor formations. Witch doctors and healers have long used the product in the treatment of pathologies. The topic of the article is about what kind of beaver stream it has medicinal properties how to prepare the extract and how to take it from various pathologies.

Musk has a peculiar smell and taste, and is obtained by rangers at a certain time, taking into account the age of the animal. Catching should take place only with the use of firearms, sexually mature individuals and in environmentally friendly places.

They must extract and dry castoreum according to all the rules so that it is not lost healing effect. Therefore, in a pharmacy you can only find a prepared tincture, but from gamekeepers and hunters you can get a natural dried product.

It is often prepared at home and one pair of bags of beaver stream is enough for for a long time, insisting on it several times.

What is treated with beaver stream

The healing properties of beaver stream have been known since the times of Rus', when men used it as a prototype of Viagra. Even then they found out that healing of the prostate gland and genitourinary area was successful.

Treatment of prostatitis with beaver stream lasts a long time until symptoms completely disappear; it is recommended to drink it for up to 12 months with breaks. Which beneficial features And does castoreum have any contraindications?

  1. Helps normalize blood circulation and stabilize blood pressure;
  2. Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol;
  3. Prevention of colds: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections;
  4. Elimination of varicose veins, hematomas, bruises, psoriasis and skin inflammations;
  5. Treatment of genitourinary diseases in men, gynecological diseases in women (candidiasis, ovarian cyst);
  6. Heals postoperative sutures, purulent wounds and defeats skin;
  7. ENT infections, relieves eye inflammation, fights conjunctivitis and stye;
  8. Rejuvenates, prevents early aging and the appearance of wrinkles;
  9. Male problems: prostatitis, urethritis, erectile disfunction, normalizes the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood;
  10. Prevention of the development of cancer, relieves pain and symptoms during chemotherapy;
  11. Strengthens joints, relieves spasms associated with rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  12. Strengthens immunity during the off-season period;
  13. Normalizes mental condition, improves sleep, fights stress.


  • Alcohol tincture, restrictions:
  • Children under 14 years of age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Alcoholism, period of remission;
  • Pathological liver diseases.

Beaver jet powder pure form It is prohibited for children; adults need to follow the dosage without exceeding it.

Mode of application

Use beaver stream to medicinal purposes it is necessary in courses and if there are indications for the main therapy, the suction will only enhance the effect and contribute to a quick recovery.

What it treats in men and for what diseases you already know, but how to take it is described below. The dosage for oral administration does not exceed 1 tsp. 1 time and no more than 4 times a day.

Diseases How to take and how much Course of therapy
Upper respiratory tract diseasesFor compresses and inhalations 2-3 tsp. present. Ingestion 1 tsp* 3 times/dayUntil recovery
Skin damage, varicose veins, joint diseases, injuries, cuts, bruises1-2 tsp. * 3 rubles/day rubUntil symptoms subside
Women's diseasesInfusion 2 tsp. 200 ml of water, wet a tampon, put on overnight or suppositories with beaver stream extract. Orally 10-15 drops* 3 times/day7-10 days
Prostatitis, urethritis15 drops * 3 rubles/day3-4 months
Inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins (hemorrhoids)Candles 1 pc. In the evening5-10 days
Impotence15-20 drops * 3 rubles/dayCourse 5 months/do not take for 14 days/continue
Prevention mental disorders, stress15 drops in the morning with coffeeLong time
Prevention of coldsIn the off-season 10 drops * 2 rubles / dayAutumn, spring

Before use, it is necessary to test the body and take up to 3 drops, increasing every day to the dosage indicated in the table.

For children

It should be taken diluted in juice/water sufficient quantity 5-8 drops *2 rub. — 14-30 days. Take a rest for 10-14 days and continue.

A good way to relieve a cough is to breathe in the vapors of the tincture or extract for 5-10 minutes, dilute 1 tsp. in 200 ml of boiling water, carefully pour into the container over which inhalation will take place, and sit the child down, covering with a towel. Control the process.

Beaver musk has bad taste and smell, dilute it thoroughly in juice for children. The tincture can be used externally to treat cuts, injuries, and abrasions. It will help quickly relieve swelling. Rub 1 tsp. * 2 rubles/day.

