Brown tears from a cat. Why does my cat have brown discharge from her eyes?

Owners of domestic cats often encounter such a problem when the eye “runs”, but this problem practically does not bother the animal. But is this normal? Brown discharge from a cat's eyes may indicate the development of some disease, but it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis using this criterion alone. It is important to know what is normal for a cat and what is not, what are the causes of deviations, and how to cure a large or small kitten.

Normal discharge

In a healthy state, cats secrete a liquid or semi-liquid substance from their visual organs; it is transparent and rather scanty. This process can be caused by external irritants: smoke, dust, chemicals. In this case, the discharge passes quickly and does not bother the pet.

After sleep, your eyes may also become watery. The leakage of fluid from them is a normal phenomenon for some cat breeds, one of which is the Persian breed, since the flat shape of the head and nose does not allow the nasolacrimal ducts to function effectively enough.

If the fluid is abundant, thick or looks like pus, then most likely the process is inflammatory in nature. It is necessary to show your pet to the veterinarian when brown or black discharge is observed from the cat’s eyes.

Types of discharge

Discharge from the eyes of cats varies in color and consistency. The substance that comes out can be completely liquid or thicker, and with a protracted inflammatory process it acquires a purulent consistency.

Most often found in the corners of the cat's eyes. brown discharge, but can also be greenish, red, yellow or white. If such an external sign is detected, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. The veterinarian will find out the exact cause and then prescribe appropriate therapeutic methods.

Symptoms of eye diseases

Reason pathological process will tell you the appearance of the discharge:

  1. Purulent (characteristic yellowish or green tint) – infectious diseases caused by microorganisms (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), as well as allergies.
  2. Brown - due to epiphora, which occurs due to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.
  3. White, opaque, may be a sign of cat flu, in which case the kitten should be isolated from other animals and consult a doctor immediately.
  4. Watery and colorless - are not pathogenic, caused by reactions to external allergens.

Often unpleasant symptoms appear due to mechanical damage to the visual organ. In a cat, brown discharge from the eye is observed when dust gets into it or injuries to the corneal layer.

The exact factor can only be determined by a qualified veterinarian, he will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary procedures.

It is important to know what is normal for a cat and what is not, what are the causes of deviations, and how to cure a large or small kitten. Source: Flickr (Bill_Dolak)

Treatment and rinsing of eyes

If the fluid released from the eyes of cats is not normal, then the doctor will provide treatment. The main therapy concerns a disease that has caused the release of a clear or cloudy substance from the eyes of a pet.

However, comprehensive care also includes measures to relieve eye inflammation and stop tearing, as a result of which the veterinarian prescribes antibacterial drops, as well as rinsing.

What is allowed to be used for these purposes: water (slightly warm), tea, decoction of medicinal chamomile, furatsilin solution, boric acid solution.

Instructions for this procedure:

  1. The animal should be held tightly with its paws clenched, so two people should wash its eyes.
  2. Soak the prepared cotton swab in the medicinal solution.
  3. Squeeze the product onto eyeball pet.
  4. If the cat's eyelids are glued together, you need to apply the solution to them.
  5. If the animal's eyelashes have stuck together due to purulent discharge, then it is necessary to run moistened cotton wool from the nose to the corner of the eye along the eyelash line, and then thoroughly rinse the eye itself.

Prevention of eye diseases

Great importance in raising and keeping a kitten is the prevention of various diseases, including eye diseases. So that it doesn't happen dark discharge from the eyes of a cat, you should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the house, get vaccinations on schedule, and treat all diseases in a timely manner.

In themselves, such symptoms do not pose a great danger to pet, however, they can indicate the presence of various diseases. If this sign is detected, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. You should not self-medicate your cat, because improper therapy can cause serious harm to the health of your furry pet.

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All completely healthy cats secrete a liquid or semi-liquid substance from their eyes. But it is always transparent and meager in volume. Natural external irritants affect discharge from the eyes not only in cats, but also in people:

  • gust of air;
  • dust;
  • sprayed or dry chemicals released into the air.

In such a situation, everything ends quickly, and this happens because the animal’s body is trying to get rid of foreign objects that have gotten into the mucous membrane of the eye or its drying out. For yourself, if a speck of dust gets into your eye, it starts to water.

It is normal for some breeds to have discharge from the eyes after sleeping. For example, in a Persian cat, due to the flat shape of the muzzle, the functioning of the mucous membrane is slightly impaired, which is expressed by frequent transparent discharge from the eyes.

Purulent, abundant fluid flowing from the eyes and drying out as a crust on the eyelids indicates an inflammatory process. If your cat has black or brown discharge from her eyes, she should be seen by a doctor immediately.

What are the types of discharge from the organs of vision?

The substance separated from the eyes differs not only in color, but also in structure. It can be watery or thick - purulent.

Most often, brown discharge appears in the corners of the eyes in cats. But they can also be green, red, yellow or white.

It is quite easy to determine visually that frequent discharge from the eyes, and even more so if it is hard and of a strange color, is abnormal. Only a veterinarian can correctly determine the causes of what is happening and prescribe appropriate treatment.


By the appearance of the discharge, you can determine the cause of the pathological process:

  • purulent, yellow or greenish in color - infections or allergies;
  • brown – obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • white, opaque – cat flu, most often in kittens;
  • colorless, watery - a natural reaction to external stimuli.

Mechanical damage also cannot be ruled out, but in this case the cause of the discharge is obvious. In this case, there may also be brown discharge due to a large amount of dust or injury to the cornea.

Only a veterinarian can determine the specific culprit factor after examining the animal.

The main therapy is aimed at getting rid of the root cause. Depending on the stimulus, they are prescribed additional procedures. Comprehensive help to relieve inflammation and stop the flow of discharge, excessive tearing - drops with an antibacterial effect and rinsing.

How to wash your cat's eyes:

  • clean warm water;
  • strong tea;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • solution boric acid.

The solution should be warm - more effective. After rinsing, gently wipe your cat's eyelids with a dry swab.

Preventive measures

Preventing eye diseases is very important for cats, especially in at a young age. Basic cleanliness in the house and in the cat’s habitat and all necessary vaccinations on schedule will allow you to prevent troubles of this kind.

The discharge itself is not dangerous, only as a symptom of a disease.


Pets bring a lot of joy, but sometimes they get sick, just like people. In cats, brown discharge from the eyes can indicate various diseases. Having noticed a problem in your pet, you need to find out the reasons and choose the right treatment.

What kind of discharge is considered normal in cats?

In all such cases, the discharge is not abundant, has no color and unpleasant odor.

If your cat starts to have brown, cloudy, white or red discharge from his eyes, the cat most likely has an infection. But pathology is not always caused by harmful microorganisms.

Why do cats have brown discharge from their eyes?

Excessive lacrimation, clearly beyond the normal range, is called epiphora. The term is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine.

Bacterial infections cause suppuration and a white, yellow or greenish coating appears in the eye area.

The causes of epiphora in cats are divided into two main groups, let’s look at each.

Other causes of dirty ears

If adult cat There is a black discharge in the eyes, this may indicate the occurrence of various diseases. There are several reasons for such deviations:

  • Respiratory infection.
  • Herpesvirus.
  • Chlamydia.

Injury to the eye can also cause black discharge. Without proper treatment, the eyes may begin to fester. The reason for this is infection. If the secreted substance turns brown, then the cat has an obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.

Nasal secretions in cats envelop the mucous membrane, washing away dust and small particles. They protect the nose from drying out and mechanical irritation, pushing everything unnecessary out.

The cause of a runny nose is always reflected in the nature of the animal's discharge. So, sparse and more transparent discharge may indicate that your pet has fungal infection. In this case, discharge appears in the morning, after sleep. An acute bacterial infection causes a constant discharge that clogs the cat's nose.

Allergies as the root cause of rhinitis may appear in your pupil when you replace the old food or filler with a new one. Household chemicals, insecticides, and new indoor plants often cause allergic rhinitis in cats. In this case, nasal discharge is always clear and liquid.

Chronic diseases of an animal are the appearance thick snot from time to time, during periods of relapse of the disease.

If a cat has otitis media, the inflammatory process can also affect the nasopharynx. Nasal discharge may be periodic, clear, but not profuse.

A cat's nose may react with strong transparent discharge to a foreign object accidentally entering the nostrils. Then she will still shake her head, sneeze, rub her nose until she gets rid of the foreign body.

First, the cause of the problem is eliminated. And only a veterinarian can do this, because inexperienced (and even experienced) owners are not always able to do this. If the cause of a runny nose is hypothermia, then the animal’s nose area can be warmed with hot sand. It is poured into a small bag and applied to the nose several times a day. The irrigation procedure, which cats really don’t like, will also help. This is done with a 3% boric acid solution or a 1% zinc sulfate solution.

If your cat's nasal discharge is thick, you may want to use freshly squeezed beet juice. You can add a little honey to it. Rinsing the cat's nose with a 1% sea salt solution also works well.

Veterinarians recommend treating colds with ecmonovocillin. It is diluted with saline solution 1:2 and 3-4 drops are dripped into each nostril of the pet. It is recommended to irrigate the nasal mucosa with a 0.5% tannin solution, or you can blow streptocide powder into the nostrils.

Infectious rhinitis in an animal is treated together with the underlying disease. Five drops of Galazolin are instilled into the nostrils of a sick cat twice a day.

Crusts on the nose can occur due to injury, as skin covering Coca's is very thin and gets injured quite easily. First, it is necessary to examine the pet for any damage; maybe the pet was bleeding from their nose and therefore a crust formed in the form of dried blood. In order to remove it, you need to take cotton wool, moisten it with water and gently wipe the pet’s face.

Symptoms such as snoring during sleep, frequent sneezing, or frequent rubbing of the muzzle with paws may indicate the presence of a disease. This may also be indicated by purulent discharge from the eyes, yellow or green, cough, drooling, and fever.

Discharge from the eyes is characteristic of the following ophthalmological diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous wall of the oculorum.
  • Epiphora - excessive secretion of tears.
  • Uveitis - inflammation vascular wall eyes.
  • Keratitis - inflammatio of the cornea.

With conjunctivitis, the eye becomes red or brown, and the cat reacts painfully to bright lighting. Watery, mucous or purulent exudate flows from the organ of vision. Transparent shell oculorum has defects in the form of wounds or ulcers.

Epiphora is characterized by profuse leakage of fluid from the eye, which floods the entire face. The cause of the pathology may be an allergic response to an irritant, a defensive reaction to remove a chemical that has entered the organs of vision, or blockage of the tear duct.

Keratitis is not characterized by tears, but by thick yellowish or greenish discharge. The eyelids stick together and become crusty.

Most eye diseases accompanied by discharge occur against the background of weakened immunity, which is caused by the following reasons:

  • Infectious. Symptoms of drain are characteristic of Rhinotracheitis, Panleukopenia, Calcivirosis, Chlamydia.
  • Invasive. Discharge from the eyes is characteristic of toxoplasmosis. Ophthalmic diseases occur with some helminthiases.
  • Allergic.
  • Chronic non-communicable diseases - diabetes, pathology of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs.
  • Mechanical injuries.
  • Hair getting into the oculorum. Occurs in long-haired cats.
  • Breed predisposition. Persians and Britons are prone to tearfulness. The anatomical uniqueness of Rexes and Sphinxes is characterized by a tendency to turn up the eyelids.
  • Old age.

Some cat breeds have large ears, which are natural dust collectors. But even in an ordinary ear, dust accumulates over time and settles in the auricle. If too much dirt accumulates, the animal’s internal defenses come into play. This consists in increased secretion of earwax and, as a result, the formation of a dirty mass.

In some cases, the intensity of the work of the cerumen gland does not depend on external stimuli, so dirty ears can occur in cats that are constantly in a clean house. Most often, this phenomenon affects breeds that have no or little hair on their ears, but this is the animal’s natural protection from external influences. These ears need to be cleaned regularly.

The second name for this common disease in cats and dogs is ear scabies. An animal suffering from this disease experiences very severe discomfort and also scratches its ears until they bleed.

How to tell if a cat has ear mites

Firstly: pay attention to the internal state of the pet. Infected cats become lethargic and even lose interest in their favorite food and games. The animal may become aggressive and avoid touching, especially the ears.

Thirdly: the cat constantly scratches its ears, sometimes tearing them until they bleed. She may also keep her head slightly tilted to the side at all times.

If the disease is very advanced and has become chronic, then dried crusts or powder similar to dirt may periodically fall out of the cat’s ears. In any case, it is necessary to take your pet to an appointment with a veterinarian.

Treatment of otodecosis

Only a doctor can make a final accurate diagnosis of an animal. He will take a scraping from the cat’s ear - a sample of black plaque and, based on its analysis, will identify the source of the disease and the causative agent.

The incubation period for ear mites is 21 days. Therefore, during treatment, it is better to isolate a sick animal from other pets. Its habitat should be thoroughly disinfected.

General blood test in cats.

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Treatment of otodecosis

Various diseases of the organs of vision are characterized by discharged fluid different color, thickness and even smell. With the development of certain inflammatory, infectious processes tears “take on” a brown or reddish tint. All this is thanks to the pigment included in their composition.

In order to prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor needs to figure out what is causing the brown discharge from the cat’s eyes. The reasons may be different, but two main groups can be distinguished: diseases associated with impaired tear production and excessive production of tears as a result of eye irritation.

Exudate from the eyes is characteristic of several ophthalmological diseases:

  • Inflammation of the mucous wall of the eye -conjunctivitis. The disease manifests itself as redness of the conjunctiva, sometimes they become red with a brown or bluish tint. Conjunctivitis also causes photophobia, itching in the eye sockets, and profuse mucous or purulent discharge from the eyes. In this case, the conjunctival mucosa has varying degrees of damage (wounds or ulcers).
  • Increased production of tears – epiphora. This pathology is usually the result of an allergy to some irritant or an instinctive reaction aimed at the speedy elimination of a foreign body that has penetrated the visual organ. In pathological cases, epiphora occurs when the lacrimal duct is obstructed.
  • Inflammation of the choroid of the eye - uveitis. The disease develops as a result of various infectious and/or invasive infections and is characterized by discharges of different consistency and color.
  • Inflammation of the cornea - keratitis. Viscous yellowish or greenish discharge is indicative of it. At the same time, the eyes run, the eyelids often stick together and become overgrown with crusts.

Normally, cats' eyes are clear and wide open. The whites are clean, white, the mucous membranes are moist, the eyelids do not have swelling or redness.

The following symptoms are not cause for concern:

  1. 1. Dry crusts in the corners of the eyes. A certain amount of mucus accumulated during sleep dries and forms discharge, which is typical mainly for cat breeds with flat shape head and nose. The problem is solved by daily hygiene with the help of napkins and special lotions. Usually cats cope with this task on their own by “washing themselves” in the morning.
  2. 2. Transparent discharge associated with increased allergic background: smoke, fumes, dust. The eyes will stop leaking as the source of irritation disappears.

The appearance of frequent and abundant discharge from the eyes of an animal is usually called epiphora, a term used in both medical and veterinary practice.

Types of discharge

Discharge from the eyes of cats varies in color and consistency. The substance that comes out can be completely liquid or thicker, and with a protracted inflammatory process it acquires a purulent consistency.

Brown discharge is most often found in the corners of a cat's eyes, but it can also be greenish, red, yellow or white. If such an external sign is detected, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. The veterinarian will find out the exact cause and then prescribe appropriate therapeutic methods.

What does the appearance of symptoms indicate?

  • transparent and liquid, viscous and viscous, thick and cloudy;
  • copious or spotty;
    • By accurately describing the symptoms, the owner will help the veterinarian make a diagnosis more quickly. Pay attention even to little things that seem unimportant - the cat rubs its nose or a runny nose does not bother it, sleeps soundly or often wakes up, sleeps with open mouth or, as usual, eats with the same appetite or sluggishly (a stuffy nose reduces the sense of smell).

      Fungi, bacteria

      This is one of the most dangerous causes of rhinitis. If your cat has a runny nose and festering eyes, the pet is sneezing and/or coughing, there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, refusal of water or thirst, changes in appetite, diarrhea), in general the cat feels unwell - see a doctor immediately!

      New food, shampoo or litter, household chemicals, flea treatment or new indoor plant– the immune system can mistake any substance other than distilled water for an “enemy”. Therefore, allergies cannot be ruled out, even if the adult pet has never suffered from this disease.

      Chronic illnesses

      Ear inflammation


      A dry cough and runny nose in a cat can be the result of hypothermia - the pet went on a walk in frosty weather, fell asleep in a draft, or found itself locked on the balcony. In severe cases of hypothermia, the body temperature drops sharply - the cat needs to be wrapped in a blanket, a heating pad applied to its paws and immediately taken to the clinic. You should not drink your pet with vodka or dip it in warm water - this can cause the heartbeat or breathing to stop.

      Usually, we're talking about about polyps or tumors. Most often, cats over 7 years old suffer from these ailments, but youth is not a guarantee of health. For neoplasms in a pet chronic runny nose(possibly with blood or clots), the cat rubs its nose with its paws, often sneezes - behaves as if something is bothering it (and it is). Possible for tumors various deformations muzzles (swelling, it is unclear where the curvature came from, asymmetry).

      Foreign bodies, irritants

      These are various kinds of curvatures and deformations of the muzzle or nasal septum, which are not always immediately noticeable. In such cases, a clear liquid constantly flows from the nose, from kittenhood or adolescence, not too abundantly and, at first glance, does not cause inconvenience to the cat. A secondary infection may occur - nasal mucus becomes cloudy, thick, and often purulent. Deformations leading to chronic rhinitis and breathing problems, may be the result of injuries - after a blow to the head or head, after a fight, a fall from a height, etc. Treatment is surgical: bones/cartilage must be restored in case of injury or given in case of congenital pathology normal position.