You can gargle for sore throat and other ENT diseases, 1 tsp. dilute 1 cup of vodka solution in warm water, rinse 3 times a day.

For women

Gynecological diseases such as candidiasis (thrush), bacterial vaginosis, acute symptoms of cystitis can be eliminated by taking the tincture orally, combined with suppositories at night.

Drink 10-15 drops *3 rubles/day, also for a tampon, only here dilute 1 tsp. * 200 ml water. It is better to use powder-based suppositories, 1 pc for 7-10 days before bedtime.

Beaver Stream Extract

To get healing on water based First of all, you need to choose quality product, meeting the standards of production and preparation.

When buying castoreum, pay attention to the color, smell, and structure of the bags. They should be solid, brown in color, with a curdled mass inside, without mold, soft to the touch, with a specific smell.

The beaver stream is prepared using alcohol and vodka. Water solution used for children, you can put drops in their eyes when various inflammations, only dilute in a sufficient amount of clean liquid.

Preparing the tincture:

  • Beaver jet – 100 g;
  • High-quality vodka – 1.5 l;
  • Grind castoreum, mix everything;
  • Leave for 7 days, shaking every day;
  • The solution should be cognac-colored, if more saturated, dilute 0.5 liters of alcoholic product.

The water tincture is ready. Store in a cool, dark place. Do not strain and shake before use.

Used as compresses in the treatment of throat diseases. Medicinal substance gland-based can be used by men when symptoms of prostatitis occur.

On alcohol, properties, methods of treatment

The tincture is prepared on the basis of high-quality ethanol 70% vol. You need to infuse the medicine for 3-4 days, shaking it daily. Drink according to the dosages written above in the table, without increasing them.

Recipe for castoreum tincture


  • Natural musk or powder – 100 g;
  • Ethyl alcohol 70% - 1.0-1.5 l.


  1. First take a glass container with a lid;
  2. Connect everything together;
  3. Grind natural castoreum into powder;
  4. Leave for 3 days, shaking every day;
  5. At dark color Dilute the tinctures with alcohol to a cognac tint.

Method of preparing a suppository


  • Natural extract (powder): 100 g;
  • Fresh pork lard (0.3 kg) or pharmaceutical candle based on herbs.


  1. Melt everything in a water bath;
  2. Add beaver stream;
  3. Pour into molds, cool.

Recipe for castoreum ointment


  • Fat of badger, bear: 200 g;
  • Beaver extract: 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Melt lard in a steam bath;
  2. Add iron;
  3. Simmer over low heat for up to 10-15 minutes.

A good remedy for external skin damage, cuts, and can be used as a rejuvenating mask. You just need to apply it for only 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. No more than 2 times a week.

Side effects

If you follow the instructions correctly and do not exceed the norm, overdose and negative phenomena not found. If, after starting to take beaver musk, you experience discomfort, nausea, or changes in stool, you should stop taking it until the cause of the symptoms is determined.

When thinking about buying a beaver jet, first of all, you need to use only high-quality iron. Many doctors recommend that if you are incompetent in choosing, purchase ready-made preparations based on beaver gland. Consult your physician before use.

What is a beaver stream? What is its use? How is it used? These are just some of the questions that you will find answers to in our material.

Many people believe it is animal urine or semen. And they are wrong in their guesses. This substance is produced by a special gland, which is found only in beavers and beavers and is located next to anus. In appearance, the secretory mass is quite dense, brown in color, with a bright musk aroma.

History of the beaver stream

The healing power of the secret has been known for a long time. It cost four times more than the skin of the animal itself. Around the 17th century, a recipe for an elixir was found that saved many diseases. Afford " magic remedy“Only the rich could.

The benefits of beaver stream for the male body

It contains more than forty nutrients, which in other animals are excreted in the urine. They accumulate due to the varied menu of rodents, rich in medicinal herbs. These are nettle, horse sorrel, gooseberry, meadowsweet, willow bark (it contains aspirin).

Castoreum is not biological active additive, but it cannot be treated only with it. It is used as part complex therapy, if there are indications for the use of other medications, to enhance the overall effect. The secret is included in ointments, tinctures, and is found in powder form. It can be used both internally and externally. Musk is used for cosmetic purposes, because it is famous for its rejuvenating properties.