    • provide the cat with peace, avoid drafts;
  • Regularly remove secretions that stain the coat, clog the nose and create a moist environment around the nose that is favorable for the development of bacteria. The nose is cleaned with a gauze swab and warm boiled water without trying to push the corner of the tampon into the nostril.
  • The cause of the pathological process will be indicated by the appearance of the discharge:

    1. Purulent (characteristic yellowish or green tint) - infectious diseases caused by microorganisms (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), as well as allergies.
    2. Brown - due to epiphora, which occurs due to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.
    3. White, opaque, may be a sign of cat flu, in which case the kitten should be isolated from other animals and consult a doctor immediately.
    4. Watery and colorless - are not pathogenic, caused by reactions to external allergens.

    Often unpleasant symptoms appear due to mechanical damage to the visual organ. In a cat, brown discharge from the eye is observed when dust gets into it or injuries to the corneal layer.

    Only a qualified veterinarian can determine the exact factor; he will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary procedures.

    Despite the fact that everyone ear disease There are signs, they can be recognized thanks to common symptoms. These include:

    • discharge from the ear (from light purulent to black and loose);
    • severe itching: the cat scratches the ear, constantly rubs its head on the furniture;
    • bad odor from the ear;
    • ulcers, sores, redness and rashes are observed;
    • the animal shakes its head and ears;
    • in advanced cases, when pressing on the auricle, you can hear a squelching sound.

    Please note that the symptoms your pet develops can help determine possible reasons developing pathology.

    The appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes of a domestic cat, characterized by the presence of brownish-red impurities, may indicate the development of a fairly serious bacterial infection. Often this pathology is painful for the cat as a whole, causing the pet to become lethargic. The animal's nose is dry and hot.

    If your tailed pet's discharge is thick but translucent, this indicates that your pet has contracted a viral infection. Discharge of pus in this type of disease is usually not observed.

    If your pet starts crying brown tears, then most likely this is a disease related to pathologies caused by a violation of the outflow of secretions from the tear ducts. Accordingly, in this case, anti-infective therapy should not be used to treat the animal.

    Excessive tearing is common. One of the common causes of this pathology is a cat’s banal allergic reaction to some irritant. Often the accompanying symptoms of this disease are redness and quite severe swelling of the animal’s eyelids.

    The discharge is red. In the case of cats, this is usually the pathology described above, the main symptom of which is brown discharge. The thing is that the brown secretion is more pronounced in light-colored animals, acquiring a characteristic red tint.

    In some cases, dark discharge from the eyes of a pet can be caused by an incorrectly selected diet. Associated symptoms are diarrhea, constipation and frequent vomiting.

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    A fellinologist can independently make a preliminary diagnosis based on the nature of the drain. Transparent tears indicate an allergic etiology of discharge. Dyed brown yellow or green color discharge indicates infectious nature anomalies.

    To identify the pathogen, swabs from inflamed eyes are collected. Treatment prescribed by a veterinarian is to wash the eyes medications. The procedures are performed by the cat owner after a short instruction.

    Anamnesis plays a decisive role in making a diagnosis. A self-respecting owner of a purebred cat keeps a diary in which he records in detail everything that happens to the pet. He must pay attention to the following symptoms:

    • The nature of the exudate is turbidity or transparency. Exudate color.
    • Dynamics. When discharge appeared from the eye, did both oculorum immediately flow, or at first one?
    • Accompanying illnesses. What does your pet suffer from?
    • When and with what vaccine was the cat vaccinated?
    • Date of disinsection and deworming of the animal. Used drugs.

    Based on the history and clinical signs, the diagnostician makes a preliminary diagnosis and prescribes additional studies that will help determine the exact cause of the pathology.

    Before prescribing treatment, the doctor needs to establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, he conducts a visual inspection, a series of laboratory research, and also interviews the owner about the condition of the pet.

    It is necessary to provide the veterinarian with information about when the first discharge appeared, what consistency, color and smell it was, and what it is like now. And also, were there any injuries in Lately. What illness did the cat have, and how long has it been taking antihelminthic medications?

    During the examination, the doctor performs a Schirmer test, which shows the amount of tears produced by the eye. Measures intraocular pressure. Using special preparations, it checks for damage to the cornea.

    A blood test is performed in a laboratory setting. This is necessary to determine the presence of viral or bacterial infections, cytological examination of scrapings taken from the cornea of ​​the eye.

    If necessary, additional studies are carried out: blood and secretions for PCR, endoscopy of the nose, ultrasonography of the eye, dacryocystorhinography (study of tear ducts), x-ray of the skull.

    The veterinarian needs to determine the causes of the disease based on the data initial examination and laboratory results.

    It is especially important for the doctor to obtain the following information:

    • At what point did the discharge appear?
    • Exudate parameters (transparency, color, viscosity, volume and frequency of discharge).
    • Presence of injuries to the eye or the area around them.
    • When were deworming activities carried out?
    • What has your pet been sick with lately?

    To determine the pathogen, it is necessary to undergo tests (exudate from the eyes). Medical history plays a huge role in determining the diagnosis. Any owner must have a passport for their pet, in which everything that happens is recorded by the attending physician.

    Types of exudate

    Exudate may differ in color and consistency, which says a lot about the causes of the disease:

    • Purulent exudate It comes in various shades, usually from white to yellow, but sometimes green or brown exudate is also found. Sometimes the pus hardens; hard pus often retains its color.
    • Liquid discharge Brown They talk about epiphora - blockage of the nasolacrimal duct. This state can be distinguished by the expirations. They are more liquid, watery (thick pus) and at the same time abundant, observed in the corners of the eyes.
    • Red-brown exudate is also purulent. It occurs when a lot of red blood cells accumulate in the pus, which indicates a violation of the permeability of the capillaries of the conjunctiva or its mechanical damage.

    How to cure a cat

    In addition to treating the underlying disease, the symptom of which is increased secretion tear glands and changes in their color, you need to pay attention to hygiene visual organs. You can remove black discharge from a cat’s eyes using solutions of furatsilin or boric acid. They will not only cleanse dirt, but also provide an antibacterial effect. Solutions can be replaced with strong tea, chamomile infusion, or simply warm water. In some cases, the cat is prescribed antibacterial drops.

    In some cases, to make a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo clinical tests, based on which the specialist will see a more complete picture of the disease. Therefore, it is worth noting that you should not self-medicate, because a correct diagnosis in time with the prescribed current treatment will save both the owner’s time and money, and will get the pet “on its feet” faster.

    A runny nose in an animal is always a sign of alarm. But sometimes it is not a sign of a disease. Sometimes it is enough to remove a small foreign object from the nostril for the problem to disappear by itself. So, let's learn about the root causes of nasal discharge in cats and how to help them when such a problem occurs.

    If the fluid released from the eyes of cats is not normal, then the doctor will provide treatment. The main therapy concerns a disease that has caused the release of a clear or cloudy substance from the eyes of a pet.

    However, comprehensive care also includes measures to relieve eye inflammation and stop tearing, as a result of which the veterinarian prescribes antibacterial drops, as well as rinsing.

    What is allowed to be used for these purposes: water (slightly warm), tea, decoction of medicinal chamomile, furatsilin solution, boric acid solution.

    Instructions for this procedure:

    1. The animal should be held tightly with its paws clenched, so two people should wash its eyes.
    2. Soak the prepared cotton swab in the medicinal solution.
    3. Squeeze the product onto your pet's eyeball.
    4. If the cat's eyelids are glued together, you need to apply the solution to them.
    5. If the animal's eyelashes have stuck together due to purulent discharge, then it is necessary to run moistened cotton wool from the nose to the corner of the eye along the eyelash line, and then thoroughly rinse the eye itself.

    Diagnosis may take some time, but treatment measures must be started immediately to avoid further development of the disease. While the cause of the disease is being clarified, symptomatic remedies are used. These are eye washes that the animal owner purchases as prescribed by a veterinarian.

    To rinse the oculorum, you need cotton pads, gauze pads, a pipette or syringe, and an incentive treat.

    The eye cleansing procedure consists of successive steps:

    • Reliable fixation that protects the owner from the pet's claws.
    • Preparing the medication for application to the sore eye.
    • Preparing the organ of vision for a medical procedure. The fellinologist carefully parts the inflamed eyelids. Moistens the napkin with the medicine, washes off the exudate, softens and removes scabs, moving from the outer corner of the oculorum to the inner.
    • Instilling liquid or applying ointment under the eyelids.
    • Drying the eye with a new napkin.
    • The cat is stroked, praised, and treated with an encouraging treat so that it does not interfere with the procedure in the future.

    The frequency of such actions and the duration of the medication course. determined by a veterinarian. After the final diagnosis is established, treatment is adjusted. Symptomatic remedies replace or leave the same. Antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, antihistamines, and immunomodulators are prescribed.