Thanks to its unique composition and high bioactivity, the drug has a beneficial effect on all body functions.

He will heal everyone, he will heal...

Castoreum was considered a remedy for all ailments. Ancient China. They lifted her spirits, treated her stomach, wounds and many other diseases. Western countries valued improving properties more male potency. Used as an antiseptic for wounds. A little later they began to use it in the creation of perfumes. The aroma turned out to be more persistent and did not fade, which was simply necessary during a period of insufficient familiarity with hygiene.

It was used both in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes, when going to the bathhouse to treat joint diseases. For rich men, the jet was worth its weight in gold. Once upon a time, one gram of this miraculous powder was exchanged for a whole horse, which cannot but speak of its value in the circles of nobles, boyars, princes and knights.

Many chemist scientists are amazed perfect proportions and the composition of beaver secretion. I wonder what useful action does not decrease during heat treatment.

So, how will the drug help:

  • normalizes blood pressure in both hypertensive and hypotensive patients, it will cope with ischemia and angina pectoris;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, dissolves small plaques;
  • struggling with genitourinary diseases, which they cannot promise even very much expensive analogues medicines;
  • heals wounds, relieves purulent infections;
  • treats vision deterioration that occurs with age, maybe, they say, even cure cataracts;
  • relieves pain from osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis.
  • removes inflammation and resolves hematomas, bruises and contusions.

A course of tincture should be taken during flu and cold epidemics to maintain strength and strengthen the immune system. Or as a sedative when performance decreases and nervousness increases.

For men's health

Beaver musk is recognized as natural Viagra. Numerous laudatory reviews are a clear confirmation of its miraculous effect on men’s health. It is advisable to drink the tincture in courses.

The drug has a comprehensive effect on everything:

  • normalizes hormones;
  • increases testosterone;
  • calms the nerves;
  • dissolves cholesterol plaques;
  • treats male infertility;
  • enhances sperm performance.

An indispensable medicine for the stronger sex. A very powerful, but at the same time safe for the body antidepressant, stimulant of sexual activity.

For women and more

Used for treatment gynecological diseases: candidiasis, cystitis, cysts and many others.

The scope of application in folk medicine is large: hepatitis, oncology, tuberculosis, paralysis, migraines, lung diseases, blood, renal failure and many others. With a course of use of the beaver elixir, metabolism and hormonal levels are improved, and many viruses and bacteria are destroyed.

The drink helps to quickly recover from injuries and operations. If you use the jet to treat your eyes, it will relieve itching, irritation, and fatigue.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the joints and bones, it is good to use the tincture externally when visiting a sauna or bathhouse.

For people who do not suffer from any serious diseases, it will also be beneficial: it copes with vitamin deficiencies, depression and loss of strength. During use, mood and performance improve, and libido increases in both men and women.


There are no instructions for use as such. There are also no contraindications for use.

For oral administration, an infusion or powder is used, for wounds and ulcers you need to make compresses, for joints it is best to take a steam bath with the tincture in a bathhouse. For lung disease, it is optimal to use the jet in the form of inhalations.

To achieve results, you need to correctly calculate the dosage. Its size is influenced by many factors: weight, height, age. At frequent use possible unwanted reactions body. It is better to start taking the medicine with a minimum dose and gradually increase to desired result and visible changes in the body. For prevention, it is recommended to take a teaspoon twice a day. Combining use with other medications is possible only after consulting a doctor.

For people for whom alcohol is contraindicated, the tincture should be greatly diluted with water, or use powder. Musk is not a narcotic drug, therefore, there will be no addiction even with long-term use.

Contraindications for use

The main limitation is the availability serious illnesses hearts. Unpleasant consequences may also occur in case of overdose.

How to prepare and take. Video

To prepare the tincture at home, finely chop the beaver stream, add alcohol (70%) or vodka in the proportion: 100 grams of product per 500 or 700 milliliters of liquid. Leave for three to four weeks in a dark place, shaking once every three days. Preparation does not take much effort and time if you have ready-made glands.

There is no need to remove the sediment; it is better to store it in the basement or refrigerator. You can drink immediately after the expiration of time.