    Ear mites, also known as otodectosis, are treated in different ways. Among the known methods, the following methods of struggle can be distinguished:

    • insecticidal spray, and if ticks have spread to the body - drops on the withers;
    • ear cleaner;
    • drops;
    • ointment.

    If the choice is between drops or spray, then it is better to choose a spray. It can be used to treat not only a cat’s dirty ears, but also the animal’s main place of residence, for example, a box. If we talk about choosing a drug, then preference is given to such means as:

    1. Dermatosol.
    2. Psoroptol.
    3. Fipronil.
    4. Cyodrine.

    The main thing here is not to confuse ear mites with another disease. For example, a yeast infection in a cat's ears gives similar symptoms– dark discharge (exudate). And the incorrect use of drugs against otodectosis can easily worsen the situation. For this reason, if you are unsure about something, go to the vet.

    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination and find out what kind of disease the cat is suffering from. If you choose the wrong drug, you can deprive the animal of hearing, so diagnosis is very important.

    If your cat is infested with mites, first clean the outer ear with lotion and remove any secretions. Veterinary drops Bars, Otibiovin, Dekta and others are used for treatment. Place them in the affected ear after cleaning it as directed.

    To treat otitis in cats, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics are used, and in advanced cases - surgical intervention. If you have this disease, you should not clean your ears with cotton swabs. For the treatment of otitis, Anandin, Serco and Otoferonol drops are used.

    Hematomas, neoplasms and necrosis should only be treated by a veterinarian through surgery. If a foreign body gets into the ear, it should be removed immediately so as not to cause severe inflammation.

    The doctor will prescribe full treatment after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Because brown eye discharge in cats can be caused by bacterial or viral infection then antibiotics or antiviral drugs. For external use, use antibacterial or antiviral ointments and drops. Eye washes are carried out.

    In some cases, the cat is prescribed physical therapy. If the cause of the discharge is a tumor or abnormalities in the development of the eyelids, then surgical intervention is possible.

    If it is not immediately possible to show the animal to a specialist, it is necessary to cleanse the eyes of the released exudate yourself. The procedure can be performed using cotton pads soaked in saline solution, antiseptic, or an infusion of chamomile, calendula or sage herbs.

    You should wash your eyes up to 6 times a day, this will help relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. It will also prevent secretions from lingering in the corners of the eyes and contributing to the development of infection. It should be remembered that even if manifestations of the disease arise from only one eye, both should always be washed.

    Eye diseases in pets are quite common. Brown discharge from the eyes in cats may indicate serious problems with health. To preserve your vision, you must consult a doctor on time and carry out the prescribed treatment.

    Sometimes it takes time to make an accurate diagnosis (for example, you need to culture microflora from the eyes). But treatment must be started immediately to avoid complications. When the diagnosis is clarified, the therapy is changed. First of all, eye rinsing is prescribed to alleviate the pet’s condition; the owner purchases the drops based on the doctor’s prescription.

    To clean the eye, you need cotton pads or sterile gauze pads, a disinfectant or other drug prescribed by the doctor, as well as a treat for the kitten (to reward it after unpleasant procedures). The owner of the animal can carry out such procedures at home, since the procedure is simple.

    Cleansing the animal's eyes is carried out in several stages:

    • The animal is securely restrained; at home, this will require the help of a second person.
    • Napkins or cotton pads are moistened with a medicinal or disinfectant solution.
    • With one hand you need to gently push your eyelids apart.
    • With the other hand, also gently remove debris and exudate from the eyes, moving to the inner corner of the eye from the outer one.
    • After the procedure, a medicinal ointment is placed under the pet’s sore eyelid.
    • So that the pet is not afraid of the next procedures, it is petted and treated with treats.

    Sometimes physiotherapy (warming) is prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention is required. In case of bacterial infection, you need to wash your eyes antibacterial agents. Systemic antibiotics may also be prescribed, which must be administered intramuscularly or given orally with food.

    If you notice unpleasant and discomforting symptoms in your cat, including heavy brown discharge from the eyes, do not try to cope with the problem yourself. This can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause even greater harm to the health of the animal. It is better to make an appointment with a veterinary clinic immediately. Qualified specialist will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

    Depending on the reasons for the discharge from the eyes, the animal may be prescribed the following medications: antibiotics, drops to relieve inflammation and cleanse the tear ducts, antiviral ointments. Also, cats are often prescribed a procedure such as eye washing.

    Treatment of some diseases involves the appointment of physiotherapeutic procedures. Only in some, quite rare cases, is it recommended by a specialist conservative treatment(operation).

    If for some reason it is not possible to visit a veterinarian, you should not remain idle. To alleviate the cat's condition, you can perform a procedure such as washing its eyes with medicinal herbal infusion, consisting of sage, oak bark and chamomile. You can also use an antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol for these purposes.

    Use cotton swabs for rinsing. Such fairly simple procedures will help to significantly alleviate the pet’s condition, which, in the case of a simple pathology, will lead not only to an improvement in its condition, but also to recovery. If the cat’s condition, on the contrary, only worsens, do not hesitate and take the animal to the veterinarian.

    How to help a cat get rid of rhinitis?

    Veterinarians advise that during the treatment of rhinitis in a pet, ultraviolet irradiation. This improves immunity. For the same purpose, thymogen is used in the treatment of rhinitis. It must be instilled into the nose, one drop at a time, for ten days if the animal weighs up to 5 kilograms.

    Cats and cats very often suffer from the same diseases as people. Snot is no exception. However, it is very rare to see an adult animal with this type of disease. It mainly manifests itself in younger individuals, and upon discovering it, the owner usually worries and thinks: what to do if the kitten has snot.

    Instructions for use of solutions

    To ensure that the animal is not in pain and that the procedure is effective, you need to take a responsible approach to eye rinsing. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

    • Ask someone for help. Have one participant wash the eyes while the other holds the animal tightly.
    • Take a clean cotton swab. Wet it with solution, decoction or water.
    • If your pet's eyelids are stuck together, first carefully moisten them with the solution until they open.
    • Blot sticky eyelashes with a damp swab in the direction from the nose to the corners of the eyes.
    • Squeeze out the liquid, collected in a tampon, into the cat's eye.

    Tampons must be wet. Dry cotton wool can further injure the damaged eye. It is better to use warm solutions.

    Please note that if your pet has black discharge in his eyes, there is no need to self-medicate. You may harm your cat's health. Contact your veterinarian immediately for a correct diagnosis and treatment.

    Prevention of snot in kittens

  • Conduct home inspections regularly.
  • In a timely manner Kittens must be vaccinated .
  • Prevention of various diseases, including eye diseases, is of great importance in raising and maintaining a kitten. To prevent dark discharge from your cat’s eyes, you should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the house, get vaccinations on schedule, and treat all diseases in a timely manner.

    In themselves, such symptoms do not pose a great danger to a pet, but they can indicate the presence of various diseases. If this sign is detected, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. You should not self-medicate your cat, because improper therapy can cause serious harm to the health of your furry pet.

    Video on the topic

    • To prevent your cat from suffering from discharge from the organ of vision, the following precautions must be taken:
    • Follow hygiene rules for keeping pets.
    • Prevent the animal from contacting irritants.
    • Limit consumption of food intended for human consumption.
    • Make sure your cat is free of fleas and worms.
    • Immunize your pets regularly.

    The main prevention of ear diseases in cats is their regular cleaning with the help of special lotions and preparations. To make this procedure quick and painless, use the following algorithm:

    • prepare all the tools in advance;
    • calm the cat and gently wrap it in a strong towel or robe;
    • bend the ear and drop the required amount of lotion inside;
    • press the ear tip and gently massage the base of the ear;
    • after the massage, remove the lotion and possible contamination with a soft cotton swab or a piece of sterile gauze;
    • Praise the animal and treat it with its favorite treat.

    To prevent your pet from suffering in the future, you need to follow some rules:

    • Regularly feed your pet vitamins
    • Maintain hygiene (clean the potty and bowl).
    • Conduct deworming annually.
    • Prevent contact with stray animals.

    Preventive measures include any actions designed to maintain the pet’s health at the proper level. The main secret is strong immunity. Exactly protective forces The body does not allow diseases to develop and builds barriers against the actions of foreign microbes that destroy cells and tissues.

    Pets are completely dependent on humans. Keeping your cat healthy is main responsibility owner.

    Cats are one of the most beautiful and most cunning animals. It was not a person who chose a cat as a friend and lodger, but a cat who chose him as a source of warmth, affection and, of course, food. Thus, this cute predator made his life easier and ensured his existence on long years. Cats even meow purely for the sake of us, people, because they know how their pitiful “meow” affects a person. We understand this perfectly well, but it’s so hard to be angry with a gentle fluffy ball for such little things. Moreover, the health of a pet is on the owner’s priority list. Is this why we get so worried when we notice unusual discharge from the eyes of cats, even if the animal itself is not worried about it at all? Isn’t this the reason that makes us google the query, what is the reason for such discharges and what should be done when they appear?

    Causes of eye discharge in cats

    A domestic cat doesn’t just live next to a person. IN short terms An animal brought into the house literally becomes a member of the family. He is fed, surrounded with love, affection and care in almost the same way as small child. Any changes in behavior, well-being or appearance a kitten or an adult cat causes anxiety among the owners.

    We are accustomed to the fact that a cat’s nose should be wet and her eyes dry (it’s not for nothing that the saying “the cat cried”) appeared. And as soon as we see the opposite situation, we immediately begin to worry. A hot, dry nose in a cat that has long since woken up usually indicates the animal’s ill health, an increase in temperature, and intoxication. What do wet eyes mean in this case, and is it worth worrying about?

    Many people believe that a healthy cat cannot have discharge from the eyes, because animals do not tend to cry. In fact, the animal's eye is washed with tears, preventing the cornea from drying out, just like a human eye. The liquid that washes the eye is drained through the lacrimal canal into the nasal passages, so no traces of it remain on the outside.

    But under the influence irritating factors such as dust, smoke, pungent odor, pungent taste and even bright light. The number of tears may increase, and we will see moist eyes and wet streaks under them. Usually, after the effect of the irritant stops, the functioning of the lacrimal glands normalizes and the discharge stops.

    But a foreign object can also serve as an irritant to the eye. After its removal, lacrimation stops quite quickly, especially if the cornea has not been injured. Otherwise, watering from the injured eye may continue for several hours or days until the ulcer or scratch on the cornea heals.

    The irritant can also be your own eyelid, eyelash or its rudiment. Lacrimation in an animal (epiphora) can be caused by:

    • inversion or inversion of the eyelid,
    • improper eyelash growth (if it is turned inward, it can constantly scratch the eye),
    • birth defect when the cat has not one, but two rows of eyelashes,
    • incorrect location of the hair follicle in the conjunctiva.

    In some cases, the cat owner may notice wet eyes and fur around them in animals that have just woken up. This phenomenon is usually noted after sleep in the Persian breed.

    The flat muzzle and snub-nosed, flattened nose that we admire so much create some problems for the animal, disrupting the outflow of tear fluid due to the narrowing of the lacrimal openings, which are the entrance to the lacrimal canaliculi. These animals also have a strong adherence to the eyeball of the lower eyelid, which can often turn inward, creating additional irritation for the eyes.

    For all these reasons, you can often see wet eyes in a Persian cat, which is not at all a pathology. Rather, this is a feature of the breed.

    What is considered normal for a Persian cat may be pathological for other breeds. What congenital or acquired pathologies can cause increased lacrimation:

    • reduction in the lumen of the lacrimal canals due to the inflammatory process, blockage of them with purulent discharge,
    • congenital stenosis of the lacrimal openings or narrow lacrimal canaliculi, unable to remove all the accumulated fluid into the nasal cavity (in isolated cases, at the birth of a kitten, lacrimal openings may be absent altogether),
    • entry of small foreign particles into the lumen of the lacrimal canaliculi, resulting in blockage of the lacrimal ducts,
    • compression of the lacrimal canaliculi tumor formations,
    • eye injuries resulting in disruption of the lacrimal drainage system,
    • reaction to an allergen (yes, animals can also be allergic to certain substances, and if the allergen is not removed, lacrimation will torment the animal regularly),
    • poor hygiene.

    Regarding last point, you need to understand that animals are not able to properly wash their eyes on their own when a viscous secretion, consisting of a small amount of tear fluid and dust particles settled on it, accumulates in the corners of the eyes. This composition can cause blockage of the tear ducts and cause inflammatory pathologies.

    In small kittens, lacrimation is caused by an insufficiently developed immune system. If they are near the mother in the early period, she monitors the hygiene of the baby’s eyes and regularly licks them. If such a baby is taken from its mother, the owner will have to monitor the hygiene of its eyes.

    In adult cats, risk factors are considered: irritation of the mucous membrane, defects in the structure and functioning of the eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal ducts, eye injuries, as well as inflammatory and infectious-inflammatory diseases of the eyes, which are no less common in animals than in humans.

    Before sounding the alarm, you need to observe what the nature of the discharge is and how long it lasts. If the discharge is colorless (transparent) and the lacrimation does not last long, there is no cause for concern.

    Symptoms of eye discharge in cats

    An animal is not a person, and cannot tell its owner in detail about its well-being. A cat, like a small child who cannot speak, will show anxiety, meow pitifully, perhaps scratch its eye with its claws, or not react to the problem at all, depending on its feelings, about which we know nothing. It is these moments that the cat owner should pay attention to.

    What else should attract attention? caring owner, this is the volume and nature of discharge from the eyes of cats. If the inner corners of the eyes are slightly moist, the discharge is transparent and liquid (semi-liquid), and the animal does not show concern about this, then the person has no reason to worry. These are normal physiological secretions caused by the need to moisturize the eyes and cleanse them of dust and other irritants that cause tearing.

    Most often, owners notice brown stripes on the animal’s fur under the eyes where tears flow. This is usually very noticeable on animals that are white or simply light in color. In a dark-colored cat, this eye discharge will appear black.

    But brown discharge from the eyes of cats can also be non-pathological. In this case, they are most likely associated with improper feeding. Natural luxury and premium cat food usually does not cause the appearance of pigment in the tear fluid, which cannot be said about budget food and dishes from the owner’s table that are not entirely suitable for the animal. Improper nutrition, when a cat is given food that is unsuitable for it, causes digestive and metabolic disorders, the body's microflora suffers, and problems with stool and urination appear. And it would not be surprising if other physiological secretions also change their appearance.

    The situation becomes even more complicated if you mix 2 types of feed. Many owners like to add inexpensive dry food to homemade soup, which the cat eats without much pleasure, not realizing that special animal food and food from our table are incompatible. Now the plate will be empty, but cat tears can change color to brown, and even red due to metabolic disorders. So if a cat has red discharge from the eyes, the cause is not necessarily an injury with bleeding, which sometimes happens after cat fights. Eat Great chance that the discharge was colored under the influence of food. On white fur, brown discharge may appear pink or red.

    Purulent discharge from the eyes of a cat indicates a bacterial disease (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.) and cannot but disturb the owner. Quite often, initially, a clear, colorless or slightly brown liquid flows abundantly from the animal’s eyes, indicating a violation of the outflow of tears, but subsequently the discharge changes color to yellowish or greenish, becomes cloudy and thicker. This indicates the addition of an infection. That is, initially the inflammation could have been non-infectious in nature, as in the case of dacryocystitis, but due to stagnation In the secretions accumulating in the cavity of the lacrimal canaliculi, pathogenic microflora began to multiply, which caused a complication of the disease.

    White discharge from the eyes of cats is not such a common occurrence, which, of course, will raise a lot of questions. But here the choice of options is not so great. With such discharge, doctors usually suspect cat flu. With a viral infection, discharge from a cat's eyes may be clear or cloudy with a whitish tint. In this case, you need to pay attention to other symptoms, such as:

    • loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat,
    • weight loss,
    • lethargy, drowsiness, lack of response to toys in a previously active and inquisitive cat,
    • change in breathing pattern,
    • the appearance of nasal discharge,
    • presence of a rash on oral mucosa,
    • Excessive salivation for no reason.

    For example, a viral disease in animals, such as calcivirosis, occurs with a decrease in activity and appetite in the animal, intense transparent discharge from the eyes and nose, the appearance of small red ulcers in the mouth, salivation, heavy breathing, and sneezing.

    Discharge from the eyes and nose in cats can also be caused by simple sinusitis, just like in humans. Moreover, depending on the nature of the disease, the discharge will be transparent mucous (viral) or purulent (bacterial). Although often one does not exclude the other. General characteristic symptom in this case, there will be sneezing due to irritation of the nasal mucosa. But you need to understand that such a symptom, along with lacrimation and runny nose, can also be caused by allergens.

    As you can see, it is quite difficult for a non-specialist to independently determine the cause of discharge from the eyes of cats. Moreover, even an experienced veterinarian cannot always immediately say what is causing the animal’s lacrimation. During an online consultation, even with a detailed description of all the symptoms, veterinarians do not undertake to make a diagnosis, but only make certain assumptions and insist on a face-to-face consultation and examination of the animal. Do we, lay people, have the right to diagnose an animal at random, treat it at our own discretion and expose it to the risk of all sorts of complications?

    Complications and consequences

    Some owners, based on the claim that cat saliva has unique healing (antiviral and antibacterial) properties, are in no hurry to take serious steps. They hope that by licking its paw and rubbing its eyes, the animal will be able to heal itself, just as it heals scratches on the body and limbs. But we could just as easily lick our wounds ourselves without resorting to drug treatment.