To obtain the powder, dry the glands, grate or finely chop. This should be done after they are completely dry and out of reach of light.

Rectal suppositories are prepared as follows: add castoreum powder to any medical suppositories with herbal composition in the ratio: match head per candle.

The secretory mass is insoluble in H2O. But a water-based infusion is much more effective. It can be taken by children, pregnant and nursing mothers and anyone who has given up drinking alcohol.

The weight of the beaver jet is small

Don't rely on quick results. This is not a panacea. An effective remedy for many problems, but like any other medicine, it takes time to act on the body as a whole, or specifically on the affected cells.

Beaver stream (castoreum) is a waste product of the river beaver, characterized by the presence of a pungent, specific musky-tar odor and color varying from bright orange to brownish-brown.

Due to the diverse diet of beavers, which includes many species medicinal plants, chemical composition castoreum is represented by a list of elements and compounds vital for humans.

The product is characterized by a number of indications for the use of beaver stream:

Prescribed to enhance absorption ascorbic acid, acceleration of metabolic processes, as an antioxidant, capillary-strengthening drug. It is able to protect cell membranes and organelles from the effects of ionizing radiation.

What do they help with? Its use is advisable in the case of gynecological (infertility, cystic neoplasms various volumes, bartholinitis, candidiasis, colpitis) and urological diseases (premature ejaculation, the presence of sand in the kidneys, cystitis, vesiculitis, balanoposthitis, pain during urination, urethritis, impotence, pyelonephritis, prostatitis).

Castoreum is actively used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. , have a rejuvenating effect: smooth out shallow wrinkles, even out the texture of the skin, increase its tone and elasticity.

Schemes of drug use

Preparations containing castoreum belong to the group of universal ones, having a wide range of effects. There are 2 ways to use of this product– oral and external. His regular use allows you to accelerate the regenerative and metabolic processes occurring human body at the cellular, tissue and system levels.

Important! Low dosages of the drug provide a calming effect; the use of high doses can cause the opposite effect.

The modern pharmaceutical industry releases a stream of beaver into various types: in the form of ointments, suppositories, capsulated tablets, tinctures. Required form release depends on the indications for use of the beaver stream. Therapeutic dosages in each case are calculated according to individual schemes and depend on the type of disease. The specific aroma and bitter taste of castoreum make it necessary to consume this remedy in combination with coffee, chicory or barley drink.

Taking capsules

The drug is taken on an empty stomach before breakfast (half an hour before). The duration of therapy is a month, after which a 4-week break is taken. In total, the product is used for 3 months, excluding breaks. It is recommended to repeat the treatment course (the scheme is similar) after six months.

Alcohol tincture

Reception of an alcohol stream is carried out as follows:

  • month 1: 1st and 2nd weeks - take 5 drops daily on an empty stomach before breakfast, 3rd and 4th weeks - take 5 drops on an empty stomach in the morning and before lunch;
  • month 2: 1st and 2nd weeks - on an empty stomach before breakfast, 10 k., before lunch, 5 k., 3rd and 4th weeks - on an empty stomach in the morning and before lunch, 10 k.;
  • month 3 – stop taking the drug;
  • month 4 – the course is similar to the treatment regimen in the 1st month.

An ointment created on the basis of beaver stream is widely used in surgical practice for applying compresses, treating burns, and wound surfaces.

Rectal suppositories with beaver jet

The use of candles. Candles are placed 1 pc. every day before bed for a month.

In the presence of certain indications treatment may include simultaneous use various dosage forms product.

An aqueous solution of castoreum has been successfully used to treat ophthalmic problems. It relieves itching, increases visual acuity, and reduces the severity of inflammation. In case of injury or injury auditory nerve allows you to restore hearing, is used to eliminate and prevent the formation of sulfur plugs.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication for the use of castoreum is the presence of individual intolerance to this product. As a result of an overdose, it is possible that side effects: headaches, sleep disturbances, in rare cases nausea.

Important! Treatment data medicine provides for mandatory face-to-face medical consultation and preliminary passing of basic types of tests. These measures are necessary for subsequent monitoring of the body’s condition, determining the dynamic course of the disease and the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.