    The point is not at all in the composition of the animal’s saliva, but in its quantity and quality of treatment of the diseased eye. A mother cat is quite capable of curing conjunctivitis in her baby by regularly licking his eyes. In principle, this procedure is similar to washing the eyes with antiseptics. And the furry mommy spends it several times a day, at the same time strengthening the kitten’s immunity mother's milk. The kitten itself is not able to take care of itself, and if the baby is not treated, there is a risk that he will lose his sight. But very often such kittens simply die.

    Don’t think that an adult cat who so carefully monitors the hygiene of its fur, face, paws and intimate places, will be able to help himself in case of illness. The saliva on the paw will not be enough to thoroughly wash the eyes, and the cat will not be able to thoroughly clean the discharge in the very corners of the eye. By the way, in case of a viral pathology, licking the eyes will not contribute to their rapid cure, because viral particles are also contained in the animal’s saliva.

    Moreover, if the disease causes painful sensations or itching, an agitated animal may even harm itself by scratching the sore spot with its claws. This is fraught with eye injury and infection, causing a complicated course of the inflammatory process and the appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes of cats.

    You can’t ignore heavy discharge from your cat’s eyes, but you also don’t need to self-medicate. Acting at random, without knowing the cause of the disease, is the same as wandering in the dark until you break your forehead. It’s good if the problem turns out to be not serious and washing with antiseptics will solve the problem. But there is a danger of making things worse if you wash your eyes incorrectly or use the wrong medications. In this case, cure does not occur, and the inflammatory process is delayed, and sometimes even spreads to nearby areas of the eye (for example, from the mucous membrane of the eyelids to the cornea and further in depth).

    In most cases, inflammatory eye disease that is not cured in time is complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection that requires treatment with antibiotics. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection spreading inside the body and damage internal organs on the same principle as in humans.

    In addition, long-term inflammation in the eye area is fraught with a decrease in the function of the organ of vision. The same cataracts and glaucoma can become consequences of inflammatory processes, both in humans and in animals. And don’t think that if a cat has sensitive whiskers, then vision means little to him.

    Diagnosis of eye discharge in cats

    After we have understood the dangers of self-diagnosis and self-medication, it’s time to figure out how diagnostics are carried out by specialists from veterinary clinics, who should be contacted in case of an animal’s illness. But increased lacrimation is a symptom of one of the diseases of the eyes or even the whole body. But even an experienced veterinarian is not so easy to understand the causes of discharge from an animal’s eyes without the help of the cat owner.

    The owner is the first to notice suspicious discharge from the cat’s eyes. And how quickly and accurately the diagnosis will be made largely depends on his attentiveness. After all, the animal is unable to talk about its grief and feelings. In addition, communication with a veterinarian represents a certain mental trauma for him, so the animal’s behavior will in no way contribute to facilitating the diagnosis.

    The first thing a veterinarian will want to know when examining an animal is how long ago the discharge appeared, what preceded it, what character and color the “tears” were initially, and whether the animal’s behavior changed after the discharge appeared. Also, the doctor will definitely want to clarify how the animal eats and what foods are present in its diet, whether its appetite is good and whether it has changed recently.

    • examination of the cat's organ of vision using a head-mounted microscope,
    • taking tests and smears for bacterial culture (if infection is suspected),
    • ultrasound diagnostics(if infection is suspected, oncological pathologies, eye damage, cataracts),
    • X-ray of the eye (if a foreign body is suspected in the eye or tear duct, eye injuries, tumor processes),
    • measurement of intraocular pressure (if glaucoma is suspected),
    • test for patency of lacrimal canaliculi with fluorescein and other studies

    What kind of tests and studies will be prescribed for the animal is decided by the doctor who conducts diagnostic measures. It all depends on the expected diagnosis and the equipment of the veterinary clinic.

    Differential diagnosis

    Very important role When examining a furry patient, the focus is on differential diagnosis. If the appearance of discharge was preceded by an eye injury, which the cat’s owner reports, everything is more or less clear here, and all that remains is to figure out the location of the damage (for example, a scratch can be on the eyelid, in the area of ​​the conjunctival sac, or on the cornea) and its depth. In this case, for some time after the incident, the cat may experience pink discharge from the eyes due to blood.

    But the color of the discharge in this case is not an indicator, and if there was no injury, then the cause may be non-infectious inflammation and mixing of feed different companies and categories, and allergies. And sometimes even a bacterial infection manifests itself this way. It should also not be ruled out that a foreign body has entered the eye or the lumen of the lacrimal canaliculus, which causes severe irritation and small hemorrhages, which affect the color of the secretion released from the eyes.

    If all the symptoms, and in particular purulent discharge from the eyes of cats, indicate a bacterial infection, it is important not only to verify its fact, but also to identify the causative agent of the disease in order to prescribe effective antibacterial drugs.

    The situation is not easy with transparent, colorless or brown discharge from the eyes. Even if this symptom is accompanied by redness of the eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing, decreased activity and appetite in the animal, it is impossible without special research and information about the circumstances of the onset of the disease to say what we are dealing with: a viral infection or a simple allergy. But this question needs to be clarified, because the treatment in both cases will be different.

    In this situation, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the discharge. Liquid discharge in the form of tears is more characteristic of allergies, and with a viral infection it becomes more viscous, similar to mucus

    What other diseases may be accompanied by clear or brown discharge from the eyes and require careful examination by a doctor:

    • damage to eye tissue by foreign particles entering it,
    • inversion of the eyelids with subsequent irritation of the eye tissues,
    • trichiasis, which is characterized by an atypical location hair follicles in the zone eyelash growth,
    • catarrhal conjunctivitis or non-infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye (with purulent bacterial conjunctivitis, the discharge looks like yellowish or greenish thick mucus).
    • uevitis, characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye,
    • keratitis, or inflammation of the stratum corneum of the organ of vision,
    • iridocyclitis, when inflammation spreads to the iris of the eye.

    If the disease is practically asymptomatic, and only discharge from the animal’s eyes indicates it, it is time to suspect a violation of the outflow of tears. But again, it may have several reasons, which will need to be dealt with using instrumental studies. Sometimes the cause of the disorder can be an inflammatory process, which can be controlled with medications, and in other cases a defect is detected that can only be eliminated surgically.

    An alarming factor for suspected cancer may be a sharp decline weight of the animal against the background of preserved or slightly decreased appetite. If there is a disturbance in the outflow of tear fluid, there is a high probability of detecting a tumor in the area of ​​the lacrimal canaliculi.

    The localization of the affected area also provides some clues during diagnosis. If one eye is watering, then most likely we are dealing with injury, foreign body entry, or bacterial inflammation (although there is a risk of it spreading to the other eye). With viral diseases, both eyes most often become watery, as well as with allergies, irritation from smoke or a strong odor.

    As you can see, diagnosing discharge from the eyes of a cat is quite a troublesome task, but it depends on the correctness of the diagnosis whether the prescribed treatment will be effective or will turn out to be useless and even dangerous.

    Treatment of eye discharge in cats

    Treatment of eye discharge in cats should be based on the diagnosis. The goal of any treatment is to eliminate the cause of a suspicious symptom, regardless of how dangerous it is. After all, the same allergy, a foreign body in the eye or defects in the structure of the lacrimal drainage system bring anxiety to the animal and prevent it from living a happy life.

    In addition, where moisture accumulates, dust and dirt settle, microbes quickly accumulate and multiply, which can be carried inside the eye with their paws, causing inflammation. For this reason, you should not refuse an operation that will help relieve eye irritation caused by the entry of a foreign body into the lumen of the lacrimal ducts or improper growth of eyelashes, or will restore the function of lacrimal openings and canaliculi, even if excessive lacrimation does not bother the pet.

    If we are talking about the influence of allergens, dust microparticles that get into the animal’s eye, then the only effective way To combat them, washing the eyes is considered. Doctors recommend using purified or boiled water, saline solution, herbal infusions, and tea leaves as a rinsing liquid. As for medicinal herbs, it is better to brew chamomile, because it has a good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect necessary for irritation.

    As an antiseptic, you can use solutions of furatsilin, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), and boric acid. For half a glass of water you need to take 1 tsp. with a pile of boric acid powder or 1 tablet of furatsilin. As for potassium permanganate, special care is needed with it. The solution should be light pink in color with no grains floating in it. Manganese solution can be used only after the powder has completely dissolved.

    Do not use cold or too hot liquid. Ideally, the rinse solution should be warm. For the procedure, it would be good to stock up on cotton pads or prepare thick cotton swabs, but you should not touch the animal’s eyes with dry cotton wool, so as not to damage the eye cells due to sticking. Cotton buds Although they seem more convenient, they can easily injure the eye of a twitching animal, so using them to treat the eyes is not recommended.

    Since we are talking about washing the eyes to remove an irritant and possible infection, we don’t just wipe the animal’s eyes, but squeeze liquid from a moistened swab onto the eyeball and give it the opportunity to wash the cornea, the area behind the eyelids, and the conjunctiva. If we are not talking about a serious pathology, this will be enough.

    If the discharge is thick and sticky or there is discharge of pus from the eyes, we carry out treatment using antiseptics and anti-inflammatory solutions. hygiene procedures somewhat different plan. If the eyelashes are stuck together, use a cotton swab soaked in the solution to easily wipe the cat’s eye without pressure along the eyelash growth line, starting from the nose several times until the sticky crust is removed, then rinse the eye completely.

    If not only the eyelashes are stuck together, but also the eyelids, which happens with blepharitis or severe souring of the eyes, there is no need to try to forcibly open the animal’s eyes. You need to drop a warm antiseptic solution on the closed eye or hold a moistened cotton swab on the eye so that the dried discharge becomes sour and the cat can open the eye on its own. After this, we wipe and rinse the eye from mucus and pus.

    When wiping a cat’s eyes, we try to use a separate swab for each eye, or it is better to prepare several swabs for each eye to avoid the spread of infection to healthy tissue.

    You need to understand that the washing procedure, like other medical procedures, is unlikely to please your pet. In addition, many cats do not love water and are afraid of even the simplest water procedures. You can explain your good intentions to your furry pet for an endlessly long time, but he still won’t sit at attention during washing; he will have to be held tightly by the paws or even swaddled so that the animal does not injure itself and others.

    If the animal is calm, there is a chance to cope on your own. Otherwise, it is better to call on other family members for help or carry out manipulations in a veterinary clinic.

    It is not difficult to guess that in case of an eye infection, wiping and washing are not the main procedures and do not provide a complete cure for the cat. They are carried out to prepare the diseased eye for the administration of the medicine. These can be anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antibacterial ointments and solutions in the form of drops, which are prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the microflora. In severe cases, if the infection has gone inside the body, systemic treatment may be prescribed: oral medications and antibiotic injections.

    Some tips for using external products:

    • It is most convenient to instill drops into the pet’s eye using a pipette, lifting the cat’s head up and aiming at the eyeball.
    • The slightly warmed ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid. To make it spread better, you can lightly massage the animal’s eyelids, but do not put your fingers into the eye.
    • Even if the animal understands that you wish it well and are trying to treat it, it will be difficult for it to control itself and patiently endure the torment. Therefore, it is also better to carry out any medical procedures together, so that one person holds the animal, and the second treats it.

    Another important point, this is personal hygiene. Procedures must be carried out with cleanly washed hands. But you should try not to touch bare hand to the animal's inflamed eye. You should also not touch your face and eyes at this time, because infectious diseases are very contagious and can easily spread to humans. At the end of the treatment procedures, you need to wash your hands with soap and wipe with an antiseptic.

    If a cat's eye is watering due to an insect or other small, but not sharp particle that has gotten under the eyelid, the cat's owner can remove it using a rolled-up cotton pad and antiseptic solutions. This must be done carefully so as not to harm the animal. If the owner is not confident in his abilities or the removal of the foreign body does not bring relief to the animal (the eye continues to water, turns red, hurts and the animal is worried), it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.


    The eyes are an organ that allows animals and people to navigate well in space. A person knows how important it is to take care of his organ of vision, but he is not able to convey this knowledge to an animal. Cats, on an instinctive level, also try to avoid damaging their eyes, but they are predators, and the excitement of the hunt sometimes leaves no room for caution. We cannot fight this, but we can try to prevent many eye diseases in cats.

    For example, washing the eyes can be considered not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive procedure that helps cleanse the mucous membranes of dust and allergens and prevents the proliferation of bacterial or viral infections. This procedure is especially important for breeds with flattened faces that have problems with the outflow of tear fluid. For example, handsome Persians, who, due to the characteristics of the breed, really like to “cry,” need to wipe their eyes regularly as a morning wash. In the mornings, they experience the most active lacrimation.

    If your cat’s eyes are slightly sour or brown hard crusts are stuck to the fur in the corners of the eyes, it is imperative to wipe the corners of the eyes and the areas under them with a cotton swab dipped in antiseptic as a preventive measure. There is no need to try to remove unsightly brown streaks under the eyes using improvised means. For these purposes, veterinary pharmacies provide a special lotion (for example, a product called “Beaphar Sensitiv”).

    You need to understand that not all drugs used to treat people are suitable for animals. Before using medication to treat your pet, you should consult your veterinarian. Specialized pharmacies and veterinary clinics have many medications designed specifically for our little brothers. These are the drugs you should give preference to, since you have taken on the responsibility of caring for and loving the animal. We don’t buy veterinary drugs for ourselves.

    To help prevent many dangerous diseases in animals, including some eye diseases, not only hygiene procedures help, but also vaccination, which must be carried out at the appointed time, especially if the cat walks on the street or comes into contact with stray animals. But even domestic animals to the core are not 100% protected from various infections and viruses that we, the owners, can easily carry from the street on clothes or shoes. This suggests that vaccinations should be given to all animals, regardless of their habitat.

    Maintaining cleanliness in the house and hygiene of the organ of vision will help to avoid allergies and dust getting into the eyes of animals and people. Humidifying the air in the room will also provide a good service, which will be beneficial for both the respiratory system and the eyes.


    Speaking about the prognosis of diseases in which increased lacrimation is observed, it must be said that timely and competent treatment (medical and surgical) restores normal fluid outflow, relieves inflammation, and stops the spread of bacterial infection. Unless we are talking about severe eye injury or neglected purulent inflammation, in almost all cases it is possible to save the cat not only his eyes, but also his vision.

    The worst prognosis is for deep wounds of the eyeball, advanced forms of inflammatory diseases, especially of a bacterial nature, as well as self-medication without identifying the causes. This may seem strange to some, but the owner’s attitude towards the pet’s illness also influences the speed of the animal’s recovery. If a sick cat causes hostility and disgust in the owner, she feels it and experiences the same psychological trauma like a child rejected by his parents. It is clear that the treatment of such an animal can take a long time.

    If there is more than one fluffy living in the house (may the sphinxes forgive us for throwing a pebble into their garden, but this also applies to them, like any other cats), the sick animal must be isolated from the rest. This helps prevent infection of other pets in case of an infectious nature of the disease and protect the sick cat from intrusive caresses, excessive care or dangerous games other inhabitants of the apartment, who only aggravate the suffering of the tailed patient. But you need to understand that a sick pet will miss its friends, so it needs more love, affection and care, and not just the necessary treatment and various goodies.

    In itself, discharge from the eyes of cats does not pose a particular danger to the animal, unlike diseases that may be hidden behind them. For the cat owner, they should serve as a signal of danger, unless of course we are talking about the characteristics of a breed with increased tearing. Persian cats Their wet eyes don't need to be treated or remade, they need to be loved just the way they are.

    Animals, just like people, have various diseases that require mandatory intervention from a veterinarian. Sometimes owners encounter such a problem when a cat's eyes fester. In a cat, brown discharge from the eyes may be accompanied by lacrimation, and the eyes themselves turn reddish or brown.

    Brown discharge from the eyes in cats occurs for several reasons. One of them is caused by increased lacrimation, the other by a serious violation of the outflow of tears. Each of these reasons must be eliminated, as later they may develop even more serious illnesses. In addition to these, there are other factors that are no less serious in their impact. These causes are characterized by allergic reactions, foreign objects getting into the eyes, entropion of the eyelids, blepharitis, poor nutrition when the owner unknowingly mixes natural food with food from different manufacturers.

    With such manifestations, when the cat’s eyes fester, you should contact a veterinarian in order to determine the cause and provide the animal with appropriate assistance. Timely elimination of the cause will lead to the discharge gradually disappearing over time. Scanty discharge from the eyes of a cat are normal and should not cause concern to the owner. However, if these secretions begin to fester over time, then measures should be taken, which include an eye wash procedure.

    In order to wash your cat's eyes, you will need some essential supplies. You need to stock up on: warm water, saline solution, strong tea decoction, chamomile decoction, boric acid solution. To prepare a solution of boric acid, you need to mix two teaspoons of powder with half a glass of warm water. Boric acid can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city.

    The eye wash procedure requires the participation of two people. Before the procedure itself, you should wear rubber (sterile) gloves.

    It is important to know that in rare cases, the cause of purulent brown discharge depends on the development of infections or viruses on the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, with such manifestations, you should not try to eliminate brownish discharge on your own. It is better to call a veterinarian who will prescribe proper treatment.

    Before you begin the procedure, you need to prepare a special cotton swab. To do this, twist the cotton wool into a small flagellum, moisten it in the solution, and squeeze it onto the eyeball. If, due to heavy purulent discharge, the cat’s eyelids stick together, the surface of the eyelids should be moistened with the solution until they are completely unstuck. A swab soaked in the solution is convenient if it is necessary to remove foreign objects or a foreign body from the eye. In addition, you can use this swab to wipe your cat’s eyes, avoiding redness and irritation of the mucous membrane due to the soft texture of the cotton wool.

    When washing your eyes, you need to follow some recommendations.

    Any solution should be slightly warm, avoid excessive heating.

    After each wiping, the tampon must be changed, especially if the purulent discharge is caused by any infections.

    To put drops into your cat's eyes, you should turn the face so that the eyes are directed upward and the drops do not spread.

    If the veterinarian has prescribed eye ointment, before using it, you should warm it up slightly, so it will be convenient to use when applying.

    Every owner should remember that eye rinsing is required not only if the cat has purulent discharge. If your cat is often taken outside, a foreign body can get into the eye at any time. Timely removal of a foreign body will help avoid the development of an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane. Therefore, compliance preventive measures requires regular eye rinsing.

    Interestingly, regular olive oil will help provide first aid to your pet before the veterinarian arrives. If purulent discharge from the eyes is accompanied by strong painful sensations, you need to drop 1-3 drops of warmed water into the eye olive oil. The oil should be slightly heated and under no circumstances hot, so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane. A regular pipette is suitable for instillation.

    Any discharge from a cat's eyes should cause concern to the owner. Often the reasons for this manifestation are harmless to the pet, but it is possible that inflammation may develop due to infectious lesion mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, proper rinsing of the eye with a solution of boric acid will help avoid serious consequences.

    What can brown, greenish, pink and black discharge indicate? cat eyes? The two main options are a bacterial infection or a virus. If treatment is not started on time, some pathology may develop. This is why it is so important to consult a veterinarian as soon as you notice discharge from the eyes of cats. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this quickly. How to help pets? And how to find out the cause of “crying” eyes? Let's figure it out together.

    Wet eyes are normal

    If the owner notices discharge from the eyes of cats in the form of a light, transparent liquid, there is no need to panic. This is completely normal for a healthy animal. Wet eyes can occur both after sleep and throughout the day.

    But if the owner regularly observes purulent or colored discharge, this is serious reason for anxiety.

    For example, you notice a brown discharge from your cat’s eyes. What could this mean? Or, say, if the animal has greenish discharge? Now let's look at this in detail.

    Brown discharge

    Let us warn you right away: this is not an infection. Most likely, brown discharge is associated with impaired tear outflow. What pathologies and diseases are indicated by brown discharge from the eyes of cats? The list is:

    • Small tear ducts.
    • Eye injury.

      Non-infectious inflammation of the lacrimal sac.


      Neoplasms compressing the tear ducts.

      Foreign body in the lumen of the lacrimal canal.

    Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Self-treatment can only aggravate the situation, leading to irreversible consequences.

    By the way, about brown discharge. Very rare, but they are associated with improper feeding. Many owners are aware that they should not feed their pet dry food and homemade food simultaneously. One thing should be in the diet. But they still continue to do this.

    If this is how you feed your cat, try removing the kibble or regular food. After a few days, the discharge will disappear on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to go to the vet.

    The cat is crying

    Sometimes the owner notices heavy discharge from the eyes of cats. Moreover, they are transparent and do not have an unpleasant odor. What it is? Most likely, your pet is allergic to something. In most cases, abundant clear discharge from the eyes indicates an allergy. In addition, there is redness and swelling of the eyelids.

    What can cause the disease? Anything from food to litter for the tray.

    How to help a cat?

    So, what should you do if your cat has excessive watery eyes and brown discharge? Is treatment at home possible? At first, you can wipe your pet’s eyes with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol. In the second case, as we already know, it is advisable to show the pet to a veterinarian. If this is not possible, a chamomile solution will help. They rub their eyes 3-5 times a day.

    Infectious diseases

    The first sign of infection is discharge from the eyes of cats. Greenish, milky and yellow discharge indicates the presence of the following diseases:

      Bacterial conjunctivitis.

      Inflammation of the eyelids.

      Diseases of the ocular vessels.

      Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.


    What to do in this case? Alas, when it comes to a bacterial infection, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The longer you delay with it, the higher the likelihood of developing pathology. Fighting it is much harder than killing the disease in the bud.

    Let's start with the fact that if your pet is a representative of the Persian breed, then you do not need to be afraid of such discharge. Pink discharge of the eyes in cats are associated with the structural features of the nose and eyes.

    In other cases, pinkish-brown discharge may indicate trichiasis. This is abnormal eyelash growth. It provokes a violation of the structure of the eyelids. As in the previous case, it is important to contact your veterinarian for help in a timely manner. The owner is powerless in this situation.

    Eyes fester

    Does your cat have brown, hard discharge in her eyes? This is dried pus. What to do if your cat's eyes are infected? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause. Most likely it is bacterial conjunctivitis.

    To definitely find out this, you need to take tests for bacterial culture. This is done in veterinary clinic. A swab is taken from the cat's eye. There is no need to panic, this is a quick procedure. The pet won’t even have time to feel anything.

    It happens that only one eye of a cat festeres. In this case, a foreign body is likely to enter it, which leads to an inflammatory process.

    How to treat?

    We never tire of repeating that we first determine the cause of purulent discharge. Before your veterinarian gets involved, you can help your cat at home. Remove pus and discomfort using chamomile infusion, saline solution or antiseptic without alcohol.

    Here you will need help from your household. One holds the pet, the second washes the eye. Take a cotton swab, twist it tightly and dip it in the solution. Squeeze onto the animal's eyelid.

    If the eyes are glued together, then the solution is applied to the surface. Soon the eyes will open and it will be possible to wash them. If the eyelashes are stuck together, then the eye is rubbed with the solution over the surface until it opens. Cleaning is carried out with a cotton swab, moving to the corners of the eyes.

    What does an owner need to know before rinsing a cat's eye?

      The solution should be warm. Do not use a product that is too hot or cold.

      When treating eyes, change cotton swabs as often as possible.

      It is strictly necessary to ensure that the tampon is wet. Contact of the eye with a dry swab is unacceptable. The material may stick to the surface of the eye, causing damage.

    It is quite possible that the veterinarian will prescribe purulent discharge drops in the cat's eyes. Please do not use them yourself, without prescription from a specialist. This can be fraught with very serious consequences.

    What drops are most often prescribed?

      Relieves inflammation. Prescribed for various diseases of the organs of vision.

      "Leopard". If a cat has purulent conjunctivitis, it is possible to prescribe these drops. They are inexpensive but effective. Suitable for all breeds.

      "Iris". Prescribed for: Excellent for the treatment of diseases such as keratitis (eyelids) and blepharitis (swollen eyelids). Sometimes doctors prescribe drops for prevention.

      "Levomycetin". Kills all bacteria outright. Suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

    Drops are instilled into the cat's eyes as follows. Position the animal's head so that the eyes look up. The pipette is held at a distance of 2 cm from the eye and dripped. It is advisable to have someone help hold the pet during the procedure.

    Cat Eye Care

    Don't wait until you notice discharge from the eyes of cats. Carefully examine your pet's face every day, paying special attention to the eyes. This especially applies to those animals that walk outside. In the evening, it is advisable to wipe your eyes with a swab dipped in chamomile solution or saline solution.

    Black discharge from the eyes

    The causes of black discharge from the eyes of a cat may be the following:

    • Respiratory infection.


    Why are they dangerous? A signal that the pet’s health is not all right. let it not appear outwardly in any way, except for discharge from the eyes.

    However, action needs to be taken now. Hurry with the animal to the veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary tests and treatment.

    There is a possibility that the black discharge is a consequence of an eye injury, and not the presence of an infection in the cat’s body. A trip to the veterinarian is mandatory in any case, since the cause needs to be determined exactly.

    Once again about transparent discharge

    We have already mentioned above the profuse tearing of cat's eyes. Now let us dwell in more detail on the issue of transparent discharge from the eyes of cats and the symptoms that accompany them. What should you pay attention to?

      If you notice clear discharge from your nose and eyes, this should alert you. A clear sign that the cat has calcivirus.

      The cat is lethargic, refuses to eat and tries to hide in a dark place.

      The collar and mouth are constantly wet due to copious discharge saliva.

      Small ulcers filled with fluid appear in the mouth. They burst, causing the cat great pain and unable to eat.

      The animal is constantly sneezing.

      Sores similar to those in the mouth appear on the nose.

    Contact your veterinarian immediately. This is a very serious infection, and if it is not stopped in time, there is a high probability of your pet’s death.

    Let's summarize

    We figured out the reasons for the appearance of discharge from the eyes of cats. They can be caused by:

      infectious and viral diseases;

      disruption of lacrimal outflow;

      wrong diet.

    In most cases, only a veterinarian can help your pet. But the owner can alleviate the discomfort before the cat is examined by a specialist. To do this, you need to wipe her eyes with a chamomile solution, saline solution or an antiseptic without alcohol.


    Cats need treatment just like people. Unlike their owners, animals are helpless and completely dependent on them. Therefore, you should not wait until the last minute and ignore obvious signs of certain diseases. It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences.